My Mistake free porn video

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Copyright© 2005 Soronel Haetir

It had been two days since the... transformation. Hell, who am I kidding. I have no idea how long it's been now. So much has changed, and none of it that I liked. These people are psychotic, and they know it. Two days ago, or whenever the hell it was, I had been hitch hiking near the Oregon-California border, heading north. It was pretty country, mostly forested, and the sun was shining through the dense trees.

A van pulled up beside me, two guys inside. They looked clean and ordinary, probably college students somewhere. They offered and I accepted. I had done it before, and would probably have done it again if I weren't in the mess I've landed in. I stowed my gear in the back, just a backpack really and moved up to the rear passenger seat. I noticed both were big guys, broad in the shoulders.

"Gotta drop off some stuff at a place up ahead, won't take long."

"Sure. Thanks for the lift."

"Where you headed?"

"Seattle right now. started in Mississippi in May. Have to get back to school in August. Other than that, will just have to see."

"Sounds fun, wish I could get away like that."

"Only chance I'm gonna get to do it. Probably wouldn't want to again anyway."

"I hear ya."

We turned off onto a dirt road, I figured for the drop off, no big deal to me. The building we arrived at surprised me, it was a basic metropolital office complex, three floors, lots of glass, white. The lot was paved, but most of it was empty.

"Hang tight, be back in a flash." The other passenger picked up a small box and both got out. This is when the strange things started happening, the doors locked and the van started up again. Then it popped into gear and started driving around the side. There was a garage there and I really wasn't liking this. I tried stomping on the brakes and turning the wheel, but got nothing. The car rolled through the garage door and the door lowered behind me, cutting off the outside world and everything normal.

I tried the door again, no good. That's when I noticed the hissing sound. I was able to bang on the window one more time before sliding into unconsciousness.

I woke some time later. It took awhile, everything was fuzzy. The light overhead was too bright, and the background humming was too loud.

It didn't take long for me to wake up after realizing I was strapped down. Even my head, though I was able to look down and see I was naked, an IV stuck in my arm. At least it was warm, aren't these sorts of things supposed to be cold?

Some guy in a white coat, great. Mostly bald. glasses, you know, you typical freakin' mad scientist type. "Hey, what the fuck is this?"

"All in good time."

"Fuck you."

"That too, but not yet." Uh-oh, kinky sex games. I tried the restraints again, same result. He came over and fiddled with a bag of black goo attached to the IV, unhealthy looking shit. "You're not going to enjoy this. Tough."

I wanted to spit at him, but my mouth was too dry. And then there was pain. I could feel the goo oozing into me, it burned. Must not be the first time they've done this, cause when my bowels let go, there was a pan under me ready for it. And then the changes started happening. It started with my dick, the burning goo arcing through me, somehow making me harder than ever before. The pain grew, and then my boner just started melting back into itself. There was a mirror down between my legs, I could watch it happen. Sadistic bastards.

It was when the pussy started forming I blacked out again.

It took me awhile to wake up again, wondering what the hell that was all about. Things felt... different, and I somehow knew it wasn't a dream, even without opening my eyes. The restraints were gone and I was on my side. My chest seemed heavy. I opened my eyes, looking around, no idea what I would find.

I was in a very plain white room. The bed seemed comfortable enough. There didn't appear to be a door, or cameras, though I felt sure they were watching me. Over in one corner there was a small bathroom area. Not your typical ultra-durable prison style sink and toilet, much more homey. There was a mirror over the sink. I just had to see what they... did... to me.

Whatever the shit was, it was thorough. My face was changed, much softer now, my hair had grown longer, and was now a light brown, with waves. I seemed to be a little shorter. Whoever's in charge must like women that seem to fit together, cause I sure was. My new bust large, but not overly so. Beats me what size. The nipples weren't too large either. I wondered if I was still drugged, cause I felt I should be fucking pissed, but wasn't. My hips flared nicely, melting into firm shapely legs. I was hairless from the neck down, other than a small patch of pubic hair. If I had still been the old me, I'de have sure been attracted to this vision.

I trembled as I went back to the bed, knowing I wouldn't be satisfied until I had taken a look down there. It was a pussy all right, and jut as pink as you could ask for. I was startled out of my inspection by a hidden door sliding out of the way. I instinctively tried to cover myself, hiding in the corner, pulling the blanket up around me. It was one of the guys from the van, the driver, he was wearing tan sweats today, "hi, sweetie."

I looked around for something to throw at him, nada, so yelled instead "FUCK YOU!! What the fuck are you people doing?" I've GOT to be drugged, that little outburst drained so much energy.

"Oddly enough, that's what I'm here for. The Doctor insists that I... drill it into you that you really are a woman. I just got lucky, I was driving when you came aboard."

"So you think I'm just gonna lie here while you fuck me? You're fucking nuts."

"No, you're going to be much more involved. And you're going to enjoy it."

"That's even crazier."

"Suit yourself. But if you behave, he won't give you more. It wears off in about six months. I've been exactly where you are."

"Ok, then why? Why all this? Why me?"

"Well, the why you is easy. You weren't going to be missed for awhile. Why all this? I don't know, I just work here."

'Guess I should have known." Damn, I should be a lot more angry about all this. I focused on his claim that it wears off, no way to know if he's lying. Not like he's given much reason to trust him so far.

"Anyway, you need to eat. That stuff takes way too much fuel." He wheeled a cart in, a tray on top. I couldn't have wanted it more, I was starving. There were two bowls of hot oatmeal, apple slices and cinnamon mixed in. Those I flat inhaled. Next several pieces of toast, various jellies. Gone almost as fast. I slowed down some for the oranges. Finally two glasses of milk, one of apple juice. And some pills.

"What are these?"

"Vitamins, minerals and... birth control. We let a couple visitors experience motherhood. Turned out to be more trouble than it's worth."

"Thank... thank you." Just the thought gave me shivers. "So what was it like, waking up without a dick, and then some guy coming in saying he's gonna fuck you?"

"I was pretty pissed. They didn't have the mood meds right when they did me." Ah, I /am/ drugged, wonder if I can do anything about it. "The sex... the first time wasn't fun. You'll get a choice in a few minutes, same as I did. I chose to fight. I hope you don't."

"What's the other choice?"

"Be the young women that you are. I can show you a time most real women dream of. Or fight. If you win, they'll administer an anti dote and send you on your way. At least that's what they say, I trust them on it though. I really suggest you don't do that, you can't win. And the guys they would pit you against enjoy being rough."

Maybe it was just the 'mood meds', but I sure didn't feel like I could beat anyone in my current condition. I bit my lower lip "I don't have much reason to trust you. But I think I will, for now."

He smiled, "best move you've made in awhile." He gathered up the dishes and rolled the cart out the door. I don't know if its more drugs or whatever they did to me, but I realize he's pretty sexy. I hope THAT goes away later! "So you know, as long as you continue behaving, you won't have to fuck anyone other than me."

"Ok... okay," this just gets weirder and weirder. People who are out of their heads, who do these sorts of things. And then be nice? Hope it's true. "So what next?"

"Well, First comes the beauty salon, and then some clothes. Got to be perfect for your big day, right?"

"I... guess," women have /got/ to be wired different, the thought of getting my hair done and then finding just the right thing to wear was making me all tingly inside.

"Come on, it's not that bad." I was perplexed when he gave me a robe, but managed to get into it without showing myself. He offered his hand, I took it, getting out of bed.

"So how much of this is drugs, and how much hormones?"

"Calmness is probably all from drugs. Any excitement though, that's either hormones or just you."

I've had at least part of this inside me all my life? No way. He didn't caress me or anything, but did kiss the back of my neck. It felt good, but I fought not to let him know that! He led me out into the hall, typical non-descript corridor, recently waxed tiled, bright lights, the works. There were doors along both sides, many open versions of where I had been. The beds looked unused.

"How many others here like me?"

"Can't tell you, sorry."


We turned into another room. Lots of showers, each with it's own little cubical. The first one was free, he chose it. He gathered up my hair under a showercap, then indicated I should go in the adjoining shower. "Remember, be good and things continue this way."

"I thought you'de be doing this."

"Not this time, sweetie. It's part of giving you something you'll never forget. Later we'll do a lot more."

"You're a strange man. I'de have never acted like you are, before."

"Remember, I've been there, I know how scary it is. The Doctor says to think being nice gives results closer to norm, whatever that means."

I closed the curtain, then handed the robe out. There wasn't any soap, but the nozzle seemed to have a dispenser built in. The lather was thick and creamy, and felt really good on my new soft places. I was tempted to play but his voice brought me back "You'll have time to play later."

I couldn't help but giggle, giggle? damn. I finished up with the shower, rinsing off with one last spray of luxuriant hot water. I reached out and he gave me a towel, done with that and he gave me back the robe, still without looking. Found myself wondering at his control.

Next up was the salon, just as he said. A shock was waiting for me here. The other guy from the van was here already, with another young woman. Our eyes met for a moment, the truth plain to see. His lips on my neck took my attention off her. He led me behind another partition, thankfully seperating us from the other pair. "That was freaky."

"Had to happen sometime. I'm glad it was here, and not down at the infirmery. That's where the ones that choose to fight end up."

"Why don't you do something if it's so bad?"

"I do what I can, convincing you to cooperate saved you. Very few fight anymore."

He helped me into an ordinary salon chair, a tub under my head. I don't really know what all he did. I know he washed my hair, and then trimmed a little. But mostly I just let him work. He seemed to know what he was doing. He also filed all of my finger and toenails, that felt REALLY different. Both my hands and feet are a lot smaller than I'm used to. "Polish comes later."


He kissed my cheek, "you're being very good, sweetie, are you starting to feel anything?" I wanted to resent him, but couldn't. We left the salan, I looked over, but the other two were gone. I'm not sure if I was glad or not.

"Some, everything is so different. So much softer feeling. Can't you call me something other than sweetie?"

"Not until after... well what this is leading up to. That's when I give you a new name."

"It's alright for you to say fuck, you know."

"No it's not, fucking isn't special."

I chewed on this in silence. The next room was filled with clothing, something had evidently already been picked out for me though, cause he handed me a hanger with a bag over it, then ushered me into a dressing room. He waited outside.

I opened it up, taking a look at what I was supposed to put on. The panties were easy to figure out. Black, high-cut, mostly transparent lace. No bra, didn't really feel like I needed one anyway. Whoever designed the dress ought to get a medal, and then shot. Black, strapless AND backless, I have no idea how it stay up, other than it did. There was a slit that exposed most of my right leg. He pushed a pair of shoes under the door. Thank God, not high heels! Instead, just a moderate platform. They went on like they had been custom made, maybe they had. Walking felt very natural.

He had changed while I was getting dressed. The sweats were gone, replaced with a white polo shirt and slacks. His shoes were shiny black wingtips. He looked like a hunk. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. He had a small bottle of nail polish, which he applied with obvious ease, blowing each finger dry afterward.

"Have you ever wondered what it's like on the other side?" His question caught me off guard.

"Doesn't everyone? Never thought I'de find out though."

"Of course not. And now, is my lady ready for her evening of entertainment?"

"It's evening already?"

"It is."

I knew everything had taken awhile, but not THAT much time. Maybe he was just playing with me. Not like the time really mattered. What mattered was that I was hungry again... and nervous. I wanted to be good, if only to avoid pain. And he had me wondering, tonight might be nice. "Then yes."

He kissed my cheek again, I tried to turn into him it felt so good, but he backed away with a twinkle in his eye. "Later, later you will get all the kisses you can possibly handle."

He linked my arm in his, then led me around another corner, then down a short hall. We stopped in front of a door. "Close your eyes."

I didn't want to, but did. I could hear the door open, and then he helped me through. The door closed. "Okay. You can open."

It tooked like an expensive hotel suite. There was a sitting area with a couch and a loveseat. A dining nook with an attached kitchen. I could glimpse a bedroom through one door, and guessed a bathroom was through the other. In one corner of the main room, there was a raised platform with a hot tub.

There was food waiting on the kitchen island, and only one chair at the table. I stood eyeing it nervously as he gathered up food, and a glass. He brought over two heaping plates, as well as a bottle of sparkling apple cider.

My mind was screaming 'This is wrong!' but I couldn't muster any will. He faced me after arranging the plates, drawing me against him, I couldn't fight if I wanted to, and I didn't really want to anymore. He brushed his hands over my bare back, it was the first time he had touched me other than hands, feet or head. It felt wonderful.

He sat down, then helped me settle on his lap. I couldn't help but snuggle against him. I must be going off the deep end. A few days ago I'm a normal hetro man, and now I'm apparently a hetro woman. Maybe I should be thankful for whatever favors I get.

His hand stayed around me as he forked some spagetti. I was starving again and it looked like he was going to feed me. I guess I can deal with that. He offered it to me, and I accepted. I'de read about things like this, usually involving a lot of teasing. He wasn't like that. He fed me almost methodically, occasionally taking a bite for himself. He kissed me a few more times, never lingering, much as I wanted him to.

Must have been really hungry, cause those two plates went before I even noticed. He sucked on my ear, making me gasp in pleasure, then poured the cider. He left it there, bubbling in the light, it was enchanting. Just like the food, he let me drink most of it, taking only a little for himself. I hoped he was getting enough.

His hand caressed my back again, his other hand gently raising my chin, gods he knows how to touch a woman! "It's time, sweetie." All I could do was nod, then he leaned down and kissed me, not pulling away this time. In a world where everything had turned upside down, he was the one solid piece I could cling to. In a strange sort of way I even felt safe. The kiss was unhurried, but promised a lot more.

He picked me up, he made it seem effortless, maybe it was. I held on around his neck. I wanted to feel him pinning me to the bed, his hard cock filling the tiny pussy I still hadn't been able to explore. It was all too weird. But as long as it was like this, I can take it. I kissed his neck, it felt right.

The bedroom was a thing of beauty, the light had a sort of fuzzy quality. The walls were draped with a satin looking material in deep red, probably to hide the fact there were no windows. The bed was huge of course, and heart shaped. How cliche. These people read too many romance novels. And pillows, lots of pillows in many different shapes. Well, so far he hadn't lied to me about being nice. There was a knot of anticipation in my gut.

"So do I get to know your name?"

"Sure, sweetie. I'm Mark. Nervous?"

"Some. But I feel safe with you. You're ok for a kidnapping bastard."

"Thanks, I think." He had moved over to the bed without me noticing. I /did/ notice when he sat down though, I could feel the hard bulge pressing against my hip. I shivered trying to imagine what it would feel like. His lips caught mine again, not that I was trying to escape. It felt good to let him take charge. He moved my hands down to his shirt hem, I took the hint.

I wasn't easy getting his shirt off. I didn't want to stop kissing him, and the more I kissed him, the more tingly I got. Mark has great muscle tone. I'de he's about 6' 3", and easily over 225 pounds with very little fat. Somehow though, his muscles have grace, like some jungle cat. Not the bulkiness that you see so often. His skin was warm and soft, and his smell, that was GREAT! Very little body hair, don't know if he shaves, if it's just the way he is, or if it's something the drugs did.

His hand on my leg took me by surprise and I sucked in a startled breath. Might have been what he was trying for, cause his tongue openned my lips wider. Have I mentioned that Mark really knows how to kiss? He does. I kicked off my shoes, losing myself in that kiss, his tongue making love with mine.

I moaned, disappointed, as it petered out, left breathless. "Want to do something for me sweetie?"

Uh oh "Maybe, what?"

"Crawl into bed and look sexy."

That sounded pretty fun. "Sure," I wiggled against him a couple times teasing, payback's a bitch and all that. He watched, smiling as I got down on my stomach, using my elbows and knees to scoot inward. They really did a number on me, I'm way more flexible now. And have much better balance and coordination. When I got to the middle I turned have on my side, my stomach down and my hips cocked sideways. I slllowly openned my legs, my right one pulled through the dress slit.

He bent down, removing his shoes, And then his pants. This both disappointed and relieved me. I kinda wanted to do that, but was still a bit out of sorts. Oh well, it was his show anyway, so let him drive. I licked my lips, waiting for him to turn around. He sure didn't disappoint me here. He was already fully erect, not overly long perhaps seven inches, but thick. It was the first time I had ever seen a hard one in person, other than my own. I wanted him.

I licked my lips as he approached, unable to help myself. I wanted to reach out and feel him, but he moved behind me, kissing up my bare back. His breath was hot on my skin, his hands gentle. I pushed against him as he teased my neck. He's too damn good at this. He moved up more, nibbling at my ear.

"So, sweetie, can you feel yourself getting ready for me? Getting all hot and slick?"

I managed a husky "yes."

"Good, being able to admit it is important." He turned me to my back, gazing into my eyes, "there's no other feeling quite like it, your body welcoming your man."

"You won't have to take what I freely give."

"A trade then, pleasure for pleasure." I openned my mouth about to speak, but he kissed me into silence. He flipped down the top part of my dress, that's when I really noticed my nipples. They were hard little pebbles rubbing against his chest, sending sparks through me, mostly between my legs it seemed. I tangled my hands in his hair as he moved lower. My boobs had been firm when I first looked in the mirror, but now they were tight and aching, waiting for him to feast on.

And feat he did, using lips tongue and teeth, alternating from side to side. My hips were rocking by the time he sucked at my nipples. Damn he's good at this too. And that was before he started using his tongue on them. The heat was spreading now, I could feel it down in my crotch.

He kissed my stomach, playing with my belly button, pushing the dress past my hips. I moaned as he brushed my legs, removing the dress, it just felt so good. Only my soaked panties remained. And I wanted them gone. Mark did too it seemed, he tugged at them and the seams unraveled, convient. I moaned again as the cool air hit me, exposed and very ready. I sure wasn't ready for that kiss though, his touch sent fire coursing through me, a very pleasant fire unlike the burning pain from the goo.

He backed off a little, bringing his hand up to brush my mound. His middle finger teased my slit, I could feel him against my moist center. It took him awhile to press it inside, I could feel myself gripping him everywhere! It felt so big, I had no idea how his dick could possibly fit, but knew it would. I must be on a hairtrigger cause as he was pulling his finger out, he hit something and I lost it. I could feel myself trying to clench on something that wasn't there, waves of pleasure rolling up and down my body.

He rubbed against me as he moved back up, pressing me into the bed. It was a dominance gesture I recognized, I'de done it many times. It felt good, him doing that. I had already given myself, and now he would take me. I gasped as he rubbed against me, I could feel the big vein sliding against my lips. It felt huge.

I tensed up as he brushed his tip against my brand new pussy, more sparks flowing. His whispered "releax, sweetie" did help calm me some. I could sense the solid length of him behind that initial contact. My body struggled to keep him out, but with gentle pressure I finally gave in. It tore and it stung but all pain is nothing compared to the black goo that did this to me.

Mark took his time, letting me adjust to the moster he was shoving in. If I thought my grip on his finger had been tight, this was more like a python death squeeze. Nit ot sure felt good! I felt so tiny, held under that big guy. I could get used to this! His lips covered mine as his pubic hair tickled me, I wrapped my hands around his neck, hanging on for all I was worth. He started playing with one of my nipples, his hips resting against me. "How ya doing, sweetie?"

"Its hard to believe, but I like it. I couldn't even feel inside where it was going to go, but now, oh!" He took one of my hands, guiding it between us, I got the idea and slid it down more. He was slick with my oils as he withdrew, I could feel myself closing inside, it was a very empty and alone feeling. My fingers though, that was very nice, inside may have been pure pleasure, but lacks the detail that fingers give. It was all new, not even sure how to describe it all. I felt my mound pushed in as he returned to my hot passage, a moaned forced from me.

I bumped my clit and forgot all about examining the way I spread for him. WOW! Mark groaned as my muscles inside clamped down on him. I liked the feeling of power that gave me. He began a slow steady rocking, driving away all other thoughts. I /was/ his pleasure, as he was mine. I couldn't hold back any longer and let go, my fingers rubbing my clit with abandon, my feet hooking around his thighs pulling me tights as I came. And came and came and came. It went on forever, The waves of pleasure kept crashing over me. And in the middle of it all, Mark pressed me tight against the bed, his hot seed making it all that much better.

I was feeling so content when it was over, Mark smiling, gazing into my eyes. I could have stayed there for all time, but he picked me up, and sat back, me sitting on his lap still wrapped around him. He played with my hair and I snuggled against him. If they wanted me to be a happy woman, they certainly got it right. "So this is how the other half lives. Mark? So do I have duties or something I'm supposed to do while I'm here?"

He sighed, "yeah. Nothing too awful though. Your uterus is a factory now for some fluid. Every couple weeks that gets harvested. It's the real product they're after here, don't know what they do with it. Sex is also part of it. Minimum of three times a day, it drives the fluid production."

"Ok. I knew there had to be something going on." Sex three times a day with Mark? Yum. "Does the... harvesting hurt?"

"No, it actually feels fairly good. You feel kinda bloated when it's time. And if you're willing to do more than the minimum, you can earn special priviledge."


"Yeah, stuff like going to town. This isn't a prison. No one would believe you if you tried to tell."

"Do I get anything out of it besides great sex?"

He kissed my neck "if you eat right as the stuff wears off, you grow a lot. I was smaller than you were when we met, when they grabbed me. And it fixes anything that might have been wrong with you. Disease, addiction."

"Sounds too good to be true, what's the catch?"

"You never go anywhere without me. Not to town, not down the hall, not to bed. Anything else?"

"Not right now. Oh! If I'm stuck with you, I'm gonna wear you out!"

"I'll enjoy letting you try. And now, something happier. I know the name that's right for you."

I trembled wondering what trick he was about to play. "You're so sweet, you've just got to be Candy."

"You beast!" I tried pushing him backwards, laughing. He just held me close, laughing too. "So how did a nice guy like you get caught up in this?"

"I was a bum in San Francisco, only 19 and already down and out. A couple guys came by and said they had some work for me. They seemed clean so why not?"

"Why'd you fight then?"

"There were still problems with the chemical balances then. I woke up really pissed and it just got worse. Plus it takes time to clean drugs and alcohol out."

"Guess I won't be upset about them making me happy then. Now come on you, we have a quota and are behind schedule!"

That was 'yesterday' for me. We ended up going at it for hours, talk mixed inbetween. One interesting thing I've learned, whatever process is going on in my body, it takes so much energy that I no longer produce waste. And that apparently is true even after you revert. The only reason the rooms include toilets was to keep the contractor from asking too many questions.

I woke up snuggled against Mark, my leg draped over him. I can't say I didn't like it.

Collection day. It turned out to be a lot better than I feared. Mark helped settle this suction cup looking thing inside me, with a tube hanging out. He was right about the bloated feeling. The process took about five minutes, the fluid filling a sterile plastic bag. There was perhaps a quart of it, with a slight honey tint.

I've been here a month and a half now, and it occured to me today to ask about my period. So far I haven't had one. They made me better than then real thing. My body treats the discharge as waste and recycles it, just like the super food conversion.

We went to town for the first time last night. It's a fairly quiet place, enjoyed some dancing and music at the only club in the place. Some jerk tried ruining it afterward, pulled a knife and threatened to cut me. Guess Mark knows how to huge that big body of his. Guy's wrist was broken before I saw what happened. We stuck around for the police, they seemed to know the guy. They seemed happy enough to let him go with just his broken wrist as a reminder of this mistake.

If being a woman is fun, it's only because Mark makes me feel loved.

Well, it's been six months, almost. I've started growing taller, though I'm still fully female. Have been told it will be another day or two. I've been eating almost non-stop. And I've made a choice.

I was sitting on Mark's lap, one of my favorite places to be, it's also the time that we talk. Mostly silly stuff, not a lot of serious things happen around here. We take care of the production and are left alone. This time though, I could tell he wanted to ask something important. Just the way he kept trying to start.

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Newest fantasy

08/23/'19 For Dawn & Mandy, In my newest fantasy ... although part of it is a continuation of an old one, the three of us have become, and I have no idea what it might be called in "the community" ... as far as the BDSM portion of our relationship I've become both "Daddy & Dom" to both of you and we've been having some amazingly wonderful times at the events we've been able to attend. Oddly enough, especially for the state of Oklahoma, it is not i*****l to engage in sexual...

3 years ago
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Salvation Ch 17 Cruel Games

to a second, but narrower corridor. Facing south, it has the benefit of sunlight illuminating the walls. Here, several paintings hang, each seemingly low for the adults, but perfectly placed for the children to gaze at them as they pass. The paintings are German in origin and depict scenes of the time when Zealots commonly tortured peasants to learn of witches and any other ungodly activities. Dressed as priests and monks they sought out mainly the young girls of the villages...

1 year ago
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BangBus Lucy Sunflower Lucy8217s Anus gets deflowered

In today’s update, we got Lucy Sunflower. She was walking down a sketchy street. We decided to help her out and bring her to a safer neighborhood. One inside, she is relaxed. We convince her to relax more without her clothes. She was hesitant at first, but with a few hundred dollars, we were ready to go. She got down to sucking Jay Bangher’s big black cock. He deep-throated him until he flipped her over and slid in her pussy. She loved it so much she wanted it in her ass. Jay is...

3 years ago
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Roleplay Starter Scent of a Woman

Roleplay Scene Starter Script. 1 or more Female, 1 Male. "Scent of a Woman" Interior: typical kitchen Nadia and Hank had been neighbors for some time now. At one point after Hank's divorce, they had been lovers briefly. Winnie, Hank's ex-wife, and Hank were still on good terms and occasionally got together. Winnie and Nadia were friends socially. Winne had even thrown several not-so-subtle hints to Nadia until Nadia explained that she wasn't into women the way Winnie was. Hank was in the...

2 years ago
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My plan is fail proof. Heels, check. Lipstick, check. Lingerie, check. And and extra pair of panties...Check! I walk up to the reference desk. I ask to see the chief executive. They direct me to his office and i walk in. Your expression is concealed by your perfect mask, but i know that face. you're pissed. I laugh and sit at the chair at the other side of your desk. You look at me with those pale green eyes.They burn. I'm so sure you smell my perfume. I made sure to use your favorite scent....

2 years ago
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my second time at a gay club

on a cold night i put on a pair of tight leggings that looked like jeans and pink panties as well as a dark blue shirt. i took a cab to the club and went in to the dance floor. i was dancing next to this guy who was chubby and didn't have anyone. i moved next to him and started to dance with him. he was nerves so i wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a kiss. he smiled and started to really dance with me. i turned around and grind my butt against his crotch. he grabbed my hips and...

2 years ago
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MarlaChapter 8

"Two-Three, stand by for Six." The responding voice was young and his voice broke. Eckert had switched over to speaker so she could listen, but he had turned it way down. They held their heads close together so they wouldn't miss anything. The radio had been answered promptly, they had been waiting for Eckert to call in. A female voice came over the radio "Two-Three this is Six. Sitrep. Over." Eckert was ready. "Secure, Half day food, two days water. Forty-Seven, I say again Four...

3 years ago
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From Nightmare To Wet Dream fiction

After the passing of my husband l couldn’t see another long term relationship let alone getting married again. But as it so happens l found a guy I really liked and after a eight years we were wed. He would of liked for it to had happen far earlier and I might of been good with it too, if not for his daughter. She was the stepdaughter from hell or would of been. So having some separation was a good thing, a very good thing. But as the years went by as did her school years when she was getting...

1 year ago
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Teaching Patience

The darkness envelops you as you stand... waiting... waiting. You have no idea how long it's been or how long it will continue. You can feel the cool air on your skin, the slight breeze makes your skin tingle and raises goosebumps on your naked flesh. There is no sight due to the blindfold you wear, no sound because you are alone. Alone. The very word makes you shiver. You remember back to our last phone conversation, where I instructed you as how I wanted you when I got home. You were busy...

4 years ago
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Bus StopChapter 5

Chad and Jessie became inseparable. They spent Thanksgiving together at her apartment. Her mom wanted her to bring Chad over there, but she declined. Chad had to do his morning show plus a couple hours to cover for another DJ. Jessie cooked dinner for them and Chad brought dessert from the bakery. In the afternoon, they watched football and munched on snacks and leftovers. To make it more fun, they chose opposite teams and cheered them on. Jessie laughed when her team won and Chad told her...

2 years ago
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Jocasta Complex

‘It has been 2 months since my son’s 18th birthday. Now that he is in a legal age to make love to a woman, all my lust for him is erupting out of my chest. Since his 18th birthday I find it really hard to look him in the eyes, because of all the ways I imagined him making love to me. When he is not home, I lay on his bed naked and masturbate while breathing in all his sweet scent. “I must have him. I must have him in me.” mantra keeps looping in my mind. My son is sleeping in the room right...

2 years ago
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The boss and her pantyhose

After our last session in pantyhose it was a while before another chance arose. I saw Jo regularly around the office but there was always someone around and the best I could do was get a look at her legs and dream about what was waiting for me. I used up the pantyhose she had given me by locking my office door and wanking into them. The first time I wanked into one pair while smelling her pussy from the other pair. There came a time though when I eventually had to throw them away as they...

2 years ago
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Zigolo Bun Gaya

Hi, I’m Chut ka deewana I am big fan ISS i read all stories of ISS. May moradabad may rahta hu or may nay apnay bare may pichli story may bataya tha so friend meri kahani padkar muje kai mail mile usmay ek mail tha pooja name ki bhabhi ka.usnay muje mail karke online time liya or mujsay chat karne ki bat ki to may nay foran apna id or online day diya. Thik waqt per wo online hui or hamari chat hui jo may story may aapko batanay wala hu. Ok, to may nay pooja ke sath chat ki usnay muje bataya ki...

4 years ago
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Intense and uncontrollable orgasm

Has anyone experienced this marvelous intense ejaculation,? It was my first week at work in a new office we anll waited for the lift about 7 or 8 people got in and I was one of the last . just before the doors closed, three more ladies entered and in doing so pushed us all back so we were very close together.i ended up with a lovely mature lady’s firm buttocks pushed against my groin. Her perfume smelled beautiful but I felt my heartbeat start to race and a feeling of intense arousal in my...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 17

Vetted Brilliant in its simplicity... A. Back off and let those men who want to marry men, marry men; and B. Allow those women who want to marry women, marry women; and C. In three generations, there will be no NDP or Liberals Such an unfair world: When a man talks dirty to a woman it’s considered sexual harassment. When a woman talks dirty to a man its $10.50/min (charges may vary). Isn’t it weird that: In Canada our flag and culture offends so many people, yet our benefits don’t?

3 years ago
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Jan pays her husbands debt

Jan was looking forward to tonight. Earlier that morning her husband Rick had given her a key card to a suite at a five star hotel and said he'd meet her there after he got off work. "Wear something sexy," he said. She definitely would. Jan was an obedient wife. Plus, she liked the idea of a spontaneous and naughty adventure. Since Jan was a housewife and well taken care of by Rick, she spent all day getting dolled up. She went to the spa to exfoliate her skin and make it nice and soft. She...

4 years ago
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Walts Poker Pal Bob

Before I left Chuck's house I asked if I could change into my last outfit for Bob and Chuck agreed. When I finished I has on a one piece out of a short black skirt that barely covered my ass and a sheer black top that easily displayed my tits and a pair of 6" stiletto heels. "OH fuck baby" Chuck said when he saw me come out of his bathroom "You're one fuckin' great lookin' whore" he added and I moved up and kissed him nice and tenderly. When I backed off, "Thanks lover" I said to him "Maybe...

2 years ago
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Having A Friend Teach Her

Angie wanted to become sexier and more popular among the guys at school. She was 15 years old and she was beginning to develop the nice budding breasts and rounded curves of a maturing young woman but she knew that she was so naive in the ways of guys, girls, sex and all that. She looked around to see which of her girlfriends she could go to in order to find out the things she needed to know. Angie finally decided on one of her best girlfriends, Beverly, to show her the ways of sexiness and...

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My Sister And I Part 2

“I’m not sure I can do this,” I said as Anna and I made our way downstairs. We were both dressed again after our little sister on sister experience. My pussy was swollen and hurt a little from the massive cucumber and I was dead nervous. For some reason it didn’t feel wrong that our mother had said we should suck our dad. After all, we had always been an open family. Anna often had Tim over before the pandemic and they would make out in front of us for example.Mom and Dad did the same on the...

4 years ago
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Clever Wife 8211 Part II

Friends after the tailor episode with my clever wife spend few month normal .she seem to follow a routine going to primary school give children lesson and in home to me. About 6 month pass by our marriage. She started complain about various shorts of health related problem.Like she complain about pain in gum , pain in stomach ,pain in left knee joint but i was more curious about it’s dryness in virginal portion . as i am hoping with passing of time this thing will automatically fixed or reduced...

3 years ago
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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 8

The Xytal must have supplied most of the technology used by the Wasps. The humans reached that conclusion because the almost "magical" power supply was used to power so many of the marvels used by the Wasps. Nobody could see the Wasps having the intelligence to adapt that power supply to other gadgets. The only significant item for which the humans had not found a service manual was the pyramid, itself. And it wasn't for the lack of trying. Every one of the thousands of books in the...

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Taboo Part VI The Journey Begins

Panting and slowly coming down from an earth shattering climax, she was a quivering mass of jello, every muscle exhausted. Her entire body shook sporadically as if electrical currents were zapping her from the tips of her toes all the way up her spine to the base of her neck. Her mind was mush from cumming so hard, and so many times this afternoon, more than she could ever remember, fathom, or like to admit to herself. Sex at home with her husband was for a lack of a better term, severely...

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"Lizzy!" She heard her mothers' voice calling but she didn't want to stop her stretching exercises. Her mothers frowning face appeared in the doorway and told her that she was to report to Mrs. Jamison's on Monday at 8 am."You're the only student in the class and you'll meet at her home." her mother said."OH GREAT!" Lizzy thought to herself sarcastically. It was bad enough she had to go to summer school for 6 weeks, now she had Mrs. Jamison, who had a reputation as the toughest math teacher at...

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Not many people would call me a sexy guy – short, middle aged, and a bit overweight.  So I was completely (but pleasantly!) surprised by the following experience. About a month ago I was home alone.  My wife was out with the kids doing some shopping.  I was at loose ends and feeling a bit horny.  And as we all know, there are ways to handle that. I should tell you that my sex life is mostly with myself.   My wife has lost interest in sex, and while she will accommodate me if I ask I usually...

2 years ago
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16-year-old Heather fumed in the back seat of her parents’ car. This had been their second day of traveling across the American Midwest, heading to their new home, and she was bored stiff. Even worse, it seemed that her dad had gotten them lost trying to find the world’s largest ball of twine or something. “I think it’s just around the bend,” he said for what she estimated was the dozenth time in the last hour. Heather sighed. The dirt road they had been following ended at an old wooden...

1 year ago
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Alleyway Rendezvous

Marissa wasn't the dirty kinda girl. But she had her urges. So once in a while she would go on to sexy personals to have cybersex with guys, usually with foreigners,because she was too she'd meet anyone she knew. She had some regulars she chatted to and her personal favourite was an Australian teacher,Shane, who was oh-so-hot. He looked deliciously sexy in the photo he sent and he was so graphic and descriptive when they 'chatted' that she nearly came just thinking about it. Australia was a...

3 years ago
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Party pt2

"Aaaaghhh," I gasped, swallowing more of Alex's spunk in the process, "I'm a dirty little cumbucket slut," I moaned, using the words that Sasha and the guys had used to describe me and causing them to giggle, "And I love sucking cock and drinking cum. I don't belong as a real man, I'm much better as a cumstained girly whore!"I couldn't believe some of the things that were coming out of my mouth as I quite happily repeated back everything Sasha and the guys had told me I was with barely a...

3 years ago
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Tim and Jill The Early Years

When Tim Met Jill - Not a Romance As Tim watched the last of Wilson's ten-inch cock bury itself between the welted cheeks of Jill, who was bound spread-eagle fashion to the bed, he thought about the first time he had ever laid eyes on her. You talk about a mess. That was Jill. He had been invited to a sorority pledge event to check out the new meat. Although no scholar, Tim was well known on campus thanks to his impressive cock and his natural talent for using it. He'd gone down to the...

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School Trip To France

y high school organized an optional group trip to France for a month. The idea was that we were supposed to go learn French and become immersed in the culture, but as I found out from students who had gone on the trip previously, in reality it was just a chance to get drunk and party with your friends, and try to hook up with French girls.While I was interested in getting drunk with my buddies, none of the girls in my class held any particular appeal for me. Not that they weren’t attractive,...

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7 Kinky Sins of Heaven

You had lived a good life, one that any average person could be proud of. You had a well paying job, a loving family and both kids and grandkids to carry on your legacy. But at the moment, you don't seem to care about your legacy as you find yourself floating in a vast white space, various gray blotches intermixed in the white, giving it all a cloud like appearance. A voice booms out from behind you. "Ah, there you are. Our latest arrival." Startled, you will yourself to turn around as you see...

2 years ago
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Yeh Kya Ho Gaya

Hi dosto . yeh sab story kitni sach aur kitni jhoot hai nahi janta. magar t v realty show ‘ sach ka samna ” dekh kar maine bhi apne dil me chhipa raj aaap logo se share karne ki himmat ki hai. kyoki yeh baat kise se bol nahi sakte magar aap logo se share karke shayed relax mile.meri aap beeti me sab sach hai sirf naam fake hai mera naam jamil hai my age 24. student fine arts.i belongs middle class family. parents.mushe bade 2 sis 1 bhai hai, badi sis nazama ki shadi dubai me hui hai . unke...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Christy Love G260

Up on the pedestal for the second time, Christy is already turned on. As if she weren’t already wet, Chris helps her by lifting up her dress and going down on her to play GREET THE PLEATS with his tongue. Before the first minute has passed, experienced Christy has a cock in each hand, another in her mouth, and another BETWEEN HER FEET. Wow! This woman knows how to gangbang. Cocksman Will takes his first spin inside Christy since he was not present for her first session last year on the...

3 years ago
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Bhabhi In Kitchen

This happened with me 2 years ago when I was 18 and was just watching some porn movies. A new bhabhi came in our neighborhood. She was just enough sexy to be fucked . Since then I have lust on her. Her size was 32-38-34 which was just enough to make me mad about her occasionally I used to watch her. I started wishing her and slowly I started to talk frankly with her. It came as sudden surprise to me when one day suddenly she started talking to me about my girlfriends and all that stuff. Looking...

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GirlsWay Kenna James Serene Siren Working Remotely

Serene Siren and her secretary, Kenna James, have been having a secret affair in their office for months. Siren is the CEO of a powerful company and a successful independent lesbian. Kenna is shy, conservative, and leading a double life with an unknowing husband at home. But now their company has shifted to virtual working and this has left the lovers in a real bind. Serene expects to still have her needs met, even if they cannot physically touch, whereas Kenna is torn between extreme horniness...

4 years ago
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The Clothes Make the Man

Clothes Make The Man By Christianne Part 1 "...I've arranged to have twenty prospective employers stop by during next week's class. All of them have told me that they are willing to offer internships if the standard of excellence is high enough." Professor Jamison paused for effect. "I hope you all don't disappoint them. Class dismissed." Tim had been half dozing through most of the class, but he came alert at Professor Jamison's last comments. He was looking at two to...

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Jamilavin And Sir Kaamam 8211 Part 2 I Lost My Virginity To My Maths Teacher

Hi friends, idhu enudaiya foursome experience aana enudaiya threesome experience ku sariyaana varaverpu illa adhai thavara vittavargalukku idho link above. Ennoda muthal threesome ku p naan knjam udal reethiya knjam kastangala anubavichen adhukku maruthuva uthavigala en sir thaan pannar knjam knjama cure aanen minimum 1month andha ranam irundhaalum avar en mulaigala kasakurathum en uthatta suvaikirathum vidala Oru fine evening la tution mudinjathum fulla kiss aparam mulai kasakkal thaan koranji...

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SovereigntyChapter 18

Alan could hear Hopix calling him, damn, she was so far away! Fighting with every fiber of his being, Alan started to claw his way to the surface. Finally he opened his eyes seeing a look of love and worry on Hopix’s face. “Alan my love you need to drink this, you are far too weak, please my love.” Hopix held a cup with a foul smelling brew in it. ‘I’ve smelled that before, ‘ Alan thought, ‘when was it? Ah yes back when he’d been on the Fairixie’s sister world.’ Alan tried to drink it as...

4 years ago
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A Different Way That COVID Affected Our Family Part 3

It was Thursday morning, and our babies would be here today. I was both nervous and extremely excited to see my kids again after a couple of months. Covid had been hard on everyone with so many losing so much, so I was happy we had each other.I had sent Jack to the store to go shopping after nearly emptying the house of food over the last few weeks while I rushed around tidying the house. I had woken up early and grabbed one of Jack's tee-shirts and threw it on to clean the house. Typically, I...

2 years ago
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Miss Goodsey

Miss Goodsey was the history teacher everyone (or every boy at least) wanted. Slim, 5ft 6in tall, with long blonde hair that looked best done up in a bun, bright, blue eyes and a dazzling smile that made every boy ache with desire. She had a pretty face that melted the heart, and large tits that stiffened many a cock. Not too big, but not too small either: perfect. I would guess her bra size was 34D. At that time, she must have been about 30. To match her brilliant looks, Miss Goodsey had...

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The Electricians HaremChapter 5

I locked the door and came into the kitchen. I kissed Monica, and she went off to her room. Karen took my hand and led me to the den. She had me sit in my recliner, and she sat on my lap. “Do you have any good porno? Watching some kinds of fucking makes me hot, and I’d like to sit on your cock and fuck you while we watch,” Karen said. Finding out that Karen watched porn explained why she didn’t give me the “be gentle with me” line when she gave me her virginity. Of course, if Karen watched...

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Lilys Seduction of the Boy Next Door Part 3

Introduction: This is the third chapter of the series. I believe its a good intermediate for those wanting even more teasing/seducing as well as those wanting a little more action. Regardless, comments and suggestions are always welcome! Hello Heather! Its me, Lily! Oh hello she answered, yawning in the background. Im sorry, am I calling too early? Im not sure about your sleeping schedule and didnt- No its okay. Its almost noon on a Sunday, so just because Im still sleeping in doesnt mean...

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Salau 1 Nemis Flight

As she trudged her way through the drifted snow, each step accompanied by a momentary pause before her boots pushed through the icy crust, Nemi slowly became more and more hypnotised by the crunch ... silence ... crunch of her steps. It was, in its way, her own, personal music, the song of her survival. And, in every silence, she hesitated, listening, looking, intent for any sign of pursuit. And every time she stopped, she saw, she heard, nothing, but that didn't matter; she knew she was...

2 years ago
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Need Insurance

Introduction: Selling insurance has never been so much fun Im only in my early thirties, but I have already experience so much as far as job employment. Not that I cant hold down a job, but I like to explore my options. When I find something I like, I tend to stay with it for many years. One road led me to insurance sales. I worked my ass off preparing myself for the state exam, spent many long hours training with my managers to prepare me to go out on my own one day and make a living. Our...

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The Best School Ride

First, I'm a male, 5,4" tall, 18yo.It all started when my school hired women as bus assistants to help k**s cross streets to their home and so on. Most of these bus assistants were ugly as hell, but the one in my bus.. Well she wasn't the cutest girl ever, but her body was the best I seen! Small, round ass and the most firm 36B breasts. She always wore skinny jeans, which always made me hard on.After a few months she became used to her job, more friendly and chatty. She liked me a lot, so I...

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Partners and Wives Swarm VersionChapter 4

Tricia Hanson, as she now preferred to be called, had long since developed a crush on Dirk, but it wasn't an innocent or girlish one anymore. At a month from her fourteenth birthday, the young lady was determined to be his. He was security and comfort to her, a sense of belonging and certainty of what the next day would bring her, and she often snuggled up with him when given the chance, had felt his hard cock rest between her cheeks. She had taken a while to deal with many of the issues...

1 year ago
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Robledo MountainChapter 14

Taking down the adobe bricks from the cave entrance, I thought about the next step that I dreaded so much. A heavy door of wood and adobe bricks was going to need sturdy support from the wood door jamb it was going to be hung on, which meant burying the jamb a minimum of nine inches. Digging down into nine inches of rock was not going to be easy. I started digging the hole for the left support jamb using the largest cold chisel and the heaviest hammer I had. The floor here didn’t seem to be...

2 years ago
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DOR part 7

Later that night as I was patrolling it was a lil closer to 5pm and I thought it was safe to go out about patrolling around and stretch my legs. As I am patrolling the 18th floor (yes there is a story coming up) I take a moment to open the housekeeping closet to see what if anything needs restocking maybe help a little. As I walk in to take full inventory i hear a door somewhere on the other side of the hallway thinking it was a guest or one of the other housekeeping employee I really didn't...

3 years ago
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When I was a younger man of twenty two I wanted to visit England in the worst way. 1967 the Beatles were going strong along with British groups like The a Who, Kinks, etc and I wanted to see London where it all seemed to be happening. Stationed in What was then West Germany whilst serving as a security policeman with the USAF theceasiestvway to visit England was to apply for leave and catch a lift on a plane flying to a british Air Base or Air Station as they were called. One of the local...

1 year ago
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DadCrush Dakota Burns The Corruption of Dakota Burns Chapter Two

Previously, Dakota Burns was suspended from school, and her stepbrother, Nicky Rebel, offered to help her cover up the incident. But the cover-up evolves into multiple fuck sessions between the stepsiblings, only to end with them secretly being caught by their stepdad, Filthy Rich. The next day, Filthy has a one-on-one chat with Dakota and makes his move, as he wants in on the fun himself. As the following days unfold, Dakota becomes more and more infatuated with her stepdad and can’t seem to...

3 years ago
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Waiting at the BluebirdChapter 43

Cal leaned closer to the mirror in his bedroom in the meager light of early morning as he struggled with the knot in his tie. He thought that the light in the hallway would be bright enough for him to attend to the uncooperative tie. He left the light in the bedroom turned off because Roxie was still sleeping and hadn’t yet shown any signs of waking. It seemed that every time he tried to create a perfect knot for his tie, it fought back when the tie appeared to be on the verge of a perfect...

2 years ago
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A Pet to Cherish

As she was getting ready Dorothy took a deep, soul searching look in the mirror. Then she picked up the sparkling blue-green amulet and admired it for the 100th time today. She smiled at it and it seemed to wink back at her. Dorothy knew her looks were not quite good enough to entitle her to the mind boggling adventures the amulet offered her. The middle aged women knew that but it didn’t matter. She had gotten prettier. Dorothy took another look in the mirror and realized that since she...

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He Knocked Up His Daughters

Jeremy Lemure was in his early forties; he was an erotic and adult writer, quite successful and well-off, having published numerous best-selling works and screenplays. His wife had died in an auto accident six months ago, and ever since her death he had been watching his daughters and growing hard at the sight of them. His oldest daughter Connie was eighteen with long raven hair, dark eyes, and a starlet's body—indeed Jeremy thought she resembled Catherine Zeta-Jones. His other daughter Ginger...

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Ranma 12 Divided We Stand Chapter 2 The Man With The Umbrella

Okay, we all know the standard disclaimer by now, I'm sure, and some people feel that it's not necessary... But better safe than sorry, right? So here goes: Ranma 1/2 and all its colorful cast are the legal property of the illustrious Rumiko Takahashi (may she live forever), Shogakukan, Viz Video, and Shonen Sunday Comics. This story is purely for entertainment, and is in no way intended for profit. If it ever earns me a penny, may I be thwacked with a thousand mallets of...

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