Ladkiyon Ka Kutta 8211 Part 4
- 3 years ago
- 28
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That night around six I was moved into my own room in Leslie's home. The police and the doctor were close to make sure I was secure and had no bleeding. A bug was on the bedside lamp. It was an old one but still ones that were installed after the police came here.
I unwrapped the device and called Mom and Leslie. When they came into the room I pointed out the bug. "We are infested. They may be Franks, Caputo's or the police. Let's give them to the police even if they are not theirs."
Mom was incredulous. "Are they microphones?"
"This one is. I'll bet you a buck that there are a lot more and cameras too."
"What are we going to do?"
"Tell the cops to take them out or you hire somebody to come in and do it for us. We still call somebody in though to make sure nothing was accidentally forgotten."
Leslie said, "How long were they here?"
"If they were live then they caught me being abused by a lot of girls. Don't worry. Nothing was illegal and if word gets out then there will be a multi million dollar lawsuit. The city and the police force cannot afford that. If it was the province or the RCMP then they face the same penalties."
Gresham was contacted and said he would remove the bugs at police expense for us the next day. Mom called her employers just to make sure.
The girls left me alone that night. Well almost. Betts was on one side and Wendy on the other. They took care of my needs repeatedly but were quiet about it.
Sunday morning the exterminators came and then a private company Pop hired came through for us. There were still police around but no bugs inside the house.
Mom and Pop took Leslie to bed to celebrate but only after I convinced them that all the bugs were gone. June had to be dragged by Wendy and Betts to the room and thrown to the lions.
The other lionesses eyed me but were very careful. I got to feed too. My body was assisted by Aristis technology but even a full grown Aristis male could not have lasted long.
The girls were satisfied to cuddle up to me but I knew they were still horny. I would just cuddle one for a while then like the coach for a hockey team, send her out to play as a tired player came back.
The majority of the girls then went home. Leslie wanted Mom and Pop to stay with her. They wanted to. Pop came to me when it was private and said, "Is it really safe to talk here?"
"I checked. It's safe."
"Leslie wants us to stay with her. She was crying too. She got a notice a few weeks ago telling her to vacate. From what you told us it had to be Caputo. What I wanted to know was... did you get this place?"
"Pop, I have to do this my way."
"What way?"
"Tomorrow a courier will come with a document or two. A new corporation bought this place. They see that Mom II is in trouble. They are offering her a free stay for six months."
"Do you own the house?"
"Why six months?"
"Caputo used to have money here. I will claim to Leslie that it was Frank's money. It would be split between his heirs. That means Mom II gets her share. She and the girls cannot buy the house but you and Mom can buy a share. It cost a lot so you are going to have to sell your house and move here. You are not buying Mom II and she is not coming into the family without her head held high."
Pop thought for a while. "How much is this going to cost us?"
"Enough so that you, Mom, Mom II, me and then Wendy and Erin are equal partners. Isn't that what a family or a marriage is supposed to be?"
"Yes but I still don't know how much."
"This has to look even. I don't want Mom II to put in more money than you. So I have to hit her fairly hard. She has to get a job like you and Mom. The kids work to keep the house clean and share the load. You get kids that are acting more grown up.
"For the figure, I think you could sell your house and with some savings put in half to three quarters of a million." Pop was shocked but kept quiet. "That works out to a half a million each. If Leslie puts in her share and so do the girls and me we can buy the four million dollar house for three. It looks realistic."
"Was there enough money left here for that?"
"There will be a bit more. Taxes are high and this house cost a lot to heat and cool."
"We won't have that kind of money to buy a share."
"You have a fairly wealthy son that will loan you the money. All of us will be able to see the bookkeeping. You really have to pay me back but there will be no interest. Since you and Mom will be paying for food, electricity, gas, phone and insurance, I will pay my share."
"Ah... what are you going to do with the money?"
"This is business. I have to use the money to grow. The act we would put on only ties Mom II to our family and makes her realise that she has to work. She is not supported by Frank any more. She was used as a prostitute but not again. She has to keep her head up."
"We heard that the police found an insurance policy for Wendy and Erin's mother. They will have one million plus interest coming in."
"They will not be able to access it until they are older. The money I 'find' will not be from this."
"You came up with that pretty fast. Did you know about the policy?"
"It was in the safe with the money."
"I'm glad you are not fighting us."
"We're family, Pop."
Pop and Mom changed places. I explained the same things to her as to Pop. After she understood my reasoning she was happy to accept the situation. They now paid a mortgage but soon the same money would go to me. Their costs would go up but there were more shoulders to carry the burden.
Nadac had the packet delivered Monday afternoon. An organisation Leslie had never heard of before now owned her home. Since she was in trouble the organisation would forgo collecting rent for six months. Between the lines it hinted at the possible sale of the house to the tenants. Mom and Pop would hear the news that night or by phone as soon as Leslie understood. A real estate company was going to put our house up for sale immediately. I was going to have to heal first before I could find the combination written on paper then the safe itself.
I had court appearances to make. We knew Tony was not going to show up for his assault charged but I did have to go to Morton's trial. Morton and his lawyer expected a fine but he got six months in jail. People getting away with violence was not condoned as much now.
The girls were subpoenaed for Caputo's trial for his involvement with the kiddy porn and then the killings, kidnappings and rapes. There was a lot of legal wrangling and the court case was a long way off.
When I was able to walk with the aid of a crutch, I found a piece of paper just sticking out of the baseboard in Frank's former office. This was done in front of witnesses.
I called everybody's attention to it. The 'L' and 'R' after numbers had to be a safe combination. The combination did not fit the two safes that the police had opened. My suggestion that there was another safe sparked a treasure hunt. We searched the house for days. Everybody but Betts and I were sick of the hunt. Mom found the safe after Betts smiled and pointed it out to her three times.
It was Wendy that opened the safe by rearranging the numbers on the paper. The police were nearby and it was difficult to keep everybody quiet.
I was the one that took out everything with the gloves used once more. There was no jewellery here to tempt us. The cash came out and stayed out. The rest were documents relating to Caputo's hidden empire were put back.
The cash totalled exactly two million dollars. Mom and Pop convinced Leslie that she and the girls should get a third each. Pop slipped in that maybe they could buy the house they were in now if they came up with their share of the money. I added enthusiastically that I would put in my share.
The paperwork had to come out and I called dad over to talk about the coin auction and my net proceeds. I had one and three quarter million after dad and the auction house took their cuts. I'd still have a three quarter million as far as Leslie knew.
The police were informed of how we found a slip of paper then went looking for a hidden safe the number did not match the two we had. They didn't like it that we had not only found the safe when they had not but we had spent almost a day trying to open it and then succeeding.
The same day Doc Suffolk came over and sat us down and told us and especially Wendy and Erin that the body they found was their mother. There was a lot of crying but it looked like the girls had already guessed this truth.
Mom and Leslie had a funeral a few days after with very few of the deceased old friends attending. This was depressing by itself.
The house between the two others that bordered the back of our property was owned by Giuseppe Scringi and his wife Rose. I printed out a statement of fact. Basically it was a list of what Giuseppe had done that could get him arrested. Aiding and abetting Tony Caputo in attacking our house was prominent.
The building was worth one and three quarter million dollars. The company that bought our home had no more offers in for more of Caputo's property so we could afford to burn bridges. The letter was dropped in their mailbox by me. This was an offer they could not refuse. They had to vacate by the end of November at the latest. Failure to do so would result in a similar packet of information going to the police along with all the incidental data I provided that would prove the accusations. This was something Rontem would like. Caputo had done the same thing to a great many others and not at a fair market price either. They had a week to agree but in reality they had until the end of November.
A competing bid by one of our other companies for Caputo's home saw a lot of interest but he was not ready to sell. An offer to sell and lease back was accepted. We got a rock bottom price by offering cash or electronic transfer. When the latter was accepted and the money transferred the papers were sighed.
The sign went on Pop's home. And Gail became distressed. I brought her around to see Scringi's home. "My company is buying this home. We are cutting a gate in the back wall. We are going to be living there. You can use the pool. You get to live in a home much more expensive than what you have now. You are not going to be living alone."
"What do you mean?"
"You are going to apply to be a foster parent."
"Why? Oh, the children that were hurt."
"What about my home?"
"It's your home. Do with it what you want. You could lease it out or sell it. The choice is yours."
"My business?"
"Same as with Liza. Do it when the children are not home. You will be in charge of meals, laundry and housework too. I can help to get the kids to clean up after themselves I hope. Some will not change without a whip held over them. The government pays for the children's upkeep and the corporation chips in a bit. You get paid under the table."
"That's a lot of work."
"It sure is. The boys will have a room there. They are your helpers at the start. They get paid in money from me and you may pay in personal services. They may end up owing you."
"Those boys are going to be the death of me yet but I will go out with a smile."
"Then you accept?"
An obscure organisation stepped in and donated a five hundred thousand dollars for the continued police surveillance. No stipulations were made so the police were happy to accept and they gave a receipt for tax purposes.
I went to school, the first school day in October. The police escort did not cover me at school and as long as I went with an adult I was considered safe enough. Tony was not found yet and the risk was considered small.
Miss Lime was my teacher. She was far from being sour. She was young and had some impressive degrees. She had taken many courses in helping troubled children. I took my rightful seat and the girls around me had to touch me for luck or something. They rotated the duty of taking my crutch and putting it on the floor where it would not be a tripping hazard.
The guys were all smiling at me being back and about my greeting. One or another could come over now but never all three. I figured that in a few months two could come then a few months more all three. Usually when they came they were with other guys, especially Greg. Greg would draw the attention.
Our class was large even with an extra grade six, seven and eight. Those that were in grade eight that were more fragile went in my class. Betts had to be transferred to the other grade eight class to fulfil my duties there. Chuck, and Jerry went with her. She ruled with a velvet glove over a steel hand. None of her other classmates could claim to kill people when they got angry.
For some reason I was not seen quite the same way. I was hurt and thus in need of care. I had killed too but I was a near cripple. It was a little illogical but that was the way it worked. It didn't hurt Betts popularity any and I already had to many people hanging around me.
I reaped all the benefits that Betts had sowed. She talked to people in every class about how to treat those weaker than themselves. Nobody disputed her at all. When I came to class, I had nothing to do.
Doc Suffolk had given me the names of those that needed help. He didn't tell me the help that was needed or the way to go about it. The one at the top of the list was Terry. He was the guy I met that disliked Greg. It may have been better for Greg to be in another class but I could see the dislike but not understand it. Terry never came out and called Greg names. He showed his dislike in other ways. It would be the pause when talking about Greg or his expression that said that Greg was different.
Penny was at the same party I met Greg and Terry. She was like Heather and seemed to be slated to love only women. The two hung around together all the time and held each other openly. I could see the way they were and many others could too but nobody got on their case. I guess it had to do with girls always being friendly this way with other girls.
The first recess had a lot of guys clustered around me. The 'secret' had been out less then a week after the attack. Betts had given a factual account of it to the police and a far less vivid one to her friends at school.
In keeping with my image I talked about how strong or powerful the guys were and then how weak and so very lucky I was. I got descriptive about how it felt to be shot. I claimed to have been slightly sick for a long time when I thought of what I had done. This was true but I put more weight behind it.
At noon Betts and I ate our lunch but now we had fifty seven others with us. Most were those that made it to our school from the farm but others had gravitated our way because they felt weak or threatened.
I gave quiet talks that were in effect speeches about how I was before and how I was after I decided to stand up for myself. The old code of keeping quiet was shown for what it really was. There was no real bullying at our school now. None would dare with everybody ready to tell Betts or me.
We did find abuse at some homes but nothing we could do too much about. It usually centred on alcohol or drug problems. In some cases the younger people that got hurt deserved everything they got and more. Laws or rules were not stated in enough detail to indicate who was being an asshole and in need of an attitude adjustment or not.
Betts and I talked to the assholes enough to let them know that they were the authors of their own misfortunes. Being human they thought we were full of shit.
School work was boring but I was used to filling in time. Miss Lime knew about my math and took delight in giving me work she thought would challenge me. I did the work required of me and then worked on crystals that were conveniently in my mouth.
Nadac gave me updates on how well our computer was growing. Its power expanded exponentially after a certain point. I felt like a parent in a way. The crystals I was now processing would go into this computer but more were being made so they would fit into a much stronger 80 some day. Nadac was always watched and it was hoped that the current computer though an 88 could handle some of the chores without being monitored. Only a computer with a number less than 88 could house an intelligence. They usually started at an 86 though for the 87 was borderline.
My typical after school activities had to do with sports. Since I could not play I coached. Betts and I picked coed teams. That fought and snarled at each other as a game. Every two weeks the teams were changed so that there were no permanent 'enemies'.
Chuck agreed to take the younger kids and fight Wendy. Paul always seemed to get picked first or nearly so. These sports were not as competitive but Wendy snarled at Chuck and he always pretended to cringe to the delight of the young set. Even his own team laughed at him.
Pop sold his house with a short closing date. We had to worry now about what to keep and what to get rid of. The furniture in Wendy's home was better for the most part. We had already moved into the new house. The rooms were redone to our liking. The idea was to make the house different. So many bad things had happened in this house that I figured I could never really like it. It was not the people I killed but the rapes, blackmail and the fact that Wendy's mother was killed and buried here.
The Scringi's had completed the deal and moved out just prior to the closing date. The house though was being watched from two houses across the street. It would just have to remain vacant for a while.
We had moved into our new house and set up housekeeping. Our money was pooled and an offer made on the house. Nadac used a telephone to talk for me. He said that he hated it but he could not accept three mill for the property but if we threw in a hundred thousand more to keep the paperwork straight we would have a deal. We quickly accepted.
Our lawyers talked to other lawyers of ours and the deal completed. We had another party now because we were a family and house owners. The children were not put on the deed. This would leave an uncomfortable question why June, Betts and Patricia were not on when Wendy, Erin and I were. I was not worried about money at a time like this though the adults were.
The first Saturday in December I took a taxi downtown with Jerry and Sam to pick out gifts. The guys had lots of money but so far had been good with how much they spent.
The girls went out in groups with an adult present to buy into the bullshit that retailers made of Christmas. They would get things for me but Wendy was buying for another guy. Wendy and Chuck had started talking more and she had invited him over to the house but only after asking me.
"Wendy, I am one guy and I can only be spread so thin. A girl needs somebody to hold for her own. Chuck is a great guy. He doesn't pick his nose in public now or even look stunned when a pretty girl like you comes along. I know he likes you too."
"He does?"
"He has two eyes and big testicles. You are female and very beautiful. You are even stupid enough to talk to him. He thinks you are smart, charming and beyond his reach. He is also my friend. Just don't lead him on and if he is no good. Just tell him as soon as possible."
"I might want to find out about his testicles."
"I will only be jealous if he makes you scream louder than you and I do."
Chuck became a regular. Sam came over too but now Jerry came over when invited by Betts with one excuse or another. Terry and Greg came too but if Terry knew that Greg was coming then he refused. We tried to muddy the waters but also get people adjusted.
Jerry and Sam came into the house with me to help me put away what they helped me buy and their own gifts for their friends and family. They would get stored here to keep nosey fingers out of some presents until the last moment.
Leslie said, "Wally, did Wendy, Ashleigh or Elaine tell you when they were getting back?"
"No, Mom. Wendy talks to me less now that Chuck holds her hand."
"You're still not jealous?" Leslie didn't like the term 'Mom II' so I called her Mom like I did Lillian. The name fit both though one was a lot younger.
"No, if it were up to me I would see if these two lugs could take some of the pressure off too."
"Not all the pressure?"
"I am not ready for the priesthood."
Jerry and Sam went home. The girls' cell phones were called and even Chuck's. He was with them and Gail was the head honcho. When I found out that nobody answered I searched for the crystals in them to find the direction they were in. I was very surprised to fine them east and not south. The signal though was odd. It took a second to find out what it was. It was far away.
I wanted to immediately call Nadac for help but he and especially Rontem would get pissed off. They would refuse to help me in any case.
Betts was back and working with her girls. Erica was her lieutenant now and helped whenever she could. This was not for sex but because Betts made a lot of sense.
I pulled Betts way with an apology. Betts knew something was wrong and said, "What's wrong?"
"Wendy, Ashleigh, Elaine, Gail and Chuck are far to the east. At a guess I would say about a hundred kilometres. They are all together still."
"It looks that way."
"What do you want to do?"
"Like the farm."
"Did you call the guys?"
"You do it. Meet at the... Wait. We can't take a taxi and say go east. Even if he did he would remember us."
"June has a licence."
"Better to steal a car. Jerry can drive."
"Like he did at the farm?"
"He's been practising since then."
"I hope so. Ask him if there is a car he can get that won't get missed."
I was even more nervous than I was when the guys attacked our home. It had to be Tony. There was a good chance he would call me to taunt me or to get me to go where I was now going. Tony had to go for good.
The guns, and equipment fit in my pack. It wasn't long ago that I still had to use the crutch but I could manage for a short distance with this weight. The dark clothing and balaclavas would now be welcome because it usually had frost at night. I debated on the grenades then threw all of them in too.
Betts got a first aid kit and blankets. The girls would be in shock if they were alive. Tony was a sadist.
With a cop as a houseguest we had to be careful but we had already found ways to get around him or her. Betts took the packs out as I gave her an update to where the guard was at that moment.
We were in a bad position. Wendy's continued absence would cause Leslie to call out the cops. Betts and I were going to disappear at the same time. If we got the girls back then Leslie would know that we probably had something to do with it. The key to this was Leslie. If we left and there was another armed confrontation then Leslie would suspect that Betts and I had something to do with it.
Wendy or the other girls could not hide the fact either. They were not strong enough yet. I knew one thing. If we were found it was still worth it to save the lives of the girls and Chuck.
Lillian came home later but just after Jerry phoned us. I said to Leslie as the two women sat talking, "Wendy told Betts that they were going to be out late. There are three places they are going to be. Betts and I are going to get a lift and go get them. Chuck I thought had more brains."
"Where do you think they are?"
"Three places downtown shopping but I think they are going to end up at Gail's place to let off some steam."
"You guys going to do the same thing?"
I pulled Betts to me and said, "That can happen."
"Do you want me to give you a lift?"
"I already called for a ride, thanks."
We were outside when a small car stopped out front. Betts and I threw our packs in and jumped in. Jerry said, "Where?"
"Hit the 407 east."
"It's a toll road. The car will get billed."
"Shit... pull off where there may be some dirt."
Jerry did drive better. He had wheedled some lessons from Gail and she could not deny the guys anything. I gave the information I had and it felt much better that the munchkins were safe at home and not with Wendy or Gail. I let Betts know that we may have difficulty if we disappeared just when Wendy got rescued. Factoring in my lie to where she might be would show that I was hiding something.
Betts and I did our best to coat the plates with dirt and I added some bare twigs to the back plate to help. I didn't think the mud would stay on. I got in the front so Sam could get ready.
I could bring up a road map in my head but only our position was on it. The others were just further to the east. Jerry went as fast as the rest of the traffic, which meant we were speeding. Betts and I got out of our clothes and put on our camo outfits. It was still light out but not for long. The family would worry soon and do something about it.
The pattern seemed to shift northward as we approached a cut off for the York/Durham Line. "Take the exit going north."
Three kilometres north I felt the positions shift. I also knew where they probably were. Here was one of the farms I owned. It had no bodies on it from Nadac's previous search but I guess Tony was going to change that status.
We turned west on Elgin Mills Road and a kilometre later turned south on Ressor Road. There was a large woodlot in both sides of the road. A small road left the road and went through the trees. Jerry didn't like it but we went down this road to get away from passing traffic but stopped as soon as we could
"The guys are three hundred metres away. They may have heard the car." Jerry got dressed as we finished putting on or weapons. We spread out down the road to take out any patrol coming to investigate until Jerry was ready.
We were far enough away to need light. The moon was out and the cultivated field was easy to see with our glasses. I used the low power infrared scope. There was an old trailer parked in the trees with a pickup and a car nearby.
"They are in the trailer. Two people are outside the trailer crouched down near a tree or a pile of rocks and earth. Betts, Sam. Head forward and to your left while I try to distract them. Jerry move straight in but stay near the ditch. Let us get into position first."
Betts and Sam had problems getting through brush. I would be exposed to their view but stayed on the ground in a low area. I collected, then threw rocks ahead of me and still into the cultivated field to keep them focussed my way. One of the heat sources moved closer to me to investigate. I heard whispers and in a moment the other one moved too.
It was easier for the two to move closer to Jerry to stay in cover before approaching me. One carried a rifle and a pistol and the other had to have a pistol too. I could see Jerry move forward a bit at a time but the enemy was much easier to see. Betts and Sam were not seen at all. That is why I gave them their task. They were good enough to do it well.
The first sentry stopped and the second moved forward once more. One figure stood back among the trees and waved the all clear. I went back the way I had come still on my belly. I could be seen from the trailer. When I was back to my previous position, I continued the way Jerry had gone.
Jerry was near one of the downed men with his confiscated weapons. The rifle had a scope and the pistol had to be a MAC 11 firing 9mm ammunition.
"Good work. Did they call out?"
"The first one made a grunt. I missed this one twice. I won't find the darts in the dark."
"We'll worry about that later. Head to the car with me." I transmitted, "Betts, Sam, take the truck." We kept low. I held the rifle barrel because there was no strap. Jerry had the SMG. He had no actual training in it and it had no suppressor. It was better than our dart guns but people were still nearby though the trees would cut down most of the noise.
When we got near I said to my team. They are all in the trailer. Two hostiles. One to the right of the door and another at the back with our people barricaded around him."
"Jerry, move the selector to single shot. There is a red line on the trailer six centimetres high that makes an abrupt turn down and then forward. Can you put a bullet in that backward slashing line?"
He was close and said, "If I got closer I would be sure."
"You can get where I am and that's all."
He nodded.
"Sam take a grenade. Place it as far under the back portion of the trailer tire as you can. Pull the pin and leave quickly. Jerry, at the four second mark fire one or two rounds into that area. No more than that. The trailer may tip or not but the last hostile may move enough that I get a shot at him. Betts you take the door but only after I tell you. It is probably locked now. Blow the door open if you have to. I will cover you from the rear. If Jerry doesn't take out his target, I will. Sam, your turn. Go."
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He said to me, in all of his beautiful innocence, "I want to please you."I stared. He was delicate.My hand felt so good against his cheek. He closed his eyes, leaning into my touch. Lips parting slightly, as if to accept some unwarranted caress.Leaning forward, I shut my eyes and whispered what I was feeling."I do want you to please me.""Yes..." his breath came out with one word."And how do you want to please me, my little victim?" The word -- alone -- said it all. But he did not hear it."Let...
Anna Claire Clouds makes sure she does a great job as a maid for Jennifer White. It’s appreciated how she always wants to look extra professional for her job. That makes Jennifer want to do ultra naughty things to that sexy, petite little body on Anna! Jennifer shows up in lingerie and tempts Anna into naughty lesbian action! And Anna is more than ready to devour gorgeous Jennifer! When Jennifer’s husband Ramon Nomar walks in, he is shocked! Even though they’re clearly BUSTED...
xmoviesforyouAm Morgen erwacht die achtzehnjährige Jenny mit einem tierisch dicken Brummschädel, so als ob sie die ganze Nacht durchgezecht hätte. Dabei trinkt sie doch keinen Tropfen Alkohol. Sie setzt sich ächzend auf und sieht sich suchend im Zimmer um. Sie liegt splitterfasernackt im breiten Doppelbett im Schlafzimmer ihrer Mutter. Ganz angestrengt versucht Jenny sich zu erinnern. Wieso hat sie bloß im Bett ihrer Mutter geschlafen? Ein plötzliches lautes Schnarchen lässt sie erschrocken herumfahren. Da...
The executive officer of Plus Creations, an upscale fashion corporation for full figured women, was Brenda Carson. Brenda runs the company with an authoritarian grip of dicipline. She is a tall dark haired lady(a heavier version of Kloe Kardashian), about 6'1" and is herself a beautiful full figured woman. Brenda is 35 and weighs 195 pounds, but is firm with measurements of 44-30-46 finished off by a wide bubble butt. Brenda. To summarize, she is a powerful woman who keeps up her looks is...
Hope you guys/girls have liked my previous story about my maid Bindu. Those have missed it can read the first part above. Me and Bindu continued of relation/ sex game on my weekly off. I have bought kamasutra book to try each and every position with darling Bindu and we did and enjoyed a lot. Nowadays sex apatite of Bindu has increased a lot and she want to be fucked in any position and at any time. Some time she use to ask me to take leave from office to fuck her and we enjoyed a lot in our...
I did something that I’m kind of regretting now. All the rage is to get your hair straightened. Everybody goes to have keratin treatments on their hair. The stiff price of having it done can set you back about two hundred dollars. The stylists will encourage you to buy the products to make sure your hair stays straight. Here’s where it gets a little weird. I took three hundred dollars out of my rent money and used it on my hair. My hair looks fabulous, except now, I don’t have my rent. I don’t...
AnalOk, this is my first attempt at writing, so it might be a little on the rough side until I get an idea of where I want my writing to take me. Constructive criticism is welcome, and I am open to any useful suggestions or ideas you might have. Please, no bashers. Hope you like it! Renee * Our story begins in the early 1800’s England, on the estate of Lord Carrington, Earl of Bendford, just north of London. The Earl’s only daughter, Katherine, rose early that morning, dressed in her favorite...
Monday dawned clear and cold. I got up and went next door for breakfast. Lana kept an eye on me, but didn’t mention last night’s conversation. She, Beck and I piled into her car to go to school early since the cheer team had a follow-up meeting with Mr. Peterson at 8:30. Beck split off to do some reading and we went to the office where we met the rest of the girls. We were seated around the conference table and Mr. Peterson came in just before 8:30. It didn’t bode well that Coach Mullins was...
Es wahr ein wunderschöner Tag und er versprach noch viel angenehmer zu werden, aber fangen wir zu dem Zeitpunkt an, an dem ich dich mit dem Wagen von zu Hause abholte.Wir hatten uns für diesen Tag verabredet um nach langer Zeit endlich wieder etwas Zeit miteinander verbringen zu können. Du willigst ein, dich an diesem Tag von mir überraschen zu lassen.Und ich hatte vorgesorgt um uns einen herrlichen Tag bescheren zu können.Wir wahren beide sehr gut in Stimmung an diesem Tag und so verwundert es...
The general idea here is to to imagine a world where you can kidnap any girl from any cartoon/anime and do whatever you want to her. ideas for damsels include... Daphne Blake and Velma Dinkley from Scooby Doo.. Kim Possible and the Middleton High Cheerleaders Ava Aayla aka White Tiger, Mary Jane Watson, Gwen Stacey and Felicia Hardy from Ultimate Spiderman Hera Syndulla, Sabine Wren and Ahsoka Tano from Star Wars Rebels Catalina "Lioness" Leone, Liza Leone, Samantha "Magness" Payne from Alpha...
BDSMNormally when a package is being delivered and it begins to vibrate uncontrollably before it is handed over would be embarrassing to some; but this deliver man just wonders what on earth could be vibrating so much. He demands his payment and Whitney has no way to pay but she NEEDS this package today. She can not wait any longer. After some tug of war the box contents go flying; and like magic, Whitneys shorts are off and her pussy is in the air to make the most amazing vibrator catch ever. Can...
xmoviesforyouW I F E + B E S T F R I E N D S W I F E G O L E S B I A N True Story: This happened with my, at the time, wife, before our divorce years later. Her name was Debbie. We had friends, I’ll call them Tom and Laura, that we did almost everything with. We played cards and drank at least once a week, Took trips together, just hung out a lot. So, leading up to this incident, at one point we all got naked after a night of playing cards and a lot to drink, and...
The very first day I landed in Thailand a local colleague whom I had known from before invited me to a massage. He told me it would be a great experience. When we reached the place where he obviously was a favorite customer he picked a girl for me and told her to give a full body massage. The girl was slim, very slightly built, very cute wearing a short thin white uniform dress. She smiled easily and giggled all the time though she spoke no English. Once we were in the massage room she...
IncestAttempting to put into words, the thoughts of a mother, and failing miserably. I love you are not words mere enough for a glimpse of what we perceive to be the greatest wisdom of all. Over time and years of what we refer to as living have taught me more things about the inner self than I ever could have wished to be victim to. And Elliot was just part of my teachings, a fragment of life shattered by the loss of an ivory innocence, folded with all graceful curves of a budding rose, floating...
Note: This story is completely fictional! Hi everyone. There was this cousin named Rakhee I grew up with back in India. She was about eight years younger to me and we grew up almost like real . She was the daughter of my mom’s brother and she and her family would often stay over with us over the long weekends. She even referred to me as ‘bhaiya’… which is Hindi for big brother. She went to an all girls' school and I was one of the few boys she knew. When I was about 19 I went off to college and...
IncestBig brother was leaving soon. He had his little girlfriend. Petite little thing, small everywhere. Nothing like his sister, who was built curvy and tall. They would get married and be gone. Then all his younger sister would have was her fantasies.But ever since she'd come home from college big brother had started flirting with her when she teased him. She wore her short shorts and he slapped her ass, down low where his fingers could curve between her legs. She squealed and looked at him. She...
The clouds bear the shadows of night. I hide among them and steal a vision fierce before me. The lunatic dancer wears a hue unknown to my visual palette. The otherworld tuxedo glows in the feeble light. Under his top hat, a masked visage like a corpsed mime. He dances, twirls to sing-song lyrics, the tune remains but the words have been lost long ago. White gloved hands swaying to the demented melody, reach toward the pale moon pregnant with ghastly beams. Faster he twists, his tattered tails...
TUESDAY, June 7, 2016 Ruby was at her new store before 8, and shortly after she saw Gary's pickup truck pull up outside. She exited the new store, and slid into the truck between Gary and Mike. Apparently there is a law that if there are two men and a woman in a pickup, the woman must ride in the middle. It is a little over a half hour drive from Ingersoll to London, but the restaurant supply place was on the western part of the larger city, so they made it in 25 minutes. The place reminded...
Mekala and Malar Vizi are women police constables working in D3 Police Station in Triplicane. They have been working there for the last four years. They have become thick friends now. Malar Vizi is from a reasonably well off family and is from Mylapore while Malar is from ordinary middle class family and she resides at Perambur. Malar and Mekala have been deputed to undergo a fortnight training at the Police Training College at Ashok Nagar. It is residential. Even the police personnel of...
LesbianMaggie was still sleeping when Leslie came home around four. Of course I told her what had happened and she gave me a look that was filled with remorse. "She's really had it tough, you know?" I nodded, and asked it she wanted a drink. "Sure, anything as long as it's potent," and she flounced down on the couch. "What a day," Leslie said, "what a day. Boy if it weren't for last night and all that love making, I think I might have smacked my boss in the face and quit." So I asked...
Hi guys and gals let me introduce myself….I am Shanmugam…male from madras. this happened last ye was 24… I live in a posh area….in a nice apartment with my parents. We have really friendly neighbors except one person opposite my house….man she is a fucking bitch…and her age is 70…can u believe it ” at that age she pokes her nose in every damn thing ,…she doesn’t pay the maintenance fee for the flat etc. Well she did have a granddaughter who was an….angel personified…she looks wow! her name is...
Dosto aapne is story ka pahala part to padh hi hoga ab main aapko batane ja raha hu ki maine kaise savita mami ki gaand mari wo bhi jamkar. Dusare din uthane ke baad mai mami ko bola ki teri gaand marani hai to usane mana kar diya aur boli ki muze teri chudai ki wajah se chalana bhi nahi ho raha hai gaand marega to mai khadi bhi nahi ho paungi. Usane office me call kar ke chutti le li. Baad me jab wo uthi aur dheere dheere kaam karne lagi humne breackfast karate samay mami boli fhir kal raat ko...
Monday, Luke went looking for Matt between classes, finding him in the student union. Luke walked up to Matt. “I need your help.” “What’s up.” “A couple of things. The gang hasn’t gotten together just to hang out since before school started. Fred wants to get together and introduce Tasha to the whole gang.” “No problem we can get together at the ranch some time, but why isn’t Fred bringing this to me?” “Because, I may have a toy of my own, or a shit load of trouble. I’m not sure...
This is a story that is one of many in which it is time for me to share. In a nutshell, my name is Dean, my mother had a thing for Dean Martin it seems, but I go by Dina. I am a 26 year old white pre-op transsexual that has no interest in switching my outside in, if you know what I mean. I was born to a single mother, never knowing who my father was. Considering the lifestyle of my mother, I doubt that she had any idea who he was either. I have always been effeminate in nature and as I grew up...
I was lying in bed for the third night that week with my trusty stainless steel vibrator working away up inside my pussy listening to my roommate Roxie get off for the fifth time in the last two hours. She was so sexy. A petite blonde with full breasts and long shapely legs and the most gorgeous blue eyes I have ever seen. I could just imagine her straddled across Chris's hips riding his thick cock like a professional cowgirl. Just the thought of what was going on in the next room was enough to...
I walked in the guys locker room at 4:30 knowing this was my only chance to win. I had just celebrated my 18th birthday three days before. My name is Cheryl and at 5’11” and 142 pounds, I am the queen of the volleyball court. District player of the year, All-State and recruited by dozens of colleges. But that’s not why people came to see me play. My body is perfect and those tight and tiny uniforms show it off perfectly. That’s why they come to see me. When I crouch to prepare for a serve, dads...
We got into contact, his name was Prince. He was in his 60s and a retired army man. He needed some help around the house as he recently had an accident. I got the address, packed my bags and went to his house. He was tall, he had white hair all over his body, a hunky build and a bald head. He looked at me from head to toe. The first day was pretty normal, he showed me the house and explained the chores i needed to do. He also told me he needed a massage now i felt weird at this, but i was...
With her ginger locks, sweet, innocent face and tiny tits, Ava is sure to become your new favorite. She’s an eager little cock-sucker who slurps up this guy’s stiff pole while bobbing her head up and down. Her teen pussy looks hot getting fingered and fucked, especially with that smattering of red pubes. And what’s even hotter is the way she squeaks and moans while getting drilled. There’s not a dull moment in this scene because Ava truly loves to fuck! Watch it through...
xmoviesforyouThis is continuation of the Factory Love I. I request the viewers to have a glimpse at part I to get the full picture. Hope you will like this.. I need step back to 15 days back to start this story with Reshma’s chapter. Reshma is young, unmarried, very beautiful and very voluptuous, excellent structure with very tight well grown ass. She might fit to any type of dresses that she wears. Most of the employees working over there have an eye on her. I didn’t get a chance to flirt with her as she...
For the longest time I couldn't get the image of Keesha beating Joe out of my mind and so one day I decided to take a chance and call her up to see if she would come over and beat Joe again. "Keesha this is Carmen" as she answered the phone "I was wondering if you might be free later today" I began "And if you'd like to come over for another session with Joe" I finished. There was silence for a moment until, "I don't know Carmen" she said "It was fun, but" and she hesitated. I knew I had to...
Elexis Monroe is cleaning up, wiping the kitchen counter when something on the floor catches her eye. She bends down to get a closer look at it. It is a small puddle of clear liquid. Hmmm, she says to herself, puzzled. Why would there be a wet spot HERE? Is the fridge leaking? she wonders aloud to herself, inspecting the floor around it. Nope, the fridge seems fine. She looks back down and her eyes widen when she sees another puddle a few feet away, in another spot closer to the end of the...
xmoviesforyouThe night started off like my usual night on X. Reading stories and getting all hot and bothered from the sexy vidz. My man is on the prowl looking for a hot chick to eat my pussy. You see we decided to make a Fuckit list. The fuckit list is the sexual conquest that we want to conquer before we kick the bucket. His fantasy is to see me eat pussy or vise versa. My fantasy is to watch him eat some pussy. I get wet from the thought of him licking and sucking on a tight lil cunt. As I was saying we...
PART 1We knew each other before, but a few months ago over a few beers, my secret slipped about me being a cross dresser. John was completely curious and ask me a multitude of questions as we continued to drink. He clearly found the idea intriguing. A month later I received a text that simply read “I wanna see. Wife’s out of town.” That weekend we met again over drinks and he shared with me that his wife was out of town and if Inwanted to “have the run of her closet.” No doubt. So we finished...
There a young, somewhat inexperienced girl who has been flirting with me all evening at some sort of party and I decide to call her bluff. I pull her into an empty room, pull her close to me, whisper in her ear asking her if she wants to feel me inside her. Playfully running my fingers down her neck, lightly tracing her nipple with my finger. She responds with a yes and I ask if she's ever fucked an older man. She says no. I can tell she's nervous. I ask if her pussy is wet and before she...
Hello, Indian Sex Stories dot net readers, this sex story is the second and final installment of my previous sex story “Drenched in the wet heaven”, if you haven’t read it yet, click the link here and read it first, and be prepared for an ecstatic and orgasmic ride. I received a really nice feedback on my previous sex story, and I will take all care in this part to avoid any errors. Let me describe myself first, I am Rohan,...
It was tough running a farm during WW2. Gas and farm equipment were hard to get, even though farms were essential to the war effort. Even more difficult was good help since the armed forces were gobbling up the prime men and city jobs paid a lot more. Out on the plains it was a long way to town and neighbors weren't very close either. There was limited radio and no television yet. Hattie and Slim were fourth generation wheat farmers way west of Kansas City. They had a lot of land but no kids...
It's a Friday Morning and my Neighbor asked if im up camping again? I told him I'm on Vacation and told yeah I'm free of course can't forget what happened last time in my last story. And yes these are true! He told me we weren't going tent style were going motor home style, I said Cool! So later around 3pm, The motor home arrived and it was pretty good size! His friend came out and Cute as fuck with a ass that don't quite, round in those tight jeans. We Packed And we were off to the campground...
Our old friend Jay Romero makes his long-awaited return to See H?️M Fuck this week and we paired HIM up with uniquely freaky MILF Lolly Dames for this week’s hot update. After director extraordinaire Johnny ?? Robbins helps us get caught up with the North African, Jay does a sexy striptease and when Lolly sees that bulge in his See HIM boxers ?? she can’t help but suck on that big prick for a little bit. She then slathers HIM with lube ?? make sure to keep his beautiful cock nice...
xmoviesforyouIn the pool, fixed and fucked. I was with friends at the pool, and looked at where to swim. When I was suddenly thrown into another pool. There was a problem, I could not swim. I tried again abe to get out of the pool, r that did not work. Finally, 2 lifeguard came, jumped into the water and rescued me. But I was not responsive. The lifeguards took me out of the water, laid me on the stretcher and took me into a locked room. They are civil servants me until I was again accessible. They fixed...
Hatching A Heroine Chapter 3 Written by Emilie Ember Edited by Talia Elliott Belser Two miles. That's how far from the city Lonna had traveled, alongside Talith, before casting the spell. That obviously meant they'd be walking two miles to get back home, too. Yet when Lonna conveyed that to the heroine... "Two miles!?" He looked at the redhead in shock, then forcibly swallowed, and nodded his head. "I'll do my best." Although Lonna knew, absolutely, beyond a doubt that...
Once again Anastasia Knight catches her stepbrother Michael Swayze masturbating. Why does he keep his door open? Her mom would have gotten really upset, but not Anastasia. She’s alone and bored and imagining him jerking off as she does the same to herself. Why must a stepbrother and stepsister masturbate alone when they have no one to fuck them? She immediately goes over and tells her brother this is stupid, get in here and fuck me. Well why not? He does just that! She lies back, spreads...
xmoviesforyouA while back, I booked a break in the sun without our kids. It was only four nights — but Julie and I desperately needed time together. It was a reasonably priced deal to Maspalomas in the Canary Isles and we arrived at our hotel in late-morning and quickly showered and dressed for the beach. The twenty minutes' walk to the vast and quiet beach was well worth it. The sand was smooth but somewhat hot and we paddled in the sea before setting out our towels, applying sun lotion, and lying down to...
First TimeWe soon started into the hugging, kissing, and rubbing that had become commonplace during our love playing. As this continued, we slowly moved to the king-sized bed, and first stripped off the comforter and the blanket. As we lay on the bed, we took turns in different positions, and being in a triangle of one sort or another. I had just finished bringing Courtney off by licking her pussy, and sucking on her clit. As I kissed my way up her body, Emily stopped kissing her, and moved to the...
Hi! Mera Naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname yunghelper (mail id: ) se apnee nett dostto (hot gals ) see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sach haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa.My hot and horny readers see ek appeal haa- padnee see pahlee ladke apnaa lund pakad lee aur ladkeeya apne chut mee unglee dal lee takee story padne mee zyadaa maza aayegaa...
Her hard nipples, they get me every time. The way they poke through the thin cloth of her bikini sends me wild. Laying beside her on the beach I cant help but stare at the sweat dripping off her body. Staring her up and down my cock begins to throb, quickly growing hard and leaving me in no shape for the public beach. I roll over and whisper in her ear “come with me” as I kiss down her neck. She doesn’t say anything but grabs my hand as I help her to her feet. As she stands I watch her C cups...
maureen is a older woman i used to work with she is 62 years old short brown hair to her neck glasses,nice tits, some sag to them but still nice, nice ass and a trimmed pussy, this happened a few years ago, i meet maureen at work very nice from the day i started, sweet lady, grandma like, would help you out anything you need she was there, very sweet lady.she was set to retire and the office staff wanted to take her out for drinks and dinner, maureen was surprised when she showed up gifts,cards...
Hi this incident happened in my life a year ago. Let me introduce about myself I’m 22 years 5.10 feet tall slim athletic. I was at final sem of engineering and was placed in a MNC through TNSLP and had to prepare a lot for my final project. I always had quarrel with my Dept. HOD we had many ego problems. I used to annoy him asking critical doubts in class and make him say “I don’t know I shall refer and tell you’. My team members were so lethargic and casual and not interested in VHDL Project...
Gay MaleI looked up as she swung her legs over me so that she was straddling my head, her ripe, gooey cunt directly overhead. I noticed that she had shaved recently, and I squirmed at the realisation that it was probably intended for my benefit last night. But I had fucked up, and her freshly shaved pussy had instead been enjoyed by our son and his band of friends."Now, Stanley, I want you to go to town on this pussy like your life depends on it." Sarah said instructively as she lowered herself down...
The Crossroads had become our place of choice in doing the casual thing as opposed to the formal thing. We still did the fancy dinner at the fancy bistro. We still liked those kinds of things too. But most of the time when we met, or got together with friends, we met at the C. The company was good, the bartenders professional, and the mood of the place suited us. We were here again. Having been deposited by the cab, van, we had our usual table near the back and far enough from the disco guy...
Sweet Clover and I were ready to rebuild the Passion Mill boundary. We assembled a boundary team and squatted at our work. Passion Mill is not a large community. Even so, spreading pee around the perimeter of all the living spaces is no small task. I had assembled a wonderful team: we were silly and messy, embracing both the fun and importance of our job. Clover and I were working together between the third and fourth quarters. She said, “How about you lie on your pack. I spray you, you...