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This is just a bit of fun. It was supposed to be quite short, but it sort of got away from me. It pokes a little fun at the cuckold stories on the site. As such it could have found a home in ‘Loving Wives’ but I think that would put the emphasis in the wrong place.
It could have gone into ‘Humour and Satire’, I suppose. Yes, I agree the tale is a little far fetched, and the moral issues raised are complex, but don’t let that spoil your fun! If it does – stop reading: there is enough suffering in the world without punishing yourself!
I would have thought that the plot line would have been used before. I searched at some length, but could not find one. Apologies to any author who has preempted me. This tale is the product of my own deranged imagination.
It’s longish, but I’m taking the risk of not splitting it into parts but posting it whole. It’s in chapters for those who can’t stomach reading the whole thing in one sitting.
All characters, including the narrator, and all companies are fictitious apart from Bill Bailey, comedian and musician, who is in my opinion a genius. Joseph Holt and his beer are also thankfully very real.
All engaged in carnal activity are over eighteen years old, but not necessarily very wise.
It might have been a mistake, but it wasn’t all my fault. I’ve had plenty of time to think it through, and I’m sure it really wasn’t my fault, though it did me a real favour – eventually. Some mistakes are like that.
It was Gary. That’s whose mistake it was, and yes, it was his fault.
‘Rod, old son,’ he said to me that dark cold March evening in the pub, ‘It’s a chance you’ve always dreamed about. Now you can have it.’
‘It?’ I’m afraid I shouted, and other patrons glanced my way. So more quietly: ‘It is a She!’
‘Ssh!’ he said. ‘People are looking.’
‘Rachel is your wife,’ I said more quietly and with exaggerated patience. ‘I always thought marriage was in some sense about faithfulness – you know – not going off shagging other people?’
‘Look Rod,’ he said with a show of almost as much patience as I had demonstrated, ‘Modern marriage is more varied, more flexible. Couples decide for themselves what they do. After four years of marriage and six years together, Rache and I want to have new experiences.’
‘But you are saying you want to get her to sleep with another man! You want it. Does she?’
‘She isn’t totally convinced,’ he said, ‘but I’ve done a lot of research on this. Lots of men get a real buzz out of knowing their wives are fucking someone else – some other bloke is pushing his cock into his wife, and once the women get the taste for it, they love it. Variety, Rod, variety. She just needs to try it and she’ll be won over.’
‘And what’s in it for you?’ I asked him. ‘Do you get the chance to shag other women?’
‘Well, yeah, but only if she wants me to.’
‘So?’ I was lost for words (except that one).
‘As a cuckold husband I get to experience all sorts of things – jealousy, uncertainty, powerlessness, and a big erotic charge. There’s also the thing that while you get to shag her, she always comes home to me. I’m the one she wants to be with for ever. Just talking about it with you is getting me hard!’
I shook my head. ‘I don’t get it,’ I said.
‘If you go along with me you will get it!’ he laughed.
‘Yes – her.’
‘I need to think about this,’ I said. ‘Ring me tomorrow.’
I should have been more explicit. I should have said ‘No Way!’
Gary and I had been at school together. Gary and I were mates. Rachel was in our class, and she was gorgeous! Dark lustrous hair, green eyes, captivating face, long neck and perfect figure, and slim shapely legs. Gary was one of the lucky sods who got to date her. There were a few who did date her, but none of them for long. She was clearly very choosy.
As far as pairing off is concerned Rachel and I were non-starters – she didn’t look twice at me, and I never talked with her. I’m one of the average guys, her time, and probably she herself, was more than filled by one or two of the handsome, athletic jocks who clustered round her.
Gary was always winningly handsome in a roguish sort of way, still is. He did date her in upper sixth form, and they were together for a while, but it finished as teenage romances do, they both moved on to other partners.
Gary and I went off to different universities, and it transpired that Rachel went to a third. Then Rachel and Gary both returned to our hometown immediately after graduating, while I got a job in computing ninety miles away. They took up again, lived together for a couple of years and then got married.
Gary had a managerial job in a light engineering firm and was making good money, with prospects of rising to the top of that particular tree. Rachel was an assistant manager in a department store, and from what Gary told me was in line for a store manager’s job. He told me all about their brand new cottage-style home. It looked very small and cramped to me. In Britain ‘cottage’ means ‘cramped’! (It does mean other things as well, but not in this story).
After I’d been five years with the firm, we opened a division back home and I was offered a directorship in charge of customer support and bespoke innovation – very important in software sales – and a move back home. It included adapting existing programmes to perform different or extended tasks according to a customer’s needs, but was mainly dealing with helping customers with more complex problems than those resolved by ‘turn it off and on again’, or ‘try plugging it in’.
I was very young for such promotion, but that was life in computing, everyone seems to get promoted young, and though I say it myself, I was very good at what I did, both solving problems and organising a team for more complex tasks.
The increase in salary and the share options were mind-blowing for me at that age, and I was able to buy myself a very roomy third floor flat with great views over a golf course to the hills beyond: spacious hallway, three bedrooms, living/dining room, kitchen, large bathroom with wet shower area as well as a bath, etc. Each of the rooms, I reckoned with slight exaggeration, were bigger than the total floor area of Gary’s and Rachel’s ‘cottage’. The flat was expensive, but now I could easily afford it. Life was good.
Gary was ecstatic I was back, and we took up again, though we only met in the pub or in my flat, I was seldom invited to their house, and when I was so invited, Rachel seemed to make herself scarce. Sometimes she would make polite conversation, you know, asking me how the job was going, that sort of thing, but she seemed distant and the exchanges were brief. They didn’t seem to invite people for meals. I laughed to myself that there wasn’t room to get everyone round a table in their dining room! I never invited them either.
Strangely it never occurred to me to wonder why. It was a ‘guy’ thing I suppose: we were drinking companions. I had a busy life at work and socially. Gary and I had no real interests in common: he talked football and cars and I listened and commented. We also commented on the attributes of my various girlfriends, and he crowed about his sexpot wife, so there was plenty to talk and joke about while out on the booze.
So now, after a settled couple of years of regular drinking with him, I was faced with this new situation. I didn’t think very clearly if I remember.
First of all, I’d always fancied Rachel, but it was clear that she did not fancy me at all, and as I said, I never made any attempt to date her at school. I’m not sure she even liked me, our meetings were never what you would call warm or friendly.
In any case, Gary got to her first and mates don’t poach their mates’ women, do they? I must have told him he was a lucky bastard, though now it seemed he took that to me
an I fancied her rotten, which I did, though very morally, hopelessly, and at a great distance.
So getting to shag the woman was very enticing at a visceral level: she was far better looking than any of the women I’d ever had. Come to think of it, she was far better looking than any women I’d ever seen. Realistically she would never go for it, and even if she did, morally I found the whole thing unsettling and frankly wrong.
Though she had a lively dating life in the last year of high school, and it was common knowledge that while she must have had sex, she was not ‘easy’ like some of the girls – the girls I went with. She had to date a boy for some weeks before they became intimate, and she was known never to cheat on the lad she was seeing. As a result only a few, which included Gary, actually got to date her. I assumed she still had those morals and would not betray her marriage.
Finally, I was not short of female companionship and I didn’t need the complication of a married woman, even one as pretty as Rachel. While at university I did the one night stand routines, some of which extended into two weeks or a month.
However in third year, I had given up the casual liaisons and had two serious relationships. The first girl, Abigail, was hot. She and I had a stupendous sexual relationship, but that was all we had. We lived together in each other’s rooms, but had few interests in common. Mind you, with all the sex we didn’t have time for much else.
It took us two months to realise that we were going nowhere, and finals were on the distant horizon. We parted without resentment.
A month later I fell for the other end of the alphabet, Zoë. With her it was the reverse of Abi. We had everything in common, we had the same interests, the same likes and dislikes.
Though constrained by the need to prepare for finals, we supported each other through those last months at university. We studied better in each other’s company, and seemed to know when we needed a break. Sex was simple and loving, it had meaning for us beyond physical performance. We were perfect for each other.
The trouble came as the offers of jobs came through. I was offered the aforesaid opportunity I couldn’t turn down about ninety miles from my home town, she had a similar offer but in Germany. She was a languages and business studies student, I was in science and computing.
We were realistic about it and took the jobs, and parted with great sadness and regret after graduating.
After the bereavement of parting from Zoë, I buried myself in my new job, and made rapid progress. It was eighteen months later that opportunities for relationships began to present themselves. Nothing deep or serious – the girls were career orientated as I was – and we had sex sporadically as recreation and fun.
Once I had moved and been promoted, opportunities for flings, one night stands or weekends, multiplied. For one thing I was back on home turf. I did not date anyone from work, but there were plenty of opportunities in the pubs and clubs. In my mid twenties, I was not looking for a life-time companion.
So climbing onto my high moral horse was easy: Rachel did not fancy me, and I had all the female interest I needed. I would refuse Gary’s offer. He could get some other mug to tup his wife.
That done, I forgot all about it and mentally got on with the mundanities of life. So trusting! I believe the term used is blindsided. I was blindsided.
The next day Gary phoned me at work.
‘Call by on Thursday?’ he asked.
‘Ok,’ I replied. ‘How did Rachel take it?’
‘She seemed ok with it,’ he said, though I thought I detected some uncertainty in his tone.
‘Ok,’ I said, ‘We can talk about it on Thursday. See you then.’
He rang off.
Gary and I had got into a pattern when going out on the booze. I would call by his place and pick him up, and then take him back to my place where I would park the car and we’d go to my local. After an evening drinking, he’d either get a taxi or we’d go back to my place where he’d get Rachel to pick him up. She’d ring the door bell at the outer entrance to the block, and he’d go down. She never came up, it was, after all, the third floor, though there was a lift.
On Thursday I had a surprise waiting for me. I drove up to the house, parked outside on the road as usual and touched the horn. I was not looking toward the house but ogling a rather pretty young woman across the street and wondering how she had managed to get into such skin-tight jeans, when the car door opened and Rachel got in the car.
The shock must have shown on my face.
‘Rachel!’ I said, rather fatuously. She looked annoyed, nay, angry.
‘Come on Rod!’ she snapped. ‘Drive. Let’s get this over with.’
‘Sorry?’ I said, still trying to cope.
‘You? Sorry?’ she spat. ‘I’m the one who’s sorry. You’re getting to fuck me it appears!’
‘Wait, Rachel,’ I said but I got no further.
‘I said drive!’ she shouted at me. By now she really was very angry. ‘Back to your place I suppose, or have you booked some seedy flea-ridden hotel?’
I put the car in gear and drove. I was starting to catch on. Gary had indeed blindsided me, probably realising that I would refuse if he didn’t pull a fast one.
He clearly hoped that her physical allure would be too much for me to resist. He’d led me to believe I was picking him up, and sent Rachel out instead. She thought I was in on his little plan.
It was a pleasant evening but only as far as the weather went, though it was dark by then, so I drove to a favourite beauty spot of mine and parked the car. It was on a hill and overlooked the town, the lights of which were very pretty, though not as pretty as Rachel, even when she was angry. Up till then, she had sat in sullen silence, which I was loth to break.
‘What are you doing Rod?’ she growled. ‘I’m not doing it in the-‘
‘Shut up, Rachel!’ I shouted over her. ‘Shut your mouth and listen to me.’
The surprise on her face and her silence showed how much I shocked her, so I was able to get a word in edgeways.
‘I was under the impression that I was picking Gary up tonight,’ I began, ‘so I could tell him I was not going along with any harebrained scheme involving you committing adultery for his excitement.
‘I just don’t understand why he’d want to prostitute you like that. You are gorgeous and I’m sure if it were me you were married to, I’d never want you to go with anyone else. Ever. I don’t think I could even let you out of my sight! You are more than enough for any man for a number of lifetimes. He’s insane!
‘Then you get in the car and start slagging me off. I’ve done nothing, Rachel, and I’m not going to do anything with you. OK?’ I shouted the last word for emphasis, and with a sneer.
She sat next to me looking at me with her mouth open. Then she became aware it was open, and closed it. I’d not noticed before, but she had good teeth.
‘But…’ she began, and stopped.
‘He said…’ again she stopped.
‘You’re not…’ and again. I began to wonder if she would ever get a complete sentence out at all.
‘Rachel,’ I said more gently, since she now seemed to be in shock, ‘I have fancied you rotten ever since we were in school together, but you have always been way out of my league. You have never ever showed the slightest interest in me at school: you were into the football players, and Gary – the good looking lads. I never arrived on your radar, did I?’
She looked puzzled. I ploughed on.
‘Gary talked about a chance I’d always wanted, now I could ‘have it’. I kept telling him you are a ‘she’ not an ‘it’. You are a woman – I have noticed – and you have feelings, and if you wanted to swing or cuckold him, you would never in a million years want to do it with me.’
She opened her mouth but I was in full spate.
‘In any case, I do have some morals, and e
ven if you asked me yourself, I would refuse you. You are married, committed, and should be faithful to Gary, no matter how stupid he is!
‘Does that make it any clearer to you?’ I’m afraid the tone was sarcastic.
‘Yes, Rod, it does,’ she said, rather chastened. There followed a lengthy silence while we looked out over the beautiful valley below our parking spot.
‘Rod, I never knew,’ she said quietly. ‘You were always gentle and thoughtful. The other girls adored you. You were – are – clever, very clever. I used to hear you discussing music, politics and chess and stuff. I learned to play chess because of you.’
Now it was my turn to be amazed.
‘Oh?’ I managed.
Another long silence.
At length she spoke again, turning towards me and taking my hand. Zap! Electricity!
‘I’m very upset with Gary,’ she said. ‘He’s been going on about this for weeks. I have no interest in other men or sex for the sake of it. I had enough cocks at school and at uni, I don’t need variety – really I didn’t then either.
‘Sex wasn’t that good usually, and it isn’t the ruling factor in my life now, and I don’t think it is for most girls. Now romance! That’s a different matter. Does your girlfriend want to play around?’
‘No girlfriend at the moment,’ I responded.
‘Oh,’ she said with surprise, ‘That’s another reason I was angry. I thought you would be cheating on your girlfriend. I assumed someone like you would be spoken for. Gary keeps going on about most of the men we meet. Here she gave a passable imitation of Gary:
‘Oh, Rache! Bet you’d like him between the sheets!’
Another silence, it was getting to be a habit in this conversation.
‘So,’ I said at length, ‘Where do you want to go from here? Shall I take you home, tell him I’m not interested? What do you want to do?’
‘Well,’ she said, thoughtfully, ‘If I tell him you won’t go along with it, he’ll find someone else. He’s obsessed and I haven’t a clue why.’
I made a suggestion, ‘He’s saying to the other man, ‘You can experience my wife sexually, so you can see how brilliant it is to fuck her, but I get to make the rules and she stays mine. She always comes back to me. You don’t get her. I do.’ It’s the alpha male crowing over what he owns and what others can’t have.’
‘Like I’m some sort of possession,’ she said thoughtfully. ”It’ instead of ‘she’.’
‘So what do you suggest?’ I prodded.
‘Well,’ she said again, ‘I know I can trust you, and I already like your company. Gary doesn’t have to know what I do with you. I can tell him you use condoms, and I can make it look like I’ve had sex. Could we just meet? I want him to suffer for this, and I don’t want him trying to find me another man. We could meet for longer and longer until he gets upset and calls it off.’
‘Ok,’ I said, liking the idea instantly: who wouldn’t with Rachel? ‘I can take you out for meals, we could go to the theatre, or concerts. We could go for walks now the weather is getting warmer. We could simply doss at my place. How does that sound?’
‘Oh, Roddy,’ she smiled, those arresting eyes shining, ‘That would be lovely. Gary takes me out for meals but he doesn’t like the theatre, or concerts. He doesn’t even like going for walks. I’d love that!’
‘I think you need to give him a chance to back down,’ I said. ‘Tell him we only talked tonight, and then spell out what this cuckolding will mean. He might just be thinking about a once for all meeting. We meet, have sex, and that’s it. He has to know that he’ll lose control completely. It will be long term.’
She thought about that.
‘Yes,’ she said. ‘He has to appreciate the risks – that I might want to carry on with our ‘affaire’ long after he has had enough. And I will carry on! I’ll teach him!’ she added meaningfully.
‘I’ll take you back home,’ I said, ‘and you can tell him. Acquaint him with the risk he’s running. You might get such a taste for ‘various men’ that he’ll be sidelined.’
‘Will you come in with me?’ she asked as we arrived at the house. I nodded.
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FantasyMichelle tossed the wrapper to her hamburger in the trash with a flick of her wrist. Then she scattered the rest of her fries on the ground for the birds and the squirrels and sipped on her chocolate shake. The sun was hot on her bare shoulders, the breeze cool on her cheeks. She actually felt better, almost human again. Nick was sitting next to her, drowning french fries in ketchup and munching on them. "So," he started, keeping his tone of voice light despite the feeling of dread he...
One recent Saturday morning my wife and I were finishing a late breakfast when we heard the doorbell ring. I opened the door to find an attractive young couple, dressed as for church, on our doorstep. The husband explained they were members of the local Baptist church and were canvassing our neighborhood to issue invitations to non-members to join them for Sunday school and services afterwards.They both looked to be in their early thirties. He was tall and slender, clean shaven and rather...
Wife LoversA Christmas Sex Party My wife of ten years is the sales rep for a plastic whole sale company. She sells recycled raw product to factories and manufacturing companies in a fairly large region including the east coast and into the mid-east states. Using email and a phone she is able to do a lot of her work from an office in our home. This allows her to be at home most days to spend quality time with our two kids, Mat 6 and Jessie 4. To maintain personal contact with most of her...
THE MARK OF THE WOLF By Raven Dale thought it was a good idea to get away for a vacation on his own. After leafing through many travel brochures, and listening to hundreds of suggestions from his friends, he had decided to take a trip to Scotland. He heard that it was really beautiful there, and besides, they spoke English. It was a form of English anyway! Early on, he narrowed his choices to Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Ireland, England, or Scotland. They...
Sarahfina Angelica's coworker loved her vagina. There was not a day that went by that she didn't think about it in some way. She was in one of those moods again. One of her narcissistic moods. Only a half an hour more and she would be able to leave her office and head home to her magical place. Her sanctuary. She had spent a lot of time perfecting her powers and the more she went overthe details of her plan the more she could sense her pussy lips swelling with anticipation.As Sarah continued...
[LOST] KATE AUSTEN - PRISONER OF THE OTHERSKate’s Re-Capture [synopsis] After running for such a long time through the jungle, Kate was eventually captured by some of The Others. Unfortunately for her, she had made the mistake of running right into their trap, they had many men positioned stealthily with guns and as she ran into their radar they encircled her. Knowing she was completely outnumbered and also very exhausted from the prolonged chase, Kate did the only sensible thing she could and...
Becca was a few minutes late getting to the football and was gratified to see the look of relief on Garry's face when she did. She was also delighted that he was the first to speak. "Hello, Becca," he said shyly. "Thanks for looking after me yesterday." "Not at all," she said giving his arm a friendly squeeze. "How does it feel today?" "OK. It gives me a jab of pain every now and again." "That's probably part of the healing process." As usual a gang of children crowded...
Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Hello, guys, I’m Karthik. I am from Bangalore and I used to study in XYZ Engineering College when this incident happened. A few days ago I had written how I had the 1st encounter with my teacher who was 28-29 years old with a bomb figure and big 36D boobs. Here is the link if you want to read it. https://www.indiansexstories2.net/office-teacher/fucked-sexy-teacher. I suggest you read the above sex story before reading this one....
BDSM School Synopsis- A School where all sorts of BDSM stuff is taught to the male students while the female students and teachers help them to learn their BDSM lessons in better ways.Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity.� If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave.Author- This is my first attempt of story writing...
It was a cold, rainy Saturday morning in November in the Ozarks and I decided to drive the 50 miles to the nearest WalMart to do some shopping. As I passed through one of the small towns that dotted the hills and hollows of our beautiful Ozarks, I saw a small homemade ‘Garage Sale’ sign in front of a little house just out of town. The home was probably built in the 50s or 60s and had a small free-standing garage behind it. I had found some good tool buys in just such a place in the past,...
This is a story I have previously written on another platform, but thought I would transfer it over. I have 2 others I will be sharing as well. This first experience takes place back early July (2020).Yesterday I went to his house. I've been seeing his regularly for the past 6-7 months, but today we did something very different than we usually do. Usually, when I go over it's a standard routine where I suck him for an hour or so, he cums in my mouth and then fucks me for another 30 mins until...
People were scattered on the river struggling against her currents. Men cried out in pain as alligators made their way to prey and ripped their limbs and arms profusely as men and woman suffered imminent death to the creatures of the river. The ships-hull screak as it rubbed against the rock loudly enough to be heard for miles. The crew of Sara fight to stay above surface and were pulled under by the rivers fierce current and gators grabbed their next meal easily in their territory. Sara...
It was the girl again: the one from the party, the one with the forgotten name. How could he forget her name? She floated by him on his way to class as if she didn’t even know him. Surely she did, she had been to the party. Who invited her? Not him. Who? Someone must know her, he had to find out. He had to know. But the event was common knowledge, she must have heard about it somewhere, that was all. No, she wouldn’t just show up to a party without knowing the host. She knew his name, she had...
Novels"Hi there , you must be Carol" , I was pleasantly surprised.My best buddy had set me up on this blind , double date with his new wife and him , and carol.I love big tits and curvy girls with big asses who's body wobbles when pounding them so Carol is tottaly 'not my type'.She was beautiful, with long straight blonde hair hanging to her waist , big 'doe like' eyes , supple lips , a white even smile but.... she was tiny.Not only was she under 5 foot tall , but she was thin and seemed flat...
Chapter 2 – Little Neighbor Boy (The Two Early-Bloomers Meet) Words – 4,903 Same rules as the first, friends. C&C appreciated. Any mistakes seen, please comment on it. Also, prepare for some reading. **** Weeks had passed since Ravens mini-marathon of masturbation. Since that day, she fucked her little pussy at least once every 24 hours, maybe even more if permitted. She used her fingers and some phallus-shaped foods to get her juices flowing. She was walking home from her newly repaired...
Hi, This is Sandhya again. I hope you read the first part of my adventure. For those who have not, I am giving you the link above. Please read it first, so that you can enjoy this part. When I and my house owner uncle were about to start the main game, Sri Latha aunty called me. Uncle was tensed and he remembered that he had forgotten his mobile in his house on the second floor. My room was on the first floor. I attended to her call and Srilatha aunty asked me about Prasanth uncle. Aunty: Sandy...
Don't know just what to tell you. My wife has been my sex servant for twenty years and in that time has learned to do exactly what I want - even without telling her! This is just a teaser of the stories I can tell, but will let you decide if you want more! We have been to Mardi Gras a number of times and each visit was more exiting. The first year, we found a bar that nailed bras on the ceiling and Megan agreed to give her bra up - in public - stripping for everyone to see. The next time...
[Undated entry] On the home island WHEN SHE SAW Father she threw herself at him and hugged him as tight as she could. She felt something warm and wet on her cheek and knew her tears were not alone. She kissed him then, on both cheeks. “Father.” “Amélie.” She held him tight. “I’m sorry, Father. For everything.” She felt him squeeze her. “No. Amélie. You have nothing to be sorry for.” He released her and looked from her to Gérard. “Nothing at all. I was wrong. You were right to do what...
Nobody was saying a thing. Waiting was the pits, Cory thought, as he eyed the door for the umpteenth time with troubled eyes. Were they really prepared for what was going to come through that door, should Edgar get caught? He could not tell, and he didn’t need to check on his partners in justifiable crime, to know that they were thinking the same thing, maybe not worrying as much, but dealing with their own thoughts in their own ways. Xavier sat on a chair, his eyes set on the door, too,...
They say love is blind. I can testify that at least for me it was. What nobody ever said was that the betrayal by the only thing you cherish in the world will cause more pain than any whip and cut deeper than the sharpest blade. That's where my story begins. Kat (Kathy) was my wife. We're not divorced yet, but she is no longer my wife. She knew the difference between right and wrong and she decided to do wrong again and again. I don't give a rat's ass why. For the past several weeks she...
When the cat is away, the mice will play, and that is exactly what happens when Violet Rains parents are out of town. Her besties, Emma Starletto and Scarlett Sage get the idea to go skinny dipping together in the backyard. They hop in the pool, and things quickly heat up as Violet gets down on her knees to lick and slurp on some hot, pink clit. They finger each other and eat each others pussies by the pool, moaning in pleasure as they each get closer and closer to orgasm. Once they are...
xmoviesforyouIt was a Friday night at the end of spring break from school. Sarah had found a place to live in upstate New York, completed most of her school work, and was looking forward to her graduation and new job. She was relaxed, happy and horny, and had planned an evening of pleasure for the two of us. A blanket was placed on the living room floor. The toys were organized next to the big leather chair in the living room. And, Sarah had tied my wrists to the chair arms. For the next forty-five...
HardcoreStory My Sister and 50 Shades of Hurricane Sandy? By Reeb It was a rainy somewhat warm day leading up to that October 29 th night. Hurricane Sandy was soon to make landfall somewhere on the New Jersey coast sometime that night. Living about 150 miles from the Jersey shore in eastern Pennsylvania, we expected the highest winds and rain overnight. The winds grew stronger as the night progressed. It wasn’t long after 8pm that the lights flickered and then out went the electric, phones and cable...
Incest"So what's this?" quizzed Penny my wife as I stepped in the door from work. I could have said it's a leather paddle with the word slut picked out in pointy spikes but the look she was giving me suggested I should not be flippant. "It's a new toy.......I was hoping we....." I trailed off because of the look she gave me. It was actually intended for solo play since Penny never joined in on my kinky games. But since she had accidentally opened my mail I thought I would take the...
Alicia peeked out the door of her dressing room. She was wearing a rather sheer revealing robe and would rather not be seen walking the few feet to Rick’s room. It had been almost exactly an hour since Rick made the suggestion that they share a little pre-concert playtime. She wanted to be prompt. It wasn’t a good idea to displease Rick. She was on the verge of stardom and wouldn’t do anything now to screw that up. Rick had told he would give her one song of her own on the upcoming album and...
I am wondering if a should admit that I am not wearing pants as I write this, or panties for that matter… or that I have slipped my favorite vibrator in and have it set on low. Or that I spent close to six hours last night making my Mistress, or Officer Laura if you prefer, cum… Perhaps I’ll keep those details to myself and just get on with my story… So… you’d think that would be it, wouldn’t you… two kinky girls dressed as cops come to my door, cuff me, humiliate me in the middle of the...
Namaste mitro. Aap sabne is kahani ke pichle bhag pehle padhe uske liye aap sabka bahut bahut dhanyavad. Ab main aage ka bat aap sab ko batane jaa raha hu. Mummy ghar se nikal ke chali gayi. Gali se unke payal ki cham cham ki aawaz aa rahi thi. Saf pata chal raha tha woh dadaji ke pass jaa rahi hai. Main kuch der ke bad piche ke side gaya. Mummy ghar mein jaa chuki thi us samay. Main gali ke side mein chala gaya. Dadaji ne kamre ka mahol badal diya tha. Phulo se mahak raha tha kamra. Dadaji ka...
"Hey guys, over here! I'm sure I saw her go this way," the man carrying a flashlight cried out. The pretty naked blonde did her best to hide behind some bushes as other men came running to join the first one. Their flashlights pierced the darkness of Island Park in Ottawa, searching for their prey. Vicky would not have minded if there were only a few men, but this time there were dozens of them after her. She cringed as she thought about what had brought her to be here. Vicky had a real...
Mary didn't know how long she'd been asleep. She only felt the soft bed under her and knew that Nate had carried her in his arms into his bedroom. She remembered his kisses then as he'd whispered his admiration. How many times had she come? Three? No, it was four, the last time with him on top again, plowing and stabbing her until she'd forgotten her name, until she'd lost all sense of place and time and meaning. Yes, she was remembering more. How she'd gone crazy and grabbed his...
Main jub chota tha to paros me jayakarta tha, mai us ko chachi bota tha, uske doodoo buhat bare bare the aur bilouz ke do battan khola rakhti thee. Under bresser bhi nahi pahntithi. Wo herwaqt muhhe apne dodos ko dikhati rahti this. Us ke do chote bache the, ek 3 saal ka tha and dosra 1 saal ka. Who don ko dodo pila thi thee, aur wo jub bhai dodo pliati mere kharib aajati and dodo doodho ko khol ker apne dono bchon ke muh me dal deti. Uske belkul sufaid dood the. And pinkish nipples. Mai aksar...
We have corresponded, of course. That’s how it is done in this service. For an on-line dating service, it is standard in its operations if not in its clientele. After a lengthy three-week dance of emails, we had the first of our phone calls. The first was pleasant, lasting forty-five minutes. The next two were longer and more detailed, to the point. It was after the third one and the transmission of some computer files that she agreed to see me. She had not sent me pictures of her body. Only,...
Hello again. I'm back to tell the next story I have about Miki. I ended the last one telling Miki all the nasty things I was going to have her do. One thing in particular was something that really got me going, having her expose herself in public.She had never had this fantasy herself so obviously she was pretty reluctant. So I decided to wait for the right moment. Things with Dave were going alright. We'd had a few more threesomes, or I'd pick her up from work to do her off at his place, and...
Introduction: From the journal of an Erotic Massage Therapist Chapter 4 It was mid-winter here in Western N.C. — and I had cabin fever. Looking at the same places- same faces – had given me the itch to travel.. My income also suffered now because of the Christmas season. People would rather buy presents than have a massage. I had watched the discovery channel lately, and hit on an idea. In winter, caribou would migrate south to their winter grazing areas and be near a water supply. In summer,...