Degrees Of Lewdity
- 2 years ago
- 33
- 0
There was so much that needed talking about. My holidays, some questions that had popped up during the brunch, the trip to Boston, the flat I still rented but never went to. That needed to be talked about soon, not just because of the money, I'd pay at least the same amount to Ann as I paid Winters now. But ... well, when I had let myself in, stripped and went to join Mistress it had really felt like coming home. A feeling I never had in that other place. It was a place to sleep, eat, work, but it was not home.
But nothing was discussed at all. Even Ann's first words were totally superfluous, although very welcome. I knew that the stockings had worked. If I hadn't already seen it in her eyes as I walked up to her and knelt down I would have known the moment my tongue had touched her dripping sex.
The scent of our lovemaking hung around us as we ate, for once not taking our time to savour the meal, or at least not much more than was necessary. Without either of us having said a word we both knew what the other wanted and it was just as well that we both wanted the same. Without really hurrying but definitely not lingering either we got ready for bed.
It was a subtle change and I couldn't pin down what exactly had triggered the change. But the effect was profound. One minute we were lovers, the next she was my Mistress and I was her girl. Her firm grip on my hair wasn't the reason, just a confirmation of that change. I couldn't even know what was better. I - and Ann too, as I happen to know first hand - had enjoyed our lovemaking earlier very much. Both intent on pleasing the other but just as ready to be pleased by the other, if that makes sense.
Yes, I loved both the being lovers and being Mistress and slave times. For me, each of them had it's points I loved especially, different emotions that were triggered. But then again I loved Ann, so that might be the reason I loved both as much as I did.
Now it was different. Now Ann was in charge and I felt myself getting in serving mode. And serve I did, pleasing Mistress as good as I could and being her girl to play with as she wished until we lay once more aside each other, utterly exhausted, utterly satisfied, utterly in love.
Two of her fingers buried in my wetness, letting me feel that I was hers, our lips only parted to say how much we loved each other I fell asleep, my last thought being that I truly felt more alive and much more love than ever before.
The next morning while sitting at the table, sipping coffee and eating breakfast, my pussy still tingling and a few body parts still a bit aching from the night before I thought it was about time to start dealing with the various issues that spun around in my head.
Putting my cup down I looked at Ann. Nah, that's not true, I had been looking at her the whole time. "I've been thinking about the flat I rent. It's not much use when I'm never there. I ... umm ... would like to move in here. With you."
Mistress took another sip from her tea before she answered smiling, her words in turn painting a smile on my face. "I was begining to think you'd never ask."
"Great. You know," I went on, waving my arm to take in the whole flat, "this feels like home."
"It is home. Our home.
The tingling between my legs intensified and my heart made a double beat.
"I will pay, of course."
Ann looked at me for a moment before she spoke. "We split household bills and food." Her tone leaving no doubt that she wasn't willing to discuss this any further.
"OK, fair enough. Then I'll move in with you as soon as possible. It's not much that needs moving anyway."
"Wonderful. Why don't you give your notice and we'll go later in the week to get your stuff. Or next week. This weekend will be... ," she paused for a second, then went on, " ... busy."
"I too have something to ask, this time it's not a command, not exactly, I have something I want you to do for me."
As if there was a difference between the two. Whether she commanded or asked, if I could do it I would do it for her.
Ann looked deep into my eyes before she went on. "I have a photo-shoot to do, a big one, and I want you to be the model, the main model."
That took me by surprise. I had been thinking about another brunch, a party, or helping her out at the gallery, something like that. But me, modeling? "But I'm not a model," I finally said.
"That is partly the point. Besides, the camera loves you almost as much as I do." Even if I hadn't felt myself blushing I'd known that I was flushing because of the grin that crept over Ann's face. "And the theme makes you perfect for it."
There was one thing that concerned me, though. Well, there were a lot of things about modeling at one of Ann's shoots, but this one particularly. "But I don't want pics of me all over the net."
She reached out and took my hand. "Do you think I'd allow that? The photo-shoot is for a private collector, not a magazine, and your face would not be visible, not in a way that could identify you ... the... , " another one of those pauses followed, "costume will ensure that."
Once again I was experiencing that mix of curiosity, pride and a bit anxiousness. I was just about to ask her whether I could think about it, but then I stopped, took a sip from my mug and made up my mind on the spot. There wasn't really anything to think about, was there? I loved Ann, I trusted her and if she thought I was the perfect person and that I was up to it then why shouldn't I do it? Yes, exactly, there was no reason why I shouldn't.
"I would be happy to model for you."
Tuesday morning, walking to the gallery, oblivious to everything save a pair of emerald eyes and the shape of those lips forming the words, "I would be happy to model for you." At least that is the words her lips formed, but all I could hear was her voice, rich with emotion, smooth as the feel of tongue on clit, that voice, her voice, her words, "I love you."
Hurricane Dee had hit the gallery by the time I arrived, her weekly cleaning blitz in full swing, her eyes resentful as my feet carelessly touched the newly cleaned floor. "Morning, scrubber."
"You're the all-powerful one, fucking levitate... !!" Her voice the guttural rasp of 'morning-after' throat, her eyes dancing with glee. "Nympho-pixie" is waiting for you, probably dripping on my clean floor..."
Dee's voice fading away as I hurried down the corridor. I know that Dee is very careful of who she allows into the studio when I'm not present, even when I am. I would not have expected Belle to be allowed access, but I trusted Dee, so there must be a reason.
Bella. To her parents, the Judge and the Socialite she is always Isabella, to Dee she is the nympho-pixie. To me she is Bella, the youngest model I've ever used, I still remember her first session, still hung-over from her eighteenth birthday party.
Isabella, the honours student, top of her class since kindergarten, demure, innocent, a 'nice' girl ... Then there is Bella, who has no shame, no inhibitions, who craves to be used, to cum, anytime, anyway.
The first time we met she wanted to be photographed, formal photo's in her gown, not something I choose to do, except she was insistent, persistent, and there was something about her that intrigued me. She arrived for her session dressed in nerd-chic, a pin-up for the moral majority. The Dungeon was mostly concealed that day, the only light focused on a stereotypical backdrop in readiness for her session. She had gone into the changing room to put on her gown, and had returned wearing the gown and mortarboard, her pale blonde elfin cut hair and high cheek bones made more pronounced by the long black flowing robe.
The actual session was the work of minutes, all that was required were simple shots, full length, three-quarter and 'head and shoulders'. I had no sooner told her, "Ok, we're done," than the mortarboard went sailing across the studio and her robe opened to fall from her shoulders to the floor, leaving her standing before me naked. Written diagonally across her smooth toned stomach, the word 'fucktoy'.
Dee, who had just entered the studio with a pile of papers needing my attention, took one look and, "I'll be back later ... much later ... when you've finished with the nympho-pixie." The studio door closed firmly behind her as if sealing Bella's fate.
I stood looking at her for long minutes, my eyes exploring her body, noting every firm toned inch. She never flinched, never tried to hide her body or hurry my inspection, she just stood before me, exposed, eager, poised as if to launch herself at whatever debauchery I might allow her.
Those long minutes passed as I committed her body to memory, then with conscious effort I broke my gaze, putting my camera down as I gathered my resolve. "Get dressed."
"But... ?"
"Please... ?"
"Dress now, not another word." I relented a little. "You may come back when you're eighteen."
The look in her eyes made me want to reach for my camera, then for my whip. She paused, took a deep breath and turned away to retrieve her clothes and get dressed.
I was out in the gallery duelling with Dee, parrying her thrusted invoices with my cheque book when Isabella appeared, dressed once more as little miss innocent, she looked at me, but said nothing, pausing at the counter she wrote something on Dee's open notepad, looked at her watch, wrote again, then turned and left, my eyes following her every movement.
Dee chuckled as she passed the note to me, the message clear. "5 months, 21 days, 1 hour and 20 minutes."
I was surprised to hear Dee shouting at a customer, more so at her choice of words, "GET OUT... !!!!!!!!" The inflexion of her voice expressing every single exclamation mark. I was still in the corridor, not close enough to see who Dee was shouting at and could not make out the response, the words too muffled, all I caught was the tone, hurt and surprise.
Entering the gallery I was just in time to hear Dee bawl, "come back in ten minutes." whilst theatrically tapping her wrist with two fingers, as if to emphasise her words by attracting attention to her wristwatch, except she wasn't wearing one.
"Who... ??"
Conjuring a piece of paper from the midden of her desk, Dee laid it on the counter-top, her fingers smoothing out the creases, fingers obscuring the contents as she spoke. "Now you can thank me for keeping this afternoon clear in your diary, O evil one, your victim eagerly awaits you."
"Victim... ?"
"The nympho-pixie, the eighteen years old yesterday, nympho-pixie."
"Oh fuck."
"Yes, I know, 'till she can't walk, talk or see straight, knowing you."
Eight minutes later Bella stood before me in the Dungeon, naked but but the scarlet lipstick 'fucktoy' written diagonally across her smooth toned stomach.
"So my little fucktoy, what exactly do you want... ??"
Bella looked me right in the eyes and replied. "Whatever you dare, use me, do it all, don't ever ask again, just use me, but only here, only when I can't control the hunger, and never anything that marks me permanently or identifies me conclusively. I'll sign whatever you want. Just please say yes. Please... ??"
Seldom will you meet anyone with a clearer picture of exactly what they want from life, and a clear understanding of exactly how to make it happen. Isabella had a focus that put even my best lenses to shame. An intelligent young girl who made herself the top student by sheer hard work, focus and determination, letting nothing distract her, dealing with every challenge to ensure she reaches her goal. Everything had been perfect until she hit seventeen and her hormones, long repressed, sought their release. At first fingers and a dildo seemed a solution, but served only to destroy her hymen and any illusion that she could control her hunger by masturbation. A chance comment and carefully discreet conversations with a few fellow students who modelled for me had brought her to my studio, her mind made up, her hunger sharp, 5 months, 21 days, 1 hour and 20 minutes had turned that hunger into a craving that took all afternoon, all evening and most of the night to cure. By the next morning I had an unbelievable photo-set, a model willing to do anything and a willing, if infrequent, vent for my own pent up desires.
Dee was wrong, she could walk, but then two out of three ain't bad...
The nympho-pixie ... it would be a long session. A very long session.
For the first time since that first marathon with Bella, I had only one thought in my mind, one image, emerald eyes looking into mine as her words echoed in my heart. "I love you."
I stopped right there in the corridor, the nympho-pixie could wait, I had something more important to do. Fingers stumbling over the unfamiliar words, I texted Zoe...
"Ich liäbe dich hüt meh als immer, du bringsch mis Herz zum schlah, mini Seel zum singe und mini Futz zum tropfe."
A couple of years ago, between finishing college and going to University I spent a summer on the alp high above the village were I grew up. It was tough work, getting up with the sun and going to bed shortly after it had set and not many breaks in between. Milking the cows, schlepping milk, herding the cows to their pasture, clean out the stable, cleaning the dairy, making cheese, cleaning the dairy again, cooking, feeding the pigs, repair fences (once, after a lightning had hit the fence, there were four hundred meters of wire missing, just gone up in smoke, the fenceposts nearest to the impact either incinerated or reduced to toothpicks), herding cows and milking them again, ... it never ended. And the next day it began all anew, at quarter past five in the morning until nine or nine thirty in the evening when we crashed into bed, tired, exhausted even, completely oblivious to the stink of cow shit that clung to our clothes, our skin, our hair, because everything stank of cow shit.
I never made the mistake of figuring out how much per hour I earned during this three and a half months. All I know is that not even the cheese I got made up for the lousy pay.
And now I'd earn 3000 pounds for one day's work! That seemed exaggerated, even if it involved getting out of my clothes and presumably into all kinds of kinky situations. I must have made quite a funny face when Ann had told me about the money, for she had started to chuckle, then reached across the table and closed my mouth again.
Zoe "You want something... ?" I kneeled at Mistress' feet and I was just, well, arousal. My whole mind, my whole body, my whole being wanting just one thing: Release. For a second I thought what a stupid question this was, until I realized she was teasing. That's how far gone I was. "Yes, Mistress, please allow me to cum ... please..." I begged, but those were just the words I said. I'm sure the begging my eyes and body did was far more intense. However, I wasn't granted release,...
Zoe There's nothing like the aroma of freshly brewed coffee in the morning. Well, OK, there are other things I like even better. Drinking the coffee, for example. But to be honest, even if I hadn't been in the kitchen preparing breakfast but in bed with Mistress, I might have still preferred the taste of strong, black coffee over the taste of sweet, hot pussy. At least for the moment, until I'd been awake enough to get my priorities right. But then again, there's a time for everything....
Taroudannt Phillippa flicked the ash at the end of her cigarette onto the dusty earth outside the window. She watched it fall from where she sat on the passenger seat of the rented four-wheel drive and contemplated its dispersal in the slight breeze. She inhaled another centimetre of cigarette and reluctantly tossed the butt onto the earth where it smouldered. It burnt off its final centimetre of ash before extinguishing itself. She regarded it sadly and wondered whether she might have to...
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The waves crashed against the jetty. The same waves, Marla reflected, that might have crashed against the Gibraltan shore on the other side of the straits, waves that were as much Atlantic as they were Mediterranean. Each wave fierce and restful at the same time, built up slowly and steadily out at sea to break sometimes on themselves and sometimes against the concrete jetty that projected into the open water. She glanced down at the postcard on her lap, the same one she'd started writing...
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‘She’s a cow! A real fucking cow!’ Prissy exclaimed, blowing smoke into the air of the pub where the wisping blue vapour was sucked into the smoke extractor. ‘I don’t know why I stick with her!’ ‘Me too!’ agreed Cath. ‘My Jayne’s so fucking uptight. All she fucking wants to do is sit in and watch telly.’ ‘So, you ditching her then, Cath?’ Emily wondered. ‘You know, like you said you would?’ Cath coughed. She didn’t really want to diss her lover like that. After all, Jayne had been real sweet...
Ibiza Paul’s forehead juddered against the thick glass of the window as the bus sped over the uneven sunbaked tarmac, forcing him to jerk his head back. He studied the trees and villas the bus passed on this longer dash between stops, all brightly illuminated by the late morning Mediterranean sun. He rubbed his forehead uneasily and let it slump again onto the glass. At least he wasn’t feeling like shit this morning, like he did most mornings on his three week stay in Ibiza. He had done well...
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Zoe Shutting the world out to concentrate on what I am doing, especially when it has to do with a mathematical problem, is one of my fortes. But that day it didn't work at all. My thoughts kept going back to Ann, to the weekend we had spent together, my feelings towards her. Images of her and myself in bed, Ann sitting naked at the table, camera in hand, that look she had when she photographed, of me naked and exposed as she shaved me ╨ that particular image sending a blush to my cheeks ╨...
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Zoe Once again sleep was elusive. But this time I didn't mind. This time I had so many nice images on my mind and for once no questions surfaced, or at least no questions that worried me or needed to be answered immediately. Time and again my fingers touched the chain, as if to make sure it still was where it belonged, time and again I clenched my pussy around Ann's fingers inside me, as if to make sure they still let me feel that I was hers. I thought of how the petite girl had danced...
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Zoe Perversions ... we sure saw some. Quite a lot, actually. Things I couldn't have imagined even in my wildest dreams, things that looked interesting enough, things that made me want to try them out as soon as possible. I tried not to be judgmental about what I saw, but it's difficult not to be judgmental when your body reacts instinctively to what your eyes see. And maybe it's not so bad to have a strong reaction when you see a woman's back ornamented with a couple dozen needles. At...
Zoe I've once seen a picture of a tied up Tinkerbell, her magic wand used by someone, probably Peter, but I don't remember anymore, to... , well, you probably can guess. And now, as Ann was telling me about Bella the 'nympho-pixie', that image kept coming back to my mind. The pixie tied up, helpless, her translucent little wings rendered useless by the ropes and chains that held her in place or because she wanted to obey, was determined not to use them and fly away, leaving a trail of...
Zoe "She won't ever know." Bella's voice was barely a whisper as she looked at me, her eyes pleading. My eyes were fixed on hers over the rim of the cup and I couldn't suppress a smile as I replied. "True. But I do." "Aww, please. You know Dee will leave me here until she closes the shop." "Uh huh." I emptied the cup, rinsed it in the sink and picked up Dee's sketchbook, Bella's eyes following me all the time. "But we both know you'll enjoy every minute. And then you'll...
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Phillippa flicked the ash at the end of her cigarette onto the dusty earth outside the window. She watched it fall from where she sat on the passenger seat of the rented four-wheel drive and contemplated its dispersal in the slight breeze. She inhaled another centimetre of cigarette and reluctantly tossed the butt onto the earth where it smouldered. It burnt off its final centimetre of ash before extinguishing itself. She regarded it sadly and wondered whether she might have to light up...
Paul's forehead juddered against the thick glass of the window as the bus sped over the uneven sunbaked tarmac, forcing him to jerk his head back. He studied the trees and villas the bus passed on this longer dash between stops, all brightly illuminated by the late morning Mediterranean sun. He rubbed his forehead uneasily and let it slump again onto the glass. At least he wasn't feeling like shit this morning, like he did most mornings on his three week stay in Ibiza. He had done well to...
"She's a cow! A real fucking cow!" Prissy exclaimed, blowing smoke into the air of the pub where the wisping blue vapour was sucked into the smoke extractor. "I don't know why I stick with her!" "Me too!" agreed Cath. "My Jayne's so fucking uptight. All she fucking wants to do is sit in and watch telly." "So, you ditching her then, Cath?" Emily wondered. "You know, like you said you would?" Cath coughed. She didn't really want to diss her lover like that. After all, Jayne...
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Gonzalo: Thursday morning, the perpetually angry Decurion held a 'staff meeting.' I discovered that his staff consisted of your humble servant, the Sub-Decurion I had been given the pleasure of meeting the day before, and another, younger, female Sub-Decurion -- coincidentally also named Hopkins. Decurion Tillotson referred to them as Hopkins the Elder and Hopkins the Younger -- and at some point in the conversation, I was given to understand that they were mother and daughter... As...
The conference promised to be just another week of my life wasted listening to middle-aged project managers drone on and on about their progress. Every so often there was some eye-candy in attendance, but usually the women were not that attractive, and were certainly suppressing any sensuality under their business suits. Maybe that’s why I was so floored when I saw her walk in on that first day. She was wearing a blue skirt with matching jacket, a white silk blouse, and black Italian pumps....
Hi guys, I am Romil I m 27 years old this is my first story on ISS I am from Ahmadabad aur ye meri height 5 11 h body average h muje sex ka bht sokh me me ab story pe ata hu ye baat kuchh 6 mahine pahele ki h me ek company me job karta hu wahan ek bhabhi b job karti thi jo bht sexy thi ekdum slim aur uske boobs bht hi sexy aur bade the uska figure 34 28 34 hoga aksar wo saree me ati thi uski kamar dekh k mera lund khada ho jata tha kya batau kya bhabhi thi yaro me use bht notice karta tha aur...
I woke up Wednesday morning and stared at their robes hanging in the bathroom. I sighed as I headed into the shower. A hot shower would make things feel more right in the world. It’s not like I hadn’t known what I was getting into. Since that first kiss, I had been running downhill, out of control, hoping I wouldn’t crash along the way. Getting under the water I felt some tension ease. It was both scary and delightful. I’d built a life of consistency. While my feet were coming out from under...
(This is not a sex story)Story: ''Me and my two brothers as a substitute teacher''(Soft peaceful music)David(Me): Why are we up so early?Austin: This is ruining my workout time father.Zack: Shut up Austin, no one cares about how healthy you are.Austin: I can change the world one salad at a time.David(Me): Oh my God, Why are we here?Fredrick(Dad): I think you three should give back to the youth.(Rhythmic ticking)Austin: Why?Zack: What is the youth ever given to us?David(Me): I don't know a...
Carla explained that they'd just finished rehearsing a pivotal scene in which both she and her leading man ended up nude and heated up onstage, making love. "Actually, it's more like fucking than making love, I think, but Charles - he's the director of the play - well, he may disagree. Anyway, I'm dripping, see?" And I could see the shine of perspiration still on her body, vibrant in the trio of red, blue and purple spotlights shooting down from the rafters. But I also noticed that...
Hi everyone, I am back with a new story again. Ye meri 2nd story hai – “Love With Arohi”. Last story jisne nhi padhi wo padh le and please share your reviews with me. Main Haryana se hu or current location Chandigarh hai. Koi bhi aunty ya bhabhi, ladki mujhse chudna chahti hai to feel free to contact me at my mailing address Mere lund ka size 7″ hai. Mujhe bade boobs or badi gaand wali girls pasand hai. I am waiting for your replies. Reply me must Now let’s start the story. Last year chal raha...
Love seems to rely on self-deception. Relationships are for idiotic breeders. It’s all bullshit, if you ask me. People constantly lie to each other and stab each other in the back; they break their promises and break one another. Their infidelities destroy their “picture perfect” family, and their selfishness eradicates all the noble virtues of love. That’s why I’ve been single for so long. I don’t live my life with my head in the sand. I don’t lie to myself and desire a fictional love story...
SupernaturalI decided to head back for Mrs. Snyder's welcoming bed and managed to get thoroughly lost within a hour after sunset. I spotted a campfire ahead and walked my tired horse in that direction. It proved to be two more Redcoats, obviously guarding a crossroads and very unhappy with their cold duties. They had a pretty good fire going and were grilling slabs of ham on their spike bayonets when I walked into the circle of light. One put down his meat carefully and lifted his musket in my...
With Male Chastity becoming ever more popular either as a lifestyle or occasional kink, prostatic milking of males is also ever-increasingly referred to, discussed and probably practised.Often, in chastity circles people just talk about milking the prostate without considering how to carry out the procedure to gain the desired effect. If you’re currently milking your chaste male, the chances are that he’s probably getting a lot more pleasure from milkings than you think. I’ll leave the debate...
"Alright class the exams will begin shortly so please take your sits" said Mr. Loot, as he was walking up and down the rows of desks and handing out exam papers. As he was finishing up handing out the exam papers he was interrupted by a door slam open, at the door there was a man holding a 12 gauge shotgun, the class can see that the man sweating and panting heavily they assumed that he was running or did something rigorous before arriving at the door. The man at the door had a very insane look...
FantasyStep sister brings home a friend If you have read First time with my step sister and me and my step sister continues our fun, then you will know how all this started. Me and my step sister Lori had been having sex together for a while and had gotten to the point we would tease each other as much as we could. It was still nothing but good sex to both us, and we had not even considered it as being anything else. We never went out together or did things together, we would just wind up in each...
IncestLord I never figured that I would miss that old hick town that I'd escaped from. Nor did I figure that I'd wind up in a place on the frozen tundra of some Mid-western state. Music got me into school, the program at Blue Mountain was second to none, and I was doing well. Having expanded my studies to include finance I'd have that to fall back on if music didn't work out. While my music scholarship got me in I still had to hustle for money to eat and another things. Working at the Library...
Ultra nubile Nikki Next shows off her flexibility in a variety of yoga movies that turn sensual as she whips out her tiny titties and diamond hard nipples. Peeling off her tight outfit, she gets naked just in time for Kyle Mason to enjoy her slender charms. It’s not long before Nikki finds herself draped over a yoga ball with her mouth open wide and Kyle’s hard dick pressed down her throat. Her upside-down blowjob gets both Nikki and her boyfriend ready for even more hardcore...
xmoviesforyou“Nice,” said Liang about the townhouse. It had been built originally in the late eighteen hundreds, but refurbished and changed in the 20s, including the art noveau entrance. The open, shaped metal slat elevator also reflected that soft, decadent style. Definitely attractants. “We like it,” said Joe, unlocking the door. Joe and Cheryl greeted their kids with kisses on cheeks, and their wife with kisses on mouth and a hug. “This is Liang,” Joe introduced her to his family. “Hi,” the kids...
I’m not what you call a good girl. I quickly discovered that I liked sex after developing the kind of curvy body that made men want to have sex with me. I’m by no means a perfect ten. I’m more cute than hot, but I have an above average bra size, thick lips that I’ve been told look pretty good wrapped around a hard cock and a willingness to spread my legs. Some people would call me easy. Others would call me a slut. I won’t deny being either. Most of what they say about me is true. I’ve sucked...
Group Sex[Part 1] Christmas was going to be rough this year for the Sorvino Family. Donna had lost her job this year and they had to watch how much they spent, until she was able to get a new job. Donna always was the person who worked while her husband Oscar stayed home with the girls. The kids didn’t understand money all that well all they knew is that there mommy lost her job. The kids were 8 and 9 years old both being girls they didn’t have a real problem with sharing things. Titania was 8 and...
Sabine, Mitte 30 war eine attraktive Frau. Sie hatte schulterlange schwarze Haare und war immer gut gestylt. Eine Rolex an ihrem Handgelenk zeigte den Erfolg, den sie als Immobilienmaklerin hatte. Doch ihre Schönheit war auch mit einer Schwäche verbunden, die sie unsympathisch wirken ließ. Sie hatte eine arrogante Art gegenüber Kunden, die über nicht genügend Geld verfügten. Solche Kunden behandelte sie abwertend. Auch an einem Tag, als sie die Wohnung vom Kunden Chris begutachtete. Er musste...
In the weeks that followed the engagement ball, Javonnie and Veronica were busy making arrangements their wedding. There were dresses for the bridesmaids, flowers, and of course, the finishing touches to Veronica’s wedding gown. Javonnie had asked Rayne to stand as his bestman and several of his closest friends, including Red, Tuff and Scotty, to act as groomsmen. Rayne had arranged for a night on the town the night before the wedding as a farewell to bachelorhood for Javonnie. But he had...
INTRODUCTION My wife and I had taken a vacation of 7 to 9 days at a lake cabin for the last 20 years. After last year’s vacation we discovered my wife had advanced cancer. She dies a couple of months later. A few days before she died, she made me promise I would go at least one last time without her. I had arrived on Saturday. Sunday I had sex with Sarah, one of the young housekeeping staff, who wanted to thank me for helping her with her basketball skills the last five years. Monday I had...
Mera naam Rahul hai aur meri age 21 saal hai. Main Delhi mein rehta hu apne family ke saath. Meri family mein mummy papa aur meri badi behen rehte hai. Mujhe fitness ka shauk hai isliye meri body achi hai aur lund bhi lamba hai. Lekin fir bhi maine abhi tak kisi ladki ko nahi choda tha. Meri badi behen Pooja mujhse 5 saal badi hai. Uski current age 24 saal ki thi jab mere mann mein uske liye feelings aayi. Meri age uss time 19 saal thi. Meri behen bohut hi sexy hai. Uske boob ka size 34D hai...