Rayne Ch. 04 free porn video

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In the weeks that followed the engagement ball, Javonnie and Veronica were busy making arrangements their wedding. There were dresses for the bridesmaids, flowers, and of course, the finishing touches to Veronica’s wedding gown. Javonnie had asked Rayne to stand as his bestman and several of his closest friends, including Red, Tuff and Scotty, to act as groomsmen.

Rayne had arranged for a night on the town the night before the wedding as a farewell to bachelorhood for Javonnie. But he had assured Veronica that he would not let Javonnie out of his sight and he would make sure he was at the church on time. She had been extremely reluctant to agree to this outing, and Rayne could hardly blame her with Javonnies earlier exploits, but he gave her his word and he wouldn’t break it. He actually felt quite pleased with himself for his part in bringing these two friends he cared so much about together.

He and Javonnie left the townhouse around eight that evening, having earlier made arrangements to meet Scotty, Red and Tuff at a favorite haunt, The Tin Horn a local bar. They whiled away several hours there drinking and flirting with the barmaids there. Javonnie had become enamoured with a red-head who had large breasts and firm bottom, the latter he had discerned from patting her on it every time she brought a round of drinks! Since Javonnie was showing signs of escorting her upstairs to a private room, Rayne deemed it time to move on to a different tavern. Under protest Javonnie joined Rayne and the other three gentlemen as they made their way to the The Blue Eel to continue the celebration. Rayne was taking his time consuming his drinks, as he wanted to maintain a clear head. After all he had given Veronica his word, and that wasn’t something Rayne took lightly. He was determined that Javonnie would have a good time, but that he was not going to bed a wench tonight. Instead, Javonnie would be quite able to say his wedding vows with a clear conscience.

It was well past midnight, in fact it was closer to two in the morning when the four friends stumbled from the tavern to climb into the waiting carriage. Rayne, the most sober and last one to enter the carriage was just climbing onto the carriage step when he noticed a woman walk from a warehouse further down the waterfront. He stepped back down onto the ground and watched with interested as she climbed into a waiting carriage. The woman had seemed familiar to him and as her carriage rolled past him he stepped into the shadows to watch her unobserved. Just as he had first thought, the woman was none other than Gabriella Quintanella. After she had passed by, without having seen him, he climbed into his carriage and rode home in thoughtful silence as his drunken carriage mates sang and carried on their revelry.

As Rayne stood in church the next morning next to Javonnie he saw Gabriella walk in and find a seat on the brides side. He wondered again, as he had last night, what she had been doing at that warehouse at that time of night, without chaperon and unescorted. The more he saw of Gabriella, the more intrigued he became. She reminded him much of La Gata in mannerisms and certain nuances. Tonight would be an excellent opportunity to pursue both this matter and her, at the wedding ball.

The last of the guests had arrived and the pianist and organist began to play the wedding march. All eyes turned to the back of the church as Veronica, absolutely breathtaking, in a stunning gown of pristine white with rows and rows of seed pearls, beads, sequins, lace and net began her walk down the aisle towards her husband to be. A lifelong friend of her family, Judge Andrew Fredicus, escorted Veronica. Rayne finally tore his eyes from the vision of loveliness and glanced at Javonnie, who was looking extremely uncomfortable. He could almost see the wheels turning in Javonnie’s head and knew he was feeling suddenly hemmed in. Rayne actually thought that Javonnie might bolt from the church, so he laid a reassuring hand on his shoulder and gave a gentle squeeze that bespoke of his understanding. Javonnie glanced at Rayne with panic in his eyes and seemed to draw strength from the Rayne’s gaze and a calmness descended on him as his gaze returned to his beloved as she slowly made her way down the aisle towards him.

It had suddenly occurred to Javonnie that he was gaining a very beautiful, desirable woman to spend the rest of his life with. That he would have someone to laugh with, to cry with, to share secrets and dreams with. Later they would raise their children together and grow old together. The panic that had been hard upon him moments before vanished as he realized what a lucky man he was. It was in a strong, clear voice that Javonnie and Veronica made their wedding vows, pledging their lives and love to one another. Even Rayne was touched by the ceremony.

Later, at the wedding feast and ball, Rayne managed to get the ‘aunts’ to sit him next to Gabriella who seemed both surprised and somewhat disconcerted to find that she had been paired with Rayne.

‘Good evening Gabriella, you are as always looking lovely’ Rayne said in greeting as he held out her chair for her. Privately he thought to himself just how seductive she did look in the pale green chiffon dress that floated off her lovely golden shoulders with her hair was pulled back in her traditional chignon and held in place with emerald combs. The plunging neckline exposed a large expanse of her golden colored breasts, which caused his breath to catch in his throat., especially since as he held the chair for her to sit, he could see straight down her decotague. He felt himself start to quicken, and groaned as he realized this was going to be a very long night.

‘Senor, I would have thought as bestman to the groom, you would have sat with the wedding party?’ Gabriella questioned, almost warily.

‘Yes, well, you’ll find I rarely do things people expect me to do. Besides, tonight is Javonnie and Veronica’s night, let them be the center of attention, I much prefer to say in the ‘shadows’ so to speak’ Raynes words dripped with innuendo and Gabriella suddenly knew that Rayne knew about her rendezvous at the warehouse the night before. She didn’t know how he knew, but she knew in his own subtle way he had just let her know, he knew. She would not panic, she could be wrong, but she didn’t fool herself into believing that either. She just didn’t know how much he knew about that meeting or her for that matter. She had hoped to avoid this, but it seemed fate wasn’t with her this time. So, instead of avoiding Rayne as had been her plan since the engagement ball, she decided she would set out to charm him, thereby giving her the advantage and learn just how much he knew. But, she also knew Rayne Quinhurst was a very dangerous adversary, and she sincerely hoped that when the dust settled, he was standing on her side.

That decided she turned to him with her most charming smile and asked ‘Duke, oh I’m sorry, we did agree to first names didn’t we?’

‘Yes, Gabriella, we did’ Rayne responded wondering at the sudden change in attitude.

‘Rayne, I was wondering why it is I haven’t seen much of you since the engagement ball?’

‘Actually, I got the feeling that it was you that was avoiding me, senorita.’

‘You tease me now! Why would a woman avoid you Rayne? Every woman in London talks of you and hopes to catch your attention. Why would I be any different?’ Gabriella queried.

Ah, so she had caught his subtle hint that he had seen her last night. Now she was wondering just how much he knew. She would be surprised to know he knew nothing, but would, through her own admissions and before this night was through. ‘I’m not certain why it is that you are different, but without a doubt you don’t fall into that category you just described. Perhaps you upbringing was different, or perhaps because you are rich in your own right, and therefore not husband hunting? Whatever the reason, I am just grateful that you are different.’< br>
‘Just how different do you think I am?’

‘That would depend on the circumstance.’

Gabriella knew that which he alluded to. He was bold, assuming that she would let him make love to her! But then again, her body seemed not to be her own when he was near. Even now there was a tightness in her stomach, her breasts tingled where his gaze seared them and there was a longing for something she knew not what when she was with him. For all that she had endured, she had managed to escape ravishment during those long horrible days in Spain during the Spanish Inquisition. Just the memory of those horror filled times caused a shudder to pass through her.

Those were times that Gabriella tried hard to push to the deep dark recesses of her mind, only brought out when she was that other person, not the Lady Gabriella Quantinilla. It had been in 1479, when she was but twelve years old, that the Spanish Inquisition was at its worst. Her mother and father were labeled as heretics because of their wealth and possessions. It had mattered not to the General Inquisitor, Thomas de Torquemada, that her father had taken the small fortune he had inherited from his father and worked long hours to assure his business was successful. She had been terrified the day the inquisitors had forced their way into their home and attacked her father. Her mother had tried to help Carlos and had been beaten severely for her efforts. After that it was an almost daily ritual of the inquisitors visiting their home until the fateful day when Thomas de Torquemada had come himself. When his lecherous eyes had feasted on the beauty of Gabriella, he had ordered her mother and father removed from their home and taken to the inquisitors’ dungeons. Her father had begged Torquemada to at least tell him who his accusers were, so that he could prove they were lying. But, the Inquisition kept that information confidential, and once arrested the accuseds property was seized and those properties were administered by Torquemada. So it was general knowledge that people were accused of heresy to make Torquemada a rich and powerful man.

Torquemada had tried to seize Gabriella to bring her to his home, but she had slipped away during the scuffle with her parents as had been their plan. Gabriella had cut her hair and dressed like a boy and covered herself with filth until she no longer resembled the beautiful child she was, but rather she looked like a bedraggled street urchin. Thus, was she able to come to the inquisitors’ dungeons to see her parents, at least from a distance. She was present the day they murdered her mother. Torquemada had used the strappado, a device that used ropes to strap her mothers arms and legs, and then weights were attached to the ends of these ropes. She had watched them strip her mother and using the strappado her mothers nude body had been stretched painfully, pulling her arms and legs out of their sockets until finally at long last she had died. Her father had been tortured using the aselli. This involved him being placed on a trestle with sharp-edged rungs and secured with an iron band. His feet were elevated above his heads, and a small piece of linen was forced into his throat. Then a jar of water was poured into his mouth and nose, producing a state of semi-suffocation. The inquisitor did this over and over stopping only to give her father a chance to confess to the charges. When he refused, they would repeat the procedure again. Once, during that time, her father had seen Gabriella’s face in the crowd and his eyes had locked on hers in a silent command for her to leave and go into hiding as they had discussed when they first began to be harassed by Torquemada. With tears streaming down her face she turned and ran and never looked back.

The visions of her mothers’ death and her fathers’ torture that had also ended in his death haunted her dreams throughout her childhood. She and her maid Maria had managed to get themselves out of Spain and to England using the money her father had secreted away. For years she and Maria had lived with her fathers life-long friend Roberto Cantu. Roberto had escaped from Spain just before the inquisition had begun, and using his political clout as an attorney, he managed to arrange to gain control of the Quantinilla estate and holdings before Torquemada had claimed them. He had then set about rebuilding Carlos’s empire for Gabriella. But Gabriella had vowed she would avenge her parents’ deaths, and she wouldn’t rest until Torquemada was dead.

‘Gabriella?’ Rayne spoke softly to the woman who sat in strained silence, her face drained of color and her eyes filling with tears. Rayne had to call her a second time and touch her shoulder to bring her back to the present.

Gabriella turned her face to Rayne and realized she must have been silent for a long time, because the guests seated around her were all staring with avid interest at her. She rose from the table and mumbled ‘Please excuse me, por favor, senor’ before she hurried from the room.

Rayne could see that she was visible shaken and he wasn’t sure exactly what had just happened. But he felt whatever had just taken place was brought about by his comments. So, with that in mind, he excused himself and followed Gabriella out into the garden. As he approached her on silent feet, she stood with her back to him and he could see by the way she trembled that she was extremely upset and when he turned her to face him, her cheeks were wet with tears. ‘Gabriella, what’s this?’ he asked as his finger traced the tracks of her tears.

‘Rayne, I’m afraid I owe you an apology’ she tried to smile, but instead her bottom lip refused to stop quivering. In an effort to get a hold of herself, she caught her lip between her pearly white teeth. The sight of her full lush lip caught between her teeth made Rayne feel so protective of her. He wanted to pull her into his arms and crush her to him and protect her from the world. Those thoughts and feelings themselves were alien to Rayne. He had never had these feeling for Navia. Oh he had cared what happened to her, but the thought of her being in someone else’s arms caused him not the slightest concern. While the thought of Gabriella being in someone else’s arms made him want to snarl and do bodily damage.

‘Gabriella, you have nothing to apologize for. Won’t you tell me what’s wrong?’

Gabriella was fighting to gain control of her emotions. She had not lost control like this in a very long time, and she couldn’t believe Rayne had brought out all of these old emotions with just a look. ‘It’s a long story, and one best left untold. The telling of it would only cause me more pain, and there is nothing you or anyone else can to do change the events that evoked these memories.’

Her voice so full of pent-up emotions, the waver of her voice and the tears that still flowed freely down her cheeks tugged at Raynes heart-strings and made the desire to hold her and block out all of the ugliness that brought her this pain even greater. ‘Won’t you let me help you? I’m sure there’s something I could do?’ Rayne asked in a voice fraught with concern and frustration.

‘If you really want to help me, you will get me out of here. But it is unfair of me to ask this of you, this is a night to share in the joy and happiness of your friend and his new bride. Forget I asked.’

‘And I have already told you, this is Javonnie and Veronica’s night, I have never liked being the center of attention, while Javonnie seems to thrive on it. Wait here, I will go make my excuses to Javonnie and return for you. Will you be alright here alone?’

‘Yes,….and Rayne, thank you, I don’t believe I could face all those people just now.’

Rayne gave her a smile that made her heart beat just a little faster as he turned and disappeared into the house. He approached Javonnie and leaned over and spoke for several minutes to Javonnie, who inquired if there was anything he could do. To which Rayne replied, ‘Yes, enjoy this night and the rest of your life, friend, I
wish you both only good things.’

As Rayne and Gabriella rode through the streets of London in the security of his carriage, there was silence in the carriage. Tears continued to flow freely from Gabriella’s eyes and Rayne continued to feel absolutely powerless to stop them. Finally in an effort to offer her comfort he pulled her onto his lap and rested her head on his chest under his chin. He gave her a kiss on the top of her head, and when she would have moved off of his lap, he whispered, ‘Don’t worry little one, you have nothing to fear from me, I only seek to offer you comfort…..for now.’ Rayne had added the last because he felt it only fair that she know where she stood with him. He wanted her, and eventually he would have her. He knew if he pursued the issue tonight, he could have her in his arms and bed, but to do so would be to take unfair advantage. Rayne was a man of pride, and that’s something he would never do. Besides, when Gabriella came to his bed, and she would, he wanted it to be because she wanted to. She had relaxed against Rayne’s chest, and that coupled with the warmth from his body and the gentle rocking motion of the carriage as it wound it’s way through the deserted streets of London soon had her fast asleep.

Rayne realized she had fallen asleep as he heard her deep even breathing and thought wryly that he had never had a woman this beautiful so immune to his charm, sensual nature and good looks that she fell asleep in his arms. At least not unless it was after she was exhausted from his lovemaking!

The driver stopped before Gabriella’s large townhome and opened the door to the carriage for the couple inside. He discreetly averted his eyes to what he thought was a passionate embrace at first glance. But as Rayne descended from the carriage and carried the sleeping Gabriella up the steps to the front door, the driver realized his mistake and hurried to rap for entry for the gentleman. The butler opened the door as Maria stepped of the stairway onto the landing.

‘What have you done to my baby?’ she demanded in alarm.

Rayne shushed her and turned so that the woman could see for herself that Gabriella was just sleeping. Maria looked questioningly at Rayne and then led the way to Gabriella’s bedchamber. Rayne carried her up the long, winding staircase as if she were a feather. Truth be told, she was as light as a feather and Rayne begrudgingly laid her on the bed Maria had indicated. But when he attempted to remove her arms from around his neck she only tightened them and murmured incoherently in her sleep. Maria motioned for Rayne to lay with her on the bed. As Rayne lay down on the bed next to Gabriella the aged old woman settled in the chair next to the bed to keep vigil. This seemed to satisfy the mumbling Gabriella and shortly she released him and just snuggled up close to the warmth of his body. He lay looking down on her peaceful features, as she lay sleeping she had a certain vulnerability about her that brought out Raynes protective instincts in full force. At the same time, the sight of her breasts all but spilling forth from her low cut neckline was almost his undoing. Honor be damned, it he didn’t get out of this bed and soon, he was liable to take her right in front of the old crones very eyes! He slipped quietly out of the bed and Maria followed him out, closing the door softly.

‘So, you’re him?’ the woman stated baldly.

‘I bed your pardon?’

‘You’re the Duke of Darkness’ it was a statement, not a question and Rayne slowly raised that raven brow of his in question.

‘And just who might you be?’ Rayne asked with his voice dripping in arrogance.

‘Don’t you use that tone with me young man, I’ve known you would come into her life since she was a wee babe in her cradle. A vision it was. As she lay sleeping, a raven lit on her cradle to watch over her. It has come to pass,’ she said resignedly.

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Shy Wife Tied and Displayed

My beautiful wife is a bit shy, but sexually very trusting. I get a huge rush from showing her off without her knowing. Like last Saturday when our lazy morning at the apartment turned to lust. Before long I had her bare-butt naked and at the edge of a climax. The more turned on she gets the more adventurous she gets, the perfect time to suggest a little light bondage!She readily agreed knowing this would lead to multiple orgasms! I slipped a blindfold into place making sure she couldn’t...

2 years ago
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Phoenix Pt 2 Ch 14

Over the last month, the daughters of Sibilius had gone down to the surface and, following Béla’s example of representing themselves as goddesses, successfully eradicated the wasting disease that had decimated over half the population of New Eden. The goddesses now represented authority on the inner surface and had the mundane duty of dispensing justice against any violators of the accepted civil codes, which they decided to leave unchanged to insure political stability. Within a week of...

4 years ago
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Horror at Castle VagnorChapter 18

"My experiment is ruined!" bellowed the infuriated boy. He and Lars had found them hours later. "All my months of work perfecting the genetic extract and now it's all wasted!" "Yes, a shame," consoled the Baroness. "She was so entertaining too." The Baron bent over the girl's lifeless body and slipped the ruby ring from her finger. "She won't be needing this anymore, but I indeed will." "Lars!" The boy's mood was ugly. "Yessss, Masssster Ssssteffan?" "Clean up this...

3 years ago
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Ugly Fat Senior Girl Gave Full Pleasure In College

You know the best thing about college – No one gonna ask you where were you last night. I had sex with my girlfriend a couple of times in the hotels and college. My girlfriend is a year senior to me and her roommate about which I’m telling this story, her name is Sweta. I and my girlfriend were having a wonderful time – she used to send her nude pics occasionally and once she even recorded our sex in a hotel room. I asked her to delete it but somehow her roommate “Sweta” got that clip from her...

3 years ago
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Three Clicks to Another WorldChapter 23

I was in the middle of rotating from Violet Harmon’s ass to Vivien’s, swapping with Ben, making both ladies cream themselves from the constant anal stimulation. Suddenly, I saw him there. Tate Langdon. He was right there and he wasn’t alone. Moira O’Hara stood there with him, watching us. I smirked and just kept at it while watching them watch us. If he didn’t like seeing me fuck his crush (or crushes?), too fucking bad. It wasn’t as if I could impregnate Violet or Vivien and certainly not...

4 years ago
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The Making of a Fighter Pilots WhoreChapter 7 The Plan For Revenge

That event settled everything between Lydia and me once and for all. It cemented our love for each other forever in solid concrete. We would still have issues to overcome in the years ahead, but any doubt about the depth of our love and commitment for each other, and to each other, was put to bed forever. I still had to reconcile myself with the reality that no matter how hard I tried, that I could not erase the image of Lydia so passionately fucking Norm from my brain and that I now had...

3 years ago
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Chocolate and Hockey

What do chocolate and hockey have to do with each other? A good question. They both have to do with sex. WHY CHOCOLATE IS BETTER THAN SEX 1) We don’t have to beg for chocolate. This proves nothing. We can get sex without begging. Ask Eve. Let’s just not get like Mrs. Marabel Morgan who wrote “Total Woman.” Wear Saran Wrap to greet your hubby after his hard day at the office. Imagine how sticky you’d feel plastered in plastic! We didn’t have to beg our brother who maybe wasn’t romantic...

1 year ago
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BangPOV Luna Star Hottest Secretary Interview With Great Fucking

What a surprised today! Luna Star walks in our office looking for a job . Yes! The super hot Luna Star. She saids the traveling is getting old and tiring. I hesitated to answer her but I asked for us to have some fun instead. Since I haven’t seen her in a long time I was super excited. She still looks amazing with her juicy tits and big ass. She wore a super hot office attire and was ready to play. She gave a great blowjob and tit fucking. Her pussy was wet and great. We fucked from different...

4 years ago
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Pia and I slept with Daddies old friend

We were without doubt two Scandinavian beauties, two young girls with clear skin and long tresses of blond hair, separated by two years in age, both long limbed and physically athletic, sweet smelling and tomboyish to behold, two girls in the care of their divorced father, borne from a woman known for her sexual exploits with other men, a father with a hatred for his cuckoldress wife and her beautiful daughters.My sister Pia was changing, her body that is. I was envious of her breasts, her...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 5 StephanieChapter 7 Back to Normal Part I

June 1981, Milford, Ohio The four of us decided that we’d head to the Cincinnati Nature Center in Goshen to spend some time walking. It was drizzling off and on, but we all grabbed umbrellas so we could walk outside. We spent a couple of hours walking on the trails and talking. Stephanie had been pretty much down in the dumps when we got in the car, but the fact that the girls seemed to accept her back as a friend cheered her up somewhat. I wasn’t surprised when Bethany raised the issue of...

3 years ago
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SeekersChapter 5

Considering that I slipped into leadership of an independent fellowship quite accidentally from my point of view, it came as a surprise that our little group of, well, dissidents, continued to grow. When I washed my friends' feet at our Seder meal and 'Last Supper', there were nearly twenty of us there. Most of whom came to the park the following day to sit among the trees to observe the traditional vigil before the cross between twelve and three in the afternoon. On Saturday, we had a...

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GreeniesChapter 4C

Hathaway's prediction of two days turned out to be an accurate one. The Denver federal grand jury, which consisted of seven women and five men, were horrified at the crimes that Laura Whiting, current governor of Mars, was accused of participating in. The evidence that they were presented, coupled with the extensive media coverage of the events that all had been following of late, prompted them to issue a six-page indictment against her on six distinct federal charges, all of which carried...

2 years ago
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two dicks on tuesday

It was november 7 and cold outside and i was hornier than ever. I got up at 10 am and knew i wanted some cock this day. I cleaned my hole out, shaved my body and took a long shower with my suction cup dildo i just had shipped to me. it was a big veiny white dildo that went deep inside me, but i knew i wanted blck cock today preferably anonymous blcak cock. once the shower was off and i reluctantly pulled my hole off the dildo on the wall and went to take some pics of my ass. I got on all fours...

2 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 56

I was awakened by the sweet smell of coffee. I opened my eyes and Tamara was waving it in front of my face. "Good morning, sleepyhead," she said. "Good morning yourself. What time is it?" "It's almost eight o'clock. Lena and Marie are making breakfast. Michael and Michelle are having coffee on the patio. Mike is doing laps in the pool and Audrey is in the shower. You're the last in bed." "And I'm going to stay here, as long as you're here with me. You look so beautiful in the...

2 years ago
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Lost EmpireChapter 9

Laughing Derrick read all the reports that came in, the commander of the ship that had fired on them screaming that they were an ancient evil that needed to be destroyed. Leave it to be said that the man, was placed in a restrictive jacket and holding cell. After Shelby detected the change in scan designed to specifically to detect them, Derrick became very interested in the man responsible for it. "Shelby," Derrick started, "can you link with the Ranger computer, obtain onboard video...

3 years ago
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E140 And More Of A New Direction

After they dine and another drink, the four head back to the bed for round three.  Donald on his stomach, his face in Emma’s twat, which is, as always, wet and ready.  Sasha and Joseph are at each of his sides.  As Donald licks and pleasures Emma, which is so nice to do, the other couple begin to massage, caress, kiss, lick, and suck, all over his bodyThe massage they are giving Donald over his shoulders and down his back is added with the running of Sasha’s and Joseph’s tongues down his spine...

Love Stories
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Alysons Frst Time Out

ByMileneThe place is not what I expected. The atmosphere is bright, glitzy, with an overall techno feel that seems almost cold. I had expected something warmer, more ... nurturing, feminine, I guess, from a place that caters exclusively to women. I wonder if this appeals to the butch types, and then laugh at myself for indulging in stereotypes. What do I know, anyway - it's my first time in a "girl bar". Yep, first time - finally legal, just two weeks past my eighteenth Birthday, out with...

3 years ago
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Pregnant Neha Fucked By Office Colleague

This sex story is about me and my pregnant office colleague, where we fall in love/lust and fucked each other with fullest. I am a 29-year-old male, handsome experience guys, I had experience with different kind of girls like Chinese, American, Russian, North and South Indian girl. Any female/girl/lady from Bangalore want to have fun/sex, please feel free to write to my email , privacy is the top priority for me. Now, coming to the latest sex story, this is about my office colleague Neha...

2 years ago
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Fucking chachie8217s pussy

I always want to fuck my chachie. It was my dream to fuck her but due to relation and fear I am not able to ask her for the sex. So I masturbate to control my urge for sex for which I was dying. I have seen her many times nude (while she was taking bath or when she was changing clothes) from the bathroom key hole. And I masturbate everytime seeing her. One day she caught me watching her boobs. She couldnot tell me anything but leave the room and don’t talk with me for 2-3 days by which I got...

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My name is Sam. I’m a firefighter. As the city was in the grips of an arsonist, I found my destiny. I wasn’t looking for it, but I don’t think anyone ever is. I knew I was gay, really understood what it meant, when I was thirteen. I remember looking through the big holiday catalogs when I was younger than that, looking for toys and finding the men’s underwear section and staring, enjoying what I saw. I didn’t understand what I felt though. But when I was thirteen, it all changed. I was with a...

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Sex in Swedish means Six a good age

I would consider myself no more different from any other girl growing up and interacting with other people. My dreams and aspirations were forged on the same experiences, we all get from life, following the pack and the order it generates, never a front leader and looking up to my peers, both men and women.I never really focused on anything sexual, that's not to say I never suffered ot experienced sexual behaviour from other people around me, that would have been difficult to avoid as I was a...

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The Day I Came To Know My Metrosexuality

Hi..I am Rahul and I stay in Mumbai.. .I am a straight guy and very much like to enjoy with girls and ladies. but this time i had an experience which i had never expected… and i must say i enjoyed it. if only i saw it coming i would have enjoyed more… but then..it was still amazing! I am average looking guy and am neither fat nor too athletic…I can say that I have an average body. Everyday I use local trains for going to and coming from office. Usually after office I go to gym, which is next to...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Black Safari for Sophie Chapter 2

A couple of hours had passed and Janet's daughter had still not arrived at the falls. Janet became concerned and questioned the two Africans with her. "Not to worry, miss Janet. Sometimes the elephants do not come into view right away. I'm sure they are okay." "Well, since I'm paying for this safari, I demand that you drive me to the location so I can see for myself." "Very well, madam. Go ahead and get into the van while I gather up some things." The African did not want to take her because he...

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You really are a Slut PT 2 Lesbian

Emma had changed everything that day. I was now an addict to her. I was hooked. I could not get her off my mind. She had left me a dishevelled, soaking mess on that toilet floor and I had to work out how to get my phone and portfolio from the networking room. I attempted to fix myself up as best I could in the mirror and made a very quick entry and exit. It was clear some noticed my now less than perfect look, but I knew they had no idea what had just happened.I drove home, my mind raced a...

1 year ago
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A Summer Like No Other Ch 01

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is a new 6 part series. ***** My name is Troy Burns and I’m the guy who flies under the radar, all through school I had only a few friends, but I mostly chose to be a loner on my own. Most of the troublesome things that some of my peers were getting into never interested me. I recently graduated three months ago and decided to get a summer job to help out my mom who’s a single parent. I knew she needed the extra help and now that I was finished with school I had the extra...

4 years ago
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Choosing a BBC at the rest stop

Saturday late night I was driving in the highway, coming back from a rock band concert out of town, when Anita asked me to stop at a rest place. I looked at her and she smiled at me…She got out of the car and asked me to follow her. She whispered in my ear she was so fucking horny that night…I fucked her in one of the stalls in the ladies’ room. It was pretty cool, especially with other women coming in and out of the restroom the whole time. We could hear them doing their business and talking...

1 year ago
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My YouthChapter 7 Goon and Ragdoll

This and other stories by me are wholly true. Sometimes, and only sometimes, names are changed to protect the people involved. These stories are from my past and no doubt, some of the characters have gone on to lives of their own which may or may not have been affected by the accounts written here. Where do I begin? As an author of adult paranormal romance books, you’d think I could pull from some of these true stories for fuel in my writing. But you know what? I’ve never done that. Yes,...

1 year ago
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YanaStory 2 Yana And The Small Problem

Once upon a time, in the days of the now-dissolved Evil Empire, there lived in Moscow a very lovely and intelligent blonde girl named Yana. When she graduated at the top of her high school class the government told her that she wanted to work in the nuclear industry. She wisely chose studying for seven years to become a nuclear scientist at the Josef Stalin Institute for Blowing Things Up in Tblisi, Georgia, over becoming a pick-and-shovel miner for uranium ore in the Novosibirskiye Islands...

2 years ago
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Maple Heights Ch 1

Valentine’s Day was Millington Chase’s favourite time of year. In the evening, he opened his mansion for a group of people selected through to attend a special party.His business was a small side-line but it gave him an immense amount of pleasure. It was certainly far more fun now than his main company, Maple Heights Investments. That had been causing him quite a few headaches of late.With deals falling through and endless staffing issues, he was more than disgruntled. Although he’d always...

Office Sex
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How I Came To Love BBC

My very first experience occurred shortly after being married in 1986. I first met my future husband, Don in 1983. I was seventeen at the time and he had been recently posted to Germany with the military. Ironically, I met him at the same beach where my story unfolds.I was a virgin when I met him, and he was the only man I had ever been with. We were married in 1986 and life was good. My first experience with black cock occurred when I had just turned twenty-two. I was still young,...

3 years ago
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My Sister Niece

Ok, so for the past several years my youngest sister Elizabeth and I have been both on roller coasters of relationships.. My marriage ended in divorce just as her marriage ended in a divorce.. Elizabeth was born when I was already out of the house and in the Army. So we didn’t really grow up together. But we have always tried to stay in touch and talked often. Last year we both went through divorces around the same time. We both encouraged eachother throughout that time. I lost the house and my...

2 years ago
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Raj Ne Aapne Moui Ki Ladki Ko Chooda 8211 Part II

Hi friends this is Rahul back again with his story Raj and his sister and how he fucked his bhabhi hard. Hai to jaise kii maine aap koo last story mai bataya tha kii kaise raj ne aapne behen koo chooda aur chudai puri hone se phele he uske behen ki bhiya aur bhabhi aa gae archu ke bhiya aur bhabhi Mumbai mai rahte the, arcu ke bhabhi ek bohoot he modern lady thi aur jab wo aae to pink colour sleevless top aur jeans pehen kar aaee the. Aur ek dam gori aur proper shaped dudh the. Wo bhi aache...

2 years ago
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My friends dad 19

Jeanette was a little depressed, and I just had to talk to her and make feel better. It was like back when she was dating those guys and they just lost interest in her. “But do you ever wanna see your mom again?” I asked. “Well she's my mom. So I guess I do, why do you ask?” Jeanette asked. “Well, nothing I guess. I mean, I don't know how you are feeling exactly, well because I haven't been in that boat, but I can't imagine anything that would make me never wanna see my mom again,” I replied....

1 year ago
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Fractured SoulsChapter 2 Wedding Bells

All my life I had hoped, prayed and dreamed for the day which had finally arrived. My mother was to marry my father, and it just sort of hit me all of a sudden while driving up to the huge church where it was going to actually happen. “Shit,” I said, shutting off the engine and staring at the rather impressive house of God. While trying to see what I was looking at, Eric asked, “What’s the matter?” “Nothing really. It’s just I once promised my mom I’d be the first one to throw the rice at...

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