- 2 years ago
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Chapter 1
Rayne stood with his feet firmly planted on the deck of his ship the Eclipse. God, how he loved the feel of the ship as it cut through the water and the deck rolled beneath his feet. It was an almost sensual feeling, not unlike that of a mistress as she moved beneath you. Rayne walked over and leaned on the railing and studied the ink-black sky with the sparkling stars that formed the constellations and provided a guide for the helmsman to follow. It had been a long time since he had returned home. No, not home, for he no longer considered the land of his birth as home. Home was where he had spent his free time for the past several years. The tropical paradise in the South Pacific Seas, Tahiti, that was where he called home. Where Navia was always waiting with open arms for him when he returned from long voyages at sea. Where the nights were warm and filled with music and food and pleasure. He could still see Navia’s face, pale and drawn in worry, as he had boarded the Eclipse. She knew this voyage was different because he returned to ‘the other life’, as she referred to his life before their time together.
Rayne had first came to Tahiti after the untimely death of his beloved parents as a young man of twenty-one. His parents had died when he was eighteen years old and he had been forced to live with his grandfather until he had reached his majority three years later. His grandfather was none other that the esteemed Duke of Quinhurst. He was respected and feared in equal measure by the ton of London and with good reason. Lionel could make or break a person with the mere whisper of a few words, so great was his power in the highest circles of England. But Rayne had learned first hand what a hard and cynical man his grandfather was and realized why his mother had never spoken of her father with great love. Lionel taught Rayne the lessons of life, in the most diabolical ways. He had earned Raynes trust and love, only to turn it against him and humiliate him in order to teach him to trust no one. But the one thing that Rayne could never learn to live with or forgive his grandfather for was the way in which he manipulated people’s lives. His grandfather truly believed that the end justified the means, in all things.
Rayne had learned early on in the relationship with his grandfather that he could count on him for nothing. So, he had become an excellent gambler and made the rounds of the clubs in London on a regular basis, a habit that had caused many a nobleman’s purse to be considerably lighter. He had gained enough blunt to invest in various ventures, enabling him to amass a small fortune. He always knew that sooner or later Lionel would demand something of him that he would not be able to abide. Such had been the case when he had calmly and matter-of-factly informed Rayne that he would marry the Heiress Besedjnek. While Rayne had nothing personally against the woman, especially since he had never met her, he refused to honor Lionel’s request. It had been a particular ugly confrontation, as were most of Raynes battles with Lionel, ending in Lionel issuing an ultimatum of obedience or disinheritance. Rayne had laughed in his face and walked out. That was the last time he had seen his grandfather. He had kept apprised of Lionel and his schemes through his agent in London who sent him regular reports on everything of importance. Thus it was that he learned of Lionels death. Rayne had felt no emotion at the news of his grandfathers death. In fact he had ceased to think of Lionel as his grandfather and simply thought of him only as Lionel. A grandfather represented someone kind and loving, neither term which he could relate to Lionel. He felt sadness at his lack of feelings, but it was what Lionel had taught him.
Now, he was returning to England to claim all that was his, but it brought him no pleasure. Instead he would much rather be sailing the high seas releasing Spanish galleons of their burdens of gold coin. Now, that was something he thoroughly enjoyed! Recently a new face had cut into his enjoyment on the high seas. One he had as yet to have the privilege to glimpse. This new pirate was of the feminine variety and boldly called herself La Gata. Few men had gotten a close look at her and lived to tell about it. It would seem she was of Spanish ancestry yet she harbored a strong hatred for Spain. That in and of itself was enough to raise Raynes curiosity about her. It was rumored that she was tall for a woman, dark of complexion and eyes so dark one couldn’t be sure exactly what color they were.
Rayne lost in his musings didn’t hear his friend Javonnie approach. Javonnie was the resident doctor on board and he managed to keep the crew and sometimes-even Rayne in good repair. ‘A penny for your thoughts’ Javonnie said softly.
Rayne turned his head and grinned, ‘Hardly worth your money, I assure you.’
‘Worried about the return of the prodigal son?’
‘Not hardly, just annoyed that Lionel had to die at such an inconvenient time.’
Javonnie retorted somewhat dryly, ‘I’m sure Lionel took that into consideration when he died.’
‘Knowing Lionel, it was planned down to the very last detail. If I found a way to stay apprised of his activities, you know he knew every move I was making. If I learned one thing about grandfather dearest, it was to never underestimate him.’
Javonnie knew from experience that this was one argument he would never win with Rayne and thus moved on to more pleasant topics. ‘Poor Navia, she looked quite lost standing on the dock as you sailed out of the harbor. I do believe she fears you won’t be returning to her this time.’
‘Nonsense, why would I prefer to remain in England in the cold and damp climate that permeates everything it touches when I can live in a tropical paradise? She is just being silly.’
‘Silly? I wonder. Do you love her Rayne?’
‘Love, what’s love got to do with it. We’re suited to each other and our arrangement is of mutual benefit. She lives in a glorious hacienda where her word is law. She wants for nothing, clothes, jewels, perfumes, nor comforts. I enjoy indulging her and she meets my needs. What more could she ask for?’
‘Has it never occurred to you, that she might desire a more permanent relationship with you?’
Rayne scowled at Javonnie and turned to gaze out over the water before answering, ‘You know how I feel about marriage. Lionel would have shackled me to the Heiress for mere money and monetary gain alone. Mothers scurry about with their daughters in an effort to secure the wealthiest man available with no regard to the girls’ feelings. I think it’s absolutely disgraceful and I won’t be a part of it.’
‘Yet, were your parents married and deeply in love, if memory serves me correct.’ Javonnie knew this was a dirty trick, but one did what one must sometimes to make Rayne see reason. Rayne was a hard man to convince and even harder to reason with when he chose to be so, as he obviously was now.
Rayne swung a searing gaze on Javonnie for long moments before answering tightly, ‘My parents, and their relationship, were entirely different to mine and Navia’s relationship. You know that. My mother defied Lionel and married my father because she truly loved him. It cost her a great deal, more than even I can imagine. She never revealed just how much it cost her, because she said the joy my father and I brought her was worth any price. Thus do I feel the same about the sanctity of marriage. Should I ever chance to meet the woman that can bring joy into my world merely by entering it and cause me to feel that a day without her is not worth the living of it, you can be sure, then and only then, will I consider marriage.’
Javonnie chuckled and retorted, ‘Be careful what you ask for old friend, you may find what you seek when you least expect it!’
‘Ah, but one has to seek something to find it Javonnie, and you forget that I seek not a wench so comely that she can tread upon my heart till it bleeds’ R
ayne responded while his lips twitched with mirth. Javonnie, a believer of the unexpected, wondered what Rayne would do if such a woman should walk unbidden into his life. It would truly be interesting to observe.
‘Tell me Javonnie, any word of our most recent competition?’
‘As a matter of fact, I spoke with Jake and Tobias from the Raven who said they had seen her not three weeks prior attack another Spanish galleon. Freeing the slaves the Spanish are so fond of using, relieving them of their precious cargo and sinking the ship, leaving the Spaniards for shark bait.’
‘But, did they get a look at her?’
‘ Only from a distance, it seems she’s quite an accomplished swordsman, or perhaps I should say swordswoman? They claimed she was in the thick of the fighting and dispatched not a few of the Spaniards to the gates of hell.’
‘A woman, fighting with a sword? Preposterous! Why, how could she maneuver in skirts and heels?’
‘Oh, our little firebrand doesn’t wear skirts and heels. Tobias said she was dressed in black leather breeches and boots. She wore a scarlet silk shirt and a gold sash about her waist.’
‘It would seem Tobias saw quite a lot, to have seem her from a distance’ Rayne remarked, sounding somewhat doubtful of the truthfulness of the account.
‘Well, he did have the spy glass, but perhaps he did embellish a might. I guess we won’t know for sure until we are fortunate or unfortunate, as the case may be, to meet her ourselves. It grows late, and I believe my bunk is calling. Unless you have need of me, I believe I will call it a night.’
‘No, go ahead, I know about the card game that is scheduled below in the men’s quarters, just make sure you don’t take all of their cash, or there will be hell to pay when we make port.’ Javonnie feigned a look of injured pride before laughing heartily and heading down to the crews quarters.
Rayne continued to stay by the railing, this was his favorite time of the evening, when all of the ships chores for the day were finished, and the sailors were gathered in small groups dicing or gambling, or carving as did Red. Red was famous among the crew for his mermaid carvings and was continuously pestering Rayne to let him carve a masthead for the Phantom of a bare-breasted mermaid like the ones on the Vikings ships from days long past. So far Rayne had managed to keep the request at bay. Although it would definitely be a sight to behold a larger than life mermaid with bared breasts. He might have to give in to Reds request yet! He could hear the sad sound of a tune being played on Tuff’s harmonica. He had a good crew and he knew that there wasn’t a one among them that wasn’t willing to risk their life to save his. They also knew the same to be true of the man they served. All of the crew knew of his circumstances and had stood beside him through many a battle. But he dealt with them fairly and treated them as the men they were thus forming this bond of loyalty and respect.
He wondered what did await him in England. He had left few friends behind preferring his solitude and privacy to the whirl of social events that had drawn Lionel like a moth to a flame. However, as the new Duke of Quinhurst his obligations would preclude his own private wishes, at least to a certain extent. Yet, he vowed it would not control his life and he would not stay overly long in England. This decided, he turned from the deck and approached the helmsman and relieved him of his duty. He felt the need to control something, since he could not control the events taking place in his life at the present this release would have to suffice. He stayed at the helm until the wee hours of the morning when the second watch took over and he made his way to his cabin where he pulled off his boots, stripped off his breeches and sprawled naked across the large bed. He was weary from the physical exertion of guiding the ship, but it was a good tired and he slept deeply.
Sun streamed through the window of the cabin to find Rayne already up and dressed and breaking his fast. The cook, an ageless old man whom Rayne believed was at least a hundred years old, was an excellent cook. He had sort of inherited the old man when he had saved him from a beating at a dock-side tavern several years before. The old man had chosen to pledge his life to Rayne in thanks. There was a brief knock on the door of his cabin and at Raynes call to enter Javonnie strode into the room with a smile on his face.
‘Well friend, you look like the cat that swallowed the canary. Did you leave them enough cash for drinking and wenching when we reach port?’ Rayne inquired between bites of ham and biscuit.
‘Not very much. But, you know I’ll contrive to let them win it all back long before we reach England, I always do.’ Rayne knew it was true, Javonnie gambled with the crew just for the sport, not to line his pockets. The crew knew it as well, which could account for the lack of animosity toward Javonnie when he won all of their money. Javonnie poured himself a cup of steaming black coffee before seating himself across from Rayne. ‘What’s on your agenda for the day Rayne?’
‘Oh, I don’t know, I’ve been going over some of the papers from the solicitor and trying to grasp just what all I own now and what I’m going to keep and which holdings I’m going to liquidate. Once we reach London, I believe we will make use of the townhouse Lionel kept there, as it’s smaller than that mausoleum in the country. I never liked the country estate, but as it’s been in the family for centuries, I feel a certain obligation to hold on to it.’
‘You do know that there will be a ton of invitations waiting on you when you make port. After all it’s been neigh on to ten years since you were last there, and every mother and unattached female within marriageable age will be clambering for a look at the ‘Duke of Darkness’ as you were labeled so long ago!’ Javonnie reminded him. ‘With Lionel’s death the ton will know it’s a certainty that you will be returning.’
Damnation, he had all but forgotten the whole ‘Duke of Darkness’ episode, but leave it to Javonnie to place it in the forefront of his mind once again. During the months and years following his parents death when he was living with Lionel, he had become such a brooding young man. He scowled frequently and smiled only rarely. He chose to dress in total black, broken only by the white of his shirts. With Raynes raven black hair, dark complexion, and chosen somber wardrobe, in conjunction with his cold and brooding demeanor, the only thing that wasn’t somber about him were those vibrant blue eyes of his, a thwarted would-be mistress had dubbed him the ‘Duke of Darkness’. It had been said in a jokingly manner, but, unfortunately the title stuck. Well, if anything he was even darker now, burned a dark bronze by long days on the deck of the Phantom stripped bare to the waist. He wondered what England would think of him now. The ton would whisper about how he made his fortune and call him a savage behind his back. But he also knew it wouldn’t matter one fig to the money hungry mothers trying desperately to marry off their spinster daughters to a man of substance. ‘Let’s just say the ‘Duke of Darkness’ has returned and perhaps that damnable title will be enough to keep at least the faint-hearted at bay! I might as well get some use out of the name.’
Javonnie silently agreed with his friend as he finished up his coffee and left Rayne still pouring over the vast stack of papers he had received prior to sailing from his solicitor. The day and night passed uneventfully, with the ship making good time on it’s way to England. But on the following day, the wind slacked off and the sails had to be trimmed in order to catch the slight breeze, and by the night the ship was barely moving. This lull lasted for four days and nights, causing the crew to become nervous and easily irritated. There wasn’t a sailor alive that didn’t dread the lull in wind that could cause a ship to list for days and sometimes-even weeks. Late
over in the evening of the fourth day a fog rolled in, enveloping the ship in the thick murky mess but at least the wind had picked up. Scotty, the first mate, was taking the late watch. Rayne was sitting in his cabin with Javonnie enjoying a glass of Cognac and playing cards when there was a knock on the door. Rayne bade them enter and Red walked through the door. ‘Scotty said to let you know he spotted a ship off the port bow about 15 minutes ago. Figured you’d want to come take a look.’
‘Thanks Red, I’ll be right up to take a look.’ Rayne drained his glass and smiled at Javonnie with an impish grin.
‘Now Rayne, you’re not supposed to be a pirate right now, you’re supposed to be a Duke on his way home. Which does require that you behave yourself!’ Javonnie reminded him.
‘Now, why would you jump to the conclusion that I’m not going to behave?’
‘I wonder. Do you suppose it could be because you’re like a bully just spoiling for a fight? Or that I know you better than anyone else and I know what that grin usually means?’
‘I’m just going to have a look, and we will probably just pass on by them without them ever even knowing we were there.’
Muttering under his breath Javonnie remarked, ‘it’s that probably that’s got me worried’ to himself and the four walls, since Rayne was already out the door and halfway to the deck.
When he reached Scotty’s side he handed Rayne the spyglass as he informed him, ‘Cap’n, there’s a ship shadowing the first one. I didn’t even see it at first, the damn thing is painted black as the night, right down to the sails. Damnedest thing I ever did see.’
Rayne turned the spy glass in the direction Scotty had indicated, and at first he saw nothing, then there was a slight lift in the fog and sure enough there she was, riding proudly on the water looking for all the world like a black ghost ship.
‘Well, the lead ship is definitely a Spanish galleon, and by the way she’s riding so low in the water, I would be welling to bet she’s loaded with gold dablooms, fine Spanish lace and silk as well as spices. I see no reason why this ghost ship should grab all the booty, now do you Scotty?’
Scotty chuckled, ‘No sir Cap’n as a matter of fact I took the liberty of telling the boys to be ready. You know, just in case you decided we needed a little diversion.’
‘You’re a good man Scotty’ Rayne slapped him on the back as he raced to grab his sword. The Eclipse turned silently toward the Spanish ship El Mercado and was closing the distance fast when the black ship made a run towards the doomed vessel. Rayne saw what the other captain was trying and laughed. His crew was the best crew on the waters, and he had beaten worse odds than these to come out the victor. This was but a game to Rayne, and he fully intended to share the booty, but what would it hurt to keep the other captain guessing for a while yet. He was looking forward to seeing the look on the other captains’ face when he and his crew swooped down, plucking the treasure right from beneath his nose. He bet the man would be furious.
The helmsman maneuvered the Eclipse in between the two ships and the grappling hooks hit the side of the vessel before the Spaniards even suspected they were under attack. Within in moments Rayne and his crew were swarming over the decks subduing the feeble attempts of the Spanish crew. Suddenly the crew from the mysterious black ship joined in the fray and as Rayne battled against a particularly aggressive soldier he caught a glimpse of a slim man with extremely long hair. A second look proved him totally wrong. That was no man, it was a woman in black leather breeches that molded to her every curve, outlining the contours of her lower half in infinite detail. She wore thigh-high black leather boots with a red silk shirt that was open to the waist and tucked tightly into her pants with a royal blue silk sash tied at her waist. So, this was La Gata. She was battling, not one but two swordsmen, who were displaying more than an adequate skill. But she had no problem dispatching them both to their maker in short order. Her hair was a riot of black curls in wild disarray that fell to well below her hips. She whirled to face Rayne as she felt his gaze upon her. As Raynes eyes traveled the entire length of her body coming to rest on her face he was startled out of his appreciative glance by the fiery gaze he met starring at him from the emerald green of her eyes.
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Winning 2 By Karen Hansen Robert's brain was still trying to wrap itself around what was happening. Or what was happening to him - he wasn't in a position to control or stop any aspects of his fantasy turned nightmare. Still lying on Alexis' bed, all his attempts to pull his hands free or reach the knots did nothing but make the ropes feel like they were getting tighter as the minutes passed. All the struggling had tired him to the point where his naked, 5'10" toned frame was...
There is certainly a hot woman taking selfies at the lake. Haley Reed is busy at her mobile phone probably posting her recent shots on her social media pages. This blonde is wearing a red tank top and short shorts. You can already see her white buns peeking out of her shorts and that makes her the one that you want to hook up with if she is willing. That is why a businessman wearing a suit approaches her as he is trying to have a conversation. With a few smooth talk and cracking jokes, he made...
xmoviesforyouHalloween Pool Party Part 2 Maddy Returns by Brenda I noticed Miss Maddy getting dropped off at the main house around 10 am. I did a quick final check of the pool room and my "pink" room just in case I forgot anything and around 11 Miss Maddy came in. She greeted me warmly with a light peck on the cheek and asked, "How's Ronnie doing today? I have missed our time here in the pool house. Why don't you show me what you have done before I take a swim dear?" Ronnie again, and "dear,"...
Amanda woke up at ten, and wasn’t sleepy anymore. She came out wearing her summer robe, which covers her body but is light and translucent. Just seeing her in it made my libido wake up. It was doing that a lot more often these days than it had in the recent past. It was more like I was in my twenties, than my thirties. I was engaged with a challenge game of Mahjong on my laptop. You get three challenge games per day and if you beat them all for the whole month you get a digital medal. The...
“Stacy?” I was stunned that he asked that. I hadn’t realized he didn’t know about that. “Okay, you’re serious. Stacy Hope is sort of Sammy’s girlfriend.” I didn’t see much of any emotion on his face as he asked, “What kind of person is she? Is she nice?” I shrugged, “From what Sammy has said about her. I wouldn’t know personally I don’t think I’ve ever met her. Although Sammy says that Stacy thinks I’m nice.” “Do you think Sammy will be okay if I met her girlfriend? If not I’d at least...
After the most unexpected but extremely pleasurable encounter I had with Dee the first night I was on the beautiful Island of Oahu, I diligently reported to the office Monday morning. She started my day by making all the obligatory introductions of the office staff. The rest of that day, as well Tuesday, was filled with more information being thrown at me than I thought I could absorb. Of course, the fact that on Monday she wore a very flattering dress which was about knee-length and had a nice...
"Ohh GAWD YESSS!" she moaned as she rolled her hips forward letting my cock slide around inside her. "Oh Fuck!" she moaned again as she rocked back shoving my cock deep into her pussy again. I knew at this pace neither of us was going to last much longer. Her pussy was so tight around my cock it felt like it was in a vise and Kelly moaned something about never having felt so stuffed full of cock.Kelly's bouncing up and down on me was causing her mammoth tits to flop around wildly. I reached up...
Straight SexClyde made sure he recorded everything as Fox-Janner greeted the soft blonde, not with a kiss, but a harsh slap about the face; he then virtually dragged the distressed nymph up the stairs, his cock poking up and lifting the black silk. In the bedroom he ordered her to strip, and with just her panties on, he pulled her down on to her knees by her long blonde hair and thrust his cock into her face. Though not exactly endeared by Fox-Janner's actions, Clyde's balls tingled and his cock...
Nina Elle applies to be Dredd’s ASS-istant and will do whatever it takes to get the job. This gorgeous German blonde is looking sexy as ever in her business attire while she’s going over what her qualifications for the position are. She’s got great DICK-taking and oral skills and aims to be the best SUCK-retary there ever was. Nina shows off those gigantic tits and ass of hers before putting her oral skills to the test with Dredd’s BBC. She slobbers and gags on that huge...
xmoviesforyouThe sun felt so good on her skin. The few others on the beach also seemed to be enjoying a relaxing day, naked in the Mediterranean sun. The whitewashed buildings hugging to every last piece of the cliff face seemed to glisten in the sun, glowing against the rock and shrub of the tiny island.She propped herself up on her elbows, looking across the beach and thought to herself that there couldn't be a more peaceful place in the entire world. The calm, clear water, just a few meters away, gently...
It was that time again for our annual deer hunting dad and son bonding time at the cabin up north. Dad had told me we would be up a full week this time. And that his brother would be joining us as well. thinking how much fun we had last time I couldnt wait to get in the truck and hit the road.Dad got off of work early that friday and we loaded the truck up and heading for the cabin. It was a long drive of 4 hours to get up there and it would be dark when we arrived. We stopped in town for a...
Copyright© 2003 Edited by Big D, circa 2005 There was a young girl from Annista Who dated a lecherous mister. He fondled her titty, Got one finger shitty, Then screwed up his courage and kissed 'er. The shrill scream of the phone violently wakes Ron up from a deep contented sleep. The darkness is total and his eyes see nothing, but with the familiarity of years of living in the same home and with the same layout, he turns upon his bed and fumbles for the receiver. It seems to...
When I was a teenager I was a girl scout. I didn't particularly want to be a girl scout but was made to go by my parents. So for nearly two years I was made to go every Friday night when the other girls my age were going to the local youth club disco and smoking and so on. I completely hated it. I particularly hated Richard the scout leader. He was far too nice and pleasant and supportive for his own good. So much so that he lets us scouts walk all over him. He was so nice he was all the things...
“Josey, did you actually talk that man into selling you half interest in this steakhouse?” Alaina asked. “I really didn’t have to talk him into it. I offered to buy-in, at half of his initial investment – paid in cash up front – and he jumped at the deal. Just as I thought, he invested all he had and all he could borrow, to start up this business. And though his investment is paying off, it’s coming in one day at a time. “I’m sure his interest is eating a hole in any profits he’s looking...
Carolina Sweets is a hot little teen that wants to be good, but her horny pussy gets her in trouble every time. After she gets herself expelled for sleeping with her college Dean, she’s shipped off to her uptight Aunt’s house for a long summer of bible study and knee-length skirts. Her Aunt, Cherie DeVille, is a real shrew, despite her incredible MILF body, and she loves punishing Carolina for everything, including touching her cunt. When Cherie catches her daydreaming with her...
xmoviesforyou“Dottie, I love you like an older sister, but now the time has come for us to have a very frank and candid discussion. You’re not home anymore. This is where Amelia and I were born and things here are different in hundreds or thousands of different. Let’s start with the big ‘S’ word, sex. Here is a part of nature ... a very big part, and there is nothing secretive, hidden or suppressed about it. It’s a part of the air that we breathe and the water that we drink. It’s in our very blood and...
Hime Marie GAPES her ass for the Anal Maniac! Hime Marie is still pretty new to the industry, but that doesn’t stop her from going by Mike’s house for an anal workout. She’s wearing a see-through top and a tiny black g-string as she sticks out her ass and poses for the camera. Hime removes her g-string and shows off her tight asshole and pussy as she rubs herself and plays with her holes. She drops to her knees to get that big cock ready to fuck her tight little asshole and...
xmoviesforyouby Larry Malone It was my first summer home from college. All attempts to find a summer job were without results and I was getting desperate. I needed money for gas, dates, etc. My parents were already strapped paying for college and everything else so I didn't want to ask them. Then I found a want ad in the local newspaper for “Encyclopedia Salesmen.” ( As an explanation: Hard to believe but there was a time when there weren’t any Internet, Google or electronic...
Saturday night and Emma, Annie and myself were off to the local pubEmma came over last night for dinner to share a lovely night togetherThe next afternoon she would give me one of her relaxing yoni massages We had booked a table at the local pub/restaurant for half seven for the two of us and Annie After my massage Emma and me just relaxed chatting and generally having a good timeAnnie drove over just in time for dinner. She was wearing her coral mini dress with the plunging back and neckline...
I woke up at 7:am, the first thing I do usually is check my iphone, so I did it. It was over my desk at 4 meters from me, so I used my telekinesis to draw him to me and use him, nothing unusual on my social networks The next thing I did was opened the curtains of my room with my mind so that I could choose the clothes, make my bed and all the other morning things. First I got up and levitated to my bathroom, with my telekinesis I opened the knob and then I attracted a towel to my hand so I...
It was about the middle of summer when I first went to bed with Bob. He was my husband’s flight instructor. This was the year that I wore my very first real mini skirt. The first one actually made the national news. The first one was somewhere in the south, Atlanta, I think. They were not being worn anywhere else except in California by me. When my husband saw the newspaper article about it, he showed it to me and told me I should wear one when we went to the bars and into town. Since I was...
Time traveler By Sylvia Wechsel Notes: * It is quite a while I wrote this and I sensed I could improve the story a bit (not only in the English). The plot is a bit more consistent now, especially concerning Helen?s behavior. So, enjoy! My name is Jason W. and I am a time traveler. More clearly, I traveled back 353 years to the past. I was born in year 2283 and my experiment took place in year 2312, so, if you make the calculation, you will conclude that I successfully...
Rubbing my eyes, I crawled back into bed beside my husband. The night was still very hot, and even with the windows open all the way and little clothing we were still almost feverishly hot under the covers. I touched my breast through my top lightly; although I’d cleaned up afterwards, my milk was still coming a little bit. My husband rolled towards me. He too was drifting in and out of sleep due to the heat and our infant son, but he didn’t seem to mind overmuch. Clumsy with sleep, and...
"You'll never get used to seeing her..."Dr. Nelson stood gape-jawed, unable to make his mind process what he knew was there. It was one thing joining the project, reading the data, even watching the earlier testing...Actually seeing her...The blonde girl could have been his daughter's age. Her naked body submerged in a rectangular vat, swarmed and surrounded with these inhuman tentacles, each a different consistency and shape, taking turns with every orifice.There was one curled around her...
Monster Sex"Angela? Where are you, baby? Angela?" Her husband called, his voice getting closer and closer to Thad's room. "Oh, God! It's your father! Quickly, Thad! Give me my negligee! It's there on the floor! Hurry, darling! Get into bed, Thad!" she said, slipping into the filmy garment her son had nervously handed her. "What am I supposed to do, Mom?" Randy asked in an anxious whisper. "Under the bed, Randy!" Angela urged. "But... my... my pajamas," the boy rasped, scurrying under his...
The last eight years have been mostly peaceful. Shortly after we annexed Flanders and Holland to Normandy, the Duchies of Brabant, Luxemburg, and Brittany sought permission to join what has become known as The Kings’ Council, even though many of the participants are now Counts and Dukes. Upon receiving unanimous permission to join, Brabant and Luxemburg immediately withdrew from the Holy Roman Empire or “The Empire” as they preferred. There were threats by the Empire of trade embargos against...
It was the summer of 2008, the week of the 4th of July, and I was on vacation with a couple of friends on a little island off the coast of Carolina. Even during the tourist season, the island is often secluded, making it easy to spend an entire day at the beach without seeing anyone else. That’s exactly what we went for. My friends, Daniel and Amy, a married couple, and I always preferred the laid-back relaxing atmosphere of a deserted beach.Early in the week, Daniel and I had dug a huge, deep...
Quickie SexToday, the spectacular Lisi Kitty comes to Private Specials, A Private Massage With… as our next horny masseuse, and this busty blonde is ready to take care of Potro in true Private style! A deepthroat blowjob serves as the perfect warm-up for this oily sex debut as Lisi gets a mouthful of cock under the massage table through the glory hole. Then watch the rest of the action on www.private.com as she treats her lucky client to a titjob and a slippery anal fuck that has big natural tits bouncing...
xmoviesforyou"Martinez, you again?" asked the weary cop as he munched a sandwich at his precinct desk. "Numbers again?" "I swear, you got the wrong guy this time," fast talked the Latino. "I was only..." "Yeah, yeah, well what have you got for me that'll keep you out of jail?" Jimmy ran numbers and was a sometimes bag man for a local bookie, but he also was not above snitching to keep his behind out of the slammer. "Pedro Juarez. I hear you been looking for him." "Yeah, he pimps young...
I woke with a hand on my cock. It wasn’t mine. It wasn’t Julie’s — she was asleep next to me with the cheeks of her bum pushed against my thigh.“Who’s that?” I whispered.“It’s me, Anna” came the whisper back.“What are you doing? What do you want?”“I’m feeling your lovely hard cock, silly. And what I want is you. You’re the only one who’s not fucked me yet and I’m still horny.”“I can’t refuse such a lovely invitation but Julie’s asleep and pretty fucked in every sense of the word so we’d better...
Quickie SexHis coffee was getting cold. Jon stared down at it as if it had wounded him. Through the brownish liquid he could see his reflection, his eyes distant and narrow. The coffee would do him some good seeing as he hadn’t slept for a good two nights. Caden was on his mind. Everywhere he looked he would see her. Everything he did reminded him of her. Even the coffee gave some stark reminiscence of her. He was dieing to talk to her again. He liked that attitude she gave. That harsh bite that was in...
u wanna tonite It was a Friday in early March and Brittany was to be cheerleading at her school’s basketball game that evening. When the family finished their dinner, her brother, Brandon, expected to be driving her to school gym. Instead their mother, Wendy, offered to do so saying that his father needed to speak with him. It mattered little because either way he’d find an excuse to drive over...