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                                         u wanna tonite                                                


It was a Friday in early March and Brittany was to be cheerleading at her school’s basketball game that evening.   When the family finished their dinner, her brother, Brandon, expected to be driving her to school gym.   Instead their mother, Wendy, offered to do so saying that his father needed to speak with him.   It mattered little because either way he’d find an excuse to drive over visit his mom’s sister.   That afternoon, Aunt Robin had sent a text message to him asking u wanna tonite.  


As Brandon helped with the dishes, his dad began a conversation by saying, “Son, your mom wanted me to talk with you about something real important to her.”

“Sure Dad, what’s it about.”

“It has to do with my disability and that ever since the stroke I haven’t been able to satisfy your mom, ah…sexually.   There’s been others in the family taking advantage of her situation.   She’s sorry all that happened but, worried she may be tempted again.   Your Mom needs someone close that she can trust and count on to well…ah satisfy her on a regular basis ‘til I’m better.”

“So, how do I fit into all of this?” Brandon asked wondering.

“She was thinking of asking you but, was too shy.”


His dad’s bold statement stunned Brandon .   His mind quickly shifted to the recollection of Uncle Terry doing his mom in their den last summer.   Brandon had been looking for a game in the den closet when the two of them arrived, quickly undressed and began.   Fearing a problem if he announced himself, Brandon hid behind the closet door and watched thru the narrow opening.   Since then he’d wondered what it would be like if he were asked to quench her sexual desires.  


“Whoa…I can’t believe you guys want me to do that.   I don’t know what to say.”

“Well, think it over.   Your mama’s still a fine looking woman.   I’ve seen you look at her when we’re by the pool.   It’s an opportunity most boys your age wouldn’t pass up.”


When the discussion ended and the dishes finished, Brandon made an excuse about helping a friend install a CD player in their car.   After a fast drive he turned into the alley behind his aunt’s home then parked behind the familiar grey house.   As he approached the kitchen light flicked on and before he could knock, the back door opened.   There stood Aunt Robin, barefoot, wearing a short, white robe.


Ever since Brandon’s experiment with Viagra, when her nursing and bedroom skills were called upon to relieve his non-stop erection, the thirty-seven year old aunt had worked to create opportunities to have sex with her seventeen year old nephew.   Now that her husband Terry was working nights, she’d invite Brandon over once a week.   If a neighbor or family member asked about the frequent visits they were told he was teaching his aunt how to operate her new computer.    


“Hey, Buddy, where ya’ been?”, she asked pulling him into the kitchen then looking outside to if any neighbors were watching before continuing, “I thought you were gonna’ stand me up tonight.”.

“Mom took Brit to the game ‘cause Dad wanted to ask me something she was too shy to talk about.   Then I helped him with the dishes.”

“Oh, she and I talked about that.   Grab a soda from the fridge and come on back.   We’ll talk more after we fuck some.”   


  Brandon watched as his aunt wiggled down the hallway to the guest room where she preferred to take her pleasure with him.   Despite having no issues with screwing her young nephew, she drew the line at doing it in the same bed shared with her husband.   Following her, Brandon stopped just inside the guest room doorway.   Sipping his soda, he watched as she hung her in the closet.   It was all she wore.  


Bearing a slight, sisterly resemblance to Brandon ’s prettier and fuller breasted mother, the athletic aunt’s body possessed a leaner, harder look to it.   Stretching up on tip toes, her calf and thigh muscles flexing nicely, she took a clean, folded sheet from the closet shelf and spread over top the quilt covered guest bed.   Aunt Robin then bent over, allowing her wavy, amber hair to gather at the top of her head and placed a tie in it to keep it there.   To finish her preparations, she did a series of stretches as though warming up for a run.  


Without realizing, Brandon had been undressing as he watched her.   When finished, his penis looked unusually flaccid.   “Hey, Buddy.   That’s not like you.”, Aunt Robin said, sitting anxiously on the edge of the bed, “Come on over and let me give it a suck to get you going.”.   His aunt had been the only woman to have ever taken his penis into her mouth.   Standing in front of her as she skillfully used her lips and tongue, he felt himself stretch further and further into the back of her mouth.   Leaning back to admire her work, she said, “Now, that’s more like it.”.  


Taking him in hand, she rolled back on to the bed, pulling him down then stuffed his erection between her thighs.   Their routine was to start with a quick “grudge fuck”, as Robin termed it, to allow him an unrestrained release of his first load.   Then, to her pleasure, Brandon would have to work harder at whatever followed.  


As he took his first strokes, she raised her legs and grasped her feet to stretch her lean limbs out into a wide V.   She was as limber as his sixteen year old sister and even hornier.   “There you go, Buddy.”, Aunt Robin said, “You got lots a room to work on me now.”.   Taking full advantage of this position, Brandon began plunging in up to hilt, pulling nearly all the way out then pushing deep again.   “Ooooh, you’re way up in me now, buddy.   Feel me squeezin’ you?”.   He smiled acknowledging her muscle control..


After close to five minutes of vigorous stroking had been dealt to her by her nephew, Robin could tell he was about to let go.   “I’ll let you cum in my mouth if you’ll lick me like I taught you?”, she offered hopefully.

“Sounds cool to me, I’m almost ready.”


Robin’s feet dropped to the bed then, propped up on her elbows, she watched Brandon climb over her and place his erection into her waiting mouth.   Lips and tongue took over where her vagina left off and soon she had Brandon moaning, desperately wanting to cum.   Then, preceded by a yelp, his hips jerked.   Robin swallowed several times to keep up with the stream of semen.  


Once she’d sucked him dry, Robin reached for Brandon ’s soda and took a few sips to wash everything down.   Wasting no time, she sat up and pushed him back on the bed.   Placing a knee on either side of his head, she then lowered her pussy to his mouth.   And he went into action.   Within minutes, Brandon ’s newly learned skills in oral sex had her saying, “Ooooh, that’s it, Buddy.   Keep licking me right there!”.   He focused his tongue on that spot and didn’t stop moving it until he heard her gasp and felt her thighs twitching alongside his head.   “Mmmmmm”, she moaned, “that was a nice one.”.  


Taking only moments to recover from her orgasm, Robin rose to stand on the bed and look down on her nephew.   She lifted her foot and ran her big toe across his faint patch of chest hair then across his rippled belly.   She loved the seventeen year olds fit body.   Despite being sexually mature and well endowed, he had little body or facial hair and a baby-face that made look like he was barely thirteen.   For years, she had hoped for an opportunity to satisfy her desires for him.   In the weeks their first encounter, she had molded him into her personal fuck buddy and now couldn’t get enough of him.       


As her foot moved back to his chest, Brandon reached for her smooth calf and caressed it.   Eyeing her body up and down, he felt his erection stretching again to the limit.   How lucky he was to have such a sexy aunt, willing to put out for him on a regular basis.   One that not only satisfied his boyish lust for a mature woman but, one that also provided some of the most extreme orgasms he’s ever experienced.     


   “Now…”, Robin said devilishly, “let’s see if you can ring my bell another time or two.”.   Squatting down on the balls of her feet, she settled onto his penis.   Resting her palms on his chest for balance, she began riding him slowly.   For the next few minutes, Brandon lay back, with hands clasped behind his head, watching her bounce steadily up and down.   “How am I doin’ so far, Buddy?”, she wanted to know.

“Come on, Aunt Robin…you know you always do me good.”

“Just want to be sure so you keep coming back for more.”

“Don’t worry.   Except for Brittany , I’d rather fuck with you than any one else.”

“Can’t blame you for favoring her, I wouldn’t mind doing her myself.”


The longer she rode him the more energized Robin became.   It almost seemed as though she was performing for Brandon .   This aroused him, especially when compared to the less animated responses he was used to from his little sister.   It wasn’t that Brit didn’t appreciate him plumbing her pussy with his penis; she was just too inexperienced to do more than simply lay there and enjoy the sensation of her brother bringing her to orgasm.  


Shifting from her feet on to her knees, Robin settled directly on to Brandon and began grinding her hips.   “Jesus, Buddy, you feel sooo good in there tonight.   Hold out as long as you can for me, okay?”.   Brandon nodded and for several minutes played the mental games his aunt had taught him to fend off his orgasm until she’d been satisfied.   Then reaching for her nipples, he teased them between his fingers to push her to the next level of arousal.   “How you feeling now, Aunt Robin?.”

“Ohhhh, I wanna’ cum again so bad.”

“Looks like you’re almost ready.”

“I am, Buddy, just a little more and I’m there.”


Robin grasped the headboard and threw herself into finishing their fuck.   Within moments she announced, “Oh, here   I go.   Ohh, ohhhh…” she paused her movement then w ith a loud “unghhh”, she slammed her pelvis into him and shuddered.   A longer, louder “UNGHHHHH”, came as she t hrust herself against him again.   Brandon watched as an intense pleasure rocked her body.   When it passed, she caught her breath then trembled as she asked, “Did you cu-cum to?”

“Not yet, I held out like you told me.”

“OK, le-let me get on my back, then you ca-can fi-finish.”


Just then a loud knock was heard at the back door.   Aunt Robin bolted from the bed, throwing on her robe and navigating her way to the kitchen as best she could in her post-orgasmic state.   As she walked down the hallway another loud knock could be heard.   What if Terry was home from work unexpectedly and forgot his key, she worried.   How could this appear as anything other her getting a good fucking from their nephew?



  Out in the kitchen Brandon heard the door open and his aunt say, “Harry, what the hell are you doin’ here?”   The only Harry he could think of was his great uncle and the deep, raspy voice that followed confirmed it.   “You said stop over for a beer some time so here I am.   Isn’t that Brandon ’s car’s out back?”

“Yeah…” she answered slowly, “He’s ah…helping me with my computer.”

“You always wear a skimpy little robe while learnin’ that computer stuff?” Harry asked, his eyes lowering to the bare legs displayed nicely below the hem of her robe.   


Harry had already surmised what had been going on but still listened to Robin’s explanation of how this licentious affair took place.   “It’s all right, Darling.” he said, “Nothing wrong in having a little fun with family.”   Just then Brandon shuffled into the kitchen, tucking his shirt into his pants, looking as guilty as his aunt.   “Hi, Kid.   Sounds like you two been having a good time.”

“It’s okay Brandon .   He knows what we were doing.”

“Don’t tell my mom or dad, okay Uncle Harry?”

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone, so, how ‘bout that beer?”


A partially consumed six pack and another soda were pulled from her fridge then the threesome sat around the kitchen table.   Brandon took his time with the soda while the beer was quickly consumed by the other two.   Forgetting that she wore nothing under it, Robin paid little attention to the status of her robe.   As she shifted in her chair and moved her arms as she spoke, the robe slid further up her leg and began to open.  


Harry was paying attention and soon appeared to be interested in more than a just a couple beers with his niece.   He was a tall man in his early fifties with a broad chest, a full head of graying hair and short beard.   Single by choice but never without a girlfriend or two, he was also known to be a carouser with the women in his family.   To many jealous men he was revered for having one of the biggest cocks in town.   Brandon had heard of a trick he’d perform to prove his claim.   “How about doing your trick with the pennies, Uncle Harry?” Brandon asked, “I’ve never seen it.”

“I’ve heard of this trick.” Robin said, “Come on and show us.”

“Give me twelve pennies and I will!” he said, relishing the chance to perform.   


Robin pulled her purse from the kitchen counter and counted pennies as she slid them across the table to Harry.   Beginning at the table edge, he carefully lined them up in a row.   When the last one was in place, he stood and said, “One night at the club, me and another guy bet to see who could knock the most pennies of the bar...”   Undoing his jeans, Harry dug deep and hauled out the longest, thickest penis Brandon or Robin had ever seen.   Laying it alongside the row of pennies, Harry pivoted to the left and sent every penny jingling to the floor.   “…and I won.” he finished proudly.


Awestruck by what still lay on the table, Robin stared and without thinking reached out to touch it.   Catching herself, she pulled her hand back and quickly said, “Oh, my bad.   What am I thinking?”

“It’s only natural for a girl to want it.” Harry said, “Go on and give it a squeeze.”


Giddy with excitement, she glanced over at Brandon who was just stared in amazement.   Harry moved his large, dangling organ closer and when it was within reach, she took it in hand.   As his penis began to rise she wondered out loud, “I can’t imagine what this would be like angry.”

“Just keep playin’ with it like a good girl and you’ll find out.”

“Hey, Buddy.   You don’t mind me doing this to Harry, do you?”

“I’m good.” Brandon answered, “I wanna’ see what happens to it.”


Before long, Robin had nearly eleven inches of hard, pulsing penis in her hand.   From the look in her eye and the licking of her lips, Brandon could tell she wanted it in her mouth.   Sensing the same thing, Harry stepped closer.   When she looked up at him, he simply nodded in approval and she went to work.


Robin licked and sucked like a little girl with biggest Sugar Daddy she ever had.   Stopping to catch her breath, she noticed his enormous testicles.   “Jesus, Harry, they’re huge.” she announced cupping them in her hands, “I’ll bet these boys pack a wallop.”  

“How ‘bout we go on in your den and you can find out?”, he suggested.

“Well, what about Brandon ?” Robin replied with uneasy interest.

“Wanna’ come along and watch, Kid?” Harry asked him.

“ Oooh, this sounds kinky.” Robin said taking him by the hand as he nodded yes.



Robin stopped by the bathroom for towels as the trio moved to the den.   Upon arriving, Harry quickly stripped down then sat naked on an ottoman.   With his body size dwarfing Robin’s, they decided it was better for her to be on top.   Leaning back against the easy chair behind him, he patted his lap and said, “Come on over, Darling, and let’s see how well you can ride this pony.”  


Giggling with anticipation, Robin let her robe fall to the floor then skipped towards Harry.   Stepping over the ottoman, she placed her feet to either side of it.   Harry held his erect penis straight up for Robin as she lowered herself on to it.   Drawing a deep breath as her vagina stretched from the first few inches of penetration, she waited a moment until it felt comfortable.   Continuing, she worked a few more inches into her then paused again saying, “You sure got a big one.   I don’t know if I’ll get it all in me.”

“Do what you can, Darling.   There’s only a few gals around that can take it all.”

“Well, what I got feels good.” she said raising and lowering herself on it.

“Then just keep going like you are.   That’ll get ‘er done.”


From the den sofa, Brandon marveled at the sight of his sexy aunt taking on the biggest cock he’d ever seen.   He felt his own penis begin to swell and wished he could somehow participate.   After his aunt and great uncle had been at it for several minutes, Brandon finally made his wishes known saying, “You guys are really making me horny.”

“Sorry, Buddy.   I should have thought about you.   Say, remember what we talked about doing some time if you brought a friend along.”

“You mean two of us doing you at the same time?’

“Yeah, get that tube of stuff we use sometimes and we’ll give it a try.”


Brandon retrieved the sexual lubricant she referred to then waited for her instructions.   Aunt Robin stopped her rhythmic ride to explain, “Okay, Buddy.   Get undressed, put some of that lube on your cock then get in real close behind me.”   When he revealed his erection, Uncle Harry noted “Nice looking cock, Kid.”

“Yeahhhh…and he sure knows how to it.”, Aunt Robin added.


When Brandon positioned himself as instructed, Aunt Robin put her hands behind her placing one around his hard, slippery penis and the other at her rectum.   Carefully, she began to feed his cock into her.   At the halfway point, she said, “Oooooh   that feels really wild.   Okay, guys, I’ll just hold still and let you two fuck away.”


Squatting over Harry, with her hands on her knees, Robin braced herself as both uncle and nephew began thrusting into her.   Almost immediately, she responded with coos and sighs of vaginal and anal delight.   “Hey, Uncle Harry.”, Brandon called out; “ITo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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When a girl bets that you don't have the nerve to take her into her room and fuck her; what else are you going to say other than yes I do! We're about the same age, but she's a perverse little tease. She's average height, on the skinny side and has incredible shoulder length red hair. From what I can tell through her clothes, she has pretty small breasts, but they fit the package very well.We've had this verbal back and forth of "I bet you won't go through with it", "No, I bet you won't go...

2 years ago
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Wanna go for a drive

"Hey hun what do you say we go for a long drive today?" My wife said to me early one Saturday morning. "Well it is rather nice out that sounds good to me. Did you have anywhere in mind?" I reply. "Maybe head towards the beach and get some yummy seafood for dinner?". "Sounds good to me".What I didn't know was how much fun this drive was gonna be. So here we were on the interstate heading down the shore. My wife wore a flowing dress and some flip flops and no sooner were we in the car that they...

3 years ago
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Wanna kid

Hi I’m Maddy this is my story. One fine Sunday morning my wife went to market to buy some vegetables for cooking. In the market she saw her good friend Divya. She brought her home and introduced me to her. When Divya met me she asked me how old am I? I told her that I’m 32.she said “you don’t seemed to like 32yrs old man, you look younger”. After that statement she went into the kitchen and started chatting with my wife. I was watching TV. As time passed I got hungry I’ called my wife **** my...

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Wanna be in a movie

Troy had been living in Tokyo for the past month. He worked as a consultant in the technology sector and had been working a lot of hours. His boss told him to take a week off and relax. All he could think about was getting some dinner and sleeping the next few days. A few days went by and he was feeling much better. He was rested, refreshed and horny. He decided to go shopping and check out the scenery around the city. In Japan, there is a plethora of sexy women. After shopping for a few hours,...

2 years ago
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Wanna Hear About My Bad Reputation

"I'll be out of town for the conference that week." "Oh, well that settles that." "No, you can go. Why don't you go? It'll give you something to do while I'm away." "Hmm, maybe." Maybe it would be better to go alone. Would I even want my husband to meet everyone from high school? Maybe a little background. I'm Kelly Carlson, I've been married to Brent for four years. I may not have told him about all I did in high school. But I was different then. When I went to college I...

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Wanna Watch Me MasturbateChapter 5

That was two years ago. Frederick and Beverly are my special friends. We're very close and I love them dearly. They've taken me on vacation with them to great places. Skiing in Colorado, carnival in Rio de Janeiro, the Cannes film festival on the French Riviera. And we go on weekend trips to The Keys, to the Bahamas, to St Croix. Any place I want, really. (OK, I'm name-dropping and that's tacky and I'm sorry but all of this is so cool.) And we've gone to some really sexy parties and I...

4 years ago
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Wanna Watch Me MasturbateChapter 2

It was a few months later and I was sleeping over my friend Rochelle's house. Her folks were out and we were in her room, messing around. I remember definitely that we were 13 and of course we were talking about boys and sex and about our bodies, which were beginning to fill out. And about masturbation. "Do you do it?" she asked. "Of course." Trying to sound grown up and experienced. I was experienced but I wasn't about to talk about my parents, as that was very private. "How about...

3 years ago
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Wannabe Sex Addict Meets The Dominatrix 8211 Part 1

Welcome to Simraan’s saucy tales of sexual domination – The damsel who first gives sexual stress to men who want it and then release the tension with her refreshing ways that shrink the toughest of testicles! The pleasurable ass whipping those naughty men get for not obeying their sexy mistress, the wannabe sex addicts who beg for their mistress to leave them as boxes of ripped condoms keep piling up, the crazy dirty lovers who get an erection only after being humiliated abundantly, the married...

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I am weak. Mentally and physically weak. I wish I had the capability to will myself to leave, to tell him what I really think of him, what I know he thinks of me, and leave with my dignity. I’m usually stronger than this. Far stronger. I can’t fight it, not with the hold he has on me sexually. My entire body is limp, rising and falling with the thrust of his two fingers inside me. He kisses me, with the strongest passion, as if his lips were to melt with mine. He moves his lips down my...

2 years ago
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I am weak. Mentally and physically weak. I wish I had the capability to will myself to leave, to tell him what I really think of him, what I know he thinks of me, and leave with my dignity. I'm usually stronger than this. Far stronger. I can't fight it, not with the hold he has on me sexually. My entire body is limp, rising and falling with the thrust of his two fingers inside me. He kisses me, with the strongest passion, as if his lips were to melt with mine. He moves his lips down my neck,...

Straight Sex
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Wannabe Sissy Part Two Charles in Charge

Charles is my lover. I am his gurl. I will do anything to please him sexually and he does the same for me (although to be honest, nothing turns me on more than pleasing him). I told you all in Chapter One how we met and how Charles swept me off my feet (or at least put my feet in the air - tee hee). This episode takes place a few months later, after we had been fucking regularly on a weekly basis since we met. Charles had always been generous with me, keeping me well supplied...

4 years ago
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Wannabe Sissy Part Two Who the F is Violet

Charles is my lover. I am his gurl. I will do anything to please him sexually and he does the same for me (although to be honest, nothing turns me on more than pleasing him). We have been together almost ten months now and I have very strong feelings for him - I hesitate to use the "L" word, especially since I have begun to suspect he does not share that level of feelings for me. Whenever I broach the subject he gets defensive and it ends in an argument. And it really is mostly...

1 year ago
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Wannabe Sex Addict Meets The Dominatrix 8211 Part 2

The pervert guy looked outside and began to carefully examine the two people standing close to each other near the bushes. Luckily, there was no light falling on them, otherwise my manipulation tactics wouldn’t have worked! Pervert guy: What is your husband doing with my wife?! I don’t know why she had to pick that spot to chat with a stranger…Fuck you, I am leaving… Me: Then my husband will choose another day to seduce your wife. You won’t be with her always, you know… (I replied looking...

2 years ago
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The Courier Ch 04

Chapter 4 — The Arraignment Committee Spokeswoman Lee-Dolkivna was determined to escort her client downtown as quickly as possible, so Maria Elena was spared the hassle of having to take the older couple’s suitcases off the trolley. Kim enlisted a male criminal and ordered him to help out instead. Ordinarily he would have knelt while receiving her command, but in the crowded trolley kneeling was impractical and she excused him from doing so. He bowed his head and replied ‘Doc-doc, Advodkátna’...

2 years ago
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Its been a long hot summer

If you've read my blogs you know that Kimmy and I have had some incredibly hot encounters, but the summer months have been rough on a married closet sissy like myself.family obligations ,works schedules and vacations have left little or no playtime lately.But things are starting to get back to normal. The sky"s opened up and our schedules synced up for a window of opportunity this morning,neither one of us could host but we did have some time to get together,I must interject that we have a sort...

1 year ago
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The 17th year

I always thought my first time would be with somebody I cared deeply for but fate had other plans: It was my 17th birthday; the day was perfect, a nice summer day without a cloud in the sky. I didn’t have to work, and I was going to spend the day with my girlfriend. Everything was going so smooth that day, until I got a call from my girlfriend telling me she had to fly to Atlanta because her grandfather died. After the call I felt that the day was gone, because I couldn’t be with the one I...

First Time
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A Gamers Dream

Giggles left the girls’ mouths as they quickly ran up the stairs to play their new video game. It had been a long time coming but finally it was here, in their own hands. As the girls sat down on their pink gaming chairs, their eager hands unwrapped the game and slipped the smooth, silver disk into the machine. The game started up, and the girls could feel the excitement rushing through their bodies. Their eyes widened as they heard the music of the main menu for the first time; they felt as...

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CHAPTER 7: THE VICE PRESIDENTS“Karen! God, you look hot! You’re going to inspire me to lose some weight.” Sarah jumped up from behind her desk and gave me a huge hug, then a full kiss on the lips. I arrived at the Trinity Enterprises corporate office building as most people were leaving for the day. Mr. Baldwin asked me to attend a special planning meeting he called for his Executive Vice Presidents. They were meeting at the moment in the glassed conference room at the back of the Executive...

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Dianas Slavery

©1998 by EzRiter WARNING!!! This is heavy Sado-masochism. Go away if this is not what you want. Go away if you are under eighteen (twenty-one in certain locations). Go away if this kind of stuff offends you. This is not meant to be reality. If you think it is, seek a mental health professional immediately. Do not attempt these sex acts at home. Diana was the best looking girl in the university, and there were thousands of girls. She was the head cheerleader. She dated the captain of the...

3 years ago
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Learning to be a Good Boy Part 1

I was not quite old enough to drive yet was working hard to eventually buy my first car, once I came of age. I offered lawn cutting in my neighborhood. I grew my client list to just over 20 per week.One particular client was the Perkins family. They were a German family that had recently relocated to the US. Mrs. Perkins was in her mid-40s and Mr. Perkins was a bit older yet was hardly ever home. They had a daughter, Linda, my age. Actually, Linda was Mr. Perkins’ daughter by his first...

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Mommy Show Me How

Introduction: A single mom helps her 7 year-old son discover the joy of sex. Author: kcscout Title: Mommy, Show Me How! Summary: A single mom helps her 7 year-old son discover the joy of sex. Themes: Fb, incest, young I am a single mother, and I work a normal 40-hour week as an office manager. While Im certainly not poor, I do strive to be extra diligent about doing a good job, and I work very hard for my money. Consequently, I dont really have time to waste in the dating scene. Its not...

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Daughter To Wife 8211 Part 1

Archana the female lead of the story shall narrate how she became her dad, Akash’s wife. I am Archana aged 22.I have always been one of the most beautiful and intelligent girls in my classes throughout school and college.Though I have received and continue to receive so many proposals I was never interested in any.I lost my mom at the time of my birth since then I have become my dad’s world.Anyone in my dad’s place would have cursed me as the murderer of his wife but my dad instead took care of...

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When I met Henry and Helene

I wanted to share my most wonderful experience. It happened 2 years ago today so once again the memories came flooding back, making me horny and wanting it to happen all over again.I had just broken up with my boyfriend of 4 years. The sex was only ok and there was still no ring on my finger or any prospect of it ever happening. So when I caught him jerking off to a picture of my friend I decided that he was not worth it.Yet, I had been in a relationship for so long that the world outside had...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Kitana Montana 11082022

Kitana goes to a successful entrepreneur and investment manager to pitch her concept of an upscale Erotic Argentinian empanada and steak house. Being a sassy and sexy Aregentinian herself she knows how this is a sure fire hit as she will stock it with hot babes and the men will cum in droves. This may sound all well and good in concept, Isiah explains, but restaurants have a high failure rate and he needs some assets to back up this investment. Well this is perfect, sassy Kitana says, as she...

2 years ago
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Rebel 1777Chapter 53 Widowmaker

No matter what Benjamin Franklin had to say about it later, the British certainly enjoyed themselves in Philadelphia that winter. I suppose General Howe was the most at ease, but few were suffering, except for the citizens whose property was destroyed or daughters were raped. The Hessians kept right on acting like Hessians, but the young English officers had a round of balls, parties and theatricals. They thronged the Indian Queen and staged drunken orgies at the Cockpit and the Grapes. Their...

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BlacksOnCougars Julia Ann Julia Anns Second Appearance

Dr. Julia Ann loves her job. She’s the head physician for the local University, and she specializes in athletic injuries. She’s a hot, hot cougar, and the main reason she loves her job so much? All the young athletes she gets to check out…both literally and physically! Take Ricky Johnson, for instance. Dr. Julia has had her eye on him for a long time. Ricky’s go shin splints, but that’s not going to stop Dr. Julia from making Ricky strip naked. To his surprise, Dr....

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Innocent BIL And Husband 8211 Part 5

Thanks a lot for reading this wonderful tale. Have you ever questioned why do we have a format of a medium called ‘sex story’ when we have a choice of seeing high-quality porn videos streaming all the fuck, lick, suck, crazy things in vivid detail? Of course, ‘sex stories’ remain alive because it is so wonderful compared to video content. A wonderfully written story can give a long-lasting effect making one recall the story and enjoy numerous times. It is a powerful way to communicate emotions,...

2 years ago
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I had come to the pub after work one day just to unwind and decompress after a tough day. My boss was riding me about getting a project in on time, and my co-workers were not being much help. I was sitting at the bar nursing a Jack and Coke when she came in. She was a beautiful, leggy brunette creature with hazel eyes, a smile so soft and warm it would melt your heart, and a tight little 34DD-23-34 body that was made for fun! At 5’5′, her 6′ stiletto ‘fuck me’ shoes put her just under my own...

3 years ago
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A Delightful Opening

Jack Brewster was not in a good mood. He came home from work in a good mood. He was in a good mood through most of his dinner. That all changed when his wife reminded him of their after-dinner engagement."Don't forget, honey," Paige Brewster's voice rang out. "We have that gallery opening to go to tonight." A sodden lump grew in Jack's stomach as he finished his dinner mechanically. He had begun to dread this evening when Paige first told him of it. It wasn't that he didn't like art, he did....

Straight Sex
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Whatever Your Heart DesiresChapter 2

I would love to say I had The Grand Plan: How To Transform Your Husband Into A Ravishing Fem-Toy, A To Z. The fact was, I didn't have a clue. It wasn't a topic normally covered by the Multiple Listing Service. I really didn't think the community library was going to be much help, either. I couldn't even find a copy of Feminization For Dummies in any of the local bookstores — not that I expected to. I did have the following assets: 1) a husband I flat-out adored who, apparently, had...

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Me and Mr Blue

Introduction: I had a crush on my teacher when I was 17 **short fantasy** When I was in high school I always had the biggest crush on the 12th grade literature teacher. You know how young women can be when they focus on an attractive older man. Mr. Blue was the youngest on the payroll at 24 years old. He had turquoise eyes and careless dark hair. He didnt really spend time with the other teachers, electing to read Byron and Shelly under a large magnolia tree by himself instead. It was here...

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The Life of an Army WifeChapter 4

I drove to work and got in a little early. When I got to my desk I tried to clear my mind and get something done. A few of the people I work with stopped by my office and told me that if there was anything I needed while my husband was in Korea I shouldn't hesitate to ask. I thought that was nice of them. But I was pretty sure that Ted was going to see to it that I had no needs that were not being taken care of. One of my users, the people who use the particular computer systems I am...

3 years ago
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Phantom Lover

It had been two years since Maya had passed away. Maya had been my soul mate and my whole life's purpose seemed to have died with her. My family had watched helplessly as my happiness turned to depression. In fact, I wouldn't have been on this cruise ship if not for my sister. Kara, my sister, gave me this cruise as a gift. This was a singles cruise and I was supposed to be having the time of my life meeting women and enjoying the ocean. I never would have told my sister, but I felt nothing...

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