Pollywanna free porn video

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"I always look on the sunny side," Polly leaned over breathing beer in my ear.

I was still too scared to venture even a furtive panoramic of the place. Nevertheless, I couldn't imagine what sunny side my sister saw in this thoroughly dark and dank dive.

"You always were a regular Pollyanna," I managed to mumble back.

Got a regular elbow-in-the-ribs for that observation.

On the long drive down from New York, I'd half-jokingly frightened myself with the notion that when I finally arrived at Polly's, that, well--he-woman in Florida that she was--she'd want to take me 'gator- wrestling as entertainment. Instead she'd dragged me out to the Gator Bar. From my perspective, it was an even more dangerous sport.

I was sure Polly wasn't the only woman in the place, but I couldn't tell the other women apart from the men. They all looked like big beefy carnivores, put in a permanently sour mood by a lack of teeth. Ready enough to gum you to death and swallow you whole for the nourishment. Dice you up and pack chunks of you in their jaws like chaw.

I just did not get why Polly would come to such a Cro-Magnon watering hole. Nor why she would wear poured-on jeans and a shrunken t-shirt and openly flirt with every guy in the place. She could have had any guy in the place within a minute--and every guy inside of an hour--but if she wanted to be the gang-bang queen of the pool hall, why settle for a cess-pit like this? She could easily do better.

He-woman was the wrong phrase. Polly was She-Ra. She could whip the shit out of any guy around--and they all seemed to respect her for this--but in that albeit self-limiting sense, Polly was all-woman. A rather striking looking woman. Always had been. Though she'd never been the type to fret about her waist--and granted, genetics and a physical lifestyle were on her side--she took pride in her looks and would never let herself devolve into the sort of butt-in-front physique that seemed to be the neighborhood standard.

The question lingered unanswered: what the hell were we doing here? I was tired and feeling somewhat uncharitable at being perceived as some sort of threat. Even though everyone in the bar knew who I was--"My long-lost brother, the poet from New York!"--it really was as though I'd become a chip on everybody's shoulder. As though if I'd just evaporate, then the blanket could be tossed over the scarred pool felt, and the real party could begin.

"What's the matter?" I sneered. "Polly wanna cracker?"

She turned to me coolly. "You bet. One with a big thick sausage."

I blinked. I wasn't really shocked, just shocked into remembrance. It'd been a few years since I'd been around Polly-in-the-flesh, as opposed to the Polly-of-anecdote. She'd always been family-famous for her direct and untempered bawdiness. But Polly's words coming straight from Polly's mouth had a whole different intonation then when whispered down the phone line second- or third-hand.

The last time I'd seen her was at a cousin-of-sort's wedding. Some poor maiden great-aunt had made the miserable mistake of asking Polly how soon she intended to settle down with a man. It was one of those moments where, in a room crowded with people all talking at once, there's a sudden lull of complete silence. Which Polly filled fully with her sharp laugh. "Why would I want to settle down with one man when I can stay riled up and have them all? Hell, keep my pussy elastic, one-size-fits-all; and I intend to have them all!"

Back in the dreary here and now, I fiddled with my beer and shrugged as if to say whatever.

"Shit yea, I want some. Fucking Friday night--you expect me to lay at home and spread my legs like the goddamn Yellow Pages, let my fingers do the walking. I don't think so! You drove me to the store; I intend to do some serious shopping."

That, really, was the crux of the problem. I didn't give a shit what she wanted to do with her night. But Polly had fancied my rental car from its first crunch on the gravel of her drive. She'd insisted we leave her battered old pick-up at home. And now I was feeling stuck.

And sort of sick with myself because I'd brought on the situation myself.

Though it would have been all homey to have stayed in--or gone somewhere I might have felt comfortable--and had an evening of sibling chatter, we'd never really had that many hours of things to talk about. Which of course opened the door to my own culpability.

I was due in to Miami the following day for a significant poetry slam, where I was high enough on the roster to make the drive worthwhile, but not high enough to warrant an airplane ticket. I'd fucked up and gotten a late start out of New York--I hated driving long distances anyway--and I'd already eaten the price of a motel in Virginia. It would be a good gesture, I'd thought, to drop in on Polly. But it was well with the consideration that if I had to spend another night in an uncomfortable bed, I might as well get it for free.

I made Polly buy me another beer before she again flitted off looking for a fuck. My sister the social butterfly.

No long under the protection of her wings, I wanted to run. I had the keys. And I was tired of the glares. The thing was, I didn't think I could make it out the door, into the car, and way down the road without the glares catching up and turning into fists.

I watched, shaking my head, as Polly's fine form sauntered from table to table, shaking her rear.

But then my reverie was interrupted.

"Then you the poet-boy from New York, huh? The spoiled apple," the bleaty voice laughed long at its stupid joke. "So, you must be pretty faggoty, that right?"

The man speaking sat several stools away. I was relieved, and certainly not worried, directly. His stool was like a rotten stump, drenched by a week of rain, and with a day of sunshine there he had swollen alive, some gigantic fungus. The man was such a mountain of fat I doubted he could get up and move even to pee. In the next few days he would either wither in the heat or explode with spores.

I scratched the side of my nose, inviting danger as I spoke. "Yea. The sort of faggot poet from New York that got more pussy last week than you'll see in your entire life."

The guy sort of sputtered, so I continued. "In case you're trying to count, that's genuine human pussy. Chickens don't count. Especially not the kind you buy in the supermarket already plucked."

I took a genuine satisfaction in the way he began to wilt, but then a far scarier guy on the stool closer to me spoke up, "So, you're like the Rimbaud of your generation, huh?"

A chill ran up my spine even as the mushroom-man spluttered a mouthful of beer all down his front, "Damn Jake, that's a good one. Like him like Rambo, like he's fucking Rocky, sitting there goddamn Sly himself, the only real man what lives in all New York?"

This Jake guy didn't bend his neck at all towards his companion. In a conversational monotone he answered, "No."

I knew I was in trouble, of a type I couldn't even imagine.

Me the modern Rimbaud. I hated that appellation, but it had stuck. And it had increased my fragile cachet.

"I've been called that," I chose my words carefully, "though the assessment is far from mine."

Who doesn't love the French Symbolists? That is, of those who know who they are.

Jake gave me a full pan, again without moving a muscle.

"So where's Paulie, huh?"

My mind drew a blank. "What?"

"Well," he guffawed, "if you're Arthur Rimbaud, then why don't you bend over and take my big Verlaine." He cupped his crotch as if the point needed to be made.

What the fuck?! Oh, fuck! Variation on the suck my dick you goddamn faggot line I'd been hearing for years. But with quite the unexpected twist. Then, as if things couldn't get anymore unnerving, he began reciting, all namby-pamby,

"Les anciens animaux saillissaient, même en course,
Avec des glands bardés de sang et d'excrément... "

Immediately I recognized the sounds he was saying, though I couldn't translate a word of French if my life depended on it. The moment contained the greatest stroke of luck I ever dared hope to see. Just a few months prior, an older poet and myself had had parts in a short film, trading off the alleged voices of Verlaine and Rimbaud between the quatrains and tercets of the "Defilements". The French I spat back was pure phonetics:

"Mon réve s'aboucha souvent à sa ventouse;
Mon âme, du coït matériel jalouse,
En fit son larmier fauve et son nid de sanglots.
"C'est l'olive pâmée et la flûte câline,
Le tube d'où descend la céleste praline,
Chanaan féminin dans les moiteurs enclos."

Jake snorted, then gave a short nod. "So your plug isn't polarized--big deal."

I was immediately off at Polly's elbow. It took me forever to interrupt.

"What?" she cried.

"I'm going home. I mean, back to your place."

"Huh? Sure. That's fine... that was the plan, right?"

"No, I mean. No, that is, yes. The plan, yea. But I mean like right now. I'm going."

"What? But I'm not ready."

"Fine! But, you know, I'm out the door. Passing through on the way out. To let you know."

Polly put on a pout. "But I don't wanna leave yet."

"You don't have to."

"But how will I get home?"

"Well," I just sort of rolled my eyes, "I'm sure you can get all the rides you want right here all night long."

I didn't know why, but she gathered her stuff in a huff and followed me out. As though she was doing me some sort of favor. As though I was doing her some sort of wrong.

When, in fact, I kept my observation to myself, the Gator was her favored bar at least because it was within easy walking distance of home.

Polly was still in a snit when we got back to her place. Her shack. I wasn't quite sure how to deal with her mood. I mean, sister wants some dick. That wasn't part of my accustomed vernacular. Snippy this, snippy that--I got sick of it!

"Hey listen, Polly. You don't need to baby-sit me anymore. Go out and get what you want; bring it on home... I don't fucking care. Geez! Hop in your pick-up and ride the roads 'til dawn, fill up the bed with all the trash you want. It really doesn't matter to me. I certainly don't want to cramp your style or anything. I can take care of myself. I know how to tuck myself in. And if my presence is a hindrance, hell, point me to the closest motel."

She shot me an evil look. It was answer enough. I remembered it from years back. She wasn't going to do a thing. Martyr-time. And guess who would get to pay?

It was just like old-home time. Polly stormed off into her room. The only difference was she didn't beat the shit out of me first. No, there was a critical other difference as well: she didn't slam the door to her room behind her. I supposed she was afraid it might make the whole damn house collapse.

So there I sat in the livingroom twiddling my thumbs. The chair facing the doorway to her bedroom. With Polly in full view as she reached to her waist and savagely pulled the hem of her t-shirt out of her pants. Then lifted the garment upwards, inside-out, baring her torso as she obscured her head. My guess was confirmed: Polly hadn't bothered with a bra. Fortunately she was turned so that her breasts were out-of-sight if not quite out-of-mind, but there was that sudden moment, as she tugged her head through the neck of the shirt, where the supple maneuverings of her back revealed a beauty and tenderness that left me inwardly gasping.

Women's backs, my god! that's the very reason the doggy position was invented; otherwise such sinewy loveliness would be forever hidden flat against the mattress!

Finally pulled free, Polly gave her head a shake, waving her hair all around, before she flung the shirt to the floor like a discarded lover. She kicked off her shoes, then she reached over and rummaged around the rumpled bedding, pulling free and pulling on one of those oversized t- shirts that sell as sleepwear. It covered her rump well enough, so I couldn't see if she'd neglected her other underwear as she wriggled out of her jeans.

Tight jeans indeed. What'd been poured on had to be peeled off. Polly spent quite a bit of time and motion shimmying out of those things. So much that I found myself wishing--appalled!--that she'd taken the pants off first, without the cover of the long-hemmed nightshirt.

Such a thought left me mortified, and more than a little petrified between the legs.

This was not good; this was not good at all.

Though Polly had always been pleasing to the eye, I'd never entertained any such excitement. Even in the hormonal onslaught of teendom, my fantasies about Polly had never involved sex, not even rape. I'd skipped to the chase and simply slit her throat, ridding my life of hers.

When she returned, I maintained my composure as best I could. Hell, it wasn't like we came from a family of mind-readers. Half the kinfolk couldn't even read; nor was there a surfeit of great minds.

Polly sort of floated back into the room without talking to me, without even looking at me. She picked the t.v. guide up off the coffee table, flipped through it, then tossed it back down as she turned to go in the kitchen. I heard a bit of rustling, a few slams, then a sort of whirring noise. Following this were some distinctive pings, then a sound like machine-gun fire. Nearly immediately, the entire shack was filled with the thick sticky stench of heavily buttered popcorn.

She came back with a huge bowl of the stuff, which she set down over on the coffee table along with a can of beer before she plopped down on the couch and grabbed the remote.

"May I have a beer?" I asked.

"Help yourself," she replied. Then the t.v. blasted on to cure us of further conversation.

I marveled at the conditions as I made my way into the kitchen. It was fucking amazing--here in this ramshackle hut, where even the couch looked like some large scale culturing project at the Center for Disease Control, and yet she had this huge shiny new t.v. that made every other t.v. in the world look small. And then in the kitchen there's the stove that looked like it postdated the discovery of fire by only a handful of years, while on the counter sat this huge shiny new microwave that, well, that made every other t.v. in the world look small.

The fridge, I quickly discovered, didn't work, except as a sort of pantry for canned goods. Fortunately I spied the cooler tucked under the table. Cans of beer were sunk in vaguely cool water amid swirls of plastic bags labeled ICE in a chilly font. No danger to the Titanic in there.

I plucked out a can, opening it as I sat down at the table. The can and I gave out equally expressive sighs. And there I sat and sipped. Listening to the t.v. shout away in the other room.

Finally fortified by the beer, I grabbed another, having decided to be brave and good and go back in the livingroom to make nice.

I didn't even make it into my former chair. I just stood there, hovering behind it, realizing the views I might have for the next several hours. If I didn't want to stare at the t.v. screen, I could look to the left and exchange it for a blank wall. Or to the right was Polly on the couch. Polly lying on the couch. Polly belly down on the couch. Polly lying belly down draped over some small pillows on the couch. Or to be specific, Polly's plumped-up ass smiling at me from under the hem of her nightshirt. Shirts, shit, they ride up on their own volition. I was sure Polly had no clue how much she was putting on display. And though I still couldn't say for sure what she'd had under her jeans at the bar, the skimpy bit of pink silk slipping up through her ass cheeks was a good bet.

An evening of viewing an empty wall, a boring screen, or a cute ass; my cock quickly voted its choice. The front of my pants went stiff against the back of the chair. I decided it best to take the beer into my bedroom and go over some notes for the next day.

"Well," I drawled. "Um. Hate to be the party pooper. Big day tomorrow. So... I think I'm going to turn in early. Okay?"

Polly didn't even budge in reply. Not a grunt of recognition. I turned and went down the small hall to my room, my erection leading the way.

Curiously, the air conditioning was one item that Polly hadn't updated. There was just the one gasping little window unit in the livingroom, though I thought I detected a slightly higher pitched sputtering coming from her bedroom. My room had a ceiling fan, turning lazily, with a creak on each rotation as a taunt: hot! hot! hot! I opened the pair of windows in my room. There was certainly no danger of letting any cold air out. My hope was that, eventually, later in the evening, some cooler air might be coaxed inside. But any immediate effect was unnoticeable. I bared the bed to the top sheet, then sat on top of it, myself peeled down to just jockeys and a t-shirt. A tiny, worn-out pillow cushioned my back against the wall as I began rifling through my papers.

Fucking words on paper. Words fucking on paper. Fucking as words on paper. I had no attention span.

My beer was quickly room temperature. I took the can on tip-toe into the bathroom-in-a-closet and poured it out. As long as I was there, I brushed my teeth and had a goodnight pee. Back in my room I turned out the light, stripped to my skin and slipped under the sheet.

Not that I could sleep. My erection had returned in full force. I thought briefly about jerking off, but I didn't want to do that with my sister in the next room. I certainly didn't want to do that because of my sister in the next room. I tried to fathom out what was going on, why all the blood in my body had turned to some thickened carnal fluid, why--for god's sake--the intimations of Polly's sexuality had me all stirred up.

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A Mid Summer Night8217s Dream

Hello readers and this is Vicky here. I have been a regular reader at ISS and I guess it’s my turn now, to share my experience with one of my cousin sisters, Meghna. I am 25 years old, 5 feet 8inches tall, athletic build, and well endowed, with a tool 6.1 inches long and 2.5 inches thick. Was born and brought up in Delhi and right now working with an MNC in Maharashtra, in the manufacturing industry. I have had my share of luck with girls and women but this incidence, which I’m writing about,...

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MrLuckyPOV Alyx Star Juicy Jugged Alyx Star Cum Covered And Creampied

Alyx Star is what any man (or woman) would consider a dream cum true. This bright-eyed busty brunette beauty has it all. Her marvelous big natural breasts, glowing smile, and unwavering sex drive are just a few of the highlights. With her sensitive clit and sensitive nipples she can cum from getting her pussy, as well as her titties, fucked. But she isn’t the only one who will cum two ways. Her pussy is so good it takes a hot creampie, but with a girl like her one is not enough! She continues...

4 years ago
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Cooling OffChapter 6

Next morning, Anju got up after a sound sleep and she felt very much relaxed. Her feet were light on the ground and she could move about freely. She advocated this change to be the result of the medicine which Satish was providing her and thinking about him, she went through her morning chores in a breeze. The moment Ajay was out of the house, Satish approached Anju with the glass of medicine. When Anju saw him approaching her she shook her head and ran, deliberately trying to avoid him....

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Bryans Betrayal

I gingerly turned my head from side to side looking for the discarded clothes of last night and fighting the urge to be ill. My skimpy red outfit was missing. There was nothing in the closet or small dresser. I could feel panic creeping into me and I steadied myself on a wall to keep from falling. I wobbled back over to the bed and lay down on it trying to devise a plan and to sort through the jumble of emotions, memories, and ill fitting puzzle pieces. I felt completely foolish as I...

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EvilAngel Savannah Bond Beach Bikini Slut Sc 2

Sexy blonde eye-candy Savannah Bond basks beachfront in the setting sun. She lustily shows off her big tits and sultry bikini bod. Studs Alex Jones, Air Thugger, Scotty P, Lucas Frost and Alex Mack have their meat out and ready for Savannah’s first blowbang ever! She deepthroats a big Black cock. Savannah spit-lubes, slurps and strokes the pricks, taking each in her thick-lipped, sensuous mouth. The blowbang escalates as the dudes dick-slap her tits and face. She submerges a giant black...

2 years ago
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Once In A Lifetime Vacation

Stan-Husband Debra-Wife Cassie-Daughter, Seventeen yrs. Todd-White stranger David-Black stranger This story is told from the view of the wife, Debra. Once In A Lifetime Vacation My husband, Stan and I were on the Florida coast for a long rest and well deserved vacation. We both have been working hard and in a welcome turn of fate, we both had slack time at work and could get vacation at the same time so we could take off together for the first time in years. We took a month’s...

2 years ago
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fucking my gf with two of my friends

I love my gf so much. However I wanted to share my gf with my friends. I invited two of my friends to my home. Me and my friends had planned to fuck my girl threesome but my girl didnt know about that. As planned, I left the house pretending to go to buy some food leaving my gf and my two friends. I was looking inside from the window. My gf acted normally when one of my friends went near her and sat in her sofa. He touched her thighs lightly. My gf was excited. She rubbed his penis. My other...

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I dont know what to title this yet

I've had this idea bouncing around in my head for a couple years now as fap fuel: what I was excused of consequences whenever I *joined someone in the shower*. Lke, I can just walk in -with the clear intention to join some hot chick in the shower- strip down, fool around, bang her, and ... that's all good. Purely self-indulgent fantasy. Probably something I dreamed at night. Then I realized that there have been a lot of times in my life where chick-friends showering just sort of...

1 year ago
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My Home Chapter 1

*** Chapter 1 - Work “Carman, I couldn’t find those veggie chips that you said Louis likes. Are you sure of the brand you told me?” I asked as I dropped my keys into the wicker basket that my wife kept by the front door. “What are you looking for?” she asked from the kitchen. I walked down the hall with what I had bought from the store. I turned left into the kitchen area and placed the bags on the long counter top. “Let’s see,” I said as I pulled out the paper from my pocket. “I think it was...

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New Years Party 4

NEW YEARS PT4 Later that nite Mistress Penny woke while wearing a leather outfit and a black rubber apron me by turning on the lights and after un strapping me she led me to the shower room and unfastened my bloomers then diaper and let them fall to the shower floor she then removed the penis shaped feeding gag. While I stood there Penny proceeded to spray me down with a hand held shower head till I was clean then wrapped me in a big towel then led me back to the "quiet room" and to...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 213

"Hello, my name is Bob. How can I help you? "Hello Bob, I really need your advice on a serious problem. I have suspected for some time now that my wife has been cheating on me. The usual signs: If the phone rings and I answer, the caller hangs up. She goes out with "the girls" a lot. I try to stay awake to look out for her when she comes home, but I usually fall asleep. Anyway, last night about midnight, I hid in the shed behind the boat. When she came home, she got out of someone's car...

2 years ago
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Falling in Love Bit by BitChapter 13

"You realise that I'm not half the programmer my mother was, right?" Marianne ran her hand absently along Holland's chest. "I don't have anywhere near her positronic capabilities." "I didn't love her because of her computer skills," he said. "Sure you did," the robot replied with a scoff. "You saw in her everything that you weren't. She could see the blind spots in your programs. You are very right-brained for a computer programmer. You're very creative and you tend to see...

2 years ago
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Why Me

?Freedom!" That was the predominant thought in my head as I trudged out the back door and into the parking garage.  It had been a long week and I was eagerly anticipating my wild night – mint tea, mystery novel and my cat.  What some might call boring, I call bliss.  Two whole days, all to myself.  No last minute deadlines, misplaced files, raving bosses, or late night overtime.  I was going to stop at whatever grocery store was still open at this hour, pick up a frozen pizza, and head straight...

3 years ago
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Workmates Wife Fucked over Blacksmiths Anvil

Workmates Wife Fucked over Blacksmiths AnvilThis happened way back in the very late eighties, I worked one season for the silage contractor before getting a full time job in a quarry. I worked my way up to being a mobile plant fitter. The only time the quarry was quite was a Saturday lunch time when the men that was working the full day got together and we had our bait together, we would have a laugh and take the piss out of each other.One Saturday I told the men about a dream I had about one...

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Ella Part 1

Finally, it was 3am and time for me to go home and leave this mess. The bar was always crowded on Saturday nights but this particular night was more hell than usual. The crowds were wild and one uh, gentleman, was quite a handful and as usual, I got no help from the bouncers. I know I bring some of it on myself but hey, I’m not going to get any tips wearing a turtleneck and sweatpants. Although I guess any man will tip if you get him drunk enough. Anyway, despite my easy appearance, I take...

3 years ago
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Maine apni girlfriend ko kai baar choda

Hi dosto main yash verma from baroda city, gujarat… yeh meri dusri story hai pahele story thi “maine apni dost ki bahen ko khush kiya” agar yaad ho to yeh ab mai apni dusri sachi story sunane jar aha hu……. Meri ek frind hai jiska naam kashish hai woh ab is shahar mein nahi raheti par jab thi maine usse bahut maza diya aur choda who bi bahut badi chudakad thi halaki mere siva kisika lund usse nahi chaiye tha sirf mere lund pe who fida thi……ham hamesh mahine mein ek din sex ke liye zarur nikalte...

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For Suzanne

For Suzanne There was complete darkness surrounding the estate. The thick trees designed to provide shade during the day, also provided cover at night from any surface light. Surveying the area from atop the knoll, he smiled. It was as black as the sea when you’re three thousand miles from anywhere. The power lines were dead and the phone and security systems were offline. That made him feel as good about this as he could. She had actually brought this upon herself. Suzanne was a stunning...

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Henry the GreatChapter 2

(1662) Henry IX dies. The reign of James begins. (The naming of monarchs is now changed to represent Britain, Henry was re-numbered Henry I, James will be James I) Mathematical renaissance, led by Newton and Leibnitz, included the rediscovery of calculus. Unlike in the Original Time Line (OTL), Newton's obsession with religion has no parallel here and he continues his workings in mathematics until his death in 1727. The last Ottoman incursion into Christian Europe is thrown back by the...

3 years ago
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Pehla sex ka maaja

Teen sal se mai ye kahaniya (asli/banawati) pad raha hoon aur mujhe bahut anand aaya. Mai bhi apni asli sex ki dastan aap logo ko sunata hoon. Mai Gautam Das hoon aur kya bataon aap logo ko; jab se mujhe sex ka anand aaya karib 12/13 sal se, mai rooka nahi. Aaj bhi mai whohi sex enjoy karta hoon jo pahli baar ki thi. To pahi baar se shooru ho jata hoon. Aur haa, mai Assam ke rehna wala hoon. Baat us samay ki hai jab hamare bunglow mein punjabi kiraidar rehte thea aur unka ek hi beti...

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Aunt Rose Dressed Me Like A Girl

I was at that age in between the single digits and teen years, old enough to have noticed the opposite sex but not yet able to fully understand what to do with the stiffness between my legs. As an only c***d my curiosity about the opposite sex was limited at best. It was summer vacation and my parents had planned a trip abroad and gave me two options. I could go with them or go stay with my Aunt Rose. The trip sounded boring and my aunt had always been nice to me so I opted to stay with her. My...

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My downfall with texting Part 11

My downfall with texting- Part 11... Still Day 6 of my ordeal of being in Jessica's body. Bunny bondage lunch time date with Gary my former self continues. An evening and night of fun with Lucy. Part 1 tells of Gary age 50, married to Jane, both keen golfers and how through playing golf they met a couple called John and Janet, Gary after a awhile starts a secret affair with their 17 year old daughter who is called Jessica, Gary was to do a University course in Management, and Jessica...

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Julia Chang gets Nasty

Julia Chang is your average late stage zoomer. A 24 year old fat asian chick living in the middle of a large city. She has a job as an assistant to some asshole and in general is just trying to live her life.

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Jessie Babes Story

Thanks to FrenziedMaiden for her help and friendship. Jessie is a delicious girl. She lives with just her dad and idolizes him. She is not a virgin, but her partners have never satisfied her. They have never met her expectations. This is a story about how Jessie finds herself and everything she wants. Jessie was 22 and she had to admit that she looked good. Her boobs were high and tight, not too large, but pert and perfect for her figure. Her ass was just fine too. All in all, Jessie was...

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A Fathers Secret Love For His Daughter

My name is Philip Jones, a 49 year old court attorney, from South London. I was married to a beautiful woman and we had a gorgeous daughter together.My daughter's name was Annie and she was turning 17. She had her mother's Californian good looks - sun bleached long blonde hair, baby blue eyes, a slim figure. I didnt realise how grown up Annie had become until one morning I was sat at the kitchen table reading the morning paper and my jaw dropped.Annie was wearing a tight black cropped top...

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Her Black BF Booty Call Blacken

It was about one in the morning when her phone rang. We had been asleep for a couple of hours. We normally go to bed at eleven. Debbie reached for the phone."Hello baby," she said. "I hoped you would call."Sitting up, Debbie turned on the lap. With the light, I could see the sparkle in her eyes as she talked on the phone. "Sure baby. I will come right over. Just give me a little time to get ready." And then, "Ok. I can't wait too. I am excited. Kisses."With that, Debbie stepped out of bed and...

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HalloweenChapter 2

"Francine" drove carefully through the shopping precinct looking for someone, anyone suitable really, for the next part of her plan. The plans were flexible around a core idea and Jamie -- older brother to one of her classmates -- was perfect. Elena blew the car's horn and waved. "Jamie isn't it?" "Yeah. And you're Francine." "That's right." "Nice car." "Thanks. I was wondering if you could do me a favour." "Depends what it is." "I need someone to get a bottle of...

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Chudai Ke Liye Ek Lund Kaafi Nahi 8211 Part 1

Hi Friends. Mera naam minu hai. Meri age 45 hai. Meri shadi ke 24 yrs ho gaye hain. Kahte hain Naughty @ 40, bus wohi haal hai meri. Chudayi to kaafi hua meri chut ki, koi complain nahi hai uska. Per chudayi se mann nahi bhara. Mere Husband ek engineer hain. Unki age 48 ki hogi. Age bhale hi humdono ki jyada ho gayi ho. Per jab bhi hum sex karte hain aur by luck mere husband kaafi accha chodte hain. Lekin 19 yrs of marriage. Ladken imagine kare ki 19 saal tak ek hi chut chodne ko mile aur...

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LoveHerFeet Vanessa Cage Wet Feet Sex With Her Mom

I came home one day and found the house completely empty; no kids or their boyfriends and no hubby. So I decided to take a nice relaxing bath and rub one out. I had lathered my big boobs with soapy bubbles and was in the middle of masturbating when I heard a phone ring from somewhere in the bathroom! I was shocked to see my daughter’s boyfriend filming me with his phone in the corner! I couldn’t believe it! He was going to bail, but I ordered him to come right back so I can make sure he...

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the time420

Before you EVEN close this, I have one thing to say. This is not about smoking pot. This is about something a tad more personal. No matter how much I try, I can only last seven minutes. So why the title? Do the math: seven minutes, each with sixty seconds. 420.At first I thought I was normal. I mean... seven minutes of sex is nothing to sneeze at. It wasn't like I shot off the instant I got hard. I got the idea to time myself from listening to my friends talk about how long they banged this...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 882 Baap ko mila beti se kuch naya

Narrated by Swati Jab main unke paas pahunchi to woh dono mujhe dekh bole. Papa: Ohh, kya baat hai, ye sab kaha se? Ashok uncle: Waah! Tumhari beti kitni sexy, matlab pyari lagti hai yaar. Main gehre neele rang ki mini skirt ke sath a choti top pehni hui thi. Skirt bhi aise upar kheech pehni thi ki neeche se meri janghe poori besharmi ke sath dikhe. Ashok uncle: Waise tum kya humesha aise chote kapde pehanti ho ghar pe? Main: Haan bilkul. Ye kahti hui main undono ke beech baithi aur boli:...

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CarolChapter 2

Getting dressed for the day, in jeans and a t-shirt, I went into the house and found my sister making breakfast, wearing a long flowing nightgown, as was her custom. The gown is opaque, and her nipples were pliable, and I thought this might be an excellent time test some of my newfound knowledge. I looked around and could see no one else, so I asked, “Where is everyone?” “If you mean mom, she left for work already, and Larry is still sleeping, as he came home late last night. I am making...

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Hot Wife And Husbands Interest Payment Part 7

Hello ISS readers, this is Selena here. This is the continuation of the sixth part. And I really want to thank the ISS community for the overwhelming response to my first story. So let’s continue from where I left. So I reached my room with Ram and Rocky. Let me first describe the room. The room was a suite with 2 rooms attached to it. Both bedrooms had separate entrances. So all 4 had gone to the other room and had set up hidden cameras in the room (I came to know about it later), which I had...

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Pink Crystal Persuasion

Pink Crystal Persuasion Authors note: The title is a spin off of a 'Seven Days' episode from which this idea for a story originated. But this story has nothing to do with that series beyond that. "Are you alright?" Matt called down into the darkness below. It had been a taxing, and exhilarating five day trek through a vast cave system. Matt and his climbing partner Heidi were both amateurs, but they had been spelunking long enough that they could have gone pro if they had...

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