GreeniesChapter 5C free porn video

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General Jackson was still at his command post in the capital building, monitoring the various operations that were taking place around the planet. The entire operation was at its most vulnerable right now since the bulk of the MPG members were still in transit to the bases. His greatest worry was of course the security of the Eden MPG base, which stood less than two kilometers from ten thousand WestHem marines. His worry was increased by a call from Sprinkle.

"What's up, Jack?" he asked, seeing the intelligence chief's face on his computer screen.

"The marines are moving a little faster than we'd thought," Sprinkle told him. "I just got a call from a few of my contacts that are part of the fast reaction division. They say that all of the Martians have been rounded up and are being held in their dorms but that the rest of the troops are gearing up for deployment. Estimates are that they'll be on the move within fifteen minutes or so."

"Great," Jackson said with a sigh. He looked at his tactical display and switched the view to a map of the military corner of Eden. Macarthur Avenue was the street that gave access to both the MPG base and the marine barracks. The barracks had two pedestrian entrances, which were located two blocks apart, and a wider, delivery truck entrance in between. He only had one single platoon of infantry troops to cover all three of those entrances. Forty men with small arms, light machine guns, and a few grenade launchers to hold back God knew how many marines who would be trying to egress from those doorways. They would be able to hold them for a little while by virtue of the fact that the marines would have to exit from a narrow corridor. Eventually however, the MPG would be as overwhelmed as the fabled Snoqualmie defenders back in World War III, that single American battalion that had tried to keep an entire Chinese army from descending out of the Cascade Mountains onto the plains of Washington. The Snoqualmie defenders had ultimately failed in their task, more than three-quarters of their number killed while buying the WestHem alliance no more than eighteen hours of time. Jackson had no intention of allowing the Macarthur Avenue defenders to share this same fate. He needed more troops there and he needed them now.

"Get me Colonel Cargill," he told his communications terminal.

Cargill was the commander of the Eden division. Like all of the high commanders of the MPG, Cargill had been briefed in on the plot to eventually seize the planet from WestHem some years before. He was an outstanding leader and an enthusiastic supporter of the plot. He came online within seconds of his hail. "Cargill here, General," he said.

"How many troops do we have on the base, not including those in Dealerman's command?" Jackson asked him.

Cargill consulted another screen for a moment. "About two hundred have arrived," he said. "Not all of them are combat troops however. Probably about half are admin and support people."

"Get them armed up and moving towards the marine barracks entrances," Jackson told him. "The marines are going to be trying a breakout any minute now."

"You mean the combat troops only?" he asked.

"Negative," Jackson replied. "I mean everyone. Get them guns, form them up into squads, and send them out there."

"But, General," Cargill protested, "a lot of those troops are women. Surely you don't mean to..."

"They've been through basic training haven't they?" Jackson interrupted. "Get them armed and on the move. Right now."

"Yes sir," Cargill said.

"Be sure to let them know what they're up against and that they will be in fact rebelling against WestHem, but get those that will go out there. And we'll need some armor on those entrances as well. As soon as you get some APC crews ready, get their vehicles moving. Send them out through the main entrance like we did Dealerman's people that went to the capital. Those entrances have got to be covered."

"Working on it now, General," Cargill said, signing off.

Lisa Wong was one of the female soldiers that were hastily assembled into a makeshift squad of infantry. Since the downtown area where she worked as a police officer was fairly close geographically to the MPG base, she and her partner Brian had been among the first to arrive. She had quickly suited up in the spare shorts and T-shirt that she carried in her locker and had been on her way to report to her duty station — the main administration office where she worked as a materials supply clerk — when her PC had gone off with an emergency tone.

"All available MPG personnel," announced Colonel Cargill, the base commander, "report immediately at best possible speed to the armory for combat load out. This means all personnel, regardless of sex or assignment. We need you over here, people, so let's move it!"

He repeated the message but by the time he was three words into it, Lisa had disconnected from the transmission and was sprinting through the hallways of the base towards the armory. His message had sounded urgent and the fact that he was asking for non-combat volunteers spoke volumes about the desperation of the situation. The materials allotment unit would just have to do without her for a while.

As she ran, others kept pace with her. Men, other women, some people still in civilian clothing, all trekked along, pushing through doors and making their way to a single destination. When they arrived there, huffing and puffing from the exertion, a group of supply personnel were hastily handing out weapons and equipment while an infantry lieutenant was forming them up into groups.

Lisa made her way to the front and was handed a helmet, a set of combat goggles, a radio pack, an M-24 rifle and five 100 round magazines. "You're C squad, part of Sergeant Jan's platoon over there," the lieutenant told her.

"Where are we going?" she asked, fumbling with all of the gear.

"Your sergeant will explain it in a moment," he said impatiently, his tone telling her that there was no time for questions. "Get outfitted and loaded up."

"What about armor?" she asked.

"No time for it," he told her, turning and grabbing another set of equipment for the man behind her.

She carried her equipment over to where a tough looking sergeant was standing with about twenty other people. There was a mix of men and women, a few of whom she recognized as being admin personnel, most she had never seen before. Sergeant Jan was dividing them up into squads and placing those few people he had that were part of the combat arm as the leaders.

"You," he said, pointing at Lisa and reading her name from her shirt, "Corporal Wong. Get that weapon loaded and those extra mags stowed. You'll be in second squad under private Zink's command. Your radio frequency for squad operations is 7-C. Got it?"

"Got it," she replied, feeling overwhelmed and more than a little confused. Just what the hell was going on here anyway? Nevertheless she put her helmet on her head and attached her throat microphone just above her shirt. The radio pack — a small plastic transmitter about half the size of her PC — she tuned to bank 7, channel C and attached to her waist. Though her entire career with the MPG had been spent as an office worker, she knew how to run the radio as well as any of the most hardened combat troops. Likewise she was familiar with her weapon, combat goggles, and other gear as well, and not just because of her job with the Eden Police Department. Ever since the earliest days of the MPG, General Jackson had made it a part of the training requirements that every member, no matter what their rank or assignment, qualify as expert with the combat gear at least twice a year. Though he had been derided many times in the Earthling media for this alleged waste of money, had had stuck to his guns and now, at what seemed a critical moment, all of that training and expense seemed to be paying off. She, as well as the other non-combat soldiers in her understrength platoon, were ready for action in less than five minutes, with weapons loaded and calibrated to the goggles.

"All right, folks," Jan said, looking them over. "Looks like we're ready to roll. I don't have time for any inspirational speeches or extended briefings so I'll give it to you straight. The MPG is in the process of capturing Eden and the entire planet of Mars from WestHem control. What we are doing is an act of treason. Right now we have some combat troops that are trying to pen the WestHem marines inside of their base to keep them from opposing our capture. They're going to need help badly in a few minutes. We'll probably be forced to fire on some of those marines in order to prevent them from breaking out. This will be seen as pre-meditated murder by WestHem authorities. Anyone who does not wish to participate in this action, put your weapons down and step to the rear."

There was a stunned silence for a moment as everyone comprehended what they were being told. Lisa had to run it through her circuits a few times to get it to clear. Capturing Eden? Capturing the entire planet Mars? Firing on WestHem marines? She waited for the punch line, concluding that it had to be a joke of some sort. No punch line came however. Jan was apparently serious. "Holy shit," she muttered, feeling a strange surge of fear and determination running through her. If there was going to be a fight to free Mars, she was going to be a part of it. She did not drop her weapon. Neither did anyone else.

"All right then," Jan said, smiling. "1st reserve platoon. Let's move it out! Triple time!" With that he turned and began jogging towards the door. His platoon of twenty-five men and women fell in behind him.

Lieutenant Rod Espinoza, a four-year member of the MPG, had been given the dubious honor of leading the Macarthur Avenue defenders. A simple platoon leader whose civilian job was head of security at a small office building, he rose to the occasion quite nicely despite his lack of previous combat experience and his usual reliance on his company commander for guidance. He had divided his forty troops into three sections. One squad was covering the south pedestrian entrance, one was covering the north, and two were covering the larger truck terminal in between. On the orders of Major Dealerman, these squads had held back, out of sight of the marine MP positions that guarded each entrance platform. Though they had aroused the curiosity of many a pedestrian walking by their shadowed forms - and more than one off-duty marine - the guards in their booths remained oblivious to their presence. That was about to change.

"Espinoza," Major Dealerman's voice told him over the command link, "move your people in and secure the platforms. Take those guards out without gunfire if possible. Disarm them and send them back into the base."

"Copy," he said simply.

"Information is that the marines are going to try a breakout within a few minutes. Once the platforms are secure, pull back to covering positions and get ready to drive them back in. Weapons are free, wartime rules of engagement are in effect."

"I understand, Major," he said assuredly, hiding the worry he felt. "What about reinforcements?" he asked. "We're pretty heavy on ammo but we're not gonna last long if they're determined."

"Reinforcements are on the way," Dealerman told him. "We've scrapped together some mixed units of combatants and non-combatants. Put them to use as you see fit, but use them. They're all trained in weapons and tactics."

"Yes sir," he said a little dubiously.

"We'll get you some armor out there as soon as it's available. Don't let those marines out of that base. The entire operation depends on keeping them penned."

"I understand," he said.

As soon as the transmission ended he began giving orders to his squad leaders. Less than thirty seconds later, his men began to move in.

The pedestrian stations were not terribly busy at this time of the day but still, there were upwards of fifty people, most of them working their way through the security checkpoints, at each one. At the truck entrance things were a little better. Since delivery trucks were a phenomenon of the night on Mars, this platform was virtually deserted. Each one of the stations was guarded by a four-man team of military police, each of whom was armed with a sidearm and an M-24 without combat goggle enhancement. Their command posts were glass-encased booths equipped with computer terminals and communications gear.

When the MPG troops stormed the stations, the squad leaders shouting at everyone to get down, one of the MPs at the north station reached for his rifle out of instinct. He was pummeled by rifle fire and dropped like a rock. The rest of the guards at that particular station, seeing this, immediately threw their hands up in surrender. At the other stations, all of the guards surrendered peacefully once they saw what they were up against.

"Civilians and non-uniformed personnel," shouted the squad leaders at each place, "off the platform and out of the area, right now! Move it!"

They moved it, rushing in a near panic down Macarthur Avenue and disappearing out of sight. The MPs were quickly disarmed and pointed in the direction of the base. "Get in there and stay in there," they were told. "Tell your commanders that we have the entrances guarded and that anyone trying to get out will be fired upon."

The MPs wasted no time in sprinting through the gates and down the entrance corridor. All three groups of them reached the main avenue of the base at approximately the same time. It was only the three that had guarded the north entrance, the entrance closest to the MPG base, that encountered marines massing for a march.

Colonel Frank Forrest was the commander in charge of the brigade that Sega had tasked with capturing the MPG base. He and most of his men were assembled on the exercise lawn undergoing final weapons checks and radio calibration prior to marching out. The men were in neat, precise military rows on the green grass, lined up by platoon and squad. Sergeants and lieutenants circulated among them, making last minute inspections and giving inspirational speeches. When the three MPs, stripped of their weapons and red-faced with terror, came bursting into the columns, they were very nearly shot by more than one startled soldier.

"What the fuck is going on here?" an angry sergeant screamed at the three men. "Corporal," he told the highest ranking of them, "you'd better have a goddamn good explanation for this!"

"Sir," he said breathlessly, coming to a partial state of attention, "greenies just stormed our checkpoint! They took our guns and sent us back in here!"

"Greenies?" the sergeant yelled. "What the fuck are you talking about, boy?"

He managed to spit out the story in a coherent fashion, coherent enough that the sergeant immediately brought him to his lieutenant where the story was repeated. From there they went to the captain of that particular company and from there, to the Major that commanded the battalion. Ten minutes after the storming of the guard posts, the three MPs were finally led before Colonel Forrest himself, by which point they had calmed enough to tell their tale without stuttering or repeating themselves.

"How many of them were there?" Forrest asked, only a little worried at the thought of armed greenies at his point of egress.

"Twenty or thirty," they all agreed, their minds wildly exaggerating their memories.

Forrest nodded. "And they were armed with M-24s?"

"Yes sir," the corporal told him, unaware that the troops with the SAWs had held back in cover positions during the charge.

"And they shot one of your men?"

"Yes sir," he said. "They blew Bill damn near in half for no reason."

Forrest's face scrunched into an expression of anger. "Goddamn greenies," he spat. "They're nothing more than terrorists!" He turned to his majors and captains, who were gathered near him. "Get on the com link and find out about the other checkpoints," he told them. "If they captured one they probably captured them all."

It took less than five minutes to confirm that all three checkpoints had in fact fallen to MPG troops. In the other two instances the estimations of the troop strength were the same as that offered by the first: about twenty troops armed with M-24s.

"We need to push out of here right now," Forrest told his subordinates, "before they are able to move enough troops in to really be an annoyance to us." He looked at Major Starr, commander of his first battalion. "Starr," he told him, "get your recon elements moving and recapture the checkpoint that our young corporal and his friends came from. Once its secure we'll move the rest of the brigade out to our main objective and send the rest of your battalion to go capture the other two positions."

"Yes sir," Starr said, hiding the dejection in his voice. He had wanted to be a part of the main thrust into the MPG base. But orders were orders. He trotted off towards his men, talking on his command link as he went. Within five minutes they were moving towards the exit corridor, his recon platoon breaking trail.

Meanwhile, back at the checkpoint in question, the MPG squad that was guarding it had pulled back to positions of cover on Macarthur Avenue. They kneeled behind the cement planter that lined the middle of the street, their weapons trained on the entrance, their combat goggles down and set for infrared enhancement. The young private that operated the squad automatic weapon was in the center of the formation, his field of fire such that he could sweep the entire corridor from one side to the other. Four extra drums of ammunition, each containing 600 rounds, were stacked neatly next to his leg.

The marine recon platoon, its members among the most highly trained in the corps, didn't make it within one hundred meters of the Macarthur side of the access corridor. Though they were moving along the walls, making themselves as small of targets as possible, there was simply nothing to use for cover or concealment and they were spotted almost as soon as they started heading for their objective.

Espinoza ordered the SAW gunner to fire a few bursts down the middle of the corridor on the theory that this would drive them back without having to kill any of them. It was a hopeful thought but one that didn't quite pan out. The private unleashed twenty rounds, the gun barking loudly, the rounds flying at high velocity right between the two elements of the platoon. Instead of retreating however, they began firing back, simultaneously pushing forward.

"Fucking idiots," Espinoza said in disgust as rounds began to slam into the concrete around them and whiz over their head. "Open fire," he told his men. "Take them out."

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By : Criticalmass Disclaimer: The story is purely a fantasy, but given a chance would love to try out the same. I run an Ayurveda Treatment centre (ATS). I get many patients, each coming to me for treatment for things which the other means of treatment could not cure. On an average the treatment lasts for 2 to 4 weeks. Once in a while I do get patients with not so common syndromes requiring not so common treatments. Over a period of time, I got the popularity of treating patients with uncommon...

1 year ago
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Her Husbands BossChapter 3

"How do you do, Mrs. Cummings," Maxwell Alexander greeted smoothly as he rose courteously from his chair and extended his hand to the desirable, fresh-faced young blonde, a wide charming grin on his face. "It's certainly a pleasant surprise to see--I mean, meet you this afternoon. Now tell me, please, what can I do for you?" "Well, Mr. Alexander, it's a little complicated," Kathy admitted slowly and rather shyly as she glanced covertly at the ruggedly handsome, middle-aged man who...

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Max and Trent in Love

This is the story of how, against all odds, a long-distance relationship between two boys who had never met actually worked out. My name is Max, and I’m from a shitty little town in even shittier Massachusetts. My lover is named Trenton (that’s a cute ass name, ain’t it?). Sadly for me, Trent lives all the way the fuck in Oklahoma! It drove me absolutely crazy! Trent and I met on a small social networking site… and I don’t know about him, but I fell for him right away! He has the sweetest...

4 years ago
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Wheels of Fortune Props From the Cops

Copyright© 2004 I had just wheezed my way to the top of the hill, and was pedaling easily toward the traffic light, trying to catch my breath. Looking ahead, I noticed the black-and-white sitting there as the light changed from green to yellow to red. Wondering what infraction I might have committed, I pulled up alongside and snapped my right foot out of the pedal to prop myself on the curb. Peering across the front seat of the cruiser, an attractive black female police officer grinned...

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Initial Infiltration

"All I'm saying is that just because we're soldiers and have guns, it doesn't give us the right to automatically blow the shit out of everything we see," PFC Reed Donaldson said. "We're soldiers. Blowing shit up is in the job description," PFC Stephens replied. They were walking down a plain grey corridor, a squad of ten men mostly fresh out of training. "Yeah, but we're also representatives of the US of A. How the world sees us is how the world sees the US. We have, like, a...

1 year ago
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UniversityChapter 51

Rachel left to return to the Gallery and I had the room locked up prior to finding my dad's office. "Body bags," he told me. "They're called 'body bags.' I knew that we had a committee to return materials, but I hadn't realized there were still human remains. I'll have something done. You go home. I'll call you when they're gone." "Thanks." "It's horrid to think of how barbaric our ancestors were." "Not much worse than stealing children, though. Is it?" "No. We...

2 years ago
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The Meeting Part 1

Some of the details in this story are true and some of them are things I hope to happen in the near future. Hope you enjoy reading the story because I enjoyed writing it. I dial your number and anticipate the sound of your voice. The voice that lets me know I am gorgeous. It is this voice that I have grown accustomed to hearing and this voice that I can’t wait to hear. “My plane will land at 9:40 AM.” At the sound of my voice I notice I am rather nervous. “Okay, I will be there to pick...

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Andrea Obeys

For those of you who have not read the Andrea strikes a bargain story here is a brief description of her: Her name was Andrea Bullock aged 43, she stood five foot two in her size seven stocking feet, her long blonde hair hanging just over shoulder length and partially hiding the aspect of her medium build and largish 36DD bust line. It had been four months since her bargain had been made and she had returned to a near normal existence except for the on line chats from her new master. One day...

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Lindas Awakening Phoenix Style

Linda’sAwakening Phoenix Style Linda awoke to the buzzing of an alarm. What the hell? Dan must have left it on accidentally. He had told her he was going to get an early start, maybe sneak out of a session early, and she might have an exciting day, or something to that effect. She reached over, had to rise up and scoot across the bed to hit the alarm. At the same moment, she heard a quiet rap on the door accompanied by the soft call of “Room Service”. Oh, hell, she thought, as she got up,...

Wife Lovers
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Its My PartyChapter 94

Time: Friday, August 8, 2019 12:13:17 PM GHT Jessica whimpered in the pitch darkness. Just a few seconds ago she had slid herself closed inside the bottom closet drawer, and the instant after the drawer closed it seemed to bump and start to slide out again. Only this time the closet was in absolute darkness and the air completely still. Jessica groped for a moment along the floor until her hand found an air duct. Nothing. Did she cause all this? The closet went dark the instant she closed...

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Still Faithful Always Chapter 5

Laura and Dan, Greg in absentia After more than twenty years of marriage Laura no longer made a running leap to her husband’s arms on returning home, but their kiss signaled a promise of passionate reunion. Laura set her only luggage: purse, briefcase and shoulder duffle, at her feet to clutch Dan around his shoulders. She held tight resting head on male shoulder and nuzzling close to his neck. A light kiss and a deep inhale of her husband’s male scent, his body, the deodorant and cologne...

Wife Lovers
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Sleeping Allie

I walked in to the apartment I shared with another girl named Allie late one Friday night. I had been in the library cramming for a mid-term the following Monday. The living room had a small light on and the T.V. was on, but there was no Allie to be found. Oh well, I figured that she had go out for a while and simply forgot to turn the set off. I walked back toward my room, which was next to Allie’s. The light was on in both of our rooms and Allie’s door was open. I peeked in and was shocked at...

1 year ago
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Straight Male Exhibitionist CH 3

The house construction was still going on. At this stage of construction the small bathroom with the wash basin and the ONLY the toilet bowl was complete. In the full bathroom, the tub and shower had been installed. But not the toilet bowl. Almost every morning my sister Ellen would be out of bed before Terry. The first thing she always did was go straight to the little bathroom. One morning, I was in the small bathroom waiting for her. Sitting on the toilet, my shorts were down around my...

4 years ago
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Passing the Baton 2 Lilas StoryChapter 11

Lila awoke startled; the aroma of freshly made coffee on her nose, yet, Manu was lying beside her, still asleep. She rolled off the bed, the heavy rings on her breasts swinging painfully, and walked to the kitchen area. She found Aisha there, preparing breakfast for them. "The sheik sent me to help you out," the chubby girl said. "I see," Lila answered suspicious of anything the sheik did. Aisha knelt in front of Lila, "I am to remain with you and Master Manu, and to assist you...

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Charlotte part 12

As the classical music reaches its crescendo, I lower myself from pointe and dip into a perfect ballerina's curtsey, spreading my voluminous tutu beneath me as the crowd roars with rapturous applause. "Three cheers for the birthday girl!" Stuart yells from the audience, making me blush as I stand back up. "Hip hip!" Stuart yells. "Hooray!" The crowd enthusiastically responds. "Everybody, please," I say, cringing with embarrassment. "Hip hip!" Stuart yells again. "Hooray!"...

2 years ago
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Ambers Story

Please read “Nina, The Downfall” as this is a spin off fromthat story and homes in on one of the new characters. 20 year old Amber had always “got away” without being spanked. Some of her friends were spanked still, and whilst she had watched them being spanked she had always escaped the humiliating punishment herself. Amber often wondered though what it would be like, having her knickers taken down to her knees, her skirt lifted above her waist, guided by the arm across the waiting maternal...

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Accidental Sex With Sexy Aunty 8211 Part I

Friends! I am sharing an experience which I had with a female friend, a lovely married woman in Islamabad. I hope you all will enjoy it. To tell you more about myself, I am from same city. This story is about 35 yrs old married lady from Islamabad & her name is XYZ and she is a housewife. XYZ has a very attractive figure (38-30-36), height 5’6” tall. She has been married for about 10 years, with 2 kids. As time spent with her I came to know that her husband is more interested in making money...

3 years ago
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Piece By Piece Part Six Getting Out

There it was again, the slight vibration of my phone. You sure? the text read as I picked it out of my pocket.Yeah, I replied. Get some sleep.I put the phone back in my pocket and looked at the time. I had to pick up Jack and Thomas soon.I got up from my seat and walked to the front. "Excuse me," I said to the tall Latin man behind the desk."Yes?" he asked as he looked at me.I had worn my sweater today just so that there would be no cleavage to stare at, but he was still staring, this time...

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Exchange ThugChapter 2

As they moved around Nathan and Radna winked at each other watching the young naive girl as she bent to pick up the empties, watching how her skirt road up showing the back of her shapely thighs. They moved her towards the sofa, Radna picked up a spiff and lit it, Rebecca looked horrified, "Mummy doesn't allow smoking," Radna laughed, "Come on sit down, here between me and Nathan and let me show you this is not a real cigarette." The two youths sat, leaving room in the middle, "Come on...

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College Collage MChapter 2 Study Dates

Andy found second quarter registration easy. The courses he had taken were year courses, even if he was taking X102 instead of X101. (Or Calculus 202.) They met at the same time in the same place, and nobody – or, at least few enough people —wanted to insert themselves into those sections that they filled up before he got to register. He even took weight-lifting at the same time. He called on Thursday to ask Marilyn for another movie date the next Tuesday. She sounded pleased when she...

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Fun Turn In Life

Hi im Ano Im going to tell my experience about a year ago when I used to be in Chennai, India. Let me introduce myself to you, am 5’7″ tall, Quite chubby, wheatish complexion girl. I was brought up in a very well off but conservative/traditional family that had almost settled in Chennai before moving abroad. I was very studious, once had a puppy relationship too that ended long, long ago. My college days I wasted too much on my books before I landed as an IT professional and regretted my...

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Talking Dirty

© 2002 Debra has always loved those forbidden four letter words during sex, and likes to make a lot of noise. In this tragi-comic adventure Debra ends up living out some kinky fantasies inside a women's prison with an unlikely lover in a dangerous place. Critiques and comments welcomed by the author. Debra was the love of my life. Even though we had been partners for over ten years she still fascinated me. It wasn't that she was ravishingly beautiful or anything else purely...

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Trust Fall Ch 09

Trust Fall Book One of The Trust Trilogy Tess Quince Chapter Nine I’M THINKING ABOUT TRUST. When I first joined the bank out of college I was assigned a full day of a human resources team building event. I was on the management track and this was one of the stops to get my card punch before my next promotion. I was in a conference room with about ten other fast-trackers and the words of the day were ‘team work’, ‘synergy’ and, of course, ‘trust building’. One of the trust building...

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Wife becomes entertainmentldquoThe Partyrdquo

The day of the party arrived. I awoke, after hardly sleeping, and headed to the gym. When I arrived back at the house, Nancy was up at the counter. She was drinking coffee and looking at her Facebook account. My wife was right, she was very stunning. She wore a half cropped shirt, which showed the bottoms of her large breasts. Her hair was pulled back in a pony tail and she wore the tightest boy short panties which hugged her ass perfectly. She was totally focused on her phone and must not have...

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Caught by my sweet cousin

I come from a large family that is spread out to about five states. Every once in a while my family and me will go on a trip to see some cousins or uncles and aunts. Me, and my parents were staying the weekend at my dad’s cousin’s house. He was a nice guy and taught me a lot about cars. That is why I told my parents I liked staying at his house, but the real reason is his daughter Clair. Clair is three years older then me and we spent a lot of time together growing up. It wasn’t until I hit...

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Worth Losing The Virginity

I’m a 24-year-old guy with a good physique, crispy hair, and a huge dick. As I’m very young, I’ve always craved for Indian sex since I had puberty. Though masturbation was an option, the pleasure that sex gives cannot be expressed in words. I was a pornography fan and used to watch porn on a regular basis. I had seen many categories of porn in HD and was not able to wait to experience sex. This incidence happened on the day when my parents weren’t home and I was all alone. I went to my office...

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Shes ready 1 first cummings

It had been a rough week at work, so I looked forward to enjoying a beer and relaxing for a while. When I got home I found my roommates little sister Bree laying on the couch watching something on TV. In the last year she had really started to bloom, thirteen and slender. Her long brown hair helped to cover her breasts as they practically burst out of her pale pink tank top. She had a blanket pulled up to her waist so I couldn’t tell what she was wearing over her long legs, Bree ran...

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The Curious Case Of Cunning Uncle Pt 1 Deepti Arrives

My wife hung up the mobile after a 1-hour long talk with her sister. My heart skipped several beats as I was able to hear and understand some parts of the conversation that took place in the above-mentioned call. I pretended to be busy playing with my 4-year-old daughter. My wife came to me and told me that her sister’s daughter will be visiting us for some days as she had to apply for admissions in 2-3 colleges in our city. I gave a casual nod and got back to playing with my kid. Actually, my...

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Ladz Local Lovlies 65 CarlaChapter 3

“You want us to what?” said Kyle. Pete grinned. “It’s like in that porno Rob downloaded the other week. She wants one of us to bang her arsehole, while the other—” “Fucks my sweet cunt. You got it. So, what do you say?” There was a moment’s silence. Pete looked at his friend expectantly. Kyle shrugged. “Why not?” Pete grinned. “Excellent.” He looked around the room. “Here on the desk? Or on the floor?” “I think the floor would be better. I’d hate to have to explain to the boss on Monday...

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Easter Bunnies

Introduction: I get a call in the small hours of Easter morning from my best friends daughter. Shes stuck at a frat party with two of her friends and is getting scared. I rush to help her out and find them drunk and all dressed in bunny outfits. Easter used to mean chocolate candy eggs laid by a magic bunny. But that was when I was a kid. Now it was just a Sunday that I got to sleep in for. I was deep into doing just that when my cell phone woke me up far earlier that I would have liked, even...

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The first time I saw Min Young-ju was the day she came in for a job interview. She was from Korea and new to our country. My wife and I have a small business in Phoenix and we're always trying to find front office people, so it wasn't unusual to give interviews at anytime during the week. The only thing I remember about her during the interview was that she never said a word to anyone, except to my wife, and that she was sort of cute. I was surprised when Cheryl told me that she'd hired...

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My XFactor audition with Cheryl Cole

Okay, so this fantasy isn't about going on X-Factor.Similar show, but I want Cheryl to switch and be a judge on Britain's Got Talent.I've jerked to her so much over the years, so many cocked and cummed pics, and vids too, over pics like these:[image][/image]Her face, tits and legs can drive your cock wild, and it's not just me...Look at what my buddy Sponde has done to her pics before:But I think I can do it -...

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