My Husband, Kellie free porn video

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My Husband Kellie, a Wife's Tale - by: Lisa Grey My husband Cal and I had been married for three and a half years. We hadn't had the best relationship, but that was nobody's fault. It all started with kind of a strange wedding. Cal had moved out of state to start a new job a month before we were to be married so we only saw each other on weekends. We were in love and the distance was difficult for both of us but we managed. I guess I should say I managed. I was in love so was blind to the signs that something may not have been right. You see, during the week Cal never seemed to call me. Not that I am saying he was screwing around. He was always there at the apartment when I called, but it seemed I was always the one who called. Cal had always been shy and reserved. That was one of the things I liked about him. He was always calm and never disrespected me no matter how mad I was. I was a party girl. I had always been in it for the fun and I had a difficult time denying myself anything. Cal had accused me at one point of being an alcoholic, which had upset me greatly. He also didn't like that I smoked pot and was constantly at the doctors getting pain pills and such. I ignored his distance and he ignored my substance abuse. We should have realized it wasn't going to last. Four months after our wedding I moved to the state Cal was in and we began our lives together. We hadn't even had a proper honeymoon. Cal had moved away from home before, though never for very long, but it was the first time I was away from my family. I was very homesick. All I did was go out and spend money, and didn't really try to get a job. Cal made good money but a year and a half in school had left us deeply in debt. We were living beyond our means and Cal finally had to consider bankruptcy. This was a serious blow to his pride since he always paid his bills on time. He, of course, held me responsible. Which I was. As time wore on, the stress of our situation piled up on us. Cal began to get more distant and I began to visit the doctor more often. I spent more and more time stoned and Cal just withdrew inside himself. He rarely ever talked to me except to gripe about something I should have done and blew off. He was also a crossdresser. It wasn't a serious thing. I knew about it the second time we had slept together long before we were engaged. Back then it was just a once in a while thing we would do during sex. It really got him fired up and that made the experience more intense for me. Unfortunately, as the stress in Cal's life mounted, the dressing increasingly became his escape. I was never really comfortable with the dressing, but I loved him and thought I could deal with it. Unfortunately, this was ammo for me when we had a fight, which had become more and more frequent as my homesickness drove me deeper into the substance abuse and I began to do stuff that undermined our financial situation. He would just sit there and calmly catalogue my failings, and I couldn't fault him. He only had one character flaw that was of any significance so I used it to justify my unhappiness. That was the crossdressing. It was finally getting to be too much for him. He began to stay home from work a lot, and was on the cusp of losing his job due to his absenteeism. I didn't help him much since I felt a tiny bit of responsibility for his condition, so I lashed out at that too. He finally started going to a shrink. I thought, "Good, he is finally going to get the crossdressing thing fixed." Not surprisingly, he never mentioned it to the shrink. He truly didn't see it as the problem I did. Soon he had his absenteeism under control and was becoming more relaxed. I guess I had hurt him pretty bad when I had lashed out at him when he was vulnerable. He was always honest with me, even when it would hurt my feelings, but now he was being very honest. He had confessed to me one night after watching a related TV show that he had "settled" for me. I was crushed. It had finally come home to me that the storybook romance and marriage that I had always dreamed of was just that?a dream. That Christmas, it would have been our second together, we decided to separate. He went to live with a friend from work, and I was going to go home. I guess we were both too stubborn to admit we had failed though, because a week after new years we had gotten back together. Time away from each other seemed like just what we needed. Our life improved greatly. By this time I had gotten a job and had it for sometime. He had gotten a huge raise at work and we had gone out and bought a new car. We made a financial arrangement that we would each pay a share of the bills and whatever money we saved out of our paychecks was our to spend as we saw fit. He paid a lot more than me because he made a lot more money. Cal had made some friends at work that had ATVs. He expressed an interest in it, and I encouraged him. He was still hanging out in the house too much and I wanted him to get out and be with friends. Soon he had bought an ATV and began to go riding with his friends. As I had hoped the crossdressing seemed to vanish. My problems too, seemed to vanish. At least as far as he was concerned. He had adopted a "don't ask don't tell" stance on it. He told me if I was gonna do it, just don't do it in front of him. He would tolerate it as long as it didn't effect him. Seven months after we had gotten back together, I got a phone call in the middle of the night. It was Cal, he worked nights you see. He told me over the phone the news we had been waiting two and a half years for. It took me a second for what he was saying to penetrate my drug- induced grogginess. He had finally got his letter of transfer?we were going home. We were both impossibly happy. We knew that our trials were over. We were going back to our home and family and he was going to be bringing home a bunch more money. Our lives were now going to be the dream I had always imagined?weren't they? I was wrong, dead wrong. We got back home and settled in. I started hanging out with my sister and Cal, who didn't care for my sister just started hanging out around the house again. He didn't have his ATV friends here and he had lost touch with many of his local friends in the two and a half years we had been gone. One thing about my family, they are all drug dependant and well stocked with narcotics, which they gave to me, no problem. Soon I was coming home so stoned all I would do is pass out on the couch. I didn't do anything around the house and was rarely there except to sleep anyway. It all came to a head on what would have been our third Christmas since we were married. I had lost my new job because I was so stoned I couldn't even answer a phone. I had promptly gotten a new job, but the drug abuse had me. I began to steal from Cal and his mom, and even went so far as to steal my employer's credit card, which I took and went on a shopping spree. Cal had finally had enough. He told me to leave. Numbly, I complied. I packed some things and went to my parents. The next day my mom, my sister and I went Christmas shopping, and I was feeling depressed so I began taking pills. When we got home I was so stoned I couldn't get out of the car. My family Baker Acted me. That is, they had me committed to a drug rehab program. While I was in the hospital, my privacy was violated. My family had went through my stuff and found all the things I had been hiding, the stolen credit card, the results from the shopping spree, and they knew something wasn't right. They did some checking and realized how deeply I was in trouble. I narrowly avoided jail time. My family made arrangements to return what they could and pay back the rest, but my life was going to be like a prison sentence. My parents were going to be all over me, treating me like a child for the next nine months. I managed to get out of the hospital just in time for Christmas, but I didn't get to talk to Cal until New Years Eve. He called me to tell me it was over between us. He told me too much damage had been done to our marriage for it to work anymore. I had, he told me, violated his trust too many times and he wasn't going to give me another chance. I was still very angry. With my family for betraying me (at least that's how I saw it) and with Cal for kicking me out. So I lashed out once again, using the only fault I knew could hurt him. I told him, "you need to decide whether you are a man or a woman." Little did I know how much effect these words would have. We didn't have any contact with each other for the next two months, but when his birthday came up, I had let go of my anger and wanted to take him out to dinner. So I called. He seemed to have let his anger cool as well. At dinner that night we talked. I don't know why, maybe we were just both lonely, but we decided to start dating again. On the way home we stopped on the beach and had frenzied sex in the back of his truck like a couple of teens. Then he took me home to mom and dad. God, I felt like I was in high school again. It wasn't long after that that he told me of his plans to go out cross- dressed. Needless to say, it didn't make me happy, but I really wanted us to work this time so I told him it would be all right by me. He asked me if I would like to go, but this was far too much to ask of me, so I said no. We talked for some time and in the end I had begun to think it wouldn't be such a bad thing. He had assured me the he was only interested in women and that if I went with him I would not have to worry about what happened because I will have been there. He told me that he now had a name for his feminine alter ego, Kellie. Time went by and Cal began to explore Kellie far more. Trying to be supportive, I went shopping with him, for her. He spent an incredible amount of money. Since he didn't have anything, he needed all the basic stuff, underwear, tops, skirts, shoes, makeup, etc. We got home that night and I had him model the stuff for me. Then I taught him to put on makeup, and before my eyes there appeared a beautiful girl named Kellie. I still knew it was him under it all, and I couldn't bring myself to acknowledge how good he looked, because then I would have had to admit she looked far better than me. It was a turning point for Cal that night. As he looked at himself, he realized the he didn't look like a man in a dress. He looked attractive and passable, and unlike his male presence, he liked what he saw. The next time I saw him he told me he had made an appointment with a therapist. Kellie was becoming a much bigger part of his life and though I still wanted to be supportive I wasn't sure I could deal with her. He told me that he was sure that he was not a crossdresser, but a Transsexual. Cal had made reservations at a beach resort for the end of the summer. He invited me to come with him and I agreed. I asked him if I could have my husband there for at least one night, and he told me that he wasn't even considering Kellie being there. That did change, because I encouraged it. Don't ask me why I did it. I guess I just wanted him to be happy. He was happy, more happy and energetic than I had ever seen him. The weekend at the beach, Kellie was there almost all the time. Even when Cal was there when we went to dinner or shopping, his nails were painted and his body hair was shaved, and it didn't seem to bother him what strangers thought of this man with painted nails and shaved legs. The first night we both got all dressed up to the nines and went walking on the beach. We must have made a sight, two pretty girls in short skirts and bare feet walking down the beach holding hands. It was a magical weekend for him. He had had his first public experience as Kellie and even people at close range didn't notice. Well, that wouldn't be entirely accurate. We passed several people in the lobby as we went out. The men certainly noticed us. The women did too. I heard them complimenting us to each other on our attire. I suppose we did look cute. She was all darkness, with her long brunette tresses, and black dress and heels. I was all light, with my long blonde hair and my white lace dress and heels. The fact was though that even at close range in harsh lighting, nobody read Kellie. For me it was disturbing. It had illustrated to me what I had refused to admit to Cal or myself. Kellie did look like a girl, not just a man in a dress. I guess in spite of my big promises, I was having a lot of problems dealing with this. Cal had asked me all that weekend how I felt about it, and I kept telling him I was ok, that love was unconditional. He kept asking how I would feel if Kellie was around all the time. I didn't have answer for that. I told him we would have to see when it happened. I began to get stressed again. Cal saw it and told me that maybe we shouldn't see each other. He told me he didn't want to be the cause of another relapse into drugs. I assured him that wouldn't happen. Two months after the beach trip, I had finally saved enough money to move out of my parent's house. I rented a little trailer at a trailer park and the weekend I moved in Cal called and asked if I wanted to go out with Kellie to a TG club. This was to be Kellie's first bar experience, and I agreed to go. When I got to the house, Kellie told me that a friend from the support group she was going to was going to meet us there. I was very excited about having my own place and wanted to stop by there first, but she was being incredibly frustrating, insisting we didn't have time before her friend got to the club. I was very angry, but I gave in. We could always go afterward. I was also stoned. I couldn't deal with going out with Kellie to a club without some sort of help to calm my nerves. I figured nobody would be the wiser. I guess I was wrong. I guess I was pretty rude to Kellie that night. I drove her car, and I ran the hell out of it drifting into other people's lanes and driving very fast. I knew this scared her and I really didn't care. She was a trooper though. She wasn't going to let my behavior spoil her first night out. The club turned out to be a gay bar that was TG friendly and her friend was late. I had had a few drinks by the time he got there, and didn't miss an opportunity to point out to Kellie that we would have had plenty of time to go look at my new place before we arrived here. It was kind of boring, I thought. We just sat and talked, and when her friend finally arrived we did more of the same. I sat there and looked at us, two pretty girls and a guy. I guess I must have thought it wasn't quite right in my alcohol enhanced stoned state, so when I went to go get a drink, I collected a stray guy (don't ask me how I managed this in a gay bar) but I invited him back to our table. I am still not sure if I did it out of spite, or if it just came out, but while I was making introductions, I introduced Kellie as "my husband Cal". Kellie took this in stride. She was very good at never letting them see you sweat, but her eyes did narrow and I did get a withering glare. I suppose it was a pretty stupid thing to do. Cal's employer did know anything about Kellie, and he was not ready for anyone that didn't need to know to find out. The company Cal worked for was huge and you could never tell whom you would run in to that also worked there. I guess maybe deep down I wanted to torpedo Kellie, to make her a laughing stock. Then maybe I could have Cal back. I made some horrible mistakes that night. I didn't realize how bad until later, but when we were leaving the club to go see my new place, Kellie quietly chastised me and asked me to never again introduced her as my husband, and for the love of God never as Cal. I realized I had left the keys to my place at my parents, so we had to go by there first. God, Kellie was terrified that they would see her. My parents were pretty much snobs and she was convinced it would be a humiliating experience if they saw her, so I left her out there in the car while I went in to get the keys. I guess the resentment made me do it but I wanted to torture her a little. When I got inside I turned one the flood light in the driveway, lighting up the interior of the car and putting her on display for whoever looked out the window, and whoever happened to be passing on the street. Then I took my time finding the key. I knew this was horrible of me because I knew she had to pee and couldn't until we got to my place, and I added to that with the risk of exposure. When we got to my new place, I tortured her some more by pretending to fumble with the lock while she danced from high heel to high heel with discomfort. I finally relented and let her in. When she came out of the bathroom, I took her on a tour of my new home, all thirty feet of it. I knew it wasn't much. In truth it was a rat hole. I could see it in her grey eyes, but I asked her what she thought anyway. I also told her to be honest, knowing she would be just that because her sense of honor demanded it. Surprisingly, she was very diplomatic when she told me it was horrible in polite terms. After the grand tour, we returned to her house and had sex. It was sex that you would think of as two girls having. A lot of oral and stroking and kissing, at least on her part. It was tender and loving, and Kellie took me to heights of pleasure I hadn't been to in a long time if ever. She tended to me and when it was my turn, again, I was mean. Oh, I took care of her, but I didn't do it with the passion and attentiveness she had just shown me. After I stroked her and kissed her getting her discordant equipment ready, I barely touched her as I mounted her and began bouncing up and down on it. She finally rolled us over and got on top. Then with slow gentle movements she pumped in and out of me. Once again she brought me to orgasm, and a little while later achieved hers. When I left that night, as we kissed goodbye, I saw the tears in her eyes. Some how I knew, as I drove off, that I would never see Kellie, or my husband again. I would later find out the she knew I was high, and was very aware of the mean things I had done to her that night, because I want the man not the woman. She had decided that she couldn't allow her self to be the cause of my return to drug abuse and knew that she was too much for me to deal with. She made the decision to remove herself from my life. It didn't work though. I got lonely in my little rat hole and I started partying again. I am back to smoking pot and getting high however I can. Kellie found a nice woman that accepted and loved her. I hear they are very happy living together as two women. I have had a string of losers for boy friends. All of them seemed to have big hairy beer guts and they treat me like dirt. But at least they're men, right? That's what I keep telling myself. I hope some day I believe it. The End

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Husband hiding

Husband hiding. Some of the Dogging adventures that we have participated in we did not tell anyone who my husband was, he was anonymous just one of the guys that showed up. Those are some of the most exciting dogging adventures we have because the guys do not know my husband is watching and participating. My husband say’s the guys treat me different, nastier and sexually...

4 years ago
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Husband Picks My Date Blacken

I wasn't feeling over confident but, as what I was about to do was for my husband, I did my best to conceal my doubts and apprehension. I mean, it's not every day that you are about to be fucked by a stranger while your husband watches. Well, it's not for me. I was definitely nervous.The time had arrived and, as requested, I had dressed in high heels, silky hold up stockings and a small g-string with tie sides. Otherwise I was naked except for a dash of my favourite perfume.I was waiting in one...

5 years ago
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Husband organised wife convinced and had an amazi

I wasn't feeling over confident but, as what I was about to do was for my husband, I did my best to conceal my doubts and apprehension. I mean, it's not every day that you are about to be fucked by a stranger while your husband watches. Well, it's not for me. I was definitely nervous.The time had arrived and, as requested, I had dressed in high heels, silky hold up stockings and a small g-string with tie sides. Otherwise I was naked except for a dash of my favourite perfume.I was waiting in one...

4 years ago
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Husband came home drunk

My husband frequently goes out drinking and that's okay with me as he never stays out too late. Recently he said he wanted me to go with him and we could dance at least since I don't drink very much. When we got to this new club he found I saw a lot of black men inside. I said something to my husband and he said "well they know good music and how to dance. Come on hon let's have a drink." I was okay with this and we found a table near the dance floor. He had me wearing a micro mini skirt and a...

5 years ago
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Husband Ke Same Malish

This is a real story based on my personal experience faced nearly 4 four months back during a holiday trip to Puri along with my husband. First let me introduce myself. I am Minati Mohanty. My nick name is mini by which my family members and friends address me. I work at a private firm, in Bhubaneswar, where i stay along with my husband Bikash Mohanty. I am 32 years old and my husband is of 36 years. We are married for nearly 5 years. I usually read a lot of porn stories and watch porn videos...

3 years ago
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Husband brings home a friend for dinner

It was Friday and I was just finishing up at the office. As I was about ready to leave the office my husband Jon called me and asked if it was OK to bring a friend home for dinner. It was kind of odd as he had never really done that before. We’d had friends over but usually we would discuss it ahead of time and make plans together. This was different. I asked who the friend was and Jon just said it was someone from work. I thought I knew all his work friends. Not quite sure what was...

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Husband Or Annoying Brat

HUSBAND OR ANNOYING BRAT? by Throne The wife and husband were standing in the living room of their two- bedroom, suburban home. It was a typical domestic scene but with a twist. "I swear, Gigi," said the wife, "you're turning into a total brat." "Zelda, couldn't you..." There was a hint of pleading in the husband's tone. "...couldn't you go back to calling me Georgie?" "How can I use your old male name with the way you have yourself looking? I mean, with your full head of...

2 years ago
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Husbands assistant 2

Introduction: More changes to our marriage This is the sequel to Husbands assistant. I suggest that you read that first. When I had woken up that morning I had looked out the window and seen that it was a beautiful day just perfect for spending a few hours in and beside our pool. So while we ate breakfast and discussed last night and how it had changed our life together, I was dressed in my bikini. After breakfast I got up to clear the table and wash the dishes. Andrew came behind me and...

2 years ago
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Husband8217s Cousin Prakash

Once again thanks to all my sweet readers who have proved to be lovers of love stories. My last story “Friend’s Wife Smita” (Link : ) is admire by many readers. My stories are adding new friends to my email list. New persons start sending me emails, praising stories. The story “MIL in Daughter’s Shoe” (Link : ) is still attracting new readers to read the story and write emails appreciating MIL’s Love. Here is a new love story between cousin BIL and SIL....

3 years ago
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Husband8217s Demand For DD

By : Hubbyslady My name is Pooja and I belong to a small town of India. My husband lives in Mumbai alone. He belonged to a very rich family and was highly educated. His father and my father were old friends and that is how we got married. Also everybody thought I was very beautiful with height 5’8” and figure 34B-26-36. Our engagement period wasn’t long and we got married quickly and weren’t able to understand each other’s needs before marriage. My husband needs sex every day. Twice or thrice...

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Husbands assistant

Introduction: Our marriage is changed forever Do you want a divorce? No. I dont want a divorce. Do YOU want a divorce? No. I dont want a divorce, but I want you to stop fucking other guys. Ill stop fucking other guys when you give up all your fucking business trips. When youre here you can fuck me any time that you like, any way that you like, anywhere that you like. Ive never once denied you a fuck, no matter how outrageous. And you have loved every fuck that weve had, havent you? Yes, I...

4 years ago
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Husband slave

               Eunuch Slave to My Wife The Consent            As my wife snapped the lock closed on the chastity cage that fitted over my limp penis, I didn’t think that that would be the last time it would be free, But now 2 years later I’m a slave to my wife and her sex partners, yes that’s all they are to her, After 30 years of marriage and a great sex life I was unfortunate to have a severe stroke, although I have made a full recovery, our sex life took a dive as I became impudent, hardly...

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Husband Cuckold Slave

HUSBAND CUCKOLD SLAVEBy Ted, [email protected] on December 26, 2011See for all of my stories.Synopsis: Wife threatens to leave unless allowed to try something different.Story codes: F/m, FM/m, D/S, cuckold, feet, humiliation.Chapter 1My husband of 5 years Ted is a great guy. We met through an online dating service and we hit it off once we met in person. He is very steady, trustworthy, kind, intelligent, honest, and sane, which is part of the problem I am having now. I...

3 years ago
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First College Cock With Kelly

It was September of 1978. Kelly had been away at college in Milwaukee for a total of three weeks and she was still getting her bearings. While she had been on a sexual tear the entire summer after high school graduation, she knew that was something that she had to work out before college so she could concentrate on her classes. So far, she had been doing just that, staying focused on classes and homework, with zero social life.Thankfully, Kelly and her roommate Tricia hit it off pretty well....

College Sex
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Husband is forced to watch me getting gangbanged

Slutyasianwifey’s husband stood in shock in the doorway. I can’t imagine what he was thinking, walking through the door and finding his loving wife naked, exposed on the floor with 6 young men, cocks still throbbing from the hard pounding they just gave his slut wife. He didn’t get a chance to tell us what he was thinking before we grabbed him and tied him down to a chair. We taped his mouth just to make sure he couldn’t yell.“Go on. Go give your husband a hug,” I tell the slutty cum-covered...

4 years ago
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Husband Cheats Wife Gets Even GayMakers

Peter knew how to do things discreetly. On a warm Sunday afternoon, he took a young woman out to lunch and spent a little time on the beach, all the while giving her the most suitable signals to arouse her spirits. They kissed and took a long walk on the sand, enjoying the vivacious activity among hundreds of beach-goers. And once they finished with their personal time, Peter dropped her off at her home in the suburbs. They shared their last kiss for the day before she got out of her car and...

2 years ago
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Husband8217s Fantasy Of Watching His Wife Fucked

This story is about a reader’s fantasy of watching his wife with somebody else. Your views and messages are welcomed at . As usual, this is not a short story so please proceed accordingly. Staying in a new city can be tough, especially when you don’t have anywhere to stay. I was putting up in a hotel whilst looking for permanent accommodation. So one day after coming from office, I went into the restaurant and sat at my usual seat in a corner, I’ve been staying in the same hotel since a week...

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Princess Kelly

All characters in this story are fictional. If you would like to contact me and give me some much needed feedback, my name is bondsman in the bdsm library. Specific responses are VERY helpful, and I read and carefully consider all of them. Oh yeah? and drugs are bad for you.Part 1I’ve always considered Kelly to be a mean spirited bitch, but that never seemed to matter whenever she brazenly told me what to do.  For some reason I hadn’t at that time begun to understand, whatever whim it was she...

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New Friends Met Camping With Kelly

It was June of 1982. Kelly graduated from college a couple of weeks prior. We decided to take a week-long camping trip to celebrate. With the stress of school behind her, I could sense the devil in Kelly getting ready to uncork. We were both twenty-two. We had a small pickup truck with a cap over the bed for sleeping.Even as we were loading our gear into the truck, Kelly was a constant flirt; grabbing at my butt, shaking her tits at me, you name it. We loaded the truck Saturday afternoon. When...

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Strip Club And Nude Beach Fucking With Kelly

It was late winter of 1989. Kelly and I were on vacation in Florida. We'd married after she graduated from college, and our vacations since then were pretty much just a long weekend here and there or some camping trips. This was our first “fly away” destination.A year ago, a close friend of Kelly’s at work had shared their experience visiting the famous nude beach in South Florida. Since then, Kelly was on a mission. She had been visiting the tanning beds for about six months and had an amazing...

Group Sex
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Bahamas Cruise With Kelly

It was November of 1993. Going on a cruise was something Kelly and I had talked about for some time. I wasn’t that interested but Kelly really wanted to go and have a romantic getaway for just us. “Happy wife, happy life.” How true.We had made the decision months ago to fly into Miami a day early, just to be safe. Weather in the upper Midwest can never be trusted. It turned out to be a brilliant move. We were sitting at O’Hare waiting for our flight and watching the news of the blizzard racing...

3 years ago
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Bahamas Cruise With Kelly

It was November of 1993. Going on a cruise was something Kelly and I had talked about for some time. I wasn’t that interested but Kelly really wanted to go and have a romantic getaway for just us. “Happy wife, happy life.” How true.We had made the decision months ago to fly into Miami a day early, just to be safe. Weather in the upper Midwest can never be trusted. It turned out to be a brilliant move. We were sitting at O’Hare waiting for our flight and watching the news of the blizzard racing...

2 years ago
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Cancun with Kelly

It was February of 1998. Six of us decided to make our first trip to Cancun. We arrived toward the end of the month on a Thursday at midday. Our hotel was in the “hotel zone”. Kelly and I had an adjoining room with Bob and Lisa. Yvonne and Daniel had a room on a different floor.This all got started at our New Year’s Eve party. There were five couples there. Tequila was playing a large role in the evening’s entertainment, which somehow led to Mexico and shortly thereafter a decision that we were...

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Her Brother And His Friends Have Sex With Kelly

It was August of 1981. By the end of the week, Kelly would be packing up and heading back to Milwaukee to tackle her senior year of college. Not many weeks after her arrival she would begin interviewing for her post-graduation job, which she would begin just months later. And then spend decades as part of the working class. Something I had learned about Kelly is that one big way that she deals with anxiety is through her pussy.It happened the summer that she graduated from high school. Anxiety...

2 years ago
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Husband Sucking My Cock

Last Friday night I had a threesome with a couple that I met online. A friend of mine recommended this couple as good fun. I spoke to them online a little bit and they seemed really keen and also rather experienced. Friday night came along, I met them at a bar in town after dinner. Lots of photos were exchanged beforehand and they looked like their photos. I told them I was bi and they said that the husband is ‘open minded’. After just one drink we were getting along fine and the wife asked if...

3 years ago
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Mowing The Lawn With Kelly

It was the summer of 2001. Kelly had been miserable for months. Her work life had been slowly deteriorating for a couple of years. As it seems is always the case, a good boss had left and the new one was an idiot. I had finally convinced her that it was okay to resign without a new job lined up. She’d worked since she was a young teenager, we were doing fine, and I hated to see her so miserable.She spent that spring cleaning every nook and cranny she could find in the house. By the time summer...

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Part 2 A Wild Saturday With Kelly

It was the end of January 1989. I had been out of town the weekend a few weeks previous. Kelly had spent much of that weekend with our close friends Patrick and Yvonne. They had a wild sex-fueled Saturday, the stories of which no one shared with me. Kelly just left it as, of course, the three of them had sex. It would have been odd had they not (which was true), and that was that.Yvonne called Kelly early in the week and told her that Patrick had received all of his prints back from the photo...

Group Sex
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A Week In Spain With Kelly

It was June of 1990. Kelly had won a trip to Spain through her job. They got the trip by spending money with a media company. They had an internal contest and Kelly won the trip for two. She found out back in March that she won and had been feverishly planning and hitting the gym and tanning salon ever since.We arrived on a Sunday after an overnight flight to Brussels and then a short hop to Torremolinos on Spain’s Costa Del Sol. The first item on our printed agenda was to meet up at a cocktail...

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As A SixteenYearOld Six Men Had Their Way With Kelly

It was late August of 1976. Kelly and I, who were both sixteen at the time, had been to a wild party the week before at a townhouse rented by Don and Rod. Don was dating Lori, one of Kelly’s friends. Before the party had ended I had sex with Lori, while Don and Rod had both screwed the living daylights out of a very drunk and high Kelly.Two days after that party, under many protests, I had to go on a two-week family vacation. Since Kelly and I started screwing that May we had been humping at...

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Labor Day 79 With Kelly

It was Labor Day weekend of 1979. Kelly and I were nineteen and she would soon start her sophomore year of college. Patrick and Yvonne were our best friends in the world. Since we’d first swapped partners a couple of years prior we had become regular sex partners, especially Patrick and Kelly. Yvonne typically had to be “in the mood.” Kelly, however, was always ready for sex and loved nothing more than having two cocks willing to service her.Patrick’s family had a long history of spending the...

Group Sex
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Husbands friend Sergio

One evening I was out walking at a local track and ran into Sergio, one of my husband’s co-workers out jogging. I had been around him on several occasions before and we had always flirted a little bit and even talked on occasion, but nothing serious. After a few laps he stopped jogging and began walking with me. We started talking and it wasn’t long before he began to tell me how he always enjoyed seeing and how I turned him on. Well, after a little small talk he asked if I would go riding with...

3 years ago
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Husband loves showing his wife off especially to

We have been married for 5 years and the last four, we have had some great times, but in the last year it has been incredible! Not only does my husband like to show me off, he has become really involved with me going even farther than just flirting, giving hand jobs, and blow jobs to young boys. He has wanted me to even fuck them. I'm horny, all of the time when I see a teenage boy, especially if he stares at my legs or breasts. When they do, I stare at their crotch and lick my lips. Sometimes...

2 years ago
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Husband and a young man

I was with my third husband. I left for work one day with the intentions of being gone until late that night. When I got to work the business trip was cancelled. I worked the morning and then figured I'd surprise my young horny husband for a lunch quickie. I got to the house and he was not down stairs so I went up to our bedroom thinking the bum was still in bed. That was fine since we were going to be there anyway. I opened the door and there is my husband sucking some young studs cock. The...

4 years ago
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No TwentyFifth With Kelly

It was June of 2003. Kelly and I had decided to accept an offer from Lori and Don to visit them in Florida. We had sort of been expecting a twenty-fifth high school reunion and were really let down when we heard that wasn’t happening. Things began with us having sex when we were teenagers and we reconnected at our twentieth. Since then we’d been sharing pics and having phone sex. We were all very anxious to see each other again. Lori and Kelly worked out dates that worked on their female...

Straight Sex

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