Vixen (4) free porn video

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Spending every Friday night in the same booth entertaining the same hairy Russian who just couldn’t seem to keep his hands to himself was a tedious task that Vixen wasn’t sure she could repeat for very long without breaking a few fingers. Once again Gedeon slid his leathery, calloused hands beneath the table to seek out the laced fabric covering her sex. He repeated this action countless times before she politely grabbed his hand and returned it to the safe region of her lower back that she preferred if she allowed him to touch her. This did not faze him as he just pulled her closer into his lap as he whispered hot nothings into her ear in Russian. Vixen wished she couldn’t understand the vulgar erotic fantasies sputtered from his foul mouth but her fluency in dozens of languages allowed her to follow every dirty utterance.

As Gedeon slurred out his desire to sheath his “sword” inside her in his thick accent, a familiar essence entered the room, making Vixen jump to life in the Russian’s lap and giving the illusion that the rich man’s perverse words had excited her. Gedeon grumbled low in approval and continued his verbal foreplay in fervor into her ear, but Vixen’s attention was on Dane as he strutted to the bar and ordered a drink from Melanie, the bartender. He hadn’t noticed her with Gedeon yet and she hoped to keep it that way.

Vixen’s attention shifted once again as Gedeon once again –for Christ’s sake!- slipped his hand between her legs. This kind of contact was not permitted in the club and certainly not between employees and clients. Only the performers were allowed to stimulate each other in the presence of clients for the erotic visual. She explained this to him and he growled and spat curses in frustration. “Then you touch her while I watch,” he instructed just as Roxie strolled past the table. The girl wore a fiery red bra and skirt with thigh-high black boots. Her hair was a wild mess of short, choppy layers that fell just past her jaw line. “You, girl,” Roxie paused and gave him a questioning glance. “Come here and I will pay you much.” Vixen gave her a pleading look and held out a hand. Roxie eyed her open palm and squinted suspiciously.

“He pays exceptionally well, I promise,” said Vixen. A mischievous smirk grew on Roxie’s face and she outstretched her hand to slide her fingers on her open palm once –a visual gesture of consent for the cameras- and take her hand to enter the booth. Gedeon grunted his approval.

Vixen straddled the girl and looked to the Russian who fixed his gaze on the two with anticipation. “Show me what you’ll do to me, Laskovaya moya,” he ordered. She turned back to the girl between her legs and placed the girl’s hands on her lower back in the same fashion she permitted Gedeon. Roxie picked up quickly and moved her hands to grasp the soft flesh of her ass. Vixen welcomed the groping and slid her hands behind the dancer’s neck to pull their mouths together in a hot kiss. As the women furrowed deeper into the heavy passion of their kiss, Gedeon began to stir in his black Armani suit. He groped his manhood from the outside of his pants and mumbled foreign phrases to himself. “Touch her pizda, devushka,” he commanded in a throaty voice.

Roxie halted in confusion, “Which one is he talking to?”

“You,” explained Vixen. She guided Roxie’s hand to the space between her legs, inclining her to touch. The girl continued without question and slipped her fingers beneath the lace to insert a dainty finger within the assassin’s tight hole. As usual, Vixen couldn’t feel the pleasure from the act but put on a good show for her client, panting and moaning and gyrating her hips in a mocked display of pleasure she picked up from observing her co-workers. Gedeon couldn’t tell the difference in the throes of his passion as he did his best to discreetly fondle himself beneath the shield of the booth table.

Vixen falsified shouts of pleasure traveled through the lounge and reached the ears of the detective who sat at the bar drinking a scotch on ice. Dane recognized her voice but was confused to hear it sound so different from her cries of ecstasy from their moment on stage. She’s so faking it, he thought. His eyes searched for her around the club and finally found her straddling a blonde female in a dark booth in the farthest corner of the lounge with a certain gray-haired Russian watching in a transfixed stupor as his hands worked in a steady pace beneath the table. Dane couldn’t help but feel both disgusted by the mafia lord and amused by Vixen’s mockery of ecstatic euphoria. He tried not to choke on his drink as he chuckled at the scene.

Across the room, Vixen heard his low outburst of amusement and sobered up just as Markovski climaxed violently. He sat there in his own cum for a few short moments as the two girls began to exit the booth. Vixen paused to give the man a light peck on the cheek before starting away. “Zhdat, Laskovaya moya,” he panted heavily, “five hundred thousand for each of you.” Roxie perked up and grinned widely.

“Thanks, dude,” she said airily and started off backstage. Vixen blew him a kiss and turned away, her smile fading quickly into a grimace as she too started backstage. Her eyes met with Dane’s for a brief moment before she lowered her gaze and sauntered out of sight.

Once Gedeon had found his wits, he reached beside him to activate the tablet to pay the women their due amount. He glanced up and saw the familiar young man from last week who made his woman cry out in a way unheard of before. Pure jealousy seeped into his murderous stare as he watched the man follow Vixen with his eyes until she left the room. Gedeon finished paying the girls and cleaned himself with the sanitary napkins provided in the table before calling a waitress over to order the man a drink and beckon him to his table. Within minutes, Dane was sitting at the booth, fresh scotch in hand waiting to hear the reason behind his summoning.

“You find my kotenka much attractive, yes?” said the Russian as he sipped on his preferred vodka.

“She’s interesting, but I’m not looking to take her from you,” Dane lied. Gedeon was not fooled.

“You will not have her, or will snap legs off like twig and sell to dog food company to feed to puppies. Vy menyA panimAyete?” asked the Russian.

“Uh, yeah, man,” agreed Dane. With a silent dismissal, Gedeon turned his attention to the redhead onstage dressed in variations of the British flag on skimpy clothing who spun effortlessly on a pole center stage. Dane downed his drink and exited the club, pausing to give Shawna, the voluptuous black woman who stood guard at the door, a quick wink. She giggled playfully and shooed him out.

Once out in the open street, Dane picked a direction and started walking. After an approximate two blocks, the light sound of clicking footsteps aside from his own brought him to a halt to address his follower. “You know it’s a lot less suspicious if you walk with me instead of fifty feet behind me. It’s much more social,” he said. Vixen eyed him warily and walked forward as he turned to face her. Steady calm was predominant of her face but the slight furrowing of her brow showed the perplex confusion lurking beneath the surface.

“How did you hear me, no one ever does,” she asked. Dane chuckled.

“If you’re implying that you do this often I’ll try not to feel so special next time.” Vixen ignored his poke at humor.

“What are you?” she asked intensely. Dane raised an eyebrow. “For fuck’s sake, stop doing that!” she yelled with agitation.

“Doing what?” he chuckled, avoiding the question. She sighed impatiently.

“That eyebrow thing you do,” she explained, “it’s driving me fucking insane.”

“We only met once prior to this,” said Dane.

“Yeah, well that doesn’t mean I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it,” her voice fell lower, “To be honest, I can’t stop thinking about you at all. What did you do to me?”

“I didn’t do anything to you. I feel I should be asking you the same thing,” he squinted at her curiously, “Vixen, I’ve dreamt about you every single night since we met. I thought I would lose it if I didn’t see you again.” Vixen grew silent and contemplated the situation at hand. Interaction with him could be dangerous. Being anywhere near him was a distraction that she could afford to be immersed in and taking that risk was something she didn’t want to take, but not being near him seemed to be just as distracting. If she wanted to focus on her work ever again she would have to sate her hunger for his touch for the sake of her job. This reasoning was spotty, but it was enough to bring her to her resolve.

“I need you to do it again,” she said firmly. “Touch me again so I can stop thinking about you.” He raised a brow and waited for her to back out and say “just kidding.” When she didn’t, he sighed and looked around to disguise his own thought process. She was serious, and if helping her meant he could hear those honest moans of pleasure again, who was he to refuse? Dane looked into her piercing green eyes filled with determination to find release that only he could provide. He stepped toward her until they stood chest to chest, him towering her at a full six feet and three inches tall. At only five foot six inches, she had to incline her head back to stare into his hazel eyes.

How could she be so small but so fiery like an angry kitten? He figured it wouldn’t take simply staring at each other for her to loosen up so he shrugged his shoulders and swiftly hoisted her on his shoulder, heading along the street in the same direction as before.

“Where the fuck are you taking me, asshole?!” she screamed.

“In case you don’t remember, my name is Dane, and we’re going to my place. Unless fucking in the rain is something you’re into, but it’s cold as shit out here so that option is out.”

“Who said we’re going to fuck?” she asked in a muffled voice. Her breasts -as perky as they were- still managed to cut off any easy communication. Before he could answer, heavy rain started to pour and soaked the two within minutes. Despite her protests, Dane never quickened his pace or let her down. Vixen vowed to slit his throat once this was over and she could go a minute without thinking about him. “You’d better hope you do well or I’ll have to kill you, though I’m debating whether or not I should do it anyway after this humiliating show of primal sexism.”

“We can get as primal as you’d like but I’m not sure if I want to take on a lover with the mating instincts of a praying mantis.” At this she shrieked in frustration and punched at his legs. “Calm yourself, kitten, we’re here.”

The downpour ceased and she heard the subtle ding and the sound of elevator doors opening. Dane stepped inside and made room for another gentleman. The man looked at Dane awkwardly as they ascended to their desired floors and tried not to stare at the round butt of the female hoisted on his shoulder. “Hey, man,” nodded Dane, but the gentleman stayed quiet. All the while Vixen forced herself not to bite him until they reached his apartment. The doors opened and Dane stepped out onto his floor, leaving the gentleman behind to see Vixen grumbling profanities that Dane ignored.

Once inside the apartment, Dane set the female down on her feet and stood back to look at the dripping display. Her gaze was murderous but the drowned effect made her look adorable. He did little to hide his amusement and stepped past her toward the bedroom to fetch a towel. Removing the soaked pea coat, Vixen shivered and tried to use her hands to keep herself warm.

“That’s not going to help much,” said Dane from the doorway of the bedroom, towel in hand but arms crossed. “You have to take off the wet clothes.”

“I know how it works, asshole,” she snapped. A muscle in his jaw ticked and his expression grew serious. “My name is Dane, and if I’m not mistaken I’m here to do you a favor, starting with keeping you warm.” Her eyes found their way to the floor.

“Sorry,” she apologized, “I don’t like being man-handled.” Vixen walked over to him.

“Or no one’s done it right,” he murmured. Dane wrapped the towel around her and allowed her to dry herself. She absent-mindedly paced around the room as she used the towel to dry her short, black tresses.

“You live alone?” she asked.

“As far as I know,” he mused.

“Are you always this comedic or do I get a break from your humor?”

“Hey, I live alone. Who else is going to entertain me?” Vixen paused to look at him and raised an eyebrow. He flashed that devilish half-smirk.

“You do it, too,” he chuckled. Her face grew stoic once more and she continued observing the room.

“So are we going to do this?” Vixen was growing impatient with anticipation. Knots coiled in her stomach and she seized a rosy lip with sharp incisors. She hadn’t noticed him cross the room and jumped at the feel of his warm fingers brush against her lower back as he started to untie the drenched black corset. Shivers ran through her spine and made her head spin as his breath tickled her neck. Uncontrollable tremors seized her as she fought to control her physical desire.

“Stop fighting it,” he commanded low and calm. “If it feels good then let it feel good. You’re so cautious to keep your guards up that you find pleasure to be a threat.” His voice was like thick velvet in her ear that warmed and melted her into his massaging hands. At last, the corset was freed, her breasts exposed and nipples erect with pride. He didn’t touch them but she wished he would.

Dane’s hands roamed the flat plains of her midriff and the curvaceous hips that could rival any model. He gently pulled her hips back into his own and she complied willingly. Those strong, inviting hands began to ascend to her ribcage and eventually her breasts which seemed to grow in size to fit perfectly in his palms. Vixen sighed heavily and even audibly moaned as her body relaxed completely and her back arched to his touch. Rolling her taut nipples between his fingers, he began to kiss her neck and shoulders, nipping every now and then with his teeth, which sent another wave of chills through her but she melted down even further into physical bliss every time. At this point, Vixen’s eyes had rolled into her skull and she closed her eyes as she let out low breathy moans of approval.

So this is what it feels like to feel, thought Vixen, too immersed in the physical contact to form true sentences. Instead of fidgeting with her hands by her side, Vixen allowed her hands to roam where they pleased and they ended up above her head, reaching back to entwine her fingers in the lush dark brown hair on Dane’s head. Their lips locked in a lazy kiss that grew more feverous as the minutes passed. Dane spun Vixen round to face him as his hands rested on the small of her back and delved lower until he had a handful of smooth flesh in each palm, all the while never breaking their endless kiss. With arms locked around his neck, Vixen braced herself to be picked up by the strong arms of her new lover. She hooked her legs around his waist and the two found their way to the bedroom.

Dane sat himself on the edge of the bed with Vixen in his lap as she began to grind her hips against him like she did on that first night. A low growl escaped his lips and he stood quickly to drop her on the bed. Eyes wide and gasping in shock, Vixen struggled to understand what she did wrong. “Tonight is about your pleasure, not mine. Let me do the work,” he growled.

“I wasn’t doing that for you,” she muttered between breaths.

“Ah, then you’re learning,” he removed his shirt and searched through his pockets for his handcuffs. As much as Vixen wanted to ogle the godly sight before her, she dragged her attention away from his muscular frame and fixed her eyes on the modern manacles in Dane’s hand.

“And…. what the fuck?” Dane grabbed her right wrist and clamped on end around it.

“To make sure you don’t,” he looped the other side through the bedpost before snaring her left wrist in the cuff, “try that again.”

“That’s not fair! That wasn’t for you!” she protested.

“Doesn’t matter. I prefer you this way,” he grinned.

“I thought this was about what I want,” Vixen grimaced.

“Oh, it is. You just don’t know that you want it yet.” At that he continued to kiss her while removing her garter and thigh-high stockings. When it became difficult to do without breaking the kiss, she effortlessly raised each leg one at a time above her head to allow better access. “Flexible, are we?” he jested.

“It comes in handy,” she replied. Dane quirked a brow but continued in his task. Just as he hooked his fingers around the black lace of her underwear, Vixen’s heart skipped a beat. Their eyes locked for a moment and in one swift movement, the lace was dangling from Dane’s hooked index finger. A gasp escaped from her lips and Vixen tugged at her restraints, desperate to cover herself once more.

Dane waited patiently for her to calm herself again, but once she started to hyperventilate, he grew concerned. “Shh… Vixen, calm down, it’s just me.” His efforts didn’t seem to be helping because she clenched her eyes tight and shook her head violently, lost in whatever horrid daydream that had haunted her for who knew how long. Without missing a beat, Dane fished the key from his pocket and unlocked the handcuffs, tossing them across the room where they slid until hitting the wall. Lying beside her, he held her in his arms until the nightmare ended and she grew still again.

Vixen opened her eyes to find herself rested on his chest, completely naked with him still in denim jeans. He was staring cautiously at her, concern furrowed deep in his dark eyebrows.

“Vixen,” he started, “what happened to you?” No one had ever asked her that before, but then again, no one had ever seen her let down her defenses to see the pain and fear that hid so well inside. She stayed quiet, resistant to give any explanation for her panic attack. An answer was obviously out of reach. “If you don’t want to do this-“

“No, I do,” interjected Vixen, “I just freak out when it comes to being tied down and exposed like that. I can’t do both at the same time, I just can’t.”

“I’ll remember that,” Dane murmured, “You’re sure about this?” She nodded. He held her gaze and placed both hands on either side of her face to brush his lips against hers. “Lie back,” he instructed gently. Vixen did so and forced herself into a steady breathing pace. When Dane saw her visibly relax, he formed a trail of light kisses down her neck, chest, and hips to hover just above her sex. The space was bare save a small patch of dark pubic hair that rested just above her lips. After a steady exhale, Vixen spread her legs to expose her womanhood. Dane did not rush into pleasuring her, but instead nuzzled her inner thigh and kissed his way lower into the crevice. He nipped once at her tender lips, causing her to giggle softly which in turn melted his heart in a way never done before. It was probably the first time she had laughed in ages and the elation of that thought urged him on.

Dane gave one slow, broad lick and relished in the low but urgent moan that erupted from Vixen. An arch formed in her back as she sighed his name. “Dane…” she breathed. Hearing her say his name for the first time in real life, especially in the throes of ecstasy, made him grow incredibly hard in his jeans. The pressure building up strained against its restraints but Dane did his best to continue pleasuring the female who needed his attention. This is about her, Dane, not you, he thought to himself.

Beneath his wandering tongue, Vixen panted and her hips undulated, riding Dane’s face in a slow grind as he expertly worked her to climax. With every flick of his tongue she let out short, shrill moans, but with every broad lick that delved deep inside her, low, intense groans vibrated through her. Each time he groaned himself in response to her animalistic bouts of ecstasy, she chimed again, and thus the song continued.

Vixen never knew that this blissful euphoria was even possible for her. Stumbling through the years with a severe case of physical anhedonia seemed to be a never-ending journey, but now, as this breathtakingly sexy man pleasured her in ways she did others, that lonely road was finally coming to an end.

The climax inside her was building, nearing its full intensity. Her hands sought the lush haven of his hair again as she held him gently but firmly in place. His hands sought the firmness of her breasts to roll her hard nipples under his thumbs. In tiny circles, Dane worked his tongue rapidly over her small but newly sensitive clitoris. Heavy, labored breaths shook her overwhelmed frame until they turned into long, passionate cries of climactic ecstasy. The sweetness of her juices surprised Dane and he lapped at them hungrily until they were both sated. Vixen closed her heavy lids and loosened her grip on Dane’s hair as he rested his head on her inner thigh.

Dane woke a few hours later to find her still in the same position as he left her; legs spread, arms laid above her head, and raven hair in a wild mess from being soaked and ravaged from foreplay. A soft grin spread across his face as he took on her full beauty for the first time. Her face was not the same tense, watchful grimace that he had come to know her by, but a much softer, innocent display of peace that she couldn’t even get from a typical night’s sleep. Vixen’s rosy lips were fuller and even turned their way up into the slightest smile. Her dark lashes were long and brushed her high cheekbones that even donned faded freckles on her cinnamon skin. She almost glowed with serenity and it took all he had for Dane not to rouse her from her sleep to make love to her.

Instead, he deftly pulled back the sheets and slipped her beneath them, permitting himself to only sleep on top of the blankets. He didn’t want to tempt himself with the smoothness of her skin finding its way into his seeking hands. She would sleep peacefully tonight.


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Symmetry By Kathryn Nelson Copyright (c) 2002, Kathryn Nelson [email protected] As I sat at the vanity, staring at my reflection, I still couldn't believe I let them talk me into doing this. I knew the vision in the mirror was that of me, but it was an image that I was not at all familiar with. I wasn't what you would call a great beauty, however I did think I was pretty. Behind me, my mother and grandmother were talking to each other while I remained oblivious to their...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 162

The soreness in Laura's pussy was gone by the next morning. Even though the whipping had been brutal, it had been very short, not enough to cause lingering pain. But her nipples were sore for days, so sore at first that she could not even wear a bra, or indeed tolerate anything touching them. She knew Kendra was dying to relive their recent excitement, and so she deliberately pulled her aside in the hallway to explain that she was having her period, which fortunately the following day came...

4 years ago
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Babysitting Jennifers Freshman Brother

Jennifer is the kind of girl that burns anyone who tries to get close to her, but like a moth to a flame, the guys just can’t help themselves. Sassy, black, big boobed, round ass, she is sex on the hoof. I felt self conscious as most of the girls were wearing two piece bikinis while I still had my old one piece. Mom said we just couldn’t afford a new one this year and I’d just have to make do. I tried to tell her that I had grown from an “a” cup to a “c” cup since last year, but she just...

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Thomas my first

----- I had been looking forward to Thomas' party all week. We had been friends since we were 8, so I got to help his mom plan it. We were going paintballing and then having a sleepover at Thomas' afterword, which was always fun thanks to his mom's lax supervision of their extensive alcohol collection. I showed up early and Thomas' mom let me in and told me to go upstairs to get Thomas. When I opened the door I heard a yelp of surprise. I looked around and saw Thomas in the corner...

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Sales girl

I told her I was not interested in any of the item she had displayed. I asked whether she had any ladies innerwear and she was taken aback by my question. For the first few seconds she did not know how to respond and soon I saw her nod affirmatively. She opened another bag and pulled out some panties, bras and nightwear. My bulge was very evident now and my shorts were getting more and more wet due to the oozing pre-cum. I had noticed that she was well aware of my condition. She started to...

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Untitled StoryChapter 2

Things just went from bad to worse at the airport. I didn't have any heat tucked away because of all the new security checks but I didn't like the way the guys at the gate were eying me. One of them was all gussied up with shoulder-length dreadlocks and the other was sort of a "gender-free" zone. After thinking about it, I just went back to the desk and changed my flight to one originating out of Jersey because I was shy of getting into the limelight when I was doing my best to stay in...

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NFBusty Queenlin My Busty Girlfriend

Queenlin is enjoying the way her boobs look and feel in her new top as she takes a seat at the kitchen table. It’s not long before her boyfriend, Phonker, joins her and makes it clear that he definitely approves of the new outfit. Untying Queenlin’s shirt, he palms her incredible tits and jiggles them as he thumbs the nipples to hard peaks. Getting on his knees in front of Queenlin, Phonker continues his exploration of her sweater puppies as he motorboats them and peppers them with...

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Jennys solo adventure with Ruby

I had known Ruby, you may know her as Rubz, for about three weeks. I can’t remember who contacted who but I do remember it was on a Saturday evening. We seemed to hit it off straight away. She told me that she was happily married and only came here for the stories and a bit of harmless fun. We spent the remainder of the night sending messages back and forth finding out a little about our completely different lives. I can't put my finger on what I liked so much, maybe the candid conversations or...

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First time anal with buck

Well, I always swore I’d never let anyone fuck me in the ass, but I found out that the old saying "Never say Never " is very true. On Tuesday nite, Buck gave me a great back massage with warm sesame seed oil. (I just love the way that kind of oil feels – so smooth and silky.) He rubbed my back for a long time like he always does and then put some of the warm oil on my butt cheeks and thighs. He massaged the oil into my legs and butt cheeks then poured some of the warm oil into the crack of my...

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Playing After School

"He's licking her pussy. Wow, what tits she's got, they just bounce everywhere." "He's gotta fuck her soon, his dick looks like it'll explode. I know mine would." Well, now, my thirteen-year old brothers have somehow gotten around the porn filters my parents set up and are leering at naked people doing all sorts of things I bet they wish they were doing. I'm two years older than they are and have dated some but as far as sex goes, I haven't done much. I've had one guy...

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Group Camping Including Irfan And Mohsin Too

Hello ….here I am your dearest buddy My age is 19 years…with 6 feet and 3 inches height…and 115 lbs weight…with white complextion…as people thinks —-” I am very cute and sexy” the way I am virgin from my both sides…sometime I masturbate to took my young juice from my beautiful 5 inch circumcised Cock…for your information I have some hair growing across my Cock area….. It happened when I went to enjoy the camping and holidays trip to up north….. My name is Irfan…10 boys in our team…. . We...

Gay Male
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Isabella and Evelynn

Isabella and EvelynnBy billy69boyI was in my room taking a break from studying, surfing the net. I was kind of tense, preparing for my upcoming finals. I needed a quick rub off, so I looked for a porn video that would help me get there. The weather was hotter than normal, and I only wore a t-shirt and thong. It was quiet in the house, considering it was Saturday night. Our parents were away for the weekend, and weren't due back until late Sunday night. The only other sound came from my...

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A Chance Encounter

PROLOGUE As she parked her car in Davies Brothers," car park, ready to start another day's work, Amanda smiled to herself. To those who did not know her well, Amanda was the woman with everything - attractive and looking at least 15 years younger than her 55 years, she had a successful career and all of the trappings that go with it - clothes, shoes, Audi convertible to name but a few. However, Amanda's small circle of real friends knew that she had not achieved all of this easily...

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Agents of Gor Part 8

Agents of Gor: Part 8 A Girl prepares to Sleep by Albedo This is a fan-fiction set in the world of the Gor novels. All rights to the characters and situations of the Gor universe belong to John Norman. This work is written without his express permission. This story is explicitly not to be reposted on any pay sites. The author, Albedo, authorizes the readers to archive it for themselves. No other dissemination without the author's permission, please. He can be contacted via his...

1 year ago
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How I was Turned into a Little Girl Pt 3

How I Became Girlie. Pt 3 By Ms. Stephanie Smith. WARNING TO UNDER AGED READERS. Under aged people should not read this story? So if you ARE underage, please stop reading this NOW and go outside and play in the yard. In all my 12 years on this earth, I had never been so scared. Aunty Ann had caught Wendy and I out in the back yard with me dressed in a white skirt and heels and had rung my mother telling her that she needed to explain something that had happened today. I sat...

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Where Has He Been

As he lays beside her touching her lightly and kissing her body she wonders if its real or just a dream. She has never had this much attention. Usually it was just a quick fuck and it was done. Many times she wouldnt even have an orgasm. No hand holding in public. No touching in the car. She has been deprived and he knows it.  She is enjoying the attention. He runs his fingers lightly over her skin and whispers little things to her. His hands are everywhere touching everything. He tells her he...

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First GirlfriendChapter 2

Luke lay there on a motel bed, his hands tied behind his back. As a young male prostitute he had many johns, but this woman was apparently into the whole bondage deal. Still he was being paid, so he was willing to go along with a little rough play, it would be the first time. He expected the usual spanking, or something of the like. Craning his head he saw her strap on a greenish blue dildo, buckling the black harness on. It was his first anal experience, and he wasn't sure if he was going...

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A Time of War

You've probably heard tell of what hell might be like. Usually described as a place of fire, death, and chaos. I'd guess you've heard priests would talk about it during sermons, or you would be told that's where your were heading if you did anything wrong. I'd also imagine none of you expected to get first hand experience of what it was like, much less before you even died. Well, I have. Yesterday, I had just gotten back from the woods with a couple of rabbits. Father wanted me to check the...

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A Grand Plan 2

A Grand Plan By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Part Two Claudette gave both of them hugs goodbye as Kenny struggled in his heels as he followed Trisha outside. Instantly they were both freezing in their skimpy bodysuits, until thankfully it was pretty easy hailing a cab dressed as they were. "Next time we better remember jackets dressed like this," giggled Trisha as she snuggled, rubbing against him as they drove. "They'll definitely be no next time, Trish!" cried...

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Adult Mom with Adult Son First Time

First let me say that I am fifty-two years old, a widow, and live in a small town. My son is thirty-two years old and is currently separated from his wife. Wiliam, my son, has come back home and has his old bedroom he had as a child. He has lived with me for two months now.William works in a local foundry and was injured just before moving back home, severely burning both hands. He could gingerly use a fork and spoon but had trouble doing most other things.  Anyway, one day I came into his room...

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7 Reasons Straight Guys Give Blow Jobs

I won’t lie to you. I love watching straight guys suck dick. Moreover, I really get into blowing guys who identify as straight.You probably think that’s messed up but for me to pen this piece, I just need to be real up with you.The first time I sucked off a straight guy, I was 22 years old. His name was Mike and we played football back in high school. It happened over the summer (during college break) in his parent’s garage.I’ll never forget it. He fired up some 420 and started toking. Before I...

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A True History Book OneChapter 5

Football practice was different from yesterday. We only spent fifteen minutes doing some stretches. The rest of the time was spent doing play drills, making sure that the team knew what my abilities were, as well as me making sure I knew what they could do. There was a little bit of messing around, but not much. I didn’t know why until Coach Thompson blew the whistle and had us gather around. “All right, ladies. That was ... okay, pretty darned good. Mister Davis, do you think that you could...

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FredChapter 10

CALIFORNIA PERMITS ONLY one spouse although it does not specify what genders the spouses must be. There was never a possibility Sarah and I could marry Fred, so we decided to have a party and declare our love but not bore the guests with endless sermonizing. We were careful about the guest list. We live in a permissive culture but we saw no reason to rub anyone’s nose in something he or she would prefer not to notice. Many of our guests at Sarah’s and my wedding also came to our “Fred” party....

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Granny Susan Finally Gets Laid

I love grannies, short ones, tall ones, skinny ones and especially those with silver gray hair. I’m a 52 year old guy who loves his GILF’s over 60. I belong to a Senior Single’s Group in Oro Valley, Arizona outside Tucson. There are over 100 women in the group and only 35 men and most of them are over 70. So I have my pick of the best looking GILF’s in the club. These women have one thing in common, they don’t get fucked anymore!!!! That’s where I come in, at any one time I am screwing three...

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Flossies RevengeChapter 41

Bernadette was hugging her mother, when she suddenly jumped. Marian felt something wet splash against her ankles, and looked down. Bernadette’s water had broken. There was a contingency plan for this, and Luthor took over to put it into action. He was supposed to take Johnnie Sue and whoever went into labor first to the hospital, where Johnnie Sue would stay with the mother in labor until a husband could get there. He simply substituted Marian for Johnnie Sue. Once they were there and people...

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Dividend paid through commanding blackmail

Shyam was a very good student throughout his academic career and passed out from a renowned college. But even being a graduate, he could not get any job. He was already 22 and attended lot of interview, but in vain. In this world of competition he failed to get a service in mumbai as he did not have a strong backing. He belonged to a middle class family and at times got bored to spend his whole day idle, except chatting and gossiping with his friends of similar category. Ultimately he caught...

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Taking a shower together was torture. He wanted so much to fuck her again, and she was willing. However, time was short for a full day. Tom suggested she put on her bathing suit under her tank top and shorts. Sitting on the bed, he watched her getting dressed. She was totally at ease with each other’s nakedness. Packing a picnic basket with the essentials, he loaded towels and a beach blanket into the trunk. They headed out to the ocean beach with the top down on the car. They stopped for a...

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The Journal of Jonathan Harker

The Journal of Jonathan Harker By Robin O. My name is Jonathan Harker. I had been looking for employment since I graduated from college six months ago with a degree in Eastern European history. My resume and photo on the Internet had not garnered me any job offers. In fact, I hadn't even had an interview. Then, I received an e-mail from an employment agency working for a prospective employer in Romania offering me employment as a personal secretary. As a college exchange student, I...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 612

Jeff and Diana’s Conversation Continues “ ... So, what’s the latest on the alien females?” the Prime asked. Diana frowned as she motioned for him to sit so she could sit in his lap. Once snuggled in, she responded, “I don’t like referring to them as the alien females. They are women. They do have three breasts that are positioned vertically, and their faces are a little different, but they have thoughts and fears even as we do.” She paused for a second before continuing, “Oh, Jeff, it’s sad...

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Hello there buddies, a mid week quickie from your one and only JJ over & over again on the lesbian lust. Now is that lesbian love only for girls and young women, frankly speaking it’s a clear NO. Everyone would agree with me that it is a very safe sex for the young widows and the divorcees. The society in which we live is still a retarded one where these two categories of females while seen with men going around the city will have its own problems. As we have been exploring the hostel and...

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Deputy PorterChapter 106

"Sylvia could you please step outside the door? We need a little privacy," TJ main man asked politely. I nodded. I didn't want to see him provide whatever drug TJ was doing at the time. I saw Rodney standing by the door. It was his job to see that I didn't have any surprise visitors inside the room where they were getting ready. "Rodney, It sure sounds like a full house out there," I said. "Yeah, Joan was right. They probably chose this smaller venue so they could get some pictures...

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Another threesome

Another threesome without husband part 1I called the number from the name card that was given to me after my first encounter with a big cock. His name was Andrew, 34 yrs old and single. He was so excited I called him that he immediately asked me whether I wanted his cock inside my aching pussy again. I immediately said I missed his uncut throbbing cock inside me and how much I missed the taste of his sweet musky cum. We exchanged schedules and finally agreed upon a date on Thursday which we...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 479 Ghost Stories

“May I please get the key from your hiding place to unlock the door to my room? I promise I will clean it better than I ever did before. Where I went, the things there liked the dust and the smell of a place where no one ever enters. They used me as a cloth to bring it to that place. My nose became a vacuum for the smell. I want to open my windows to make that smell go away,” Yolonda asked as she stopped in front of her mother. A woman close to my age said, “The girls found the key. I don’t...

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Southern Belle 2

Melody, the blonde woman with curly hair, once again sat in the familiar office. Today she wore a fitted blue long-sleeved shirt with some glittery graffiti that read, “Baby Grrl” across the chest. On the left sleeve was a butterfly decal. And once again, across from her, sat Miss Lang, her therapist. Christina Lang wore a casual outfit on this day, the second meeting with her client, Melody Campbell. Behind the women, the skies were cloudy with a light drizzle splashing against the...

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My First Time

This is my first time at submitting and not sure what you think. Its a bit short but some advice would be nice.   We were alone in her house. We were watching TV together on the couch. Nothing of interest was on so we decided to play cards. We played Rummy. We did silly things for the winning hand i.e. looser had to make a drink. A few hands later we did some funny things like put your hand down the back of the other person or nibble the persons ear.   One time as I was having my ears...

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A Nice Shower for Two

My man and I had just had the most passionate dirty sex and we were dripping with sweat and cum so I asked him to take me to the bathroom and shower with me. He picked me up and carried me into the nice bathroom. I could still feel his cock on my pussy, which made me hot again. He set me on the toilet and knelt down to turn the water on; I got horny just by watching his naked body move. When the water was warm he picked me up and stepped into the shower. He sat on the shower floor and I...

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Jumping Through Hoops

© Aug 1999 - last ed. 09/22/04 - Kristen Dana watched in awe as Karen pulled her top off over her head. 'God, ' he thought. Here he was, looking at a real girl with real boobs and she was stripping for him. He could hardly believe it. He and his best friend, Charlie, were on a couch in the Bagmen's basement family room and fantastically gorgeous Karen Bagmen was doing a slow, sensual striptease for them. The boys waited, hardly daring to breathe, for the moment of truth. 'Pop!' and...

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Jamaican Beauties Jaunt Ch 11

Chapter 11 – Risqué Lessons: She learns how to spice up her dancing. Notice: Jamaican Beauties is posted under Literotica’s category of Novels and Novellas: Erotic fiction with a broader scope. However, the events in this chapter cover a variety of categories including: Exhibitionist & Voyeur – this chapter includes the story of two young Jamaican girls dancing naked at a V.I.P. lounge. Interracial Love – the story is about a developing relationship between a Mulatto Jamaican woman and a...

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A very nice trip of commission in train 3 P very thanks for who has loaded this video, delicious legs a little open :-P, and very delicious black pantyhose a bit transparent, my favorites :-P, namely this type of pantyhose in this video here above it's really my favorite type of pantyhose, and then with small holes on the knees means they are nice legs tough and knees tough and also the calves powerfuls, and then at the end when she gets up the boy on background that looks her...

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Yes Maam

"Why do you have to be such a bitch?!"I regretted the words the moment they escaped my lips. I watched as her eyes widened in shock, softened to a hurtful sadness, and then, as she scanned the food court to see so many people staring at us, hardened with an angry resolve.  I had embarrassed her and she was pissed.We were having lunch at the mall where we had spent most of the morning shopping for clothes for her.  I had followed her around as she tried on various outfits in various department...

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Whos that Girl Pt3

I sat in my office looking at my smartphone. “The wonders of technology!” I smiled to myself. It was simple really and even though I was frustrated that my keen intellect hadn’t been able to work out who ‘Buttercup’ was, I also knew that it would have been impossible to work out. She had never even been on the radar.This was the second-best birthday present I’d ever got.My intercom beeped and Eleanor announced Tamara’s arrival for my birthday lunch; a moment later she walked in and headed...


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