Dark Days - Darkest Before The DawnChapter 25 free porn video

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The yacht wasn’t two hundred feet, it was actually two hundred and sixty-one. That was like one and a half E-Keys tacked on to a two-hundred-foot boat. So ... yeah, big! We flew into Miami and then boarded a helicopter that would take us down to the docks where she was moored. I spent the time in the air reading what I could find about our new floating transportation.

It was a 1990 Blohm & Voss boat with some amazing amenities. A formal dining room that would seat eighteen, a pool deck with a powered lap pool that could be covered, or not, depending on how you felt. There was a soaking infinity style pool as well, large enough for a dozen to sit comfortably, and a hot tub on the top deck under the stars.

With seven guest cabins, each one very spacious when compared to the cabins on the E2, a crew of twenty-nine, we would have thirty-six people on the boat! Even as large as she was, I couldn’t imagine having that many people aboard without running in to each other or stepping over someone every few feet.

When I voiced this concern to Jake, he nodded his head. “I thought that too, the first time I chartered one of these big boats, but the crew is amazingly facile at remaining unseen and unheard. They give you exactly as much privacy as you need while still providing the kind of service you might expect. I did ask for a minimum crew though, so we’ll see what happens.”

I raised one eyebrow but wasn’t going to nay say him. He has more experience than I did with high dollar stuff like this. Besides, we were almost to the boat now and I could see out the helicopter side door that we even had our own helicopter pad on the boat! That was awesome.

What cracked me up about this ship was the powerplant. The primary propulsion was from two, twenty-eight hundred horsepower motors. That was not all that much for a two-hundred-and-sixty-foot yacht and the numbers meant that my one-hundred and twenty-five-foot trimaran would run circles around her! I had two, twenty-four hundred horsepower motors in mine!

Sure, the combine rating beat me by eight hundred, but this tub weighed in at almost four times what my boat weighed, sat three meters lower in the water and, unless she had some physics-defying coating on the hull giving it an unheard of, lower than normal drag coefficient, she was going to be much, much slower.

On the other hand, they had four times the generator capacity and a desalinization plant that made my mouth water. Then there was the laundry, the dry cleaning, the unbelievable kitchen. The brochure I was reading made me anxious for us to land so I could start exploring! I especially wanted to see the controls so I could see what electronic goodies they had.

The helicopter set down exactly in the middle of the small landing pad on the forward portion of the upper deck. Two crewmen came out and tied it down to the deck, even as the blades were still spinning down. The pilot turned and gave us a thumbs-up and a grin.

“Nice landing,” I told him, “and thanks for the lift!”

“All part of the service and besides, this is more fun and a lot less stressful than landing on an aircraft carrier!” The pilot and copilot slide from the helicopter, opening the rear doors for Liz, Jake, Dave and I. Dean, Deb and Steph were standing out on the deck, waiting for us to climb down from the small, raised landing pad.

“Everything okay, Dean?” I asked as we hit the deck. I couldn’t shake hands, my right arm was still in a sling, though it was more for safety when moving around than anything else. I still had stitches in my chest and back, but the suppuration had stopped so there was a lot less crap to deal with. I could even get it wet as long as I didn’t submerge it for long.

Another week, maybe two until the stitches could come out, assuming the onboard doc, an amenity that Jake demanded, said I was healed enough to remove them. Then, finally, after six freakin’ weeks, I could swim again! I probably would have been sooner if that machete hadn’t had bits of rotting flesh caught in the serrations. The infection meant I had to be opened up again, the wound debrided and left open for a while so that they could monitor it.

Makes me wish I could dig Salazar up and shoot him again.

After we greeted our friends, they escorted us to the main salon where the Captain and the rest of the crew awaited us.

“Welcome aboard! I am Bruce Barclay, your captain for this voyage and here, next to me is Denise Martin, your first officer.” The Captain was a tall, ramrod straight man who looked every inch the sea-going mariner. He would look at home on the deck of a destroyer or at the helm of one of those racing yachts. His first officer, Denise Martin, looked more like she would prefer to be at the helm of a fishing vessel. She had a no-nonsense, hyper-competent look about her that told you she would be one to ride out a storm with!

“Also here is Frederick Kohl, our engineer and his lead mechanic, ship and helicopter, is Tran Nguyen.” Kohl was a bit rounder than the rest of the crew, with a magnificent handlebar mustache and rosy cheeks. I smiled when I nodded to him, thinking he would not look out of place in a pair of lederhosen, the leather shorts traditionally associated with Bavaria. Tran, on the other hand, looked like he was just glad to be there. His hands were stained and the grease under his fingernails looked like it was a permanent fixture. He was the smallest of the crew, shorter than Liz even, but he looked wiry, with corded muscles evident on his forearms.

The captain continued, “Next, we have Marcelle Montaine, the Doctor your requested and Nigel Standish, our chef. You already met your flight crew, Parker Lewis and William Foster.” The Doctor had been watching me, ignoring the introductions for the most part. When he heard his name, he made quick eye contact with the others and turned back to me. “I would like to do an evaluation before we launch, in case there are any equipment or medications I might like to have on hand.”

I nodded to him, but didn’t speak, turning instead to the Chef. Nigel Standish was the antithesis of what you would expect of a chef. He was tall, six four or six five, and almost skeletally thin. He had a prominent Adam’s apple that bobbed up and down his long, slender neck when he spoke and his nose, a proboscis of gargantuan size, seemed more like a bird beak! He clicked his heels together and bowed abruptly from the waist but didn’t speak.

“Last, but certainly not least, we have Michelle LeConte who is in charge of the above deck crew like the wait staff, kitchen help and so on; and Rochelle Stevens, who is the supervisor of the below decks staff that do cleaning, laundry, monitor the staterooms and the like. If you ever need anything at all, they are the persons who would know where it is on this ship!”

The two ladies were both in their forties, both dressed similarly and seemed to be in good spirits. That was the only thing they seemed to have in common because Michelle was a round redhead with a warm, welcoming smile that didn’t reach her eyes while Rochelle was as dark as midnight and her expression didn’t show any real emotion even as her eyes sparkled at some inner amusement.

“Mister Reilly, the charter company said that you were mostly self-sufficient and that you wanted minimal looking after so, as you requested, we simply mustered the smallest crew our insurance would allow us to field. Not to worry though! Assuming nothing mechanical went wrong, this ship could actually be run by three people” The captain chipped in, obviously proud of his vessel.

We took a walking tour of the boat and I had to admit, it was very fancy. It was much more so than either of mine, but it lacked that homey feeling my boats had. Here, everything was all ... um, hotel-y? It lacked any personal touches, that was it. Beautiful, but sterile.

I didn’t see anything out of order on our tour, even though I got a look of surprise when I asked to tour the mechanical spaces and, especially, the bridge.

“Captain, young Jack here has his Master’s ticket, up through fifty tons.” Jake said proudly, laying his hand on my shoulder. I could see Dean rolling his eyes at me, but grinning and Liz was smiling too, but at Jake’s gesture.

“Really? Then in an emergency, we will have another knowledgeable hand to call on.” The captain said with a grin. Dean and Dave wanted to see the bridge as well, though I think that was more in their security capacity, but the rest didn’t care to follow us.

The captain turned out to be an avid boating enthusiast in his off time as well and he was very curious when I mentioned the boats that I owned. He had spent a month in the waters in and around New England in a Leopard several years ago and thoroughly enjoyed himself.

The bridge looked like something you would see in a starship on television, complete to the Captain’s chair with built in communications controls in the arms. They even had a big, wooden ship’s wheel with which to steer but the Captain told me that it was mostly for show. It could be used but the real steering was done with a joystick! Though well put together and impressively displayed, the yacht didn’t have anything that I lacked on the E2 so I ended the tour feeling pretty smug.

The last question I asked as we left the bridge was about defenses. The Captain tried to play it off as if we had nothing to worry about, that the news was being sensationalist and that actual piracy was rare and relegated to the backwaters of third world countries.

“Captain, we are getting along great right now, but that won’t last if you start bullshitting me. I have taken fire three times and that is never moving further east than the Bahamas. I sank two of the bastards, captured the third and ended up selling it for a tidy profit. I checked with the state department and the warnings about piracy are not inflated and not over sensationalized.”

He looked surprised but nodded. “You are correct, but we are required by the company to play it down. I am truly surprised you have faced pirates three times in local waters though, I haven’t heard about any attacks this close to the mainland. Still, if it will assuage your minds, we are an armed vessel. Small arms only, but every able-bodied male, and several of the females, have at least a familiarity with small arms and shipboard tactics. We have a small but potent armory that can be opened if needed.” He said smugly.

Dave and Dean simply rolled their eyes and looked at each other. Chances are that we were better armed than the crew was!

Dean pulled out his ID folio and Dave, surprising both Dean and I, did the same! He had gone and gotten sworn in as well!

“We are deputy United States marshals and we are sufficiently armed to ward of all but the most dedicated attacks. We will be the first line of defense when our principals are on board, Captain.”

The man looked shocked and distinctly uncomfortable. I was certain that he would be contacting the charter company as soon as he was free of us. We were not actually sailing until the morning, so he had time to do something, even if that something was to find a replacement.

None of us felt like going into Miami for the evening, we were perfectly happy with staying on the boat and just getting settled. We ended up having a light dinner and sat around just chatting until the mosquitoes drove us into the air-conditioned salon for nightcaps.

We cast off at eight the next morning, Captain Barclay still in charge though he looked as if he had spent the night sucking on lemons. Denise Martin, the first officer, looked happy enough, even stopping by to ask us to identify where our ‘gear’ would be stored in the stateroom so she could mark those areas off limits to the cleaning staff. When we told her that our cases had biometric locks, she was pleased and thanked us for our common sense.

“You would not believe some of the things that guests have brought aboard, and most without a thought to safety, theirs or that of our staff. A month ago, I had one of my people get stuck with a used hypodermic!” She sounded pissed and her expression showed how disgusted she was that it could have happened on her boat.

“If you should find that we are doing something you consider dangerous or that bothers your staff, please let us know. I can’t promise that we will never disturb you, but we can try to be good clients.” Liz said with a smile, getting a nod in return.

We had fantastic weather on the trip from Miami to Ireland. The two-week voyage was long enough that we were getting a bit stir crazy, but also long enough that I could, just the day before we arrived, do my first slow lap in the swimming pool without stitches! HUZZAH!

The downside of that is realizing exactly how much damage was done and how much rehabilitation I would need before I was anywhere near my old swim regime. Dean taunting me as he easily swam laps was going to be an inspiration, if for no other reason than to shut him up. Knowing Dean, it’s why he did it in the first place, but it didn’t make it any less irritating!

We skipped the western shore, choosing instead to slip between Ireland and England to stop in to Dublin first. Jake had his sights set on the Guinness and Jameson distillery tours and tasting events, including a stop in to the world famous, or maybe infamous, Temple Bar.

Reading over the brochures, I was more interested in the Trinity College Library. I also wanted to hit some of the more historical landmarks like Christchurch Cathedral, the Little Museum of Dublin, which got higher marks that the official museums and, of course, Dublin Castle. Mostly I wanted off this floating hotel for a day or two and see if I could get my land legs back!

Dean and Dave were more interested in what I was calling the Wino Tour, much to Jake’s disgust and Liz’s delight. Steph and Deb wanted to see the castle and cathedral, so Liz and I swapped for the occasionally lovers for a while now. Me, I was happy to see Ireland with two lovely ladies on my arms.

We were all awed by Christchurch Cathedral. The second of Dublin’s medieval cathedrals, it was initially built on that very spot in 1030AD! The building lasted in its earlier form until part of the roof collapsed in 1562, five hundred and thirty years. The building was in poor shape and an emergency set of repairs, meant to be temporary, were done.

Those ‘temporary repairs’ lasted more than three hundred years until the 1870’s! More work and rebuilding was done between 1871 and 1878, paid for by a whiskey distiller, Henry Roe. A two-year restoration of the roof and stonework in the 1980’s left the church in much the same condition as we saw it that day.

Europeans have history dating back a thousand, two thousand and even more years. We, in the US, are happy to slap a historical label on a building that lasts more than a hundred years, with our oldest and most cherished relics being an intimidating two hundred and fifty years old!

Yeah, not so impressive.

What I found impressive was stepping foot in a building that was built a thousand years ago, and is still being used for its original purpose to this day. You can feel it, the age, the years, the sense of history. People looked at me funny when I said that, some of the locals grinned and shook their heads, but I think they have become inured to how amazing their history really is.

We might have been born and achieved greatness in a mere two hundred years, but we were a flash in the pan when you looked back and saw what humanity had achieved in the last two thousand.

That feeling continued when we hit Dublin castle. Though not as old and with a much bloodier history, it was one of the most important historical sites in Ireland. Built under the orders of King John of England, it had been erected on the site of an earlier Viking settlement. The castle was the seat of power for the English, and later British, rule in Ireland. The crowns representative, the Viceroy of Ireland, was the ceremonial and administrative leader.

The castle lasted until 1684 when a massive fire-gutted parts of it. A campaign of rebuilding in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries saw that castle being transformed from a battle-hardened, medieval redoubt into the Georgian palace it resembled today. In the early nineteenth century, the addition to the lower courtyard of the Chapel Royale, a magnificent Gothic revival style structure, ensured that the castle would remain one of the architectural highlights of Georgian Dublin even today.

Our first day ended with sore feet and sore necks from looking up so much, but it was totally worth it to us! We met up with Jake, Liz, Dave and Dean at the Temple Bar, a landmark in Dublin, for a cold pint and to make plans for supper. We were going to be in Dublin for at least three days and wanted to sample several restaurants while we were here.

Throughout the day I had noticed a couple of men, two for certain, two others that were a maybe, and one woman, who appeared in several places during our journey around the city. I didn’t get a bad vibe from them but it was still a bit worrying and I had intended to bring it up this evening when we all got together.

Before I could even bring it up, a familiar face drew up a seat at our table without so much as a by your leave!

“What is it that you yanks say? Howdy you all?” Dale Clarkson, the man who had led our security team when I was in London to meet with the girls after the attempt on Cam two years ago, was grinning at us and wagging his bushy eyebrows.

“It’s pronounced ya’ll, but you did okay on the howdy part,” I said, grinning and reaching out to shake his hand. “How many of those following us around today were your men? Can I assume that Dean contacted you about our trip?”

“Oh, laddie, this was planned since Mister Reilly over there first contacted the charter company. Dave there called me up to put me on standby. As to your question, how many did you see? I have a bet with those two grinning jackanapes over there about how well they have you trained.”

I looked over at Dean and Dave, both of whom were trying their best to look innocent. Steph was giggling and even Deb looked like she was going to break out in a laugh.

I just shook my finger at the both of them and turned back to Dale.

“First man was at the docks, then again outside the Cathedral. Tallest of the bunch but shorter than me, so I guess about six foot one or so, maybe a hundred and ninety pounds. Brown hair, clean shaven, walks a bit duck footed and on the outside of his left heel.” Dale was nodding as if he expected me to catch that one.

“The next was also outside of the Cathedral, then again inside of Dublin castle and a third time in the gift shop. He was shorter, about five six, and wiry. His hair was red, a bit longer than the first and this man had a goatee. The mustache looked off though, not matching the goatee and I got the idea that it might be fake.” Dale nodded, obviously not quite as happy about me identifying this one. He looked as if he was going to say something but I went on, not giving him a chance.

“The two in suits were obvious misdirection, I thought. They were bumbling about, one actually hiding behind a newspaper when he saw me look his way. The best part was that they never looked in the direction of the other man, even if it meant turning their heads and walking while looking left or right. Not sure what that was all about, but it was fun to watch. Both were built about the same at just under six feet and a bit soft around the middle. Both were balding, though one had just the monk’s halo while the other was a combover.”

Dale’s face wasn’t showing any expression at all now, his eyes intent. I had a feeling those last two were not something he was happy about.

“Last, but certainly not least, was a very pretty redhead in some painted on American jeans and a leather jacket. She was somewhere in between the first two and second two when it came to being obvious. She was using reflections in windows and storefronts, even had a pair of hats and a scarf she switched around to change her profile.” That had been all of them so, when I finished, I sat back and spread my hands to let him know I was done.

When I glanced over at Steph and Deb, they both looked angry and more than a little embarrassed.

“I saw the first two and the suits, but I knew about Dale so I wasn’t worried. I never saw the redhead or, more accurately, I saw her but didn’t know she was tailing us.” Steph admitted, shrugging her shoulders but I could see she was beating herself up inside.

“You are probably out of practice. If you have anyone following Liz, it is probably to steal her cookie recipe, not to punish her for interrupting your drug shipments.” I joked, getting a small smile in return.

“I saw the same as Steph. I may have seen the redhead, but I honestly don’t recall and I never twigged that she was following us. Are you certain, Jack? Maybe you are just horny and she was cute?” Deb made it clear she was joking. She knew perfectly well that Dean was a stickler about stuff like that and, as his student, I was unlikely to identify her if I wasn’t certain.

“The first two were mine. We saw the suits as well and identified them as, supposedly, Diplomatic Protection officers from the Foreign and Commonwealth office. Among other pursuits, the Foreign office is much like your state department and has, as a department, Her Majesty’s Diplomatic Service.”

“They were either set on you by your friend Lord Hadley-Nelson, in his office as the Chancellor of the Exchequer, or there is some other governmental git interested in you. The Foreign office is about on par with the Exchequer and the Prime Minister as far as power and prestige goes, so it would be someone fairly high up.” Dale finished, pausing to take a sip of his pint.

“The woman worries me. Not only was she following you, but only one of my guys even got a glimpse of her and put her down in his report as simply a contact, not a person of interest to your security. That means he saw that person taking an interest in you, but never saw her again. If he were to see her again tomorrow, for instance, and remembered her, he would write it up differently. That he missed the obvious tradecraft she was using is troubling. Would you be willing to work with an artist, come up with a sketch of the lass?”

While Dale had been explaining what the Foreign office was, I was watching that same redheaded woman walk into the place and begin to work her way through the scrum at bar. Dale had, evidently, been watching me because when he got to the question about the artist, his voice trailed off for a moment.

“She’s here, isn’t she?” Dale asked in a calm voice, but his body was rigid and his eyes flashed with anger. He didn’t turn his head but he was searching with his peripheral vision.

“Yes, she is. She is lovelier up close. Why don’t I ask her to join us?” I asked, standing and catching everyone by surprise.

The woman had gotten her pint of beer and was heading towards a likely clear spot near the door. There were two tables between our group and hers but I had no problem wading through the crowd. The look on her face when she figured out that I was heading for her was interesting.

First, there was a flash of anger, then a little head shake and a shoulder lift as though shrugging it off. She slowed then, and turned towards me, meeting me instead of turning to run.

“Would you care to join us? It would be easier than following us all evening” I asked, not quite shouting over the crowd, but making sure she could hear me.

She smiled and her cheeks pinked, her gaze flashing over towards our table where everyone, every single person, was watching our exchange.

“I suppose I should. I wouldn’t want those two near the door to insist, nor those others behind you.” she said, leaning forward so she could speak in my ear without raising her voice. She had a faint, but delightful, Irish brogue. After listening to some truly horrendous accents today, it was refreshing.

I offered my arm to her, as though to escort her into a ballroom and she grinned, slipping her arm through mine like she did it every day. Her head held high, we made our way back to the table. Dean, being Dean, had already secured a chair and wedged it in between my seat and Dale’s.

It didn’t take us long to figure out that this was not going to work. We had arrived before the evening rush and the bar was rapidly filling up and getting louder and louder. None of us wanted to talk above the noise, where we would be overheard, so Jake got our attention and suggested dinner.

As a group, we made our way outside and it was almost a physical relief to be out of the crowd inside, the noise level dropping quickly and the cool night air making us all shiver a bit after the warm bar.

At Dale’s suggestion, we walked the long block south and ended at Toscana City, an Italian restaurant that allowed us, for an exorbitant fee, to use one of their private rooms for our meal.

Once we had been seated and drink orders placed, we all seemed to turn to the young woman.

“So, at the risk of sounding like an idiot, I did invite you to our table and then to dinner already, could I have your name? I am Jack McCoy.” I said with a smile, holding out my hand.

She rolled her eyes but grinned. “I am Eimear Byrne and I know who you are, Mister McCoy, and Mister Miller. I also know who Mister Reilly is and Mister Foster, but the rest are unknown. I know who you are because of what you did and that’s why I have followed you.” Her smile disappeared and she was deadly serious now.

“I know what you did for Amelia Palmer and Rosa De La Lune and Estrellita Iglesias and even for that ... for Camille Raimond.”

That got everyone’s attention!

“And you know this how, lassie?” Dale asked softly, watching her like a hawk.

“Because I met with Amelia and befriended her. Because my sister Siobhán disappeared the same day that Amelia did, from the same place. Because Amelia is the daughter of someone important, there was a great hue and cry, but my sister was just another Irish girl and no one cared but me and my mum.”

“How did you know that I was coming? How did you track me to Dublin?” I asked quietly.

“Amelia again. Her father works for the Chancellor and found out you were injured and were taking a long cruise to recover. The proposed itinerary was Ireland, England, France and then south. There are two main ports for yachts and cruise ships, here and Belfast. I waited every day for a week out at the docks, hoping you would stop here. If not, Amelia would tell me when you were in England and I would have taken a ferry, then the train.”

The others at the table were talking among themselves but I didn’t hear a word of it. I was thinking about how easy it had been for this girl to track our movements and how much easier it would have been had she had money to spread around. Okay, sure, Amelia wouldn’t, probably wouldn’t sell me out, but those around her?

“I am afraid I don’t understand what you think I can do for you, for Siobhán.” I said, shrugging my shoulders. My grimace must have startled her, but she probably didn’t know how much that still hurt when I forgot about my chest wound!

“Sorry, injury to my chest and I forget not to do stupid things like shrug!” I explained, patting her hand where it lay on the table. When she blushed and looked down to where I was still touching her, I snatched my hand back. “Sorry again!”

She just shook her head and then shook it again, faster this time, as if clearing her mind.

“I don’t know that you can do anything at all, Mister McCoy. Through Amelia and through some friends of mine with contacts in the United States, I have heard a lot of stories about you. Well, stories I think that you are connected to, anyway. Even if you are not mentioned, so many incidents were similar that there must be some truth to the rumors.” she looked up at me, her eyes pleading.

“I just wanted to tell you about my baby sister. To give you a photograph, to give you a face so that if you find her, if you see her ... well, maybe you can save her.”

“Ms. Byrne...” I started to say, but she cut me off.

“You saved four girls from an Arab slaver in the Bahamas. That much I know is certain because I have spoken to all four girls. All of them say that it was not the first time you had gotten involved in freeing slaves but refused to say more and they refused to say what they thought motivated you. From my friends in the United States, I heard that a young man was somehow involved in breaking up the biggest slavery ring since the American Civil War.”

“My friends also say that the whispers are that the same boy, now a man, was involved recently in another case, this time dealing with drug cartels from Mexico who were kidnapping girls, and that the same man had helped make the biggest drug bust in the City of Austin’s history! In this latest episode, he was stabbed in the chest by a machete wielding drug lord who had kidnapped the sister of a friend of his. How is your chest?” she asked, looking triumphant as she reached out and, if I hadn’t stopped her, would have poked me right where it hurt the most.

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Dark Days Darkest Before the DawnChapter 4

The next morning, we were up early, retracing our steps to the heliport. Jake thought we should go ahead and hit River Ranch in Killeen so he had arranged for the helicopter to take us. It was a two-hour drive or forty minutes in a Helicopter, though the ranch was actually not in Killeen. It was outside the hilariously named town of Ding Dong, Texas, just south of Killeen and the huge army base of Fort Hood. The ranch was centered on the Lampasas River which meandered through the property...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

2 years ago
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Dark Days Darkest Before the DawnChapter 22

When school ended, Debbie met me at my car, a big smile on her face and she hugged me and gave me a toe curler of a kiss. She was in her regular clothes, a pair of surfer shorts, a polo shirt and an industrial strength bra, evidently! I had warned Dean and Deb that I was bringing a girl home, but not who. It didn’t matter they were both out of the house, though I wasn’t sure where. To be safe, I reset the alarm once we were inside. I got us some sodas and, when I turned to offer one to Deb,...

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Dark Days Darkest Before the DawnChapter 24

“Hi, Taylor, right? I’m Jack. We have a couple of classes together. Mind if I sit down?” I had marched right over. Okay, I hid behind a column until she found her table and I could be sure she was all alone, then I sort of sidled over. Shut up, I was there, wasn’t I? “Hi Jack! Sit, sit! I was wondering if you were ever going to talk to me or just follow me around all year. You are cute though, and not like the creepy type of stalker, so I figured I would wait it out.” I must have had a...

4 years ago
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Dark Days Darkest Before the DawnChapter 11

The dreams were back with a vengeance, Everett alive and as evil as ever. I was nine all over again and watching while he toyed with his victim, the living meat sack that had been the boy before me. Only this time, we were on a boat, and there were girl meat sacks. None of them were really alive; all were waiting for that final cut. I watched, helpless, as he went from one to the next, each time asking me if I was paying attention ... asking if I was watching their eyes. When I woke again,...

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Dark Days Darkest Before the DawnChapter 6

It was Friday and Alan and Debbie had asked me at lunch if they could get a ride. Their parents were up in Fort Lauderdale at some event and wouldn’t be back until late that night and it had been raining all day. The bus ride that morning hadn’t been too bad, but they were dreading the one int the afternoon. When I suggested they come and hang out at my place this afternoon, eat dinner with me and my uncle, they were all for it. I had a desktop PC, an Xbox One and a PS4 in my room, so if...

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Dark Days Darkest Before the DawnChapter 2

Saturday morning, I woke and rolled over to look at the clock on the bedside table. Somehow, I wasn’t all that shocked to see it was barely five in the morning. My dreams had been filled with Jake Reilly. Sometimes he was fifty feet tall and breathed fire, sometimes he was regular sized, but the voice that came from his mouth was his son Everett’s. In one dream, the man just broke down and cried. Nothing he said made sense and it caused him to cry even harder. The whole time, Rene sat there...

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Dark Days Darkest Before the DawnChapter 19

I dug into my wallet for the cards I had received and called the state department guy who had come down to meet me when I got back from the ill-fated trip to the Bahamas. “Meir.” A gruff voice answered the call with only a name. “Mister Meir, Jack McCoy. We met a while back about some freed slaves?” “Of course, I remember you, Jack. What’s up? Find more damsels in distress?” His voice warmed considerably and the humor in his tone was clear. “Actually, the same ladies may be in big...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Dark Days Darkest Before the DawnChapter 15

On the way to Jake’s penthouse in the city, I asked Dean about security for Cam. “What about getting her a female you? Know anyone like that?” Dean shook his head but looked thoughtful. “Let me ask around, put out some feelers. You might want to talk to Cam about this as well. She may not want to sign on to be guarded twenty-four seven. I hate to say it, but that kind of thing can be hard on a relationship.” As much as it would tear me up, especially with how unbelievably close we have...

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Dark Days Darkest Before the DawnChapter 27

The ship lights were still on so using the goggles would be useless for now. I had to assume that the captain was directed to cut them at first contact. I probably would have cut them already, then changed course and sped up to try and lose them. There must be some reason we haven’t tried to avoid contact though, so I just settled in on the rear of the boat and got comfortable. “Listen up, people. The three babies are less than a mile away now and arrowing in. Lights out in thirty seconds....

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Dark Days Darkest Before the DawnChapter 5

We were wheels up by one and landing at Salt Lake City International by five thirty after gaining an hour to the time zone change. Instead of a suburban waiting for us, there was a Mercedes Sprinter rigged up as a passenger van. It was almost as comfortable inside as Jake’s jet! It was only about forty minutes’ drive time out to Deer Valley where the lodge was located. The house that was part of the trust was one of a group of McMansions that were built at the top of a hill to take advantage...

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Dark Days Darkest Before the DawnChapter 3

We spent the slightly more than two-hour flight to the coast going over what Jake had mostly outlined the day before. There were a couple of points of interest for me though, that I made sure I got a full briefing on. I was a minor but, when I reached sixteen, I would have almost unlimited authority to do what I wanted with the trust. The lawyer assigned as the trustee by the law firm would take directions from me and, unless overruled by a majority of the trustees or the request was...

2 years ago
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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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Dark Days Darkest Before the DawnChapter 12

We made over one room into Cam’s own personal space, getting her set up with a phone, a television, a stereo, all the things a teen should have. I got her an iPad and an iPhone too, then we went to Miami and spent two days shopping. Some for her, lots of clothes; and some for me, lots of gun stores. I even got her a safe for her gold. “Jacques, I do not understand, why do you give me gold?” “I told you, Fayed had it on his boat. We took it when we rescued the girls. They all got a box to...

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Dark Days Darkest Before the DawnChapter 17

One call I had almost forgotten to make was to Mario Echeveria, the manager of my hotel in San Antonio, the River Center Marriot. “Mister McCoy! How wonderful to hear from you again! Are you coming to...” “Mario, it’s Jack unless I have done something to piss you off. Anyway, listen, I don’t have time for games today. I will be there in a couple of hours but, in the meantime, I need you to work with a man named Tomas LaGrenade, he is supposed to be contacting you shortly. He will explain...

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Dark Days Darkest Before the DawnChapter 23

The flight from LAX to Century City wasn’t long, but it was interesting. The copilot, given permission by Jake, gave us a running commentary about the sights below and to either side. He pointed out a couple of the studios as we overflew them as well as several areas that we would recognize from blockbuster films. Fox Studios were in Century City and only a few blocks away from our building. I looked over at Jake and I think he was having more fun watching all of our expressions as we found...

3 years ago
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Our Darkest Fantasies

"Well, then let's go on a road trip!" Chad says to me, after I complained that we hardly do anything anymore. Chad and I have been together for almost two years. I love him, with all my heart. He is the only guy that I have ever been with. We tell each other everything, from our darkest fantasies to our darkest secrets. But lately, all he ever does is work. All he gives me is false hope and broken promises. "Are you mocking me?" I ask, angry. "You think that after ignoring me for almost one...

1 year ago
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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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God is a Slut Chapter 2 Rachels Darkest Fantasy1

“Today, Rachel, we begin the second test.” I said to the mortal, “I just need you to lie on your back and relax.” We were in a therapist’s office, with cream colored walls, brown carpeting and windows that looked out onto a hellish cityscape below us. I was dressed in a white dress shirt, with a black skirt, black high heels and rectangular glasses. I enjoyed playing the part of the therapist, and was fully committed to the role, though, I did unbutton my shirt low enough to reveal my...

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Dark Days Darkest Before the DawnChapter 14

Cam had continued her slow but inexorable push to make me comfortable with intimacy. About a week ago, she had taken off her top after I had gone to sleep and I woke up with her breasts pressed against my side. The next night, she completely ignored my protests from that morning and did the same thing! Three nights later she came out of the bathroom, not even bothering to wear the top to bed and then take it off. No, she came out topless and when I protested, she ignored my sputtering,...

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Dark Days Darkest Before the DawnChapter 13

It worked just about like that too. It wasn’t Wells Fargo, it was a well-known, and well insured, gold broker who arranged for the gold transport via helicopter. Or helicopters, plural. The Coast Guard, Navy, Marines, Army all came down to conduct training exercises in and around the Florida Keys, specifically Key West. The US Air Force, not wanting to be left out, even sent their high-speed, low-drag para-rescue guys to play too! The funny thing was, only four people on the Coast Guard...

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Dark Days Darkest Before the DawnChapter 10

“Maybe you could give me one of your shirts to use as a night dress but I think your shorts would fit two of me.” she told me, shaking her head. I led her to her stateroom and then went to mine, pulling out a football Jersey that Stacy had sent as a joke. She wanted a picture of me in it to tease a friend. It was an XXL so it should be fine as a dress. When I knocked on the door to her cabin, there was no response but the door was not locked. I opened it slowly, talking loudly. “My eyes...

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Dark Days Darkest Before the DawnChapter 8

By the end of the week I had gotten a call from Roberto’s about a boat the Coast Guard had dropped off in my name. I thought they were going to call me to pick it up, not bring it to me! I drove over after school, Alan and Debbie riding along with me, and they were full of questions. “You have a boat? Why is it in the shop? How big is it? When did you get it? How come you didn’t say anything? Is it as big as your uncle’s?” It was hard, sometimes, to keep up the lies, but I really didn’t...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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Slutwife Terry Webbs deepest darkest secret

I've often been asked what is my deepest darkest secret as well as what is the one thing I've never done but would like to try. If you have followed my adventures you know I have already tried about everything possible sexually. However there is one thing I would like to try that I never have or actually two that I share now with you.My darkest secret is to have a female circumcision. Even though I love the way I look down there I would love to have everything removed except my clit. The hood...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Darkest DaysChapter 11

Robert settles against the door frame again. It has been another night of drinking. Carrie is lying in the bed, seemingly asleep. She doesn’t stir or even acknowledge the man like she did the past two nights. He sighs, slowly undoing his belt. “I keep breaking all the promises that I keep making to myself. You’d think by now that I’d be over this. Instead, I’m feeling sorry for myself. So why does everything seem desperate now? I should be feeling so alive. But it feels like something’s...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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The Devils Pact Sidestory Miss Blythe Is Hot for Her Students

edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Athena Corp Chronicles A Mothers Love

As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...

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Sex Therapy 2 The Thert

PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...

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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site Motherless.com? You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on motherless.com likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the Motherless.com homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Clothesline Leather in Lawnville

Clothesline[This story is part of the Leather in Lawnville series.]   Clothesline By DuskPetersonYou can tell a lot about a guy from where he shops. Take my friends, who have specialized tastes. Some of them spend their time at the hardware store, while others take an interest in our town's fabric shop, which has needles and pins that make them drool. Still others hang out at the department store, eyeing the cutlery collection. Somehow all of us end up rubbing shoulders at the town's jacket...

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A Day in the Life of Dr Smithers

Clayton Smithers was really glad he had listened to his mother when she told him he should become a doctor. Mom had always told him it would be a lot of work but worth it in money and prestige. She had been only part right. Hardly any work had been required, just learning the jargon and technical terms by studying books and papers written by psychiatrists who had taken the hard route to obtaining their degrees. Clayton Smithers had taken the easy route, buying his degree from the best diploma...

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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Darkest DaysChapter 2

“I need to ask you something,” Robert says. “Ask away,” the girl replies almost in a singsong kind of way. “That’s first time, did you enjoy being fucked?” “Of course I did.” She answers biting her lip. The memories of losing her virginity come unbidden, making her squirm. “It hurt at first, but it felt a whole lot better after a bit. And the next day it barely hurt at all.” The soapy water sloshes gently in the tub that the girl occupies. Robert leans back on the toilet seat cover and...

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Darkest DaysChapter 3

His body is warm and strong and Cynthia finds herself leaning into him as he tightens his embrace. Robert caresses her head. “Back when you were my life, you gave me something that I could live for. Now everything’s changed, and you’re gone. But I’m still here with nothing to hold on to.” He closes his eyes, trying to stop the tears. Why should I hold on when there’s nothing to hold on to. Sex made me feel alive, but now I’m bored with mindless passion. Drugs were somewhere to hide, but...

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Darkest DaysChapter 4

The cool night air has a fresh crispness that only come after a day of purging rains and brooding clouds. Wrapped in a fluffy blanket, Connie sits on the marble slab, legs curled beneath her as she watches the man walking back from the car. His profile is lit by the headlights. Words have failed to express the complexity of his thoughts over the last week. So he has defaulted to sex as a means of release. The blanket is Connie’s need for comfort and modesty while she collects herself. After...

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Darkest DaysChapter 5

“No way,” he says. “That’s a line we’re not going to cross that line. Fucking in your parent’s house puts us on the fast track to being caught.” He stands on the balcony extended from her room. “Who said anything about a line?” Cynthia grins, stepping up next to him. “My mom is working late, and my dad won’t be home for a bit. There’s plenty of time for a quickie.” “You’re the school girl,” he murmurs, smirking sardonically. “I’m the teacher. I don’t fall for peer pressure. Besides, do you...

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Darkest DaysChapter 9

“Six o’clock in the morning, my head is ready to explode. I can’t believe I made it home alive. I don’t remember where I went or what I was drinking, and now it’s made me sick. And I’m not denying that I get this way when I try to get over you. I get this way when I try to get over you. Sometimes it hurts so much to lose the one you love.” Robert leans against the tree, his car a good five hundred feet away. The sun is just breaking over the trees, casting the woods into an eerie glow, like...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did Motherless.com get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites

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