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Authors Note: This is a stand-alone story, but some of the characters appeared in an earlier work called The New Assistant. Although this is not a continuation of that story, readers may want to look at The New Assistant first. Darkest Before the Dawn It wasn't until Ray Wyvern finally shut down his computer that he realized how late it was. Ray was one of those people whose concentration was so intense that he became lost in another world. Knowing this his secretary had not bothered telling him she was leaving for the day; she just left a note reminding him to lock up. He had often pulled all night sessions when thing were really hectic but tonight it was only a little after midnight. He did not bother calling his wife, knowing that she was already in bed, but instead he grabbed his leather back pack which served as a briefcase, turned off the lights and double locked the doors of Wyvern Securities, before heading to his car in the underground car park. Wyvern Securities was not like most firms offering security services. Ray's company was high end, offering personal protection and home security to an elite clientele. Ray had spent 10 years in one of the most formidable Special Forces in the world, the legendary SAS. He had formed Wyvern Securities 8 years previously and they quickly established themselves as one of the country's top security companies. Although they only had a dozen protection operatives these individuals were highly trained. 8 of the men had served in the SAS and the 4 women had all been members of the elite Special Reconnaissance Regiment. As a consequence Wyvern Securities had contracts throughout Europe and the Middle East. Now in his mid-forties Ray still moved with the easy gait of a soldier; a soldier used to long distance travel by foot. He was a little under 6 foot and while not heavily built he was very muscular and unusually fit. When not at work Ray had the priceless ability to turn off mentally so that at home he was placid and easy going, still madly in love with his wife; a love that was totally reciprocated. He reached his car and out of habit made the usual checks for tampering or explosive devices before sliding in behind the wheel of the Range Rover. As he began his drive home he suddenly realized that he was hungry and so instead of taking his more direct route home, he remembered a small family run pizza place that was open all hours and so he headed there. He bought a small take away pizza which he could eat while driving. Getting back to the main road, that would lead him to the M25, which was his quickest way home, necessitated some traversing of quieter streets. It was as he was driving along a street, with a few shops and pubs, that he saw them. They were in a small parking area adjacent to a long closed pub, a woman struggling with a man and near them two young men who had another woman on the ground and appeared to be beating and kicking her. Ray had lived a violent life. Army life was of course one of sanctioned violence and that part of Ray was still there just below the surface. There was no conscious thought, just an instinctive reaction. He immediately pulled over and was out of the Rover as soon as it stopped. His brain was on autopilot and he moved swiftly to the woman struggling with her assailant. She was screaming and thrashing but to no avail as the man was much larger. Ray could see that he was young and large and seemed to be amused by the woman's frantic attempts to break free. He moved quickly and silently and before the man had chance to react Ray's foot connected with the outside of his leg at the knee. Ray chose his footwear as a soldier would, for comfort and function. In this case function meant the shoes were weapons. Ray had them custom made with steel reinforced top caps and it was this part of his shoe that fractured the man's fibula, dislocated his kneecap and ripped to shreds the medial ligament of his knee; he went down in a heap screaming. Before he hit the ground Ray was onto the other two. One was wrenching at the woman's skirt as she lay in a fetal position trying to protect herself, while the other was aiming kicks at her back. One of the men half turned, sensing something behind him. He was just in time to feel Ray's elbow crash into his face, breaking his nose and temporarily blinding him. By now the third man was facing Ray and reaching out to grab him by his jacket. His hand was seized in a practiced grip and powerfully twisted, locking the wrist and elbow. While maintaining pressure with one hand Ray gripped the man's neck with his other hand and repeatedly slammed his face into an adjacent wall until he collapsed on the ground. Ray hurried over to the first woman who was struggling to rise, being held by her attacker as he writhed on the ground. Ray kicked him hard on the elbow and heard the snap of bone breaking. He helped the woman to her feet and they hurried over to the other woman still lying on the ground. As he bent over her Ray sensed movement behind him and he turned to see the second man advancing on him with a knife, blood streaming down his face, screaming obscenities. Ray sighed as though exasperated by a difficult child. He reached into his pocket and pulled out some loose change which he tossed in the face of the advancing man. The knife wielder was only distracted for a second, but that was enough. Ray's foot crashed into his wrist sending the knife spinning away and immediately after Ray had him by the front of his jacket pulling him forwards. Three times Ray head butted him in the face and as he lurched backwards brought his knee up into the unprotected groin; game over. The first woman watched this in horror; she seemed temporarily paralyzed. Ray reached the woman on the ground and gently turned her over. She was conscious although her face was covered in blood. Ray spoke soothingly while he gently probed her head and neck for signs of serious injury. He turned to her companion and said, "We need to get her to a hospital. She's taken a beating and we need to find out if there is any serious head injury. Give me a hand and we'll get her into the back of my car. There's an A & E about 10 minutes' drive away and it will be quicker than calling for an ambulance." Together they lifted the woman to her feet and supported her over to Ray's car where they arranged her as comfortably as possible in the back seat. At last the first woman was able to speak. "I'll ride in the back and support her. I can't thank you enough for this; there's no knowing what would have happened if you had not shown up." Ray waved off the thanks. "You'll need to report this to the police," he said, "Those three should be locked away." "No, no police," came a wail from the back seat. Ray turned and saw the injured woman becoming very agitated. He tried to comfort her. "It's okay you will just have to give a statement; I'm sure those three have previous form." "Please try to convince your friend; it's important that they are charged," said Ray to the first woman. She shook her head. "You don't understand," she said, "this is not my friend." "Your sister?" asked Ray. "My brother." Ray sat in stunned silence for a while. "This is your brother?" he asked incredulously. "Yes," she replied. Ray did not speak and she became worried by his silence. Would he order them out of the car and drive away? She watched Ray grip the steering wheel and saw his knuckles turn white with fury. Abruptly he got out of the car and went over to the first of the men, who was lying on his side groaning. He roughly turned him over with his foot and began searching in his pockets until he pulled out a phone and a wallet. He repeated the process with the other two and made his way back to the car. "What are you doing?" asked the woman anxiously. I'm sorry," said Ray, "we need to get to the hospital, but I wanted to find out their names in case I ever see them again." "And if you do?" "I won't be so lenient next time," said Ray as he drove off. They arrived at the hospital and Ray and the woman helped her brother out of the car and into the Accident and Emergency Department. The processing took a few minutes and then they were shown into a cubicle where they helped the injured woman onto a narrow bed. "We'll be okay now," said the first woman, "it is late and you should go. You have done so much for us and we are eternally grateful." Ray shook his head and said, "You have to understand that I'm from a military background and we never leave our people behind; it's part of me and I'll never change. I'm waiting with you until we find out what the doctors say." He paused for a moment and then said, "It's late for introductions but my name is Ray," and he offered his hand, first to the woman and then her brother. "I'm Susan," said the woman, "and this is Tammy my brother, no sorry, my sister." "I'm pleased to meet you both," said Ray, "I'm just sorry it was under these circumstances." "We are very lucky it was under these circumstances," replied Susan drily. For the first time Ray looked closely at the two women. There was definitely a family resemblance; they were both slender with dark hair but Tammy was slightly taller at about 5 foot 8. Susan looked to be about 30 and Tammy seemed a few years younger. Tammy not surprisingly had a more androgynous appearance but still looked quite convincing as a woman despite the fact that one eye was closed and there was some heavy bruising and swelling around the face. Up till now Tammy had not spoken but now she looked at Ray and said, "Thank you Ray, thank you for everything." For the first time a faint smile crossed her face as she said, "I usually look a bit better than this Ray, you seem to have caught me at a bad moment." Ray smiled and thought to himself, "This one's got spirit." Just then a young doctor entered the cubicle and began to question Tammy. He then proceeded to conduct an examination and concentrated most on checking for any obvious neurological damage. After a few minutes he stopped and said, "I can't see any obvious signs of damage but you have taken quite a beating and I'm going to send you for a CT scan. If that is okay then I'll discharge you with some pain killers." A few minutes later a porter arrived and Tammy was helped into a wheelchair and taken off to the radiology department. Neither spoke for a few minutes and then suddenly Susan burst into tears and Ray quickly embraced her and held her while she sobbed. Slowly she subsided and Ray continued to hold her. "It was so horrible," she said, her voice thick with emotion. "How did it happen?" asked Ray gently. Susan sniffed and blew her nose. "I blame myself for it," she said. "Tammy has been vacillating about coming out for some time and I felt he, no she, needed a push. He had never been out of the house dressed before and I persuaded him to come out with me, just the two of us to a quiet restaurant. We stayed later than we intended and when we got outside we decided to walk up to a busier street to get a taxi. That's when we ran into them; they just came out of a side street before we could avoid them. One of them tried to grab me and of course Tammy became all protective, just like a brother. Words were exchanged and they realised that he wasn't a girl. That's when they started on him; oh it was horrible," and she started to cry again. When she calmed down she began to talk again. "Then you turned up and things just happened so fast. Part of me was appalled at what you were doing to them, but a bigger part wanted you to really hurt them, which I suppose you did." She paused and looked at Ray. "You have been so kind, it's hard to think of you as the same man who beat up those horrible men." "Susan I've lived a very violent life," said Ray slowly. "I joined the army when I was 18 and was in for over 15 years. It wasn't the ordinary army; it was really hard core serious stuff that happily most people don't know about. But we had a code of honour; we never went looking for trouble, but we didn't duck it either if something happened. When I saw you and Tammy, my old training cut in and well, you saw the result. It wasn't nice but then that is the only way to deal with scum like that." These last words were spoken with a bitterness that surprised Susan. "Susan," he went on, "you are not to blame for what happened. How could you possibly have predicted something like that." "I might have guessed," said Susan bitterly. "After all everything else has turned to shit recently. First Tammy lost her job when she told them that she was having gender identity issues. Oh they didn't say that was why, but we knew. Then when my parents found out my father disowned Tammy, said he was a disgrace and never wanted to see him again and my mother can't stand up to him. Anyway I told my father that if that was the case he had just lost two of his children because I never wanted to see him again" "Susan I'm so sorry," said Ray. "Maybe your parents will come round." "Well I'm not counting on it," said Susan heavily. "As far as my father's concerned I don't view it as much loss really; we were never close and he's a disaster of a father for Tammy." "Tell me about Tammy," said Ray. "It goes back a long way to when we were children," began Susan. "Tammy, or Roy as he was then, was always different; not the macho type my father wanted. Roy is 5 years younger than me and I have always been his big sister. I loved being his big sister and we are very close. Roy was always able to talk to me; he somehow felt safe with me. He must have been about 11 when he told me that he would like to wear one of my dresses and it just went on from there. We were able to hide this from my parents for years, until of course he tried to tell them and they disowned him. He was living in his own flat but after he lost his job he had to move out. He's currently in with me, but it's not a good situation as I only have one bedroom and Tammy is sleeping on the couch." "Can't Tammy get another job?" asked Ray. Susan shook her head and said, "I'm not sure if word got around but every time someone seems interested they suddenly change their minds and the door closes." "What does Tammy do?" "She was working for a large banking group doing protection work for their internet security. Tammy is highly qualified and very smart, but that doesn't seem to count for anything if you are seen as anyway different," she said bitterly. "Is she getting help; I mean medical help, counseling, that sort of thing?" asked Ray. "Yes, fortunately Tammy has a really good psychiatrist who has diagnosed her with gender dysphoria. The doctor's recommendation is that Tammy start living as a woman for the next year and then do a reassessment. We had just started and then this happened." And her eyes began to fill with tears again. Ray gave her arm a squeeze and said, "Things are looking pretty black just now, but they won't stay that way. I detect a strength in your sister which will help her make it." Ray got up and went to the all night cafeteria in the lobby and came back with two coffees. "Drink this Susan; we may need to be awake for a while longer." "Ray you don't need to stay," protested Susan. "Can't help it love; it's the way I'm wired," said Ray with a grin. After another 30 minutes Tammy was wheeled back in followed a few minutes later by the same doctor. "Good news," he said with a tired smile, "the scan is clear; no swelling around the brain and no fractures. Those bruises will fade in a few days and you should be fine. I'm going to prescribe you a sedative and some pain killers. If you are not better in a few days go in and see your GP." Susan sighed with relief and thanked the doctor. "I hope you reported this," he said, "whoever did this to you needs to be brought to justice." Ray gave a tight smile and said, "I agree doctor; don't worry, it's been taken care of." With Ray on one side and Susan on the other Tammy was helped out to the parking lot. "Ray we can get a taxi from here; you have done enough." "Susan you are not listening, I'm driving you home. If I don't I won't be able to relax. They got into the car and Ray began the journey to Susan's flat which was not far from where he first found them. "Ray can I ask you a question?" asked Susan. "Of course." "What are you going to do with their phones and wallets?" "Nasty people like that may have links to right wing groups so I'll get the phones analysed and pass any information on to the right people. I'll copy their driver's licenses in case I meet up with them again. The cash I'm giving to you; they need to pay for the some of the damage they have done." "I don't want their money," said Susan sharply. "I do," said Tammy surprisingly, "I can put it to better use than those bastards." "Well said," said Ray handing over a thick roll of bank notes. He pulled up outside some terraced houses in an area near where he had first met them. "Ray we can't thank you enough," said Susan as she got out of the car. Ray wound down his window and reached out towards Tammy. "Call this number in a few days when you are feeling better young lady," he said, "I may be able to help you find work, but for now get lots of rest and try not to worry." As he drove away, Susan threw her arm around Tammy's shoulder. "Well little sister, let's get you to bed; you are not on the couch tonight." The Interview Tammy slept a long time with the aid of the sedative and the pain killers. She was still sore when she got up but the swelling in her face had subsided although there was a lot of discolouration as though the bruises were still developing. She also felt pain in her ribs from the kicking. When she mentioned this Susan said, "It'll get better Tammy, soon you won't notice it. I think those bastards that attacked you will be hurting for a lot longer." For the next couple of days Tammy stayed around the house but felt able to do some tidying and cooking while Susan was at work. "Have you called Ray yet?" asked Susan when she got home from work. "No, I really don't think there is much point," muttered Tammy. Susan seized her by the shoulders and Tammy yelped. "Oh sorry I was forgetting about your injuries," said Susan apologetically. "But really Tammy you must call. For one thing it would be terribly rude not to after all Ray has done. Also you just don't know where it could lead and it's not as though you have any other options just now." "Sorry Sue you are right; I promise I'll call in the morning." The next morning after Susan had gone to work Tammy pulled out the card that Ray had given her and looked at it more closely. "Ray Wyvern President Wyvern Securities." Tammy dialed the number and a brisk voice answered. "Mr. Wyvern asked me to call," said Tammy hesitantly. "What name?" asked the woman on the other end of the line. "Tammy Bedford," replied Tammy. When the woman spoke again Tammy was surprised that she did so with a completely different tone. "Tammy, Ray told us all about you; you poor dear; how are you feeling?" "Better thank you," replied Tammy. "Good," said the woman, "you take it easy and get well. Now would 10 o'clock tomorrow suit you?" "Yes that will be fine," said Tammy, "I'll see you then." "Hold on Tammy, I need your address." "What for?" asked Tammy in surprise. "We'll send a car to pick you up," replied the woman. "Oh no that's too much trouble," protested Tammy. "Nonsense," came the familiar brisk reply, "Ray insisted; now be a good girl and give me your address." After Tammy hung up she sat for a while at the kitchen table and cried. When Susan got home that evening Tammy told her what had happened. "I told you Tammy, I told you, you had to call," she said. "What are you going to wear?" "Just some black pants and a neutral top," replied Tammy. "Tammy, wear a skirt; make a statement." "I can't Sue, it's too soon." Susan frowned with disappointment but did not say anything. The next day just before 9.30 a black Mercedes pulled up outside Susan's flat and a man in a dark suit knocked on the door. Tammy took a deep breath and left the safety of the flat. She was wearing black trousers and a cream blouse that might just pass as a shirt and her long dark hair was tied back in a ponytail. A unisex black leather jacket completed her outfit. Light makeup his some of the bruising. The look was definitely androgynous. 30 minutes later the car pulled up outside an office block in Kentish Town and Tammy was conducted inside and into a lift which stopped at the 3rd floor. As the lift opened Tammy found herself facing a glass door with "Wyvern Securities," scrolled in large print. Tammy entered into a spacious reception area with comfortable seats around a coffee table. A young woman in a black pencil skirt immediately came forward to greet her. "You must be Tammy, I'm so glad to meet you; my names Diane; Ray will be out in a moment so please have a seat. Would you like tea or coffee?" "Coffee please," said Tammy and just as it arrived Ray appeared from an office off the reception area. "Well Tammy you are certainly looking better than when we last met," he said as he shook her hand. "How are you feeling?" "Also better than when we last met," replied Tammy with a smile. 'Right come on through to my office," said Ray leading the way. Instead of going behind his desk he sat to one side of a low coffee table leaving Tammy to sit opposite. "Tammy I'll get straight to the point," he said. "I founded Wyvern Securities 8 years ago, mainly as a personal protection firm specializing in body guard work. That is still a big part of our work but we have gone beyond that to include home security as well as theft prevention. As you know an increasing part of crime is now conducted by the internet and we are constantly having to stay ahead in this area. It is this area that I wanted to talk to you about because you might be just the person who could help us." Tammy fidgeted a little and looked nervous. "Is something wrong Tammy?" asked Ray. "You seem a little on edge." "Sorry Ray, I'm still trying to recover from the weekend and I suppose that makes me question everything. You could have anyone with my background in computer security; why me; is it because you feel sorry for me? Why choose someone who is Trans when you could have your pick of the "normal," population?" Ray was silent for a moment and Tammy suddenly covered her mouth and said, "Oh I'm so sorry Ray; that was an awful thing to say." "Don't be upset Tammy; I'm impressed with your answer. A healthy skepticism is vital in this business," said Ray. "To answer your question about why I would choose someone who is Trans, there are a couple of reasons. One, I suspect that someone who lost her job because of who she is, rather than her ability, would go out of her way to be a really good employee; am I right?" "Most definitely," replied Tammy, "I would be eternally grateful to anyone who treated me like any other person and I would be a model employee. You said a couple of reasons; what was the other one?" Ray reached out to his desk and picked up a framed photograph and showed it to Tammy. It featured Ray dressed formally in a Morning Suit with a pretty young woman in wedding dress holding onto his arm. "She's beautiful," said Tammy. "Lovely picture of a proud Dad with his daughter on her wedding day." "Actually it's my son," said Ray, "but you are right about the proud Dad." There was a stunned silence as Tammy tried to digest this. "Your son?" she asked incredulously. "Yes I have a son and a daughter and the one you are looking at is Dannie my son, on his wedding day to a wonderful woman called Andrea. They were both beautiful brides and I was thrilled that he asked me to walk him down the aisle. I hope that I can do the same for my daughter someday." At this point Tammy started to cry. Ray hurriedly produced a box of tissues and waited until Tammy recovered. "I'm so sorry," she said still snuffling, "you are such a wonderful man. God I wish you were my father and not the arseholes I'm stuck with" "He might come round," said Ray sympathetically. "And pigs might fly," snorted Tammy. The conversation then shifted on to the sort of work that Tammy would be expected to perform at Wyvern Securities. "There are two main aspects," said Ray. "One is the security of our own data and the other is the security of our client's data. This would include their phone and all types of computer use. Obviously we don't specialise in internet security but when we are protecting a client physically they might be vulnerable though their various on line activities; that is where we need someone like you. We had someone doing this role until recently but they left and we haven't yet found a replacement. Would something like this interest you Tammy?" "Very much," replied Tammy, "after what you have done for me I'd work for you for free." "That won't be necessary," said Ray with a laugh and he named a figure which was slightly more than what Tammy had been getting at the bank. "Ray that is incredibly generous," gasped Tammy, "I wasn't expecting anything like that amount." "Good staff are not easy to find and I suspect that you will be good and if that is the case you need to be paid accordingly. Tammy I'm prepared to offer you a probationary period of 2 months to see if this is a fit for both of us; does that work for you?" In answer Tammy started to cry again and she jumped up and threw her arms around Ray's neck. "I'll take that as a yes," said Ray drily. "Now one other thing I did not mention is that we will want to train you in some basic security work," said Ray. Tammy frowned and asked, "What would that entail?" "Observation, memory, awareness, personal safety, how to detect risks before they happen; that sort of thing," answered Ray. Tammy smiled. "That sounds really exciting," she said. "Well it's not James Bond, but it is very effective." Ray stood up and said, "Right Tammy let's go and see Diane, who is our admin person and do the necessary paper work." When Diane learned that Tammy would be starting with Wyvern Securities she came round from her desk and gave Tammy a huge hug. "That's wonderful news Tammy, I'm sure you will be a big help to us. Ray has been looking for someone with your qualifications for a while. Now we need to go over some basics; for example is Tammy your legal name?" "Yes," said Tammy, "my official papers came through last month." "Excellent," said Diane. She smiled and said, "Tammy, no one here will treat you with anything but complete respect; that's the way we are. Ray sets a very high standard in how we treat each other, so you will have no difficulties." "Tammy I suggest that you use the rest of this week to recover and start with us next Monday; will that be okay?" said Ray. Tammy started to tear up again. "I can't believe this is happening," she said. She blew her nose loudly and then said, "Next Monday will be perfect; I can't wait to tell Susan." Tammy Starts Work The next Monday Tammy was up early to get ready for her first day at the new job. Fortunately Susan was going part of the way on the Underground so Tammy felt more comfortable. She arrived at the office 10 minutes early and was once again warmly greeted by Diane. "You will only meet a few of our people today Tammy but everyone will be here on Wednesday for our weekly meeting. There's a large trade show in Paris and a number of the operatives are just finishing up over there." Tammy met Ann, another of the office personnel and Terry and Ian, who like Ray were both ex-military. As Diane had predicted everyone treated Tammy like any other employee. Tammy worked hard on the first two days getting up to date on Wyvern's computer system and also getting a profile on the staff's email and personal computer use. Ray had asked her to make a presentation at the Wednesday meeting to give the staff some idea of the new directions the firm would be taking. Tammy was very nervous as she looked across at the assembled group. There were 18 of them all looking at her attentively. Ray made the introductions and turned the floor over to Tammy who took a deep breath and began. "Hi I'm Tammy Bedford and I'm here thanks to Ray who saved me and my sister from as serious attack last week, which is why I still look a little battered. I'm in the process of transitioning, which is why I was targeted. My former employer did not want to keep me on when I came out and I'm so grateful to be given this opportunity; I promise to do my best not to let any of you down." Tammy then gave an outline of what she was going to present before going into more detail. She emphasised the need to have secure passwords and to never open attachments without double checking that the sender was genuine. "Often hackers get access to confidential material by planting some bug in the system through an attachment that the receiver thought they recognized," she said. She then showed examples of emails purportedly from a friend with an attachment or a request to log into a particular site. "If you look carefully you will often get a sense that the sender does not actually know you. It might be using your name incorrectly or including information that does not seem typical. I suggest that you all develop a code word which you only share with the rest of the staff. Any email from say Diane must have this code word before you open it. I plan to send out pretend scams every now and then to test your vigilance. If I manage to get through then we need more training." Tammy felt herself growing in confidence as the presentation continued and at the end, when all questions had been answered she was surprised and delighted when everyone spontaneously gave her a standing ovation. As the meeting was breaking up a blonde woman in her mid-thirties approached and introduced herself. Mickie was an attractive woman with a very athletic build. She wore a grey pleated skirt and a cream blouse and Tammy could see the outline of her well-muscled arms through the thin fabric. "Hi Tammy I'm Mickie. Ray has asked me to help you with some basic training that he mentioned in the interview. If you have time now we can make a start." Tammy indicated that she was free so Mickie suggested going out for lunch. There was a sandwich bar a short distance from the office and although there were a couple of people ahead of them they managed to get a table and sat down to eat. "What was the woman just in front of us at the counter wearing?" asked Mickie suddenly. "I have no idea," replied Tammy in surprise. "That is your first lesson," said Mickie, "you always have to be aware of what is going on around you. It takes practice but it is vital in our sort of work and you never know when it will be important." During their lunch Tammy became aware of a focused intensity that seemed to come from Mickie which she found a little unsettling. However on a different level she felt a strong attraction to Mickie which surprised her. On the way back to the office Mickie said, "Do you know who is behind us?" "Not without turning around," replied Tammy. "Use shop windows or the side mirrors of parked cars," said Mickie. "It's just another skill you need to pick up. I know Ray has hired you to do the internet stuff but everyone at our office needs this stuff. What if you were followed home?" Tammy flinched visibly and Mickie said, "Sorry Tammy that was too close to the bone, but you know what I mean." Over the next two weeks Tammy threw herself into her work and was delighted to see that all the false emails that she sent out as tests were detected by the staff. She also continued training with Mickie although she found this both challenging and a little intimidating. She found herself becoming increasingly attracted to Mickie, but desperately strove to hide it. For her part Mickie seemed a little reserved towards Tammy. It was on a Friday after Tammy had been at Wyvern Securities for 3 weeks that Ray called her into his office. "Tammy you might recall that at your interview I said that I would give you a probationary period of 2 months." "Yes," said Tammy nervously. "Well I'm ending it as of now," he began. Tammy's face began to crumple and Ray quickly went on, "I can't have you on probation any longer because you are far too valuable a resource and I don't want to risk losing you. I'm offering you a permanent position with the same salary but also benefits like medical, dental and holidays. Would you like time to think about it?" Tammy made a sound somewhere between a squeal and a scream and rushed at Ray flinging her arms around his neck. When he finally pulled away he could see that she was crying again. "I hope that's a yes Tammy," he said with a smile, but Tammy could only nod her head. "Oh one other thing Tammy; would you and Susan be able to come to dinner with Dee my wife and me on Saturday? It will just be us and Emily my daughter and Dannie and his wife." "Ray I'd love to come. I'm not sure about Susan but I'll definitely be there." "Good; we can treat it as a celebration of your appointment to the firm." A Night to Remember Tammy's only disappointment was that Susan had a prior commitment she could not break so it was with slight apprehension that she made her way y tube and bus to Ray's house. She dressed in her now typical androgynous style and because it was early and there were lots of people about she did not feel too scared. She found Ray's house without any difficulty and was impressed at its size and style. "Wyvern Securities must be doing well," she thought. Ray opened the door and ushered her inside. "Come on through to the lounge and meet my wife and daughter," he said, taking her coat. As Tammy entered two women rose from their seats and came forward to greet her. "Tammy I'm so glad to meet you," said the older woman, "I'm Dee and this is our daughter Emily." Tammy could see that the family resemblance was close; both women were slender and of medium height and Emily in particular moved with unusual grace. Tammy extended her hand but this was ignored and she was enveloped in warm hugs. Both women were wearing pretty dresses and Tammy felt rather shabby dressed in black trousers and a white turtle neck sweater. Ray magically appeared with a gin and tonic, which, typical of Ray, was on the generous side. They sat and Dee and Emily began to tell Tammy a little about themselves. Emily's graceful movement was soon explained as Tammy learned that she was a dancer with the Royal Ballet Company, often as a lead dancer. It was then that a noise from the hall announced the arrival of two more guests. Two very attractive women, also wearing eye catching dresses, waltzed into the room and after exchanging hugs with Ray, Dee and Emily turned their attention on Tammy. "Tammy, Dad has told us so much about you," said the taller of the two and Tammy realised with a shock that this must be Ray's son Dannie. He looked so feminine apart from his very wiry frame and quite modest chest development. "This is Andrea my wife," said Dannie introducing the other woman who was carrying a small duffle bag. "I'll get your drinks while you are sorting Tammy out," said Ray. Before Tammy could question this statement she felt herself seized by the arm by Dannie and guided out of the room and up the stairs, with Andrea and Emily in close attendance. "What's going on?" asked Tammy in surprise. "You'll see," replied Emily with a giggle. They all entered a bedroom and Emily shut the door and they all faced Tammy. "Tammy, all the girls here are wearing dresses and we don't want you to be the odd one out," said Dannie as Andrea began to empty the contents of the bag onto the bed. There were a number of items; including heels, a dress and makeup, but what really caught Tammy's attention was a very frilly full slip in dazzling white. "I can't," stammered Tammy, but she was immediately interrupted by Dannie. "Dad's orders Tammy; now be a good girl or we will have to forcibly dress you." Tammy looked at their smiling faces and knew she could not disappoint them. "Thank you so much; that is so thoughtful of you," she said. "I was feeling a bit dowdy with you all wearing such pretty dresses; trust Ray to think of something like that." She quickly stripped off her top and trousers and slid into the silky slip; its soft caress sent a tiny shiver down her spine. Andrea handed her a pair of dark stay up stockings which she pulled up her legs. She then stepped into the dress and Dannie zipped it up for her. Finally she put on the shoes, which had a 3 inch heel. Tammy looked at herself in the long mirror and let out a long sigh. "Finally I look like a real woman," she said. "We aren't done yet," said Emily and picked up the makeup kit and started to apply it, while Andrea began to arrange her hair so it hung down over her shoulders. When they had finished they all looked at her and cheered. "Tammy you look beautiful," they all cried and Tammy had to work hard to hold back the tears. She looked at herself again in the mirror and admired the dress. The top was black like a T shirt but from the waist down it featured an attractive pattern of red, white and blue arranged rather like paint stroke son a black background. "How on earth did you guess the right size," she said. "Diane told us; she's very good at calculating dress and shoe size said Dannie smugly. Andrea and I bought it today. Dad wanted this evening to be a celebration of your new position and we think new life." This time Tammy was unable to hold back the tears and in fact the others also felt a little teary. When they got downstairs Ray and Dee were delighted at Tammy's appearance. Ray raised his glass and proposed a toast to his new employee and Tammy thought that she had never felt happier. Dee then called them all in to dinner and the party continued. Tammy found herself sitting next to Dannie and Andrea and while Ray, Dee and Emily were discussing Emily's latest performance Tammy turned to Dannie and said "Dannie you are really beautiful, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?" "Now's the time," said Dannie with a grin. "I was just wondering," began Tammy awkwardly. "Whether or not I have had SRS?" completed Dannie. "Well I know it's none of my business, but I'm in a confused state gender wise at present and all information would be helpful." Dannie laid a hand on her arm and said, "That's okay Tammy, part of the reason for this gathering was to help you in these sorts of areas. I don't mind talking about my situation at all. I'm somewhere on the gender dysphoria spectrum I suppose, although perhaps not typical. I much prefer wearing dresses and skirts and looking like a woman. This is how I'll dress most of the time. Andrea and I both love it this way. I'm still a boy, but I don't often act like one. I've never had surgery or taken hormones and don't intend to. The only thing I've done is have laser treatment to get rid of facial hair. I don't feel I want to be a woman, just dress in their clothes. I love what is between my legs and Andrea does too. Does that help?" "Oh yes," said Tammy, "it's just so reassuring to find there are other people who don't fit the norm." Dannie laughed and said, "Well that's me." "What is you darling?" asked Andrea joining the conversation. "I was telling Tammy I'm not normal," replied Dannie. "Thank goodness for that," laughed Andrea. She turned to Tammy and said, "We were so sorry to hear about that dreadful attack you suffered; I hope you are feeling better." "Yes much better, especially tonight," replied Tammy. "We had an incident like that the very first time I met Dannie," said Andrea, "He was carrying a bridesmaid dress and looking quite feminine and 3 youths came after us." "How awful; were you hurt?" Andrea laughed and said, "Oh no, Dannie completely intimidated them and they melted away; lucky for them, because Dannie fights like his Dad. You should get him to teach you some self-defense." "I'd be glad to," added Dannie. "I had one other question," said Tammy tentatively. "Do you know if Mickie is attached?" Dannie smiled and said, "Well she was living with a boyfriend, but that ended and I don't believe there is anyone else in her life. Are you attracted to her?" Tammy looked very embarrassed, "Oh no I was just curious," she said, not very convincingly. "Why don't you ask her out?" said Dannie. Tammy became even more flustered, "Oh no, she would never be interested in someone like me," she muttered. "She can only say no," persisted Dannie, but Tammy just shook her head and took another sip of wine. After dinner they sat around talking in the lounge. "Tammy we hear that you have to sleep on the sofa at your sisters flat; that can't be very satisfactory for either of you," said Andrea. "It's not," replied Tammy, "but at present I can't afford anything else. I had some debts to pay off and so now I can begin to look for somewhere." "We have a basement flat that is currently empty," said Andrea. "You would be welcome to rent it." Tammy could not believe her luck. "It's as though all the events before are just a bad dream," she said. Sometime after 10 o'clock Dannie and Andrea decided that it was time to head home. "I'd give you a ride but I've probably had too much to drink, so I'll call a cab," said Ray. "You'd better make that 2 cabs," said Tammy. "Come home with us," said Andrea, "We have a spare bedroom and that way you can see the basement flat." "I'd love to if it's not too much trouble," said Tammy gratefully. "No problem at all," said Dannie. Emily was staying the night so half an hour later Tammy hugged her hosts and headed off with Andrea and Dannie. When they got to their flat in the Notting Hill area, Andrea suggested a nightcap and they went through to the lounge while Dannie poured the drinks. "Tonight has been so helpful," said Tammy as she sipped her drink. "You haven't had an easy life," observed Andrea. "I've had Susan and she has helped me get through," said Tammy. "This is the first time I've felt accepted as who I really am, whatever that means, because at the moment I'm not sure who I am." "I was just like that," said Dannie. "What I needed was time and lucky for me I had the family support to give me that time. Unlike you I had the most crucial support where I would have least expected it." "Your Dad?" asked Tammy. "Yes; I was completely blown away by his reaction when he first found me wearing one of Emily's dresses; complete acceptance. But don't worry Tammy, there are people who care about you and will help; just stay strong." "Thank you," said Tammy quietly. They finished their drinks and Andrea rose and offered to show Tammy where she would be sleeping. "There is a spare toothbrush on the dresser and this is a gift from Dannie and me," she said handing Tammy a brown paper bag. Tammy opened it and gasped as she took out a beautiful nightdress. "It's one that our company makes," said Andrea proudly. "It's double sided satin so it feels incredibly smooth against your skin; one of the perks of being a woman." "Or a staunch crossdresser," said Dannie with a grin. "It is absolutely beautiful," cried Tammy, "I love it; thank you so much." She received a hug from Dannie and Andrea and as she settled down in bed Tammy thought that this was the happiest day of her life. Tammy did not realise how soundly she slept until she felt herself gently shaken by the shoulder. She opened her eyes and saw Dannie bending over her. "Tammy it's almost nine and we didn't know whether you had any commitments for this morning" "No I don't," answered Tammy. "Well you do now," replied Dannie, "You are going to start your training with me so get up." "But I don't have any shorts or T-shirt," protested Tammy. "You won't be wearing them," said Dannie firmly, "all the training you do with me will be with you wearing a skirt or dress." "Why?" asked Tammy.. "Two reasons," replied Dannie. One I want you to associate dresses and skirts with feeling of strength, not weakness and related to that, if you are ever in a sticky situation and need to defend yourself you are likely to be wearing a dress or skirt. Call it psychology, but it's what my Dad did with me and it has worked well. There's a skirt and T-shirt on the chair next to the bed; I'll see you downstairs in 5 minutes. Be warned Tammy, this is going to be hard work." When she came down stairs Tammy found Dannie waiting in the kitchen. Unlike her he was dressed in shorts and a running vest which showed off his well-developed arms and shoulders. He led her through to a room at the back, which had been used for storage but was now a small gym. There was a pull up bar on one wall, a punching bag, mats and some weights. "How many chin-ups can you do Tammy?" asked Dannie. "I don't know," admitted Tammy. Dannie pointed to the bar and Tammy tried to haul herself up but failed. "Now see how many pushups you can do." Tammy managed 4 before folding onto the mat. "Okay now we know where we are starting," said Dannie. "First thing you have to understand is that just because you are a girl it is no excuse for being weak. Although females have less muscle mass it does not mean that they can't be strong and you are going to get strong." Next Dannie produced a pair of boxing gloves and had Tammy hitting the bag. He had to make quite a few changes to her technique and she found that she quickly tired. "That's normal for a beginner, you just need to practice, which you will everyday." Then he taught her how to strike with her elbows and how to kick. After 30 minutes when Dannie called a halt Tammy felt as though she had been tortured. "You'll get better," encouraged Dannie, "it just takes time." After a shower and breakfast, that Andrea had cooked, they showed Tammy the downstairs flat. It was furnished and Tammy fell in love with it immediately. "How much is the rent?" she asked nervously. Andrea named a figure which was actually less than what Tammy had been paying before she lost her job. "I'll take it," she said. "Andrea and Dannie, I don't know how I'll ever be able to repay your kindness." "No need," replied Dannie, "we are delighted to have found such a good tenant." Tammy headed back to Susan's flat and began to pack up her few belongings. Susan was delighted at the news and she was even more delighted at the change she had seen in her sibling. By night Tammy was fully moved in to the new flat. She really felt for the first time that her life was beginning to head in the right direction. She worked out diligently with Dannie every day and slowly began to get fitter and stronger. A she did so, Dannie began to teach her more self-defense techniques and while she was a long way from being skilled, she started to feel less fearful; not however to the extent of fully dressing as a woman; something was holding her back from that final step. She still trained with Mickie which only increased her feelings for her teacher. One afternoon she finally summoned up her courage as one of their sessions came to an end. "Mickie, I was wondering if you would like to come out for a drink with me; that is if you aren't doing anything else," she said tentatively? Mickie gave a half smile and raised her eyebrows. "You are asking me to go out with you?" said Mickie. Tammy became very flustered. "Yes, well I suppose I am," she muttered. "It's taken you long enough to ask," observed Mickie drily. "As a matter of fact I'm busy tonight." At this Tammy became very flustered and before Mickie could say anything else she hurried from the room and left the office. The Visitor Tammy looked a dejected sight as she headed home on the Underground. "Oh well," she finally rationalized, "at least now I know where I stand and can move on." However this provided very little comfort and Tammy spent a miserable night at home, eating a lonely dinner of left overs and absent mindedly watching TV. She retired early to bed and read for a while before eventually falling asleep. Around 1 o'clock with the night at its darkest, a figure clad in black crouched by the basement door of a terraced house in Notting Hill, working at the lock. After about 30 seconds the door opened silently and the figure crept inside. They waited for a full 5 minutes in the hall listening intently and adjusting to the darkness. Finally satisfied, they moved stealthily through the house until they came upon a closed door. Very slowly they opened it and looked inside. There was a bed with a young woman sleeping on her side and as the intruder looked down they saw that the woman was wearing a silky white nightdress. Slowly the intruder began to undress and when they were completely naked they carefully pulled back the covers and slid into the bed snuggling up against the sleeping woman's back and putting an arm around her waist. The woman woke with a start and was about to cry out when she heard a familiar voice say, "Shh Tammy, it's only me." Tammy gasped and said, "Mickie what are you doing here?" Mickie collapsed into a fit of giggles and when she recovered said, "Well Tammy let's think about that in a clear, logical way, as it may not be a situation you have ever come across before. I mean, one wakes up and finds a naked woman in their bed, what is one to think, what could she possibly be doing there? "One thought that comes to mind is that she has mistakenly gone to the wrong house." She paused for a moment trying to suppress more giggles before continuing. "But surely if that was the case she would have realised her mistake when she saw you; so no, that can't be right. I know; perhaps she's cold. That makes more sense, because after all she is naked." By now she was holding Tammy with both arms and had pressed her middle firmly into Tammy's bottom. "Tammy," she said slowly, "it's just possible that she intends to sit on your face and have you pleasure her, after which she might want to lift that very pretty nightie you are wearing and shove your gorgeous clitoris inside her and ride you like one of the Valkyrie. Yes, I really think that is it." And with those words she powerfully flipped Tammy onto her back and threw her leg across, so that her very wet pussy rested on Tammy's mouth. "Get busy little one," she whispered. The moans coming from Mickie grew in intensity and culminated in a quiet scream and her suddenly collapsing on top of Tammy. She gradually revived and reaching under Tammy's nightdress said in an absent minded voice, "Now where did I put that pretty clitoris." She found it and put it to such good use that Tammy had the greatest orgasm of her life. "Now you will be in a better position to know what to do when you find a naked woman in your bed," said Mickie. Tammy giggled and gazed up at Mickie with an adoring look. Mickie reached down and kissed her gently on the lips. "Sleep well darling girl," said Mickie taking Tammy in her arms. Tammy woke hours later still in Mickie's embrace. She sighed with supreme satisfaction and pushed herself even deeper into her lover's arms. Mickie awoke and began to nuzzle up against Tammy's neck. Tammy started to respond and then topped when she saw the time on the bedside clock. "Mickie it' after 9," she said, "we have to get to work." "All taken care of darling girl; I'll explain after I've ravaged you a little more." And she proceeded to do just that. After it was over Tammy again lay in Mickie's arms. "I can't believe this," she said. "What made you change your mind. I thought you had no interest in me, especially after I asked you out yesterday." "Ah," said Mickie, "yes I remember that; you rushed out before I had the chance to explain that although I was unavailable in the evening I would love to go out with you on another occasion. I tried calling you but you weren't picking up." "I was too upset; I've fanaticised about being with you, but I thought you'd have no interest in an oddity like me," said Tammy. "An oddity is what attracts me," countered Mickie, "I'm irresistibly drawn towards a girl with such a lovely addition between her legs." "And here's me wanting to lose it," said Tammy. "Don't you dare," warned Mickie, kissing Tammy hard. "Now be a good girl and put the kettle on and make some toast; we'll have breakfast in bed I think." "I'll only do that if you promise not to get crumbs in the bed; you seem to like being on top and I don't want them sticking in my back," said Tammy as she got up and put her dressing gown on. Mickie sat up in bed pulled the covers up to her chin and tried to look hurt. "I'll let you feed me if you like and then it will be your fault," she retorted. Tammy returned 10 minutes later with a tray on which were plates of scrambled eggs, toast and marmalade, plus steaming mugs of coffee. "You wonderful girl," exclaimed Mickie, "I knew I made the right decision when I broke into your flat last night. Incidentally you will have to get Dannie to change the lock; a child could pick it in less than a minute." "I'm glad it was poor otherwise you might not have got in," replied Tammy. "Then I'd have broken down the door in my lust filled haste to get at you," observed Mickie. "Eat your breakfast," scolded Tammy. Mickie pushed her empty plate aside and turned to Tammy. "Now I need to bring you up to date on why you and I are not needed at the office at our usual time. After you left yesterday Ray called me into his office as something had just come up. It is going to involve me doing a personal protection job on a couple of visitors from the US. The interesting thing is that it is a couple and one of them is having gender identity issues. They are planning to have a short vacation in the UK focusing on "The Village," in Manchester. They are flying into Manchester form New York in the next 3 days. I will be their principal contact, but there will also be backup behind the scenes. However I am going to need some direct assistance and I put it to Ray, and he fully agreed that you should be that person to help me on the ground." Tammy stared at Mickie in astonishment. "You can't be serious," she said, "I know nothing about protection; I can't even protect myself." "There is more to it than being able to fight," replied Mickie, "And in some areas you are very qualified; for example cyber security, which in this case may be very important. You are also the ideal person to link with me because we can literally be a couple and as such not attract attention. I really need your help Tammy." Tammy took a deep breath and said, "Well okay I'll do what I can." "Good girl," said Mickie, giving her a kiss. She looked at the clock and said, "Into the shower Missy and I'll get your clothes ready. We are meeting Ray for lunch when he will give us a fuller briefing." When Tammy emerged from the shower she gave a start when she saw what Mickie had set out for her. There was a matching set of bra and panties in a very sexy style, one of Andrea's company's frilly full slips, a short sleeve top and a knee length pink polka dot skirt. "Mickie I can't go out wearing a skirt, I'm just not ready for that." Mickie grabbed her firmly by the shoulders and stared into her eyes. "Tammy you will be going completely as a girl; no trousers at all. In the role we will be playing I'm the butch partner and you will be the femme." "Mickie I don't think I can," whispered Tammy. "Tammy you will leave this house wearing a skirt even if I have to tie you up and carry you out to the car," said Mickie sternly. "You are not letting Ray down after all he has done for you." Tammy's eyes widened. "You wouldn't really tie me up and carry me to the car would you?" Mickie nodded and scowled. "Oh Mickie that would be wonderful," sighed Tammy, "could you possibly include a light spanking?" Mickie burst out laughing. "All right Tammy I promise that one day I'll tie you up and spank you, but not now; we haven't got time," she said giving Tammy a big hug. "Oh thank you," cried Tammy as she started to get dressed. Mickie gazed at her fondly, "You silly girl, I really do care for you." On Assignment On this occasion Ray had elected to work from home as it was near the motorway to the northwest and so Mickie and Tammy drove there to meet him. He met them at the door and took them through to his office. "Tammy you look wonderful," he said, "I am very pleased Mickie was able to persuade you to help with this job. I wouldn't normally ask until you have had more training, but you are a perfect fit to assist Mickie." "Ray you have done so much for me; it is my pleasure to help, though I must admit to being a bit nervous", said Tammy. "Let's get the business done before lunch so you can get away before the traffic gets too bad," he said as they sat on comfortable chairs. Tammy smoothed her skirt under her as she sat and realised how much she enjoyed performing this very feminine task. Ray had two folders out on his desk and passed them to Mickie and Tammy. They opened them and saw photographs of two young women with their arms around each other. "The one on the left is Rachel Glover and her companion is Jada, formerly David Morrison. Jada is in the processes of transitioning or at least living as a woman until she decides whether to continue on that path. We have been hired by Rachel's father Ron, who is a wealthy investment broker in New York, to protect them while they are in the UK. Although he and his wife have been very supportive of Rachel and Jada not everyone has been so accommodating and Jada's father has disowned her. They have had some nasty emails, which has been quite upsetting. Ron thought that some time away would be a good break for them, but is naturally concerned about their safety in a new country. This should be easier than our usual assignments, but it pays well and I thought it would be an ideal entry level job for you Tammy. That said, don't for a moment take this lightly because that is when mistakes are made, sometimes with disastrous results." "Do Rachel and Jada know that we will be protecting them?" asked Mickie. "Yes and they are okay with it as long as we are not too intrusive. When I told them who would be protecting them and how you would present, they became very supportive," explained Ray. "Is there a secure way of making contact with them before they arrive?" asked Tammy. Ray smiled and said, "Excellent question Tammy. I suggest that for now you use the secure email from Ron's brokerage firm to explain how they will be contacted." "How long are they here?" asked Tammy. "One week and then once we see them through security for their return, our job is done," replied Ray. "I have made bookings for you at a small boutique hotel in "The Village." I was able to get adjoining rooms with a communication door between so your clients will be close at hand. I'll leave you to let them know the arrangements." He stood up and said, "Right, let's have lunch and then you two can get on the road. Discuss your plan of action on the way to Manchester and call me tomorrow to go over it." Over lunch they just chatted about things in general and then it was time for Mickie and Tammy to leave. Mickie waited until they had reached the motorway before she began a more serious conversation. "So Tammy since we are working together do you mind if I ask you some personal questions?" "Ask away," said Tammy settling down into her seat. "When did you start feeling different?" "Not easy to pinpoint," replied Tammy. "It's not like I always felt I was a girl, but maybe I felt somehow different. When I was about 12 I realised that I was drawn towards wearing skirts and dresses. I tried to suppress it, thinking it would go away, but of course it didn't. I told Susan my secret when I was 14 and she was wonderful. She let me wear her skirts and dresses when we were alone and allowed me to act as her sister. She kept my secret and it was me who eventually told my parents about the struggle I was having. That is when everything went south with my family and I'm not on speaking terms with my father. Unfortunately my mother is bullied by my father and she is too scared to support me." "That's very sad," said Mickie sympathetically. "Yes it is," replied Tammy, "but unfortunately not uncommon." "Have you established exactly where you are on the gender spectrum? What I mean is do you feel like a woman trapped in a man's body or do you feel more like someone who wants to present as a woman without actually being one? Does that make sense?" "To be honest, I'm not sure," said Tammy. "All I know at present is that I don't feel right presenting as a regular bloke; I feel more natural wearing women's clothes. My counselor has suggested that I try living as a woman for at least a year before I make any decisions regarding hormones or surgery. I had just started presenting as a woman when my world crashed and burned and then thanks to Ray and now you, the Phoenix is starting to rise from the ashes. The one thing I've done so far is have laser treatment to get rid of my facial hair. Whatever I do, it won't involve looking like a conventional bloke." Mickie reached over and squeezed Tammy's hand. "It will work out," she said. Mickie was an excellent driver and as the traffic was moving well they made good time and arrived by early evening to the small exclusive hotel that Wyvern Securities had booked. After they took their cases up to their room Mickie suggested going out for a drink and a meal but Tammy immediately looked nervous. "Tammy, get real," said Mickie in an exasperated tone, "you are going to look more out of place if you don't present as different. I will stand out more than you, so for God's sake relax." "Sorry Mickie, I'm being silly," said Tammy contritely and she grabbed Mickie by the hand and they headed out the door and into the warm evening. They wandered through the area surrounding Canal Street and found exactly what they were looking for; a small restaurant with outside seating with a nice view of the street and canal. The bonus was that they were able to find a table that was a little apart from other diners, so their conversation would not be overheard. Mickie ordered a nice bottle of Bordeaux while they were selecting from the menu and when it came they were ready to order. "To my new girlfriend," said Mickie raising her glass. "Do you mean that?" asked Tammy anxiously. "Yes my darling girl," said Mickie softly as she leant across and gave Tammy a deep kiss on the lips. They parted and Mickie became business like. "Right Tammy I want to hear your ideas about how we might proceed with our protection contract." Tammy thought for a moment and then said, "I have been giving this some thought and have formulated a loose plan for you to consider." Mickie made some encouraging gesture and Tammy continued, "I don't think that we can assume that any danger is only coming from here," she said. "Explain," said Mickie. "How do we know that there is not a threat originating from the States; after all Jada's father is bitterly opposed to the change in his son?" Mickie nodded. "Very good Tammy, those were my thoughts as well; do go on with your ideas." "We need to have absolute security regarding all cell phone and internet activity," said Tammy. "I suggest that we get Rachel and Jada cheap burner phones which they will use for all communication with us. At the same time they should appear to use their normal devices, so we can plant misinformation to anyone eavesdropping." Mickie beamed with pleasure. "Clever girl," she said, "I knew that I was right in bringing you with me." There meals arrived and they continued the discussion while they are and drank. "Tomorrow we are going to get you a whole new set of clothes; the sort of clothes that a femme would wear and I'll need to butch up myself." Tammy looked worried. "Prices are going to be high around here and I don't have a lot of money." "Relax sweetie, all of that is being covered by the client; I'm just looking forward to making you really girlie tomorrow." With that Mickie called for the bill and they headed off hand in hand back to their hotel. When they got back in their room Mickie looked at Tammy with a serious expression. "Tammy I need to remind you that this is a serious assignment and that even now we are working." Tammy looked disappointed until Mickie continued. "It is important that we stay in character as a dyke and her femme, which means I'm going to have to fuck the living daylights out of you; so panties off darling." Tammy complied and it wasn't long before they were locked in a passionate embrace on the bed with Mickie firmly in control of the action. It ended, as all such encounters usually do, with two shattering orgasms. After, when Tammy had changed into her pretty nightdress, they lay in each other's arms utterly content. "I can't understand what you see in me Mickie," said Tammy, "You could have any man you wanted and here you are with a gender confused individual who loves wearing pretty ladies clothes." "That's partly why I am with you," replied Mickie. "I have had boyfriends, even lived with one for a while, but it has never lasted. They all seem to feel they need to prove their masculinity to me, unable to accept that physically I'm quite intimidating. I had never thought of being with a feminized male before, but now that I am, I'm really loving it." They lay talking for a while until they both drifted off to sleep. Tammy woke in the morning to find Mickie stroking her body through her nightdress and it wasn't long before they were making love again. Eventually it was time to get up and Tammy found that she had to wear the same skirt as the previous day as her wardrobe was so limited. "We'll soon change that, prepare yourself for some hard shopping and none of it will include trousers," said Mickie decisively as they prepared to go out for the day. They first stopped at a caf? with outside seating and had a late breakfast while they planned their excursion. "We will head back to that nice boutique we passed on the way here and get you a couple of nice dresses for evening wear "said Mickie as they finished their breakfast. Once they were inside the shop Mickie headed straight for a skater dress she had seen in the window display. It was a white sleeveless dress with a floral pattern, on a black background, around the bottom part of the skirt, which ended a few inches above the knee. Mickie insisted that Tammy try it on and when she emerged from the hanging room Mickie clapped her hands in delight. "Tammy you look gorgeous; we are definitely buying that. Now let's see what else we can find." They found a knee length gun metal coloured dress with a halter top which both Tammy and Mickie loved. Mickie had come into the changing room as well and as soon as she zipped Tammy into the dress she launched a passionate attack which only stopped when the shop assistant came to enquire how they were getting on. "Very well indeed," said Mickie and had to cover her mouth to suppress the giggling fit that engulfed her. After the boutique Mickie and Tammy continued their stroll through the village carefully examining all the shop windows. "Ah this looks promising," said Mickie and she began dragging Tammy towards a lingerie boutique. Once inside Mickie was drawn to the most extravagant items, all of which were generously adorned with lace. "Isn't this a bit over the top?" asked Tammy skeptically. "That's the idea," replied Mickie. "I'd love to see you in some of it, but I do have another purpose which I will explain later." They ended up buying several bras with matching panties, garter belts, nightdresses and a couple of saucy basques, all in Tammy's size. By now it was late-morning and they decided to take a break at one of the many caf?'s. "You haven't got anything," observed Tammy, "I shouldn't be the one having all the fun." "I don't need as much," pointed out Mickie, "And I'll probably be looking in one of those fetish shops that are all over the village." When they resumed shopping Tammy was surprised at Mickie's choice. First they entered a small hardware shop and Mickie bought a padlock which was about an inch square. "What do we need to lock?" asked Tammy. "Nothing," replied Mickie, "you keep this in your handbag for self- defense." In response to Tammy's puzzled look Mickie handed her a pair of thick knee high stockings. "Put one stocking inside the other and then put the padlock inside the stockings. Now you have a very effective weapon to swing in someone's face if you get threatened." Tammy did as she was told and made a couple of exploratory swings. 'I wouldn't like to be on the receiving end of that," she said. "Let's hope you won't have to use it," replied Mickie. The next stop was even more surprising; a charity shop where they bought a well-used suitcase with wheels and a handle. "What's that for?" asked Tammy. "I'll show you tonight," replied Mickie. They put all their purchases in the case and wheeled it back to the hotel. "Lunch I think," said Mickie, "The doorman told me about a nice little place a couple of streets over. After that we have more shopping to do; some edgy stuff for me and some girlie stuff for you." The bistro lived up to its recommendation and they both enjoyed the soup and salad option. "We'd better leave the booze for now," said Mickie, "we can do that at dinner." After they had eaten, Mickie consulted her phone for a few moments and then led them to a side street a short distance away, where they found a shop with the unoriginal name of "Kinky Boots." Once inside they were confronted with aisles of erotic and kinky clothing and various devices of pleasure. "This is the sort of thing I'm looking for," said Mickie as she pulled a short leather skirt off a rack and then paired it with a metal studded waistcoat. "Look further down the aisle and see if you can find a nice schoolgirl outfit; I think I'd like to see you as a nubile young 6th former." Tammy blushed and moved off to carry out her orders. An hour later they took all their selections up to the till and Mickie paid with her credit card. It took 4 large bags to carry all their purchases but Mickie was not done yet. They found a more orthodox women's clothing shop and Mickie selected two floral summer dresses and some skirts and tops for Tammy. After Tammy had modeled them to Mickie's satisfaction they headed back towards the hotel. Before they reached it however Mickie headed into a shoe shop where she helped Tammy select 8 pair of shoes in a variety of styles and heel heights. Fortunately the hotel was close by and they were glad to get back to their room and drop the bags on the bed. Mickie looked at Tammy like a fox regarding a plump hen. "I suggest we try on some of our clothes to see if they fit properly," she said. "You put on your schoolgirl outfit and I will find something suitable," and she grabbed a pile from the bed and headed into the bathroom. Tammy soon found her schoolgirl outfit which consisted of a short sleeve white blouse and tie, white ankle socks with Mary Jane shoes and of course a short pleated tartan skirt. Underneath she wore her frilliest slip and panties. When she was ready she sat on the bed waiting for Mickie. The bathroom door suddenly opened and Mickie strode in producing a gasp from Tammy. She was wearing the short black leather skirt and paired it with fishnet stockings and knee high fake leather boots with 4 inch heels. On top she was wearing the studded leather waistcoat over a black corset. Her normally short hair was replaced with a long black wig, the hair of which flew in a dramatic fashion when she tossed her head. "Right Tammy, show me your homework," she snapped. "What homework?" asked Tammy in a confused voice. "The homework I set you, silly girl." "But I haven't got any," protested Tammy. "You naughty girl, go and stand with your hands on the desk," said Mickie sternly. Tammy complied and Mickie came up behind her pinning her to the desk and grinding her groin into Tammy's bottom. Suddenly Tammy felt her wrists seized and forced behind her where they were quickly bound with soft silk rope. Mickie spun Tammy around and surveyed her captive. "You know the punishment for naughty girls don't you Tammy?" "Yes Miss," whispered Tammy. "Tell me then," said Mickie. "They get tied up and spanked," said Tammy who was suddenly filled with both apprehension and tremendous excitement. "They do indeed," agreed Mickie as she sat on the bed. Tapping her lap she said, "Right naughty girl over my lap and accept your punishment." Tammy carefully lowered herself onto Mickie's lap and when she felt her skirt and petticoat gently lifted and then her panties lowered her excitement reached boiling point. She jerked when the first slap hit her, but as soon as she realized that the blows were actually quite soft she began to squirm in pleasure. Suddenly Mickie stopped and with convulsive strength she jerked backwards pulling up her knees and sending Tammy sprawling onto the bed. Mickie quickly flipped her onto her back and climbed on top. She grabbed Tammy's very erect penis and thrust it inside her. As they were both on the edge it did not take long for the climax to arrive and when it did they both felt that they had been taken by a tidal wave and swept up a very long beach and deposited in a tangled heap. When Mickie had got her breath back she said, "Lick me darling girl," and climbed on top of Tammy's face. When Mickie's orgasm came it was calmer, but even deeper that the last. She lay on her back and pulled Tammy onto her side so her head rested on Mickie's breasts where they lay in complete contentment. Mickie ran her hand down Tammy's arm as far as the silky bindings. "Did you enjoy that sweet girl?" she asked. "Oh Mickie you will never know how I have wished I could have been a schoolgirl and worn that wonderful uniform," sighed Tammy. "And what about being bound, spanked and ravaged by the teacher?" asked Mickie. "Only when you are the teacher, dearest Mickie," she said sleepily and a few minutes later Mickie felt her gently snoring. Moments later Mickie too had drifted off into a deep sleep. Mickie woke with a start an hour later and her sudden movement also woke Tammy. "Oh I had such a wonderful dream," said Tammy. "I dreamt you tied me up and made delicious love to me. "Oh," she said again as she tried to move her arms, "Looks like I wasn't dreaming; how wonderful." "Tammy we need to get up," said Mickie reaching down to untie her. "Just a little longer in detention," pleaded Tammy, but by now Mickie had undone the knots and removed the rope. "Absolutely not my little submissive," scolded Mickie, "We have work to do; now get up." Tammy pouted but got up and went through to the bathroom to shower. When she got back Mickie handed her one of the new summer dresses. "It's a lovely evening Tammy, this dress will be perfect for the restaurant I have in mind. Now be a good girl and get dressed and I'll join you in a few minutes." Half an hour later they headed out with Tammy wearing her new dress and Mickie a pair of tight jeans and a loose top. The Village had a seemingly inexhaustible array of excellent small restaurants and Mickie selected one that had tables outside on a patio overlooking the street and canal. Mickie had just ordered a bottle of wine when a man suddenly appeared carrying two cocktails and sat down at their table. Tammy shrank back in shock, unsure how to react, but Mickie immediately leapt to her feet and hugged the newcomer. "Andy you angel, what a perfect gift; I've been dying for a drink all day." She turned to Tammy and said, "Tammy this is Andy; he is our backup for this assignment. Andy you already know that Tammy is our new I.T. expert in London and she is also going to be invaluable in this job. Sit down Andy dear, order yourself a drink and we'll go over our plan for tomorrow." If Andy had left then Tammy would have been hard pressed to have described him with any accuracy. He was of medium height and build, with short light brown hair and his jeans and plain grey T-shirt were very ordinary. He was exactly the sort of man who would not stand out in crowd. Mickie took charge of the meeting. "Right," she said, "Our clients are due to land at 2.40pm so we can expect them to emerge into the Arrivals area sometime after 3pm. We have good photos and they have been told not to wear hats or sun glasses, but to appear as they do in the photos. Tammy, are you satisfied that your communication with them was secure?" "As sure as it is possible to be," replied Tammy. "Good," said Mickie. "Now let's go over our positions and actions when they arrive. We'll all be in radio contact although the devices will look like ordinary ear buds so people will think we are talking on our phones or listening to music." She paused when the waiter brought the wine and took their meal orders. When he had gone she produced a detailed sketch map of the Arrivals area. "You both have copies of this and I've marked the positions we will take up when our friends emerge. They have been told to pause when they emerge into the hall so we have time to identify them. I'll give you the signal Tammy to cause your diversion and Andy you will be waiting by the nearest exit to tag anyone I think is following them. Tammy did you tell them to take a taxi to the Holiday Inn downtown?" "Yes they know to do that," replied Tammy. "And they know to take their cases up to their room and leave them there when they go back down to the lobby?" "Yes they confirmed that with me," replied Tammy. "Andy I'm sure you have arranged for a car to pick them up at the side entrance?" asked Mickie. "All arranged Mickie," replied Andy. "Excellent," said Mickie. "Now let's enjoy ourselves." The food, wine and company were all excellent so they did enjoy themselves. Andy accompanied them back to their hotel and then continued on to his a short distance away. Mickie and Tammy reached their room and prepared for bed. When Mickie joined Tammy in bed Tammy clung to her in an almost desperate manner. "Something wrong Tammy?" asked Mickie. Tammy gave a deep sigh and said, "I'm scared Mickie, really scared." "What's scaring you my sweet?" "Those sessions with Dannie are helping but after that attack I'm really scared of being in any physical confrontation," admitted Tammy. "That's unlikely to occur," said Mickie reassuringly. "I know," said Tammy "But my biggest fear is that I'll panic and let you down Mickie. If that happened I don't think I could live with myself." Mickie hugged her and gave her a long kiss. "You won't let anyone down darling girl, you are stronger than you realise." At the Airport The next morning Mickie woke Tammy just after 8. "Time to get moving Tammy," she said. "We don't have to be there till two," protested Tammy. "But you have an appointment at the hairdressers," said Mickie smugly. "Since when?" asked Tammy. "Since I booked it 2 days ago," replied Mickie. "So get going Missy; and just so you know, I'll be coming with you to ensure that you get the right style; no more hiding in the shadows; you are a girl so I want to hear you roar." "Grrr," said Tammy. "You sound more like a poodle than a lion," said Mickie. After a quick breakfast they headed out to the hairdressing salon that Mickie had selected. Once they got inside Mickie took charge. "We are here on holiday and I want my girlfriend to do something more exciting with her hair," Mickie explained to the stylist. "She's a conservative girl and I'd like her to break out for a change." The stylist showed them a number of styles on her I Pad until Mickie stopped her. "That one," she said, pointing to a glamorous feathered style extending below the shoulders. Tammy looked doubtful, but the stylist assured her that it would really suit her and Tammy relented. "Can you do a complete makeover as well," asked Mickie? "I want my girl looking sensational for our nights out." "Consider it done," said the stylist and got to work. When she was done Tammy was astonished with the result. "I look quite pretty," she said in disbelief. "No you don't, you look beautiful," insisted Mickie. They were both correct; the changes made Tammy look very attractive. The hair style and the thin arch the stylist had created with Tammy's eyebrows made her face very feminine. The eye shadow and mascara only enhanced this effect. They left the salon and Mickie glanced at her watch. "Time for a quick sandwich and then you'll need to get changed before we head out to the airport," said Mickie. They found a deli and got a sandwich each which they ate back in the hotel room. After they had eaten Mickie laid out the clothes she wanted Tammy to wear. "Won't I stand out too much?" asked Tammy as she looked in the mirror. She was wearing a short black leather skirt over black tights. Her lacy slip showed through the white blouse and peeped out from under the skirt if Tammy bent suddenly. The outfit was completed by black ankle boots. "I want you to stand out," said Mickie, "it's all part of the plan." They left the hotel, with Tammy pulling the small suitcase they bought at the charity shop and took a taxi to the nearest station, where they caught a train to the airport. As they boarded Mickie turned to the right and pointed Tammy in the other direction. "Time to separate Tammy; we don't want to appear together." When the train reached the terminal Tammy let Mickie go ahead before she too made her way to the Arrivals hall and took up her position at a bookstore where she began flicking through some of the display books and magazines. Anyone watching would see an attractive woman, listening to music on her cell phone as she killed time. About 30 minutes later Tammy heard Mickie's voice through her ear bud. "They are coming, move now Tammy." People watching would have seen a pretty young woman, pulling her suitcase, as she crossed in front of passengers who had just emerged into the Arrivals Hall. As she reached the stream of passengers she appeared to trip, which resulted in her jerking roughly on the handle of her case. The case suddenly burst open and to the surprise and delight of the onlookers a rich display of the most intimate and extravagant lingerie was scattered over the floor. A few went to help but many were prevented by embarrassment. It was a tremendous spectacle that attracted great interest and when Tammy, looking suitably chastened, at last retrieved all her garments, there was an enthusiastic round of applause from the onlookers. She moved away towards a further exit door and as she did so she heard Mickie's voice saying, "Coming towards you Andy; two males, mid-thirties, 6 foot plus, heavy build, jeans and one white T-shirt, one Man United shirt," and Andy's reply, "I've got them." 5 minutes later Mickie came on again and said, "Andy get their bags, Tammy meet back at the hotel." Tammy waited another 5 minutes before heading out to the train station and back into the city. Rachel and Jada "Relax sweetie," said Rachel gripping Jada's hand as they emerged into the Arrivals Hall, "Everything will be fine and we are going to have an amazing holiday." "I know," whispered Jada, "but I can't help feel nervous; new country, new gender." "One step at a time," reassured Rachel. "Now let's head out to the taxis." Before they reached the exit there was a commotion in front of them as a woman had spilled the contents of her suitcase over the floor. Rachel giggled as she saw all the intimate items scattered around the embarrassed girl. She steered Jada round the disturbance and out to the entrance where taxis were waiting. They took the first one on offer and did not notice the two men who followed them closely; close enough for them to hear Rachel give the driver the name of their hotel. As they settled into the back of the taxi Rachel looked at her partner and smiled. She loved seeing Jada in dresses and skirts but because Jada was still officially David, he had needed to travel with an androgynous appearance rather than the preferred feminine. "As soon as we get to the hotel, I'm putting you straight into a dress young lady," said Rachel. Jada gave a sigh of satisfaction and rested his head on Rachel's shoulder. Because they were travelling before the rush hour it did not take them long to reach the Holiday Inn. As they were checking in the hotel receptionist handed Rachel a package. "This came for you Miss," she said as she also handed over the room keys. Once they were inside their room on the 10th floor Rachel tore open the package to find a cell phone and a note. The note said, "Turn on the phone and don't answer the first call but pick up on the 4th ring of the second call." Rachel turned on the phone and moments later it rang. As instructed they ignored it but 3 minutes later it rand again Rachel picked up on the 4th ring. A male voice said, "Go downstairs and order a taxi to Exchange Square. Go into Selfridges to the cosmetic counter. I will meet you there in 1 hour and make sure you bring the agreed identification." Before Rachel had chance to reply the caller hung up. Rachel explained what they had been told and then gave Jada a kiss. "We've got half an hour before we have to leave; plenty of time to get you into a dress and put your makeup on and if you are a very good girl I'll give you a quickie." That was all the encouragement Jada needed and in 10 minutes she was on her back with her skirt lifted while Rachel pounded away. They both climaxed quickly and as Rachel assisted with Jada's makeup they were out of the room on time. As they rode down in the lift Rachel gave Jada a passionate hug and kiss. "I love you Jada," she whispered. "I love you my darling," replied her lover. 15 minutes later the taxi dropped them off outside Selfridges and they made their way into the shop to the cosmetic section. There were quite a few customers and so they did not stand out. They made a pretense of studying the various lipsticks and perfumes and 5 minutes later a man brushed against Rachel and muttered an apology. As he disappeared Rachel looked down and noticed something on the floor next to her foot. She picked it up and saw that it was half of a postcard that had been torn down the middle. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the corresponding half which had been inside the package she received back at the hotel. 4 minutes later the new phone rang and when Rachel answered it the voice said "Go out by the same door you entered, I have a taxi waiting." Jada and Rachel emerged onto the street and saw the man who had bumped into them standing by a taxi. They hurried over and got into the back while he took the front seat. Only when the doors were closed did he give the address. The man turned towards them and smiled. "I'm Andy," he said, "I'm sorry about all the secrecy but we think that it is necessary. I'm taking you to your real hotel where you will meet Mickie and Tammy who will be taking care of you. I'll be in the background somewhere when needed. Please give me your room card and I'll collect your luggage and bring it over. You should get it in an hour or so." It took about 20 minutes to reach the hotel in The Village and a few more to register. Finally Jada and Rachel found themselves inside their room. They had just started to look around when there was a knock on the connecting door and Rachel went across to open it. The Meeting When Tammy got back to the hotel she found Mickie waiting in their room. "Tammy you were wonderful," she said embracing her lover. "I had trouble concentrating when you spilled your suitcase, but fortunately I got what I needed." "You saw something then?" asked Tammy. "Oh yes," said Mickie. "When you spilled your suitcase and frillies went everywhere, all eyes were on you except for two men who were looking straight at Rachel and Jada. I got a couple of good pictures which we'll study later and I got Andy to follow them. They were close to Rachel and Jada when they got into their taxi so we have to assume that they know the hotel they went to. Andy will hang around there and see if they reappear." "Won't he be noticed if he is there a lot?" asked Tammy. "No one would spot Andy," said Mickie confidently, "He is the original invisible man. It is beginning to look as though you were right Tammy; the threat may be from across the pond. I have sent the photos to Ray. He has connections within the Met and they will run them through their computer base. As soon as he knows anything he will be in touch. Meanwhile we have to take good care of them. "Speaking of which, it will be at least an hour before they get here so how do you want to fill in the time?" In answer Tammy kicked off her shoes, lay back on the bed and looked innocently at Mickie. Mickie emitted a low growl and launched herself onto the bed and the hour passed very quickly. They were still lying there when they heard movement next door. Mickie immediately arose and went across to the communicating door and knocked 3 times. The door opened and Mickie came face to face with Rachel. She saw a slender woman with long dark hair and a friendly smile. "Hello Rachel and hello to you too Jada; I am Mickie and this is my colleague Tammy. We will be helping to ensure that your holiday here in Britain is both enjoyable and safe." "It's so nice to meet you," said Rachel. "This is my partner Jada. I hope we are not wasting your time, but my father insisted that we have someone looking out for us in a strange country, although I would hardly call Britain strange." Both Tammy and Mickie looked more closely at Jada. She was a little shorter than Rachel and also quite slim. At first glance they would not have suspected that she was a boy. She shook hands somewhat nervously and seemed content to let Rachel do most of the talking. "We had a call from Andy and your luggage should be here soon. In the meantime come on into our room and we can talk," said Mickie, leading them into her room. There were two chairs which Mickie offered to their guests and Mickie and Tammy sat on the bed. "Ladies I can assure you that you are not wasting our time. I don't know if your father had any specific concerns, but we did note a couple of men at the airport who marked your arrival with special interest. Tammy caused a little diversion which you may have noticed, but those two never took their eyes off of you. I got photos of them which we will be able to get checked by the police." Jada spoke for the first time as she looked at Tammy. "Was that you who spilled all her luggage," she gasped? "I was so jealous when I saw all the pretty things. I would have stopped to help you but Rachel wouldn't let me." Tammy laughed and said, "Not only can you see them now but you can take some for yourself," and she lifted the case onto the bed and opened it. Jada gave a shriek of delight and rushed over to the bed where she began searching through the pile of lingerie. "We'll never get her out of there now," said Rachel rolling her eyes. "Honestly she is so girlie, but I suppose that is one of the reasons I love her." After Jada had made a few choices and calmed down the four sat around again and began discussing plans for the visit. Tammy produced another phone which she handed to Jada. "We have to assume that whoever is watching you may have hacked your computers and phones. All calls regarding where you are need to be on these phones. We will use your regular phone for disinformation. Continue to use your US phone otherwise they will know you are onto them but if you carry it with you take out the battery." "You are really taking this seriously," said Rachel. "We always do," replied Mickie, "and in this case I think we are being prudent in taking precautions." She looked at her watch and said, "It's 6.30 and you must both be very tired. I suggest that we eat here in the hotel tonight and then you can both turn in for the night." It was agreed that this is what they would do and that Mickie and Tammy would go down first and get a table which they did. 10 minutes later Rachel and Jada joined them and they relaxed with a drink before ordering their meals. "How did you two meet?" asked Mickie as they were sipping their cocktails. "We met in college when Jada was still David," said Rachel. "We were in the same philosophy class and we ended up being paired on an assignment on one of the great questions in philosophy; how we should live. During all our discussions on this topic David confided in me that he wished he could live as a woman and quite soon after Jada began to emerge and she has never looked back." Jada then picked up the story. "I was about 16 when I first started to feel that I wasn't happy being a boy. Before that I knew there was something wrong but I wasn't sure what. I was beginning to realise that I might be Trans when I first went to college and the philosophy course helped me to think more deeply about who I really was. I remember telling Rachel and her looking at me for a long time not speaking. I thought she was going to walk out, but she suddenly got up kissed me and said I'll be here for you. I was so overwhelmed I cried for what seemed like hours while she just held me. Later she took me into her bedroom and dressed me in a skirt and blouse. I can't begin to describe the feeling when I first wore a skirt with Rachel. I had tried a few of Mom's things before, but Rachel told me that this time it was for real and it just felt so right. Now I hate wearing pants, even girl's jeans, which was why I got so excited when you opened your suitcase with the lovely lingerie. That was the start and beginning that night we became lovers and I started living full time as a woman." "It can't have been easy," said Tammy. "It hasn't been," replied Jada, "But I wouldn't have changed a moment." "How did your families react?" asked Mickie. Jada grimaced and said, "My mother was okay but my father went ballistic. They are separated but he was still seeing me on a regular basis; was, is the operative word. When I told him he stormed out in a rage, blaming Rachel for feminizing me. Thank goodness for Rachel's parents who have been completely supportive. They have treated me almost like an extra daughter." Mickie and Tammy could see that Rachel and Jada were beginning to fade so they all headed up to their rooms. Rachel and Jada were pleased to see that their cases had arrived and they wasted no time in unpacking before they both crept into bed. "Sleep as long as you want," said Mickie as she and Tammy went into their room. "One of us will be next door when you do get up and we can plan our day. Keep the communicating door unlocked on your side and if you have any concerns just yell." Rachel and Jada did sleep well into the morning, so Tammy went out to a bakery nearby and came back with croissants and coffee. Just as she returned they heard movement from the room next door. Mickie knocked on the communicating door and when Rachel answered she announced that breakfast was served. Jada was wearing a long silk nightdress generously enhanced with lace. She and Rachel sat up in bed and Tammy and Mickie took the chairs to one side. "Ray had a reply from the Met and it's not good news," began Mickie. "The two we identified have definitely got form. They are part of a major gang in the Manchester and Liverpool area and suspected of some nasty work, although nothing has ever been proven. Ray is sending Terry up to join us and he has alerted the police here in Manchester. We are going to need to come up with a strategy for keeping you two safe, but if possible taking out the threat against you." Rachel and Jada looked alarmed. "What do you suggest?" asked Rachel. Mickie smiled and said, "While you two were blissfully sleeping off the effects of your long travel day we have been busy. Andy called to say that our two suspects took a room at the Holiday Inn where you spent about an hour and where you are still registered. Andy was able to use a little financial persuasion and got access to their room where he planted a listening device which is being monitored. Later today you are going to use your US phone to call your parents Rachel and tell them you have arrived safely and plan to tour the city. Sometime tomorrow you will use it again to call us at a number we will provide to arrange to meet us at a suitable place. We will have it staked out and if they appear they'll be arrested." "Will you stay with us?" asked Rachel anxiously. "All the time," reassured Mickie. "Are you armed?" asked Jada. "In the UK we cannot carry guns or knives. Our main defense is our knowledge, but we are very good at protecting ourselves and our clients. You will be okay with us Jada," said Mickie. Tammy remembered how Ray had dealt with her attackers and nodded her agreement. Mickie continued to discuss plans for the day. "We are as sure as we can be that they do not know that you have switched hotels. Because they can track you by your cell phone you will give it to Andy who will keep it at the hotel overnight. That way it will seem as though you are still staying there. Today before we can get more information on the threat it would be best to keep you two away from the possibility of running into them. I think we should take a trip out of town. There is a beautiful small town called Chester near here; it has the original Roman wall around it that you can walk on. Nice boutiques and restaurants and an ideal place to unwind." "Sounds great," said Rachel. "What do you think Jada?" "Do they have nice shops," asked Jada? "Some of the best dress shops outside London," assured Mickie, although she would later admit that she had no idea what Chester's shops were like. "Then we should definitely go," said Jada firmly. "Good," replied Mickie, "let's leave in half an hour; just come through when you are ready." Once they were back in their room Mickie put through a call to Andy and arranged to pick up the phone so that Rachel could call her parents. "Okay Tammy, we are four women doing the tourist thing so you should wear one of your summer dresses. No one is expecting the protection to be looking feminine, so that way we won't stand out." "What are you going to wear?" asked Tammy. "Denim skirt and T-shirt for me," said Mickie decisively and she began to change. A Day with Rachel and Jada It was almost noon when they were ready to leave. Rachel was wearing a pair of light grey linen trousers and white cotton blouse but Jada couldn't resist going for a more feminine touch. She had chosen a yellow skater dress with spaghetti straps that tied at the shoulder. It came to knee length with a full skirt and looked the very essence of femininity. She had tried to pair it with white 3 inch heels but Mickie sent her back to her room. "Jada you can't walk in high heels on a Roman wall, get sandals." Jada pouted but did as she was told. "That's a very pretty dress," said Tammy as she and Jada were getting into the back seat of Mickie's car. Jada beamed with pleasure. "I love wearing dresses; maybe because I missed out on being a girl that I feel as though I have to make up for lost time. Fortunately Rachel loves me this way." She looked at Tammy and added, "You look really great in a dress; have you been dressing for a long time?" Tammy gave a little laugh and said, "Actually only a few days and that was because Mickie made me. My first time out was a disaster and I got badly beaten up, which has made me scared of going out en femme. This assignment is a huge step for me, but I've had such amazing support that I'm feeling stronger everyday." "How awful," said Jada with concern. "What happened?" Tammy related the story of Ray coming to her rescue and how she came to be working for Wyvern Security. "Wow, said Jada, "I thought all you security people were like Jack Reacher." Tammy laughed and said, "Well Mickie is, but my job is more electronic security and an extra pair of eyes of course." "And causing a traffic jam when you spill your lingerie," said Jada and they both laughed. After driving through the city for a while Mickie drew up next to a small park opposite a man who appeared to be dozing on a bench. He suddenly got to his feet and quickly approached the car. Mickie wound down her window and he passed a phone inside before resuming his place on the bench. Mickie passed the phone to Rachel and said, "Call home Rachel and stay on the line at least 5 minutes." Rachel managed to get through to her parents and spent several minutes chatting to them and reassuring them that she and Jada were being well looked after. At a sign from Mickie she finished the call and handed the phone back. Mickie tossed it casually to the man on the bench before winding up her window and driving off. "Andy will lead them a merry chase," she chuckled. "Was that Andy?" asked Tammy in surprise. "He looked so different?" Mickie laughed and said, "Even Andy's Mum isn't sure what he really looks like." When they got to Chester Mickie managed to find a parking lot near the Roman wall. They started with a short walk along one section of the wall before looking for somewhere to eat. They saw a likely looking place with tables outside but just before they got there Mickie steered them into a shop selling casual clothing and went up to a rack displaying wide brimmed hats She selected a white one with a yellow band and placed it on Jada's head. "There you are; perfect disguise young lady. With your sunglasses and that hat no one would recognise you." She found a peaked cap for Rachel and satisfied that it partly hid her face, insisted that they both buy them. "Now for lunch," announced Mickie and they followed her out of the shop to the caf?. Over lunch they discussed future plans. "Are you going to limit our movements because that will have a big effect on our holiday?" asked Rachel. "As little as possible," answered Mickie. "We can do most things, but we may have to alter the way we do them. I suspect that you chose Manchester because of the vibrant alternative lifestyle, so you tell us what you would especially like to do and we can work out the best way of giving you what you want." "I suppose for me just being in an environment where I don't stand out is a main attraction. So just hanging out in the Village during the day would be really nice," said Jada. "What about nightlife?" asked Mickie. "Clubs and restaurants are also a big attraction," said Rachel. "Would a lesbian nightclub where the patrons come in costume interest you?" asked Mickie. "Yes," shouted Rachel and Jada together. "I know just the place," said Mickie with a grin. "I don't have a costume," said Jada. "You will by this evening," replied Mickie. "Do I get to choose it?" asked Jada. "No," said Mickie firmly, "you are a femme and you have to do as your Dom says." "Who's my Dom?" asked Jada. "Me of course," said Rachel. "That's okay then," said Jada, "I love being the femme." After lunch they continued their tour of the city, walking the ancient Roman wall and exploring the shops and boutiques. Many of these were found below ground level and they had to descend down narrow steps to reach them. Rachel managed to keep reasonable control over Jada's spending but she did manage to buy a couple of skirts and a top. After spending a very relaxing afternoon Mickie decided that it was time to head back into Manchester. When they got back to the hotel Mickie led them into the bar. "Jada and Tammy you are to stay here until Rachel and I get back. We will be about an hour so be good girls and stay together, even when going to the toilet." "Where are you going?" asked Jada. "Costume shopping," replied Mickie. Tammy and Jada ordered cocktails and settled into comfortable chairs glad of each other's company. "Are you taking hormones?" asked Jada after their drinks arrived. "No," said Tammy, "I'm not sure yet what I want to do. I know I want to present as a woman, but I'm not sure about some of the more permanent changes. I really love being feminine, but being able to make love like a man. I never thought that would be possible until I met Mickie. How about you Jada?" "I started hormones about 6 months ago and I'm deeply in love with estrogen." "Are you going to have surgery; if that's not too personal a question?" asked Tammy. "Definitely," said Jada firmly, "I can't wait to get rid of that thing between my legs." "What does Rachel think?" "Rachel has been wonderful," said Jada with feeling. "She says she will love me whatever I decide but I suspect that she would prefer if I go all the way. I can't believe how lucky I am being with her; I never thought it could happen." "I'm really glad," said Tammy sincerely. "When is your surgery?" "I have to wait at least a year before they will consider it," said Jada regretfully. They continued to exchange life stories until Mickie and Jada walked back into the bar. They were both carrying shopping bags and were giggling like naughty schoolgirls. "I take it you were successful," said Tammy looking amused. "We certainly were," said Mickie trying to stop her giggling fit. "Now girls if you will follow me we are going to have something to eat and then your Dom's are going to get you ready for a wild evening which will almost certainly include wonton lesbian sex." "I thought we were going to play Scrabble," said Jada trying to look innocent. "That's for tomorrow," said Rachel. They found a restaurant close by and enjoyed a very pleasant dinner. Mickie and Tammy only drank soda water but Rachel and Jada both had cocktails to start and a glass of wine each during dinner. The result was that they were quite giggly as they all headed back to the hotel. "Tammy and Jada we are going to get you ready for tonight's club event," said Mickie. "I will prepare you Tammy and Rachel will take care of Jada." Once they were inside their room Mickie covered the mirror in the bedroom with a towel. "It has to be a surprise," she insisted. She then spent several minutes applying makeup to Tammy until at last she was satisfied. Next she selected a matching set of lacey panties and bra for Tammy. With a wicked grin she produced a black corset and proceeded to tighten the laces unmercifully. Seamed stockings were then attached to the corsets garters. "What a pretty schoolgirl you are going to be," purred Mickie and she held the short pleated tartan skirt for Tammy to step into. Next came the blouse and school tie and Tammy was ready. Just then there was a knock at the door and Rachel announced that Jada was ready. "Bring her in and we'll compare our femmes," said Mickie. Mickie and Tammy both gasped when Jada appeared. She was dressed as a very sexy French maid with 4 inch stiletto heels and fishnet stockings. Her dress was an above knee black satin costume with a white apron tied at the back in a pretty bow. A white taffeta petticoat flared the skirt out and produced a delightful rustling sound whenever Jada moved. Her makeup was dramatic with heavy eye shadow and very long eye lashes. Bright red lipstick completed the sultry look. "Don't our femmes look wonderful?" said Rachel enthusiastically. "Now it's our turn." "We can both get dressed in your room Rachel and leave our femmes here," said Mickie. "I think we should establish our dominance at once," said Rachel. "What do you have in mind?" asked Mickie, her curiosity aroused. Rachel whispered in Mickie's ear and Mickie squealed with delight. She brought a chair in from Rachel's room and placed it next to a similar one. Tammy and Jada were made to sit back to back and Mickie produced a length of silky rope from a drawer and proceeded to bind Jada and Tammy's hands together behind their backs so they were attached to each other. "That will keep you two naughty girls out of mischief while your betters get ready," said Mickie with satisfaction. Mickie and Rachel took their time getting ready partly because they could not resist peeping through the door at their two little captives. "I think I'm going to need some relief before we go out," panted Mickie and Rachel agreed. Finally Rachel and Mickie were ready. "Close your eyes girls," commanded Mickie as she and Rachel entered the room. Each stood in front of her partner and Mickie said, "Okay you can open now." Jada and Tammy both gave little shrieks, a mixture of shock and delight. Mickie was wearing tight fake leather black pants with knee high boots with 3 inch heels. On top she had a black corset partly covered by a leather waistcoat. She was wearing a black wig with the hair cascading down past her shoulders and her makeup was heavily applied and dominantly black, including the lipstick. "Time to do your homework little girl," she said as she lowered her trousers and panties and pushed her pussy into Tammy's face. Tammy began to tongue her greedily. On the other chair Jada looked up excitedly at Rachel. Like Mickie she was wearing knee high black boots and a black corset but instead of trousers she wore a tight red leather skirt. On top of the corset she wore a short, tailored, black fake leather jacket. Her makeup was just as dramatic as Mickie's. "Okay maid, start cleaning and make sure you do a thorough job," said Rachel as she raised her skirt, lowered her panties and pulled Jada's face into her nest. Jada attacked her like a hungry guard dog. Mickie and Rachel were so filled with lust that they quickly climaxed with wild cries. They felt so drained that they both lay on the bed for a few minutes to recover. "Don't our femmes look adorable all bound together," said Mickie when she finally looked up from the bed? "Maybe we should leave them here and go to the club ourselves," said Rachel with mock seriousness. Tammy and Jada gave such squeals of dismay that Mickie burst out laughing. "Just teasing little ones," she said as she untied them. As soon as she was free Tammy threw her arms around Mickie's neck and Jada did the same to Rachel. "Oh Mickie that was so exciting and sexy, I thought I would cream my panties." "Do you want some relief darling girl?" asked Mickie. "Later Mickie, later my love; it was such a pleasure servicing you, that I don't feel deprived." "Sweet, sweet girl," said Mickie as she kissed Tammy passionately. When the four emerged from the lift they caused quite a stir in the crowded lobby. Tammy felt that she was walking on air as they left the hotel followed by admiring glances. However out in the street they did not attract as much attention as flamboyantly dressed women were quite a common sight in the Village. The club, called "Dom's and Femmes", was a fairly short walk from the hotel and was reached by an alley from the main street. The alley ran through what had once been a warehouse district that was now given over to trendy flats, clubs and a traditional pub. It was reasonably well lit but Mickie still insisted that they walk close together. When they got inside they found that the club was humming. The place seemed to be full of women dressed in a similar way to them and quite a few who had taken it to a different level. This included prettily dressed girls wearing collars attached to leashes which were held by their fierce looking partners', while one very feminine looking woman had her hands cuffed behind her as she was escorted by her partner wearing combat fatigues. The four managed to find a table in a corner and Rachel went to the bar for drinks. Just after she got back a girl band began to belt out some classic rock numbers and the four couldn't resist going out onto the dance floor where a seething mass of feminine bodies were throbbing to the beat. Tammy felt that she had never been happier dancing with Mickie and her new friends. When they returned to their table for a rest Jada hugged Rachel. "Oh Rachel I love being a girl, thank you so much for making my dream come true." Rachel smiled and kissed her lover. Mickie took Tammy by the hand and pulled her over to her chair. "Come and sit on my lap little girl so I can tell you all the wicked things I'm going to do to you when we get back to the hotel." Tammy soon found herself on Mickie's lap and Mickie's tongue penetrating deeply into her mouth. The four became swept up into the tremendous energy of the club and although Tammy felt giddy with excitement she and Mickie were careful to limit their intake of cocktails in contrast to Jada and Rachel who readily indulged. "I would never have guessed that being a girl in a crowd of other girls could be so much fun," Tammy confided to Mickie as they sat watching Jada and Rachel making another foray onto the dance floor. The evening became morning and eventually even Jada accepted that it was time to leave. She and Rachel were a little unsteady on their feet and Tammy was thankful that their hotel was not far away. They had just started down the alley towards their street when it happened. 6 youths, drunk and looking for trouble suddenly emerged from another alley that intersected the one the women had started down. "Fucking lesbians," one of them yelled and the group lurched towards the four women. Jada and Rachel shrank back and Tammy felt sick with fear; a horrible nightmare repeating itself. Mickie looked unconcerned as the men stopped in front of them. "Evening boys, having a nice time are we?" she asked coolly. "We're about to," sneered the one closest to Mickie as he reached forward to grab her. Mickie pushed aside his hand with practiced ease and slammed the heel of her other hand into his face just below his nose. There was a sound of bone breaking and a shriek of pain from the youth. There was a shocked silence for a moment broken by one of the group screaming, "Fucking bitch, I'll kill you." He drew a knife from his jacket and advanced on Mickie. Something snapped inside Tammy and she reached into her bag and pulled out the padlock inside the stockings. With a snarl of rage she hurled herself at the knife holder and swung her improvised weapon with great force. It caught the thug on the side of his face and he collapsed to the ground. Before the remaining youths could react two men appeared as though from nowhere and within seconds two of the gang were on the ground and the other two were grabbed, head butted and kneed in the groin. "Alright Mickie?" asked Andy in a concerned voice. "Right as rain Andy," replied Mickie cheerfully. "What you want to do with this lot then", she said surveying the wreckage on the ground? "Toss them in the canal," replied Andy grabbing one by the collar and jerking him to his feet. "Mickie you go on back to the hotel with the girls and Terry and I'll clean up here" Terry led the way and Mickie and Tammy supported Rachel and Jada who were looking badly shaken. There were no further incidents and they reached the hotel safely. Mickie ordered a bottle of brandy from the night porter and took it up to their room and Terry went back to join Andy. Mickie and Tammy spent an hour with Rachel and Jada, calming them and then getting them into bed. Back in their own room Mickie put her arm around Tammy and guided her into the bathroom; Tammy seemed completely passive and allowed herself to be led. Mickie began removing the heavy makeup from both their faces. When she was done she took Tammy back into the bedroom and undressed her and helped her into her nightdress. She quickly undressed herself before sliding into bed next to her partner. It was then that Tammy began to shake and sob. Mickie held her tightly and spoke soothingly and gradually Tammy began to relax and eventually drift off into sleep. When she woke it was late morning and Mickie's arms were still wrapped around her. Mickie felt Tammy begin to waken and bent forward and kissed the back of her neck. "Tammy my love you are a truly wonderful person. I can only guess what last night must have been like for you, seeing those arseholes coming for us and yet you did not hesitate to jump right in to help me. That thug had a knife and you could have been killed, but all you thought about was protecting me. I am so very, very proud of you." Tammy found it hard to speak for a moment. Eventually she managed to say, "I don't know what happened; something inside me seemed to snap and I became filled with a boiling rage. I just wanted to hurt him as much as possible." "That probably saved you," observed Mickie. "If you are at all tentative in those confrontations you are in trouble. Thank you sweet one, thank you so much, you are becoming a real woman." They continued to lie in each other's arms until they heard noises from next door indicating that Rachel and Jada were up. Tammy and Mickie quickly put on dressing gowns and went next door. The sight that greeted them was not a pretty one. Jada's eyes were red from crying and both were suffering from wicked hangovers. Mickie found a container of Ibuprofen in the bathroom, filled two glasses with water and handed them to Rachel and Jada. "Take these," she said giving two tablets to each girl, "and drink lots of water." "We are thinking of going home; last night really scared us. Was it part of this gang you are trying to trap?" asked Rachel. Mickie shook her head. "Not at all," she said. "I had a call from Andy earlier and he told me that he had a friendly chat with the only one of those scumbags who could speak. The friendly chat took place with the knife they tried to use, caressing his scrotum. It seems it was completely random them being there when we left the club. Unfortunately low life like that exists everywhere and we were just unlucky to run into them." "Not as unlucky as they were," said Tammy with a grin. Jada spoke for the first time. "Thank you so much for the amazing work you did of protecting us; you were in real danger and your first thought was protecting us; we are very grateful." "That's our job," said Mickie. She went on to say, "Andy and Terry are sorry that they weren't in place when we came out. They were checking something suspicious further down the alley and got back as soon as they heard the noise. Please don't let it spoil your holiday; I'd feel dreadful if you went back early." Jada looked at Rachel who nodded. "We'll stay," said Jada. "That's great news," cried Mickie. "I have an idea that you might like." The other three looked at her expectantly and she went on, "I think it would be a good idea if we left the city for a couple of days and I know just the place. The Lake District is famous for its beauty and history; it's where Wordsworth and other famous poets lived. We can stay somewhere nice and go on wonderful walks in the countryside. What do you think?" "Sounds great," said Jada and Rachel at the same time. "Excellent," said Mickie. "Pack some things and we can leave in an hour." She paused and then said, "Oh Jada, only one pair of heels; you'll be walking in hilly country." Jada pouted before turning to Rachel and asking, "What dresses did I bring that would go with runners?" Rachel rolled her eyes and Mickie and Tammy laughed. The Lake District Just over an hour later they were all in Mickie's car heading north out of Manchester. "What is happening with those men who were following us?" asked Rachel. "Andy and Terry are still stringing them along with text messages purportedly from you to some fictitious friends. They are also monitoring their conversation through the listening device in their room. I'm expecting something to happen in the next couple of days," said Mickie. "What happened to the ones who attacked us, did Andy really throw them in the canal?" asked Jada. Mickie laughed and said, "No of course not, but he and Terry scared the life out of them. They used a technique we have adopted before, where Andy convinced them that he and Terry were part of a London-Manchester criminal syndicate and we were their clients. We'll probably never see them again but if we do they'll run for their lives." The motorway was not too busy so they made good time and not long after pulling off the M5 they found themselves in the heart of the Lake District. Mickie had found a farm bed and breakfast that had a separate cottage which was next door to the main farmhouse. "It's a lovely spot," said Mickie as they pulled into the yard, "But one of the main attractions is that they have about 5 farm dogs that live in the yard. No one will get anywhere near our cottage without them raising the alarm." The cottage was built of the traditional grey stone seen throughout the district. Inside it had been modernised with efficient heating, two large bedrooms a kitchen and lounge with an open fireplace. They dropped off their luggage and then Mickie suggested that they needed to find an outfitter to get coats and footwear appropriate for the hills. "Wouldn't an umbrella do?" asked Jada. "Not when the rain is being driven by 40 mile an hour winds on the top of a fell," replied Mickie. "But the weather is lovely," protested Jada. "In this part of the country that can change very quickly," warned Mickie, "You need to be prepared and safe, that is what we are paid to do." "Thank you Mickie, we will follow your advice," said Rachel smiling at her lover, who attempted a half hearted pout. They found an outdoor supplier in the village of Coniston that met all their needs and they emerged half an hour later equipped to Mickie's satisfaction. Tammy also bought some quick drying trousers but Jada insisted on remaining in skirts. "I'm making up for lost time," she said. As it was now midafternoon Mickie suggested a gentle stroll in the Langdale valley's which combined some lovely scenery with fairly easy terrain. As the walk continued Tammy could see Jada and Rachel start to become more relaxed as they let the quiet beauty of the countryside wash over them. They walked for a couple of hours before returning to the village of Coniston where they found a picturesque old pub which served meals in the bar. For a while they just sat, sipped their drinks and enjoyed the ambience. There were several groups of walkers all relaxing after a day on the fells. "That was lovely," said Jada. "And really not too strenuous." "Tomorrow will be more challenging," said Mickie with a smile. The food, as was typical in pubs, was filling and it was a contented group that went back to their farmhouse. Tammy made a fuss of the 3 dogs on duty outside their cottage before they all went inside. They sat and talked for a while but fatigue got the better of them and all four headed off to their rooms for an early night. "We won't be disturbed tonight," said Mickie as she held Tammy, who was rapidly falling asleep, in a warm embrace. Mickie's prediction proved correct and all four enjoyed deep satisfying sleeps. Their breakfast was a farm meal at its best; delicious and in huge amounts. "Don't worry you'll walk it off today," predicted Mickie as they pushed back from the table. Their drive took them to one of Lakelands prettiest lakes, Buttermere, which lay at the bottom of a small valley surrounded by fells. Although small in comparison to the Alps or Rockies these hills had a quiet dignity and beauty that made up for their lack of height. They left the car in a parking area near the pub and set out for the end of the lake. The weather was still fine but there was a refreshing breeze which strengthened a little as the climbed higher. Jada was of course wearing a skirt which began to lift as she climbed, revealing a frilly white slip underneath. "Jada did you have to make a display of your underwear?" asked Rachel with a sigh. Jada just grinned and kept on walking. Their immediate destination was a small but popular peak called Haystacks. It was less than 2 thousand feet but the climb was quite steep so it proved to be a good workout. When they reached the top the breeze was fairly strong and Jada had to use both hands to control her skirt. Far from looking embarrassed she appeared to be enjoying the experience immensely. "I've always envied girls on a blustery day," she said, "it feels so wonderfully girlie having to control your skirt." After eating their lunch and enjoying the view they started down by a different route that saw them traverse hills high above the lake glittering below in the sunshine. By the time they reached the lakeshore 3 hours later three of them were dragging heavy feet on wobbly legs. Only Mickie seemed unaffected by the hike. "This would be a warm-up in the army," she observed. Their first stop when they got back to the village was the large welcoming pub and the first taste of the pints of Guinness they ordered made the effort seem worthwhile. As they sat there relaxing Mickie consulted her phone for messages. "There have been some developments," she said, "and things may be closer to a resolution." The others looked at her expectantly and she went on, "Andy has secured enough evidence for the police to get a court order for official listening devices to be placed in the bad guy's room. That way the evidence will be admissible in court." "That's great," said Rachel thankfully. "Oh there is more," replied Mickie. "Tonight you and Jada have accepted an invitation to stay at the flat of some girls you met at a club. The girls are going away for a few days and thought you would prefer their place to a hotel." Jada and Rachel looked at Mickie in astonishment causing Mickie to laugh. "The police have been feeding them a false story as well as leading them around town following a couple of female police officers made up to look like you two. If they make an attempt tonight they'll be walking into a trap." After sitting for a while Tammy, Jada and Rachel found it difficult to get up so they all decided to eat at the pub before heading back to the farmhouse for an early night. As soon as they closed their bedroom door Mickie pulled Tammy in towards her. "Put your pretty nightdress on my sweet; watching Jada flash her frillies all over the Lake District has made me very randy," she growled. It took two hours and multiple orgasms before Mickie was finally able to regain her composure. Forced Entry They glided out of the darkness having carefully examined the house and its silent neighbours for signs of activity; there was none. They knew the girls were inside because they had seen them arrive earlier in a taxi; two young women laughing and giggling while they hauled their suitcases up the path and let themselves in. One was dark and the other blonde exactly matching the profiles the men had memorised. Both men were wearing dark clothes with Balaclava hoods covering all but their eyes and mouths. One bent before the door and was busy with a slim tool for a couple of minutes before there was a slight click and the door opened silently. They both entered slowly making sure to lower their feet as quietly as possible. In front of them was the staircase and they started to climb, making sure that they trod on the edge of each step to minimize any creak. It took a full three minutes before they reached the top and then they paused waiting for any indication they had been detected. Satisfied they crept along the corridor towards the only room with a closed door. There was a sudden noise outside the house and they both froze before realizing it was two cats disputing territory. They both took deep breaths to steady their nerves and finally one drew a gun from the inside of his jacket and carefully fitted a silencer to the end of the barrel. His partner reached out and very slowly turned the handle on the bedroom door and then gently pushed the door open. They stared into the room and in the moonlight from the window and saw the large bed with two women asleep lying next to each other. The blankets were pulled up but the long blonde hair of one of the sleepers cascaded over the pillow, identifying their target. The man with the gun took a step forward into the room. There was a deafening explosion and a blinding flash of light followed by a harsh voice. "Armed police, drop your weapons!" One moment the men were standing in the dark room and the next they were face down on the floor with police officers on top of them. For a while they were too stunned to take in what was happening but then the lights came on and as their vision adjusted they saw 6 police in body armour and wearing helmets with face masks. They were dragged to their feet and saw clearly for the first time that the sleeping women were dummies with realistic faces and hair. They were half carried down stairs into the corridor where the two female officers who had masqueraded as Rachel and Jada were standing. The senior officer announced their arrest and the two were bundled out to police cars which had been waiting a few streets away. The cars drove off and the neighbourhood gradually settled down for the rest of the night. Return to Manchester and Some Shocking News The next morning Jada, Rachel and Jada hobbled down to breakfast, all feeling horribly stiff and sore from the previous day's exertion. Mickie greeted them with an amused smile. "Feeling a little sore are we ladies," she said with a smirk? The smirk became a wide grin as she saw the glares from her three companions. 'Well I have some good news for you," said Mickie and proceeded to relate the events of the night before. "It now looks as though you are completely out of danger, although Tammy and I will of course remain with you until you return home." Jada gave a whoop of delight and jumped to her feet to embrace Mickie, an act she immediately regretted as the whoop turned to a yelp of pain from her aching muscles. "So ladies you have to decide what you would like to do for the rest of your holiday. We could return to Manchester or perhaps you would rather another day or so here. After our nice warm up hike yesterday we could attempt something a little more challenging," said Mickie in a serious tone. "Manchester!" shouted 3 voices in unison. For the return trip Jada and Rachel grabbed the back seat and spent most of the journey in each other's arms. In the front Tammy felt herself getting closer and closer to Mickie until her head rested on Mickie's shoulder. After a few minutes Mickie smiled as she heard Tammy's gentle snores. I was a leisurely drive back to Manchester and when they reached the hotel, Jada, Rachel and Tammy headed straight to the hot tub to soothe their aching muscles. Mickie spent her time on her phone and computer. That evening Jada and Rachel insisted on taking Tammy and Mickie to an expensive restaurant as a thank you for the superb protection job they had done. After Tammy emerged from the shower she saw that Mickie had laid out a beautiful cocktail dress on the bed. "I want you to wear this tonight my sweet," she said, "it is a present from Jada and Rachel and I am sure you will look stunning wearing it. Tonight you are going all out for glamour." "Did they buy a dress for you too?" asked Tammy. Mickie smiled and said, "Oh they wanted to but I said that the best present would be them buying another dress for you, which they did." "Oh Mickie you shouldn't have," protested Tammy, "you are spoiling me." "Nonsense," replied Mickie firmly, "I have worn dresses all my life and although I like wearing them on occasion, I get a much bigger kick seeing you in a dress. It hurts my eyes seeing you in pants." "Okay I'll wear them for the sake of your eyesight," giggled Tammy. Tammy took special care with her makeup and hair and then proceeded to get dressed very slowly just to tease Mickie. She put on some black lace panties and then slid dark stockings up her legs while smiling at Mickie's hungry expression. From a drawer Tammy took out the corset they had bought a few days earlier and began to fasten it around her waist. "Lace me up please darling," she said in a husky voice. Mickie complied and stood their looking at her lover almost trembling with lust. Suddenly she leapt forward and seized Tammy around the waist, hoisted her up and almost flung her onto the bed. Before Tammy could react she found her panties around her ankles and her very stiff cock being thrust inside a lustful Mickie who proceeded to ride her with wild abandon. Their coupling was brief but very intense and when they had recovered Mickie looked down at Tammy and said, "Tammy I don't know how you do it, actually I don't want to know how you do it, but you drive me absolutely crazy. Now get your dress on or we'll never get out of here." Mickie chose a simple navy coloured halter top dress which showed off her muscular arms and shoulders, much to Tammy's approval. Jada and Rachel had also gone all out in the glamour category and the four women spent a few minutes admiring each other's dresses. They took a taxi from the hotel to the restaurant and made a spectacular entrance. The eyes of the men looked lustful and the women's looked envious. The dinner was a huge success with delicious food and a great quantity of excellent wine. At one point Jada raised her glass and said, "Here's to Mickie and Tammy, our guides, protectors and forever our friends." "Amen," said Rachel and they all clinked glasses. Rachel looked at Tammy and said, "Tammy I cannot believe you have only been dressing fulltime for a few weeks; you are every inch a beautiful woman." Tammy blushed and became even redder when Mickie sniggered and said "Fortunately there are a few inches that are not at all womanly and I love them." They all burst into a fit of giggles and a good quantity of wine was spilled in the process. After the meal they briefly considered going clubbing but decided that they were too tired and headed back to the hotel. As soon as their door closed Mickie launched a spirited attack on Tammy which of course resulted in Tammy being on her back where she stayed for a long time. Eventually she was allowed to get up and remove her dress but as soon as she was in bed wearing her pretty nightdress Mickie became aroused again. When Tammy awoke it was mid-morning and Mickie's arm was around her. Tammy snuggled in as close as she could and gave a deep sigh of contentment. "Are you happy Tammy?" asked Mickie as she nibbled at Tammy's ear. "I never dreamed it was possible to be this happy," replied Tammy. "The best is yet to come. You have come so far in such a short time; quite unrecognizable from the damaged girl you were when I first met you," said Mickie. "It's all your doing Mickie," said Tammy seriously. "No," said Mickie, "I have only helped bring out the person that was always there hiding inside you." Tammy felt herself tearing up. "I love you Mickie," she sniffed. "I love you too my sweet girl," said Mickie as she gave her lover a deep kiss. They met up with Jada and Rachel for brunch and then spent a lazy day touring the village and hanging out near the canal. The four had become quite close and it felt wonderful just spending time together. That night after dinner they went to a club and danced until well after midnight. In the morning Tammy awoke to find the bed next to her empty. She showered and dressed and then went downstairs in search of Mickie. She found her in the dining room studying her Ipad intently. Tammy bent and gave her a soft kiss and when Mickie looked up Tammy could see that she was troubled. "The news isn't good," said Mickie. She was about to go on but stopped when she saw Jada and Rachel appear. "Well what are the plans for today?" asked Jada brightly. "We need to stick around girls because someone from your embassy in London is coming up to see you." She looked at her watch and said, "He should be here in about an hour, so I suggest that you all have some breakfast and then we can meet him in our rooms." "What's it about?" asked Jada. "I don't know all the details Jada so it would be best if we wait for him," replied Mickie. The atmosphere was somewhat subdued and when they had finished they all went back to their rooms. They opened the communicating door and arranged some chairs for the meeting. About 15 minutes later the room phone rang and Mickie answered it and spoke a few words. "He's on his way up," said Mickie as she hung up the phone. A minute later there was a knock at the door and Mickie opened it to admit a tall, dark haired man in his late forties, wearing a light grey suit. "Good morning ladies, my name is Denton and I'm attached to the US embassy in London." He handed Mickie a card and she glanced at it before passing it to Jada. The card had his name, Mark Denton, in bold letters and underneath, FBI. Jada gave a gasp of surprise. Denton turned to Mickie and extended his hand. "Ma'am I really must congratulate you for the wonderful work you and your firm have done in protecting Ms. Morrison and Ms. Glover. I really am very impressed with your firm and I will be sure to pass this on to my superiors." He turned to Jada and Rachel and continued. "Ladies I have something very serious and upsetting to discuss with you," He paused for a moment before continuing. "I understand that you have been informed that two men were arrested by a special crime team from the Manchester Police force, for an attempt to kill what they thought was Ms. Glover here." Jada gave a little shriek of horror and went completely white. She grasped hold of Rachel, who looked just as shaken. Denton continued, "Both men have been interrogated by the local police and one of them quickly collapsed when faced with the prospect of a long prison sentence. As a result of his confession my department was called in which is why I am here to interview you." "I don't understand why is the FBI involved if the crime was committed here?" asked Jada. "Late last night FBI officers arrested your father Charles Morrison and charged him with conspiracy to commit murder; the murder of your companion Ms. Glover." "There must be some mistake," gasped Rachel. "I'm sorry Ms. Glover; Mr. Morrison has made a complete confession. Apparently he hired these local criminals, through underworld connections in the States, to kill you as a means of getting Ms. Morrison here to abandon her transition." Before he could go on there was a howl from Jada and she collapsed in a fit of violent sobbing. Rachel held her tightly until she eventually calmed, at which point Denton continued. "Ladies in the event that you wish to return immediately to the States I am here to assist you. As you might guess this has attracted tremendous media attention at home and if you return by the same route you entered the UK you will be met by an avalanche of media attention. The State Department has arranged a special travel permit which allows you to travel in your preferred gender to a completely different airport in the US. We have supplied an executive jet to take you there and then on to your home state, where you will be reunited with your families. Of course if you choose you can stick to your original travel schedule, but I would not advise it. I will give you a few minutes to think this over." He gestured for Mickie and Tammy to accompany him out into the corridor. "Ladies once again I want to say how impressed I am with your utter professionalism through this whole sorry affair. Without you this sad episode would have been very much worse." "Thanks for your kind words Mr. Denton, but for us this was not especially unusual in terms of protection." They were interrupted by the appearance of Rachel who still looked shaken. "We've decided to follow your advice Mr. Denton and return immediately. Thank you for assisting us." "My pleasure Ms. Glover; I think you are making the right choice. Please be ready to leave within the hour. We will be leaving from an RAF station near here and I will accompany you to the plane and our people will meet you on arrival and take you through Immigration and on to your next flight. I'll meet you downstairs in an hour." When they all went back into the rooms they discovered a very distraught Jada. Her eyes were red from crying and she looked pale and gaunt. "I can't believe it," she kept muttering. Rachel sat with her and Mickie and Tammy did their packing for them. They all went down to the lobby where there were tearful goodbyes especially from Jada and Rachel. "We will never forget you guys; you have been wonderful friends and protectors and we promise to come back under better circumstances," said Rachel. Jada was too chocked up to speak. She just hugged Tammy and Mickie as the tears streamed down her face. When they drove off Mickie turned to Tammy and said, "Well my darling our job is done; it's time for us to head back to London." "I hope they'll be okay," said Tammy, "Jada has taken this so hard." "They'll pull through," assured Mickie, "they have each other and that will make all the difference." Return to London Half an hour later Mickie and Tammy were on the road south. "Do you feel different?" asked Mickie. "I'm not sure; what do you think?" replied Tammy. "Oh you are totally different Tammy. You have come through fire in facing your biggest fear and not just overcoming it but completely annihilating it. I'll always be in your debt for taking out that man with the knife. You are launched Tammy, you are a real woman." Tammy snuggled up to Mickie and again put her head on Mickie's shoulder. After a while she drifted off to sleep and only awoke when the car stopped. She looked up to see that she was outside her flat. "Are you going to come in?" she asked Mickie hopefully. Mickie shook her head. "Sorry I've got to brief Ray and prepare a report and Dianne will need help with the billing but I'll see you at work tomorrow," she said brightly. Tammy felt a tremendous disappointment as she entered her flat. Was her affair with Mickie just a wild fling that had run its course? She had a miserable supper by herself and after trying to watch some TV she found that she could not concentrate and went to bed. She found herself crying into the pillow but as everything she had hoped for seemed to be crashing around her, she felt completely drained and fell into a deep sleep. She woke suddenly in the middle of the night to find a hand clamped over her mouth and someone whispering, "Shh my darling." "Mickie what are you doing here?" Mickie giggled, "I thought you might have learned that from last time." "Oh Mickie I've missed you so much. I thought it was over between us." "No Tammy it's just starting," said Mickie as she rolled Tammy over onto her stomach. "Mickie let me up I want to hug you." "You won't be able to because I'm going to tie you up." "Are you going to spank me?" "No, I'm going to carry you off to my lair and keep you for my pleasure", said Mickie as she began to tie Tammy's hands behind her with a silky scarf. "Oh good, but please make sure the knots are tight because I don't want to be able to escape." "You won't escape Tammy, you'll never escape." Mickie then proceeded to lash Tammy's ankles together with another scarf. "But Mickie I won't be able to walk," protested Tammy. "That's why I'm going to carry you," replied Mickie, "it's part of my fantasy to carry off a young maiden to serve my wicked purposes. Now slide to the side of the bed and I'll help you stand." Mickie pulled Tammy to her feet and wrapped a blanket around her. She then stooped and took Tammy in a fireman's lift and carried her out of the flat and carefully lowered her into the front seat of her car. After fastening her seat belt Mickie gently placed a blindfold over Tammy's eyes and kissed her softly on the lips. "Now you are almost mine," whispered Mickie. "Thank goodness," sighed Tammy. After about 30 minutes of uneventful driving Tammy felt the car stop and heard Mickie get out and come around to her side. She helped Tammy stand before picking her up in the same way and carrying her into the flat and up some stairs. She lowered Tammy carefully onto a bed and reached down to untie her ankles. "Now you are inside my den I can release you," she said in a husky voice. "No Mickie, please let me pleasure you first," protested Tammy. "Give me a cushion to kneel on and sit on the bed with your legs spread wide, I so want to tongue you." Mickie complied and Tammy was soon lapping away like a hungry cat with a saucer of milk. Mickie climaxed with a short shriek and then pulled Tammy to her feet and onto the bed. She quickly undid her bonds and pushed Tammy onto her back, climbed on top and pushed Tammy's very erect cock inside her. This time it took longer to climax, but they both did with volcanic force. Once their breathing returned to normal they held each other close and drifted into a joyful sleep. When Tammy awoke she was alone in the bed. When she saw that it was 10 o'clock she felt a surge of panic, which lasted until Mickie walked into the room carrying a tray of breakfast delicacies and tea. "Mickie we've overslept and are late for work," cried Tammy starting to get out of bed. "You dear girl, I was just teasing you yesterday; we have the day off and it's possible that we won't leave this bed. Now sit up and don't spill your breakfast; they'll be time for lust later." They did manage to finish breakfast before the lust began, but when it did it lasted a long time. Sometime in midafternoon they were still lounging in bed, both still wearing their nightdresses. Tammy was lying curled up with her head on Mickie stomach and Mickie was busy on her Ipad. "There's a dress here that would really suit you Tammy," she said. "Let's see," said Tammy sitting up. She stared at the screen in confusion. "But Mickie this is a wedding dress," she said. "Of course it is," replied Mickie. "You'll definitely need one when we get married and you become my wife." Tammy was unable to speak for a moment and she felt that her heart would stop. "Mickie do you really ..." she started to say before Mickie cut her off. "Of course I mean it darling girl. I want you to be my wife for as long as we live." Tammy started to cry, but this time it was tears of happiness. "Oh Mickie, I really love you so very much and I can't believe you want me to be your wife. Of course I accept; it's just that it's beyond my wildest dreams, I'm overcome." Tammy was silent for a while. "Is something bothering you darling?" asked Mickie anxiously. "No, no of course not; it's just that I'm not sure what to do about, you know, my male bit." Mickie hugged her tighter. "My darling you do whatever you like with it. You can keep it and stick it inside me or you can have it removed and get a pretty pussy in its place; it's really your decision." "What would you like Mickie?" "Darling I'll be happy with whatever you choose; the only thing I would like, whatever you decide, is that we get you a lovely pair of breasts; I would so love to play with them. "Mickie I'd love to have breasts and we don't have to decide now about the other thing do we?" "No we don't, but we do have to get you a lovely dress for our wedding, so let's look through all the sites on my Ipad and drive ourselves crazy thinking about our wedding." "Yes let's," said Tammy and so they did just that.

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Straight oral doggy Two married people seek something more.We agreed not to tell anyone how we met.Who was going to tell, anyway? We were married. Each of us seemedmismatched sexually with our spouses, desiring far more intimacy thanthe one at home.It was craigslist.Dawn’s ad caught my eye and brought us into contact, but it was her funand erotic emails that grabbed my attention./Dawn: "I miss kissing. Would you take me to dinner and kiss me?"//Me: "On a first date? Only if you eat all your...

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We agreed not to tell anyone how we met. Who was going to tell, anyway? We were married. Each of us seemed mismatched sexually with our spouses, desiring far more intimacy than the one at home. It was craigslist. Dawn’s ad caught my eye and brought us into contact, but it was her fun and erotic emails that grabbed my attention. Dawn: "I miss kissing. Would you take me to dinner and kiss me?" Me: "On a first date? Only if you eat all your vegetables. lol." The first time we met we had dinner...

Straight Sex
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DawnMy gym manager was apologizing while telling me that all of the massage ther****ts he trusted were completely booked. I asked him if they could give him any names and he laughed and said, “Yeah, each others....”He had stopped before finishing so I finished for him.“And you?”“It would be inappropriate.”“Why, because you are gay?”He gave me a small smile and shrugged his shoulders.“I didn’t think you knew.”“I was clued in by the blonde that sneered every time she walked past you. I asked her...

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Sirens A Bold New Dawn

 1900UTC: USS Nimitz - Sea of Okhotsk, Extended Sea Duties.The sign on the door read ‘Lieutenant Dawn Delaney’ and it stood out in a sharp contrast to the battleship grey innards of the aircraft carrier’s metal passageways. The air here was stale and cloying under the artificial lighting which illuminated the run of narrow windowless corridor. Seated at the small cluttered desk, the lithe officer rifled through the wad of paperwork unceremoniously dumped in her In-tray before picking out the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Sarah and Dawn

As most in the UK will know, just recently we have had some high winds.So I was holed up at home for the weekend.I don't do boredom too well and sitting still at a weekend is hard work for me.So it was with a pleasure when the phone rang.It was a friend of mine asking if I had a few hours free, her friends fence had blown down and since I had put hers up a few months ago she wondered if I would go and have a look to see what needed doing.She would be there to introduce me as the woman in...

5 years ago
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DREAMING OF DAWNFaith couldn't help it - even as she ate the pussy of the forty-something woman splayed out in front of her, she thought of nothing but B's little s!ster. The bitch in the suit - dressed for power lunches and corporate shenanigans, not to mention tongue fucks by tramps picked up in seedy bars – barely existed outside her peripheral vision. She was just a meal, someone Faith had said yes to, simply for amusement. The bitch didn’t know it, but she was just a prop in Faith’s...

3 years ago
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Taking Katie To Make Dawn Chap 2 Making Dawn

Amanda entered her bedroom, looking totally different to the confident, poised glamorous young woman who had so easily entranced Katie in the coffee bar, the very same girl who now lay sleeping on Amanda's king-size bed. Amanda had removed all of her makeup and tied her long red hair back with a black scrunchy and wore a button through flower print cotton dress that, for all it's simplicity, still showed off her large firm breasts nicely. The cotton dress was fresh and cool against her naked...

3 years ago
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The Crack Of Dawn

I’ve wanted to put this into writing for some time but I don’t really know how or where to start. So I’ll just plow right into it and try to tell the story of how the last few months have become the dirtiest, sleaziest, sluttiest, sex-filled and sex-fulfilled period of my life, and how good it all felt.The passion pumping, countless orgasms and doing so many things I’d never before dreamed of doing. And also how bad it felt at the same time, to learn I was such a fraud and a tramp and nowhere...

3 years ago
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Birth of a New Dawn

Birth of a New Dawn By Heather St. Claire To say I got the shock of my life when I arrived at the train station earlier tonight would be a gross understatement. My train pulled in a few minutes after six. I had spent a three-day weekend visiting my parents, which had been more of a trial than anything else. I suppose things got off on the wrong foot when I left early Saturday morning. My boyfriend Don and I had a hellacious argument, so when I got off the train and didn't see him, I...

3 years ago
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Darkest Greetings my Dear

There you are, sat at the computer, tis late at night and the darkness outside is occasionally lit up by a distant, approaching storm. It is quiet, you're alone in the house and just looking online to see how your friends are before you go to bed, when the hairs on the back of your neck raise as you hear a noise in the house. 'It was nothing' you assure yourself, 'merely a household pet' but still you remain on edge, nervous until a distant rumble of thunder makes you start, then...

4 years ago
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The Crack of Dawn

Me and Dawn was both born 'n raised in Hooterville. We never dated, though. We'd just hang out with our friends at the Tasty-Freeze and stuff. We was always "Just Friends." You know, the kind of friends where the girl just wants to have fun and the guy just wants to fuck. Yeah, I really liked her, maybe even loved her a little. By the time we was thirty, I'd moved to the city and Dawn had gotten married and divorced already. We hadn't seen each other in years. So when I was in town for the...

2 years ago
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The Mafias Blonde Dawn

Though she always had her suspicions, Dawn wasn't aware of the extent of her stepfather's underworld connections until she attended his funeral. As she stood to give her eulogy on behalf of the family, she looked out at the sea of hard-bitten men assembled in Calhoun's great cathedral. She noticed more than a few looking her up and down, no doubt trying to discern her toned cheerleader body through her tasteful black dress. She cleared her throat, tucked a stray blonde hair behind her ear, and...

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Birth of a New Dawn

Birth of a New Dawn (V 2.0) By Heather St. Claire Out of bed bright and early and sober. I'm picking my girlfriend Brittany up at the bus station in an hour, where she's due back after spending the week at her parents' place. We had a hellacious blowup the morning I dropped her off, and we haven't spoken or communicated at all since she left, and for reasons that will become clear, I'm actually grateful for the silence. I didn't have to give my outfit a lot of thought. I put on a...

2 years ago
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I was first given Fatema for my wife when I was only 10 years old. She had been my nursemaid when I was an infant and was a friend of my mother. At that time, she was 30 years old, four years older than my mother and 20 years older than me. As a child, I remember her bathing me, and fondling my penis until I had a climax, even before there was ejaculate. Later, when I had physical cum, she would suck on me, draining the juice from me. It was an exercise I learned to enjoy and looked forward to...

1 year ago
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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Lost Toys 7 Day of the Night of the DawnChapter 2 Evening of the Dawn

Dawn Rhodes – Wednesday, July 22nd, 2015 No Sara. No Melody. I wanted to and feared to volunteer to be the third tongue stud. I wanted to be someone other than a utility to Matt. An utility. An umbrella. A yellow flower. Fuck English. He was tired and happy as he washed my hair. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling. That was the worst part of my slavery, enjoying it. No one did, not all the time, but it was trivial to find some moments were I loved it. It had just been a warm afternoon....

4 years ago
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BtVS Dealin With Dawnie

One of the, many, things I like about dusting vamps is, if you're doing it right, there's no mess. Also no body, and B tends to be a nag if she finds one of mine and will give me an ear full, although that may be partly because she's holding a grudge over that whole long weekend romance with evil I had going a while back. Still, she's got a point about not leaving around evidence, which is why I always bury my demons now. As in literally. But when it's just me, like it normally is now it's...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Bill Sutherland 6 in STOPWATCHChapter 23 Comes the Dawn

'God, what a bunch of foolishness, ' thought Bill. 'Mina is going against every thought and tenant we learned in Lodi. Well, I for one, am Not going to stay here and pollute my everlasting soul with this tripe.' For the best of reasons, Bill had forgotten the Main Reason, 'If the Bible is a Roadmap of How You Get To Heaven, there are NO shortcuts' ... Bill was like every fundamentalist believer ... he CHOSE the parts of the map he wanted to use. The Best of Reasons Bill chose? ... he...

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Rebel in the SouthChapter 22 Dawn

Two days later, I really got to test my wellness and fortitude. It was late in the afternoon when I heard the whip crack and the scream of pain. Off to my right, in what appeared to be a fruitful hollow, spread a plantation with a big main house, a double row of outbuildings and a cluster of slave quarters. I rode over out of curiosity in time to hear the whip and the sharp outcry again. It sounded like a young boy or a woman to me. A saw a cluster of people in the back of the brick house,...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

2 years ago
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A Taste of Dawn

Dear Reader: It seems I just couldn’t leave out a bit of romantic prose in regards to Michael and Bianca. Theirs is a story that was too short to form into a novel, but one that needed to be told. This brief taste of the Native Dawn series gives us a glimpse of Michael and Bianca and the events that occurred between the end of Book 20 ‘Dawn Unleashed’ and the beginning of the final book in the series, Book 21. ‘Dawn’s End’. At this point, after Dawn’s End is released. I am considering writing...

4 years ago
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A New Dawn

Dawn slammed the door behind her as she stomped her way down the walk, towards her car. This was the last straw; she didn’t have to put up with his bullshit any more. Where did he get off telling her whom she could and couldn’t see? He was just possessive, controlling, whining, jackass. Yes, she thought to herself. A jackass was exactly what he was. “Fine, then!” he screamed out the window. “Leave! But I’m not coming after you!” He slammed the shutters and she could hear him screaming to her...


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