Darkest Desires
- 3 years ago
- 32
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The icy wind penetrates my coat as I sit here in the pouring rain massagingmy chapped blistered fingers. The spade is resting against my lap covered inthe muddy earth which it has dug.
My heart aches and fills with dread as the thoughts of the last few weeksare still raw in my mind. I sink my head into my hands and sob pitifully asI recall those dreadful weeks and the destructive force of my mind as I letit free for the first time in my life with disastrous consequences.
I take you back now to the start of this horrific ordeal and the events thathave led up to the horrifying predicament I now find myself in.
It was cold that evening, I remembered how the wind rustled around my bodyand I pulled my coat tighter around me keeping my hands inside my pockets.It was late and the subway was almost deserted as I entered. I remember seeinga group of youths which made me feel uncomfortable and I put my head down andhurried along down the poorly lit tunnel. As I got to the end where the stepsstarted I noticed a poster on the wall, not a big one around a4 size it didn'tstand out too much to the onlooker but the chains bordering the page made itstand out to me.
My wife was an airhostess and as such was never home. Our sex life was 'normal'to say the least that's when it happened which was rarely. I could never talkto her, I so wanted to tell her my feelings, my emotions all my desires andfantasies but as soon as I tried she'd say "your not on about sex again areyou?" and that would put an end to that.
The poster read..
Darkest desires,
'Escort' agency for those of you with a wicked mind.
Then at the bottom of the page there was scrawled 'anything goes'
I ripped the poster off the wall and thrust it into my pocket and continuedon my way home.
The house was empty and dark as usual, she wouldn't be back for a few weeksshe was on some sort of training course. She used to phone me when she wentaway she would phone me everyday, sometimes more but this had diminished downto once a week if I was lucky.
I threw the scrawled piece of paper on the table and sat looking at it. Imust have stared at it for hours. By the time I actuary picked the phone upI had memorised the number. I dialled carefully then hung up. What was I thinkingof I was confused and felt disorientated so I went over to the cabinet andpoured myself a whiskey. Sitting back at the table I drunk the shot and dialledagain.
"Hello darkest desires, Tracey speaking, how may I be of service?"
I clammed up for a few seconds I didn't know what to say it felt so strangeso absolutely wrong but at the same time so invigoratingly naughty it had tohave been right.
"Hello" I stuttered "I was wondering what kind of service do you actuallyoffer?"
"Well sir that depends entirely what your desires are" the ladies voice waslow and sexy just the sound of her was turning me on.
"Do you do spanking?" I blurted out, for a few seconds I felt like a depravedsick pervert.
"Yes sir, we do things from the mild bottom spanking to full on tied gaggedand whipped depending on what you actuary want"
"to be honest miss I've never really thought about it into those depths,in all honesty my fantasy is to have complete control, I want to scare her,treat her like she's my property" by this time my imagination was startingto run and everything id ever felt or ever wanted spilled out down the phoneto a women id never met, I got the feeling she was listening as well. Thiswas a new experience for me, someone listening to what I wanted for a change,I decided there and then I was going to make the most of this opportunity,what was the point in doing this unless I went the whole hog and got it outof my system. Maybe after this I could be a better husband and concentrateon my marriage.
"You sound like you're a special' client I have just the right match foryou, her names Sarah she is experienced with dominant males and enjoys serving.Her extension number is 475 enter this into the phone now and you can chatwith her"
"Thank you for your help Tracey goodbye" I dialled the extension number andthe sexiest voice I had ever heard in my life answered the phone.
"Hello, my names Sarah how may I serve" the voice was so erotic I felt mytrousers shift as I grew erect in an instant.
"I was given this" I stopped dead in my tracks I couldn't complete my sentencethe words just wouldn't find their way out of my mouth.
"You have special requirements that is why you were passed onto me, anythinggoes sir you can't shock me" god she was just so deeply arousing I stutteredmy next sentence out.
"I want to scare you, come into your hotel room and rape you tie you up andbeat you I want to see the fear in your eyes and hear the pounding of yourheart as you submit under my control" there I had said it, ok I felt like atotal debauched arsehole but id said it now, if she didn't want to know shecould hang up and never have to speak to me again.
"Yes sir I understand, and when would you like this to take place?" she asked.She seemed totally at ease with me and this served to boost my confidence.
"Next week sometime, if that's possible?" I asked putting a more masterfultone on.
"Yes sir, how about Tuesday at 8pm the master at arms hotel" she seemed tohave things pretty much under control.
"Sounds great, erm how do I" I was stopped in my tracks again.
"you leave an envelope in the name of Sarah Collins with payment inside, £150to be precise, you ask if there's a message for a Mr a graham which will beyour alias, I do not wish to know your name. There will a small envelope insidewill be the room key. Do you have your own toys or would you like me to providesome?" she said so calmly it took me back a little.
"No, no I don't will I need some?" I answered rather pathetically.
"If you wish to tie me up you'll at least need rope I tell you what ill leavea bag at reception for you under your alias inside ill put a selection of thingsjust knock on the door of my room at 8.30 when you are changed and ready." Shehad everything sorted out, she was definitely good and had done this kind ofthing before, It made me feel more at ease knowing I wasn't the only guy inthe world who liked 'this sort of stuff'.
The week went dreadfully slow as it always does when you're waiting for onespecific moment to arrive but it came eventually. I went to the reception andleft the envelope with the young lady took my bag of goodies and went to herroom.
Whilst in the lift I examined my goodie bag and to my amazement there wereartefacts in there I hadn't got a clue what to do with, left to my imaginationthough I could visualise a few scenarios.
I gathered the things I was going to use and did as I had been told to knocktwice wait 30 seconds then barge in locking the door behind me and began.
She screamed and headed towards the rear of the room, I was too quick forher I dove over the bed and grabbing her hair dragged her onto the bed. Wowshe was feisty her legs were kicking madly into the air and it took me allmy strength just to keep her on the bed let alone try and tie her down. I hadto release one of her arms to reach for the rope and in that split second sheevaded my grasp and headed towards the door calling out. This scared me I ranover as quickly as I could and slapped her face so hard it knocked her to thefloor, she squinted her eyes evilly at me and went to bite my ankle, I felther teeth cutting into the skin through my trousers and I kicked out tryingto kick her off, she hit the bed with a thud. I walked up and stood betweenher legs so she couldn't shut them and slapped her again. This knocked herto the floor so I grabbed her and forced her back into her seating position.Reaching into my pocket I got the ball gag and rammed it into her mouth securingit tightly at the back that would muffle any sound she was going to make.
Grasping the rope from my other pocket I threaded it through the back ofthe gag and tied her hands to her head securely. How scared she looked now.She looked so innocent and so frightened.
I used the rest of the rope to secure her to the bed after dragging her upthere by her hair.
Now I could take my time and strip her of her clothing. Carefully I unbuttonedher dress which was buttoned at the front right down. so it opened like a coatand ran my fingers over her belly touching and admiring her belly piercingI leaned over and tickled it with my tongue at first, then I put my teeth aroundit and tugged quite hard, not too hard but enough to get her attention. Runningmy fingers up to her bra I undid the catch at the front letting her breasthang out freely. I kissed and nibbled her breasts not too hard but hard enoughto make her squirm.
I leant up to her head and whispered in her ear " are you scared yet?" shewriggled and writhed beneath me unable to answer because of the gag but thewrithing was enough to assure me she was.
I took a small knife out of my pocket (this I had bought of my own accord)leaning in over her I cut her panties off, she looked so unequivocally frightenedmy penis instantly enlarged and started to burst out of my pants.
I could wait no longer I unzipped and let him fall out, her eyes widenedas I crouched above her and slid him deep inside her.
I was so aroused it was over in moments, but I didn't care I was so satisfiedI lay back on the bed and closed my eyes.
The door to the bathroom opened and to my surprise a tall man appeared. Hewalked over to Sarah and untied her then left the room again.
She sat up and shook her hair out. "Wow, I have to admit that was reallygood. are you sure you've never done this before?" I was just so gob smacked.I intended on leaving her tied and just disappearing but she seemed to haveenjoyed it.
"I have never had a first timer who acted quiet like that, I hope you proposeon booking me again I can't wait to see how you develop" she winked at me.I didn't have time to answer as the door opened and the man from before walkedin carrying a tray with two glasses and a bottle of wine on.
"Thanks Charles, you know how I love a glass of white after seeing red" shesaid and winked at him. She turned and noticed the startled expression on myface.
"Surely you don't think id be alone in this business? Charles is my companionhe watches from the camera there look on the ceiling" and pointed to a smallcamera mounted on the far wall "he keeps me safe from harm whilst letting mehave my little pleasures and staying away from view" she laughed as she spokeand I knew then this was a smart women who knew what she wanted and went outof her way to get it. How I envied her.
We booked the same time same place for the following week. All week all Icould think about was how she had tricked me, how her sweet gentle smile andher quivering frightful looks were all part of her play acting. I wanted tomake the next time different, this occasion I really wanted to scare her, buthow? How could I scare a woman who does this for a living? Then it hit me,the only time her eyes opened wide was when I pulled the knife out, It wassomething she was not expecting; maybe I could work on this.
When I got home I went to work straight on the net, looking up the toys usedin 'bondage and scare games' some were really good but most were for the effectjust aesthetic uses. I didn't deem any of them worthy of scaring her. As Iwas getting bored I came across a site about torture equipment they used inthe 17 th /18 th century,this was it, this is exactly what I was looking for. I spent hours siftingthrough the pictures and descriptions printing them off. The following sayI went shopping, the whole of the following week I called in sick and workedon making an ancient method of torture and shopping for the other things Ihad spotted that intrigued me enough to buy them.
The article of torture I had chosen was used in the 17 th centuryI believe it was used on queen Joanna of Naples when her rein came to an abruptend and she was taken prisoner.
It was called a wooden pear due to its shape, but nothing about this waseither soft or juicy, two blocks of wood which had a screw like mount on theoutside when fitted together looked like a pear, it was used to insert insidepeople either orally and where ever else it might fit. Then it was opened slowlyby the screw, it was made in such a way that its sheer strength could if turnedenough crack open the jaw bone of a prisoner or tear their insides open ferociously.The thought this was actually used many times on people in this manner overwhelmedme with intrigue and a desire to see its mechanical excellence in use.
I gathered my things together and made to the hotel around 7pm I wanted towatch them come, it gave me a feeling of power to know they didn't know I waswatching them, then as before I picked up the room key. When I got the doorthough I decided not to knock, this time I was just going to enter and whatan entrance I made.
'bang' the door thudded against the wall, literally knocking some of theplaster out, there she was standing near the window, this time she did lookedshocked in fact she looked horrified, I slammed the door shut and locked it,she was still standing near the dressing table in-between the bed and the window,she looked so elegant in her little peach coloured slip. Her nipples were erectand peeping through, it was so obvious she was wearing nothing else.
I leaped over the bed and grabbed her, holding her shoulders tightly in mygrasp I kissed her. The feel of her soft lips against mine drove me wild. Shepushed her body slightly against mine and I could see the little smile creepingon her face when she saw I was aroused. This infuriated me she wasn't scaredI felt like she was taunting me. The anger crept up inside of me till I couldhold it in no longer and threw her violently onto the bed. grasping her handin mine I took the cuffs out my pocket and slapped them on her wrist then tothe bed so she was tethered but allowed some movement. I just wanted to watchher reaction.
She did look a little shocked but that wasn't the reaction I was lookingfor, I wanted her totally scared, utterly submissive and maybe a little looktowards the camera I knew was there but no.
I got the rest of the cuffs out and tied her other arm to the opposite baron the bed, and then I tied her feet to her outstretched arms, I knew how uncomfortableand vulnerable this would make her feel and watched closely for her reaction.
This time she did look a little scared this pleased me immensely, I stoodup and slowly removed my belt from my trousers I lashed it against my palmonce looking at her. She didn't squint until I came at her with full forceand lashed her bare backside, the scream from her lips was insufferably tantalisingand encouraged me, I hit her again and again, her bottom was so red and soreby now, I bent down to feel the raised red marks in her flesh, my whole bodyshudder as my fingers traced each one from one side of her buttocks to theother.
Then an evil thought crossed my mind, I stood up again and lashed her straightacross her crotch making sure to catch her little bundle of nerves at the tipof crotch, this time she screamed out in such agony I saw tears forming inher eyes, a second time I lashed her just to watch her crying.
I leaned over her trembling body "If you can pee for me right now I willstop lashing your pale swollen skin" I whispered.
Immediately she thrust her buttocks into the air and I could see she wastrying to pee with all her might, the total satisfaction I felt when I sawthat long stream of hot pee running down the curves of her buttocks and herback onto the bed, soaking the sheets beneath her was indescribable.
I waited for her to stop before I produced my handy work and I lifted itup to her face,
"Do you know what this is?" I asked her,
"No sir I don't" she stuttered,
"It's a wooden pear; do you know what it is used for?" I asked,
"No sir" she said as she lay there trembling. That was it, the moment idwanted for so long, she was totally submissive and unequivocally under my control.
She watched intently as I started to insert it inside her as I opened itI could feel the torque on the screw as it got wider and wider pushing againsther pelvic bone she must have been 10 cms at least and I could see her skinstretching as though it was going to tear.
I was evil but not that evil, I left it at that stage and mounted the bedslipping myself deep inside her ass, all that play had drove me wild and Ineeded to empty my sack. Getting around the pear was difficult but I was sowound up I would have climbed a mountain to cum at that stage.
I slumped back onto the bed totally satisfied as soon as I had Charles enteredthe room and untied her like before. I looked over at her a little afraid ofwhat she going to say to me,"wow, now that was an amazing experience, I havenever come so close before, you are progressing so fast" she said rubbing herswollen marked extremities.
"I'm glad I pleased you" I replied a little down hearted, I expected somesort of come back at least, but no she had enjoyed every second and was pushingme for more, how much further could I go, how much further could I push her.In pleasing her I had done nothing but totally disappointed myself.
That night I waited outside the hotel and watched them leaving. I followedthem in my car and watched Charles drop her off at home. Now I knew where shelived.
I watched her through the window going about her life totally unaware I wasthere. This was my chance I thought, if I'm ever going to scare her, this couldbe my only chance.
I waited till I saw her go upstairs and tried the front door I had seen shehadn't locked it. Slipping the mask on I had bought for our session but neverused I went gingerly up the stairs. As I got closer to the top I heard thebath running and could see her in the bathroom getting undressed.
I waited till she was in the bath before making my move, I darted into thatroom so quickly and pushed her head under the water. Now the reaction on herface was the one I had been looking for, she was truly scared. I dragged herout the bath by her hair and took her to her bedroom. Using the ropes I tiedher down to the bed.
"Please, please sir don't do this" she said in such a pitiful voice it almosttugged on my heart strings. Almost.
I took out the knife and ran it down her soapy naked skin, the tears in hereyes welling up as I went.
I ran the knife smoothly around her nipples, not enough to cut into her butenough to make her think I was. I didn't want to hurt her, I just wanted tomake her think I would, it was the power of knowing I could.
I slid the knife gently down again to her crotch, touching and tapping theblade on her clit, how elegant she looked totally at my mercy. I had forgottenI hadn't any condoms on me I only took one to the session and I had used that.The thought struck me just as my groin started to twitch. Then the thoughtof what I was doing hit home, this was supposed to be fun a new experiencenot an insight into how cruel and evil I could be.
I left her tied there and left the house.
I ran home and picked up a spade and here I am, sitting in the mud in thepouring rain trying to bury everything about the last two weeks, my clothesthe toys even the pear I had so lovingly hand made. Should I phone the policeand tell them she's tied up? I hadn't even closed the door properly what ifshe really is being hurt. I had possibly destroyed the one person who everunderstood me with my darkest desires.
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Robert settles against the door frame again. It has been another night of drinking. Carrie is lying in the bed, seemingly asleep. She doesn’t stir or even acknowledge the man like she did the past two nights. He sighs, slowly undoing his belt. “I keep breaking all the promises that I keep making to myself. You’d think by now that I’d be over this. Instead, I’m feeling sorry for myself. So why does everything seem desperate now? I should be feeling so alive. But it feels like something’s...
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She lay back on the elegantly upholstered, exquisitely comfortable, chaise. The thought of that weekend stirred Servalan, her hand moved down to her crotch. She needed something, a quick orgasm would be perfect for her now. She was ready, she thought of her favorite fantasy. Torturing political prisoners in a dungeon, that one always got her there in a hurry. She hadn't had that pleasure for real, for years, during the revolution was the last time. It hadn't been long before the new regime...
It is difficult for any woman in Indian society to navigate and explore her sexual desires as she wants. Especially for a young woman like me who lives in Bangalore under the supervision of her strict father. My parents are divorced, and I grew up without any guidance. But that comes with an advantage. I’ve learned to compromise my moral values because I want to get what I desire. I have suppressed my desires my entire life, compromised on what my body wants and my thirst for newness. Yes. I...
A few weeks after her last tryst with Tommy, Mrs. Katie Jackson, the reigning Mrs. America, was excited beyond belief. She felt like she was walking in the clouds and couldn’t believe what had happened. An agent from Dancing with the Stars, one of the top television series, called and offered her a spot on the next season. She could barely speak as she called her husband in England to let him know the exciting news. The hot wife couldn’t explain her emotions that erupted inside of her. She...
They had dated throughout high school, and married soon after that. Starting their life as a family a lot sooner than they would have planned. Having their first child only 9 and a half months after their vows. Their second child was born just 3 years later. Both settled into their marriage thinking at they know each others sexual wants and needs. Years later into their marriage the kids old enough to care for themselves. Krista finds that there is something different she is in need of. Not...
First TimeThere is a dark side to us all, sexually I mean. I'm not sure I understand mine completely yet but I sense that it is there. It excites me, scares me a little. My fling with Neil and his flatmate Sally started me off on my adventures exploring my dark desires. I am a nurse and Neil a writer of sorts. We met at a conference I was attending for work; advances in stroke rehabilitation. I was giving a talk and Neil was in there to write up the meeting for some journal he was freelancing for. After...
Group SexMiriam had dark desires from time to time but she knew that she shouldn't. The lovely blonde wife had been able to repress those feelings and desires before. She was happily married to her husband, Maurice, for fifteen years and had never strayed before. Before now, that is. It was really her husband's fault, she liked to think. Miriam enjoyed sex but for the past several years, the lovemaking with her husband didn't seem to satisfy the hunger within. She hadn't been sexually active during...
Chapter One: Mrs. Fatima's Forbidden Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 “Have a good night a work, husband,” I said formally in Arabic as I embraced Tarik, fighting my disgust at the sour reek about him. I was glad to see him leave, even if he'd return in twelve hours. Once, when I was a girl of nineteen, I thought I loved him. But at forty, I knew differently. Especially after my encounter with Dr. Rita, a woman who had a huge cock and who healed me with her magical cum. Just...
College transforms young individuals for their awkward teens to sensual adults, but there is always a hitch when it comes to the transformation, lack of privacy. Some are quicker to shed embarrassment while others burrow deeper into themselves to the point of antisocial behavior. In the case of Samantha’s evolution, she found herself blossoming in every case but her sexuality. Since leaving home, she has been unable to find the time or privacy for self-pleasure. Her roommate having fit into the...
MasturbationNote : This story is completely fictional! It was shortly after my birthday, my grand entrance into my teenage years, that I first began my journey down the road of sexual exploration and desire by masturbating for the first time. It was an entirely new world, and a good one at that. I craved that sexual satisfaction for which I had little understanding of, but the greatest expectations. This was the point at which I began to see my older, and only, sister, in an entirely new light. She was 3...
IncestSubmissive desiresSometimes fantasy becomes reality. That can be something very satisfying,or even terrifying.I love erotic stories and am a voracious reader of stories on theinternet. My favorites are ones about trannies or cross dressers beingdominated and used to please men. That's what I love, both in my fictionand in my own sex life, to tell the truth. I've been cross dressing foryears, having finally given in to my urges to dress up and be the bestsissy slut I can be, and let me tell...
Hi guys this is Yash, aged 22 from Bangalore. This is my Second Story & i thank to all those who appreciated my previous desirous story. I live in an independent house with my family. Adjacent to my house, there lives a Couple who just moved in two years back. Since two years their family & my family were too close. Here the Husband was very busy man, who never had time for his own wife. Let me introduce you her name Anagha aged 27 Years . She was a very beautiful Angel with a very sweet face...
Part 1 – The BarAfter sharing messages and chatting for what seemed like so long...though actually a relatively short time, it was just the almost instant connection and sharing similar outlooks and desires made it seem that we had been communicating for much longer...the day had arrived that we were to meet. Though having shared desires, fantasises and arousing each other via the ethereal medium, we had agreed that there was no pressure for this meeting to be other than an opportunity to meet...
Chapter 1At the sound of door bell, Tina turned to the kids and said, "hurry up, they are here...get your things, we don't want to have them waiting for you too long, do we!?" Mike and Sara grabbed their backpacks and jackets and eagerly went to the door as I was opening them. My parents entered with big smiles on their faces; they really enjoyed taking the kids with them to the country whenever it was possible. Kids loved them and loved those trips and me and Tina also loved being alone for...
Hello all, I hope you all doing well! This story is about a housewife Deepali’s hidden desires. It is a true story. Without wasting any time, I will start my story. I am Deepali, and everyone calls me Deepu. I was married at the age of 21 to Dhananjay. Dhananjay is from a rich background, and he is working in the government sector. So without any second thought, I married him. I look innocent, but I was horny at the time of marriage. I was very excited to fulfill my dark imaginations with my...
Mrs. Jackson’s pussy was a smoldering mess since her husband returned to England a few weeks ago. She paced around her bedroom and kept glancing at her phone. Last Saturday night Katie volunteered a shift at the soup kitchen. She was dressed in a pair of tight jeans and a blouse as the sexy mother fought the feelings erupting inside of her as multiple men stared at her. Some of the vagrants complimented her as they walked past her about how nice she looked that evening. Their admiration...
We all have those hidden desires, those unfullfiled sexual fantasies.....Would you let losse your inhabitions if you knew no one would ever know?Karen had just received a text from her friend saying that her train had broken down and she wasn’t going to be able to meet for a drink If she had received the text five minutes earlier she could have saved herself the £7.00 she’d handed over to the barman who had just served her a large glass of wine. Although he was quite fit and it was a very nice...
Book Two: Rogue's Wicked Harem Part One: The Princess's Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this. Chapter One: The Goddess's Daughter Zizthithana – Kozzithni, the Shahdom of Shizhuth The rasp of my scales made a sibilant hiss through my throne room as I tribbed my sex slave. Shilia, my lamia, whimpered and moaned, her big breasts rubbing against the serpentine coil of my lower body. Her nipples were two points of hardness on my...
Continuity wise, I suppose this is set after episode 1.14, "The Odyssey" as it references events occurring in that episode. However, I have no choice but to completely ignore the fact that the vigilante confronted Moira and pretend it never happened, that development would throw way too much of a monkey wrench into everything. My first ever fanfic, so all reviews and feedback would be greatly appreciated! Oliver Queen woke up in the morning in his own bed at 8 AM. He stared at the...
It had been a while since I had seen you and the eagerness grew as did my passion and desires for you. We had made plans to meet and quench this fire that burned inside of me. You had mentioned that you too had been thinking of me and wanting to have me once more. I wanted you so badly that I did not care where or when as long as we could be together again and make love with the heat and passion that burned inside my soul. The weather was getting chilly so our normal spot was out of the...
Desires By Vicky I had many desires but none so strong as that to crossdress. I had dressed in the quiet of my home when no family members were around but that was never strong enough. So I started to do some investigating. I picked up the local underground paper to where I lived and searched the personals. There were large ads from massage parlors that offered role-play. So I called and made an appointment. I explained--very nervously- -what I was looking for and they were...
The Well of My Desires By Alysa Desiree This story is inspired by a painting on found on the internet with the same title. I found this painting to be extremely beautiful and I wished that I was the woman in the painting. Part of the story is true and based on part of my life. This is also my first story and I hope you enjoy it. I write this journal now documenting my journey. It seems that it was a dream so many years ago but I know it happened. I no not, if anyone will find it,...
Desires I wake to the sound of the shower running. I can hear my Master, who I lovingly call Daddy in the shower singing to himself. Its obvious that he is excited about today. Finally after many long discussions with Daddy we have agreed that today will be the day that we work on over coming my fear of anal sex. Over coming my fears has never been easy for me. Daddy always stands by me and helps me over come anything that is bothering me or keeping me form doing what I love to do. I...
Dark DesiresThe boy was spreadeagled against the wall. Padded metal cuffs at his wrists, and upper arms, screwed directly into the white tiled wall, held them tightly above his head. More cuffs at his ankles, held him flat, stretched against the cold white ceramic. His head hung limply, tilted slightly to one side, chin resting on his chest. His youthfully handsome face looked almost angelic as he appeared to sleep peacefully, his defined chest and taut flat stomach expanding and contracting...
If a guy keeps his ears open, sometimes he can learn something that he can really benefit from. Now I'm not a snooper nor an eavesdropper, but one wonderful day I overheard a conversation between my mother and her sister, entirely by accident, that changed my life--and theirs--in a terrific way. It was a warm day in June, and I had been out running, keeping myself in condition, although football season was still a long way off. I wasn't as heavy or as strong as some of the other guys on...
Chapter One: Birdie's Naughty Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 President Birdie McTaggart, Monday “And here is what you have all been waiting for!” I boomed into the microphone in the auditorium of Rogers College, my school. I was the president here. The architect of one of the most successful Naked in School Programs in the country. “The final four chosen to go naked for this year!” Cheers erupted through the auditorium. The cheer squad, led by Tatyana Naumov their captain, were...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Brother and Sister's Incestuous Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Sean Reenburg I stepped out into my backyard, strings of lights running from the various sculpted plants and statues to illuminate everything. Knots of people were gathered throughout while servers in crisp, white shirts (whether they were men or women) and black slacks moved through the crowd holding trays with various horderves...
Book Eight: Labyrinth of Love Chapter One: The Shaman's Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Knight Kevin – The Free City of Hargone The splashing, gurgling fountain cooled the inn's common room. It was an aptly named establishment, though the innkeeper was not happy we had commandeered his entire main room despite the gold we paid him. The twelve of us sat around a circular table, reclining on tasseled pillows. My fellow knights and I...
Nancy Conners was basking in the warm afterglow of a wonderful fuck. Her fingers trailed down her tight stomach, over her bare pussy mound to run gently over her still engorged clit. She could feel Jim’s cum beginning to leak from her well-fucked pussy and Jim’s eyes as they drank in the beauty of her dancer’s body. Jim loved Nancy’s small tight frame, her pale skin, entrancing green eyes, fiery red hair. Her small hard tits had the most responsive of nipples and Jim loved to see the...
FetishHey, Fellas, Hope all are well, and enjoying the world of sex n relationships. So, today again I am here to share one of my experience which happened in Pune in this sex story. I’ll wait for your valuable feedbacks. Please take out a minute from your precious time to write me on So, here we go: This happened in January 2017, one fine morning, I woke up and saw my mobile screen which displayed a notification sent you an email. I opened the email and it says “Hi Vicky, I like your sex story on...
Hi I am Shankar, ma aunties name is Vanitha. she has big boobs and a big ass, I always use to wait to see her beautiful thoppul(navel) and her cleavage whenever she exhibits it without her knowledge. I always use to think of her and masturbate and I even use to sniff her used panties in her absence. I have noticed many times her panties lying around her room it would be very wet often, and of course it’s her moothiram (pee). I use to lick her panty in the area where her pussy and shit hole...
IncestAs I looked into her eyes, I knew it was true, and there was nothing I could do about it. Her eyes locked onto mine, conveying everything. But still i stood there, my cool brown locks wafting in the slight breeze and my rosy glare locked on to hers, the connection still there. Both she and I had waited so long for this moment, and both of us were hesitant. Neither of us wanted to take this step. Neither of us wanted to do this now, and maybe not ever, yet both of us needed to. Not by...
Dillon turned the shower on and started to strip angrily, pitching his clothes at the floor as if attacking the wayward wonton desires that had started to surface. Ripping his pants off, his painfully hard erection sprung forth. Scowling down at it, he was furious that he was feeling so aroused by this whole thing. “This isn’t me! I’ve never been so immediately turned on by a chick I barely know. Sure if it’d been any of the other chicks in my class I’d probably have been curious but I...