My First Trip To Le Cap – Chapter 1 free porn video

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As I said at the top – I'm a slut and a swinger. It's a situation that suits both my husband and myself. Not that he's a swinger, as far as I know. He's just screwing his secretary. Something I only discovered on returning home early from a holiday with my swinger lover. They were actually in mid-fuck when I entered the kitchen. I left them to it. It bothered me not a jot!

When we first met he, my husband, couldn't get enough of me and I was very happy to oblige his every whim. We married and for a long while it was not too bad. Not as much as before but bearable and he was working to build up a business. Things started to go downhill a little then a lot as the business grew. 'Pressure of work' was often cited as the cause. That and 'the need to get on'. The upshot was that I wasn't getting nearly as much sex as I needed!

It came to a head in a blazing row. Definitely caused by me being totally unbearable. He made the mistake of asking me what was wrong and I told him. Big time! That night we fucked and I thought the row was well worth it but it didn't last long. Another row a month later ended the same way and I was calmer for a short while. The third time round instead of fucking me he suggested that we talk. I agreed. We agreed that provided that I acted the perfect wife as and when required AND that I didn't rub his nose in it, I could take a lover. I agreed. As far as I was concerned it was a good deal.

Being the perfect wife in essence required me to 'look after the house' no problem. Half the mortgage was mine anyway. Entertaining his business friends wasn't a problem either. He was building a business that benefited us both. Although I'd never actually worked in the business it was my initial start-up funds that got it off the ground and the income from my own job that financed both his ambitions and our day-to-day needs. I'd put a great deal of money and effort into the business and had no intention of walking away just as it was beginning to make proper money.

I'll be perfectly honest. I'd been looking at the options to get a bit of extra marital cock for sometime before we came to our arrangement. I'd even fucked a couple of work colleagues but it wasn't a good idea so I packed that in. I'd sussed out where I might find a suitable hunk and once I was essentially free to search, I did so.

Getting a length when a length is what you need and no questions asked is seldom a problem for an 'adventurous' girl and I was adventurous. Cock I could get, no problem, especially when guys talked between themselves. But as a solution it wasn't very successful. I was looking for a regular fuck not a string of one night stands up against a wall or behind a wheelie bin. Finding a regular cock that was up to the job of long term, no strings satisfaction was proving more difficult than I imagined. I was getting plenty of extra marital cock admittedly but I wasn't getting one that I wanted to return to time and time again. I was essentially a one-night-stand queen and I wasn't enjoying it at all.

Things happen in the strangest ways, don't you think? I was walking down the High Street one Saturday morning when I heard a call from behind me.

“Hey Miss! Excuse me Miss.”

I stopped and turned curious at the commotion. A man was walking briskly towards me. He slowed when he saw I'd stopped. He was a bit older than I. Slim, tall, slightly thin on top but dapper as my Mum was wont to say.

“You dropped this.” he said holding out my credit card case.

Instinctively I checked my bag and found mine missing.

“Thank you,” I said very relieved, “all my cards are in there! However can I thank you?”

He looked directly into my eyes, smiled and said “We could take a coffee together and see what develops from there.”

When a girl's actively searching for a regular cock she sees innuendo in every word a man says and his suggestion was dripping with innuendo. His eyes didn't flicker. I returned his look steadily, smiled and agreed.

He let me lead the way up the stairs to the little coffee shop. He waited at the bottom until I was at the top. I looked down at him, slightly worried.

“Are you OK?” I asked concernedly.

He sprang up the stairs two at a time – maybe he wasn't as old as he looked!

He led the way to a table along the back wall and pulled out a chair for me. I sat and he squeezed into the chair against the wall. Once properly settled he started to answer my question.

“Yes, thanks for your concern. I was just enjoying my imagination, actually.” he answered.

“And just what was your imagination imagining actually?” I asked saucily. I had a good idea as my skirt was not that long and, say it myself, I have pretty decent legs.

He leaned forward conspiratorially. “Actually, as you ask, I was imagining you walking up my stairs at home, naked! Not particularly PC I know but with legs like yours you really shouldn't wear such short skirts and expect us men to be PC.” he whispered in my ear.

Music to my ears! I moved my head back a little so our faces were about six inches apart.

“PC is for women who aren't getting any and want to stop their, so called, sisters from enjoying themselves. Not for women who know how much fun it is and aren't getting enough.” I pointed out very quietly. “Would you like to see if your imagination is up to scratch?” I asked while smiling innocently.

He looked pointedly at my hands.

“What about your husband?” he whispered.

“He's away on business. He won't be back until Wednesday evening” I whispered in reply.

Just then the waitress arrived.

“Are you ready to order,” she asked politely.

“We've just had a quick debate,” he said rising carefully, “and decided that, as we have actually finished shopping, we'll go home for a little something instead. Sorry.” he finished apologetically.

On the walk to the car park we swapped phone numbers, in case I got lost. He lived in a small village about five miles out of town. I put his address in the sat-nav and followed. Fortunately the traffic was light and he drove very sedately because my head was already full of the image of me naked and walking up his stairs to his bedroom.

The house was impressive, built in local stone, double fronted with double garages either side and parking for at least four cars outside. I parked beside him. He held my door open. My skirt had ridden up as I drove and I made no attempt to pull my skirt down or hide my tiny string. I led the way to the front porch still undecided as to the best way to get naked and how quickly. One thing I was sure, I'd every intention of getting naked AND fucked!

The porch door opened to a little vestibule where his outdoor and hill walking equipment was kept. The inner door opened into a large hallway and directly in front was a wide staircase. I stood at the bottom of it, looked up the shiny wooden stairs then turned slowly to face the man. I didn't take my eyes of his as I reached behind my back, unfastened, unzipped and let my skirt slide to the floor. As it reached the floor I stepped away from it and started on the buttons of my blouse. Constantly watching his face I unbuttoned – one by one. Working it off my shoulders I let it slide to the floor. Next moment my bra was discarded. I stood before him in my shoes and 'G' string. The string covered nothing. It was soaking wet and I'd eased it between my cunt's lips as I drove. I started to work it over my hips carefully while looking at him enticingly.

“Leave it as it is.” he instructed, “I'll take it off myself, with my teeth. The master bedroom is to the left, at the front.”

I started up the stairs pausing every couple of stairs and posing for his pleasure. He remained at the foot of the stairs watching carefully and running his hand over the new swelling in his trousers. At the halfway landing I stopped. Placing both hands on the newel post I parted my legs and thrust my bum out towards him then ground it round in the most provocative way I could. I turned to face him, blew him a kiss and pulled the string away from my wet cunt with a finger from one hand and slipped a finger on the other hand between the swollen folds. As I watched he unzipped and eased a stiffening cock out of his trousers. My heart skipped a beat. It had been blatant but we were clearly in sync. A common need!

He directed me to the master bedroom. I pushed the door open. The second thing I saw was the big, heavy bed. The first thing I saw was positioned directly over it. A large colour print of the most beautiful camel-toe. It was perfectly emphasised by a tiny white bikini with the words 'If it wasn't meant to be eaten' printed across the flat belly and 'It wouldn't have lips!' across the upper thighs. It set the tone perfectly.

### ### ###

I awoke to the sound of running water. We had fucked, licked fingered and sucked. He'd enjoyed every hole and I'd enjoyed every pleasure. A few moments later he emerged from the en suite naked as nature intended.

“Good morning!” he announced, “Would you prefer an early morning length or breakfast?” he paused, “On second thoughts and as it's gone 10:30 would you prefer a mid-morning fuck then brunch or breakfast?”

I opted for a mid-morning fuck with his spunk as a mid-morning snack despite feeling ravenous.

We'd started as soon as we reached the master bedroom. Continued until about four in the afternoon when we stopped for a snack and the long forgotten coffee. Then we went back to bed and fucked until we were so exhausted we fell asleep for a while. That continued most of the night interspersed with kisses, cuddles, strokes explorations and sexual discussion. The last time I remember looking at the clock it was after five in the morning. By then we knew a great deal about each other. It was all good.

After the mid-morning fuck Jim went to prepare brunch. I headed for a freshen up in the shower with;

“There's a gown on the back of the door if you feel the need.” from Jim as he headed for the kitchen.

Lots of head there but then we'd enjoyed lots of head so that's OK.

I didn't feel the need and fifteen minutes later I followed the wonderful smell of frying bacon into the kitchen. Jim was standing at the big range wearing a long blue and white striped apron busily preparing two 'full English' with everything.

Jim was tall, very slim without an ounce of spare on him. He was fit and had incredible stamina as I had happily discovered.

“Brunch is nearly ready!” he called loudly without turning around.

“Thank you.” I replied quietly pulling out a chair and sitting at the kitchen table.

It was delicious! We ate in almost silence both being much hungrier than we had expected. After toast with his own home made marmalade and a fresh jug of coffee we started to talk properly as opposed to 'improperly' as we had in bed.

Jim was a hill walker, a fell runner and a sex addict – as he said, not necessarily in that order. He was also an early widower and had no family living within 4500 miles. A son in Vancouver and a daughter in New Zealand. He'd sold his businesses after his wife had died in a car accident and retired early. He accepted a retainer from the new owners to act as consultant and director and managed to live as well as he wanted without breaking into his savings.

For my part I told him all about my situation at home without holding anything back.

He beamed at me when I said I was officially looking for a 'spare cock' to keep me a happy and contented wife and immediately asked if he could apply for the post. Application received! Interview taken and application accepted all within the time it took to drink one cup of coffee.

I made it clear that I wasn't looking to replace my husband but for someone to augment my contentment or in English 'fuck me on a regular basis'!

“Question?” I asked mischievously.

“Ask away.” he replied without hesitation.

“Where do you get your wonderful tan and how do you keep your cock so beautifully smooth?”

“That's two questions,” he said smiling at me, “which do you want answered first? Cock or tan?”

“Either or...” I told him.

“I have a woman come in and wax my cock as and when required and I've had an apartment at Cap d'Agde Naturist Village for many years, where I keep my tan topped up.”

“You're a naturist?” I asked with some surprise.

“Nope! I'm a nudist. I take my clothes off when it is warm enough. Naturists put clothes on when it is cold enough. At le Cap I can also enjoy meeting ladies that like entertaining a variety of cocks. Win win as I see it.”

I thought about the print over the bed and the incredible fun we had had in the bed. Win win most certainly.

“Would your lady friend wax me, d'you think?” I asked tentatively.

“Of course. Do you want to have sex with her as well?” he suggested in a matter-of-fact voice.

“Do you fuck her as well?”

“Obviously, it would be rude not to after we had spent some considerable time preparing each other for good fucking. I love a smooth cunt. She loves a smooth cock,” he paused momentarily then added “and a smooth cunt.”

I'd never had sex with another woman but Jim put is so naturally that the very thought sent shivers of excitement down my spine and straight into my pussy.

“I wouldn't mind trying,” I admitted then as an after thought, “you wax her cunt as well? Would you wax mine?”

“Certainly but wouldn't you like to try a woman first?” he suggested.

It took less than a racing heart beat to decide, “Yes,” I stated clearly, “Yes, I'd like that.”

“Good, I'll get it sorted for you. Wax then she can kiss you better and see how it goes from there. When's good for you?” he asked casually.

“The sooner the better!” I replied eagerly. “Tell me about Cap d'Agde, please. It sounds very errr interesting.” I asked hopefully.

He thought momentarily obviously collecting his thoughts. “Cap d'Agde is a more correctly identified as Cap d'Agde Naturiste Village so as not to be confused with the nearby town. It calls itself 'The Largest Naturiste site in Europe' with a lot of justification – it is! What is doesn't claim to be is the largest 'Swingers/Lifestyle' location in Europe, for obvious reasons, despite it being the case. It is also a village – A closed village. You pay for your pass to enter and have to go through security every time you enter. If you book accommodation, hotel, camp site or apartment you need to produce the confirmation letter or email at the security office before you are issued with your pass. If you own a place you still need to prove it and buy a pass. I have a yearly one but one day passes are also available. Keep your pass with you if you decide to go out site-seeing. It caters for Naturists, which I am not. It caters for nudists, which I am and it caters for swingers, which I am. Apart from what you might call 'normal' shopping facilities there are also sex shops and party outfit shops. There is a cinema for adult films and activities together with a number of clubs where like minded people can engage in like minded activities – need I say more? Then there is the beach!”

“Sounds like enormous fun! Could I go with you one day, pretty please?” I asked enthusiastically.

“Absolutely! You will love it there!” he was equally as enthusiastic. “We'll have to work up to it though. For your husband's sake. Coming here for a regular session. Then a mid-week stay over, leading to a weekend, maybe a weekend away. You get the picture. Stopping by for a quick fuck on the way to or from work might be his idea of sufficient cock but, I suspect not yours. We'll need to convince him that you will not leave him. More importantly that you will always return when you say you will return. We must create absolute trust. There must not be any worry in his mind that you might leave him.”

I loved the way Jim was thinking. He'd taken exactly the right view. He understood the situation perfectly.

“You've done this before!” I accused chidingly.

“A few times,” he admitted without any embarrassment.

I didn't ask if that was how he got the woman who waxed his cock. That was none of my business. Strangely I wasn't in the least jealous either.

We went back to bed. In the early evening he took me to the local pub for a better than average meal then back to bed for an hour or so. I was back home by 10pm. I packed a small bag with various ordinary clothes for the next few days and put it in the boot of my car. Doing a quick tidy as if I'd been home at least some of the weekend I showered and went to bed, alone! I slept like a log. Leaving early for work I dropped the bag off at Jim's, gave him a quick BJ and headed off for work a very happy bunny.

Mary was waiting at Jim's when I returned after work. She showered me which was a lot more fun that I thought it might be. The only cunt I had fingered before was my own but I was quite experienced at it. Mary trimmed me to the perfect length then waxed me completely smooth. While I'll admit it wasn't exactly painless it did look and feel absolutely fabulous!

After letting it calm down a bit she rubbed some more calming oil on then started to kiss it better. It was only seconds before I was holding her head and fucking her face vigorously. It took a little longer to realise that Jim was also fucking her! A totally mind blowing experience. When I could take no more she let me rest. Then I went down on her. My first cunt! My very first spunky cunt as well. Not the first time I'd swallowed Jim's spunk though. Happy grin. Also my first threesome where I was eating cunt and getting fucked at the same time.

I stayed Monday night and Tuesday night heading home after a quickie with Jim early Wednesday evening. My husband was home.

“Welcome home,” I said giving him a big hug and kiss.

He took one look at my happy, contented face.

“You've found a friend, I assume.”

“I have,” I agreed without any concern.

It was his idea and if he had changed his mind then hard luck!

He sighed

“Oh good! I'm so pleased. You have not been happy these last few months. Loads of cock but no satisfaction. Are you happy with this one? You certainly look it.”

“Very! A simple no strings attached fuck. Any time I want. No romantic interest at all for either of us. Pure, simple sex! I won't need anything else. For that I have you!” Jim had schooled me carefully over the previous couple of days.

After that things progressed very nicely. I was on flexitime at work so could go in at whatever time suited and leave whenever as long as I met core time hours and the minimum monthly total. Being senior staff it was never a problem. Sometimes I saw Jim on the way to work and sometimes on the way home. I never mentioned it to my husband but then he never asked.

Over very little time official meeting with Jim escalated to sleep overs once a week then weekends, long weekends and a couple of mini-breaks. We had quite a few threesomes with Mary and a fabulous long weekend including Mary, Sharon, Mike and Dave. Whenever my husband went on a business trip I stayed with Jim and whichever friends he was entertaining. Dave was one of my particular favourites. As a group we went to a few swingers clubs but Jim wasn't so keen. It was too cold for 'real' fun he said.

My first trip to Cap d'Agde was a bit of a mixture really. For the first trip of the year Jim took out one of his cars laden with bedding, linen and long term essentials as he called it. The car stayed for the season so that he could fly out whenever the fancy took him and he brought everything home at the end of his season.

Jim left a couple of days before me and I was a bit nervous not knowing what to expect. I needn't have worried, of course. My husband drove me to the airport and Jim was waiting for me at the other end. He whisked me back to his apartment. We showered together then fucked, as you would expect. Maybe you wouldn't have expected that he fucked me on the balcony, both stark naked, while he pointed out various places that we could see. The sea, from left to right and in the foreground various apartments and a couple of clubs.

Once we'd fucked he took me sight-seeing, still with a spunky cunt! He only allowed me to wear my sandals. In the evening he said I'd be able to wear my club wear which he ***********ed as we browsed the many shops. He showed me around, most importantly in his view, where I was to buy bread in the mornings if I was up first otherwise Mary would get it. That shook me a bit as I wasn't expecting to share him while on holiday. He laughed when I mentioned it.

“Trust me! You will get more cock than you ever dreamed possible and Mary will help not hinder!” he stated firmly.

We ate in a cafe. Jim produced a little towel, out of his shoulder bag, for me to sit on so that I didn't leave any spunk for the next person, as he put it. We returned to the apartment to drop off the shopping and pick up two towels. We headed for the beach.

The beach was/is beautiful soft sand with sharp broken shells dotted about randomly as I discovered within a few steps.


Jim waited while I recovered.

“You'll get used to them and learn to spot most of them in the meantime.”

Ever practical my Jim! The beach was almost deserted. A couple of big beach umbrellas and a windbreak was about all. A dozen or so people were striding along the beach. I do mean striding. It was an exercise regime not a casual stroll. Some were on the soft sand above the high water level others on the hard packed sand while some were in various depths of water although none seemed to be swimming. I didn't see anyone flinch so either there were no broken shells there or everybody was 'used to them'. A long way to our left, way down the beach was what looked like a bar.

Jim walked us down to the shoreline where I quickly discovered that there were broken shells after all. I learned to spot them soon after we turned left and headed towards the bar. I was surprised about the empty beach. I mean, it wasn't a blazing hot summers day but it wasn't cold either. There was a bit of a breeze though, coming off the land. In amongst the buildings I hadn't noticed it but being fully exposed on the beach I did. Le Mistral, Jim had said matter-of-factly.

We didn't stop at the bar but carried on walking and there, dead ahead, was the crowded beach that I'd read about. It was heaving! Jim led me along the shore until we were about halfway. We stopped. He scanned the crowd looking for a space and I scanned the crowd with my jaw dropping! What? Exactly as I'd read. Sexy fun pretty much wherever you looked!

“I think there, will do us.” declared Jim pointing to a space right on the top edge.

We picked our way carefully through the mass of beach towels spread on the sand careful not to tread on them or knock sand onto them or the occupants. The space, when we got to it, was big enough to lay out the towels comfortably but was strewn with debris from the nearby gorse bushes. Jim cleared the site then laid out the towels with a small overlap in the middle. We settled down to watch the local activities.

“No wind here,” said Jim needlessly. “People don't often come up right to the back. They like to be in the middle of the action. Have it going on all around them. And the prickles from the gorse can be a real pain in the arse!” he grinned.

I was listening but my eyes were all over the place. I was beginning to feel particularly horny. We spent quite a while just watching while Jim teased me with his hand, running it all over my naked body sending tingles everywhere. While we were watching others, others were watching us. Guys would swing by, pause, nod then amble slowly away.

“They're checking you out.” Jim told me absently. “Next time one wanders by just swing your knees apart nonchalantly. Flash your smooth cunt for them.”

I did and got a hell of a thrill. It wasn't long before I was rolling onto my side to face them and lifting my knee which opened me up perfectly. With Jim's encouragement I started to make eye contact. Some stopped and started general conversation, mostly with Jim but including me.

“Been here long?”

“No, arrived this morning.”

“First time?”

“For my girlfriend. I've been here loads of times.”

My girlfriend? I liked that – propriety.

“Where you staying?”

“Got an apartment.”

And so it went on. New faces. They checked me out. I checked them out. The odd name. Very friendly but at the same time not too pushy. As the afternoon wore on Jim laid me down and started to run his fingers over me.

“It's not hot enough for sun-screen, but let's pretend.” he said as his hands fully explored my nakedness. “Open wide.” he instructed and I opened as wide as I could. He slipped a finger in and I came instantly. At Last!

He teased me for ages. I was fully aware that the guys walking up to check me out were no longer pausing and walking on but stayed and watched as Jim took me to new heights in public.

“Fancy a stiff cock?”

I nodded and reach down. Taking his cock in hand I started to stroke. I was going to get fucked on the beach! I totally ignored the guys standing in a tight group around us and concentrated on the job in hand and the finger in my cunt.

“Suck me!” said Jim, “kneel between my knees and suck my cock.”

I did so without any hesitation. I was sodden, needing a serious fucking and knowing that the guys behind me could not only see me sucking cock but could also see how wet my cunt was.

“Take this.” instructed Jim as he rested his hand firmly on my head. “Don't stop sucking my cock. Don't look up. Just put this on the small of your back.” he passed me a little Durex envelope. “Let's see if any of your admirers have the nerve to fuck you here and now.”

I shuddered with anticipation and tried to look around but Jim's hand prevented me doing anything except suck his cock.

“You don't need to know who's fucking you just that there is a cock in your cunt fucking you. Focus solely on the cock in your cunt and the cock in your mouth.”

When I was on my early 'cock hunts' as I thought them to be, I'd taken lots of cocks from guys I didn't know from Adam. I'd seen them, of course. I'd talked to them and often had a drink with them. They didn't make me drunk. I told them it wasn't necessary. My husband wasn't giving me enough and I was looking for some extra. We'd go somewhere, I'd go down on them. Make them nice and hard, roll a rubber on then we'd fuck! Job done.

I was so focused on the possibility of being fucked by a totally unknown guy that I felt the little packet being picked up. I heard the top being torn. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the empty envelope being passed back to Jim. The guy knelt between my legs and his cock head nuzzled against my cunt lips. I sighed and pushed gently back onto it as Jim pushed his cock deeper into my mouth.

As the guy fucked me Jim was making encouraging noises.

“Good girl! Push back on him! Show him you're loving it!”

I did and I was. I'd cum for the first time even as the guy was going in for the first time and I didn't really stop after that. I sensed when the guy was ready to empty his balls and started to squeeze a little and drive myself back harder onto his cock. Jim wouldn't let me lift my mouth from his cock so I could only moan and groan and I did and as loud as I could. Fucking fantastic!

I felt him shoot his load and slightly regretted the fact that he was wearing a condom but common sense had to prevail.

“Danke.” he said as he pulled out.

“Bitte” I mumbled around Jim's cock.

I watched as Jim took the neatly tied, used condom from the hand and pass it another sealed envelope. I felt it placed in the small of my back and waited hopefully.

After my third cock Jim didn't pass a fresh condom out. He just told me to get comfortable and blow him. I settled beside him, my arm over his belly for support and the other resting on his thigh holding his cock in my mouth. I'd looked at the group of horny guys standing around us slowly wanking their cocks as I repositioned. I had no idea which three had just fucked me.

I wanked and sucked Jim until he was ready to pop. When the first load was on it's way I held his cock just at my lips so the guys watching could see it spurt into my open mouth. I then swallowed his length and milked him of everything left in his balls.

“Well done!” said Jim as I snuggled up to him contentedly.

He indicated the guys forming a closed horseshoe around our position.

“Three of them have fucked you. It doesn't matter which three. The rest want to fuck you and will look for suitable opportunities. They know we practice safe sex and that you suck as eagerly as you fuck. It will be up to you whether you give them opportunities.”

He somehow indicated to them that the show was over and they dispersed reluctantly.

“Right, now's a good time for a swim!” he announced once we had our space to ourselves again.

“What? That water's bloody freezing!” I exclaimed with a play acting shiver.

“Yeah!” came the reply, “just perfect to get a well fucked cunt sorted for tonight!”

There is more, if you wish.

Comments and votes very welcum.


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Rebeca gets smothered unconscious with a bathing cap

100% fiction! Rebeca walked slowly into the studio, she was surprised at how small it was, only about twelve feet by ten, it was small, the floor was covered with a thick rubber mat which gave way slightly as she walked on it, she stood in the middle of the room looking around. She noticed a small window in the wall, the glass was dark, Rebeca walked over to it and pushed her face hard against it, she pulled back eyes wide open in horror, "oh my god, no, no no" she had seen her mother in there...

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The Dunce Cap It wasn't until the 2030's, with half of the world's present electrical appliances down and no longer usable did beatboxing really become a major contributor to daily youth entertainment. So much so that in 2029 the first beatboxing band came out (the other coming out). This is the transformation of one such band from Ohio. Story set in 2034. All through Julian's speech Daryl was having a go at the kool-aid. "So Crow, your job won't get over after the intro robo...

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Area 51 I Wear the Cap

Fortunately for me, the rumors about Area 51 are true. We have alien technology and I have the privilege of being one of the few scientists that gets to analyse the fantastic devices found in the wreckage of the alien crash. Everything is as hush-hush as you could imagine which causes my life to be under incredible scrutiny. This has been a very big problem for me because I am a lesbian with a ravenous sexual appetite. And if even a hint of my sexuality leaked out, I’d be booted off of the...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 40 Fields of Battle

Jason and I walked over and sat on the ground with our teammates. One of the sophomores looked over at me. I realized that it was Derek Goodman, one of the starting defensive tackles. He looked over at Maurice. "You brought a couple of freshmen over." "Why not?" Maurice replied. "They put more effort into practice than most of the sophomores. I expect them to make a difference on the field." "Not if Lucas and Terrence have their way," the other sophomore said. I realized it was...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 36 More School Hijinks

We were surprised to find that less than a third of the desks in the classroom were filled when we filed into the room of our German class. Jessica and Kelsey grabbed seats in one row and immediately started pointing to the seats around them. I started to walk around Jessica to the far side of the room, only to have Matti grab my shoulder and drag me to the seat in front of Kelsey. Jason sat down next to me. He shook his head as the others arranged themselves in the seats around Jessica....

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 22 Responding to Revelations

When Ashley led me from the television room that night, I think I finally realized that my thoughts about just how crazy things might become had been wrong. Just the rumor of and few released reports about the Sa'arm invasion had been enough to get four hundred women into that room based on a very faint promise of protection. They had submitted to a televised humiliation on little more than a rumor and trust in the government. I was determined not to let the show upset me too much, but that...

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The Beach at Cap dAgde

The Beach at Cap D'Agde Cap D'Agde, in the south of France, is legendary amongst nudists, libertines and hedonists generally, so you will not be surprised to know that a couple of years ago I made a pilgrimage there. It was early in the summer, June, and as always happens (well, at least it does with me) there is a particularly horny feeling in the air, as people are eager to feel the sun kiss their bodies, to expose their skin to the air and to eyes of fellow beachgoers. And at Cap D'Agde,...

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The Beach at Cap dAgde

The Beach at Cap D'AgdeCap D'Agde, in the south of France, is legendary amongst nudists, libertines and hedonists generally, so you will not be surprised to know that a couple of years ago I made a pilgrimage there. It was early in the summer, June, and as always happens (well, at least it does with me) there is a particularly horny feeling in the air, as people are eager to feel the sun kiss their bodies, to expose their skin to the air and to eyes of fellow beachgoers. And at Cap D'Agde, with...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 44 Intense Pressures

After the morning break we had to head to German. Jason was clearly unhappy with the prospect of seeing Miss Kirke, if that was her real name now that we had discovered her previous occupation. However, Letty convinced him that missing class would only alert her to the fact that her activities had been discovered. My sister grabbed his arm as we walked from the courtyard. "I'll protect you," she whispered just loud enough for Jason and me to hear. "I'm sure Kelsey and Kathy will help as...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 21 The Magic Moment

The television switched back to the same newsroom we had been viewing earlier. The same anchor now had a visible stack of notes in front of him, but was looking at a teleprompter. "Hello again, this is Martin Sherman, and I'm anchoring the lead-in to tonight's Defense Forces Special as some people are now calling it. This show is here to demonstrate how someone with a six point five CAP or higher will select his companions. We have been told that this is actually more organized than most...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 24 Things Get Tough

My fears for my father's reaction proved to have understated just how mad he would be. The man destroyed every wedding picture he got his hands on and ripped all of my mother's clothing to shreds that night after Mrs. Roberts brought Matti and me home. Ashley did whisper to me that she had left her phone number with Lenore. The sad woman had tried her best to do a great job as a waitress while the group of us ate in stunned silence. We heard nothing from her for the rest of the week, and...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 25 Missed it by That Much

Jason was holding up his CAP card. Leticia exploded out of her chair with a loud cry of pure joy. She tackled Jason. They fell to the floor as the young woman covered his face with kisses. Ashley looked down at the couple. She kicked playfully at her brother's leg. "You scared us!" "I scared myself," Jason admitted. "Even knowing that I should score well, I was stunned by how often I couldn't answer one of the questions quickly. And the scenes I had to move through. You ever try to...

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Capn Angie and the Return of the Booty

This is the last in the trilogy of the adventures of Cap'n Angie...For the first part, if you haven't read it already, please check it out here: also feel free to check out the prequel here:'n Angie and the Return of the...

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The Beach at Cap dAgde

Cap D'Agde, in the south of France, is legendary amongst nudists, libertines and hedonists generally, so you will not be surprised to know that a couple of years ago I made a pilgrimage there. It was early in the summer, June, and as always happens (well, at least it does with me) there is a particularly horny feeling in the air, as people are eager to feel the sun kiss their bodies, to expose their skin to the air and to eyes of fellow beachgoers. And at Cap D'Agde, with its very own and very...

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Enjoying the beach in Cap dAgde

Cap D'Agde, in the south of France, is legendary amongst nudists, libertines and hedonists generally, so obviously I had to make a pilgrimage there. It was early in the summer, June, and as always happens (well, at least it does with me) there is a specially horny feeling in the air. On nude beaches in June people are eager to feel the sun kiss their bodies, to expose their skin to the air and to eyes of fellow beachgoers. And at Cap D'Agde, with its very own and very sexy reputation, that...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 43 Homecoming and Hell

My weekend passed quickly. Not from a time perspective, but from a feeling that I never was able to give Ashley, Lenore, Angelique, Kelsey and my friends all the attention and time they deserved. A huge part of me was feeling a bit frustrated when we returned to school on Monday for Homecoming week. We had heard that the freshman were going to have a float for the homecoming parade and game on Friday, but Jessica and I had been unable to find out who was organizing the efforts. Jason...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 63 Pressure Visibly Building

The incident with Hillary left everyone a bit skittish for the rest of the trip. Sunday we packed the vans early and headed for home. Lenore was a bit worried that I would blame Angelique for some reason. I kept telling her that it seemed more a case of bad timing and a desperate woman. The others seemed to feed off of my indifference. The initial drive back to the hotel had been tense as everyone in the van looked over their shoulders. I had taken the front passenger seat, but made sure to...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 75 Another Post Pickup Battle

By some miracle there were no bodies on the ground when the field vanished, and the crowd dispersed. Even the boy who had attacked me managed to crawl away to receive medical attention. There still was plenty of emotional trauma. Several young men ran out of the restaurant with tears pouring down their faces. Mall security stopped several of the men. Most were shirtless and two were carrying a collection of women's clothing. It soon became clear that the boys had lost girlfriends to the...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 35 In at School

Football practice started two weeks before the first day of school. For the next two weeks Jason and I got up early each day and were driven to school. We would spend hours under the late summer sun following the orders of coaches who seemed determined to drill us into exhaustion. Jason and I spent the first three days involved in a number of drills that were clearly designed to allow the coaches to see what skills we had. They soon had both of us working primarily on offense. Jason was...

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Anniversary Trip ch2 Sex Slave Stripper

Anniversary Trip (II) - Sex Slave StripperThis is the second installment of our trip to Las Vegas on the occasion of our 10th wedding anniversary. See the story "Tenth Wedding Anniversary" for the first part of the story. By the time we arrived in Vegas, it was very late, almost midnight. We were both too tired to do anything but check into our hotel, get a late snack in one of the open restaurants in the hotel and go to bed.At 8:00 AM, I awoke with my usual morning hard-on. Paula is usually...

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DST Bravo Operation Ice Cap

DST Bravo, Operation Ice Cap "Flash traffic for Momma Tiger," called out a Signal's expert. "Triple encryption," he confirmed a moment later. The coded message was handed to a courier who literally ran the entire way to the office of the commander, affectionately known as Momma Tiger. "What is it?" I looked up as he tapped urgently on my door. "We just got a flash signal, Ma'am." I quickly deciphered it, "Thank you. That will be all." After he left I reread the message. "At...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 38 Buildups and Tear Downs

The rest of that first week of school quickly established a number of patterns. It started that night when Jason and Letty arrived home just after eight. Both were smiling. Neither one was willing to fully explain what had occurred over the dinner they had with Jana, however, the conversation that evening was interesting. It started when Jason knocked on the door at the top of the basement stairs. Ashley, Lenore, Angelique and I were downstairs playing a game of Chutes and Ladders. I had...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 42 The Beginning of Fall

The varsity game ended in a huge loss for the upperclassmen. The crowd actually started to get uneasy with half of the fourth quarter still to play. Several recent graduates and parents started shouting at the players, cursing them for their poor play. It got bad enough that the faculty advisor for the cheerleaders sent them away from the field with two minutes left in the game. The exodus of the cheerleaders signaled to Morgan that it was time for our group to make its way out of the...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 46 Cutting an Onion

Jason lived up to his promise in the second half. He not only recorded two more sacks, but on the last one, stripped the football and then managed to recover the bouncing ball and run it in for a touchdown. Everyone on the defense was patting his helmet when he walked over to the sideline still carrying the football. "Take it easy," Coach Grisham told him. "There are only two minutes left in the game. We'll let the backups play." I walked over to the benches. Jason followed me. He...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 52 Scum Resurfaces

My thoughts after the pickup proved true. Ashley and Lenore rarely let me leave their sight during the days leading up to the New Year. Jason and Jessica had the same issue. A simple plan to go for a run in the park quickly became an organized march as their companions demanded to go with them. Becky was the worst. She clung to Morgan. Beatrice had called their employer and tried to explain the issues, but was not sure she was successful. She succeeded in getting Becky a week off without...

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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 68 More Estrogen

Major Greenfeld was standing outside the door. He looked at me and shook his head. “You are just fifteen?” he asked. “I might be sixteen now,” I replied. “I’ve lost track of how many days have passed and which day we are on anymore. But I also don’t worry about it much.” “You don’t?” he asked as we started walking back to Corsica. “My age does not determine how well I can do my job,” I said. “No, but it does determine how others will view you,” Major Greenfeld said. “At least initially....

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 2 Disturbing Confrontations

I stood up and walked toward the door, leaving my unfinished drawing on the easel. Jessica gave a cry of annoyance, as I walked away. I heard her easel crash to the floor behind me as I left the building. Outside, I walked a few feet from the door and then turned around. A couple minutes later Jessica stormed out of the classroom. She walked right up to me and slapped me across the face. "How can you embarrass me like that!" she hissed. I said nothing. Instead I pointed to a bench set far...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 4 Reaching Understanding

Ashley jumped behind me, putting her hands on my shoulders. I reached up with my right hand to stroke her right arm. "Ashley, I don't think that's helping," I said. Ashley's mother glared at me, but quickly turned to concentrate on her daughter. "Ash, why are you hiding behind Mark? You came here to get tested. I'm not going to punish you for your score." "I agreed to have Mark take me," Ashley said. "My score isn't good enough, but his is." "What?" Beatrice squawked....

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 10 Slipping out of School

I held Ashley close. There was a musical chime coming from the backpack at her feet. She giggled and looked down at it. "Mark, that's my cell phone. Can you grab my bag?" I shifted to the left so I could use my left hand to reach the bag. My right hand Ashley held pinned against her pussy. She was rocking gently against my hand as I picked up her bag and lifted it to the table. Once it was on the table Ashley dug through a side pocket to find her phone. "It's Mom!" she exclaimed as...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 12 Unpleasant Interruptions

It must have been only a moment, but I came awake with my arms wrapped around Ashley. She was lying there senseless. I pushed my body off hers and rolled to the side. Once we were lying next to each other, I began offering loving kisses. "Will it always be like that?" Ashley asked with a sigh. "I wish it will be," I replied as I held her. "That was just about perfect." "I know," Ashley said as she put her arms around me and squeezed me. "I never expected that." "I love you," I...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 17 Test Anxiety

Fortunately, the rest of the protest was rather peaceful. My brother stopped the few anarchists who had shown up hoping to use the protest as cover for some robbery attempts. Jason, Ashley, and I found that someone had already warned people on the route of the march. Buildings were closed, and many had placed boards over their windows to protect them. The three-mile march proved to be no more strenuous than a weekend jog. Jason was the first to notice that the marchers were having trouble...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 28 A Moment of Rest

The next two hours were a blur of exercise and pain. Sergeant O'Malley never broke a sweat as he first had everyone run around the clearing while he promised to train us to fight and then he proceeded to show us a series of dirty tricks and holds we could use to disable an opponent. When Jessica, Jason, Morgan and I were too tired to continue, he had us lay down while he took the ladies around and showed them how to break free from any hold a person might try. It was exhausting, but at the...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 29 Initiating Lenore

Ashley and I were quiet on the drive home. We were pulling into the driveway at my place when Ashley quietly asked. "Mark? Should we have offered her a chance to leave Earth with you?" "No," I said firmly. "There was no connection. Both of us think Kelsey is sweet and adorable. With Lenore it seemed like we came to the same conclusion about her sadness. And we know they get along with each other. I liked that Connie was willing to help when I had to intervene in the fight at the store,...

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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 46 Captain to Captain

The system was in standby as I turned the chair back to the front. I reached down to call up a replay of the engine repair when I felt a hand grasp the back of my chair. “Yes?” I asked. “Is it always like that?” Captain Prescott asked. “The simulations are supposed to be the absolute worst possible sequence,” I replied. “And the time is compressed a bit. I really doubt we could enter a system get into a fight, scan a planetoid as well as a Sa’arm controlled planet and escape in just under...

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Cape Ann Caper

Cape Ann Massachusetts is an ideal body of water for fishing (both pleasure and commercial). The vicious wind coming off the North Atlantic is subdued on the waters of the Cape. Historical structures line the shore is observable by Cape travelers. Fishermen returning from the high seas find the sight of the land structures beautiful and relaxing. The same can be said for tourists who are treated to tours along one or both shores by operators stationed in Gloucester, at the North end of the...

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Little Caprice 4500 275000

Sometimes there are porn stars that make such an effect on you that you remember the first time you jerked off to them for the rest of your life. Bitches that dig their digital claws so deep into your balls that there is a scar left for life. Bitches that make your cock so hard you spend the rest of your days chasing the dragon. One of these ladies is Little Caprice.Everything I WantLittle Caprice has everything I want in a porn star. I can throw her around the room like a rag doll. I can treat...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Dreamscape The Conclusion

Dreamscape Conclusion By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 5: Dream Walker Fear, confusion and fraud. These were the three words, which had dominated my existence since I died in a car accident. Through cosmic happenstance, I emerged from a coma in the body of Lucy Maya. My second chance at life, so to speak, was not one of wonderment at the miracle of being given another crack at life, as one would expect. Quite the opposite. I tip toed through this life fearful more people...

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Futurevision DreamScape Chris and Sarahs Shared Reality

Futurevision DreamScape: Chris and Sarah's Shared Reality. by BinaryFellow Summary: Chris and Sarah are hired to test a new revolutionary virtual reality technology being developed that will one day change the world. It's all fun and games until Sarah takes things too far, and the technology malfunctions. Author's Note: This is my first story ever. Please leave honest & constructive feedback. Consider this an open universe. Anyone may write stories about other characters that...

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Pretty CAPableChapter 7 CAPped

"Calix Flynn Gebel's CAP testing cycle is complete, Major McTavish." The voice seemed to come out of the very air itself. "Is he ready to be released from the med-tubes?" McTavish asked as he looked over his tablet. "That was the point of my interruption, Major." McTavish knew AIs were supposed to be emotionless but that sentence sounded insufferably smug. "I mean, have his repairs been completed," the Major asked slowly. "Damage to Calix Flynn Gebel was primarily soft...

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Capn Angie and a Fair Maidens Booty

I just want to say, this story took so much longer to write than I had anticipated. I put a lot of love and effort into it, so, you know, please don't be a dick and judge it too harshly! That said, please enjoy and let me know what you think of it :) This is a prequel to, so don't worry if you haven't already read that story yet...

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Cap DAgde 5

My hubby appeared back with the croissants and made some coffee. I was laid on the bed - I deliberately lay there with my pussy on display to him I knew that he had a birdseye view of my well fucked and abused pussy. As we drank our coffee we discussed the events of not just the night before but the other experiences that we had enjoyed since arriving at Cap D'Agde.Both of us admitted that it had been the most outrageous sexual acts that we had even taken part in. In the past, we had both...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 54 Preparing for the Super Bowl

I let everyone know about the reappearance of my brother. No one was very worried about him. Mike had proved to be a coward. The only worry was that he might try to catch one of the girls alone. Morgan used some contacts he had through his construction work and a week later gave everyone in our group pepper spray canisters. School continued. The teachers were increasingly distracted though, and the lessons suffered. Some of the teachers spent most of their time trying to chat up the students...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 57 Making a Spectacle Seem Mundane

We loaded the suitcases onto the bus quickly. Once the bus was full, I informed the driver that we were going to head to breakfast. He said that he would park around the corner. Maurice, Jason, and I headed over to the restaurant. We arrived at the entrance and found that the rest of our group had already been seated. The hostess agreed to lead us to the private room where everyone was. I lagged behind the others as the hostess led us through the restaurant. Several of the patrons looked at...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 58 Fun in the Box

We found the ramp and began making our way up the spiral. Ashley had her phone to her ear. "Yes, I know about it. I was filming ... No, I didn't put my video on YouTube." "Sooner," Lenore and I said in unison. "Look, we're trying to get to our seats," Ashley said. "No one here is hurt or anything." "No one?" I asked as I looked over my shoulder. Lenore giggled. "Morgan told us about how this security company has been known to try to shake down some of the luxury box ticket...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 59 Risking Everything for a Girl

The game ended up being a bit of a snooze. Carolina's defense created three touchdowns before the second quarter was half over and then cruised to the ending. The halftime show was loud, but otherwise forgettable. Angelique and Erica both ended up falling asleep during the third quarter. Angelique climbed into her mother's lap to sleep. I ended up with Erica in my lap. I had spent almost no time with the young lady, but she was smiling in her sleep. Thomas tried to stay awake. He...

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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 11 Meeting More People

Lenore ran over to join us. I nodded to her and then offered my free hand to her. She took it and we started walking towards the exit. It was sliding open when I heard a voice behind me. "Oh sure. You'll take the virgin to medical, but leave the girl who would do anything to have your cock in her cunt." I shook my head. "Aine, I have no clue where all the anger comes from, but its not very becoming of a young woman. I'm going to tell you now. I'm done with the nasty comments and the...

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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 23 So Many Square Pegs

Chastity followed me as I walked over to the table. When I stopped to look around the room I could see a very nervous look on her face. “Problem?” I asked. “That orientation makes the ship seem very complex,” Chastity said. “It is. It has to be in order to allow us to travel into space,” I replied. “But I can’t even understand why I have the CAP to be a citizen. I always hated fighting. My parents were always fighting. I got into acting because there was a small theater group in my...

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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 31 Intersectional Rivalries

I waited for the door to close and then released a massive sigh. Tatyana immediately put her arms around me. “That was hard on you,” she observed. I feel like I’m the only sheep in a room filled with hungry wolves. There are quite a few members of the crew that would do their best to replace me if they thought I’d fail,” I replied as I stood up. “Never let them see you sweat?” Tatyana said. “Basically,” I agreed as I stood up. “AI, you can power down this room until the next training...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 3 Answerless Tests

The next morning, I found myself wrapped up on my now unzipped sleeping bag with a young girl hanging on each side of me. I was dressed in boxers for sleep while my sister and her best friend had found long t-shirts they used to cover their bodies. They each had a hand on my chest and my hands were resting on their hips as we cuddled under a blanket. Absently I gave each of them a few tender rubs before I sat up and turned the alarm off. Kelsey shifted and growled in annoyance, but neither...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 6 First Outing with Ashley

The rest of the day at school passed quickly. Jason and I sat with Julio and Walter at lunch. Jason spent most of the time trying to cheer up Walter. I said little, but did discover that Julio and Walter were going to attend a one-day seminar that was reported to help young men improve their scores. Both had scheduled tests for the upcoming Tuesday afternoon. Jason and I both offered to walk with them to the training center. Jessica did stop by during lunch. She teased Julio a bit. Her...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 8 More Bubbles of Anger

It was about nine when I finished my studying for the night. I was preparing a list of food items that could be hidden in the tree house when my father came home. He was shouting about untrustworthy politicians and corrupt bureaucrats. It was clear that the conference call had not provided the results he and his friends had hoped for. I went to sleep listening to him rant at Mother. The next morning Father was sitting at the breakfast table when I came down after my shower. He glared at me...

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