Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
- 298
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My weekend passed quickly. Not from a time perspective, but from a feeling that I never was able to give Ashley, Lenore, Angelique, Kelsey and my friends all the attention and time they deserved. A huge part of me was feeling a bit frustrated when we returned to school on Monday for Homecoming week. We had heard that the freshman were going to have a float for the homecoming parade and game on Friday, but Jessica and I had been unable to find out who was organizing the efforts. Jason mentioned that he heard Walter had co-opted the exercise and supposedly had used Sunday night to organize an orgy in the garage where the float was being built.
"Why don't you do something about him?" Kathy asked me as we walked through the halls to our first class.
"Not much I can do," I responded as we dodged several sophomores racing to get to class.
"Stop him," Milli said. "That should be simple."
"Not really," I said as we entered Mrs. Pangrac's classroom. "He is careful in what he says so the most anyone can get him for is being a jerk when he later dumps a girl. He also never openly intimidates someone on campus so I can't complain to a teacher."
"And complaining to his father will just get you laughed at," Jason added helpfully.
"Why?" Milli asked. "If you complained to my father about how I was acting, he would have punished me back when I lived with him."
"Walter's dad is one of those caveman types. He's probably stopping at the bar most nights and bragging about all the fine pussy his son has played with since he took the CAP score," Jason said.
"I knew it!" Mrs. Pangrac shouted as we made our way to our seats. "I knew that you were using your high CAP scores to subjugate the rest of the class."
"Actually, we're talking about how we might stop someone who is doing that," I said.
"Like I have any reason to believe that!" Mrs. Pangrac snapped at me. "I know how a young man like you is. You're always looking for the next girl to fuck!"
"Why?" I asked softly.
"Why what?" Mrs. Pangrac screamed.
"Why do you assume I'm that shallow? You've never tried to get to know me, but you accuse me of only thinking about sex," I replied.
"You're a teenage boy," Mrs. Pangrac said scornfully. "Everyone knows that all a teenage boy cares about is when he'll get his dick into another pussy. It's like that with adult men too. Every war ever fought was over some woman's pussy."
Kathy started to giggle. "You mean like the Trojan War of renown? The one that we only know through myth and which supposedly started because a young man from Troy judged a beauty contest between Aphrodite, Athena and Hera and was given the kidnapped Helen of Troy as a reward for selecting Aphrodite? Is that what you are trying to say?"
"Well, that is an extreme example," Mrs. Pangrac prevaricated. "But it just proves my point. After all the stories say the Trojan War was all about bringing Helen back."
"The excuses the Greeks used to justify the war say that," I replied. "In reality the war was probably over control of the trade routes from Greece up into the Black Sea. The supposed location of Troy gave the city the ability to block Greek ships from heading to the Black Sea. Many historians feel that the real reason for that war was economic. The Greek City-States wanted to remove a trade rival. The tale of the Trojan War was just their excuse."
"But why would they want an excuse?" Mrs. Pangrac asked.
"The same reason governments today try to manufacture an excuse to go to war. Wars are expensive. The wealthy will often in the end profit, but the common people are the ones who bear the economic burden of a war. The easiest way to get them to support a war is to conjure up some insult to them or make them believe the war is defensive," I said.
Jessica had her hand on the air, before Mrs. Pangrac could call on her she spoke. "We see that in history. In fact World War One was a perfect example. Germany had several government officials who wanted to go to war. When the Austrian Grand Duke was assassinated, they leaned on Austria to make unreasonable demands on Serbia. This led to a number of small wars being declared. At that point Germany was able to declare wars in support of their allies. Of course, they immediately attacked France, who had not been a party to the original dispute."
Mrs. Pangrac was staring at Jessica and me. I noticed the rest of the class was quiet. Our teacher stood looking at my friend and me for a moment and then shook her head. "That doesn't mean you aren't just looking for a convenient pussy."
"Shall we go another round?" Jason muttered as my sister jumped to her feet.
"Are you really that dense?" my sister asked. "My brother doesn't need or want just a convenient pussy."
"He hasn't taken mine yet," I could hear Kelsey mutter.
"Explain yourself!" Mrs. Pangrac snarled at me.
I sighed. "I have a couple of female friends and companions. Outside of school and practice I'm always with them."
"So?" Mrs. Pangrac snapped.
Jason slapped his forehead with an open palm. Beside me Jessica was shaking her head. "Do you just not want to get it?" Jessica asked. "Mark isn't going to chase after a random girl. He has already found a girl."
"Girls," Kelsey interrupted.
"Girls," Jessica said as she turned to glare at Kelsey. "So your whole argument isn't valid. Mark won't be doing something in school just to attract girls."
"He could!" Mrs. Pangrac insisted.
"He's got a hottie already," one of the boys in the class shouted. I did not recognize him, but the kid was smiling as he pointed at Kelsey. "And if Kelsey there was fourteen he'd have two."
"Three," Kelsey whispered. "Lenore doesn't go to school here."
Liz was shaking her head. "Do the teachers never talk to each other?" she asked.
"What do you mean?" Mrs. Pangrac said whirling to stare at the poor girl.
Liz stared at Mrs. Pangrac. "Well, it wasn't too hard to figure out that someone in the school administration had it out for the students with high CAP scores and especially with the ones playing sports. That's why we keep having all the surprise quizzes isn't it?"
"I never did that!" Mrs. Pangrac snapped.
"Pull the other one," Liz said scornfully. "I'm not a fool and neither is any other high CAP student here."
"You don't have a good score!" Mrs. Pangrac snapped.
"No, I just refused to answer when you asked," Liz responded. "It was pretty clear that first day that you resented the students with good scores. Why make myself into a target. Besides, I haven't decided what I want to do."
"What do you mean?" one of the boys in the class asked.
Liz turned to look at the boy. I noticed that her back stiffened as she stared at him. "Do you really think I want to take two people from this planet as my personal property?"
"Property?" Mrs. Pangrac interrupted.
"If you read between the lines on the description of the companions someone can take, that's what they are considered according to Confederacy law. You aren't bringing along your best friend, but more like your loving best pet," I answered.
"And you are fine with this?" Mrs. Pangrac said glaring at me.
"Nope," I replied before finally walking to my seat and sitting down.
"What?" the boy who had been arguing with Liz shouted. "Dude! You could take that hot blond cheerleader with you! And you aren't happy?"
"Why would he be?" Jason asked.
"Dude! Its guaranteed pussy! You have girls who will exist just to fuck you whenever you want!" the boy said. He sounded surprised that Jason and I did not seem thrilled by this prospect.
I was thinking out my reply when Jessica spoke up. "So? Guaranteed doesn't mean its good pussy."
"Any pussy is good pussy," the boy shot back.
"Not really," I said.
The boy, I still could not think of his name rolled his eyes. "Really? I've had good blow jobs and bad blow jobs and even the worst one I've ever had was awesome."
"Did it make you pass out?" I asked.
"What?" the boy responded, eyes wide as he stared at me.
"Did you pass out after that worst blow job you've ever had," I asked again.
Behind me I could hear Jason coughing as the boy sat up in his chair. "What wimp passes out from a blow job?" he sneered.
Jessica burst out in full throated laughter. "One who has been given a blowjob by a girl who wants to do that to him," she said once she caught her breath. "I did that to Eek and Ook a few times before they left for the stars."
"Eek? Ook? What kind of names are that?" the boy snapped.
Kathy giggled. "The bodyguards her dad hired refused to tell Jessica their names. We all called them Eek and Ook after that." The young brunette sighed. "They were great in bed too. I miss them."
"You fucked them?" the boy screeched.
Kathy and Millie both giggled. "Why not? Jessica wasn't going to allow just any man to have her, and since we're her bestest buddies, she asked us to take the men for a test ride," Kathy said.
"Or a test fuck," Millie added cheerfully. "And since those two were truly great and wanted us to enjoy the experience. We learned the difference between an emotionless fuck like you seem to proud of and making sex into something that joins two spirits together."
I noticed that Mrs. Pangrac had stepped back. She seemed to nod after Millie spoke, but then started frowning.
"That's enough of that!" she said with a scowl. "We're supposed to be studying the Crusades and how innocent children were destroyed by the pursuit of power."
"So we are studying the Children's Crusade?" I asked.
Mrs. Pangrac nodded as a new boy shouted. "What is that?"
I held up my hand while the mutterings in the class faded. "Supposedly undertaken in the thirteen century by a band of children organized by the church, the Children's Crusades are now thought to have been mostly groups of unemployed juveniles travelling in France and Germany seeking opportunity. The tales from the time claim they were headed to Jerusalem and going to fight the Muslims, and that the Roman Catholic Church supported the organizers, but there are no records supporting the tales," I said.
Mrs. Pangrac stared at me. "What do you mean that there are no records supporting the tales? I've found references in papers from the same period."
"Most references that are from people claiming to have witnessed the gathering of the supposed crusaders are dated between twelve-twenty and twelve-fifty, but the date for the crusade always seems to be about twelve-twelve," Jason said. "Later references admit to being effectively hearsay. The problem is that there is no financial record indicating that there was an organized effort."
"So it could have happened!" Mrs. Pangrac shouted.
"No writer of the time referred to an official Children's Crusade, led by a boy. There may have been a shepherd boy who through some level of trickery gathered a following in France, but his movement never left France before vanishing in the summer of twelve-twelve," I said.
"How do you know this?" one of my classmates asked.
"We read," Jessica said. "And we study together so we can split up what we read and then discuss it. We were getting into the middle ages in our studies in this class, and the Crusades are one of the most controversial aspects of the Middle Ages. We expected it to be discussed, so we researched it a couple of weeks ago."
"But you are already getting a solid grade in my class," Mrs. Pangrac admitted.
"Does that mean no more quizzes?" I countered.
"No," Mrs. Pangrac admitted. "As some of you have probably guessed the quizzes are being demanded by someone in the administration."
"Vice Principal Flanagan," Jessica, Jason and I said in chorus.
"You knew?" Mrs. Pangrac answered in a shocked voice.
"We've had a few conversations with him," I admitted causing Kelsey to snort.
"What?" Mrs. Pangrac said glaring at Kelsey.
I glanced over my shoulder to find Kelsey sinking into her chair. "It's just that Mark is not admitting to the nature of the conversations we've had with the Vice Principal. He's actually being rather generous to him."
Mrs. Pangrac nodded. "Well, I guess we should concentrate on the Middle Ages then. Perhaps you haven't over studied the rise of Hungary?"
Football practice started two weeks before the first day of school. For the next two weeks Jason and I got up early each day and were driven to school. We would spend hours under the late summer sun following the orders of coaches who seemed determined to drill us into exhaustion. Jason and I spent the first three days involved in a number of drills that were clearly designed to allow the coaches to see what skills we had. They soon had both of us working primarily on offense. Jason was...
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Jason was holding up his CAP card. Leticia exploded out of her chair with a loud cry of pure joy. She tackled Jason. They fell to the floor as the young woman covered his face with kisses. Ashley looked down at the couple. She kicked playfully at her brother's leg. "You scared us!" "I scared myself," Jason admitted. "Even knowing that I should score well, I was stunned by how often I couldn't answer one of the questions quickly. And the scenes I had to move through. You ever try to...
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I allowed Jason to lead me into the training center. We found Ashley standing near the service counter, chatting merrily with the young woman standing there. I was surprised to see that the woman was wearing what looked like a combination of military uniform and space suit. Ashley noticed us and waved. "Mark! Lieutenant Marakova here tells me that she's received transfer orders," Ashley called out. Jason and I walked up to meet the woman. "You're not going to be here longer?" I asked...
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Becky picked up most of us. Matilda and Kelsey were riding home with us for the first time all week. Becky noticed as they jumped into the minivan. "I have extra passengers," she said. "I'm glad I didn't bring Angelique. She wanted to come" "Awww," Kelsey and Matilda said in unison. "We wanted to see her." "I haven't gotten to play with her all week," Kelsey added. "You choose to go home with Jessica," Jason pointed out. "Well," Kelsey said. "I don't go home with...
I stood up and walked toward the door, leaving my unfinished drawing on the easel. Jessica gave a cry of annoyance, as I walked away. I heard her easel crash to the floor behind me as I left the building. Outside, I walked a few feet from the door and then turned around. A couple minutes later Jessica stormed out of the classroom. She walked right up to me and slapped me across the face. "How can you embarrass me like that!" she hissed. I said nothing. Instead I pointed to a bench set far...
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Sergeant O'Malley stepped to the center of the room and looked at me. "Son," he said. "You have to be one of the bravest fools I've ever met. Did you just tell this man that you wanted to make a sex slave out of his daughter?" "No," I replied firmly. "I told him that I would protect his daughter and love her. In my home she will be a partner, someone who can assist me in raising our children and providing a happy and enriching environment for all who live there." The Sergeant...
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This story took a while and numerous rewrites to get where I wanted it to be. Yes, it is somewhat long, but I believe that it's a good demonstration of how a character can easily change without even noticing it him/herself. There was a lot of effort to build the characters in an easily accessible way. Let me know what you think. This story is inspired by the story Changes by Trick over at Go ahead and read that story as well....
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The rout of Constance seemed to signal an end to any disturbances for lunch. Maurice hung around for a while at the other table in the courtyard, staring at us, but saying nothing as Jason and I cuddled with our girls and listened to Jessica bragging about how good the freshman cheerleaders would be this year. I had to laugh at that since Kelsey, Matilda, Kathy and Millicent had all made the cheerleading squad. Jason seemed a bit preoccupied, but volunteered nothing about his brief...
The rest of the day at school passed quickly. Jason and I sat with Julio and Walter at lunch. Jason spent most of the time trying to cheer up Walter. I said little, but did discover that Julio and Walter were going to attend a one-day seminar that was reported to help young men improve their scores. Both had scheduled tests for the upcoming Tuesday afternoon. Jason and I both offered to walk with them to the training center. Jessica did stop by during lunch. She teased Julio a bit. Her...
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The television switched back to the same newsroom we had been viewing earlier. The same anchor now had a visible stack of notes in front of him, but was looking at a teleprompter. "Hello again, this is Martin Sherman, and I'm anchoring the lead-in to tonight's Defense Forces Special as some people are now calling it. This show is here to demonstrate how someone with a six point five CAP or higher will select his companions. We have been told that this is actually more organized than most...
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I muted my cell phone. "Everyone is fine with this correct?" I asked. Letty giggled. "It sounds like you'll have fun. I'll stay out for the most part. I'm Jason's sex slave and should be seen naked and at his feet." Ashley laughed. "Oh, that's so wrong its right. I agree though. Mark, it should be mostly you with Jason, Jessica, and Morgan offering the most support. We already know it will probably be about you." "This song is not about me," I said firmly. "I never thought...
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By some miracle there were no bodies on the ground when the field vanished, and the crowd dispersed. Even the boy who had attacked me managed to crawl away to receive medical attention. There still was plenty of emotional trauma. Several young men ran out of the restaurant with tears pouring down their faces. Mall security stopped several of the men. Most were shirtless and two were carrying a collection of women's clothing. It soon became clear that the boys had lost girlfriends to the...
I let everyone know about the reappearance of my brother. No one was very worried about him. Mike had proved to be a coward. The only worry was that he might try to catch one of the girls alone. Morgan used some contacts he had through his construction work and a week later gave everyone in our group pepper spray canisters. School continued. The teachers were increasingly distracted though, and the lessons suffered. Some of the teachers spent most of their time trying to chat up the students...
The next morning, I found myself wrapped up on my now unzipped sleeping bag with a young girl hanging on each side of me. I was dressed in boxers for sleep while my sister and her best friend had found long t-shirts they used to cover their bodies. They each had a hand on my chest and my hands were resting on their hips as we cuddled under a blanket. Absently I gave each of them a few tender rubs before I sat up and turned the alarm off. Kelsey shifted and growled in annoyance, but neither...
My three morning classes were quiet. The teachers seemed a bit distracted, and the students just wanted to whisper about the President's announcement. Most students were speculating on the special show to be on television in two weeks. No one seemed to have a clear idea of what to expect. I stayed silent as the others continued to gossip. It was not due to a lack of interest in the possibilities. My issue was that I wanted to have facts rather than rumor, and other than Jessica, there was...
It is a beautiful autumn day a week before the big game with the homecoming dance afterward.Rebecca is a freshman at this college who is cute as a button but, oh, so shy. She is five feet tall with long red hair and bright green eyes. She is curvy and could stop traffic if she really wanted to. But she dresses for comfort not to impress anyone. There are enough other girls that dress to get attention.She has decided to go ahead and invest in a sexy off the shoulder red dress for Homecoming. She...
Love StoriesFor the next few weeks, things stayed in a routine. An overworked, stressful, pressure-cooker of a routine, but a routine nonetheless. We played our games, and our practices also progressed very well. My professors kept on piling on the work, but we still found a little time to goof off and relieve the pressure, if only temporarily. We lost a non-conference game to the University of Miami Hurricanes by an embarrassingly lopsided score, but we had an excuse. More than half the team was struck...
Jason lived up to his promise in the second half. He not only recorded two more sacks, but on the last one, stripped the football and then managed to recover the bouncing ball and run it in for a touchdown. Everyone on the defense was patting his helmet when he walked over to the sideline still carrying the football. "Take it easy," Coach Grisham told him. "There are only two minutes left in the game. We'll let the backups play." I walked over to the benches. Jason followed me. He...
My thoughts after the pickup proved true. Ashley and Lenore rarely let me leave their sight during the days leading up to the New Year. Jason and Jessica had the same issue. A simple plan to go for a run in the park quickly became an organized march as their companions demanded to go with them. Becky was the worst. She clung to Morgan. Beatrice had called their employer and tried to explain the issues, but was not sure she was successful. She succeeded in getting Becky a week off without...
I held Ashley close. There was a musical chime coming from the backpack at her feet. She giggled and looked down at it. "Mark, that's my cell phone. Can you grab my bag?" I shifted to the left so I could use my left hand to reach the bag. My right hand Ashley held pinned against her pussy. She was rocking gently against my hand as I picked up her bag and lifted it to the table. Once it was on the table Ashley dug through a side pocket to find her phone. "It's Mom!" she exclaimed as...
It must have been only a moment, but I came awake with my arms wrapped around Ashley. She was lying there senseless. I pushed my body off hers and rolled to the side. Once we were lying next to each other, I began offering loving kisses. "Will it always be like that?" Ashley asked with a sigh. "I wish it will be," I replied as I held her. "That was just about perfect." "I know," Ashley said as she put her arms around me and squeezed me. "I never expected that." "I love you," I...
Ashley and I were quiet on the drive home. We were pulling into the driveway at my place when Ashley quietly asked. "Mark? Should we have offered her a chance to leave Earth with you?" "No," I said firmly. "There was no connection. Both of us think Kelsey is sweet and adorable. With Lenore it seemed like we came to the same conclusion about her sadness. And we know they get along with each other. I liked that Connie was willing to help when I had to intervene in the fight at the store,...
CHAPTER 1 Barbara Thompson came close to panic as she read the email from her daughter on the eve of Nikki’s homecoming after spending the last two years in England finishing her Fine Arts Degree at great expense. Barbara and husband Bass (Basil) had used the money set aside to buy another commercial property in their town of Lynch to ensure their eldest received the education she desired. The email read: ‘Hi mom, my degree with honors is in the bag and I’ll be home in two weeks. I have...
HOMECOMING Even though it was November, it felt like spring in Tucson. Raised in the cold Midwest, Kelly felt there was something fundamentally wrong with a Homecoming game that lacked the crisp bite of impending winter, but who was she to complain? If she had been in the Midwest, she would not have been able to wear a short jean skirt and flat summer sandals to go with her jersey and U of A earrings. She could not deny that the loved how cute the outfit made her feel. When her...
Hello there, my name is Brian and I just got back from a 10 month deployment overseas. 10 months is a long time to go without seeing any friends or family let me tell you. It is also a long time to go without fucking. Due to the rules of our deployment zone, there was absolutely no sex allowed. That and the lack of available women made sure that everyone slept alone at night. Of course I am no wuss so I used Skype and phone sex as often as I could. Phone sex, Skype, and even porn were not...
Group SexChastity followed me as I walked over to the table. When I stopped to look around the room I could see a very nervous look on her face. “Problem?” I asked. “That orientation makes the ship seem very complex,” Chastity said. “It is. It has to be in order to allow us to travel into space,” I replied. “But I can’t even understand why I have the CAP to be a citizen. I always hated fighting. My parents were always fighting. I got into acting because there was a small theater group in my...
The rest of the weekend was in some ways idyllic. After we finished eating the pizza, Mrs. Roberts drove us home, stopping to drop off Walter. Jessica called her father, and had one of his employees come to pick up Kathy, Millie, and her. They promised to try to spend more time with us. Mr. Cunningham told us he would be showing up later before driving away from Harrard's. I rode home with Mrs. Roberts. Ashley let me know that she was not excited by the idea of spending a night in a cold...
"Your father is trapped in the Ukraine?" Becky asked. "That's what he told me last night," I said. "He said some kind of intelligence agency arrested Valery and he lost some of the paperwork required to leave." "Why the tour then?" Jason asked. "I guess the band owes the unions some favors," I said. "My father said they would make sure he can travel back here with the band. Supposedly they use a choir and he'd be part of it when they fly here." "Your father sings?" Jason...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
Morgan's question stuck with me for the next two hours as we wandered the mall. Beatrice had handed out cash to everyone when we first arrived and told us to spend it as we pleased. Angelique had been given a twenty and begged to be shown where she might purchase a teddy bear. I found a children's store and took Angelique inside as my friends scattered throughout the mall. Angelique wandered the entire store, gazing longingly at a couple of the dolls before heading over to an area filled...
We loaded the suitcases onto the bus quickly. Once the bus was full, I informed the driver that we were going to head to breakfast. He said that he would park around the corner. Maurice, Jason, and I headed over to the restaurant. We arrived at the entrance and found that the rest of our group had already been seated. The hostess agreed to lead us to the private room where everyone was. I lagged behind the others as the hostess led us through the restaurant. Several of the patrons looked at...
We found the ramp and began making our way up the spiral. Ashley had her phone to her ear. "Yes, I know about it. I was filming ... No, I didn't put my video on YouTube." "Sooner," Lenore and I said in unison. "Look, we're trying to get to our seats," Ashley said. "No one here is hurt or anything." "No one?" I asked as I looked over my shoulder. Lenore giggled. "Morgan told us about how this security company has been known to try to shake down some of the luxury box ticket...
It was about nine when I finished my studying for the night. I was preparing a list of food items that could be hidden in the tree house when my father came home. He was shouting about untrustworthy politicians and corrupt bureaucrats. It was clear that the conference call had not provided the results he and his friends had hoped for. I went to sleep listening to him rant at Mother. The next morning Father was sitting at the breakfast table when I came down after my shower. He glared at me...
The ground under the treehouse was hard and my right ankle protested the abrupt landing. I fell forward, putting my hands on the dirt, and dropping the bag containing the washcloths. A small cloud of dust billowed up. I inhaled some of the dirt and started coughing. Above me I could hear Ashley laughing. She waited for me to stop coughing and then shouted. "I'll take stupid human tricks for fifty." "It was fun!" I protested as I stood up and began brushing dirt from my shirt and...
“That’s crazy. Let’s just stay watch the game. We’re going to get caught.” “No, we’re not. And even if we are, what are they going to do? It’s about two years too late to expel us. And it’s not like they’re not going to call the cops. After all we’re alums. Potential donors.” Clara was right, although that attitude came naturally to her. Although she came from an enormously wealthy family, she was not in the least snobby or stuck up. It was impossible, however, for her to be unaware of how her...
Homecoming Ch. 08 Edited by Frinkles© 2007 This chapter was edited to correct a date discrepancy/error that was driving me crazy — no more, no less. Everything else in the story is exactly the same. Alright, alright…UNCLE! For those of you who are disappointed in Daniel’s actions, believe me so am I. The guy is human. He’s a bit of an idiot at times. He’s letting his little head do the thinking rather than the ‘big’ head. He knows he screwed up which is why he’s in the dang farmhouse praying...
Author Notes: Last we saw Jay and Amanda is when Jay learned that one of his family relatives was coming to stay with him and his parents for some time. His cousin, Moira. As far as Jay knows is he is unsure what his girlfriend, Amanda, thinks of his cousin. That and he’s unsure if Moira likes Amanda. The only thing he knows for sure is that Moira approves of Amanda, at least that’s what he thinks. The only thing is he is unaware if his weekend arrangement is going to change or not. What will...
The rest of the week was pretty frustrating as Megan’s and Christie took every chance they could to tease me around school. I managed to survive the week of football practice with Christie and the squad practicing around in short shorts and sports bras. Christie was a huge tease as she would often talk dirty to me during our nightly calls and even email some naughty photos. She told me not to jack off all week because she wanted me to save it for Homecoming. Through it all, I received good...
Author Notes: Last we saw Jay and Amanda is when Jay learned that one of his family relatives was coming to stay with him and his parents for some time. His cousin, Moira. As far as Jay knows is he is unsure what his girlfriend, Amanda, thinks of his cousin. That and he’s unsure if Moira likes Amanda. The only thing he knows for sure is that Moira approves of Amanda, at least that’s what he thinks. The only thing is he is unaware if his weekend arrangement is going to change or not. What will...
Love StoriesMrs. O'Toole called in for Molly on Tuesday, too. Josh told me that Molly was feeling better, but she didn't want to come to school limping so badly, so she wanted to wait until Wednesday. I had the feeling that she also didn't want to face Joey or Jilly, either, and I couldn't blame her. All the Bulls were walking around the school hallways like puffed-up peacocks, telling tall tales of glory and conquest to any fool that would listen. Josh also said that he wanted us to meet again at...
Ashley was the first to exit the mall, but I caught up to her as we came around the building and could finally see the small seating area for the outdoor café. Her mother was sitting quietly at a table sipping from a cup as she scanned something on a tablet. We could see Jason approaching from the other side. All three of us managed to reach the table at the same time. Mrs. Roberts did not look up. "I set up a pizza delivery back at the house in forty-five minutes," she told us as she...