Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 18 My Homecoming Date
- 2 years ago
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They were so excited. It was their first night together. ‘My god, she looks so beautiful,’ Matt thought as she peeled the bra from her bountiful breasts. But please forgive me, I am getting ahead of myself.
They had been talking to each other for a little bit now. They met in high school, in their junior year advanced chemistry class. Neither of them really cared for the class. Her name was Elisabeth. Matt was already in the class when she transferred into it. When she opened the door, everyone looked back, knowing that a visitor at this time in this class was rare indeed. Matt’s breath was immediately taken away, because there in the light was the silhouette of an angel. He couldn’t even see any specifics, but Matt was awestruck. When Liz stepped out of the light, Matt had to hold on to his desk to keep from falling.
She was 5’7′, and 120 lbs., with shoulder length red hair. On her face was a gorgeous smile, with perky, deep dimples, which framed her beautiful green eyes with a brown starburst in the middle, which Matt gazed at whenever he got the chance. And then there were her curves. She wasn’t chubby, not by any sense of the imagination, but she had padding in all the right places. Her chest was a generous 36-C, and it fit her frame perfectly, and her arms draped down her sides and rested on the best looking set of hips you could ever imagine, forming a perfect figure eight.
As she walked to the teacher, her hair bounced fitfully in the air, all the while Matt was praying to whatever Gods might be listening that she be seated in the empty seat next to him. To his amazement, one of them had been listening and she was place right next to him, on the aisle. He now sat between one good-looking girl, who he liked to flirt with, and now this angel from above was on his right.
Needless to say, Matt was more than a little intimidated. He was on the football team, on the first string even, so he was in shape. But, there’s a different kind of ‘in shape’ required of a lineman. He towered over Liz, even when sitting, due to the fact that most of his 6’3′ was in his torso. But, he was rather portly around the midsection. But that was the only flaw to him. His legs were rock hard from carrying around such a large frame for all these years, and from the constant bike riding. Matt never quite got the grades to get a car, but he was far from stupid. From throwing around other huge giants on the football field, his arms and chest were very very strong and his forearms even rippled when he would flex his fingers. Matt also had this mop of brown hair he tried to keep nice by using outrageous amounts of hair care products, but Liz was mainly interested in his eyes.
Matt’s mother always described them as being ‘puppy poo’ brown, but that’s only because she never got a close look at them. Liz, on the other hand, had. They were mainly green. But, what made them interesting were the brown spots, which dotted the green plane. Liz could look into his eyes forever.
That year went by pretty fast from then on. You see, Liz was in the marching band, and with Matt being on the football team, they had a lot that they could talk about. They talked about past games during class and even sat together during lunch once and a while. Matt would tell glory stories, and Liz would stroke his ego by saying, ‘You mean that was you? I thought it was some senior who had been on the team for years.’ Matt knew she was exaggerating, but he liked it anyways. When the year ended, they parted ways for the summer, and exchanged numbers, email addresses, and the like. But, alas, they lost touch in a few short weeks, though it wasn’t either of their faults. Matt was finally going to be able to get a car, a hand down from his parents, but he had to get a job over the summer to pay for insurance, which took up all of his mornings. After that, he would have practice, which would last till eight at night, and by then it was all he could do to keep from falling asleep on the bike ride home.
On the other hand, there was Liz, with her overbearing parents. They decided that it would be fun to take a summer trip to visit the family in Michigan. Now, there is no problem with that, but Liz firmly disagreed to the part where they would DRIVE there. So, after that month was stolen from her life, she actually forgot about Matt.
But Matt never did forget about her. He thought about her during his 18th birthday, and even called her to wish her a happy 18th birthday. But that was the only contact they had with each other during those hot summer months.
School started again, and alas, they had no classes together. Liz was in mostly Advanced Placement classes, while Matt wanted to enjoy his last year of high school, and took enough classes to get into college, but did not overdo it by any sense of the imagination. He kept his eye out for Liz, but could never find her. He talked to a few of her friends, and they gave him the same story. But, Matt was persistent and kept his eyes open and his ear to the ground. Then one day, at the end of class in the busy halls, he bumped into her, literally. She was walking around a blind corner with a handful of books, when she slammed right into him.
‘WATCH IT, YOU BUFFOON!’ she screamed at him. Matt was raised to be polite, so instead of yelling at her, he helped her.
‘Excuse me, I apologize. I guess I didn’t see you under all those books,’ he said as he bent down to his knees to pick up her things.
‘Matt, is that you?’ she asked. ‘It is you! I missed you so much over the summer. It’s a shame we didn’t keep in touch. I am sorry for yelling at you. I was in a hurry. I have to get to a band council meeting.’
‘It’s ok, trust me,’ he said, gripping his arm. ‘You should try out for the team. We need someone who can hit like you.’
‘Oh, I am ssssooooo sorry. Are you hurt?’ she apologized
‘I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. I can take a hit or two.’ Matt replied. Then he pondered for a little. ‘Know what? There is something you can do for me. How about a date? I think that would be a fine thing now, don’t you?’
‘Actually,’ Liz said, ‘I’m a bit busy for a while. How about we start with lunch? You can sit with me at my table. I usually am by myself, and the company would be wonderful. So that’s it then, tomorrow you can eat lunch with me.’
‘It would be an honor and a pleasure to lunch with you, Miss Elisabeth. I will see you tomorrow.’
That’s how it all started. They would eat lunch and talk. As a matter of fact, they were together so often, that many of Matt’s friends assumed that they were dating, and asked lots of awkward questions. But Matt was always a gentleman and would always say the same thing, ‘Not till she is ready. Then I will ask her.’
The both of them always looked forward to Fridays. Friday was the day of the week that football games were played on, and that meant a nice walk to the corner Subway, and a pre-game meal for the both of them. The weeks just flew by once again, just like they did junior year, and pretty soon it was time for the homecoming game. And everyone knows what follows the homecoming game on the next day. For those of you who don’t know, it’s the homecoming dance.
A few weeks before hand, on a Friday pre-game meal at Subway, Matt started to act funny. He was nervous, and Matt never got nervous. It didn’t matter if it was a class final or the biggest game of his life, Matt did not get nervous. It took a few minuets, and a couple of empty conversation topics, but he finally got the nerve to ask her.
‘Liz, would you like to go to the homecoming dance with me?’ he spoke in a timid voice.
‘Why Matt, wouldn’t that be a date? And that would mean that we would be dating, wouldn’t it?’ Liz teased, knowing full well that most jocks have a terrible fear of commitment. Matt was no normal stereotypical jock.
‘Actually, that was going to be my next question. I really like you, and we get along great, and I cannot i
magine my day-to-day life without our lunch together, or our Friday walks to Subway. You are the most perfect girl, I mean woman, that I have ever laid eyes on. Even since the first day I saw you I felt this way.’ The words just poured from Matt’s heart and through his mouth. He even got a bit misty-eyed when saying it.
‘Oh Matt, don’t cry you big silly boy,’ Liz said, trying to keep from crying herself. ‘I’ve been waiting for so long for you to say something. I feel the same way about you, and have felt the same way about you since I sat down next to you that first day of class.’ Just then, she reached for him and gave him a big hug, one that the both of them would remember forever. ‘I have to warn you about something though. I know that a lot of guys have expectations of girls, and girlfriends even for that matter. I come from an old school up bringing and I want to take things slow, I mean really slow.’
‘Don’t worry Liz. I have nothing but the utmost respect for you, and would never do anything without first telling you what I planned, and making sure that you agreed with the plan. As a matter of fact, I wasn’t going to kiss you until the homecoming dance, just to make you sweat a little’
‘Oh really? Is that a fact? In that case, do you care to make a wager? I bet you that you could never last that long with me, knowing full well that we are exclusive to each other.’
‘Name the stakes,’ was his only reply.
‘If I win, you have to wear a dress to homecoming, just like mine. The only difference will be size, and that’s all.’
‘Ok, and what is really going to happen, since I know that I am going to win?’
‘A bit cocky aren’t you?’ She had no idea that she just hit it on the head, so to speak. ‘If you win, and believe me this is purely hypothetical, since you aren’t going to win. But, if you win, I will do whatever you want to on our homecoming date.’
‘But that isn’t fair. I already promised to you that I wouldn’t do anything unless you said that it would be ok. In this instance you would be painting me into a corner, and catching me in a lie, which I would never do to you.’
‘You are a smart one, aren’t you? Maybe you should think about law school instead of those goofy computers. Ok, in that case, I will amend that. If you win, I will be much more open to what you would like to do the night of homecoming. Does that sound ok?’
‘Yes. That way, you would be caught in the lie, not me.’
‘That’s the thing, I am not going to lie because I am not going to loose this bet.’
‘What ever you say, you cute little girl. Did you know that when you get anxious, the corners of your mouth begin to quiver? I plan on making them to that a lot over the next three weeks.’
One thing that Liz didn’t know is that, along with her, Matt was a virgin. And he had worked on keeping it that way until his time was right. Along the way, he had learned a few tricks, such as a no-touching, no-intercourse way to get a girl to climax with nothing but flower petals and a feather.
As the first week went by, he introduced her to the petals and feather. It started one day, after school, while they were sitting on his couch. ‘Lay back and just relax and trust me.’ Those were the last words said that day till they were finished. He started by rolling her over to her stomach and began to message her head. He started with small, tight circles around her temple and slowly began to spiral the circles outward to the rest of her scalp. After that, he began to rub her neck, right at the base of her head. Then he worked his way lower to her shoulders. In order for this trick to work, the woman had to be completely relaxed, but not horny. The girl has to be sensual, and the only way to get someone into that mood is to be sensual towards him or her.
As he continued to message her, Matt slowly began to lift her blouse up. Liz got a worried look on her face, but it vanished once she looked into Matt’s eyes and saw that she could trust him. He lifted and removed her blouse and unclasped her bra, removing that too. The strangest thing to Elisabeth, though, was that he was completely honorable in doing so. Matt never copped a feel or anything. As Matt began to rub down her back, Liz relaxed and soon all thoughts were out of her head. The only thing she could think of is how good his hands felt on her skin.
After a while, Liz began to feel his hands on the hem of her skirt, feeling for the zipper. Once again, she got worried, but as before, one look in his eyes and she trusted him completely. He guided his hands to the zipper on the back of her skirt, and slowly pulled it down. And as before, he never got grabby and kept his hands under control. Slowly he began to pull her skirt and panties both down at once. He lifted her feet up one by one, and un-clasped her heels and pulled the skirt off of her. She was now completely naked, and completely relaxed, but not sensual yet. That was the next step.
He began to rub the small of her back, especially the triangle formed by her tailbone and bones of her hips. Liz was now really starting to get into this. Matt’s hands were touching her in ways and places that no one had ever been, or even attempted. Matt knew he was doing well, the major sign being the small wet spot forming on the couch. He worked his way down to her thighs, rubbing each one in turn. He knew that in order to seal the deal, he would have to get to her inner thighs. Slowly, so as not to startle this beautiful creature before him, he began to work further and further down into the soft skin on Liz’s inner thigh.
He was careful not to grope her, but to only message her where he knew it would drive her crazy. Once he got his hands down to the inside of her thigh, he began to work it. Matt would rub up her thigh to the point where it would become her womanhood, even lightly scraping her lips with a stray finger once and a while. Then he would make small circles down her leg to her knee. Then Matt would do it all over again.
After a few minuets of this, Liz got even more physical than Matt thought she would. A couple seconds later, and she was even moaning. Matt knew she was ready. He rolled her over to her stomach and began the process of making a woman climax without touching any of her ‘buttons’ and using only flower petals and a feather.
He started by placing a single rose petal on her tummy. It was so flat, and Matt was incredibly jealous of the petal. He wanted so much to kiss her beautiful tummy, but a bet is a bet. Then he blew on it. Gently at first, so it would catch the wind, but not move, and a little more forcefully soon after. He blew the first petal towards her ample left breast. Once again, he felt compelled to suck her nipple, which was standing out quite nicely at that moment, right into his mouth, but refrained from it.
Once he got the petal over her nipple, he blew on it so that it wouldn’t move for a few seconds. Matt glanced down between her legs and Liz was being driven wild. Her love juices were flowing profusely and her clit was out and saying hello to the world. He was lucky that she was lying on a slipcover that could be washed easily. Then, Matt got another petal and, using the same method, blew it to her right breast and onto her right nipple. Then Matt began the final steps. He placed the third and final petal on her stomach and blew it towards her lower half. Slowly and gingerly, using surgical precision, he placed the final petal right over her clit.
After that, he began the fist steps towards the final destination. Matt pulled out his feather. His mother used to use it as a calligraphy plume, but since she stopped, Matt found better uses for it.
Slowly he began to run the feather over her stomach. He wasn’t to light, because Liz was excessively ticklish, but he was slow and deliberate. Matt ran the feather up her torso to the bottom of her breasts. He drew the shaft of the plume around each breast, watching Liz begin to moan softly and breath deeply.
On her breasts, he was a little softer, knowing that they weren’t ticklish, and that the light strokes would stimulate her more.
Once Liz was worked up to the perfect level, Matt began to work his way down her tummy again. When he got to her lower body he by-passed her clit completely. If he stimulated her clit, she would be cumming in no time, and where would the fun be in that? Besides, that’s what the petal was there for, and he specified to her that the petal would be the only pressure she would feel on her clit.
Slowly Matt began to run the feather up and down the tops of her thighs. The plume would tease her inner thigh, gently brushing past her most sensitive skin. After a while, Matt began to work the plume down into her thighs. He dusted from her womanhood down to her knees and back up again. He did this a few times. As a matter of fact, Matt was searching for something. Then he found it.
Liz has this spot on her thigh, that, when brushed just right, would drive her wild and get her blood pumping faster than ever. When Matt found it, he paid special attention to it, running the plume all over it. He wasn’t gentle either. Truth of the matter is, Matt wanted her to cum just as bad as she wanted him to make her cum. Matt got a little idea which popped into his head at that exact moment.
‘Beg me.’
‘What?’ Elisabeth moaned.
‘Beg me. Beg me to made you cum. Beg me to let you experience the pleasures and satisfaction which only this feather can bring you.’
Liz never missed a beat and knew exactly what they both wanted. ‘Please Matt, please. I am begging you to make me cum. I am begging you to make me shudder in orgasm. Matt, make me yours forever.’
And just like that, Matt began to rub her just the right way. Liz was now beyond the point of no return. She felt the orgasm build in her groin. She felt her dam begin to fill with fluids. She felt her muscles all begin to tense. Then, all at once, she lost control. Her toes curled so far that they nearly touched her feet. Her back arched well over six inches off of the couch. Her hand reached out for Matt’s hand, and squeezed it, knowing that it was the only physical contact he would allow her during this. Her eyes rolled back in her head just as the dam broke loose and her fluids flowed freely onto the couch’s slipcover. She moaned deeply and loudly, not screaming, but definitely expressing the amount of pleasure she was getting out of this.
Slowly, Liz began to come down from her orgasm. First her feet relaxed, then her eyes began to regain their focus. Her back relaxed and began to lower. The last thing she did was let go of Matt’s hand. ‘Wow, that was incredible. I want to kiss you more than anything right now.’
‘Now Liz, I gave you that special treat to show you what you have to look forward to on our homecoming date. You don’t want to go spoiling that right now do you? But don’t worry, I want to pull you into my arms and kiss you just as bad as you want me to.’
To Be Continued:
This story took a while and numerous rewrites to get where I wanted it to be. Yes, it is somewhat long, but I believe that it's a good demonstration of how a character can easily change without even noticing it him/herself. There was a lot of effort to build the characters in an easily accessible way. Let me know what you think. This story is inspired by the story Changes by Trick over at Go ahead and read that story as well....
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by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Twenty-four: Homecoming Visit my blog at “It's time to go home,” I told Mary. “Yes,” Mary sighed happily. “All the sluts miss you so much.” We were lying in my mom's bed, cuddling after we made love. For the last two days, I had been under some spell. A nun had turned my baby sister into a trap that would spring when I slept with her. There was a spell, the Ritual of Mowdah, that would let me recognize a nun by...
The homecoming By Cassandra Morgan The skies are high in the midwest. Luke always smiled when he heard his neighbors say that. Hell, he imagined the sky was high in New York or Chicago, too. But there was something about the flatness of the land that made the Kansas sky seem higher. The blueness was so vast, so expansive. Even now, Luke McCall looked. One small cloud hovered above. That meant no rain today. That meant he had to turn on the irrigation pumps. Above him, a...
Author's note: Please feel free to post this story to any free site, as long as the following conditions are met. It shall not be posted to any site charging a fee for reading it, either direct or indirect (avs), the story remains fully intact, and the original author shall be credited in entirety. This story contains harsh language and scenes of a frank sexual nature and is not suitable for younger readers. Also if you are offended by Transgendered, Gay, and Lesbian themes,...
The Homecoming By Ricky When he arrived home he was greeted by the blinking red light on the answering machine. Shrugging out of his coat he thought, 'Probably some damn salesman.' It had been a tough day, details nagging and pecking at his soul until his spirit sagged as deeply as the lines on an old man's face. With a weary shrug he pressed the button on the machine. A low, quavering voice broke the stillness of the room. "Peter... Peter it's me. Please... Peter you have...
The Homecoming by Heather Ann Scared and worried about how I would be accepted, I walked through the snow toward the front door of the house I grew up in but had not seen for years. The world around me seemed to be holding its breath in anticipation along with me. Standing there for a moment, I took a deep breath and then rang the doorbell. The first face I saw was that of Momma when she opened the door. She looked like I remember only a little bit older, but still a...
The Homecoming Part One - Prologue Paul, Andy, David and I had been friends at school and even though I hadn’t seen them for years I was excited by the prospect of meeting my old friends again. How long had it been – 10, maybe 11 years? I was intrigued by the idea of seeing what had become of them and what they had done with their lives – none of them had left Cornwall since I had gone to university, and from the e-mails and occasional phone calls that I had received all 3 of them had settled...
BisexualNote: I posted this story on Crystal's Storysite in 2002. It received a generally positive response. I haven't written anything since, but I am posting it here to give it a wider audience. Aoife Martin, 2004. The Homecoming By Aoife Martin "Miss?" Something shook my shoulder. "We're here Miss. End of the line." It took a little while for my senses to kick in and realise where 'here' actually was. Home. Or, at least, the town I had grown up in. I looked out the window of the...
It's the end of a busy work week and I can't wait to finally leave the building and go home. I haven't seen you for almost 2 weeks and you are the only thing on my mind as I walk out into the bright sunshine. The only way of communication during your business trip are the late night talks on Skype and your sweet messages you leave on my cell. After arriving at the house I realize that I have less then 90 minutes left to prepare for the little surprise I planed for your homecoming. Entering our...
Straight SexAs the plane circled over Heathrow Ned felt a definite tightening of his trousers. He closed his eyes and imagined Clare, the last time he’d seen her she’d looked so pathetic that he’d lost the normal urge to ravage her there and then.Three months in a jungle with snakes, mosquitoes and scorpions and not a hot blooded woman in sight had converted him, and he was now desperate to feel her flesh against his.As the plane descended, Ned felt the pressure build up in his ears and his trousers. He...
It was summer vacation and I left town helping out a sick relative. My stay lasted a month and a half and I was on my way home. The day was hot but not as bad as it was before I left. Still, it was good to be back home. I got onboard the elevator where I ran into one of my neighbors. He was an old man who always complained about the noises Cynthia and I always made. He just passed me by not bothering to make any eye contact. I had the elevator all to myself and was on my way to the sixth floor....
It’s the end of a busy work week and I can’t wait to finally leave the building and go home. I haven’t seen you for almost 2 weeks and you are the only thing on my mind as I walk out into the bright sunshine. The only way of communication during your business trip are the late night talks on Skype and your sweet messages you leave on my cell. After arriving at the house I realize that I have less then 90 minutes left to prepare for the little surprise I planed for your homecoming. Entering...
It’s been nearly four years since Michelle’s ‘homecoming’, her long Caribbean cruise with Brett. I’ve had a lot of people asking about Michelle’s ‘first time’ with Brett, after her month-long forced abstinence. I haven’t told about it because, well – just because I haven’t. I got involved in other stories, Matt and Adriana, Robert and Karen, and a few little tidbits.I probably wouldn’t be now, except for that e-mail from Alec, Michelle’s first extra-curricular lover, in Kodiak while I was in...
Wife Lovers“You never told me you were rich, love” Conor said in his Irish accent, in awe of the beautiful mansion in front of them. The walls were newly painted white, the windows were still the old kind, the ones that open outwards and made of wood—neatly varnished mahogany wood. The ground floor was made of stone, too keep its foundation strong and in front of the house was a fountain of intricate design, dolphins, cherubs, and pots circled the base, squirting water into its small pool as water...
“What Have You Done?” Mrs. Benson stood on my front porch with a look of contempt that I have never seen before. She looked at me like I was a murderer and I couldn’t think of a single thing to say. “Mr. Snead, what is going on?” she asked, her voice dripping disdain. “I saw Mrs. Swanson go into your room after our team meeting and then I saw you run out to your truck with someone wrapped up in a tarp.” I stuttered and lied by saying that I had been working a sculpture and I moved it...
I also told you about Adam the nerdy boy I had befriended at college. I had more or less seduced him at our apartment after school. I enjoyed it even more when I found out that Adam was a virgin. I told him I would show him the wonders of sex as long as we kept it our little secret. It was Homecoming week at our college when I started Adam’s lessons. I had only given him one little lesson on how to hold and kiss a woman. Adam was a fast learner; I had enjoyed myself with him that first...
Tall Elk rode warily, with one eye on the sunset, the other on the canyon ahead. They were minutes from home now. The nearby canyon protected Paradise Valley from outsiders arriving from the south and it was a bad time to be approaching the canyon. With most raiding parties riding south, that is the direction of the greatest threat. Any pursuers would be ambushed there at the narrow valley. He looked around the herd to make sure everyone was present. Now was the time to count,...
This chapter was edited to correct a date discrepancy/error that was driving me crazy — no more, no less. Everything else in the story is exactly the same. Cheers again to Techsan and the wonderful editing job on this piece. I seem to be making the same editing mistakes over and over again. Hopefully, Techsan will train all of this out of me. Also, thank all of you who have read this story and made comments. It really helps me keep on track. Please continue to leave comments — good and bad....
Uncle Dave’s Homecoming Eleven fifteen she thought as she looked at the clock on the V.C.R. Dam I’m not going to get the beach today. Anita had been looking forward to a day at the beach with friends from school for weeks. It was a hot summer’s day in Miami and instead of going to the beach party that she had planed, she was on her way to the airport to pick up her Uncle Dave, a man she hadn’t seen in five years. As Anita took the 405 freeway out to Sky Harbor Airport she wonders if she would...
Homecoming I’d say I proved you wrong, Father. I’d say your expectations of me came up short. You said I could never survive without a man to define me, said I could never exist without his protection, his touch, the submission he would demand. But that was before the law brought me to task for my youthful indiscretions. Dragged from my husband by the conscription squad for service in the Public Regiments, I was condemned to distant frontiers until my debt was repaid. As I left our secluded...
Author’s Note: Last we saw of the love infatuated couple, they were at a party with Jay’s cousin Moira. A party that was being held by Jeanette and just as we left off looks like there was going to be some games at this party. Jay didn’t know what these games were until he was cornered into saying yes. Does this new twist mean this is the beginning of the end of the relationship between Jay and Amanda? Will Jeanette’s confession change the dynamic between her and Amanda? Will Jay’s dick be the...
Introduction: THIS IS A ROMANCE STORY, NOT JUST HUMPING AND FUCKING ALL THE TIME. Constructive critism always welcomed. My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 11 Super Bowl trip, Lauries homecoming and Ben Jr.s Birth Characters Introduced: Darryl, 33 white, Charter Bus Driver Suzy, 33 white 58, Red hair Sky Blue eyes 36D breast OH God Ben, I missed you lover Laurie says as she starts to kiss him and work her way down her lovers body showering him with kisses. She grabs BIG FELLA and kisses him,...
Two weeks after I finally asked Kelly to homecoming, we had the dance. During the time between the two, I started hanging with Kelly more and more. We’d walk to school and back home together, she’d sit at my table at lunch, we’d sit on her front porch swing and talk for hours about ourselves. She was finally getting me out of my shell, but I’d still get goosebumps when she would hold my hand, or kiss my cheek. At the end of each segment of time I spent with her, she’d say, ‘Bye JJ, I can’t...
I don’t know how Jen and I ended up in my living room naked and giggling. I asked her to come over and help me prepare a meal for Pete’s return after being out of town for such a long time. I wanted to prepare something special for him, but my culinary knowledge only reached the easy-to-make varieties. I should’ve known from the wet, open mouth kiss I received from Jen as soon as I opened the door and the way she slid her talented fingers into my panty and quickly finger fucked my luscious...
She nibbled her lip, nervous, wondering yet again if she had made the right decision. She checked the mirror one last time to be sure she looked okay. Her green eyes stood out against the black eyeliner and double coat of mascara she had painstakingly applied. Her lips were coated with a burgundy stain covered with a shimmering gloss. She had spent a lot of time working on her hair to give it that "effortless" look. Softly hanging to her shoulders, a deep brown with streaks of blonde added here...
Straight SexI expected to hear from Michelle right away, maybe even as soon as Monday night, to let me know about her coming home plans. She’d implied that she could be home this coming Friday and I haven’t been so anxious about anything in my life before!Tuesday morning, I was in my office looking at a house plan, going over it so that our office manager could issue the building permit when my office phone rang. I answered it as I always do, “Building Codes, this is Bob, may I help you?”“Hi,” was the...
Wife LoversSurprise Homecoming Leaving home earlier that evening it was still warm and pleasant outside so the last thing I expected was rain when I headed home. I was just meeting a couple of friends at the local club and decided to walk so I could have a couple of beers. A couple of hours later I said my goodbyes and left my friends to it. They had just ordered more drinks but I promised Jay I wouldn’t be late and left them to it. Stepping outside I could not believe how the weather had changed in the...
ThreesomesJennifer grinned to herself as she finished running the bath water and slid into the tub. Today she would see her fiancé for the first time in six months. Stationed overseas with the Marines, Michael was simply the most amazing person she had ever known. His dark hair and stunning green eyes never failed to make Jennifer's heart melt. He also didn't have a hard time getting her pussy wet. As her thoughts drifted like her fingertips over his skin, her hips moved under the water slowly,...
After we rested, my lovely wife touched me again, my cock started growing again just thinking about my wife and what's ahead. She reached out and then grabbed my cock and pulls me to her. Our legs become intertwined as we kiss passionately. Our tongues flicking in and out of each others mouths, our bodies rubbing together. I teased her nipples with my tongue, licking around them, sucking on them. I work my way down her legs and spread them apart, I reached down and touch her pussy, she moaned....
I took the night bus and arrived Saturday morning. I have been thinking about my wife all night long. My cock is throbbing at the anticipation of arriving home to her after my out of state business trip. when I arrived, she was about watering the flowers. On seeing me, she shouted and ran up to meet and embraced me. She said why didn't i inform her of my homecoming, i told her that i wanted to surprise her. She lead me to the door and she looked totally stunning in your sheer see-through...