Homecoming free porn video

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HOMECOMING Even though it was November, it felt like spring in Tucson. Raised in the cold Midwest, Kelly felt there was something fundamentally wrong with a Homecoming game that lacked the crisp bite of impending winter, but who was she to complain? If she had been in the Midwest, she wouldn't have been able to wear a short jean skirt and flat summer sandals to go with her jersey and U of A earrings. She could not deny that the loved how cute the outfit made her feel. When her two co-workers at the mortgage brokerage had broached the idea of going to the Homecoming game, she had not been particularly excited by the idea. She was hardly a fan of college football. But Jenny and Kara had graduated from Arizona less than two years ago, and they had insisted she come along when a client gave them tickets. "Why would I want to go? I didn't go to U of A. I went to Purdue." "It'll be fun!" pleaded Kara. "Oh come on!" insisted Jenny. "It'll be like being in college again!" In the end, Kelly could not bring herself to disappoint her friends. Kara and Jenny had been in the same training class with her when she had joined the brokerage firm. As the only women in their department, in a male-dominated profession, the three young women had bonded in a surprisingly short time. They did EVERYTHING together, not only at work but in their social lives as well. Jenny and Kara were the sisters that Kelly had always wanted. Now, as Jenny drove her convertible Chrysler Sebring through the streets looking for a parking spot, Kelly could not deny that she was having fun. The dry desert wind blew through Kelly's long black hair, occasionally whipping loose strands over her sunglasses. Even through the tinted lenses she could see male eyes surreptitiously turn as the three attractive young women swept past them. While neither of her friends acknowledged the attention, they were aware of the looks they drew. Kelly could not help the smug satisfaction that flowed through her as she watched heads turn. Eventually, Jenny stopped the car and maneuvered into a parallel parking spot. Jenny easily slipped her car into the tight spot, the skills she had developed in her not-so-long ago undergraduate days easily coming back to her. Instead of waiting for her friends to exit the car, Kelly gracefully lifted her tanned legs from the back seat and slid them over the side of the car, her sandals lightly landing on the pavement below. As the three friends merged into the crowd, Kelly immediately recognized that the U of A students accepted them as one of their group from their inclusive glances and their campus banter. A group of guys began the chant "U of A! U of A! U of A!" as they waited at an intersection for the light to turn so they could cross. Jenny and Kara immediately picked up the chant, along with the rest of the crowd. With hundreds of young men and women shouting, feeling far younger than her twenty-six years, Kelly added her well-trained voice to the cadence. The crowd's repetitive rumble swallowed her sweet tones. Oh god, this IS fun! But its nothing like college. Kelly had spent those undergraduate years pressed against the glass of life, enviously looking on as everyone else enjoyed the social whirl of parties, football games and friends. Back then, Kelly had nothing but classes, work, and a few marginal acquaintances that were called "friends" simply because Kelly didn't know any better. Kelly's life had been completely empty for one agonizing reason: she had been a he; a bitter, confused and isolated young man who hated the world and everything in it. The stoplight changed and the crowd surged across Speedway Boulevard. Kelly stumbled as her legs started to move, distracted by the wave of hateful memories that flooded her brain. She tried to stop a sudden tear from flowing down her smooth cheek, rapidly blinking in an unsuccessful attempt to keep her light makeup intact. As her startled eyes looked down at her feet, she caught a glimpse of pale pink polish on the toes of her soft feet. A wave of unreality washed over her. This can't really be me. This can't really be my life. Irrational fear burned deep in her belly. Jenny did not know. And neither did Kara. NO ONE in Tucson knew about her past. Lost in the midst of the crowd, her paranoia made her believe she stood on the edge of discovery. Somehow they all would find out about her past and this idyllic, wonderful day would be ripped away from her by rejection and ridicule just like her childhood had been. She abruptly stopped, unable to keep moving. As the crowd flowed around them, a concerned Jenny grabbed her elbow and said, "Are you OK?" Kelly belatedly poked at her tear filled eye with an enameled forefinger and said, "Yeah. I'm just having a contact problem." Jenny gave her friend a brief, doubtful glare, then decided to accept her answer. She'd sensed for a long time there was something Kelly had not told her, but she did not care. Kelly would talk when she was ready. Until then, Jenny would simply be there for her. "C'mon guys, we'll miss the kickoff!" urged Kara, her short blond hair riffling in the breeze. Kelly forced her legs into motion and tried to forget about anything but the visceral pleasures of the moment. The slight bounce of her generous C-cup breasts, the long flowing hair gently moving against her back and the earrings dangling at her ears suddenly made her hyper-aware of her feminine existence. This was the first time she had ever attended a sporting event since her transition, and the experience of being a collegiate hottie in a football crowd was a new sensation for her. Women looked at her clothes and compared her to themselves. Clusters of tailgating males called out greetings and invitations as she and her friends walked past. Occasionally she acknowledged these offers with a smile and a reluctant shake of her head. Other times she simply ignored them. In contrast to these admittedly ego-boosting encounters, she had also never felt so small in her life. Lost in the press of a large group of people, she was acutely aware of the 50 pounds of muscle she had lost from her 5'7" frame since...before...and, for one of the few times since those days, she regretted their absence. Well, not really. But gosh, these people....these guys...are so BIG. They could stomp me without half thinking if they weren't paying attention. Somehow she hadn't noticed it in quite the same way in her everyday life. Kelly glanced at her friends, who were even more petite than she was at 5'3" and 5'4" respectively. Jenny and Kara aren't intimidated. Get it together, girl! Girl. God she loved calling herself by the title she had worked so hard to earn. "Girl" was an appropriate description of her body and, more importantly, her entire life. A year and a half since her surgery, and the change in her status still amazed and gratified her. It was a miracle come to life. A transformation that had only seemed a dream was now her reality. Not just her body, but her friends, her job, and her life now reflected who she was in her heart. Even so, there were still empty places in her life. Holes in her past that still wounded her. Experiences she felt she could never have back because she had simply been wrong when those opportunities had been available. Today, she had an opportunity to catch a glimpse of the past she had missed. She was determined not to let anything stop her from grabbing that chance. Not even her own fear. The crowd flowed into the outdated stadium. While a perfectly respectable edifice for college, it hardly compared to the NFL venues she had gone to with her football-mad father. Even so, there was a vibrancy and passion that the mercenary NFL lacked. Despite its sparkling suites and modern architecture, the NFL was cold: cold with expectations of success and profit no matter how loudly the fans screamed or how skilled the players. Once, as a child, Jason had so badly wanted to play this most masculine of games. Now Kelly realized she had wanted those things out of a desire to win the respect of her father and her oh-so-cruel schoolmates. Jason had wanted to accomplish something they could not in revenge for the contempt they showered upon him. All of that was behind her now, and Kelly reveled in the scene. Jenny and Kara wound their way through the steps of the stadium, checking seat numbers until they found the proper row. Their seats were so close to the student section they felt part of it. Soon the inevitable "U of A! U of A!" chant rose again. Kelly, Kara and Jenny joined their voices with the throng, waving their hands in unison with everyone else. "Jenny! Kara!" called a happy female voice from the aisle. Jenny and Kara's heads immediately turned, looking for the person who had recognized them. A smiling young woman with light brown hair waved along with a red haired friend. Kara immediately answered, "Steph! Nicole! Oh god its great to see you guys!" Jenny glanced behind them, making sure the empty seats right behind them she had noticed earlier were as yet unoccupied then said, "Sit with us! We can catch up." As Jenny and Kara's friend made their way to the empty seats, Kelly turned a raised eyebrow to Jenny who explained, "Steph and Nicole were in our Pi Phi pledge class. We haven't seen them since graduation." High pitched squeals filled the air as Jenny and Kara greeted their friends with hugs. "Steph, how have you been. Are you still working for Dell in Austin?" asked Jenny. Stephanie nodded. "Do you like being a corporate trainer?" "Most of the time," answered the slim, green eyed beauty. "Are you still with Steve?" asked Kara. Nicole burst out laughing. "Oh god no. I can't believe I ever considered marrying that jerk. Fortunately I woke up in time." Stephanie glanced toward Nicole and continued, "Nicole and I were just talking about him." Jenny turned to Nicole. "What about you? I remember you were still trying to decide what do when we graduated." "Oh, I moved to Florida and bartended on Miami Beach for a year. It was fun. Now I'm in law school in Virginia." "Law School?" echoed a clearly surprised Kara. "When did you decide to become a lawyer?" "Oh god, you didn't live with us in the dorms, now did you?" retorted Jenny. "Do you have any idea how many times she kept me up freshman year because she couldn't stop watching reruns of "The Practice"? She drooled over Dylan McDermot so much I thought I would have to get her fixed." Stephanie and Kara tittered gleefully, while a annoyed grimace crossed Nicole's delicate features. Meanwhile, Kelly, who felt somewhat left out of the happy reunion, could not believe how easily Jenny and Kara had slipped back into "sorority girl" mode. They would not have been caught dead acting so frivolous at work, or even in the clubs they frequented with other young professionals at night. Kara apparently sensed Kelly's mood because she then said, "Nicole, Stephanie, this is Kelly, she works with us at the Williams Center." Kelly waved and said, "Nice to meet you." Nicole smiled in response while Stephanie proclaimed, "You hang with these two and you haven't been fired yet? You must be a good influence on them!" The other three burst out in giggles. "Are you telling me they were bad in school?" Stephanie rolled her eyes. "You have NO idea. It was all I could do to maintain a semblance of order," finished Steph in a prim voice. "Oh listen to Mother Theresa!" retorted Jenny. "Don't let Steph's goody- goody act fool you, Kel. Everything we know about partying, we learned from HER!" "Yeah," agreed Nicole. "She corrupted us." Kara chimed in. "We would have spent four years STUDYING if it hadn't been for Steph." "And you enjoyed every minute!" Peals of laughter broke out once again. Kelly could not help but fight back tears once again. She remembered watching groups of pretty girls like these during her undergraduate days. Jason had watched how they moved, enviously listened to snatches of their lives and wished he could have even an hour like that in his life. Now Kelly was part of such a group. She had never truly believed it possible. Even so, Kelly could not help but feel that she had missed so much. Today was a both a measure of how much far she had come and how much she had lost. She tried to hide the sudden well of her emotions by turning away from her friend and checking her makeup in her compact. The roar of the crowd as the kickoff spun into the air pulled Kelly's attention back to the field. The home crowd's anticipation faded into anguish as Cal's returner ran through the entire Arizona squad to score a touchdown. Kelly had never watch a football game with "the girls" before. It was decidedly a very different experience. Having once played the game in high school (barely), Kelly knew about things like cover-2 defenses and rotating zones. Today, however, she felt no pressure to "know" anything, no sense of failure because she was not good enough to take the field. Instead all she had to do was enjoy the ebb and flow of the crowd's emotions. Of course, the point of view was quite a bit different too. It took less than a quarter for the discussion to turn toward the guys on the field. "Check out the tight-end!" cooed Jenny. "Which one?" asked Nicole. "You're bad. I mean the guy playing the position. He..." Stephanie interrupted, "Jenny! Didn't we tell you? Nicole and I ran into him last night at the Keys." "Oh. Do you ladies have a story to tell?" "No," replied Nicole with disgust. "He's totally useless. He was there with his girlfriend." After falling behind 16-3 against ninth rated Cal, Arizona caught fire in the second half. Big play followed big play. Suddenly, it was the fourth quarter and Arizona held a slim lead. Cal, however, had one last chance to steal away the game. Methodically, the Cal drove to midfield until, finally, the Golden Bear quarterback threw and interception. After time expired, the student section rushed the field despite pleas from the PA to stay in their seats. Excited students climbed the goal posts and began to rock up and down while other simply cavorted in jubilation on the field. Even though Kelly's friends had been caught up in the collegiate atmosphere, none of them were silly enough to rush the field. Despite their restraint, they still gathered into a group hug and took up the "U of A!" chant once more. * * * Less than half an hour later, the five young ladies descended on Frog and Firkin, a popular U of A hangout right on University Drive. Though Jenny and Kara had refused to cruise their old college hangouts since Kelly had known them, her friends now insisted on going to Frog's after reuniting with Steph and Nicole. Maybe Stephanie really DID corrupt them. Kara managed to grab an outside table with five empty chairs despite the post game madness that engulfed the Frog. Stephanie managed to order a pitcher of margaritas from their harried waitress while Jenny demanded, "So Kelly, what did you think of your first U of A game?" "It was great!" "Are you telling us you're an Arizona fan now, instead of...where was it again...Purdue?" "Very funny, Kara. You're not converting me that easily." "I don't know ladies, I think we have. I seem to remember someone who looks a whole lot like you screaming her lungs out," added Nicole. Jenny continued to needle Kelly. "I know what it is. Kel, won't give up her crush on Drew Brees." "I never said I had a crush on him. I had a class with him sophomore year." "Oh no, you didn't have crush on him. You just wore miniskirts every class because Indiana is so warm during the winter." Kelly glared at Jenny until she dropped the subject. The last thing she wanted to do was talk about her days at Purdue. The more she talked, the greater the chance she'd make a slip that she could not explain. Nicole scooted her chair back and made half a motion to get up, but the bar was so crowded her chair plowed into a press of bodies. "This is ridiculous. I need to pee and I can't even get up." A tall dark-haired guy turned around at Nicole's statement. His electric blue eyes quickly scanned the table full of attractive young women. He eyes settled on Kelly as he said, "That's why you ladies should come to our party. It's at the Kappa house." As Nicole finally won the room to stand up and head for the ladies room, Jenny answered, "If its such a great party, what are you doing here?" The cute guy turned around even farther to display the "Frog and Firkin" logo on his shirt and answered, "I'm working. My shift is up in half an hour." "We'll think about it," replied Kara in a dismissive tone. The guy shrugged and turned back to the next table. Stephanie glanced at Kara. "Don't be such a stick-in the mud. It might be fun." Jenny laughed. "Some things never change." Kara snorted. "Steph just wants to put her education degree to work. Thank god she never applied to a middle-school. We'd be seeing her on the news." Jenny and Stephanie giggled. Meanwhile Kelly said, "I think we should go." Jenny and Kara chorused, "Ohhhhhhhhh." As Steph's eyebrows furrowed, Jenny explained, "Little miss "voice of reason" here ALWAYS warns us about guys we don't know." "It's like she's our mom," seconded Kara. Nicole, who stood behind Stephanie after returning from the bathroom, said, "In that case, ladies, we HAVE to go...for Kelly's sake." Kelly felt her a sudden warmth rush through her face and she knew she must be turning red with embarrassment. "That's it!" exclaimed Stephanie, her eyes gleaming with deviltry. "We're going!" Stephanie, Kara and Jenny stood up in a flash, while Nicole grabbed Kelly's wrist and tugged lightly as Kelly stubbornly hunched in her chair. After momentary resistance, she gave in and joined the exodus. * * * If anything, the press of bodies at the frat house was even worse than Frog's. Of course, the crowd really did not matter. Somehow, despite the common elements of alcohol and a youthful crowd, the atmosphere was subtly different at the frat house than the bar. Somehow, the frat house was more informal than the campus watering hole. From the chattering crowd outside to the frenzied dancing inside, there was abandon in air. Perhaps its because there isn't anyone to card them, thought Kelly. Despite the cynical tone of her thoughts, she could not help but catch the enthusiasm of the frat house crowd. Jenny and Kara surprised her by joining Stephanie and Nicole in a line in front of a beer keg. Jenny and Kara never drank beer in the year-and a-half Kelly had known them. Kelly instead grabbed a plastic cup filled with some sort of juice drink that had been filled from a nearby punch bowl. Certainly it was an alcoholic beverage, but it was certain better than the bitterness of beer. Before she could lift the cup to her lips, a firm feminine hand grabbed her wrist and stopped her. "Are you crazy, girl?" demanded Jenny. "You never drink from the vat at a fraternity house!" The charm bracelet on Kelly's wrist tinkled as her unsteady hand put the cup back down on the table. Fear shot through her once more as she mentally kicked herself for her faux pax. Kelly could feel her heart pounding in her chest as her mind searched for a plausible explanation for her naive blunder. Before Kelly could say anything, a concerned Jenny asked, "Are you OK?" "I...I didn't go to very many parties when I was in college," stammered Kelly, certain that, somehow, her entire life's history were written in boldface letters across her face. "Why ever not?" asked Jenny in a gentle tone. Oh god. I want to tell her. I really do. But I just can't. It'll ruin everything. She'll never be able to look at me the same way again. Deep inside, Kelly knew that, someday, someone would discover her secret. But not today, not today. Kelly felt a slow tear make its way down her cheek. Damn these hormones. Why couldn't I have forgotten to take them for just one day? "I've lost over 50 pounds since I was in school. Back then...I just didn't feel good at parties." Jenny pulled Kelly into an emphatic hug. "Its OK. I think we all know how cruel the world can be to people who don't look like the world thinks they should. That just means Stephanie was more right than she knew. You really need to be here today. The only way to get rid of bad memories is to make some good ones." Jenny grabbed Kelly's wrist once more and pulled her onto the dance floor. The group of five young women danced with one another in a circle. As Kelly moved to the music, she felt a thick finger tap her shoulder. She looked up to see the tall guy from Frog and Firkin standing over her. "I'm glad to see you made it. I didn't think you ladies were coming." Kelly flashed him a smile with her whitened teeth and said, "We had a change of heart." "I'm glad. Would you like to dance?" "Only if you tell me your name." "I'm Brendan. And you are..." "Kelly." "Nice to meet you." Kelly nodded and without saying a word, she subtly shifted her body away from her circle of friends and faced Brendan. As she swayed to the music, his eyes obviously roved up and down her body. Rather than being offended, she was amused as he he gaze crawled up her long legs and came to rest for a moment on her torso, until he locked onto her eyes. She smiled once more and tossed her long her so that it cascaded in a wave around her face. This feels good. I'm tingling all over. As the pair danced their way through two more songs together, Kelly returned the favor with a more subtle examination of his build. Despite the loose cut of his tan button-down shirt, she could tell from his shoulder and thick chest that he had spent considerable time in the weight room. His jeans showed that he had definitely not forgotten to work his lower body. You could bounce a quarter off his ass. I'm going to hell. Looking at her friends in the few times she could bring herself to look away from him, she could see Jenny and Nicole cheer her on from the sidelines. Kara and Stephanie had found partners and had been lost in the crowd. Kelly could not help but notice that Brendan was one of the hottest guys in the room. Jenny and Kara will never let me hear the end of this. They are going to want details as soon as we get chance to talk. A heavy foot slammed into the exposed toes of her right foot, causing Kelly to gasp with pain. As she stopped dancing, Brendan put a large hand on her shoulder and put his lips close to her left ear, "Do you need a break?" Kelly nodded and Brendan led the way through the press of gyrating bodies. Finally, after limping for what seemed a very long way, Kelly found some breathing space at the far end of the room. She looked down at her throbbing foot and spied a bright red drop of blood at the outside edge of her big toe nail." One of the hazards of cute shoes. A hazard I could really do without. Brendan looked down at her foot and asked, "Are you alright?" She nodded but the pain refused to stop. Brendan said, "Hang on," and waded into the crowd. A short distance away, Kelly saw him plunge his hand into the barrel that held a nearby keg and pull out a handful of ice. He tore off a section of a paper table cloth and made and impromptu bag. When he came back to Kelly, instead of handing her the ice, he knelt down and held it against her toe. Amazingly, he even managed to hit the target even though his eyes remained locked on her legs. Kelly could not help but laugh. What a perfect excuse to get a closer look at my legs. I guess I can't really hold it against him though. After a few moments he stood up again and said, "I hope that feels better. But, that's alright. At least we get a chance to talk." She soon discovered he was a senior and his major was economics. He wanted to own his own business someday and suddenly he was kissing her. He pressed her back pressed against the wall as his soft mouth met hers. She was strangely aware of her bra strap pushing into the plaster wall behind her. Within moments, her lips parted and his warm tongue gently slid into her mouth. She reached up and locked her arms around his neck as the kiss gained intensity. Pleasure exploded from her left breast. A low moan escaped her lips as her nipple swelled. Kelly belatedly realized his thumb was gently rubbing her nipple. He pulled his mouth from hers and asked, "Would you like to go upstairs?" Don't be a slut!, screamed her mind. But, somehow, she found herself nodding. I can't believe I'm letting him do this. He laced his fingers in hers and pulled her after him. Kelly's legs felt like water as she struggled to match his long stride. When they reached the foot of the stairs, she stopped and looked across the dance floor. She waited until she knew Jenny saw her, then raised her hand to give a little wave. Wonder crossed Jenny's features, only to replaced by a bright smile. Even though the blaring music drowned out her words, Kelly could see Jen mouth, "You go girl!" from across the room. Brendan insistently tugged at her arm. She hurried up the stairs after him, her breasts bobbling as she took the steps a bit faster than she should have. At the top of the stairs, Brendan gave her a quick kiss on the mouth and draped a possessive arm over her shoulders. They passed a few doorways in the narrow hall until he pushed open a door with his free hand. He pulled her into a deep kiss once the door closed behind them. Looking around his face, Kelly caught glimpses of a small student room with brick walls and a double bed. Without breaking their lip lock, the two moved over to the bed and sat down on the edge. They broke for a moment and she took the opportunity to set her purse on his side table. Then their arms wound against one another once again. Her breast was on fire again as his confident hand cupped her in the palm on his hand. As his other hand fell upon her bare knee and slid up her smooth thigh, she moaned and fell back onto the bed. The questing hand moved under her skirt until it found her filmy panties. I'm glad I wore a nice lingerie set. Kelly squealed as Brendan's hand found its way past the lacy barrier and slid a finger inside her slick vagina. She was so glad she had chosen the more invasive SRS, a bit more inconvenient on a.... A wave of pleasure blasted coherent thought from Kelly's mind as the tip of his finger found her clitoris. Brendan knew what he was doing because his touch was perfect: not too rough, almost so gentle that he was teasing her. Kelly moaned, shifted her hips and moved her butt back so that she was now lying lengthwise on his bed. Kelly sat up and raised her arms as Brendan helped her pull her top over her head. She threw her boy size 14 jersey across the room and shook the tangles from her long mane of dark hair. Brendan's hands reached behind her back and unclasped her bra. He pulled the delicate garment free and flung it across the room. Goose pimples spread over Kelly's breasts as they were exposed to the slightly cold air of the room. Kelly's nipples swelled to bursting as he moved his warm palms in slow circles against the very ends of her tits. Kelly nearly tore the buttons of his shirt because she was in such a hurry to get the damn thing off of him. They kissed once more, this time the skin of his bare chest pressing against her boobs. After a few moments, his right hand unbuttoned the waistband of her skirt. She lay back on the bed as he pulled it off her. Her panties soon received similar treatment, her legs quivering as the silky material slid down her creamy legs. She then helped him out of his pants and whispered, "I want you inside me." Soon her soft legs wound around the trunk of his body as her hands grabbed large handfuls of his ass checks and tried to push him through her body. I'm moments, they were humping with frenzied abandon as scream after scream burst from her lips. Great Kel, be really discrete why don't ya? She felt Brendan's penis twitch, then spasm as warm fluid shot into her. Only after he had cum inside her did she berate herself for not putting a condom on him. I'm such an idiot. I know better than that. Even worse, Brendan now lay in a fatigued stupor before he had quite finished her off. Rather than complain, Kelly pushed her own finger inside her until her shuddering body lay in a satisfied heap. Oh god, I just got fucked. Kelly was not a virgin, but sex with a guy was still new enough that being able to do it seemed nothing short of miraculous. Brendan made love to her four more times before they both fell into exhausted sleep. * * * Kelly woke the next morning when rays of light streamed through the window and hit her eyes. She blinked in confusion at the strange surroundings, then looked over at Brendan sleeping next to her. Her memory flooded back and a slow, satisfied smile spread across her face. Kel, you were such a slut last night. And you enjoyed every minute of it. She lay there silently for a moment, replaying last nights events in her mind, until she could not help but remember another night more than four years ago that had set her on the path toward womanhood. Jason walked across the Purdue campus one Saturday evening after another strenuous workout in the gym. He had spent two years adding muscle, until he had packed 178 pounds onto his narrow frame. Suddenly, instead of being a non-entity, girls had begun to notice him. As he walked, he pulled off his sweaty shirt, both for reasons of comfort and the chance to put his physique on display. He had worked hard to make himself into a man. Once women began to look at him with something other than dismissal in their eyes, Jason had been certain the uncomfortable thoughts that had tortured him since he was twelve would simply fade away. Inside the elevator headed up to his on-campus apartment, Jason had run into a two very attractive, but clearly inebriated, young women. The cute blonde with short hair, however, was far more outgoing than her friend, and gazed with open lust at his workout-swelled chest. "Hi, I'm Tara and this is Christine. what are you doing tonight?" she asked with obvious interest. "I'm think I'm staying in." "What?" she shrieked with outrage. "You're not going to study! Are you?" He sheepishly nodded. "It's Saturday night!" she objected. Then another idea occurred to her. "Come to the movie with us! It'll be fun." Bemused by the attention, Jason had accepted their offer. After the movie and an excursion to a bar just across from the Purdue campus, he had found himself in making out with Tara in her dorm room. As Tara wriggled her attractive body free from her clothes, Jason was mortified to realize that he wished he could be her instead of being with her. Even worse, her hand plunged into his underwear and discovered his limp penis. Her face scrunched in surprise. He made the lame excuse that he must have had too much to drink. Tara had patted his knee and said, "Its okay, honey. It could happen to anyone." But her tone seemed more puzzled than comforting. Jason had rushed from the room in shame, barely even registering her belated "Call me" as he stalked out the door. Blindly, he had stumbled across campus, trying his best to keep tears from rolling down his face. I'm a freak. I'm going to be a freak for the rest of my life! Somehow, he managed to find his Toyota Camry in the parking lot. He opened the glove compartment and pulled out a 9mm automatic. He held the menacing weight of the gun in his lap for agonizing minutes, screwing up his courage to put an end to his disgusting existence. He opened his jaws wide and stuck the barrel of the gun in his mouth. That way I can't miss. This is the one thing I can do right in this fucked up life. But he could not pull the trigger. No matter how much he told himself that he was worthless, how his life would be nothing but utter misery until the end of his days, his finger refused to obey. He curled into fetal position in the Toyota's passenger seat, with the gun barrel still in his mouth until the sun rose in the morning. He still could not do it. Finally, he resigned himself to the fact that he could not bring himself to end it all. He hated himself even more. Then another thought occurred to him, "If I can't stand being a man, why not accept womanhood?" The very next day, she made an appointment at the student health service for psychiatric counseling. Today, Kelly was very glad that the despondent young man she had once been had not been able to pull the trigger. Tears rolled down Kelly's face in uncontrolled torrents as she recalled her past. Spasms wracked her chest as she tried to suppress the sobs she had never been able to let out for that terrible past life. The next thing Kelly knew, a firm hand cupped her chin and a thumb wiped the tears from her right cheek. Softly, Brendan said, "Sweetie, don't cry. It's OK." Violently, Kelly shook her head and tried to explain that it had nothing to do with him, but she could not get anything out of her throat but sobs. "Shhh. I don't think any less of you because of last night. Really. How could I? I was right here with you." "Brendan, I..." Brendan put his right forefinger over her lips and sternly said, "I don't want to hear it. You're beautiful and I most definitely want to see you again. I'm not going to sit here and listen to you run yourself down." The was nothing else to do but fling herself into his arms. He did not understand; but, maybe, it did not matter. As his warm embrace enveloped her, she realized that in one glorious day, Arizona held a more important place in her heart than Purdue ever could.

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The lit windows looked golden and inviting as my rig rumbled toward the little house at the end of the street. The place wasn’t much to look at and the neighborhood had seen better days. But fresh paint and flower boxes dripping with blue pansies made it feel cheerful and homey. Colleen’s eyes flitted anxiously over my shoulder when she opened the door. “I told you never to come here without calling first,” she hissed. She stepped past me to peer east and west. “My husband is due back any...

3 years ago
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2005 It was a hot, gritty night. The kind you experience only on the high desert. The long, flat highway rolled-out ahead as would a path through a mountain meadow. Except that here the peaks were rising towers of mist, the valley, sand, wind-blown off the desert floor across which the blue/gray Navy hearse was forced to crawl at snail-speed. A cloud enshrouded full moon did little to help either, unless you’re one of those strange souls for whom the spooky factor gets high marks. Under normal...

1 year ago
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Your arms wrap around my waist and I lean against you, feeling the safety of your hard warm chest against my back.You whisper into my ear, “I’ve missed you.”“And I you,” I say, turning and snaking my hands around your neck.“Did you have a good day?”“Mmm,” I mumble, inhaling your scent, your wonderful intoxicating scent. Here, in your embrace, I feel secure, protected, at home.I lean closer, breathing in deeply as you pull me closer, filling your nostrils with my fragrance. I feel the tension of...

Straight Sex
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Katie stepped into the terminal, tense after a dismal vacation. Dressed in a long sweater and jeans, it was obvious she wasn't skinny. However, neither was she fat. She was just a bit chubby, most of her weight going to her breasts and ass,earning a few stares that made her blush, which she hid behind her fiery, shoulder length hair. She would soon learn that her vacation wasn't over 'til she was home safe. Standing at the baggage claim, she waited...and waited... She never saw her bag....

2 years ago
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"17.50" the cabbie says as you pull up to your house. You grab your suitcase, pay him, and head for the door. You walk in and call to your wife. No answer. You check the garage to find that the car is gone. "She must be at Tracy's." you say to yourself. You head upstairs to the bedroom to put your things away. As you are unpacking your suitcase, you notice a box on the floor of the closet. You open the box to find a couple sex toys and some oils. "This is new." you say. "Guess she missed me...

2 years ago
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It's late at night. As you unlock the door to your apartment, you wish that somehow you'd gotten home earlier but, of course, with all the heavy traffic and the fog. Well, it feels good to be back anyways. The return trip was long and tiring; it'll be good to have a hot shower, then curl up in the covers of your bed for a long well-needed sleep. You turn on the lights, close and lock the door. You take your coat off, hang it up in the closet noticing as you do the noticing the apartment smells...

1 year ago
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As I stepped on to the plane she was the only thing running through my mind. It had been nearly six months since I’d seen her and held her in my arms and nearly a year since we’d really been together for more than a few minutes. I understood that she had a boyfriend… I really did, but for some reason it didn’t matter to me. She was all I wanted and I wasn’t willing to accept the fact that I couldn’t have her. I’d had my chance to be with her, several times as a matter of fact, and every time...

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It began in the early summer of my sixteenth year. My parents had separatedthree years previously, and my sister had moved away with my mom to the westcoast, while I stayed with my dad. I guess there was a lot of bad feelingbetween my folks, because for that three years, I didn't see either my momor Cathy at all; I got to speak with them on the phone over holidays andsuch, but that was it.Eventually, there was a thawing in the iciness that had prevailed between myparents, and a "prisoner...

2 years ago
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The sound of the key in the lock alerted her to his arrival. With a final glance in the mirror to check her appearance, she quickly walked to the end of the hall and lowered herself to her knees. As she waited, her mind wandered back over her recent lessons… Part of her original attraction to him had been his open mind. Not many men (or women!) could handle a wild c***d like herself, let alone bring her to heel. He had more than proven equal to the challenge though, which instilled within...

3 years ago
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2005It was a hot, gritty night. The kind you experience only on the high desert. The long, flat highway rolled-out ahead as would a path through a mountain meadow. Except that here the peaks were rising towers of mist, the valley, sand, wind-blown off the desert floor across which the blue/gray Navy hearse was forced to crawl at snail-speed. A cloud enshrouded full moon did little to help either, unless you’re one of those strange souls for whom the spooky factor gets high marks. Under normal...

Love Stories
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Until a few short months ago, Samantha could not have believed she would be aching to submit to any man. She was usually the sexual aggressor in her relationships and had always considered herself a very strong, feminist woman. Until she fell for Jake. He was different to any other man she had ever met, and as she became to trust and love him deeply, something in her started to ache to be dominated. She had never felt this way before and it confused and frightened her. She was always strong and...

2 years ago
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Mike stepped off the bus and took a look around. Not much changes in sleepy southern towns like this. The old diner and attached gas station across from the bus depot still had peeling paint, old men in rockers out front, and the same gaudy neon sign proclaiming, "The Best Southern Fried Chicken in the State." He looked up Main Street and saw the same Civil War memorial with General Robert E. Lee standing proud and tall with one hand on his saber."Surprised that thing is still standing," he...

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Ryan slowly walked up to her, capturing every image of her angelic face for life. The softness of her tone, the love in her eyes, the compassion in her breath. Firmly he slid his left arm around her waist pulling her close, until her flesh pressed tightly to his. His right arm softly caressed her cheek. His hand moved across her jaw line, around her ear, until his fingers flowed through her hair. Her heart raced as her love slowly caressed her. Their eyes never losing contact. The love beaming...

4 years ago
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Tony had been home all of two hours before he came to visit. Gibbs had been expecting him, pizza order ready to be placed, Tony's favorite beer cooling. And the sheets were fresh and had been changed. Gibbs himself had been in a constant keyed up state, his hard-on throbbing, his blood boiling. He was ready for his boy to come home. It had been almost five months and he was frustrated. With Tony at sea, Gibbs had known even a sat phone wouldn't afford the privacy they'd needed. He'd sent...

2 years ago
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When his airplane finally touched down in Kansas City, Charles Trumball gave a sigh of relief. It had only been a day-and-a-half conference, but he didn't like sleeping in any bed but his own. The two nights in the hotel had seemed like a week. He was glad to be home and looking forward to his wife meeting him at the arrival gate. He was surprised to find that Cynthia was not alone in the waiting area. He liked Ned Armbruster all right. Charlie considered him a good neighbor. They lived...

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Ever since I was a little girl, I have admired a certain boy. He was always my special hero; he was sometimes my baby sitter and sometimes my math or geography tutor. He was always sweet and considerate and I always loved him. More than that, I had a crush on him since I was 6 or 7 years old. He never knew it because I am shy and never told anybody, except my mom. She knew all about it. When I was almost 13 years old, he was almost 18 and finishing high school. Just before the Prom, his...

1 year ago
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"Are you sure?" Elliot looks across the room to where Anne sits, slowly rolling her cane back and forth across her knees. Not a cane for fun and games, this one, but serious business. Collapsible graphite on an elastic core. Black handle. Four white segments, with a fifth, red, beneath. White plastic tip on the end that tap, tap, taps the ground whenever they walk anywhere together now. She raises her eyebrows at him. "Elliot, I've lost my eyesight, not my kink." "It's not your kink I...

1 year ago
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Note : This story is completely fictional! Hey there friends, my name is Jeff and let me tell you what happened over the weekend. I have served a total of 4 years in the Marines and was finally headed home. I stand at 6ft and 4 inches and my build is 205 lbs of pure muscle and no I’m not making up for a small dick by working out because my cock stands tall at 8 1/4 inches. When I left home, I left my Father (47), my Step Mother (29), and my sister (18) at the time. What I can remember about...

2 years ago
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Only Fools Mess with Brianna

Tribute to John Galaxy greetings, Spacekats! This is Brianna. I'm a Journalism major at the University of Mississippi and tonight marks my sixth month since starting HRT. A lot has happened in sixth months - I've finished laser, I live full time as a woman and I almost always pass quite easily. I'm considered legally female by United States jurisprudence. This is not a work of fiction. I thought that the denizens of Fictionmania might enjoy reading a true story of what it is like for...

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 573

The Power Of Shrimp A Catholic nun was sitting on a train opposite a Muslim man wearing a turban, who was eating fresh shrimp. Every time he ate one, he spat the tail in her direction, requiring her to deflect it. He finished the box and threw it out the window. Seeing this, she had enough, and pulled the train’s Emergency Cord. The Muslim looked at her and said, “You’ll get fined $250 for doing that, you stupid, worthless, Infidel, Catholic bitch.” She laughed and said, “When I cry rape...

2 years ago
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The Inches Between UsChapter 15

The alarm clock fought its way through my unconsciousness, and I rolled over to slap the snooze button and silence it. Then I rolled over a little more and started to push myself into a sitting position so I could start the day. Halfway to a sitting position, I decided it was probably cold and damp outside, because my back was killing me. Many people with dwarfism develop back problems in childhood, as I did. I ultimately had a large part of my spine fused, but my doctor fused a little bit...

4 years ago
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Family Beach Trip Sharing a Room with my Sister and Her Boyfriend

My family actually owns a beach house, but it was currently having the roof repaired so we were renting this one. I’m not sure who the “real” owner of our house is -- maybe my grandparents, but my whole family used it as they pleased. We just coordinated amongst each other to make sure two parts of the family didn’t unintentionally try to use it at the same time. (We often all went together every summer, but sometimes different subsets of the family took mini-trips by themselves, especially my...

3 years ago
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California CrewChapter 16

A month later, after our routine three hour long "girl time," I arrived home to find myself thrown into "family time." Things had gotten so much better for us in America. My friends and I had gotten closer, so I began to feel the space growing between myself and my French heritage. We had decided a routine. My friends and I would go out Friday night, do sleep overs, then spend the next day at the beach with all the other popular kids. Then that night we would all go out. Sunday was...

3 years ago
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My Mum And Her New Young Boyfriend

Hi I'm Kyle 17 M Uk My Mum is called Suzanne - She is 48 years old , 5 ft 7 , slim , Tanned ,Shortish Blonde Hair , Natural 38c tits , Blue Eyes She's In Good Shape For Her Age and Looks After Herself .My Dad Sadly Passed Away 5 Years Ago and since then she has only had one boyfriend which only lasted a few months .About a year ago my mum joined the gym to get in shape and lose abit of weight , since then she's turned into a fitness freak She goes to the gym most days of the week and works hard...

1 year ago
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Moaning Maid

Notes:my first time writing sorry if I suck.INTRO: The rich langot family was always away so they hired a young sexy Asian maid named Kate. The only son the langot family had was Chase. Chase was a young and handsome 18 year old and a virgin. But that will soon change. Chase was tired of toys and wanted real pussy. And once Kate arrived Chase knew he wanted hers and badly.Chase soon creates a plan to seduce Kate. Kate was cleaning the house one evening while his parents where on a business...

3 years ago
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Dynamics of a Human Heart Ch 06

When your dreams all failAnd the ones we hailAre the worst of allAnd the blood’s run stale I wanna hide the truthI wanna to shelter youBut with the beast insideThere’s nowhere we can hide No matter what we breedWe still are made of greedThis is my kingdom comeThis is my kingdom come’— Imagine Dragons ‘Demons’. Sam greeted the California dawn with her eyes closed and a blissful smile on her sun-kissed face. The moon belonged to Miranda, but she would always be a child of the Daystar. The...

1 year ago
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My wife kelly and ray

Hi! This is a true story about what happened to my wife kelly and i. We have always had a great sex life and we had talked about our fantasies alot to boost our sex life. Oneday we were talking in bed about what we would like to do and i said i would like to see her with another man, to my suprise she said she would like to have sex with a freind of mine. anyway we kept this as just talk for a few weeks but one day we were talking about it again so i asked her if she would really have sex with...

Cheating Wifes
2 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 144 The Times They Are aChangin

As it turned out, Alan was about twenty minutes later returning to Christine and Amy than he otherwise would have been, thanks to the special way Susan and Katherine had awoken him and all that had transpired after that (including quite a lot of sudsy titfucking "cleaning" with both of them). It had been a close thing, but in the end he still hadn't had an orgasm. His penis was clean though - very, very clean! He walked across his backyard wearing a pair of shorts, flip flops, and a...

1 year ago
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Worth The Wait Chapter One Before

Worth The Wait – Chapter One – Before...8pm and he’s still not here. I lie on my bed and try to distract myself from thinking about Ian’s naked body. I pick up the TV remote and flick through the channels, there is nothing to watch. I pick up my book and start to read, and then I hear my phone bleeping. It’s a text message from Ian saying he’s on his way round.I get up off the bed and check myself one last time in the mirror. I’m wearing white panties and a white vest top without a bra. He...

Group Sex
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DiscoveryChapter 5 Superboy Move Over

The next couple of months I improved exponentially. By the end of June I could move my upper arms and hands. This meant I could feed myself, and brush my teeth, and read my own comics. I also was able to get out of bed with help and get into the little wheelchair that the hospital loaned us. Most importantly, it also meant with help I could sit on the toilet to do my business ... no more diapers! By the middle of July, I was moving my feet and legs and by the end of July I was walking again,...

2 years ago
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Secret Sex in the Stacks

One look at the library floor plan by the door told Reese it would take a while to find what he was looking for. He didn’t have much patience with the Dewey decimal system. By the nearest stack, a young woman in a long skirt and a tight t-shirt stood next to a cart of books. She pushed a volume into its appropriate spot and then selected another from the cart, pushing up her glasses and tucking her hair behind her ear at the same time. Reese smiled to himself and started towards her. “Hey...

1 year ago
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My Youngest Nubile Daughter Part 1

Chapter One "S'cuse me," came a man's voice suddenly from behind her. Karol Carson gave a start and furiously buttoned up the front of her blouse as she turned around. It was a very hot day in the park and she had been working around camp with the thing carelessly flapping in the breeze. A crimson flush suffused her face as she whirled to face the man, her fingers barely managing to fasten the last button in time. "Didn't mean to scare you," he apologized. She saw his eyes veer away...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotMom Nina Elle 22999

Working in real estate can be such a pain, and Nina Elle knows it. After a long day of showing houses to potential buyers and dealing with people not approved for loans, she’s beat. But when she enters her home she finds her son’s friend Tyler chillin’ on the couch, waiting for Nina’s son to arrive home from work so they can go to the baseball game. Nina’s tired, but after seeing Tyler she’s feeling frisky! She makes a few calls to some dicks, but none are available. So instead, she calls her...

4 years ago
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A ThreeWay Piano Bang

It’s Halloween night, I’m dressed as a sexy dominatrix, and I have three married men sitting in my living room. Paul has just brought me to an orgasm with his tongue in the kitchen, then I gave him a hand job and he came on my tits in front of Will and Mark. It has been a good night, but I’m not finished by any stretch. Besides being genuinely attracted to these men and being in need of some good sex to make up for some personal crises of my own, I’m out for revenge. These men are married to...

1 year ago
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Urlaub in Russland

Urlaub in Russland Als die Ferien begannen war Manuela geflüchtet. Sie hatte schon Tage vorher gepackt, alles war am ersten Ferientag bereit gewesen. Sie wollte von niemanden mehr etwas wissen, nur noch hinaus aus der Stadt in die Natur. Niemand sollte sie belästigen und sie hatte niemanden ein Wort gesagt. Sie hatte schon immer die Wildnis Russlands kennenlernen wollen. Ihr Russisch war sehr gut, da sie die Sprache studiert hatte. Sie hatte auch 2 Semester in Moskau verbracht. Diesmal wollte...

3 years ago
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A life changing sample

At the age of thirty, Bull worked a special kind of job in Las Vegas with great pay. Being a six-feet tall muscular black man who had the build of a professional linebacker while having the face of actor Henry Simmons, he worked for a co-ed escort company. Bull's job was to be a male escort to women that needed one, but the company he worked for was one of the best in the business. Working as a male escort, Bull pleased women who wrote great reviews about him, and this led to him having a nice...

2 years ago
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Boys School Dormitory Delight

It had taken some effort to set up, but the adventure was all arranged for that very night. I was nervous as the car drove through the English countryside towards what I hoped would be the achievement of a long-cherished fantasy. I had dreamed of this, fantasized over this, for many years. Now, at the age of fifty, I was hoping to make it real. I just hoped I was not too old for it.We arrived at Saint Barnaby's School for Boys in the late afternoon, while the boys were all still at lessons. The...

2 years ago
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New Roomie

Her new roommate By: Catherine 1 At first I was hesitant when she dropped the idea to me. To move in with her, and two other girls. One roommate was moving to LA, and they desperately needed to find another roomie before the end of the month. She is Katie, we had worked together for about four years. She had recently turned 24. Her roomies were Jamie and Jonna, 23 and 25, respectively. Me, I was 29. The only reason I could think of to say no was...

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Cock of the WalkChapter 3

Elisha and Mariel Briggs couldn’t understand why their five-year-old daughter Myra was throwing such a fit when the piano movers began moving Elisha’s father’s baby grand piano out of the living room. Neither parent played the piano. It took up so much room that they had decided to get rid of it. But the little girl remembered the times her grandfather would play the piano with her sitting on the bench beside him. When Grandpa Briggs died Myra would sit on the bench and bang the keys or she...

3 years ago
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The Second Hundred Years Ch 05

Please read Chapter 1 to 4. It will help to understand the characters and how they got to this point in the story. Constructive comments and emails are welcome and appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read and follow this story. ******************** ‘Your ex fiancée?’ William asked. He didn’t need an answer, he’d heard Lewis the first time. But he did need a few seconds to adjust to the woman that had dumped his grandson being on the ranch. Remembering his manners he said, ‘Hello...

3 years ago
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Daddies and their Whores Pt 1

I grabbed my daughter's chin with my left hand while the fingers of my right rubbed at her clit. "Whose pussy is this, Lucy?" She swallowed hard and met my eyes. "It's yours, Daddy." "And when can I use my pussy?" With a small voice she answered, "Whenever you want." I reached further and plunged two fingers inside the wet cunt in question. Lucy yelped before sagging against me and accepting the intrusion. "If I want to march you out to the 50 yard line and shove my dick down...

2 years ago
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The Holiday Chapter 7

As much fun as it was to watch porn, we always ended up either turning it off or ignoring it. All this play going on around us was the same as far as I was concerned. Fun! In fact, lots of fun, but in the end, all I wanted was you. I wanted to eat you without the distraction of knowing that people were watching. I wanted to fuck you without the distraction of people fucking all around us. It wasn’t that I was the least bit jealous of others watching us, or looking at your magnificent tits and...

1 year ago
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Mrs K 2

I woke up after a short sleep of an hour or so. My head had moved from its resting place against her big soft breasts and was now against her tummy. Mrs K was stroking my face; it felt good. Better still was my memory homing in on what had happened. "Hello sleepyhead, looks like I wore you out," Hazel said, laughing, and then smiling broadly. "Hello my beautiful lady," I replied. I wriggled up her body and we shared a deep kiss. Then I gently nibbled her ear-lobes, kissed her...

3 years ago
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Intemperance Volume 2 Standing On TopChapter 2b

The session went reasonably well. The first two hours was spent taking their instruments out of storage cases, cleaning them up, plugging them into the sound system, and tuning everything. The instruments were not the same ones they used on stage. Jake used a top-of-the-line Brogan Les Paul knock-off because its components were superior and it recorded better. Matt used a newer version of the Fender Stratocaster. Darren had a different version of the same Brogan bass guitar. Coop had a...

1 year ago
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DeviceBondage Lumi Ray Fresh Meat Lumi Ray

Device bondage is an experience all it’s own in the BDSM world. It can’t easily be explained unless one has been subjected to this type of bondage. The steel is a different animal from rope, and has to be respected as such in order to make it through the day. With that said, it shows us a lot about our newest addition, Lumi Ray, and her tenacity as a human. She begins on her knees with her arms pulled into a strappado. The Pope begins his routine of torment to test this slut’s ability to...

4 years ago
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Girl for a Spell

A year ago, I was a frustrated author with a lot of stories started, but never finished. Then I found Fictionmania, both the site and the community. The encouragement that I got helped me write and post the thirty stories that I've done in that year. Thank you Mindy and everybody else for your encouragement. This story was started almost ten years ago. I'm glad to have finished it, but I wish the circumstances were better. Mindy, you did good. Real good. And you'll be...

4 years ago
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My Assignment 8211 Part 7

Hello readers, I am your writer Twinkle Asher with some special edition of “The Assignment.” This is my seventh sex story on the site. Those who are reading the sixth part directly can get the earlier parts on the following link- . This is the link to my personal page on ISS and you will get all my stories at this one link. I also wanna personally thank the ISS Support Team for being so kind and helpful to me. I have received a depressing appreciation for my last story. I couldn’t make out...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Freya Parker Kylie Rocket Stepsister Is After My Cum

Rion King is hanging out in the living room when he is approached by his stepsister Freya Parker and her friend Kylie Rocket. The girls are horny, fertile, and want babies. They try to tell Rion they want his cum, but he is way too weirded out to even consider it. The girls try to coax Rion into taking them by rubbing their pussies and giving him a glimpse of the goods when they flash their tits at him, but nothing can make Rion interested in that moment. That’s okay; the girls have a...

2 years ago
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Needing it badly

Since my introduction to sex with men a few years before, I had handled and sucked off quite a few cocks and I have to say, many years on, it has been a lifetime of cock sucking pleasure. I had recently started to cum properly, my cock had grown, my voice deepened and hair sprouted in odd places.My first proper cum had come as a bit of a shock. One day I was wanking away with nothing but a pleasant sensation and a dribble of pre-cum to mark the event and the next I was pumping out great spurts...

3 years ago
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Lessons in Love Ch 02

This is another excerpt from the story I wrote called ‘The Stranger At The Well’. * Rachel gave birth to a son, and she and Donald rejoiced in all they had accomplished together. Zachary grew stronger and more alert day by day, as Rachel adjusted to their new life as a family of three. She took a length of fabric and wound it around her back and over her shoulder, securing the baby close to her breast and tieing it around her waist. Now she could return to some of her less strenuous chores...

2 years ago
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Prom Night with Teacher

Ashley squealed when her name was announced as Prom queen. I watched as the eighteen-year-old, gorgeous brunette excitedly pushed through the crowd of students to accept her tiara.Fuck I thought, looking away trying to ease the throbbing in my pants, but then my eyes landed on Ashley's equally gorgeous twin Mandy.These girls had unknowingly been tormenting me all year.It was my first-year teaching. I know the stories are usually about young girls with crushes on their young male teacher, but in...

4 years ago
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Black Sons Adventures pt1

Moving to a white neighbor was kind of odd for me. Being a 22-year-old black man and all. My mom wanted to get away from the ghetto life we once lived. She divorced my dad after a 7year affair he recently told her. She needed a new life and so a girlfriend of hers who happens to be white, invited us to move in with her until my mom got back on her feet.My mom was a strong woman. She has been very proud of all my achievements, especially when I was in school. She was a nice looking lady at that....

3 years ago
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Buddys Sister

This story takes place about a year before my wife and I met. I had graduated college, and was hanging out back at home with a buddy of mine named Carl. I had met him at college, and he had flunked out. The last semester of my college year, Carl and I had spent pretty much every night out drinking, and that is precisely what we were doing at home as well. The only difference was that now, I had a good job, and could afford all the alcohol that we wanted. This is something that I am not real...

2 years ago
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Roommates Became My Sex Partners

Hi Friends, this is Raj from Bangalore with real experience. I am staying alone in one of the apartments in South Bangalore. In the recent past, the society I am staying decided to vacate all the bachelors from my apartment. As there was a change in society management, I don’t have any option other than leaving the house. As I was in this apartment for almost two years, I used to the place and don’t want to leave. In my adjacent flat there are 3 guys and 2 girls staying and all of them are...

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