What Is Rabies Of A Marriage?Chapter 3 free porn video

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Need waits with longing for the familiar entrance of dear ones who pad barefoot through the soul on ordinary days.

Desperately, the man pressed on the breastbone of the prostrate body of the pretty young girl: One – two – three – four, breath; one – two – three – four, breath ... He repeated the cycle of cardio pulmonary resuscitation, that life restoring action that so few actually know how to do.

The sixteen year old girl threw up, straight into the air, just as the man was about to put his mouth back on hers to fill her lungs with another breath of life. He rolled her to the side to let the vile bile trickle out of her body, and forced open her mouth, to prohibit her from aspirating, breathing her own vomit back into her lungs.

She belched again and more vomit erupted from her belly, then she gasped a huge lungful of air, and her blue lips and fingertips began to return to fleshly color.

The man wiped her mouth with his sleeve, preparing to blow another breath into her if needed. Her eyes fluttered a bit and she breathed again, on her own. He put his ear to her breast and her heart was beating, though irregularly.

He knew that he'd probably broken some of her ribs, maybe even her breastbone while doing the compressions, but he also knew that to actually save her, a certain amount of pressure had to be applied to force the blood through the heart, pumping oxygen throughout her vascular system, feeding her brain cells and keeping them alive.

Bill Wilson had seen the one-car rollover occur just ¼ mile in front of him, as he was returning to his home in Sterling from spending Sunday in Denver, and meeting the street preacher, Bill Wilkerson.

When he pulled up to the scene, he saw the teenaged girl laying just off the edge of the road, her car on its top, the wheels still spinning, steam hissing from broken lines and hoses spewing fluids onto a hot manifold, in the barrow pit beside the interstate highway. It was cold and snowing, there was a foot of snow on the unplowed sides of the road, where the girl lay. The roads were icy and slick; the night, dark.

He knew that they were somewhere near Fort Morgan on Interstate 76. As he was leaving his car and running to the girl he had dialed 9-1-1. While performing the CPR, between breaths, pumping on her chest he described to the operator what was happening and his best guess at his location, then he set his phone down, on speaker mode, and continued administering the lifesaving action to Brittnay Hughes.

The dispatcher's question, "are there others in or around the car?" haunted Bill. He just didn't know and couldn't leave the girl to check for the moment.

"I don't know, I'll look as soon as I am sure she isn't going to aspirate on her own vomit," he shouted.

After a minute of her breathing on her own, he left her to look around, with only the lights of his own high beams shining into the night for him to see what he could. There didn't appear to be anyone else in or around the car, but he couldn't be for sure and yelled into his phone that information.

"I have an ambulance on the way, sir. According to our GPS coordinates, you are close to mile marker 78, does that sound about correct?" the dispatcher asked.

"Probably, I'm in the eastbound lane." Bill replied. "I can see Fort Morgan's lights, so wherever that is," he added.

He heard the wail of sirens and soon saw the flashing lights headed his way. Passersby began stopping. Bill directed one man with a flashlight to check for others in the car and around it that might have been thrown out or trapped.

Firetrucks were the first to respond, but minutes later the ambulance arrived. They tended to the girl and finally transported her to Colorado Plains Medical Center in Fort Morgan.

The highways were slick and the Colorado State Patrol was very busy with wrecks on many roads in their district. Their entire on-duty contingent was tied up miles away and would be too far off to respond in a timely manner, so they called a Supervisor out to respond to this accident scene, Lieutenant Darrel Martinez.

Lt. Martinez copied accident information, took measurements, noted skid marks, took photos, wrote down Bill's statement and contact information, finally releasing him to travel on to his home in Sterling, forty five minutes from the scene at regular speeds, but on these icy roads, maybe 90 minutes.

But, Bill decided to stop by the hospital to see how the teenage girl was doing before going on.

When Bill arrived at CPMC, Brittnay was still being tended to in the Emergency Room and her parents and siblings were huddled in the waiting room. He walked into the area from outside, shaking the snow off his coat and asked the desk clerk about the girl brought in from the wreck on I-76.

Derrick Hughes, Brittnay's dad heard Bill ask and stood to listen to the conversation. The desk clerk asked Bill who he was, and Bill identified himself as the man who came up on the wreck and called it in. Derrick swiftly walked to Bill and introduced himself.

"I ... I'm Brittnay's dad I'm Derrick Hughes. Thank you so much for saving my little girl," he said with emotion, tears forming in his eyes.

"Bill Wilson, Mr. Hughes. Nice to meet you, is she going to be ok?" He asked.

"We don't know yet. They're still working on her. The ambulance crew and firefighters that brought her in said you 'saved her life, no doubt about it; that she wasn't breathing' when you came up on the accident, is that right?" He begged.

Speaking to Bill, "Mr. Hughes, are you this girl's father?" The ER doctor, dressed in green operating gown, asked, walking up to the two men.

"I'm Derrick Hughes, her dad, Doctor, how is she?" her dad interjected, stepping forward.

"She's stable Mr. Hughes. It's a good thing she laid in the cold snow, which slowed her bleeding, she's got a nasty cut on her head and right upper back; and her sternum has been cracked along with two ribs, probably because of the CPR, but I'm cautiously optimistic at this time. We are going to do an MRI and some other tests to see if she has other injuries, so it'll be a while before we know much, but she is stable for the moment. There doesn't appear to be swelling in the brain stem and that is the biggest issue we don't have to face right now."

The doctor and the Hughes's stood and talked for a few minutes. Bill stepped away, affording them their privacy.

After the doctor left, "Mr. Hughes, I'd be interested to hear how your daughter is doing, here is my card, I'd be grateful for a call." Bill said, offering the dad his card.

Annette Hughes, Brittany's mom took the card, crying and stepped toward Bill Wilson with her arms out. "Thank God for you Mr. Wilson; thank God that you were there for our baby. He made a way and you were His tool, thank you so much," She cried.

Bill opened his arms and Annette stepped into them sobbing her "thank you's." Derrick made it a threesome and their two smaller children sat with open mouths watching something they'd never seen their dad do, cry like a baby.

Bill did not join them in their tears. He was pondering the woman's words. He had done what he could, what anyone should do if they could but he was in a world of his own, thinking about the man he'd killed, though it was at the hands of Pete Stone, his ex-partner, thinking about his ex-wife's boyfriend infected with syphilis; Infected because of his actions, his plotting and planning.

Pete's patient was innocent. But, Pete had lost his license and would suffer for the rest of his life. Pete had cause Bill untold suffering, that is true. But, it was a wrongful death to be sure.

The boyfriend would never have gotten syphilis if he'd been faithful to his girlfriend, he wasn't going to die, probably, but there was some suffering ahead for both he and Bill's ex-wife, Melody. Turnabout for Melody was fitting, in Bill's mind.

That was something Bill took glee about, making Melody suffer. "After all, she caused me plenty of suffering," he mused.

"What a paradox; what kind of man am I, a murderer or a life saver? Humph, both I guess." He pondered as the girl's parents stood there hugging him and crying, idolizing their daughter's savior.

Bill made his way slowly home that night. He slept fitfully, rolling over and over wrestling with his conscious for the evil he'd committed; against the good works he'd done saving Brittnay Hughes, and lots of other things he did for people.

He'd always donated dental work to certain folks. He did it quietly. Only he and those individual patients knew. Even his bookkeeper and receptionist didn't know that he skirted charges on some people that he knew were unable to pay for his services.

Bill also gave generously to individuals who had need. He'd often spend Thanksgiving and Christmas delivering foods, dental hygiene products and special treats for kids to needy families, single mothers, homeless and often derelict people. He'd always done stuff like that.

Bill had a tough day at work on Monday, after his encounter with Bill Wilkerson on the streets of downtown Denver, then his lifesaving experience on the icy highways Sunday night and then the distraught parents of the girl. His restless and sleepless night that followed left him moody and pensive all day.

His assistant, Constance Stickner, was wary of him all day. She'd only worked for the dentist for a year and didn't feel that she really knew him well at all. But, he'd never, ever been this way - like today and she was puzzled.

At the noon break, she stepped into his private office as he was sipping on a cup of hot tea and reading a dental journal. "Excuse me, doctor-is everything ok with you today, sir?"

"Come in Connie. Well, to tell you the truth, I'm kind of on the horns of a dilemma today and find myself wrestling." But, he did not volunteer the cause. Bill knew that if your closest associates or friends notice changes in behavior, they resent being lied to, and he felt that he'd do best with Connie if he was honest, yet not revealing. He didn't have to tell her anything substantive, just acknowledge his foul mood, that'd have to suffice.

"Ok, doctor; um, if I can do anything for you, I'll be glad to. My husband thinks the world of you, too and I know he'd be happy to do anything for you, just ask." She said.

Connie knew better than to push. She felt that she just needed to leave the door open; it was all she could do until she got a handle on what was eating at him.

Brittnay recovered well and by late spring she was pretty much back to normal. Her family only had minimal contact with Bill, but Brittnay had talked with him four or five times. Brittnay was a very popular junior at her High School. All the kids seemed to love her and were very happy that she'd survived her tragic accident.

Brittnay talked all the time about the Dentist from Sterling who saved her life. She told and retold her story, what she could recollect about it, to all her classmates and teachers. She even was asked by Lieutenant Martinez, of the Colorado State Patrol to work together with him and put on a safe driving program for the schools in the area. There are five high schools in the county and the Lt. and Brittnay went to every one of them, admonishing the kids to drive with care, speaking on safety issues, showing films and recalling her story.

Sterling, though not in her county is but forty five minutes away. Brittnay asked the CSP Lieutenant if they could give Dr. Wilson some kind of award for his lifesaving efforts that cold December night. It seemed to be a good thing to him and he agreed to set something up.

Brittnay's entire junior class, sixteen Colorado State Patrol cars, including the Chief of the CSP from Denver and those hospital staff, doctors, ambulance crew and firemen that had responded that night all quietly gathered at the dentist's office on the Tuesday after Memorial Day, just five and a half months after Bill had saved Brittnay's life. Reporters from the Denver Post, the Fort Morgan Times and the Sterling Journal Advocate were there, taking pictures and reporting on the story of this surprise award announcement, all angling for the perfect picture, the right approach to a great story, the 'scoop'.

It was a beautiful late May Day, the sun was shining, the trees and flowers were blooming.

The patrol cars were parked in a circle, surrounding the one thousand square foot dental clinic, all pointing their noses at the building. The firemen, medical people, the school kids and teachers, the Patrol officers ringed the building.

Blaring from the Chief's Patrol car loudspeaker, the chief said, "Doctor Bill Wilson, your building is surrounded. Drop what you're doing and come outside to receive recognition for what you've done."

At that, all the patrol cars hit a five second blast on their sirens. The sound was deafening, threatening even.

There was no response from inside the dental offices. They waited for a minute, then two. The two dental assistants finally appeared and led three patients out with their hands in the air, fear on their faces.

They were greeted with warmth and smiles from the crowds, being told of the special recognition ceremony that was about to take place for Dr. Wilson's quick thinking actions during the winter just past.

But, there was still no Dr. Wilson after three minutes.

Finally, Bill Wilson appeared. He was gaunt, dark circles and bags ringed his red, weary, watery eyes. He looked worried and afraid. The crowd applauded and cheered; to his surprise.

Brittnay Hughes ran to him and hugged him; the Chief of the State Patrol offered his hand, and his congratulations along with a wood and brass plaque commemorating his brave deed those months before.

"Speech – Speech – Speech," the crowd cried.

Very quietly, very humbly with head lowered, "Oh, I really don't deserve this, I, I, I've done so much in my life that would take this away." Bill said.

"Nonsense," said the Chief gregariously, "You saved this girl's life by your quick thinking and decisive action. You, sir, are a hero and we are proud to recognize you today as a model for others to look up to." He finished.

Brittnay and her parents hugged Dr. Wilson and everyone clapped and cheered again.

Bill's facial expression changed little. His eyes remained haunted, his posture was stooped, his gaunt profile, once chunky, now very thin, stood meekly.

He took a piece of folded paper from his pocket. He found his glasses and read from the paper.

"My soul hath long dwelt with him that hated peace, but, now, I am peace."

Bill folded the paper and put it back into his pocket. He thanked everyone for coming and looked Brittnay and her folks in the eyes, nodded politely and then he walked back into his clinic, unceremoniously.

Brittnay followed him into the door of his office, "Dr. Wilson, what did that mean? What you just said out there?"

"It's from the 120th Psalm Brittnay. It's just something I remind myself about often. That's all.

Brittnay turned seventeen that first week of June, right after her surprise visit with her class and all the Patrolmen to my office.

She drove to Sterling often, just to see me. She was still suffering some of the effects of her broken ribs and cracked sternum, which I had caused when I performed CPR on her back in December. During the summer, she made trips to Sterling three or four times per month, stopping to visit, going to lunch or, even to dinner one evening.

She said she felt attached to me, and didn't want me to 'get away', whatever that meant. When I was headed to Denver, I'd often be invited to eat at their house on my way through Fort Morgan. Her folks and I became friends, and Brittnay and I drew close.

She talked to me about things in her life, tough subjects in school, cheerleading and sports, cars and driving, and of course - boys.

She was also very interested in me, asking me about my life as a high school boy, my friendship with Pete and married life with Melody.

She wanted to know all about me becoming a dentist, about dentistry, almost nothing was off the table and she boldly asked me, sometimes, personal questions. I tried to answer them honestly.

One thing I never admitted to was the murder of Pete's patient and the venereal disease dispatched to Melody and her boyfriend. But, I told her about Melody's menstrual arousal, Pete's treachery and Bradley turning out not to be my son. Brittnay was very physical with me, she touched me, hugged me, kissed my cheeks. She had a habit of wrapping her arm around my arm and rubbing herself on my bicep, when standing talking with someone else, or walking along somewhere. She'd grab my hand in both hers and hold it near her crotch, sometimes touching it to herself slightly.

Same as What Is Rabies of a Marriage?
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"Ohhh mr. Jonas!" Rayana, his new intern moaned in a voice that would make any man melt. "Please fuck me daddy!" Mr. Jonas thought that maybe for a moment he mightve been way over his head. He also kinda felt bad about the fact that he was cheating on his wife, a wonderful women who worked so hard to make their marriage work. But Rayana was so sexy she stood at 5'5 and she had ebony brown skin she had DD tits and had a round back side with nice thick legs with a clean shaved pussy....

2 years ago
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Whatsapp fun

Last night, (Saturday) with me showing MrsC the stories I had put on here she changed, I thought I was in trouble for putting our fun into words but she liked it, we do not know where Tony is we didn't get his number (like fools) we the best friend fro the first one is still on the scene in a way, only because of the power of the internet we found him again, well MrsC started to ask questions about him when I said I had spoken to him, questions like how is he?, where is he now? Is he married"...

3 years ago
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Whatsapp Sexting With The Arabic Girl

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Hello, readers, I am JACK (name changed) am a very big fan of Indian Sex Stories we can read awesome stories here but I don’t think no one posted sexting ever well. I am a social freak and I regularly do sexting with random people. I am posting this conversation because Emma (girl name in the sex story) likes it. So, I am gonna share my sexting with you all. Please ignore spelling mistakes and grammar thing because it’s what’s...

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Whatsapp To What A Fuck

Hello everyone this is Samar from Punjab currently living in Chandigarh. I am a regular reader of ISS from many past years. Finally time to post my own story after reading thousands of stories from ISS please forgive my mistakes. I am a good looking (maybeJ) 5’11” and have athletic body 6”+ dick can satisfy a woman. I have many encounters prior to this with my girlfriends but the girl in this story was my best sex partner till date. Her name is Sonal (name changed). Her stats are 34-27-36. The...

3 years ago
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Whats love without stupidity

Introduction: Young couple who fall in love and fall back out what will happen? The light fog added a moisture to the air. The coolness of the night wrapped around her like a wet towel, sending a shiver up her spine. She was lucky she knew the area so well, or she could have easily become lost. She looked through the trees at the house where he lived, slightly smiling at the one electric candle burning in the kitchen window. Kevin kicked back the reclining chair, raising the footrest, and...

2 years ago
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Whats wrong with it

Lew- I took this from a Blog I was advised to read. I contacted the lady through the anonymity of email who gave permission to reproduce here but did not want to meet or be identified in any way - understandably - just so long as the names were changed. She wrote it in 2015 and it was “her therapy” to assuage any guilt about it but assured me she and her family are all happy satisfied individuals without any ‘hangups’ - here’s her story. My name is Marie and I’ve been very happily married to...

4 years ago
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Whats A Master The End

Like Icarus, I flew too close to the sun. It was my downfall. And again, like Icarus, it was my own fault. I made a bad decision, and I came spinning down from the heights of passion to the depths of despair. My story was going so well. Ursula cared deeply for me, her Roger, and I adored her with my complete soul. Who would have thought it would end this way? Cynthia and Carl had broken up. Who was to blame for that? I hadn’t a clue, really. Perhaps nobody was. Perhaps it was just life...

2 years ago
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Whats Her Price The Bedroom

Introduction: My evening with Chloe continues I followed behind Chloe as she lead me to her bedroom, my feet shuffling since my pants and boxers were still around my ankles. She didnt turn on the light in the bedroom, but the ​light from the living room was sufficient to give the bedroom a nice ambiance. Chloe had switched on her ​sleep sounding machine, and the room was filled with the sounds of a thunderstorm on a beach. Chloe grabbed both of my hands and pulled me to her and wrapped my...

3 years ago
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whats wrong with rubber lingerie

Came home from the club last night, great evening, I don't drink anyway so no bad heads and knew what I was doing.Went and had a shower and was in bed by about 1130pm. Being Saturday the next day, no work so could have a little lay in. I woke at about 9am and sun was shining, clock is running oddly, says its Sunday 3rd, I went to bed on Saturday 2nd, Odd.Got out of bed and glimpsed myself in the mirror and nearly passed out. I like to wear a little fem gear, usually just tights (pantyhose) or...

2 years ago
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Whats up Doc Part 2

They commanded her to undress and get up on the steel operating table.Much to their chargin she spat at them and told them to fuck off.As he grabbed the scalpel.Jason felt his cock spring to life.He sliced her wickedly,from just below her left shoulder blade down onto her boob.The slash was about 2 inches and deep.She started bleeding profusely.In slow motion she looked down at her breast and the growing crimson patch.When she looked back up at them the change the cut had wreaked on her was...

3 years ago
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Whats In The Name Shazstoned

It was a Saturday night some years ago, I was home alone, it was time to dress fully for the first time. I showered and had a good shave. I started with my false eyelashes on the top and bottom of my eyes, next the foundation and powder, eye shadow, a glittery green, dark red blusher to highlight my cheeks, black eye liner and masscarra followed. I added bright red lippy, all was applied quite heavy, how I like it. I got myself dressed, basque, seemed stockings and thong all in black, a very...

3 years ago
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Whats in Store

I bought a present for my niece’s birthday last week but when we gave it to her, it didn’t work properly, so today… I took it back. The young lady on the customer service desk was about 22 and a really bubbly girl. So friendly, and I noticed, very pretty, with medium length blonde hair, lovely blue eyes, and a smile that would warm the coldest of hearts. She was dressed in the store uniform red fitted shirt, which accentuated her lovely figure, and tight black pants. I explained the problem...

4 years ago
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Whats A Master Part One

Cynthia was an old friend. She and I had been good friends for a long time. I knew her, and trusted her with my life and heart. She had never failed me. It was at her instigation that I went out with a dear friend of hers. This friend was someone from another group, another gathering that I had never met. Cynthia was a friend, but she also had her secrets to which I had never been privy. For whatever reason, Cynthia felt that Ursula and I would hit it off. We were about to find out this very...

4 years ago
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Whats gotten into Carry

‘Shit, Carry!’ I shouted. I must admit, when things get good, I have this habit of cussing. Like when Carry sucked on my dick harder than ever before. Carry’s always been great at giving head, but holy shit! Something else had gotten into her. Something wild. Carry was my girlfriend of two years. We met our sophomore year in college and immediately hit it off. Things had been great, in fact I’d been thinking that after we graduate, I’d ask her to marry me. Carry’s sweet, smart, and sexy....

4 years ago
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Whats A Master Part Three

Our relationship continued and deepened. It was getting better and better. She had accepted that I was her Master, but in name only. I was not really that into it. I was very indulgent. For a sub she did pretty much whatever she wanted to do. It was actually quite charming in its own way. And we adored each other. My Ursula was a perfect woman, in every way. She was bright, very articulate, and engaging. And her beauty was outstanding. She had lovely, short, raven hair, and a body to die for,...

3 years ago
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Whats A Master Part Two

Several weeks after I had met Ursula, with the help of Cynthia, my old friend, I received an invitation from Ursula to a party at her home in the suburbs of our east coast city. I readily accepted. I had grown to adore Ursula. I was so lucky that she was not married yet. That definitely gave me an opening. I knew the lifestyle she practiced and I was not horrified. I was fascinated. We had met a few times in the interim, and each time we had been conventional lovers. I had fucked her, sucked...

3 years ago
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Whats Next

What’s Next? Three Months Ago Sarah quietly tiptoed into their bedroom, glad for once that Ashley could sleep through a nuclear war. She was late. Really late. She got caught up at work on a project and ended up in conference with some client reps in Geneva. It was their ‘morning’ and they couldn’t have cared less that it was her ‘night’ and far beyond normal business hours. Tonight was date night and they had had plans. She hang up her ‘power suit’ and put the black pumps with the 4” heels...

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Whats a young ninja to do

Disclaimer: No naruto characters belong to me, other than OC's. AN: Slow start, but dont worry. it will get better the further in you go. For obvious reasons, being 5 is too young for anything. So at a later date ages will become legal before things occur. In the quiet peaceful village known as konoha live many people, consisting mainly of shinobi. People who train to become strong, for their village, to pass missions, or simply to quench their thirst for power, among a chaotic world of...

4 years ago
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whats on ur mind

the office fetishthis incident happened to me 4 years back.. when i was travelling wid my boss to india for a buiseness meet.my boss was a beautiful woman.. black long hair.. big beautiful eyes.. n awesome succulent breasts.. i always had a fetish for her.. she wud catch me looking at her times.. but i just laughed it off.. one day v were both assigned to go to delhi in india.. n were staying in d hotel .. while travelling i couldnt stop looking at her.. n she looked at me.. n kissed me...

2 years ago
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Whats a Girl to Do A Halloween Story

All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...

4 years ago
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Whats a Girl to Do A Halloween Story

I really shouldn’t do it. I know what I am getting myself in for, but it’s been a long time and I really need some relief. I’m desperate and even the best vibrator can’t satisfy me most of the time. I need a man... or a woman. I know going to the party is risky, but what’s a girl to do? I really need some relief, and everyone normally treats me like they don’t even see me.They’ll see me tonight, though. The Tri-Delta’s are having a Halloween party and it is going to be out of this world. They...

College Sex
3 years ago
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Whats Taking So Long

Never ask your wife, "What's taking so long?" while she is getting dressed to go out to a fancy dinner or you just might find out what takes so long, as I did. My name is Brian and my wife is Jamie. At the time of this story we had been married about three years. Jamie's job requires her to attend some very fancy parties and dinners once or twice a month and yours truly was always her escort. This adventure began one fateful Friday evening. We were going to one of these...

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Whats Taking So Long Part 5

What's taking so long? (Part 5) Never ask your wife, "What's taking so long?" while she is getting dressed to go out to a fancy dinner. I did, and so far it's been very interesting... The story continues... Briana Returns During dinner on Wednesday, Jamie had asked me to take Friday off again. She wanted Briana back for the weekend. I knew that she liked my feminine side, but it surprised me that she wanted it back so soon. So, on Thursday I checked on taking Friday off. It...

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Whats Taking So Long Part 6

What's Taking So Long? Part 6 By Teddie Never ask your wife, "What's taking so long?" while she is getting dressed to go out to a fancy dinner. I did, and so far it's been very interesting... We continue... Briana Forever Jamie had fooled me into going to the Queen's Court by myself, by feigning being ill. She showed up at the club after I did, to enjoy the 'Amateur Contest' in which she had entered me. After the contest we were sitting with Shelly and Cathy, and just...

2 years ago
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Whats your name again

- Both characters were 19 -They now have their own house as Jeremy is an engineer and Laura is an intern at a hospital. -They live in upstate New York. "What's your name again?" My name is Jeremy. I am 26 years old and live happily with my wife Laura. This is the story of how we took each others virginity. Let's start at the beginning. We met in kindergarten. I remember seeing her first come in and feeling the urge to pick on her so badly. Back then I didn't know any...

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Whats Taking So Long Part 2

What's taking so long? (Part 2) Never ask your wife, "What's taking so long?" while she is getting dressed to go out to a fancy dinner. I did, and so far it's been very interesting. We pick my story... My wife Jamie and I were just leaving the day spa, with me looking 100% female, or so she said. When we found out that Cathy was really Carl. He/she had said, "Yes. Always have been a man, always will be. At least between the legs. I have the body of a woman and the genitalia...

2 years ago
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Whats in a Name

What's in a Name It's a funny world, isn't it? Everything has a name or a title or a description. What's more, whenever some "thing" runs outside the "norm", it is discussed and labeled and explained. That's where I come in. I'm not "normal". I was born a male, but want to be a woman. So I am a transsexual. But, I don't feel the all-consuming need to have my penis turned inside out into a vagina, so maybe I'm a transvestite. Or a crossdresser. I love having breasts and live full-time...

2 years ago
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Whats Sexy

After the success of my stories about my first wife I started to write about my second. As soon as I did I found I had a problem, although very beautiful and with a great figure my second wife wasn't very sexy at all. True we had great sex in the bedroom but that doesn't mean that she was sexy. So with this startling piece of information I started to thing about what is sexy and what's not. Well let's start in a good place; my first wife was sex on legs and she would make a good benchmark....

3 years ago
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Whats gotten into Carry

"Shit, Carry!" I shouted. I must admit, when things get good, I have this habit of cussing. Like when Carry sucked on my dick harder than ever before. Carry's always been great at giving head, but holy shit! Something else had gotten into her. Something wild. Carry was my girlfriend of two years. We met our sophomore year in college and immediately hit it off. Things had been great, in fact I'd been thinking that after we graduate, I'd ask her to marry me. Carry's sweet, smart, and sexy....

4 years ago
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Whats Taking You So Long Part 3

What's taking so long? (Part 3) We continue with the story... The Lake Jamie and I had dosed off after a great session of lovemaking. I didn't even get to wear my new nightgown. We had both fallen asleep in the nude. And, it was late Saturday morning when we woke up. Jamie was up first, and in the shower when I finally awoke. It took me a while to shake out the cobwebs and realize that there was something different. I looked down and saw my breasts, and then remembered what...

3 years ago
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Whats Sauce for the Goose

What's Sauce for the Goose... I worked for an accounting firm in the mailroom, sorting and delivering packages for the company. It's a nothing job with no real future, but it paid my bills...barely. Six months ago, I met a gal in a bookstore. I managed to hit it off with her because of a few novels we'd read in common, and over the course of a few dates, I convinced her that my sparse lifestyle gave me a lot of time and freedom that could be focused on her. She bought it and...

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Whats Good for the Goose

 "Humm, I know which way this is going," Carly said to herself as she felt Tom run his hand over her naked butt. She knew Tom loved an early morning fuck. Come to that ,so did she. Often if she woke first, she would reach for his flaccid cock and bring it to attention before straddling him and riding it to an orgasm.But today he had woken first, and as luck would have it, she was in his favourite morning position, on her side facing away from him.Carly particularly loved it when Tom woke first....

2 years ago
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Whats Good for the Goose

It was early evening, and Nancy and I were sitting on our sofa talking. She had been sitting there when I got home from work, and I could immediately read fear on her face; she couldn't even look me in the eye. For the past hour we had been having a very serious conversation, the sort that could lead to the end of a marriage, or possibly be the first step in a long road to its salvation. It had taken that hour for me to slowly get the truth from her, truth she knew she had to confess, but was...

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