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It began in the early summer of my sixteenth year. My parents had separated
three years previously, and my sister had moved away with my mom to the west
coast, while I stayed with my dad. I guess there was a lot of bad feeling
between my folks, because for that three years, I didn't see either my mom
or Cathy at all; I got to speak with them on the phone over holidays and
such, but that was it.

Eventually, there was a thawing in the iciness that had prevailed between my
parents, and a "prisoner exchange" of sorts was arranged; my sister would
come to stay with us for a month over the summer, and then I would go and
visit them likewise for a month. I was eager to have this happen; I missed
both my mom and Cathy terribly, although in actuality they had been out of
my life for so long that they had both become just a sort of sentimental
memory to me.

Then, toward the end of June, the big day finally came, and my sister Cathy
arrived at our house. My dad picked her up at the airport, and, after
getting her settled in the house, said to us," I guess you two k**s have a
lot of catching up to do- why don't you go visit, and we'll all meet for
dinner at 6".

I felt a little awkward around her; she had been only eleven when last I had
seen her, a little girl in pig tails, and she had grown a lot since then-
not only in size, but she had started to develop into a woman precociously.
She had a pretty face, framed by long, wavy brown hair, and a cute figure,
with a developing bust and nice waist. She had also grown into a
self-possessed, intelligent person, not just the c***dish little girl I used
to tease and ignore; she felt to me like a stranger, and I didn't know how
to behave toward her.

We went into the back yard and sat on the bench under our willow tree. Our
house was an old house in the upper New York state countryside, and the back
yard overlooked a small pond. As we talked, I felt that she was as unsure of
things as I felt, being back here after so long among people she really
didn't know well anymore; and so we shared our memories and told each other
of our current lives shyly, with a certain delicacy. But over the few hours
before dinner, we quickly found our footing with each other, warming up and
relaxing in each other's company as we opened our lives to each other. I
felt that she had really turned out to be a great person, and I found myself
feeling very close and open with her, as if she was my twin, and not just my
little sister. We found agreement about all sorts of things, sharing many of
the same attitudes towards the facets of our worlds. By the time dinner
rolled around, we were fast friends.

We had a family dinner with my dad; he was obviously glad to have her there,
but he seemed a little distant and stiff, warming up only a little as we
spent the evening visiting and watching tv. After a few hours, agreeing that
we were all tired, we turned in for the night. It felt funny to have another
presence in the house, and a feminine one at that; she was staying in her
old room, at the end of the hall on the other side of our bathroom. I of
course was used to having the bathroom, and in fact the whole end of the
second floor, to myself; and to have to wait while she used the bathroom to
get ready for bed felt weird; and then, when I finally did get into the
bathroom myself, having her feminine accessories around added to the

Our adventure really began that night, although it took days to blossom. I
got up in the middle of the night to pee, and went into the bathroom,
leaving the door open sleepily as I always did; there hadn't been reason to
do otherwise for years. I always slept in pajamas, as I was that night; and
as often happened when I got up at night, I had an erection. I was standing
in front of the toilet, having pulled the front of my pajama bottoms down to
clear my stiff dick, and was pushing it downwards toward the toilet, about
to begin peeing, when I heard a sound, and sleepily looked up to see Cathy
standing there! She had apparently come in to do the same thing as me, and
hadn't expected to find me there any more than I had thought of her. We both
froze, for a timeless moment that seemed to go on forever, as she realized
what she was looking at, and I realized what she was seeing. Then she turned
away shyly, murmuring an apology, and left; I closed the door, peed, and
went back to bed.

The next morning at breakfast, we were both a little reserved, uncertain how
to deal with our encounter of the night before. I didn't know what her
reaction was, but I felt uneasy, and was content to let the incident lapse,
not acknowledging it to her. It was the first time a girl had seen me with
my pants down, let alone with a hardon, and, although the idea gave me
twinges of excitement, it was new territory, harder to deal with than the
status quo. I was sexually active already, being an avid masturbator, but
the extent of my sexual experience with others was having a friend who I
jacked off with from time to time. I of course had a rich fantasy life, but
had yet to translate it into actual experience; so the whole issue was
complicated for me. The fact that Cathy felt more like a cute stranger to me
than a little sister only added to my confusion. So, I was content to avoid
confronting the whole issue by denial and proceed as if nothing had
happened, avoiding taking any responsibility for my actions, letting events
shape themselves.

Whatever uneasiness there may have been between us that morning quickly
dissipated, and we spent a fun day hanging out and getting reacquainted. But
I felt a very slight undercurrent of something between us, as though we had
a tacit understanding that something had happened, but we weren't going to
deal with it just yet.

Then late that afternoon, the two of us were sitting again relaxing under
the willow tree before dinner, when in a quiet moment, Cathy, looking down
at her hands, quietly said," I had a hard time getting back to sleep last
night after I saw you in the bathroom". I sat startled, alert, waiting to
see where this was going. "I've seen diagrams and that sort of thing in
health class", she continued quietly, still looking down," but that was the
first time I've ever actually seen a boy's thing, at least since we were
small k**s." We sat in silence a few more moments, then, suddenly looking up
at me, she said thoughtfully,"It looked so big! Was it hard?"

I was taken aback; then, embarrassed, I stammered how boys sometimes got
hard while they were sleeping, and I started to fumble an apology for
leaving the bathroom door open. "That's ok", she interrupted,"I'm glad I got
to see it." Then, after a moment's silence, looking away again, she asked me
very quietly,"Would you let me see it again sometime?"

I felt as if a bomb went off inside me. A rush of different emotions ran
through me, and I felt my face reddening; then, surprised by a sudden
boldness surging up from a hidden part of myself, I felt myself saying,"ok,
if you'd like". Then suddenly the words "you could come to my room tonight
after we turn in, if you want" blurted from my mouth.

As if to dissipate the embarrassment that was hanging in the air from our
sudden intimacy, Cathy changed the subject, and we resumed the conversation
that we had been having before she had dropped her bombshell. Throughout
dinner and the rest of that evening a correctness and politeness prevailed
between us, but I could feel that the memory of our talk was in the
forefront of both our thoughts. As we prepared for bed, I wondered if she
would actually follow through on my invitation.

I was very excited at the prospect of "showing off" for Cathy. I had a
strong sex drive, masturbating frequently, both alone and with a couple of
friends; but had never had any direct sexual contact with a girl, and was
eager to. For me the fact that she was my sister was an advantage; we had a
built-in intimacy, and no prospect for needing to maintain "a relationship";
and at the same time, the fact that she was a relative stranger to me made
her exciting as a potential sex partner.

I went to bed, lying quietly, waiting either to go to sleep or for the
anticipated visit. Eventually I was drifting off into my thoughts, when I
heard my door open quietly, and then close. I reached over and turned on my
bedside lamp, revealing Cathy standing there in her nightie. I sat up
awkwardly, swinging out my feet to sit on the side of the bed, as she came
over, and sat down next to me; she looked at me, then down towards my lap,
and playfully said,"Well, let me see it!"

There was a sizable bulge pushing out the front of my pajamas already; and
as the reality of the situation penetrated my awareness, I felt a further
surge in my dick, as I rose myself up off the bed slightly, and pushed down
the waistband of my bottoms.

My erection, now fully hard, sprang free, as Cathy watched; and I settled
back down on the edge of the bed, leaning back on my elbows to show it off
fully. Staring at it wide-eyed, she said,"Wow! It's HUGE!". I felt on fire;
sitting back, both of us staring intently at my stiff cock, which was rock
hard, its skin stretched shiny-tight, I basked in the thrill and arousal of
showing this cute girl my most private parts. She studied it with great
attention and curiosity; as she looked at it, she said, "I can't believe
this could fit inside a girl!"; then, "are all boys this big?". I explained
that apparently it could fit somehow; and that everyone is different, and as
far as I could tell from the school gym, and the few friends who I had seen
hard, that I was pretty big. Then she asked me if I had ever had an orgasm.

I smiled, and told her that I did as often as possible, usually once a day,
sometimes twice. Wide eyed, she moved her head closer to it to study its
tip, asking," how much stuff comes out when you do?". I said it depends on
how hot I feel, and how long I masturbate it; but maybe about a couple of
tablespoons. She asked, "Will you show me?"

I felt a flush of dizzying excitement, and the blood rushing in my ears, as
I acquiesced in this new level of intimacy by reaching for my hardon in
front of her. I grasped it with my left hand just above my balls, and with
my right hand about an inch below the rim, and began to move both hands up
and down slowly, pulling the skin up over the rim of its head on each
upstroke. She sat next to me, and watched curiously. "Have you ever been
with a girl? Have you done this with anyone before?" I told her she was the
first girl to see my hardon, but that I sometimes jacked off with a friend
of mine. She watched my balls ride up and down with each stroke, commenting
on their beefiness.

Suddenly, a drop of fluid squoze out of the hole and sat perched glistening
on the tip; Cathy asked excitedly, "Are you having an orgasm?" I told her
no, that as I got hotter slippery fluid came out to lubricate it, and not to
worry, when I was having an orgasm she would know about it; and I told her
we called it "coming", and we called masturbating "jacking off". As she
watched excitedly, she told me how she had a girl friend back home who had
showed her how to masturbate, and would come over to her house for
sleepovers, and they would masturbate each other. She said they called it
"finger fucking", and that her pussy also got very wet before she would

We watched the drop of pre-come sitting on the tip of my dick swelling with
each downstroke of my hands, then shrinking slightly with the upstroke as
some of it was sucked back down into the hole; I was going very slowly to
try to make it last. I felt incredibly hot; I was panting, more excited than
I had ever been; having my sister watching me work on my erection,
masturbating it slowly and very thoroughly, was the sexiest thing I had ever

It felt incredibly hot to have this curious, cute girl eagerly watching me
work on my big dick- it felt wonderfully nasty, and the forbiddenness of the
act, considering that she was my sister, added greatly to the thrill I felt
as we watched me masturbating.

The drop of fluid finally grew too large to stay balanced on the tip of my
dick, and its own weight started it slowly flowing down my dick. We watched
it flow down the top of my helmet-shaped head, get caught briefly on the
thick, protruding rim, and then get dragged down the shaft when it hit my
hand, leaving a shiny, wet trail over the head as more fluid flowed down. As
the juice pooled around my hand on the shaft, it began to make a sticky, wet
sound; and Cathy commented on how much juice was coming out.

I stopped my jacking movements, and took my hands away from my erection,
explaining to my sister that I was getting close to coming, and I wanted to
slow down and build up more come for her. We watched my hardon bouncing
slightly with my pulse, which had gotten very fast by now. It was shiny wet,
stretched to its maximum with excitement; the head a deep shiny purple, the
veins along the shaft a rich blue. Cathy studied it all around, commenting
on how much bigger it was when it was close to coming than when we had
started, and how wet it had gotten. I told her we called the fluid "cream",
and as we watched, a fresh pulse of cream oozed from the head and began its
trip down the shaft.

Cathy told me how excited it made her to see my dick in such a state, and
that maybe she'd finger herself for me after I came. I felt the urge to come
subsiding, so I grasped the shaft in the middle, with one hand now so Cathy
would have a better view. I started to slide the skin on the shaft up and
down very slowly in a steady rhythm; the sticky sounds resumed. Cathy
commented on how amazingly loose the skin was on my dick, that it could be
slid around so far; and again on how large my dick and balls were, saying
that it must be weird having something that big bouncing around and hanging
between my legs all the time.

"Does it hurt to have it so swollen?", she asked, watching me cream; I
replied, with some difficulty being so close to coming; "No, it feels
incredible. In fact, the harder it is, the better it feels. When I'm really
hot, like I am now, it gets so swollen that the skin gets stretched really
tight, and gets ultra-sensitive."

At that moment, I could feel myself passing the point of no return. I warned
Cathy that I was about to come, as I felt the incredible deliciousness of
the juices pooling in my balls; I slowed, and almost completely stopped, my
jacking, to prolong the orgasm as much as possible; my erection started
twitching involuntarily, and I stopped rubbing it altogether, and took my
hand away, as I felt the fire building in my limbs, centering on my
midsection; my sight began to dim, and I heard a roaring in my ears; then,
with a large spasm, my dick jumped and a thick rope of white come shot out
from its head high over my chest, then another and another, my dick jumping
in spasm with each shot. Cathy said, "My God!". It was far and away the most
powerful orgasm I had ever experienced, and my erection kept bobbing over
and over, as more come, now in a stream pooling in my pubic hair, pulsed
from my erection in a diminishing flow.

As the throbbing in my genitals subsided, I returned to awareness of my
surroundings. My chest was spattered with streams of come, trailing down to
my pubic area, which was soaked in a white puddle. Cathy repeated,"My God.
That was incredible! Was that a particularly big one?" I explained that it
was, that having her watch me had given me the best come I could remember.
She was flushed and breathing hard, obviously aroused by the experience of
watching me come, clearly surprised and excited by the magnitude of the

As my hardon began to subside, she layed back on the bed, still breathing
hard, and quickly pulled down the white cotton panties that she had on under
her nightie; and started to urgently rub herself with her fingertips inside
the slit of her pussy, that was now exposed openly to my view. I saw the
soft in curve of her waist, and her flat belly above the slight nest of
soft, brown curls that spread over the mound of her pussy; I admired the
pouting, now-swollen lips of her pussy, that she was in the midst of
frantically working on, nestled between her two petite, smooth thighs, that
led up to the plump swelling of her cute ass.

Her head was thrown back, her eyes partly closed, and she seemed lost in the
world of her arousal. I watched with interest what she was doing with her
hand; I had never seen a girl masturbate before. Her legs were partly
spread, and she had the tips two fingers of her right hand moving rapidly
between her lips near the top of her slit, which looked swollen and pouty.
Instinctively I reached my hand out , and with my fingertips, touched the
lips of her pussy just below where she was so frantically rubbing. She
opened her eyes as she felt my touch, moaning "Oh!", then saying hoarsely,
"I'm just about to come"; I slipped my fingertips between her swollen lips
near the bottom of her slit, feeling a very warm, slippery wetness; she
pushed her head back, closed her thighs on my hand, breathing, "Oh! Oh!"
softly, as I felt the smooth, wet flesh under my fingers start to pulse in
strong, rhythmic spasms. I felt her coming for perhaps twenty seconds, her
pussy pulsing strongly, her entire body tightening with each spasm, with
gradually diminishing intensity, until finally the last few pulses were
maybe five seconds apart.

She relaxed, lying back, spent. I said softly, "Wow- was THAT a particularly
big one?" She opened her eyes and looked over to me, and answered, with a
blend of shyness, embarrassment, and pride, "I've never had such a big one
before- I guess watching you really made me excited; and then when you
touched me..." I agreed that seeing someone else was a major turn on; I told
her how I would get together with a friend of mine and do it, and how hot I
would feel watching them, how seeing them come would make me want to; but it
was great seeing her do it, and that I had never seen a girl come before.

I mopped myself off with a dirty t-shirt as she wiped her slit with some
kleenex, then put her panties back on. There was a slight air of
embarrassment between us, and as I pulled on my pajama bottoms, she slipped
out the door to her room, closing it quietly.


The next morning as I came down to breakfast, I was apprehensive about how
she would respond to me after the events of the previous night. I was a
seething cauldron of conflicting emotions: embarrassment at having let her
see me jack off; guilt at involving my little sister, who I ought to be
protective of, in such forbidden activities; a kind of tender closeness with
her at having shared such intimacy; and a thrilling hope that she liked it
as much as I had, and might even want to do it again.

I entered the kitchen, to find Dad and Cathy already sitting down to eat. I
came in nonchalantly, said "good morning" and sat down, glancing up
surreptitiously at my sister, to assess her mood. My father gave me a
perfunctory greeting, and Cathy looked up at me, and gave me a neutral,
self-absorbed "good morning" back. I was in torment; I couldn't tell what
she was feeling. I kept a cool exterior, eating breakfast normally, then
taking my dishes to the sink. Cathy ate quietly, mostly looking down at her
plate. I feared the worst; that she was upset about last night, or worse,
really suffering inside herself at the perversion I had permitted to happen.

Our father got up and organized himself to go off to his work. As he said
goodbye to us and headed off to the front door, I glanced over towards Cathy
nervously, as she was rinsing her dish at the sink, fearing the
confrontation that was to come. As I heard the front door closing, I was
about to stammer out an apology for my behavior of last night when she
turned around, looking up at me shyly, and said, "That was really amazing
last night."

My emotions did a somersault, and I felt a wild surge in my heart, and also
in my crotch. "Yeah, I thought it was amazing, too", I agreed, feeling an
excitement to be having this conversation with her. "It was amazing seeing
your thing squirting like that. I couldn't believe how it exploded." Looking
at me appraisingly, she asked with a gleam in her eye, "How long do you have
to wait usually before you want to do it again?" I said that I sometimes did
it again right away, but that it was usually better if I let it build up for
at least a few hours, or overnight. I asked her how it was for her, and she
said that it varied, but sometimes she could do it over and over. "would you
like do it again now? It HAS been overnight." she asked coyly.

At my blushing smile, she led the way into the livingroom towards the sofa.
"Would this be ok, or do you need to be lying down?" she asked me, as we
started to sit down. I laughed as I reached to undo my belt, saying that I
could do it in any position. We sat on the sofa side by side; and as she
watched interestedly I unzipped my fly, and slowly slid my pants and
underwear halfway down my thighs, freeing my erection to flop upwards toward
my belly. It felt so hot to be showing off my hardon to a girl again; I felt
my dick swelling to rock-hard.

"Wow" she said again, studying it in the brighter morning light; then after
a moment, asked "can I feel it?" At my silence she cautiously reached a hand
out, and grasped it gently on either side of the shaft between her thumb and
fingertips. Squeezing slightly, feeling its texture, she said,"It's so hard
and warm! It feels like it's made of rubber." She tentatively wrapped her
hand around the middle of its shaft; her small hand wouldn't go all the way
around it. "Can I make it, uh, come? Would you teach me how to do it?"

The velvety feeling of her hand on my erection, squeezing it gingerly, was
heaven! I couldn't believe such sensations were possible. As she
experimented with pulling her hand up, sliding the loose skin along the
shaft up towards the head, pulling my balls up with it, I felt a tingling
playing through my entire body, from my head to the soles of my feet -"This
is going to be incredible!", I thought.

I told her I would love it, and described to her how to grab the shaft a few
inches below the head and slowly pull the skin on the shaft just up over the
rim, letting it back down again steadily, over and over, being careful not
to grasp the shaft too hard or to move her hand too fast. As she heard me
talking she was trying out what I was saying, getting the feel of my dick,
how much the skin would move, squeezing with different strengths, and so on.
Her inexperience and tentativeness added to the stimulation; feeling her do
me was incredible.

She was asking me how it felt, and how good a job she was doing, as she
continued to get the feel of jacking me. Sighing, I told her how incredible
it felt, that even when I was being jacked off by my friend it had never
been this good; I warned her to go really slow so I wouldn't come too soon.
I explained how much better an orgasm was when it was built up for as long
as possible; she agreed, saying that it was the same for girls. I was fully
swollen now, and each time she pulled up on my shaft her motion made my
cock-hole pout, producing a slight "popping" sound with each stroke.

As she continued doing me she asked me about what my friend and I did
together, and I told her how we would get together at one of our houses when
noone else was around, and do each other; how we had started just jacking
off with each other, but eventually through experimenting found out how much
better it felt when someone else did it to you; so now that's what we did. I
told her that we usually took turns, one of us doing the other until he
came, or sometimes we would stop just before the other one came, and switch
places again, drawing it out; that we could sometimes last for several hours
that way, and had huge orgasms. She said she'd love to watch us doing that

As we watched her slowly pulling on my erection, a drop of cream oozed out
the hole, and began a slow trickle down the front of the head towards her
jacking hand. Seeing it, she asked me to warn her when I was going to come,
so she would be ready; then she asked if I did anything special with the
cream when it started dripping. I told her how you could just let it drip
down and build up around the jacking hand and it would get nice and
slippery, but that the best thing was to use a fingertip to softly spread
the wetness all around the head, making it really slippery, and then softly
tickle the head and rim, making an incredibly intense burning-tingling

Hearing this, she softly stopped her jacking, and using her index fingertip,
started drawing soft circles slowly around the head, dragging the stream of
cream behind her finger. I sighed, "Ahhh...", and told her how hot that made
me feel. I told her she better stop soon, that I was getting near coming,
and what she was doing felt too intense. She stopped, and asked me if she
could just feel me up, if that would be less intense and let me last; I told
her I thought so.

She moved her hand away from the tip, and reached it down to feel my balls,
reaching with her other hand to trace the thick column that ran up the
underside of my shaft. I warned her that if she stayed away from the head it
should be ok, and to be very gentle with my balls. She put her palm down
between my legs and hefted my big sack, bouncing slightly up and down,
feeling the weight; it filled her cupping palm, spilling slightly over each
side of her palm. Then she explored the shape of each ball, gently rolling
them through her fingers, marveling at their size. She gently pushed my
hardon down towards my belly, letting it bounce back up, studying its
movement, asking if that was ok. I told her to let go and I would show her
something; and when she did, I started flexing my groin muscle, making my
shaft bounce up and down; then tightening and holding the muscles, making it
stick straight out and swell even more, the head growing shiny and darker
red with swelling, a fresh stream of cream being forced out the hole. She
grasped the shaft near the base and aimed it different directions, up and
down, side to side, exploring the way it moved.

I told her it was probably ok to start jacking it off again, and she grasped
it with both hands as she had seen me doing last night. It was funny seeing
her small hands on my big shaft, not able to reach around it, far from the
base or the head; with more than an inch of shaft showing between them. She
started jacking her hands in unison, asking me if she was doing it "right".
I told her, "Just keep it up just like that for a few more minutes and
you'll see how right you're doing it." She giggled, and said that then we'd
just have to see. I told her that I was wet enough, so that if she loosened
her grip a little bit, her hands would start sliding up over the skin and up
over the head as she jacked me off, and it would send me over the top.

I slumped down a little further in the sofa, pushing my pelvis out farther
so my dick was sticking out as far as possible as she brought me into the
home stretch. She was leaning over my midsection, working on me intently
with both hands. My shaft was soaked, cream streaming steadily from the tip
down over her slowly pumping hands, running down wetting the dark thatch of
my pubic hair. Her movements were producing a steady murmur of wet, sticky
sounds, that were the only sounds in the room, our conversation dying as we
concentrated on masturbation.

I told her to watch my balls; that just before a boy comes, his balls rise
up and tighten a bit; I told her that if she slowed her jacking way down
when she saw them rising, she would make me have the biggest orgasm
possible. She leaned forward a bit more, to get a better view of my balls
rising and falling as she did me- and after only about a minute more, she
said excitedly, "They look like they're rising; are you about to come?"

I was too far immersed in my impending orgasm to answer her directly, but as
I moaned assent she slowed her jacking way down, to maybe a stroke every
second or two. I was delirious with pleasure; I felt paralyzed, my limbs
rigid with ecstasy; my genitals felt completely engorged and stretched to
their maximum, painfully so; I felt the juices pooling in my balls; and a
huge wave of tingling energy was sweeping slowly inward from my hands and
feet toward my groin, building as it came, until, when it reached my center,
I felt my entire body stiffen, and my dick began pulsing spasmodically,
sending thick gobs of semen squirting out over my chest. Cathy watched in
amazement, and she kept jerking me off as the spasms slowly died down, when
I told her to start easing off.

As I lay back exhausted, she told me how exciting it was to feel how
strongly my dick throbbed in her hands while I was coming; and that feeling
that, and seeing how strongly I squirted, and how much come there was
shooting out really gave her a feeling for how hard I came. She said that
her orgasms were wonderful, but she thought that I definitely won for
strength; no wonder I liked to do it so much!

We lay back and watched my erection slowly subsiding. I felt a new kind of
warmth, that I had never felt before toward anyone else, toward my sister.
The intimacy of sharing so completely my most basic urges and actions with
another person, a cute, interested girl, who seemed to accept, and even
greatly enjoy, my most intimate needs and urges, was moving in a very deep
way; and I felt a much more than just sexual satisfaction warming me.

Cathy got up and got a towel from the kitchen, and started to mop up the
come from my chest and belly. She said, "After you rest a bit, I'll let you
do it to me." I told her I didn't know how to do a girl, but I'd like to try
it; and she said that then we were even- she'd teach me, like I had just
taught her. As we lay back and talked, and she told me about her
experiences; how a friend of hers had taught her about masturbating, and how
they enjoyed doing it with each other on sleepovers.

She said her friend's name was Liz, who she had known casually for a few
years, but really befriended a year ago. After they had started hanging out
together at school, she had invited Liz, who was a year older, over to her
house for a sleepover. As they had gotten ready for bed that evening and
were changing into their nighties, in the course of seeing each others'
bodies the talk had gotten more intimate, and at Liz's questioning it had
emerged that Cathy didn't know about masturbating. She of course knew that
it felt nice to touch herself between her legs, but she didn't know how far
it could go. Liz had then told her that she had a treat coming, and had told
her to lie back and let her show Cathy what she was missing.

They compared their bodies; Cathy's breasts were just starting to blossom,
and Liz's were more full and rounded; and Liz's pussy had a fuzzy patch of
soft hair around it, while Cathy's was then mostly hairless. Liz had then
tickled, pinched, and rubbed Cathy's breasts and nipples until she started
feeling a warm and rich feeling inside herself. Cathy, at Liz's
encouragement, was likewise doing Liz's tits in the way she was being done;
after a while, when they were both "feeling hot", Liz had started stroking
and tickling Cathy's pussy-lips on the outside, which Cathy reciprocated. It
was a much more insistent stimulation than Cathy had ever done before, and
she felt her pussy swelling and opening, and becoming moist, as was Liz's;
they then began including the smooth skin inside their lips in their
tickling and rubbing.

Liz had started rubbing Cathy's clit insistently, alternating with rubbing
the outside of her little hole farther down; when Cathy had reciprocated,
Liz told her to push her finger inside the hole while she was rubbing her
clit; she tried to do the same to Cathy, but no more than the tip of her
little finger would fit in. They did each other intensely for a while, each
of them getting wetter and wetter, until Liz had cried out, and Cathy had
felt her friend's pussy throbbing over and over; then Liz had gotten up on
her knees and worked on Cathy feverishly, until after several minutes of
this she started to have this amazing feeling surge through her, and then
her whole body convulsed, as her pussy had its first orgasm. She said that
ever since that night, they had gotten together regularly to do each other,
just like me and my friend did; "It must run in the family!", she giggled.

As she had been telling me this story, she had lain back, and had let her
dressing gown fall open, revealing that she was naked underneath it.
Listening to her, I drank in the view of her figure; I hadn't seen any other
girls naked except in pictures, and had been too absorbed last night to
fully notice the nuances of her femaleness. Her breasts were not large, but
were shaped very full and rounded, with prominent large, dark nipples; I
imagined from this that they would be much larger when she was older, like
our mother's were. She was slim, but already had the narrow waist and
swelling hips of a woman, developed early for her age. She had a flat belly,
subtly curving down to a cutely protruding mound above her pussy, which was
lightly covered in a downy patch of dark, soft curls; and the lips of her
treasure, which she had begun to absentmindedly stroke lightly with her
fingertips as she recounted to me the story of her initiation into sex, were
swollen pink and puffy (no doubt from the as yet unrequited excitement of
jacking me off); slightly spread, with the reddish folds of her inner lips
and the swollen tongue of flesh hiding her clit projecting from them.

I asked her if I could feel her breasts; in answer she reached out and took
my hand, guiding it to her chest, and placing it cupping the breast nearest
me. I was enthralled with its soft, silky warmth, and gently squoze it,
sliding my palm over its smoothness, her big nipple rubbing over my palm;
Cathy's eyes drifted half-closed, and she gave a little sigh, encouraging me
to continue. Putting her own hand on her other tit, she demonstrated for me
how to tickle and pull on the nipple, and massage and stroke the rounded
curve of the flesh, which I tried as I watched her. Her nipples swelled and
stiffened, growing quite large, as we worked on them; she told me how good
it felt, and that she could get very close to orgasm just by that; and that
she and Liz liked to just do each other's tits until they each couldn't
stand it, only then finishing each other off quickly by fingering each
other's pussy.

After a few minutes, she pushed with her free hand on my arm, urging it to
move downward from her chest across her belly; I stopped over her curls,
running my fingers through them. They were downy-soft; clearly they were a
fairly recent growth. I continued sliding my hand down her mound, my fingers
moving down over the top of her slit, rubbing gently over her lips, bumping
against the protrusion of her clit, sliding down over the moist folds of
flesh sticking out from between her swollen lips, to cup her entire cunt
softly against my fingers; she moaned softly, spreading her legs a little
more, and pushing her pussy up against my hand slightly. She had continued
to pull at her nipple as I felt down to her cunt, and continued my

I slid my hand back up along her pussy, allowing my middle finger to slip
between the lips, dragging it very slowly upwards over the smooth, wet,
silky flesh it found inside; first down into the deeper depression around
her hole that I had explored last night, then sliding up along the
increasingly shallow furrow, slick with juice, finally bumping up over the
mound of her clit, at which point she let out a soft, pleading moan, and
pushed her hips forward slightly again. I continued slowly dragging the
whole length of my finger over her clit until I cleared it at the top of her
slit, then I reversed my direction, lightly repeating the journey I had just
made until my hand again was completely lightly cupping her pussy. I
couldn't believe I was actually feeling a girls cunt! I asked her if it felt
good, and she breathed, "oh, yes!"; I asked her if what I was doing would
make her come, and she said, "don't stop, and you won't have to wait very
long to find out".

She was now lying back with her eyes closed, completely relaxed, breathing
heavily, her legs spread, her one hand still playing absently with her tit,
the other lying forgotten resting against my hip; completely absorbed in
getting masturbated. I was feeling very turned on by the relaxed, totally
intimate sexuality of the situation, the openness with which she was letting
me explore her most private parts; my cock, which had been reposing along my
thigh where it had fallen as it had deflated, again began swelling, rising
from its resting place, and slowly pointing up again toward the ceiling. In
the slow gyration over my belly that it made as it swelled, it grazed her
hand, and as she felt it she reached out, feeling for it, and grasped it.
The sensation of her small hand on my shaft accelerated its swelling,
quickly raising it to its full size sticking up over my belly.

We laid back side by side, our arms crossed, each of us with a hand on the
other's genitals, slowly masturbating each other. It seemed like time had
stopped; the only sounds in the room for this indeterminable interlude was
our slow, heavy breathing, the slick, sticky sounds made by my fingers in
her now dripping slit, and the fleshy, kissing sounds my erection made as
she slowly jacked me off. It was heaven. I was watching us do each other,
when Cathy let her eyes drift partially open, and turned her head slightly
towards me, and our eyes met; the mutual surrender to our lust that we each
saw in the other's eyes was magnetic, and we held each other's gaze steadily
as we continued our mutual masturbation.

Her pussy lips were swollen wide open now, and my movements had evolved to a
period of slow, light rubbing around her clit, then a journey down to tickle
around her hole, drawing more juice from there back to work around her clit
again. She was guiding me somewhat with slight movements of her hips, as I
was with her jacking, and she began to encourage me to push my finger more
into her hole on each trip. It wouldn't fit easily, and I was afraid of
hurting her, but her pushing was insistent; so I was getting my middle
finger about halfway into her, and moving it partially in and out several
times each pass.

She was panting slightly now, her mouth relaxed open, and she seemed to be
sinking farther into her sex-trance. I could see her heart pounding in the
throbbing of the veins in her neck, and her eyes were rolling back slightly
under her eyelids. I was also panting; I felt so hot; the thrill of making
her so sexually aroused, and her haphazard jacking on my hardon, were
sending me over the top. Suddenly she whispered hoarsely, "leave your finger
in, and rub me with your thumb at the same time". I did so, and almost at
once, she closed her eyes and started quietly sighing "ah, ah"; I felt her
whole body tensing, and suddenly her pussy clamped down hard on my
penetrating finger. It gripped me tightly for a second, then released,
tightening and releasing spasmodically over and over as she came. As the
pulsing in her pussy started winding down, I felt my own orgasm approaching;
as she felt my dick swelling to its maximum, she opened her eyes in time to
see the first throb of my erection as it came. We watched a thick stream of
semen flow from the head of my dick, down over her fingers, then dripping to
pool in my navel; since I had recently come it didn't shoot, but its stream
did thicken with each throb of my penis.

We lay there exhausted for several minutes, until Cathy quietly said to me,
"It never felt so good before- I love doing this with you; and watching your
big thing come makes me so hot!" I told her that it was the same with me;
I'd never had such a big come as she gave me today, and that she was very
good at jacking off boys. I picked up the already soaked towel from earlier
and started to wipe myself up, as she asked me playfully if we could have
another lesson soon...


Over the next week Cathy jacked me off daily, sometimes twice a day; she
often let me do her too, but her joy seemed to be to feel my rock-hard
erection twitching and throbbing involuntarily in her little hands as she
did me, finally getting to feel it pulse spasmodically as the semen
forcefully squirted through it as she brought me to orgasm. I was incredibly
happy that she wanted to go further into the sexual exploration we had
begun; and as much as I enjoyed doing her, the fact that she particularly
seemed to enjoy making me come was, needless to say, great with me.

She took command of out sessions, experimenting with every aspect of
handjobs- she began posing me in different positions to do me, and took
great pleasure in watching her handiwork from different angles. I went along
with her inventiveness; never before had I come so hard as I did daily in
her hands, and I was eager to accommodate whatever it would take to increase
her enjoyment of our forbidden activities.

That week began the next morning after our double session in the living
room; she suggested we go outdoors. She led me into a copse of trees over by
the back corner of the house, nervously looking around to assess our
visibility to any neighbors, and when we were well within the little woods
she asked me, with a contrived casualness, "Can you come standing up?"

Excited by her forwardness, I felt a swelling in my pants; I told her of
course, in fact that's how I started jacking off with my friend Greg, in the
woods behind our little pond after we would swim. We would sneak off into
the woods, pull our trunks down, and watch each other do it, telling each
other our various erotic fantasies we hoped to enact when we were "older".

She told me to lower my pants enough so that "my thing" would be sticking
out, and as I undid my belt she stood next to me on my right, rubbing
shoulders with my arm, facing in towards my front, eagerly watching my
actions. I slid my jeans down a bit, revealing the tent my swelling cock was
raising in my underwear; and as she looked on appraisingly, I slid them down
to where my jeans were bunched at mid-thigh. As the elastic waistband slid
over my protruding cock it caught briefly on the thick rim of its head, then
releasing it to spring up bouncing to its full erect length as I pushed them
down my thighs.

I heard Cathy suck in her breath as she saw it; she impulsively reached out
her right hand and grasped it around the base, squeezing it firmly. I was
surprised by the strength of her grasp, and felt a hot burning in my
erection as her pressure powerfully forced blood into its head-end,
distending it even further. It was amazing to see how swollen it became,
larger than I had ever seen it, the veins curling along its shaft distended
thickly, the head stretched bright red, shiny and huge, its whole shaft
distended and deep red as it became further engorged with blood.

She exclaimed "Wow!", slowly releasing her pressure, the supernormal
swelling subsiding as my hardon shrank slightly to its normal erect size.
"Did that hurt you? Did I squeeze too hard?" I told her that it didn't
really hurt, but that the extra swelling actually felt great. She repeated
her squeezing, then slowly releasing, several more times, and we noticed
that after a few cycles the abnormal swelling stayed somewhat, my normally
big erection red and swollen to a new larger size. "Look at how big it is!"
she muttered in wonder, as she started to pull its loose skin up along the
shaft to bunch below the head with a looser pressure, starting to jack me

(This new trick she had discovered to stretch me out even larger became her
standard technique for starting to jack me off over the next few weeks. We
noticed that my normal hard size seemed to be increasing slightly under this
regimen, so she worked the time up until she did me like this for about five
minutes at the start of each session; and after a few weeks of this, my
erection was noticeably thicker than before... but I'm getting ahead of the

She continued to steadily work on my hardon, chatting occasionally about
some aspect of my equipment and the way it worked as she would notice it-
this was after all only our third "date", and it was still all quite new to
her. After a few minutes of her steady handjob, a drop of clear fluid
appeared on the tip of my dick, quickly turning into a slow flow that
started oozing down the front of its head, suddenly getting caught up by her
hand jacking me and dragged in a string down my shaft, where her slow
pumping started spreading it with a sticky wet sound all along the shaft in
a shiny film. "I'm learning this can be messy work!", she purred.

I was incredibly turned on; my cock was burning as it was stretched out so
full, twitching involuntarily, rock-hard; I felt dizzy, and it was becoming
hard to stay standing under the pull of the intense orgasm that was slowly
building in me under her excruciating handjob. I had encouraged her to jack
me very slowly, but very steadily, which had an inexorably intense effect,
making me want to come but not really pushing me over the edge, so the
orgasm that was slowly building in my balls felt huge.

She asked me if I could spread my legs a bit, standing there with my pants
bunched at mid thigh; I complied, and she reached her left hand around
behind me and through my open legs, and started fondling my ballsack from
behind while she continued to do me with her other hand.

It felt incredible, a complete overload of stimulation; I felt that familiar
tingling in my arms and legs, building and converging on my crotch; my sight
grew dim, and I felt a huge surge of fluids churning in my groin; and as a
flash of light went off in my head, my erection tightened and I felt a huge
surge of cream rushing through my shaft, shooting out in a long arc onto the
leaves two feet in front of me as we watched, followed by another and
another. Cathy was relishing my powerful orgasm, watching with an intense
lust burning in her eyes as my huge erection pulsed spastically in her hands
again and again, streams of thick semen at first spurting, then flowing in a
pulsing stream, down to pool on the ground.

I felt weak in the knees, and almost staggered backwards as my orgasm slowly
subsided; Cathy leaned into me to steady me until I again caught my balance.
She milked the last few drops of come through my detumescing hardon with
several long, squeezing pulls, and gently released it as it settled once
again to rest hanging over my balls. "Wow, that was a big one!" she said,
still breathing hard, as she helped me in pulling up my pants.

I turned a bit to face her sideways, and reached and slipped my hand
experimentally down inside the elastic waistband of the tartan skirt she was
wearing, watching carefully for what her reaction would be; and as my
fingers entered the waistband of her soft panties and my palm slipped down
to cup the puffy hillock of her genitals, was encouraged to proceed with my
exploration by her spreading her legs slightly as she stood there, to allow
me better access between her legs. Her eyes were still glazed over in lust
as they had become since watching her own handiwork push me over the edge of
orgasm, and she distractedly encouraged me to continue my work her between
her legs with subtle wiggles of her hips while she talked excitedly, asking
me all about my previous masturbatory experiences with my friend.

I had started to slide my fingertips slowly up and down the inside of her
slit and up over the soft down covering her lips and her mound, exploring
and lightly feeling the now-moist folds of her pussy, while I answered her
questions abut my jack-off buddy. I told her his name was Greg, and he had
been a friend of mine as long as I could remember; how in the summer of my
f******nth year we had admitted to each other that we jacked off, and as we
were swimming in the pond down back, we went in the woods and did it while
we talked to each other- I guess we had gotten turned on at our talk. That
first time we had hidden from each other's view behind the trees, but it was
so hot to talk to a friend while we were doing it that we started doing it
daily together.

Cathy was now standing listening to my story with her eyes closed, pushing
her hips slightly back and forth against my hand as I fingered her. I
started to try and slip my other hand also down inside the front of her
skirt, but as soon as she felt my attempt she helped me by slipping her
thumbs in the side of the waistband and sliding her skirt down to her mid
thigh, as my pants had been while she did me. I continued my story through
our maneuvering, and she never opened her eyes, resuming the slow gyrations
of her hips once her skirt was down. I left her panties on, reaching the
fingers of my second hand up through the elastic of one of the leg-openings,
starting to slowly finger the opening of her vagina with my middle finger
while I continued to softly jack her off with my other hand from above.

As I continued doing her, I told her how the second time Greg and I had
jerked off together we got up the nerve to watch each other doing it. We
both thought it was very hot watching each other, and each had a big come,
at almost the same time. It was amazing seeing someone else coming, very
hot. We started doing it almost every day together, and after a few weeks,
curiosity led us to feel each others hardons; and one thing leading to
another, we took turns jacking each other off. We discovered that it felt
incredible, much better when someone else did it to you than when you did it
yourself, and started doing each other every day, sometimes twice daily.

I now had my finger in her up to its second joint; she was very wet, and I
was working it in and out of her cunt slowly, bending and twisting it to
stimulate all around inside her, while with my other hand I jacked her clit.
As I had been telling her my story, she had interrupted me a few times
urgently, interjecting whispered directions about how I should be doing her
between my sentences, which I had complied with even as I kept on talking. I
could tell that hearing about my sexual explorations, particularly since
they were of an even more forbidden nature than what we were doing now, was
adding to the arousal that my masturbating her pussy was giving her.

She was now thrusting her hips in time with my motions, pushing my finger
deep inside her; she was panting, eyes closed, her mouth opened and her head
falling slightly back. She managed to say hoarsely "I'd really love to watch
you two doing each other...", her voice trailing off in her lust-trance,
then suddenly almost barking "Oh!... Oh!", as I felt her cunt clamp down on
my finger, hard, again and again, as she came. She grabbed my hand and
pressed it hard into her clit, and I kept jacking her as she came, my other
finger buried in her soaking, violently contracting cunt; she gave a little
whimper with each orgasmic contraction, each slightly diminishing in
strength after the first three or four, until finally only random, fluttery
pulses gripped my finger more gently. She urged me with her movements to
keep doing her until even those small after-throbs had ceased, then, her
eyes drifting open, a lax smile on her lips, she hugged my hand to her
belly, and looked into my eyes.

I had stopped telling my story when I noticed she had started coming,
concentrating on enjoying the feeling of her climaxing pussy throbbing in my
hands; now we stood there, basking in the warm feeling of intimate
satisfaction that sharing an orgasm brought. I carefully slipped my finger
out of her pussy, and as we looked down, noticed the urgent bulge tenting my
pants that the excitement of masturbating her had raised; patting it, she
asked,"Are you ready for some more already?" Moving her hand away, I told
her that I'd rather wait until later, and she agreed, saying she wanted me
to build up as much come-juice as I could; she loved "watching me squirt all
over". As she reached to pull up her skirt she noticed how soaked my handjob
had made her panties, and she said "What a mess! Next time we better take
them all the way off!".
Next time; at those words, I felt a renewed surge of warmth surging in my


The next day she did me twice, first in the morning lying on my back on the
floor, while she knelt between my spread legs, thoroughly exploring my
crotch while she did me, resulting in another huge come; then that night she
came into my room after bedtime and jacked me off again standing in front of
her, while she sat on the edge of my bed. She said how much she enjoyed
watching my dick getting so hot and coming so close to her face, where she
could study it thoroughly. My orgasm that time surprised her, so the first
shot almost hit her square in the mouth before she could lean back and pull
her face out of the line of fire. After I was all done she tentatively stuck
out her tongue, and touched its tip to the spurt of come on her cheek,
wondering what it tasted like. Apparently finding it not too bad, she wiped
the spurt off her cheek with a finger and tasted it again, this time more
thoroughly; looking thoughtful as she explored the sensation of come in her
mouth, she then looked up at me with a playful smile, and said "maybe I'll
make you come with my mouth one of these days".

That evening she let me do her afterwards, and after I made her come
thoroughly while lying back on my bed, I withdrew my finger from deep inside
her cunt and put it in my mouth, sharing the exploration of each other's
flavor with her; and finding it not bad, I told her I'd be glad to try doing
her with my mouth whenever she liked, and we could see how it was.

Our time together was wonderful; when we weren't making each other come, we
were getting to know each other in a relaxed, accepting way, renewing our
acquaintance more and more from our c***dhood together. She was wonderful;
cute, intelligent, funny, curious, irreverent, and the sex we were sharing
gave us a relaxed intimacy that made it easy to open to each other. I think
I would have fallen "in love" with her, except that the fact that she was my
sister enabled me to love her in a more relaxed, less obsessive way than
romantic love might allow.

She kept coming back to how she would love to see Greg and I masturbating
together. I was reluctant to consider this, maybe partly out of jealousy at
sharing Cathy with anyone sexually in any sense, but more because I was
embarrassed about jacking off another male; doing it had been great, at
least before I became "involved" with Cathy, and talking about it with her
was nasty fun, but the thought of actually doing it in front of her seemed
to bother me.

But the next day, after she had done her usual preliminary stretching
squeezes on my cock and was in the home stretch of jacking me off in front
of her (she was again sitting on my bed with me standing in front of her,
stroking my erection with both hands; she had her blouse off, and was going
to make me come on her breasts), noticing I was approaching orgasm, she
suddenly stopped moving her hands and just held my throbbing hardon, saying
that she wouldn't finish me until I would promise to "put on a show" for her
with Greg. I gasped that that wasn't fair, but she stayed still, saying
"Promise!". Of course I did: she started up again, and almost immediately I
had a huge come, squirting thick ropes of semen all across her breasts as
she watched smiling in triumph at both the massive orgasm she brought me to,
and my succumbing to her strategy.

She held me to it, reminding me later of my promise, so that night I
reluctantly called Greg and arranged to have him come over the next day. In
the midst of a mundane conversation I suggested casually that he not jack
off that night, so he knew what we would be up to. Greg didn't know that
Cathy was living there, I didn't tell him about her; we had conspired that
we would arrange a way for her to watch us at it in hiding, and only I would
know we were being watched. Later that evening we set the stage for our
"show", putting a chair in the closet of the spare room, and checking that
she could sit in it with the light off and the closet door opened a crack,
and get a good view of the twin beds that were in that room, while not
being seen herself. After a few trial runs repositioning the chair to just
the right angle, me lying on the bed as a model, we were content that it
would work.

That night and the next morning I grew more and more apprehensive about it-
letting myself be seen by another person, a girl, being jacked off by
another guy, and worse still, doing the same to him; it felt extremely
embarrassing; yet at the same time strangely exciting. Cathy's eagerness to
see it lessened, but did not remove, my apprehension. We decided to hold off
on any sex from once we had arranged it, so that I would build up a bigger
load; Cathy seemed fascinated with how much sperm I produced, and always
wanted to get as much as possible out of me.

As the time approached for Greg to arrive I was in a turmoil of conflicting
emotions; but when the bell rang and Cathy snuck off to her hiding place in
the closet, as I went to answer the door, a freeing sense of inevitability
came over me, and I opened the door contented, and even excited, at what I
knew was to come. After we chatted a bit in the kitchen and had a soda, I
suggested we go up to the spare room and kick back. He knew what that meant,
and agreed eagerly.

We entered the spare room and locked the door. Even though my Dad was at
work, we had the sense that what we were doing was so taboo that paranoia
was in order. I saw the closet door was open a crack, and knew Cathy was in
position, watching eagerly; that knowledge was suddenly extremely exciting
to me. I nonchalantly maneuvered us so that we were standing in her field of
view facing the closet, and started to take my pants and underwear off, Greg
following suit.

We were both already hard with the anticipation of what was to come, and I
looked at us appraisingly, as I imagined Cathy must be doing also. My tall,
moderately athletic frame was a good match for the thick, swollen hardon
projecting prominently from beneath my shirt, and Greg's slighter build also
went well with his cock- it was almost as long as mine, but not nearly so
thick, its slimness making it look longer than it was by proportion.

He said, "Well, who's going to go first?". I suggested that we do him first;
I was eager to get that possible humiliation in Cathy's eyes over with as
soon as possible, and also after I come my doubts about the taboos we're
violating bother me more- I'd just as soon keep up the eagerness my lust
generated in me.

He layed down on his back on the bed nearest the closet, just a few feet
from Cathy's gaze, and I knelt on the floor next to the bed, being careful
to position myself so that Cathy would have the best possible view. His
erection was fully swollen, straining straight upwards; I imagined how we
must look to Cathy, me kneeling as if in worship at the altar of the sacred
cock, both of our prominent projecting hardons reinforcing that image. We
were both rock-hard from pavlovian conditioning, the memory of the intense
orgasms we had learned to consistently give each other giving rise in our
bodies to the anticipation of another toe-curling come.

He gave his erection a few preparatory strokes; and as I reached for it I
felt an extra wave of excitement wash over me, the secret knowledge that we
were being watched greatly intensifying the sexy nastiness I always felt
when Greg and I got together to do each other. The swollen head of my hardon
was already dripping cream at the thought of the tableau we were presenting,
and we hadn't even started yet.

I took hold of his cock, and started with a series of the swelling squeezes
that Cathy had discovered; I told him it was a trick I had stumbled on, and,
as we watched, after getting reassurance that it wasn't hurting him to be
squeezed so hard, we marveled at the increased girth of his cock; especially
its head, which was now a stretched, shiny purple, under the pressure of all
the additional blood I was forcing into it. He was sighing under his breath
at the intense pleasure of feeling so stretched out; and after a few minutes
of this technique his erection was swollen to new heights.

I started jacking him off slowly, pulling the loose skin of his shaft in
long strokes from its base, up over the rim of its head and back down all
the way to the light shock of hair at its base, telling him to let me know
before he got too close to coming, so I could stop and let him recover a bit
before I started up again, to work up a really huge load. He had a stupid
smile on his face at the prospect, and his eyes were drifting half-closed as
the familiar sensation of getting jacked off took possession of his senses.
I imagined Cathy watching his large balls riding up and down with each

I worked on him steadily. After a few minutes a drop of cream appeared on
the tip of his upright cock, which quickly increas

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Best friends Lexie and Samantha, (better known as Sam) were really excited that it was working out perfectly to double date to their prom. Both juniors and best friends since third grade, Sam was dating Josh, a football player, who had recently introduced his buddy Zack to Lexie. They hit it off and all agreed to attend the Homecoming Dance together. The girls were both cheerleaders and so very excited about the Friday night game as well as Saturday's dance. The boys, both seniors playing their...

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She nibbled her lip, nervous, wondering yet again if she had made the right decision. She checked the mirror one last time to be sure she looked okay. Her green eyes stood out against the black eyeliner and double coat of mascara she had painstakingly applied. Her lips were coated with a burgundy stain covered with a shimmering gloss. She had spent a lot of time working on her hair to give it that "effortless" look. Softly hanging to her shoulders, a deep brown with streaks of blonde added here...

Straight Sex
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The early morning summer rain washed away my tears as I sat naked in a lotus position on top of a cliff overlooking Eros Valley a few hundred meters below. I allowed myself to feel sorry for myself. Two years ago, on Christmas Day my ex-husband left with his affair of three years, never to return. After the divorce I threw myself into yoga practice and even went on an eighteen month retreat at an ashram in India. I found peace through meditation and yoga, but not Enlightenment.In all this time...

3 years ago
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The lit windows looked golden and inviting as my rig rumbled toward the little house at the end of the street. The place wasn’t much to look at and the neighborhood had seen better days. But fresh paint and flower boxes dripping with blue pansies made it feel cheerful and homey. Colleen’s eyes flitted anxiously over my shoulder when she opened the door. “I told you never to come here without calling first,” she hissed. She stepped past me to peer east and west. “My husband is due back any...

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2005 It was a hot, gritty night. The kind you experience only on the high desert. The long, flat highway rolled-out ahead as would a path through a mountain meadow. Except that here the peaks were rising towers of mist, the valley, sand, wind-blown off the desert floor across which the blue/gray Navy hearse was forced to crawl at snail-speed. A cloud enshrouded full moon did little to help either, unless you’re one of those strange souls for whom the spooky factor gets high marks. Under normal...

1 year ago
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Your arms wrap around my waist and I lean against you, feeling the safety of your hard warm chest against my back.You whisper into my ear, “I’ve missed you.”“And I you,” I say, turning and snaking my hands around your neck.“Did you have a good day?”“Mmm,” I mumble, inhaling your scent, your wonderful intoxicating scent. Here, in your embrace, I feel secure, protected, at home.I lean closer, breathing in deeply as you pull me closer, filling your nostrils with my fragrance. I feel the tension of...

Straight Sex
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Katie stepped into the terminal, tense after a dismal vacation. Dressed in a long sweater and jeans, it was obvious she wasn't skinny. However, neither was she fat. She was just a bit chubby, most of her weight going to her breasts and ass,earning a few stares that made her blush, which she hid behind her fiery, shoulder length hair. She would soon learn that her vacation wasn't over 'til she was home safe. Standing at the baggage claim, she waited...and waited... She never saw her bag....

2 years ago
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"17.50" the cabbie says as you pull up to your house. You grab your suitcase, pay him, and head for the door. You walk in and call to your wife. No answer. You check the garage to find that the car is gone. "She must be at Tracy's." you say to yourself. You head upstairs to the bedroom to put your things away. As you are unpacking your suitcase, you notice a box on the floor of the closet. You open the box to find a couple sex toys and some oils. "This is new." you say. "Guess she missed me...

2 years ago
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It's late at night. As you unlock the door to your apartment, you wish that somehow you'd gotten home earlier but, of course, with all the heavy traffic and the fog. Well, it feels good to be back anyways. The return trip was long and tiring; it'll be good to have a hot shower, then curl up in the covers of your bed for a long well-needed sleep. You turn on the lights, close and lock the door. You take your coat off, hang it up in the closet noticing as you do the noticing the apartment smells...

1 year ago
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As I stepped on to the plane she was the only thing running through my mind. It had been nearly six months since I’d seen her and held her in my arms and nearly a year since we’d really been together for more than a few minutes. I understood that she had a boyfriend… I really did, but for some reason it didn’t matter to me. She was all I wanted and I wasn’t willing to accept the fact that I couldn’t have her. I’d had my chance to be with her, several times as a matter of fact, and every time...

2 years ago
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The sound of the key in the lock alerted her to his arrival. With a final glance in the mirror to check her appearance, she quickly walked to the end of the hall and lowered herself to her knees. As she waited, her mind wandered back over her recent lessons… Part of her original attraction to him had been his open mind. Not many men (or women!) could handle a wild c***d like herself, let alone bring her to heel. He had more than proven equal to the challenge though, which instilled within...

3 years ago
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2005It was a hot, gritty night. The kind you experience only on the high desert. The long, flat highway rolled-out ahead as would a path through a mountain meadow. Except that here the peaks were rising towers of mist, the valley, sand, wind-blown off the desert floor across which the blue/gray Navy hearse was forced to crawl at snail-speed. A cloud enshrouded full moon did little to help either, unless you’re one of those strange souls for whom the spooky factor gets high marks. Under normal...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Until a few short months ago, Samantha could not have believed she would be aching to submit to any man. She was usually the sexual aggressor in her relationships and had always considered herself a very strong, feminist woman. Until she fell for Jake. He was different to any other man she had ever met, and as she became to trust and love him deeply, something in her started to ache to be dominated. She had never felt this way before and it confused and frightened her. She was always strong and...

2 years ago
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Mike stepped off the bus and took a look around. Not much changes in sleepy southern towns like this. The old diner and attached gas station across from the bus depot still had peeling paint, old men in rockers out front, and the same gaudy neon sign proclaiming, "The Best Southern Fried Chicken in the State." He looked up Main Street and saw the same Civil War memorial with General Robert E. Lee standing proud and tall with one hand on his saber."Surprised that thing is still standing," he...

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Ryan slowly walked up to her, capturing every image of her angelic face for life. The softness of her tone, the love in her eyes, the compassion in her breath. Firmly he slid his left arm around her waist pulling her close, until her flesh pressed tightly to his. His right arm softly caressed her cheek. His hand moved across her jaw line, around her ear, until his fingers flowed through her hair. Her heart raced as her love slowly caressed her. Their eyes never losing contact. The love beaming...

4 years ago
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Tony had been home all of two hours before he came to visit. Gibbs had been expecting him, pizza order ready to be placed, Tony's favorite beer cooling. And the sheets were fresh and had been changed. Gibbs himself had been in a constant keyed up state, his hard-on throbbing, his blood boiling. He was ready for his boy to come home. It had been almost five months and he was frustrated. With Tony at sea, Gibbs had known even a sat phone wouldn't afford the privacy they'd needed. He'd sent...

2 years ago
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When his airplane finally touched down in Kansas City, Charles Trumball gave a sigh of relief. It had only been a day-and-a-half conference, but he didn't like sleeping in any bed but his own. The two nights in the hotel had seemed like a week. He was glad to be home and looking forward to his wife meeting him at the arrival gate. He was surprised to find that Cynthia was not alone in the waiting area. He liked Ned Armbruster all right. Charlie considered him a good neighbor. They lived...

4 years ago
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Ever since I was a little girl, I have admired a certain boy. He was always my special hero; he was sometimes my baby sitter and sometimes my math or geography tutor. He was always sweet and considerate and I always loved him. More than that, I had a crush on him since I was 6 or 7 years old. He never knew it because I am shy and never told anybody, except my mom. She knew all about it. When I was almost 13 years old, he was almost 18 and finishing high school. Just before the Prom, his...

1 year ago
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"Are you sure?" Elliot looks across the room to where Anne sits, slowly rolling her cane back and forth across her knees. Not a cane for fun and games, this one, but serious business. Collapsible graphite on an elastic core. Black handle. Four white segments, with a fifth, red, beneath. White plastic tip on the end that tap, tap, taps the ground whenever they walk anywhere together now. She raises her eyebrows at him. "Elliot, I've lost my eyesight, not my kink." "It's not your kink I...

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Note : This story is completely fictional! Hey there friends, my name is Jeff and let me tell you what happened over the weekend. I have served a total of 4 years in the Marines and was finally headed home. I stand at 6ft and 4 inches and my build is 205 lbs of pure muscle and no I’m not making up for a small dick by working out because my cock stands tall at 8 1/4 inches. When I left home, I left my Father (47), my Step Mother (29), and my sister (18) at the time. What I can remember about...

2 years ago
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First fuck for Freda

I'm such a slut. It's not easy to know where to start. I suppose my routine - that's what got me into this, I guess.Each morning, after my mother went to work, I had three or four hours before my shift at the factory started. I would get the box from under my bed and dress myself. The stockings, the suspender belt, the bra, the patent heels.I would brush down my long hair and apply my make up, slip into a short mini-dress and admire myself in the mirror. I loved turning from Fred to Freda in...

1 year ago
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Blackmailed Into SwappingChapter 11

At last, Willie stumbled to his feet and into his bathroom helping the trembling Becky into a chair as he went. Mavis regained her composure and stepped into Willie's office. With a hand on the back of Becky's chair she peered down at the naked girl, at the heaving tits that were still pointed with unaccustomed passion. Becky's thighs were pressed together, but Mavis could see the remnants of jizz oozing from her snatch and glazing her inner thighs. One of Becky's hands was on her mound,...

3 years ago
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After Dark

I’m a vampire! I know, this may sound corny but it’s true. My story isn’t so much about how I became one. I’m not going into Anne Rice stuff but I’m going to tell you how I came to meet the most extraordinary and dangerous girl I could ever imagine. I live in London and enjoy nights out more than the days work. I work in a civil servant’s office and it’s far from any spy story. I more or less do filing; I photocopy things off the Net for my bosses all day. So in the evening, I get out and about...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Vera King Goes POV

Vera King is an all natural beauty with an appetite for cock. She sensually touches, licks and fucks with her wet mouth and tight pussy. Her tan skin and perky breasts will have your cock standing at attention. Look into her eyes as she slides the cock to the back of her throat as she moans. She truly gets pleasure from giving pleasure and that is what she is here to do. Watch her drain a cock all over her tongue as she milks out every drop. Vera has the body of a goddess and the mind of a...

2 years ago
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That sweet cunttry air

I love that countryside air.As we drive the country side. She shows me countryside. Rolling hills, a farm here an there speckle the landscape. A gorgeous morning. Clean wholesome country air.I look over and I notice how she is grinding her ass into the seat ever-so-discretely. I can see her tits as she's unbuttoned her blouse, showing plenty of cleavage.I pull over. "what are you doing"? She stops moving her hips and looks at me with an embarrassed, puzzled look ...

1 year ago
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Ellie And The Home Credit Part 3

Bill had a dilemma, his balls were aching on his short drive home and he sniffed his mementos a few times which smelt so sweet and sexy, how he could hide these from the missus was not yet figured out, anyway he had a week. I think he was still in shock and disbelief at what had transpired, not only did he get to fuck Ellie twice after eating her sweet arse he also got a blow job from her daughter, where was this all leading? Was it just 2 people who lacked physical contact had a spark and...

1 year ago
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Training CentreChapter 8

Monday; third active week. "First Call! Wakey wakey! On the spot!" Unsurprisingly, the two newbies were last and Bennie was there before Mirosa. The Major looked them over. "Ten minutes to piss and drink. Then report with a bottle of water for exercise." "Corp'l Wood!" "Sir." "Zero Seven. The RSM discussed this with you?" "Yes, sir. No problem, sir." "Corp'l Edwards!" "Sir!" "Zero Eight. Your idea." "Yes, sir." The eight women lined up outside their...

1 year ago
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An Incest BirthdayChapter 2

I went back to my room and just laid there. Did that really just happen? Did I just screw my little sister? Are we really secretly dating now? I had so many questions, but they all had a positive answer. Before I knew it, it was light outside. I looked at the clock; it read 9:37, so I decided now’s as good a time as any to get up. As I got up I started to think again, what if I made a mistake? What if Rita was only in the moment and I took advantage of her? What if she regrets and was ashamed...

1 year ago
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HerLimit Ariela Donovan A pounding to remember

This nasty babe with a school girl look came to hook up with a big thick cock. She teased and pleased this lucky guy until her kinky mouth gave it a try to suck his dick balls deep. After some hardcore deepthroating, her nasty pussy was ready for fucking. Ariela adored the way her pussy got worn during this memorable pounding while Angelo was still hungry to fuck her more & more. The passion in their action led to multiple orgasms & a strong squirting completed with him cumming on her...

1 year ago
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Ambition Pt 4

The next morning, Louise Lewis woke in a strange bed and suffered a moment of disorientation until she remembered. She was their slave. Yes, they had released her from her bonds after the fucking, let her shower and dress in pyjamas, and answered her questions quietly but firmly about their expectations for this weekend and beyond, her new responsibilities as a college executive and as the men's permanent sex toy.Daley the night before had slipped into bed with her and fucked her again. As...

2 years ago
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Bare and Tiny 2

Although Jack thoroughly enjoyed Susie and her hot black snatch, his dick still itched for some new, fresh young cunt’s hole to revel and juice off inside. He loved the idea of variety. Each chick he was with sounded different, tasted different and fucked different. True, Susie was an exciting diversion until he found something foxy, fresh, girlish and either a red head or a blonde. He wanted someone with an angelic looking face and a box that boiled with insatiable urges and needs....

1 year ago
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Itrsquos Just Dinner My Sissy Transformation PART 1

I bet you're wondering how I got here. It was only six months ago that I was your normal American guy living every bit of his bachelor life to the fullest. Good job, good friends, good looking... not a worry in the world. But now here I am, standing in front of a mirror wearing a wedding dress trying to figure a way out of this. Nope, that wasn't a typo. I said wedding dress. Hmm, my body is definitely better suited for mermaid style over ballroom. Ugh, see that's the stupid shit that i've been...

3 years ago
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SusanChapter 16

Suddenly, to Andy’s amazement, Barbara’s face just crumpled again. Slowly she sank down to her knees as she again began to weep uncontrollably. When she was on her knees, she just continued to sag until her face was against her thighs and she had her arms up and around her head. Huddled in a little ball, the girl was crying her eyes out. “What’s wrong, darling Bobbie?” Andy asked. She tried to hold the girl but she was in a tight protective ball. Looking around, Andy saw expressions of shock...

4 years ago
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My attemp at porn erotica lol

The knock at the door came right on time. Doris glanced in the mirroron the wall justbefore reaching for the knob. She smiled to herself, knowing she wasboth excited andnervous. With a swing of the door, his smile put her at ease."Hi, I'm Brian." She returned his smile."I'm Doris. Thanks for driving down.""My pleasure. Now, you said something about a cabinet door thatwouldn't shut." Dorisopened the door and motioned for him to step inside. Brian was just ashe had describedhimself. He stepped...

4 years ago
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Jennifer A sucked my sausage and warmed another

You're working in a hotel, there is a call from the kitchen, 'Meal trolley for room 910'.'910', you think, 'that's the top floor', and your spirits lift a little, 'maybe there is a good tip in it for me', and as you climb to the top in the elevator, you take note of the number of plates, what's on them, then suddenly there is a 'ping', you're there, outside the suite door, and you knock, gingerly, somewhat reservedly, and it opens.'Oh my God' flashes through your head, Jennifer Aniston,she is...

4 years ago
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Orphan MagusChapter 32

The three of use left that little room. Jenkins was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he went back to the front desk. I didn’t know and was simply thankful I didn’t have to worry about him for the moment. The Sergeant led our short procession to the back of the station, followed by Mr. Van Dusen, and then myself. As we walked, I focused on the Sergeant. Anna put a geas on him once. I didn’t want her to do it again. By the time we reached the Sergeant’s office, I had the spell in mind. It wasn’t...

1 year ago
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Vacation Time pt 2

Stepping from the plane, my eyes quickly find you among the crushing grasp of the crowd. I see you smiling in eager excitement as you try to capture all those dismounting in your gaze. Trying to see everyone at once, I know you haven’t laid eyes on me quite yet.This makes my heart flutter knowing I have some element of surprise. I smoothly rush my fingers through my long, dark coffee hair. The tangles snatching at my fingers, letting me know I must look a terrible sight, yet your eyes still...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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reaching new lows as a cum slut

I had just finished posting an add on Craigslist looking for some jumbo sized cocks to split my sissy gash open. I had said i wanted at least 2 meat hammers before i would take the ad down. There wasn't a lot of detail in the ad except that i wanted to try double anal and had few to no limits. I included a picture of me spreading my boy cunt. It was still farely tight I could take 4 fingers but wasn't able to take a fist yet, so i specified that they needed to take there time with me. I...

3 years ago
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Double Switch Ch 04

A Note to the reader: Double Switch is a novel with a Prologue, an Epilogue and 18 chapters. The Prologue has been on this site for some time. Unfortunately, the censors at Literotica rejected my first and second chapters. I have rewritten them, making sure that no overt sexual activity takes place until the participants are 18 years of age. All of the major characters are completely fictional and bear no resemblance to actual people, living or dead. To understand the story, you need to...

3 years ago
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The Final Gamble

My gambling addiction had landed me in serious trouble, but now I'd been offered a way out, a final gamble. But I didn't realise I was gambling away my identity - or who I'd become when I had. THE FINAL GAMBLE by BobH (c) 2013. - 1 - "What do you do?" It's something we all ask when making small talk with someone we've just met. My reply to that question always gets a chuckle. "I'm in ladies' underwear," I say, adding as the chuckle...

1 year ago
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The Bikers Party

Mal had been arranging a few parties in the doctors’ mess and various escapades had occurred since the first Toga Mazola do. He had a hard core of friends who were open to fun of any kind and they either planned parties or had multiple sex spontaneously on many occasions, usually after heavy nights out. Apart from work, sex and drinking he also liked to have other fun. He liked to live life to the full, he played rugby, cricket and when possible also went rock climbing. When he went back to the...

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Good Cop Bad Cop

Knees bent and legs wide open, Daphne Blake stared up at the white spotlights on the ceiling of VELMA’S BEAUTY SALON. The radio in the corner played an unsettling rock song but it had been turned down low enough to seem almost satirical.“Ready?” Velma asked.Daphne squirmed. “No!”She closed her eyes tight and sucked in a breath as the dark-haired beautician deftly pulled off the first wax strip.“Fuck!” Daphne gasped, biting down on her hand. “Now I remember why I don’t fucking do this!”Velma...

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Marcs Revenge

I waited for her to come out of her work. It was dark. So dark that I didn't have any problems keeping to the shadows. I knew that she would be home soon, and that her parents would be out for the next several nights. I didn't follow her home, because I knew where she lived. Several minutes after she left, I got in my car, where I had parked in the adjacent parking lot, and drove to her neighborhood. I had been planning this since the betrayal. I I parked two blocks from her...

4 years ago
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Unforgettable Experience With My Aunt Sunitha

Hello Readers and this is my first story and what I write is my first ever sex experience. I started watching porn when I was in my 12th standard from there on I must have watched some thousands of hours of porn. I’ve a huge DVD collection and I always use to fantasise and masturbate. This is roughly about me, let’s dive deep into my sex experience with my aunt Sunitha. Sunitha is my Mother’s younger brother’s wife. She’s in her early 30s and stands 5.7″ tall with perfect weight and fair...

2 years ago
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FlintkoteChapter 23

Cynthiamae went to the head, did her business and waddled to her stateroom. She was there a lot lately. Last Tuesday she looked bushed, “I’m tired,” she said. “You’re tired all the time,” I said. “You try lugging around a 16 pound bowling ball. One that feels like it’s knocking down pins with its feet...” she winced. “All the time.” And she looked at me. “My turn next,” I said. “Well ... before Zoe, anyway,” she winced again. She rapped her watermelon with her knuckles. “You in there...

3 years ago
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We Got This Chapter 1

The end of last year and start of this year had put me through a ringer. I had gone from ending a relationship where I was unhappy for a long time, to accidentally rekindling something that was toxic as can be, and then having a wishful, but inevitably short-lived fling. I was emotionally drained, felt used, and couldn't imagine when the spiraling circle of failed romances was going to stop. The light of my day was going home to see my two furballs. The simple fact of someone...

3 years ago
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Learning The ABCD Of Sex

HI everyone, Am Anurag from Manglore, Karnataka. I am 22, have slim body, White skin and thick dark lips which was always praised by many women. I know Kannada and Malayalam languages. Send me your feedback at . From my childhood I have little number of friends. So I was used to roam alone always, even today I like to roam alone. I am a bit shy about opposite sex. My first sex experience was during my age of 18. I was in my 12th standard. I used to go to school by bus. We had busses on the...

1 year ago
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Attention Seeking Whore I am an

Attention Seeking Whore (I am an …) Part 1 Thank you, dear reader; I am so pleased you decided to visit shy, unworthy me. I really don’t deserve your consideration because you are far too notable, eminent and important, but I will do my utmost to entertain salacious, sensual you. I will stretch my limbs and open my malleable mind; I will tease and titillate, simper and smile, flutter my eyelashes and run my tongue seductively across my sharp white teeth; I will mould myself into your perfect...

2 years ago
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The Dramatic Saga of Peter Q KleeshayChapter 1

"What are you looking at, Doofus?" Asked Chad, captain of the football team and the latest generation in a long line of Big Man on Campuses. The type of guy who doesn't merely think that it's 'okay' to pick on those weaker than him, but that it's an imperative - a family tradition stretching back to the dawn of time. "Uhm, nothing," answered Pete, trying to make his skeletal frame disappear, difficult since the hallway was crowded and nobody was letting him pass, "I ... I'm just...

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Broke The Virginity Of My Boss8217s Niece With Great Passion

Hi I am Arun. I’m 23 years old and I’m here to share with you my unforgettable sex experience with my boss’s niece Divya. She is a year younger to me by age and at work. She works with me in her uncle’s office. She looks quite beautiful with wheatish complexion, slim and has quite fleshy arms. We are very good friends and we used to sit next to each other at office while working. We used to chat a lot in office and sometimes it does touch adults only areas after which we change the topic. For...

3 years ago
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Spanish Summer

Chapter 1: Summer vacation is here at last! Just in time too or I would have gone insane! I thought to myself as I packed my suitcase. "Anya are you packed?" I heard my mom yell up at me. "Almost mom I just have to throw in my bathing suit and my make-up!" "Well hurry up," she replied, "our flight leaves in 3 hours and we have to be at the airport 2 hours early since it's an international flight!" We had a 9 pm flight which meant we had to be there at 7pm, thanks to the increased security...

1 year ago
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Becoming Imogen Chapter 2

After Simon had left me on the floor of the storage room I had curled up and cried, burying my face into a bag of lost-and-found sports gear that had been hanging around for years. I felt exposed and humiliated but I wasn’t angry. Why wasn’t I angry? Why didn’t I hate him? I eventually picked myself up, put my shorts and shirt back on and headed to the locker room to get my bag. I had washed my face and changed back into my school uniform ready to go home and did my best to clean myself up. I’d...

3 years ago
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Marys Great DaneChapter 11

Pete and Cindy lay on the floor, their faces still pressed into each other's crotches as they struggled to get their breaths back. Finally, they pulled away from each other and sat up on the carpet. Pete glanced at the window first, and just as he might have suspected had he not been so caught up in the passion of the exhibitionistic act, Rose's face was pressed against the pane. She had witnessed the whole affair. Pete grinned and waved to her, whereupon the other three in the room...

3 years ago
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Truth Serum

I was head hunted straight from university, where I received honours in biochemistry. Government work, I was told, but in reality it was MI5. I worked in their Labs with a living legion, everywhere in the spy world the name of Dr Johnson was revered, even if he's in his late eighties now. For he invented the first ever truth serum. Now in truth, there's no such thing as a 'truth serum' it's an invention of the movies. In real life it's just a simple drug that disorientates the mind. This...

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Lauras Bad Decision

I shouldn’t really be surprised that two students were being spanked in front of the whole group of students. I am part way through a six month temporary position with a private school in my area where spanking as a form of discipline is an established method. I wanted to see first-hand if it helped discipline in the school and having watched several students being spanked I could see how discipline was far better than in schools with no such deterrent. I did smile when I read my contract as it...

2 years ago
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Ship of Fools

TRICK OR TREAT Steven Trenton hopped forward struggling to get out of his costume. After all Scarlet O'Hara was crawling on her hands and knees across his bed. She stopped, hitched her voluminous skirts up over her hips and leered at him. As her skirts cleared her ass the scent of her arousal filled his nostrils. He hopped again - his erection tangled in his underwear - and nearly fell over. GODDAMNFUCKINGCOSTUME! "C'mom baby hurry." Steve heard the pleading in his wife's voice. He...

3 years ago
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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 15

The following new character appears in the next few chapters: Samuel Moore Captain of Rangers, Chief Ranger Trainer, 6’-0” tall, 180 pounds, 25 years old, broad shoulders, long brown hair, blue eyes, a rugged individualist with a quick smile, Gwyn and Sererena in their evening gowns made quite an impression on those gathered at the Officers’ Mess for their evening meal. On entering, they were immediately approached by several Captains and a Major, all of whom they brushed off with a...

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