- 2 years ago
- 30
- 0
On Friday Lisa went to the hospital by taxi, having arranged for Duke to pick her up at the hospital. She began her 10-hour day at 7:00 and actually finished at 4:45. That gave her time to grab a coffee and a sandwich after having a shower to be waiting, fresh and relaxed, when Duke arrived a few minutes after 5:00. He was of the ute and holding out his hand for her overnight bag before she got to him.
They’d called out hi and now stood awkwardly.
‘I think we should kiss, what with being phone sex lovers,’ he said almost solemnly.
She replied yes she agreed but look less than sure of herself.
Duke broke the impasse by putting down the bag, stepping forward and grabbing her. Lisa moaned and threw her arms round his neck and kissed him hungrily.
They pulled away and Duke grinned. ‘That was touch and go for a few seconds?’
‘I’m not sure what it was. I had a tough day and had a sudden dip in confidence I guess.’
‘Well hop in and say hi to Misty my cat.’
‘You travel with a cat?’
‘Doesn’t everyone?’
He sighed and said sorry. ‘You must be tired. My comment about everyone travelling with a cat was a joke.’
‘Oh dear, sorry. I’ll be a dead loss tonight.’
‘You’ll be okay. You’ll be boosted by a group of great people. You’ll have the best part of two hours’ sleep as we travel.’
‘Unfortunately I can’t sleep in a moving vehicle.’
Misty accepted Lisa and jumped on to Lisa’s lap in the absence of an invitation. Lisa began stroking under Misty’s chin. The cat began purring, Lisa said Misty was lovely and yawned and was asleep within a mile of leaving the hospital.
Duke drove fast and reached Thompson in a few minutes under two hours and was pleased his passenger had been asleep rather than gripping her seatbelt in panic when he’d overtaken vehicles and other vehicles headed towards them on the fairly narrow two land secondary road… all being, in Duke’s opinion, a safe distance away. Although the street lights were on it was still twilight when they arrived.
‘Wake up Lisa,’ he called.
‘I haven’t been asleep.’
She looked out, straightening her hair and said, ‘Where are we?’
‘This is my house just to the left of us, the unlit one.’
‘Good gracious, I’ve been asleep.’
Duke grinned.
‘Come in and have a look around and then I’ll deliver you and your bag over to Gina’s where you can freshen up and settle. You should have a shower.’
‘I had one just before I left Dubbo.’
‘Another one will freshen you up.’
‘Okay I will if Mrs De Vito invites me to do that.’
Duke sighed. He wondered if she argued with her medical tutors and seniors at the hospital. She would probably call it debating or expressing a different opinion. This babe needed to learn how to relax. He called the De Vito’s house and Lisa answered the phone.
‘Hi it’s Duke. Could you tell your mom we have just arrived and I’ll bring Dr Fulton over in a few minutes? She could do with a big soak in the bath if you guys are not on water rationing but if you are a shower will do.’
‘Is your new girlfriend a real doctor?’
‘Yes she works at the base hospital in Dubbo. He name is also Lisa.’
‘What? Oh I must tell mum. Bye.’
Lisa glared at Duke. ‘You are making me feel I’m imposing asking Mrs De Vito to prepare a bath for me. And they may be on restricted water supply.’
‘Toughen up Lisa. My neighbours and I know how to talk to each other and if we want something we ask… we don’t dither around like city bunnies. Although it’s summer and we are into a Big Dry, the town water mightn’t be on rationing because they commissioned a new reservoir at the start of last winter.’
There was a knock and a girl of around eight in a white party dress entered.
‘Oh you are so beautiful. Mom sent me over to fetch you Dr Fulton. We can’t believe a doctor will be staying with us. Mom is running the bath and has found some bath salts she got for Xmas a couple of years ago. Please take my hand Dr Fulton.’
Duke grinned. ‘This is Lisa De Vito. Gina and Carlo also have an older son called Marco.’
‘Oh Lisa we share the same name.’
‘I know. Mr Caine told me on the phone a few minutes ago. I’m so excited. It makes me feel famous.’
‘Take your bag with you Lisa. We can look through this house in the morning.’
‘The house looks stunning Duke, much better than I expected.’
A couple of minutes after feeding Misty, Duke took a call.
‘Hi, it’s Dave Bateman. I was hoping you’d arrived. Any chance of your popping round now? It’s fairly urgent. Brandy’s parents are here from Orange and are itching to return home.’
Mystified, Duke said okay. He’d be there in a couple of minutes.
Dave introduced Duke to Brandy’s parents and after Brandy kissed him she took him in to see the new baby, who was asleep.
‘What’s the reason for this drama?’ he said.
Brandy squeezed Duke’s hand and looking flushed said, ‘It’s best I leave the words to Dave.’
Dave handed Duke a beer and his in-laws declined to have their wine glasses topped up. They appeared tense. Brandy added mineral water to her glass and Duke noticed her hands were shaking.
‘Mate,’ began Dave. ‘Brandy and I wish to buy your house. Cedric and Joan inspected it earlier this afternoon and agree it’s really what we need now we have extended our family and they know this house gets damp in winter.’
‘That’s fine mate,’ Duke grinned. ‘You know the price. Where is the sale and purchase contract to sign?’
‘Ah mate, there is an ethical consideration. Because I work for the selling agency I am required ethically to notify you in writing of that situation and I am required to furnish you with valuations from two independent registered valuers.’
‘Well go through that process that I can see is in place to protect the seller. Mate and I’m telling you it doesn’t matter what price range those professional valuers come up with because my selling price remains unchanged at $310,000.’
‘Oh you darling,’ Brandy yelled and ran to hug and kiss Duke. ‘We have some money and mum and dad have agreed to act as guarantors for us over bridging finance until we sell this house and refinance.’
Brandy’s parents smiled and shook Duke’s hand and everyone went out to see Brandy’s parents off. Back in the house Dave said his boss had valued the house at between $298,000 and $312,000.
‘He wants to keep me working for him as he’s aware I’ve had two offers to switch to other agencies so the deal is there will be no commission, and so you’ll get the full $310,000.’
‘Sounds a good deal to me. Well guys, I’m so pleased you’ll be the new owners as I put a lot of sweat into making that house a real home. I’ll be back next weekend to finish the construction of the laundry at the end of the rear porch.’
‘May I paint it, I love painting?’ Brandy said.
Duke grinned, ‘Jesus yes, I hate painting.’
He arrived for dinner to find everyone assembled. Duke was unaware just how intently Lisa was watching everyone was greeting him affectionately, and that was not only the females.
When Duke had a tinnie in his hand Gina the hostess said, ‘Welcome to our little circle Dr Fulton. It’s an honour to have you here. Dr Fulton asks you adults must call her Lisa. Welcome home Duke and needless to say I guess we three mothers have really missed our sidewalk chats each school day with you. You have truly been a most delightful neighbour and I’m sorry to say this but we hope you fail to sell your house and return to live here.’
After the clapping died and without thinking of the consequences Duke waved his can of beer in the air and said, ‘Listen up everyone, sorry I was late but something came up. I’ve just sold my house and will receive my asking price.’
The stunned silence was broken by the elde
st child Pauline yelling, ‘Oh no, oh no.’ She rushed from the room greatly upset, her father Bevan racing after her to offer comfort. Gina has dropped her half-full wine glass on to the polished floorboards and it shattered. Tears were streaming down her face and she sobbed hugely. Gretchen and Debra ran to her and they began weeping.
‘Oh shit,’ Duke said, flapping his arms uselessly. ‘I better leave.’
‘Christ man, what’s wrong with you,’ Rogan said, handing Duke another beer. ‘Women like nothing better to have a good cry or to book in at the hairdresser’s.’
Huh? Duke wasn’t aware of either of those things.
‘Guys let’s go,’ called Carlo. ‘It’s quieter out on the back veranda and someone needs to watch the kids in the pool.’
They finally began dinner at 9:15. By then and after a few wines the women were fine.
Duke was a little disappointed when kissing the other two women goodnight after Debra and her family had left much earlier. Gretchen and Gina’s enthusiastic kisses and warm body presses made Lisa’s two sweet little kisses during the short walk across the street seem inadequate and when he attempted to grab a breast she wriggled away laughing.
Christ didn’t she know about sex but then he remembered the phone sex. Well at least she was up with the theory.
The guys came over to help Duke pack in the morning and Dave also arrived to help. Duke had called the storage firm early and was told no problem to switch to storing his household effects at its facility in Dubbo. They would load the truck that morning and it would take the load to Dubbo on Monday.
Both Lisa’s arrived and the youngster took the older Lisa on an inspection of the property and they then helped to wrap china and glassware. The wives called but were told they weren’t needed until 12:30 when they should arrive with drinks for the women and pizzas. People began drifting off soon after eating so Duke consulted Lisa and they announced they were leaving at 2:00. They departed and Duke felt quite emotional, sniffing as he waved to the gathered adults and some of the kids.
Then something happened that surprised him.
‘You don’t have to act the tough guy. I can imagine you are churning inside and know you are leaving part of your life behind.’
‘I’m okay,’ he sniffed. ‘These things happen.’
Lisa leaned over, careful of Misty on her lap and pulled his nearest hand off the steering well and placed it on a boob. ‘There, is that better?’
‘Immeasurably. Jesus Lisa, are we coming closer to having sex?’
‘Well I’m thinking about it more. You know I said I wanted to be very sure about you first. Nothing must upset my career path.’
That was a warning but was ignored by Duke.
They didn’t have sex after arriving in Dubbo. Lisa asked to be dropped off at her shared rental house. The two other women’s vehicles were on the lawn so Duke didn’t see any purpose in going inside. Lisa didn’t call him that evening and nor did she call the next day and so he didn’t call her. Christ why was she being so pedantic about knowing him? She didn’t have to know him that much before having sex.
Duke took an overnight flight to Melbourne via Sydney on Wednesday to inspect suitable standby generators quoted by two suppliers than were considerably more attractively priced than his company’s usual supplier in Perth. Neville the CEO agreed there was no reason why they shouldn’t look at alternative suppliers. The decision would be Duke’s but he should choose carefully.
Well all three suppliers were international companies of high repute so Duke expected no problem apart from assurances on endurance guarantees with the mining company doing its own maintenance, and availability of parts both now and long term.
He emailed Lisa he was leaving on the 6.30 flight and would return home sometime on Friday and perhaps they could go somewhere for dinner. While waiting for his flight to leave he called Nikki in Melbourne and she sounded delighted and it was arranged she should come to Duke’s hotel for a drink anytime after 4:30. He’d explained one or even both of the firms he was dealing with would probably invite him out to dinner and then might take him clubbing.
‘Why would they want to do that?’
‘Well number one we are potentially a new and valued client and number two we will be paying the price of an expensive 4WD vehicle for the unit we require.’
‘Holy smoke. I guess I was thinking of the diesel generator we have at home to run the shearing machines in case the line power supply is disrupted.’
‘Think twenty times the size and output and you will have visualized the difference.’
Duke had breakfast during the short wait in Sydney for his Melbourne connection and thought he should look carefully at Nikki as a contender for a permanent domestic partner with Lisa being the other. He couldn’t say Nikki would win hands down at sex because he’d not rumbled yet with Lisa, if that was ever likely. Yes he should compare them closely. He patted his groin thinking he’d arrange for Nikki to come to the hotel late at night. He was well overdue for sex.
A rep for the agency representing a Japanese manufacturer met him at the airport, holding up a sign. She was Japanese but very westernised and called herself Kit. Kit had been in Australia eight years and was the CEO’s personal assistant. She drove the top-of-line Lexus beautifully and for once Duke wasn’t nervous about being driven by a woman. He grinned thinking about the way his mom ripped into him for expressing thoughts like that.
‘About tonight,’ Kit said as they approached the agency’s suburban facility. ‘Mr and Mrs Isogawa would be honoured to entertain you over dinner if you are available. Later in the evening I am available to take you for drinks at a club or a series of clubs.’
Duke was tempted but although Kit was very attractive she had no discernible breasts and appeared to have no body shape. Jesus just a pencil, he sighed.
‘I would appreciate it if you could advised Mr Isogawa that unfortunately I am otherwise engaged,’ Duke lied, thinking the American agency would probably toss an American female with big tits at him. Or at least hips substantial enough to hold on to. God no wonder Lisa didn’t appear to really like him and when she found out how he thought, like someone out of a cave, she’d high-tail it.
A driver for the other agency picked Duke up at 1:00. The guy was effeminate and substandard at conversation. Duke wondered how the women he knew would rate his expertise at conversation. Substandard?
There were six guys in the board room drinking chardonnay so Duke thought it polite to ask for wine instead of beer.
The chief executive asked, ‘Where’s Leigh?’
One of the guys said he’d fetch her.
Her? Duke had thought Lee would be a guy. He asked the two guys talking to him who was Leigh.
‘An American babe but don’t think she’s a bunny. She’s our sales manager and what she doesn’t know about generators isn’t worth knowing. She has a masters in electrical engineering and worked in GE helping to assemble generators when she was at college and then university.’
Duke eyed the blonde with moderately sized tits enter. She winked at him and he almost dropped his wine.
Late afternoon as Duke was leaving Leigh invited him to her home for dinner.
He accepted and she whispered he wouldn’t be required to behave because her husband was attending a convention for maxillofacial surgeons. From that Duke assumed the husband had the expertise to repair the faces he pummelled of guys he caught seducing his wife.
* * *
Duke was horrified at the physical change of Nikki. She’s packed on weight and had two curved eyebrow rings above one eye and a stud inserted just below her bottom lip.
But she hadn’t changed. ‘Oh it’s so lovely seeing you again… how have you been?’
‘Fine thank you,’ he said stiffly.
‘Oh co
me on Duke, piercing for jewellery is part of modern life. You should see my pussy rings.
He couldn’t repeat the words pussy rings.
‘Do you still adore Gina?’
‘Yes,’ he said, glad the conversation was normalizing.
‘She has a simply pussy ring or haven’t you managed to get that far with Gina?’
‘Let’s get a drink,’ Duke croaked, propelling fatty by the arm to the bar.
‘I’ll have beer,’ she said. ‘I know I shouldn’t because it’s piling the weight on me but Gavin and the gang all drink beer and I wish to conform.’
‘My fiancée.’
‘Oh congratulations.’
‘Thanks. In case you’re wondering how I know Gina has a piercing…’
‘You have had sex with her.’
‘Yes, clever boy.’
After Nikki left, Duke kissing her warmly because in all other respects she was still the Nikki he’d known intimately for three weeks, he went up and showered. But he then had a change of heart and called Leigh.
‘I’ve had a change of mind about coming to your home.’
‘That’s okay, I haven’t started dinner. Have you had second thoughts about committing adultery?’
‘What? Um yes and not being coerced into making a business decision.’
‘Well let’s go out somewhere for a drink and dinner. We both need to eat and I’m lonely with my husband being away at that convention in Brisbane.’
‘You said he was in America.’
‘Oh did I?’
They arranged to meet at Grossi Florentino Restaurant in Bourke St located in easy walking distance for Duke. Leigh gave him directions.
Leigh greeted him with a breathtaking kiss and when running his hands down the sides of her silver dress Duke thought was he insane, allowing a woman of this calibre slip through his fingers.
‘Oooh,’ she said, feeling his fingers stop at her hips. She pressed into him.
She was all dolled up but her tits looked saggy and Duke found out why. She whispered she was not wearing any underwear.
He was aware he was still breathing a little heavily as they went straight to the table at his suggestion. As she sat she casually pulled the top of her dress wider and just eyed him. Duke already knew she was well endowed but seeing tit flesh while eating was always so comforting.
Later as Leigh was about to step into the cab after kissing him, almost primly, she asked had he made his decision, as she was interested to know if he’d have sex with her after he’d made his decision?
‘I’ll have to let you know,’ he smiled. ‘I now have to compare the offers of three suppliers.’
Duke was lying on his bed jerking his dick when his phone went. He sighed thinking it would be Leigh crying and asking could she come over because she was lonely.
‘Hi. Something unbelievable has happened to me. I find I’m missing you.’
‘Hi Lisa, lovely to hear your voice. I’m just back after being out to dinner with one of the sales teams.’
‘Well don’t be seduced with people being overly nice to you. That is a form of corruption.’
‘No I won’t.’
‘I’m calling because I feel the urge for phone sex.’
‘You didn’t think of calling your mother.’
There was a pause and Duke thought of no, he’d gone too far. But then he heard a slight giggle that galloped into a full one and then she puffed, ‘God you are foul.’
They talked and then began talking dirty and Duke finally aimed low and blew a wad on to his chest.
‘God why can’t I get myself off like this?’ Lisa wailed. ‘I’ll have to have another shower.’
Duke smiled and after they completed the call went to sleep with his chest and stomach in a bit of a mess. He thought he’d like to wake in the morning and focus on Lisa.
On the flight home via Sydney he decided he’d accept the price he already received from the Perth supplier of the German-made generator. Although the price was a bit higher than both the Japanese and American comparative product it was a simple equation he could have made without leaving Dubbo. The Perth supplier’s product was already proven in Australian mining conditions and the company already had it installed in its other mines and so during warranty the suppliers two-man crew would inspect the new generator while going to the company’s other mines on similar inspections. Also as older generators were replaced they could be stored for salvaging reusable parts. Even so, in going to Melbourne he’d established contact with two other suitable suppliers to mention when requiring the Perth supplier ‘to sharpen its pencil’ before quoting pricing which he’d now do anyway before placing the firm order. He’d also been able to see Nikki and, well with relief almost because of the age gap, confirm he was well over Nikki.
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After we had done a rough edit of the shots, Veronica said “Allora, mangiare." She went out to the kitchen and started to layout a large antipasti spread and opened a bottle of Italian red. "My Uncle makes this wine, it is called Terrano.”We sat on opposite sides of the island bench ate and talked about Italy. I asked her about what she thought of the Berlusconi affair. She shrugged her shoulders, “He’s rich, he’s naughty, he’s Italian – what do they expect?”Once we had eaten and polished...
ExhibitionismA Few Notes on Starting A Second Career By Juliette Lima Based on situations from "Girls R Us" The problem with aging is it's so gradual you never notice it happening, until it's already happened. After fifty-five years of living, I still felt fine, just places that I wanted flexible were now a little stiff, and the one thing I wanted stiff, seemed to somehow always defy wishes and stay flexible. Into this mix of emotions and frailties came the inventive genius of the wonderful folks...
Sarah and I were on our first date. Strange really, since we had already had a couple of fantastic sexual encounters, which had come about after finishing work and going to the pub together. I’d been anticipating this Saturday night for the past five days which was when I had asked her out and she had agreed to accompany me to the new Italian bistro that had opened in the city centre. I’d dressed smart casual for the evening with a new pair of chinos, polo shirt and loafers. Sarah, when...
Then some ago while we were at a five-day trade fair, on the first night we became lovers. In the afterglow we confided we both have a fetish for hung men, eight inches is our benchmark. And watching hung men masturbating. And lesbian sex, we both love being licked and teased. We slept with each for the next three nights and enjoyed wonderful lesbian sex. On the last night we decided we would invite one of the men at the fair who had been chatting us up to join us in our room. “If you want...
Unlike most people on here my storys are actually 100% true, i havent had sex with any teachers or anything like that but ive had my fair share of mature women in which you can aswell, you just need to look in the right places...I was out with a few of the lads in town, went into a bar which was more attracted more of the older people, not just female male aswell. So me and 2 other lads go in, we get our drinks and sit down, we was chatting for at least a good hour when 2 women walked over to...
On Monday, if John suspected anything, he didn’t let on. Things went back to normal for a while at school and at home. The only time I really even messed with my abilities was when Joey and I were horny. We got into a routine where one of us would call the other and arrange a time, then I would connect to him, and we would jerk each other off telepathically. That had started as a joke about me controlling his hand to jerk him off, but when that proved better than when he controlled it...
The following week I went back. It was the same day around the same time. The toilets were empty. There were a couple of cars in the car park but no one inside them. I felt like there was no one there. I stepped inside it was quite dark and there was no sound. Looking across to the two toilet cubicles, I could see both doors open, no occupants. I stepped further in… Then I saw at one of the two urinals, a man standing seemingly urinating. He was fiftyish stocky with a beard, wearing casual...
Beautiful busty brunette babe ? Kendra Heart makes her long awaited Hussie?Pass debut this week and seeing as she’s a fan of watching double vag porn ?? we asked if Brick Danger and Brian Omally could be her first official on-screen double vag, to which she obviously said yes and voila ? we have today’s update! After the award nominated Johnny ?? Robins interview portion of the program ?? Brick and Brian step in with some motion-lotion ? and get Kendra’s lovely lady lumps nice...
xmoviesforyouLet me explain... Until the Marriot Mansion was built, the tallest hotel in Indiana was in Indianapolis, the Salesforce Tower (formerly known as Bank One Tower) reaching 811 feet high and 49 floors tall. In belief of the concept, ‘If you have the money, spend it,’ Trillionaire Michael Thomas co-designed the Mansion and the Mansion Marriott, alongside the late General Contractor Mr. Kenneth Bell. In a letter he had put in every major newspaper in the 50 United States, Mr. Thomas proclaimed...
I know that guy, Justin Time. I've met him before. I hope I never stop meeting him. Never met him, you say. Sure you have, Time, Justin ... middle name Nickov. Everybody knows him. "I gotcha," Mother said. She wasn't alone ... Justin Time was there, too. Thankfully, neither Mother nor Justin were counting when she made the save. We all got got... 'gotten ... took ... taken?' When this whole shebang got started, there were just two of us, Simone ... and yours truly. When Ship...
Ashley slammed her last suitcase shut with a smile on herface. For the first time in awhile she felt free. I’m finally getting out of here, she thought to herself. The thought seemed unreal to her but here she was in her empty room packing all her stuff. She grabbed the handle of the bag and put it next to her door. Just two days ago Eric had told her he had brought them a new apartment. She couldn’t even describe how excited she was. Not only was she leaving behind everything she hated but she...
IncestI still can't believe what I just experienced 2 days ago..I still feel my clit extremely sensitive and I can not stop thinking about it..I am a 43 years old married woman, having an affair at this moment with a 39 years old man. I could be probably judge as a bad wife for cheating my husband, but I like to think that I am not..for reasons that I don't think is relevant at this moment to say why I am cheating, what I can't wait to share is my amazing story about two days ago.I always hear that I...
Chapter 5 Vengeance is born! MCO observation room Lab E Dr. Hilber was looking the humiliated mutant that was crying, tears ran down the mutants cheeks and he enjoyed the pain he was causing to that freak. The readings suddenly went wild and one of the assistant asked "What is that?" Dr. Hilber looked at the readings, the essence Subject 142 gathered started to rise again, this time the scale they used to measure the...
The knock on the door snapped Vanessa back to reality. “It’s about time!” she huffed, continuing to pace her dressing room in her undergarments. “Come in, please.” Gary, the best man and one of her closest friends, opened the door, noticed her lack of clothing, quickly slammed the door shut and flicked the lock. “You’re getting married in 45 minutes, Ness, why aren’t you in your gown?” Vanessa rolled her eyes but made no effort to cover herself. “Oh, my gown? I should put that on? Why didn’t...
First TimeValerie Smyth was a fifty-seven-year-old divorcee who owned and ran a medium-sized restaurant and she was hands-on in as much as she spent almost every night working on the premises.She owned a smart cottage, in which she lived alone, on the edge of town but also had a flat above the restaurant and that was where she spent her nights more often than not.She was busy one night and had just taken some empty glasses back to the bar, she helped out with most things, when a female friend of hers,...
MatureIntroduction: The man’s name is remembered differently by the different peoples of Europe: Karl der Grosse to the Germans, Carolo Magno to the Italians, Charlemagne to the French, Charles the Great to the English. For nearly half a century, from 768 until his death in 814, he built the kingdom of the Frankish people into an empire that encompassed nearly all of western Europe. An indefatigable warrior, a stern judge, patron of the church and of learning, ally to popes, Charlemagne was very much...
Schnitzeljagd ... war das nicht ein Spiel, das wir alle früher mal spielten? Mit ihm bekam das eine völlig neue Dimension. 'Bekleidungsordnung für heute: Shirt, kein BH, Radlerhosen, Slip, Sneakers und Füßlinge', las ich die Nachricht von ihm. Danach kamen komische Daten, die ich in die Navi-App meines Handys eingeben sollte. Das alles geschah, nachdem ich ihm schrieb, dass ich gleich eine Runde mit dem Mountainbike fahren wollte. Gehorsam, wie ich ja nun mal bin ;-) habe ich mich natürlich...
Eleanor: He was ... perfect. He never gave an inch -- and he told it how it was. If he said, 'Do this, ' he expected you to do it, period. When he said, "Practice Presentation One," it was right there in his voice -- his expectations. I knew I was going to Presentation Three before he did -- it was the next logical step. Then he put his hand on my ass -- and he owned it -- that was the vibe. Fine. I had no problem with that. I wanted him to -- I knew it right then. It wasn't...
Emma Hix is a real life barbie….but with more personality!! This beautiful, blonde, babe know exactly what it takes to turn a man on. Dressed in her pink lingerie she immediately drops to her knees ready to please. Enjoy her wet, warm, tongue as it runs up and down the cock before fully engulfing it in her mouth. She spits, strokes and bobs up and down until the cock is soaking wet just like her pussy. Then let the pounding begin. She takes it deep in every position and moans in pure...
xmoviesforyouIt was late in the afternoon, and I was driving back home from Northern VT. I was taking the back roads, partly because it was really the only reasonable way to go, and partly because I enjoyed it. I'd been drinking a lot of water to stay awake, and I really had to pee. The road I was driving on followed a large brook, and I pulled over in a spot that afforded cover from the view of the road to pee, next to a widening of the brook. There was a small pulloff behind some trees - it looked an...
I was so excited a friend of mine was throwing a a bash of a party after midterms. He told me I could crash in the spare bedroom so no need for worrying about getting home drunk. This was going to be my first college party. have been invited before but schoolwork always got in my way. These parties of his always had the hottest girls there and I was determined to get laid this weekend. Unfortunately, I still was a virgin. All the stories about these parties made it sound like nobody ever...
Reddit CamSluts, aka r/CamSluts! A mostly unmoderated website filled with the hottest cam girls that came directly from your dreams. If you ever wondered where you should go for some sexy cam girls without having to actually pay anything, well, now you know. Listen, I’m not going to sit here and bullshit you that you need to check this place out just because I say so. I’m not about that, and you know it. I’m all about facts, and the fact of the matter is that /r/CamSluts actually has some...
Reddit NSFW ListFrank had been a professor of English literature for as long as his mind could trace the memory of employment, and to be quite honest, he was growing sick of his eighth grade students. He loved literature, but teaching it, he finally understood after many years, was not so beneficial after all. Fourteen year olds do not care to hear the wise words of Edgar Allan Poe or H.G. Wells. He always felt a rush of relief on Friday evenings. Though he never actually did anything amusing on his weekends,...
Are you a moral person? Truly? I am, or perhaps was; I’ll leave you to decide.A couple of years ago, I went to stay with a friend, let’s call her V, with a daughter, Amber. They are a delight to be with and get on together even better than I could have begun to imagine at the time.Having a gap in my diary, I took some time off for the visit and was greeted like a long-lost cousin and welcomed into their home. As usual, the company was great, the food was delicious, and the wine of a better...
Threesomes"That was a bit of surprise," she said, smiling as she soaped up my neck and breasts. I nodded, as the water drummed against my back. "For me, too. It kind of came out of nowhere, but that's, well... that's what made it really exciting. I wanted it all of a sudden, and I felt comfortable asking you." "I liked it," she said with a shrug. "It was really very cool. I'm glad we-you did it. Fulfilling your fantasies is what this is all about, right?" She went to her knees, and made...
Chapter 5: The Calm (no action just story)I walked out of the principle’s office like I didn’t even know where I was. I spent the entire period talking and having sex with…. I didn’t even get her name. Great. I lost my virginity to a woman I don’t have a name for. I had my signed contract in my backpack. I had no idea I’d be able to make this much money from donations. 2-3 donations and my college is paid for. 3-4 donations and my parent’s house is paid off. After that I can live off of 1...
Ria knew she was in trouble. She had pulled a sick day on the day before Christmas Eve and she knew Anna, her boss, wasn't too happy about it Anna summonsed Ria into her office, a stern look on her face. Truth be told, Anna wasn't what you would call pretty. Her face was pale and her hair was straggly and mousy brown. But, what set her apart from the other females at the store was her figure. Anna was wide at the hips and slender at the stomach; a girls dream body. The store didn't have a...
LesbianI grew up in a farming community in Pennsylvania and we lived in a large old farm house. My room was across from my sister’s room. I was 15 and I woke up one day and discovered that I was the horniest guy in the world. I took notice of my older sister’s friend Sue. Sue had long, straight beautiful blonde hair and a set of lovely, large breasts. I fixated on Sue and she became the center of my “jack-off” world. She was short, and cute and perky and the way her breasts bounced used to drive...
I was only 17 when me and my daddy first started, my mom and dad got a divorced when I was little, so in the years to follow I became close to my daddy and I was very much so a daddy's girl, he spoiled me and I was his only kid. My name is Abbey, i have the body every guy wants, 34c, tight firm ass, tight pussy, 5'7 and only about 126 lbs, i date allot of guys, and I LOVE sex, so after being single for a couple weeks I was getting really horny, one night I went and got a nice hot bath, I shaved...
IncestI remember dying. I guess when I was Phile, I started this by telling you I remembered being born. But there are more important things to remember now. I remember the births of my children. I remember my lovers. I remember living as a wild ranch kid in Wyoming and as a renegade in the nineteenth century. I remember holding my sweet sister in my arms at night and knowing there would never be a more perfect match. I remember Mandy welcoming me in both my bodies into her heart and soul. And I...
"Hey!" Michael said as he saw me enter the studio.I smiled and greeted the director with a gigantic hug."Glad to see you aren't like the others," he said as he stared at my chest. "All these women getting reductions these days."I had worked with him on my previous interracial shoot; it had been almost a year since my first porn shoot. I was happy to work with him again. The last two were a pain to deal with, always wanting to change things. I knew with him at least all I had to do was show my...
OccupationsBefore I agreed to be locked up. Before I agreed to be an obedient chaste husband to my wife. She had sexual needs and desires that I as her husband was able and more than willing to fill. The sex was good, or so I thought. We enjoyed the intimate pleasures sometimes two times a week. Or when I had time to get into the mood.Now, since I have taken to wearing a chastity cage upon my manhood. Now that we both agreed to turn the key over to a private third party. Well, it seems her sexual wants,...
this is carrying on from part 2 so a year had gone bye our gang had gone to pot 4 guys were in a young offenders prison tracy was 6 months pregnant she had no idea who the dad was as we all used her when we felt like it that just left 3 of us me the leader linda and gary we had not seen brian or his mummy for a year or so as we were walking in town we spotted karen brians mummy going into a meeting we wonderd what the meeting was about so we went inside it was about kicking all the black...