Hide Seek Winter JenningsChapter 9 A Pitying of Turtledoves
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Introduction: The man’s name is remembered differently by the different peoples of Europe: Karl der Grosse to the Germans, Carolo Magno to the Italians, Charlemagne to the French, Charles the Great to the English. For nearly half a century, from 768 until his death in 814, he built the kingdom of the Frankish people into an empire that encompassed nearly all of western Europe. An indefatigable warrior, a stern judge, patron of the church and of learning, ally to popes, Charlemagne was very much the founding father of medieval Europe.
The great emperor’s personal life is remembered less by posterity. Over his long life, the ruler of Europe loved no less than five wives and at least as many concubines that we know of. Eight of these women bore him twenty children among them, one, the queen Hildegard, married him at the age of fourteen and died twelve years later, having carried no less than nine princes and princesses, though some did not outlive their mother.
794 was a turning point in Charlemagne’s career, now approaching fifty years old, he began to give up his habit of traveling from estate to estate around his kingdom and built a grand palace at Aachen, or Aix-la-Chapelle, around a hot spring where he loved to swim. He also married his fifth and final wife that year, Liutgard. Around the same time, between 792 and 796, his armies achieved their first great conquest without the king’s personal leadership, the destruction of the Avar Kingdom in modern Hungary. The king was still vigorous, but beginning to settle down. Six years later, the pope at Rome would crown him Emperor of the Romans, thus designating him the successor of Caesar Augustus and Constantine the Great.
For reasons unknown, Charlemagne never permitted his daughters to marry. His eldest son, Charles the Younger, waited for a suitable alliance to wed and ended up dying before his father, in 811. Combined with the monarch’s own habits, the presence of so many unmarried young princes and princesses around the court made Aachen something of a pleasure palace, rife with affairs and intrigues. This is the story of a few of them.
Notes: Since so many languages have a claim on him, I have decided to use the Latin version of the king’s name, Carolus, which is probably close enough to what his courtiers called him. I have also made one deliberate modification to historical names, replacing Carolus’ actual young concubine of 794, whose name was Amaltrud, with a later one, Ethelind, who bore him two sons a decade later. This was to help avoid confusion in the readers’ minds between Amaltrud and Adaltrud, his illegitimate daughter by another concubine who features in the story. Otherwise I have tried to keep as close as I can to what we know about the Carolingian court, but have felt free to invent details as needed for the sake of the story.
My intention is to write an erotic story fit for the readers of Literotica, but I want it to have a genuine plot as well, I will do my best to mark out the lustier sections for readers who want to get straight to the action.
Chapter One
The King and the Concubine
It was morning, and little was stirring in the new palace. Soon there would be the banging of hammers, as workmen labored to finish the new houses for the nobles, and behind it would be the high sweet chanting of monks singing the morning office. Servants would bustle about the kitchen to ready the morning meal and a thousand other tasks would need doing. But at this moment, for a brief while, there was stillness.
The early morning sunlight broke through a gap in silken window hangings onto a broad, stout bed, covered in soft furs and more silk. Two figures in the bed shifted slightly against each other. The woman woke first, squinting into the sunlight, then turning to look at the sleeping man. She had a rich head of chestnut hair, high arched brows, and full lips, which now smiled softly at him. Even lying down, it was clear that the man next to her was massive, over six feet tall, barrel-chested and broad-shouldered with cropped hair turning to grey and a mustache to match. With a mischievous grin, the woman ducked her head down under the covers.
Somewhere down among his midsection, a pelt of fine bearskin began to lift and fall in rhythm, up and down. The massive man smiled in his sleep, as though dreaming of pleasant things. Then his back arched, and the pelt shifted. His eyes fluttered slowly open as the sensations from his body dragged him to wakefulness. He pulled himself up on his elbows and looked down. The bearskin shifted again and fell away entirely.
The chestnut-haired woman was at his crotch, and had drawn his member up to full height in her hand. The man grunted as she stroked it steadily, squeezing it, pulling it to full size. Her eyes smiled up at him as he stared down at her, not sure if he was awake or still dreaming, and her wide red lips parted to touch his head. She kissed it, sweetly and slowly, at first. Then a tongue stretched out between those lips and lapped along the bottom of his swollen cock, long and steady up the shaft until it reached the head. She swirled her head around the tip of his massive glans, then laughed softly, opened her mouth, and began to swallow him.
Her smiling eyes never left his as her head began to pump up and down, sucking his massive member deep into her mouth and then releasing it again… all but the head, which she sucked on just as it seemed about to come loose. He threw his head back as she gave him head, groaning in pleasure, feeling the wet heat of her mouth all over his thick pole. He felt himself growing ever larger, stiffer, harder in her, while her cocksucking became more and more insistent and furious.
Finally she released him, gasping loudly herself as his great tower burst from her mouth with an audible pop. Her eyes were no longer smiling, but hungry now, still fixed on him. She slipped off of him and slowly turned around, turning her own sex to him, spreading her legs and running her hands along her soft inner thighs. She was an extraordinary woman, round hips and full breasts shining softly in the morning sunlight, beckoning him, arousing him.
‘Your cock tastes…. so good… my lord…’ the woman moaned in a throaty voice. ‘Fuck me, my king…. Please, please…. Fuck me with it….’
The king — for he was, indeed, the king — did not need any begging. As she lay back, he rose up and kneeled between her spread legs, his massive cock rearing up high like a stallion on parade. Her fingers crawled down her thighs and found the soft wet flesh of her pussy. Her needs were urgent, even more than his, and she stroked herself even as he parted her lips for him, opening the way for him to enter. He moved closer and lowered the throbbing shaft to her, placing the head at the gateway to her cunt, letting her grasp it in her hands and start to pull him inside her.
He leaned in then and thrust his cock in hard, sliding inch after inch of his manhood deep up her slick pussy. The woman gasped as she felt herself suddenly filled by his hard thrust, but she pulled her legs even further apart, yielding to him, begging him to take her, to have his way with her. His hips shifted, and the great shaft slid out, out, out until she was nearly empty of him, but then he shoved forward again and rammed his meat into her, deeper and harder than the first time. She felt his great weight press on her, her hands now exploring the great muscled bulk of his belly, his sides, his chest. He was taking her steadily now, his strong body heaving in and out, pressing his stiff cock deep in, sliding out again, and then fucking her again, a little harder and faster each time. His face dropped toward her, lips kissing her cheek, her neck, her breasts. She cupped her breasts in her hands and pressed them up to his searching mouth. His lips locked over one nipple and sucked it hard, tongue dancing over it inside his mouth. All the while his hips never stopped pumping, thrusti
ng his hard cock into her cunt deeper, harder.
She felt pressure building inside her, like she was going to faint, like she was going to burst into flame. ‘Oh fuck,’ she was gasping, ‘oh FUCK! Come on, cum oooon…. Fuck me fuck me fuck my pussy fuck me…’ She fucked him back herself, her hips bucking against his, her whole body starting to shake violently, uncontrollably.
His cock was battering into her now, ramming home brutally, cramming her pussy full of his power. The king’s muscled body began to be coated in sweat, his face rubbing in the cleavage between the woman’s ample tits, every inch of him straining to drive his cock home inside her. As she groaned and cursed and begged him to fuck her, the king too began to grunt, ‘yes…. Yes… unh… fuck it, little bitch… take this big fucking cock in you… take it… yeahhh….. FUCK it… fuck… FUCK…’
She could hardly take it any more… his face on her breasts seemed like an extra push, his sweat just made everything smooth and slick and mingled with her own sweat until it seemed their whole bodies were going to melt together… ‘FUCK!’ she was crying, ‘YES… oh YES oh GOD GOD GOD YEss…..’ the heat built in her, until suddenly, screaming, the flame erupted and she felt slick wet heat gushing inside her, cumming all over him, orgasm flowing like a river until it swept her away and she couldn’t even think any more…
The king felt it too, the sticky hot gush inside her pussy all over his cock, pulsing and throbbing in the damp and fire of it all… he was a tower, he was a mountain, he was an earthquake…. His own pressure hammered at the gates inside his body, strove to reach the tunnel to freedom. Her tits were bouncing madly under his eyes, her body writhing, she was screaming and he screamed with her… ‘FUUUUCK YESSSS’ he shouted… the gates inside opened, he threw his whole weight against her cunt, he exploded and felt his body pumping his cum into her willing, shapely form, as she shuddered and wriggled against him and his cock, as though it had a mind of its own, kept pushing and pushing and pushing into her wet sweet pussy…..
He collapsed onto her. She was laughing merrily, laughing madly like a crazy woman, and he took a deep breath and pulled her close to his massive frame, the curves of her body setting neatly against him.
‘Fuck…. That was good….’
‘Yes….’ She answered. ‘I always have good ideas, don’t you think?’
‘You certainly do,’ he laughed, and pulled her tighter and kissed her eyelids.
‘It’s so good to have you to myself once in a while,’ she murmured… a slight shadow fell across his face in the midst of his happiness.
‘What do you mean?’ he asked.
‘Fastrada always hounded me,’ she said. ‘You know what I mean. You were as miserable as I was. Wouldn’t give you a decent fuck herself and wouldn’t let anyone else, either.’
‘Don’t speak ill of the dead, Ethelind,’ he said softly.
‘Oh, our poor sainted queen,’ Ethelind replied. ‘I know, I’m sorry, Carlus…. But this has been such a happy spring. I’m sorry for her, I really am…. But I’m happy for us…. That’s all….’ She sighed. ‘Carlus… why do you have to marry again?’
‘You know how things are,’ he told her. ‘Too many of the nobles still think my father usurped the crown, that they have as much right to it as I do. The only thing that prevents them casting me off and choosing one of themselves to replace me is that the church is on my side. And the church wants me married their way.’
‘They’ve turned a blind eye to us well enough so far…’
‘Maybe as long as I keep the gifts flowing to them, and support their reforms and missions, and keep up appearances,’ he said. ‘The smarter ones will ignore the women of the palace as long as there’s a queen to keep up their picture of how things ought to be. But the church insists that there be a proper roman-style wife, and the nobles insist that she not be a commoner…’
‘Which rules me out,’ Ethelind pouted.
‘You know how I adore you, Ethelind,’ Carlus said tenderly. ‘I promise never to send you away from my bed. But there must be a queen, or the bed, the palace… me… everything will be gone….’
‘Fine,’ she said, clearly unhappy. ‘So when does her next majesty arrive?’
‘As a matter of fact,’ the king said, ‘if last night’s messenger told true, she should get here today.’
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xmoviesforyouI wasn't sure why soldiers had brought me to Bethesda. I saw as we went through the gate that Bethesda was a naval hospital and was the national hospital. There was tons of construction going on, or had been when the plague hit. It appeared to have been suspended for now. I was taken to the back door in a secondary building labeled "Reproductive Medicine." I had to fill out reams of paperwork and I was poked and prodded, weighed and measured for a while and eventually ignored before a...
Hi to all and my name is James and I hail from Kottayam. I am married. This is an incident which happened between me and my sis-in-law Sil few months back. Now about my sil and she is 26 years with whitish complexion and has a figure of 36 30 32. She got married 2 years back and has no children. Her husband is abroad and she is staying with my in laws now from the time I got married I was very friendly with her and we used to talk about casual sex whenever we used to meet. That was in a...
Hey Friends! This is Sumi again with an another erotic experience of mine. This was happened few days’ back when mom & me were alone in a weekend. But obviously, first of all I would like to thank all the readers from whom I have got so many e-mails & messages, and also to those girls who convince & encourage me to write down an another one. Without your support and compel I wouldn’t be able to defy my experiences in front of all. Further, I have a request especially to the boys that, read this...
LesbianThis story has been written to run parallel with ‘Cathy and Sharon Ch2.’ It doesn’t matter in which order the stories are read but to see the whole picture you should read both. In any case both of them follow the original part of ‘Cathy and Sharon’ and this should be read first. David’s Story David waited at the barrier with a small card in his hand. It simply read ‘ Sharon’. He had been waiting for over two hours for her flight to arrive, departure delays at Adelaide had made it late...
During the following weeks it seemed that luck was on my side for once, since the weather was good and I was able to get some deer, finish some work in my small garden and gather some of the apples. Besides that, I collected some berries from the nearby forest and used some of the precious honey I had bought to make some jam. Something inside my head kept on telling me that I was just keeping myself busy so that I wouldn’t need to think about what I had found out. Whether it was true or not...
Bitch at the beachMy husband Victor and I really needed some vacation.We flight to Cuba, sandy beaches, sunny days and pool.On the second day Victor came down with a heavy stomach ache, which made him to stay tied to the bed. He told me to go out and enjoy my vacation with our friends Susan and Dan, who we had met the year before, instead of being stuck in a hotel room with him. I spent the better part of the day at the pool with them; I was checking in on Victor regularly to see how he was...
The last couple of days aboard the ship had been amazing and filled with experiences I could never in my wildest dreams have imagined, but I was excited to be having a day on land. We had docked at first light and I had spent much of the morning wandering around the small shops and market stalls that stood along the beach front. The heat was intense and I was grateful I had chosen to dress in very little. My skimpy green bikini and a pair of denim shorts made up my outfit of choice - the green...
Straight SexAnother TRUE story from my on going adventures:I noticed Rose and her husband on my train on several occasions,we would get on the same train car in the morning. She was late 40's attractively slim with no outstanding physical features such as big tits or extra nice ass etc but in general a nice figure and she dressed fashionably well . I began to stalk her on the train with the precision of a sexual predator hungry for prey. I would make sure I would stand next to her on the train while her...
There is a paper tacked to the door which you know you did not place there (or at least your pretty sure you didn't). On it reads: "Congratulations: You have been cursed with a 'Daily Fetish' curse." Of course you think this is nonsense, some kind of prank. But it isn't. Before we get too much farther, maybe you should tell us,
FetishEarly next morning I woke and stretched feeling my morning erection surrounded by something warm, I was still in Sue’s bum and seemed to be stuck as everything had dried up. As I tried to pull out Sue woke with a start and winced waking Kathy up so I just stayed still. Kathy Said “why don’t you two go have your showers while I whip up some breakfast and we’ll talk about things over the table. With Kathy gone I said “sorry but I appear to be glued in … and sorry about getting carried...
Introduction: two fourteen year olds lose their virginities together. comments and corrections please, and include if you want a sequel or not because i have something in mind if everyone likes this one Kate and I were only 14 years old. We went to school together, we slept together (with our clothes on, for now.), we ate together, and we grew up together. We considered ourselves a couple, of course. Doesnt that stuff always happen to people who grow up together? We kiss, we held hands, we...
Without even realizing it the two had dropped off into a nap. Tired from the exertion of all they had been doing it was easy. Waking up first Rob kissed Sandy and licked across her tit. When he had moved, no longer have a support she had rolled onto her back. Moving down from there he licked down her stomach, stuck his tongue in her bellybutton then following the line of hair down lower he lapped across her bush. Parting the hair he began to lick up and down her slit as she moaned and...
My phone alarm rang at 0630 the following morning. We were still where we fell asleep. Jill was on one side of Clair and I was on the other. My alarm also woke them from their slumber. Jill said, “good morning my lovers, sleep well?” Clair laughed and answered, “I feel like you two put me in a coma and I just came out of it. When the two of you set out to create an atmosphere for the ultimate orgasm again, I want to be at the front of the line. When will your new house be built, I am ready...
Liv Wild is a sexy schoolgirl that gets taught a lesson by Manuel! Liv is a Latin spinner wearing a plaid miniskirt with a tight white top, black stockings and a collar & tie. She makes her way down the stairs so she can tease Manuel with the petite body as he reaches out and explores her curves. He helps her pull her panties down to give us a great look at her young snatch then Liv fingers herself and licks her fingers clean. She makes her way down the stairs ad goes outside where Manuel...
xmoviesforyouIf you do not approve of young love, do not read any further. First, some background: my older brother had married a gorgeous woman a few years younger than him, she had daughter when she was younger, so my niece wasn't technically blood related to me. She was only 6 when her mother married into the family, she took a liking to me instantly. We had a playful, typical uncle/niece relationship right off the bat. My brother Dan was a traveling accountant and Marie, his wife was a...
Narrated by Swati Main: Papa, aap ghabrao mat, agar hum itna sab kar sakte hai to… Papa: Bas bas, itna hi sab. Woh sab bohut zyada galat ho jayega. Main: Kuch galat nahi hoga. Ab tak jo kiya woh bhi nahi aur ab aage bhi nahi. Papa: Bas bol diya na nahi. Main: Please papa! Papa: Nahi matlab nahi, Swati. Main ziddi hoti hui had badhati hui unke god mein chad gayi. Apni ghutno ko unke kamar ke bagal mein rakh unke lund par apni choot sata kar baithi. Main: Nahi, aapko karna...
This is my first story so feel free to leave constructive criticism. I have always enjoyed older men, they seem to satisfy my urges better than any other could and, as of late, I found myself increasingly attracted to my lecturer. My lecturer was middle aged at late thirties and yet still held his youth in his well-proportioned body and broad shoulders. He had a dark tan which was always perfectly complemented by his formal shirts as if he were teasing us, daring us to undress him. He had an...