Chasing Dove
- 4 years ago
- 26
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Introduction: A predator finds his prey on the train. In the night sky far above the lighted ceiling of Penn Stations main concourse, thunderclouds gathered in the New York City sky. Even on a good night it was next to impossible to see a star, but the encroaching storm blackened the Manhattan night. Neon signs stood out in brilliant relief against the rumbling grey darkness.
A story and a half below street level, the brown concrete of the platforms vibrated with the force of trains pulling into the station. Miles Pierson checked his watch, briefcase dangling in his grip. Forty past the hour of one. The train was two minutes early.
The Long Island lines usually werent this deserted, even on the other side of midnight, but this Friday had been exceptionally miserable. The sun hadnt made one appearance from behind the heavy cloud cover, and it had drizzled off and on across the city for most of the day.
One of the ticket collectors nodded to Miles as he boarded the train. Late night again, Mr. Pierson?
You know how it is, Derrick, Miles said, giving the man a friendly smile. He worked late at the office often enough that he knew most of the staff on his line by name. Miles was a friendly, personable guy, the kind that people found easy to talk to. He whistled softly to himself as he wandered through the train, trying to find a quiet place to sit.
Normally, he would be eager to return to his home on the beach after such a long day at work. He hadnt quite intended to stay at the office as late as he had, but the new sales report had just come in for the previous quarter, and hed found it engrossing enough that he had only noticed the time when the security guard came around for midnight lockup. On this particular Friday, though, there was nothing waiting for him at home other than a small pile of dry cleaning and yesterdays leftovers. Nothing to be eager about.
Most of the train cars were empty. The Port Jefferson line didnt stop in many of the areas where young, partying college students lived – and even if it did, tonight was not the kind of night for standing in line outside the club. Miles tugged the cuffs of his suit jacket, resettling it over his broad shoulders, and pushed into the second car from the end.
The lights were on the fritz in this car, leaving patches of shadow across the seats. Miless blue-green eyes scanned the rows. There was a figure slumped against the window in one of the rows toward the back of the car.
Miles may have looked like an average, corporate employee, but as he identified the figure as a young woman, leaning against the window with her eyes closed and her breath puffing gently against the glass, something stirred deep in his chest. Aside from his corporate day job, Miles Pierson was a predator.
And the young woman sitting on the train registered as prey.
Miles didnt approach her immediately. He took a seat across the aisle, a couple rows up from where she slept. She must have boarded this car as soon as the train pulled in and promptly gone to sleep. Her train ticket was wedged in the small metal strip on the top of the aisle seat, so that she wouldnt have to wake up when the conductor came by to punch tickets.
An announcement echoed through the otherwise quiet train car, and they lurched into motion. The girl didnt even twitch. Miless pulse sped up. Definitely prey.
Miles opened his briefcase and pulled out the days newspaper, folding it in eighths and pretending to occupy himself with the financial headlines. The hunt was on, and she didnt even know it. The only sound was the rhythmic clacking of the car along the tracks, the thump of Miless blood pounding in his ears, and the intermittent soft shift of cloth as one or the other of them moved.
As they passed out of the tunnel and into the night, rain pattered on the roof of the train. The door between cars banged open, and Derrick clicked his hole punch as he entered the car. He punched the girls ticket, glanced at her, and then back at the ticket with his brows furrowed. He shook his head and moved on, waving off Miless frequent rider card. I know I aint got to punch you, Mr. Pierson, he said.
What stop does the young lady get off at? Miles asked.
Port Jefferson – end of the line, just like you.
Miles smiled at the train conductor. Ill make sure she wakes up and gets off when shes supposed to, he said.
Thank you, Mr. Pierson. I do wish there was more New Yorkers like you in the city. Derrick grinned, all white teeth in his dark face, and moved on to the next car.
As soon as the door banged shut after him, Miles opened his briefcase, put his paper away, and got up to move to the young womans row. He sat slowly and gently, not wanting to disturb the seat in case he woke her.
He neednt have worried. Now that he was this close, he could smell alcohol on her sleeping breath. She was pale and blonde, her gently-curled hair spilling freely over her shoulders. Miles reached out, hardly daring to breathe, and tucked one of those curls behind an ear. He ran his finger over the swell of her cheek, the soft curve of her jaw. She didnt move.
Miles let his breath out slowly and turned his attention to the purse she had tucked in against her side. It was a snap closure, easy for him to tease open and retrieve her wallet from inside.
Her name was Hannah Marquette. She had a Michigan license, with what was presumably her parents address listed, and a student ID for Stony Brook. Miles carefully replaced the wallet. She was more than likely a student at the business or radiology school out near Port Jefferson, and probably shared an apartment with one or more other students. Her cell phone wouldnt help him – girls her age password-protected their electronics.
He drew his hands away from her purse and examined her clothes. She wore a short, tight skirt and a short, tight top. Miles couldnt keep himself from trailing his fingers across the strip of soft skin exposed between the hem of her shirt and the waistband of her skirt. Once again, Hannah didnt twitch. Her breath continued to puff across the window of the train.
Her shirt was low-cut, exposing the white curves of the tops of her breasts. Miless mouth watered. Possibilities spun out in his mind. Hed told Derrick he would make sure she got off at her stop – his stop. He could take her home, do it slowly and properly, make her scream-
But no, a student couldnt live in Port Jefferson alone, not when the students parents were states away. She would have roommates, she would be missed. He needed to make her come to him.
Miles Pierson was a predator, and he was always prepared to encounter his prey. He looked up, ensuring that nobody else had entered the train compartment since Derrick left, and opened his briefcase again. This time, he pressed his fingers against the back seam, and the bottom of the briefcase opened up to reveal his toolbox – at least, the part he carried with him. This was not the first time Miles had encountered prey of opportunity, and it wouldnt be the last.
He removed what he was looking for and shut the briefcase, setting it gently on the floor. Now was when it started to get tricky. Miles had to hope that the sheer quantity of alcohol the girl had consumed would keep her from waking up. He curled one hand around the soft, pale skin of her thigh and drew her legs gently apart. Her skirt rode up to expose lace-trimmed cotton panties, blue. Miles pressed the backs of his knuckles against her through her underwear.
Hannah moved sleepily, and Miles froze. Her lips parted, just a little, and she wiggled her hips on the seat. Her eyes never fluttered. She was still asleep, just responding to the stimulus. A smile curled across Miless lips, and he inched his fingers higher to the waistband of her underwear, hooking them inside the elastic and gently tugging the material down. It was slow going, teasing her panties down over the curve of her ass, but Miles eventually maneuvered them down low enough on her thighs to fully expose her to his gaze.
He spread the lips of her cunt apart, mouth watering as he glimpsed her pink, wet slit. He dipped one finger inside, slowly, and a short huff of breath escaped Hannahs mouth. She didnt know what was happening, consciously, but her body recognized pleasure and wanted it. Now more than ever Miles wanted her in his bed, spread out and tied down under his hands, forced to accept whatever he was willing to give to her pliant, yielding body.
Miless free hand closed around one of the objects he had taken from his briefcase. This one was a vibrating dildo with a flared base meant to keep it firmly seated inside the wearer. Miles had modified it with a wifi receiver, so that he could trigger it remotely from wherever he was. It wasnt large – three inches long and barely two inches wide at the base – but Hannah would definitely notice it was there, once she was awake and coherent again.
Miles slowly teased another fingertip inside and spread them apart, exposing her wet hole. He licked his lips and eased the dildo inside, watching it sink into her body with little resistance. Her pussy swallowed it eagerly until the flared base rested against her outer lips. Such a wanton cunt. Miles wanted to press his tongue into it and lick until she came apart beneath him.
Patience, he thought, and picked up the second object. It was slim and metal, with black leather straps dangling from it. This would be harder than the dildo, but it was crucial to his plans. Carefully, he eased the chastity belt down the juncture of her thighs, lifting first one leg, then the other to wrap the straps firmly around her hips. He worked slowly, easing each strap across her skin, keeping his touch light and fleeting. Already her cunt felt wetter than it had when he first touched her, a product of the firm plastic inside of her. He reasoned that if the jolting of the train and his hands between her thighs hadnt woken her, it was unlikely that this would.
Hannah stirred as he brought the straps around front, and he froze, his fingertips resting against her skin. Her head lolled back against the seat and she shifted. Miles moved with her as she adjusted, and she didnt wake up. He smirked, snapping the finishing touch on his prize, a padlock engraved with the number of his latest prepaid burner phone. He pulled her panties back up her legs and the curve of her ass, then tugged her skirt back down.
That done, he resisted the urge to continue fondling his new toy and opened his briefcase one last time, removing a slip of paper. He wrote a brief note and tucked it into the left cup of her bra, right against the nipple where it would rub and chafe. Then he got up slowly and returned to his own seat, checking his watch. The entire operation had taken about fifteen minutes. They had another fifteen at least before the end of the line.
Time to see how good his new toy really was.
The vibrator had several settings, and was controlled from an app on his phone. Miles keyed in his password and brought up the interface. The ambient noise from the train was too much for him to hear the dildo switch on, but it had a rewarding effect on Hannah. Her lips parted further, until he could see her soft, pink tongue between her teeth, and her cheeks flushed. Miles turned up the intensity and watched her breath puff faster against the window, watched her writhe in her sleep.
Miles reached down to adjust himself in his slacks. She was lovely. Responsive. He dialed up the intensity to the highest setting and was rewarded by a soft, breathy noise from the girl, like the coo of a dove. His cock swelled in his pants, pressing against the seams, and he turned the vibrator off, taking deep breaths to contain himself. He would have her at his mercy soon enough.
For the rest of the ride he watched her with hooded eyes. The flush slowly receded from her pale cheeks, but her lips remained parted, her mouth hanging slightly open as she slept, blissfully unaware that she had been marked by a persistent, intelligent predator.
The train finally lurched into its final stop. He got up as Derrick entered the car and moved to Hannahs row, shaking her shoulder gently. She was more thoroughly passed out than even he could have considered, as she only made a sleepy, protesting noise and tried to snuggle closer to the train window.
Girls her age shouldnt get so drunk, Derrick said, shaking his head. Good thing she found herself among decent folk, eh Mr. Pierson?
Good thing, Miles said, leaning forward to collect Hannah into his arms. He stood slowly and nodded to Derrick, who handed him his briefcase. Ill make sure she gets home, wherever home is.
Good luck to you, Mr. Pierson. I better not see you on the midnight Monday train, too.
No worries, Miles said, returning Derricks easy smile. Ive had enough late nights this week. And with a new plaything to keep him occupied, he would have a reason to come home immediately after work.
Hannahs head rested against his chest, her breathing soft and even. Miless pants felt tight at the thought that it would take her hours to realize she had been violated, that someone had exposed her intimately, someone had touched her without her permission.
He stepped off the train onto the platform, hunching over Hannahs sleeping body to try to keep the rain off. He strode to the nearest covered bench, trying to figure out what he was going to do with her. He could take her now, but there was the small matter of her probably-existent roommates. He hadnt seen anything with her address on it in her purse&hellip,
Hannah? Miles looked up at the new voice. It was another young woman, mousier than Hannah, with short dark hair, large glasses, and a round, perky face. The girl scowled at him. Who are you? Some creep?
Im sorry, I can see how it would look like that, Miles said smoothly. I believe your friend would have slept all the way back to the train yard if I hadnt carried her off. She seems to have had a few too many.
The brunette rolled her eyes. Of course she has, she said, disgusted. Good thing I brought my car, as if I wouldnt in weather like this&hellip, dumb midwest country bitch, doesnt she know what can happen to her, passed out on the train?
Miles said nothing, but stood to follow Hannahs roommate back to the car. The girl grumbled the whole way, making him think that this was perhaps not the first time Hannah Marquette had been handed off to her roommate by a total stranger on a late weekend night. She yanked her passenger door open and Miles gently settled Hannah into the car, buckling her in.
The girl got into the drivers seat and started the car. Thanks for your help, she said. Sorry I called you a creep.
No need to apologize, Miles said, reflecting that Hannahs roommate had much better instincts than Hannah herself did. He shut the passenger door and waved as they drove away. It was only a matter of time, now.
He reached down and adjusted himself again, anticipation keeping him at least half-hard. His own car was not far away, and he smiled slowly to himself as he turned the key in the ignition. An excellent end to a very, very long day.
Saturday morning dawned grey and blustery. All that was left of the previous nights rain was a wet mist, clinging to trees and windowpanes. It took most of the morning for the obscured sunlight to slant through the windows at the right angle to hit Hannah in the eyes. The clacking of computer keys was the first thing to reach her ears. Jackie was awake, or maybe had never gone to sleep. Hannah groaned.
About time you woke up, drunk ass, Jackie said acidly from her computer. I had to retrieve you from a strange man on the train. Again.
Hannah grumbled something under her breath, started to sit up, and froze.
There was something hard between her legs, and a feeling of fullness inside of her. The fuck- Hannah rolled out of bed with a thump and dashed for the bathroom.
I keep telling you that you shouldnt drink so much! Jackie called after her as she slammed the bathroom door.
Hannah frantically pulled up her skirt, yanking down her underwear. The hardness shed felt was a metal strip going from the swell of her pubic bone between her legs, covering her labia and the opening of her vagina. It was held around her thighs by thin, black leather that joined in the front, closed with a padlock. Hannah tugged, but she couldnt get the contraption off. Her heart started to pound. There was something else – something she could feel inside of her, pressing against the inner walls of her pussy and filling her up. It felt good, satisfying in a way she didnt want to admit.
It also made her need to pee, desperately, and she felt at the metal over her crotch. It at least had holes. She couldnt help herself – whatever was inside her was pressing against her bladder. Hannah sat down hard on the toilet, staring at the padlock between her legs as she relieved herself.
Last night was a blur of lights, noise, and pattering rain. She concentrated, trying to remember details. The clicking of the conductors hole punch, the rocking of the train. Something else, something fleeting – light touches. Cologne, maybe? Hannah shook her head. She couldnt remember. She groaned and put her head in her hands, flinching as something stabbed into her nipple.
She pulled down her bra and found a folded piece of paper. Her fingers trembled as she unfolded it, a sick feeling crawling its way into her gut. The handwriting on the paper was neat and slightly slanted, blocky, a mans writing. It said:
If you tell anyone, the whole internet will know what a sweet, hot little cunt is between your legs. I have video.
Oh god, Hannah said, feeling bile rise in her throat. She spun around quickly, kneeling in front of the toilet and emptying her stomach of the remains of the liquor shed drank the night before. Her head was spinning. Her breath started to get short. Shed been raped, violated on the train, in public, where anyone could have seen it happen. Worse, her cunt throbbed hotly around whatever was buried inside it. Every way she moved, it put pressure on her clit, sending jolts of pleasure through her thighs.
It was so wrong, and Hannah couldnt help that it felt good. She spat, clearing her mouth, and brushed her teeth vigorously. What could she do? She didnt even know who had done this to her. She couldnt tell anyone, not if she didnt want video of her being fondled – or whatever this mysterious man had done to her – to show up all over the internet.
She looked down at the metal contraption again, mouth trembling, and inspected the padlock. Something was engraved on it. Digits. A phone number.
Like a dog tag, she thought, and bit her lip against the surge of shame that moved through her. Worse than the shame was the tiny, secretive spark of squirmy pleasure in her gut. Something about being marked, being owned like this&hellip,
Hannah shook it away and stormed out of the bathroom to retrieve her phone.
Did you have a good time, at least? Jackie asked dryly.
Sure, Hannah said, distracted, not really paying attention to her roommate. She needed to go somewhere private to dial the number on the padlock. Jackie would look at her weird if she took her phone into the bathroom. The apartment they shared was the basement of a house, and their landlords let them store some of their stuff in the attic. That was as good a place as any not to be overheard. Ill right back, she said, and left the apartment, quietly letting herself into her landlords place.
The couple was out, and Hannah was able to climb the stairs to the attic unseen. Every step made the metal rub against the juncture of her thighs, made her more aware of the hard thing inside. Once there, she yanked up her skirt again and frantically dialed the number etched into the padlock. Her hands started to sweat as the call rang on the other line.
After three rings, someone picked up on the other line. Hannah, the voice said. It was male, warm and smooth, and Hannah couldnt help but shiver a little. The way he said her name was like a caress.
Hannah scowled. How do you know my name? What did you do to me?
The low chuckle on the other line did bad things between her legs. Hannah pressed her knees together, biting her tongue to keep any noise from escaping her. My lovely dove, you should be more careful where you pass out drunk, the man said. I know your name because I went through your purse. As for what I did to you&hellip, there was another chuckle. I did nothing I didnt know you would enjoy.
As soon as he said it, whatever was stuffed inside Hannahs vagina came to life, vibrating hard. Hannah let out a soft, breathy, Oh! without meaning to and writhed in place.
You see? he asked. You have such a wet, wanton little cunt. It was practically begging me to be filled.
Youre sick, Hannah said, teeth gritted. Lord help her, it felt good. Too good. Whatever hed put inside of her was pressing against all the right places. Stop, please, just- just stop.
To her surprise, the vibration did stop, but Hannahs sigh of relief stuck in her throat at the mans next words. I wouldnt want you to come before I could see you fall apart, he said. You do want me to take the chastity belt off, dont you?
You- I-
Youll never get it off without the key, the man said, and then suddenly the vibration was back, even harder than before. I can do this to you whenever I like. The receiver has a prodigious range. If you decline to come to me, Ill simply have you at my mercy&hellip, whenever I like.
Stop! Hannah said, throat closing on a sob. She was so close, so close, after being stuffed full all night and aching. Even if she hadnt been awake for it, her body had accepted it without her.
The vibration stopped again. Youll receive a text with my address. Report me to the police, and you know what will happen. Do not mistake me – I have many resources at my disposal. I will not be caught. You will come to me.
No, dont- Hannah said, but the phone disconnected before she could finish her sentence. Almost as soon as the call hung up, the thing inside her started to vibrate again. It wasnt as intense as it had been before, and she could only conclude that whatever dildo or vibrator the man had put inside her had several settings. He was playing with her, keeping her on the maddening edge of orgasm without letting her fall over. Hannah sat down, gasping, pressing her knees together and concentrating on not falling over that edge. Her body might think this felt good, but her mind knew it was wrong.
Her phone buzzed just as the vibration intensified. Hannah could do nothing for a moment but bite her lip, hard, riding it out until her tormentor backed off, dialing it back down to the lowest setting. She felt hot and heavy between her legs, the flesh throbbing. Hannah checked her phone with trembling fingers and mapped the address, head spinning. He didnt live far – only a few blocks. She could walk there.
Hannahs hand clenched around the phone. What was she thinking? She wasnt going to go to him, she wasnt going to let him win! Whatever video he had taken, surely it was obvious that she was passed out? What was the worst it could show?
Shame flooded through her again. She was actually thinking of letting him post that video. It couldnt happen. What if someone she knew saw it? It wouldnt be a threat unless her face was in it, and someone who had planned this much would have been careful to get her face-
Her train of thought stuttered to a halt as the vibrator buzzed intensely again, the highest setting yet. Hannah panted, leaning forward with her head propped on her knees, phone clutched in her hand. The phone buzzed again, and she looked at the text message.
Im waiting.
A lump rose in Hannahs throat. She didnt have another choice. She had to go if she wanted this thing out of her. She punched the keys on her phone angrily, sending, on my way as she got to her feet. A few seconds after she sent the message, the vibrator shut off again. She let out a slow, relieved breath. It seemed that the man would leave her be as she walked to his house. Hannahs cheeks burned with shame as a thought popped into her head – it was a good thing hed shut the vibrator off, because if hed left it on she would have come all over herself before she got halfway there.
Hannah stomped down the stairs and slammed back into her apartment, yanking last nights clothes off with her back to her roommate. Jackie didnt look up or turn around – the girl was a recluse, and barely tolerated humanity in general and Hannah in specific. Hannah yanked on a pair of jeans, gritting her teeth as the tight denim made the vibrator press more firmly into her. She changed her bra and her shirt and pulled a brush through her hair. Im going out, she said.
Off to get some hair of the dog? Jackie asked without looking up from her computer. Dont make me come get you from the train station again.
I wont, Hannah said shortly. She grabbed her purse and practically ran out of the apartment. She had to leave her own neighborhood and cross a main road to get to her tormentors house. The temptation to call the police made her fingers itch. They would be able to get her out of this contraption – they would have bolt cutters.
But no, how did Hannah know he wasnt watching her? He lived so close. He could have been following her for weeks. He could be watching her right now. She swallowed, glancing nervously around the street as she walked, the vibrator pressing up against the sweet spots inside of her. Her cheeks felt like she had a permanent blush staining them, and her breath came rougher than it would if she had just been out for a walk.
Anger surged through her. Just because shed been passed out, how was that any excuse for this kind of torture? Hannah resolved to find a way to get rid of that video and report this man to the police. She had to get him caught. This plan was too involved for her to be the first one. Hed done this to other girls, she was sure of it.
The neighborhood where the address was located was better off than Hannahs, with larger homes. She could hear the surf and smell the ocean mist as she jogged down the block, biting her lip against the sensation of the vibrator, rubbing against her with every step.
Her steps slowed as she approached the address shed been given. She checked it against her phone. Now was when she would see the face of the man who had done this to her. She bit the side of her tongue and marched up the driveway to the front door, trembling despite herself.
As soon as she knocked, the vibrator started up again on the lowest setting, making her squirm as the door swung open. She tried to glare, but probably ruined the effect with her bottom lip between her teeth and her hands twisting in the hem of her shirt.
She had expected a sweaty, fat man, the stereotypical basement dweller that every girls parents warned her against. She hadnt expected him to be tall, or broad in the shoulders, or have such piercing eyes, blue-green like the ocean after a storm. His hair, greying at the temples, was full and brown, styled impeccably. His button-down shirt was stretched taut across a fit figure. Hannahs mouth went dry. He smiled.
Hannah, my lovely, he said, reaching out to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear. Hannah flinched away from him, and his eyebrows knitted together in an expression like concern. Hannah wasnt fooled. The only thing in his eyes was wicked hunger. Come inside.
Hannah hesitated, slowly putting one foot in front of the other. She had a sudden, terrible feeling that once she crossed the threshold, she would never return. She stood frozen in indecision, one foot poised above the doorway. Then the vibrator turned up and she gave an involuntary, whole-body shiver, glaring as she entered the house.
He shut the front door behind her, threw both deadbolts, and then was on her before she could move. He pushed one hand into her hair, yanking her head back and pinning her against the door with his weight. Please, Hannah said, struggling to get away from his grip, but it was like iron, and his body was like stone, muscular and unyielding.
Lovely dove, he whispered, his lips tickling the shell of her ear. Dont waste your breath begging me to let you go. You came to me. I own you, now.
Hannahs throat closed on a sob as he grabbed her wrist and wrenched her phone away from her. He kept her pinned the door with the grip on her hair and the weight of his body as he paged through the menus, pulling up her calendar, her planner, all her personal data. Ah, your responsible roommates name is Jackie, I see, he said. If only she had trusted her instincts about me last night, you might not be here today. Well have to send her a text later to let her know you wont be coming home tonight.
That provoked another small sob, and Hannah shoved against him, struggling to get away. She whimpered and went still when the hand in her hair twisted, sending shooting pains across her scalp. That wont do, the man said. I knew you would need training – best for us to get started right away.
He pulled her away from the door by the hair. Hannah staggered, her hands going to his wrist, trying to pry his hand away. He paid no attention to her efforts, pulling her along behind him like she was nothing. She struggled harder when she saw the bed and was rewarded with a sharp smack to her ass. Hannah sucked in a breath. The blow surprised her into stillness long enough for him to throw her down on the bed and straddle her hips.
She started to struggle again as he worked her shirt up over her head, and then harder when he unhooked her bra. It was like trying to throw a pile of bricks off her back. Her captor looked like he was in his mid-forties, but his grip was like iron. He leaned forward, pressing her down to the bed with his body weight. Hannah heard something jingle off to the side of the bed, and then he took her right wrist and wrenched her arm around behind her back. Something like cloth or leather closed around her wrist, and then she heard a sound like a crank being wound. As he grabbed her left wrist and repeated the treatment, Hannah pulled, and found that she could barely move her arm an inch before her shoulder protested.
The mans weight left her back, but with her arms tied down the way they were, she couldnt get the leverage to sit up. Hannah pushed, trying to get her knees underneath her, but he wrapped both hands around her ankles and yanked, undoing her jeans and pulling them down off her legs. Please dont, Hannah gasped as he pulled her underwear off. Getting up on her knees gave her leverage, but with her pants off it also exposed her, put her ass up in the air and put her cunt on display.
Not like he hasnt seen it before, she thought, and flushed dark red. It didnt seem to matter that she laid prone against the bed – he put one hand on her hip and the other behind her thigh, shoving her up onto her knees and spreading them wide. Stay like that, he said, his broad palm cupping her ass.
Like hell I will, Hannah thought, and kicked out with her right leg. He caught her foot and shoved her leg back into position. She was rewarded for her small rebellion with another smack to her ass. She gasped and jerked away from the sting, but it was followed by another, and another.
If you do not do as I say, the man said, punctuating it with a hard slap to the inside of her thigh, you will not enjoy this anywhere near as much as I will.
Im not going to enjoy it anyway, Hannah snapped.
She could hear the smirk in his voice. Is that so? he asked, and then the vibration inside of her intensified again, cranked up to its highest setting and left there. I suppose Ill just leave you to it, then.
The bed dipped and rustled, and then Hannah was alone, cool air moving across her bare skin as she fought the sensation between her legs. She could feel an orgasm building in her, her breath coming shorter and her cheeks flushing hot. Fingertips brushed against her cheek and her eyes flew open. He was staring down at her, his gaze hungry and intent, watching her come apart in his bed. The thought made her shudder. Her eyes squeezed shut. She was so close, so-
The vibrator shut off as soon as she reached the precipice. Despite herself, Hannah let out a soft, No!
Ah, and here I thought you didnt want this. The bed dipped again, and his hands returned to her body, running down her sides and over the curve of her ass, down the smooth skin of her thighs. You will do as youre told, and stay where I put you. Wont you? Hannah said nothing, and then let out a small, hurt noise when his palm crashed over her asscheek again. You will, or I will keep you hovering at the edge and never let you come.
Hannahs heart thumped, and a hot tingle went down her spine. Shed been on the edge too long already. She wanted to come, if only to get it overwith. I will, she said quietly.
He smacked her on the ass again, and she yelped. You will what?
I will do as Im told, and Ill stay where you put me, Hannah said, miserable, her cheeks burning with shame.
Good girl, he said, stroking a gentle hand over her hair. It made something twist in her gut, something pleasurable, and Hannah buried her face in the bed. None of that, now, he said, and grabbed her chin firmly, turning her head so that her cheek lay against the bed. I want to see your face. She opened her eyes and glared helplessly, her cheeks bright red. He pushed her hair back behind her ear. You liked it when I said that.
Hannah squeezed her eyes shut and tried to shake her head. He spanked her again, the sound loud in the quiet room. Yes! she burst out, feeling like it had been dragged from her.
Well, well, he said, sounding pleased. I knew you were going to be good. It didnt take much, last night, to have you react. I knew youd be sensitive, but I didnt know youd be submissive.
Hannah kept her eyes closed and stayed silent. Hearing him talk about last night made her stomach turn, and even worse was the shame in knowing that he was right. She was submissive. She always had been submissive. If this had been her choice, her decision, she would have loved every second of being pinned down at his mercy. And yes, the praise felt good. It sent a jolt straight between her legs when he told her she was a good girl, and she hated it.
He leaned forward, pressing his hips against hers, and she could feel the hard line of his dick through his pants, nestled in the crack of her ass. She gasped in a shuddering breath and held perfectly still, not wanting to encourage him with even the barest hint of movement. His breath washed hot against her cheek. He nipped her ear playfully, his hands stroking over her body. He worked one hand in between her and the bed to cup her breast, running his soft fingertips over her nipple. Hannah shivered, her breath quickening, and he chuckled. Lovely dove, he said. So beautiful. What do you want, Hannah?
Let me go, Hannah whispered. Please. I wont tell anyone.
Oh, I know that, he said, and pinched her nipple, rolling it between his fingers. Hannah bit her lip and trembled helplessly against the shocks of pleasure he was sending through her body. It wasnt fair. You wont tell anyone what I do to you. This is for you and I alone, my dove. But I wont be letting you go, and it isnt often that Ill ask you what you want. You shouldnt waste the opportunity.
Oh god, Hannah said, her eyes flying open as he licked into the shell of her ear. She gasped and squirmed, pressing back against him without meaning to, trying to get more or get away, she wasnt even sure anymore.
Good girl, he breathed, right in her ear, and Hannah let out a helpless groan as heat and pleasure flooded through her. Now, I will only ask you once more before I decide for you – what do you want, Hannah?
I-I- Hannah stammered, still squirming in his grip. She couldnt move much or she would risk really hurting herself, thanks to the way he had her bound with her arms behind her back.
Ill give you to the count of five, and then Ill decide for you, he said. He held still, letting her squirm and rub against him, taking his hand away from her breast. Five.
I dont- I cant- Hannah gasped. He turned on the vibrator again, which was completely unhelpful toward her effort to form coherent sentences. If she begged him to let her go again, there was no telling what he would do to her.
Hannah let out a wordless whine of protest, struggling against the bindings. She was not going to give him the satisfaction of begging for anything.
Three, he said, and dialed up the vibrators intensity. Hannahs thighs shook, but she didnt dare close her knees, didnt dare do anything contrary to his orders. Two-
I – I – I want to come, she blurted, blushing.
He chuckled, and she blushed harder. Im sure you do, he said. Youve had this inside of you all night. He pressed his knuckles against the metal strip that held the vibrator inside her, putting pressure on her clit. She pressed her face into the bed and gasped for air. If he kept up that pressure-
The vibrator shut off. Hannah thrashed, whining, I asked, I told you- ah!
Her protests were cut off when he spanked her again, hard, on the back of her thigh. I heard you, he said. I cannot abide a brat. You will come when I am ready, not when you are ready. He punctuated it with another sharp slap.
Hannah gulped huge breaths of air as the spanking continued – sometimes hard, painful slaps, sometimes soft taps that felt more pleasurable than painful. She could feel the heat coming from her ass by the time he stopped, trailing his fingertips over the sensitized skin.
What do you say, Hannah? he asked.
Hannah closed her eyes. She couldnt. She wasnt going to do this. She had come here to find the blackmail he had on her and escape, not to writhe under his hand and whimper. His grip tightened on her ass, his fingers digging into her tender flesh, and she gasped, Im sorry!
Sir, he said, not relenting in his grip.
Im sorry, sir, Hannah whispered, hating that it made her ache inside.
He let go and stroked his hands over the backs of her thighs. Youll have to refresh my memory, he said. I dont remember what you asked me for, after all. Hannah stilled. After hed just punished her for asking for the same thing twice? He must have guessed why she didnt answer, because he chuckled. Its not a trick, my dove. I want to hear you beg me in that lovely voice.
Of course he did. Hannahs ass stung, but she was still teetering on the edge of orgasm. I w- want to come. Then, hastily, because she knew he would ask, Sir. Please.
You can do better than that, he said, and she could hear the smile in his voice.
God help her, it made her want to do better. Please sir, please, may I come?
His hands felt cool on her fevered skin. Come, then, if you can, he said, and stroked her hair out of her face.
He couldnt be serious. He couldnt be trying to bait her into what she thought he was.
She opened her eyes and stared into his face, into his beautiful, cold eyes, and realized that he was. Please, sir, I need- Hannah wanted to close her eyes, but she knew that if she did, he would just make her look him in the eye again. I need you to make me come, please.
He smiled. She couldnt look away from the way it made his eyes crinkle at the corners, but brought no joy into them, only a spark of reptilian interest. Like a predator. One please was sufficient, but it will do. He moved out of her field of vision, and Hannah was finally able to close her eyes as he settled on the bed behind her.
She had expected him to turn the vibrator up again, so she let out a surprised gasp and twisted, trying to see, when she heard the jingling of keys. He gave her a light smack with the back of his hand, and she resumed her position without further protest, her pulse speeding. His palm was warm over the metal as he cupped her there. She felt him tug on the padlock, then the unmistakable sound of a key fitting in a lock.
Hannah shivered when he unwrapped the straps from her thighs and took the metal away. On the one hand, it had only served to keep that damn vibrator inside her. On the other hand, it had kept him from putting anything else inside of her.
She couldnt hold onto the thought for long, though, as he immediately closed his fingers around the vibrator inside her and pulled, slowly. She felt it stretch her open, and then she was mercifully, achingly empty. So wet, he whispered from behind her, and then she wasnt empty anymore, two of his fingers plunging deep into her.
Hannah pushed back against his fingers, writhing. She had never needed to come so badly, panting with need. His fingers inside her stretched her wide, pulling her open, and she gave a shocked cry when his tongue pressed firmly in beside his fingers, licking into the wet, aching folds of her cunt. He licked broad stripes up her clit, pressing the tip of his tongue where she needed it most, and her thighs trembled when he finally let her tumble into orgasm at last, clenching around the fingers buried inside of her, gasping.
You taste delicious, he said, smoothing his hands over her ass and licking back into her even as she trembled from the aftershocks. What do you say, Hannah?
She was oversensitive, squirming under his touch. Every brush of his thumb or swipe of his tongue sent shocks down her thighs, up her spine. She squeezed her eyes shut, thrashing in her bonds, and tried to pull away from him.
His hands curled tight around her hips, and Hannah yelped as he bit down on the inside of her thigh. I asked you something, lovely dove, he said – practically growled.
Hannah closed her eyes, letting out a shivery breath. She was long beyond standing on principle. She had just begged him to make her come. Thank you, sir.
Good girl, he said. Some of the tension bled out of Hannahs shoulders. She held still as he returned to his ministrations, this time pushing his fingers back into her pussy along with his tongue. She felt raw and stretched. It occurred to her that she still hadnt seen what hed put inside of her, and had no idea how big it was. He pushed a third finger into her, and she decided it had been about that big, the thought flying wildly through her head as she tried to breathe through the overwhelming stimulus.
Just as suddenly as he had put his fingers into her, he pulled them out, leaving her aching and empty again. He trailed his fingertips up to her asshole and she couldnt help herself – she tried to jerk away from his grip. Dont, please, I dont-
It didnt matter what she said, not when she was tied down and helpless. He pushed one finger into her ass, slowly. Hush, he said, pressing his thumb against her clit even as she writhed away from the invasion. You got what you wanted, after all.
Hannah gritted her teeth against the sob that wanted to escape her. She had asked for it, begged for it, but it had not been what she wanted.
He grabbed her asscheeck with his free hand and spread her open, a second finger nudging into her hole beside the first. Dont panic, my dove. I wont fuck your ass, not just yet. Youre too tight. I dont want to hurt you. He pressed the second finger in deep, ignoring the high whine, practically a scream, issuing from between her teeth.
He didnt want to hurt her? What a joke. Even so, his words made her relax just a little. He twisted his fingers inside her, pulling the tight ring of muscle open. It had been a long time since Hannah let someone even finger her ass. She had forgotten how vulnerable and open it made her feel, like a raw nerve.
Still, he said, pushing his fingers all the way in to the knuckle. I will have this sweet ass stretched around my dick eventually, so we should get you used to the idea.
His words knocked the breath from her like a physical blow. Eventually. He really wasnt going to let her go. Hannah shook as he pulled his fingers from her ass. She felt something hard press against the wet, stretched hole and whined, trying to squirm away as he pushed it inside. The tip slipped in easily, but it got wider, as wide as his two fingers and then wider still. Her ass burned, stretching around the plastic thing he pushed into her. Wha- aahhh! Just when she thought she couldnt possibly take more, the widest part popped inside of her and her asshole clenched around the base.
Do you recognize the way it feels? Her tormentor asked. Maybe if I turn it on.
As soon as the vibration started, Hannah gasped, tightening around the vibrator involuntarily. It was the same hated device he had put in her pussy on the train, only now it buzzed in her ass, feeling impossibly bigger in the tighter hole.
Now, he said, going back to running his hands over her body. What should we do with that wet pussy? His hands were on her ass again, spreading her wide open, flushed and exposed under his gaze. I think its ready to get fucked, dont you?
Hannahs eyes flew open and she pulled against the bonds. Please dont!
No, none of that. Did you really think I would make you come on my tongue and not ask anything in return? Hannah heard the rustling of cloth and the unmistakable sound of a zipper.
No, Hannah whispered, inching her knees forward as much as she was able, trying to get away.
He smacked her ass, hard, and the vibrator inside it turned up. If this is the thanks I get for making you come, I dont think youll get that privilege very often, he said. He dragged his cock over her clit, barely pushing the tip inside before going back to teasing her with it. One day you will come to me on your knees and beg for me to fuck you with this cock.
Hannah shook her head, helpless to resist him as he pushed into her, stretching her pussy wide around his dick. He felt huge, or maybe that was the plug in her ass, still vibrating hard. He kept sinking into her, impossibly long, until his hips were flush against hers. She squirmed – the buzzing in her ass and the hard, wide length of him impaling her was enough to make her clit throb and her skin tingle.
He started with short, shallow strokes, his cock stroking over her inner walls with every thrust. Each time, he pulled a little bit farther out of her before slowly sinking back in. When his hips shoved flush against her ass, it put maddening pressure on the vibrator in her asshole.
Hannah couldnt help the small, helpless noises he wrung out of her every time he pushed in deep. Lovely dove, he said, and fucked into her harder than he had before. She cried out, something between a moan and a noise of protest, and he did it again. He pressed one hand flat on Hannahs back, between her shoulder blades, and began driving into her, their hips crashing together at the end of every stroke.
All Hannah could hear was the wet sound of his cock inside her sopping pussy and the noises she made, soft cries and moans torn from her chest. His breath started to get ragged, too, his thrusts crashing into her.
No! I- Im not on the pill! Hannah said desperately, trying to stave off what she knew was coming.
To her surprise, it drew a groan from him that sounded pleased. Hannah, he said, grabbing her hip and fucking her hard. You are a clever girl, but a – ah – a terrible liar. I saw your pills in your purse.
Hannah shook her head, burying her face in the covers, unable to do anything but hang on as his cock slammed into her, wringing more shameful noises from her throat.
He leaned forward, and the changed angle made her eyes open wide. His breath washed hot over the back of her neck. Im going to come inside your sweet, tight little pussy, he said, voice rough. Hannahs cunt spasmed around his cock and he chuckled. What about you, will you come like this? Spread out on my cock?
No- oooh, Hannahs protest devolved into another moan as he rocked forward, rubbing all along the inside of her pussy.
Dont lie to me, Hannah. If you tell me you arent going to come and then you do, I will take special joy in teaching you a lesson.
Hannah squirmed, pressing back against his cock as he fucked her. She was going to come, despite her words to the contrary, but she was not going to beg for it again, not ever.
Have it your way, he said. He wrapped both hands around her hips and pulled her back against him, his dick driving into her. She was panting, soft moans spilling from her lips mixed with an endless litany of no and please stop. Her orgasm was building, her pussy squeezing tight around his cock.
Last chance to ask me properly, he panted, voice ragged. Hannah shook her head, shutting her lips on the whimpers he forced from her, dizzy with the force of what was building within her.
He moved one hand from her hip and pressed his thumb against the base of the vibrator, forcing it in deeper. On his next hard thrust, Hannah came apart, sobbing and practically screaming as her orgasm ripped through her.
Bad girl, he said. I shouldnt even give you this now but your pussy is just- too- good! He punctuated each word with a brutal, hard thrust, and then at last stilled, cock twitching as he filled her up with his come.
Hannah closed her eyes tight, gasping for air as he slid his softening cock from inside her. He stroked her side with a pleased sigh. Beautiful, Hannah, he said. But dont think Ive forgotten that you came without permission, and you lied to me about it on top of that.
Im s-sorry, Hannah stammered, flinching when he smacked her on the ass.
Youre sorry, what?
Im sorry, sir, Hannah said, cheeks burning. She could feel slick wetness dripping from her pussy and sliding down her thighs – her come and his both.
Im afraid that isnt going to be good enough this time, he said. Hannah opened her eyes and stared up at him. He shook his head with a small smirk. You must learn not to lie, lovely dove.
He leaned down, and suddenly some of the pressure on Hannahs arm released. She tensed. He was undoing the bindings, probably to move her into a different position. She waited until the other binding slackened and exploded into motion, scrambling away from him.
He had her by the hair before she could get far, yanking her back and wrestling her down on the bed. Let me go! She screamed, twisting in his hold. It was useless. He dragged her back up the bed, on her back this time, and pulled her wrists up to the headboard. Hannah craned her neck to look and saw that he had a pair of leather cuffs around her wrists, which he clipped to the headboard with a gesture that spoke of long practice.
We have been over this once, but I see you dont quite understand me, so Ill say it again. As he spoke, he grabbed her right leg and yanked, fitting another leather cuff around it. There was a ring and a bit of chain attached to the footboard, and he fastened her ankle to it. You belong to me. I own you. I will use you as I like, and share you with whom I will. Hannah sobbed, struggling as he grabbed her free leg and repeated the treatment, leaving her cuffed spread-eagled on her back with the hated vibrator still buzzing in her ass.
He pulled up his pants and tucked his cock away. Hannah screamed as he left the room, thrashing in her bonds. The vibrator was a firm, steady pressure in her asshole, and her sore pussy still leaked come. Maybe if she screamed loud enough, someone would hear.
She squeezed her eyes shut, opened her mouth, and yelled for help as loudly as she could.
Stop that. Her captor had returned. I cant have you screaming loud enough to wake the dead. It gives me a headache. He moved up beside her head and dropped something on the bed, something black. Open your mouth.
Hannah clenched her jaw shut stubbornly. He sighed and pinched her nose shut, staring her down. Her vision began to go grey at the edges before she opened her mouth to gasp for air.
He pushed something rubber into her mouth – a gag. Hannah tried to spit it out, but his broad palm moved to cover her mouth. With his free hand, he worked the straps of the gag behind her head and fastened them, holding it in place.
He picked up the second piece of black leather. Hannah tossed her head, whining around the gag, trying to pull away as he tied the blindfold tight around her eyes. She was blind, tied down, gagged, with his come dripping down her thighs.
The vibrator turned up to its highest setting and Hannah writhed, face red, knowing he was looking at her. His fingers ghosted over her cunt, barely a touch but enough to set her aflame again.
I have errands to run, he said, and Hannahs breath quickened. While I am gone, you can lie there and think about the consequences of your actions.
Hannah jerked her head, glaring behind the blindfold. Her throat was closing around hot, frustrated tears. He was just too prepared, too ready for what she might try. She slurred something rude around her gag, her head turning to follow the sound of him moving around the room.
Oh, Hannah? he said, and she stilled. Just so you know, there never was any video from the train. Ill be back soon!
The front door slammed. Hannah screamed wretchedly around the gag and burst into tears.
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My brother Toby and me were also best friends. He was a year older, but we had played together since we could walk. I told him everything, everything but how I felt about other girls. It was the one secret I had never shared. I thought it might just be a phase I would grow out of, so I tried hard to put it out of my mind. I studied hard and went to church. Where incidentally, I listened to my dad preach about the evils of homosexuality. He would comment to Toby and me how ‘He was sure glad he...
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As he follows his Mistress in to the house, the slave is anxious about what she may have in mind, he hasn't been told anything about what they will be doing this weekend. As she leads him down the stairs to the basement below, the slave first glimpses the naked body suspended from the ceiling then the leather clad Master grasping the bound boy's cock. The slave stops dead and feels his crotch twinge unexpectedly. Quickly catching up with his Mistress, the slave wonders how she could have...
BDSMHello everyone.this is Suraj from Orissa… I have been reading stories here for the last 5 years and i think its time to share my one with you.. Now about me , i am 22 years old and an average built guy with a 6 inches cock..and my sister ahuti (name changed) is the main character of this story..she is fair , 5.6 inches tall and has a lovely figure of 34-24-28.she is slim with lovely big breasts.and trust me she is an absolute patakha.guys just die for her. Now lets come to the story.this...
IncestHi dosto me aik arse se hindi me stoies jama kar raha hoo me 1 lovvely sa loving larka hoo khair aik parha likha larka hoo per muze stories ka shauq bachpan se hai apni collection share karo so here is my gift. Stories of madhurima in her words. Let me tell you about myself first. I am 22 yrs young girl, fair, 5’6” in height. My name is madhurima. Though my name sounds Bengali, I am not. I have an inviting figure of 35-24-36. Right from my school days, I’ve been very much figuring conscious and...
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Lindy Taylor is the eldest daughter of my son Rick and his wife Lois who is now eighteen. She,s lived in Adelaide, Australia since 2007 when my son decided to emigrate there much to wife Sarah and my feelings of disappointment. Recently Lindy graduated from high school and decided to,take courses at the nearby College and started living with us staying in the spare room and it,s wonderful having a teenage girl under our roof again, thevfurst one since daughter Christina left the nest twenty one...
It was always an enjoyable occasion when my work colleagues decided to have a night out in town. We had met up in a bar before moving on to the restaurant. There were twelve of us out that night, most of us worked together in the planning office but there were three from the marketing office - Nick, Sue and Yvette. I had seen Sue and Yvette around the building in the past, but had never spoken to either of them. Yvette had a fantastic body and such a cute smile, often causing me to daydream...
Straight SexI am Mahalakshmi Srinivasan a south Indian wife living in Alwarpet ,Chennai for the past 15 years. I used to work in one of the nationalised Indian banks before this incident. I am 38 years old having one kid. My assets are 38-28-34 , having a height of 175 cms and weighing 69 kgs. I always wear a sleeveless low choli blouse and a cotton crisp saree and wear some five to six chains including my thaali (Mangalasutra) and these chains hang till my navel. I wear a long vermilion (red sindoor) in...
Chapter 1 I was a senior in high school and, like any horny eighteen-year-old guy, I watched porn and jerked off a lot. One day, while watching some videos on XVIDEOS I saw one with a couple of girls and a guy. The girls appeared to be bisexual as they kissed and touched each other a lot, but the guy was clearly the boyfriend of one of them but sneaked an occasional fondle of the other one without his girlfriend seeing him. There were several videos of them and I noted that there was a...
Lovely Leah and juicy Lucy practise ballet together - bare at the barre in Leah's bedroomSlender sexy sweet tender tasty teens together - Leah licks Lucy's juicy slit for first timeSoon Lucy longs to stay longer at Leah, hoping to get more sexual practise at her foxy friendLeah looks for advise from her dearest - he's abroad now, so she can only consult him from farShe talks to her elder sibling only on the phone once a week - back then no internet for chats yetSweet Pete likes the idea of Leah...
Hello friends and my name is Niel and I have many of the stories on this site and thought to share one my lovely sex story and I am 23 and my girlfriend is 22 in the month of Feb my mom and dad had to go to Banglore due to some reason. I’m working guy who has holidays at the weekends one Saturday and I was alone at home and thought to call my girlfriend at home. I called her on Friday and said that no one is at home and convinced her to come to my house and she agreed! On Friday night we had a...
Lovely looking Leah, my yummy younger sexy sweet s1s, offers me her best friend juicy LucyThe tasty tight teens are friends at the barre in Leah's room, where they practise ballet bareInnocent virgin lovely Lucy doesn't realise I can follow all their moves on film, hidden cameraLucy learns a lot about actual love between two teen foxy friends from kisses in 69 position :PLucy slowly starts to fall for the trap I set her from Europe, instructing the seduction by LeahLeah longs for my long Summer...
Hi Friends,sorry if any spell mistakes. as this is my first experience i am feeling tensed. so kindly adjust with those wrongly spelled I am old to this site. But couldn’t share my experience. This is my first encounter sharing with you friends. Let me introduce a bit from my side. I am Arjun from Hyderabad with 5.9 height and good looking working as s/w engg for MNC. This is not a fantasy story which i am narrating its completely true. This is about my GF name Sandhya Rani. let me introduce...
)Hi this is oorja. I’m 26 yrs young and single guy. I’m 5’9” tall fair in complexion and gud looking. I’ll not boast abt my body but it is average built. I stay at punjab with my parents and sister. We have a family in our neighbourhood with whom we have family like relations. There were uncleji, auntyji, inderpal bhaiya, baby didi and sukhi bhaiya. They have one more house at chandigarh. As uncle ji and inderpal bhaiya were working at chandigarh so they were staying there and come to patiala...
Hi! All of you ISS fans I am also one of you. After reading so many experiences of all of you I also decided to share one of experience with you which occurred about 5 years ago. To start with my name is Abby, nick name (Sonu) 24 from pune. I and my family are living here since many years. Since my early age I am fond of mature woman also succeeded in getting many such HUNGRY AUNTS in bed. With around so many neighbors we had a neighbor named Seema. She must be around 35years but very sexy...
LOVING ENCOUNTER Hello all ISS readers, I was not aware of this site. Few days back when I was browsing through net, I came to know about it. I am narrating a story. All names changed for maintaining secrecy, which is most important for me. This is the real incident going on in my life. I am Rakesh from Pune / Nagpur. I am 37 years old man with good health and physique. Two years back I had been to Mumbai to attend marriage of my friend. There I was introduced to one good looking lady of 47 yrs...
Lovely Pizza Delivery BoyBy: Londebaaz Chohan It was a cold, dark, drizzling night when Ike heard a knock on the door. He went to answer and found that it was the cute pizza delivery boy at the door. He was totally soaked and it was obvious that he had been out in the rain for quite a while. Ike’s eyes shifted from the pizza warmer he carried, to his face. Ike asked him why he was so wet and he told that he had trouble with his car and all evening he had been making his rounds on a motorcycle....
Hi All, my name is Raj. I have an athletic body as I regularly go to Gym and play outdoor games. I am regular follower of the side. This story is about 4 years back when I used to work in Hyderabad. I am trying to recollect the sequence of incidents what and how it happened. It may be boring as it became like an essay. I used to stay in a rented house with two portions on our floor. I was married and my wife was also working. When we moved to this house, there was other Neighbor family couple...
LOVELY IN LATEX -- 2. by Throne. Alex was so apprehensive that he could barely complete his duties. His Aunt Tabitha had tasked him with cleaning the house. She had acquired a new outfit for him to wear while he was doing it... a maid's uniform... made of latex. It was in the traditional black and white, with a very short skirt and built-in breast forms. There were PVC stockings and black shoes with square toes and two-inch block heels. He had on a short black, pixie-cut wig,...
LOVELY IN LATEX -- 3, by Throne Alex worked through the night with that latex mask hugging his face. He glimpsed his reflection in every mirror he passed and each time he had a crisis of identity. His mind teemed with disconnected thoughts. He just wanted to eat something sweet and get into bed to sleep and sleep and sleep. But he couldn't. He had to do all the housework that had been left for him. His Aunt was in her room, dreaming contentedly, so far as he knew. Eudora had...
I groan knowing trouble when I hear it. "What is it now…" Probably just more of her homework. She's a senior now while I'm only a sophomore, but she has me help her out with homework, which end up with me doing it for her more often than not. I want to tell her to do it herself, but she's always been like a big sister to me, even if I had all the book smarts, so she always has been the boss of me. She's pretty much ruled my life even more than my own mother. When we were very...
Introduction: The older girl who lives next door runs my life. Even though I hate it she is so damn pretty and my mom really likes her. Hey Trey, wait up, I hear Miki call to me from somewhere behind me. I turn back toward school to see her long brown pony tail wagging behind her as she runs to catch up to me and I cannot help but get hard watching her big breasts bounce with her hair. I got a project for you, she announces as she slows up next to me. I groan knowing trouble when I hear it....
Leah alone in bed after coming first time together with PeterLeah has a difficult time not caressing her smooth skin. Her fingers dance up and down her petite body exploring the womanly parts that have yet to emerge from beneath the surface. When her hands eventually find her wet spot she cannot resist the temptation to touch herself. Would Pete be too upset if she was to grope a little? She knows well she shouldn't be doing this but the urge is so overwhelming. She is under the covers, so Pete...
By: AWC I am Joseph and it was my first job in a bank right out of the college after finishing my finance (Banking) and economics majors with an excellent 3.7 c GPA. This was the headquarters of this bank with no less than almost 500 employees on 2nd floor of this building. There were a minimum of 200 or more of the female employees of all colors, age, height, size, shape and nationalities. They were very well scattered from receptionists to managerial and even higher levels. It was great...
Lovely CoupleBy: Londebaaz Chohan There had been nothing to be considered a better blessing than the relationship between Tracy and Nick. They had been together for almost a year. The life was very comfortable in each other’s company. They always had great sex and were very compatible for every sex paly but for one thing; Nick, somehow had developed an obsession for the anal sex; until recently. His birthday was approaching in a day and he was all brains thinking to manage and get his wicked...
This is second part of my sex story, please read the first part to understand the flow.. I stepped away from the bed and moved in to the washroom to take quick shower leaving them to discuss…. I over heard the conversation from the wash room, my husband showed his sales negotiation skill and from the way they are discussing it looks like my husband is not going to turn them down…. That brought another excitement in me that I am going to be fucked by some else tonight. By the time I finished my...
I am quite happy today, because I am penning down the best experience that I had in my life. Myself Arhaan, I am 23 yr old young lad from Bangalore, Working here in a reputed MNC. I had a crush on my aunt she’s 40 yr old. Her name is sair. She is typical south Indian lady. It all started when I was in 12th but I didn’t dare to move forward into it. Believe me it’s not as easy as they will tell out here in this site. Let’s come back to the incident. In my home they planned for a trip to...
IncestGrand daughter Lindy is still staying with her grandmother and I in Cheshire, but sadly not for too much longer as she,ll be off to London soon to continue her studies. She,s made great progress with me learning how to make love like a woman much older than her tender age of eighteen and thanks me as often as she can in her very sexy ways. We Didn,t set off to seduce each other, but we are human, it happened and neither of us regret it. Sadly when she goes it,ll be back to hamster and watching...
Our two kids were in college and we were finally getting the opportunity to enjoy each other, one on one. Pam and I married young and our first daughter was born within a year. The second girl came along before our third anniversary. We loved our girls and devoted our lives to them, as do most parents. It wasn't until they were in colleges far away that Pam and I realized we had never been able to think only of each other, and of our selves. Pam just celebrated her 42nd birthday and I...
Dawn is my girlfriend and has been since school started this fall. She is sixteen years old and cute as she can be. She lets me kiss her in the hallway next to her locker between classes. She doesn’t even mind if I feel her up with my friends watching us. I get to pat her ass, slip my hand in between her legs and rub her pussy through her tight blue jeans, and I get to fondle her tits too. When we get together after school I get to do a lot more. I can do anything that I want to do to her...
As I sit at work, monitoring the incoming customers looking to indulge their fantasies one lap dance at a time, I am constantly reminded of my current status to my Mistress. She has me wearing a cock and ball contraption that keeps my cock aroused but without allowing it to gain any girth or length because my cock is completely encased in a clear plastic prison. It all started earlier in the day, as I was showering to get ready for work, when my Mistress texted me. She was short but very...
During my college days, I was a hiking and mountaineering buff. Every weekend, by Friday evening or Saturday afternoon, our group used to go to scale peaks in Matheran, in or around Bombay or long distance. By Sunday evening we used to be back. Once we were on a Bombay University sponsored hikes to Nashik. There we were to scale about 6 – 8 peaks. We were a group of 14 initially, but as the weather was turning bad, with constant rain and thunder, with flood warning, most of the group returned,...
Welcome to “Lovely, Dark, and Deep!” For the moment, this is a fairly linear, serialized piece about Jaq, our protagonist and point-of-view character, who’s a freshly-sired and -abandoned vampire in the world of Vampire: The Masquerade. Some of the VtM lore is going to be pretty fast and loose, so if you’re a purist, yes, I’m aware what I say may mash together 2nd, Revised, and V20 or something, but I was more concerned with the pieces that best fit together dramatically (though yeah, you’ll...
Lovely LolaBy: Londebaaz ChohanAll the plans were messed. The rain was coming down really hard and fast. Jason was late and not by few minutes or by an hour or so but late for over 3 hours by now. The road traffic was slow and blocked for miles if not totally stopped. Finally, he decided to stop at a truck stop near Princeton Junction for the late supper. Getting off the truck, he hustled inside as quickly as he could and shook the rain water off him and got seated in a booth, ordering a house...
Lovely Mistress SuzyMistress Suzy answered the door, quickly, as if she had been waiting.She was dressed in her bathrobe, nothing exciting at first glance."Upstairs, my bedroom and strip" she said, I went upstairs, I stripped, shaking and wondering what was about to happen.Suzy led me towards the bed and told me to lay face up and took hold of the straps she had already fixed in place, after a bit of readjusting, she strapped my arms and legs down and I lay spread-eagled and helpless.She...
Hi, i am mani again, those who didn’t know me , me from andhra, this story is the second part of my real story happened to me with my girl friend’s girl friend who became my girl friend. You can read my story’s first part “lovely girlfriend of my girlfriend” and continue to this.. Thanks for all those who responded to my 1st story and gave nice valuable comments.. Hope this part also seduce you..For responses mail me at Coming back to the story, at evening 7:30 we met in train. In train also...
Without wasting time i am in bangalore & story begins….. Sala samjh mein na ata ki shareef ladko ko sexy kudiya kaise mil jati hai…..Apne ko dekh lo…..Sala hot mast maal dekhta hun aur woh hoti hai toh shareefo k pass….Mein toh paidashi shareef hun….Aisa shareef ki kamina ko bhi pasina ajaye…..Ek baar ki baat hai…3 ladke ek ladki ko chod rahe the mere ghar k samne wale ghar mein…..Mein dekhe jara…..3 ladko k lund us ladki k muh mein the aur kahin nahi…..Ladki kapdo mein thi……Dekhne mein toh woh...
LOVELY IN LATEX by Throne "Alexis," called Tabitha, her voice well modulated but her tone firm. "Come in here, please." In the next room, Alex was examining a photo spread in Entertain Me Weekly magazine, of the beautiful celebrity, Kylie Maginot. The blond beauty was decked out in a stunning latex outfit. It consisted of a snug black skirt that reached to mid-thigh, as well as a white, short-sleeved blouse with a flouncy black bow at the neck. His Aunt had insisted that he give...
hello friends, my name is raja name changed. i am regular reader of iss stories, but this is the first story i have written. after read this story, pls message me abt my story. mail me at ok now come 2 the story. i am raja. i am from chenai from a decent family. in my family we are four people. mom dad sister and me. dad is working in bank. mom is house wife. while i am studing in collage my sister was married. she was looking like a film actress. in my collage days i watch lots of x movies...
IncestShe was just perfect, slim with enough shape to look good in almost anything. I've dated good-looking girls before but none of them had been as comfortable with their own bodies as Liz was. She had come out of the shower and dropped her towel leaving her gloriously naked. Those long slim legs and round firm tits. She pulled on a pair of panties and then went to make a cup of tea; god doesn't that girl ever get dressed. She just had the most perfect tits I had ever had my hands on although...
Hello this is Shrushti. Here is the second part of my story named Lovely Master. Now lets start second part…….I was nude in the position like dog with caller in… [email protected]
BDSMI couldn't believe the night still wasn't over yet, but I slowly nodded and felt Will direct me towards the bed. Will laid himself on the bed on his back and instructed me to straddle him. I did and I felt Sir come up behind me. "Be gentle at first, Will, let her get used to it. She's never done it before," I heard Sir tell Will. Will replied, "Oh I'll go slow," and winked at me. That wink scared me but I was glad that Sir was behind me and I was on top of Will; how much harm...
Introduction: This is a multiple part story, If youre not into forced pleasure than I assure you will not enjoy this story. This is a multi-part story so please read the others first. Thanks for all the great feedback, and feel free to give me advice to help my writing. Enjoy I couldnt believe the night still wasnt over yet, but I slowly nodded and felt Will direct me towards the bed. Will laid himself on the bed on his back and instructed me to straddle him. I did and I felt Sir come up...