Lovely In Latex --2 free porn video

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LOVELY IN LATEX -- 2. by Throne. Alex was so apprehensive that he could barely complete his duties. His Aunt Tabitha had tasked him with cleaning the house. She had acquired a new outfit for him to wear while he was doing it... a maid's uniform... made of latex. It was in the traditional black and white, with a very short skirt and built-in breast forms. There were PVC stockings and black shoes with square toes and two-inch block heels. He had on a short black, pixie-cut wig, with a tiny cap perched atop it. His make-up was nicely done, with pale blue eye shadow. He was polishing an athletic trophy his Aunt had picked up at a thrift shop and put prominently on display. Every time he saw it he was reminded of his dashed hopes of being a notable sports player. Or even of being a cool and self-assured guy. The doorbell rang and Alex carefully set the trophy back on the shelf, wishing it had been him who had won it. He hurried to answer the door, walking easily on the heels. It bothered him that he was taking so well to his new feminine role. His Aunt kept telling him that he must have been latently wanting to live that way. He told himself she was wrong, yet he couldn't deny how far he had come with posture, movement and speech. He was even applying his own cosmetics most of the time. When he opened the door, his Aunt's friend Eudora was standing there, looking smugly superior. Seeing her reminded him of the power she held, to give a negative report on him and possibly land him in juvenile detention with guys who were... aggressive. He curtsied to her and said, "Good evening, Miss Eudora. My Aunt Tabitha is in the recreation room." But there was someone else behind the confident woman. It was another female and both of them were attired in shiny latex dresses. Eudora said, "Thank you, Alexis," as she stepped inside. Her companion followed, taking a good look at Alex. He hated being stared at, especially by someone new. The second woman looked directly at him and ran the tip of her tongue slowly across her slightly parted lips. The male maid shuddered at the suggestive act. He followed them to the recreation room and asked quietly if he could get anyone anything. His Aunt told him that she would serve the wine herself, and that he should wait back at the door for other arrivals. Alex curtsied again, making sure to dip low enough, as he had been taught. Then he returned to the door. Soon the bell rang once more. This time it was a quartet of attractive women, all wearing rubber blouses and loose skirts of the same material. They crowded in on him, forcing him to retreat. Encircled, he could only stand there, fluttering his hands while they admired him and made frivolous comments. "I wish I had a maid like her. Maybe Tabitha will loan her out." "This one looks like she can provide all sorts of services. I'll bet she's well trained." "She wears that uniform so well. Of course, it's easy with such a slim girly figure." "I mean, really, it's hard to tell that there's a boy under there." Alex couldn't stop himself from blushing. Female fingers brushed his cheek, bare arms, and neck. He quivered and turned this way and that, wishing he could escape the examination. It wasn't easy, being a guy inside that uniform, and being penned in by beautiful women. His body tried to respond but the latex panties his Aunt had made him wear were very tight. Two of the women hooked their arms into his and walked him through the house. One of them complimented his perfume. He whispered his thanks. As they reached the others, Aunt Tabitha looked up and smiled. "Hello all," she said cheerily. "I'll pour you some wine and Alexis will fetch the snacks. In a little while we can begin the evening's... entertainment." The worried young man didn't like the sound of that. What did his Aunt Tabitha and Miss Eudora have planned for him? He had time to worry about it while they chatted and enjoyed themselves. He, of course, was not permitted anything to eat or drink. His Aunt was managing his figure and didn't want him to gain even an ounce. He listened to them, hoping to catch some hint of what was planned. But it was to no avail. He had to wait on pins and needles for over an hour until at last Tabitha revealed what was in store for him. She said, "I thought it would be fun for us to decorate my nephew's body. Naturally, he's not allowed to have any hair on him, below his nicely shaped and dyed eyebrows. So we'll have a lovely smooth canvas to work on." Alex squirmed uneasily at the thought of having to expose more of himself, and being touched and marked. But he had no alternative. Even if he wanted to flee, he didn't have a stitch of male clothing to change into. The women all stared at him as his Aunt made a few hand signals to indicate that he should undress. Feeling mortified, he began shedding his maid's outfit. As more and more came off, Tabitha put out a box from which her guests took washable markers, lipstick, other cosmetics, and temporary tattoos. Several of the females applied heavy coats of lipstick to their mouths and then closed in around him. They began kissing him, leaving vivid imprints on his cheeks, neck, shoulders and torso. One of them left her mark around each of his nipples, which drove his desire to dizzying heights. Too bad for him that those snug rubber panties continued to compress his genitals and hold his penis tightly and uncomfortably against his body. Another of the women took a marker and drew two red hearts around the lip prints surrounding his nipples. She blew into his ear and whispered lewd suggestions that he knew she had no intention of carrying out. She just wanted to add to his frustration. A blond with ice-blue eyes used mascara to write in the middle of his narrow chest, in large looping letters, SISSY. She handed the applicator to another woman, who printed on his belly, SMOOTH, with an arrow pointing to his bare crotch. The third one to use it drew a big flower on each of his compact buttocks. Above one of the nipple hearts appeared the words LICKING BOY, and over the other ASS KISSER. He had to read them upside down and was shaken up when he saw what they said. Finally, several temporary tattoos were applied, fairies with long wings and cartoon kitty faces. The women made him parade around and show off his body art. They had been surreptitiously using their phones to take pictures of him, but now they started doing it openly, making comments about who they were going to send them to and where they would get posted. He wanted to plead with them not to forward any of the embarrassing shots, but knew that if he did, it would only amuse them. It might even provoke them into sending them to people he knew. That possibility made him go cold inside. He had to step into a pair of tall stilettoes and put on another display for them. They inscribed some things on his back, where he couldn't view them. Then Tabitha mentioned the words on his chest. She said that, with proper instruction, he could live up to both of those messages. Eudora sat on a comfortable chair and edged her hips forward, at the same time spreading her legs. He caught a glimpse up under her short latex skirt and saw that she wore nothing else. Tabitha put her hand firmly on the back of his neck, exerted downward pressure, and said, "Kneel, Alexis." When he obeyed, he found himself uncomfortably close to Eudora's legs. A toe, jabbed between his decorated buttocks, made him shuffle forward on his knees. He dipped his head down and got it under the skirt. The scent of rubber was strong, as was the musk of her femininity. His Aunt reminded him that he had kept a stash of porn hidden in his bedroom at home, and so he must know how to please a woman -- in special ways. He closed his eyes, stuck out his tongue, and began. This wasn't the way he had pictured himself pleasuring women. Alex had long had visions of being a take- control, competent stud. Instead he was lapping at an increasingly wet pussy, listening to the woman moan, feeling her writhe her hips, and all the while breathing in those mixed aromas of femininity and rubber. He didn't want to become excited from being put into such a lowly position, but his Aunt had not allowed him to ejaculate since his arrival. He was constantly seeing her, and Eudora frequently visited. Now the room was full of attractive women, ones with needs that he could fulfill. All the touching and those seductive comments had robbed him of whatever degree of control he had still possessed. His confined penis strained to be free. His nipples seemed to pulse. Desire took hold of him and drove him to please the woman before him the only way he was allowed to; his only thought was to take her to the peak of pleasure and drive her over the top. It took a while -- especially because she kept making him slow down -- but at last he did it. She kept him using his tongue while she crested and enjoyed a protracted descent, followed by an extended afterglow. At last he was permitted to take his head out from under her skirt. His face was warm and moist. Her flavor was strong in his mouth. Several other women stood there looking down at him with interest. From across the room another of the guests called for him. She was on the sofa, in the same position as the one he had just finished with. His Aunt told him not to bother getting up because he was going to be busy with this work for quite a while. He had to crawl across the room to his next eagerly waiting target. She took the back of his head and pushed his face against her moistness before tugging her skirt over the back of his head. He gasped but then did what was expected, probing and lapping, paying special attention to her clitoris. He began learning that each woman was slightly different, and that he would have to suit his technique to their wants. This one kept him going longer than the first one had. Afterwards, he had to crawl back across to where a new one was occupying the soft chair. He tried to console himself that his situation couldn't become any more demeaning. But he was wrong. The fourth woman didn't sit. She stood, leaning on the back of a wooden chair, and thrust out her bottom. He looked at his Aunt, hoping she would tell him he wasn't expected to do what it appeared he was. But she just pointed out that one of the names on his chest was ASS KISSER. He swallowed the remains of his pride and got his head under her skirt, his lower face between her bottom cheeks. Her latex garment held him in place and made him feel trapped. He strove to satisfy her but, of course, wasn't likely to trigger a climax with what he was doing. His tongue moved constantly, circling on the outside and then going deep, slipping in and out, running up and down the valley of her backside. She purred and pressed her butt back against his features, nearly smothering him, but showed no signs of reaching the end of the sexual thrill ride she was on. Alex heard he other women talking about wanting to sample his ass-pleasing talents. They discussed how, by moving him from back to front and then back again, they could make their enjoyment go on and on and on. He dreaded how long this might continue. If he multiplied the number of women times the orgasms they were capable of experiencing, and then added how much more time he might spend stimulating them from behind, it led to frightening numbers. Unfortunately for him, his calculations were somewhat short. The marathon continued until he was lightheaded from intimate contact, his own bottled up needs, and the shame of the ordeal. As his Aunt Tabitha had intended, he was put into a vulnerable state of mind, his ego stripped away, his personality left malleable. His former ideal of being the master of women was replaced by the reality of having to serve them. Rather than admit total defeat, he subconsciously began to take pride in his unwanted tasks and how well he did them. By the end of it all he had been changed. The alterations in his personality might not have lasted, except that his Aunt and Eudora replayed this scene many times, either with themselves as the women in charge, or with guests who added to the time his service went on. They didn't make him get naked after the initial session, preferring to put him back into latex and to reinforce the idea that when he wore his feminine clothes he was protected from humiliating nudity, that those outfits were something positive. After three weeks of regular reinforcement of his treatment, he had indeed become what one of the messages written on his back that first time called him -- PUSSY SLAVE. And his attachment to the clothing he had at first hated was becoming pathological. Alex didn't realize the full extent of what had been done. He kept telling himself that his time in his Aunt's home might be shortened, because he was cooperating so well. Unhappily for him, he was incorrect about that, too. But no one shared that information with him. Tabitha wanted to save the shock of there being no reprieve, and combine it with the next step in his remaking. She intended to drive all the masculinity out of him, to drain away his confidence, and to convince him that he really was the weak-willed lover of all things girly that she had been suggesting to him that he was inside. The final evening of the current phase of his training went well. He had to choose on his own what he would wear. Tabitha needed to evaluate how far his relationship with his new wardrobe had advanced. She watched as he went through a closet and several drawers before making his selections. He felt the need to make himself attractive. He even... wanted to. It crossed his mind that he could cover himself more than usual, but that might irritate his Aunt. So he selected a clinging latex jacket with narrow lapels. It was cut short enough to let his tummy peek out. With nothing on under it, he also revealed the center of his hairless chest. There were breast forms built into the garment, so he still presented a feminine upper body. It was teal and, after adding flesh-colored latex panties, he paired it with an avocado mini-skirt of the same material. His legs were sheathed in PVC stockings, light grey, and his feet were shod in shoes with narrow, three inch heels, one shade darker. He presented himself to his Aunt, who looked him up and down with a fixed unreadable expression. After a few moments she decided out loud, "That will do. Please be sure your make-up works with what you're wearing, Alexis." He murmured, "Yes, Auntie Tabitha. Thank you." She left him to do his face. He played up his eyes and minimized his mouth. After all, the latter was just going to get messed up with all the oral duties he expected to be performing. But at least he would be able to gratify all the women. Soon the guests began arriving and he greeted them politely. By now they all knew how available he was and every one of them eyed him with lust on her face. It didn't bother him as much as it had in weeks past. He was still stimulated by those erotic encounters, still put off by how selfishly they used him, and now more desperate than ever to gain his own relief. When he had at last resigned himself to the inevitable, his Aunt surprised him by saying, "I've decided that Alexis would enjoy a little change this evening." What did she mean? He was immediately apprehensive. "Let's do this," she went on. "Instead of having her serve us fully and make us cum, we can just have her worship us from behind. We'll get all the stimulation we can stand and can have it go on as long as we like. I know all of you really enjoy being pampered that way." Alex felt confused. If he wasn't going to make them finish... If he didn't have that much effect... His role was being reduced from satisfying them to merely exciting them. He was overcome by a sense of powerlessness. He had been defining himself by his ability to please them completely. Now he would only be able to do half the job. He tried to think it through but one of the women was already leaning forward and jutting her cute, latex-skirted bottom out toward him. His Aunt took him by the shoulders and gently pushed him in that direction. He moved forward numbly, taking tiny steps, his mental equilibrium quite disturbed. When he got there he sank down onto his knees and worked his head up under her insufficiently elastic skirt. It held his face firmly against her backside, his face between her warm nether cheeks. He began his task, falling into it from regular practice. He could hear the other women chatting sociably, as if he wasn't even there. The disoriented young man did the math in his head. If he had to service all the women, and because he couldn't finish them they might want prolonged sessions, he would be at it for... hours. As he catered to one after another of them, Alex felt less and less sure about his relation to the females. By the end of the evening, he was dazed. And his mouth was overworked. He stood before the smirking beauties, trying to regain his self image, when his Aunt produced something new that was made of rubber. She held it up and he saw that it was a full-head mask of a sweet female face. Alex's mouth opened in a startled O. He tried to find words but she was already setting it against his face, smoothing it over his head, and zipping it down the back. There was a small space between the lips and the nostrils were cut out, so he would have no trouble breathing, but he wouldn't be able to speak clearly, if at all. Eudora came close to him. He could see her easily through the eye holes. She held an attractive wig that was much like her own hair. After she settled it atop the rubber headpiece, she gave it a gentle experimental tug and it stayed where it was, apparently held in place by Velcro or something similar. He got a fresh shock when his Aunt informed him that he would have to clean up after the party. And neaten up the entire house. And clean the bathrooms. In a daze, he nodded his assent and began straightening up. The women ignored him as they said their goodnights. After they were all gone, Tabitha and Eudora left the room. Again, Alex estimated how much time he would be busy. His work would take him through the night, at least until dawn, probably longer. He didn't understand why this was happening. But the two main women in his life understood it all too well. Beyond his earshot, which was rather limited by the mask anyway, they discussed their intentions. Tabitha said, "After this evening, I imagine the poor dear is confused about his relationship with ladies. And the mask will further disorient him." "Plus the added housework will leave him quite tired. And somewhat sleep deprived." "Indeed. So he will be rather pliable. Receptive to the next step in his... development." "In the extinguishing of what's left of his maleness." "Exactly. Though we do want to leave a small flame of male ego burning somewhere deep inside him, so that he will never be entirely comfortable with his new identity. Or with what he will soon experience." "And he will experience quite a lot, I'm guessing, after he meets his new friend tomorrow. The one I've been planning to bring for a visit for a while now." "Oh yes," Tabitha agreed. "I believe our Alexis will become very close to her new sissy sister."

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Lovely South Indian Massage Experience

I am Mahalakshmi Srinivasan a south Indian wife living in Alwarpet ,Chennai for the past 15 years. I used to work in one of the nationalised Indian banks before this incident. I am 38 years old having one kid. My assets are 38-28-34 , having a height of 175 cms and weighing 69 kgs. I always wear a sleeveless low choli blouse and a cotton crisp saree and wear some five to six chains including my thaali (Mangalasutra) and these chains hang till my navel. I wear a long vermilion (red sindoor) in...

2 years ago
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Lovely Lucy the Cam Girl

Chapter 1 I was a senior in high school and, like any horny eighteen-year-old guy, I watched porn and jerked off a lot. One day, while watching some videos on XVIDEOS I saw one with a couple of girls and a guy. The girls appeared to be bisexual as they kissed and touched each other a lot, but the guy was clearly the boyfriend of one of them but sneaked an occasional fondle of the other one without his girlfriend seeing him. There were several videos of them and I noted that there was a...

3 years ago
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Lovely Looking Leah Lesbian Love 2

Lovely Leah and juicy Lucy practise ballet together - bare at the barre in Leah's bedroomSlender sexy sweet tender tasty teens together - Leah licks Lucy's juicy slit for first timeSoon Lucy longs to stay longer at Leah, hoping to get more sexual practise at her foxy friendLeah looks for advise from her dearest - he's abroad now, so she can only consult him from farShe talks to her elder sibling only on the phone once a week - back then no internet for chats yetSweet Pete likes the idea of Leah...

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Lovely Encounter With My Girlfriend

Hello friends and my name is Niel and I have many of the stories on this site and thought to share one my lovely sex story and I am 23 and my girlfriend is 22 in the month of Feb my mom and dad had to go to Banglore due to some reason. I’m working guy who has holidays at the weekends one Saturday and I was alone at home and thought to call my girlfriend at home. I called her on Friday and said that no one is at home and convinced her to come to my house and she agreed! On Friday night we had a...

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Lovely Looking Leah Lesbian Love 3

Lovely looking Leah, my yummy younger sexy sweet s1s, offers me her best friend juicy LucyThe tasty tight teens are friends at the barre in Leah's room, where they practise ballet bareInnocent virgin lovely Lucy doesn't realise I can follow all their moves on film, hidden cameraLucy learns a lot about actual love between two teen foxy friends from kisses in 69 position :PLucy slowly starts to fall for the trap I set her from Europe, instructing the seduction by LeahLeah longs for my long Summer...

3 years ago
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Lovely Journey With My Sandhya Rani

Hi Friends,sorry if any spell mistakes. as this is my first experience i am feeling tensed. so kindly adjust with those wrongly spelled I am old to this site. But couldn’t share my experience. This is my first encounter sharing with you friends. Let me introduce a bit from my side. I am Arjun from Hyderabad with 5.9 height and good looking working as s/w engg for MNC. This is not a fantasy story which i am narrating its completely true. This is about my GF name Sandhya Rani. let me introduce...

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lovely bhabhi

)Hi this is oorja. I’m 26 yrs young and single guy. I’m 5’9” tall fair in complexion and gud looking. I’ll not boast abt my body but it is average built. I stay at punjab with my parents and sister. We have a family in our neighbourhood with whom we have family like relations. There were uncleji, auntyji, inderpal bhaiya, baby didi and sukhi bhaiya. They have one more house at chandigarh. As uncle ji and inderpal bhaiya were working at chandigarh so they were staying there and come to patiala...

1 year ago
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Lovely Sex Encounter

Hi! All of you ISS fans I am also one of you. After reading so many experiences of all of you I also decided to share one of experience with you which occurred about 5 years ago. To start with my name is Abby, nick name (Sonu) 24 from pune. I and my family are living here since many years. Since my early age I am fond of mature woman also succeeded in getting many such HUNGRY AUNTS in bed. With around so many neighbors we had a neighbor named Seema. She must be around 35years but very sexy...

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Lovely Encounters

LOVING ENCOUNTER Hello all ISS readers, I was not aware of this site. Few days back when I was browsing through net, I came to know about it. I am narrating a story. All names changed for maintaining secrecy, which is most important for me. This is the real incident going on in my life. I am Rakesh from Pune / Nagpur. I am 37 years old man with good health and physique. Two years back I had been to Mumbai to attend marriage of my friend. There I was introduced to one good looking lady of 47 yrs...

3 years ago
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Lovely Pizza Delivery Boy

Lovely Pizza Delivery BoyBy: Londebaaz Chohan It was a cold, dark, drizzling night when Ike heard a knock on the door. He went to answer and found that it was the cute pizza delivery boy at the door. He was totally soaked and it was obvious that he had been out in the rain for quite a while. Ike’s eyes shifted from the pizza warmer he carried, to his face. Ike asked him why he was so wet and he told that he had trouble with his car and all evening he had been making his rounds on a motorcycle....

4 years ago
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Lovely Neighbor Sandhya And Lovely Time

Hi All, my name is Raj. I have an athletic body as I regularly go to Gym and play outdoor games. I am regular follower of the side. This story is about 4 years back when I used to work in Hyderabad. I am trying to recollect the sequence of incidents what and how it happened. It may be boring as it became like an essay. I used to stay in a rented house with two portions on our floor. I was married and my wife was also working. When we moved to this house, there was other Neighbor family couple...

2 years ago
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Lovely In Latex 3

LOVELY IN LATEX -- 3, by Throne Alex worked through the night with that latex mask hugging his face. He glimpsed his reflection in every mirror he passed and each time he had a crisis of identity. His mind teemed with disconnected thoughts. He just wanted to eat something sweet and get into bed to sleep and sleep and sleep. But he couldn't. He had to do all the housework that had been left for him. His Aunt was in her room, dreaming contentedly, so far as he knew. Eudora had...

3 years ago
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Lovely Tyrant

I groan knowing trouble when I hear it. "What is it now…" Probably just more of her homework. She's a senior now while I'm only a sophomore, but she has me help her out with homework, which end up with me doing it for her more often than not. I want to tell her to do it herself, but she's always been like a big sister to me, even if I had all the book smarts, so she always has been the boss of me. She's pretty much ruled my life even more than my own mother. When we were very...

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Lovely Tyrant

Introduction: The older girl who lives next door runs my life. Even though I hate it she is so damn pretty and my mom really likes her. Hey Trey, wait up, I hear Miki call to me from somewhere behind me. I turn back toward school to see her long brown pony tail wagging behind her as she runs to catch up to me and I cannot help but get hard watching her big breasts bounce with her hair. I got a project for you, she announces as she slows up next to me. I groan knowing trouble when I hear it....

2 years ago
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Lovely Looking Leah Learns Love 2

Leah alone in bed after coming first time together with PeterLeah has a difficult time not caressing her smooth skin. Her fingers dance up and down her petite body exploring the womanly parts that have yet to emerge from beneath the surface. When her hands eventually find her wet spot she cannot resist the temptation to touch herself. Would Pete be too upset if she was to grope a little? She knows well she shouldn't be doing this but the urge is so overwhelming. She is under the covers, so Pete...

4 years ago
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Lovely Brown Indian Woman

By: AWC I am Joseph and it was my first job in a bank right out of the college after finishing my finance (Banking) and economics majors with an excellent 3.7 c GPA. This was the headquarters of this bank with no less than almost 500 employees on 2nd floor of this building. There were a minimum of 200 or more of the female employees of all colors, age, height, size, shape and nationalities. They were very well scattered from receptionists to managerial and even higher levels. It was great...

2 years ago
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Lovely Couple

Lovely CoupleBy: Londebaaz Chohan There had been nothing to be considered a better blessing than the relationship between Tracy and Nick. They had been together for almost a year. The life was very comfortable in each other’s company. They always had great sex and were very compatible for every sex paly but for one thing; Nick, somehow had developed an obsession for the anal sex; until recently. His birthday was approaching in a day and he was all brains thinking to manage and get his wicked...

1 year ago
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Lovely Shy Wife To High End Escort Part 2

This is second part of my sex story, please read the first part to understand the flow.. I stepped away from the bed and moved in to the washroom to take quick shower leaving them to discuss…. I over heard the conversation from the wash room, my husband showed his sales negotiation skill and from the way they are discussing it looks like my husband is not going to turn them down…. That brought another excitement in me that I am going to be fucked by some else tonight. By the time I finished my...

1 year ago
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Lovely Time Of My Life With Mami

I am quite happy today, because I am penning down the best experience that I had in my life. Myself Arhaan, I am 23 yr old young lad from Bangalore, Working here in a reputed MNC. I had a crush on my aunt she’s 40 yr old. Her name is sair. She is typical south Indian lady. It all started when I was in 12th but I didn’t dare to move forward into it. Believe me it’s not as easy as they will tell out here in this site. Let’s come back to the incident. In my home they planned for a trip to...

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Grand daughter Lindy is still staying with her grandmother and I in Cheshire, but sadly not for too much longer as she,ll be off to London soon to continue her studies. She,s made great progress with me learning how to make love like a woman much older than her tender age of eighteen and thanks me as often as she can in her very sexy ways. We Didn,t set off to seduce each other, but we are human, it happened and neither of us regret it. Sadly when she goes it,ll be back to hamster and watching...

3 years ago
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Lovely Rita

Our two kids were in college and we were finally getting the opportunity to enjoy each other, one on one. Pam and I married young and our first daughter was born within a year. The second girl came along before our third anniversary. We loved our girls and devoted our lives to them, as do most parents. It wasn't until they were in colleges far away that Pam and I realized we had never been able to think only of each other, and of our selves. Pam just celebrated her 42nd birthday and I...

1 year ago
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Lovely Little Kelsi

Dawn is my girlfriend and has been since school started this fall. She is sixteen years old and cute as she can be. She lets me kiss her in the hallway next to her locker between classes. She doesn’t even mind if I feel her up with my friends watching us. I get to pat her ass, slip my hand in between her legs and rub her pussy through her tight blue jeans, and I get to fondle her tits too. When we get together after school I get to do a lot more. I can do anything that I want to do to her...

4 years ago
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Lovely Weekend of Hell

As I sit at work, monitoring the incoming customers looking to indulge their fantasies one lap dance at a time, I am constantly reminded of my current status to my Mistress.  She has me wearing a cock and ball contraption that keeps my cock aroused but without allowing it to gain any girth or length because my cock is completely encased in a clear plastic prison.  It all started earlier in the day, as I was showering to get ready for work, when my Mistress texted me.  She was short but very...

3 years ago
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lovely village lady

During my college days, I was a hiking and mountaineering buff. Every weekend, by Friday evening or Saturday afternoon, our group used to go to scale peaks in Matheran, in or around Bombay or long distance. By Sunday evening we used to be back. Once we were on a Bombay University sponsored hikes to Nashik. There we were to scale about 6 – 8 peaks. We were a group of 14 initially, but as the weather was turning bad, with constant rain and thunder, with flood warning, most of the group returned,...

2 years ago
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Lovely Dark and Deep

Welcome to “Lovely, Dark, and Deep!” For the moment, this is a fairly linear, serialized piece about Jaq, our protagonist and point-of-view character, who’s a freshly-sired and -abandoned vampire in the world of Vampire: The Masquerade. Some of the VtM lore is going to be pretty fast and loose, so if you’re a purist, yes, I’m aware what I say may mash together 2nd, Revised, and V20 or something, but I was more concerned with the pieces that best fit together dramatically (though yeah, you’ll...

4 years ago
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Lovely Lola

Lovely LolaBy: Londebaaz ChohanAll the plans were messed. The rain was coming down really hard and fast. Jason was late and not by few minutes or by an hour or so but late for over 3 hours by now. The road traffic was slow and blocked for miles if not totally stopped. Finally, he decided to stop at a truck stop near Princeton Junction for the late supper. Getting off the truck, he hustled inside as quickly as he could and shook the rain water off him and got seated in a booth, ordering a house...

1 year ago
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Lovely Mistress Suzy

Lovely Mistress SuzyMistress Suzy answered the door, quickly, as if she had been waiting.She was dressed in her bathrobe, nothing exciting at first glance."Upstairs, my bedroom and strip" she said, I went upstairs, I stripped, shaking and wondering what was about to happen.Suzy led me towards the bed and told me to lay face up and took hold of the straps she had already fixed in place, after a bit of readjusting, she strapped my arms and legs down and I lay spread-eagled and helpless.She...

4 years ago
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Lovely Girlfriend Of My Girlfriend 8211 Part 2

Hi, i am mani again, those who didn’t know me , me from andhra, this story is the second part of my real story happened to me with my girl friend’s girl friend who became my girl friend. You can read my story’s first part “lovely girlfriend of my girlfriend” and continue to this.. Thanks for all those who responded to my 1st story and gave nice valuable comments.. Hope this part also seduce you..For responses mail me at Coming back to the story, at evening 7:30 we met in train. In train also...

3 years ago
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Lovely Night Gori Chamari Fucked By A Stranger In Groups

Without wasting time i am in bangalore & story begins….. Sala samjh mein na ata ki shareef ladko ko sexy kudiya kaise mil jati hai…..Apne ko dekh lo…..Sala hot mast maal dekhta hun aur woh hoti hai toh shareefo k pass….Mein toh paidashi shareef hun….Aisa shareef ki kamina ko bhi pasina ajaye…..Ek baar ki baat hai…3 ladke ek ladki ko chod rahe the mere ghar k samne wale ghar mein…..Mein dekhe jara…..3 ladko k lund us ladki k muh mein the aur kahin nahi…..Ladki kapdo mein thi……Dekhne mein toh woh...

1 year ago
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Lovely Sister

hello friends, my name is raja name changed. i am regular reader of iss stories, but this is the first story i have written. after read this story, pls message me abt my story. mail me at ok now come 2 the story. i am raja. i am from chenai from a decent family. in my family we are four people. mom dad sister and me. dad is working in bank. mom is house wife. while i am studing in collage my sister was married. she was looking like a film actress. in my collage days i watch lots of x movies...

2 years ago
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Lovely Day

She was just perfect, slim with enough shape to look good in almost anything. I've dated good-looking girls before but none of them had been as comfortable with their own bodies as Liz was. She had come out of the shower and dropped her towel leaving her gloriously naked. Those long slim legs and round firm tits. She pulled on a pair of panties and then went to make a cup of tea; god doesn't that girl ever get dressed. She just had the most perfect tits I had ever had my hands on although...

1 year ago
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Lovely Master 2

Hello this is Shrushti. Here is the second part of my story named Lovely Master. Now lets start second part…….I was nude in the position like dog with caller in… [email protected]

2 years ago
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Lovely Intruder part 4

I couldn't believe the night still wasn't over yet, but I slowly nodded and felt Will direct me towards the bed. Will laid himself on the bed on his back and instructed me to straddle him. I did and I felt Sir come up behind me. "Be gentle at first, Will, let her get used to it. She's never done it before," I heard Sir tell Will. Will replied, "Oh I'll go slow," and winked at me. That wink scared me but I was glad that Sir was behind me and I was on top of Will; how much harm...

3 years ago
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Lovely Intruder part 4

Introduction: This is a multiple part story, If youre not into forced pleasure than I assure you will not enjoy this story. This is a multi-part story so please read the others first. Thanks for all the great feedback, and feel free to give me advice to help my writing. Enjoy I couldnt believe the night still wasnt over yet, but I slowly nodded and felt Will direct me towards the bed. Will laid himself on the bed on his back and instructed me to straddle him. I did and I felt Sir come up...

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