My Submission Into Latex free porn video

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My Submission into Latex This is my first attempt at a please let me know if you would like me to continue it! ([email protected]) "I'm an adult! This is how I want to look! Just leave me alone!" Lisa screamed at me and walked out of the living room. I heard the front door slam, then the squealing of tires as she sped off from the driveway. I looked after her, my mouth hanging open, my retort stopping before it began. I was flabbergasted. My daughter was barely 18 years old, and just preparing to start college in the fall. She had been such a good student, getting straight A's in high school. Some may have considered her to be a nerd, but to me she was daddy's little girl, not to mention hard working and ambitious. Admittedly she had had a rough time since her mother, my wife, died. But, that was more than a year ago. This was not the sort of behavior I would have ever expected of her. This was not the girl who had just stormed out of my house. My evening started normally. I came home from my job as an attorney with the local prosecutor's office and slumped tiredly into my easy chair in the living room flipping on the TV in the process. I loosened my tie and let my mind relax after a particularly rough day. Lisa wasn't home. She had started going out a little more in the last few weeks. But I had thought nothing of it. I was glad to see that she was doing more than studying college orientation guides and student manuals. So, when she started wearing make up more often and shunning her usual sweat pants and t-shirts in favor of more stylish clothing, I was happy. But tonight was over the top. She had come home not too long after me. She walked past the living room and up to her room on the second floor. I didn't see her, but called out a greeting to which she simply replied, "Hey." She came back down and made her way to the front door again. "Hey Lisa!" I called out looking to the hallway. "Aren't you at least going to say hello?" I heard a sigh, then she walked back around the corner into the living room with a very impatient expression on her face. But her expression wasn't what I noticed first. She was wearing what can only be described as completely indecent attire. She was wearing shiny black six-inch platform heels, with straps above her ankles. Her legs were incased in opaque latex stockings. Her dress was also latex, black, the hem of the skirt stopping well above her knees. The neckline was cut low. Her breasts, bigger that I would have thought given her usual attire, were almost completely exposed. The latex continued down her arms to her wrists. Her nails were at least an inch long and painted a bright red, looking more like claws than nails. Her makeup was not her usual soft, natural earth tones, but of a dark, menacing, yet smutty look. Her lipstick matched her nails. Her blonde hair seemed a bit darker too, and it was up in a high pony tail which cascaded down her back. Finally she was wearing the black shiny choker that she had started wearing recently. Normally I wouldn't have thought anything of it, but even it looked obscene with the rest of the outfit. "What the hell are you wearing!? And where are you going dressed like that!?" I demanded. The argument ensued from there. She went on about how it was her life, and she could do what she wanted, etc, etc. I demanded that she go upstairs and change. I told her that no daughter of mine would live under my room looking like that. Well, we know what happened after that. I sat there staring after her for a good ten minutes before I finally stood and walked to the kitchen. I opened a beer and took a long pull trying to make sense of what just happened. I paced for a while, then tried to call her cell phone. She wasn't answering. I tried several more times, with no luck. I looked at the clock and noticed it was close to midnight. I had to work tomorrow so reluctantly, I went upstairs to my bedroom. I set the phone on the nightstand, left my door open and collapsed onto the bed. After another hour or so I managed to fall asleep. After a night of fitful sleep, I awoke and stumbled out of bed. I walked across the hall to Lisa's room and looked through the doorway. Her bed was still made and she was nowhere to be found. I tried her cell phone one more time with no more luck than I had the night before. I showered, dressed and reluctantly went to work. Thanks to my fatigue and worrying about Lisa, I got very little work done. I decided to leave early. I'm a senior partner so that was not a problem. I had my secretary reschedule my appointments and forward my emails to my home and I left. I pulled my BMW into the driveway and walked to the front door. To my mild surprise, there was a small package on the doorstep. It was wrapped in shiny black paper with a small gray card affixed to it, which simply read: "Robert." I shrugged and picked it up, unlocked the door and went inside. I called out for Lisa as I came in. She still wasn't home. I set the package on the kitchen table and walked upstairs. After changing into sweats and a t-shirt, I came back down and grabbed a beer. As I took my first swig, I eyed the package on the table. I set my beer down next to it and picked it up. I shook it curiously, and could feel the contents shift slightly. I sat down and unwrapped it carefully. Under the wrapping was a black box. I lifted the lid off and inside was a flat piece of latex material with a small silver clasp. I lifted it out and immediately recognized it as a choker exactly like Lisa had been wearing. I lifted it up to the light and looked it over, it was completely smooth and seemed to slide over my fingers as I manipulated it. "Why would someone send this to me?" I wondered aloud and set it back in its box. I finished the beer, got another and headed to the living room. I called Lisa several more times as I watched TV with no luck. As the evening wore on I became increasingly inebriated. After finishing my eighth beer, I walked back to the kitchen for my ninth. I saw the choker laying in its box on the table. I burped, giggled to myself and plucked the latex thing from the box and carried it to the living room. I dropped into my chair and looked it over again. My head was buzzing pleasantly as I tested the clasp. It took me several tries before I found the button on the side and popped it open. I clasped it together again, then popped open again. I held it up, and wondered if it would fit me. In my drunken state, it seemed like a fun thing to try, so I slipped it around my slender neck and reached back and pushed the clasp together. I clicked loudly as I did. I giggled, and picked up my beer, satisfied with myself. I watched TV for another hour or so, forgetting about the choker I wore, barely feeling it. As the night wore on, I began to feel a stirring in my pants. My cock had grown very hard. I giggled and thought that I needed to get laid if my cock would get hard for nothing like this. I switched off the TV and retreated to my room. I slipped under my covers and closed my eyes. As I did so, my right hand drifted to my hard member. I found myself stroking the shaft slowly but firmly. Then suddenly, Lisa's image popped unbidden into my mind. Not an image of the studious, conservative girl I had raised, but one of the sinful, evil beauty that had stormed out of the house the night before. Instinctively my mind recoiled at the thought of pleasuring myself to this mental image, but the feeling was too intense. Try as I might, I couldn't get the picture of my dark whorish daughter out of my head. After a moment I experienced the most intense orgasm I had ever felt. Warm sticky cum filled my boxers covered my hand. In exhaustion I passed out, my hand still in my pants wrapped around my shaft and the choker, forgotten, still encircling my neck. My night was fitful. I was haunted by dark erotic dreams. Images of faceless women clad in slick shiny clothing danced in my dreams. I could almost make out their faces, but just when it looked like I could make their faces out, they blurred into obscurity. I woke to a blaring alarm. I grunted, and rolled out of bed, my head pounding from the previous night's drink. My boxers were a mess, dried cum coated my hand and groin. I shook my head and stumbled into the bathroom. I stripped off my shirt, sweat pants and crusty boxers then started the shower. While I waited for the water to heat up, I turned and looked into the mirror. What I saw made me gasp. I was still wearing the black latex choker. But that wasn't all, my hair seemed longer and fuller. I usually wore it a little longer than most, slicked back and stylish. Now it was almost to the middle of my neck. My facial features also seemed softer. Not to mention that my face was completely bare. I usually had a fairly thick beard and I always had serious stubble in the morning. Today it was as smooth as if I had just shaved...smoother actually. I stepped back from the mirror in shock. That's when I noticed that the changes weren't limited to my face and hair. My body still looked like mine. But my sharp features had softened. My chest and hips seemed... fuller. "This is fucking weird," I said aloud as I reached up and back behind my neck to take off the choker. I found the clasp and searched in vain to find the small button that would open it. I tried to spin it around so that I could see what I was doing, but it was tighter than it had been the night before. It pulled painfully at my skin as I tried to move it. I winced and tried to get under it to rip it off. But it was as if it was glued to my neck. I gave up after a moment, and stared at my reflection for several minutes until the steam from the shower clouded the mirror. I sighed and stepped in, wondering how I could explain this today at work. As I washed my hair I pondered my situation then looked down to wash my privates. To my shock I watched as my body hair washed down the drain. I gasped and nearly fell over. I put a hand against the wall of the shower to steady myself. I stared at my now bare skin until the water began to get cold. I turned it off, and hurried out of the shower and dried off. I wiped off the mirror and looked at myself. Sure enough I was completely smooth. The only hair I had now was my eyebrows, which actually looked thinner, and the hair on my head, which now looked even longer than before I stepped into the shower. I looked ridiculous. The image made even worse by the shiny black choker still around my neck. While I was drying myself, the towel brushed my nipples and I yelped as a shock went through me. They were positively tingling! The sensation was completely new to me. I set the towel aside and tentatively touched each one with a finger. Similar pleasurable jolts went through me. I looked down and saw that I was rock hard again. I considered taking care of my...erection situation, but thought better of it and returned to my bedroom. First things first; I called in sick to work. Things are just getting to strange to deal with work today. Thankfully it's Friday, and I have a few days to figure out what's going on before I have to worry about work again. I threw on a heavy robe...the coarse material was almost painful against my nipples, but I gritted my teeth and went downstairs. I wasn't going to be able to think very well without coffee. The craving was worse than normal this morning. I hurried into the kitchen and started a pot brewing and leaned against the counter. I sighed and looked down. My raging member was poking out of my robe. I shrugged and reached down to grasp is gently, at least a quick jack would clear my head. But, just as I started to stroke, I glanced at the table and saw that there was a large box wrapped in shiny black paper sitting in the middle. It was at least three feet square, and three feet deep. I stopped in mid stroke and walked over to it. It had a tag identical to the small one on the box the choker came in, simply stating my name and it was wrapped in the same type of paper that the smaller boxed had been wrapped in. "How the hell did this get in here?" I asked myself. I left the package sitting there and hurried around the house and checked all the doors. They were all secure. I returned to the kitchen brushing a strand of hair out of my eyes as I suspiciously eyed the package. I debated if I should call the cops. I dismissed that quickly as ludicrous. Why would someone break in and leave something? I poured myself a cup of coffee then walked back to the table. I set my cup down and hefted the package, it wasn't too heavy, but it was apparent that there were several items in it. Eventually, curiosity got the better of me and I tore the paper off, and pulled off the lid. Inside I saw four more boxes each of them labeled with a number. Some were bigger than others. Affixed to the box labeled with the number one was a note, which read: "Soon, everything will become clear. Open only those boxes you are instructed to. You may open the first box now." I crumpled up the note and tossed it aside. This is crazy, what kind of person would send me these things? Not even that! Who would send silly instructions with it? I started to stand. I really should open the first box... "I suppose I really should open the first box at least," I reasoned and sat back down. I lifted it out of the larger box. I was about half the size of a shoebox. I set it on the table then pulled off its lid. Inside were two items. The first was a small pink cell phone. The second took my breath away. It was a pair of black latex underwear. It looked very much like women's panties. I lifted them out of the box and held them up, looking at them. I noticed three things immediately. First, they appeared to be my size. Second, there was a two inch butt plug attached to the seat. It was clear that if these were to be worn the intention was that you would have to insert the plug into your ass to wear them properly. Third, in the crotch of the material was a long was obvious that it was intended to encase a penis in the shiny latex. I tossed it back into the box. There's no way I'm wearing that! I stood and refilled my coffee cup. I found myself looking back at the panties. My cock was throbbing. My nipples were tingling. I should try them on... I looked around, wondering if I actually should. It was almost like a voice in my head was commanding me to try them on. No one will know...try it... I picked them up again almost in a daze and looked around nervously. Then, acting on impulse, I shrugged off my robe and stepped into the panties. As I slid them up my bare legs, I moaned, surprising myself. The latex sliding over my skin was incredibly erotic for some reason. I pulled them all the way up and over my cock, it took me a moment, but I was able to stretch the latex of the pouch enough to get my cock into it. Amazing. It was as if the panties were made just for me. The latex was like a second skin. There was even a small hole at the end that was perfectly in line with the hole at the tip of my dick. I could feel the butt plug pressing against my asshole. I kept it clenched. I was a very hesitant to let it intrude inside me. I found myself reaching up to rub my nipples softly without thinking. I pushed my ass back in pleasure as I did and relaxed in spite of myself. It seemed like the right thing to do. At that moment I felt the phallus slip past my sphincter and into my ass almost like it was lubricated. I yelped in surprise. It was a very unusual feeling, yet not at all unpleasant and after a moment it actually felt good. It seemed to be pulsing and shifting inside me. My legs became wobbly and I fell to my knees. It felt like it was moving in and out of me. I knew that should be impossible, but the sensations were overwhelming. I pinched my nipples hard. I felt like I would cum any minute. I reached down with one hand and stroked my latex covered cock with a vengeance. Masturbating with bare skin was always good, but with my cock incased in slick shiny latex, it was amazing! Without warning I came hard. Streams of jism spurted out the hole at the tip of the latex sheath and onto the kitchen floor. I moaned out loudly in ecstasy and arched my back. It must have been quite a sight to see, a very androgynous sort of man, kneeling in the middle of his kitchen spraying cum all over the spotless floor. I knelt there panting for a moment. Finally, with effort I stood, my ass feeling pleasantly full, and put my robe back on. I felt ashamed for how I was acting, but for some reason I couldn't bring myself to remove the panties. Then the pink cell phone rang. I sat at the kitchen table and crossed my legs at the knee and picked up the phone. As I did I felt the butt plug press further into my ass, making me moan softly. Without thinking I opened the phone and said, "Hello!" My voice was higher than normal and sounded almost cheerful. This surprised me, but for some reason it didn't seem as odd as it should have. "Hello Slave," a deep male voice said on the other end of the line. My thin eyebrows instantly rose. "Who the hell is this?" I asked, sounding far too chipper for the situation. "Shut up. You speak only if I allow it," he said harshly. I opened my mouth to tell him off, but the words wouldn't come. I lamely closed my mouth. After a moment of silence he spoke again. "Good whore. You are learning." He sounded smug. "I hope that you are enjoying your pleasure panties. The joys they bring can be rather... distracting. Now, when I hang up the phone you may open the boxes labeled two and three. I will have Lisa join you later to help you with the fourth box. When she arrives, do not speak to her unless instructed to by her." He laughed slightly. "Goodbye Slave." I closed the phone in frustration. So, Lisa had something to do with this. Suddenly everything made a weird sort of sense, her behavior changes, her later hours and her new manner of dress. How could this happen to her? How could this be happening to me? I set the phone on the table and looked down at myself. My chest was very puffy, almost like I had small tits. My nipples were swollen. "What the hell is happening to me?" I asked aloud in a high voice. I tucked my blonde hair back behind my ears, it was to my shoulders now, and peered into the large box. I stood and walked away into the living room, resolved not to open any more of those damn boxes. I sat on the couch and stared at the TV. I never even turned it on. I should open the next boxes. I certainly enjoyed the last one. "Shut up!" I yelled to no one. I know I want to, I shouldn't fight it. "Please stop..." I whimpered. I should give in. I should obey. "I should?" I whispered. It feels good to submit. I should do as I was commanded. I couldn't help myself, even as I tried to resist I found myself standing. I walked back to the kitchen and pulled out the second and third boxes. I pulled the top off the one labeled "two" and moaned when I saw what was in it. Inside was a black latex catsuit. It had an attached corset and was cut very low in the neckline. It also had a hole in the crotch, obviously intended to allow my now-latex-covered cock to poke through. I practically threw off my robe, removed the garment and stepped into the legs. I sat and pulled the legs on slowly. It came on easily. The latex glided over my skin like a dream. Once I reached my waist I stood and pushed my latex covered cock through the hole in the catsuit and pulled it up further. I slipped my arms into the sleeves and I pulled it up. I moaned as the latex encased me. I was meant for this. I reached back and managed to pull up the zipper. My small breasts showed slight cleavage, but it was clear that the chest of the garment would support a much more ample bosom. I ran my hands over the smooth material, moaning softly to myself as I did. This is amazing. I crossed my legs again and noticed that my latex covered cock was poking upward noticeably. Upon closer examination, I couldn't find the seam where the hole in the catsuit started. I shrugged it off as unimportant, and pulled the third box closer to me. I quickly opened the box and eagerly looked inside. I saw a pair of black 6 inch platform heeled boots. They looked incredibly sexy. They were shiny, almost slick looking and matched everything I was wearing perfectly. I smiled and tossed my hair back as I reached inside and lifted them out. I didn't even hesitate this time, I pulled them on. Like the other pieces of the outfits I was wearing, they came on like they were made for me. I stretched the upper part of the boots up my legs and pushed my feet down into the heels themselves. The top part stopped well above the knee and when I smoothed the material out, there were almost no wrinkles. Perfect. I stood and tested them out. Surprisingly I had little difficulty walking in them. They gave my hips a pronounced sway, and made my breasts jiggle pleasantly with each step. I smiled at the sensation and walked to the mirror in the spare bathroom. I looked at my image in awe. My face had softened and shifted into that of a young beautiful girl. My lips were full and pouty. My angular jaw had been transformed into a soft curve. My nose looked smaller and my cheekbones higher. My hair was now platinum blonde, and cascaded halfway down my back. I looked down at my hands and noticed that they were more fragile looking, with inch-and- a-half long nails tipping each finger. My breasts had swelled to at least a D cup, filling the cups in the catsuit easily, showing ample cleavage. My figure had changed to that of a classic hourglass, and I seemed to be several inches shorter. In fact the only thing that hadn't really changed, aside from being encased in supple shiny latex, was my cock, if anything, actually looked bigger. It jutted out proudly from my groin, hard and smooth. As I looked at myself I felt a tingle of pleasure. I was ashamed yet completely satisfied with the way I looked. The look on my girlish face was one of complete confusion and utter lust. I watched as the girl in the mirror reached down to begin stroking her lovely latex cock. Then I heard the front door slam. Startled out of my reverie, I hurried out the door. I was terrified that whoever it was would see me like this, but also, I was anxious to find out who it was. I minced around the corner to see Lisa standing just inside the door dressed exactly as I was. Of course she didn't have a cock jutting out from her groin, but otherwise we were dressed identically. Her hands were in fists, on her hips. She smiled sadistically. She obviously wasn't surprised to see me looking like this. "Greetings Daddy," she said with contempt, then held up a hand to stop any reply. "You will not speak for the moment." She pointed up the stairs with one blood red nail tipped finger. "My former room. Now," she commanded. My mind screamed for me to tell her to help me, to run away, to do anything but obey. Instead I nodded and turned, walking up the stairs to her room. I stood just inside the door and turned to her as she entered carrying the fourth box. My face showed fear. She noticed this of course but said nothing. She simply walked to her vanity, set the box down, and sat in the chair after smoothing her skirt. She crossed her legs tantalizingly, then turned slightly and pointed to the floor next to the chair. "Kneel," she ordered. I obeyed unquestioningly. I moved to the indicated spot and knelt carefully. I looked up at her with questioning eyes. My breasts were pushed out as I struggled to maintain good posture and my latex cock pointed at her from between my legs. I rested my hands on my thighs. Lisa opened the box and set several cosmetic items on the vanity before her. It was clear what she was here to do. She took out the eye liner and started working on my eyes. As she worked she spoke. "Listen carefully. Our Master has commanded me to prepare you to enter his service. Once you look appropriate, I will take you to him. Do you understand? Answer," she said flatly. "I understand," I said. I wanted to say much more but somehow I couldn't force myself to say anything but what I was allowed to say. She got out the eye shadow next. "Our Master is your world now, just as he is mine. Your will is nothing. His will is everything. Do you know this to be true?" she asked, looking me briefly in the eyes. I wanted to scream. I wanted to flee. Instead I said, "Yes, I know this to be true." "Good," she stated, turning to the mascara. She worked in silence for a moment. When she was satisfied with my face she pulled my hands to her lap and started to paint my nails the same shade as her own. Once finished, she reached behind me and tied my flowing blonde hair into a high ponytail, just like hers. She peered back into the box and removed a black ball gag. "Stand," she said. I stood. She took out a long silver leash and looked at my crotch. "This is unacceptable." She reached out and grasped my hard cock and pulled me closer to her. She set the leash on the table and wrapped her lips around my latex covered cock. I moaned in surprise as my daughter gave me a masterful blowjob. I looked down at the girl I had raised, and couldn't help but feel pride and a little envy as I watched her bobbing up and down on my tool. As she did this, I could feel the butt plug come alive again, and pulse inside my ass. I closed my eyes and came, filling her mouth with warm sticky cum. She never lost a beat, she held her head still as my seed poured into her mouth through the hole in the latex sheath. When I came to a trembling conclusion, she stood and pressed her lips firmly to mine and when my lips parted, she let my cum roll from her mouth to mine. I knew I should feel disgusted, nauseous even, but it was the sweetest thing I have ever tasted. I swallowed it eagerly. She looked at me with a hint of a smile as I swallowed my own cum. Then, when I had swallowed it all, she spoke, simply saying, "Open." I couldn't help it, I opened my mouth. She pushed the gag in and fastened the strap behind my head. My mouth was stretched wide, my lips locked around the ball. She took a step back and smiled. She picked up the leash and took one end, and stretched a latex loop around my cock and balls. Now that my hard on had diminished, it was an easy fit. She let the leash hang and moved behind me. She pulled my arms behind my back and bound my wrists together with some sort of leather cuffs. I trembled. Once secure, she came in front of me again and took hold of the other end of the leash. "Come. Your new life begins now," she said and walked out pulling me along behind her by my cock. We moved downstairs towards the front door. Our heels clicked loudly on the hardwood floor. She opened the front door and my fear level jumped several notches. Surely my neighbors would see this. To my surprise it was already dark outside. She led me to a waiting van. She guided me to the back. "Get in, kneel on the floor." I obeyed. The interior of the van was lined with a soft black padded substance and there was a d-ring in the middle of the floor. She clipped my leash to it and closed the door leaving me kneeling in complete darkness as there were no windows. I heard her get into the front, the van started and we drove away. I could almost see my old life slipping away, and my new life with my unknown Master before me. To be continued...? Thank you for reading. And thank you for all your wonderful comments. I have edited the story to correct some noted errors. Please let me know what you think about this story. I would love to hear suggestions as I intend this story line continue for some time. You can contact me on Yahoo. ([email protected])

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My fascination and addition to bondage, submission, and sex began when I almost 14. It began when my 20 Yr old first cousin from up north came to visit my grandparents for a week. My other first cousins includimg one wild female one all came to see him. They decided they all wanted to go to town and I wanted to go too. They said I was too young and couldn't go.I told them I was going to have grandpa make them take me with them, and they said I wasn't. They grabbed me, holding a hand over my...

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Submission poem

[Written in 2007]submission, submissionnot a deadline nor an entrya state of being,an act unjustified by any other emotion?(getting down on one's knees,begging for the collar)how little is not enough,how big is too much?shaking and shiveringyet aiming to keep calm composure(Do you wish to be pleased today? -tomorrow, everyday?-How do you desire to be pleased? Every part of my body is for you)Is it naturalOr developed from c***dhood memories?Does one embrace itOr keep it tucked away?(Bind me,...

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Submission 7

More than any other chapter thus far, it is important to read the previous chapter (6), in order to have a good grasp of the beginning of this episode.*The four of us, mom, Beverly, Fred and, I had just had an amazing experience together. Yet, I felt like shit because of Beverly's deep concern about her reaction to it all. I openly expressed my thoughts about it to Fred, in the hope that he might have some insight. But he was as puzzled as I was."Tim, when it comes to awkward situations, you're...

2 years ago
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Submission of a General

       Tiberius Artemus tossed the majority of his cape over his shoulder, holding the bulk of it traditionally over his arm. To his left and right, two guards walked alongside of him. Though he knew they were bred and trained to fight and kill, he could not help taking in their pleasurable appearances. Their main bodice of armor, though tough looking corsets of leather, ended with thong bottoms. The women’s breasts spilled out from on top, since there was nothing to cover them. Around their...

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Submission Knows No Limits

Submission Knows No Limits                                                     By                                  Katey Caine                             i am kneeling, completely naked, in the position that i am to assume with my Master. He has told me that i must always have my eyes downward, kneeling with my back straight and my hands behind my back. He has told me that i am not allowed to wear clothes in His presence, except in public, outside the confines of the house. Within these...

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Submission An Erotic Journey

Submission: An Erotic Journey of Discovery One A tiny bead of perspiration traced a path on the man’s hair and in spite of the difficulty, managed to move to his skin. Moving slowly down, it meandered aimlessly through the crevices of flesh formed by the constricting leather punishment hood and collar and further down the bound man’s body. Glistening in the light from the candles it reflected their glow and became transformed from a clear bit of nothing into a shimmering jewel of passion...

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Submission Day

It is Submission Day. As Meg hits send on her final draft of Sealed with a Kiss, she can’t help but feel excited, nervous, and fucking terrified all at the same time. This happens every Submission Day, but this one is different. Abigail is a character that Meg worked long and hard for, so what if her agent doesn’t like it? Hell, what if it gets rejected? All the usual anxiety whirls into a hurricane in her head, and she’s learned three ways of dealing with it: yoga, ice cream, and/or hot,...

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Submission By: Erapuer - [email protected] THE FOLLOWING STORY IS 100% FICTION, IT WAS WRITTEN BY ME AND MEANT TO ONLY BE DISPLAYED ON FICTIONMANIA.TV. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO USE MY STORY ELSEWHERE PLEASE CONTACT ME AT MY EMAIL ADDRESS LISTED ABOVE. I had been married to Candis for approximately 2 ? months and we still had not had sex. To be more accurate, I had still not had any sex. She was free to sleep with whoever she wanted, which meant I was not an option. Our...

3 years ago
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Submission Part 1

Submission: Yes I know you see a tall Muslim woman wearing a black burka but I was not always like this. You see I was born a boy and not even a Muslim boy. Let me tell you my story. I was a man like you once. Before I learnt to submit to the will of Allah and his prophet peace be upon him. The village where I grew up was very WASP and the prevailing environment led people to have a very toxic attitude to foreigners and I was a product of that environment. I hated immigrants who...

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Submission to a Slut

Submission to a Slut (F/FM fdom spank oral)I knew that there was something on Shayla's mind when we went out to dinner that weekend.  Two glasses of wine later, she began to tell me what she had been thinking about.  I knew that she had been backing off from her dominance in our relationship, and she admitted it when I pressed her to talk."I know it's lost the spark for you too," she said.  "It's not that I don't enjoy the physical part of it - I love to give you a good paddling or...

1 year ago
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Submission pt4

Chapter 4The morning after that first night with Fred, we didn't get up until noon. I had mom dress in garter-belt, stockings, high-heels and the French bra. This left her nipples and pussy exposed. We then had her apply her makeup with the most exaggerated and sexy look that we could think of. Fred and I grabbed at her constantly, but she didn't seem as happy about the attention as she had the previous night. We took her to the kitchen and put her to work cooking a big breakfast, because we...

4 years ago
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Chapter One The a*****ion It was a typical hot, sticky July Cleveland evening, with temperatures in the low-80's, and humidity to match. My sleeveless tennis top and tiny skirt were drenched with sweat, and I felt as though they must surely be almost transparent by now, after three grueling sets against Maggie, my best friend. Finally, mercifully, we finished. I lost again, as usual. Maggie always somehow manages to just barely beat me, but she always wins. I wondered if there really was...

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Submission Contract

Consensual "Slavery" Contract1.0.0 Slave's Role The slave agrees to submit completely to the master in all ways. There are no boundaries of place, time, or situation in which the slave may willfully refuse to obey the directive of the master without risking punishment, except in situations where the slave's veto (see section 1.0.1) applies. The slave also agrees that, once entered into the Slavery Contract, their body belongs to their master ,, to be used as seen fit, within the guidelines...

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Submission BIM2M

I had been exchanging emails with this one guy. He seemed quite intriguing however for a few weeks, I did not have the nerve to say yes to his invitation. I had always wondered what it would be like to give control over totally to another man. However, my limits of submission were usually to suck or bottom on my terms or on a more mutual basis. Finally, he wore me down and I said yes on a phone call. He asked if I was really ready to submit to being used, and his voice turned me on. He...

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Submission pt6

After the orgy at Aunt Jane's, Mother and I settled down into a daily routine. In the morning, she would get up before me, don lingerie, makeup, and then prepare my breakfast. When I entered the kitchen, she would drop to her knees, lift her breasts for my amusement (be it to fondle or abuse them), and open wide her mouth for me to insert my erect penis. Those morning blowjobs kept me going all day.Fred was a little upset when I told him to back off a bit, that this was a training period and he...

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Submission pt2

One hour and three minutes later I walked into the dining room wearing only a bathrobe tightly wrapped around me. The candles had burned down but not out. Mom sat there patiently waiting for me, still nude and looking fabulous."Your decision?" I asked, being direct.Mother rose from her chair and slowly walked toward me, as her large pendulous breasts swayed with her every movement. She dropped to her knees at my feet. As she did, I had a feeling of euphoria, which would never be duplicated in...

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Submission Pt1

It was ten years ago when I first noticed the welts on my mother. Being so young it didn't mean anything to me at the time but I was worried about the obvious injury on her legs, high up on her thighs. So I asked her, "What happened to your legs?"She just smiled and said, "Oh Timmy, don't be concerned, they are just love marks from Daddy."Mom handled the incident so deftly that I forgot about it, until a few months later, when I saw them on her again. She reassured me that I need not be worried...

1 year ago
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Submission Part 3

Submission Part 3: So, you have heard how my mother has helped to transform me from a cisgender Christian to a Muslim transwoman called Caliana. I was now standing before her in silky black full body slip with a lace trim which I was wearing over my bra, panties and suspenders and I was wearing fishnet stockings. I looked like a cisgender woman now as Mum passed me a black sleeveless top and a matching bell skirt. The sleeveless top felt unmistakably feminine as I pulled it over...

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Author’s Note: My first tale submitted in over a year.  Fully completed with twenty chapters in all, a chapter or two submitted each month, it’ll be on par with ?The Nanny? as the storyline takes its course.  The first couple chapters being toned down, it’ll escalate in my usual, abrasive to some, style.  SUBMISSIONSomewhere on the West Coast, then again, maybe it’s the East Coast, there’s an obscure talent agency specializing in the Fetish field.  Signing young, na?ve female talent, molding them ...

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Submission Experiment

Allie yawns groggily. She can't remember the last time she slept that well. Not that she'd been having trouble sleeping or anything, but she was feeling strangely refreshed this time, more so than usual. It took her a second to realize that her alarm clock hadn't rung. She let out a sigh of relief. Thank god. She didn't have to get up yet. In that moment, getting out of bed and going to work seemed like it would be the end of the world. Especially when her bed was so soft, and her blankets so...

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Submission A Short Story

This is a record of a fantasy, not an attempt to describe a real life dungeon, about which I know almost nothing. ************************** He opened the door at the bottom of the three steps for his companion and stood aside as she entered. She was beautiful and beautifully dressed. but they had no personal relationship. Their only connection was that he had signed up to let her do anything she wanted to him. And he had agreed to do anything at all that she required of him. No limits....

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Submission by Pleasure

Introduction: I couldnt get this out of my head. so I put it to paper. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Submission by Pleasure I was in the shower shaving. I havent done anything like this in a while and it made me nervous. More then anything I wanted to please you. So I shave naked removing all hair. As the last one is removed I dry and put a tasteless lotion on all over my skin so the smell lingers but the taste is nonexistent. I walk to my bedroom, opening drawers and looking through...

4 years ago
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As it happened, Deb and I had been dating on & off for a few months. Mutual friends had introduced us. She was clearly out of my league, quite attractive, came from a well-to-do f****y, and somewhat ‘proper’. Nevertheless, we had a connection of sorts. One evening after a movie, she was going through my small library and pulled out my rare copy of Story of ‘O’. ‘What’s this’? she asked. I suggested she read it & find out. When she left, she took it with her. Two weeks later, we were out for...

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Introduction: Hot slut is introduced to the world of BDSM through rape, and loves it. Submission She breathed out slowly. It had been a stressful day at work. Her jackass of a boss had given her co-worker the raise that she had been working her ass off to get. The bitch had probably fucked him to get it. She pulled her sleek red mustang into the driveway of her condo. Daddy could buy her anything she wanted, but shed rather work for it. She unlocked the front door, slipping out of her black...

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Lexi was finishing up packing the last of her things into the beat up Honda Accord that would take her to the beginning of what promised to be an amazing new start and would get her out of the small midwestern town that up to this point had always been home. She was accepted into a school that carried a reputation for creating excellent graduates and even more lucrative connections in the business and law world and had been suprised to get the personalized invitation to apply for a new full...

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Submission in Progress

He has been my virtual Dom for a while now. We met in a glorified chat world with porn star avatars. Through these interactions and some voice and cam sex, he has come to control everything. He tells me when to eat, determines where I can go, how to act and what to wear. He lives thousands of miles away, but He marks my body nearly everyday. I am His canvas, His muse. He demands twenty spanks on the right ass cheek, I inflict the contact at his command. His voice, my hand, his marks. My body is...

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Submission 9

If you're just interested in the sex parts, I recommend just reading the beginning and ending portions of the story. If you've been keeping up with the characters, read it all.*When I heard the kitchen door open and shut, I knew that Fred had arrived. I saw him peek around the corner, but all he could see was Beverly sitting nude in the lounge chair. I was sitting on the sofa chewing on my mother's huge tits. I was being a bit rough with her nipples, but I knew how much she loved it, especially...

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As it happened, Deb and I had been dating on & off for a few months. Mutual friends had introduced us. She was clearly out of my league, quite attractive, came from a well-to-do family, and somewhat 'proper'. Nevertheless, we had a connection of sorts. One evening after a movie, she was going through my small library and pulled out my rare copy of Story of 'O'. "What's this"? she asked. I suggested she read it & find out. When she left, she took it with her.Two weeks later, we were out...

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SubmissionChapter 1 I was twenty-seven when things started to change in my life.  My husband disappeared, apparently with one of the women he worked with.  I lost my house because I was unable to make the payments on my own.  Eventually, I even lost my job because I couldn’t concentrate on my work.  I was quickly slipping into a deep depression and the hole seemed to be getting bigger every day.  So, eight years after getting married and moving out of my parents’ home, I was forced to move in...

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Submission is a gift

She is standing there before him. Her fingers nervously weaving in between themselves at her midsection. She is unsure of what happens next. However, there’s a calmness in the background of her excitement. She knows this is where she wants to be.He is sitting leaning back in a chair. His finger tracing the rim of a glass. Silent, but for his eyes. He’s admiring her. Taking her in. A calculating gaze. He takes one final sip before getting up from the chair. He walks over to her.“I want to make...

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Unlike the author, dave (worm) had no interest in the teenage school girls laughing and flirting in his hot, overcrowded commuter train home every night from London Waterloo after a long boring day in the office.His low sperm count and lack of any female willing to take him seriously meant he would never father any of his own, but couldn't resist the perverted thoughts of submission to them. He hated their jokes at his expense, preferring instead to imagine his next humiliation by Mistress...

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Ladies and Gentlemen President Chelsea Clinton

Ladies and Gentlemen, President Chelsea Clinton By Heather St. Claire January 20, 2025 NBC News Anchor Natalie Morales: And there you have it, the inaugural address of President Chelsea Clinton. And now the new President is embraced by her husband, Marc Mezvinski, and her children, Bill, who is 12, and her daughter Olivia, who just turned eight. And now, a heartfelt hug from her mother, Hillary Rodham Clinton. Wouldn't you like to know what words they're exchanging at this...

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mums rubber lined mackintosh

A little about myself I have had a mackintosh fetish for as long I can remember all types leather pvc and rubber.            When I was very young back in the early 60s my mother used to wear a rubber lined mackintosh, at that time I loved it and didn't know why, I would often touch it or hold the rubber lining against my face and smell the fantastic aroma it gave off, thought I was the only one in the world with this problem. As time went by I discovered wanking and when ever my mother was out...

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Clinton By Cal Y. Pygia "How many inches?" she asked. "Twelve," he said. "Really?" "Really." "If you're lying, you're just wasting your time." And mine, she thought. "I'm not." "Okay, then. It's a date." Tiffany hoped the jerk was telling the truth. In her experience, men often lied about the size of their dicks, and she liked her cocks big-- and Black. Supposedly, Clinton, her latest client, was both. She'd see soon enough, she...

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Caught Playing Badminton

We take turns locating a suitable victim and then we spend lots of time researching and planning. By the time we’re ready, we know all about her habits. We map out how to catch and rape her without being caught, leaving no useful evidence behind. Sometimes, though, we leave a few red herrings. Red herrings like a few years ago when we watched a girl’s boyfriend fuck her a few times so we would know what she liked. Then, we took her (blindfolded) and fucked her in the same way as her...

1 year ago
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A Badminton Game Turns Us Horny

Hello ISS readers! This is my second story. Thank you everyone for the overwhelming response to my first story. Here, this is JD, back again with my second story. This is a real story but with certain nuances added to make it a good fun. I was studying in a reputed medical college in Chennai. The heroine of this story is my classmate Sanjana. She is a slim, tall girl with a busty figure. Right from the day I entered this college, I had an eye on her figure. Though not so fair, she looks...

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Hot Sex After Badminton Match

Tags : shower sex, hot friend, kissing Hello, everyone, this is Raj is from Pune. You can contact me at This is the story where I and my friend Trisha had sex after a badminton match. Trisha is one of the hottest girls in my college. She carries any outfit with confidence and looks great(as she was athletic). We met on the first day of college and have been friends since. She is a flirt and was single and I was too. I enjoyed her company, sometimes we used to chat a lot but none of us fell for...

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Submission And Another Hang Up Overcome

When Gary and I retired, we thought we would have to find new things to do to occupy our time. We were thinking maybe take up golf, do a bit of walking etcetera. Yet, here we were, three years into our new life abroad, and most of our time is taken up by something we had nearly forgotten all about in our working lives. Sex.Hubby wanted to hear about all the things that were happening to me, and it certainly relit the fire for him too. He couldn't leave me alone, and of course, it brought his...

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Submission a Family Game continued

Jennifer walked to the front door in her high heels. Standing by the window was a man in a pilots uniform. He rang the door bell again. She opened the door. " Hello Jenny. Turn the porch light on please and stand here please. " the young pilot instructed. "Yes Sir" Jenny obeyed his instructions. Standing under the porchlight her mature naked body could be seen by the guy walking the dog across the road, a young woman running, and a car cruising down the street. She liked exhibiting herself to...

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Submission Pt3

It was Saturday morning, and it was only two days until my mother had to give me her answer as to my demand for her to be my total and complete sex slave. Thus far she had performed beyond my wildest dreams. However, I was aware that she was not yet locked in on my vision of her, as my unquestioning submissive slut.As my naked mother prepared my breakfast, I leisurely fondled her fat, pendulous boobs and told her what I intended for the weekend. I explained about my love of lacey black...

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A Fresh Start EpilogueChapter 2 McCain and Clinton

2010 - 2011 For the next couple of years, things went relatively smoothly. I didn’t have to provide much more than routine guidance in Washington. John had a compliant Congress after both the 2008 and 2010 elections, and he got most of what he wanted from them. He really did turn out to be a third term of the Buckman administration. The American Renaissance Initiative, Adrianopolis/Stouffer, and The American Impact Project all worked together to push a moderate Republican agenda, and...

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Gierig fallen Sandra und Tatjana überinander her. Lange hatten sie darauf gewartet. Sandra war um die 165 cm groß, hatte rötlich gefärbte lange Haare zum Pferdeschwanz, ein süßes Gesicht und einen knallengen schwarzen Latexanzug an. Ihre Lesbenfreundin Tatjana war eine echte blonde Sexbombe. Sie trug ebenfalls einen Latexcatsuit. Beide fielen übereinander her und rieben ihre Latexkörper im Bett aneinander. "Ich bin so geil" stöhnte Sandra die unte rihrer Freundin lag. "Ich will dich nur feste...

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Lisa Teil 4 Die Latexputznutte

Nochmal Teil 4, der ersten Version fehlen die letzten Absätze...Lisa war nun bereits über eine Woche der Ferien bei Nicole und Ihrer Tochter Chrissi, und hatte schon einige Male geile Bekanntschaft mit dem Latexequipment und der versauten Lüste der Beiden gemacht.Die drei verstanden sich immer noch so gut - nein, besser - , als am ersten Tag, was jedoch aufgrund der miteinander erlebten, geilen Sauereien nicht Wunder nahm. Es war ein sonniger Dienstagmorgen, und sie saßen gemeinsam am...

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Translatet With GoolgeIt was Friday at had passed 1400 and looked forward to a pleasant evening with Randi. When the bell rang the doorbell. It was the record that came with the package. Waited no packages, but the visitors leveled and took the package into. I opened the box and there lay a patch. Walk in shower and wash well. There are several bags in the package, do not pack the up until you have been notified. Randi. I went in the shower, washed and shaved. Took me morning coat and went into...

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The Revenge of the Latexdoll

The Revenge of the Latexdoll By LatexBondageBoy Chapter 1 Making of the Latexdoll Dr. Lex Hunter has a fasiciation with latex and women. Something about a woman in latex turns me on in the worst way. Due to his working long hours, his social life suffered. One day he was looking at a latex magazine, he got an idea. He thought to himself, " What if I created a latex woman of my dreams?" He thought what he need. First he need a person. So the next day, he put an ad in the paper,...

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Forced To Be A Latexdoll

Forced To Be A Latexdoll By Latex Bondage Boy 2000 copyrighted by Latexbondagefun One night Jim came home drunk after a hard day's work. When he drank, he was a violent person. He would come home and hit and yell at anyone who was in his way. This peculiar night was different. He came home and passed out in the living room. His wife, Samantha, was getting tired of his shit after 10 yrs. She pulled Jim into the bedroom and put Jim into bed. After that, she went upstairs. She went...

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Submission Chapter 2

Katy woke early today, it was her 18 th birthday. She had received a text last night from her best friend Tre: “Big day planned for you on your birthday, get up early.” She smiled knowing it was going to be amazing, from all the other times he planned their adventures. Plus she was happy he had finally asked her out. Two years of giving him hints and signals finally paid off.  Sitting out on the balcony of her parents’ house, she sipped her coffee as she watched the sunrise, thinking to...

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