Submission 9 free porn video

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If you're just interested in the sex parts, I recommend just reading the beginning and ending portions of the story. If you've been keeping up with the characters, read it all.


When I heard the kitchen door open and shut, I knew that Fred had arrived. I saw him peek around the corner, but all he could see was Beverly sitting nude in the lounge chair. I was sitting on the sofa chewing on my mother's huge tits. I was being a bit rough with her nipples, but I knew how much she loved it, especially in front of an audience.

A minute later, Fred came waltzing in, sans clothes, and with his pecker bobbing up and down, in a not quite fully erect state.

"Welcome Fred. I'm glad that you could get away tonight."

As he looked around, he responded, "No problem." Now he could see all of us. Beverly was sitting in the chair, with her legs spread wide and positioned over the chair arms, leaving her beautiful pussy open to his leering eyes. His gaze swept to my dear mother, in her nude condition, her legs wide apart, and her abused nipples swollen and bearing some slight marks from my teeth.

Fred couldn't help his sharp intake of breath, as he finally caught sight of Beverly's mom. Mother and I had trussed her up, just as mom had been a few times. Tina's hands were tied above her head to a shelf brace, and her legs were tied wide apart with the bath towels, exposing the moist lips of her gaping pussy. Her eyes were heavy with lust, and as Fred took in her blatant display, she moaned and flexed her cunt.

"Fred, let me bring you up to date. I've forbidden these three slaves to say anything. I'll release them from that shortly." Looking at Beverly, mom, and then Tina I warned, "Of course that doesn't mean that they can just run off at the mouth. They had best choose carefully when and what they say.

"On the phone I told you that I have fucked Beverly, and that I fucked Tina last night. Fred, she really is a filthy slut...aren't you Tina? Don't speak, just nod." Tina nodded and moaned, at being so humiliated in front of a boy that she had known all of his life.

"There is a story as to why she is such a dirty whore." Tina moaned again. "But that can all be related to you later. Right now she badly needs to be serviced. Or, to be more accurate, she needs to be whipped, don't you Tina?" Again she nodded rapidly.

"You see Fred, Tina is a slave now to Beverly. And she has agreed to be a slave to me as well, yet she is in bad need of the proper kind of training. She's already a serious pain slut. However, her problem is that she likes sex to much. She's incapable of controlling her desires, which prevents her from being a proper and obedient slave for her master.

"This presents me with a problem. I've still got a bit of work ahead of me, to whip mother into shape, and then there's my darling Beverly. Who, I'm sure will require a great deal more work on my part. Therefore, having discussed my dilemma with Bev, she has agreed that we must bring in someone else that we can all trust, to train this poor, wretched slut, who so anxiously awaits her torture.

"My friend, Beverly and I would like for you to take that horny old bitch and turn her into a proper slave. You'll be doing us and Tina a great favor if you can help her find herself, and regain some self respect, as an obedient whore.

"You and I have spoken many times of the women that we'd like to fuck, and Tina was always high on our list. She has agreed to be trained by you, and to be your slave, if you find her worthy.

"So now I ask you, Fred. Will you do it for us and for her?"

Fred's cock looked as though it was about shoot a load of jizz without even being touched. His breathing was intense, as he stared at Tina. It was an important moment in his personal development as a master.

He looked back at me, and then to the ceiling. "Tim, as you've so accurately pointed out, we have both had our fantasies about Tina. And while I would love to have her groveling at my feet, and to have her available to fuck when ever I wished. I realize that training such a nasty slut would be a lot of work.

""When you began training Sara, you had the advantage of living with her. I will have to come up with some lame excuse to be away from home and get in late. There will be times when I won't be available to administer punishment, as it is needed." He shook his head, "I'm just not to sure that the filthy cunt is going to be worth my efforts."

I glanced at Tina and she had a look of serious concern that Fred may actually refuse to accept her as a slave in training. Of course I knew that he was only building some anticipation into the scenario, and I'm quite sure that Bev and mom did too. However, Tina, in her lustful state of mind, had bought into the lie that she may be left hanging (Both literally and figuratively).

There was silence, and I realized that poor Fred didn't know how to progress from this point. I would have to take a bit of the lead here.

"Fred, suppose we handle it this way. On those occasions that you're unavailable, Beverly or I, or perhaps even mother could take up the slack. That way the dirty whore will always have someone in control of her, and we can keep her from fingering her pussy every five minutes."

He walked over to Tina, staring at her large tits, and pinched one nipple. Apparently he was quite vicious, as I judged by the painful look on Tina's face.

Then he turned to me and said, "I'll take her in training with two understandings. First and foremost: I will be her number one master, not you, not Beverly, not Sara. I won't mind any of you using her at my command for her to submit to you. And I certainly won't complain about any activities that you put her though in my absence.

"Second: I want to hear from this slut, in her own words that she will obey me and acknowledge me as her one true master. Those are my terms."

Well God damn! I didn't think he had it in him to come on that strong. My respect for him went up several notches, and I made a mental note to tell him so, but not now.

I looked at Beverly and she nodded her approval. As I nodded my assent to his terms, I said, "Very well Fred. I agree and Beverly has agreed to pitch in to help break this out-of-control piece of shit hanging off of my bookshelf."

I stood and went to Tina. "I am giving you permission to speak. If you are willing to live by this agreement, then tell him in your own words, that he will be your primary owner."

Tina smiled and nodded at me, and then looked to my good friend. "Fred Taylor, I've known you since you were a tiny tot. I've watched you grow, and lately I've noticed you sneaking looks at my body. I liked it. It made me feel like a woman, but I need more, much more.

"Master Tim is right, when he said that I have a story to tell you. There are many parts to it, and even Beverly and Master Tim don't know every detail. If you will allow me to learn at your feet, I want to tell you every dirty, filthy thing that I've done, and how I became a whore and a painslut.

"I know that I'm unable control my desires and that I need a harsh master to lead me. Please accept me as your slave in training. I promise to obey you, and I will submit to the most brutal punishments that you wish me to suffer. I long for your hands to abuse me. I crave the harsh crack of your whip on my tits, ass and pussy. And I lust for your cock to penetrate all of my holes for your pleasure."

Damn! I began to wonder if I hadn't given away a real prize here. But no, there really was no way that I could handle her and Bev and mom.

Fred began to fondle her large breasts saying, "In order to seal the agreement Tina, I'm going to hurt you. I'm going hurt you real bad. I'm going to make you scream. But we can't have you upsetting the neighbors, so I'll gag you. Will you agree to this, knowing that you're going to be tortured?"

She nodded. Fred slapped her twice. "I want to hear you say it, bitch."

Tina was breathing so deeply that she could hardly speak. "Yes Master Fred. I want you to gag me and torture me. And please master, if you find me worthy, please, please fuck me."

From the box of toys he produced a ball gag, which he placed upon her. She closed her eyes as he buckled it behind her head. Then picked up the riding crop, swished it through the air, and laughed as Tina's eyes got as big as saucers.

"Tits first!"

He didn't hesitate. The first blow was directly across the top of her breasts, followed by a second one slightly lower. "Now let's see how sensitive you nipples are. You know, I've always wanted get a good look at your tits. You've got quite a pair. And now I'm really going to enjoy whipping the hell out of them."

He swished the whip through the air again, before landing a horrendous strike right on her nipples. Even though she was wearing a gag, the high pitched wail of agony was extremely loud. "One just isn't enough my slut. You must prove your worth through pain. Don't you agree?"

Tina didn't respond at first, so Fred teased her abused nipples with the end of the riding crop. Finally she had recovered enough to respond. She arched her back and nodded her head.

"Good for you. And after this one, I think one more. Don't you dare make me wait so long for you to offer them to my whip."

His accuracy was quite impressive. He matched the first welt with another just below, yet still on her nipples. Her near silent scream was a thing of beauty. With little delay this time, Tina offered her tortured bosoms to Fred's demanding lust for her pain. The third blow was no less severe than the others, and Tina's eyes were tightly squeezed shut, as she endured her agony.

I was hard as a rock now, and looked to my slave Beverly to discover that she had tears coursing down her cheeks. I motioned for her to join me on the sofa. As she did, I embraced and gave her kiss on the forehead.

Quietly I said, "There, there now my love, your mom's doing fine. She needs this harsh treatment. Fred is right to be so cruel initially. It's the only way for her to have respect for him as a master."

She sobbed a little in my ear, and then, "I know baby. What's more, I know that I would do the same thing to her. It's just that, sitting here watching her get tortured...I mean that's my mommy, and I love her."

"Of course you do, and she knows that. Do you remember when I told you that it was difficult to accept yourself for what you are? Well, you're still in that phase where you are learning to know your true self. But your mom has already done that. She knows and accepts the fact that she is a painslut. She also knows that you approve of her in spite of that. Don't you see that she loves you in spite of what you are? If she can still love you, and I can still love you then you must not be so bad. You must learn to love yourself, Beverly.

"I want you to be a whore. I want you to be a painslut. But I also need you to love me even though I'm the kind of man that expects that from his woman. Honey, there have been a few times when I really unloaded on mom, and she took all that I had to dish out. Yet, I felt like shit after words. I would talk to mom about my feelings honestly, and she helped me to realize that as long as both parties agree to the activity, then there need not be any guilt by either person.

"When the opportunity arises, tell her how you feel. Listen to how she feels. Probe her thoughts and get her opinions. You'll both be better for it, and you'll both grow even closer. After all, there aren't too many people that can have that kind of open discussion."

She dried her eyes and hugged me and observed, in a smart ass way, "Oh Master Tim, you are so wise." I grabbed a tit and squeezed it, but not hard.

While we were talking, Fred had been working over Tina's skinny little ass. Her face was etched in extreme anguish; tears flowed down her cheeks and dripped on her large welted bosoms.

Fred lifted each of her tits, one at a time, and gently kissed each nipple.

"Well slave in training, do you still want me to fuck you." She quickly nodded her desire to be plundered by her long time young neighbor. "Good. However, there seems to be an area that hasn't been treated properly yet. Would you care to offer it to me for punishment?"

Tina's head fell to her chest when she realized to what area Fred was had referred. But then she lifted her head, nodded 'Yes' and thrust out her, as yet, undamaged pussy.

With a gleeful grin, Fred responded with one word. "Excellent!"

Beverly was clutching my arm so tight, I thought I might never get circulation back again. I patted her shaking hand. "It's alright baby; she's going to be just fine."

Fred lined up his first shot and held back nothing. The crop disappeared into the crack of Tina's loins, directly on her clitoris. Her screams and her gyrations told all of us how horrible the agony must have been for her.

"Two more Tina, and then I'll fuck you. Now offer your cunt again."

As mom had done weeks ago, when I first put her through the same torture, Tina brought up her vulnerable pussy for the wicked blow that was to follow. I glanced over at my mom to see her fondle a breast with one hand and rub the outside of her cunt with other. She knew that she had been caught and quietly said, "I'm not going cum I promise master."

The final vicious blow on Tina's swollen pussy was nearly anticlimactic. It was brutal and her screams were as loud as ever. Fred threw down the whip and unbuckled the gag, tossing it down as well.

He gripped his cock in his fist, aimed it at Tina's abused snatch and said, "You suffered nicely bitch. Here is your reward." His cock disappeared inside of her pussy and when his pelvis struck hers, it lifted her up at least a foot.

Tina threw back her head, banging it into the bookshelf. "Aaaaaahnng!" She grunted loudly.

Fred began a steady pounding of her loins as he twisted her nipples. In an evil voice he shouted, "You dirty fucking whore, I've wanted to drill you for a long time. Oh shit I love twisting your tits."

Tina grunted with every thrust. For a brief moment I feared that she wasn't into it at all. But then she began a litany of filth, in appreciation of his efforts.

"God yes fuck me master. Make me your slut. I loved how you made me scream with agony from your whip, and now the pleasure of your cock. Fuck your dirty whore. I'm yours Master Fred, I'm yours."

She could hold off no longer. Fred had become quite good at recognizing a woman's impending joy, and he slowed down just a bit, as Tina exploded, and what an explosion it was. Her pleasure was announced by a series of, "Fuck, fuck, fuck...Oh fuck me, fuck me, fuck meeeeee."

My good friend was right behind her, as he too blended into an enormous climax, born of his possession of this woman whom he had lusted for, for so long.

As Fred finished his final thrust into Beverly's mother, I looked around and realized that I wasn't the only one who had a need for relief. But I was able to hold off a bit longer, enabling another scenario to take place.

I stood and went to the bookshelf as Fred's limp prick withdrew from Tina's slimy cunt. I cast a glance at mom commanding, "Mother, get your slutty ass over here and clean Master Fred's cock. Beverly, you help me untie your mom and put her on the sofa."

Without a word, Bev took one side of Tina and me the other. I held Tina up so Bev could undo the towel on her side, and then undid the one on mine. We carried her to the sofa, laying her down gently, as mother's cleaning grew louder in her effort to return Fred's cock to a pristine condition.

I had Beverly look over her mother carefully to see that, while she had some vicious looking welts, she was not too seriously harmed. Still the look on my darlings face spoke volumes. I knew that her concerns were not only for her mother, but for herself. Bev was very smart, and had made the obvious connection to tonight's performance. That being, at some time in the near future, I would have her hanging from my bookshelf, and writhing in agony.

She looked up from her mom and gazed at me with an unasked question. I answered it for her, shaking my head yes. I said, in the gentlest tone that I could muster, "Yes my love, some day I will expect you to suffer on that very bookshelf. If you submit, it must be of your own free will. You will not be forced. But once there, I shall show you no mercy. Indeed, as the great love of my life, I will be most cruel. However, I know that you're not at that point yet. When the time is right, you will gladly suffer the worst pains for my pleasure."

She still maintained a very concerned gaze at me, as though asking herself, 'Who is his guy, and can I really submit to that kind of agony?'

I decided to address a different issue. "I'm horny and I need to cum. So is mother and, I suspect, so are you my dear," looking at Beverly.

"Beverly, I have an offer for you to consider. Your mother's pussy lays there, filled with a load of Master Fred's cum. I would like to see you return the favor that your mother gave you earlier, but I'll not insist on it. I can have my slut mother suck Tina's cunt, if you'd rather not."

I could tell that Bev was aroused, but I didn't know if she was that aroused. She pondered her answer briefly, and then said, "I know now that cleaning a slave's pussy after a good fucking is something that both you and Fred expect. So, while I'm not real excited about it, I'll suck Master Fred's cum from mommy's dirty cunt."

With a smile I complimented her. "Well spoken my love."

"Oh Timmy, I just love it when you call me that."

I suppose that I should have punished her for being so informal with her master. However, I just didn't feel the need. And furthermore, I was beginning to realize that if I was to accept her as a switch hitter, there would have to be some leeway given to her at times, which I would not extend to a singular slave.

"Very well my love. As you so elegantly said to your dear sweet mother, eat cunt bitch."

Tina was lying on the sofa, with her legs spread wide. As Beverly leaned down to cleanse her mother, Tina lifted her hips up to meet Bev half way. I couldn't see exactly what was going on, but I could hear the sloppy sucking that was under way.

Beverly's gorgeous ass was there before me, and it was calling to my lust. I reached under her and fingered her pussy, and she moaned loudly while pushing her warm mound onto my probing fingers. I used both hands to spread her legs apart. Once she was in position, I guided my erect prick to the entrance of her cunt. As I maneuvered the head of my cock up and down the length of her slit, Beverly pulled up for a moment to say, "Oh dear God master, please tell me that you're going to shove that cock in me right now."

I never said a word. I let my cock do the talking. With one great lunge, I buried myself inside of Bev's burning cunt. She grunted and pushed back at the invading organ, but never did she stop eating her mother's pussy. I was really hot and didn't feel that I had to wait for anyone. After all, I was the master. My pace quickened as I approached my time of ecstasy. Although I didn't give a damn about Bev this time, I needn't have worried. As I climbed the mountain one more time, Beverly was right there with me, both of us cursing and moaning to each other's delight.

It wasn't as mind blowing as our earlier go round, but it was really good. As we recovered, mother asked for permission to speak, which I granted.

"Well everybody has had a really nice time so far, but I sort of got left out, and I am seriously in need of some nasty action."

I knew exactly what to do for her. "Tina I want you to suck my mother's pussy. Beverly, you loved it when Fred and I whipped mom's tits. Well, I want you to whip them now, as your mom munches my mother's hungry hole."

Glancing at Fred, I asked, "Is that alright with you?"

With a huge evil grin he responded, "Hell yes, Sara, go sit on Tina's face."

As an after thought I said to mother, "Mom, when you're finished, you'll have one more task. You can thank Bev for whipping your tits, by cleaning your master's cum out of her pussy."

Mom screamed delightfully as Tina ate her, and Beverly took joy in welting her bosoms. She came quickly. Evidently she was hotter than any of us realized.

Then Tina asked if she could cum again. I put a stop to it all right then and there.

"No Tina, you may not. After you get dressed, Fred is going take you home right now. Beverly will stay with us tonight. Fred, Tina is your slave in training now; you can do what ever you want with her. Just remember, that she cums to often, and is in great need of conditioning herself to better self control."

Out of nowhere I had an off the wall idea. "Oh by the way, I'm not going to make a serious bid for class president. I'm in the race, so I won't quit, but you and Bev can help here. The elections are two days away, and I want you to briefly talk to as many people as you can."

Fred asked, "What are we supposed to say?"

With a very big shit eating grin, I told them, "You tell them that you are representing Tim Jorgenson for president, and he wants you to remember this old English limerick. And it goes like this:

"There once was a man from Legreeds,

Who swallowed a packet of seeds,

The blades of grass shot out of his ass,

And his balls were all covered with weeds."

Beverly looked concerned. "Honey you're not serious, are you?"

"Oh yes I am," I replied adamantly.

Fred just shook his head saying, "Well if you're going to throw the campaign, that's as good a way as any, I suppose."

With an upper-crust British accent I said, "Quite so."

While Tina put on her skirt and blouse, I had a chance to speak briefly with Fred.

"You know something Fred, I'm so proud to be your friend. You really showed me something tonight. I think that Tina's lucky to have you to train her."

He almost blushed at my compliment. "I just hope I don't screw it up."

I patted him on the shoulder saying, "You can't screw it up; she's a slave. When you aren't sure what to do next, just do something. At least you'll be leading, and that's a lot better than doing nothing. As long as she sees you taking control, she'll be happy. Now you've got to get going. I'll see you at school tomorrow."

Once Fred and Tina had left, Bev and I showered together, laughing as we washed each other's private parts. Nothing happened, of course. We were burned out. Mom cleaned up in her bath, all alone she sadly pointed out.

Mother felt better when I announced that the three of us would sleep in mom's big bed. We carefully blew out the candles, and crashed, with me lying between them.

About four AM, I awoke to find the most amazing sight. Beverly and mom were clutching at one another in a sixty nine position. I just caught the end of their act, as they brought each other off. I had had no indications that my Beverly would have an interest in this kind of activity as a single source of pleasure. Nonetheless, I loved watching it, and I told them so.

When they realized that I was awake, they both offered to blow me. So I commanded my bitches to lick and suck me together. I shot all over Bev's face and mom licked her clean. Then we went right back to sleep, as though nothing had happened.

Mom got up before Bev and me. When Bev and I walked into the kitchen, we found mother dressed in her dog collar and high heels. She had fixed a good breakfast and wanted to give me my morning blow job, before heading off to school, but after the early AM blow job, I just wasn't up for it.

Bev stopped off at her house to change. Fred had already left to do like wise at his house, which left me briefly alone with Tina, who wore her own dog collar, garter belt, stockings and heels.

"So Tina, how did it go last night?"

"Master Fred has forbidden me to talk about it. He said that he would bring you and Bev up to date at school. He did say that I must offer you my tits and pussy to use any way that you wish."

With a sincere grin I informed her, "I'm afraid that I won't be using you this morning. You daughter has taken care business for me.

"I don't want you to worry about Beverly, Mrs. Bryson. I love her a great deal, and would never force her into anything that she didn't agree to first."

"Thank you for saying that, Master Tim. You're a good man, just like your father." I was very touched by her compliment.

Bev came back down and wanted to know about her mother's night, and was told the same answer that I got. She hugged her mom, gave her a peck on the cheek then we went off to school, like the good little k**s we were.

Both Bev and I wanted to hear what Fred had to say about the previous evening. Once we found him and got him to where no one else could hear us, he had little to tell us.

Looking a bit smug he said, "Well, I tied Tina to the bed, fucked her and went to sleep. I'm afraid that's really all that happened last night. In the morning, I had her give a blow job. I made her beg for some kind of release, and then I smacked her tits and ate her pussy, while I pinched her nipples. She damned near broke my neck when she came. Then I went home to clean up and change."

Bev looked a bit peeved. "Fred, you don't seem to have a great story telling ability. But, I'll give you credit for brevity."

We needed to get to our respective home rooms, so I stepped in. "Hey guys, we've got to roll, but don't forget to tell as many people as possible that limerick I gave you last night. It's important."

Bev just shook her head in wonder. Fred complained, "I still think your nuts. And why won't you tell us what's up with that?"

"Because it's a surprise. Now just do what I ask, OKAY?"

They agreed and went their separate ways.

Later that day, Beverly caught up with me at my locker. She moved in close and quietly said. "This damned limerick thing of yours is a very bad idea Tim. It's already gotten back to a few teachers, and I've been asked by one of them to tell her what this is all about. I do hope you realize how stupid I feel when I have to say 'I don't know'. I don't like being in this situation."

With a reassuring smile I told her, "Just tell them the truth babe. You have no idea, and your candidate isn't saying. I had a similar talk with Fred not an hour ago. Just you keep spreading the word."

Frustration written all over her face, she said, "OK smartass."

As my face presented an insincere anger at her, I admonished, "That's no way to address your master."

She moved in very close to me, shoving her beautiful big tits at me. "Now that's something I can get into. I really haven't been able to get last night out of my head. And when I replay it in my mind, I get horny. Would my master please pinch my nipples, just so I can make it through the rest of the day?"

She raised a large notebook that she was carrying, blocking anyone's view of her breasts. I briefly caressed both her bosoms, and then captured her nipples with my fingers. Beverly's head dropped a little, and she closed her eyes as she begged me to be cruel. I twisted them, as I watched her face scrunch up in pain, and heard her sharp in take of breath. Then I slowly released them, yet massaged each one to kick start the blood flow again. She swooned.

"Oh master, you sure know how to treat a horny slut."

With a huge grin, I replied, "I'll take that as a compliment. Know go forth and spread the words of your master."

For the next two days, my life was a whirlwind of sex with mom and Beverly combined with preparing my speech to the senior class, and fending off inquiries about my use of that silly limerick. "No comment!"

Election Day was held on Thursday. The entire senior class was seated in the auditorium to hear speeches from the candidates, and then would vote before being dismissed. The results wouldn't be announced until Friday morning.

Thursday morning, I was greeted by Mr. Downs, my guidance counselor. He asked me the same question that I had been dealing with for two days. When I smiled and told him, "No comment," he gave me a warning.

"Listen hear young man, there are some people here from a few universities that are interested in offering you a scholarship. Don't do something stupid that will spoil your chances. And ABSOLUTELY don't you dare use that damn limerick."

I was dead serious as I looked him straight in the eye and said, "I give you my word of honor that I will not utter a single line of that little poem."

"Good!" He turned and left, while I wondered if the stunt that I was going to pull would be screwing up my scholarship opportunity. I had been thinking where to go for a while, and my greatest concern was that it would require me to leave mom behind. And although she had come a long way, I was worried about her special needs not being addressed, in my absence. Of course, my needs were a concern as well. I wanted be close to home, so I could see her frequently.

Keeping all of that in mind, I knew what I must do this afternoon.

There were four candidates for the office. We drew numbers to determine the order in which we would present our cases to the seniors. As luck would have it, I would go last. After the other three had given their boring (in my opinion) speeches, I rose and went to the podium.

I took a long pause, looking around the auditorium, and began.

Using a positively wretched upper crust British accent, I addressed the gathering. "I wish to thank our fine principal, our fine counselors, our fine teachers of this marvelous institution, and most of all my fellow seniors." I paused, shaking my head, tapping chest, and then continued. "It is with a sad heart that I bring no solicitation for your support, but a tale of extraordinary grief and triumph, from which I hope that we can all learn to carry with us, as we trod the rutted road of life's challenges.

"It is one man's story and his determination to survive the cruelest of hardships. This poor fellow lived in a distant land, in a rural area that had fallen on terrible times. He had lost his family, his job and his home. With so many people suffering a similar affliction, he was unable to find help from his neighbors. He found himself living outside, with no shelter, and no food. He realized that he would die if he stayed where he was."

My mouth went dry as I looked at the front row and saw that my mother was sitting there, gazing up at me with a puzzled look on her face, as though to ask, "Where are you going with this?" Well I was knee deep in it already, so I might as well continue. At least I was getting a few chuckles from my phony accent. That was the response that I had hoped for. So what the hell, I thought, I'll ham it up even more by resorting to 'over the top' theatrics.

I began raising my arms and occasionally pointed to emphasize something while I orated, as though I was Winston Churchill.

"The poor fellow made a fateful decision. He would walk to the big city, where he might find help and perhaps work. It would take days, and he knew that he was already weak, yet it provided him his sole opportunity for survival. Thus it was that he began his, now famous, ambulatory endeavor.

"The days drew cold, and the nights colder, yet he pressed onwards. Finally the skyline of the city rose in the distance. But his health had deteriorated to a point from which he feared would leave him unable to go on. He knew if he didn't reach the city that his life's light would be snuffed out, as a candle in a stiff breeze."

At this point, I pulled out a huge handkerchief, wiped the non existent tears from my eyes, and blew my nose. The crowd laughed, including my mom.

"Please pardon me, dear friends. The man's tale always stirs my emotions to the breaking point. Now where were we? Ah yes, his approach to the city...well.

"As he trudged down the long road, his body now hunched over with weakness, he glanced down at something that caught his eye. He thought, at first, that it was a piece of paper. However, when he looked closer he saw that it was a small envelop of some sort. Painfully reaching down he picked it up, and found it to be a gardener's vegetable seed packet. How marvelous he thought. If only he had time to plant them, and time to wait for them to grow and harvest. But he knew that his cruel find would go unappreciated, as he would have passed away by then.

"A thought stuck him, just then. He could eat the seeds, and perhaps what little sustenance he might receive from them would provide him the strength to reach the city, and to live. With out further thought, he consumed those seeds, chewing them slowly at first in order to savor the first morsels of food he had taken in for days. Yet, his hunger took control of him and he gulped down the last of them whole.

"He felt better immediately. He realized that the seeds couldn't have had a nutritional benefit effect on him yet. Nonetheless, his mental state had perked up considerably. His pace picked up, and indeed, he was able to reach that city, where he did find help.

"But our tale doesn't end there. You see, the few seeds that he didn't chew, had begun to germinate as they passed through the gentleman's very fertile lower tract. And they grew there, in place, until one day, their expansion could no longer be contained. Much to his shock and everyone amazement, there was a tremendous explosion from his nether region, and looking down he gazed at the remarkable sight of plants covering his loins and falling to the ground at his feet.

"He became somewhat famous locally, as a result of this extraordinary event. And many people referred to him by his original home area. He would move to another city, later in his life; and become even better known as the man from Nantucket. But that's another story.

"But, to those wonderful people, who had aided him, when first he entered their city, in the time of his greatest need, he would always be their man.

"Of course I'm sure that some of you have heard of him, through the shorter version of his sad tale of woe. And it goes..."

I raised my arms, lifted my hands, as though offering the senior class a gift. Here was a very pregnant pause, until Fred, God bless him, began the limerick.

"There once was a man from Legreeds"

My fellow students picked it up quickly. By the third line, the entire senior class was standing and shouting out the remainder of my little tale.

"And his balls were all covered with weeds."

I looked down at mother, who was laughing but shaking her head negatively. In true 'Monty Python Style', I arrogantly tilted my head up, thrust out my chin, tucked one hand in close to my upper belly, and then slowly strutted off stage. As I left the stage, I caught Mr. Downs staring daggers at me. He grabbed my arm, once I was out of sight from all but those behind the curtains, and pulled me over to three gentlemen who had observed my performance.

Before making an introduction, Mr. Downs scolded me. "Damn it young man, you lied to me. You said that you wouldn't use that limerick."

Having foreseen this admonition, I was prepared. "No sir, I did not lie to you. I gave you my word that I would not utter a single word of that limerick, and I didn't. Furthermore, this was a political endeavor and as such, I felt that I was safe in using a political ploy to get my way."

With anger he bounced back, "What in the hell are you talking about?"

"In politics, it is quite common to imply one thing, while intending something different. You drew the inference that you wanted to hear. I want you to know that I hold you in great regard Mr. Downs. What I did here today doesn't change that. However, I reached a decision two days ago, that I didn't care to be the class president. But it was too late to quit, so I thought at least I'll give the class a laugh. Actually if you think about it, that's good politics as well."

He just shook his head and said, "Well young fellow let me introduce you to these gentleman, who just might hold your future in their hands."

All three men seemed to be around fifty years old, and one of them was a priest.

"Tim I'd like you to meet Father Delaney of Notre Dame, Mr. Bailey from Harvard, and Mr. Carson from Yale. Gentleman, I give you Timothy Jorgenson."

As we shook hands, there was a loud series of cheers coming from the auditorium. Before anyone spoke, a teacher came running over to Mr. Downs and whispered in his ear. He shook his head and to me he announced, "It seems that your opponents have all withdrawn and suggested a voice vote. You have failed in your attempt to 'Not' become the class president. Congratulations young man; you are the first person to ever be unanimously elected as the president of the senior class."

"Oh darn, it backfired on me."

With a slight Irish accent, Father Delaney said, "I think you'll find that life's like that sometimes, young fellow. You gave a very entertaining performance out there today. However, Norte dame is a very straight laced place to matriculate. So I'm afraid that any hope of a scholarship is out of the question." He shook my hand saying, "Good luck son."

Mr. Bailey of Harvard was next. "I'm sorry to have to say that I agree with Father Delaney. You won't be invited to Harvard. We expect people to take more seriously the opportunities they receive, and to not waste them," another hand shake, and another good luck good bye.

I looked at Mr. Carson with a smile and asked, "Are you going to wish me good luck too?"

With a huge smile he replied, "Indeed I am young man, indeed I am. I am also going to offer you a full scholarship to Yale University, where people who are creative, and understand there politics are appreciated. I've had a few talks with your Mr. Downs, and I've gone over your grades and teachers comments extensively. Your record was very impressive, yet somehow lacking in illumination, as to just who you are.

"I had formed a vision of a different young man who was full of himself. You know, a real tight ass, with no personality. Your little show out there today changed my mind. I'm convinced that you'll be a credit to the Eli."

At that point mother, Bev and Fred came running over to me. I introduced them to Mr. Carson, who Stared at mother's large chest, and then at Beverly's ample young breasts before saying, "And you even surround yourself with beautiful women. You truly are remarkable."

Bev threw herself into my arms, giving me a large deep kiss, and then saying to the man, "You have no idea what an understatement that is, Mr. Carson."

After an exchange of phone numbers, he departed. And I was teased, without mercy, at being elected as class president, against my will.

As it was close to the end of the school day anyway, The senior class was allowed to go home,. Beverly, Fred, mom and I piled into mom's car and headed for Bev's house. She would be spending the night at my place, but she needed to pick up a few things first. Furthermore, we all wanted to see what was up with Tina.

Tina greeted us at the front door, much as I had been received by mother, at our house. She was in thigh high stockings and heels, the obligatory dog collar, and a leather corset, which lifted her huge tits up and out. She knelt on the floor leaning way back, with her hands on the floor behind her. This presented her breasts in a very vulnerable fashion.

She ignored us and addressed Fred. "Welcome home master. You whore offers you her tits as sacrifice for your pleasure. Your whip is on the table by the door."

Fred looked at us and said, "Well you folks can do whatever you want. I've got work to do." He grabbed the whip and began to lash Tina's substantial bosoms.

Beverly excused herself and ran upstairs, as Tina's yelps and cries followed her. By the time that Bev had returned (Three minutes), Fred was pounding away in her mother's gushing pussy. Tina wasn't crying anymore. She was moaning and begging for a harder fucking from Fred.

We left quickly. In the car, we admitted to each other that that brief scene had stimulated us, and we couldn't wait to get home. During the short drive, mom told me that Aunt Jane had called and begged us to visit this weekend, if it was at all possible. She had indicated that it would be my decision, and that we would let her know tonight.

I asked if there was any emergency and what was going on. Aunt Jane would only say that everything was fine, but that Ron wanted us to visit and observe the situation. I could tell that mom was avoiding mentioning anything that would let Beverly in on the i****tuous relationship in that part of my family. I realized that mom was probably right to be careful, yet it wasn't as though Bev didn't already know enough to sink the whole damned fleet if she wanted to. I decided to explain it all to Bev later, but not until we returned from the visit.

Once we arrived at home, I ordered my bitches to strip. Mother asked if she could be allowed to pleasure both Bev and me, as a warm up to my obviously impending victory fuck. How could I deny such a heartfelt request?

Mother dropped to her knees; as Beverly moved in close to offer me her breasts. I fondled and suckled at my darling's bosoms, while mother paid homage to my throbbing cock with her warm, soft lips. When I slid my hand down to Bev's wispy haired pussy, I found that my dear, considerate mother was already providing stimulation to that wet anxious love box.

Finally, I pulled mom's face off of my cock and ordered them both into the den. I had mom lie on the sofa, and had Bev straddle her face. As mother ate cunt, I began a light slapping of Beverly's bosoms; nothing to harsh, just a few little stinging blows, to fire her up. When Bev started breathing really hard, I stopped and went behind her to slap mom's big tits. With her, I was far more severe, taking great pleasure in her obvious moans of pain. I knew that each vibration of anguish would provide more delight for my love.

I was ready. I pulled Bev off of mom's face, ordered mom up and for Beverly to take her place. Last I commanded my mother to suck my cock, and then to insert it into the pussy of my other slave. Mother liberally coated my prick with her saliva, and finally pushed it into that red hot female meat, which was now thrusting up to meet the instrument of its destruction.

There is no way to describe the feeling of having one woman's mouth suck your cock, and then to have that woman give your throbbing erection to the pussy of another. And for the first woman to be the object of years of lust and your own mother; and the second to be a girl, whom you had known your whole life and who just happened to be drop dead gorgeous, is beyond any lust filled dream that one could possibly imagine.

Mother squirmed her head down to our crotches and began to lick my balls, and then Beverly's ass. Neither of us lasted long. Our lust had built quickly to a fever pitch, as I mauled my darling's tits, and mom serviced our loins. Beverly came first, screaming the usual vile filth, which I so dearly enjoyed, sending me over the top right after her. We were an excellent pair.

A short while later, mother asked, "Master, would it be all right if I was allowed to cum? You two have me hot as hell."

Beverly looked at me as though she was awaiting instructions. I was tempted to have her do something really rough with mom, but then I remembered that mom and I would be going to Aunt Jane's in the morning. So I opted for a different direction in dealing with mother's lustful need.

"Mom, I want you to lie down on your back. Beverly, I want to see you make gentle love to my mother. I really enjoyed the sight of you two together last night. And Bev, please be nice. Make it good for her."

Mom said, "You know son, if she wants to give me some serious pain, it would be alright with me."

Harshly I warned, "NO! You slaves have your orders, now obey your master."

With no further response, they set about their task. Beverly began by kissing mom, which quickly progressed to deep thrusting of tongues and moans of urgency from mother. My gal slid her hands to my mom's breasts and softly massaged them, and then tweaked her nipples.

I surprised mom by kissing her toes, taking each into my mouth and sucking it. After a few minutes on each foot, I started my patented licking and kissing up the length of her legs. Mother's moans were getting quite loud, as I reached her pussy; yet I hadn't touched it.

Beverly was licking and sucking on mom's huge tits, while telling mother how much she loved that mom was such a filthy slut. At the same time, mom took one of Beverly's hands and thrust three of Bev's fingers into her mouth, sucking loudly on them.

I began my assault on my dear mother's pussy. Using my tongue to part the fine hairs of her gorgeous cunt, I traced a soft wet line around her clitoris. Mom arched her hips to give me better access to her loins, moaning as she spit out Bev's fingers.

"Oh yes, please master, don't make me wait. I'm ready! Please make you dirty slut mother cum."

I buried two fingers in her pussy, as I sucked her entire clit into my mouth, thrashing it with my tongue. The sudden thrust of her hips nearly broke my neck. Mom grasped Beverly's head and yelled, "Bite my tits, you fucking whore; bite them hard."

Evidently Bev bit down mercilessly, because mom screamed in agony. I knew that mom was in the middle of a really big orgasm, and I wanted to make it as powerful as possible. So I bit her clit, pulling it up away from her cunt, sending mother over the edge into a world of extreme pleasure. As soon as she was in the throws of ecstasy, I reverted back to a gentle massaging with my tongue, until she pushed me away.

I stood and looked down at the two most beautiful women in my world, feeling nothing but deep love and a determination to protect them any way that I could. It was a master's responsibility, and I swore to my self then and there to meet that obligation.

Bev got up and hugged me. I held her close whispering, "I love you so much Bev. It goes way beyond the hot sex thing, but that's important too."

"I know baby. I feel the same way. I feel so safe to be with you and mom and your mom and Fred. I know that I am free to cut loose. It's wonderful!"

Mom began to move around. She sat up saying, "I've never had orgasms like I've had with the two of you. You guys make it so easy to be a horny old whore."

The three of us moved into the kitchen and made sandwiches. Neither of us seemed to think it was out of the ordinary, to be doing it while we were naked.

I had to address the trip to Aunt Jane's, with Beverly. Taking her in my arms I said, "Baby, mom and I have to go out of town tomorrow. We've had a call from my cousin, and apparently it's important for us to make the trip. I'll explain what's happening there when we return. We'll get back Sunday night. But in the mean time, I want you to stay here. Your mom and Fred are in the early stages of her training, and I feel that it might upset the situation if you where around."

With concern she objected, "But can't I go with you?"

"No honey, you can't. As I said, I'll explain when we get back. And the reason that I want you to stay here is because I'm not ready to have you sexing it up with Fred. When he uses you for the first time, I want to be there."

She had a puzzled look on her face, so I clarified my position on the subject.

"Alright, I admit it. I'm a little bit jealous. I'm going to give you to other's, but I'm just not ready to do it yet."

She squeezed me tightly saying, "Thank you baby. Thank you for being man enough to tell me the truth. It's very important that you don't treat me as a piece of property. Although, that's really all a slave is. I guess I'm trying to say that I needed to know that you really love me. It's the only way that I can be a complete slut for you. Is that too weird?"

"No it isn't. It actually makes a lot of sense, and I wouldn't expect anything less from my brilliant co-campaign manager and slave."

A little later, I called Ron to let him know that we would arrive in the morning. But, try as I did, he wouldn't say what was up. So I spent the rest of the evening talking with mom and Bev, nothing special, just chit-chat.

Mom and I packed that night, so we could take off early in the morning. We all slept in mom's big bed again.

This time we took turns masturbating in front each other. Apparently, women have a more difficult time with that type of public display than men. Mom was at a point where she really got into showing off, yet Beverly was surprisingly shy. It took her quite a while to loosen up and enjoy her self, but she did.

The two hour drive to my aunt's house was uneventful. We talked about what we expected to find there. From previous discussions with Ron, Bob and Aunt Jane, we felt that mom's sister was probably about where mother was; basically a well trained slave, a woman who had come to terms with her own need for submission. However, that's not what we found.

Ron greeted us at the door and led us to the family room. Well, it used to be the family room. It had been repainted in a dark burgundy color, which made for a very somber atmosphere. Subdued lighting enhanced the heaviness of the room, and implied a seriousness to the events which took place here. Now it looked more like a dungeon, with rings in the ceiling, walls and floor. Chains hung from the ceiling hooks, and each one held wrist manacles to secure the willing victim. There was new furniture as well. All of it was heavily padded, black leather. And finally one-half of a wall was devoted to the display of clamps, crops, whips, chains, dildos and butt plugs.

Ron smiled and asked, "So what do you think?"

I just shook my head and mumbled, "Damn Ron, I hate to admit it, but I'm jealous as hell. Mom why didn't I think of something like this? We could have, and still can convert the basement into a...aaahh...pleasure chamber. I'm going to have to look into it."

"Aunt Sara, do you have any comments?"

"Oh Ron, my pussy is getting wet just thinking of the possibilities."

Ron replied, "I take your responses as positive reactions to our modifications. I approved the changes; but of course, it was Bob who came up with the idea."

"Well cousin, it looks great. I definitely approve. Speaking of Bob, where is he?"

Mom jumped in with, "And where is my sister?"

There was a rather pregnant silence, before Ron took in and let out a very large breath of air. "Bob is with his new girl friend, and they will be visiting a little bit later. There's been a huge change in our boy Bob, since hooking up with a twenty six year old weight lifter. I'm not going to say another word about their relationship until they arrive. You'll find it hard to believe, yet easier to understand, when you see for yourself.

"As for mom, I'll bring her here in a moment, but I want to warn you that she's gone through some serious changes herself. Most of these changes were the cause of a few fist fights between Bob and me. He did some things without telling me, and he did them when mom was at her most emotionally vulnerable period."

"Oh dear god, what have you boys done with Janie (A name mom called her little sister when they were k**s)?" The fear in mother's voice was quite apparent.

I was now placed in an awkward situation. Mom had quite strongly questioned another master, and done so by referring to my cousins as boys. I too, sensed that a very bad thing had happened to Aunt Jane. Knowing how violent Bob had been with mom the first visit, led me to suspect that he had gone way too far with his own mother. Still, precedence had to be established, if I was to maintain my dominance and title of Master.

Grabbing mother's arm, I spun her around and slapped her hard, nearly knocking her off of her feet. "You fucking cunt! How dare you question a master?" Wanting to guide mom's thinking, and to alleviate her concern for her sister, I added, "What ever has been done with Aunt Jane has occurred already. She is still your sister, and still loved by us all."

Mom rubbed her cheek and meekly replied, "Thank you master, for reminding me to be polite. I deserved that slap and any other punishment you feel I deserve." To Ron she said, "I apologize to you, Master Ron. I'm sure that my master would surrender me to you for retribution, should you desire it."

Ron shook his head no. "Hold on folks, let's not get too carried away. There is much catching up to do, and there will be plenty of time for Aunt Sara to spend suffering in the chains. Why don't you have a seat and I'll go get mother."

I took a seat on the sofa and ordered mom to remove her blouse and skirt. Beneath them she wore my favorite combination. Black garter belt, stockings, with heels and a half bra, which lifted up her large pendulous breasts. I had her sit at my feet, on the thick padded carpet.

I stroked her face and asked, "You do understand why I had to slap you, don't you?"

"Yes master. I suppose that you're going to have to punish me from time to time, to keep me in my place. I'll try not to embarrass you by going astray." She looked up at me, with tears in her eyes saying, "I know how much you love me. I just fear for Jane, and I know that you do too."

I nodded. "Yes...yes indeed I do."

A few moments later, the sound of high heels approaching announced the arrival of Aunt Jane. Ron led her into the room by a leash, which was attached to a wide dog collar, ringed with silver metal studs. In her mouth, Aunt Jane had a large penis gag, complete with artificial hairy testicles. I thought 'What a marvelous way to increase the sense of humiliation.' We could see that her ankles were attached to an eighteen inch spreader bar, which kept her legs wide apart.

She wore a long cape, which covered her from the neck down. But what was unusual about it was the fact that it was on backwards. Her arms were protruding from the front (her back) of the cape, affixed behind her back at the wrists, and her elbows had been tethered tightly, forcing her to arch her back thrusting out her large breasts.

Mother looked relieved to see that her sister seemed to be all right, yet there was doubt in her eyes. My gut told me that there was something more serious to come.

Ron addressed us both. "Before I remove my slut's cloak, I will tell you that Bob had her pierced. The bastard never consulted with me about it; he just did it, thus the first fist-fight. The reason for the second and most vicious fight of our lives came as a result of his unilateral action regarding her pubic area.

"Look her over thoroughly, and then we'll talk. After we've had a discussion, I'll remove the gag and allow my whore to speak and answer questions."

He undid a clasp at her waist, and then removed the cape with a flare, as though he was opening a curtain to reveal the entertainers. What appeared before us was shocking, disturbing, bizarre, and arousing, all at the same time.

The first impression was drawn by the size of her bosoms. Aunt Jane had always possessed breasts that were nearly as large as mom's. However, they had been significantly enlarged by implants, which caused them to stand straight out from her chest.

The second impression was due to the amount of jewelry, which hung from my aunt's nipples and pussy, not to mention her belly button. Each nipple had been double pierced. Actually, the nipple had been pierced, but her areole had also been perforated as well. Her areole bore a larger bar through it, from which hung a silver half-moon shaped ringlet. Each nipple had a similar treatment, only smaller, creating a concentric circle visual effect.

Rolling my eyes down to her tummy, I found her naval now sported a post with a bright gem in it. I'm sure that it was a real diamond. With the money that her ex-husband had settled on her, it was easily affordable.

Moving down toward her loins, my gaze froze, to concentrate my vision on the tattoo just above her shaved pussy. Then it hit me. It wasn't a tattoo, but a burned in, two word proclamation, PAIN SLUT. That little son-of a bitch Bob had had his mother branded. And I would be willing to bet that she wasn't given anything to handle the pain.

Mother must have realized what we were seeing about the same time that I did.

"Oh dear God Jane! Why honey, why? Oh my God how awful." Mom was in tears, as she took in the horror that her dear sibling must have suffered when the heated iron was placed upon Aunt Jane's pubic mound, to mark her permanently as a woman who freely accepted pain as her way of life.

Yet, there was more to be seen. She now displayed a small ring beneath her clitoris, from which a short chain swung, and there was a little bell on the end. The most remarkable features were her outer labia, which had each been punctured four times, and now showed large gauge rings in each hole. Her inner labia had one perforation each, with smaller gauge rings. However, from these hung round, cylindrical weights, which pulled her cunt lips down a good four inches. It looked quite painful.

Another look at mother told me that she was about to be very angry. So I spoke before she did. "Damn Ron, this really is a surprise, I must admit. And you say that you had nothing to do with this?"

He shook his head no. "As I said, Bob did it on his own; although mom says that she approved it before hand. But that just didn't cut it with me. I should have been involved in the decision. To be honest with you, I like some of it. I'm quite fond of her nipple rings and the clit ring. The rest of the piercings are just not necessary if you ask me. And as for the branding...well that was insane. I never would have gone along with that.

"There's something else that you probably haven't picked up on yet. Mom hasn't shaved off her pubic hair. That shit-head brother of mine had it removed by laser treatments. It will never grow back.

"I've talked with mom about having some of this stuff reversed. It's expensive, but we can afford it. Mom really put her foot down. It's the first time that she's been defiant. She says that she paid for it all with her agony and blood; and she wants to keep it."

Mom went over to her sister and embraced her lovingly, kissing her on the forehead. "I love you dearly Janie, but I hate seeing my little sister turned into a pin cushion. Because I'm a pain-slut too, I can sort of relate to being used like this. I guess it's very liberating, in a way. There absolutely is not any doubt now, when someone sees you exposed. There'll be no way that anyone could misunderstand your status as a slave."

Aunt Jane had tears, as did mom. Still unable to speak, due to the cock and ball gag protruding from her mouth, she just nodded her agreement.

Ron stepped a bit closer to us and said, "Now that the shock is wearing off, why don't you take a real good look? Touch her where she's been pierced, and get a good look at her brand; it's almost completely healed. But I should warn you, mom heats up really fast when people start pulling on her rings."

I must admit to a morbid curiosity regarding my aunt's new look. I stood next to her and ran my hands gently over her inflated tits, paying special attention to the rings on her breasts. She moaned with delight as I caressed them and delicately pulled on her silver decorations. I was certainly intrigued by the look, but I didn't care for the artificial feel of her implants.

I called to my mother, "Come here slut. Look at the proof that your sister is a complete and total pain slut." I slid my fingers over the brutal looking brand as I drew mom's attention to it.

"Kneel before this filthy cunt and get a close up view."

Mother slowly went to her knees, and put her face a few inches away from Aunt Jane's pubic mound. She stroked the horrible looking wound, as she asked her sister, "Did it hurt a great deal?"

Jane nodded and through the gag was able to mumble, "Oh yeth...bad...very bad."

Mom had started to mist up, at her younger sibling's response. She leaned forward and gently kissed her sister's pubic mound, where the cruel brand announced Jane's perverted status. I could see the wheels turning in mother's head; and I knew what she was thinking.

I grabbed my mother's right nipple and twisted it harshly. "You're wondering if I'll insist on you being pierced and branded, aren't you?"

Mom glared back at me with obvious fear in her eyes. Yet she answered, "I'm terrified of the thought. Yes I admit it. I don't want to have this done to me. But if my master decides to permanently have me scarred, then I would submit to the torture, for his pleasure."

I nodded, and looked to the ceiling, as if in thought. Then I turned to Ron and asked, "Ron, have you been told exactly how this was done, and if so, would you please tell me. Also, I'd like to know where it was done. It's very impressive work."

I heard mother's sharp intake of breath, when she comprehended my query. But she never saw me wink at Ron, to let him know that I wasn't serious. I thought that perhaps a single clit ring would satisfy me. But as for the rest, I didn't care to fight all of that crap hanging off of her, just to push my cock inside of her. And I certainly would never subject mother to the horror of being branded.

With an eager smile Ron jumped in on the tale of my aunt's tortures. "Well after the fist fighting was over, Bob told me precisely what and how it had happened. Her boob job was first, and that was done in a hospital. We had both agreed to that. As a matter of fact, it was mom's idea. It seems she was a bit insecure about the lack of youthfulness in her sagging tits. So her tits had pretty much healed by the time he took her to be pierced. I thought that he was just taking her to the doctor, for a follow up exam, of the breast surgery.

"The piercings were done in the back room of a tattoo parlor, but apparently it was a virtual operating room. Even mom said that it was immaculate, and that she felt comfortable with the room. The guy doing it was covered in tattoos and piercings of his own. He assured them that he had done this type of thing hundreds of times. Mom was offered a local anesthetic, but Bob wouldn't allow it, so mother declined.

"She was nude, strapped down tightly on a gurney, with her arms and legs tethered at several spots. Her legs, of course, were spread fairly wide. Her torso was strapped down above and below the breasts, across the hips and at the top of each thigh, to keep her pelvic area from jumping around, when he punctured her outer labia.

"The guy used a large gauge needle to pierce mother's areola, which apparently was extremely painful. So much so, that they had to gag her for the rest of the procedures, to stifle her screams. The nipple received a smaller needle, but Bob had insisted on her nipples being penetrated with a red hot needle. Mother said that the pain was far more severe than the unheated, but larger needle.

"The insertion of mom's pussy rings went slowly. This again was Bob's idea of fun to have her suffering longer from the drawn out process. He said that mom had two, not one, but two orgasms, as the man pierced her. After the outer and inner labia had been taken care of, it was time for her h

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Lexi was finishing up packing the last of her things into the beat up Honda Accord that would take her to the beginning of what promised to be an amazing new start and would get her out of the small midwestern town that up to this point had always been home. She was accepted into a school that carried a reputation for creating excellent graduates and even more lucrative connections in the business and law world and had been suprised to get the personalized invitation to apply for a new full...

3 years ago
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As it happened, Deb and I had been dating on & off for a few months. Mutual friends had introduced us. She was clearly out of my league, quite attractive, came from a well-to-do family, and somewhat 'proper'. Nevertheless, we had a connection of sorts. One evening after a movie, she was going through my small library and pulled out my rare copy of Story of 'O'. "What's this"? she asked. I suggested she read it & find out. When she left, she took it with her.Two weeks later, we were out...

2 years ago
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SubmissionChapter 1 I was twenty-seven when things started to change in my life.  My husband disappeared, apparently with one of the women he worked with.  I lost my house because I was unable to make the payments on my own.  Eventually, I even lost my job because I couldn’t concentrate on my work.  I was quickly slipping into a deep depression and the hole seemed to be getting bigger every day.  So, eight years after getting married and moving out of my parents’ home, I was forced to move in...

4 years ago
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Unlike the author, dave (worm) had no interest in the teenage school girls laughing and flirting in his hot, overcrowded commuter train home every night from London Waterloo after a long boring day in the office.His low sperm count and lack of any female willing to take him seriously meant he would never father any of his own, but couldn't resist the perverted thoughts of submission to them. He hated their jokes at his expense, preferring instead to imagine his next humiliation by Mistress...

2 years ago
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We eventually made it to my house, which was on a typical, mature, suburban street. I led Deb out of the car to the front step where I told her to sit & wait fo me. With her hands still tied behind her back, sans panties, I helped her down to sit on the 2nd step, about 12′ off the ground, leaving her knees up in front of her considerably higher than her waist. I instructed her to rest her forehead on her knees & not to move while I removed the blindfold. I went in the house & watched from the...

4 years ago
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As I was preparing to go take care of the cheque, I told Deb she could use the washroom to put her panties back on & dry her dress if need be. ‘But’, I instructed, ‘I will be sitting at the bar when you return, and I want you sit back down at the table & give the gentleman behind me now, and so across from you, an opportunity to see up your dress, be discreet and act as unaware as you can, I will then return to walk you out.’ ‘Oh gee’, I don’t know….’ she challenged. ‘You know you want to, and...

3 years ago
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N.B. * Sorry for the lapsed time with completing this; I consequently only have myself to blame for lack of responses.......... as I lightly ran the bristles of the brush vertically through her pussy, she began to quiver. I explained this action was not for her pleasure, and proceeded to press the brush more firmly against her. My objective was to redden her lips thereby causing a slight swelling. She was a true blonde in that her pubic hair was not like hair at all, but fine, white, sparse,...

3 years ago
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We eventually made it to my house, which was on a typical, mature, suburban street. I led Deb out of the car to the front step where I told her to sit & wait fo me. With her hands still tied behind her back, sans panties, I helped her down to sit on the 2nd step, about 12" off the ground, leaving her knees up in front of her considerably higher than her waist. I instructed her to rest her forehead on her knees & not to move while I removed the blindfold.I went in the house & watched...

3 years ago
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As I was preparing to go take care of the cheque, I told Deb she could use the washroom to put her panties back on & dry her dress if need be. "But", I instructed, "I will be sitting at the bar when you return, and I want you sit back down at the table & give the gentleman behind me now, and so across from you, an opportunity to see up your dress; be discreet and act as unaware as you can; I will then return to walk you out.""Oh gee", I don't know...." she challenged."You know you want...

4 years ago
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She breathed out slowly. It had been a stressful day at work. Her jackass of a boss had given her co-worker the raise that she had been working her ass off to get. The bitch had probably fucked him to get it. She pulled her sleek red mustang into the driveway of her condo. Daddy could buy her anything she wanted, but she'd rather work for it. She unlocked the front door, slipping out of her black heels as she went. She walked up the stairs miserably. She needed a glass--no, a bottle-- of...

4 years ago
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Your name is John Doe. Where this story takes you is up for your decision. You can choose your gender, you can choose your significant other. But after that, you will lose the ability to choose. You will become obedient, like you know deep down you should be. Ready? Pick one, and begin. NOTE: {[email protected]}It is highly recommended that you play this using Game Mode, as this story takes advantage of score tracking, and it is also suggested that you change the names this game supports to the...

3 years ago
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His girlfriend, Cindy, was angry -- again. He was late picking her up and they had already missed the first ten minutes of the movie the two teenagers had planned to see. "Shit! I don't want to start it in the middle. We'll have to do something else, though I should just make you spend he evening by yourself. You're such a ditz sometimes Fred!" "I said I was sorry! I had to stop for gas." "You had plenty of time earlier." "Well, my watch stopped working." Cindy had given him the watch for...

4 years ago
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over the years I had messed around with a few kinky plays with girl friends and then my wife. These had been great fun, but I had normally been the Dom, my wife being very unsure of taking control.We enjoy an open relationship, so I joined Fab about 5 years ago and tried to find a Dominant lady. To cut a long story short, I was talking to a lady who claimed not to be Dom, but who needed a Handyman. She needed her bedroom painting as she was selling her house, I joked that the price would be...

4 years ago
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The rhythmic click-clack of her three-inch black stiletto heels against the concrete ground reverberated off the walls of the alley, intensifying the sound as if it were a hundred pair of feet instead of just the one. Had it been night instead of day she never would have chanced walking through the dirty alley with its discarded trash and wandering bums, but it was not night and the alley was the only short cut that she knew of. Hidden in the midday shadows a dainty pale wrist lifted revealing...

2 years ago
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I so want you OUT of the beautiful outfit but let’s take it slow shall we? First, lets caress and kiss the shoulders and neck...left and right...right and some tongue...and some more. Oops, looks like the stockings are coming down...I am facing my thumbs roll over your nipples, ohh they like that! Then I see beautiful belly that is oh so, so sexy. My tongue circles your belly button and the piercing then probes for more.My tongue moves lower...and I detect a sweet...

2 years ago
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Her sun-bleached hair blew wildly in the breeze, floating across her face, masking the expression of mixed emotion. Complete and utter joy at being able to walk freely along the broken sea defences, yet devastation at being alone, no one to turn to in time of need or danger. She lifted her face to the setting sun and bathed in its glory, feeling the warmth of its rays upon her face, feeling her skin glow in its light, she adored the sun. Her bronzed skin contrasted stunningly against the pale...

1 year ago
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Kyle locked the door and turned around. He smiled and reached forward at the bow. He tugged at a loose string and the lace fell the floor. She smiled and leaned forward for a kiss. Kyle smiled and grabbed her left nipple. She moaned and dropped to her knees, the pleasure overwhelming her muscles. She breathed a sigh of relief as his hand released its grip on her breast. She smiled as he pulled out his dick. She looked at the rock hard throbbing rod and reached forward tentatively. “What do you...

1 year ago
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Submissed Network is a hot porn site that is all about those dark fantasies and kinky fetishes that you have! Yes, it’s about that freaky stuff that you dream about doing. This place has many surprises for you to enjoy, and when I say surprises, I know what I am talking about. This place is not like anything you have seen in 50 Shades of Grey. Oh, brother, not at all. This is the real deal, not a little spank and wank. There are 5 BDSM sites here all of which focus on a different theme. There...

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Now I have a very feminine side and have always been interested in men,however, being married and from a small mid western town where they calledguys interested in men queer, fags, well you know all the derogatory termsthe straight laced populace use. We had moved to Florida for the purposeof a job that I had applied for and after two interviews actually landed.I found that even though the city we had moved to was more of a large town,the community didn't come down so hard on guys like me. I...

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We had been talking on the internet for some weeks, I had been setting you tasks, which by enlarge you had forfilled. Each one was designed to test your ability to follow my commands but also to expand your sexual horizons.You were desperate to meet, after each completed task when I gave you your reward you always asked for me to meet you. I finally said yes, but there where going to be rules.I booked a hotel room not far from your Home and emailed the rules to you.First arrive at the hotel at...

2 years ago
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I had advertised on Craigs List “a live porn show in your home” of me and my slave girl. When we arrived at this surburban home, our customer was there. The client was a middle age man and his wife who appeared in her mid 30’s. They greeted us as if we were long lost relatives, each giving us a hug and a peck on the cheek. They offered us something to drink and we had some small talk to get to know each other for a min or two. The man then said, “well, let’s get this show started,” That...

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This story begins on a Saturday afternoon. It had been almost two weeks since you and I had last spent an afternoon sucking and fucking, and I was more than anxious to turn my divine little vixen anyway but loose.When you arrive, I can tell immediately that you are just as hot and bothered as I am; and would do anything I demanded in order to satisfy your own lust."On your knees, slave!" I command.You close the front door and obediently kneel before me. Slowly, I take off my shirt, then drop my...

1 year ago
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Vera was measuring a quarter cup of laundry detergent to add to her Monday morning load of wash when the phone rang! "Hello," she answered while cradling the phone between her shoulder and ear, "who's calling please!?!" "A deep voice on the other end of the line intoned evenly, "It's been a long time, Vera, I'm very disappointed that you moved away without even the courtesy of a good by!!!" Vera's blood immediately ran cold at the mere sound of the menacing voice, and it was all that she could...

1 year ago
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Sex on the menu

“I wasn’t flirting. I was being friendly and polite. There’s a difference” “I think I know the difference, and that looked like flirting to me” Sonia and Alan were out at their favourite restaurant to celebrate her birthday, but things weren’t exactly going according to plan. In her opinion he was being far too friendly with the waitress. And what made things worse was the way the leggings and tight black top showed off her lean figure, especially her long legs which went all the way up to her...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Zoya Helps Husbands8217s Friend 8211 Part II

Rehaan: “Honey you don’t sound too good is everything alright.” Zoya: “Yes,yessss!!!, Everything is fine, don’t worry, (she covered the mouth piece again).I’ll get back to you later. AAAAHHHHH ………HHHAAAHHHH!!! Subhash had gleefully located her clitoris and the moan gave him a perverse thrill. Rehaan : “OK then honey see you later bye” Zoya : “Bye” …………. “OHHHHHHHHHHHHH . . . . .MMMMMAAAAAA”She just managed to cut off the phone as Subhash pressed her throbbing clit hard with his tongue and...

1 year ago
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Tranny Videos X may not be every masturbator’s cup of tea, unless you like your cuppa stirred up with a pretty lady’s very own swizzle stick, and maybe some of her own home-milked cream as whitener. They make it clear what you’re getting into with a simple name, so I knew before I clicked the link that I’d be watching chicks with dicks this morning. I’m a little bit surprised they didn’t spring for a TrannyVideoSex domain, but hey, they’re saving you the pain and suffering of typing that extra...

Shemale Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Fucking a 45yo Pune Milf 8211 Friend8217s mom sex story

Hi, friends. I am Raj, age 22, from Mumbai. I am an avid reader of this site. Today I am sharing my real-life experience, which happened a few days back. To start with, I am into older women, mostly bhabhis and aunties. Due to some reason, I had to shift to Pune for a couple of weeks. So I decided to stay with my college friend Avinash and his family in Pune. Avinash lived with his mom Radhika. She was a 45-year-old woman but looked younger since she used to go jogging daily. Also his...

4 years ago
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A Very Easy LayChapter 5

I rolled over onto my back, looking at him kneeling there getting his pants back on I said, "Anytime you bring someone here to the lot and they buy anything from me, you can have me, call it a finders fee if you want." He helped me get out of his van and as he shut the door, he said, "I have a friend I know who is looking for a car, I'll bring him back later, if he buys a car you will fuck me again?" I said, "No honey, if he buys a car from anyone here but me, you do not get anything....

1 year ago
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My Adorable Mother

Note : This story is completely fictional! When I was young I always fascinated about my beautiful mom. She is really beautiful even now at 50 and during that time she was marvellous. When I was quite young, she use to call me to scrub her back while bathing. I always do it willingly and happily as it allow me to have the glimpse of her beautiful back and her butts even though sex was never in my mind at that age. I have quite fair complexion but she was extremely fair and her skin has milky...

3 years ago
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Going All The Way

Paul slid the third button from it's tight slit of her soft, pink, blouse. His heart was racing. She's never allowed it this far before. Fingers now touching, where they dared not before, Kay's heart was pounding as she felt his hands slide quickly down her blouse. His hands were now firmly on her waist. She felt her blouse now open wide. Her eyes glanced down to watch his fingers undo her last blouse button. Boldly, he pulled her blouse upward, untucking it from her skirt. She said...

3 years ago
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Just a dirty fantasy I have

On the drive back to my apartment we stop at a red light, my attention turns to you, the lights of the city shine upon you, in such a way as I have never seen before, I begin to drink you in with my eyes, your flowing crimson hair, your gorgeous emerald eyes; I brush through your hair with my hand gently leaving it on your rosie cheeks, I draw you in for a kiss, as we embrace your lips quivers ,slightly, with anticipation, my kiss tender and soft, as tasting of the chocolate cake we shared for...

2 years ago
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Group party 12712 2nd part

Noreens initiation was now over. I noticed it close to 11pm so it took close to 3 hours. Seemed a lot quicker. She was a mess, exhausted and elated. Someone lit up a doobie and we all got happy. Noreen made it known she really did not want to fuck anymore as she was quite sore. I expect all the ladies thought like I did which was basically "good for you." 6 cocks and 6 loads would have me feeling the same way. After a lot of relaxing either John or Cal decided it was time to interrogate...

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The Adventures of Samanthaalt ending

Earlier this summer, Nostrumo reposted a story that has intrigued me for years - The Adventures of Samantha. In all that time, neither he nor I could find the ending to that story. Anyway, in posting the tale, he issued a challenge to come up with an ending. Just about the time I was finishing up my little sequel, Nostrumo posts the discovered ending. Well, that left me in a bit of a bind. First, I had about fifty pages of text just about ready to post, but the justification, ie,...

4 years ago
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A Different Kind of Therapist Chapter 2

For the second time, when I opened my eyes, I knew that I was no longer myself. Before I even looked around, I was prepared for what I would find. I had seen her when she walked through my door, and if only for a moment, I had a mixture of excitement and fear over what would transpire. Tiffany was a young woman in college that had had a rough life. She had been abandoned by a addict mother, abuse by an alcoholic mother, spent five years in foster homes (none of which was very good), and...

2 years ago
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How I Got Lucky With My Neighbor Aunt Prema

Hi Friends, This is Neel () again from Hyderabad. This story is like few years back when I have completed my +2 and was enjoying the summer vacations. My height is 5.5″ and the size of the dick is 7 and thickness is 2 1/2 centimeters. The heroine of this story is Prema who is my neighbor. She is a good friend of my mother and whenever she gets free time she used to come to our house and used to chit chat with my mother for hours. They were very good friends that Prema aunty used to tell...

3 years ago
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Beating the Statistics

The winter of the year nineteen-eighty-four had been long and hard with a lot of work and no time for partying. It was hard work getting our newly started bio-tech firm up and running, but now Emma and I had decided to throw a party for all our friends that we had mistreated so badly over the last couple of months. There would be about twenty people all in all. While we were shopping for the party we ran into Emma's brother and his best friend and when I realized that we had been neglecting...

4 years ago
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The house with thin walls

And Here are the keys, the lovely twoman around 50 told gave them to me while touching my hands accedently. I looked her in the eyes for a moment and she probably could sense my penis grow a little. John, my daughter here likes you too, so I am happy that she gots a good man staying in the room wall to wall with her.. -Mummy, Ann a good looking girl, said embarrased... You see, her boyfriend lived there before... Mummy is just getting divorced, Ann bit her off Well is it anything you like to...

2 years ago
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The Quiet ManChapter 2

I kept up a spasmodic correspondence with 'Dad' during that time. When I was about thirty five, he invited me to his wedding to an old friend of his. He agreed with me that friendship was preferable to hot love. I attended, to both his and my surprise. I might be getting soft in my old age, but you can only keep that kind of enmity up for so long before it kind of peters out through disinterest. Sitting beside me at the reception, in someone's backyard, was a girl about my age or a bit...

1 year ago
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My sister’s youngest son was extremely gifted and graduated from high school early. Rather than live in a dorm with older guys I volunteered for him to live with me since I live in an Ivy League town and live close enough to the school for him to easily travel to school. I am few years younger than my sister and few years older than Tom, my nephew, which I would soon share my small three-bedroom house with. Tom is a lot like my father, average height with great looks, southern manners, charm...

2 years ago
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A day at the office

It is a typical spring morning at the moving business, I am as always busy and have no time for meandering about. I am intensely slaving away, booking appointments and scheduling employees’ work for the day. The office door opens and in walks this gorgeous brunette. She is wearing a strapless white summer gown adorned with red flowers. “Hello,” she says to me from across the counter. I am startled at first. It is not unusual to get a walk-in customer, but I don’t come across one of her...

2 years ago
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An unfortunate blowjob incidentwith a great prolo

A long time ago, in a college apartment not too far away....I'm a dominant man in bed. Because of my foot baller physique, I've always had an aggressive, but passionate way to love making. Something about my girlfriend f***d to do whatever my perverted mind drove me wild. I turned most of my submissive girls into anal cumming, gagging sluts. I stretched one's asshole to accept a fist (never got past the wrist, but it was so exciting stretching her nontheless). I loved hearing the sound of...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Trinity St Claire The Sales Rep

When sales rep Romeo Price pitches a new product to spa owner Trinity St. Clair, she insists on testing it out on him. Romeo is reluctant, but when he hears how many units she’ll buy if she likes it, he frees up his schedule for the next hour. She can’t believe he’s never had a NURU massage, considering he sells NURU products. He can’t believe he has to get naked! Trinity explains the basics of NURU massage, the protocol of rinsing off in the shower, relaxing in the...

2 years ago
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Like secret sex in Bangalore

It was a very good day. We were about to go for a long trip to kodaikkanal. I went to my aunt’s house to issue their ticket. They were living in a rented house in the second floor. The entrance door in the ground floor was locked. I pressed the calling bell of my aunt’s house. She saw from the terrace and dropped the key. I caught it and opened the door. The family in the ground floor was away. Similarly the family in the first floor was also away. I went to the second floor. There I saw my...

2 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 107 The beginning of the beginning

The meeting ended with Marty's promise that Mike would be calling me to arrange the camera work. I presumed that Mike would also be occupying the last of my apartments. Jen worked out an arrangement so that the rent payment and the release fee went directly to my bank account. I trusted her to take care of those kinds of details. Since all my tenants had moved into their apartments, activity around Casa Del Aster was minimal at best. I could have returned home and just slept all day, but I...

3 years ago
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Everyone experiments in sex. I think that's one thing we can all say we've done, because even just trying something for the first time is experimenting. And it's all going to have a different take on people, and it may be different with other people you do an act with. For instance I normally can't stand someone going down on me, but there are two people I absolutely love it from. And I don't know why it is that it's only two people I like it from. The first time I experimented was when I was...

2 years ago
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Crazy Old Man

People around Lake of the Sky called him a crazy old man, but his name was Henry Addison. Folks said that he was crazy, because he had wasted his life on an impossible quest, when he could have been making a place for himself in the world. They said that his explanation, about why he kept watch on a certain parcel of property near the lake, was another indication that he was crazy. Most people never took the time or put in the effort to get to know Henry, if they had they might have had seen...

2 years ago
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My Teacher Aunty 8211 A Hot Incest Relation

Hi guys, I’m David only 22 years. I’m from Kottayam, Kerala. I am going to say a true story happened in my life last year. The heroine of the story is my aunty. She is a teacher but lost her job 2 years back. They had a kid of 8 years old. Let me tell her body status she is almost 36-34-38 and she looks great like a model. I got to have an eye on her from their marriage. The first time I saw her cleavage was while she cleaning the floor. And I saw her boobs while she feeding the baby. She got a...

3 years ago
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The Blarney Boys

There was a time that seems to us so far away—but it's not so distant when we measure the span of years. It was the waning of an era in which people cared more for preserving traditions than for throwing them away. March 1970 It was a gray afternoon, following a gray morning in that limbo time of year between winter and spring. It wasn't yet time to be thinking about St. Paddy's Day; people were tired of snow. It had arrived pretty and white but time had turned it dirty and stale. A strip...

2 years ago
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There and BackChapter 187 The Great Unknown

Fergus handed a second slip of paper, one I hadn’t noticed, to Alistair. “Cailan sent you a letter too. He’s asked the two of you to return to Ferelden.” I startled. “But ... I should be in Kirkwall. I’m the one who knows—” I interrupted myself, tripping over my own words in my panic. “What if—” Fergus smiled at me, not unkindly. “Sierra, is there something you could do, right now, to change what happened? To influence the Chantry or change the outcome?” I considered his question briefly,...

4 years ago
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College GirlChapter 3

Friday night was a house sponsored social. We had a mixer with two different fraternities; one was a jock house, the other was only sort of one. That meant some of the guys were athletes, but they didn't dominate the membership, not like the Sigmas. Guys at a fraternity, despite what people see in the movies, aren't wild, beer-swilling collections of per-pubescent boys. That's a stereotype from Hollywood. Better than half of the actives in a frat house are fairly sober and serious....

2 years ago
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The Greatest GiftChapter 4

They started the next morning the same way they did the morning before. Terri was awake first this time and rolled over and started sucking Pop while he was still asleep. His cock was growing before he woke up and by the time he was stroking her tangled hair he was hard as a rock. He rolled her onto her back and slipped right inside her. It started as a slow, languid fuck and she wrapped her legs around him while they made love. His weight on top of her was reassuring and she liked the way...

2 years ago
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Johnny B Brenda

Johnny B. Brenda ----------------- Disclaimer: No one and nothing in this story is real. If you have any questions or like my story, tell me at [email protected], k? -------- Synopsis -------- Johnny hates his workmate Brenda. He's given the chance to do something about it when he's suddenly in her body. ----------- "She did it again! That bitch!" Johnny was fuming. He couldn't sit down any more and his buddy watched him pace around in their section of...

3 years ago
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Aunty Bettys Satin Blouses Part 2b

I continued with the dresses as Mrs. Mott emptied her shelves and drawers, occasionally I espied her mammoth breasts as she took hand fulls of sexy lingerie and stockings and was finding it increasingly difficult to stand upright, my cock had now fully expanded and beginning to be obvious, so I quickly adjusted while she was removing all that glossy soft slippery lingerie, but to no avail, she'd noticed my predicament..." I think you're enjoying this, handling all my clothes aren't you?" I...

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