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Vera was measuring a quarter cup of laundry detergent to add to her Monday morning load of wash when the phone rang! "Hello," she answered while cradling the phone between her shoulder and ear, "who's calling please!?!" "A deep voice on the other end of the line intoned evenly, "It's been a long time, Vera, I'm very disappointed that you moved away without even the courtesy of a good by!!!" Vera's blood immediately ran cold at the mere sound of the menacing voice, and it was all that she could do to keep from dropping the phone and running away!!! "Do you recognize my voice," he asked harshly!?! "Y-yes, sir," she replied in a voice barely above a whisper, "I recognize you!" "So enlighten me," he asked, "why did you desert me!?!" "Well uh, I had just graduated and took a job in Chicago," she replied, "and then I got married!!!" "You haven't answered my question," he said with a distinct edginess, "what does moving to Chicago and getting married have to do with your not informing me that you were leaving!?!" "I-I don't know," she said in a whisper?!? "Do you remember the penalty for disobedience," he asked!?! "P-please," she begged, "please leave me alone, I don't ever want to see you again!!!" In an even more acid tone her replied, "You know that is not possible!!!"

"Judas," she thought to herself, "how did he find me, it's been four years now and I've even got a new name!?!" Her mind was snapped back to the present when he abruptly asked, "What are you doing right now, I mean when you answered the phone what were you doing, exactly!?!" "I was doing the wash," she answered!" "Are you still in the laundry room," he questioned!?! "Yes I am," she said!!! "Do you have any of those springy clothes pins," he asked!?! With more than a touch of dread, she answered softly, "Yes, sir, I do!!!" Take off your shirt," he ordered!!! "I-I don't want to," she said with a quiver!!!" "Do it, now," he barked, "you know the penalty if you displease me, now do it!!!" With her hands now shaking like a leaf, she struggled to undo the buttons on her floral patterned blouse, but finally she managed it, and then said softly into the receiver, "It's off!!!" "Very good, Vera, are you wearing a bra," he asked a little more softly!?! "Yes," she replied! "You know what to do," he intoned, "take it off for me!!!" The cool air hitting her nipples quickly made the capillaries collapse, causing her nubs to harden and stand erect and firm at the tip of her beautifully heavy breasts!!! "Are your nipples hard, dear" he asked softly?!? "Y-you know they are," she replied shallowly, as an aura of sexual inevitability swept over her!!! "Of course they are," he said easily, "your nipples always were easily aroused, just like you were, is this not true, Vera!?!" "Goddamn him," she said to herself, "after four years she still couldn't resist him," and she softly replied, "yes, it's true!!!"

"So," he asked, "what shall we do to punish our little wayward nymph, do you have any ideas!?!" "No," she said in small voice, "please don't hurt me, I-I'm sorry I left with a word, but I didn't know what to do!!!" "Don't whine," he snapped, "I hate it when you whine, now pick up two of those clothes pins, and very slowly clip them to the tip of your nipples!!!" "P-please," she begged as tears began streaming down her cheeks, "don't make me do that, I'll meet you, that's it, I can meet you, but please don't hurt me!!!" "Silence," he thundered, "pick up the pins and clip them to your nipples, do it, now!!!" "Oh, god," she moaned, "it's gonna hurt so bad, p-please, oh no, it hurts, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh god, let me take them off!!!" "Vera," he said sternly, "stand completely still and just think about how your nipples are being pinched nice and hard, can you feel it!?!" "Ohhhhhhhhh, it hurts," she whined!!! "That's very good," he said softly, "now, you know what to do now, so do it for me!!!" It was still just like second nature to her, her master would inflict pain, and she would naturally masturbate for him, so just like old times, her hand slid down inside of her jeans and with easy precision found her now very hard clitoris and frigged it madly towards a mind bending orgasm!!! "Was it good, Vera," her master asked softly, "did you have a hard climax?!?" "Oh, yes," she gasped into the phone, "it was so hard, god I came sooooo hard!!!" "You may remove the pins from your nipples now," he went on, "but I want you to be aware that very soon I will be seeing you in person, so prepare yourself!!!" Then he was gone, and all she could hear was silence the silence of a dead line!!! "Oh, no," she moaned while rubbing her burning nipples, "he's here in town, and he's coming to see me!!!"

For the next several weeks Vera was as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs, and dreading the moment when he would walk back into her life!!! Every time the phone rang, when she was at the market, or even worse yet, god forbid, when the door bell rang, that he would be standing there, while bringing her his own special brand of terror!!! As the days passed, she finally began to relax, thinking that maybe he was just trying to intimidate her, while not really trying to see her in person at all, well that was her theory anyway, wrong as it would turn out to be!!! It came with a knock on her front door, exactly three weeks to the day since her phone conversation, she opened it and there he was, dressed in black from head to toe, six feet six inches tall and the most knee weakening sight she had ever seen!!! "Aren't you going to invite me in, Vera," he asked softly, "it's been such a long time!?!" "P-please go away," she begged, "my husband will be home in less than an hour, I don't know what he'll do if he finds you here!!!" "The question should be, what will I do when he gets home," the master said evenly, "now invite me in!!!" A completely flustered Vera backed into the living room, almost fearful to even take her eyes of the towering figure!!! "W-what do you want," Vera stammered!?! "Where is your bedroom," he asked calmly?!? "Up stairs," she said barely above a whisper, "please, don't take me up there!!!" Not bothering to even argue with her, he grabbed her by the arm and firmly led her up the stairs to the master bedroom, where he flung her onto the bed and began opening his black leather satchel!!!

While rummaging around inside of his bag, he glanced over at her and said, "You seem to have forgotten our procedure, take off all your clothing, now!!!" The apprehension and dread she had felt for the past few weeks had now come to fruition, and as she began removing her clothing, even though she was absolutely terrified at the thought of having her husband walk in on them, her vagina was drenching itself at the prospect of being brutally controlled by this beast master!!! When she was totally naked, he looked over at her and commented, "you still have lovely body, dear, but it looks like it could use a little discipline, don't you think!?!" She was about to answer his question, but was cut short when she saw him pull several lengths of velvet rope from his bag and hold them menacingly in front of him!!! "Do you remember these," he asked softly?!? "Y-yes," she whispered, "I remember them very well!!!" "Spread your legs, child," he said calmly, "let me see if your vagina remembers them!!!" Slowly Vera parted her legs, exposing her pussy to the gaze of her tormentor, who said, "Ahhh, yes, that is the ultimate barometer, and it cannot tell a lie!!!"

It was just like her days in college, playing the to his dominant, and now again, here she was, lying spread eagle on the bed with her wrists and ankles tied to the bedposts!!! Sitting down on the edge of the bed, he took his finger and roughly penetrated her sex, causing her to moan with a desire she hadn't felt in over four years!!! "So," he said softly, "does your husband excite you the way I do!?!" She didn't want to answer, but the insistent pressure he was applying to her pussy was driving her absolutely crazy, so she could barely answer, "Nooooo, I can't believe how hot I am, oh god, I'm so fucking hot!!!" While still fingering her drooling slit he exclaimed, "I'm sure that you are very excited, Vera darling, but not nearly as excited as you are going to be!!!"

She knew exactly what was coming, but the thought of it was so frightening that it was all she could do to watch him dip his big hand back into his black leather bag, while asking in a very shaky voice, "A-are you going to use the dominator on me?!?" "Do you want me to," he asked almost soothingly?!? "I-I don't know," she gasped as it came into view, "it hurts so much to have you put it inside of me!!!" "Of course it does," he replied softly, "but it also gives you the most delicious orgasms, the kind that most women can't even dream of because they have no clue on how really good it can be!!!" What the two of them were talking about, was a dildo that the master had brought along in his bag, but it wasn't just any ordinary dildo, not by a long shot, this latex cock was at least fifteen inches long and three inches across, the size of which could tear apart a woman if it wasn't used very carefully!!! It was so thick in fact, that it had a hole in the butt end of it that allowed the user to insert a fairly large vibrator inside of it and have an even more intense experience!!! The master slowly ran the tennis ball size head up and down Vera's shaved lips, making her whimper like a puppy, wanting it so badly, yet absolutely terrified of the intense initial pain that the thick invader always caused her!!!

After several long minutes of preparing her slit, the master looked Vera in the eyes and said, "I think we're ready now, so be a good girl and relax your muscles, you know enough not to try and fight it, it would be a hopeless gesture on your part!!!" Trying desperately to relax her cunt muscles, she began to slip into and almost catatonic trance as her master very slowly inserted the huge head into her tight little vagina, while all the time telling her what a good little girl she was!!! Her pussy screamed in agony as inch after inch off the brutal battering ram slid farther and farther into her now completely distended pussy!!! She tried to scream, but no sound escaped her lips, so she found herself grinding around on the bed, trying in vain to stop the massive erection from tearing her pussy into shreds, but realizing that no matter what she tried, it was hopeless to resist, as it had been four years ago, so it was now!!!

She was breathing very quickly now with short pants as she tried to take her mind off of the incredibly packed sensation filling her pussy!!! Even though she had yet to experience the joy of child birth, she thought that it must be something like the dominator, only the baby was trying to escape it's prison, while this latex monster was only interested in making her its own with its brutal invasive attack!!! When a full ten inches of cock was jammed inside of her, the master said quietly, "There now, Vera, darling, that wasn't so bad was it, just relax and get used to it, it's been a long time since you last domination, and it might take a little getting used to!!!" She prayed he'd just pull it out of her, but she knew better, as she was about to go on an orgasmic spree that would leave her almost dead from the vicious waves of pleasure that would soon be engulfing her!!! The pain was now almost numbing, more like a dull ache that didn't so much hurt, but felt more like an uncomfortable pressure on the inside of her pussy, but that is how it always started, the pain would fade and the numbness would take over!!! The final two pieces to the puzzle were yet to be fitted, but as her pussy continued to ache, the master carefully attached two small alligator clips to her erect nipples!!! The pain was almost excruciating at first, with the tiny teeth biting hard into her soft flesh, causing her to finally moan out loud, "On, master, please no more, I-I can't stand it anymore!!!"

He smiled down gently at her, reveling in her agony, and softly he spoke, "Now, dear, you know that I can't do that, the fun is just about to begin, and you know I only have to flip the switch to get you started, are you ready now!?!" She knew what was next and gritted her teeth in anticipation, she was climbing the cliff and getting very close to the top, and her master was about to throw the switch!!! It was the vibrator, jammed deep inside of the dominator that always induced her orgasms, and almost endless string of climaxes that lasted as long as her master kept the little machine going!!! She watched with both horror and fascination as he slowly reached for the on switch, and with great fanfare, flicked it with his finger, which of course started the little hummer to working!!! Almost instantly, the dull ache in her cunt was transformed into a yearning and need that threatened to consume her, while the pain in her nipples only sharpened her already heightened senses, as the impulses from her nipples shot directly to her highly engorged clitoris!!!

She was now filled with a sense of urgency in her groin, and the need to climax grew to a point where the only thing that mattered in the world was getting blessed relief to her devastated vagina and clit!!! Her nipples and cunt were on fire with desire, and the first tidal wave of climaxes washed through her crotch, leaving her shaking and trembling as another wave approached from the distance!!! In her minds eye, that is exactly how it appeared, like waves on the ocean, far apart but relentless, one after the other, coming from seemingly nowhere but everywhere!!! As the next wave pounded into her cunt and she arched her back and screamed in ecstasy, the bedroom door literally burst open and Vera's husband Rick stood open mouthed and staring at the horrific scene in front of him!!!

"W-what's going on in here," he stammered, while unable to take his eyes of the huge club protruding from his wife's pussy!!! "When he got no reaction from her, he looked around the room and for the first time saw the master standing next to the bed, just staring at him with his hands on his hips and a defiant look on his face!!! "Who are you," the young husband asked in a very confused voice, and what are you doing here!?!" Instead of answering his question, the master quickly covered the ten feet of space between them and with a hard back hand to the face, knocked the young man to the floor, leaving his lip split and his mouth bleeding!!! "Don't you ever speak to me that way again," the master spat at the broken husband, "if you shut your mouth and be quiet, I won't have to shove the dominator up your fucking ass, do I make myself clear!!!" With his lip swollen and his head ringing, Rick just nodded his head while trying to regain his senses!!! Back on the bed, however, Vera was in the middle of another set of orgasms that threatened to make her black out, but the mixture of pure pain and pleasure was enough to keep her conscious!!! Seeing that she was about to go under, the master turned off the vibrator and slowly began to extract the thick latex pecker from Vera's now bored out pussy!!!

Ten minutes later with everything back in his bag, Vera still hadn't moved a muscle, although her cunt was still a huge gaping hole in the middle of her crotch, thanks the brutal attack by the big fat rubber dick!!! Rick still sat on the floor, while trying to figure out exactly what the hell was going on, but knowing better than to ask any questions until the giant in black had left!!! As the master stood in the doorway ready to leave, he turned and said, "Anytime, day or night, I might be back, always be prepared and ready, for I am your master," and then he was gone!!! Rick struggled to his feet and went to his broken wife and took her in his arms and just held her, explanations could come later, but for now he was just glad they were alive!!! For the first time since he had come home, Vera noticed his presence and mouthed the words, "I'm sorry, I can't help it!!!" Looking into her eyes, he saw a fear he had never seen before, resulting in a cold feeling filling his body, because he knew that from now on their lives weren't their own, a man dressed in black would control them both, and for better or worse that was the way it would be!!! He let his mind wander a bit, and in his thoughts he saw the future, with both he and Vera tied to the bed and being taken by this stranger and stretched to the limit, and there was nothing they could do about it, they were his!!!

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ప్రియ….. రైల్ ప్రయాణంలో కన్నె పూకు ఆరంగేట్రం……..రెండవ భాగం (ప్రియకి చాలా కృతజ్ఞతలు. తన ఫేంటసీలు నాతో చెప్పినందుకు, అవి రాసేందుకు ప్రోత్సహించినందుకు. ఇన్ సెస్ట్( కుటుంబ సభ్యుల మధ్య సెక్స్) ఇష్టం లేని వాళ్ళు దయచేసి చదవకండి. మీ అభిప్రాయాలు పంపాలనుకుంటే నా మైల్ ) …….నేను షాక్ నుంచి కోలుకోవడానికి కొన్ని నిముషాలు పట్టింది. సతీష్ నాన్నకి లేత పూకు దొరుకుతోందంటే ఎగిరి గంతేసి, మా పెళ్ళికి ఓ.కె అన్నాడు. కానీ సతీష్ ఎందుకు ఒప్పుకున్నాడు? నేను సతీష్ ని బయటికి రమ్మని, టాయ్ లెట్ దగ్గిరకి తీసుకువేళ్ళేను. “మతి...

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Active duty

     I spent an extensive amount of time in the gym. From 2005 to 2008, I had transformed my 5' 8" 135 pound toned body to 185 pounds of lean ripped muscle. I found any reason to work on my tan.  My dark eyes would often find reasons to compare my physique to others.      I eventually managed to attain my own room in the four story barracks after being promoted a couple of times. It was hard not to check some of the other Marines out. They would often come out of there rooms wearing only...

1 year ago
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The Crystal RainbowChapter 11 Thunder

Christine stared sullenly out of the train compartment's window. "How can this be happening? One moment, I am in a state of sheer bliss and the next, I awaken to find myself feeling utterly embarrassed by knowing that Helen witnessed Erik and I in a compromising situation. I cannot believe that Helen saw us. I cannot believe she saw the passion that Erik and I shared. Yet, she says nothing about it now. How did she find her way into our dream? And, as if Helen seeing us were not bad...

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Swinging From the Family TreeChapter 6

It was Sunday and we woke up, showered, and dressed. We went downstairs for a quick breakfast before running. We grabbed a bite and left the house with my phone in a fanny pack. At the street, the woman and one of the men from the team that rescued us met us. The woman looked at us and grinned. "We like to run, too. May we run with you, Kenny, Babs. I'm Chelsea and he's Doug." Babs smiled and said, "We will be glad to have you with us if you can keep up." Doug grinned and said,...

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LoveHerFeet Sharon Lee My Footsie Ride

It was a sunny afternoon in LA and I had just hung out at my girlfriends house while enjoying a glass of wine. So when I left, I ordered a car from a ride-sharing service. When the driver arrived, he politely opened the door for me and we locked eyes right away. I couldn’t get over how cute he was! After giving him my address, I asked if he mind that I take off my high heels and let my barefeet hang out on his arm rest. The open air between my red pedicured toes felt so good I was wiggling them...

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Total ecstasy

It was a hot summer in Queensland, Australia. I was on my business trip to the north installing some new printers for one of our major customers. On the third and last day of my trip I was totally exhausted. I had only one installation to do and I would be on my way home, 4 hours drive south along the beautiful eastern coast of Australia. My last appointment was at 4 pm. It was to be a home office of a marketing company. When I got there I was pleasantly surprised with what I saw. The owner of...

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ProfNigma Stories 3 Carousel Nights 2

iCarly/Victorious: Carousel Nights #2"So... where do we go from here Jade?""I thought we already covered that… You know, back at the restaurant. I remember it because you shot me down…hard-core," Jade set up on the bed and looked down at Freddie."Yeah... I'm sorry about that. I don't know what I meant… I feel really excited that we don't have this... 'cloud' over our heads, and I just... I don't know.""Yeah... I didn't get any of that," Jade smiled a bit, slightly biting her lip. "Look,...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 78

Arriving home, Olivia found that she had a hard time sitting still. The idea of going to Mimi’s party intimidated her; something about the vibe in that house made her wonder what kinds of things might go on there at night. At the same time, she was intensely curious. For awhile she just rested in bed, feeling indecisive, vague images of the day’s events floating through her head.Then she remembered that Mimi had said to bring a friend. If I can find someone to go with me, Olivia decided, I’ll...

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Special Operations

I watched the timekeeper and brought the stealth fighter alive. I felt the strike carrier as it emerged from jump and yanked the lever back for the thrusters. The fighter erupted out of the carrier with the other nine fighters and began accelerating. A moment and the carrier opened a wormhole and jumped out. I began the random twisting spiral while beginning micro jumps. This was a confederate system that had sent raiders to imperial systems. Several destroyers started out to intercept us. I...

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The cruelty of Time

Susie’s purple hair with silver highlights, leather skirt and jacket and regulation Doc Martins might not be everyone’s idea of the perfect granddaughter, but she was the only one that Donna had. After years of being alone, Donna found herself energised by Susie’s sassy wit and go anywhere, do anything attitude.It came at a price, because there was no subject that Susie ever regarded as off-limits.“I mean,” Susie would say, “what exactly is the ‘correct’ attitude that I should take towards a...

Love Stories
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The Worlds First Futas Daughters 03 Futas First Taboo Pleasure Chapter 1 Rebeccas Taboo Futa Discovery

Chapter One: Rebecca's Taboo Futa Discovery By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 October 13th, 2041 – Rebecca Woodward Today, my half-sister turned eighteen. Music thudded through our house while she and her friends giggled downstairs. Brita sounded like she was having a great time. I could hear their feet swishing over the carpet as they danced to the latest single from my other half-sister, Nari. I had a lot of futa-half-sisters out there. I was one of Becky Woodward's daughters. She had...

4 years ago
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Chapter One - ArrivalJack Dawkins crawled out of the surf on all fours, shivering and exhausted. It felt to him as if his body weighed four times more than usual. The crashing waves could not seem to make up their mind whether to smash him to this death against the shore or to pull him back into the water and drown him. The wet linen of his shirt and breeches seemed to be made of lead, causing his arms and legs to quiver with the strain of supporting such an impossible load.His ship, the...

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Our Sexual Poker Games

First off let me tell you something about us and warn you this isn’t a story of one incident in our life but one of several ways we enjoy our life.   My wife is a slender woman with perfect boobs, long wavy hair, a gorgeous ass and an amazing pussy.   We have been married for a little over three years and it has been fantastic for us.   In our prior lives we were married to spouses who didn’t understand us and whom after many wasted years divorced.   We found each other on the internet...

Wife Lovers
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Always Finding TroubleChapter 8

The morning was nice. Bobby and I were in the gym working out when Jan came in wearing some shorts and a T-shirt. She used the bike while I was on the treadmill, then she switched to running on a steep incline while I did my weights with Bobby. When we were obviously done, Jan said, "Now I need a shower." Bobby said, "We'll rinse off under the outside shower and let's do some cardio swimming to finish up. As we went out the door, Bobby was dropping her clothes on patio chairs while I...

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Pleasure Island The Bikini Chapter 9

After leaving the clothing store you grab a quick bite to eat. You continue to joke with Wendy, "Um, maybe your not hungry? Have you eaten enough for the day?" "Perhaps if your cum was still a thick as it used to be, then I would be full. As it is, I'm definitely not thirsty at all. I mean I do intend to drink you dry a soon as I can." "Well, maybe I should eat some more of your thick cream. Sandy wasn't really in a sharing mood. Maybe I should just slide under the table right now and...

1 year ago
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Maa N Me In Digha

By : Deep0611 Hi..this is deep and i am 18 years old from i am going to tell you about the incident happened with my mother. yes some days ago i ve had sex with my mom.. i am a very fan of this site and i’m gonna tell you the story.. my dad is a busy office worker and cannot give us much time..few days ago we have planed to go to Digha but at the last moment dad cancelled and insisted us to go.. ok.first i’ll tell you about my self and the story will be in hindi.. jaise mai kaha...

4 years ago
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Strippers and Prostitutes Ch 10

Ch. 10: Painful Sunday Author’s notes: 1. This story follows on from my previous story ‘Mixed Emotions’ in which the characters are introduced and developed. It is strongly recommended that ‘Mixed Emotions’ is read first. 2. This is a work of fiction. The activities and practices described in this series are neither condoned nor recommended. If you choose to do anything described in real life with real people you do so at your own risk. 3. All characters are fictional and any likeness to...

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Hotwifing pt1

I could feel the head. He smeared it up and down where his mouth had just been, slick with my spit and now some of his Jon never joins in. He never even speaks. He always sits quietly in the corner of the room, watching. He wants to be there. He wants to see. Sometimes I see him with his cock out, but even that is a rarity. Usually he strokes it through his pants, edging the whole time. It’s as if he wants to be a fly on the wall and for us to forget he is even there. It’s usually a...

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Too good to be true pt2 My best friend Julie

It’s me again, still the average kid, just with a small turn of events that gave me a little boost of self-esteem. I’m not going out with Samantha, who I had sex with at her house at her request, which is strange to think about. She also rejected me again when I asked her out after our new found interest, saying she “didn’t want our friendship to end in a same lame high school break-up like John (my friend and her ex)”. But she did do me the favor of seducing Julie, her best friend, the...

3 years ago
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Beach Fun

This is Short But Hope you are Gonna LikeI talke u to the beach in the dunes we are wearing tshirt and swimming trunks I take your shirt off and start sucking your hairy nipplesI like them I pull your bathing suit down and u are hard as a rock I licke u down to your bush and start suking your cock u take my shirt offthen I want to cum but u are moaning and dripping precum on the sandI turnu and fucku missionary style with my belly rubbingyour cockthen I stick my cock in u rubbing my cock I...

2 years ago
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Sexy Maid Ready To Fuck

It was a saturday and my office was off. My wife went for shopping and told me that the maid will come and i must see that she completes the work. My son was not returning by 6 pm as he was to attend tution after his classes. The maid came at around 2 pm. She is working at our place since many months. She lives nearby in a slum and her husband is a painter with a construction company. She has two kids but she is very younge, may be around 26. She married early as per tradition. She is short and...

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Condition Chapter 11

I woke with a start, as I heard a loud knocking on my door. I looked up to see Dani standing over me, an angry expression on her face. I quickly remembered I had turned off my alarm earlier, since I was still tired from getting to bed so late after my date with Tim. I had assumed since it was Sunday, that she wouldn't mind me sleeping in. Normally, I was to get up early even on weekends, so I would be there to make coffee and breakfast for her and her boyfriend, James. But from her...

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Alpha Dog

Alpha Dog By: Naughty Nicole [email protected] *** Life was good. I was a few months of hard work away from making junior partner at the firm. My wife was beautiful, and we had decided to start trying to make a baby. Outside of work and marriage I spent my free time on my favorite activity: BJJ, or Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. I had been a pretty good wrestler in high school, and even though I'd gained a lot of weight since then, at five-nine and one-eighty, I was still quick,...

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My first time with a girl

I still rate it as one of the best times I've had sex, I think of it occasionally if I'm bored and want to play with myself. It's all happened when me and my boyfriend had started going to the gym together, which I loved seeing him pumped up from doing weights and knowing that when I bent over my yoga pants would go see through and see guys look at my ass while I did really added to the gym experience and made me feel really good. The gym we went to was a local leisure centre where my...

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A Maids Diary Part I

This is my contribution to the glory that is Fictionmania. Hope everyone likes it! A Maid's Diary, Part I By Connietgrrrl Friday, September... Dear Diary, I am on needles and pins, and butterflies in my stomach and...! Oh well, I am just nervous and excited all at once by my plan for tonight. I've spent all week getting ready. Good thing I had quit my job 2 months ago, because I needed the whole time to work up my nerve. I've wanted to tell my wife about my cross-dressing...

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Crossdressing for sex Pt 2 Getting fucked

Expecting my lover to be sitting there impatiently waiting for me I am surprised to see him leaning against the wall calmly. He too has changed his outfit from when he first arrived. At the door he seemed rather plain and I was kind of disappointed. He wore a T-shirt and jeans with some fairly tired looking boots. I hadn’t noticed him carrying anything else so I assumed I was the only one to be in leather. As it turned out I was absolutely wrong.Before anything else what struck me was how hairy...

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Staying After Class

This story took place twenty ago when I went away with a female colleague of mine, to a business conference. During the conference, we were both required to give a speech to the large group, about a project our company had just completed. Normally, I had given these speeches alone and was a bit annoyed that I was told that I was to do it with a junior member of our staff. However, my boss thought that we would have good chemistry together.Prior to the trip, Margaret and I had worked long hours...

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SixChapter 8 Theresa

She was generally quiet, Theresa didn’t push herself forward. She would usually agree with others on any group she was in. That’s why she was there; she had just agree with the others; she had agreed that Chris should not take the blame on her own, agreed to go and live with Martin, and agreed to take her turn in his bed. Now she wondered what that meant. She was agreeing to sleep with a stranger. Well, if not a stranger, then at least someone whom she had not met and dated and fallen for....

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Becoming Her True Self

Becoming Her True Selfby Kellyn        He called her on the phone when he was on the way to her hotel room.        ?Are you ready for me, slut??  he asked, his voice steely and cold.        Mira took a deep breath.  She sat, completely naked, on the old and faded hotel comforter, waiting to meet her Master for the first time.         ??Yes?. Sir, I think? I think I?m ready.?                 There was silence on the other end, silence that seemed to last for more than a minute, endless...

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Palomino Ch 10

Wesley looked at the hat as he pulled it down off the hat rack. It’d hung there for well over two months, the silent prayer hanging in the air that the girl he’d loaned it to would come back. But as it stood, it had been nearly three months. He ran his thumb across the buckle on the hat band and sighed, tucking the hat back into the box he’d dug it out and put it back up in the closet where it’d been for years. Even in the three months she’d been gone, Wesley couldn’t get Lacey King out of his...

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Sissy at the Bookstore

I had gone to adult bookstores for many years and had done it in drag many times but never dressed as a sissy and never during the day. On this day I was so involved in humiliating myself that I decided that I need to take that extra step and I did. I had checked into an adult motel the night before and booked for two days so I had a lot of time on my hands. The night before I had pranced around in front of other guests, both men and women, dressed in sexy women’s clothing and had a wonderful...

2 years ago
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When my wife and family lived in Hertfordshire we became very friendly with the neighbours. Ed and Ellen Bradshaw were a bit older than us with two teenage daughters Jeannie and Tammi, nineteen and s*******n respectively, Jeannie a stunning blonde who had a steady beau and was usually with him, Tammi on the other hand was a brunette with small pert boobs and not quite as pretty as her sibling. They also had a large black Labrador dog named Bruno Tammi usually took out to the park so when I...

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Amlu Aunty8217s New Year Gift

Hello, All, Indian Sex Stories readers. How are you all. Thanks for your huge and overwhelming response for my first sex story. I am happy that many of them read my sex story and informed about your satisfaction. Thanks to the Aunties and girls who invited to their house and mutually satisfied with new positions and new things and looking forward to satisfying you all to my best with the confidentiality. All your feedback are welcome. You can email me or chat with me in and will reply ASAP to...

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