- 4 years ago
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Author’s Note:
My first tale submitted in over a year. Fully completed with twenty chapters in all, a chapter or two submitted each month, it’ll be on par with ?The Nanny? as the storyline takes its course. The first couple chapters being toned down, it’ll escalate in my usual, abrasive to some, style.
Somewhere on the West Coast, then again, maybe it’s the East Coast, there’s an obscure talent agency specializing in the Fetish field. Signing young, na?ve female talent, molding them to the point of abusing them, they’re good at what they do and reap the benefits.
The Story Begins
Chapter One? ‘The New Girl’s Introduced To The Company’
Stepping in, allowing the door to lock behind him as it swings shut, he walks over to the studio’s darkened area toward the rear corner of the talent agency’s home office. Spreading the curtain covering the two way mirror as he adjusts the volume control leading from the acoustically designed room, he smiles to himself, more then pleased as he surveys his latest acquirement going through her preliminary training exercise in the intentionally stark cubicle set up with the latest inconspicuous video/audio equipment.
Positioned in front of a full length yellow curtain draping the back wall, she’s practically naked with a black horse bit between her yawning lips forcing a fixed smile, an odd appearing smile. Her youthful body glistening from head to toe beneath a glaring light centered above her as she labors with her ongoing routine, the grunts echo through the speakers above the background cadence as she contorts to her instructions. Barely leaving the floor’s surface from the balls of her spread feet every few seconds, her globular breasts springing, swaying, bouncing upwards only to flatten back down across her thrust out chest beneath the stretching pony-girl style regalia of silver ‘O’ ring buckles and narrow black leather straps crisscrossing her nude form, she’s obviously straining to jump up and down in a cumbersome series of a modified version of jumping jacks, up and down, up and down with her arms bent at the elbows above and behind her head, her fists clenching behind her neck, both wrists shackled beneath her disheveled hair to the fetish gear’s matching choker collar.
Glancing further inward and over toward the side of the specially modified cubicle, his assistant Melinda sitting on a tall stool, legs crossed, pad in her hand resting on a knee, from the expression on her face its obvious she’s into conducting the exercise, enjoying mentoring their fresh, new girl as she barks the cadence out loud and clear to her. Kind of surprised she’s not naked herself, wearing what’s for her is just a mundane outfit of a dark woolen low cut sweater and black leather skirt above her knee length boots matching her black horn rimmed glasses, he again focuses back on the struggling girl as he reaches out, hits the red button illuminating the signal on the inside wall.
Continued grunts emitting from the glistening cinch bit, the woman child’s contorting breasts tangling with the encircling straps leaving discoloring crimson streaks beneath the curvatures of those pendulous mounds for one so young, it’s obvious she’s more then just uncomfortable as the bottom pair of the outfit’s shinny new stiff leather strap’s framing the folds of her labium appear to be chafing that sensitive flesh between her bare thighs as her pubic mound glistens, either freshly shaven or even possibly waxed, being so smooth.
Damn, he can’t help thinking to himself how she’s even more then he’d imagined when she walked into his studio the very first time just the other day, a good looking big tittied kid, but a kid just the same he thought then. But, now seeing her in there naked, that crisp new leather harness taut anywhere you look on a body to kill for, he can only imagine what the future holds for how they can use her.
?Seventy-nine? Eighty? Stop, stop for now and maintain that pose, and keep your feet spread while you take a short rest? And keep those shoulders back, too? Further!? Melinda instructs in an almost scolding tone as she notices the red blinking light, stands while slipping the glasses further down across the bridge of her nose. ?It seems he’s finally arrived and he’s monitoring you right at this moment? I’ll just be a couple minutes or so, you should make good use of ‘em before we continue.?
Melinda’s voice coming over louder, more pronounced with the last couple orders, finally, just the girl’s rasping breath breaks the silence over the speaker as obviously nervous, even appearing frustrated, she exhaustingly obeys while her eyes turn toward the mirrored wall, raises toward the red light flashing above it. Her legs noticeably quivering as she inhales, exhales, arching her shoulders further back as ordered, her heaving breasts stretch outwards and apart between the taut, encircling straps as they glisten in the glare of the heated lamp.
While awaiting Melinda, he continues watching almost mesmerized through the mirror at the semi-shackled girl. Stunningly gorgeous to him in her erotic state, her dark eyes appearing hazed beneath her disheveled auburn hair as she’s virtually squinting through the beads of perspiration, her feet pointing somewhat apart, her pert nose practically flails between the large gleaming silver ‘O’ rings on either sides of her cheeks gripping the black leather horse cinch that’s clenched so tightly between her teeth. Yet, those almost too perfect to be natural tanned breasts of hers’ standing so upright still remain the epicenter of his attention. Large, yet firm and almost symmetrical mounds with silver dollar sized areolas just a shade or so darker spread flat and high, the nubs of her perfectly centered nipples beading with the dampness gleaming from her intentionally exhaustive workout, he follows the enticing mounds slowly rising, lowering above the erratic hollowing beneath the arch of her protruding ribcage before he slowly scans further down her nude, evenly bronzed form. Her sternum shimmering, the dimpled curvature of her belly button collecting her moistness, the gentle slope of her pubic area’s partially concealed beneath the straps scraping between her inner thighs forcing the naturally spread slit to breach even wider. The exposed nub of her clit visible, appearing puffy if not swollen between the compressed folds of her labium; her thighs quiver in gentle spasms, separating above her spreading knees.
The insulated door dividing the rooms swinging abruptly open, he regains his awareness, glances toward Melinda stepping through and shutting it behind her. As she approaches him she too glances back through the mirror while letting a hand slip across the glass surface. Taking in the view, she grips his hand in her free one.
?I’ve been working her pretty hard for the last couple hours? She’ll have sore tits for a week the way they’ve been flapping around.? Melinda grins as she senses his fingers tightening around hers. ?Damn? She does look good in that skimpy leather outfit you wanted her in, doesn’t she?... All hot and sweaty? And boy is she nervous, confused as hell? Doesn’t know what to expect from me next, squat thrusts, sit-ups, push-ups? Now to really work those tits, she’s well into doing a hundred jumping jacks. ?
?I’ve told you? Men sweat, women glisten.? He smirks, shaking his head as his eyes remain peering through the glass. ?Anyway, nothing quite like a young girl like her, a kid in a woman’s body, sexy as hell? And what a rack for that slender frame? Damn, even bigger then I imagined.? He continues as he watches her through the glass. ?Yea, tight ass, slender waist and big tits? She must feel like she carries around a pair of grapefruits all the time.? Another squeeze of Melinda’s hand, nodding, he rasps. ?Sorry I’m a little late? She been following your instructions okay, huh?... She having second thoughts, at all??
?She’s been kinda’ struggling, not too happy with what I’m kinda’ forcing her to do.? Melinda answers. ?Can’t say much with that bit in her mouth though, but she sure gives out some agitated groans and moans, you’ll see it all when we edit the videos? The outtakes will really make great teasers for our clientele? And believe me; we’ll be rolling in the profits with this girl for a long time if everything goes as I know it will? And best of all, I’m certain she’ll just make a perfect submissive, full fledged sub for us on top of everything else.?
?Maybe she should have examined her contract a little closer then, huh?? He grins, thinking of how excited she was when he told her he just might give her a try when she showed up wide eyed at the agency with an add in hand and a couple unbuttoned buttons on her skin tight blouse.
?Maybe she shouldn’t have agreed so enthusiastically to contribute to our fetish portfolios, agree to our training without really going over the fine print.? Melinda smiles. ?Then again, I’ve got her pretty well under control, she’ll submit to far more then she realizes at the moment? Yea, she’ll learn.? Melinda continues as they both continue to gaze through the dark glass at their young prot?g?, her body shimmering beneath the intentionally hot lights.
?Then you think she’ll break in? Submit quickly to do even more then the contract she’s signed to do standard light bondage, sexual penetration with condoms, all the usual mundane stuff that’s been beaten to death in the industry, pardon the pun.?
?Oh, absolutely? She’ll accept some serious discipline; I can just about guarantee it? Just give me a little more time with her, I can feel it.? She smiles. ?Yea, maybe it’s about time to abuse her a little more then she thinks she’s signed up for? Let her get a sense of the normal obligatory pain at first, and then go from there? Maybe work those tits a little harder she’s so proud of to start with? Those nipples are just begging for attention with some nice serrated clover clamps ? Maybe her clit????
?Wow!? On her first session?? He retorts with an obviously doubtful shake of his head. ?Think you should really be pushing it?... She’ll go for it so soon??
?Hey? Take a closer look at that tight little cunt down there beneath those wet straps between those thighs? Her slits’ already moist, and not just from sweating.? She retorts with a grin. ?Excuse me, I mean perspiring? She’s obviously a she.?
?Really?? He nods, reflexively focusing between her glistening legs. ?So you think she could be a natural? Maybe, just maybe already with a serious kinky side huh?... And to think, for someone so young, na?ve? Hot Damn!?
?Hey, first of all she needs our contract even more as she wants it, the money she thinks she can make.? Melinda retorts. ?And remember, she’s alone out here, all alone? What family she has back where ever she’s really from doesn’t even know where she’s at? And, I know as well as you that she’s got a fake ID with a phony date of birth? Yea, she might just be a kid but she knows her body’s what she’s got going for her, and she’s really, really proud of it, especially those tits and ass? Believe me; she thinks they can get her anything she wants.? Their discussion continuing, she adds. ?I knew that when I helped with fitting that outfit on her? I could tell she actually kind of liked the looks of it even though she tried to give that obligatory shocked expression when she first saw what she was expected to wear for her initial session today? Then she kinda’ got off actually while I was fastening it up on her, adjusting the straps, buckling them across her naked body even after she acted confused, irritated when I told her she had to strip in front of me to strap it on, yea, I knew better.? Still glancing though the mirror as she speaks, her hand sliding across her own breast, cupping, manipulating through the sweater, her voice becomes a tad raspier as she continues. ?She couldn’t really hide her responses to my hands, my fingers all over her, and I mean all over? Like I said, her pussy’s wet for more then just one reason, I just know? I tell you she’s actually a kinda’ freak, a pain slut deep down inside? I just knew it from the time I felt her body trembling in a kind of anticipation by the time it came to the wrist bindings to the back of the choker.?
?I wondered how’d that go... I mean letting you shackle?????
?I used the contract.? She butts in as she glances toward him. ?When she acted like she wanted to hesitate having her hands shackled behind her head I just told her it was part of the fetish gear she had to practice modeling in and she didn’t have a choice, or she could hit the door? I knew she wouldn’t quit, and she’s too na?ve to know any better.
?Well then, I guess? Yea? I’ll go with your instincts? Let’s see how serious we can get tonight.? He nods back, the thoughts of what’s to come even more stimulating then how damn hot she already looks out there right now. ?Go ahead and push her as much as you think you can? Not the real nitty gritty bondage ‘S and M’ stuff though with those Japanese clamps you like so much, that’ll come later when we use the proper equipment back at the estate once we’re really sure she’s in line with what we want to do with her.? Glancing back toward the other side of the glass, he continues. ?Okay then, give me a little private show? Go get her tits bouncing again like when I came in and interrupted? Smack em’ with your hands, hurt ‘em some; you’ve got long fingernails, use ‘em on those puffy nubs? Hell, try to humiliate her too; she already looks nervous as hell? So, go ahead and give those nipples the attention you want, young tits like those are always resilient.?
A knowing nod, a smile. ?That’s better, I know you all too well? I know just what you want, trust me? I just might have a pleasant surprise for you before I’m done with her tonight.? Her hand slipping from his, reaching up and slipping the glasses off, sliding the sweater above her head, dropping it as she slips her skirt down across her hips, the boots, no underwear, now basically naked herself she grins toward him as she shakes her short cropped hair loose. Her thirtyish body impressive in its own right, nipples hard as rocks on perky, still firm breasts, a toned, well maintained frame, stepping back into the cubical she smiles again while tugging the door shut behind her.
?Okay Jodi? Ready to continue??
Her hazed stare, head barely twisting as she obviously eyes Melinda undressed, a muffled, almost confused grunt through the cinch, Jodi’s body noticeably quivers as she tenses in her creaking straps without uttering an answer.
?I guess that means yes, huh?? Melinda smirks as she steps close but off to the side knowing Jodi’s exhausted as much as confused. Reaching out, allowing her thumbnail to trace along the side of the strap wrapping around, disappearing just beneath the fold of Jodi’s breast, allowing a fingertip to flip up over the thrust out mound from its rounded bottom upward, to circle the darker circumference of the flatly spread areola, she allows the tip of the nail to probe into the stubby nub, to flatten it into the trembling yet firm titflesh. Ignoring Jodi’s muffled grunt, a slow twist of the probing finger sinking in over a knuckle deep, another twist back and forth before allowing the nail to slip back away, she smiles while she watches the whitened indentation disappear as the nipple again protrudes outward.
?Time to go to another level? Maybe practice a little sadomasochism, know what that is?? Melinda smirks. ?Involves some pain? But then again, could be some pleasure too, if you allow it? Yea, let’s start right here, this firm titty? Incredible how high, so symmetrical a youthful tit can be for being so prominent.? Cupping the other breast, she allows it to bounce up and down between the leather straps a couple times in her spreading fingertips as Jodi again quietly moans while barely resisting.
?On the other hand?? Thumbnail, forefinger pinching together as Melinda’s voice momentarily trails off, the nails curling menacingly inward, firmly onto the hardening nipple, she scolds in a harsher voice. ?Hold still now? Don’t move, and keep that tit pushed out here? It’s time to really see what you’ve got in you? If you’re really what we’re looking for and maybe, just maybe can fill our next spread for a very discerning sadomasochistic magazine with just you as the model.?
Glancing back toward the mirror, a knowing smirk as she feels Jodi’s breast quivering, hears her sobbing grunt but still senses hardly any resistance, she slowly presses the tips of her fingernails inward, curling, pinching toward one another into the tender flesh. A twist, a counter clockwise twist in reverse, a tighter grip and she lifts, tugs the mound outward forcing Jodi to tiptoe on the balls of her spread feet.
?That’s it? That’s the girl? It’s okay to respond to the pain? Feel it, experience it? You can moan, whimper, even cry if you want? It’ll make the spread so much more authentic and appreciated if you react properly to the situation.? She continues. ?But for now? When I let go I want you to finish that last exercise for our guest behind the mirror? I believe we reached what?... Eighty, yea eighty, that means there’s twenty more to go? Now I want you to really give these titties a workout this time, really make ‘em dance, understand??
A serious pinch before letting go, the sound of Jodi’s rasping grunt of pain mixed with uncertainty, the spewing of saliva from the cinch dripping off her chin, Melinda smirks as she steps off to the side, nods. ?Do it? Now get back to the workout before we got interrupted? Bounce those tits nice and high? Do it until I tell you to stop!... Now push those tits out here? Ready, set? Go!?
Squinting as she sighs, bowing her knees while she arches her shoulders, a hesitant jump with a more noticeable grunt and her breasts briefly elongate upward, stretch between the crossing straps and ‘O’ rings forming the black leather and chrome ‘X’ across her chest. Both breasts nearly touching her chin before she cranes her neck back as much as she can in the collar, the twin mounds flapping back down as her feet regain the floor, she nervously glances toward the mirror, toward the reflecting image of her naked body being humiliatingly exposed to whomever’s behind the glass. The dark nipples spreading apart, jerking together before the firm melons jiggle to a brief standstill, a second jump followed by a third, again the stiff leather scraping into her bare skin, each leap brings a grunt, the sound of titflesh smacking together, smacking across her glistening breastbone.
Her thighs already bordering on raw from the abbreviated workout being painfully aggravated along with her sore clit, she jumps again more gingerly, grunts again a little louder. Tears tracing down her cheeks, chin forced high, the black cinch stretching the corners of her lips as her exposed brilliant white teeth gnaw into the leather, the perspiration again lathers, glistens from head to toe beneath the sizzling heat lamp above her. Another, yet another clumsy skip as the toes of one foot remain on the floor, her breasts swaying side to side as often as bouncing, her fists clench white knuckled behind her neck, her bound wrists twisting at the secured eyelet on the back of the leather choker, the rest of the skimpy paraphernalia gleaming, concealing virtually nothing to the imagination.
?Stop!... Stop it!... Stop!!!? Melinda’s voice harsh, scolding as she steps forward, Jodi jerking to a standstill as her breasts sway, jiggle, flatten between the straps, again only her rasping breath breaks the quiet as Melinda slowly steps back and forth from one side to the other slowly shaking her head from side to side.
?Push those tits out here? Now!... And spread those legs wider if you want to even have a chance of not having that contract torn up right now!? Looks like you’d rather be practicing for the S and M shoot.?
Trembling, arching her shoulders, pushing her chest outward Jodi nervously obeys, inhales a whizzing deep breath. Blinking through the mounting moisture from her eyes, tiptoeing on her spreading feet, she glares blurry eyed toward Melinda’s approaching fingernails, both hands reaching out, the thumbs and forefingers curling ominously together.
?Push ‘em out here? Place ‘em between my fingers? Do it and stop thinking, just react to my instructions? Just react, react girl!... Or we’ll be done, and you’re back on the street with no future.?
Moaning between rasping breaths, pressing her breasts outward, feeling the straps burrowing into her aching flesh, Jodi glances downward, reluctantly aligns her spreading breasts with Melinda’s nails. Hesitantly pushing forward as her fists anxiously twists behind her neck, watching the bright red painted nails slipping across both damp nipples, glancing almost pleadingly toward Melinda’s blank expression, she feels the hard, sharp nails encircling, pressing together.
?You just don’t seem to be enthused enough, Jodi? You seem to need some motivation, and not just on these nipples.? Her voice still icy, her stare likewise, Melinda gives equal tweaks, twists to the nubs between her fingernails. ?Actually deep down? The way you’ve been acting I think you might want to be disciplined like a child, a little girl? You probably like the feel of your titties being hurt, don’t you?... Admit it, at least to yourself!? Another tug, a harsher tweak, she can sense the nipples pulsate, throb in her fingertips. ?And, how ‘bout that clit of yours?... Didn’t think I forgot all about it, did you??
Her grunts muffled, both mounds stretching outward, Jodi tiptoes, arches forward. Head slowly twisting from side to side in the chafing collar, saliva drooling off her chin, tracing across, between her contorting breasts, she reflexively twitches, jerks as the pain sears through the tortured nubs.
?Yea? I’ve got an idea.? Melinda’s voice quieter, patronizing, she grins. ?Yea? How ‘bout that clit hiding down there being pinched like these nipples?... See how that feels, see if that’s something you want to experience.?
Eyes widening, glaring downward, seeing the fingernails slipping away, her breasts springing back in their firmness, smacking together as they center to a standstill between the straps, Jodi watches the tips of the painted nails tracing beneath her sternum, sliding into the curvature of her ribcage, tracing across the bottom ‘O’ ring just below her bellybutton securing the pair of straps in place before disappearing down between her raw thighs. Drooling, shaking her head from side to side, her labium being spread, the already sore folds chafing against the edges of the pair of leather straps parting her straining legs, her moans take on the character of pleading grunts.
?Where’s it at?... Now I know it’s down here somewhere? Come out, come out wherever you are.? The voice teasing, the nails probing, flicking, Melinda searches for the nub in the moistness of the parted lips of Jodi’s sex even as she positions herself not to block the view from behind the mirror. Rubbing, pressing the sensitive flesh inward with her thumb, slipping the index finger into the tight slit between the straps, squeezing, tugging, she again enjoys the feeble sounds of Jodi’s rasping grunts, her even more audible groans as she centers on the swollen nub.
?Okay? There it is!... Now, that’s better.? Melinda smirks as she glances back into Jodi’s squinting eyes as she menacingly fingers the throbbing nub between her nails. ?Wanna’ see how easy it is to make it bleed? Ready?? Finger, thumb tightening, the smirk still on her face, she leans closer to Jodi’s wildly widening stare as she rasps. ?Should have worked these tits with a lot more enthusiasm then you did, huh?... Maybe you’ll work ‘em a little better now? Then again, how ‘bout I’ll give you another chance, change up again? Maybe you’d rather have your tight little pussy masturbated in front of our guest? Get off, rather then being hurt?... How’s that sound to you??
Eyes wide, chest pounding, finally a hesitant nod, partly confused, partly of embarrassment, even of relief, Jodi glances toward the mirror, lowers her head in acknowledgement.
Melinda smiling while craning her neck forward, cupping Jodi’s breast with her free hand and lifting it up and outward, sliding her tongue from between her own parted lips and twirling the tip across the dark oval surface of the areola, she allows her warm breath to flow across the moist, glistening mound as it bulges between her fingertips. Flicking the tip of the chosen nipple back and forth, pressing inward, sensing the reflexive response of the shriveling nub Melinda also begins to gently manipulate Jodi’s clit with her other hand, her finger, thumb tugging, twisting ever so teasingly back and forth in miniscule strokes instead of pinches corresponding with the flicks of her curled tongue.
Listening closely to the wall speaker, seeing Melinda’s naked antics, Jodi’s spontaneous responses through the mirror, he briefly smiles to himself as he nods an approval to his own reflection. Jodi’s bare flesh glistening, beading across her other still exposed breast, narrow streaks of moisture trailing, circling beneath the thrust out melon, he admires the youthful form arching, trembling beside Melinda’s glistening body, firm, not as big busted as Jodi’s, not as boyish in the hips but still top shelf. Knowing Melinda’s bisexual, again he smiles again knowing full well her thought process, her intentions and her expertise in sexually manipulating both genders.
Melinda’s hand probing between Jodi’s spreading thighs with mounting enthusiasm, precisely pinching, tugging the responding clit outward, pressing her face close to Jodi’s, Jodi’s head twitches back and forth in front of her crossed arms as she glances time and again toward the mirror through her blinking, squinting eyes. Over the next few erotic moments turning to minutes of Melinda massaging, manipulating that glistening, contorting body while time and again whispering something into her ear, Jodi’s body obviously responding more and more until its in a constant state of erratic spasms, he watches Melinda’s free hand finally reaching up, unsnapping a side of the cinch as she turns with a smile toward the mirror. Her other hand finally stopping stroking, masturbating Jodi’s clit to an obviously nearing climax, Melinda pulls the wet horse away as she rasps. ?Go ahead? Tell him what you want? Tell him what you’ve been mumbling for? Now!?
?Fu? fuck me!... Oh yes!... Fuck me, please!? Jodi’s voice rasping through the speaker as she squints her eyes shut, tiptoes on trembling legs, tries unsuccessfully to press her knees together across Melinda’s fingers, her eyelids again parting, gazing hazily toward the mirror, she moans, arches forward, jerks back, arches forward again trying to ride Melinda’s fist, get it pumping again as she blurts out. ?Fuck me? Ohhhhh? Please? Someone in there fuck me? Please? Please!... Ohhhh!?
Melinda smirking toward the mirror, nodding toward Jodi’s incredibly erotic body glistening, shuddering in short spasms in the dampening black leather straps, again redoing the cinch, she rasps. ?Want to come on out here and stick that cock of yours in her?? Help her finish her orgasm? That’s obviously what she wants now, you heard her!? Glancing back toward Jodi, another teasing tweak of her swollen, twitching clit causing her thighs to again noticeably quiver, her knees to bow, she presses her lips across Jodi’s ear, whispers. ?I just might want you to suck my pussy too after we let you get your orgasm, okay with that, girl??
Feeling the painful but somehow now immeasurably pleasurable pinch, succumbing to reflexive jerk after reflexive jerk of her hips as her fists clench behind her matted hair, her eyes rolling, neck craning as her naked body spasms, Jodi can’t help herself from acknowledging whatever she’s asked to do while again tiptoeing from foot to foot. ?Yeeees!? Huh hu? Oh Yesssss? O? Okay, okay? I will, I will!... Yesssss!?
?That’s what I thought.? Again releasing the puffy nub from between her manipulating nails, watching Jodi’s quivering breasts streaking with perspiration, Melinda cups her own breast, teases her own swelling nipple with a playful pinch. ?Maybe I’ll let you suck on my titty too, see if you can satisfy another woman with your lips and tongue as good as I can after we let you cum, huh?... Then again, maybe he won’t come in and finish fucking you until you orgasm first? Don’t want that, do you?? A hesitation, stepping back with a grin as she slips her shimmering hands free after a final tweak, Melinda again glances toward the mirror, back toward Jodi, again toward the mirror with a smiling, knowing nod.
Her breath rasping from her flailing nostrils, her bare flesh rippling, glistening beneath the heated lighting, both nipples still showing indented bruising on her jiggling breasts, again squinting straight ahead her thoughts are no longer of confusion, embarrassment, but the hope that she’s not going to be denied an orgasm. Inhaling, exhaling, her womb pulsing, clit throbbing with each heartbeat as the door beside the mirror swings open, she spreads her feet wider apart, thrusts her hips outward in frustrated eagerness.
End Chapter One? To be continued??
Chapter One The a*****ion It was a typical hot, sticky July Cleveland evening, with temperatures in the low-80's, and humidity to match. My sleeveless tennis top and tiny skirt were drenched with sweat, and I felt as though they must surely be almost transparent by now, after three grueling sets against Maggie, my best friend. Finally, mercifully, we finished. I lost again, as usual. Maggie always somehow manages to just barely beat me, but she always wins. I wondered if there really was...
As it happened, Deb and I had been dating on & off for a few months. Mutual friends had introduced us. She was clearly out of my league, quite attractive, came from a well-to-do f****y, and somewhat ‘proper’. Nevertheless, we had a connection of sorts. One evening after a movie, she was going through my small library and pulled out my rare copy of Story of ‘O’. ‘What’s this’? she asked. I suggested she read it & find out. When she left, she took it with her. Two weeks later, we were out for...
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Lexi was finishing up packing the last of her things into the beat up Honda Accord that would take her to the beginning of what promised to be an amazing new start and would get her out of the small midwestern town that up to this point had always been home. She was accepted into a school that carried a reputation for creating excellent graduates and even more lucrative connections in the business and law world and had been suprised to get the personalized invitation to apply for a new full...
As it happened, Deb and I had been dating on & off for a few months. Mutual friends had introduced us. She was clearly out of my league, quite attractive, came from a well-to-do family, and somewhat 'proper'. Nevertheless, we had a connection of sorts. One evening after a movie, she was going through my small library and pulled out my rare copy of Story of 'O'. "What's this"? she asked. I suggested she read it & find out. When she left, she took it with her.Two weeks later, we were out...
SubmissionChapter 1 I was twenty-seven when things started to change in my life. My husband disappeared, apparently with one of the women he worked with. I lost my house because I was unable to make the payments on my own. Eventually, I even lost my job because I couldn’t concentrate on my work. I was quickly slipping into a deep depression and the hole seemed to be getting bigger every day. So, eight years after getting married and moving out of my parents’ home, I was forced to move in...
Unlike the author, dave (worm) had no interest in the teenage school girls laughing and flirting in his hot, overcrowded commuter train home every night from London Waterloo after a long boring day in the office.His low sperm count and lack of any female willing to take him seriously meant he would never father any of his own, but couldn't resist the perverted thoughts of submission to them. He hated their jokes at his expense, preferring instead to imagine his next humiliation by Mistress...
BDSMWe eventually made it to my house, which was on a typical, mature, suburban street. I led Deb out of the car to the front step where I told her to sit & wait fo me. With her hands still tied behind her back, sans panties, I helped her down to sit on the 2nd step, about 12′ off the ground, leaving her knees up in front of her considerably higher than her waist. I instructed her to rest her forehead on her knees & not to move while I removed the blindfold. I went in the house & watched from the...
As I was preparing to go take care of the cheque, I told Deb she could use the washroom to put her panties back on & dry her dress if need be. ‘But’, I instructed, ‘I will be sitting at the bar when you return, and I want you sit back down at the table & give the gentleman behind me now, and so across from you, an opportunity to see up your dress, be discreet and act as unaware as you can, I will then return to walk you out.’ ‘Oh gee’, I don’t know….’ she challenged. ‘You know you want to, and...
N.B. * Sorry for the lapsed time with completing this; I consequently only have myself to blame for lack of responses.......... as I lightly ran the bristles of the brush vertically through her pussy, she began to quiver. I explained this action was not for her pleasure, and proceeded to press the brush more firmly against her. My objective was to redden her lips thereby causing a slight swelling. She was a true blonde in that her pubic hair was not like hair at all, but fine, white, sparse,...
We eventually made it to my house, which was on a typical, mature, suburban street. I led Deb out of the car to the front step where I told her to sit & wait fo me. With her hands still tied behind her back, sans panties, I helped her down to sit on the 2nd step, about 12" off the ground, leaving her knees up in front of her considerably higher than her waist. I instructed her to rest her forehead on her knees & not to move while I removed the blindfold.I went in the house & watched...
As I was preparing to go take care of the cheque, I told Deb she could use the washroom to put her panties back on & dry her dress if need be. "But", I instructed, "I will be sitting at the bar when you return, and I want you sit back down at the table & give the gentleman behind me now, and so across from you, an opportunity to see up your dress; be discreet and act as unaware as you can; I will then return to walk you out.""Oh gee", I don't know...." she challenged."You know you want...
She breathed out slowly. It had been a stressful day at work. Her jackass of a boss had given her co-worker the raise that she had been working her ass off to get. The bitch had probably fucked him to get it. She pulled her sleek red mustang into the driveway of her condo. Daddy could buy her anything she wanted, but she'd rather work for it. She unlocked the front door, slipping out of her black heels as she went. She walked up the stairs miserably. She needed a glass--no, a bottle-- of...
Your name is John Doe. Where this story takes you is up for your decision. You can choose your gender, you can choose your significant other. But after that, you will lose the ability to choose. You will become obedient, like you know deep down you should be. Ready? Pick one, and begin. NOTE: {[email protected]}It is highly recommended that you play this using Game Mode, as this story takes advantage of score tracking, and it is also suggested that you change the names this game supports to the...
BDSMHis girlfriend, Cindy, was angry -- again. He was late picking her up and they had already missed the first ten minutes of the movie the two teenagers had planned to see. "Shit! I don't want to start it in the middle. We'll have to do something else, though I should just make you spend he evening by yourself. You're such a ditz sometimes Fred!" "I said I was sorry! I had to stop for gas." "You had plenty of time earlier." "Well, my watch stopped working." Cindy had given him the watch for...
Fetishover the years I had messed around with a few kinky plays with girl friends and then my wife. These had been great fun, but I had normally been the Dom, my wife being very unsure of taking control.We enjoy an open relationship, so I joined Fab about 5 years ago and tried to find a Dominant lady. To cut a long story short, I was talking to a lady who claimed not to be Dom, but who needed a Handyman. She needed her bedroom painting as she was selling her house, I joked that the price would be...
The rhythmic click-clack of her three-inch black stiletto heels against the concrete ground reverberated off the walls of the alley, intensifying the sound as if it were a hundred pair of feet instead of just the one. Had it been night instead of day she never would have chanced walking through the dirty alley with its discarded trash and wandering bums, but it was not night and the alley was the only short cut that she knew of. Hidden in the midday shadows a dainty pale wrist lifted revealing...
I so want you OUT of the beautiful outfit but let’s take it slow shall we? First, lets caress and kiss the shoulders and neck...left and right...right and some tongue...and some more. Oops, looks like the stockings are coming down...I am facing my thumbs roll over your nipples, ohh they like that! Then I see beautiful belly that is oh so, so sexy. My tongue circles your belly button and the piercing then probes for more.My tongue moves lower...and I detect a sweet...
Her sun-bleached hair blew wildly in the breeze, floating across her face, masking the expression of mixed emotion. Complete and utter joy at being able to walk freely along the broken sea defences, yet devastation at being alone, no one to turn to in time of need or danger. She lifted her face to the setting sun and bathed in its glory, feeling the warmth of its rays upon her face, feeling her skin glow in its light, she adored the sun. Her bronzed skin contrasted stunningly against the pale...
Kyle locked the door and turned around. He smiled and reached forward at the bow. He tugged at a loose string and the lace fell the floor. She smiled and leaned forward for a kiss. Kyle smiled and grabbed her left nipple. She moaned and dropped to her knees, the pleasure overwhelming her muscles. She breathed a sigh of relief as his hand released its grip on her breast. She smiled as he pulled out his dick. She looked at the rock hard throbbing rod and reached forward tentatively. “What do you...
FetishSubmissed Network is a hot porn site that is all about those dark fantasies and kinky fetishes that you have! Yes, it’s about that freaky stuff that you dream about doing. This place has many surprises for you to enjoy, and when I say surprises, I know what I am talking about. This place is not like anything you have seen in 50 Shades of Grey. Oh, brother, not at all. This is the real deal, not a little spank and wank. There are 5 BDSM sites here all of which focus on a different theme. There...
Premium Fetish Porn SitesNow I have a very feminine side and have always been interested in men,however, being married and from a small mid western town where they calledguys interested in men queer, fags, well you know all the derogatory termsthe straight laced populace use. We had moved to Florida for the purposeof a job that I had applied for and after two interviews actually landed.I found that even though the city we had moved to was more of a large town,the community didn't come down so hard on guys like me. I...
We had been talking on the internet for some weeks, I had been setting you tasks, which by enlarge you had forfilled. Each one was designed to test your ability to follow my commands but also to expand your sexual horizons.You were desperate to meet, after each completed task when I gave you your reward you always asked for me to meet you. I finally said yes, but there where going to be rules.I booked a hotel room not far from your Home and emailed the rules to you.First arrive at the hotel at...
I had advertised on Craigs List “a live porn show in your home” of me and my slave girl. When we arrived at this surburban home, our customer was there. The client was a middle age man and his wife who appeared in her mid 30’s. They greeted us as if we were long lost relatives, each giving us a hug and a peck on the cheek. They offered us something to drink and we had some small talk to get to know each other for a min or two. The man then said, “well, let’s get this show started,” That...
This story begins on a Saturday afternoon. It had been almost two weeks since you and I had last spent an afternoon sucking and fucking, and I was more than anxious to turn my divine little vixen anyway but loose.When you arrive, I can tell immediately that you are just as hot and bothered as I am; and would do anything I demanded in order to satisfy your own lust."On your knees, slave!" I command.You close the front door and obediently kneel before me. Slowly, I take off my shirt, then drop my...
Vera was measuring a quarter cup of laundry detergent to add to her Monday morning load of wash when the phone rang! "Hello," she answered while cradling the phone between her shoulder and ear, "who's calling please!?!" "A deep voice on the other end of the line intoned evenly, "It's been a long time, Vera, I'm very disappointed that you moved away without even the courtesy of a good by!!!" Vera's blood immediately ran cold at the mere sound of the menacing voice, and it was all that she could...
EroticThis is what happened when I was in Chennai for my office work in the month of June. Hi, I am Kumar (all names changed, including mine) and I work for an MNC in Bangalore. I am 29 years old, 5.8 feet tall, normal athlete built south Indian guy, no mustache. I have a thick dick of almost 7inches. I have this wheatish skin tone and don’t have much body hair. I had to travel to Chennai sometimes for my work and my company has serviced apartment there, where I stay whenever I travel. I am actively...
Gay MaleHi friends this is my first story and its 100 % true mujhe lagta tha ki yaha pe mostly stories fake hoti hai but jab mere sath aisa hua jo maine socha bhi nhi tha to mujhe yakeen hua ki sari stories galat nhi hoti mera naam aman hai aur me pune me rehta hu meri age 24 hai and I work in an IT company ye story kuch saal pehle ki hai jab me engineering kar raha tha bhopal se. I’m basically from Bhopal uss samay meri age 19 thi. Mere pados me ek didi rehti thi jo ki MTech kar rahi thi unka naam...
I was on my knees on the floor of the back seat. Inches from my face was the most beautiful pussy I had ever beheld and it belonged to my own mother. It seemed so large and intimidating. Peering down between her legs, mom smiled at me as she watched me study her amazing muff."Would you like me to open it up for you, sweetie?" She asked.I nodded and mom used two of her fingers to splay apart her large fleshy cunt-lips. Mom's twat opened up like a shiny pink blossom coming to full bloom."Wow." I...
Transitions VII by Desiree Pleasence Chapter 14 - Kandy Krush Saga As I sit here, it's hard to believe that everything seemed so carefree and decadent the day before yesterday, when I unveiled my new assets to our neighbors. But that was before yesterday. That was before Gillian and Renee had filled me in on the saga of Kandy. What I heard chilled me to the bone. They seem to have no idea what they have done. Maybe I've filled in the blanks incorrectly. Maybe I've projected my...
If you've read 'Carly, a Caravan and Me', you'll know what happened when my partner and I took her two daughters to a caravan holiday park for a weekend - a fantastic blow-job from 16yr old Carly is what happened!! Nothing else happened between me and Carly that weekend and we went home, and I thought everything was back to 'normal'. Carly had yet another boyfriend on the scene and I breathed a private sigh of relief...About three weeks went by, and one night when I was staying round there, my...
A Mother's Desires Series I awoke early and watched as black turned to grey and grey to pink, on the walls of our small tent. My son's soft snoring was the only sound on this eerie morning. Almost as if the forest knew the horrible acts that had taken place here last night, and was in mourning over our lost souls. A son had done the unthinkable and a mother had destroyed the sacred bond of mother and child last night. My son's perversion, in his attraction to me and my ungodly lust, has...
Sea Girls. Part Three. It was on the following Thursday evening that we all gathered together in the lounge and that included the first year students, to hear how us second year ones had got on with our exams. This was what we, Rosie and I, missed out the previous year for we had gone to bed early with it being our last night before the holiday. By the time Mr. Thompson, the senior teacher got his notes together, Rosie and I were sucking on each other’s cocks, making pigs of ourselves in...
First Timethis is another old story, so probly somewhere around 20 years i looked online and found a club/forum on yahoo for escorts working in Middlesbrough/Stockton area, it has closed long time ago now.there was lots of photos of escorts and a few vids.i saw there was a link to a lovely looking 18 year old blonde who had modelled for some professional glamour photographer. looked at his site her photos looked real good, nothing too extreme mainly just topless.sent a message to person on site...
Lisa Jackson was watching T.V with her twin brother John. The 18 year old girl had a figure to die for. Standing at 5 foot 11 with a toned body, C-cup breasts and a firm buttle butt as well as a beautyful face with green eyes and blond hair. Her brother was 6 doot 2, slightly muscular with brown hair and blue eyes. They were as close as could be but Lisa wanted to be more. She wanted to be her brothers lover. And she knew exactly how to become just that. With their parents gone for a month, she...
IncestThe kind of days where you call in sick to work and stay in bed all day long. Thankfully she had an over stocked bank of sick days and nothing important to do all day long. It was also helpful that her boyfriend was sleeping next to her, and it only influenced her judgment slightly that he had the day off. She had thought she did a great job convincing her boss that she was sick, she had even gaged on the phone to make it sound like she was going to throw up, which had really hurried him...
Sandy, my sister-in-Law, had arrived to stay with us late morning on Good Friday. Sarah and I had invited her to stay for the long Easter weekend since her husband was kept overseas on business. A few months earlier I had had the pleasure of first secretly seeing her masturbate twice to orgasm whilst watching a porn video and the licking her to orgasm before having sex. (See earlier posts called "Caught my sister-In-Law).It was mid Good Friday morning when she had hauled her case out of the...
100% fiction! My name is ElilKani and I'm 18yrs old. I'm of Indian nationality and am an only boy of two loving parents. My mom and dad married out of love and eloped, because they didn't have the consent of their families as my dad was Christian and my mom Hindu. We lived happily in a 2 bedroom apartment in Mumbai, we weren't wealthy but we were happy and I had a great, very sheltered school years. My dad was working in the Indian branch of Metal Box since he got his MA and by the time I was...
IncestHiiii, ye vaise to meri 1st story hai. By the way me 19 saal ka mumbai me rehne vala banda hu. Meri body average and fair hai.Muje fantasies bohot pasand hai. . . . . But ye mera asli kissa hai jo me aapke sath share karne jaa raha hu. . . . . .I hope sabko pasand aaye.Name of charecters are changed here Vaise to summer vacation chal raha tha, me mere mama ke goan chala gaya tha. Udhar mere pehchan priya (name is changed) ke sath hui…..Priya mere mom ke dost ki beti thi…Me usse bachpan se...
Cheri and Dan had been married about two years. They had the best active sex life. They also lived with Dave, Dan's father. Both men shared Cheri. Tonight she was naked watching a movie between both men and they were each sucking on her tits and had two fingers in her cunt fucking her. Both men were also naked and she was stroking both cocks. She knew where her husband got his big cock as her father in law was huge. He was always naked with a big hard on and loved fucking Cheri. Last Saturday...
Natalie had been on her way to the bus when she saw Jake slip into the girl's locker room. She decided to follow him in. She watched as Jake was discovered and then as the three hot cheerleaders used him as a sex toy. She was rubbing her pussy as each of them sat in his face, sucked and then fucked his wonderful cock.Ever since the brief episode at the bus stop where she had felt that big cock with her own hand the horny girl wanted nothing more than to be Jake's willing sex plaything. The...
Once Mark and Stevie had achieved a detente of sorts, they went on about their business. Mark was bouncing back and forth between his normal work and making notes on his project for most of the morning. Stevie decided to wait until mid-morning before making a call to salon to set up Mark's meeting with Paul. But on her first try, she was told Paul was busy with a client. She was told to call back a little before noon. The second time around, Stevie explained to Paul that Mark was...
Alex was packing the rest of his belongings into his truck when he heard his phone chime from his pocket. A smile crept across his face when he saw that the text was from his sister, Annie. She'd sent a video of her and another girl around her age. The other girl was stunning. She had curly dark brown hair and the brightest green eyes he'd ever seen. When he played the video, the two girls said in unison, “we miss you, Alex. Have a safe drive home!”Alex was shocked as he suddenly realized who...
LesbianNote: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Deidre Icke, president of the Institute of Apotheosis Research, shuddered as she looked at the latest printout. She gripped the dot matrix paper, staring at the blocky letters, her hands shaking as she read: STATUS: Drones have installed four pinhole cameras at SUBJECT 2 residence at 2003 CST. CAMERA 1: ACTIVE, Living Room CAMERA 2: ACTIVE, Dining Room CAMERA 3: ACTIVE, Bedroom 1 CAMERA 4: ACTIVE, Bedroom 2 CAMERA 5: ACTIVE, Bedroom...
Now the moment this little lady has been waiting for. She’s about to get gangbanged for the first time! The guys are around her like ravenous sharks and they get her out of that dress as fast as they can. They feel her up a bit and get some dicks in her mouth and hand as she gets a little oral action herself. Eddie goes right in and starts filling her up with hard dick. The guys rotate around practically fighting over who’s gonna get the pussy next… calm down boys...
xmoviesforyouAfter the group's sexual activity, there was a common feeling of satisfaction and pleasure as everyone in the compartment lay on the floor or collapsed into a seat, panting for breath. Jackie and Richard, who obviously also just finished making love, observed the rest. Jackie was giving Amanda that 'I told you so' look again. Amanda had to agree, Jackie couldn't have been more right about a match this time. Scott pulled Amanda up to her feet and she smiled at him, still licking her lips, then...
Straight SexHi this is avir (name changed).This story is how I seduced my aunt who was my first sex teacher.This happened when I was studying my twelth standard.The heroine of the story is vanitha ( name changed). Let it be vani.She is divorced for the past 4 years and she wasn’t having any child( it was the reason for her divorce).She usually live with my grandmother and her home is near to mine.She always wears saree.She is a bold lady.She works in an private firm as a manager.She is at her late 30’s but...
IncestBy Monday morning, I was the king of the school. Mr. Peterson went on about my no-hitter for three minutes during the morning's announcements over the loudspeaker, and even Mr. Smithson gave me a nod. Mr. Kennedy spent nearly a third of the class asking me about it, and telling me how sorry he was that he had stayed home to watch his beloved Red Sox play. Mr. Anson congratulated me during History class. None of those was a real surprise, though. The surprise was having Mrs. Palmer ask me...
Young Stepmother Chapter 1 By Mark Dayette Looking back on it now I had an easy life when my parents were still alive, I was their only son, their special boy Nathan, they called me Nate. I had a childhood like any normal boy, I wasn't exactly one of the cool kids, I wished, but I never felt like I was a loser. My family lived in Philadelphia, PA. For many years Dad took me to the Flyers games. As a teenager I had a few dates but I wasn't too successful with the ladies. I hate to...
I couldn’t help but feel my Asian neighbor across the street is sexy! I’ve never had the opportunity of tasting the pleasure of an Asian woman. You could say it’s been on my bucket list but thought it would never happen. I was wrong. Dreams do come true.Prologue - How It Started With Her…We lived across from each other for years. We never talked until one day when I picked up a piece of trash off her yard that was near the street. I placed it in my trashcan that was by the road, ready for...
CheatingAfterwards, she led the pledge class in serenading the actives during Sunday dinner. They could have sounded better, but nobody complained. The meeting dealt with two routine matters, and she got to study most of the afternoon and evening. She would, at least, be prepared for Monday. Monday night, the pledges were kept in the study room after dinner. Laura had persuaded Natalie that this would maintain discipline while having them likelier to pass their subjects. She sat with them doing her...
PART 1 It all started pretty normal gf got up and ready for work, reminding me as she left that it's a late day so I'd see her around dinner time. This was also the day my ex needed a ride back and forth to a doctor appointment her car was in the shop, I was curious what would happen, we stayed friends mainly because we get together every once in a while for fuck sessions. I sent her a text making sure she still needed the ride. She responded yes please with a smiley face. Ok be...
by Vanessa Evans Graham Paxton was a very successful businessman who, in the 25 years that he built his business empire, had developed it to make it worth billions. Unfortunately that was at the cost of his wife who hated the long hours that he worked and she left him with a daughter (Siobhan) who Graham sent to a private boarding school. When she left the school she went and worked for him and after another 5 years she became her father’s assistant. It didn’t bother Siobhan that the office...
After the Pantomime By Susannah Donim Chapter 7 - The Secretary Ruth makes Nick pay for keeping secrets from her. His 'transformation' becomes more permanent. Ruth stood with her hands on her hips and demanded an explanation. "I don't know why you're so angry," I said, wearily. "This is nothing to get upset about. I had a lot of jokes that only worked from the viewpoint of a woman. Before Christmas Josie persuaded me to do a stand-up in drag. It was just for fun, but I...
Twenty-eight year old Bob Zimmerman was married to the most wonderful girl in the world, so why wasn't he the happiest? He knew it was all his fault, but what was he to do about it? Bob felt he would never be happy until his fantasy was fulfilled. For many years, he had been on the computer browsing adult websites, particularly interracial sites. He had looked at white studs and their women, but without any interest whatsoever. His fantasy was to see Lori with a well hung black man, the bigger...
On The Beach It was a holiday, it was Memorial Day and my daughter didn’t have to go to school and I didn’t have to go to work, so I took her to the beach. She had just hit me up for a new bathing suit anyway so I might as well get to see the damn thing on her. When we got to the beach she went in to change. Quite a while later she emerged. For Christ’s sake girl put some clothes on, was all that came to mind. Then I took a good look at my fifteen-year-old daughter in that tiny,...
Hey! My name is Shelly and I'm a 27-year-old black woman who just had her first white man eat her pussy and fuck me crazy! He works in the same building and always treats me nice. He's funny and we always kid each other. I would see him at the gym about 3 or 4 times a week working out. For a guy 52 he is really built well and stands about 5'11", brown hair and eyes and never fails to say hi to me. We would kid each other about working out to get a lover and then kill him/her with love! Love...
InterracialAfew moments ent bu=y while he looked down on her, her hair still wrapped around his fingers. That had been fantastic and he had felt the little suck she had done at the end. She was a little slut really deep down. So prim and proper when she had walked up to his front door. But what sexy underwear and smooth pussy. Yes she was a slt and she would be getting serving for the whoare that she was. He let her go and walk to the door, silently not saying a word he left the room and locked the door...