- 4 years ago
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Allie yawns groggily. She can't remember the last time she slept that well. Not that she'd been having trouble sleeping or anything, but she was feeling strangely refreshed this time, more so than usual. It took her a second to realize that her alarm clock hadn't rung. She let out a sigh of relief. Thank god. She didn't have to get up yet. In that moment, getting out of bed and going to work seemed like it would be the end of the world. Especially when her bed was so soft, and her blankets so warm, and...
"...Wait", she thought.
She didn't remember her bed being this soft. She didn't remember being able to sink into the mattress like this. Something was wrong, but she couldn't quite put her finger on what exactly it was. Allie opened her eyes slowly, letting another yawn escape her mouth. She looked up at the ceiling. This wasn't her room. Allie recoiled with a panicked sound, immediately sitting up. Where was she? She couldn't possibly have gone to sleep anywhere else, right? She specifically remembered brushing her teeth, putting on her pajamas and cozying into her bed in her apartment like every other night. Allie was freaking out, almost ready to burst into tears, but being a very logical and methodical person, she decided to try to investigate her surroundings before letting her emotions get the best of her. She took several deep breaths, in and out, before throwing the still warm blanket off her body and stepping onto the floor below the bed. She noticed a pair of slippers next to her feet, and decided to put them on. Whoever was doing this to her didn't seem to mean her any harm. At least, not yet.
Looking around the room, Allie saw a pretty standard, albeit relatively luxurious bedroom, with a bed in the center next to a nightstand, a desk, and a TV mounted on the wall in front of the bed, a closet, and two doors; one which looked like the exit, and another that Allie assumed to be a bathroom. It all reminded Allie of a hotel room, albeit a hotel room that seemed to not be interested in using any colors other than white and the occasional gold. Allie opened the closet on the right side of the room from the bed, and discovered all of her personal clothes, as well as some strangely colored uniforms she hadn't seen before. She also noticed that about half of the closet doors in the room were locked with some kind of mechanism that wasn't obvious upon first glance. After looking at one of the hangers, however, she came across something strange. There were five collars in a glass box with a key next to it. The collars were all connected to leashes, and they looked like they were perfectly made to fit an adult human. For a split second, Allie thought about what it would feel like to wear one. She swallowed and shook her head.
Before Allie had enough time to process what she'd just seen, she heard a sound ring out from some kind of PA system installed in the corner of her room. A masculine voice started speaking.
"Welcome to the experiment. Please head to the living room for a brief assembly before we properly begin."
Allie noticed her door had opened. Out of fear, but mostly morbid curiosity, she stepped out of her room.
Her room seemed to be on the far left of a series of rooms on a long mezzanine of sorts, with a staircase leading down into what seemed like the living room the man on the speaker had just been speaking about. The four doors next to Allie's room each had a golden name plate attached to the white door; Angela, Patricia, Suzie and Lisa. Allie didn't recognize any of the names, but she couldn't help but feel slightly calmer now that she knew she wasn't alone. Still, she felt a shiver crawl down her spine after she looked behind her and saw the name plate reading out her own name on her door.
"This is really happening", she thought to herself as she clutched the railings and began to slowly and cautiously walk down the staircase towards the living room, where she could see a couch and a few recliners in front of a huge TV. There were clearly people there, as well. From what Allie could tell, there were nine other people in total, some sitting on the couch, some nervously pacing or standing around, and some just doing their best to relax on one of the chairs. Allie nervously walked up to the group of people. Everyone there seemed to be roughly her age, 20-somethings, and most of them seemed to be sharing her feelings. Some of them were talking to each other, either trying to make sense of their situation or trying to cope, and some were dead silent. A female voice burst her bubble.
"Hey, I'm Angela. What's your name?"
Allie was quite taken aback by the friendliness this complete stranger was showing her, but quickly looked up to see a 6 feet tall beauty in front of her. She was genuinely stunning. She had blonde hair down to her shoulders, with captivatingly beautiful blue eyes and tits that Allie could swear were D-cups at least. She had to be a model. Her body was perfect in general. Allie couldn't help but admire each and every inch of her, from her face to her thighs. God, Allie just wanted to bury herself in those thighs. She shook her head again. What was she thinking? She could be in a life-or-death situation, and all she was thinking about was how hot this woman was? What the fuck was going on?
"U-um, I'm..."
Allie was interrupted by the sound of the TV turning on. The man on the PA started speaking again, this time on screen. His face was obscured, but you could clearly make out that it was a man by his voice and physique alone. Everyone turned silent as soon as he opened his mouth. Whoever this man was, he knew what was going on. He might've even been in charge.
"Good morning, participants. Welcome to this experiment. Since I'm eager to see how this plays out, I'm going to keep my explanation as brief and as concise as possible. You may call me the Voice. I am extremely intrigued by the human mind and body, and by its connection to sexuality in particular. Lately, I've been studying the concept of submission, that is to say the act of giving away control and yielding to a superior force, especially within a sexual context. To gather data for my research, I've decided to conduct an experiment with you all. Five of you are male, and five of you are female. I've taken it upon myself to inject you with an extremely potent aphrodisiac. Your sex drives are only going to get stronger as the experiment progresses, which will naturally lower your capacity for rational thought as well. As for the experiment itself, you may think of it as a game of sorts. You ten are split into two teams; one consisting of the men in the group, and another consisting of the women. In order to win the game, your team has to make everyone on the opposing team submit by voluntarily putting on one of the five collars you'll find in your closets. If your team wins, you may leave the experiment with your free will intact. If you lose, you get to spend the rest of your lives in submissive servitude. That should about sum it up. You should know that anything goes, as long as it doesn't involve gore or blood. Win or lose in whatever way you see fit. Have fun."
Everyone stood in silence for a good ten minutes after the TV turned off. How would you even begin to process the situation they had found themselves in? After a shorter, black-haired woman with a pixie cut stands up from the couch, she decides to start speaking.
"Before we resign ourselves to partaking in this sick game, I say we try to look around again for more exits.", she said firmly.
"Lisa, I've been awake since, like, 3am this morning looking for a goddamn exit! There is none! We're fucked!", a tired-looking man with brown hair yells out.
"He's right.", another male voice agrees.
"We're fucked."
All of the participants moved to the dining room and sat down around the table to discuss their situation.
"Well, uh... I suppose we should all introduce ourselves. I'm Lucian.", a tall man utters with a light cough.
"I'm Will, and this is my friend Terrell.", another black-haired man says and points to the man sitting next to him, who nods.
"I'm Angela", the blonde you'd been talking to previously utters. Despite the circumstances, she seemed to beeping her cool more than most, introducing herself in a way that's just as friendly as it was when she asked your name last time. After Allie heard Angela's name, she felt like she had built up enough confidence to open her mouth.
"I-I'm Allie.", she says with a stutter. Angela smiles at her, causing Allie to want to melt. The Voice really wasn't lying about the aphrodisiacs being potent. She wanted to kiss that blonde so badly. In fact, everyone around the table was looking completely irresistible to her. She needed someone. Something. She was just trying her hardest to ignore that feeling for now.
"My name is Aaron", another man says with a unique British accent.
"I'm Lisa", said the girl who was speaking to everyone in the living room earlier with a serious tone.
"Uh, I'm Suzie...", says another girl softly.
"I'm Gabriel", the last and most decidedly quiet man at the table says. He seems like he's more nervous than even Allie.
"Well, I guess that about sums that up...", Lucian says with a sigh. He seems to be taking some sort of leadership role.
"Look, we obviously can't comply with this so-called voice's demands. That's ridiculous. We'll just have to wait this all out. The Voice dude can't keep us here forever, and based on how much attention he seems to have paid to making everything seem as comfortable as possible, I doubt he wants us to die here. Let's all just try to relax for now, and we'll see what happens next. Sound good?"
Everyone seemed to be on board with the idea. No one wanted to stay there, but the alternative seemed so much worse. They were all in the same boat, and they had to make the best of it. Everyone spent the rest of the day getting accustomed to their surroundings. Everything they needed was in their rooms, and people seemed to be quite eager to chat in the living room and around the dining table despite everything that had happened. Allie spent most of the day in her room, however, just trying to wrap her head around what was happening. It didn't help that she felt so unbearably horny, either.
At around 6pm, she heard a knock on the door. Looking through the peephole, Allie saw Angela standing outside the door. Allie gently opened the door to find the blonde standing outside, smiling at her.
"Long day, huh?", she asked.
"Y-yeah...", Allie responded timidly.
"You seemed lonely, so I thought I'd stop by. Your name's Allie, right?", she asked, helping herself inside and crashing on Allie's bed. Allie didn't feel like she could do anything but nod.
"This is rough, isn't it?", Angela asked.
"Rough doesn't even begin to describe it..."
"Yeah, tell me about it. I don't have time for this. I have things I need to do. Plus, I mean, this is terrifying."
Allie was amazed at Angela's ability to speak so casually about everything.
"Listen, you seem reliable. Why don't we make a pact?", Angela says randomly.
"A pact?"
"Yeah. No matter what happens, we'll have each other's backs. Sound good?"
Allie had only known Angela for a few hours, but something about her felt trustworthy.
"Um... Sure-"
Allie's words were interrupted by a kiss. A short, but incredibly sweet kiss. Everything else faded away for a few moments as Allie and Angela became one, their tongues gently drifting through one another. Allie was starstruck. As Angela pulled away, Allie immediately started longing for her lips again, wanting to stay in the moment that had just passed forever. But Angela stood up, and started walking towards the door.
"My room is at the other end of the hall. Meet me there tonight.", she says, before closing the door, leaving Allie to ponder what just happened.
Later that night, Allie found herself unable to resist the temptation. She was so, so, so horny, and Angela had shown her no intentions of harm so far. Despite her better judgement, she couldn't stop herself from opening the door and walking out into the hall. She started walking towards Angela's door, sweating a little. She had no clue what was going to happen, but in some way, she felt excited. That was until a firm hand was placed on her shoulder, startling her. She quickly turned around to see Lucian standing there, looking at her.
"Go back inside. Things are dangerous out here."
"I-I, um..."
"You heard me.", he said before walking away.
Allie breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, though, she could feel her body relaxing. It was going limp, and before she knew it, she had slumped over on the floor. After that, everything turned black.
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Samantha's Mom was parked in front of the computer, while she and one of her parent's friends played video games on the couch. Samantha asked a question which caused her opponent, Aaron, to completely drop his controller. "Mom, a girl at school today said it was dangerous to let a guy put just the tip of his wiener inside you, even if he didn't cum." Sputtering, Aaron answered first. "Didn't you just turn fourteen Samantha? You're too young to be thinking about that sort of thing at...
Chapter 4The morning after that first night with Fred, we didn't get up until noon. I had mom dress in garter-belt, stockings, high-heels and the French bra. This left her nipples and pussy exposed. We then had her apply her makeup with the most exaggerated and sexy look that we could think of. Fred and I grabbed at her constantly, but she didn't seem as happy about the attention as she had the previous night. We took her to the kitchen and put her to work cooking a big breakfast, because we...
Chapter One The a*****ion It was a typical hot, sticky July Cleveland evening, with temperatures in the low-80's, and humidity to match. My sleeveless tennis top and tiny skirt were drenched with sweat, and I felt as though they must surely be almost transparent by now, after three grueling sets against Maggie, my best friend. Finally, mercifully, we finished. I lost again, as usual. Maggie always somehow manages to just barely beat me, but she always wins. I wondered if there really was...
This is a story about my experiences in exploring self-bondage An Experiment in Self Bondage This is a story about my experiences in exploring self-bondage.? I am normally a dominant male who enjoys placing submissive women in restrictive bondage for prolonged periods.? I had always wondered what it felt like to bound and helpless, so I began exploring self-bondage.? As you know, the trick with self-bondage is to make the release reliable and foolproof, although I would prefer to...
Consensual "Slavery" Contract1.0.0 Slave's Role The slave agrees to submit completely to the master in all ways. There are no boundaries of place, time, or situation in which the slave may willfully refuse to obey the directive of the master without risking punishment, except in situations where the slave's veto (see section 1.0.1) applies. The slave also agrees that, once entered into the Slavery Contract, their body belongs to their master ,, to be used as seen fit, within the guidelines...
I had been exchanging emails with this one guy. He seemed quite intriguing however for a few weeks, I did not have the nerve to say yes to his invitation. I had always wondered what it would be like to give control over totally to another man. However, my limits of submission were usually to suck or bottom on my terms or on a more mutual basis. Finally, he wore me down and I said yes on a phone call. He asked if I was really ready to submit to being used, and his voice turned me on. He...
After the orgy at Aunt Jane's, Mother and I settled down into a daily routine. In the morning, she would get up before me, don lingerie, makeup, and then prepare my breakfast. When I entered the kitchen, she would drop to her knees, lift her breasts for my amusement (be it to fondle or abuse them), and open wide her mouth for me to insert my erect penis. Those morning blowjobs kept me going all day.Fred was a little upset when I told him to back off a bit, that this was a training period and he...
One hour and three minutes later I walked into the dining room wearing only a bathrobe tightly wrapped around me. The candles had burned down but not out. Mom sat there patiently waiting for me, still nude and looking fabulous."Your decision?" I asked, being direct.Mother rose from her chair and slowly walked toward me, as her large pendulous breasts swayed with her every movement. She dropped to her knees at my feet. As she did, I had a feeling of euphoria, which would never be duplicated in...
It was ten years ago when I first noticed the welts on my mother. Being so young it didn't mean anything to me at the time but I was worried about the obvious injury on her legs, high up on her thighs. So I asked her, "What happened to your legs?"She just smiled and said, "Oh Timmy, don't be concerned, they are just love marks from Daddy."Mom handled the incident so deftly that I forgot about it, until a few months later, when I saw them on her again. She reassured me that I need not be worried...
Submission Part 3: So, you have heard how my mother has helped to transform me from a cisgender Christian to a Muslim transwoman called Caliana. I was now standing before her in silky black full body slip with a lace trim which I was wearing over my bra, panties and suspenders and I was wearing fishnet stockings. I looked like a cisgender woman now as Mum passed me a black sleeveless top and a matching bell skirt. The sleeveless top felt unmistakably feminine as I pulled it over...
Author’s Note: My first tale submitted in over a year. Fully completed with twenty chapters in all, a chapter or two submitted each month, it’ll be on par with ?The Nanny? as the storyline takes its course. The first couple chapters being toned down, it’ll escalate in my usual, abrasive to some, style. SUBMISSIONSomewhere on the West Coast, then again, maybe it’s the East Coast, there’s an obscure talent agency specializing in the Fetish field. Signing young, na?ve female talent, molding them ...
This is a record of a fantasy, not an attempt to describe a real life dungeon, about which I know almost nothing. ************************** He opened the door at the bottom of the three steps for his companion and stood aside as she entered. She was beautiful and beautifully dressed. but they had no personal relationship. Their only connection was that he had signed up to let her do anything she wanted to him. And he had agreed to do anything at all that she required of him. No limits....
I’ve always thought of myself as straight. I’ve never had the opportunity to ever be with another man. Sometimes you hear about situations when guys hang out as kids and while they’re drinking or getting high, they give each other blow jobs or jerk each other off.That never happened to me, ever. I’ve never thought about being with a guy. I’ve always had my share of women and I’ve always thought of myself as a guy that enjoys pussy. Never once have I ever thought about a dick.I love women...
Gay MaleI stood in place and shuddered. "There are so many beautiful ladies in their bras and panties and some naked too, so I can't walk away," I muttered, before a small pause. "I've never been with a woman, but yet every time I see these young ladies, I tremble," I muttered, scanning them from left to right. A minute later, my eyes stopped on her. "Oh, Cadence, if I could fuck any woman in existence, it'd be you. Just look at your naked figure. You always use a locker at very the back, why? Those...
Office SexCaptain James Stewart reached out and grabbed his wife's arm as she floated by."I've got a new assignment for you. Meet me on B Deck at 16:00.""What is it? I've already got a hundred experiments to track during this flight.""An important one, but it won't interfere with your other experiments. Trust me.""Okay." With that, Susanna Busch Stewart pushed off from the command console and floated down the corridor toward the lab.James and Susanna were the first married couple to fly aboard the Space...
Love StoriesDay 0 Greg was unpacking his fourth box of books when someone knocked on the front door of his apartment. ‘Just a minute!’ he called, then set down his copy of The Impending Crisis on an empty bit of bookshelf. He had no idea who this could be. After all, he’d just moved in, and he didn’t know anyone here to begin with. Still, it was best not to be impolite. Making his way through his piles of crap, he finally reached the door and opened it. ‘Hi, neighbor!’ said a cheerful young blond woman....