Janet s Experiment
- 4 years ago
- 52
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?Amanda?s problems started because she was a very gorgeous girl, she didn?t have any girl friends because they were all jealous of her, so she was lonely and would hang out with the boys.? Until one day she was surrounded by a bunch of boys, the boys in front of her grabbed her large breasts, and the boys behind her, well of course they pulled up her skirt and grabbed her ass.
? After that all the girls in school said she was a whore, and a slut, they made fun of her and wouldn?t let her play with them, they said it was her fault for running around with her big tits and ass hanging out.? Well Amanda believed them, and after that week she never again wore skimpy outfits.
Prologue: Roommate
??????????? Collage was all chaotic and confusing for Amanda, she had to get her schedule and run over to the dormitory.? She lugged around her bags of clothes and finally reached her room.? There she met Karen.
???????????? ?Hay hi im Amanda, im going to be your new roommate, were just going to have so much fun? Amanda said.
??????????? Karen turned to look at her new roommate, she wanted to laugh, this girl had on a sweet shirt and a big bulky jeans.? She slouched as she walked in the room and locked the door.? Karen was amazed by this girl, she was obviously a knockout dropped dead hottie.? Karen almost drooled at the sight of her.? But this girl didn?t were any makeup, her hair was in tangles.?
??????????? Karen was a tall dark skinned black girl with a hot bod, she wasn?t as built as Amanda, but she was firm and had a nice round ass.? Karen also had a strong healthy apatite for sex, she had men and now she was dating a girl, her new lover Janet was also a black girl, although Janet was a lesbian, and they often fought over Karen?s strange desire to fuck men.
??????????? ?Yea, whatever, just don?t bother me, and we?ll be fine.?? Karen replied.
??????????? ?Oh I promise I won?t bother you, ill be as quiet as a mouse,? Amanda responded.? you?ll see,? she smiled and started unpacking her stuff.
??????????? Days went buy without any incident, Amanda found out that Karen had a girlfriend and she spent most of her time studding.? When she was bored she would read one of her novels, Karen on the other hand mostly spent her time out with Janet.
??????????? Amanda was alone, she had no friends, while everyone else was out parting, she was home studding, trying to get her grades up, trying to keep her scholarship. But all her hard work couldn?t help her grades, when she found out she lost her scholarship she panicked, her world was coming apart, what was she going to do, she walked the hall of her school desperate, looking for a quick way to make money, anything that could help her.
??????????? Then it happened, a piece of paper, tucked behind others,
??????????? The office of human behavior is looking for volunteers willing to submit to a battery of tests designed to stimulate sexual, mental and physical behavior. Volunteers will receive 1,000 dollars a week for one day a week for six weeks.
??????????? Amanda could hardly believe her luck, that was more then what she owed her collage, and it was only for one day a week, she could also look for a part time job and make enough money, maybe she could even buy herself a car.
??????????? The next day she rushed over to the office of human behavioral studies, when she knocked on the door a beautiful woman opened it, she was dressed in one of those old nurses outfits, those short one piece white dresses, buttoned down the front.
??????????? ?Im here to volunteer for the behavior study? Amanda said.
??????????? The women looked Amanda over as she let her in, ?Look you might not want to do this,? she said, ?it?s a very strenuous program and you would have to be willing to be sexually active.? Amanda blushed a bit but she was determined to get that money,? I...uh... I know and im willing to do anything ... that?s ... um well required.? she said as she blushed even more.
??????????? ?Well miss we?ll see,? the nurse said as she handed Amanda a clipboard with several documents. ?Wile you fill these out, ill get Dr. Stevens.? the nurse then left to an adjoining office
??????????? Amanda quickly went threw the documents, most were questions for medical records, but toward the end, there were several questions on her sexual preferences, the more questions she answered the more intimate the questions became.
??????????? ?Dr. Stevens is ready to see you now.? the nurse came and took her clipboard as Amanda walked into the next room.
??????????? Dr. Stevens wasn?t what Amanda expected, this woman was in her forties but had a strong lean built. The nurse handed the clipboard to the doctor and left.? After a few minutes of her reading from the clipboard she turned and looked Amanda over.
??????????? ?Im sorry young lady but your just not what we are looking for, you just don?t look like the type willing to participate in this program.?
??????????? ?Please just give me a chance.?
??????????? ?Listen I just don?t think your ready to explore your sexual side.?
??????????? Amanda walked over to the doctor and with the look of desperation in her eyes pleaded to the doctor.
??????????? ?Ok, ok if you want to prove your willing to got threw the experiment then take off your clothes!?
??????????? Shocked at what the doctor said Amanda almost ran out the door, she gave a nervous laugh, but when she saw that the doctor wasn?t laughing with her she realized that the doctor was serious.? Amanda nervously began to unbutton her shirt.
??????????? Dr. Stevens was surprised at the young woman, there wasn?t many people who responded to her add, and of those who did, only a handful actually went threw with the experiment, she knew if she didn?t get more people to apply for the experiment she would loose her grant, and now this young lady was so willing to apply that she was stripping in front of her.
??????????? The girl was dressed in a baggy shirt and jeans, but as she pulled off her shirt, Dr. Stevens saw that she was slim, with the type of breasts boys dreamed of.? She had to force herself not to grin at the nervous young woman.? Amanda continued to pull off her pants, and the doctor saw her amazing waist and flat stomach, Amanda had one of those bellies that was muscular and nice hips, as she turned bend over to pull off her jeans the doctor got a vew of her perfectly round ass.? Amanda wore one of those large cotton panties, and ugly bras.
??????????? Well Dr. Stevens thought, this is going to be interesting to say the least
??????????? ?Well Amanda, please continue?
??????????? ?Um... uh... you want me to be naked??
??????????? ?Yes, well I did say take of your clothes, and I did mean all of your clothes.? the doctor tried to look as innocent as she could as she watched Amanda struggle to remover her bra, and then bend over again as she pulled down her panties.? The doctor almost laughed when she saw that Amanda had a thick bush of pubic hair.
??????????? ?Well Amanda come with me and ill show you what im doing.?
??????????? As Amanda followed the doctor, naked as the day she was born she felt so nervous that she could feel her butt wiggle. The entered another room, this one was bright wight with a large table at its center, there were several gizmos and apparatus everywhere, and hanging next to the table was a shinny black suit.
??????????? ?This is were ill be taking your vital signs, one day a week you will come here and put on the suit, and lie on the table while I plug you into the Cerebral Imager. While your in the suit you will be exposed to intense sexual images, as well as be stimulated.? The entire experience is designed to find out how much can a person endure sexually.?
??????????? After saying this the doctor looked Amanda in the eye and said ?you will be expected to return every week for another analysis, at the end of the six week study you will be paid.?
??????????? ?Also you will be required to have all you body hair removed from you neck down.? If your still willing to continue with the experiment I will give you a cash advance for your hair removal treatment. I expect you to be here Friday ready and willing, please sign the waiver, on the clipboard.?
??????????? Amanda was nervous as she signed the waiver, she felt naked and scared, but she also felt aroused at the idea of the experiment.? She gathered up her clothes and went straight home, where she found Karen and Janet in bed with each other. At night for the first time she herd there sexual moans and her heart began to beat fast.? Something had changed her at the Dr?s office, a desire she could no longer hold back.
??????????? The week went by, she had her body hair removed and she went to the office, there the doctor gave her the suit, and while she fiddle with some machine, Amanda pulled on the suit. It felt like a second skin, the doctor said it was made of a cotton/rubber fiber design to be both cool and tight, and it certainly was, the entire suit clung to every inch of her body, she didn?t just have a camel toe, her pussy, was completely visible, every curve, every detail, even her lips could be made out, and her clit.? The suit parted her ass, and she could even see her belly button, as well as her nipples, it looked like a second skin and felt like she being caressed by silken hands.
??????????? The nurse helped her onto the table, and soon they began to apply suction cups with wires to every part of her body, one each on her nipples, one large one over her pussy, the pulled her legs up and apart as the put one on her anus, and they made an extra fuss over putting one over her clit.? Then they did something strange, the put a tube over her mouth, and cuffed her arms and legs tightly to her sides. Then the doctor placed plugs in her ears and a visor over her eyes.
??????????? All was dark, she couldn?t hear anything, she suddenly felt a sharp pin prick on her nipples, clit and arm. Amanda tried to squirm, but as she lifted her head she was pushed back down and some kind of strap went around her neck, she was completely immobile, her hear began to beat fast, and then a burst of light exploded in her eyes. She stayed there lying all day long, while images of naked women appeared before her eyes. Then she herd moans and groans over her earpiece, word spoken softly, telling her she was a wanton slut, that she needed to have sex.? Then the images turned into women being paraded in front of other people, women bound and forced to have sex.? The words became clearer, they said that this was her, that she was one of the slaves, that this was the life she wanted..... time passed and something was pumped into her mouth, she began to drink what was being fed to her.? And she became aroused by the voice, by the bound and naked women she was watching, the pictures became a movie, and in it the women were being lead around like dogs, forced to suck one pussy after another, in another movie, a women was on her hands an knees as she was being fucked from behind, another move a woman was strapped to a bedpost while her lover whipped her ass.
??????????? After several hours of this the movie stopped, the mouthpiece, and visor was removed and the doctor said ?did you enjoy the show??
??????????? ?Oh yes,? Amanda gasped,? it was amazing.?
??????????? Amanda?s eye were glazed over, as she was pulled out of her suit, the nurse, gave her a disgusted look, and pulled out a needle from her arm.? The doctor talked to the nurse and she left, and the doctor pulled Amanda by the hand and lead her naked to her office.
??????????? ?Well Amanda, you certainly surprised me, you have endured more in your first day then most had in a month, im certainly impressed.? The doctor gave Amanda some pills and told her to take one every morning for the next week.
?Amanda?s problems started because she was a very gorgeous girl, she didn?t have any girl friends because they were all jealous of her, so she was lonely and would hang out with the boys.? Until one day she was surrounded by a bunch of boys, the boys in front of her grabbed her large breasts, and the boys behind her, well of course they pulled up her skirt and grabbed her ass.
? After that all the girls in school said she was a whore, and a slut, they made fun of her and wouldn?t let her play with them, they said it was her fault for running around with her big tits and ass hanging out.? Well Amanda believed them, and after that week she never again wore skimpy outfits.
Prologue: Roommate
??????????? Collage was all chaotic and confusing for Amanda, she had to get her schedule and run over to the dormitory.? She lugged around her bags of clothes and finally reached her room.? There she met Karen.
???????????? ?Hay hi im Amanda, im going to be your new roommate, were just going to have so much fun? Amanda said.
??????????? Karen turned to look at her new roommate, she wanted to laugh, this girl had on a sweet shirt and a big bulky jeans.? She slouched as she walked in the room and locked the door.? Karen was amazed by this girl, she was obviously a knockout dropped dead hottie.? Karen almost drooled at the sight of her.? But this girl didn?t were any makeup, her hair was in tangles.?
??????????? Karen was a tall dark skinned black girl with a hot bod, she wasn?t as built as Amanda, but she was firm and had a nice round ass.? Karen also had a strong healthy apatite for sex, she had men and now she was dating a girl, her new lover Janet was also a black girl, although Janet was a lesbian, and they often fought over Karen?s strange desire to fuck men.
??????????? ?Yea, whatever, just don?t bother me, and we?ll be fine.?? Karen replied.
??????????? ?Oh I promise I won?t bother you, ill be as quiet as a mouse,? Amanda responded.? you?ll see,? she smiled and started unpacking her stuff.
??????????? Days went buy without any incident, Amanda found out that Karen had a girlfriend and she spent most of her time studding.? When she was bored she would read one of her novels, Karen on the other hand mostly spent her time out with Janet.
??????????? Amanda was alone, she had no friends, while everyone else was out parting, she was home studding, trying to get her grades up, trying to keep her scholarship. But all her hard work couldn?t help her grades, when she found out she lost her scholarship she panicked, her world was coming apart, what was she going to do, she walked the hall of her school desperate, looking for a quick way to make money, anything that could help her.
??????????? Then it happened, a piece of paper, tucked behind others,
??????????? The office of human behavior is looking for volunteers willing to submit to a battery of tests designed to stimulate sexual, mental and physical behavior. Volunteers will receive 1,000 dollars a week for one day a week for six weeks.
??????????? Amanda could hardly believe her luck, that was more then what she owed her collage, and it was only for one day a week, she could also look for a part time job and make enough money, maybe she could even buy herself a car.
??????????? The next day she rushed over to the office of human behavioral studies, when she knocked on the door a beautiful woman opened it, she was dressed in one of those old nurses outfits, those short one piece white dresses, buttoned down the front.
??????????? ?Im here to volunteer for the behavior study? Amanda said.
??????????? The women looked Amanda over as she let her in, ?Look you might not want to do this,? she said, ?it?s a very strenuous program and you would have to be willing to be sexually active.? Amanda blushed a bit but she was determined to get that money,? I...uh... I know and im willing to do anything ... that?s ... um well required.? she said as she blushed even more.
??????????? ?Well miss we?ll see,? the nurse said as she handed Amanda a clipboard with several documents. ?Wile you fill these out, ill get Dr. Stevens.? the nurse then left to an adjoining office
??????????? Amanda quickly went threw the documents, most were questions for medical records, but toward the end, there were several questions on her sexual preferences, the more questions she answered the more intimate the questions became.
??????????? ?Dr. Stevens is ready to see you now.? the nurse came and took her clipboard as Amanda walked into the next room.
??????????? Dr. Stevens wasn?t what Amanda expected, this woman was in her forties but had a strong lean built. The nurse handed the clipboard to the doctor and left.? After a few minutes of her reading from the clipboard she turned and looked Amanda over.
??????????? ?Im sorry young lady but your just not what we are looking for, you just don?t look like the type willing to participate in this program.?
??????????? ?Please just give me a chance.?
??????????? ?Listen I just don?t think your ready to explore your sexual side.?
??????????? Amanda walked over to the doctor and with the look of desperation in her eyes pleaded to the doctor.
??????????? ?Ok, ok if you want to prove your willing to got threw the experiment then take off your clothes!?
??????????? Shocked at what the doctor said Amanda almost ran out the door, she gave a nervous laugh, but when she saw that the doctor wasn?t laughing with her she realized that the doctor was serious.? Amanda nervously began to unbutton her shirt.
??????????? Dr. Stevens was surprised at the young woman, there wasn?t many people who responded to her add, and of those who did, only a handful actually went threw with the experiment, she knew if she didn?t get more people to apply for the experiment she would loose her grant, and now this young lady was so willing to apply that she was stripping in front of her.
??????????? The girl was dressed in a baggy shirt and jeans, but as she pulled off her shirt, Dr. Stevens saw that she was slim, with the type of breasts boys dreamed of.? She had to force herself not to grin at the nervous young woman.? Amanda continued to pull off her pants, and the doctor saw her amazing waist and flat stomach, Amanda had one of those bellies that was muscular and nice hips, as she turned bend over to pull off her jeans the doctor got a vew of her perfectly round ass.? Amanda wore one of those large cotton panties, and ugly bras.
??????????? Well Dr. Stevens thought, this is going to be interesting to say the least
??????????? ?Well Amanda, please continue?
??????????? ?Um... uh... you want me to be naked??
??????????? ?Yes, well I did say take of your clothes, and I did mean all of your clothes.? the doctor tried to look as innocent as she could as she watched Amanda struggle to remover her bra, and then bend over again as she pulled down her panties.? The doctor almost laughed when she saw that Amanda had a thick bush of pubic hair.
??????????? ?Well Amanda come with me and ill show you what im doing.?
??????????? As Amanda followed the doctor, naked as the day she was born she felt so nervous that she could feel her butt wiggle. The entered another room, this one was bright wight with a large table at its center, there were several gizmos and apparatus everywhere, and hanging next to the table was a shinny black suit.
??????????? ?This is were ill be taking your vital signs, one day a week you will come here and put on the suit, and lie on the table while I plug you into the Cerebral Imager. While your in the suit you will be exposed to intense sexual images, as well as be stimulated.? The entire experience is designed to find out how much can a person endure sexually.?
??????????? After saying this the doctor looked Amanda in the eye and said ?you will be expected to return every week for another analysis, at the end of the six week study you will be paid.?
??????????? ?Also you will be required to have all you body hair removed from you neck down.? If your still willing to continue with the experiment I will give you a cash advance for your hair removal treatment. I expect you to be here Friday ready and willing, please sign the waiver, on the clipboard.?
??????????? Amanda was nervous as she signed the waiver, she felt naked and scared, but she also felt aroused at the idea of the experiment.? She gathered up her clothes and went straight home, where she found Karen and Janet in bed with each other. At night for the first time she herd there sexual moans and her heart began to beat fast.? Something had changed her at the Dr?s office, a desire she could no longer hold back.
??????????? The week went by, she had her body hair removed and she went to the office, there the doctor gave her the suit, and while she fiddle with some machine, Amanda pulled on the suit. It felt like a second skin, the doctor said it was made of a cotton/rubber fiber design to be both cool and tight, and it certainly was, the entire suit clung to every inch of her body, she didn?t just have a camel toe, her pussy, was completely visible, every curve, every detail, even her lips could be made out, and her clit.? The suit parted her ass, and she could even see her belly button, as well as her nipples, it looked like a second skin and felt like she being caressed by silken hands.
??????????? The nurse helped her onto the table, and soon they began to apply suction cups with wires to every part of her body, one each on her nipples, one large one over her pussy, the pulled her legs up and apart as the put one on her anus, and they made an extra fuss over putting one over her clit.? Then they did something strange, the put a tube over her mouth, and cuffed her arms and legs tightly to her sides. Then the doctor placed plugs in her ears and a visor over her eyes.
??????????? All was dark, she couldn?t hear anything, she suddenly felt a sharp pin prick on her nipples, clit and arm. Amanda tried to squirm, but as she lifted her head she was pushed back down and some kind of strap went around her neck, she was completely immobile, her hear began to beat fast, and then a burst of light exploded in her eyes. She stayed there lying all day long, while images of naked women appeared before her eyes. Then she herd moans and groans over her earpiece, word spoken softly, telling her she was a wanton slut, that she needed to have sex.? Then the images turned into women being paraded in front of other people, women bound and forced to have sex.? The words became clearer, they said that this was her, that she was one of the slaves, that this was the life she wanted..... time passed and something was pumped into her mouth, she began to drink what was being fed to her.? And she became aroused by the voice, by the bound and naked women she was watching, the pictures became a movie, and in it the women were being lead around like dogs, forced to suck one pussy after another, in another movie, a women was on her hands an knees as she was being fucked from behind, another move a woman was strapped to a bedpost while her lover whipped her ass.
??????????? After several hours of this the movie stopped, the mouthpiece, and visor was removed and the doctor said ?did you enjoy the show??
??????????? ?Oh yes,? Amanda gasped,? it was amazing.?
??????????? Amanda?s eye were glazed over, as she was pulled out of her suit, the nurse, gave her a disgusted look, and pulled out a needle from her arm.? The doctor talked to the nurse and she left, and the doctor pulled Amanda by the hand and lead her naked to her office.
??????????? ?Well Amanda, you certainly surprised me, you have endured more in your first day then most had in a month, im certainly impressed.? The doctor gave Amanda some pills and told her to take one every morning for the next week.
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The Hypnosis ExperimentChapter 1 It was the first girls night out Casey had done in several years. This was her first night out at this club or any club for that matter since the first couple years of her marriage to her husband Rick. They worked as a team in the real estate business. A husband and wife team. Although she loved her husband immensely, things were getting a bit stale in their marriage lately. For whatever reason, Rick spent lots of time online checking out these porn sites....
I am going to document this story as it happens. I am going to conduct an experiment and if it works it should make for a good bit of reading. I am sitting at my computer typing this drama as it unfolds. I have everything I need in front of me and I am about to start. I have a full bottle of Tequila gold and will take a shot every sixty seconds and here goes the first one. Now while I wait I will tell you about myself. My real name is Sharon L. Parker and I am an author. I have written a few...
MasturbationDan Lesterman was just your average 23 year old guy, his childhood friend Jessica Waters was a quirky scientist who loved to pester him. There was something about her, she was the same age of course, 5'4 with B cup breasts and an ass you just want to spank. Dan was like pudding in her hand, always eager to please her, doing any favour she asked of him. They slept together once, but it was just an experiment to her, to see what it was like first-hand, she didn't have much interest in him. Dan...
Hallo Freunde von Fictionmania und Transgendered Stories, hier meine zweite Geschichte die wie ihr Name ein Experiment ist. Alle Personen berichten aus ihre Sicht den Fortlauf der Geschichte. Die Geschichte konzentriert sich darauf, den Leser die Moeglichkeit zu geben in die Rolle jeder der drei Personen zu schluepfen. Was fuehlt mein Gegenueber gerade ? Was denkt er gerade ueber mich ? Wer hat sich das nicht schon mal gefragt ? Ein Experiment, wie bereits erwaehnt. Ich...
Summer Experiment Chapter One Frankie felt the agitation building in his body simply talking on the phone to his wife. He missed her terribly. She was hours away and he was feeling so down about being alone. And she was bringing up the same old thing all over again, sex. He didn't like the topic of sex. It made him feel nervous inside just talking about it. It was awkward discussing their sex life or lack of it and it was even worse to do it while his wife was on a speakerphone...
CREATED BY BIGHORNYCOCK123Dr Amy Farrah Fowler was sat at the bar as i strolled in for drink, and after ordering one myself, i glanced her way and realised who she was."HI there! Are you Dr Amy Farrah Fowler the Nobel prize winner?" i asked."Yes. Yes i am!" she replied smiling back at me."Wow! I've never met a Nobel prize winner before! You must be really smart?" i then said smiling back at her."Well, the Nobel prize win does kind of suggest that!" she replied back with a grin."And your...
Samantha's Mom was parked in front of the computer, while she and one of her parent's friends played video games on the couch. Samantha asked a question which caused her opponent, Aaron, to completely drop his controller. "Mom, a girl at school today said it was dangerous to let a guy put just the tip of his wiener inside you, even if he didn't cum." Sputtering, Aaron answered first. "Didn't you just turn fourteen Samantha? You're too young to be thinking about that sort of thing at...
This is a story about my experiences in exploring self-bondage An Experiment in Self Bondage This is a story about my experiences in exploring self-bondage.? I am normally a dominant male who enjoys placing submissive women in restrictive bondage for prolonged periods.? I had always wondered what it felt like to bound and helpless, so I began exploring self-bondage.? As you know, the trick with self-bondage is to make the release reliable and foolproof, although I would prefer to...
I’ve always thought of myself as straight. I’ve never had the opportunity to ever be with another man. Sometimes you hear about situations when guys hang out as kids and while they’re drinking or getting high, they give each other blow jobs or jerk each other off.That never happened to me, ever. I’ve never thought about being with a guy. I’ve always had my share of women and I’ve always thought of myself as a guy that enjoys pussy. Never once have I ever thought about a dick.I love women...
Gay MaleI stood in place and shuddered. "There are so many beautiful ladies in their bras and panties and some naked too, so I can't walk away," I muttered, before a small pause. "I've never been with a woman, but yet every time I see these young ladies, I tremble," I muttered, scanning them from left to right. A minute later, my eyes stopped on her. "Oh, Cadence, if I could fuck any woman in existence, it'd be you. Just look at your naked figure. You always use a locker at very the back, why? Those...
Office SexCaptain James Stewart reached out and grabbed his wife's arm as she floated by."I've got a new assignment for you. Meet me on B Deck at 16:00.""What is it? I've already got a hundred experiments to track during this flight.""An important one, but it won't interfere with your other experiments. Trust me.""Okay." With that, Susanna Busch Stewart pushed off from the command console and floated down the corridor toward the lab.James and Susanna were the first married couple to fly aboard the Space...
Love StoriesDay 0 Greg was unpacking his fourth box of books when someone knocked on the front door of his apartment. ‘Just a minute!’ he called, then set down his copy of The Impending Crisis on an empty bit of bookshelf. He had no idea who this could be. After all, he’d just moved in, and he didn’t know anyone here to begin with. Still, it was best not to be impolite. Making his way through his piles of crap, he finally reached the door and opened it. ‘Hi, neighbor!’ said a cheerful young blond woman....
Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part Two: The Princess's Naughty Experiment By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Chapter Four: Sex Slaves' Fun Sven – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch “Slam that pussy down his cock,” Nathalie said, her small breasts jiggling as she lay stretched out beside me. “You got Master all hard with your naughty antics.” “I'm so sorry Master,” the lamia said, looking at me over her...
It Begins Here. . . .I am about to walk nude down the stairs and into the living room where my sister is sitting in an easy chair.Everything that operates logically in my brain is blasting alarms throughout my body – I feel nauseous and dizzy and my legs tremble. But I'm convinced that it’s necessary to tough this out, to do something that falls outside of the ‘normal stuff’. With a cold clench gripping my heart, I press my bare foot onto the first stair and begin my descent.This moment is a...
This experiment is very simple and very accurate…It must be done exactly as I say so follow the diretions!now before you start you should have TWO things…1. something to stick in your ass like a butt plug2. a dildo or something like a cock for your mouth to suck on(lube for jerking off is optional)~ you will be doing this experiemnt while watching porn on the internet so I suggest a site like redtube.comYou will have to have some control while doing this… you must NOT cum the first two times...
Bobby Turner stood by the equipment that his father and he had designed and constructed for the past five years. As graduates from MIT they had started the research lab ten years ago and had received numerous research grants from the Federal Government. The purpose of the project was to be able to read another person's mind. It didn't matter to them that such a device would take away a person's right to remain quiet mainly because the government told them the main purpose was to be able to find...
(Author's Note: This one first appeared on femur's wonderful site at tgcomics.com earlier this year. It was inspired by his lovingly modified romance comic covers, specifically af.020) ALTERED FATES: THE EXPERIMENT By BobH (c) 2004 Sunday, June 25th: Just saw Jan off at Penn Station. She's spending a week visiting with her best friend, Gail. Wish me and Gail got along - I'd like to have spent some time in the Hamptons - but she doesn't think I'm good enough for Jan. She'd...
„Probanden für Experimentelle Studie gesucht. 2-4 Wochen in abgeschottetem Komplex in einer Wohngemeinschaft. Bei Zusage großzügige Entschädigung von mindestens 2.000€. Je nach Umständen kann sich die Summe auch geringfügig erhöhen. Voraussetzungen sind körperliche und geistige Gesundheit, max. 4 Wochen Verfügbarkeit, Belastbarkeit, Bereitschaft zur Offenheit. Für Bewerbungstermine wird um telefonische Kontaktaufnahme geben“…. Dies war die Anzeige welche sofort meine Aufmerksamkeit auf sich...
Group SexCassandra woke up in a haze. Her head hurt. Her vision was blurry. She wasn't sure what had happened. As she lay there for a few minutes and her sight returned, she looked around. She was in her dorm single. At first she couldn't remember much, but her memory returned quickly. She sat up. What had happened? It had been a Sunday night and she was on her way to the library to do some studying ... mostly studying the guy behind the counter whose name she'd forgotten. She passed a blue van in the...
Mind ControlClarkdale College is a very progressive and liberal university, historically women's-only, and the student body is still predominantly rich, white and female. The administration discussed how to address the persistence of racial privilege and economic elitism through affirmative action, but decided instead to try a bold new experiment. Affirmative action would provide superficial change, a different shade of the same kind of students, just as worthy as the whites they would replace but...
InterracialThis is a true story:Many years ago, it was a fall day, a chill in the air, I'd just turned 18 and riding bikes to the store with my best friend J who was 19. We did everything together and had been friends for a few years now. We were getting some things at the store, because like every weekend, I was staying overnight and his parents were away for the weekend. On our way back from the store of course we were riding like fools and I went right through a puddle which soaked my pants, especially...
Carolyn paced up and down as she lectured. She could never keep still, and had a pretty lively and vivacious personality. Generally speaking, it kept her audience in rapt attention for most of the time, which is more than she could say about other professors at the University of Wyoming, from what the students told her as she visited with them. With this particular course, no one had trouble paying attention, and it had a wait list a mile long just for the fascination factor. It was titled,...
Office SexI set my keys down on the kitchen counter and made for the fridge. As I reached for a soda I thought I heard giggling. “God what are they up to now?” I thought. I could see the light coming from underneath the door of Mi’s room. “rolly watching a porn film or something and laughing about it.” I popped open the soda can and headed to the bathroom. I had been at work all day. I wanted nothing more than a nice shower and put on my sweats. I took a quick shower and as I walked past Mi’s door...
I had been out clubbing these last few weeks, trying to screw my name into the record books after the break-up of my marriage. I had been lucky on this last occasion and had met twin sisters. They were both extremely beautiful, 5'4" tall and exuded an air of permanent sexuality. Claire was the youngest by about six minutes, she was a real tearaway and, seemingly up for anything. Rachel however, although extremely pleasant, was much more demure, the professional type with her head securely on...
Erotic FictionHi, this is Abhijit and this is my first story on ISS. I will keep sharing my real life experiences for people to read. I am born and raised in Kolkata. This story is about me and my fiancée and our first experiment with our sex life. I met Akansha during my Post graduation days in Delhi. It was 5 years back when I was 22 and she was 21. We are now engaged and will be getting married in February. Akansha belongs to Jaipur, Rajasthan and had also come to Delhi to pursue her post graduation. It...
This story was inspired by ‘The Experiment’ by LittleTom. Many of this writer’s stories end up with a man changed horribly against his will, with no return to any sort of normalcy. I thought that I might save this one. I woke too early in the morning from an exhausted and unsatisfying sleep. I looked down at my wife, still dead to the world from her escapades of the night before. The sheet under her was damp with the fluids leaking from her and small bite marks on her breasts after sex with...
Buzz, buzz, buzz, the alarm clock rang.Today was a usual workday, and at six in the morning she was up. The first thing she ever did was open up her wardrobe, watching the double doors slide open as her gaze automatically fell on her display of undergarments.“Black or purple…” Marnie questioned with a murmur, just thinking for a moment or two. “Frilly or silk, maybe I’ll go for my best velvet.”Laying out her chosen underwear onto the bed duvet, Marnie quickly hopped into the shower. She loved...
Monster SexDisclaimer: This is purely fictional even though I don’t want it to be and includes taboo and strange fetishes. Reader beware. This is a part 2 if you don’t want to be confused read part one. I woke up super happy the morning after my mom had sucked my cock. I went upstairs into the kitchen hoping to catch her getting breakfast. She was still getting ready for work because I could hear her walking around in her room. I took my pants off and laid on the couch naked and watched TV until she came...
ExperimentShe was far younger than my usual “type”. Honestly…my usual “type” was my wife…72 years old…ample breasts still very shapely and desirable…a short petite brunette …well greyed.By contrast this “woman”…she was old enough not to be a “girl” but by my standards…such as they are…just barely. She was twenty three years old…and was seriously into ‘daddy” worship. We had chatted on line for quite some time. She insisted that she was willing to do ‘daddy’s” bidding.We had met once…just to...
It all happened after her 18th birthday?Maggie was a pretty average girl. She went to high school, and was going into her senior year. Active in both sports and arts, while still making A's, she was the ideal teen. She didn't have a boyfriend, but was pretty popular among the guys at her school, probably because of her stunning appearance. Short, but not tiny, Maggie had natural-looking, tanned skin. Her dirty blonde hair sprouted from her head like a lion's mane, giving her a ferocious...
School was out, it was the fourth of July weekend, and Warren, Sophia, Jessie, and Crash were headed up to Maine. Crash's uncle had a place up there, and, since he was not going to be using it for these two weeks, the foursome rented it. It was a cabin, on a lake, and they were looking forward to it. Convincing Jessie's parents and Crash's mother took some doing, but they managed. It was big, for a cabin. There was a large room occupying the whole front half, which was a combination...
The year is 2020 and the US is controlled by many different large scale companies, these companies are allowed to do things many would not consider legal, however, they cannot be stopped. These companies buy out government officials to ignore their illegal business practices. Extremely large pharmaceutical companies are by far the worst, they capture people, test their drugs on them, and dispose of them. This is the story of the unfortunate testing of a high school girl. Mackenzie is one of...
Daryl Babson probably wasn't the worst neighbor in the world, but he was certainly the worst neighbor John had ever had. When Daryl wasn't throwing old washing machines into his back yard, he was playing loud acid rock through tinny speakers and getting stoned on his back porch. John had talked to Daryl once or twice. Daryl was a little below medium height, thin with stringy blonde hair. He told John that he worked on the janitorial staff at Miskatonic University. "Some of the shit...
I'll admit that I was a little bit drunk when she sat down beside me at the hotel bar. Another business trip, away from home, this was getting to be a drag, and sipping on some bourbon helped a little. The smell of her perfume as she sat down snapped me out of my haze, and I looked at her. She smiled, turned to the bartender and ordered a drink. Looking back at me, she said "Can I freshen your's up too, darling?" I must have looked like an idiot, staring dumbfounded at her. I looked down at my...
Dr Isobel Harris was a scientist and into doing weird and wonderful experiments. She and her colleague, Nita, had kidnapped a sexy blonde from her home and brought her back to her laboratory. They stripped her naked and strapped her feet down to the chair with her legs apart. The blonde awoke and began to cry in fear as she gazed around at the lab. "Please, let me go. What do you want from me?!" she cried. Dr Harris ignored her and inserted green tubes into the skin of her arms, the sides of...
Quickie Sex"Hey guys!" chirped Sandy Turner as Brett and Tom Nilsen got into the car. "Hey Sandy," the twins responded happily. "I have your assignments that we talked about," smiled Sandy. "But guys, don't just look at them as assignments. Aside from them helping you and you helping them, you both really have a chance to be as happy as I am," grinned Derek. "True Dat," said Sandy. "Now where was I before I was so rudely interrupted," she grinned back, as Derek stuck his tongue out at...
They then went into the shower, where they washed, hugged and fondled, returning wet and giggly. “Guys, we’re going out, so get cleaned up! We’re going to find and adult store and pick up some toys for our upcoming sex adventures,” Diane announced. While we were showering in the separate tubs, the girls, we found out, had been making some phone calls. We guys got dressed casually, while the girls were both sharing Diane’s clothes. They both had on string bikini tops and no bottoms, but...
Grass looks very mundane in daylight. You can’t guess its magic when your eye just barely notices it there, being all green and framing the day lilies and concrete driveway. At night, though, it has a blue glow to it and you just know it holds secrets. Lying in it at night, feeling the green and the moist and the cool, it’s freeing. Like you are the only thing that matters. That those parts of your life, that English final, what your mother said before you went out, your crappy new hair cut,...