Janets Story
- 4 years ago
- 28
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Janet's Experiment - By chuck
Story Codes:
F/m F/m+ D/s BDSM bondage consensual humiliation romantic
This story was inspired by a comment in the forum section describing a favorite fantasy in one sentence: "Mmmmm...a room full of male subs each begging me for their turn to cum and the one who gets to is the one who pleases me most, while the others watch in jealous agony..."
It was Friday afternoon. I was bored and had no prospects for the weekend. I found myself looking at craigslist personals and clicked on "casual encounters." I was in no mood to get tied down with someone looking for a soul mate. A few sampling clicks and I found that even in this category, most were looking for "someone special." Bored, I scrolled into the older posts back into early that week. By the time Monday scrolled up, the ads were pretty stale. Then I saw this one: "Weekend Experiment. (pic)" Curious and wanting to check out the picture, I clicked:
"Wanted: Several sexually active males for an experiment on male eroticism. No sex.
Contact immediately with phone number and photo. Interviews on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Experiment will take place from Saturday morning through Sunday afternoon.
Food and sleeping provisions will be provided."
The picture was a full body view of an attractive young woman with wavy brown hair. She was dressed in jeans and a long sleeve shirt. She had an easy smile and her eyes seemed to twinkle. There was nothing revealing in the photo, but her lines were definitely feminine and I fell in love with her body language. Yeah, I've always had a problem with "falling in love." I get infatuated much too easily. I stared at the ad for a few minutes as I contemplated what kind of erotic non-sexual experiment she had in mind and squirmed a bit as I felt myself respond to my conjectures. Did I mention? The gal was awfully cute.
I didn't think I would actually take part in any such experiment and I was way too late to interview, but I was curious and wanted to know more. I rushed out a response to the email address and included my first name and phone number. In my haste, I had forgotten the picture. I quickly pulled the first picture I could find of me on my computer. There aren't many and none of them are flattering. I quickly sent a second response that included a picture. I realized that she would have to connect the two emails to make any sense of them and I sent a third apologizing for the lateness of my response, for sending the phone info in one email and the photo in the second. I explained that I was rushed as I knew formal interviews were already over but if there was an opening to please consider me. To my dismay, when I hit the "send" key on the third response, I noticed that I hadn't included my name, phone, or photo. I finally settled down, explained everything, and included all the information in a fourth email. I knew I had made a complete idiot of myself.
I looked at her picture again. I felt like a teenager about to ask a girl for his first date. I felt a bit depressed. I knew I had blown it. Yeah, I knew I didn't have a chance from the start, but still I felt like I had blown my chance. Then the phone rang... and my heart stopped. It couldn't be related to the last email. I had just hit the "send."
Regardless of my conviction that the call wasn't email related, my hand shook as I picked up and I dropped the receiver. I scrambled to pick it up and croaked out a "hello" as I continued to fumble with the dang thing.
"Is this Chris?" a feminine voice asked.
"Speaking," I croaked out. Then thinking how cold that sounded, I added, "Yes, I'm Chris."
"I just received your emails. All emails were supposed to be for a mid week interview. The interviews are over." I could hear amusement in her voice.
"I understand," I replied. "I knew I was late. I had just noticed the ad and emailed as rapidly as I could."
She chuckled. "That was apparent by the second email. The third confirmed your state of haste."
Then I heard her break into full uncontrollable laughter. I was perplexed. There wasn't anything that funny about it. Amusing perhaps, but not that funny.
"I was talking about receiving your three emails," she said as she composed herself. "It struck me funny as a fourth one from you just popped up as we were speaking."
Sheepishly, I finally responded. "I guess I sound a bit eager, huh?"
"I'll tell you what," she said now that her voice was composed. "I can take one last interview. I can meet you at the downtown McDonalds in 30 minutes. If you can make it, I'll grant you an interview."
"I can do that. I'll be right there," I said breathlessly. My mind whirled with a million questions. There was no logic to why I felt this experiment or this woman was so important.
"Good. Thirty minutes at McDonalds on Main Street. Wear a tight T-shirt, no jacket," She said just before she hung up.
"But wait," I started speaking into the now dead phone. There were so many questions I wanted to ask. The McDonalds was only about 15 minutes away from my apartment. I rushed around, put on a fresh T-shirt, dabbing deodorant under my arms in the process, brushed my teeth, and quickly shaved my 5 o'clock shadow. Since I was lucky enough not to be ticketed by any traffic cops, I arrived in the parking lot with 8 minutes to spare.
I looked around for her as I entered. I hoped I would be able to recognize her from her photo. It wasn't busy and it was apparent that she was not there. I ordered a couple of soft drinks and cookies. I filled my cup and found a table discretely separate from the main area. My eyes kept darting from the door to the window as I checked out each car that came by. I watched her pull up and realized it was indeed her as she got out of the car. My heart skipped a beat as she shook her hair out and walked through the door. I stood up to make it easy for her to see me. She smiled a killer smile and crossed over to me. She extended her hand. "Hi, I'm Janet," she said.
"Chris," I replied as I took her hand to shake it. I couldn't figure out why her touch felt so special, but it sent a shiver though me. Then quickly lifting the empty cup, "I got you a soft drink, if you like."
Her smile lit up the place. "Thank you, Chris. That was very thoughtful of you." She didn't reach to take the offered cup. Instead she continued, "Coke would be fine with a little dash of root beer and light ice."
I scurried to fill her cup as she sat down. As the cup filled, I couldn't help but think of her touch. To my horror, I was hard. I didn't even know her. My imagination was totally out of control. I returned trying to hide the evidence of my sudden erection by ambling over to the napkin dispenser and then holding them loosely to cover my front. Of course, one of the napkins fluttered to the floor. Flushing at the attention I was drawing to myself, I scooped it up and tried to nonchalantly saunter back to the table. I could feel my ears positively glow when I saw her smirk and gaze brazenly at my crotch. I sat down quickly opposite her.
"I got a couple of cookies too," I said in a lame attempt to hide my embarrassment.
Her eyes twinkled with amusement. That was the same twinkle that instantly got my attention when I saw her photo. "Can you get me a straw?" she asked, both her voice and eyes showing amusement.
I knew she was toying with me. I had no choice but to rise and retrieve a straw for her from across the room. I adjusted as best I could as I rose, but it wasn't effective. Luckily the place was all but deserted, but I could feel her eyes on my back. There was no way to cover on my long trek back. My pants were hopelessly tented and there was no way I could inconspicuously hide that fact. She was pointedly looking at my groin and we both knew why I was embarrassed and why she was amused.
"Thank you," she said as I hastened to sit down. Looking straight into my eyes, she took a sip of her soda from the cup. The straw lay on the table top, still enclosed in its paper wrapping. She watched my face over the lip of her cup. She saw a flush of submissive embarrassment, not a flush of resentment that being sent on a useless errand might provoke. I could see her smile a predatory smile as she finished her sip.
"Um... what do you need to know for this interview?" I asked to try to shake my discomfort.
"When was the last time you had orgasmic relief?" she asked without hesitation.
I had started to take a sip of soda myself and found myself choking on it. "What?" I asked out of surprise.
"You heard me." She didn't feel the need to repeat the question.
Flushing furiously, I tried to get my thoughts together. That was a *very* private question. I didn't know her. That just isn't something someone asks... especially if you don't know them. It had been a busy week. I wasn't much of ladies man, so I had taken care of it when? I couldn't even remember exactly. "Wednesday, I think," I finally responded. I then recalled the event and the Internet site that helped me along. "Um... Tuesday actually," I corrected as my mind raced. Why wasn't I protesting this outrageous question? I was flustered. I couldn't believe that I had volunteered such delicate information so easily to this woman. I didn't even really know what I was interviewing for.
She smiled as I blurted out my answer. Then pointedly looking down as if she had x-ray vision to see my crotch through the table, she smiled impishly. "I was thinking it might have been longer," she commented dryly.
I flushed furiously from the taunt. I couldn't think of anything to say and I just squirmed a bit under her gaze. She reached over to my cheek and I felt her finger lightly brush against it. As when our hands touched, it felt like there was an electric charge in her touch. She pulled back her finger and displayed it for me. It had some shaving cream on it. She chuckled. "Somebody shaved in a hurry," she teased.
I nodded in acknowledgment. She had surmised the turmoil her call caused when I rushed to meet her deadline.
"Do you have any health problems or STD's?" she asked.
"Um.. no. I'm healthy and clean," I responded, relieved to finally inch into the interview and hopefully find out what this was all about.
"Okay, you passed the interview," she said. As my jaw dropped with the brevity and finality of her acceptance. "Including you, there are six males and myself participating in this experiment. It will not involve sexual intercourse. You will be restrained, sexually stimulated, and under duress." She paused and pushed a small card over the table to me. "Be at this address promptly at 9:00 am. You will not need to bring anything. Leave all valuables at home; there are no locker facilities and you won't want to leave them in an unattended car. Just your driver's license and keys will be all you need. You may eat breakfast but you are not to satisfy your other hunger," she continued as she looked toward my lap before shifting her gaze to my face. I watched her check my demeanor for an indication that I understood what she was referring to. I had been feeling my need increase steadily since I saw her ad and my dismay at that restriction must have been apparent. She had a smug look. She knew her directions would be followed to the letter.
To my surprise, though she was poised, I noticed that she was flushing. She stood suddenly and said, "I'll see you tomorrow at nine." She turned quickly and left me still seated at the table. It was probably my imagination, but as I deeply inhaled to gain my composure, the title of a movie passed though my mind; "Scent of a Woman."
I pulled into the parking lot around 8:30. I hadn't slept much that night and I was horny as I'd ever been. My balls ached. I had fresh briefs on; my second pair, actually, as the first had a wet spot shortly after I put them on. This time, I had a tissue strategically placed to keep it from happening again. I wore a T-shirt two sizes too small for me and a pair of jeans. I had thrown additional clothes and a jacket in the car in case I needed them, but I wanted to arrive in apparel that I thought she would approve of.
There were already two other guys at the lot. I got out and introduced myself. A little small talk revealed that they had little to offer in explanation about what this experiment was all about. They mentioned that they were required to give extensive personal information in their interviews. I kept quiet about the simplicity of my interview. It was agreed that Janet was one foxy lady and there was some speculation about her endowments under the conservative clothing she wore for the interviews. I had to chuckle a bit when the guys shed their jackets and outer shirts despite the morning chill. Apparently, they had also been required to interview in a T-shirt but had not related fact that to their current attire until I had arrived.
Three other males arrived about ten minutes later. I wasn't sure if it was because of forethought or because they saw us in T-shirts, but they all shed their jackets and outer shirts when they got out of their cars. We exchanged pleasantries and then waited in relative silence. We all felt the morning chill, but no one seemed inclined to be in their car when Janet arrived. I could see she had the same effect on the others as she did on me. I didn't know why, but we all felt that her approval was of paramount importance. We shivered until about 9:15, when she finally arrived.
We all attentively watched her get out of her car. Her brown wavy hair fluttered in the light breeze. She wore pants and long sleeve blouse similar to the one in the photo on the Internet. She looked sexy as hell and I couldn't figure out why. The fact that my cock had been hard most of the night and was now straining for freedom may have been a major factor in my perception. I noticed her low gaze crossing the front of us and realized that I was not alone in my state and she was brazenly aware of it.
"Hi guys," she said gaily. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long on this chilly morning. Put your T-shirts in your cars and come on inside where it is warm." She unlocked the door to the building as we scrambled to strip off our shirts and throw them into our respective cars. We quickly crowded into the relative warmth of the building as she was turning on the lights and adjusting the thermostat. The building was a martial arts business and had been closed for the weekend because of an out-of-town tournament. I learned later that Janet knew the owner and borrowed the use of it for the weekend. From in back, there was the odor of coffee brewing. Janet went in back and came out with donuts and some coffee.
"Grab some coffee and have a seat," she said indicating the half dozen chairs that had been set up. She placed the donuts on a serving tray and passed them around. I was glad for the donuts as I wasn't hungry when I first got up and I was starting to feel hungry. The rest of the guys greedily grabbed the proffered donuts and coffee.
She turned to face us as we were still eating. "I suppose you are all a bit curious about the experiment that you volunteered for." There were some grunts of acknowledgment but everyone remained quiet. No one wanted to impede what she had to say. "Let me summarize," she continued now that she had our undivided attention. "The experiment will involve you being restrained, stimulated, and tormented. You will not be injured. However if at any time you decide that you wish to abandon the experiment, just say 'I want to go home,' and you will be allowed to leave. Your objective will be to win my approval with your behavior. I will judge which of you did the best in that regard. I will give you tasks and challenges and then make my judgment.
Finally one of the guys spoke up. A big fellow, the largest of the group. I remembered him introducing himself as Sam. "What do we get for being the best one pleasing you?" he asked.
She grinned. "You will have the satisfaction of knowing you've made me happy," she replied. Then her voice dropped a bit as she added, "and maybe, I'll give you an orgasm that will blow your mind."
"What exactly do we have to do in this experiment?" queried a tall lanky man with blond hair.
"Well Trent," Janet replied. "Consider it a psychology experiment with several phases. The first phase was to see if I could get five males to volunteer for an erotic experiment. So far, so good."
"There's six of us," pointed out a short slender participant.
Janet laughed a kind of sultry laugh. "True enough, Eugene. I had a last minute addition. A bonus for me but since there will be competition between you, each of you will have to work just a little harder to be number one."
"The next observation was to see if you would even show up and if you did, to see if you would arrive early to assure your inclusion." She looked over at Victor and then back to Eugene. "You two were exceptionally early and that pleased me." I felt self conscious when she looked my way. "Chris here still allowed a good buffer and I noticed that he guessed correctly that I would appreciate T-shirt attire." She paused and smiled. "I can't tell you all how tickled I was to see that you all followed Chris's lead and were wearing those sexy T-shirts when I arrived.
"You were spying on us in the parking lot?" asked Wayne in an accusatory tone.
Janet laughed again. "Of course, silly. Someone had to get here early enough to have the coffee ready. I parked in the street overlooking the parking lot so I could enjoy my coffee, a donut, and a fine view.
"You had us standing out in the cold unnecessarily," grumbled Sam.
"I thought you could use the time to meet and bond with each other," she said mischievously. She didn't expect us to believe her. "Besides, I was allowing for a seventh participant to arrive late. I didn't want to arrive until everyone was here."
I was sitting in the end chair in the row. At that statement, I stood up and pointedly counted from the other end of the row. "One, two, three, four, five." I paused and picked up the chair I had been sitting in. It was obviously the last chair. "Six." I sat back down with a bit of a smug smile.
Unperturbed in being caught in her little fib, she grinned. Those eyes twinkled and she could have sold me the Brooklyn Bridge right then and there. "Okay," she admitted. "I let you stay in the cold longer than necessary. To your credit, no one left. Another test passed!!"
She had us chuckling at her effervescent style. Her smile changed back to that predatory one I had seen at McDonalds. "If you guys are fazed by a few minutes of being chilly, you will not do well during this experiment. If you're not up to it, now is the time to leave. I won't think badly of you if you do. It's going to be a challenging weekend."
There it was. She made the challenge. I knew I wasn't going to look like a wimp in front of her; I had no inclination to back out now even though her look and tone made me shudder with apprehension. I saw similar reactions with the others. She had challenged us and our egos would not allow us to decline.
When no one moved toward the door, she jumped in the air and clapped her hands in a show of jubilation. "Great! Let's get started, shall we?"
She proceeded to a short hallway and crooked her finger at us. "Put your car keys, drivers licenses, and socks in your shoes and leave them here. Follow me boys; the fun will be in the shower room." She turned and led us into the shower room.
I quickly complied and was the first behind her. I looked in over her shoulder into the shower room and the apprehension I felt just a minute ago turned into a cold pit deep in my stomach. I was pushed all the way in by the line guys behind me and soon we were all in the shower room. It was elongated and fairly large with a couple of seven foot high shower heads on each side and one centered on the small wall in the back. Floor to ceiling, on the walls behind the shower heads was an metal grid similar to that of window displays in department stores. It had been fastened securely to the wall and braced across the top and bottom. It would resist any tension that any or all of us could exert on it. She had obviously done quite a bit of preparation for this experiment. The fact that there were multiple chains, cables, and cords hanging off the grid is what caught my attention. The sound of a collective gasp told me that the others noticed them as well.
I looked over at Janet. She was obviously enjoying our reactions. Until we walked into the shower, the idea of the experiment was only an abstract. Suddenly the realization hit us that we were going to put ourselves at the mercy of a woman we didn't know. It was crazy. Positively insane. I could tell she felt our resistance suddenly build. She turned on her killer smile and strutted into the middle of our group. Putting her hands on her hips, she looked like an innocent teenager with an attitude. "Well, she challenged again. Are you guys men enough to proceed?"
We knew she wasn't innocent but she didn't look all that menacing. I looked around. Despite her looks, I felt an urge to bolt through the door. The others were looking at each other. Despite many logical misgivings, no one headed for the door. We were still shuffling around when she picked up a bucket of cuffs and started passing them around. "Just put the small ones on your wrists and the large ones on your ankles. Make sure they are tight. I'll be disappointed if I find a loose one on when I check them. When the clips click, it will require two hands to release them. Therefore, you will need help to get out of the wrist cuffs." The cuffs were adjustable and had metal rings embedded around them. Like the sheep we were, we all securely locked the cuffs on our ankles and wrists. I played with the mechanism on my ankle cuff. She was right. It required two hands to release it.
She had us stand in a line, side by side, for inspection. I was the first in line and she gave me that killer smile. Her fingers fluttered over my stomach and then her hand press firmly over my chest as she stood close to me. She let her fingers trail over each arm to my wrist and she checked each of them for security. That was all it took to get my cock to strain against my pants. She looked into my eyes and I felt like I would do anything for her and her touch. She grinned and pressed her hand hard against my groin. She then rubbed her body firmly against mine and I was in heaven. I sighed in disappointment as she stepped away and indicated that I was to stand under the first shower head. With envy, I watched her proceed down the line to the rest of the guys, all eager to have her check their cuffs in her unique sensual way. Eugene was the last to enter the shower room and was left standing in the middle of the shower room.
For each location, there were four chains. The chains could be adjusted and fastened to the cuffs with a spring clip. Some of my apprehension left me as I believed that with a little slack, even if all four were fastened, I could free myself from the spring clips with some maneuvering and a little time.
"Okay guys, I want you to clip your ankles as far apart as you can and your wrists as high as you can. You will be judged on this."
I faced the grid and spread my legs to judge where the clips should be positioned. Then I clipped the left ankle and stretched as much as I could and clipped the right. THWAP! I felt a searing pain on my butt through my jeans. "Ow... yeow!" I exclaimed in surprise and pain. I hadn't noticed her picking up a flexible paddle while my back was turned.
"I want you all facing away from the wall," she said with a grin. I could tell she enjoyed the fact that I started my self bondage facing the wrong way. She took delight in surprising me like that.
The other guys quickly secured themselves as instructed. I found that it was much harder to remove the spring clip when stretched out than it was to put them on. Janet removed the first one for me and the second was much easier. I found that the clip, like the cuffs, required two hands to unclip it. I now knew that I would not be able to release the spring clips without help. I finally finished clipping my ankles and wrists while everyone else waited. I saw her take longer chains from the top and bottom of the grids and she proceeded to clip them to Eugene's cuffs leaving him helplessly spread eagled in the middle of the room. I envied him as it seemed more erotic that she would personally immobilize him. She wasn't shy about body contact as she brushed and pressed her body against his bare chest while she was stringing him up. His reaction was obvious. She pressed her hand hard against the outline of his shaft. I heard some groans of envy blend with the Eugene's audible gasp as we all watched.
Janet proceeded to inspect down the line to assure everyone was fastened tightly. She teased each one as she progressed. It was pathetic to watch each guy eagerly anticipate his "inspection." I was last in line and I watched her fondle and caress Sam who was right beside me. He was groaning and I was eager for my turn to experience her attention.
My heart was beating hard when it was finally my turn. She quickly jiggled my cuffs to assure they were secure and backed away. She didn't touch me like she did the others! I was craving her tease. "Please," I cried out. "Check and make sure."
Her eyes twinkled and I couldn't help but struggle a bit. I wanted to touch her. To hold her. "Please," I begged again. "You were, um, more thorough with the others."
She smiled with that predatory smile. "The others didn't screw up when they attached the clips," she said.
I just moaned in disappointment. Touched or not, I was hard as a rock. I needed another touch "Please," I whimpered in one last attempt to get a caress from her. I flushed when I realized that I had just made a fool of myself in front of everybody. I bit back my disappointment.
Giving me a quick self satisfied smile, she left the shower room. She made several trips and returned with six chairs, six large bottles, and a roll of clear plastic tubing. Collectively, we watched her every move with growing appreciation of her grace and beauty. Also I was sure that I was not the only one who felt their anxiety level increase as we stood chained spread eagle and helpless. None of us dared asked what she was doing. She set a chair in front of each of us and from a hose attached to the front wall, she filled the bottles and then placed a filled bottle on each chair. She cut the tubing into lengths and placed one end in a bottle and the other end into the closest mouth. "Don't drop that tube," she ordered each time she inserted one. At my turn, I took the tube and held it firmly with my front teeth. I had a feeling I knew where she was going with this.
She confirmed my suspicion when she finished and addressed us. "Okay," she began. "The first test will be your capacity to drink." She grinned an impish grin. "Several of you on your applications mentioned that you liked to drink though I suspect you were talking about a different beverage than what I'm providing." She pulled out a timer. "I've allowed two hours for this event. I will set the timer somewhere between fifteen minutes and two hours. When the timer goes off, the one who has consumed the most water wins. If there is any spillage by anyone before the timer sounds, that person will be disqualified despite how much he drank. Any questions?"
I couldn't think of anything to ask and I was afraid to move my mouth anyway for fear of dropping the tube. I shook my head "no." She looked at each of us and most grunted "no." She took the timer and made a show of starting it. She also made a show of placing the timer so none of us could see it. None of us could see what the initial setting was nor would we have any indication as to how much time passed. It was going to seem like a long two hours. My jaw was already twitching as I clamped down on the tube to keep it from falling free. "You may start now," she said.
I sucked on the tube and drank about a cup as I watched the others were doing the same. Janet went around from guy to guy and unsnapped the ankle clips. Each of us sighed a bit of relief as we were able to get our feet under us. There was still no way I could move much with my wrists still attached wide apart. "I figure two hours would be too long to keep you full spread eagle," she commented as if to herself. Then addressing us as a group, she continued. "But I may change my mind if I get bored." With that, she left us and returned with a chair, a book, and a sandwich. She made a point of looking at the timer then started to read her book as she munched on her sandwich.
I drank about another cup and felt the effects of the fluid and the coffee that she had given us before. I was already regretting that coffee. I figured that I better not drink too much too fast. I saw that beside me, Sam had already consumed a large amount from his bottle.
It was only twenty minutes into the event when I heard Sam call out to Janet through his clenched teeth. "Um, Janet, Ma'am," he said. "Could I use the bathroom for a moment then I'll get right back here." He flushed as he realized how ridiculous his request was.
Janet grinned with that predatory smile of hers and rose to approach him. "Of course not silly," she responded. "This is to measure your total capacity, not just your stomach. Any accidents, including dropped tubes, will count as spillage and disqualify you." She looked down at his bottle. "Oh, you are way ahead of the others." She sensuously rubbed up against him and her hands caressed his chest and stomach. "I'm so proud of you for being so far ahead of the others. You are definitely the winner if the timer goes off now." Sam squirmed under her touch. We could all see that she was turning him on. Watching her tease and caress him so sensuously was turning me on as well and I squirmed a bit to shift my pants to accommodate. I noticed some of the other guys reacting that way.
It dawned on us that Sam was indeed going to win if the timer went off. I started sucking harder but ceased shortly after I started. There was no way I was going to be able to drink more than what Sam had. I was already feeling uncomfortable as my bladder was protesting. Janet made a show of walking around past the rest of us. I sucked in some water as she went by just to show that I was trying. I squirmed a bit as my bladder problem was starting to override the erotic sensations I was feeling toward Janet. Sam was squirming as well. I could see him shift from foot to foot and squirm. He was staring at the back of the timer, probably praying that it would go off. A few minutes later, I heard him take in a quick breath and I looked down at his crotch. A dark spot appeared at the front of his pants. He then groaned a loud groan as he sagged in his restraints. The dark spot grew in a rush as he lost all control and his pant leg was saturated. I could smell the odor of urine as a trickle made its way to the drain.
"Oh dear," Janet said in mock sympathy as she watched him lose control. "It looks like you are disqualified, Sam. Such a shame, you were so far ahead of the others." Sam was flushed from embarrassment.
"I'm sorry," he said lamely. "I tried. I really did." It seemed ludicrous that a guy that big would be so contrite.
Janet smiled with a deceptively kindly smile. "I know you tried, Sam, but you didn't just lose, you were disqualified. Unfortunately, that means once I release everyone from this task, you will have to leave. You are no longer a part of the experiment."
"No!!," he blurted in an agonized voice. "Please, I was just trying to win. I didn't understand the rules. Please don't kick me out of the experiment." I thought he was going to start crying.
"Sorry Sam," she replied. "The rules are the rules." She then turned away from him and went around to examine the bottles.
"Oh Trent," she said. "You're the new leader. I'm so proud of you." As she did with Sam, she made a big production of pressing against him and caressing his chest, back, and stomach. Trent was looking like he was in ecstasy heaven; Sam was looking miserable.
I realized that I better drink a bit more or I would lose when the timer went off. I could feel my penis tingle as the need to urinate seemed to concentrate at the tip. I think a couple of drops leaked out but I was able to stem the urge. I didn't dare drink. I would be disqualified.
Eugene was close to having drunk as much as Trent and he increased his sucking. Janet noticed and went to him with congratulations and teased him as well. We were all insanely jealous as she caressed him, but I noticed the others had slowed their consumption. They were betting the timer wasn't close to the end.
Janet finally crossed over to the timer and looked at it. "Twelve minutes," she announced cheerfully. She turned the timer around so we could now see it. I could see the guys looking at the timer and trying to gauge how much they could drink without being disqualified. I knew I was done. I had doubts if I could last the twelve minutes even without drinking anything additional. I saw Wayne sucking in earnest. He must have enough capacity to hold on. Victor looked intently at the timer. I could sense that he was waiting until the last minute to make his move.
The time moved so slowly. Janet was watching us and took obvious delight at our squirming. "Remember boys," she said. "When the timer goes off, drop the tubes from your mouth, but not before. Then I'll check to see who the winner is." I was actively squirming and I saw the others were as well. We were all steeling ourselves hold on for the last few minutes. Even those with no chance of winning had to endure or be disqualified. Finally the timer buzzed. I almost lost control then, but held on as did the others. Janet slowly and deliberately checked out each bottle. She finally declared Victor the winner. He had sucked in a huge amount of water in the last minute.
Janet had no sooner made her announcement when we started begging to use the bathroom. "Please let me down so I can use the bathroom," I cried. My plea was lost in a similar chorus from the other guys. She blinked back with innocent eyes. "But I allowed a full 2 hours for this event. I'll release you to go to the bathroom then," she looked out at the clock in the other room. "About 20 minutes," she said cheerfully.
"I can't wait," groaned Victor. I looked over to see his pants darkening in front.
I really didn't want to pee in my pants. I felt that I should be able to hold it. I was crossing my legs and doing all I could to hold it when I heard Eugene groan and the front of his pants darkened. The pressure seemed intense and the tip of my penis was tingling with the pressure as I fought to hold on. I just needed to wait about 10 more minutes. A drop leaked out and I fought to maintain control. Maybe if I just let out a small dribble, the pressure would decrease. I struggled and grasped the grid and tried to bring my knees up. A small squirt leaked out and with effort I was able to stem it before there was enough to soak through my pants. Another squirt squeaked by an I was barely able to stem that when it was followed by a another that I couldn't control. I felt the urine surge thorough my shaft. The front of my pants suddenly felt warm and I felt the tickling as the stream made its way down my leg. I groaned in defeat and relief as my bladder poured forth a seemingly endless yellow stream. I gripped the grid and slumped down. I was defeated... and I smelled of urine.
I could hear Janet clapping and laughing as one by one the others lost control. None was able to hold on for the full two hours. It seemed excruciatingly close. I looked around. The shower room became quiet as the six of us hung there with soaked pants. Janet finally broke the spell and she went from position to position releasing our left hands. "Take off your pants," she said when she was done. "We have to get you clean."
It was awkward removing soggy pants with one hand while the other was clipped above. I felt self conscious as I was peeling them off and Janet was obviously amused as she watched us. I removed my outer pants but was hesitant to drop my drawers. I looked around and most of the other guys had also kept their shorts on, but Victor and Wayne stripped down entirely. Flushing I looked over at them and then back at Janet. I could see that she expected us to be fully naked. I flushed as I peeled off the shorts. There was little dignity in soggy shorts anyway, I tried to console myself, but I couldn't help but feel humiliation as I started to become hard. The whole situation was turning me on. I glanced around and noticed that was true of a couple of the others. Janet brazenly looked at the hardening penises and smirked a smile of triumph. Her attitude and smile accelerated my erection and I noticed that she universally affected the others that way.
Removing the chairs and bottles, Janet returned and went over to the hose where she filled the bottles. "I had thought that having individual showers would be convenient for you, but I think this will be a more fun way to clean you. With that she turned the water on full force and started spraying us with it. I barely had time to notice the guys jumping and yelping from the cold hard stream of water when I was hit with it. It was cold. The pressure of the water hurt when it hit the more sensitive parts of my body and I immediately pulled up a leg to cover the most sensitive parts. Janet was laughing as she sprayed the water around the room. Everyone was jumping and trying to avoid the stream of water. She went into the middle of the room and played the water as if it was an automatic rifle. We would invariably bounce around and try to protect ourselves when the stream came in our direction. The stream had just passed me by and I relaxed for a second. She changed direction and hit me square in my momentarily unprotected groin. "Yeow," I yelled as I curled and brought my hand in front as well. She laughed and caught Eugene by surprise causing him to cry out, twist and curl. Janet continued the onslaught for a few minutes until we were assuredly cleaned of any lingering urine. She finally had to sit down to recoup. She had been laughing almost nonstop when she was playing with the water. I was shivering from the cold and thankful that she was finally done. Frankly, my balls ached even before I arrived that morning. The direct shots she landed with the hose exacerbated that ache.
She finally made the rounds and clipped our ankle and wrist cuffs back to the grid so we were all spread eagle again. This time I felt terribly exposed. She got that predatory grin on her face again and picked up the hose again. Oh no! She was going to use it again!!! "Please no!" I shouted. That shout was a mistake as it brought attention to me. She turned and directed the spray right at me. The cold water tore at my skin as it trailed down my stomach. I twisted and writhed but I couldn't protect myself as the water surged into my balls. "Arrgh!" I screamed "Please, no more!" She just laughed and turned the water toward Sam who reacted much the same way I did. I heard the guys scream and plead as she progressed from position to position. Eugene was suspended in the middle of the room and she seemed to take great delight in making him wiggle as he was free standing with no supporting wall behind him. Then unfairly, she turned the water back to me. She concentrated the stream on my balls. I could do nothing but writhe in a vain attempt to divert that stream. I was soon unashamedly begging her to stop when she finally tired of the game and turned the water off. She was surrounded by six shivering and thoroughly cowed males.
Janet then brought a large beach towel into the shower room. She approached Sam and started patting him dry. "Poor Sam," she cooed. "You were blind sided by the disqualification rule." She was sounding so nice, and Sam looked at her with obvious skepticism. She ignored the look as she dried him. She took out a tube of lotion and applied it to his cock. Suspicious or not, Sam was helpless to stop his cock from hardening. She backed off and finished drying him. She rubbed him vigorously and his skin soon turned a rosy red. He was the only male dry and warm. She went back to his now eager shaft and stroked it some more. "If you had completed the experiment and won, this could have been your reward." She dug her fingernails into his shaft as her other hand toyed with the head of his penis. She soon had him trying to thrust back into her hand. "You are sooo anxious," she taunted. I could sense that he was getting close and I was sure she knew it too. She backed off and Sam groaned. I looked around the room. All eyes were riveted on the two of them. Everybody was hard; the cold forgotten. I was envious that Sam was getting her attention. I wanted to feel her hand so much on my now eager cock. She glanced over at me and then down at my shaft. She knew I wanted some of the action. But then again, the whole room wanted her touch.
Sam was trembling and anticipating a climax when she suddenly backed off. His groan filled the room. Janet giggled. "That get to you boy?" she asked as she taunted him.
"Oh please, Janet, please," he cried.
Janet resumed stroking his cock. "You know you were disqualified. Why should you be allowed to cum?"
"I don't deserve it, I know," Sam said in a pleading voice. "But please, please. I've held off from cumming all week as you required. I really need to cum."
Janet giggled. "But you were disqualified," she repeated. "and besides, it was barely a half week that you abstained." Her hand kept stroking and Sam had lost any sense of dignity as he thrust back trying to hump her hand. She dug her fingernails in behind the head of his penis once again. He was about ready to explode. "Beg for it," she said. "Beg like you've never begged before."
Sam started rambling as she brought him closer and closer to the edge. "Pleeeeze!" Sam begged. "I beg of you. Let me cum. It wasn't my fault. I'm yours. I'll do anything. Pleeeeze."
I looked over at him. I envied him for the attention he was getting from Janet and I lusted for what she was doing to him. And I pitied him. I knew she would not let him cum. The poor slob, his degrading himself was to be in vain. I knew now that she could be cruel, deliciously cruel, but cruel. I saw him spasm in preparation to cumming. I knew he was to be denied, poor guy.
And then he came! He shot his load across the shower room floor. Janet was still pumping him. She was grinning as she milked him. She looked directly at me, then she turned and scanned the rest of the room. All five of us, trussed, naked, helpless, watching... Sam was allowed to cum. Janet looked around the room and I could see her grin at the yearning expressions we all wore.
I don't know what sound came out of my mouth, but I heard cries of jealous torment around me mingle with the groans of Sam in his bliss. He continued thrusting into Janet's hand until he was entirely spent. Finally he hung on his restraints. The room was silent. Janet unclipped Sam's cuffs. He staggered upright. She pointed to his soggy pants and shorts on the floor. "Take those with you. Your part of the experiment is over."
Still breathless, Sam retrieved his items. "Thank you," he said. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you. That was my most intense orgasm ever." His voice was filled with awe for the gorgeous creature that had so manipulated him.
Janet smiled. "You're welcome," she said softly. "Time for you to pick up your shoes and leave."
"Yes Ma'am," Sam replied. He turned and left.
A minute later we heard his car start. He didn't have time to put on soggy pants. I heard Trent say softly to no one in particular, "I betting he will be embarrassed if he's stopped by a female cop."
The remark was greeted with a few chuckles. "Heck, he'll be embarrassed if a bus pulls along side of him," Victor added.
Janet was giggling at the thought of Sam driving around in the buff as she went about the business of unclipping Eugene and clipping him in Sam's old spot. We were now all attached on the grid, still naked and helplessly spread eagled.
"Well," she said finally. "Are we ready for our second game?"
I shuddered with apprehension and excitement. Looking around, there were five flag poles answering "yes." We all grunted or nodded. We were curious and we wanted Janet to have an opportunity to tease us. We knew it was to be a tormenting tease and yet I knew I craved her every touch. I'm sure we all craved that touch.
I felt another hunger as my stomach grumbled. "Does it involve lunch?" I asked meekly.
Janet laughed. "Lunch already? My how time flies when you're having fun," she replied. "I have pizza if you guys are interested." I joined the others in a chorus of affirmative words, sounds, and gestures.
She left the room and came back a minute later with a pizza that she had re-warmed in the microwave. She had taken off her long sleeve blouse and pants and was now in a snug form fitting T-shirt and tight short shorts. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She ignored the gasps from around the room. I was closest and she approached me with a large piece and held it under my nose.
"Geeze, you're beautiful," I said, ignoring the pizza. She laughed lightly at the compliment and pushed the pizza to my lips. "Open up," she said kindly. I obediently opened my mouth and she stuck the pointed end in my mouth. I bit off the tip and chewed appreciatively.
"Thank you," I said gratefully. Her eyes sparkled and her smile was genuine. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She offered me another bite which I accepted still trying to devour her with my eyes.
I started to thank her for the second bite but she put a finger up to my lips. "Shhhh," she whispered. "Just eat and enjoy." She snuggled in next to me and fed me another bite. When the piece got small enough so she could offer it with just one hand, she used her other hand to alternately stroke my chest, stomach, and cock. I started chewing very slowly as she continued her snuggling and stroking. I was in heaven. I could sense the envy of the other four guys. They were staring lustfully as I slowly consumed my pizza. I loved her touch, her fluttering fingers alternating with firm palm strokes. I groaned and arched appreciatively whenever she blessed my cock with her touch. Despite my slow chewing, all too soon, the piece was consumed. I tried to suppress a sob when she broke away from me and retrieved another large piece.
She went over to Eugene and she offered him a bite. I felt raging jealousy as I watched her treat him with the same affection as she had with me. Watching them was agony and I looked around the room. I could see the others watching in envy as well. The difference was my experience was over. They were watching in anticipation of their turn. I was watching with a sense of loss since my turn was already over. My gaze returned to her feeding Eugene and I whimpered softly. I knew Janet heard it though her only response was a slight smile. My jealous torment did not diminish as I watched her progress from male to male... each one of them squirming in delight under her touch as they let her feed them. I hated them.
When she had finally finished feeding everyone, she looked around. "Anyone thirsty?" she asked innocently. The thought of the water ordeal passed through our collective minds.
"No, please no," I replied to her question. I was afraid to ask, but I felt it needed to be addressed. "As a matter of fact, I could use a trip to the bathroom again." The water that was in my stomach had migrated lower and just the thought of a drink made the urge to urinate stronger. "Please!" I added for emphasis.
She grinned at me, then looked around the room. "Okay guys, you may pee now if you need to. Otherwise I'll expect you to hold it through the next game." Everyone looked perplexed at that. She wanted us to openly pee where everyone, including Janet, could see.
It was an odd feeling. I had just peed in my pants and that was an embarrassing loss of control. Now that I needed to urinate again, I would have to pee in the open while trussed up. Even when out in the country, there was something comforting about aiming at a tree or even just the ground. I had no control over the direction of the stream that I now needed to let loose. My semi-erect cock was free to wildly shoot like a loose hose. Janet would be watching. I couldn't do it. Then I heard Janet exclaim "there's the first fountain!" I looked over and Victor was shooting a stream out to the middle of the floor. He was flushed with embarrassment and he looked down to avoid having eye contact with anyone. I tried to relax the muscles in my penis, but they just wouldn't do it. Eugene was the next to let loose and Janet's laughter filled the shower room. I squirmed and felt the need grow. Finally a small dribble and I sighed a sigh of relief as a full stream followed. I'm sure my ears were red as I saw a laughing Janet watch me.
Finally, Janet announced that pee time was over. Poor Wayne never did pee. He would have to hold it. She took the hose and cleaned the floor. Though we each flinched as the stream came close, Janet refrained from drenching us. Still, the splatter was cold against my bare skin.
Janet brought forth a cloth bag and pulled out five thick steel rings. They each had six steel studs threaded into them. Four of the studs had points on each end. The other two had a point on one end and a loop on the other. "Good thing Sam's not here," she commented. "I only have five of these little puppies."
I looked in horror at the one she held up and I realized what they were. She smiled her predatory grin at me when she saw my expression. "I see Chris has guessed what these do," she said gaily. "Let me demonstrate." She knelt before me and lifted my balls gently with one hand and held a ring in the other. The ring was hinged and she opened it and pointed to the six points that protruded inside the casing. I whimpered softly when I felt her pull my testicles down to accommodate the ring and I gasped when she snapped it into place. It felt like those spikes were enormous. I groaned when she pulled down lightly on the ring. "See how it might slip off," she said in a school teacher type of voice. She tightened a couple of the spikes and they dug in. I groaned loudly in a vain attempt to keep her from tightening it further. Finally she was satisfied. "Now it is more secure," she announced unnecessarily. She then clipped a leash to one of the looped studs and unclipped the chains on my four cuffs. She tugged lightly and with a yelp, I immediately stepped toward her. That tug really hurt and when I stepped, the outside points dug into my thighs. I responded to her second tug with a bowlegged walk, trying to avoid any pull or unnecessary movement. I was pleading with my eyes for her to be gentle. She ignored my pleading look and hooked the end of the leash high on the grid so I had to stand tall facing the wall to minimize the tug on my balls. I offered no resistance as she then clipped my wrist cuffs together behind me.
I could hear Janet as she proceeded around the room and did the same to each of the other guys. Victor was pretty stoic, but Wayne was begging her to spare him. I suspect he felt that it might make him pee. The others pretty much greeted being "ringed" with whimpers and groans. I couldn't believe how hard I was despite my balls hurting and my fear of more pain with any tug. When she was finally done, she brought in a couple of chairs. "Okay boys," she said when she was ready. "I want to see a parade. This will be an elephant parade!"
I had no idea what she was getting at, but I didn't like the sound of it. She retrieved the end of my leash and pulled me away from the wall a bit. She tugged on the leash and my eyes started to tear up from the pain. She kept the leash taunt. "Hold this in your mouth," she instructed. I complied but I sagged a bit to relieve the tension. She gave me a look of mock annoyance and took the leash from my mouth and offered the middle of it for me to hold. I had to bend over to hold it in my teeth and I couldn't keep from shifting and tugging on those blasted spikes. She then turned away toward Eugene. She didn't look back at me but it didn't matter. I didn't dare drop the leash and there was no way I could ease up on the tension this time. I sensed that everyone else she led to the floor had more slack than she gave me even on my first try. I was in no position to complain, however.
She now had us in an oval facing counter clockwise with the chairs in the middle to maintain spacing. She took the leash from my mouth and passed it under my legs behind me to Eugene. She replaced the leash in his mouth with mine and took his under his legs to the next guy. She did this until she placed the last leash in my mouth. We all were bent at the waist to keep as much space as possible between us. "I want you to walk in a circle around the chairs ten times," she said. "If you do it in less than five minutes, I will take off your ball rings." There were several groans but no one dared open his mouth. I knew I didn't want to find out what the penalty would be for dropping a leash. Janet continued. "As further incentive, if you are able to do it in less than four minutes, I'll let one of you cum." I thought of how she had treated Sam and I felt myself get harder. I sure could use relief like that.
She pulled out the timer then put it down. "Oh one more thing," she said as she produced a bag of spring clothespins. She came over to me and squeezed my nipple then clamped a clothespin on it. I gasped and almost lost the leash in my mouth.
"No no!" I cried through my clenched teeth. She didn't listen and clamped another on my other nipple. The pain was searing and I couldn't stop whimpering. She continued around the circle and I heard similar noises for the guys as she progressed. She finally came around to me and reached for my cock and stroked it. I was amazed that it was still hard. She looked into my eyes with a triumphant look. I groaned inwardly. "Okay guys," she said cheerfully as she twisted the timer. "Timer's set, so go!"
I started to shuffle slowly forward and felt the studs dig into my balls. I kept my stance wide as the points on my thighs were digging in. My balls protested my movement, but I knew we had to circle the room ten times. The nipple clamps were killing me. Eugene didn't move and the tension on my balls didn't abate. I was starting to panic. No one wanted to move forward because it pulled on their balls. There was no way a cadence could be called so we wouldn't tug. Something had to be done. We couldn't stay stooped in a circle all day. MY NIPPLES WERE KILLING ME!!!
Janet hadn't indicated what direction we had to travel. I started to back up and pulled on the leash in my mouth. I heard a yelp of protest from the guy in front of me but it got him to back up and pull on the leash in front of him. The ripple effect came around and my balls were tugged and I increased my backwards speed to alleviate the new tension. The ripple continued and the incentive of the ball tug caused us to speed up. Janet apparently hadn't expected us to go backwards and was laughing hysterically as we were all backing up with our waddling stance. I looked over at the timer. She had left it facing us this time. It seemed like an eternity, but we were making pretty good time and finally I heard Janet yell "ten" and the ordeal was over. I released the leash in front of me and the others followed suit. I heard the falling leashes go around the circle until mine finally dropped and my balls were free... well not free, but not being tugged.
Janet was still laughing heartily as she went around and removed the clothes pins. I cried out loudly when she took mine off and I heard several cries as she progressed around the circle. I really wanted to rub them or do something to relieve the pain of their removal, but all I could do was stand there and endure it. At least I was finally able to stand straight. When she got to Wayne's spot, I heard him cry out from the pain of the clothes pin removal and I watched in sympathetic horror as a stream of urine hit the floor. He was too embarrassed to speak. He just silently peed as if hoping no one was looking. I looked over at Janet and she was ignoring Wayne and his "accident." She happened to look in my direction and just her look got my cock to rise. I flushed when I saw her smile at me and my growing erection. She really does have a beautiful smile I thought to myself. Though self-conscious, I basked in the knowledge that it was directed at me.
Janet directed us to stand at our respective positions around the room and she proceeded to come around and remove those evil rings. I grimaced as it she fiddled with it and let out a groaning sigh of relief as she took it off. "Thank you, oh thank you," I babbled. She smiled at me with amusement in her eyes. She then proceeded around the rest of the room and collected the rest of the rings. I looked over at Wayne. He was looking worried. It looked like he wanted to say something about his accident, but words failed him and he stood stoically when she removed his ring.
"I promised that one of you would be allowed to cum if you made the ten laps within the four minutes," she announced. "I have two candidates in mind for that honor." She looked at me. "Chris, you figured out a way to do it and got the parade moving. You definitely earned the chance to cum." She looked over at Victor. "Victor, you won the drinking contest and, because of Sam's inability to maintain bladder control, you never received a reward for it. You also deserve a chance." Then indicating to both of us, "Come here."
I eagerly walked over in front of her. Victor was quickly at my side. Janet smiled at us and I felt my cock throb just from that smile. "Oh man, I'm getting addicted to her," I thought to myself as I tried to hide my emotion better than I could hide the reaction of my cock. She circled behind us, unclipped our wrists, and returned to stand in front of us, her feet apart and hands on her hips.
"Kneel and beg if you want to cum. The best little beggar will be allowed," she declared with a giggle.
We both immediately dropped to our knees. I was happy that she was positioned away from where Wayne had peed. From the corner of my eye, I could see Victor slobbering on her foot. "Please, oh please, let me cum," I heard him beg. He went on almost blubbering as he pleaded and started rambling about how he deserved it because of his win in the drinking contest. I lowered my lips to her other instep and kissed it gently. My hands reverently stroked her ankle and calf. I caressed her foot and calf and allowed my fingers to flutter lightly behind her knee. As I felt my welcome wear thin and Victor's blathering was starting to wind down, I prostrated myself prone on the cold tile floor and submissively pressed my forehead on the top of her toes. I thought of Sam and how he had to leave after he had been allowed to cum. I cringed. Sam had to leave after he came. Would she make me leave if I came? I couldn't chance it. "I want to cum," I said in an unconvincing voice. That was it.
I couldn't see her reaction because I kept my forehead on her foot. There was a silent pause and I suspect she was perplexed at my lack of pleading. Finally she spoke. "Stand up, Victor. You definitely put more into your begging than Chris." I stayed where I was. I was relieved that she did not pick me, but now I was feeling jealous as I knew Victor was going to receive her exquisite attention. With that thought, I groaned softly and kept my face to the floor. She allowed me to stay there. I was still prone before her and I kept my forehead resting on her foot. My hands were wrapped lightly and lovingly around her ankle. I heard her have Victor turn his back to her and I knew she was leaning into his back. I knew he could feel the pressure of her breasts against his back. I could smell the lotion she used and I could hear Victor's reaction as she stroked his eager shaft. I couldn't help but whimper as I felt the tempo increase and Victor finally came. I idly thought that I was glad that his cum was directed away from me. I could hear him gasping for breath and I could feel her brace as he leaned against her for support. Finally as his glow dissipated, Janet pulled her foot away from my grasp and she stepped back from Victor.
"Very good, Victor," she said merrily. She proceeded to remove his cuffs. "You earned that. You finished the experiment in good form. You can go home now to a nice warm shower and a well deserved rest." Victor was still in a bit of a stupor and nodded appreciatively at her words. I stayed face down and prone. With her gone I was starting to feel foolish, but I didn't know what else to do. I had made the right decision in not begging hard. I didn't want to have to leave.
I heard her address Wayne. "Unfortunately Wayne, you have to leave too. Your loss of bladder control disqualifies you from the rest of the experiment."
Wayne was emotionally spent and sobbed. "Please, give me another chance," he begged. "I can control my bladder. Really I can." I couldn't see the look she gave him, but I heard him sigh in resignation. I guess she motioned him over to her because I heard her free his hands and remove his cuffs. I could hear him sobbing softly to himself. The two guys picked up their soggy pants and within a minute, we could hear their cars depart. This experiment had become a major source of naked drivers on the roads today.
"You may stand now, Chris," Janet said softly. There were now three of us left for Janet's experiment. She positioned us at the three shower heads at the far end of the shower and clipped us into the spread eagle position.
Janet then produced three ball parachutes and attached them. They were tight but were a lot less painful than the spiked rings she used earlier. She spent a lot of time attaching mine and manipulated my cock and balls extensively while she worked on it. I felt a bit elated when I noticed that she was able to attach Eugene and Trent's parachutes with little effort. I was paying for that elation with increasing blue balls, but I enjoyed getting extra attention. She then unclipped us from the grid and had us kneel. She attached short chains to connect the parachute to our ankle cuffs. She clipped our wrist cuffs behind us.
Producing three toothbrushes, she indicated floor where there was mildew imbedded in the cracks between the tiles. "I want that clean," she said as she pointed out three separate sections. She provided a shallow tray of cleanser and allowed the center shower head to dribble out some water. You may use that to help clean it, she explained. "The one who cleans best in the next hour wins." Grinning widely, she placed the handles of the toothbrushes in our mouths.
We all crawled over to the water and moistened the brushes. Each crawling action caused the chains on my ankles to pull on my balls. Though we were in a hurry, I noticed I was not alone in regulating the exuberance in crawling. We then crawled to the cleanser and dipped the brushes into it. I thought I was going to sneeze from the smell of the powder, but I resisted. Finally crawling back to my section, I started scrubbing. It was difficult to guide the brush where I wanted it. It seemed best to clean from the side of my mouth, but then my depth perception was off. I quickly got frustrated. Adding to my frustration, the brush dropped from my mouth and I had to pick it up with my teeth to try again. It dropped again and I got the idea if I twisted I could plop down on my buttocks and grab it with my cuffed hands. I wiggled around until I could grab the brush and though awkward, I could use my hands to clean the cracks in earnest.
Janet watched my maneuver and smiled as she shook her head in mock disapproval. "We are kind of creative, aren't we Chris," she said in a soft voice.
"You didn't say we couldn't use our hands," I replied defensively.
She laughed merrily. "No, I didn't mention that." I shuddered as I saw her smile her predatory smile. Without another word, she turned and left the shower room. Eugene and Trent looked over at me and then went back to cleaning using their mouths. They obviously felt I was in big trouble. They turned out to be right.
Janet soon came back with what looked like a toothpaste tube and a stringy duster. I looked at her with confusion and apprehension. I knew this was not good news. "I didn't say no hands," she said brightly, "but I forgot to mention the rule that if someone uses their hands they must be decorated. Let me show you. Get on your knees and put your head on the floor." With the parachute connected to my ankles, I had to push my rear up in the air. She stepped behind me. With an effort, I could watch her by tilting my head upside down. She poured a lubricant from the tube on the handle of the duster. I started trembling when I realized that the 'duster' was an ass plug with a horse tail attached. I had seen something like it on the Internet for pony play. I never had anything stuck in my ass before. I started to whimper but I offered no objection. I found myself getting hard again just from the thought that she would do this to me. I gasped when I felt it press and then penetrate. I tried to relax. It wasn't very large and it was soon securely in place. "Don't drop it, now. That would be a big penalty," she warned. I didn't dare try to twist and use my hands again.
I was flushing as I felt the plug move in me and the horse hairs brush against me with every movement. They made my thighs and buttocks itch. I wiggled to pick up the toothbrush with my teeth and I tried to concentrate on scrubbing my section. Every time I moved, the tail would wiggle and I heard Janet laugh. I looked over at the other two guys and they obviously chuckling. I felt ridiculous and I knew I looked ridiculous. I thought Janet was going to fall down she was laughing so hard when I crawled over to get more water and cleanser. When the hour was finally up, my section showed very little improvement. It was close between the other two, but Trent edged out Eugene and was declared winner.
While Eugene and I remained kneeling with our buttocks in the air (mine still adorned), Janet had Trent roll over on his back. She made good use of the lubricant. I could see Trent wiggling on his back trying to thrust into her teasing hand. His moves were still restricted by the parachute being connected to his ankles. She couldn't resist tickling him a bit to make him wiggle even more. I watched them and it wasn't very long before she had him reduced to a state where he was begging her to let him cum. It seemed like forever before he finally let out an obscene groan as he came, squirting his load all over his stomach. I looked over at Janet and she had a smug smile of triumph. She had reduced another of us to a begging writhing mass of protoplasm.
She undid his parachute, unclipped him, removed his cuffs, and had him pick up his soggy clothes. She smiled. "You did well, Trent. Thank you for participating." She led him to the door and a minute later, there was another naked driver on the roadways. This one still had cum on his stomach.
She was giggling when she returned to us. We were still face down on the floor with buttocks in the air and our ankles attached to the parachutes. I was well aware of the decoration I was forced to wear and I felt that it was the reason she was giggling. She sat down on her chair and crossed those gorgeous legs. "Well guys, just the two of you," she said. "What shall we do for the final game?" It was a rhetorical question as neither of us were about to hazard a guess or suggestion.
"Let me tell you what the consequences of losing are. The winner will get to go home with a big satisfied smile on his face. The loser will have the rest of the night and tomorrow to pay the penalty. I want to see how much abuse the loser can endure when I have an entire day to torment him. I guarantee, he will get no release during the experiment tonight or tomorrow. I have many ways to make him miserable and I have a lot of toys I want to play with." She left the room and returned with a large suitcase. She opened it in front of us and my blood ran cold. There were whips, straps, clamps, gadgets, electronic gear, and some items I had no way to guess their purpose. She watched the blood drain from our faces as we took in the consequences of losing. "Trust me here, the loser is in for major hurt," she concluded. Then, almost as an afterthought, she pulled out a male chastity cage and tube contraption. "Oh, I almost forgot. The loser will be wearing this tonight. I thought he might need some outside help with self control."
We were both speechless. She came over and unclipped the chains to the parachutes and unclipped our wrists. She left the parachutes on and found some weights to hang from them. "For the final contest, I want you to do a creative dance for me. I'll be the judge as to the sexiest, submissive, unique dance." She left the room and turned on some music loud enough so we could dance to it in the shower room. She sat down when she returned and nodded for us to start. Eugene must have had some dance training and he moved to the rhythm and was able to make smooth movements that minimized the tug of the weights on his parachute. I know she hadn't forgotten about my tail and I stifled the urge to ask for it to be removed. I tried to dance but as I bounced the weights yanked on my very sore balls and the tail handle was moving around in me. I had a very real fear that I would drop it. I clasped my balls as if it was a Michael Jackson crotch grab and hung on. That partially alleviated the tugging of the swinging weights but my dance style suffered. Janet was openly laughing at my attempts and my waving tail. She was also obviously impressed with Eugene's dancing skill. It seemed like the song went on forever before it finally ended. Eugene ended his dance with the final bars of music so he gracefully slid over to her feet as the music died. I saw him there and scurried over quickly to follow suit, but the music ran out before I could prostrate myself at her feet. It didn't really matter. Except for a few coincidences, my steps never did match the beat of the music; being on time for the ending wasn't expected at this stage.
She had us stand on our knees by her chair. She could easily reach our cocks. She already had lubricant on her hands and she played with us simultaneously. I was immediately hard when she first touched my shaft and involuntarily, I clenched my tail and thrust forward. I noticed that Eugene did pretty much the same thing. "Well," she said to no on in particular. "Who should be declared winner?" She shifted her attention to Eugene and removed his parachute. She stroked his shaft and balls gently and let her caress linger. "Eugene, I loved the way you moved. Your final approach was beautiful and perfectly timed." I envied him the ability to dance. I could have done better if I didn't have the tail but I knew that I would never be as good at free dancing as Eugene.
I gasped when I felt Janet touch my cock again. I heard Eugene cry out in frustration because she had abandoned him. I softly moaned a grateful moan when she removed my parachute. Her touch was exquisite. She diligently stroked my eager shaft and toyed gently with my sensitive balls. I could sense Eugene's impatience as he felt he had surely won. "You, Chris, showed real heart in your dance. The way you moved and shook your tail really amused and entertained me."
She then attended both of our shafts, one with each hand. I felt my need to cum build quickly and I could sense that Eugene was in a similar state. Maybe she would declare a tie! I thrust back into her hand trying to increase the sensations that had me reeling to the core. We were both in desperate straits when she abruptly ceased. "I must decide on one," she said. Looking at me she smiled. "Chris, your exuberance won it for you. I declare you the winner!"
I saw the look of dismay on Eugene's face. My mind was in a whirl. I had expected to lose and now I was the underdog winner. I felt Janet's other hand come over to caress my now dripping shaft. Eugene's "Noooooo" seemed to be miles away. I cried out and pulled away. "No!" I blurted out. Trying to get my thoughts together and override my desire to thrust myself back into her hands. I couldn't think. "No," I heard myself say again. Trying to compose my thoughts, I continued. "Eugene danced better than I did. He deserves to win."
Eugene looked at me in astonishment. I saw a flicker of hope pass across his features.
Janet gazed down on my trembling body. She smiled at me with her predatory smile. "Are you sure you want me to declare Eugene the winner?" she asked quietly. I felt a cold pit in my stomach as I thought of the promised torture that I knew would exceed anything I had ever endured. My balls ached for release and I had no doubt that she would put that chastity belt on me. I sobbed as I nodded my head "yes" and croaked out a shaky verbal confirmation, "Yes, please. Declare Eugene the winner."
She smiled over at Eugene who was looking at her like a condemned man who just heard the governor's phone ring. "Okay, Eugene. You are the winner." I bowed down at Janet's feet as she resumed her attention to Eugene's cock. She dragged it out for an eternity. I was trying to stifle the sobs that kept welling up in me as I listened to them with frustrated envy. I could hear him beg for release a half dozen times before she finally relented. Finally, his cries of ecstasy reverberated in the shower walls. I really hated the guy.
The room became quiet as Eugene came down from his high. Janet gently removed his cuffs and pointed him to his clothes. "You really did dance a wonderful dance," she said kindly.
Still breathless he responded. "Thank you, Janet. You are one fantastic lady. I really mean that." With that he seemed almost reluctant when he picked up his soggy laundry and departed. Neither Janet nor I said a word until we heard his car depart.
I could feel her gaze down at me. "So Chris, you gave up victory. Why?"
I looked up at her and in a very somber voice I replied. "I didn't like the idea of leaving while my pants were still soggy."
A look of surprise passed over her face then she erupted into uncontrollable laughter. Even with my deadpan delivery, the joke wasn't that funny. But she was in an emotional state where it allowed her to release nervous tension that had been building in her. She gasped for air and settled down. Still giggling she pressed on. "No really. Why did you give Eugene the win? Aren't you afraid of tomorrow's activities? Are you more of a masochist than I thought you were?"
I looked up at her with adoration. "No, Janet. I'm terrified about tomorrow. I've never participated in anything nearly as intense as I know you will deliver." I paused for a moment and continued. "And I really, really need to cum."
"Then why?" she persisted.
"The thought of me being alone in my room tomorrow when I could be here. I would know you would be playing with and torturing Eugene. I would have been torn apart with jealousy. I want all the time I can have with you, even if that time spent is excruciating for me."
Janet beamed at my words. As she stood up, I rose high on my knees. I was still aware of my humiliating tail, but I was beyond caring. She caressed my head and pressed my face into her stomach. "You are going to suffer tonight and tomorrow, you know," she said. "You will be begging me to relent and I will take delight in refusing."
Nervous and inexplicably but incredibly turned on by her words, I inhaled deeply. I could smell her excitement. I was elated; I was exciting to her! I knew she had heard my breath intake. "Reminds me of McDonalds," I said simply.
I could sense her puzzlement at my comment. She slowed her caress of my head as she pondered it. When she froze, I grinned to myself; she understood the implications of my remark. That comment cast away any pretense that she might hide behind. She had found me sexually stimulating right from our first encounter. My comment boldly stated that I knew it... that we both knew it. I didn't try to hide the smugness from my smile as I smiled up at her. She looked down at me and our eyes locked. My eyes misted a bit and hers twinkled. She pushed my head down into her crotch and I made a point of inhaling deeply and loudly. "Oh baby, you are sooo going to pay for that remark."
"Now, last three times you had your fun with my shit and with me shitting. It's time you return the favor this week." I stared at her, not really understanding. "What d'yer mean by this? I don't get it." She laughed. "Little silly. You saw me shitting, now I wanna see you shitting. Turn so I can see your butt and fill your panties." "What? Now?" "When, if not now? Of course now! Or d'yer have any problem with that?" "Well... if I shit my panties they'll get dirty... by...
"You remember last saturday, you naughty boy? Well, if you wanna get it back, you better follow me..." This time, I followed her with much less resistance - and, sure enough, she walked around the corridors with me until the 5th hour started, then headed for the boys changing room down in the basement and went straight in. "So you seemed to like the little game last week - this time, we'll get into the a bit more serious things. And remember, you want back your book without ripped pages...
Janet Turner never had any luck with men. She knew it from first grade, when she had to ask one of her male classmates to chase her out on the playground. The other boys chased the girls around, but no one chased Janet around. So she asked a boy, Danny Sprinkle, to chase her. He did—for about a minute. Then he went back to chasing some other girl. The next boy she set eyes on was Vernon Lindemulder, when she was a sophomore in high school. She had bought him a copy of “Lord of the Flies”...
At this day, windows were open to get in a more oxygenic air than it was usual in our old school building. Accordingly to the season, farmers had brought out manure to the fields outside the city, so the air wasn't really clean and fresh, anyway. Maybe this smell in the air triggered Janet to get into one of her shitgames again - I never found out. Anyway - at this day, the teacher was showing an educational video tape to the actual topic of the history lessons. I remember the videos of this...
Introduction: Chapter 3 of my story Over summer I am no longer that goofy little girl as I become a woman. I last left you with having some fun with Kim and her boyfriend John at the drive in. That happened our junior year in High School just before school left out for the summer. I figured it was going to be a long hot summer. However that was not going to happen due to my parents. They had brought themselves a camping trailer and I found out we were going to be spending our whole summer away...
That night after dinner I heard mom and dad have an argument in their room again. Usually when they fought more the one day in a row it meant dad had an out-of-town trip for work. He drove trucks, usually within the city and had normal hours, but to make extra money he would often take long distance work that would take him away from home sometimes a week or 2 at a time. Mom was wonderful at times and at other times cold and distant and that took its toll on dad. I didn’t understand it at...
Introduction: The fifth Chapter to my story. Dad gets into the action in this one. I last left you with having spent the night at Johns house. His mom and dad were away for the weekend and they were not to return until Monday afternoon. Kim had called John Sunday morning and he had told her that he had a new girlfriend which was I. John and I got out of bed seeing how we were awake now. John pulled a tee shirt out of his dresser drawer and tossed it to me. He told me here you could slip this...
The next day, Janet awoke refreshed. She walked into the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. While the coffee brewed, she cooked herself breakfast. After eating, she showered, dressed, and headed over to her friend Veronica’s house to pick her up for a trip they had planned a week ago. It would be Janet’s first outing at her friend’s new lakeside cabin. Maybe she’d find a way to make the weekend interesting. Janet pulled up in front of Veronica’s house and honked the horn. Veronica poked her...
Janet loved living on a huge property with no one around for miles. The isolation of her cabin in the mountains of West Virginia meant that she could walk around naked and not worry about anyone seeing her. Janet was only twenty one, but her uncle had left the cabin to her in his will. Whenever she wanted to get away for awhile, she would drive to the cabin. It was not uncommon for Janet to walk outside in a skirt and a tank top and no panties. You see, Janet loved to masturbate. Whenever she...
My mother was a couple years younger than my father and was 5’5’ tall with a nice figure and large breasts and round hips that attracted attention from guys. She has green eyes and long curly red hair. My oldest brother 4 years older than me and is 5’11” tall with a husky build. He has green eyes and blonde hair like my father cut short. My other brother is 2 years older than me and is 6 foot tall with a slim build. He has hazel eyes and red hair to his shoulders like the members of the...
Janet was late for work again, her cell alarm had failed to wake her and as a result she was rushing toward the elevator after crashing through her apartment to get ready. She had a bagel in her mouth, her messenger bag slung haphazardly over her shoulder, and a sealed cup of coffee in her hand. She pushed the elevator button repeatedly as though that would have the magic effect of making it open and took a bite of her bagel. She heard the familiar ding and finally the doors opened. She...
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Love StoriesDay 0 Greg was unpacking his fourth box of books when someone knocked on the front door of his apartment. ‘Just a minute!’ he called, then set down his copy of The Impending Crisis on an empty bit of bookshelf. He had no idea who this could be. After all, he’d just moved in, and he didn’t know anyone here to begin with. Still, it was best not to be impolite. Making his way through his piles of crap, he finally reached the door and opened it. ‘Hi, neighbor!’ said a cheerful young blond woman....
Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part Two: The Princess's Naughty Experiment By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Chapter Four: Sex Slaves' Fun Sven – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch “Slam that pussy down his cock,” Nathalie said, her small breasts jiggling as she lay stretched out beside me. “You got Master all hard with your naughty antics.” “I'm so sorry Master,” the lamia said, looking at me over her...
It Begins Here. . . .I am about to walk nude down the stairs and into the living room where my sister is sitting in an easy chair.Everything that operates logically in my brain is blasting alarms throughout my body – I feel nauseous and dizzy and my legs tremble. But I'm convinced that it’s necessary to tough this out, to do something that falls outside of the ‘normal stuff’. With a cold clench gripping my heart, I press my bare foot onto the first stair and begin my descent.This moment is a...
This experiment is very simple and very accurate…It must be done exactly as I say so follow the diretions!now before you start you should have TWO things…1. something to stick in your ass like a butt plug2. a dildo or something like a cock for your mouth to suck on(lube for jerking off is optional)~ you will be doing this experiemnt while watching porn on the internet so I suggest a site like redtube.comYou will have to have some control while doing this… you must NOT cum the first two times...
Bobby Turner stood by the equipment that his father and he had designed and constructed for the past five years. As graduates from MIT they had started the research lab ten years ago and had received numerous research grants from the Federal Government. The purpose of the project was to be able to read another person's mind. It didn't matter to them that such a device would take away a person's right to remain quiet mainly because the government told them the main purpose was to be able to find...
(Author's Note: This one first appeared on femur's wonderful site at tgcomics.com earlier this year. It was inspired by his lovingly modified romance comic covers, specifically af.020) ALTERED FATES: THE EXPERIMENT By BobH (c) 2004 Sunday, June 25th: Just saw Jan off at Penn Station. She's spending a week visiting with her best friend, Gail. Wish me and Gail got along - I'd like to have spent some time in the Hamptons - but she doesn't think I'm good enough for Jan. She'd...
„Probanden für Experimentelle Studie gesucht. 2-4 Wochen in abgeschottetem Komplex in einer Wohngemeinschaft. Bei Zusage großzügige Entschädigung von mindestens 2.000€. Je nach Umständen kann sich die Summe auch geringfügig erhöhen. Voraussetzungen sind körperliche und geistige Gesundheit, max. 4 Wochen Verfügbarkeit, Belastbarkeit, Bereitschaft zur Offenheit. Für Bewerbungstermine wird um telefonische Kontaktaufnahme geben“…. Dies war die Anzeige welche sofort meine Aufmerksamkeit auf sich...
Group SexCassandra woke up in a haze. Her head hurt. Her vision was blurry. She wasn't sure what had happened. As she lay there for a few minutes and her sight returned, she looked around. She was in her dorm single. At first she couldn't remember much, but her memory returned quickly. She sat up. What had happened? It had been a Sunday night and she was on her way to the library to do some studying ... mostly studying the guy behind the counter whose name she'd forgotten. She passed a blue van in the...
Mind ControlClarkdale College is a very progressive and liberal university, historically women's-only, and the student body is still predominantly rich, white and female. The administration discussed how to address the persistence of racial privilege and economic elitism through affirmative action, but decided instead to try a bold new experiment. Affirmative action would provide superficial change, a different shade of the same kind of students, just as worthy as the whites they would replace but...
InterracialThis is a true story:Many years ago, it was a fall day, a chill in the air, I'd just turned 18 and riding bikes to the store with my best friend J who was 19. We did everything together and had been friends for a few years now. We were getting some things at the store, because like every weekend, I was staying overnight and his parents were away for the weekend. On our way back from the store of course we were riding like fools and I went right through a puddle which soaked my pants, especially...
Carolyn paced up and down as she lectured. She could never keep still, and had a pretty lively and vivacious personality. Generally speaking, it kept her audience in rapt attention for most of the time, which is more than she could say about other professors at the University of Wyoming, from what the students told her as she visited with them. With this particular course, no one had trouble paying attention, and it had a wait list a mile long just for the fascination factor. It was titled,...
Office SexI set my keys down on the kitchen counter and made for the fridge. As I reached for a soda I thought I heard giggling. “God what are they up to now?” I thought. I could see the light coming from underneath the door of Mi’s room. “rolly watching a porn film or something and laughing about it.” I popped open the soda can and headed to the bathroom. I had been at work all day. I wanted nothing more than a nice shower and put on my sweats. I took a quick shower and as I walked past Mi’s door...
I had been out clubbing these last few weeks, trying to screw my name into the record books after the break-up of my marriage. I had been lucky on this last occasion and had met twin sisters. They were both extremely beautiful, 5'4" tall and exuded an air of permanent sexuality. Claire was the youngest by about six minutes, she was a real tearaway and, seemingly up for anything. Rachel however, although extremely pleasant, was much more demure, the professional type with her head securely on...
Erotic Fiction