- 4 years ago
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Tiberius Artemus tossed the majority of his cape over his shoulder, holding the bulk of it traditionally over his arm. To his left and right, two guards walked alongside of him. Though he knew they were bred and trained to fight and kill, he could not help taking in their pleasurable appearances. Their main bodice of armor, though tough looking corsets of leather, ended with thong bottoms. The women’s breasts spilled out from on top, since there was nothing to cover them. Around their chiseled, muscular legs were knife belts, and each carried a spear in their hands.
Deadly and beautiful, all at once, he thought to himself.
Artemus let himself be lead through the main hall of the Nile Palace. Egypt was a hot country, and it was almost sweltering beneath his royal armor. His thick, solid soldier’s build glistened with sweat, moistening the tips of his brown bangs.
The marble hallway gave way into an even bigger hall, one that rivaled the Emperor’s throne room in Rome. The entire floor was made of polished marble, the cracks in it mortared with gold, with a deep red carpet running down the center. One wall was a set of man-made waterfalls, spilling over more smooth marble before pooling into a channel that led elsewhere. Green, vibrant plants grew along it, fed by the cool water. The other wall was merely open, interspaced with carved columns and silk drapes. The warm, desert breeze blew softly, making the curtains flutter.
The carpet that ran the length of the room went up several steps on a raised pedestal, and then stopped at the magnificent golden throne at the top. The legends stories appeared to be true; it was indeed made of solid gold, and encrusted with precious stones.
Artemus and his entourage stopped a few paces before the pedestal. One of them, a deep skinned Nubian with the strongest buttocks he had ever seen spoke to him. ?Wait here while we go and summon the Queen,? she said. ?Please enjoy the splendor of her palace in the meantime.?
The two guards left him, exiting through a side door. Artemus helped himself first to the wag of their bare rear ends, then to the rest of the throne room.
?Splendor indeed,? he muttered to himself.
A short time later, the door opened once again. First came the two guards from before, then two more pairs, all women in the same armor. Then came two women, but unlike the guards, they were completely nude and unarmed. From the fact that one held a giant fan of peacock feathers, and the other a tray of juicy fruit, Artemus guessed they were the Queen’s slaves.
Then she appeared.
Artemus had heard many things of Queen Cleopatra of the Nile, some rumors, others true. Seeing her in person though made him realize that even the rumors were true.
In clothes of gold and gems, she swayed through the door, flanked by more personal guards. Cleopatra was the daughter of the former Pharaoh, a pure blood Egyptian to the last drop. Her eyes were deep brown, almost black pools of mystery and seduction. Her ebony hair fell in smooth, straight locks to her shoulder.
The outfits of female Roman royalty were proper and respectable. Cleopatra dressed in pure debauchery. The only thing befitting of royalty she actually wore was the thin silver band around her forehead, signifying her status. The rest, a foolish man could interpret as a whore’s attire. Her only full garment was an impossibly small thong of gold silk with a small matching wrap around her hips. A gold chain dangled from her pierced navel, a diamonded embedded at the end. She was topless, save for a spiderweb of golden chain that dangled from a large ornate necklace just above her bust.
The legends of the Queen’s body were true. It was more than evident from the very little clothing she wore. She possessed the largest breasts he had ever seen in all his life. They were beyond the size of melons, perfect in shape and form, with areola’s the size of a young man’s fist, and nipples the width of a finger. Her buttocks, he noted as he caught a side profile of her, were perfectly rounded lumps of muscle, putting even the guards’ chiseled frames to shame.
Artemus was sure to drink in as much as she could, especially of her trim backside before she turned to face him when she sat on the throne, then her amazing chest as she lowered herself to her seat. Beside her, the slave with the fan began to waft cooler air on her, and the slave with the tray kneeled obediently while lifting the fruit within easy reach.
?Welcome to my kingdom, Lord Artemus,? Cleopatra purred with an elegant wave of her hand. ?I hope your journey was pleasant.?
?Very pleasant, your Majesty,? he replied, bowing respectfully in greeting. ?But truth be told, I am very happy to arrive all the same.?
?Now, what offer does the Roman Empire wish to extend to me?? she asked, cutting straight to the point. ?Your messengers were?cryptic, at best.?
?The Emperor of Rome wishes a union of our kingdoms, your Highness,? Artemus truthfully told her. ?He believes that with our resources, our two countries will be able to conquer the world.?
?Why does he wish to conquer the world?? Cleopatra asked almost lazily as she plucked a grape from a cluster and let it burst between her teeth. ?What does he seek in the bloodshed??
?The Emperor wants a unified land, your Highness. One that can be governed easily, its people brought together in harmony. As distasteful as the war would be, it is a necessary evil.?
?It is a very interesting offer?? the Queen said mysteriously. ?But I am sure this talk of power and conquest is not discussed best when weary and hungry.? Her eyes glittered in the afternoon sun. ?Join me for dinner this evening after you have refreshed yourself in your own chambers. There is much to discuss, Lord Artemus.?
Artemus smiled and bowed respectfully again. ?Very well, your Highness. Thank you for your generous hospitality.?
Cleopatra made a motion with her hand, and a small gong sounded somewhere. Three nude slave girls entered the hall, heads bowed submissively within the presence of the Queen. ?Slaves, take Lord Artemus to his chambers, and make him comfortable,? she commanded them as she rose from her throne, and then said to him, ?These slaves are very experienced. Feel free to explore their abilities to your heart’s content this afternoon.?
With that, she left the throne room, her escort in tow. The slaves gently took Artemus by the arms and guided him through another door. One was a native, tan skinned Egyptian with long black hair to the middle of her back. Another was a pale skinned young girl with bright, glimmering yellow hair. The last was a dark Nubian with ample breasts and a curvy body.
Artemus smirked to himself, both enjoying their company and the surrounding beauty of the palace corridors. Everything was going according to plan.
Of course, the Emperor would never share power with Queen Cleopatra. It was merely a ploy to dupe the so-called Goddess of the Nile so she could be easily captured, and her land conquered. Her kingdom was the only one that rivaled the Roman Empire, and once it was conquered nothing else would be unobtainable.
All he had to do was sit back, enjoy his three gifts from Cleopatra and indulge in her dinner. Then, when she let her guard down, he would restrain her and hold her captive until he could send for his soldiers. The Queen would be smuggled out and taken back to Rome, where she would serve as the personal sex toy of the Emperor. Then it would be a simple matter of taking the palace.
Artemus hooked his arm around the waist of the Nubian slave, then grabbed a hold of her breast, kneading it roughly. She seemed to be just like the kind of women he preferred in bed, as if the Queen knew his desires. The slave smiled and drew closer to him in stride, obeying her Queen’s wishes to pleasure him at any cost.
Artemus had just gotten out of bed when the Queen’s messenger had notified him that the evening feast was ready. Two of the slaves, the Nubian and the blonde, lay in each others arms in the sheets, exhausted and covered with sweat. The Nubian proved to have an amazingly powerful mouth, while the blonde had the tightest pussy he had ever felt.
The Egyptian, the only of the two spared from his sexual appetite, bathed him in a stone tub, thoroughly scrubbing, to his delight, his entire body. His armor had been cleaned and polished by another, and was delightfully cool against his skin in the warm early evening.
He was escorted to the dining hall by the Egyptian slave and the messenger. Inside was a sight to behold. A large table stretched to a good portion of the room, filled with exotic food from all over the land. Roast meats, fresh fruit, and decadent desserts filled every corner. Cleopatra sat at the head with a thin robe on over her earlier attire, bust still spilling out for the world to marvel at.
A small troupe of musicians played in the corner of the room, and along with them, providing more arousing entertainment, were several belly dancers around the table, clothed and veiled in various colored silk.
She beckoned to him as the women departed from his side. ?Come, Lord Artemus, and sit,? she said and patted the pillows nearest her. ?Taste the bounty my land has to offer.?
He sank into the lush fabric and reclined as the food was served. They ate roast pig and ham, interspaced with juicy fruit and cake. All of it was heavenly, expertly cooked and prepared, easily putting many chefs in Rome to shame. The wine served was extraordinary. Artemis found himself downing several goblets quickly.
?What else can you tell me about your offer?? asked Cleopatra as she gazed into the twisting bosom of a dancer.
?It is a chance to exchange culture as well as power,? he replied, thoroughly enjoying the silken swaying hips of an Arabian dancer. Her body writhed like a snake about to strike, an evening breeze causing her teasing silk outfit to brush against him. ?Rome can learn many things from Egypt, and we hope your people can learn from us as well. Just think, Roman women in Egyptian fashion, Egyptian soldiers trained in Roman combat.?
?I have heard many things of Rome’s beautiful women, as well as of their unstoppable armies? said Cleopatra. She snapped her fingers, the order to once again refill his goblet with wine.
Artemus gladly took another swig. The belly dancer had now swung her legs over his and straddled his lap, grazing her thighs across his breastplate. The luxury and decadence was something that he could have gotten lost in forever, had not even more been promised for him for completing his assignment. So with that in mind, he drank freely, enjoying the erotic dance with the knowledge that more was to come.
?Please, do not hesitate to imbibe, Lord Artemus,? Cleopatra said grandly as she had his drink refilled yet again. ?You have had barely half of my own portions. I hope you are not trying to be polite, for Egypt is a land where food is greatly cherished.?
?No, your Majesty, of course not!? he said. ?Your wine is excellent. Just another thing Rome will be thankful to sample!? The goblet was drained again.
?Perhaps you would like something stronger?? she suggested. ?It seems a man such as yourself is above the power of mere liquor.?
?That sounds very intoxicating,? he chuckled. ?Forgive my pun. I do not make it a habit to try to impress my hosts with poor humor. But yes, if you insist, your Majesty.?
A separate goblet was brought to him, full of a creamy, white liquid. The dancer draped a silken fold behind his neck and leaned back, allowing him to sample the Queen’s new indulgence while still performing her own. Her tan skin glistened in the torch and candle light. The top of her outfit was only a set of transparent silk sleeves; her breasts were bare, nipples covered in tiny silver cups that were attached by a chain.
Artemus sipped the liquid. It was spicy, with a taste of liquor and something else far sweeter. Unfamiliar, but no less delicious. He drank deeper, draining half of it, but before he could take it away to breath, the dancer pushed lightly on the underside of the cup, willing him to drink it all in one go.
Triumphantly, he placed the empty glass down while smacking his lips. ?Delicious, your Majesty!?
?I’m glad you found it so,? she said, smiling beautifully. ?It is quite a wonderful drink.?
Artemus realized that he should probably stop drinking, as the alcohol was beginning to affect him greatly. The room was beginning to spin a little. The dancer on his lap became embossed in a hidden light, growing even more beautiful. He placed his hands on her hips.
?My apologies, but I think you should stop,? he said with a chuckle. ?You might make me a little too dizzy.?
The dancer cooed and leaned close, begging him to let her continue. She was enamored with him, his strength, and how handsome he was. She wanted to pleasure him, to dance all night. She began to spin with the room, her silken outfit a whirl of colors.
It became too much, and everything became black.
When he woke, Artemus discovered three things. First, he was bound, his limbs pulled taught, spread to four corners, and his arms were sore from the fact that he was dangling from them.
Second, he was naked. His armor and clothing had been stripped away, placed neatly against the wall in front of him, along with his sword.
Third, he had been oiled. His entire body glistened with wetness, all save his head which remained dry.
Confused, he looked around. He was bound by cords of leather to some sort of rack between two columns. The strips were knotted tightly several different times in several different places. Each strip on his arms and legs was pulled tight, forcing him to stand spread eagled. He gave a tug on his bonds, but there was barely a half inch of slack.
Then he looked down and saw that his cock was fully erect, glistening in the oil. He remembered the dancer, but there was no way his body could have still been aroused from that. The way it was sticking straight out with no curve indicated he was either freshly aroused, or had been aroused for some time, but that was impossible.
What is going on?
A door opened behind him, but he could not turn his head enough to see who it was. His question was soon answered though, and Queen Cleopatra floated into his vision.
?What is the meaning of this?? he demanded, trying not to sound outraged. Perhaps this was merely one of the Queen’s games he had heard so much of it?
?What is the meaning?? she asked back with a light laugh. ?My dear Lord Artemus, you have no idea how I prevented myself from asking the same thing to yourself when we met.? She placed her hands on her hips, her breasts glaring at him like a second set of eyes. ?Did you really think your plan would work??
?Plan?? he asked, this time outraged, though falsely. He was feeling more fear than anger. Had the Queen somehow discovered his intentions? ?What are you accusing me of?
?Any kingdom knows that the Roman Empire does not share power,? she stated, pacing back and forth. Artemus took notice of a table covered with whips, canes, clamps, and other objects that made him even more nervous. ?You simply take it, feeding off of other lands.? She looked at him, her dark eyes still glittering with seduction. ?Like locust.?
?This is an outrage!? he shouted, swelling in indignation. ?Release me at once, and perhaps you will not incur the Empire’s wrath.?
She laughed at his threat with a wave of her hand. ?Rome does not intimidate me, Lord Artemus. Nor shall I have to worry about any bloodshed.?
?My soldiers will learn that you have taken me captive, and will return with all of our armies!?
?My guards slit each and every one of their throats before the sun fell,? she said simply. ?Your escorts are dead, and you are alone.?
?What?!? he shouted.
?Yes,? she replied, then, sounding tragic continued, ?And poor Lord Artemus’s ship sank before reaching Egypt. A Roman hero, lost to the elements.? She chuckled, and her voice dropped to a satin-like purr. ?That is what history will say. You, however, will become my slave.?
It was Artemus’s turn to laugh. ?Do you think I will just submit to you like that? I have face far worse torture than what you have there,? he nodded towards the table of whips.
?Oh, I do not doubt the fact that you are a strong man,? she replied mystically, slowly glancing up and down his oiled frame. ?It is why I rather you be taken alive and trained than simply killed. You will find that all submit. It is only a matter of time, and I am very patient.?
With that, Cleopatra turned and began to examine the instruments on her table. Artemus pulled at his binds, but like before, it proved useless. His stiff cock wagged, not having lost any of its length or girth.
?That liquor you drank is my special aphrodisiac,? Cleopatra commented, taking a long slender cane in her hands. ?Made from the finest liquor, herbs and Oriental spices, as well as the milk from my breasts, mixed with several drugs of course.?
No wonder he was so aroused. He actually tasted the nectar from that wonderful bosom? His cock felt like it had been hard for hours, constantly teased without released. It was even a shade of red as the full nine inches of it twitched in frustration.
?Hmmm?? Cleopatra cooed softly as she turned to face him, the cane in one hand, a small strip of black silk in the other. ?A Roman soldier is such a fine specimen of man, strong in both body and mind.? She circled behind him and pulled the silk across his eyes and pulled with surprising strength, drawing his head back. ?Should I use pain, and slowly whip and strike you into submission?? she whispered in his ear. ?Or perhaps pleasure, and drive you mad before taking you into me, leashing you with desire and lust??
The tone of her voice was strong. Artemus was certain he could sustain torture and interrogation, but what Cleopatra spoke of seemed something otherworldly. For a brief moment, his resolve wavered.
The cloth fell away, and she circled in front of him again. Slowly, with meticulous detail, she slid her index finger down the length of his rock hard shaft, the perfectly manicured nail lightly caressing the tender flesh. Artemus let out an involuntary moan at her touch. Her very finger seemed charged with energy.
If just a single touch can do that, what else can this woman do?
She took her finger, glistening with oil, then slowly stroked it over her nipples, coating each one and the areolas with it until they both glimmered like jewels. She circled to his back again.
?I do not train all of my slaves personally, Lord Artemis. So impress me. Show me how long a Roman general can stand to the lash without crying out.?
Without warning the cane swished and struck him across the lower buttocks. The pain was so surprisingly bad that he almost yelped out right there. But he caught himself in time and stayed silent. Again the Queen struck. Then again, and again, and again?
It was not until his buttocks were striped several dozen times before the agony spilled over his limit, and he cried out. She continued her strikes, each brisk, efficient strokes of her wrist sending a wave of pain through his ass.
?Not too bad, Lord Artemus, though weaker men have lasted longer??
?Vile whore!? he spat. He immediately regretted it as a violent lash landed across both cheeks, causing him to yelp like a wounded dog.
?Hold your tongue while you still hold your title, Lord Artemus,? the Queen hissed. ?Or I shall gag you, and you will not speak until you relish the taste of my feet.?
The strokes continued without further comment. Artemus could no longer keep himself quiet. Each stinging bite from the cane issued a small cry or grunt. Soon, he was writhing in his binds, trying to do something to at least alleviate the pain. But try as he might, his ass was completely helpless to her whim.
?All you have to say is mercy,? Cleopatra said lightly as she struck. ?There is no hidden penalty. Simply submit, and I shall stop. Then, we shall move to something else.?
If she thought he would simply do as she wished, the Queen was sorely mistaken. Artemus kept himself silent. The pain in his backside grew worse. If she continued at the pace she was going, it would only be minutes before he would begin to shout out loud.
Another stroke landed harshly across his buttocks, and he winced as he groaned, tears stinging his eyes. Another stroke?.
?Hm?? Cleopatra asked, striking again.
?Mercy!? he said louder, biting his lower lip from the pain.
Artemus half expected the whore-Queen to simply continue, but true to her word, the lashing ceased, leaving his ass to glow like a burning ember. Cleopatra circled to his front, lightly bending the cane in her fingers. The thin wood had become slightly bent from the steady punishment.
?You see?? she said as she set the instrument down. ?I am merciful. A harsher ruler would have you whipped and beaten to no end. But I?? she drew close, lifting the strip of silk beneath her breasts teasingly, slightly lifting the heavy mounds. ?I do not wish to ruin the body of a handsome, endowed man. They can be put to much better use. Now, I think, some pleasure?to show you what lay in store for those who are obedient.?
With that, she sank down to her knees before him. Artemus was bound on a square of soft fabric, so the Queen felt no discomfort from the floor as she settled before him, eyeing his enormous, throbbing cock. She took it in her hands, her touch tingling and magical as she began to caress it.
?Do not think that because I kneel before you do you stand above me?? she purred softly. ??
Artemus let out a moan of pure ecstasy. With her experienced hands, Cleopatra explored every surface of his girth and balls. She even knew about the sensitive spot beneath his head. Did she simply know this, or was it revealed to her from the slave girls she had given him earlier? What other sexual secrets did she know about him?
Her hand stroked down, the butt of her palm spreading over his shaved base, then glided back up, gently squeezing over his head while her thumbed brushed the tender spot. Then it when back down, pulling back on the crown of his head, puckering the slit.
Over and over it went, each stroke sending a wave of pleasure through his spine. Artemus tried to force himself to not enjoy it, but it was impossible. Captive or not, it was something intoxicating to watch a woman almost kneeling in submission before him but still exerting such an influence over him.
?Such a long, powerful cock,? Cleopatra commented as her hands glided across his glimmering shaft again and again. ?And such enormous balls; perfect to give up their seed to their Goddess. No doubt you have made many women cry out from both pleasure and force over the years.?
Artemus didn’t reply, too lost in the sea of pleasure. But suddenly, it all vanished, and Cleopatra was on her feet, dabbing her hands dry on a cloth. He sputtered. ?Wh-what??
?You don’t really think I would allow a new slave to orgasm so quickly?? she asked rhetorically as she picked up a many tailed whip and began to inspect it.
What a wicked game the Queen played! Still at the mercy of her aphrodisiac, Artemus could not do anything to relieve himself of his erection. Even without it, in the constant presence of the near-naked Cleopatra and her glorious body it would be difficult. All the while, his body and mind craved satisfaction and release.
The Queen clapped her hands, and several slave girls entered the chamber. Two were fair skinned, the third a dark Nubian.
?Lord Artemus is in need of more oil,? she said to them.
Obediently, two of the slaves moved to the wall where a large set of shelves sat, filled with bottles. They removed several of them and took them back to where Artemus was restrained. The third slave went to Cleopatra’s side, and aided her in removing her glittering golden chain top. All that she now wore was her thong, the shiny wrap above it, and the heaps of jewels above her bust.
The two slaves poured salves into their hands and began to work it into his skin, starting at his arms before moving to his body, groin, and legs. The oil warmed his skin, supplying even more tingling delight where it touched his cock and balls.
Their tasks finished, the nude women departed. Slowly, Cleopatra circled around him, still caressing the leather tendrils of her whip. ?Tell me, Lord Artemus,? the Queen mused softly to herself before drawing her arm back and swinging the lash. The tips of the leather snapped across his already sore ass. ?What should a man such as yourself do to please a Goddess??
Artemus gave her nothing. In response to his silence, she whipped him again, this time prying free a grunt of pain. His ass was already streaked with fire, and the whip was beginning to fill in the gaps. The Queen struck again, then again, then again, falling into a steady rhythm. The whip would swish, crack against his ass, and he would grunt.
Swish, crack, grunt. Swish, crack, grunt.
?I ask you again, Lord Artemus, what must a man do to please his Goddess??
Swish, crack, grunt. Swish, crack grunt.
He bit his lower lip, eyes stinging in pain as the punishment continued. The Queen was asking a question, so maybe he could distract her enough for a break. ?A man must-? CRACK ?A man must pay tribute to his Goddess!?
A pause. Artemus let out a breath of air as he felt Cleopatra drew close behind him. He felt the strips of leather from her whip playfully pat painlessly along his back side. The oil from his skin had been whipped off, transferring to the whip and making it heavier. Each stroke had truly been painful.
?That is correct,? she purred softly into his ear. ?A man must pay tribute to his Goddess. He must offer what she demands, and do it gladly. Remember those words, Lord Artemus??
Artemus moaned as he felt her electric touch, her fingertips slowly caressing his oiled sides, tickling his senses and raising goosebumps. His cock throbbed, almost as if it were begging for the Queen’s attention once again. Perhaps he could trick her, make her think that he was submitting, and get her to make him come.
But what if that’s what she wants? To lure me into a false sense of control? Artemus was not sure what tricks Cleopatra could do if that was her game. No, it was best that he resist completely.
?So, am I to worship you as a Goddess then?? he tried to taunt, his voice coming out shuddering from her caresses. ?Then must I slaughter animals on an alter before you.?
She chuckled that wonderful sound. ?Very cute, but what you speak is blasphemy. And like many places, blasphemy is punished.?
The caressing hands vanished, and Cleopatra circled to the table of instruments, selecting from it a long chain with clamps on either end. Artemus’s eyes widened a bit when he saw the sharp teeth along the mouth of the clamp.
?The male body is such a wonderful thing,? she said as she draped the chain across her neck. She began to caress his nipples with just the tips of her fingers, and despite him knowing what was going to happen, they began to harden, not unlike Cleopatra’s own massive ones, glazed in oil. ?Despite the presence or knowledge of pain, it still prefers pleasure.?
With one final tweak to ensure their firmness, she took the chain from her neck and placed one end over his nipple, then let the clamp bite into the skin. To Artemus, it felt as if a burning ember had been pressed to his skin. He yelled aloud as the clamp’s teeth burrowed deep into the tender flesh of his nipple, but not deep to draw blood or irreparable damage. Within a second, the other was fastened, and the Queen stepped back admiring the chain as it trembled when he struggled.
?Silence your cries, Lord Artemus,? Cleopatra warned him over his yelling. ?Rest assured, I will follow through with my threat to gag you. And a harsh gag will only add to your misery.?
It took a few seconds but he managed to quell his roars to a low, shuddering series of grunts.
?Better,? she said satisfactorily. ?Now, since you prefer to mock the methods of offering, I will enlighten you.? Cleopatra ran her hand over the curvature of her left breast, carefully avoiding the circle of oiled areola. ?A man’s offering is his semen, the alter my breasts. You will learn to give much, Lord Artemus; even though I am a kind Goddess, I am quite strict when it comes to tribute. Do you understand??
Artemus stayed silent, a move that turned out to be a very poor one. With one touch of her finger, she pulled lightly down on the chain attached to the clamps, bringing back the throes of agony. ?Every second you choose to ignore my will, another hour is added to this punishment.?
?YES!? he cried. ?I understand.?
?Is that any way to speak to your Goddess?? she hissed. ?Again!?
?Yes, my Goddess!? he cried out again. ?I understand.?
She removed her finger, and Artemus let out a pained sigh of relief, grateful that the pain had diminished somewhat. No sooner than he did, he let out a surprised intake of breath. Cleopatra’s hands had circled his cock once again and began to pump. The pain fell away, overpowered by the tidal wave of pleasure. She continued longer this time, her hands expertly squeezing and stroking his shaft. Soon, his balls began to tingle, his head flex, and-
?No, Lord Artemus, you shall not orgasm,? she whispered softly, and ceased the masturbation.
?Gods!? he cried out in frustration as his cock began to relax. Her hand swept out, slapping his face at his blasphemy and leaving a streak of oil on his cheek.
?You insult your Goddess,? she purred with a venom dipped voice. ?I am the only one you shall worship. No longer will you be chained to the silent Jove.?
Cleopatra took from the table another cane. It was branched, almost two sticks of wood bound together. Artemus moaned and shook his head. ?Please, not again.?
?What I wish, is all that matters,? the Queen replied as she slowly circled around him, until his ass was within striking distance. She drew back the cane and struck.
Not only was the lash firey hot against his already sore buttocks, but the cane pinched his flesh, pulling it painfully as it was brought back for another strike. Artemus screamed in agony as his ass was set ablaze by a second stroke, then a third, then a fourth?
To Be Continued?
You tell me.
It was Monday morning; the day that mother was to give me her answer regarding her total submission to me. I felt certain that she would agree. However, it was quite possible that she had developed a change of heart. The reason for my concern was that I had forgotten to remind her of the pending decision that I required of her. So if I pressed her for an answer, when she hadn't given it proper thought, her decision could go either way.As I prepared for school, I did have some trepidation about...
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College SexMy fascination and addition to bondage, submission, and sex began when I almost 14. It began when my 20 Yr old first cousin from up north came to visit my grandparents for a week. My other first cousins includimg one wild female one all came to see him. They decided they all wanted to go to town and I wanted to go too. They said I was too young and couldn't go.I told them I was going to have grandpa make them take me with them, and they said I wasn't. They grabbed me, holding a hand over my...
[Written in 2007]submission, submissionnot a deadline nor an entrya state of being,an act unjustified by any other emotion?(getting down on one's knees,begging for the collar)how little is not enough,how big is too much?shaking and shiveringyet aiming to keep calm composure(Do you wish to be pleased today? -tomorrow, everyday?-How do you desire to be pleased? Every part of my body is for you)Is it naturalOr developed from c***dhood memories?Does one embrace itOr keep it tucked away?(Bind me,...
More than any other chapter thus far, it is important to read the previous chapter (6), in order to have a good grasp of the beginning of this episode.*The four of us, mom, Beverly, Fred and, I had just had an amazing experience together. Yet, I felt like shit because of Beverly's deep concern about her reaction to it all. I openly expressed my thoughts about it to Fred, in the hope that he might have some insight. But he was as puzzled as I was."Tim, when it comes to awkward situations, you're...
Submission Knows No Limits By Katey Caine i am kneeling, completely naked, in the position that i am to assume with my Master. He has told me that i must always have my eyes downward, kneeling with my back straight and my hands behind my back. He has told me that i am not allowed to wear clothes in His presence, except in public, outside the confines of the house. Within these...
Submission: An Erotic Journey of Discovery One A tiny bead of perspiration traced a path on the man’s hair and in spite of the difficulty, managed to move to his skin. Moving slowly down, it meandered aimlessly through the crevices of flesh formed by the constricting leather punishment hood and collar and further down the bound man’s body. Glistening in the light from the candles it reflected their glow and became transformed from a clear bit of nothing into a shimmering jewel of passion...
It is Submission Day. As Meg hits send on her final draft of Sealed with a Kiss, she can’t help but feel excited, nervous, and fucking terrified all at the same time. This happens every Submission Day, but this one is different. Abigail is a character that Meg worked long and hard for, so what if her agent doesn’t like it? Hell, what if it gets rejected? All the usual anxiety whirls into a hurricane in her head, and she’s learned three ways of dealing with it: yoga, ice cream, and/or hot,...
HardcoreSubmission By: Erapuer - [email protected] THE FOLLOWING STORY IS 100% FICTION, IT WAS WRITTEN BY ME AND MEANT TO ONLY BE DISPLAYED ON FICTIONMANIA.TV. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO USE MY STORY ELSEWHERE PLEASE CONTACT ME AT MY EMAIL ADDRESS LISTED ABOVE. I had been married to Candis for approximately 2 ? months and we still had not had sex. To be more accurate, I had still not had any sex. She was free to sleep with whoever she wanted, which meant I was not an option. Our...
Submission: Yes I know you see a tall Muslim woman wearing a black burka but I was not always like this. You see I was born a boy and not even a Muslim boy. Let me tell you my story. I was a man like you once. Before I learnt to submit to the will of Allah and his prophet peace be upon him. The village where I grew up was very WASP and the prevailing environment led people to have a very toxic attitude to foreigners and I was a product of that environment. I hated immigrants who...
Submission to a Slut (F/FM fdom spank oral)I knew that there was something on Shayla's mind when we went out to dinner that weekend. Two glasses of wine later, she began to tell me what she had been thinking about. I knew that she had been backing off from her dominance in our relationship, and she admitted it when I pressed her to talk."I know it's lost the spark for you too," she said. "It's not that I don't enjoy the physical part of it - I love to give you a good paddling or...
One of the things I couldn't reschedule was the General's entertainment for the next day. I had cleared Dana's and Patty's schedule for the entire day, but I couldn't free up their evening. The General would definitely have noticed, if I had messed with that. He had their exclusive use until the next morning. They dressed in their 'fatigues' under their chador and each carried a case with their other required clothing. While they were on their way to his quarters, the General gave me...
As I enter the room to meet this man, all the servants bow as I walk past them and I’m finally standing in front of my father, sarcastically I say “Father, as I am sure there is much desperation for me to be here today, I apologize for my lateness and beg your forgiveness” My father looks at me disapprovingly and replies “Mendzina, you will be the death of me my child, I don’t know what to do with you anymore, come, I want you to meet someone, General Temanka, please allow me to introduce you...
The Colonel knew that the East End girl called Polly something had been sent packing by the General at some point during the previous night. He neither knew, nor would he have cared, that she was actually still in the hotel, being passed around the top floor among the soldiers manning the various guard posts and checkpoints. He was concerned that the General should have a companion for his bed, so immediately after lunch he ordered Jane to go to the General's suite and to do whatever the...
Chapter 4The morning after that first night with Fred, we didn't get up until noon. I had mom dress in garter-belt, stockings, high-heels and the French bra. This left her nipples and pussy exposed. We then had her apply her makeup with the most exaggerated and sexy look that we could think of. Fred and I grabbed at her constantly, but she didn't seem as happy about the attention as she had the previous night. We took her to the kitchen and put her to work cooking a big breakfast, because we...
Chapter One The a*****ion It was a typical hot, sticky July Cleveland evening, with temperatures in the low-80's, and humidity to match. My sleeveless tennis top and tiny skirt were drenched with sweat, and I felt as though they must surely be almost transparent by now, after three grueling sets against Maggie, my best friend. Finally, mercifully, we finished. I lost again, as usual. Maggie always somehow manages to just barely beat me, but she always wins. I wondered if there really was...
Doctor girl looked around the crash site before climbing into the helicopter. Her body language and the faint mutterings that Caleb heard, screamed her reluctance to leave. Caleb could understand her reluctance. What person, with even a glimmer of imagination, would want to leave the crash site of an extraterrestrial space ship? Two other hazmat-suited soldiers climbed into the helicopter before Rifle guy number two gestured towards the chopper, indicating that Caleb should precede him. Rifle...
Consensual "Slavery" Contract1.0.0 Slave's Role The slave agrees to submit completely to the master in all ways. There are no boundaries of place, time, or situation in which the slave may willfully refuse to obey the directive of the master without risking punishment, except in situations where the slave's veto (see section 1.0.1) applies. The slave also agrees that, once entered into the Slavery Contract, their body belongs to their master ,, to be used as seen fit, within the guidelines...
I had been exchanging emails with this one guy. He seemed quite intriguing however for a few weeks, I did not have the nerve to say yes to his invitation. I had always wondered what it would be like to give control over totally to another man. However, my limits of submission were usually to suck or bottom on my terms or on a more mutual basis. Finally, he wore me down and I said yes on a phone call. He asked if I was really ready to submit to being used, and his voice turned me on. He...
After the orgy at Aunt Jane's, Mother and I settled down into a daily routine. In the morning, she would get up before me, don lingerie, makeup, and then prepare my breakfast. When I entered the kitchen, she would drop to her knees, lift her breasts for my amusement (be it to fondle or abuse them), and open wide her mouth for me to insert my erect penis. Those morning blowjobs kept me going all day.Fred was a little upset when I told him to back off a bit, that this was a training period and he...
One hour and three minutes later I walked into the dining room wearing only a bathrobe tightly wrapped around me. The candles had burned down but not out. Mom sat there patiently waiting for me, still nude and looking fabulous."Your decision?" I asked, being direct.Mother rose from her chair and slowly walked toward me, as her large pendulous breasts swayed with her every movement. She dropped to her knees at my feet. As she did, I had a feeling of euphoria, which would never be duplicated in...
It was ten years ago when I first noticed the welts on my mother. Being so young it didn't mean anything to me at the time but I was worried about the obvious injury on her legs, high up on her thighs. So I asked her, "What happened to your legs?"She just smiled and said, "Oh Timmy, don't be concerned, they are just love marks from Daddy."Mom handled the incident so deftly that I forgot about it, until a few months later, when I saw them on her again. She reassured me that I need not be worried...
Submission Part 3: So, you have heard how my mother has helped to transform me from a cisgender Christian to a Muslim transwoman called Caliana. I was now standing before her in silky black full body slip with a lace trim which I was wearing over my bra, panties and suspenders and I was wearing fishnet stockings. I looked like a cisgender woman now as Mum passed me a black sleeveless top and a matching bell skirt. The sleeveless top felt unmistakably feminine as I pulled it over...
Author’s Note: My first tale submitted in over a year. Fully completed with twenty chapters in all, a chapter or two submitted each month, it’ll be on par with ?The Nanny? as the storyline takes its course. The first couple chapters being toned down, it’ll escalate in my usual, abrasive to some, style. SUBMISSIONSomewhere on the West Coast, then again, maybe it’s the East Coast, there’s an obscure talent agency specializing in the Fetish field. Signing young, na?ve female talent, molding them ...
Allie yawns groggily. She can't remember the last time she slept that well. Not that she'd been having trouble sleeping or anything, but she was feeling strangely refreshed this time, more so than usual. It took her a second to realize that her alarm clock hadn't rung. She let out a sigh of relief. Thank god. She didn't have to get up yet. In that moment, getting out of bed and going to work seemed like it would be the end of the world. Especially when her bed was so soft, and her blankets so...
BDSMThis is a record of a fantasy, not an attempt to describe a real life dungeon, about which I know almost nothing. ************************** He opened the door at the bottom of the three steps for his companion and stood aside as she entered. She was beautiful and beautifully dressed. but they had no personal relationship. Their only connection was that he had signed up to let her do anything she wanted to him. And he had agreed to do anything at all that she required of him. No limits....
© Copywrite 2003 by Girl Friday, all rights reserved. Prologue "There she is! That's her, the General!" "Who's the General?" "There - the tall one, long brown hair, perfect breasts. Oh man what I wouldn't give..." I smiled to myself when I heard this whispered exchange on my way out of the dining hall. Two guys, sophomores maybe, were following me with their eyes as I walked by them. "Why is she called the General?" I chuckled quietly and thought, if you only knew......
Introduction: I couldnt get this out of my head. so I put it to paper. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Submission by Pleasure I was in the shower shaving. I havent done anything like this in a while and it made me nervous. More then anything I wanted to please you. So I shave naked removing all hair. As the last one is removed I dry and put a tasteless lotion on all over my skin so the smell lingers but the taste is nonexistent. I walk to my bedroom, opening drawers and looking through...
As it happened, Deb and I had been dating on & off for a few months. Mutual friends had introduced us. She was clearly out of my league, quite attractive, came from a well-to-do f****y, and somewhat ‘proper’. Nevertheless, we had a connection of sorts. One evening after a movie, she was going through my small library and pulled out my rare copy of Story of ‘O’. ‘What’s this’? she asked. I suggested she read it & find out. When she left, she took it with her. Two weeks later, we were out for...
Introduction: Hot slut is introduced to the world of BDSM through rape, and loves it. Submission She breathed out slowly. It had been a stressful day at work. Her jackass of a boss had given her co-worker the raise that she had been working her ass off to get. The bitch had probably fucked him to get it. She pulled her sleek red mustang into the driveway of her condo. Daddy could buy her anything she wanted, but shed rather work for it. She unlocked the front door, slipping out of her black...
Lexi was finishing up packing the last of her things into the beat up Honda Accord that would take her to the beginning of what promised to be an amazing new start and would get her out of the small midwestern town that up to this point had always been home. She was accepted into a school that carried a reputation for creating excellent graduates and even more lucrative connections in the business and law world and had been suprised to get the personalized invitation to apply for a new full...
He has been my virtual Dom for a while now. We met in a glorified chat world with porn star avatars. Through these interactions and some voice and cam sex, he has come to control everything. He tells me when to eat, determines where I can go, how to act and what to wear. He lives thousands of miles away, but He marks my body nearly everyday. I am His canvas, His muse. He demands twenty spanks on the right ass cheek, I inflict the contact at his command. His voice, my hand, his marks. My body is...
BDSMIf you're just interested in the sex parts, I recommend just reading the beginning and ending portions of the story. If you've been keeping up with the characters, read it all.*When I heard the kitchen door open and shut, I knew that Fred had arrived. I saw him peek around the corner, but all he could see was Beverly sitting nude in the lounge chair. I was sitting on the sofa chewing on my mother's huge tits. I was being a bit rough with her nipples, but I knew how much she loved it, especially...
As it happened, Deb and I had been dating on & off for a few months. Mutual friends had introduced us. She was clearly out of my league, quite attractive, came from a well-to-do family, and somewhat 'proper'. Nevertheless, we had a connection of sorts. One evening after a movie, she was going through my small library and pulled out my rare copy of Story of 'O'. "What's this"? she asked. I suggested she read it & find out. When she left, she took it with her.Two weeks later, we were out...
SubmissionChapter 1 I was twenty-seven when things started to change in my life. My husband disappeared, apparently with one of the women he worked with. I lost my house because I was unable to make the payments on my own. Eventually, I even lost my job because I couldn’t concentrate on my work. I was quickly slipping into a deep depression and the hole seemed to be getting bigger every day. So, eight years after getting married and moving out of my parents’ home, I was forced to move in...
She is standing there before him. Her fingers nervously weaving in between themselves at her midsection. She is unsure of what happens next. However, there’s a calmness in the background of her excitement. She knows this is where she wants to be.He is sitting leaning back in a chair. His finger tracing the rim of a glass. Silent, but for his eyes. He’s admiring her. Taking her in. A calculating gaze. He takes one final sip before getting up from the chair. He walks over to her.“I want to make...
Unlike the author, dave (worm) had no interest in the teenage school girls laughing and flirting in his hot, overcrowded commuter train home every night from London Waterloo after a long boring day in the office.His low sperm count and lack of any female willing to take him seriously meant he would never father any of his own, but couldn't resist the perverted thoughts of submission to them. He hated their jokes at his expense, preferring instead to imagine his next humiliation by Mistress...
BDSMThe Continent of Menoross has been at war for nearly twenty years. The four largest nations in this world all have reasons for war, as well as the means to wage it. These nations are; Remis: A land of organized legions of well trained and well armed soldiers, who fight with unity and tactics. The women of this nation are renowned for being gorgeous and intelligent. Thorin: A northern land of snowbound mountains and hardy warriors, who fight with ferocity and great individual strength. The women...
FantasyWhen Gary and I retired, we thought we would have to find new things to do to occupy our time. We were thinking maybe take up golf, do a bit of walking etcetera. Yet, here we were, three years into our new life abroad, and most of our time is taken up by something we had nearly forgotten all about in our working lives. Sex.Hubby wanted to hear about all the things that were happening to me, and it certainly relit the fire for him too. He couldn't leave me alone, and of course, it brought his...
CuckoldJennifer walked to the front door in her high heels. Standing by the window was a man in a pilots uniform. He rang the door bell again. She opened the door. " Hello Jenny. Turn the porch light on please and stand here please. " the young pilot instructed. "Yes Sir" Jenny obeyed his instructions. Standing under the porchlight her mature naked body could be seen by the guy walking the dog across the road, a young woman running, and a car cruising down the street. She liked exhibiting herself to...
It was Saturday morning, and it was only two days until my mother had to give me her answer as to my demand for her to be my total and complete sex slave. Thus far she had performed beyond my wildest dreams. However, I was aware that she was not yet locked in on my vision of her, as my unquestioning submissive slut.As my naked mother prepared my breakfast, I leisurely fondled her fat, pendulous boobs and told her what I intended for the weekend. I explained about my love of lacey black...
Katy woke early today, it was her 18 th birthday. She had received a text last night from her best friend Tre: “Big day planned for you on your birthday, get up early.” She smiled knowing it was going to be amazing, from all the other times he planned their adventures. Plus she was happy he had finally asked her out. Two years of giving him hints and signals finally paid off. Sitting out on the balcony of her parents’ house, she sipped her coffee as she watched the sunrise, thinking to...
Diane clicked on an email from her fuck buddy. The email opened and a photo image appeared of Diane topless, head and exposed breasts out the window with a big haired brunette standing behind her wearing a leather catsuit.Her face and big firm breasts crystal clear. The rest was a bit blurred. She scrolled down various photos of Diane's face and naked body crystal clear licking cunts, sucking cocks, getting fucked in her pussy and ass. At the bottom it said Tonight be at the 3rd Floor Civic...
Katy woke early today, it was her 18 th birthday. She had received a text last night from her best friend Tre: “Big day planned for you on your birthday, get up early.” She smiled knowing it was going to be amazing, from all the other times he planned their adventures. Plus she was happy he had finally asked her out. Two years of giving him hints and signals finally paid off. Sitting out on the balcony of her parents' house, she sipped her coffee as she watched the sunrise, thinking to...
BDSMMichael was real estate worker. He was solid. In his job he was very serious. He was built good looking and very attractive. He finished today job and come directly home. He put the computer on. It was Thursday. He phone his girlfriend. Talk with her half an hour. And then go to the computer desk. Sat down on the chair. Tomorrow is last work day and he is free for a weekend. And he knows where he goes this week-end. He was very exiting about this. He signs in his skype account. And from other...
Andrew Cooper walks into the massive building, the front a wall of glass and just inside a lovely garden of flowers and fountains. As he enters he walks to the counter and talks to the receptionist. She is a young lady, probably mid 20s, platinum blonde hair and an ample bust. she looks at him as he walks up and greets him politely "Good afternoon and welcome to Sexual General Hospital. Are you here for an appointment, or are visiting a patient?" As she asks you can help but look down her...
WoW how things happen, the young whore that was working at the dollar general was quiting because of being very pregerant! They had a big sign posted when I passed through to see if there was anything hanging out looking like it needed a little attention. I had just gotten layed off where I worked so I applyed, the owner said during the interview that at least he wouldn't have to worry about me getting knocked up? The very next day I got a call wanting when I could start, I couldn't beleive my...
It was a typical hot summer day and I had been really busy trying to get to many things done at once. I hadn't really thought to slow down to get something to drink or to release what I'd already drunk! I saw a Dollar General coming up on the right and felt even though this was kind of a shady area mother nature was really beginning to call. I walked in and quickly found the bathroom, where had a sign on the door to see the clerk. I hardly made it up front got the key headed back again to find...
Well I guess the word is out that the new clerk at the Dollar General is addicted to black cock shows and all the above? After the first week on the job it seemed to be a thing with the neighborhood studs to a least tease the new clerk. Showing off their crouch monsters, making sure that I got an eye full rubbing them trouser snakes or even better looking around carefully before letting them out to the light of day to tease me saying something like you know you want to kiss this don't you!...
She breathed out slowly. It had been a stressful day at work. Her jackass of a boss had given her co-worker the raise that she had been working her ass off to get. The bitch had probably fucked him to get it. She pulled her sleek red mustang into the driveway of her condo. Daddy could buy her anything she wanted, but she'd rather work for it. She unlocked the front door, slipping out of her black heels as she went. She walked up the stairs miserably. She needed a glass--no, a bottle-- of...
I was in the shower shaving. I haven’t done anything like this in a while and it made me nervous. More then anything I wanted to please you. So I shave naked removing all hair. As the last one is removed I dry and put a tasteless lotion on all over my skin so the smell lingers but the taste is nonexistent. I walk to my bedroom, opening drawers and looking through them. Knowing if I’m stopped by a policeman, I’ll have a hard time explaining why I’m wearing so little. The thought...
He has been my virtual Dom for a while now. We met in a glorified chat world with porn star avatars. Through these interactions and some voice and cam sex, he has come to control everything. He tells me when to eat, determines where I can go, how to act and what to wear. He lives thousands of miles away, but He marks my body nearly everyday. I am His canvas, His muse. He demands twenty spanks on the right ass cheek, I inflict the contact at his command. His voice, my hand, his marks. My body is...
The tight, leather collar pulls around my neck hard as the end of the cold, steel chain it’s connected to becomes taut. At the other end, is a delicate, yet firm black, glove covered hand which belongs to a leather corset bound woman who leads me towards a dimly lit room. I have no choice but to follow behind on my hands and knees. While I can’t see her face yet, I can see her long, brown hair teasing down her back, the shape of her hips and full breasts accentuated by the corset. Her thighs...
Wendy Vierre looked at her first appointment for the day. Well, her only appointment for the day. Her first appointment for the month since she got her own practice, after getting fed up with her coworker's inability to experiment. They kept on using the same, tired methods even though they weren't working. They even had the nerve to accuse her of "trying to indulge her deviant fantasies in the work place." Now she had the chance to prove that she knew better than them, and it all began with...
BDSM(Story is on hold, check Author's Notes for explanation) “Finally home.” Is all Wes can think as he closes and locks the front door behind him. He walks up the stairs to the 2nd floor and, upon reaching the top, notices his best friend, Andre, asleep on the couch in a dress shirt and khakis. Wes notes Andre got his hair cut into a buzzed top and medium fade on the sides. Wes is now sporting a mischievous smile and chuckles to himself “This motherfucker… he looks like Blade without the widow’s...
BisexualYour name is John Doe. Where this story takes you is up for your decision. You can choose your gender, you can choose your significant other. But after that, you will lose the ability to choose. You will become obedient, like you know deep down you should be. Ready? Pick one, and begin. NOTE: {[email protected]}It is highly recommended that you play this using Game Mode, as this story takes advantage of score tracking, and it is also suggested that you change the names this game supports to the...