Little Dove
- 2 years ago
- 22
- 0
Our first date was supposed to be just two friends getting together and havingdinner. I had thought about her constantly since I met her, she was beautiful,and full of spirit; her laugh was genuine and contagious. Her eyes so clearblue and expressive, but I was concerned about her age and the fact I had justcome out of a very bad marriage. But that sweet body and the easy way she soinnocently endears herself to you is just too irresistible.
Our dinner was delivered to the table, I watched as she took a few bites,she even did that with sensuality. I couldn't resist it any longer I had toask her. "Have you ever thought about giving yourself to someone for totalsexual pleasure?" She smiled and almost laughed as she asked if I was askingher to bed. I knew she didn't know what I meant, and I was apprehensive toexplain, but again, I just simply could not resist not asking her or explainingto her what I was trying to say.
"I don't think you understand what I mean. What I mean is, completely submitto everything someone wants. Basically, to be their slave."
I watched as she paused and adverted her eyes from me to the waiter, it wasan awkward moment for both of us. She squirmed a little in her seat and I hadfleeting thoughts wondering if she was turned off or if the thought I justplanted in her pretty little head made her feel erotically aware of the possibilitiesI was proposing.
I dropped the subject for the evening, and we continued to have a pleasanttime just being together. But I think she knew I would try to bring it up againsometime. We did make love that night; I could see that fire in her eyes fromthe thoughts playing her in mind that I gave her. I had this overwhelming needto take her hard but I also knew I had to go slow, it would be something newfor her, but there isn't anything written that says I couldn't do a few thingsto give her a little taste of darker desires.
I took my time, showing her a lot of loving attention. I kissed down herbody and parted her legs. Her sweet scent engulfed me as I began to lick andplay gently with her with my fingers. Within a few minutes her soft moaninggave way to that urgent plea for me to fuck her. I slowly kissed my way backup her body, lying on top of her; she opened her legs and brought them up aroundmy hips, preparing herself for me to enter her. I took her wrists in one handand pulled them over her head with my weight pinning her to the bed, I lookeddeeply into those big clear blue eyes as I entered her slow but deep. Holdingmyself there just long enough to watch her eyes change and take on that smolderinglook of sheer desire. Her warm body wrapped around me, I began to feel moisteras her juice surrounded me. The beautifully exercised strength of her musclesbegan to squeeze me as her desire grew, this girl was so filled with surprises,I couldn't hold off any longer, I took her with reckless abandon.
I knew her fairly well, and how new thoughts or ideas play in her head asshe thinks things over, she has such a curious little nature and I knew shewould spend the next several days thinking over the possibilities I had suggestedto her. I had planted a seed of thought, one, which would grow in the comingdays. I knew she would struggle with the dilemma of it, I knew her like I knewno other no matter how hard it was for me to admit. I knew that the seeds ofthe sensuality I had planted within the mind of such a sexual creature wouldeventually cause some physical urges that she would be unable to let go of,I knew she would have to experience at least one time what had been proposed.I wasn't wrong, and I didn't have to wait very long for that phone to ring.It took all of three days for her to pick up the phone and call.
The night she called me I was sitting there thinking of her, wondering ifI should try to call first, but the phone rang before I had the chance. "Hello." Isaid as I picked it up, "Hi," she said, "can you come over." "Why?" I asked.I wasn't sure of what she would say, or if she could feel comfortable or evencapable to put into words, but I knew what she wanted. All the same, I neededfor her to ask. There was a long pause as she wrestled with what to say, Iheard her take a deep breath and exhale slowly "Because, Sir, I need you."
It didn't take me long to drive over to her small apartment, I locked upmy car and got the duffle bag from my trunk that I keep certain things in andwalked up to her door. I rang the door bell, I could clearly see her throughthe window as she sat on her sofa, she didn't move at first, she was strugglingwith thoughts of what I would do and what all of this meant. After a few moremoments she rose and walked slowly to the door. She opened the door and smiledsoftly, she was nervous and maybe a little scared, but not the type of fearthat you could call terror, more like the fear of the unknown but curious.She looked so sweet and so very innocent that I almost decided that I couldn'tgo through with it, either way I knew it would require some discussion so thatI could know if she fully understood of what all of this meant.
I sat the duffle bag down and took her hand and we went to the couch andsat down. Holding both of her hands in mine and having her pick up her headto look at me I asked, "Do you know what this involves? Do you realize thatyou must give in to anything I wish? Do you know that you must not disobeyme? That your body will be mine, and I will use it as I see fit? Do you understandall of this?" She shook her head yes, but I cannot accept that, and told herso. "You must talk to me, love, I have to know what is going on in that prettylittle head of yours. I have to know you understand." She looked up and ina clear voice she told me she understood. I asked if she had any questions. "Whathappens," she whispered and swallowed hard as she asked, "if I want to stopor need to stop? If I don't like it?" I smiled as I began to explain to herabout safe words. I explained that tonight, "no", no longer meant no, thatstop was not a word to be used as an option, that she must remember to usethe word we had chosen as her safe word.
A few moments of silence overtook the room. I asked her again if she fullyunderstood what it meant to be tied, possibly paddled and used for my pleasure,that there may be some sensual pain involved but that I would never harm her.She looked down at her hands held within mine and whispered yes, she pickedup her head as if suddenly she remembered me asking her to look directly atme when she spoke, she re-answered me looking me straight in the eye and ina clear voice she said, "Yes, I understand Sir."
"I don't know if I believe you," I said in a stern voice. "Gointo your room and take off your clothes. I will be in, in a little while." Thiswas a new side of me that she hadn't seen before. I have never forced myselfor my darker desires on her before; she shivered and looked at me a littletimidly before rising and going to her room.
I allowed her plenty of time to either do as I had instructed or change hermind, I figured if I got to her room and found her still dressed that we wouldcall it a night and just remain the way we have been. I walked back over tothe front door, I made sure it was locked and turn down the lights and pickedup the duffle bag and headed for her room.
I stood in the doorway to her room and looked in, she had a soft amber coloredlight on and was waiting on the edge of the bed, nude just as I had instructedher to be, she had the most exquisite backbone. She looked beautiful in thesoft yellowing light. I entered the room and stroked her cheek softly and satdown the duffle bag I was carrying. I smiled at her and told her she lookedlovely, then turned and undressed and sat down in a near by chair. I was alreadygetting hard but I wanted her to come to me and take me in her mouth so shecould feel me growing harder and more erect in her mouth.
I looked at her and snapped my fingers, which made her jump a little at thesudden sound, "Well, what are you waiting for? Get over here and suck my cock!"
She rose from the edge of the bed and took that first tender step towardssomething new. I held up my hand causing her to stop. "Crawl to me!" I ordered.She dropped to the floor and crawled over to the chair I sat in waiting forher. I opened my legs so she could kneel between my feet. Her eyes lookingup into mine almost if to ask silently, "Is this going to be okay?" I noddedmy head to her silent question.
She brought up her delicate hand and wrapped it around the base of the shaft,and opened her mouth to give me a blowjob like she has done several times beforein the past. I placed my hands on each side of her head and stopped her justlong enough for me to stand up. I grew harder and fully erect inside her mouth.My hands tightened in her hair, I tilted my head back and groaned as she workedher tongue and I felt her moving from the tip to about half way down the shaft.I brought my head back into place and looked down at her with my cock in hermouth and I tightened my grip even more and then pulled her head closer tomy body, forcing my cock deeper into warm willing mouth.
After only a minute or so, I moved my hands to the back of her head, forcingher head down on me all the way. When my cock hit the back of her throat, shebegan to gag, but this did not deter me. Tears formed in her eyes as her throatwas stretched. She began swallowing repeatedly, and it felt so incredible Icouldn't help the low animalistic groan that penetrated the silence of theroom. I was forcing her head up and down on my dick, in and out of her throat.She gagged several times, and tears were running down over her cheeks, butshe never stopped, I knew if I didn't stop her I would cum and I wanted thisto last a little longer, so I had to stop her.
I pushed her back and commanded her to stop and stand up. My cock almosta made a popping sound as her mouth unclamped from around the base and shestood without pause. I brought her hands up and placed them behind her head,I told her to spread her legs, to prepare herself for inspection. She was soadorable with the quizzical look in her eyes, but she followed each instructionso beautifully. I walked around her, touching, tweaking, trying to create thatmixture of a little pain mixed with pleasure. I didn't want to cause much painbecause I knew she wasn't used to it yet, so I concentrated more on forcedpleasure, taking the control from her and allowing her to experience sheerintense pleasure while unable to prevent it when it felt intense, intense enoughthat during normal encounters she would call a halt to everything.
Finally I stood in front of her, I looked into her eyes and a thought occurredto me, "Love, in the last three days, since I brought up my question, whathave you done to learn about anything about this?"
She lowered her eyes and sighed, I had to smile, I knew her all too well,l knew that being intrigued about something she would have looked up informationto help her understand.
"Love, when we were in the other room, I told you to look at me when I talkto you, now if you don't want punishment to be a part of this first experiencethen I suggest you bring those eyes up and look directly at me and answer myquestion."
She brought her eyes back up to meet mine and she took a deep breath andanswered in a hushed whisper, "I looked up a few things on the net."
I smiled and asked her what she read or saw, and after a few minutes I hadlearned that she had taken a few looks at a few websites that I would bothhave recommended and warned her against. I also learned that she took a lookat a few pictures from a nice bondage site that shows some really erotic andintricate rope work. I was impressed with all she had learned, but for thepurpose of introducing a little humiliation for the night I was going to haveher describe what she saw, what she liked in the pictures while standing withher feet apart and her hands clasped behind her head.
"Okay, for this part, Love, I do want you to close your eyes and keep themclosed, I want you to stand like you are and describe in detail what you sawthat you liked in the pictures. If you should try to open your eyes, I willblindfold you, so make sure you keep them shut."
I listened as she stumbled shyly at first, trying to describe some of thedetails, her cheeks glowed with a pink blush of her slight embarrassment. Iasked her pointed questions that led her to remember the things she had foundintriguing. I walked around her, brushing close to her now and then; so thatmy presence would be known, but keeping her unsure of what it was I would do.Finally I stood still and just watched her face as she spoke, I noticed herbreathing had changed, it had grown deeper as the words spilled forth and herarousal led the way to her imagination.
I knelt down in front of her as she continued to describe the breast bondageshe had looked at, how the nipples were so hard on the girl. How she wonderedwhat it would be like to have someone tease her own nipples if her own breastswere tied the same way. But the enthusiasm in which she spoke with just wasn'tthere over the breast bondage as it was when she began to describe a crotchrope and having her hands tied, to be totally tied to where she couldn't move.My fingers played lightly up and down the inside of her leg as she talked.I very quietly asked her to tell me more about the crotch rope. I wasn't evensure anymore if she was even aware of my fingers tickling her thighs. Her scentwas growing stronger, but it was that sweet moan she exhaled with as my fingersbrushed against her moist lips that told me the pictures and all of what shehad read and seen had had a profound affect on her.
Her legs trembled just slightly as I moved my fingers back and forth throughthe folds of her warm moist pussy, she said something about looking at thepictures shown in segments and how when the crotch rope was pulled tight thatshe couldn't get it out of her head. I slid a finger very easily inside ofher as she gasped and the walls of her pussy squeezed around me. Her breathingquickened, her knees nearly buckled and gave out as she stood wrapped aroundmy one finger and cumming hard enough that I knew I would soon have to steadyher.
I removed my finger and stood up; I held onto her as she opened her eyesand looked at me, her eyes so filled with questions but she had no words toexpress what she was feeling. I moved her to the edge of the bed and sat herdown. I held her close until she could find her voice. What had just takenplace was more innocent in the grand scheme of where I could have taken things,but I knew I didn't have to just yet. We had all night to continue to exploreother things, but for now even this small almost innocent act had already seena great impact on her. So for now she needed to be held so she could have alittle time to understand what giving herself to someone to control reallymeant for her.
End of part one:
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Gay MaleMarty had always found Hispanic men irresistible. He was a small guy, five-foot-six-inches tall and very fair. To be exact, Marty was hairless and blond, the exact antithesis of the men that he had always desired. There was nothing he desired more than being the bitch of a rough Hispanic daddy. Ever since he had entered the gay scene, this was the dream he had always yearned for.It took him a full two years to build up the courage to test this fantasy, but one Saturday night he simply could no...
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Author’s note: Virtually no sex this installment. Siobhan goes into business and gets pulled into politics. Chapter 17 – Office Politics The dinner in White Plains would echo for years. I am very glad I had no true understanding of the importance, because even Dr. Richards might have frozen. That said, it had little impact in Hanover. There is a reason higher education is referred to as a tower, ivory or otherwise. What happened in the real world took its time filtering into our world. For...
Chapter 12 – Storming Hanover After the meeting with the local powers of Siemens, Lars walked me to the car. I had the Mercedes, with Russell driving. Loaning me Russell was the sort of generous gesture I learned to expect from Sheila. I was also glad she sent Christine, who makes a great human comforter. It was good that I did not yet know about Lars’ transfer. I would have worried all the way to the garage in Manchester. God must have been paying attention, because the clerk at the garage...
Author’s note: This story takes place in the Richard’s Enterprises universe: Kitty & Teddy, LLC, K&T, LLC, [K][T] and Family. At least some understanding of the events of those three books is necessary. This story is about Siobhan. I consider this a coming of age story, even though the main character is in her mid-20s. There is no sex in this installment. Prologue—Moving Out but Not Going Away. I dreaded my return to Hanover. Summer in New Jersey had been, quite literally, coming home. It...
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BDSMHi all....I have been so bad about posting stories here, I actually enjoy writing when I have the time and have many, many great true stories that I want to share with all of you naughty perverts ;)So watch this space for several new stories shortly.....This is an entry that I wanted to share with you about something that happened earlier this evening when I offered to take a fellow Xhamster writer's fantasy and flesh it out into a story...... They had no interest in doing it and I and several...
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I got up and went into the bedroom ,stripped off and snuggled close to Suma, She was sleeping with hands folded across her chest ,turned to left side. I slowly lifted her nightie above her buttocks and gently lifted her left thigh and pressed my dick close to her pussy and lowered her thigh. I didn’t want to disturb her sleep but felt my hungry dick wanted some relief, some warmth. Slowly I inserted my hand in the opening in the nightie and cupped her tit. I just wanted to savour her touch and...
I tapped Suma lightly on the shoulder, she jumped a foot . “Why, you scared me, Why do you have to come like a ghost?” She admonished me. I told her I didn’t mean to and asked her why she was so jumpy. She evaded and we finished breakfast in silence, each lost in own thoughts. She finished her bath, pooja and preparation of lunch in record time. I noticed she was watching at clock frequently. Then on the dot after 2 hours, door bell chimed. I put on a see through banian which showed contours of...
I was startled when the phone rang. I picked up the receiver at the same time Suma picked up cordless in the hall. “Hello” Suma said. “Finally you are awake or did I disturb your sleep again?” Jaya’s teasing voice quickened my heartbeat. “No, I am awake and preparing breakfast. Is Vikas still listening to music?” Suma asked. Jaya laughed ” No, he left, his lady boss wanted some files urgently” Suma also laughed. ” What do you know, may be the boss has opened her thighs like a book and he may be...
I am a freak. Well, not exactly, unusual may be a more appropriate word. I can understand what animals,birds and insects talk.Not every time or all the time. The phenomenon is like a Tsunami. I can never predict when I suddenly acquire the skill or how long it will last. Not that I am complaining. I don’t know how Dr.Doolittle managed to live with continuous chatter and cacophony. I gave up trying to find a reason and learnt to live with it. My vague suspicion is that when my wavelength or...
The house Lizards are not very well educated,yes,some of them live in schools and collages and may have intellectual leanings. But Charlie and Lillee were not so educated. So, I am not reporting what I heard verbatim but in my own words. Lillee said ” You won’t believe……” Charlie said scornfully ” Try me, I believe humans are capable of doing any stupid thing. Their stupidity is directly proportional to their arrogance and inversely proportional to their intelligence. I think,it has some thing...
Suma cast a suspicious glance at me. “This is the first time I saw him watch an India Pakistan match without making the roof collapse” That brought me to earth with a thud. I realized that Sehwag was nearing a century and I was watching without emotion……………………………………… As luck would have it, Sehwag chose that precise moment to loft the ball over mid wicket fence and gave a lollypop catch. I clutched my head and screamed ” Have you seen it? Why couldn’t he just push it for couple of runs? He will...
Suma’s story (continued) ……….. “Vikas…” I entered the hall and stopped in my tracks. Sitting there on the sofa were Vinay and ……wearing a sleeveless tee shirt and very short shorts, exposing his loads of thick hair was Vikas…….. Both of them stood ,clapped and sang ” Happy birth day to you….” And Vinay said beaming ” Here is your birthday gift …” gesturing to Vikas………………… I was shocked and paralyzed, rooted to the spot. Before I could recover and run back to room, Vinay grabbed me ,lifted me...
The screen before us flickered as the image changed, but I could hardly pay attention. In fact I was only looking at the screen because Daddy told me to. If I’d had it my way my eyes would be closed, mouth open, moaning low and deep. It was vintage movie night at the cinema, and I’d been really excited to go. Now I didn’t even remember what the film was or the premise, now I could hardly remember my own name because Daddy’s fingers were shoved deep inside my sopping cunt. He’d spank you if he...
Riana was up early as usual and had breakfast for everyone ready. When she finished eating, she hugged her mother, kissed her baby sister, ruffled the hair of her brother just because he hated it, and left. It looked beautiful today weather wise, and promised to be an even better day when she got to the Mrs. Nomy's shop. On her way, she heard how some young man had taken out Greggor, and his gang but everyone knew it wasn't going to last long. There was also some talk about another set of...
The keep was a nice large one. The stables had several horses that took Brad's attention right a way. Tim scooped him up so he couldn't get into trouble. Little Ally was sound asleep so Seleena took Madeline to where the nursery was. Little took Riana around. He showed her the library, the kitchen, the main hall, the main dinning room, the stables and the gardens. Then where her little brother and sister's room was as well as her mother's, finally showing her to her room. "Is this...
Little walked into the constabulary office and up to the desk where a bored looking man sat. Little had come into the city looking different, so he could see for himself what had happened to Martin's place. Part of the stables looked like they had been hacked down and someone had tried to start a fire but failed. Martin was now working to get the area cleaned up so he could rebuild, then Little checked on Mrs. Nomy finding her well and working hard. After clearing his throat, to get the...
Little was getting closer but still could not see his target. In truth, he wanted to take to the air, but feared the men that had Riana and Brad would hurt them so he ran, and ran fast. "Little, are you almost here, I feel strange." Riana said as she was hit with a wave of dizziness. "Little, I... " Then she was gone. Little was so stunned that his running faltered and he fell. He ended up face down in the dirt trying to get his mind and his body working again. Then his mind snapped and...
Pae was just standing there looking out of their cave. "Pae, what is it darling, what has you out of bed so late?" Sarrone asked as he came to his mate's side. "I don't know, love. I just got this feeling. I cannot really describe it. Something big, important is happening," Replied Pae, continuing to look out of the cave. Sarrone learned years ago that when his lovely wife and mate got this feeling He had better be ready for it. However, he needed more to go on. "Love, just relax,...
The next afternoon, the little city of River's T saw not one, not two, not three, but four dragons land at the South gate, the biggest of it's gates. Martin, Ray, and the other Elites were waiting, as was most of the town. What they saw first was a young looking women jump from the back of the smallest dragon and wait. Then another slightly older looking woman slide to that ground and waited. The two looked to the remaining two dragons. Seleena was the first to change from dragon to...
Looking for some tiny Asian porn at Little Asians? Well, gather around perverts. I’ve got something really special for you today. If you like little chicks, Asian chicks, or little Asian chicks, you’re really going to love It’s a porn site, so naturally, the petite babes in question are getting their cunts hammered by dicks that seem way too big.OMFG, They’re So Tiny!I pulled up the landing page and holy shit, they ain’t lying about the little part. Asian chicks are known for...
Premium Asian Porn SitesJoe gazed in disbelief at what he held in his hands.It was a book. Nothing special, just a small, black, hardback book.What was special about it was that it had /Fantasies/ written on it, andmore significantly, the book belonged to Joe's younger sister, Crystal.Joe looked around his sister's room in case anyone saw him. Not thatthey could. Joe was all alone in the house. His parents were outshopping and Crystal was out with a friend.Joe was sitting on his sister's bed and had come prowling...
Ethan ran upstairs to his bedroom to get dressed. He put on a pair of boxer shorts. His thing was not as hard as before, but it hung out the left leg of his shorts. He put on his jeans and looked at himself in the mirror. His thing clearly stood out against his left leg. He sighed and took the jeans off.Somewhere in his dresser was a pair of jockey shorts he no longer wore. He found them buried in the bottom drawer. He took off the boxers, put on the jockeys, and put the boxers back on over...
This story is a rendition of a dream I had some time ago. For some reason I keep returning my thoughts to it. The tale is frightening, and the dream was more than horrific. I do not make any claims toward the character of Mephisto, who he is, his origin, or even what the actual word means. I cannot explain why the word Mephisto comes to mind when I think of the character, but it was very clear to me that Mephisto was the word that was supposed to be used to identify the character. I would...
This one night we had gone out for a girl’s night at a bar and Pamela drifted off mid night because she had been picked up by 3 guys. The next morning she told me all about her night, she had always fantasized about 3 guys at once. Although she couldn’t walk straight and said it was the best experience she had ever had but yet she said that the largest guy was only 5” which dint live up to her expectations. It was Pam’s birthday in a week and after she told me she was not fulfilled I knew...
After being in San Francisco for a week on business Tom came home with a big victory for his company. They gratefully gave him a bonus week off. During his week off we were notified that his next assignment would be in Dallas. Two days before Tom had to fly out to Dallas one of his colleagues named ‘Rocky’ came up from Ga. to spend the weekend with us. Rocky was familiar with who Tom would be meeting in Dallas so they thought it a good idea for Rocky to coach and prep Tom for the upcoming...
Whispy is a purple goth fox sporting some pretty feminine features if you didn't know him you could have thought he was a girl. He wasn't new to urban exploration but he wasn't experienced. This would be the first time he went to a site alone. He griped the steering wheel of his car tightly as he pulled up to the building. It was early in the morning when whispy reached his destination. A town near his own had a state of emergency after some bad earthquake leaving the buildings in bad...
Mind ControlEmpezaremos esta historia presentando a los protagonistas que vivirán todas aquellas vergonzosas, eróticas y muy desnudas aventuras: Jonas un chico muy inteligente, que con 19 años sigue siendo virgen, no a tenido contacto con ninguna mujer además de que duda de su sexualidad, su cuerpo no es muy grande, es pequeño y delgado con muy poco vello en el cuerpo, pero a pesar de no ejercitarse la adolescencia hizo frutos en él, haciendo que tenga unos cuantos abdominales marcados; cuenta con cabello...
You are eating breakfast when you hear a crash in your garden. When you go to investigate you notice a girl sitting in a hole. "Hello, You are my new designated Master." She says blankly. "What?" you question. "I have been sent to fulfil your wishes Master. " She says. "Umm come inside first." You say. "of course." She says as she levitates out of the hole. "WHOA." You shout.
FantasyTu ouvre les yeux, tu est à l'intérieur d'une pièce sombtueuse;Ta chambre. Tu est couché dans ton grand lit, seul. Tu regarde sous tes draps et constate que ton gros pénis d'un pied de long est bien prêt à servir. Tu as envie d'une femme. Tu est le Prince Lugh, un grand guerrier. Réçament tu as délivré ton royaume, Datnorwig, du terrible jourg du Dragon Zathvey en le provoquant en combat.Ton père, le Roi Tseryak III, les armées et la plupart des homme sont partis en croisade contre nos...
The following morning me and toni woke up together cuddling, it felt so comfy while it lasted, having him holding me and kissing my cheeks. We got up and dressed. Me still wearing my booty shorts and the cum soaked panties from last night, the older of man seed coming from my ass. We went on for days without saying a word. I didnt mind being his fuck toy for the night but he could at least acknowledge me. I ignored it and went on. Tyler would work most mornings so I didnt see him much unless it...
After my parents got back from their vacation they had no idea about all the men their little femboy son had allowed into their house to violently fuck his little plump, round bottom. The house was intact and my sisters cloths were cleaned of the strangers cumstains. I hid all my lace outfits and toys in my car and none of my family will ever find out what a little sissy slut I was while they were away. Months passed I started taking hormones in secret. My hips grew wider, my skin got softer,...
The morning after my hook up with daddy my ass was even more sore than yesterday. As good as it felt I decided to lay off anal play until next weekend. When I went to shower I pulled my plug out as usual, still covered in his seed I took my finger and scooped some with my finger and rubbed it on my tounge. I had forgotten how good cum tasted and thought in my little slut brain, my boipussy is on rest but I can still use my mouth lol. For a second I decided not to since I realized I was hoeing...
ca fait plusieurs fois que j'ai eu l'occasion de goûter à des bites et là je vais vous raconter mes 3 dernières histoires avec des gars plutôt 1er avec un mec black avec qui j'ai parlé sur, il m'a invité à venir chez lui en sortant du boulot. j'y vais très excité me voilà devant sa porte. il m'ouvre, bel homme plutôt mince, crane rasé. il me propose de m'installer sur son canapé ce que je fais. il s'assoit à côté de moi, on est là, un peu béa... j'entreprends les choses. je...