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Masochistic Me By Cal Y. Pygia Late in purchasing a home computer, I was late in surfing the 'net. However, when I first took to cyberspace, spending hours perusing porn, like any other red-blooded, all-American boy, I soon discovered spanking, both as it is represented in drawings and photographs, still and (in the form of video clips) moving. I also discovered Literotica, to which, by today's count, I have submitted (lovely word, that!) over 682 works, about half of which are poems. The remainder, the prose, essays and stories alike, fall into such categories as BDSM, gay male, transsexuals and cross dressers, how to, humor and satire, celebrities, incest/taboo, exhibitionist/voyeur, and nonhuman. Predominant among the stories are those involving gay male and transsexual characters. My BDSM stories are mostly about spanking: "A Lark" ("A dare brought them closer together--much closer!"); "A Tale of a Tail" ("Sarah Owens tries on the beast within"); "First-Timer," Parts 1 through 5, in which "a sadistic Dom punishes his male sub," using his hand, a paddle, a wide belt, and a narrow belt, before the psychological effects are detailed in the first four parts' "aftermath"; "Hanky Panky" ("He was about to learn what it's like to be a woman scorned"); "Lysistrata Revisited" ("Aristophanes' brilliance saves the day. . . again"); "Nothing At All" ("Spankings are fun - for the spanker"); "Nothing At All: Alternative Version" (a gay version of the original heterosexual version); "Quality Control" (a five-part series in which a scientist discovers the lesbian lurking within her sadistic self); "The Princess of Pain" ("Which suitor would win the princess' hand?"); and The Sarah Owens Story (a 23-chapter novel in which the protagonist, a cheerleader, submits to her new coach's unusual, but successful, sadistic coaching methods). In addition, some of my other stories (and many of my poems) also contain spanking scenes, although they are not themselves primarily about spanking. One of the benefits of writing erotic stories is that doing so helps one to identify the topics of one's sexual interests and to explore the meanings and the implications of such interests--in short, to know him- or herself better, both sexually and personally. As anyone who's given thought to any sexual interest knows, it is extraordinarily difficult to understand why a particular behavior, such as being spanked (as opposed to spanking, which is an altogether different experience), is so overwhelmingly attractive. From the perspective of one who is willingly, even gladly, spanked, it seems as if the experience attracts him or her, rather than his or her being attracted to it. The individual who bares his or her buttocks to another to be humiliated and spanked by the spanker is hard-pressed to comprehend his or her motive for such behavior. The aching desire to be spanked is a mystery that is seemingly impenetrable to both understanding and explication. It isn't, though. At least, it (finally) is no longer so for me. Such enlightenment has been difficult, certainly; I puzzled over my attraction to being spanked, off and on, for months, if not years, until, in writing the last installment of my "First Timer" series ("First Timer: The Aftermath"), I confronted this question head-on, in the very first paragraphs: Gary had taken his clothes off in front of another man. He'd allowed another man to spank him with his hand, to paddle him, and to beat his ass with two belts. He'd let another man turn his ass from pink to red to purple. He'd drunk another man's piss. He'd sucked another man's cock and swallowed his ejaculate. He'd allowed himself to be reduced to tears, humiliated beyond belief, and physically and emotionally abused. Why? What had possessed him to acquiesce to such maltreatment? More importantly, what was the matter with him that he'd permitted such mistreatment to begin with? Where was his self-respect, his self-esteem? No man who cared about himself would do the things he'd done. Why had Gary? He was submissive--but what did that mean? He liked to please. He hated to say no. He wanted to be popular. All his life, he'd wanted others to like and to accept him. He was acquiescent, compliant, obedient--in a word, submissive. Although these words defined him perfectly, Gary had long pretended otherwise, claiming that he was rebellious, insubordinate, resistant, and, if not dominant, assertive. His behavior today, in this motel room, with Russ, showed which of these two versions of himself was true. Gary was a wimp. He'd done everything that Russ had ordered him to do. He'd proven himself to be Russ' servant, Russ' slut, Russ' bitch. Although he'd tried to reject it, the truth was, as he'd found out, that he was a dependent personality, unable to think or feel or judge for himself. His sense of self, like his sense of self-worth, depended upon other people--people who were only too happy to use him for their own purposes and pleasures, as Russ had done and would continue to do, if Gary allowed it, which, of course, was so likely as to be a foregone conclusion. It was said of actors and actresses in general that they lacked a true self. Therefore, they were able, as it were, to become any character. People with fully developed identities, it was said, had much more difficulty in pretending to be other individuals. Ray Bradbury had written a short story that seemed to support this idea. In his story, an extraterrestrial shape shifter took whatever form people wanted him to adopt, becoming a son to a childless couple, a brother to an only child, or a child who'd been slain in an accident. The problem for him was that everyone he met wanted him to be someone other than himself, and, in trying to please everyone at once, he overstressed his vital organs and died. The moral of the story was not lost on Gary, but he'd found a solution. Although a person couldn't please everyone, he could, at least sometimes, please one person. For the present--and, Gary hoped, from now on--this one person would be Russ. By satisfying and pleasing Russ, Gary could find acceptance, an identity, security, and, eventually, maybe even a semblance of love. But there was another reason that Gary had allowed Russ to use him. Gary regarded himself as a loser. He was a nobody and a nothing. He was so worthless that he deserved to be punished, and, since he was infinitely unworthy, he deserved endless punishment, the crueler the better. Through suffering for others, he might, someday, become worthy by providing a worthwhile service, as had, for example, the whipping boys of the middle ages. It was unseemly that a prince should be spanked or beaten, for he was of royal blood. Therefore, when it was considered necessary that a wayward heir to the throne be disciplined for misbehavior, it was not his ass, but that of his stand-in, the whipping boy's, to be flogged. Gary saw himself as serving a like function for men who were, by virtue of their dominance and aggressiveness, his superiors. By serving and servicing Russ' needs and desires, by fulfilling his every whim, Gary would be sacrificing himself in the interest of Russ' emotional and spiritual health and happiness. As a result, by making himself useful in this manner, his own otherwise miserable existence would become worthwhile; he would, over time, perhaps thereby redeem himself. That which was unworthy might become worthy. Of course, the spankings would continue, even when he had become worthy, for they alone, along with the other services, such as fellatio and his imbibing the golden nectar of Russ' bladder, would continue to make him worthy. Russ was providing an even greater service to Gary than Gary was providing for him, for it was Russ' use and abuse of him that bestowed upon the worthless Gary whatever worthiness he was thereby given and by Russ' use and abuse of him that Gary continued to maintain such worthiness. These revelations did not come to Gary immediately. They were insights born of hours of reflection concerning why he took pleasure in being used by another man and why he felt joy at being abused by another man. However, once Gary had attained this wisdom, all the many spankings he'd received during the set that Russ had bestowed upon him during their first session had been well worth it. Now, for the first time in his life, thanks to the help of his mentor, Gary had come to understand who he was and why he was as he was. A great, perplexing mystery had been resolved, and the pieces of his personality had, as it were, come together, completing a whole of his fractured psyche. By the stripes that Russ had inflicted upon Gary's satin-smooth buttocks, Russ had healed him. He had made Gary whole. (For my take, thus far, at least, on sadism, take a gander at my essay, "Cruel Art," which, I argue, "brings out the savage beast in all of us.") Further reflection on the matter has caused me to realize that I have feminized part of my own personality or, perhaps, in Freudian terms, I have recognized and accepted my anima as a true and powerful component of my deepest identity. I do not treat "her" as a woman in her own right, but as the woman in me, and I generally subject her to the demands, insults, reprimands, chastisements, and other emasculating and, indeed, dehumanizing behaviors of others, both male and female, that anyone must encounter who works for a living, socializes, or simply goes about the business of existing in a cold, cruel world that he or she never made. Perhaps, in doing so, I can isolate my anima as the weak, relatively helpless and ineffective "loser" who deserves punishment while I, the manly man, remain, well, the manly man. It's an interesting psychodynamic. (It's also a bit of pain, literally, from time to time.) Lately, I have found, quite by chance, another theory that supports the one that I have already worked out for myself, which I have shared, in a less-than-clinical, literary manner both in this essay and in "First Timer: The Aftermath." This theory, as it turns out, was expounded by none other than Sigmund Freud himself. I came across a summary of Freud's explanation of masochism in chapter two, "Passionate Fictions: Radclyffe Hall's The Well of Loneliness," of Jean Bobby Noble's excellent study, Masculinity Without Men?: Female Masculinity in Twentieth-Century Fictions (Vancouver: The University of British Columbia, 2004). Although Noble's own interest, in this volume, at least, is primarily related to lesbian literature, her summary of Freud's take on masochism is too good not to share with Literotica's readers (and writers). The explanation may have been a long time coming for others, as it has for me, and, whether one is a devotee of spanking, in either the sadistic or the masochistic role, a fellow writer who is interested in describing the pyschodynamics of his or her masochistic characters in a believable and psychologically grounded manner, or simply interested in this aspect of BDSM, Noble's summary of Freud's insightful analysis of masochism is apt to be informative, engrossing, and enlightening. This, then, is Noble's summary of Freud's take on the topic: Sigmund Freud (1984) theorized three kinds of masochism: (1) erotogenic, a primary instinct or corporeal pleasure in pain that is constitutive of the other two types; (2) feminine, which positions its presumably male sufferer as a woman whose desires are to be placed in characteristically female situations like being treated as a small, helpless, naughty child, being castrated, being copulated with, or giving birth to a child; and (3) moral, in which "an unconscious sense of guilt" gives way to a need for punishment. . . . Freud focuses primarily on moral masochism, which, he argues, begins when "the ego reacts with feelings of anxiety. . . to the perception that it has failed to perform to the behests of its ideal, the superego. . . As Freud himself argued, many of his own patients who were diagnosed as masochistic were either men or effeminized men who sought to be punished by the symbolic father and to have passive (feminine) sexual relations to him. For the moral masochist, the ego reacts with feelings of anxiety to the perception that it has not lived up to the demands either of the super-ego (the introjected representative of the parents) or the influences of the past or traditions of teachers, publicly recognized heroes as authorities, or self-chosen models. . . . This introjected super-ego may become harsh, cruel, and inexorable against the ego that is in its charge. So it becomes a representative of the external world and a model for the endeavors of the ego. The result is that those suffering as moral masochists are suffering under the domination of an especially sensitive conscience and an unconscious untramorality that "provoke[s] punishment from this last representative of the parents [i. e., a monstrously large and harsh, indeed, titanic super-ego [and] must do what is expedient, must act against his own interest, must ruin the prospects which open out to him in the real world and must, perhaps, destroy his own real existence" (62). In the same chapter, Noble also summarizes Theodore Reik's 1941 "study of masochism," which attributes the masochist's pleasure in pain to a messianic complex. Basically, Noble says, Reik argues that "Reik's Christian masochist is both the victim and the victimizer and thus seeks punishment from within. . . . There is something of the public spectacle--indeed, one might even argue something of the exhibitionist-- that is constitutive of the pleasurable punishments for Reik's masochist" (63). Reik's masochist is identifiable, Noble says, by "four primary features": he (Reik's masochist is male) (1) "seeks out the gaze of those who can either reward his deeds or witness his suffering"; (2) has a need for fantasy, especially one in which he imagines that "what is beaten is not so much the body as the flesh and, beyond that, sin itself"; (3) "the suspension of punishment (or reward) for as long as possible"; and (4) "the orchestration of a punishment imperative where the masochist aggressively demands punishment to relieve the accumulating anxiety" (63-64). According to Reik, Noble says, "Ultimately, or perhaps penultimately, the moral masochist seeks to be raised on an invisible pedestal and, eventually, to assume his place within a divine family in the same way that Christ himself came to be installed in a suffering and castrated position as the living promise of redemption" (64). For masochistic me, Freud's analysis better fits my own deepest, if not darkest, psychodynamics. Unlike many masochists, I neither require nor desire fantasy, role-playing, or other such imaginative adjuncts to spankings. I simply want to bare my buttocks to another man (or to a woman or a shemale, for that matter), be told what to do (e. g., "lie across my lap," "bend over and clutch the seat of the stool," "stand in the corner with your hands atop your head"), and receive the strokes of his hand, paddle, or belt. I also enjoy his rubbing my buttocks between one set of strokes and another and welcome the honor and privilege of masturbating him or sucking his cock before, during, and/or after the spanking session. As one can see, Freud's analysis explains my own masochism better than Reik's, although I don't doubt that, for others, Reik's messianic model is more on the mark. Ultimately, we musty work out the method in the apparent madness of our own peculiar perversions and fetishes for ourselves, "with fear and trembling," as the apostle Paul says, concerning another (or maybe the same) matter, one's salvation. We must examine closely our own thoughts and feelings, our own pasts and presents, and ask the difficult question of "why?" concerning our own needs, desires, and behaviors as masochists (subs) (or, for that matter, as sadists, or Doms). When one has done so, though, I'm betting that he or she will find that one or the other of these psychoanalysts will have beaten him or her to the punch and that his or her own masochism will have been explained, already, either in terms of "Freud's masochist" or "Reik's masochist." One or the other, I daresay, will turn out, as Freud's does for me, to be one's own "masochistic me" as well.

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Hey lovable readers I will bring you the latest of story and will keep on publishing here. All the stories I will publish will be purely fictional and won't b resemblance to any person.anyone can contact me on my email Have fun reading it and do reply me.on [email protected] all, This is Manoj from Bangalore. I want to narrate my life sex experience here when I was studying in Bangalore. I was 20 at that time and I stayed in my uncle's house in...

4 years ago
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Foreplay On A Rainy Day

Hello, everyone, myself lust king, from Bangalore. This is a real sex story where myself and my aunt had an exotic foreplay on a rainy day. This is my first sex story so please do give feedback in this regard. About myself, I’m an engineering student, averagely built with a 6-inch cock. The heroin of the story is my mom’s friend who is almost a member of our family. She is a bombshell with big boobs, ass and a face which invites you to fuck her face the moment you see. She knows me from...

1 year ago
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Two cocks for the sexy wife PART II

(Part II, I suggest you read first part first.)In the middle of the night you wake up lying next to me. We are both naked and she is gone. First you are a little confused, but than you hear the shower in the bathroom. That's were she is. You are still horny, your penis is already hard, just by thinking about what had happened last night.From the bed you can see the light of the bathroom, so you decide to got there and have a peak. You see here standing in the shower, cleaning her pussy just as...

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Hooking Up with my French Teacher Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I was inspired to learn the French language as I was completely inclined towards the arts and literature of the European countries. My parents had insisted on taking private French language coaching so that I could focus without any distractions. My French teacher Adam was a young, hot and tall French guy. He was lean as per his height but somehow his features made him look very mature and sexy. I had started developing a crush on him from the beginning of our tutoring sessions due to his...

Real Hookup
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BrownBunnies Kinsley Karter Haute Couture Fuck

Kinsley Karter came to see Charlie Mac and his buddy. They pretended to be interested in her newly designed sexy outfits. But it was just a pretext to have her model them. Wow, the clothes were sexy as fuck. The second outfit exposed the nice tits and nipples. The third one showed it all!! Obviously everybody got way too horny, Charlie whipped out his giant monster dick. Kinsley was choking on it as it was too big to suck. Then they doggied and spooned and fucked in missionary until Charlie...

4 years ago
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My Sisters SlaveChapter 3 Uncle Joe and our 18th Birthday party

For the next month Kara and I were inseparable, I was her sex toy, she would find a boy or a girl, and some grownups too that was willing to pay to have sex with me, and even pee on me. I do not know where she found them. I knew Kara was very popular but these kids were not from our school, and the grownups, I never seen them before. One was a black couple. Their names were Dwayne and Stephanie. Both in their 40s. Kara drove me to their house on a Sunday evening. We got out of the car, Kara...

1 year ago
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Emergent Realities

EMERGENT REALITIES Women have flare Below their waists, Allowing a fullness And a rotundity Of buttocks Which cleaves the heart In two and makes us want to Cup and squeeze and fondle; They smile at us, Clearly an invitation, But speak of sexual harassment When we clutch the tight, Compact globes with which They test the staunchness Of our philandering souls. Her stance shows The side of her left Breast, the blunt arc Of her belly, And the full moon Of her...

1 year ago
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The Girls of Club Cache Starr Obsession Part 1

The Girls of Club Cache: Starr Obsession [Part 1] By Diana Heche Part 1: Out of the Blue He flipped me onto my back. Grabbing me behind my knees, he opened my thighs wide. My legs, encased in black sheer suspender nylons, were unaccustomed to such treatment and ached in protest. As if he could sense their pain, he took a moment to take them in with a sweep of his eyes. They were long, shapely and curvaceous ending in a pair of highly pedicured feet sporting...

1 year ago
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Meeting up with three guys when there was only suppose to be one

This is a true encounter to give a little background I had signed up for a site to meet another man to give some oral pleasure and after we exchanged photos he decided there was a interest to hook up. I invited him over the next week and we hooked up on my bed where he would fuck my face and cum a couple of times, this happened on two occassions. The third time however was unbelievable but also never expected, it was on a Friday and Steve whom is a landscaper decided to bring over two of his...

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Savita Bhabhi Episode 33

Savita wore a red half sari and was flicking channels of the TV while she sat on the sofa. She’s looked bored and yawned loudly. “Yawn… I’m so bored! Ashok is off on his office trip and the twins are visiting their parents.”-“I wonder what I will do during this weekend.” When suddenly her phone lying on the table in front of her started ringing. “RING RING” “Oh Vedant! How are you?” spoke Savita into the phone. “Bhabhi, I called to ask you whether you’d like to come to the beach tomorrow? You...

1 year ago
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Surprise Melody Flintkote Part TwoChapter 16

“Diego Garcia, Diego Garcia, Diego Garcia. Convoy of Sailing Vessels.” “Sailing Vessel convoy. State your intentions.” “Diego Garcia, convoy intends to sail in company of DDG64 on her return to Rota. Permissions filed with United States State Department, Department of the Navy and Captain of DDG64. Request permission to enter lagoon.” “Wait one.” “Yessir.” There was a considerable wait. “Sailing Convoy, sailing convoy, Change to 103.9. Repeat. Change to 103.9.” All down the line, the...

4 years ago
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Women like dating playboys

Women show the opposite pattern. They are more likely to continue dating a man who has had a heterosexual affair than one who has had a homosexual affair. The study provides new insight into the psychological adaptations behind men's desire for a variety of partners and women's desire for a committed partner. These drives have played a key role in the evolution of human mating psychology. "A robust jealousy mechanism is activated in men and women by different types of cues — those that threaten...

1 year ago
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Bethanys Shipping at AE

Bethany’s Shipping At A&E         Author’s Note: First, this is fiction and second it is fantasy.  Please understand that I am not encouraging this kind of behavior on any level, either individual or societal.  Second, this story fits in with my A&E universe, and while snuff and gynophagia (Dolcett type behavior) is implied in this story, it does not technically occur in this narrative.  So if you like BDSM and want to stay away from that gross nasty stuff, you can still read this story without...

3 years ago
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Stud Is Broken

I should have seen it coming, so in retrospect I have no one to blame but myself. Julie, my fiancé, had broached the subject of introducing a strap-on device into our sex games on more then one occasion. I had brushed her off with a "We'll see," or "Maybe." She eventually decided to take matters into her own hands. Alpha male. That's what I had been my whole life. I had been a jock, a stud, a position I started to attain as a freshman in high school. At the age of eighteen I was truly a...

2 years ago
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The Devils Pact Sidestory Willows Fantasy

Edited by Master Ken Sunday, July 15th, 2013 I walked through my clinic, inspecting the finishing touches to the remodel. Everything was looking great, which was a good thing, because tomorrow was Monday and the grand opening of the Women's Health Organization for Reproductive Empowerment. We were a charity Gynecological Clinic to provide free OB/GYN services to poor girls, and to find a few, beautiful young women who might want to serve Mark and Mary. It wasn't a big clinic. There was a...

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Its all in the mind case files Natasha

Author’s note:  This is a ‘spin off’ of my original story – ?It’s all in the mind.? – also available on this site.The story lines I have developed for ?Mind? have had the capacity to take me off in all sorts of new directions.  I find that this can become annoying for the reader, and so I have decided to write some ‘case studies’ as separate stories.As always, this is pure fiction.  Not a word of truth here!!I’m always pleased when any of my readers e-mail me with comments and story ideas.  If...

3 years ago
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Better Late Than Never

============================================================================== Brian's date was late. He paced up and down in front of his door impatiently, waiting. He had met her in a bar just a day ago; they had hit it off so well that she had asked him out. She was a forceful woman that way; it was one of the reasons he was attracted to her. Another was her body: jet black hair, curly and full, pouting lips, a cute tiny nose, short, powerful muscles, small firm breasts, a nice...

4 years ago
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BunnygirlChapter 6

Cal felt the small body next to him stiffen, and he looked down at her questioningly as he tightened his arm around her. Harley had an almost dazed expression on her face as she watched the approaching horsemen. "What's going on?" his worried whisper landed right next to her ear, but before Harley could have a chance to respond, or even think of responding for that matter, the riders were already there. "Princess Harley," the man leading the group dismounted, a relieved expression on...

2 years ago
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Mrs Patterson Part 2

During the flight i was supper horny my penis was hard and jenny couldn't help but rub it. she slowly proceeded to suck it while everyone was asleep and a good thing we were way in the back of the plane. when we landed in mexico we got into our hotel room locked the doors closed the curtains. Mrs Patterson had on some nice tight track pants i teased her with my cock buy poking her ass with my cock she got so aroused she wanted to grind her ass on my dick and i let her. but it wasn't enough to...

4 years ago
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doing house work

My G/f and Me needed to pick up a few dollars , so We saw a post at the food store , It said needed can use a couple to help with home with pay . So We called the People an they said they were willing to pay Us to do some work , so the next weekend we went . The Lady who came to the door had long straight brown hair she wore a short summer dress , she smiled and asked us in . The Husband came out an said hello . They said the bathroom needed some plumbing work and the house needed...

3 years ago
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Chapter Three Feminzer disease takes my body over

Feminzer disease takes my body over By Terry Hansay Chapter Three Description: My wife helps me through the Feminzer disease as I become a full woman slowly. I had to learn a whole new life with her help. It felt very unusual to wake up in a pink silky nightgown. I thought I was dreaming. My wife had already been up and brought out more new clothes for me. "Good morning dear, why don't you slip on this matching robe? Look...

4 years ago
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Kahani kismat ki

Is ahani ko padne se pahle lund walon se nivedan hai ki lund ko bahar nikal ke hasthmaithun ke liye taiyar ho jayen aur choot waliyan chut main ungli dal kar baith jayen aur sath rumal jaroor rakhain kiyon ki chootras pochne ke kaam aayega. Khani kuch is tarah hai mera naam shamsher hai (piyar se log kahte hain)umar 40 ki hai badan avrege 5.10 lambai hai rfang saaph aur lund gora hatta katta 6.5 ka hai.rahi baat tajurbe ki to ek yahi shouk hai chodne ka aur sirph chodne ka.baat 4 saal pahle ki...

2 years ago
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The Lesbian Cockslut

Cindy, who had gotten by so far on her good looks, only saw other pretty girls that lived lives of ease and luxury on social media and TV. Those girls just got to look cute, and people gave them clothes, apartments, and cars. Cindy, herself, had a few thousand Instagram and TikTok followers, who delighted in seeing her dance to mindless bimbo pop or racy hip-hop. In her pictures and videos, she showed her large tits and round ass in panties and bras, kept an Amazon wishlist, and some of her...

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still nitemare part 1 of 2 parts

Jan 15th and she gets the call , this time he fucks her in the back of his sisters tahoe and she is claiming she didn’t come..PFFttttt !! Yeah right then that’s the first time... Anyway she says he owes her now of course... to be continued Jan 20th and she is back there right now getting what he owes her. That’s right her friend is in town and it’s a Saturday night and still she drops everything tonight to get served up. This comes after lastnite when he was trying to get her to go...

4 years ago
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Ek gay ko mast gand mare

Hallo, sabhi iss doston ko mera a chotha story hai me 37 salka hun mera land 7 inch ka hai. Kabhi kabhi me pune ki aspas ladikiya ayr anti ki service bhi deta hun mera email hai me pahili bar gay sex kiya hai. Mere ghar wale ek sadi pe gaye hai me ghar me akela tha thik subha 9 baje mera ghar ka calling bell baja me darwaja khola to dekha usi bulding me ek office me kam karne bala ladka tha.uska umar 23/24 sal ka hai maine puchha kya kam hai oh ladka bola nehi kuch kam nehi.maine aise a gaya...

3 years ago
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Mrs Colemans Last Brooklyn Exit

PrologueOne day, not long after the ferry terminal episode, Holly, Tiffany, and I were hanging out in a bar having sherry. I didn’t particularly like sherry, but I decided to follow their lead.At one point Tiffany said, “We know another lady who would like to meet a nice young man like you.”I blurted out, “Another one?”“Let me tell you about Catherine, or Cathy. She’s forty-two; she’s also divorced and she has two sons. She’s on the West Side rather than the East.”“That’s a change of pace. So...

Straight Sex
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EvilAngel Alicia Reign Submits In Nasty Hookup

Hottie Alicia Reign struts in high white stockings and red platform heels, showing her nubile body. She flirts with dirty director/nasty fucker Bryan Gozzling, and he squeezes her perky ass cheeks. Dominant Bryan licks her hard nipples and spanks her ass aggressively. She squeals in heated anticipation as he wraps his fingers around her neck. Alicia opens her mouth wide and swirls her tongue around the head of Bryan’s boner. She gives him a throaty blowjob, drool covering her face. Bryan...

4 years ago
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My Wicked WaysChapter 40

“Well, that was pretty intense! Alright, someone else’s turn! Who wants a chance to get fucked by Max?” I proposed a new round in the game, “in the bushes, of course!” “Sign me up!” the former Mayor of the town that became Haven, Simone D’Agostino, walked over to us to offer her services now, “I know that I was a naughty mayor, all corrupt and everything, but surely Max can whip me into shape, right, with that big fat cock of his?” “Just understand that this means joining my harem. That’s...

3 years ago
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Reading is Fun

Gary smiled as he exited the bathroom, noticing Ada had taken advantage of his shower time to begin her nightly reading. The covers were pulled off her side of the bed, but there was nothing to cover her body as she sprawled on the large bed. She was in her usual reading position: lying on her stomach with the book propped open in front of her. The skimpy camisole and tap pants in shiny black satin made for interesting sleeping clothes, though she almost never actually slept in them. The top...

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