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Thank you to blackrandl1958 and Pixel the Cat for their superior editing skills.
Thank you, D, for the constant feedback.

“Something’s comin’, huh?”

I looked up from filling my gas tank. A beefy older gentleman leaned against his car and watched me closely. I didn’t particularly feel like answering, but he was waiting for my response with sharp eyes that glinted with unfriendliness in the late afternoon, even if his mouth was stretched wide in a smile.

“What’s that?” I asked.

He took off his hat and scratched his head, then tipped his chin up at the gray sky. “A storm, kid.”

Just as he spoke, a fat raindrop fell against my skull.

I pulled out the gas nozzle. “Guess you’re right. I didn’t know it was going to rain.”

He stepped toward me. “Not rain. Storm.”

Nodding, I put the nozzle back and reached into my pocket for my wallet. I’m not sure why the hell I did that, considering he was intimidating the hell out of me, but I guess it was some kind of reassurance thing. “Right. Storm. Listen, do you know where a diner is around here?”

He laughed. At least, I think he laughed; it was an incredibly unattractive an indistinguishable sound that could have been a cough. “Diner? Nearest diner is about two hours away. Looks like you’ll just have to come into my store and make do with what I have in there.”

Ah, so he was the owner. I tried not to take his mistrust to heart, but really, I was probably the most clean-cut guy around, let alone the cleanest person. Maybe that was unfair, but I was getting sick of the way he was staring at me. I pushed away from my car and headed to the dilapidated hut he called a store.

An old man sat in a rocking chair outside. The man ignored me as I passed him, which was fine by me. My overactive imagination was going wild, and I was certain that locals were going to hop out of the bushes with guns and torture me. The front door barely stood on its hinges, but the inside was clean enough. Some of my anxiety dissipated.

After I ran to the bathroom, I came outside and studied the snacks. That’s when I saw her.

She had brunette hair that just touched the top of her plump ass. From what I could see from her side profile, she also had full cherry-colored lips and long eyelashes. She peeked at me, probably because she could tell I was staring. We shared a shy grin. I told myself to cut it out and focus on the snacks. Dina was waiting, and I was admittedly taking longer on this trip than I thought I would. Plus, she looked to be about twenty, maybe nineteen; too young for me to be ogling.

But then she spoke.

“Are you getting a Deliverance-vibe here, or is that just me?”

I laughed and rubbed the back of my neck. “Uh, definitely not just you.”

“If you hear a banjo, let me know, okay?”

“Definitely. I think we’re safe, though. Wasn’t that the south? Not Indiana.”

Her blue eyes examined me from head to toe. “You don’t look like you belong here.”

Grinning, I gestured at her. “Neither do you.”

“Ugh, well, I definitely don’t want to be here. I’m waiting for someone to give me a ride, but no one has been around all day.”

Temptation swam inside my head and stomach. I fought against the words, but they came out anyway. “Where are you headed?”

She bounced a little on her toes, and I am not proud that I was captivated by the way her breasts danced with her movement. “New York. My mom’s sick. I don’t have a car, and I don’t have enough to fly, so I’m hitchhiking.”

“That’s dangerous,” I said automatically. “Sorry, I didn’t mean...”

“For sure, but I’m really careful about it. Done it before. I usually ride with women and families.” She looked me over again. “Or really, really cute guys. It’s a fact that cute men are rarely ever serial killers.”

She made me laugh again, which was a tough task. “Actually, I’m not too sure about that.”

She grabbed a bag of chips and wrinkled her nose in an adorable way. “Whatever you say. What’s your name?”

Inside, all sorts of alarms and red lights were going off. I shouldn’t be flirting with this woman. I had a beautiful wife waiting for me in New York. We would get through our rough patch, I would get out of my funk, and everything would be back to the way it was. Talking to this chick would not help the situation. Still, I gave her a smile and moved closer. It was involuntary at that point. “Lincoln. What’s yours?”

She bounced on her toes again. Due to the air-conditioning being on full blast, I could make out the hardness of her nipples. I was sure that if I stepped a little closer, I could even make out their shade. She answered, then, and my eyes reluctantly lifted to meet hers. “I’m Louise, but everyone calls me Kit.”

My smile grew. She was just so fucking cute. “Kit” fit her. “Nice to meet you, Kit.” I turned toward the snacks and tried to ignore the crackle of attraction sparking between us.

She leaned against the wall and watched my feeble attempt at ignoring her with amusement. “So, Lincoln, where are you headed?”

“New York.” I glanced at her and knew what was coming, so I beat her to it. “I could ... drive you. If you want. I can promise you that I’m not a serial killer.”

Kit lifted her eyebrows with a toothy grin. “That’s exactly what a serial killer would say.”

I turned so that I was fully looking down at her. For a moment, I was distracted by her smooth lipgloss-covered lips and the tight young body filling sexy jeans and a tank top. Kit’s grin softened into a knowing smile. I shook my head and tried to regain some dignity. “Seems like you have a decision to make: stay here and possibly hear some banjo music, or come with me.”

Kit wrapped her arm around mine. “Easy decision. Let’s go.”

The man was still outside, still keeping his ugly eyes trained on me. He crossed his arms. “Bye, Louise.”

She sighed under her breath, then gave him a bright smile. “Bye, Kenny.”

She got into my car and thrummed her fingers on the dashboard. “Take me away, Lincoln. Take me far, far away.”

“So, Lincoln. Why are you driving to New York?”

I leaned back in my seat. “Well, my wife and I are moving back to New York from Chicago. We grew up in New York, so we’re happy. We both grew up in the city, actually, but we’re moving to the suburbs.”

Kit was digging through my glove compartment, being extremely nosy. If it were anyone else, I’d have been annoyed, but she was so damn cute. “What’s your wife’s name?”


“What does she do?”

“She teaches.”

“What do you do?”

“I work for an insurance company. What do you do?”

She shut the compartment door with a smack, then began rooting around my center console. “Oh, I’m a waitress. Nothing too exciting. Got any kids?”

“No, no kids.”

“You never answered why you’re driving. You look like you can afford a plane ticket.” She tossed me a little grin. “I don’t mean to sound rude. I’m just confused.”

We drove past more corn and a whole lot of nothing. “I just like to drive. Better me than some stranger or some moving company.”

She leaned back in her seat and put her bare feet on the dashboard. “So, you like control.”

“Ha. My wife says it has something to do with a desire for control, too. Maybe she’s right, but it doesn’t feel all that complex to me. I just like it, you know? Like a hobby. I always volunteer to drive people around.”

Kit bit her nails. She was always moving, I noticed. “Why isn’t your wife with you? Nina, right?”

“Dina,” I corrected. “She’s a terrible passenger and she didn’t think this sounded like fun.”

“Oh.” She shifted into her seat to get a better look at me. “Do you guys fight a lot?”

I laughed and shook my head, glancing at her quickly as I changed lanes. “Holy shit, you ask a lot of questions.”

“Sorry! I don’t mean to be so nosy. My mama always says it’s my biggest flaw. I’m just curious about you. Kenny was curious about you, too. That’s why he was staring at you. He told me about you when you were in the bathroom. Said you were probably dangerous and I should be careful.”

I laughed again. “What? You can’t be serious.”

“Totally am. Kenny’s paranoid about strangers. No idea why he owns that store.”

“How do you know him?”

She played with the lock on the door. “Oh, just around. Small town like where I’m from and you know everyone.”

“I’m sure.”

We didn’t talk for a couple of hours, except to say nonsense things like, “I really like this song,” or, “I had no idea Ohio looked like this.”

By the time we hit Pennsylvania, I was exhausted. I was tempted to bring up stopping at a motel, but I wasn’t sure if she would think that was too forward. There was also the money situation, seeing as she’d already said she didn’t have any. I didn’t mind sharing a room with her, but I was afraid of the pull I felt toward her.

Then the rain started. I had to pull over to the side of the highway.

“Holy crap,” Kit whispered. “This is some storm.”

I rested my head back and watched the rain pound against the window, falling in thick streams. “Definitely. I have no idea how long it’s going to last.”

Kit thumbed through her phone and checked her weather app. “Fuck. There is a flood warning for this area.”

I tried not to look at her, but of course I couldn’t resist. She was already looking at me, waiting for the words.

“We could ... stop somewhere.”

Her eyes sparkled in the minimal light of dusk. “And how would we do that? I don’t have money for a room.”

“I know. I’ll get a room with two beds. Okay? And I won’t ... I won’t try anything. I promise.”

There was a pause as we regarded one another in the faintly air-conditioned car. She took a few deep breaths, then her eyes dropped to my wedding ring. “Are you sure about that?”

“Yes, absolutely. I have excellent self-control.”

She scooted down in her seat. She wasn’t quite smiling, but I knew I had her. She wrapped a strand of hair around her finger and stared at me. I shifted uncomfortably, but I kept my eyes locked with hers. I wanted to reach over and gently push against her slightly damp lips with my thumb. I wanted to pluck the strap of her tank top. I wanted to do a million things, but I just sat there and tried to focus on the hum of the air pushing through the vents. I had excellent self-control, for sure.

“We’ll see.” Before I could answer, she was speaking again. “Let me look up the nearest motel.”

We pulled into the motel parking lot. I was blaring some pop song to make Kit laugh, deliberately messing up the lyrics. Her laugh was infectious, and I caught her snorting once or twice. She flushed the most delicious pink when I called her out on it.

“You know what we should do?” she asked, deliberately changing the subject. “We should do the Kiki Challenge.”

I pulled into a spot and turned off the car. “What the hell is that?”

She giggled and scrolled through her phone. “Let me show you.” She leaned toward me so that I could see the video on the phone. Some guy was running outside of a moving car, singing along to some song I didn’t know and didn’t particularly like. “It’s Drake,” Kit murmured distractedly, as way of an explanation.

“I don’t know it.”

Kit’s eyes widened. “You really are old!”

“I’ll be thirty-seven next month,” I confessed. Maybe I did it as a way of establishing some type of boundary between us. She didn’t appear to be fazed, however. Her smile grew and she bumped her shoulder into mine.

“Well, you look good for your age. I like older guys.”

Fuck. “And how old are you?”

She fiddled with her hair. “I’ll be twenty in a couple of months.”

“Holy crap.” I fidgeted awkwardly.

Kit looked up at me through squinted eyes with a giant smirk. “I thought I was safe with you. Didn’t you say you had excellent self-control? What difference does my age make?”

“Come on, troublemaker.” I stepped out of the car and entered the office.

For a terrifying minute, I thought they wouldn’t have a room with two beds. Luckily, they had one, though it didn’t make me feel overly safe. Kit was watching me with an indescribable explanation, one that seemed to sizzle every time I looked her way.

There was a crappy little restaurant attached to the motel. We went there straight after booking a room. It was surprisingly crowded, and we had to wait a good twenty minutes before a booth cleared up. Kit and I waited in silence. We played the peeking game. I would glance at her and catch her staring; her gaze would become fixed on some spot above my head. Then, I’d find myself enthralled with how tiny and delicate her neck was. She’d swallow and I would become even more fascinated with the movement of her throat. She would inevitably look back up at me and then I would be the one running away.

We broke our silence once we slid into our seats. Kit bounced as she looked over the menu. She liked to bounce around a lot, I noticed, which was a sweet torment.

“What are you getting?” she asked.

“A giant steak covered in butter.”

She laughed. “You’re starved, huh? Our snacks didn’t fill you?”

“Not quite.” I leaned back and studied her. Against my better judgment, I wanted to know more. “So, tell me about yourself, Kit.”

She shrugged a shoulder and looked up at me. “Not much to tell. Just a girl looking for a change of scenery.”

Huh. “I thought your mom was sick.”

Kit sat up straighter and averted her eyes. “Yeah, right. That, too.” She put her menu down. “I don’t really want to think about Mama right now.”

“Understandable. What’s your favorite movie?”

She smiled at my topic change. “Pretty Woman.”

“Pretty Woman? I definitely wasn’t expecting that. I thought you were going to say Mean Girls.”

The waitress came over then. I ordered my steak and a beer; Kit asked for a burger and a vanilla shake. She was killing me. We didn’t talk until the waitress came back with our drinks and Kit took a giant gulp. She had some shake on her cherry lips, and I watched in agony as she licked it up.

“Let me guess. You like 2001: A Space Odyssey, or something like that. Oh! Or The Godfather. All guys like The Godfather.”

I blinked, then remembered what we had been talking about. I regarded her closely for a minute. I couldn’t figure her out. She was incredibly intelligent and very worldly for a girl from a tiny town.

My phone buzzed. Dina was calling. “I’ll be right back,” I said to Kit. I stood up and walked to the front of the restaurant. “Hey,” I answered.

“You were supposed to call me hours ago. I’ve been worried. Finally, I just gave up and decided to call you.”

“Sorry. I got stuck in a storm so I’m staying at a motel. I’ll text you the name later.”

“I can’t wait for you to get here. My mom is driving me crazy.”

I looked over my shoulder and saw Kit beckoning to me. Our food had arrived. “I can’t wait to get back to you, too, baby.”

“I’m not pregnant,” she said flatly. “Took the test this morning. Nothing.”

I had to remind myself not to sigh. “It’ll be okay. We’ll keep trying.”

“You sound distracted. You don’t even sound upset about it.”

“Well, I’m in this crowded restaurant and the waitress is waving me over because my food is ready. I’m upset, I promise.”

She sighed, but then she didn’t have to worry about me blowing up at her about it, like she would have done to me. “I’ll let you go eat. Text me later, okay?”

“Yep. Talk to you later, Dina. Love you.”

She hung up as I was speaking.

By the time I got back to the table, my appetite was gone. Kit had impressively eaten most of her burger and was reaching across the table to try my steak. She blushed when she noticed me standing there.

“It just looked delicious.”

I sat back down and tried to smile. “No problem.”

She tilted her head and studied me. “You okay?”

“Definitely.” I cut into my steak and wracked my brain for something interesting to say. Luckily, Kit was eager to be playful.

“I’m curious. What’s your astrological sign?”

A real laugh burst from me. “Oh, boy. Don’t tell me you believe in that shit.”

“Sure, I do, to a certain extent. Let me guess. You’re a ... Capricorn.” Her grin brightened. “I’m so right, aren’t I?”

I sipped my beer and waited a beat, then I grinned back. “I’m a Sagittarius.”

“Of course you are! That was my next guess.” She took my beer from my hands and took a sip without asking. I couldn’t help but be beguiled by her. She was something else. “I’m an Aries. We’re a match made in heaven, Lincoln.”

My wedding ring glowed hot on my left hand. I ignored it. I hadn’t had fun like this in ages, and I couldn’t remember being so attracted to a woman in a long time, either. I loved my wife, but things had been so heavy and gloomy lately. Kit was sunshine personified, truly. I felt warmer and happier just sitting by her. She was special, and judging from her little looks, she was interested in me, too.

“Match made in heaven” kept echoing in my head. Something inside me wanted to jump up and run away from this. It was a mistake, I kept telling myself, but a mistake I really, really wanted to make.

“Do all Aries drink before they’re legal?”

She put my beer down. “Do you mind? I just really needed a drink. Think you could buy me some and bring them back to the room?”

“You’re dangerous,” I almost whispered.

Kit leaned over the table and showed a little cleavage. She was definitely a witch or something. I didn’t mind. “You have no idea.”

The two beds were close together. Kit immediately collapsed onto hers. I sat on mine gingerly, feeling acutely off-center.

“Those bedspreads are filthy, you know.”

Her dark hair fanned out beautifully against the pillow. She started moving like she was making snow angels on the bed. “You really are such a control freak.”

“Don’t you ever see those specials with the blacklight?”

She rolled her eyes, but she hopped up to tear the bedspread off. Then, she sank into the sheets. “Better?”

Was it ever.

I had decided to buy wine because I thought it would take her longer to drink than the beer. If I was being completely honest with myself, the reality was that I was trying to be seductive. I opened it with a flourish, which made her laugh, and presented her with a full glass.


I poured myself some and settled onto my own bed. Kit picked up the remote and flipped through some of the channels. I became aware of her peeking at me now and then, and I fought the urge to look back.

Then, she let out a deep breath and turned off the TV. “Lincoln?”

I looked over. “Yeah?”

“Mind if I put some music on instead of the TV?”

“Not at all.”

She stood and poured herself some more wine. She definitely wasn’t drinking it as slowly as I’d expected. She turned on a Rihanna song I didn’t recognize, but the lyrics were certainly a message to me.

Kit danced along to the beat, seductively swinging her hips and chugging the wine.

I cleared my throat. “What song is this?”

A little smirk flirted with her lips. “It’s “Kiss It Better”. You like?”

“It’s ... um, very good. Provocative.”


I shifted and tried to hide my hard-on. “Uh, that, too.”

She approached me, looking hot as hell as she moved. “Does it bother you?”



“I don’t know what to say. This doesn’t seem like...”

She put her little finger against my mouth. “Shh. Don’t talk.” She climbed over my legs and sank onto me. “I know how you’ve been looking at me.”

One of my shaking hands clutched her hip; she ground down onto my dick. “Kit. Even so. We can’t do this.”

She took my wine glass from me and put it on the bedside table with her own. Then, she slowly lowered her chest down to mine. “Why not?”

My laugh was dry and humorous. “C’mon, Kit. Think.” She smelled so delicious that even I was struggling to think, like sunshine and clean sheets.

“I don’t want to think. Do you?” Before I could answer, her soft lips were pushing against mine. I opened my mouth, but I’m not sure if it was to protest or to shove my tongue down her throat. In any case, I wound up doing the latter.

When we broke for air, I groaned and dropped my head back. “This is very bad. I can’t do this.”

“No one has to know. I want you, Lincoln.” She licked her lips. “I’m horny.”

“Fuck. I’ll know. It’s wrong.”

Her hand snaked down my stomach and unzipped my jeans. “Let me make you feel good, Lincoln. I want to, so please let me.” She turned the light out, but I could make out her body from the faint light filtering in through the window. Her magical body.

A more honorable man would have protested more, would have said absolutely not. Might have even left the room and asked for another, or even more wisely, would have hopped into his car and sped away leaving that devil in female form behind in the dust. I was not an honorable man.

I ripped her clothes off as she did the same to me. In minutes, we were naked and touching each other’s bodies. I grew frustrated and rolled her over so that she was under me. We both heard a clap of thunder and jumped. We laughed into each other’s mouths. Seconds later, I was driving hard inside her little body. All rational thought was gone. All fleeting thoughts of decency and rectitude vanished. All I felt was her body, her tightness fluttering on my hardness and the animalistic urge to come inside her. Flashing lights from the lightning illuminated the room in bursts as I moved on top of her, and the rolling thunder seemed to be egging me on.

I knew I needed to make her orgasm before I could let myself go. Luckily, it didn’t take long. She squeezed my cock as she screamed and thrashed her head. I smoothed her hair down before clutching it hard in my fists, then rode her hard until I was ready. I pulled out and came with a slick glide against her soft stomach.

We remained still for a few minutes as my cock softened, then I sank onto the bed beside her, letting my hands rove over her body and her perfect tits.

“That was amazing,” she panted.

I had to agree. Then, a scary thought entered my head. “I should have used a condom.”

“I’m on the pill. It’s okay.”

“Still risky.”

“Okay, Mr. Sagittarius. I promise I’m clean.”

I rolled over so I could face her. “Risky for you. You need to be smarter, Kit.”

She snorted. “You’re seriously going to lecture me after fucking me? You’re not my dad, and you’re not my boyfriend. Relax.”

I kissed the tip of her nose. “Sorry.”

She moved closer to me and draped a leg over mine. “‘Kay. It’s time for sleep. Night-night.”

I kissed her mouth, this time, before letting my fatigue take over. The storm had ended, and now only soft rain hit the window.

“You’ve never had a hot dog?”

She squealed with laugher. “No! I’m a picky eater. They just look weird.”

Things were thankfully not awkward in the morning. We woke up around 5 AM and had sex again. Any guilt I had was assuaged by the mysterious feeling that this was all right somehow. She was perfect, funny, beautiful, and she was interested in me. It was exactly what I needed at that time. I knew it wouldn’t last, that I would go back home to Dina and the exact memory of the touch of Kit’s skin would drift away like sand in the wind, and I was okay with that. For now, it was amazing and I wouldn’t waste the feeling worrying about reality.

Reality was that my work had been going well on paper, but I felt extremely uninspired and stagnant. I was nowhere near where I wanted to be by my age, and I walked around convinced I was a disappointment. Dina was trying to get pregnant and it zapped all the intimacy out of what were supposed to be intimate moments. I couldn’t help but feel like I was letting her down. Did Dina look at me and think that I was a disappointment, too? It certainly felt that way sometimes.

None of this was justification for cheating on my wife. I was aware that I was the lowest scum, and that I was potentially taking advantage of a much younger sweet girl. That wasn’t enough to stop me.

“How do hot dogs look weird?”

Kit sat up. She looked into the rearview mirror, and her entire demeanor changed. The smile faded, and her body tensed.

“What’s the matter?”

“Nothing,” she answered quickly.

My eyes flicked up at the rearview mirror. The sun was glittering bright in the midday sky, so it was difficult to make out who was driving, but the car looked vaguely familiar. “Is that car following us?”

“No,” she said, too quickly again. She started biting her nails. “Maybe you should drop me off at the next exit.”

“Kit, what’s going on?”

I could tell she was deliberating telling me. She let out a long sigh. “He’s my ex. He’s a total psychopath. He’s been following us since we left. I thought we lost him when we got to the motel. I thought wrong.”

“You’ve noticed him following us ... and you didn’t say anything?”

Tears appeared on her cheeks. “I’m sorry!”

I put my hand on her thigh to comfort her. “Don’t worry. It’s okay.”

“No, it’s not okay.” She shook her head. “Shit! You have no idea. Burke is literally a psychopath. I’m not just throwing that term around.”

“Did he hurt you?”

“Of course he hurt me. He hurts everybody. He’s going to hurt you, too, unless you drop me off.”

My eyes went back to the mirror. It couldn’t be my imagination that he was getting too close to us. “Jesus Christ, I’m not going to leave you with him.”

“Then he’s going to drive you off the road, or worse. He’s a cop, too. Fucking immune. No one is going to help us. Believe me, I’ve tried.”

Clarity burst inside my brain. “You don’t really have a sick mom, do you?”

“Sure, I do.” Kit waited a minute. “Back home. She’s no help with this. I have to get away.”

“I understand.”

She snickered. “No, you don’t. That’s not your fault, though. This is my fifth time doing something like this. He’s gonna kill me.”

“I’m not going to let him hurt you,” I said fervently. “I’m driving us to the nearest police station and...”

“Damn it, Lincoln! You don’t get it. The crazy prick has everyone on his side.”

“Even in Pennsylvania? Or Jersey? We’re going to be in Jersey soon.”

Kit wiped tears away. “I’m begging you. Drop me off, for your own sake.”

My car’s low fuel alert dinged. “Shit.”

“Yeah, you’re definitely right about that. He’ll follow us and beat the shit out of you. Drop me off!”

I ran a hand through my hair and tugged it until it hurt. “I said no. I’m not leaving you with your abusive boyfriend.”

“I shouldn’t have told you about that,” she whispered. “He’s never going to leave me alone.”

A sign for a gas station appeared on the side of the highway. I took a deep breath and got off at the exit. Her boyfriend’s pickup truck rode closely behind, following me down the exit ramp. We pulled into the gas station and it was the moment of truth.

Her boyfriend pulled into the island across from us. He stepped out of his car and immediately sprinted over to us. He latched onto Kit’s arm and yanked her to him. “Not in the mood for this, Kit. Get in the damn car,” he said.

Kit wouldn’t even look at me. “Damn it, Burke! I don’t want to do this anymore.”

I found my voice. “Leave her alone.”

Burke’s black eyes found mine. He wasn’t the slightest bit intimidated by me, that much I could tell. He punched me in one smooth movement, and I collapsed onto my knees.

“For God’s sake!” I heard Kit shrieking. “You never fucking learn, Burke! I said I didn’t want to see you anymore.”

I ran into him, crashing into his gut. He must have been prepared for it, because he only stumbled back a step or two. Still, it got him away from Kit, who looked tremendously frail when she was in his arms. He pushed back at me and laughed when I landed on my ass.

“Got yourself another hero, huh, babe?”

“Leave him out of this,” she ordered in a low voice. “He’s no one.”

“Just a no one you fucked?” he spat. “Dirty slut.”

Before I could get up on my feet, she punched him. They scuffled back and forth in the dirt of the parking lot. Then I saw Kit pull something metallic that glinted in the sunlight out from her bag, and she used it to slash against the man’s arm. He grunted and covered the spilling wound with his other hand.

“You fucking bitch!” he screamed.

“It’s just a cut, you baby. You should be grateful I didn’t cut something else.”

I stared at her with shock.

The gas station attendant who’d dumbly been staring at us finally about-faced and ran back into the store. I saw him pick up the phone. Burke noticed this the same time I did and sprinted off to his car.

“This isn’t over, Kit!”

“You bet your ass it is, Burke! Go home and leave me be.”

Burke pointed at me before he got into his car. “You’re going to be sorry, you dumb asshole. You have no idea who you’re dealing with, and I don’t just mean me.” He got into his car and sped off.

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In the months since Michael had moved in, Defor had grown from an adolescent puppy into a fully-grown tub of lard. His liking for doing nothing at all and then sleeping like he had run a marathon after, was taking a toll on his weight. Labrador's are not noted for there boundless energy, being more like a mobile fur rug most of the time, but Defor was a prize couch potato. The weight gain was beginning to cause some concern. Breathing for the dog had become laboured where fat restricted the...

3 years ago
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Sorority Sisters Service Project A Logic Puzzle

Sorority Sisters' Service Project - A TG Logic Puzzle by Lenal Inspired by "A Pizza to Remember" by Anne-Mal and "Research Babies" by Roy Del Frink Samantha slammed the front door to the sorority house. "Ugh, boys are the worst!" "That's what I've been saying for weeks," Katrina replied. "Same," said June. "I don't know, there's things I still like about boys," Tiffany said. "Be honest, Tiff," said Wanda. "It's just *one* thing." The girls all giggled. "I know, I know,...

2 years ago
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Bree 6 The Awakening

Introduction: Girlfriends 1st Time with Dog & Pony NOTE: If you have not read the previous Bree stories 1-5, I would highly suggest that you do, so you can have a historical perspective of the past history of the people involved, that events that lead up to each individual chapter and how this lifestyle has evolved among these friends. If you have not read Bree 5, it is a prerequisite as Bree 6 is the continuation of where Bree 5 laid the groundwork and left off, then Bree 7 Shannons Encounter...

1 year ago
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Private Blondie Fesser A Superlative Woman

When it comes to Blondie Fesser, everything is superlative… her ass, her tits, her eyes, literally everything, and today in Private Specials, Big Boobs Seduction, the lucky Potro gets to find out first hand! So enjoy all the action right here on www.private.com as Blondie smothers her big ass and tits in oil and treats her stallion to the titfuck of a lifetime. Then watch this busty beauty put her incredible curves to work as she rides, grinds, and enjoys a sensational gonzo and partial POV...

2 years ago
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The Clitoris Piercing

When I got to the Metal Guru, the new piercing parlour in our town, there was this sexy ass Goth couple, Mark and Helen, who greeted me as I had stepped inside the door. Something about Goth girls just drives me wild. After a few minutes they introduced themselves and asked if I needed any help. I smiled while blushing and admiring Helen’s perfectly formed mouth. She had purple glossed juicy lips that she kept licking as she spoke. My panties were definitely damp from my pussy’s response. She...

4 years ago
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The Day Has Come

The day had finally arrived. The day her husband returns from his 2 week business trip. Although it was only 2 weeks, it seemed like eternity. When you are a newlywed, it would seem that long. Kara wanted everything to be perfect. She wanted everything to be a surprise. She had planned this on the very day that he had left. She had reserved a luxurious room at a hotel at the airport. Provided with champagne, a fresh fruit tray, hot tub, candlelight, and romantic music. She felt like a child...

3 years ago
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Private Convictions

As Conner sat in front of his lap top, watching yet another interracial porn video (out of so many others he'd been watching, in secret, for a long time now), he wanted to come. The exhilaration he was feeling was addictive; just as addictive (though he no longer cared) as the images he loved watching of huge, well-endowed black men, fucking gorgeous white women (women he knew he'd never have, and partly didn't want).As he quietly sat there, his hand lightly, almost teasingly, stroking his...

4 years ago
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Lindas First Exposure

Linda had just celebrated her 46th birthday and she was about to begin her 20th year as a high school teacher and private tutor. She couldn’t explain the noticeable increase in her sex drive that started about a year earlier, but it was real and her husband, 10 years older than her, was working hard to keep up with her. A voracious reader, Linda had recently discovered several erotic literature websites. The stories allowed her to discover some sexual interests she had never explored, including...

4 years ago
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Jakes Story Chapter 1

Our marriage had been deteriorating for some time. I had been obsessed with my career and I had gained some weight and not kept up with myself either. At 40, Jill was far sexier than she was at 25 when I married her – of course, the money I made paid for her clothes and personal trainer, but she had still taken it upon herself to maintain her appearance and I had not. Everything changed the day she left for a run and left her lap top open. I had long suspected she was cheating on me. I would...

2 years ago
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i needed to pee

Then I had to pee... And that opened a whole new world for me. There were 6-8 guys in the restroom in various stages of undress, sucking, rimming, and fucking each other. I had to play. So I got naked and joined in. I was fucking one guy while sucking another HUGE dick when I felt a blast of warm, salty wetness hit my face. At first I thought it was cum, but it kept on soaking me. When I realized I was getting pissed on I popped immediately. The guy I was fucking whipped around and started...

4 years ago
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Caitlins Detention

You see, I'm a first time teacher. This group of students are the first ones I've ever taught and it was maybe two months since I had started teaching. Since this was my first try at teaching a class, they'd send in some 70 year old stiff to watch from time to time. He'd criticize me after each class saying how I should focus more on empowering them or how I was too lenient when someone broke a rule, and I'd be forced to follow his will while he was around or else I feared I'd get in...

2 years ago
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VentingChapter 2

I might take some space on this page to tell you a little about myself since I'm one of the main characters in this story. My name is Curtis Wright. I'm twenty-six years old and a graduate of a pretty decent music academy back east, although not the "Big J". I wish! If I could have afforded that, I wouldn't be competing for a slot in a relatively small chamber orchestra, I'd be going for a symphony orchestra like Philadelphia or Chicago. But the school I went to wasn't exactly cut-rate...

2 years ago
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My Sissy life

From the earliest awakening of my sexuality I felt a strong desire to be girly. I was the smallest boy in my grade at school and my slender body was milky white and nearly hairless. I felt that my penis was unusually small as well, and I didn’t have any pubic hair until at least a year later than the other boys. My first reaction was to shave it off, which I did on summer vacations so it wouldn’t be noticed in the shower at gym. I was back to being deliciously smooth, and by now I was starting...

1 year ago
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The Road or an RathadChapter 14

When I returned to the house, Cormac was eating a sandwich. He looked uncomfortable sitting, while his Queen (my Mom) was on her feet. Mom and Brenda were both looking at me anxiously. No doubt, they were waiting for me to give them some kind of indication of what I had decided. "I need to sleep on this," I told them. There was little doubt that both of them guessed what that meant. Mom had only found out today that I had been visiting dreamtime but she would quickly see that a visit to...

1 year ago
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All American Girl

"What's wrong Jim?" My best friend looked like his world was crashing and burning around him. "You know that show I had planned, the one at the community center?" Jim asked in despair. "Who doesn't? The whole town's talking about it; it's going to be a huge hit." Jim was an aspiring show producer. With a marketing degree under his belt, he set out to pursue his dream of putting together musical shows that would eventually bring the hottest stars in the music world begging to be...

4 years ago
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Nymphet Cousin 2

There was a mix of dread and guilt racing through my mind as I jogged along the trail near our home. Dread that Sarah would tell someone about the naughty things we'd been up to, but even stronger was a sense of guilt that I had betrayed my wife.However, there was also a tremendous feeling of anticipation and excitement that this gorgeous little nymphet wanted me to fuck her!She said that she would keep it secret but could I trust a sixteen-year-old? Also, since she was currently living with...

1 year ago
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The Awakening of a warlock

Marcus had been on sea with his father's motor boat all the day. His parents had been in their vacation with his sisters since the weekend and so he had made a small trip out of the Bay of Metropolis and northwards along the coastline. He had spend the day in a small fisher town and forgot a bit about the time and so the sun was already setting when he had departed from the small harbor of the town. In addition to that did a storm come up when he just reached the entrance to the bay and left...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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I am back with another experience of mine which took place a couple of months ago with my aunt. She is in her late 30s, short height, slim and very hot. You won’t believe, she doesn’t look elder than me. I have very good tuning with her since her marriage with my paternal Uncle. We meet occasionally because we live in different states. This year in Feb my Uncle’s family came to Kolkata to attend some marriage functions. I spent a lot of time with my aunt during the functions !!!...

4 years ago
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Flight From BabylonChapter 7

“Alfred.” “Sir?” “I want to review the sexual activity of my concubines. Display a chart of their activity, indexed by partner for the last two weeks.” “Here it is, Sir.” “Thank you, Alfred.” “Very good, Sir.” “I see that Kyle’s most frequent partner is Phyllis. He is having sex with her more than with any two other concubines. Can’t let him think that he is developing his own little wildlife habitat there.” “Kyle, Phyllis? Would you two come on in here?” “Are we in trouble, Sir?”...

2 years ago
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Dressed in a hurry

You wake up and through bleary eyes you see the time on your alarm clock: 7:30, it's the first day of your final school year and you're late. Jumping out of bed you find everything except clean underwear, in a panic you run down stairs to the laundry room only to find nothing of your own, but there is a pair of your sister's pink satin panties, with black frilled edges and a large black bow. Surely just going commando would be the sensible option?

4 years ago
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The Lunch Break

“Hey, it looks like my lunch break just became a little more exciting.” Jolene turned and saw Jack walking in the breakroom. She smiled with the straw from her sweet tea still in her mouth. As she caught his gaze, she rolled her tongue teasingly back and forth on the underside of the straw.Jack chuckled. “Caught you in the middle of a swallow, did I?” He winked across the room at her as he lifted his hand to punch out for lunch at the time clock. Just seeing her move her tongue like that made...

Group Sex
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My Best Friend Turns my Boyfriend into a Slut

There was going to be a mess underneath us. Her dark skin rumbled as she gyrated into me, her teeth sinking in as a took the long cock deeper into my pussy. My stilettos wrapped around her waist. They were sharp and gave me 6 inches of height. Behind me, his little submissive moans trickled across my skin. He scraped his teeth on my neck and shoved his cock in my ass. So thick, I didn’t think I could take it, but I was so mad with lust, how could I deny my body any pleasure. I wouldn’t, and...

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Trails WestChapter 9

“Two Trails Find Trouble In Nevada” In Phoenix, Jeremiah contacted the railroad by telegraph, to let them know they’d need a cattle car spotted at the Rio Verde refueling station, also passage for four to Carson City, Nevada. He sent a message to Frenchy that they would be home in ten days or less. At the courthouse the Trails stood with Charro and Rita as the judge married them. Then they went with them to have the County Recorder, record their marriage. While they were at the...

4 years ago
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PromiseChapter 21 Reconciliation

ALEJANDRA’S VOICE WAS STEADY when she telephoned on a Friday about a month after that evening when she discovered me with her mother. “Michael, will you meet me for coffee?” “Sure.” It was a hesitant Alejandra who waited for me at the sidewalk bar near the plaza. She rose when I arrived and leaned forward for a hug. I kissed her cheek and held her face in my hands for a moment. “Thanks for coming, Michael.” I smiled. “My pleasure, Alex.” I ordered coffee for both of us. After it came I...

3 years ago
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Something Unexpected Pt 02

Be aware, this second and last part to this story does not include as much sex. Hence, a continuation in the Romance category. Please read Part 1 first before starting this section. Again, thank you for the feedback. Enjoy. – VH CHAPTER SIX I had decided that Isabel would not in fact be calling me at all that night, so had gone out to eat instead. Shying off an invitation to play ball with friends, I headed for a little bar and pub I frequented, with live music every Friday night. But I...

3 years ago
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My sexy cousin

Hi, Guys This is Rahul and i am submitting my story to you first time, & I think this will entertain you very much, If any girls wants to interact with me then plz contact on my e-mail “”, so plz keep mailing me I will definetely reply you, Now I am going to start my Story: Every time I ( Rahul )drive by that old Patiala home on Punjab State I have the same hot thought. The house where one grows up is usually packed with endless memories, but in my case only one came to mind. It has to do with...

2 years ago
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How a Good Girl was Turned Bad Ch 3

This was silly, but the first thing I noticed when I put my hand on Justin’s cock was that my nails looked terrible! Due to the Covid shutdown of salons I had not had a manicure in a long time.  I was not good at doing my nails and with no chance for a manicure and that I spent the majority of my workday using a computer keyboard my nails had taken a beating.  I then focused back on Justin’s large penis. I did not take Justin’s cock in my mouth at first.  He said I could take my time and enjoy...

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Zoeys Wild Imagination

Zoey had never experienced sex, been laid, or anything. The most excitement she had was from her own masturbation sessions. Never once had she had a witness of her activities, but she could imagine someone watching her. Laying on her bed, with her blankets wrapped around her tightly like a constricting rope, between her legs and around her breasts. Her bra peeled away as her panties are tightly clenching her area by her vagina and between her thighs around her waist, covering her round firm...

2 years ago
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Rogue MagusChapter 26

The rest of the trip to the Dive was quiet. I didn’t have anything to say for the time, my thoughts filled with what I would do about my House and its members. Chloe seemed content with the silence. We pulled into the parking lot for the Dive. She pulled up beside the entrance and killed the engine. She looked over at me. “Well, it’s good to know violence doesn’t get your engines going,” she said. I frowned. “What do you mean?” She reached over and rubbed my thigh. “We have to get you...

3 years ago
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Island Royale The Report Chapter Five

____________________________ The lobby was bustling with late afternoon activity as Greg and I parted company. A sizeable number of Guests had gathered over near the dance floor where two long banquet tables, draped with several white linen table cloths, had been set up closely together. Four young naked girls, each with her arms extended and her thighs spread wide, reclined on their backs amid an extensive assortment of raw vegetables, fresh fruit, sushi, boiled shrimp and other...

3 years ago
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Training Cassiopeia

Chapter One - The Lap Dance Bree saw her sitting with friends but appeared very uncomfortable. The Chippendale copycats were done for a while and the crowd of mostly women had thinned out some. Bree started her routine and soon was down to her g-string. The blonde watched intently, sipping at her drink and staring at her over the top of the glass. The blonde saw her, not some stripper struttin’ her stuff to get guys to take her out to the alley for a $30 blowjob. Bree winked at her and her face...

Love Stories
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Trailer Park Confessions Part 2

I would almost sprint home from my buddies house. Checking to see if her and mom were back from their next bender. I never really knew when they would be back. Sometimes it would just be my mom.  Other times , I assume they were passed out at their friend or dealers house . But finally. Finally. I came home , and the pieces were all layed out . A quiet trailer. Mom out cold on the couch . A devilish grin passing my lips I'm sure as I tipped down the hall to my room. "Creeeeek" the...

2 years ago
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Some Free time

A friend of mine picked me up one day and said that there was a place he thought I would enjoy going to. Having some free time, I agreed and we drove off. He drove into a back alley and parked behind a store in a strip mall. The sign on the door said 'open 24 hours/day'. We got out and went in. This was an adult video store There were some toys and costumes as well. He walked up to the counter and asked for Ten dollars for the two of us and we proceeded through some curtains into a dark room.I...

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The Westhampton Womens CircleChapter 6 Night Hawks

Confrontation "I think we need to talk." Liz said bluntly. "I wasn't happy about things during the session with Sir Geoffery and I feel we have got some things that we need to sort out between ourselves." Liz was surprised with herself. She wasn't usually this up-front, especially about personal relationships, even with her husband. Somehow, though, this was different. She had discovered this extraordinary new aspect to her life and she was determined not to let her enjoyment be...

2 years ago
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Lessons with Stepmom Ch 3 Something More for Us

“Where did you have in mind?” “I don’t know, but we’ll make it a short trip, we can pack light. “How light?” She sounded tentative. “Meet me in your lobby, we can leave your car there and I’ll drop you off when we get back.” “Wow, just like that?” “There’s nothing we can’t do without, or that we can’t get later. Like I said that one time, 'We're young, we got our wheels and plastic on our hip, what else would we need?'" I could almost see her smile at the memory those words brought...

3 years ago
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I really couldnt help it

In my late fifties, Diane was my perfect match, we fitted together perfectly, she had a super figure for her age, she indulged me in my sexual whims, I had a high sex drive and she entertained me whenever the urge came. Sadly after 4 wonderful years, Diane passed away, leaving a huge void in my life. Rather than allow myself to wallow in the depths of despair, I focussed on supporting Elaine and Carol in whatever way I could, happy in the knowledge that Diane would have wanted this. I did...

4 years ago
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Bobs Great AdventureChapter 66

That ended the conference call. Barbara just stared at me. “Bob, can you talk to me, mentally I mean?” ‘Sure Barb my honey pie, what did you want me to say? How about how I am going to eat your pussy until Capt Snart can hear the siren in his ship?’ “Oh my gods, in all the heavens! I heard that.” ‘And I could hear an echo in my mind, just say something back to me without talking.’ ‘Bob I love you so much, I think I just came from that. You are going to be soooo loved tonight you many not...

1 year ago
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Hocus PocusChapter 6 Apologies Suspicions

"Well, I'm very sorry Mr Gillstrom. It's most unfortunate that you got caught up in this. Isn't it Commissioner?" The Mayor, seated behind the large desk in her office at City Hall, looked across at Brown with a furious scowl. The Commissioner looked uncomfortable. "Yes, of course mayor. I do hope, Mr Gillstrom, that you will accept the police department's apologies. And those of Jungle Jane as well." Jane was standing by with her arms folded looking every bit as uncomfortable as...

3 years ago
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Some Kind of HeroChapter 75

It had almost been enough to make me take off the suit, but I figured he deserved to let off a little steam over the news of the events of our last day in Brookings. Yes, our last day was a day sooner than planned. The B&B was too close to the fray, we had decided, once they told us we were free to go. We did miss our tee time, but didn't much care. We had another night paid for, but we told the Jenkins to keep it, and got in the car and headed for Crescent City. We were going to get a...

4 years ago
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Coffee Shop Conversation

Coffee Shop Conversation "Hey Mary" "Hey Marg. Wow. You look awful! What happened?" "This morning my daughter Amy came running out of her room still in her nightgown, crying and saying she isnt a girl, she's a boy, and that some magic spell turned her into a girl overnight." "My goodness. What did you do?" "I told her to stop being silly, and to go and get her school clothes on. When she didnt stop crying, I gave her a paddle on the bum and sent her to get...

2 years ago
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pleasing her boss

Pleasing Her BossIt was another hot day in the Florida sunshine. Keith looked up at the clear blue sunshiny sky as he closed his tool box up for the last time. He’d been working down in Southwest Florida for the past several months working on construction sites. He was really going to miss this hot weather. Sometimes it became a little unbearable in the summer but you couldn’t beat working outside here during the winter months. Keith couldn’t wait to get back home to his wife Michelle. He sat...

3 years ago
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Girls School PetChapter 6

When Ben arrived at Victoria's dormitory, he had stealthily gone around to the back, rather than to the front door, telling himself he didn't want to alarm the girl for no good reason. The big man stayed close to the wall as he approached the sliding glass doors so that he would not be observed. Since it was a warm day, the doors were open a little and Ben had no trouble hearing the strange sounds that floated out from behind the drapes; moans and gasps and panting whines, both human and...

3 years ago
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Friend in Need

My wife, Candice, and I have been married for 6 years now and I guess you could say our lives are average, maybe even a little boring. We are conservative, sexually, just the usual missionary or doggy style with a few minutes of foreplay. She is a stunning 26 year old with wavy brown hair and brown eyes. She has wonderful coconut sized breasts that sway a little when she walks with large red nipples that become quite hard at the slightest touch. She has an hourglass figure with a butt that just...

Straight Sex
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The Skate ParkBustin Bros Cherry

The Skate Park Bustin B R O S CherryI woke up after a couple hours nap. Still kinda groggy—it was just a lazy fuckin day. Went up to the kitchen to start the chile I promised my lil b r o. All my homies loved my chile, but I didn't call anyone tonight. Decided to keep it quite, just me and b r o.We woofed down the chile and dogs like we hadn't eaten in a week. Headed back down to the basement to find a movie, and just chill. I paused at the bottom stair, and waited. Finally lil b r o got...

2 years ago
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I love to display my hard cock in public

I'm a big time exhibitionist. Not the trench coat flasher type, but full-on naked in public. I like to sit out on my patio naked, with all nine inches of my hard cock in full view. I've got a heavy ball sac, as well and a thick bush of pubic hair. The woman across the way likes to see my erect manhood. I'll stroke my cock while she watches me. I like to to sit back and spread my legs, so she can get get a good view of my balls and asshole. Several times I've given her a good show, working my...

1 year ago
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The Journey into Mystery

"The Journey into Mystery" "The Journey into Mystery" A Work of Fiction by Traveller   PROLOGUE Julie Martine is a secretary working for Dr. Vladimir Petrovich, a plastic serguon. She leads an ordinary life. Everyday, she wakes up exactly at the same time, dresses in a sexy suit that hugs her busty body, puts on her high heel shoes and goes to work. She carefully chooses the perfume and the accessories she'll wear that day. One day it's the seductive pearl necklace, on the other it's...

1 year ago
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A Fall From Grace

“Fucking oil spill,” Victoria muttered, looking down from her office to the street below. “There must be 10,000 fucking protesters there. Sure, I gave the order. Sure, I fired the man who actually told me there was a problem. It’s not like I expected the thing to blow and cause those deaths and this mess. Now to figure out how many more people I have to pay off.” Victoria was the CEO of Epic Oil and it was their oil spill in Florida that had caused this massive rally, aptly timed for today,...

2 years ago
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An Evening Out

Number 23 of a series of individual stories. An Evening Out - by SONIA e-mail [email protected] Please send comments - I'd really like to know what you think of the stories. I have been dressing up as a woman or just enjoying wearing panties for quite a while and this has made my sex life with my wife, Sally Anne, almost too amazing to believe. I did not dress up very often, normally about once or twice a month but when I did I loved it! Sally Anne had phoned me...

1 year ago
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Adventures of a Greenie Off Planet Vol 2Chapter 25 On to Phantas

Roy found himself waking in a huge bed, Tanya snuggled close to him, Partner behind them both like a giant living pillow. The window across the bed provided a vista over a green mountain meadow. It took him a moment to get oriented and remembered taking a shower and crawling more tired than he realized he was into this bed. A glance on his Wrist-com told him, that was six hours ago. The enormous bed, greatly expanded to accommodate Partner was part of this uber-lux master bedroom. The window...

4 months ago
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Spread sex into chapters

A Russian, mature aunt just loves to play pranks with an experienced, hormonally excited, strong male - this is exactly the name you can give to this story, which tells how my neighbor… A Russian, mature aunt just loves to play pranks with an experienced, hormonally excited, strong male - this is exactly the name you can give to this story, which tells how my neighbor friend loves to masturbate experienced guys. She loves to give a blowjob, and we are happy to show everyone who wants to...

2 years ago
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Grey EyesChapter 2

His lips gently brushed hers as the humid late September heat pressed down around them. She could feel the heat from the lake below them radiate up towards their back. It had been an unusually warm September for Michigan and she was only now truly thankful for it. His lips gently brushed hers again, it was almost like he was scared to kiss her. He had told her she wasn't the first girl he'd kissed so why was he acting scared now? Moria decided to take matters into her own hands. With...

1 year ago
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Cataclysm sneak thief Germany team returned 5 copi

legendary stealth team is back, I was forced forced forced to. . . . German thief brothers, efficiency, waving to us a long article on the stealth team is not interested can skip or look directly Scarlet conclusion, after all, this is only a small minority to see the article written (sneak Well, on Druid and a thief, and had thought to be camouflaged hunters have joined, the test does not work) these days have been a long-time copies of worry. Office workers, after de house, commuting time will...

4 years ago
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Just a Halloween Dream

One day before Halloween. Brigitte a 51 year old blonde mature wife, was decorating her house in the suburbs of Basle for the next day. She had placed different pumpkin heads in her garden, put stickers of vampires and monsters to her windows and knotted a net with a big black spider sitting on to the small roof which covers her entrance door. She was sitting in her living room, drinking coffee and thinking about her costume for the next day. The still sexy looking mom of a 22 year old boy...

3 years ago
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Woken in the night

I had been to work all day and on arriving home the wife had left me a note saying she had gone out with the girls for a day trip and it would be a long one cos they were planing on going out straight after for a few drinks, i relaxed with a few shorts whilst watching a film. it was about 10 and i thought i might as well have an early night, i must have been a sleep for about half an hour and there was a noise in the kitchen and then some giggling Claire must have come home and she sounded...

3 years ago
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Editors ChoiceChapter 2

A little later, Scott was having a dream of his own and enjoying it very much. It had been a long time since he had had such a realistic fantasy, but he seemed to be having one now. In his dream, Scott felt his engorged cock warmed by the heat of a very wet and inviting pussy. He was enjoying the tightness surrounding him and felt his hips involuntarily pump in the canal. Still half asleep, Scott heard what sounded like an aroused moan. The voice was familiar, but wasn't his own; it sounded...

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