Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 6: One Last Little Detail To Be Looked After free porn video

Fink closed his pants.
Tittiefuck had cleaned the last precious drops off his spent meat.
"Did you call this Lindsey guy from Wolfram & Hart's, stupid bimbo?" he said with a smile. The panting negro girl licked her fingers. Then she put the amazing tits back into her stretched top. She nodded her curly head.
"Yes, Master, he'll be, like, over at once."
Fink let his eyes roam the great hall once again. He approved of what he saw. The humming machine chair, the thrones at both sides of the circular room, the wide theatrical steps running up to the centre. He liked the multitude of soft pillows and the stages at both sides that were still wrapped in darkness.
It looked perfect.
A polite cough at his shoulder made him turn. The young man looked flushed and disheveled. Which was quite the natural appearance for any man at BimboTech's headquarters.
"Lindsey!" Fink cried, jovially. "Que la fête commence, n'est-ce pas?"
The young lawyer grinned. His eyes never left Tittiefuck's famous cleavage.
"Let's first see to an old mutual friend, Lindsey," Fink went on. He led the young man along a corridor and down a staircase to a lower floor.
Lilah still dangled from the iron frame.
Her waist was by now laced down to a tight 18 inches. Her long legs stood slightly spread on thigh high, tall heeled leather boots.
They deliciously pushed up her naked ass.
Her eyes were closed. On her face was a sight never seen before: she smiled. Lilah Morgan had smiled herself away into a pink, hazy world. A world she would not have known existed a few days ago. And more than that: by now she was a very regular tourist of that wonderful country.
Fink walked up to her.
She never noticed until he caressed her cheek. Her eyes flew open and the smile froze. Then it disappeared.
"Well, hello, Ms. Morgan," Fink boomed cheerily. "How lovely you look today."
Lilah's eyes spat fire by now.
She hissed like a snake and tugged angrily at the chains that held her tied up. She looked back for her little servants.
They suddenly seemed all to have gone.
"I am proud to have found such a marvelous Mistress for my little bimbos, Ms. Morgan," Fink went on. He ran a rude finger down the woman's figure.
"DON't you fucking TOUCH me!" Lilah shrieked. Her voice could easily have cut glass. And when she at last saw Lindsey McDonald, she almost exploded.
"Remove the nincompoop!" she cried. "Get him out of my eyes!"
Both men looked at each other and smiled. They shrugged their shoulders in unison.
"Must be her period," Fink supposed. He softly chuckled.
Then he turned his back to the fuming woman and asked Lindsey to take attention. "You see, Lindsey, never underestimate BimboTech Incorporated. So many did and lived to regret it. Most of them, though, are female. So their regret always was mercifully short lived."
He chuckled.
Then he turned back to Lilah. He lifted her chin with his finger. She shook him off with frustration. But he just grabbed her and held her tight.
"Watch this, Lindsey," Fink said. "The wondrous powers of programmed passwords over the female mind." He stared the woman straight into her bloodshot eyes. "Master," he said, "Masterrrrr".

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