Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 6: A Very Understanding Gentleman free porn video

Fred awoke groggily.
Her body was strapped down to a table. She lifted her head slightly and saw two bandaged masses on her chest. Inside must be what were now her definite breasts.
The previous night she'd been barely able to see her feet past the two orbs they had grown on her in that strange aquarium. They had been slightly smaller than Cordelia's. But these new ones must be a good bit larger. Of course there were the bandages, but even without them she was sure she wouldn't see a thing over them.
She squirmed uncomfortably.
"Hi, is anybody there?" she asked nervously. "These restraints are kinda uncomfortable. I'd really like to get up now."
Fred bit her lower lip to stop it trembling.
She was terrified of what was happening here. Of what these people had already done to her body and what they were about to do to her mind.
Where was Cordy? Could she save her? Did she escape? Did she phone? She'd promised.
"Trust me," she'd said.
Then Fred heard a door open.
She couldn't see anyone because her breasts were in the way. But she could hear the clicking of high heels followed by inane giggles. By now they sent a familiar sense of horror into her.
She watched as two blonde bimbo nurses moved into view.
"Awww, she's so pretty," said the taller of the two.
"Wow! Those titties are like huge," tittered the other. "They are, like, way bigger than mine. I bet they look totally slutty under those bandages."
"Yeah. Doctor Masters says they're gonna be like the biggest he's ever made. When they're done, they'll look so hot."
"That's nice," Fred said, making the girls start. "But if you girls can just untie me, I could... ," Fred thought for a moment, "I could show you what they look like now."
Fred just hoped they were as gullible as she supposed they'd be. If they were, it should be no problem to outsmart them.
The two bimbos looked at each other. They shrugged their shoulders, giggled and began fumbling at the straps. Fred's heart raced. She might have a chance to escape this nightmare. As soon as the straps around her arms were undone she sat up. The new weight on her chest was enormous.
She had a hard time reaching the straps on her legs.
Then she swung her long legs off the table. She set her high heels on the ground and got to her feet. She tried to walk as quickly as she could considering the heels. But she was only able to move a few steps. Her inexperience on heels of any height as well as the weight of her chest caused her to fall.
Fred quickly began to crawl along the floor. Maybe she could out-crawl the two silly bimbos. But another person stopped her in her path.
"Nice to see that you know where a real woman belongs," said the doctor. He looked down at the crawling Fred. "But I believe in your case you should be gyrating around a pole."
Fred quickly tried to back away but he grabbed her by her long hair. "Not so fast, honey. Your sweet friend has just welcomed her neural augmentation. Now it's your turn."
He looked over to the two bimbo nurses and chuckled.
"Just think! In a couple of hours you'll be looking up to these two as geniuses."
Fear crept into Fred's grossly disfigured body. She started shivering. It made her bubbly curves shake. A few hours, he said? Oh God, she thought. Sweet God... Angel, come save us. Save me, Cordy. I am so afraid.
She felt a slow trickle of urine leave her swollen slit.
The man in the white suit laughed. He grabbed another handful of her hair. He pulled her up to his face and made her shriek with pain.
"Time's up, slut!" he said.
When she once more stood on her swaying pins, he tore the bandages off her chest. It hurt. But when she looked down, there were only reddish traces of the torn off bandages left on her otherwise perfect skin. The fake-looking melons rose from her slender ribcage with a deviant pride.
They stretched her new strong skin into taut glory.
The doctor poked a hard finger into the flesh. "Nothing as slutty as the real fake," he muttered. Fred squealed at the touch. The doctor slapped her giant tits. It made them swing into each other.
Then he stepped back to admire his handiwork.
Fred touched one tit with sheer disbelief. She couldn't even call it a breast anymore. She really had to reach out to graze its nipple. And when she did, her knees almost folded from the jolt of electricity that hit her.
The doctor grinned. "Such lovely toys indeed," he said. Then he pushed her in the direction of the door. "Don't you even think of running, cow. We have means of making you regret that more than giving in."
They walked along a corridor with tall windows to the right. Down deep lay the ignorant city. She thought of all those normal, busy people who didn't care for a thing in the world. They didn't know zilch of what happened in this building; they were totally indifferent to what was done to her...
Here she was, all alone.
A stupidly disfigured caricature of a woman, she was, tottering behind two jello mountains. Flashes of reflections from the tinted windows showed her a lean, tall girl on endless legs. She was totally naked and elevated on silly heels.
Out of a wasp-like waist grew the biggest tits she had ever seen or thought possible on a woman. They didn't sag a millimeter and their nipples were at least an inch long.
Her ass almost imitated the tits as a counterweight. She could have easily carried a tray on it without fear of dropping it.
How could anyone be taken in by these looks? Even a hormone-ridden teenage boy would have choked on his spittle and run, had he seen her now.
The man behind her prodded her ass cheeks.
"Hurry up, whore. Lets get you happy."
A tear formed in the corner of her eye. It clung to her fat, black lashes. Then it ran down the permanent rouge on her cheek without leaving a trace. She felt how it hit the balcony of her chest.
At last they reached a red door.
The white-coat rapped on it. They heard a male voice call out "Enter!" He led her into an office. It was large and had been done in nice, light wooden paneling.
The wooden floor echoed where her heels hit it.
Behind the desk stood a bespectacled man in his early fifties. His tweed jacket gave him the air of a college professor. He smiled and waved her closer.
"Please come in, Ms Burkle", he said. There was no trace of irony.
"I heard you have a few complaints about the way you have been treated in here."
Fred sank into the chair the friendly man offered her. It fit snugly around her new ass.
She didn't know what to say.
A wave of mild confusion flushed her brain. Complaints, did he say? And did he really call her Ms Burkle? A soothing tentacle of past and better times licked at her tired brain.
The man smiled.
"Oh my," he said. "Where are my manners?" He walked around the desk and extended a hand to introduce himself. "My name is Warren," he said. "Wallace Warren. But please call me Wally, why insist on formalities?"
His chuckle was mild.
Fred touched the hand and smiled back nervously. What the hell was going on? Who was this guy, this sweet talking daddy of a man?
Who let him out of the classroom?
"I hope you don't mind if I call you Winnifred, Ms Burkle? Or maybe even better: Fred? I have been looking forward to at last meeting a woman with some intellectual baggage. You know how it is around here."
He shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands.
Fred tried to find the traces of a sneer, the beginning of ridicule. But the man was as straight-faced as your next poker pro.
She slid one leg over the other.
It made her realize that she was naked. It was a new and bewildering thought. Especially as she had not worried about it at all until now. The totally surreal situation had put her mind into one dimension, it seemed, and her new, alien body into quite another. The crazy tits were someone else's, the nails, the whory make-up. But now, suddenly, she felt herself plunged back into its fleshy envelope.
It made her blush. It made the man smile.
He sat down behind his desk and never took his benign gaze off her nervous glance.
"Please, calm down, Ms Burkle, eh... Fred," he said, adding even more lubrication to his slick tone of voice. "I am ever so sure all these little problems will solve themselves. But let me start off with a sincere apology."
Fred could not take her eyes off the unremarkable man. The more she looked, the more his full moon face seemed to bob at the end of a tunnel.
Everything outside his spectacles vanished out of focus.
Somewhere, just beyond the edge of her hearing, soft music started. She could not say if she heard it or not. She could not even say if it was music or just an undetermined breath of musical noise. But one thing it certainly did. It made her lose the thread of thought as soon as she started thinking. It plucked at her thoughts and scattered them even before they could form.
She shook her head.
Her abundant hair danced around her painted doll's face. Again the man smiled. He put both hands together at the fingertips.
"Fred," he said. "I am afraid we will have to use some of your brilliant scientist's logic to help us solve our little predicament. Would you think you could be of assistance with that?"
The music changed his words into a toneless murmur. She had to listen hard to catch his words at all. Her swollen body wriggled in the tight chair. It caused her bare, enlarged cunt-lips to slide over the leather. Lovely little tinglings spread up into her belly. They started a very distracting duet with the music.
Something inside her must be tuned to the noise. Intimate vibrations licked at the sensitive swirls of her inner ears. Little spiders climbed her spine, making the fortified muscles shiver. It caused her huge tits to wobble and the nipples to ache.
"Fred? Ms Burkle?"
His voice suddenly became clear again. He seemed to expect an answer.
"Was that a yes, Fred?" He smiled, nodding.
"Yes... I suppose so," she said. Her tongue seemed as thick as her new signal red lips.
"You see, Fred. Most of the deplorable things done to you, as regrettable as they are, can't be undone. I am so sorry, but we will have to find another solution to restore your balance of happiness."
He cleared his throat and went on. The music seemed louder now. His words danced around it like little garlands of pretty spring flowers.
She sighed.
Her tits trembled. She tried to think them away. All the new flesh, the new weight, the bouncing. But her nipples tightened. And from her cunt rose sudden flares of aching lust.
"Now please bear with me, Ms Burkle, Fred. I know for sure that your superior brain must already have found the logic answer."

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