Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 5: Preparing For An Unforgettable Evening free porn video

Lonely nights give birth to questions.
Who was she?
Ah yes, her name was Buffy Summers. She remembered, of course. And yes, there was this huge, sinister realm of dark creatures. Somewhere - as a backcloth to her memories - there was this world of magical, supernatural powers. With its leering faces, angelic eyes.
It was her world, her magic. Or was it?
Who was she?
Her body lay stretched in darkness. It felt like a smoldering fire. She felt the bruises, of course. She felt the heat in her crotch, in her ass. But most of all, there was this glow. It was a low, sweet, caressing glow. It seemed to wrap up her entire being. It relaxed her muscles.
And it spread a wool blanket all over her brain.
Her hand was between her thighs. It must have been there all the time. Fingers rubbed her swollen cunt lips. They slipped into the hot wetness. They found the alert little nub.
Her other hand was on her tits to rub an extended nipple.
The innocent girl with the big vacant eyes never left her imagination. She was a sweet china doll with a glorious woman's body. She knew she was once her teenage sister. But now she was her cunt licking sex dream. She craved her. She begged to have her with her. Inside her.
The need was there. She knew. She wanted to deny it, but she could not. It made her flush with shame.
A cold wave of guilt drowned her horny reverie. She groaned. She felt humiliated. She felt guilty and ashamed. But the image insisted. It turned her probing fingers into a pink tongue and sucking lips. Silvery giggles poured down on her.
And once more she responded with a crashing orgasm.
It left her staring into a new abyss of guilt and sadness. But the kernel of yet a new urge to be satisfied was already there.
Buffy cried. What had they done to her?
Where were all her friends? She remembered having friends, mighty witches and sorcerers. Where were they now? Would they save her?
Could she be saved?
Did she want to? She shook her head in despair.
The red haired witch called Willow. Where was she? The clever Cordelia? The loyal Xander and his girlfriend, what had happened to them?
Buffy gasped. A curtain was lifted from her mind, if only for a second. And she knew. She knew and cried. She cried and balled herself into a fetal position.
All was lost for sure.
All her female friends must be stupid bimbos by now. Vacant eyed, grossly titted sluts like her little sister. All was surely lost, all was over.
Buffy sobbed in her dark prison.
She hardly noticed how her hand once again slipped between her thighs, sinking into her wetness. It found her screaming clit.
Her body arched. She came once more.
That morning Fink had a little song in his head.
He even whistled it through his teeth. It felt good to be the happiest man in the world, while soft pink flesh pressed into him. Lovely bulging tits grazed his arms and busy little fingers seemed to be everywhere.
He opened his eyes to look straight into the smiling face of a blonde bimbo. Her fingers were busy spreading fat creamy lather over his jaws.
She whispered sweet nothings. She was very good at what she did.
A huge white sheet covered his body from the chin down. He sat in a chair. At both sides of it a curly black girl and her red haired sister were doing his nails. They clipped and polished them. And although he could not see it under the sheet, another girl must be busy between his thighs. A strong but very soft set of lips clamped itself around his hard cock.
Its head plunged deep into a silken throat.
How different his world felt from what it had been a few weeks back. As the shaving blade scratched expertly down his chin, Fink remembered the awful first meeting with these lawyer creeps. And his chest filled with pride at how he had handled it all.
In Fink's ego there had never been much room for doubt. He also would never admit how luck had played a role in getting him out of that damned situation. It had all been due to his cleverness. And this evening's party would be the crown on all his achievements.
Fink came hard in the satin throat. His satisfied groan filled the air. It was echoed by the little bimbos' excited giggles.
Lilah had woken up to feelings she had never felt before.
The world seemed always to have been distant, behind a save wall of bullet-proof glass. But now she felt the excitement tingle on her bare skin. Hot anticipation licked at her flesh. It left a trace of goosebumps. It felt all so strange.
But oh, so wonderful.
The once Queen of Glaciers hung stretched inside a tall iron frame. Her toes barely reached the floor. Strong, dedicated hands tugged at leather laces. They pulled her corset fractions of inches closer. Less and less of her bare skin showed. The boned front grabbed her rib cage. It pushed the air out of her lungs. The lovely half cups at the top pushed up her pointy tits.
And it felt great.
Two huge chested girls busied themselves with their new mistress. One dutifully put her foot in the small of the back, pulling at the black strings. The other knelt in front of her domme. She carefully lasered the last of Lilah's pubic hairs away. She smiled as she heard her mistress groan.
Then she put small sweet kisses on the baby-bare mound.
Lilah felt very satisfied with herself. She had handled it all so well. Getting so many lovely bimbos to do her bidding. And most of all: giving herself these hot bolts of sheer power each time she longed for it. Lilah was on top, where she belonged. Even Master Fink and Master McDonald didn't begrudge her the right to crush and punish the air headed sluts. In her skull raged a wonderful storm.
The entire world lay at her high-heeled feet.
Just another hour and she would transform this insignificant little slayer, this awful Buffy. She'd make her beg to serve her. Ooooh yes, she would make her. She would absorb all her power and add it to her own. She would flood those wide, scared eyes with respect and submission.
Thinking of it made her slit run.
She sighed with satisfaction when her little slave's tongue cleaned it up.
The pretty bimbo girls were jumpy.
They ran around squealing and giggling. Their lovely bodies bounced. There was always a hand touching, lips kissing. They hugged and complimented each other on the sexy outfits they were trying on.
Some girls had their huge hairdos brushed and put up. Others did each other's nails or finished their make up. It was all so incredibly exciting. One big party before the party. Huge hoops were attached to ears, towering heels were tried on and changed again.
Little Jani turned left and right before the tall mirror.
She tried to stuff her giant tits inside an orange lycra top. Each touch made her squirm. Her nipples seemed so very sensitive lately. She looked up and gave a huge smile to the platinum blonde bimbo who hugged her from behind, crushing her GG tits into the girl's back.
"Oooooh, mummy!" Jani squealed. "I dunnoooóóó! What should I wear tonight? Please help me, mummy Lizzy!!"
The blond bimbo kissed her daughter's neck. Then she lifted the teenage-bimbo's tits with her pink nailed hands.
They had felt so very honored when a limo had picked them up in Sunnydale with an invitation for this exciting party. And now they had been through six outfits together.
So many more to go!
"It looks so totally cool on you, baby. Mmmmmmm, good enough to eeeeat!!"
Both girls sank down in a fit of giggles.
Master X stared out of his ice-cold eyes.
His bulging arms lay wrapped over the shoulders of his favorite bitches. On his left sat the pink haired former Willow, now his loyal sexretary with the apt name of HoneyCunt. She slowly licked his armpit and played with her aching clit. On the other side lay his former girlfriend Anya, now the firmly busted Anni.
She moaned while kissing his huge erection.

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