Buffy The Shemale Vampire Slayer, Part III free porn video

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Buffy The Shemale Vampire Slayer, Part III By Cal Y. Pygia Buffy couldn't stop smiling. It felt great to have left Spike on his knees, clutching his balls in pain after she'd sucked his cock and swallowed his load of icy vampire's semen. Sex was about power, not love, and nothing made a girl feel more powerful than reducing a man--or, in Spike's case, a used-to-be man--to a gasping, cursing victim in pain. The humiliation that Spike felt because of her abusive treatment of him also fed her sense of superiority and power. For Buffy, especially when it came to Spike, it wasn't so much a matter of love him and leave him as it was use--or abuse--him and lose him. As she walked the streets of Sunnydale, to the motel in which Willow was staying, temporarily, until she could come to terms with Tara's death, Buffy thought of the other men and monsters she'd humiliated and abused. She'd learned a lot on that subject from her first love, the vampire with a soul, known as Angel (or Angelus, when his evil alter ego asserted itself). He'd made her love him, and the happiness that their consummation of their love brought him canceled the curse that had restored his soul, and he'd reverted to his true demonic self, stalking Buffy and her friends and playing cruelly with Buffy's heartstrings, making a mockery of her love and their former relationship. In the end, though, after Willow had restored Angel's soul, Buffy had hurt him at least as much as he'd hurt her, although unintentionally. In the process, she'd learned a lot about the narrow line between love and hate, between power and vulnerability, between dominance and submission. She'd learned a lot more from Xander's one-time floozy, the vengeance demon Anya. Love--or the romantic variety, at least--was an illusion in this world, Buffy had discovered. The revelation had broken her heart, leaving her harder and colder, if wiser to the ways of the world. Since her realization that sex was about power, Buffy had more and more adopted Faith's maxim, "Get some and get gone." Of course, it made a girl feel good if, in the process, she could break a heart or two. Breaking hearts was more fulfilling, she felt, than staking them. After all, a stake through the heart killed a man or annihilated a vamp, turning him to dust, whereas a broken heart killed the soul but allowed the body and the mind to live--and to grieve. Riley Finn, the undercover commando who captured demons and other "subhumans" as an agent of the top secret military operation known as the Initiative, also taught Buffy bittersweet lessons about loving and leaving someone. She'd loved him as far as she'd been able to do so, but, despite giving him her body and her heart, she'd kept the deepest, most central part of herself--her soul--from him. She'd not been able to become one hundred percent his, not after having been betrayed by Angel. She'd never again place herself in the position of loving someone else so completely that she risked the heartbreak that followed a lover's abandonment. In the end, Riley had sought solace in the arms of female vampires, feeling needed because of their need: in letting them suck his blood, he had provided not only nourishment to them, but life itself. Being the source of life to them had been more than emotionally satisfying; it had filled him with a sense of power and vitality; it had made him feel like a god. For a time, it had allowed him to remain with Buffy, more used than loved by her and a thing of convenience to her, to be fucked or sucked at her pleasure and otherwise largely ignored. On a level deeper than the Slayer had realized, however, Buffy, in her own way, had genuinely cared about Riley. When he left, she'd felt as if she would die. She hadn't, though. She'd survived this loss as she had so many others, and it had made her stronger--or, at any rate, it had made her harder, colder, and crueler. Spike had also taught Buffy how to love and hate and how to gain and hold the upper hand in a relationship. From him, she'd learned both to be "love's bitch" and to be the mistress of such a bitch. Lead a guy on; then, when he was most vulnerable and needy, sexually and emotionally, either leave him or make him act against his own nature to attain temporary, fleeting gratification. Before long, he'd be completely in Buffy's power, and she could exercise divine-like powers over him, becoming a goddess whom he would worship just for a little pussy or a ten-minute blowjob. Men were so easy, she thought, smirking, even when they were undead! Women were another matter altogether, especially women like Willow. A high school sophomore when Buffy, also a high school sophomore at the time, had met her, Willow had been a shy, timid girl with low self- esteem and a decided lack of self-respect who, except for Xander and Buffy, was without friends. In fact, like Xander, she'd been a social pariah. She'd escaped in books, computers, and magic. By devoting long hours to the uses (and abuses) of enchantment, she had become a powerful witch, acquainted with both white and black magic. Outwardly, she'd also become more confident and self-assured, developing greater self-respect and self-esteem. She'd gone from having a childhood crush on Xander to having sex with Oz, and from a relationship with the werewolf band member to a passionate liaison with Tara. Nevertheless, those who knew Willow well--Tara, Xander, Buffy, and Buffy's Watcher, Rupert Giles--understood that, beneath the superficial appearance of confidence, Willow was still Willow, lacking in self- assurance and a strong sense of identity. Buffy, as someone who was (mostly) the epitome of confidence, courage, and determination, found Willow sexy as hell. There was a charming innocence and straightforwardness about the witch that appealed to men and women alike. Buffy wasn't immune to Willow's seductive girlishness; as a heterosexual, however, she'd repressed the lesbian attraction she sometimes felt for her high school friend. After all, girls were soft and cuddly, but Buffy liked hard, fiercely independent men. She especially liked to humiliate them. There was no need to humiliate someone like Willow, who had almost no ego at all. Still, as someone who had both sets of genitals, male and female, Buffy was intrigued as to how it would feel to play the part of the male with a soft, sleek babe like Willow, and she intended to find out--the Sunnydale Motel was just around the next corner. After Tara's murder, Willow had taken up residence in the run-down, Spartan hostel, occupying the same room in which Faith had resided after the rogue Slayer had come to town, fleeing the ancient vamp known as Kakistos. Reaching the door to Willow's room, Buffy knocked sharply. She waited. When there was no response, she knocked again, more loudly. Still, there was no answer. Buffy leaned to her right, to peer in through the small window beside the door, but the curtain was closed, and it was as dark inside the motel room as it was outside. She couldn't see anything in there. "Can I help you?" an annoyed male voice demanded. Buffy straightened, turned, and faced the motel's manager. "Uh, I was just--" "Peeking in one of my guest's windows?" Buffy blushed. "I wasn't peeking," she objected. "I was more like peeping." Another of the renter's lesbian friends, the manager thought. "She isn't in there." "Do you know where she might be?" The manager looked Buffy and down. "Depends." Buffy arched an eyebrow, her hands involuntarily curling into fists at her sides. If this asshole said anything out of the way, she was going to pummel him good. "Depends on what?" "What's your name?" "Little Miss Muffet." "Sorry. Wrong answer. I'm going to have to ask you to leave." As he turned away, Buffy stopped him, placing a hand on his forearm. "Why do you want to know my name?" "If you're a certain party, the lady who rents this room wanted me to tell you--" "I'm Buffy." The manager hesitated. Then, he shrugged. "All right, Little Missy Buffy Muffet, she said that, if you were to come by, she'd be at Xander's house." Buffy sighed. Xander's house was all the way on the other side of town. "Thanks." It was late afternoon by the time Buffy had switched buses twice to reach her destination. The bus stop at which she'd disembarked from the lumbering vehicle was only half a block from Xander's house. She walked briskly. Along the way, she thought of her hermaphroditic fate. She still wasn't sure how she should feel about having both male and female genitals. It was both sexy and frightening. She decided that she'd like to revert to her normal girl-self as soon as possible, although not before she'd sampled Willow's charms. Lost in such musings, she was at Xander's house before she knew it. She knocked at the front door. Her friend's father answered. He wore a stained T-shirt, rumpled slacks with a wide-open zipper that revealed the white cotton of his not-so- bulgy briefs, and dirty white socks. His hair was a wild mess, and his face was covered in a two-days'-old growth of whiskers. He held an open beer can in his hand. Regarding Buffy through narrowed, rheumy eyes, he asked, "What do you want?" "I came to see Xander." Mr. Harris opened the door, indicating another door, off the kitchen. "He's down there," he declared, "in the basement." "Do you mind if I--?" Mr. Harris took a long pull at his beer. He belched loudly, frowning. "Go ahead." Poor Xander, Buffy thought, as she stepped past her friend's drunken father, hastened to the basement door, opened it, and scrambled down the steep wooden steps into the cool, damp, dimly lit of the underground chamber. At the bottom of the stairs, a doorway led into the furnished room that served as Xander's studio apartment. Pausing, Buffy lifted her fist to rap at the doorsill with her knuckles. Once, she'd entered Xander's apartment without pausing to knock, and she'd embarrassed both only herself but Xander and Anya as well, who, nude, were in the midst of some heavy-duty lovemaking. She didn't want to surprise Xander that way ever again. As she was about to knock, she heard a stranger's voice. It was a man's voice, moaning. Xander! Buffy thought. He might be in danger! She rushed through the doorway, hearing another moan, and then a masculine voice: "Fuck me, Xander! Fuck me fast and hard!" Buffy stopped, her mouth agape, staring in shock at Xander as he drove his erect member into his male partner's impaled ass. Her friend withdrew his cock, letting all but its glans pull out of the other man's derriere. He paused before plunging his prick again into the deep cleavage of his partner's tight, compact buttocks. Repeatedly, Xander lifted his ass, withdrawing his cock again, and rammed it home. "Xander?" she called, too stunned to stop herself from uttering his name--and giving away her presence. Immediately, Xander jerked his cock from the other man's ass, rolling toward Buffy and trying, unsuccessfully, to cover his erect member with his hands. He was as staggered as Buffy to find the Slayer here, now. He needn't have bothered trying to conceal his nakedness; Buffy had seen him nude before and had, in fact, been on the receiving end of his manhood, just as this stranger was now, although with Xander's prick in her cunt rather than up her ass. "Buffy!" he cried, his face a mask of fear and horror. Xander's guest rolled onto his side, looking back at the intruder who'd interrupted their lovemaking session. He frowned, not looking at all friendly. To Xander, he said, "Who's the bimbo?" Buffy blushed again, but with anger this time, rather than embarrassment. "From where I'm standing," she retorted, "it looks like you're the bimbo." Not knowing what to say, Xander blurted, "Buffy, this is Chester." He looked from the Slayer's annoyed countenance to his sexual partner's angry face. "Chester, meet Buffy." When neither of his friends spoke, but, instead continued to eye one another like enemies about to come to blows, Xander, more to fill the silence than anything, added, "Chester works for me, on my construction crew." "Oh," Buffy replied, nonplussed. "I see." "We were just in the middle of an erection," Chester said, smiling lasciviously. Xander said, "What's up, Buff?" "Something," she said, staring pointedly at the naked Chester. Taking the clue, Xander turned to his friend. "Chester, could we, uh--" he blushed, glancing at Buffy--"finish this later?" "Sure, sweetie." He rose, and Buffy averted her eyes from his nakedness, but not before she'd observed his half-erect penis. Eight inches long and as thick as her wrist, it was huge even in its semi-flaccid state. It must look formidable, indeed, in its full glory, Buffy thought, wondering whether Xander had ever had that monster cock up his ass, the way he'd had his cock in Chester's bottom just a few moments ago. She blushed at the thought. Chester leaned into Xander, kissing his lips. "Later, lover." Xander gulped. What must Buffy think of him? he wondered. Nodding to Chester, he whispered, "Yeah, later." Chester smiled at his discomfort, kissed him again, harder, and added, "Love you." "Yeah, me, too," Xander managed to mumble. Collecting his clothing from the chair in which he'd deposited it, Chester drew on his slacks, not bothering with his underwear, and pulled on his shirt, leaving it unbuttoned to reveal his broad, deep chest and his tight, rippling abs. He strolled toward Buffy. As he came abreast of her, he said, "Remember, he's mine, Blondie." After Chester had ascended the stairs and they were alone together, Xander glanced at Buffy. "I'm sorry, Buff," he said sheepishly. "For what?" she replied, intending her response to sound casual. Instead, it sounded artificial. "I should have told you I'm bisexual. I should have told Willow, too." "No big," Buffy lied. She changed the subject. "Speaking of Will, have you seen her?" "No." Buffy frowned. "Should I have?" Xander asked. "The mangy manager of the motel where she's staying said she was coming to your house." Xander was glad Willow hadn't walked in on him and Chester. It was bad enough that Buffy had. "Well, she hasn't been here," he assured Buffy. "I've been here all day." The thought of himself in bed with Chester, fucking him, made Xander blush again. Despite his extreme discomfort, he stared into the Slayer's eyes. "About what happened here, Buffy--can it be our secret? I'm very comfortable living in the closet, and--" "Closet? I thought you lived in your parents' basement," Buffy joked. He looked somewhat relieved. "Thanks, Buffy." Poor Xander, she thought. He looked devastated. It must be really hard to have one of your best friends discover such a secret about you. "You okay?" "Fine. Promise not to tell?" He didn't look fine, she thought. He looked sick. "Sure." "Buffy, no one can know. Not Willow, not Giles, not Anya, not--" "No one's going to know," Buffy assured him. "What someone does in the privacy of his own home is totally his business." Buffy was watching her friend closely as she spoke to him, and now she frowned. "Xander? Is that a tear I see? Are you crying?" He wiped the teardrop away. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice breaking. He sobbed, the tears coming fast and furiously. His frame shook, and a keening, wailing sound seemed to emanate from the depths of his being. Buffy crossed the room, holding him. Although he was naked, she hardly noticed, and neither of them cared. Xander was too frightened and ashamed to care, and Buffy was too concerned. She held him the way that a mother might hold a frightened child, cooing soothingly to him. "It's all right, Xander," she whispered. "It's all right." "It's been so hard living a lie all these years," he confessed between the sobs that wracked his body. "I've wanted to tell you, tell Willow, tell Giles, tell the others. I wanted to tell everyone so many times." "It's all right," Buffy repeated softly. "No one can ever know," Buffy. "I'm so ashamed." "There's no need to be ashamed," Buffy assured him. "We are who we are, Xander." He continued to weep; she continued to hold him. "Willow's gay," Buffy reminded him, "but that doesn't make us love her any the less." That was true, Xander thought, but their knowing that Willow was a lesbian had changed their relationships as friends. Although he and Buffy loved Willow just as much as they ever had before she'd announced her lesbianism, their friendship was different now in some ways, and it always would be, just as his friendship with Buffy had been irrevocably changed by her discovery of his bisexuality. "Look," Buffy said, releasing him and stepping back a few feet. "I want to show you something." Xander waited. Buffy hitched her thumbs in the waistband of her sweatpants and lowered them to her knees. She hadn't put on any panties, and her cock and balls dangled between her legs. Xander's eyes became huge. His mouth hung open. "Buffy! You're a boy!" She chuckled, moving the male genitals aside to reveal the cleft of her female sex behind the cock and balls. "Not quite," she corrected him. "I'm a boy and a girl--a hermaphrodite." "A hermaphro-what-ite?" She told him the myth, adding, "In reality, a baby is rarely born with the genitals of both sexes. When such a birth does occur, the parents decide which way to raise the child, whether as a boy or a girl, and the baby is surgically altered accordingly." "You weren't born that way," Xander objected. He and Buffy had had sex, and he knew that she hadn't been sporting male genitals--unfortunately-- during their lovemaking sessions. "No," Buffy agreed. "So how?" "A Feral demon bit me last night; this morning, I woke up with these." Xander smiled. "They're beautiful," he complimented her, "just like the rest of you." An idea occurred to him, and his smile widened into a grin. "Hey! You want to--?" "Down, boy. I want to get rid of these jewels. I mean, they're great, but, you know, I've kind of gotten used to being a girl. That's why I was looking for Willow." She pulled her sweats back up. "I'll help you find her." "Shouldn't you be getting back to Chester?" Xander looked as if she'd slapped him. "What was that for?" he asked, hurt. She looked puzzled. "What was what for?" "The not-so-little, no-so-subtle dig." "It wasn't a dig. It was a suggestion." "You're really okay with my being bi?" She nodded, stepping up to him and kissing him. Her fingers found his cock and gave it a playful squeeze. "As long as you're bi, guy." Xander smiled. "That's me: bi guy." He kissed her back. "See you later." "You can have sloppy seconds, if you want," Xander promised. "Maybe I'll take you up on that," she said. Xander watched Buffy as she walked across the room and up the steps, her hips swiveling and her buttocks swaying. His prick started to swell. He was glad that he was bisexual. A girl like Buffy, whether she was packing or not, was just too damned beautiful to miss out on. Of course, Chester wasn't bad, either. He smiled, thinking of Woody Allen's quip about how being bisexual doubled one's chances for a date on Saturday night. He thought of something else, too. Although Buffy had caught him in bed with Chester, she remained ignorant of Xander's many trysts with her sometimes-boyfriend, Spike, which was just as well. He didn't need a jealous, pissed off Slayer on his hands. He preferred the sympathetic, consoling, friendly Buffy. ... to be continued... .

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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 5 Preparing For An Unforgettable Evening

Lonely nights give birth to questions. Who was she? Ah yes, her name was Buffy Summers. She remembered, of course. And yes, there was this huge, sinister realm of dark creatures. Somewhere - as a backcloth to her memories - there was this world of magical, supernatural powers. With its leering faces, angelic eyes. It was her world, her magic. Or was it? Who was she? Her body lay stretched in darkness. It felt like a smoldering fire. She felt the bruises, of course. She felt the heat in...

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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 4 Lets Finish The Girl Off

The lights went up. Excited talk filled the room. Blushing bimbos teetered around in sexy French maid's uniforms. They tried to keep their serving plates out of the way of their wobbling titties. Some really had to stretch their arms to keep their proud melons from sweeping the glasses to the ground. They hardly tried to avoid being pinched, though. Or having their swaying asses groped on their precarious expeditions. Some even had to put their plate away for a while to have their nipples...

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Buffy The Erection SlayerChapter 7

Buffy looked at the man who was both the man who she felt like she might be falling in love with, and the man who Jennifer might be having fantasies about. "How are you two doing?" she asked. "He's nice." said Jennifer. "So what have you decided?" asked Buffy. "I don't know." said Jennifer. "I look around and all the other women are acting so ... slutty." She said it without heat. "But they look like they're so happy. I don't understand it at all." "Why don't you and...

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Buffy The Erection SlayerChapter 6

Buffy let Jennifer deal with her inner thoughts as she stood up and turned to face Melinda, who was looking thoughtfully at Jennifer. "Do you want to talk about Boomer?" asked Buffy. Melinda jerked her eyes from the same thing Jennifer was watching. "You have no right." she said, crossing her arms. "Charles has a place in my father's business. He'll be important back in Missouri. It's a good business. We'll have a good life." Buffy nodded. "Yes, I'm sure that's all fine. But...

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Buffy The Erection SlayerChapter 5

Clint picked up the phone and recognized Buffy's voice instantly. "Hi!" he said happily. "How's my favorite girl?" "I just dodged a bullet and need some help." she said. "Anything I can do?" he asked. "As a matter of fact, there is ... maybe." She launched into an explanation of the idea she had for the Pledges of Delta Chi Epsilon. When she was done there was silence from the other end of the line. "Clint?" she said. 'I'm here." he chuckled. "I'm just trying to figure...

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Buffy The Erection SlayerChapter 4

Buffy didn't know what to do with herself. Uncle Bob had called and asked if he could have Tiffany for the weekend to take her to a local carnival and spend time with his adopted great niece ... or granddaughter ... or four year old pal. So now Buffy, having finished her homework, had a whole weekend free to do whatever she wished and she didn't know quite how to react to it. She was thinking about calling Clint to see if he wanted to go someplace, or do something, or perhaps fuck her...

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Buffy The Erection SlayerChapter 2

Twenty minutes after Buffy left Mike lying happily on his bed, with empty balls, she walked in the college book store where she worked about twenty hours a week. She didn't really have to work, as Uncle Bob and scholarships were paying for school, room and board. But for spending money and investment funds, Buffy decided to make her own money. Her usual work partner was already behind the counter. "Hey Boomer" she said cheerfully. Charles "Boomer" Wiggins waved without looking up from...

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Buffy The Vampire Fucker

Buffy was searching for an ancient dagger in the bottom of this crypt, she was very sad because her boyfriend, Angel, was gone, Buffy was searching for a way to revive it with a ancient ritual dagger. She was searching, and she hear a strong noise comming from a door. She decided to open it, and behind it she find 5 white vampires. But they where not normal vampires, they were the old NightRape council, 5 vampires banned of the world because they were too violent. Buffy could fight them, but...

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Buffy The Erection SlayerChapter 3

Buffy was thinking about Clint, and about how much she liked him. He was thoughtful and sweet and funny. She found herself drawn more and more to him. Until tonight her strongest hints that she might be available to him sexually had been deflected or ignored. But she didn't think he was gay. He seemed worried that she was white, but surely he could get over that. She'd assumed Melanie was his girlfriend, but he'd laughed at that. But he hadn't said he didn't have one. Maybe there was a...

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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 6 Visiting A Highly Conservative Mother

Walking with Dawn to the Penshaws was a mixed blessing. Her platinum halo seemed to attract male attention like flowers do bees. Or manure does flies, Buffy thought. She smiled wryly. Dawn's low riding miniskirt and prancing heels did nothing to make the male excitement flag. And her heavily lashed eyes missed nothing. There were whistles and catcalls. They only seemed to inspire the slutty teen to strut with an even more exaggerated sway. Whenever Buffy looked away, Dawn pouted her fat...

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Buffy Dawn Faith a slayer tale

It had been a quite week and buffy and faith were just hanging around the house chatting and just relaxing enjoying this break in their normal fighting evil.Dawn came home from school and sat down "hi guys having fun" she asked, "I guess just nice to be relaxing" said faith and buffy nodded in agreement "but a little bored too" buffy added, "well I guess there is something we could do" faith said with a smile "and what's that" dawn asked.Faith got up and sat down next to dawn smiled and said...

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Buffy the vampire slayer

Just three years after graduating from Sunnydale High, and sticking up with the crap he recieved from principal Snider, Xander has not achieved a great deal. In 2000 (season 4) he hooked up with an ex-demon named Anya, he has not explanation of how they have lasted this long, but all Xander does remember is that one evening when Anya showed up in his basement, reaveling her petite body to him for the first time. Through out the year they tried several sexual fantasies to explore, and plenty of...

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer

The Trio sat around their secret Lair of Doom (AKA Warren Parent basement). They were going trough plans to take down Buffy. So far all the plans were falling straight on their ass. "Maybe we should cut our losses. And get someone less tough to fight. Hmmm maybe like and old lady with super powers. Maybe Xander. Xander isn

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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 2 A Little Journey Through Heaven And Hell

Fink looked around. He felt ten feet tall. The hall teemed with all he had been working for so hard. All he had schemed for and cheated for. The fat round asses. The huge tits. The sweet curvy bodies. The inane giggles, the empty eyes. It was womanhood as it should be. Down on its knees, greedy lips around pulsating cocks. His own cock twitched inside the hot tight cavern of his special slut doll. A rush of power shook him. He knew she was the teen sister of a mighty vampire slayer and she...

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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 2 A Not Entirely Boring Day At Sunnydale High

"So there really is nothing about this company Dawn went to?" Buffy asked incredulously. Then she looked concerned. "You seem a little dazed, Will. You know, if something is bothering you, you can always tell me." Willow smiled and shook her head no. She did feel weird, but something in her head told her not to say anything to Buffy. "I'm fine, Buffy," she said at last. "I think I just had a bad night's sleep. This table doesn't make for a comfortable bed." Their conversation...

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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 4 The Making Of A Lolita Doll

They had taken the two girls to another room. During their short walk Buffy had been shackled at wrists and ankles. Dawn had been all bubbles and giggles, swaying her non-existent hips and chest. "Oh Master, make sweet Dolli puffect... titties, ass... mmmmm, totally puffect!" Fink had grinned and smacked her teenage butt. "Don't worry, lil slut," he said. "There will be a heap of new exciting flesh on this lil Doll's ass... I promise." Dawn had squealed and skipped on her silly...

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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 3 A Magic Halo Molds The Bimbo Goddess

Fink watched the girl on the throne. After she had fainted, nimble fingers had freed her from her leather mace. It left her stark naked. Her pale flesh shone ever so vulnerable in the glaring spotlights. He could see her well through the crystal-clear screen. It had sunk down now, covering her like a bell. Most guests and their bimbos had moved to Fink's end of the hall to watch what would happen. At first their patience was tested. The girl just sat there, naked. Her eyes were closed,...

1 year ago
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Buffy the Vampire Layer

Since the dawn of time, when an individual turns 18 they go through a maturity which makes them extremely sexually active and desirable. To take advantage of this Governments of Earth created the Free Use law which means that all women who have reached the age of Sexual Maturity are to be completely willing to any and all sexual advances. And the Vampire Slayer is no exception, in fact their natural sexual desires are enhanced upon their 18th. As a result the Slayer becomes a truly insatiable...

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Black Magic Part 1 Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Warning: This is fanfiction featuring Giles and adult Willow, certain parts told from each of their points-of-view. Don't complain to me if you don't like the series. Yes there is a lot of sex in this super-long story, but I will be posting the story in smaller segments, and it will take a couple posts to get to the romance. I am a nerd, okay?~Part One~Time was a strange thing, really. Even though Giles had thought it would be impossible to keep away from Willow, that things had changed too...

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Buffy The Sexy Slayer

Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Filled to the brim with sexy women and many possibilities for erotic adventures. So many ways that this show could be portrayed, just in a more adult manner. Now why don't you choose one. How about one were Xander gained the power of controlling others minds? Did he really accidentally summon a demon in the musical episode, or might he have got other benefits. With his new powers what will he do. Use them to fight evil? Or perhaps fulfill those desires for the other...

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Wont Be Ignored Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Author's note: This is a Giles/Buffy fanfic set in the latter half of season 3, where Buffy is 18. It is also somewhat of an alternate universe story in that Buffy never had sex with Angel, so this is a "first time" story. This is unrelated to my "Black Magic" series. Disclaimer: I'm not Joss Whedon, I don't own Buffy, this is not for profit etc."Is that all you've got?" Giles taunted as he brought his staff down for another strike at the Slayer.Buffy deflected the blow with her own staff,...

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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 5 The Pleasure Of Feeling Happy

The next morning Fink was looking over the file on Dawn Summers. She seemed an intelligent young woman. Her sole form of rebellion tended towards shoplifting. She wasn't acting overly promiscuous. A concentrated dose of the happy gas and some new clothes would certainly set off warning bells for the Slayer. Maybe he'd throw some new hair into the bargain. And a set of pillowy fuck-lips. He scratched out the tit enhancement. "Later," he mumbled. Fink grinned. He picked up the phone....

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MCTV Dana Scully Meets Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Special agent Dana Scully drove into the California town. It was 9:00 at night. She parked her car along Main St. and got out of the vehicle to survey the surroundings. She was here to investigate some strange occurances that had been taking place in the town. Scully was in the town of Sunnydale to check out another case for the X-Files. Her partner, Fox Mulder was in Arizona chasing UFO's so she was alone on this case. The agents had been tracking a serial killer/rapist across the country....

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Losing Control Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Another Giles/Buffy story, a one-off unrelated to any of my other works.At first, Buffy didn't like the way it made her feel. When he looked at her, passion burning just behind those intense green eyes, she went weak-kneed. She didn't like that with such a simple glance he could reduce her to a self-conscious shell of a girl, where she could neither find sensible words nor the voice to speak them. It wasn't simply feeling weak that shamed her most of all, but that she actually took some...

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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 1 Mr Fink Rewards A New Friend

Fink paced up and down his spacious penthouse office. He ignored the incredible view of Los Angeles at night. His mind was elsewhere. And for once it wasn't filled with worries. Fink was a happy man for the first time in weeks. BimboTech had made him a wealthy man. A powerful man, too. But there had always been the nagging little irritation at the back of his skull that he was not an independent man. There was always Wolfram and Hart, the damn demon lawyers. They kept reminding him that...

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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 1 A Quite Adventurous Field Trip

Dawn and Janice stepped off the bus. So did the rest of their science class. They looked around. Dawn had never been to this part of L.A. She had heard plenty of horror stories from Buffy and her dad about it. "Why would they build a top research place in a dump like this?" asked Janice. She looked at all the warehouses surrounding them. "You know how people are about all these medical experiments," replied Dawn. "Stem cell research and all that. I hear medical researchers are far...

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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 2 Creating A TwoLegged Stallion

Xander had no idea where he was. Which was an improvement. Up to that moment he'd had no ideas at all for a long time. His head was in a tight place. He could hardly move a facial muscle. His eyes were closed, all was dark. Something filled his mouth and his ears seemed plugged. His nostrils were penetrated with two slick, narrow tubes. Yet, he heard and saw and smelled. What he saw he could not describe. There were colors. There also was a throbbing. Slow pulsating globs rose as in one...

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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 9 Never Trust A Bimbos Heart

The two burly security guards of BimboTech threw Willow into a transparent plexi-glass cell. It stood in the middle of a large and luxurious room. Willow got up at once to pound the glass with futile fists. She could tell that this was a prison. And that she needed to escape from it. But the men pulled her away from the wall. They forced her into a peculiar looking chair. Her hands and feet were secured. Her neck was latched with a collar. All she could do was look forward. And cry. "Now...

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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 1 Que La Fecircte Commence

Conversation stopped. Soft music started to fill the hall. Men and women in business suits looked up from their cocktail glasses. And from the ample cleavages and asses of the girls serving them. They were associates and employees of Wolfram and Hart, the famous lawyers' firm with its intriguing and dark reputation. Over this last half hour they had wondered why they had been invited. And how they could be involved in this curious BimboTech Inc. They had looked amazed at the many...

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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 7 Mr Fink Checks On His New Creations

Fink hadn't slept well. Not well at all. In fact he'd never slept worse since he had taken over this outfit. He had turned it into this wildly successful BimboTech Incorporation. Its former CEO served as his totally bimbofied personal sexretary now. So what was there to lose sleep over ever again? All had gone smoothly until these god-awful bitches of Wolfram & fucking Hart thought they'd reel in a few of their damn rain checks. It wasn't their demands that made him itchy. Those...

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Faith The Vampire Slayer

Faith is the second vampire slayer. She is a loose cannon. She is sometime bad, sometime good, sometime trying to make up for her crimes. Where should we start with her Here the choices: You can go back when she was just a regular loose cannon good guy. She was a bit of a nymphomania back here. You can go back when she was bad and evil. The last choice is present day Faith.

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Black Magic Part 3 Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Author's Note: This is the third part of a Buffy fanfic I wrote, featuring a Willow/Giles pairing. It is a romance but there will be a lot of sex in future chapters so never fear. Refer to my profile for links to the other parts. Disclaimer - I don't own BtVS, I'm not Joss Whedon, this is not for profit, etc etc.~Part 3~"If you don't mind Italian, there's a place I'd like to go to. See if it's still there, of course, and if they're still the same. It was one of my favorite places, actually, and...

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Black Magic Part 2 Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Author's Note: This is the second part of a long Giles/Willow story. No sex yet (yes there is sex, it's already written), but I prefer the slow burn.~Part 2~Willow was surprised when she arrived at Giles' apartment and didn't see any cars she recognized from the group. She didn't think too much of it, simply rang his doorbell and tried to quell her anticipation, smoothing wrinkles from her billowy dress out of nerves more than anything else. Giles was sitting in his living room, trying his best...

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Buffy And the Gate of Gemino

It was just an ordinary mop up job to save the world for Buffy when Xander dropped in uninvited. *** Author's note: My thanks to the editor. This story can freely be posted to any free site as long as there's no fee for reading it. *** Buffy and the gate of Gemino (C) 2003 Nabiky S. Buffy flew through the room and landed soundly on her back. She wiped off the blood from her hurt nose. He was too strong. "Foolish girl, you are doomed," the demon master laughed as he...

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MAU The SlayerIdentity Theft

MAU: The Slayer-Identity Theft By Allen W. Previously on MAU: The Slayer James Stevens used a Morphic Adaptation Unit to turn himself into a copy of Faith, the rouge Vampire Slayer, from the television show Buffy the Vampire Slayer and becomes trapped in that form when the machine quits working. He/She now works with Agent K form the 'Men in Black' to track down another device to restore his sister, now trapped in the paralyzed body of a boy named John, and himself back to their...

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Buffy Gets Ass Punishments given With Feeling

Buffy’s Ass Punishments ; Given With Feeling & Revenge! M/F, Anal,Enema,ScatBy,Red Bottom AnalDisclaimer I do not own or benefit financially from the writing of this story.The TV Show and the characters belong to Joss Whedon.  All characters are over eighteen years old.  This a parody M/F, Anal, Enema, Scat.Please send comments and story ideas to [email protected] Part One:     Xander and two of his friends were sitting on the terrace that over looked the tennis courts.  Tim and Jay were...

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