Nudist Family Tradition
- 3 years ago
- 52
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Judith and Freddie were hitting it off quite well too and he took the group to great places on his jet. He loved that they liked nudism and enjoyed his baptism into that lifestyle, taking them to the Caribbean and Mediterranean resorts.
Freddie was also perceptive enough to notice that Tommy was feeling like a fifth wheel on those trips. As a delightful surprise he brought along his only daughter Emily who was two years older than Tommy. Although she had some insecurities because her tits were quite a bit smaller than the mother and daughter, Tommy happily kept them well pleasured as he ploughed the perky redhead’s furrow. She wasn’t aware of Tommy’s full connection to the older women and he stuck to her when she accompanied them. All agreed it was a good solution although April sometimes stared wistfully at his naked body, reassured she’d have it again when they were home.
It was spring break and the six were at the nude Orient Beach on French St Martin island in the Caribbean. Freddie asked Tommy to go for a walk. “My daughter is really falling for you. She’s had other boyfriends but nothing like this. You do seem to have a way with women. I don’t want her to get hurt so I’m suggesting it’s time for full disclosure about our group. Then she can make up her own mind like Alan and I have.”
Tommy agreed but said it might be best if done by the other women who could be more empathetic. Freddie thought that was a good idea and asked Tommy to arrange it.
When the stage was set they loaded a cooler with beer and set out to watch the parade of pussies and peckers at ocean’s edge.
They’d had plenty of both and were quite relaxed when Emily showed up. “Dad, can I sit here with Tommy?” He got the hint and headed back to the condo to get the scoop from Judith. Emily opened herself a beer and sat down on the same lounger as Tommy.
“That is quite a revelation! I’ve only read about such things in erotic stories. Never expected I’d be a part of one. I want to think about it some more but I guess if Alan and Dad can accept it I ought to be mature enough to do likewise. You’ll have to give me some time.” Without waiting for a reply she got up and walked down the beach, carrying her beer.
Tommy opened another one, not sure what else to do. Life could sometimes get complicated without you doing very much. Two beers later she returned and opened the last one. Tommy wondered what she’d say.
“I really do care a lot about you and want to continue our relationship but I’d like to even things up a bit. I now know you’ve been boffing your two housemates on a regular basis. I’d like to try an older man for a change and Alan is attractive. Do you suppose he’d like a piece of me?”
Tommy tried to suppress a grin, thinking, “Turnabout is fair play!” but he acted a bit reluctant, then said, “Guess you’ll have to ask him. Does that mean I can still dip my dick in Judith and April?”
She smirked, “Let’s see how the first step goes.” Tommy figured Alan was a sure thing from comments he’d made.
Late that evening Emily slid into his bed, flushed and reeking of sex. “I had a real good time with him. But you probably know how he is from April, don’t you? He’s got me really wound up so I hope you’ve saved up plenty for me. I’ve never had two guys on the same day so this is very exciting!” She proceeded to wear even tough Tommy out.
The next morning she wanted more and finally settled down when he was incapable of only finger work. They showered and headed for the beach. Emily was concerned that her pussy would leak down her legs. Tommy chided her, “That will just make more guys want to fuck you. Isn’t that want you want?” She slugged his shoulder only half-playfully.
When they got back to their beach umbrellas and chairs, the other women were there and Tommy left them to have girl-talk. He wanted to go sailing with the guys. They rented a Hobie and had some fun in the warm ocean wind and water.
Of course there was the ever-present shopping and eating and side trips to nearby islands besides the snorkeling and other beach sports. The couples often split up into pairs that were not the usual ones to do things that they both liked. It was almost a group marriage, Freddie noted, except for him and his daughter not having sex. This bunch was open-minded but was that too far?
Late one evening after busy day, the wine and whiskey got them all in a serious discussion mood and Alan brought up the subject of incest. On questioning, Freddie and Emily said that, of course, they found each other sexually attractive. Then the discussion moved to what was the criteria that made sex among such close relations a “bad thing”.
Agreeing that it was mainly a cultural prohibition since in ancient Egypt and some other cultures it was quite common among royalty to inbreed, the current concern was based mostly on recessive genes which might get expressed and cause birth defects. Then there was the issue of older people having undue influence over younger ones not yet able to make good decisions.
Tommy argued that Freddie, like Alan, had a vasectomy, and Emily was on birth control so their intercourse was thus not intended for procreation. Emily was of an age where she was a full adult and able to make her own decisions and not be unduly swayed by pressures. He knew what he was advocating and Emily kept glancing at him with expressions he could not interpret.
Finally, a tipsy Judith called for a vote with all those in favor of father and daughter fucking raising their hand. It was unanimous with the two affected parties abstaining. Emily stood up first, went over to her father and took his hand to lead him to her bedroom. The other four just stared at each other with silly grins on their faces. Judith said, “Well if they’re gonna do it so are we. Alan, I want you first.” In about an hour the couples swapped and the other bedroom door was still closed.
Much later Emily came quietly into the room she had been sharing with Tommy and slipped into bed, snuggling up to him quietly. He was awake but lay still. Soon he heard her sobbing. Holding her he asked a soft voice, “What is it?”
She kissed him hard and then answered, “I’m not upset. These are tears of joy. I don’t know why we waited so long to do this but I guess we just weren’t ready until now. I’ve learned so much from you. Until we got together, sex was just for fun. You showed me how much more it can be and to feel the maleness that began my life right inside me was a deeply spiritual experience, more than I ever expected. The same when I felt his love fluid coat the entrance to my womb. I actually wished there were sperm like started me to go deeper like they did in Mom. He remembered the night that I was conceived and told me about it as he was loving me. It made me wish that I was a man and could actually go back into the birth canal I came out of. Would you do that if you could?”
Tommy nodded, “I’ve never said anything but when I’m with Judith I’ve had those thoughts and have images in my mind.”
She squeezed him tighter and simply said, “Love me to pieces!” He did.
They were truly a group family now and by common consent the sharing was limited so that each could focus on their primary relationship but without losing the intimacy with the others. That was especially helpful when one or the other of the partners was away for some reason or things like menstrual periods happened, although that did not automatically rule out coitus.
One evening at supper April made an announcement, “Alan and I have seriously considered marriage. I’m feeling the urge to be a mother and he is supportive. We don’t want to upset the balance here so have decided on a commitment ceremony instead. We hope we can find a celebrant who is comfortable performing it sans clothes.”
Judith jumped in, “How about at the resort where so many of us met? I’d bet it wouldn’t be the first time for that. Freddie, are you ready to take that plunge with me?” He smiled and nodded and pandemonium broke out.
What a ceremony! It was the talk of the place and the beach was full of naked people ready to party. Shaun and Marty with little boys in tow or arm were there, of course. Since it wasn’t a traditional wedding, the “brides” and “grooms” didn’t have the traditional prior night celebrations. Instead it was an all-out orgy with Shaun and Marty getting lots of sexual attention to their great delight. They’d been so preoccupied with child raising that their sex life had suffered. Everyone in the “family’ knew Tommy’s role and they all watched as he showed them just how he had played his part. Marty discovered she liked being an exhibitionist for more than just her husband.
Marty was a bit unsure about the orgy at first but Shaun kissed her and said, “Just have fun” before Judith led him away. She played the role, asking each of the men who filled her to “Make a baby in me!”, not entirely thankful that her tubes were tied as she got into it. She loved being a mom and even the idea of a pregnancy “potluck” was erotic as hell!
April had stopped her birth control unbeknownst to all but a few but it made little difference as all but Tommy who fucked her were “seedless” men. She secretly hoped his would find her egg as it was the start of her fertile time. Marty was one who she had confided in.
A houseboat had been rented on the lake for the honeymoon week. Although the foursome had a good time focusing on each other, they missed their “family”. April was eager to copulate for conception and finally had to share that with Alan when she seemed a bit distant on their “wedding night”. He became her hero when he called Tommy and they docked the houseboat once each day of her fertile time at the resort while Tommy happily planted another dose of seed as her newly official partner held her hand.
Even Emily, who felt some jealousy, got into the celebration. She knew her turn would come in its time. Having the support of this close-knit group was an immense treasure. As Tommy wisely pointed out, they still had some growing up to do. Dammit, logic wasn’t the only thing! All the other women in their group were mothers or mothers-to-be. She threw herself into fucking with a vengeance and a couple of older boys at the resort picked up on that. She would steal away to become their plaything. Soon two more buddies were brought along to share this slutty girl.
Judith sensed something wasn’t quite right and followed her to their cabin. Her ears could tell what was going on and she confronted the young woman as she emerged, clearly well fucked. Emily hung her head, knowing she had betrayed the group. “You are going to get checked out before any of your family will have sex with you. No telling what you’ve picked up. Now come back and ask for forgiveness.”
A trip to the clinic came back OK and Emily was a more somber girl for a while. She stuck close to Tommy. The matter was not brought up again and Tommy got no erotic thrills from it like he did when she joined with other family men.
The honeymoon gifting worked and April was ecstatic! Another celebration and she had to remind the men that their thrusting, even if vigorous, was very unlikely to dislodge her new parasite. Just before the bonding ceremony, Freddie had invested in a large and secluded estate not far from a municipal airport capable of housing and flight servicing his plane. The place featured a spring-fed beaver pond perfect for skinny-dipping and that flowed into twenty-acre lake which was all on their property.
Freddie was still busy getting richer but Judith didn’t lack for affection with two alternate men at home. Tommy taught Emily how to sail the small two-person sailboat plus waterskiing was just barely possible on their lake. Even Judith tried it nude.
Alan and the slightly enlarged April loved to hike to the beaver pond for sun and sex. She was in a hot spell and he was glad he had help readily available at home. One day they just had a good screw but Alan had noticed some odd noises of in some shrubs at the edge of the clearing. He got up to take a pee and went off at 90° from where he thought the sounds had come from. Moving very quietly he slipped around and sure enough, there were two young boys peeking through the bushes at April who was lying there enjoying the sun. Their hands were rubbing their exposed erections as they stared at her naked body
Walking quietly up behind them, they were startled to hear, “So what do you think you’re doing here? This is private property.” They jumped up, their hands falling away and their peckers pointing towards him as they turned.
They both stuttered but finally one of them said, “We live on the next land and we come over here to swim.” Announcing to April that they had company, he marched them to her presence, grinning where they could not see. She didn’t change her position, lying there with her legs apart and her pussy drooling.
She addressed them, “You boys seem to be very curious. Have you ever seen a naked woman before?” When they shook their heads she said, “I can see from those [pointing to their stiff peters] that you find it pretty interesting. Honey, can I give them a lesson about how to treat a naked woman?”
When Alan gruffly said, “If you insist,” which was part of the game they had decided to play, she beckoned the boys closer. Sitting up by now she reached out and took one of them in each hand, careful not to move too much or they might spurt before she was ready.
“These seem to be pretty nice. How about if we simply start out by having you do what you watched my husband doing to me. That sound good?”
Two heads nodded vigorously so she took the smaller one and guided it down between her legs as she lay back. He’d seen enough to start thrusting and in less than a minute he tensed and groaned. Gently rolling him off she saw the second boy on his knees and ready to bury his bone. He didn’t last a minute either and the already fucked April was just getting started on her next orgasm so she said to the still rigid boys, “Now watch how long you need to last for it to be good for me,” as Alan slipped into her squishy snatch and she felt the boys’ displaced cream running down over her asshole.
As they watched fascinated, she pulled their hands to her breasts and guided them in stimulating her. When she came it was big-time and her eyes got even wider as she thrashed and moaned while her husband pumped even more male juice into her pregnant pussy. After that they lay back and visited. She found out that they were cousins and both 16 years old. She was the woman they would never forget, their first piece of ultimate femininity.
They all took a dip in the pool to clean off and she got down to explaining foreplay a little more. They were well recovered and lasted a lot longer this time, with the second one giving her another small orgasm. Alan got their phone numbers to text them the next time he and April would be at the pond. It would remain confidential among for them, everyone promised.
That evening April made it a point to fuck the other three men, setting a new personal record for different dicks in a day, for whatever that was worth. Alan was just kind of amazed and they snuggled up together when she finally finished making her rounds and got back to their bed.
During the nice weather those two neighbor boys learned a lot about women in the half-dozen times they were invited to the pond. On the last time they could be together, one of the boys stopped April when she announced she had to go pee. “I’ve got kind of an odd request and you can say no. On the Internet I saw a woman peeing on a guy’s parts and he really seemed to like it. Would you do that on mine?”
She grinned and said, “Sure and so everybody can watch.” He made little whimpering sounds as she rather expertly blasted him with a hot yellow stream from her crotch. It didn’t last long though, with her reduced capacity being pregnant.
The other boy piped up, “Can you do that for me too?” She replied that she was empty for awhile but Alan said he could probably manage if that was okay. He nodded and laid down and Adam gave him a big dose, watching his target’s cock swell up as it was sprayed. When that finished the two boys ran down to the pond to rinse off before dressing and giving the couple hugs, saying they hoped they would see them sometime in the future.
When they left, Alan addressed April, “I was impressed by how accurate you could be not having a hose to aim.”
“I’ve had a fair amount of practice. A boyfriend before you introduced me to that little game and we did it quite a bit between fuckings. Want to hear something wild?” Alan nodded so she continued, “He learned to piss with an erection and I can tell you it feels like a giant ejaculation. If I douche after then there’s never been a problem.” Alan shook his head in disbelief but did admit he’d be willing to try it sometime, just not right then.
Judith was having the time of her life when Freddie took her on his business trips which might be anywhere in the world. Being involved with him had given her the incentive to lose some weight and get some exercise and she looked better than ever. Some classy and sexy clothes made her someone to show off at the social events that frequently coincided with business.
Her ego got stroked along with her pussy when he told her at the end of an evening how many men has had asked what it would take in a business deal to spend some private time with her. She squeezed his balls as she said, “Why don’t you give me that option to help out? Maybe I could earn more in one night then I could have in a whole month of regular work. I’ve never been a whore but I have wondered about it. I’d be a pretty classy one too.” He didn’t know if she was serious or not but thought he’d put her to the test the next chance that came up.
Tommy and Emily were having their own share of relationship adventures. They decided to do something mentally stimulating and found a class that wasn’t too far away to learn computer programming. They took the same class so they could drive together and work on projects jointly. About a week later after a class they were driving back when Emily said, “You’re getting some attention I bet you didn’t know about.” When he looked puzzled she said, “There are two girls in our class that have asked me if we are married or related or what. I figured they were interested in you so I said that we were just friends to see where it might go. They opened up saying how hot they thought you were and they’d like to hit on you.”
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My girlfriend and I often went to nudist clubs. Laying in the sun naked is such a feeling of freedom and the heat from the sun is often stimulating, esspecially when there is 50-60 other couples, of all shapes and sizes, laying out on the lawn naked with you. Some playing volleyball, fishing in the lake, taking in the sauna or jaccuzzi, or just walking around strutting their stuff.Sally, my girlfriend, and I had noticed this one couple that struck our fancy for both of us. Sally liked, his name...
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Nudist Beach AdventureI would love to tell you a really horny true story about an experience I had on a nudist beach in Fuerteventura. The beach is where all of the sand dunes are and is s**ttered with nests of rocks where people lay in to sun bathe and keep out of the wind. Obviously because there is a degree of privacy there is a lot of various actions going on and understandably there are guys continually walking around them and if they can peering in to try and catch some action. Well my...
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As the only son of a single mom in collage in the 1960's I got to do and see a lot of things. So when our camping trip was to a nudist camp I knew about them and I didn't show how excited I was thinking about seeing naked girls, and girls close to my age. There were lots of magazines of naked adult women, but none for girls. I didn't think about my reaction erections wold be seen as well. We got there in the afternoon and didn't see much of anyone else. The tents were s**ttered around, old...
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I had just turned 21 and I was enjoying the sun at a nudist retreat that catered to adults, partially to work on my tan, but mostly to try to overcome my shyness at being nude.As I became familiar with my surroundings, I noticed that the retreat was pretty busy with a higher ratio of women to men; just then my thoughts were interrupted as a hand slapped my bare ass.I whirled around and was shocked to see Sharon, a sexy cougar that had been my neighbor next to my c***dhood home. Sharon was a...
Ron awoke early and sprang out of bed, eager for the events of the day. He couldn’t help but smile at the dramatic difference three years had made. He recalled with a smile how he had dreaded going to the “Bare River Bend Nudist Resort” that day three years ago. He had been barely thirteen at that time, but now at sixteen, with a driver’s license and a car the world would be different – at least he thought and hoped it would be different! Ron’s smile grew even bigger as he thought about...
At last we have a chance to spend a few days at a nudist beach.We find a nice semi private spot and strip off and lie down reading our books and soaking up the sun.After a while I start to burn so you rub more sun cream on me and then when you have finished I do the same to you, as I am rubbing the cream into your ass my fingers brush over your pussy lips, teasing you. My cock is almost hard and rubbing against your legs.I lie back down and just gently stroke your body, my cock hard.As the day...
it was a holiday in Jamaica and it was our 1st trip there. we were loving the sun and the fullboard plus the waiters paying us loads of attention. the wife Dawn is a big girl and her tits are nice and big so the waiters were having fun looking at them whilst she sat there in her bikini top. it was out 3rd day and 1 of the waiters said why don't you try the beach down the track behind the hotel its a quiet beach and it mainly for our holiday goers and the next day we decided to give it...
“NUDIST family SEX CLINIC” PART 2 “Do you like big ones? she asked. Billy hung his head. “I guess…” “Please look at my tits, Billy.” His eyes flickered up to her offered breast. “There’s a powerful connection between the nerves in a woman’s nipples and the ones in her uterus, so, nipple sucking can be very stimulating for many women.” She gave him another one of those sleepy smiles, and repeated, “Look at me,...
Author’s note: A lot of different fetishes are explored here from cuckoldry and hotwives to transexuals, gangbangs, etc. Be warned and hope you enjoy! Make sure to leave a comment if you’re enjoying the story - I appreciate any feedback as it massively helps my writing! Also, I've tried to make this story interactive so make sure you press 'Start game', otherwise soem of the content will not logically follow through. Hope you enjoy! So, it is fair to say that your love life has been stagnating...
FetishWe lived in Kentucky and frequented a nudist club in Southern Ohio. We met many interesting people while sunning ourselves. Talking and lots of smiles were common and being naked the talking and smiling were open and sincere.We both noticed a couple that tickled our fancy (so to speak) and agreed that they might be fun to be with especially since there were lots of eye contact between us as a couple. We found later that their names were Danny and Kathy. I loved the while my lovely,...
Well we go to a nude resort near our home here and love to sun and walk around nude all day. We do hate the fact that we can't have spontaneous sex in front of others at that particular lake though. Yesterday though Cat was very horny and was laying out on a large blanket on the lawn by the lake. There were over 50 fellow nudist all around her and I dared her to spread her legs as she laid face down. She slowly worked her feet apart so that her pussy lips pulled apart. She said she was...
My stepmother took several of us to a nudist camp last summer. She is 100% French with dark black thick hair, standing 5'-2" and weighing 112lbs soaking wet and she is always soaking wet. She fucks anybody in the neighborhood even me and my friends
You'd always considered yourself a bit of an exhibitionist. What started off as showing off your body at the gym and to your girlfriends led you down a path of hedonism that turned you into a frequent visitor of nude beaches. You felt so relaxed when you were naked, and your young, sculpted body was certainly nothing to be ashamed of from your hard work at the gym and in the pool. But it wasn't all for therapeutic reasons - walking around naked just made everything feel sexier, and that was...
A few years ago when visiting a nudist " Resort" in the East of England I was walking round their wooded area looking for any couples playing I spotted a couple with a curvy lady with large breasts exploring the area. They were clearly nervous and guessing it was their first time in the woods I hung back but there were plenty of men watching and closely following them. She was wearing a bikini bottom with her lovely big boobs bouncing as she walked. Unfortunately they were not comfortable and...
In all of her 47 years, Melba had never felt sexy. She wasn’t pretty, she didn’t have big tits or shapely ass, and she was too introverted to make a lot of friends. Her husband of 27 years, Roy, had never made a big deal out of sex. It was more a routine satisfaction of a basic need, like eating. Because of this, she was pretty surprised when her husband announced that he had won a week stay at a lakeside resort. That was cause for celebration, since they hardly ever took any interesting...
Finally, Kyle inhaled the islands air. Im off that ship for however long to live around a bunch of nudists. I always had a fetish for being nude in public so it wont be too hard to fit in. I walked up to the front desk that was nothing but a platform with a thatch roof, the old hawaiian vibe type roofing. At the front desk I saw 2 girls, one behind the desk who revealed small perky tits, blonde hair and a petite tannef body. The other to her left, Full latino, big tits, nice beach body and a...
Whether you want to call us Naturists or Nudists, it makes no difference. It's the same thing. My name is Elena. I'm seventeen. My brother's name is Val and he's fifteen. Our parents, Rocco and Marie, have always been naturists, living in those private colonies we all hear about. So, our young lives were spared the awkwardness of non-awareness, right from the get-go. From the moment we could comprehend, we were told about why boys and girls have different bodies, and contrary to what...
Once again Ron awoke with a feeling of excitement. It was another beautiful day outside, and Julie had bought Ken home Friday evening, planning to take him to “Bare River Bend” nudist resort for a week of vacation before school started. Ron’s weekend job had ended, so he too was preparing for another year of school. Life would be better now that he was going into his junior year of high school. No longer was he going to be a kid, but one of the more esteemed class. In addition, he knew...
We settled down in a great position below three couples all lying out in the open (not surrounded by the usual array of wind breaks) and a couple to the right and below us –– the people above us were openly stroking and performing oral sex on each other with-in about a half hour of our arrival, the male of the couple below us was looking right up to my wife's legs which I had gently spread and his prick grew to impressive proportions – I told my wife to take a look at what she was doing to him....
Years ago, I lived with my parents in a subdivision. It was summer, and we had a strong thunderstorm one Sunday morning. The sky cleared completely afterwards, it ended being a perfect sunny day. The thunderstorm, however, moved our TV antenna and my father was not getting reception for his afternoon football game. So he handed me one of my toy walkie talkies, a screwdriver, took me to the back, put on a ladder, and told me to get up on the roof and move the antenna sideways as he gave me...
(Continued from Previous)The camping space they had was a little further than I thought it would be but it was a nice day for a walk. It’s funny, but unless you walk naked you never get a feel for how the human body sways and swings when it’s in motion. I noticed that Mark’s cock was about the same size as mine and that when we walked they swung from side-to-side in just the same way. Left foot forward means penis swings to the right. Right foot forward and penis swings left. Jenny’s breasts...
Another summer arrived and the neighbor cousins were really growing up, both overall physically and their well-used peckers, now measuring seven and a half inches. Jim and Joe were by now frequent visitors. They were so much alike that it was difficult to tell them apart visually and the women would attest that if their eyes were closed they couldn’t tell which one was filling their twat. Their mothers were twin sisters but did they have the same father? The girls in high school noticed them...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Arriving in Devon,with my lovely wife and our son,we met our old divorced friend, whose fields we were staying in. He looked good and healthy,considering he was fifty nine,and introduced our son to him for the first time. He knew that we would be nude for the two weeks,and had seen us without clothes before,when we had stayed in his fields. My wife loved to show herself off to him,as he brought the milk to us,and said to me quietly,as we left on our...
IncestDISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Part 9 *** Chapter 67 A week after my break up with Ethan, Lauren and the girls came into my dressing room. Lauren said excitedly, "Abby! You need to put your rider together! You hardly ever ask for...
FOR those seeking commercial sex in Berlin, Peppr, a new app, makes life easy. Type in a location and up pops a list of the nearest prostitutes, along with pictures, prices and physical particulars. Results can be filtered, and users can arrange a session for a €5-10 ($6.50-13) booking fee. It plans to expand to more cities. Peppr can operate openly since prostitution, and the advertising of prostitution, are both legal in Germany. But even where they are not, the internet is transforming the...
With the help of the Crook County College administration staff, we were able to communicate with three different small colleges with a view to examining their scheduling system to see if it might be compatible with our requirements. That meant some travel, something I hadn’t anticipated. “There’s no point in trying to do this by remote, Joel. We need to visit and talk to these people one-on-one. Have you given any thought about which ones we should single out?” she asked. “Geary Polytechnic...
January 18th, 2007, Wednesday continued Kelly Although Kelly wasn’t sure she deserved it, Master Kiraly seemed to be more at ease with her – less overt anger and hatred - than he’d begun the interview with. “All right,” Master Kiraly said. “You’ve won the lottery, a big payout. What’s the very first thing you do?” “Pay off student loans, reimburse Mom and Dad for school. But that’s only first because those are the only real financial debts I have. More importantly ... well, Carol’s turned...
Friends, this is my true story ,has been thinking for some time to share About me .My name is Akash hail from a small town in AP living in Chennai for quite some time.Once I visited my native to attend my niece marriage.there use to be a lady Nirmala who used to be a neighbor to my sisters house.She use to come to my sisters house very often but I never used to care about her though i had seen her many times. As part of the custom the bride has to come to uncle ( mama ) house to wear saree and...
Angle stayed in the bath for a few more minutes to calm down. She looked content and had a broad smile on her face when she continued talking to me."Hold out the towel for me, please," she asked.I got the towel and held it open in my hands. She stepped out of the tub and slowly took the few paces up to me, completely unashamed. She turned and backed into the towel and my arms. I closed the towel around her and just kept my arms around her."Dry me," she asked softly. I stroked my hands over her...
EroticSaturday, May 7, 2005 (Continued) At daybreak, I felt much more relaxed and secure. Life was good, provided there were several million dollars in my LA account! I was quite eager to go to an ATM to check that. I'd had more or less enough sleep, so I went outside and offered to get the guys some coffee or whatever. They happily accepted more coffee, as their flasks were drained. I figured fresh coffee was the least I could give them for helping us survive the night. Alarm-Girl didn't need...
Chapter 1 Natalia had done well in her life so far, at age 26 she was currently the manageress of a successful real estate agency in Eastern Europe. Her country had recently undergone a huge change when the communist government had been replaced by a democratic one during the withdrawal of the troops back to Russia and freedom had taken over. When this had first occurred she had been just fourteen and did not understand the full implications of being free to think and do what she wanted too....
Black hair and blue eyes are a beautiful combination, and Nala Nova is owning it. She’s an innocent girl, and she has every intention of becoming a star in the porn world. Even though she’s new, she’s not afraid to share her deep sexual desires on camera. She loves getting facefucked, even though she doesn’t think she’s the most skilled deepthroater in the world. But when our stud pokes the back of her throat, it’s ultra-sexy. She eats the lucky guy’s ass and then spreads her legs for some deep...
xmoviesforyouShe had said there would be a surprise tonight. He had told his Mom and Dad he was going to be out late for a party, so he wouldn't be there when they got home from their movie. He had seen Sarah a couple of times during the last couple of days, and got hard every time. But her husband hadn't left until this afternoon, and he only had the little overnight bag. When he had talked to her on the phone after he left, she had sounded breathless and excited. She got wild when she was like that,...
It was Saturday night and like so many others, Olivia was bored and looking for a good time. She walked into The Double Deuce Club - aptly named because it was on 22nd Ave., to see what might be happening at her favorite bar. She was a regular at the Double Deuce and knew most of the other regular patrons. It was a pretty friendly place catering to the working class. The "Double D” as it was called, was primarily a ladies bar, although there was always a few guys there looking to score.Olivia...
BisexualThis is a true story. Names have been changed to protect privacy.Mike and I met at a concert in a Cafe. We caught each others' eye from across the room. He made eyes at me. I felt bold and approached him. He was travelling through town with his friend, he said they were only in the area for a week. We talked and laughed for a while. There was definitely a strong sexual pull between us. Once the concert was over, I invited them back to my apartment to hang out, have a drink, & smoke some...
The first few days she had a few messages and started to chat with a couple of them. She was having fun with it and was amazed at the attention she was getting but none of them were really catching her interest in a way she was hoping for. Until she got the message from him. He was very forward and honest in his message, he was a bit older then her, he was looking for much the same thing she was, and he was married and he and his wife were in a very similar situation. They had both agreed to...
“It’s my lucky day!” Roxxy says after meeting Bruno, and she doesn’t know how right she is. This fun-loving chick showed up in Miami ready for a good time only to find that her motel lost her reservation, and everywhere else is fully booked. Luckily for her, landlord Bruno has a vacant apartment he’s happy to rent her for the weekend. When he takes the cute blonde to look at the place, he offers to let her stay for free…if she wants to have some fun together....
xmoviesforyou*this was taken from another person's stories. I do not claim to own any part of this, except for the answers to the following questions. Unusually avoid these things but I found this one interesting. Plus I am always interested in know about others and their prevy habitsI saw this in a friend's gallery and thought what a great way to introduce yourself to a group, of like-minded people. I love sex and masturbating. An ex of mine never understood why I masturbated all the time, every day... of...
On cool, cotton sheets, she sleeps alone. Her pale form in foetal position, her long, raven hair splayed out on the pillows. No trace of the day’s trials and tribulations remain, only on the cotton wool in the waste paper basket. After a time she stirs in the silence of a spell. Then she breathes, but the cool, cotton sheets have given way to gardens, where roses breathe poems. She idly reflects over the sweet, sonnets of scent, as above her, the leaves swirl like green hearts in the gentle...
As always, thanks to MaryGirard and Boheminxen for the editing work. Without their efforts in correcting my awful grammar, this would be mindless drivel. * ‘What the fuck, Mom?’ I yelled with an iniquitous look strewn across my face. Mom shot me a disgruntled glare, ‘What did you just say to me?’ I cringed at my slip of the tongue — not that I don’t curse, I just don’t usually go around doing it in front of her. ‘Sorry Mom, but geez, it’s my senior prom, and you’re telling me who to go...
Paris Lincoln is tired of only having her fiancee fuck her ass. She needs to feel a cock deep in her pussy too! She is so horny and only get anal is just not enough to satisfy her! Her fiancees best friend Charles comes over and does more than chit chat when he gets his hard cock deep in her wet pussy! Finally Paris gets her pussy filled like she has so badly desired. Damien walks in and catches them but can not nothing at this point being quite pathetic and insecure! Charles gives Paris every...
xmoviesforyouShortly after my sixteenth birthday, I went to spend a month at my grandparents’ place in Naples, Florida. They lived in a beautiful apartment complex that was complete with swimming pool. An added plus was that it was only a few blocks from the beach and the Gulf of Mexico.My grandfather and grandmother were my father's parents so I felt very comfortable with them, although I hardly knew them. The last time I had seen them was when they moved here. I had very fuzzy memories of them. They had...
IncestLeon tells Jessica that it is okay and that she can play with him all she wants. She comes into the room, followed closely by Amber. Together they climb onto the bed, both already naked like he is. His cock is slow to come around and doesn’t go unnoticed, so Amber starts playing with his balls. She motions to Jessica and the girl grabs his rod. Her soft hands are cold, but the combination quickly coaxes his member into action. “Why don’t you kiss him?” Amber offers. Jessica is hesitant at...
other weekend are whole family go's out camping. Now i am a big fan of camping however if you go every other weekend it can get rather boring, and this weekend was no different. My family is made up of me my sister, Dad, uncal and two cousins. My one cousin, me and him are like brothers we do everything together we are even in a band togeter. Now this story is about my other cousin Jill. Now I must confess that i all ways had a little crush on Jill she is one of the most astonishing bodys...
Greg saw two young men in their late teens walk uncertainly up the driveway. They reminded Greg of a pair of stray dogs the way they seemed to expect trouble from someone or something. He went to greet them, "Which one of you is Mark and which one is Jason? Can I put a magic marker on one of you so I can tell you two apart?" They appeared to be identical in every way, except for their clothes. One, Mark it turned out, had on black Dockers and a gray polo shirt. The other, Jason, wore a...