A White Dove free porn video

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My brother Toby and me were also best friends. He was a year older, but we had played together since we could walk. I told him everything, everything but how I felt about other girls. It was the one secret I had never shared.

I thought it might just be a phase I would grow out of, so I tried hard to put it out of my mind. I studied hard and went to church. Where incidentally, I listened to my dad preach about the evils of homosexuality. He would comment to Toby and me how ‘He was sure glad he had two wonderful children that hadn’t been corrupted by sin.

Our church had something called the White Dove Society. On your sixteenth birthday, girls would say a pledge that denounced the use of alcohol and drugs, and we would swear to remain chaste until marriage. Finally, we would have to vow to fight against the evil demoralization of the world. Once a month, the White Doves would go and picket abortion clinics, protest against LGBTQ events, protest in front of the local strip club, or picket in front of a bar.

“I won’t do it, daddy,” I told my dad.

“What do you mean, you won’t do it?” he responded.

“I won’t become one of your White Dove’s,” I said.

“Oh, so you would rather be a harlot, would you?”

“I’m not a harlot, daddy... I’m a lesbian!”

You would have thought the world stopped spinning at that moment. What caught me most by surprise was the amused look Toby gave me. My father dropped to his knees and started chattering out prayers to remove the demon that had possessed me.

“Tobias, take your sister to the barn and tie her to a post, we will exorcise this demon and bring her back to the light.”

Toby looked at me with a confused look, looked at dad and said, “no, dad, you will not touch my sister. There is no demon possessing her. She is a beautiful person that just happens to like other women.”

My dad seemed to seethe with rage at his son for disobeying his command, but he had little option. Dad was five-foot-eight and one-hundred forty pounds. Toby was a six-foot-two, two-hundred twenty-pound football player. Not that Toby would have hurt dad, we both loved and respected our father.

My father’s rage quickly abated, and he simply kneeled there in prayer for the next hour. Toby and I simply sat there quietly until he finally finished.

My dad rose to his feet and looked at both of us before he spoke, “Lesley, Tobias, you are my children, and I love you, but Lesley, you have chosen a path that I can not follow. I can not live under the same roof with such sin, but I can not throw my child into the street. I will move into a spare room at the church until you can find another place to live.”

“Dad, you don’t have to do that. I haven’t done anything wrong. I don’t have a girlfriend, I just can’t pledge to something I don’t believe in,” I responded.

I felt terrible for my dad. Our mom had died a few years ago. Now he felt like his children were leaving him too, but I knew I had to be true to myself. We were still a family, dad was home every morning to fix our breakfast, and every evening he would join us for supper—the rest of the time he spent and lived at the church.

During my senior year of high school, I went to work at a trendy boutique with a girl name Seline. Seline was everything I wasn’t. Popular, fashionable, witty, and… Oh, so gorgeous. Seline was the first person I had a crush on. It seemed like every day, though, a different guy would come and pick her up from work, and she treated each of them like they were her knight in shining armor.

I, on the other hand, she treated me like her project. Every day I would come in, and Seline would say, “Ahh, my project child has returned, come darling, let us make you presentable.”

Part of my job at the Boutique was to be a walking mannequin. Seline said I was a perfect size six, 35-26-36, with perfect B-cup breasts. I’m five-foot-six, have lite green eyes and long reddish-brown hair. So, Seline would dress me in something different every day, accessorize me, and do my makeup.

I had been working at the Boutique for about two months when Seline was headed out the door. She stopped suddenly and turned to me. “Lesley, darling, I’m having a little soirée tonight, I would love it if you could stop by.”

“I would love to, but I don’t know your address,” I responded.

Seline walked over to me and asked for my phone. I handed it to her, and she typed in information in my contacts and handed me the phone. She then did something I didn’t expect, she leaned forward and planted a gentle kiss on my lips. Seline pulled away and looked into my eyes. She got a wicked little smile before she turned and walked away. She called over her shoulder, “au revoir, darling, see you at nine.”

I stood there in stunned silence for a moment before a customer pulled me from my trance. Seline would leave the shop at four, and I would stay and close up at six. After work, I had dinner with my father and made the mistake of mentioning the party at Seline’s house.

“You shouldn’t be associating with that Jezebel, she will lead you astray,” he told me.

“Dad, she is not a Jezebel, she’s one of the sweetest people I know.”

Little did my dad know that I wanted to make mad passionate love to Seline. I was sure she was straight and didn’t like me the same, but a girl could fantasize, couldn’t she.

I arrived at Seline’s address, which was a three-story building, and her address was 301. There looked to be five apartments on each floor, but I was surprised when I got to the third floor to find only two doors, 301 & 302.

I knocked, and Seline answered the door. “Darling,” she said as she kissed me again. “I’m so glad you came, come in, come in.”

I entered a very spacious apartment that was bigger than my house. It was open and beautifully decorated. I then noticed that the other guests were almost all men. There were eight men that all looked like they stepped from the pages of GQ and two other women besides Seline and me.

Seline introduced me around to her friends. “Darling, I would like to introduce my brother, Gram, and my best friend and Gram’s partner, Liam.”

“Oh, you were so right, Leen,” said Gram, “she looks like she fell straight from heaven. Dear, let me look at you, you are simply an angel.” Gram took both my hands and lifted my arms out, looking me up and down. “Liam, isn’t she an Angel?” He then pulled me in and doing an air kiss over both my cheeks.

“Hi, Lesley, I’m Liam,” as Liam extended his hand to shake mine. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Seline has told us nice things about you.”

“Liam, don’t I know you?” I asked.

“Possibly, I went to school with you, but I was a year ahead. You probably saw me with your brother, Toby. He was really the only guy friend I had after I came out. Which always surprised me, being who your father is. How is Toby?”

“He’s playing college football out of state, but he’s well. He never mentioned you were gay, but then with who our father is… I’m not surprised. It’s nice to finally meet you, Liam.”

“Well, if you see him, tell him I said Hello,” said Liam.

Seline dragged me away and introduced me to the rest of her friends. After meeting the two girls, Crystal and Jennifer, it finally hit me, everyone in the room was gay.

As we stood alone, I whispered to Seline, “Is everyone here gay?”

Seline giggled, “Well, I don’t like to label people, but yes, gay, lesbian, or bi.” She looks straight at me and said, “but yes, everyone.”

“But, I’m…” I stammered.

“Yes, darling, you’re what?”

“How did you know? I’ve only ever told my brother and my father.” I stammered out.

“Oh, that’s surprising that you came out to your father. I’m surprised you’re not locked up in a nunnery or something. The short and simple answer is, it takes one to know one. It’s also how you look at me.”

“He would have tried, but Toby wouldn’t let him. And how do I look at you?”

“You look at me like men look at me, with wanting and lust,” Seline replied.

I looked around the room, “So it seems like you and I are the only ones without dates.”

“Not true, darling… you are my date.”

“Oh, I…” Seline pulled me in and kissed me deeply. She pushed her tongue in my mouth, and our tongues met and danced around our mouths. It was my first real kiss, and Seline had to hold me tight as my knees went week. I could feel her rubbing her hands across my body, stopping to squeeze my tight ass while pushing her mound against mine. It took me a moment, but I relaxed and started kissing her back with the same passion while running my own hands across her body and slightly larger ass. The feeling and emotion running through me made the rest of the world slip away.

I don’t know how long we were at it, as time seemed to fall away, but Seline finally pulled away and smiled at me, “Later, ma chérie.”

Seline looped her arm in mine and started pulling me around the room. She would carry on conversations and be very good at pulling me into the discussions. Soon, it felt like I was among my oldest and dearest friends.

There were Chad and Tom, they had been together for ten years, and were both architects. Barry and Jack had been together for four years. Barry is a radio DJ for a Jazz station, and Jack is a lawyer. Rudy and Robert, not Bob or Rob, Robert, are both in advertising. Then there was Liam and Gram, Liam is in college and wants to be a stockbroker, and Gram works with his sister. Gram is the buyer for the Boutique, and he manages the apartment complex they live in and subsequently own. Finally, there was Jennifer and Crystal. They have been together a year, Jennifer is a personal assistant and Crystal is an accountant. Crystal is currently pregnant with Liam and Gram’s baby.

“Did you use some sort of artificial insemination to get pregnant, Crystal?” I asked.

“Oh no, we did it the old fashioned way. Gram and I are both bisexual, so Jen and Liam let us scratch that itch when we need to. Liam asked if I would carry a baby for them, though,” responded Crystal.

“So Gram got you pregnant?”

“We don’t know, Liam and Gram both tag-teamed me for a month until I was confirmed pregnant.”

“Oh, so Liam is bi too?” I asked.

Crystal and Jennifer both giggled, “No, Liam is a hundred percent gay. We tried it a couple of times with just him and me, I would suck him hard, and as soon as it was out of my mouth, it would deflate before he could stick it in my cunny. We had to have threesomes with Gram just so he would stay hard. The four of us live together next door. We’ve all grown really close with this experience, but Jen and Liam say they feel like brother and sister together.”

“That sounds like an interesting way to live, doesn’t anyone get jealous?” I asked.

“No, we have boundaries, and we are all open and talk a lot. We all agreed if any of us don't want something or need something to happen, they just speak. Jen got mad at me once and didn’t want to sleep in the same room with me, but also didn’t want me sleeping with Gram. So Gram slept with her, and Liam slept with me. Then there was another time that Jen and Liam made popcorn and watched Gram and I make love. Anyway, we all work hard at not hurting one another, and it works for us.”

After a couple of hours, most of the guys had left, and it was just the six of us left. Seline had a sizable U-shaped couch that would accommodate twelve people comfortably and more if you squeezed in. The open end faced a gas log fireplace with an eighty-eight inch 8K OLED TV above.

“You guys have an awfully long walk home,” I commented sarcastically.

“Not even as far as you think, darling,” said Seline. “You see the two sets of double doors in the middle of the room? That’s their apartment. When we have larger gatherings, we open everything up.”

“Yes, we usually come in here to watch movies,” said Gram.

“If you’re here in the morning… we all gather in Seline’s kitchen for coffee,” said Jen.

“Seline was a barista for a couple of years, so she makes the best coffee,” said Gram.

“I just throw a Folgers in the Keurig and drink it on the way,” I said.

Seline makes a retching sound, and everyone jumps up to leave. Seline raises her hand in a stop sign, “I will make you a real cup of coffee, and you will promise me to never drink that swill again.” Seline jumped up and said, “Sit.” Everyone sat back down while I just sat there wide-eyed. Seline walked across the room into the kitchen and soon returned with a coffee cup and handed it to me. “Drink that darling, and experience what coffee should taste like.”

I looked into the coffee cup, and there was a heart in the middle. I took a sip and immediately noticed the temperature was perfect. Hot, but not hot enough to burn my tongue. The flavor was delicious with a hint of sweetness, and not bitter. “ummm, it’s delicious.”

Seline smiled and sat back down next to me, but this time she slipped her arm around me. We sat there cuddled up together, and I noticed that Gram and Liam were cuddled, and so were Jen and Crystal. We all sat and talked a while longer before Jen yawned and said she was tired and going to bed.

“Lesley, it was a pleasure meeting you, I hope to see you again soon,” said Jen.

Everyone stood, and then Jen and Crystal came over and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Gram and Liam came over and gave me a hug and air kiss. Gram said I should bring Toby around when he was in town. Crystal shut the door between the apartments and gave me a wink.

Seline and I stood there a moment with our arms around each other’s waist before I spoke. “Well, I guess that’s my queue to get going as well, I’m glad you invited me, Seline.”

“Please don’t leave darling, stay with me, I promise you won’t be disappointed.”

“Seline, I… I’ve never done this before. I… I mean, with anyone… ever. I like you, but I’m afraid you’ll be disappointed with me.”

“Oh, chérie, I have been attracted to you since we first met. I could never be disappointed mon chérie. Come, I will guide you, and you will not be disappointed.”

Seline took my hand and guided me to her bedroom. The bedroom was huge, with a king-sized bed in the center of the room. In one corner was a hot tub that looked out on the balcony, and in the other corner was a large glass shower that also looked out on the balcony. The other end of the room had a sitting area and doorways into a large closet and bathroom.

Seline guided me to stand next to the bed, then turned to stare into my eyes. A deep connection now made, she moved in slowly and pressed her soft lips to mine. We kissed slowly at first, gently rubbing our hands up and down each other’s backs. The intensity picked up as she sucked my tongue into her mouth. Without warning, Seline broke our kiss and pulled my dress up and over my head.

I had on a simple white bra and pantie set and just stood the feeling exposed, yet also exhilarated. I had seen the lust in the eyes of boys at school, but this was the first time I saw it in a woman. Seline’s breath quickened with my own as she seemed to drink in my body with her eyes.

She moved back in and once again pressed her lips to mine. More confident now, I returned the kiss with the same intensity. Our tongues swirled around our mouths as Seline’s hands freely roamed over my body. This time her hands didn’t stop at my back. She slid them down to my ass and into my panties, squeezing a handful of each cheek. I moaned into her mouth as she squeezed. Then she slid my panties down, and they dropped to my ankles. Next, she undid my bra and pulled it down and off my arms. She pushed me back on the bed, and to my delight, she quickly shed her clothing and crawled onto the bed next to me.

She kissed me again as her hands started roaming freely over my body. Seline broke our kiss and kissed down my cheek to my ear. I suck in a deep breath as she took the lobe into her mouth and bit it lightly. She released my lobe and whispered in my ear, “I’m going to make love to you now, dear Lesley. I want you to be loud, I want you to scream, I want you to let the whole world know you feel.”

Seline blew warm air across my ear and sucked the lobe into her mouth. Her fingers started to caress my left breast. My breathing quickened as she ran her tongue across my neck to the top of my right breast. She kissed my breast all around, getting closer and closer to my nipple. She finally sucked the nipple into her mouth and flicked her tongue across it and sent a jolt of ecstasy across my body. My nipples are small but very sensitive as she spent time on each. I lost myself in the simple pleasure of having my breasts suckled. I felt like I was on the edge of a cliff but couldn’t jump when she continued down my body.

As her mouth reached my mound, she pinched both of my nipples tight and pulled. The effect sent another jolt through my body, and I screamed out, “OH YES, Seline, yes!”

She began kissing around my sex, and breathed warm are across my vulva. I could feel the wetness escape and run to my rosy hole. Seline ran her tongue through my slit, parting my folds. She then ran her tongue in circles around my clit before sucking it into her mouth.

I screamed out, “Oh, YES, YES, OH PLEASE DON’T…Oh, O,” I fell into the abyss as I grabbed Seline by the head. I thrust my sex hard against her face as I came with the first orgasm I had ever experienced with another person.

I don’t know how long I laid there before I opened my eyes. Seline was now lying next to me, stroking my hair.

“Oh, Seline, that was… amazing. I feel so complete right now. Can you show me how?”

“Yes, chérie, in time, for now, this is just for you mon amour.”

I fell into a deep sleep with Seline cuddled up next to me and woke in the morning to the sunshine streaming through the wall of glass. Seline was gone, but a thin robe with a rose laid across was on the edge of the bed.

I put the robe on and sleepily walked into the kitchen to hear applause from Liam, Crystal, Gram, and Jen. Seline appeared in front of me, shushing the others and handed me a cup of coffee. She lightly kissed my lips and said, “Good morning, chérie.”

I moved in with Seline the following week.


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“Hey…Hey!” a Japanese man waved.Nik took his earphones off. He was jogging on a treadmill and didn’t notice the man say hello.“Hi.”“You look in good shape. Do you come here often?” the man asked.“Sometimes, when work lets me. Why?”The Japanese man was skinny like a marathon runner. There didn’t appear to be an ounce of muscle on him.“Ever thought about being a model?”Nik laughed at the comment and shrugged.“Yeah, sure, who hasn’t thought about being a model?”“You look good. I need a foreigner...

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Whitewash High Ch11

“Owwww,” Nik said, shuffling in the hospital bed.He was in a private, spacious room. A TV hung from the corner ceiling, and there was various furniture s**ttered about the room. He could hear water running from the bathroom.“Good to know I’m alive,” he said, feeling up the wound.Fingertips grazed the many stables that sealed the hole shut. He felt weak but didn’t feel like any other damage was done.“Good to see you awake,” Dr. Rai said, coming out of the bathroom with a cup. “Here, take a...

4 years ago
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Whitewash High Ch10

For the students, the rest of the day went by without by without a problem. The police took Seth off to jail after taking witness reports from Nik and Suzy. More and more students gossiped about what happened. Unintentionally, Mr. Knight had taken down the top gang leader and one of his lieutenants in only a couple weeks. The power vacuum being created was immediately felt by the students. Ambitious gangbangers tried to stamp their authority over the vacant positions, while others tried to...

1 year ago
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Whitewash High Ch9

Nik walked into the empty halls of the gym. A beaming smile was glued to his handsome, chiselled face. Despite the bullshit with Michelle’s husband’s boss, the cosplay threesome was beyond words. He never came so hard in his life, never had so much fun, and was happy the three of them were still together.“What are you doing here so early, Suzy?” Nik asked, confused as he entered the classroom.The Goth girl sat at her desk, twirling a pigtail patiently. Her skirt was shorter than usual, and an...

1 year ago
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Whitewash High Ch8

Nik quickly composed himself, breathing in deep, making sure to remain calm. “So Gale knows my secret past. It is okay. I never did anything i*****l. No one else knows it. But I made a pact with Michelle and Valerie to always be truthful to one another, always sincere, even if it was negative or would create a problem.” Running a hand through his hair, Nik kept speaking. “Think...think...think...what am I going to do?” he whispered. “I’ll just tell them after I speak to Gale. I’m not lying,...

3 years ago
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Whitewash High Ch7

Michelle snuck out in the morning, but not before leaving a sexy note on the kitchen counter. Breakfast was already made for Nik and Valerie. It was fun being the cook, taking on the domesticated housewife role. Even though she technically was married, she never wanted to cook for the hubby. Getting a thank you text from Nik, saying he enjoyed the food, sent a tingle of joy in her heart. She knew it was real, unlike the marriage.The chocolately skin had a copious helping of white glaze all...

2 years ago
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Whitewash High Ch6

Nik walked through the doors of his home, tossed his bag in the corner, and proceeded to relax on the couch. The game was on and he half watched it as he shifted around, trying to find a comfortable spot from the pain of the knife wound. It dulled down but was still throbbing.“Fuck, this is going to make teaching tomorrow annoying.”He didn’t have to go. People wouldn’t blame him for taking time off after getting stabbed but he wanted to make a point, a statement to the students. Don’t fuck with...

2 years ago
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Whitewash High Ch5

The daylight sun broke the serene dream. An orgy of fit, firm, female bodies wrapped all over the young, virile white man. Black and yellow lips sucking, licking, caressing all over his muscular, dominant physique. It was only half a dream though as two of the women have already done the duty on multiple times. The third girl? Despite the crazy act, Nik was caught up dreaming about the Asian gym owner, literally.It was the first day of classes that came and hit the teacher like a blunt hammer....

3 years ago
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Whitewash High Ch4

“Everything is fine. That is kind of you to worry but I’m okay. I went out with a friend after work, had a bit too much to drink and I fell asleep at her place,” Michelle sort of lied to her husband on the other end of the phone. “It is tonight? Again? Fine, I’ll be back home soon.”The phone snapped shut and what was once a jubilant mood now turned sour.“I just got my holes gaped open by the biggest white cock and left with so much jizz in my womb that it’d be a miracle I’m not pregnant with a...

3 years ago
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Whitewash High Ch3

The couple turned towards the woman at the classroom door. Fresh cum dripped off of Principal Weiss’ face, cumdrunk lust still apparent on her face.“You two are lucky I’m the only one in the building,” Michelle said, walking over, shaking her head at the mess. “How long have you two been fucking?”CRASH!Michelle slipped on a puddle of cum, falling on her firm behind. A look of annoyance more than pain etched her face.“Long enough to turn this classroom into a bordello,” she continued, slowly...

1 year ago
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Whitewash High Ch2

“Gawd, Massa, ram me with your perfect cock. Gape my slutty holes that were made and bred for you. Thinking about you makes my cunt drip like a waterfall,” Michelle screamed out in her bedroom.The busty, fit teacher invited her new master home after the school day was over the following day. It took them nano-seconds for their clothes to be torn off, and their love making to begin. Her body quaked in pleasure, feeling his strong hands over her body. Everything he did to her made strong knees...

3 years ago
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Whitewash High Ch1

Cries of pleasure echoed out from the classroom. Moaning came from a statuesque black woman bent over the desk. Behind her was a powerfully built white man, quickly ramming his lengthy, thick cock into her black pussy. With every thrust of his powerful frame, she cried out for more. Her mind was lit up like a Christmas tree. She never had a white man before, but always dreamed that a white man could make her feel as good as she felt now. Fluids ran down her legs and inner thighs, making a mess...

1 year ago
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WhiteBoi BBC Worship Guide

This guide is intended for every whiteboi out there wishing to please his black daddy or any black man bcz this is your duty. First you should be totally naked with a butt plug in your ass and chastity device worn. Then you must approach him while crawling with your ass sticking out and your head bowing in humility. You should kneel in front of him and ask permission to look at him. Once he says ok you should look him in the eyes with the most girlish way and ask if he will let you please...

3 years ago
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Whiteys Hot Fire

Please read "Into the Hole" before you read this story. It will make a lot more sense if you do! After the experience of seeing a couple make love in front of me and my wonderful orgasm, I go back out into the main hall of this Wonderland and find a bath in the corner of the room. I strip off my sticky cum soaked dress and climb into the already boiling water. I watch in amusement as cum slides from my skin into the water, rinsing me clean from the remnants of many pleasures. With a sigh, I...

2 years ago
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whitedogs lucky lotto cuckold story chapter 2

Lucky LottoChapter 2On Thursday evening as I was preparing dinner for my wife and me the phone rang, I went to answer it as Sara was taking a bubble bath after her exhausting day of house hunting. "hello" I said "is Sara there?" a strong male voice on the other end asked "she's not available right now may I take a message?" I asked pulling out my palm pilot quite use to taking messages for my wife. "yes you can, tell her this is Steve and I just wanted to know what time the limo was arriving...

2 years ago
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whitedogs lucky lotto series best cuckold story e

it should be noted i am not the author....whitedog is..Lucky LottoChapter 1My name is Tim and this is a story of how the lottery can change many lives. My wife Sara and I have been married for twelve years, she is thirtysix and I am fortyfour. I met her through a blind date and even though she was much more attractive than me what they day about opposites attract in our case was quite true as Sara had a very outgoing, agressive dominant personality compared to my meek, shy kinda wimpish...

3 years ago
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The snow was falling more heavily, the blanket thickening by the second. Greg thought they could navigate the side roads to the closest town to secure lodgings, but as the sun began to sink and darkness settled around them his hope began to fade."Dad, I'm getting scared," Janice admitted in a steady voice that was quickly losing confidence."Don't worry sweetheart, it can't be much further," he assured her in an uncertain tone that was also losing the edge of confidence."Dad?""Hold on, I'm...

1 year ago
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I think of my early life as average for a woman of my time; went to college where I met Dan, married him, dropped out of college and worked mediocre jobs to help Dan get his degree. The plan was that after he got settled in his career, I'd go back to college and finish, but I got pregnant...then we had two more c***dren in quick succession. I became a housewife, Chair of our PTA, volunteer swing instructor at the local YWCA and the cool mom that always takes the k**s out for ice cream after the...

4 years ago
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Whitebread Plain

"Look, Jase, just because I love you doesn't mean I'm willing to do that with you," said Emma. "Can't we do something else?" "Like, what?" Jason said. "I dunno, like, talk, or something. How was your day?" "Boring. I couldn't want to see you. How was yours?" Emma sighed. " ... Boring. I couldn't wait to see you." A boy had made some quiet motions in her direction--a friend of a boyfriend of a friend, kind of boring. She'd been able to say, Sorry, I'm already seeing...

1 year ago
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Whitedirt Dwellings

“You can’t wear them jeans on your first day at your new job Mary!” exclaimed Mum as we all stood around in the kitchen with tea-mugs. “It’s a factory job mum, you can wear what you like; anyway even Princess Ann wears jeans now! I laughed, “Yea, only while her stable lad is mucking out her stables no doubt!” “Oh well, they’ll probably put you into an overall when you get there anyway.” replied mum. Then the cockerel began crowing over his hens again. Mum continued, “If Shirley don’t get...

1 year ago
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It's quite obvious at this point that some cultures have made it to that certain races have become fetishized. For example, Americans have managed to fetishized black men to a degree, often presenting them as men who are well-endowed, with penises much larger than white and Asian penises, and middle easterner penises as well. It's a weird fetish, and you might as well call it racist, seeing that it was born out of fear that many men harbor in their minds. The fear that a savage man who is not...

Porn Forums
1 year ago
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Reddit SnowWhites, aka r/SnowWhites! Talk about a niche subset of people who all love a certain type of girl. What /r/SnowWhites is offering is something that I never even knew was a thing. I had no idea that people liked black haired pale girls so much that they had to make an entire subreddit for it on Reddit.com. Anyway, I get that people like different things, so I’m not going to talk trash about anyone. In fact, I might just like what I see here. I’ve been scrolling through this sub for a...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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Whiteys Hot Fire

Please read ‘Into the Hole’ before you read this story. It will make a lot more sense if you do! After the experience of seeing a couple make love in front of me and my wonderful orgasm, I go back out into the main hall of this Wonderland and find a bath in the corner of the room. I strip off my sticky cum soaked dress and climb into the already boiling water. I watch in amusement as cum slides from my skin into the water, rinsing me clean from the remnants of many pleasures. With a sigh, I...

3 years ago
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Pt 1 The Handover

As he follows his Mistress in to the house, the slave is anxious about what she may have in mind, he hasn’t been told anything about what they will be doing this weekend. As she leads him down the stairs to the basement below, the slave first glimpses the naked body suspended from the ceiling then the leather clad Master grasping the bound boy’s cock. The slave stops dead and feels his crotch twinge unexpectedly. Quickly catching up with his Mistress, the slave wonders how she could have...

2 years ago
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Pt 1 The Handover

As he follows his Mistress in to the house, the slave is anxious about what she may have in mind, he hasn't been told anything about what they will be doing this weekend. As she leads him down the stairs to the basement below, the slave first glimpses the naked body suspended from the ceiling then the leather clad Master grasping the bound boy's cock. The slave stops dead and feels his crotch twinge unexpectedly. Quickly catching up with his Mistress, the slave wonders how she could have...

3 years ago
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Whites Cant Compete

What can I say...life is great! I've got the hottest girl in school and every guy wants to be me. As the quarterback of the football team, I've got this school wrapped around my finger. I can pretty much get anything I want here at school. Oh...and did I forget to mention that I've got a big fat cock. I can't tell you how many of these girls have taken a ride on my 9 inch dick. I've got a reputation around school as being a big dicked alpha stud. Everything was going great in my life...until...

4 years ago
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White Sissy got Pimped

I leaned closer to the mirror to apply my lipstick, the bright red smudged across my pink lips. I needed to hurry and finish my make-up, John would be home soon enough and I didn’t want to make him wait. I was looking forward to our outing tonight. I was already dressed. My black high heel boots that came up to my knees, my black leather mini, my black cotton tank top with the word “Sissy” written in big silver letters across the front. My thong was a vinyl material that fit snug so I could...

3 years ago
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White Sissy got Pimped Gay

I leaned closer to the mirror to apply my lipstick, the bright red smudged across my pink lips. I needed to hurry and finish my make-up, John would be home soon enough and I didn’t want to make him wait. I was looking forward to our outing tonight. I was already dressed. My black high heel boots that came up to my knees, my black leather mini, my black cotton tank top with the word “Sissy” written in big silver letters across the front. My thong was a vinyl material that fit snug so I could...

1 year ago
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Whites were supposed to be black slaves A

My name is Bradley. I used to be different. I was... I was like... like most of you. I was white, straight, and thought nothing would make me happier than a hot piece of ripe pussy. I could've NEVER imagined the way my life would become, and could NEVER have imagined that I was a hot piece of ripe pussy, and like all white boys... I am better equipped to satisfy black cock, than any vagina. Life often has its own plans, it doesn't always pan out the way you think it will, and there are events...

2 years ago
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White teacher gets black bred

This story is about a white girl that cheats on her boyfriend and gets pregnant by a BBC. Cheryl is a 31-year-old white woman, and has been dating her white boyfriend, Mike, for 5 years. She’s a skinny, tall, blonde hipster type woman that looks way younger than her age. Dark blonde hair, blue eyes, pale white skin, and perky little 34 B cup tits with pink nipples. She always shaves her pussy, and when she’s turned on and wet, her puffy fat labia lips spread open and show off her pink tender...

3 years ago
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White Wife Turn on to BBC

"That's it, baby, roll that fat ass. Work my black cock. Make me cum in your pussy," Ray told the white married woman moaning beneath him, her hands on his dark ass, urging him to fuck her deeper and harder. He tried recalling the middle-age slut's name. Yeah, she was that easy. The first time he'd ever really talked to her was less than an hour ago.Ray had seen her before though. She shopped at the grocery store where he worked. Most of the time she came in by herself, but occasionally her...

2 years ago
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White Slut Training Academy Slap the bitch

She is an incredibly attractive French Canadian bisexual slut at 31 and is Maitre_Renards personal pet slave. You have all heard about tails and the exploits of kinky oversexed French maids, but she beats them all! When in her 20s she had been obsessed with the internet, and all the possibilities of kinky sexual encounters that this new wonderful medium presented. Lust Pet is a dark brown red headed woman. She has 36” breasts, a 23” waist and very ripe round ass, the kind that is just...

4 years ago
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White Folks in Alabama Love My BBC

Looking back now, as a mature, married, African-American man, living in Dothan (SE Alabama), I consider myself more fortunate than most. My name is Marcus, and I was born and raised here, and came of age in the 1980s, when the population was around fifty thousand. It wasn’t easy for black boys to get onto the path of success back then, but I was fortunate to have loving parents who sacrificed for my sisters and me.Our parents both worked in a peanut processing plant, and they made sure that we...

3 years ago
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White Slut Training Academy The Arrival

My Wife's First Day at the Academy My wife Julie when in her 20s had been obsessed with the internet, and all the possibilities of kinky sexual encounters that this new wonderful medium presented. She, at the time was a very attractive dark headed girl that looked much like a young Liz Taylor. She had 36”DD breasts, a 23” waist and an over indulged full 37” and very ripe round ass, the kind exactly like J'Lo's that would be just perfect to abuse. But her real...

2 years ago
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White married social worker raped by BBC

This story was written as an adult fantasy. The author does not condone the described behavior in real life. The September sun beat down on Lisa through the open sunroof of her blue Acura as she pulled up to her last case of the day in the middle of the projects. The young, 21 year old had recently graduated from the University of South Florida with a degree in social work. Lisa had accepted this job with the Department of Children and Families (DCF) three months ago. She had just started to...

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