Magd indian porn

3 years ago
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Die Magd

Seine Blicke fanden keinen anderen Halt. Das am Boden hockende Mädchen zog seine Begierde auf sich. Der Kaufmannssohn, Eike Kerkhof, sah der jungen Magd beim Scheuern des Dielenbodens zu. Anna reizte ihn. Seit die Mutter das Mädchen in den Dienst genommen hatte, fand er keine Ruhe. Das sommersprossige Gesicht, das rötich schimmernde Blond der Haare. Es betonte das Kindhafte in ihr. Keine Nacht verging, in der ihm nicht ihr Bild erschien. Er hatte sie einmal heimlich beim Waschen beobachtet. Ihr...

2 years ago
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Magd in the basement

1742/5000 This story fell in the summer with me, there is a gypsy girl in the street I’ve been watching for a long time, but not because she’s so beautiful, but because she has a big cud and tells her it’s easy to fuck her. They told me that once he had gone through the thrill of 6 people in a row for a couple of wives. I wondered when there was no one at home, then he was passing through something! But why am I cursing? I figured I’d say come over the cellar, I’ll...

3 years ago
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A Well Lived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 92 The Magdalene

July 23, 1997, London, England “I’m still married,” I replied. “But I won’t say ‘no’.” “If there were anything more obvious in the universe than that, I’m not sure what it might be!” “I’m not quite sure how to take that,” I replied. “How I meant it!” I chuckled, “Sadly, I’m not a mind reader. That said, I do recall that three years ago when I said ‘I hate fucking lawyers’ you corrected me by saying I would like it a lot, AND you said you would like it, too. You also said married guys...

4 years ago
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Sister Magdalene

It was quiet in the chapel. Serene. For some, the stillness, the lack of breathing, the rustle of clothing, would add to the serenity. In reality, it was just another indication that they were dying, and not just them, the entire church. Sister Magdalene looked up, the figure of Jesus Christ predominant behind the small altar. She knew every nook and cranny of the chapel, having cleaned it more times than she could recall. Twenty four years of her Twenty seven years, she had spent here in...

3 years ago
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Maiden Magdalena Foreer His Lady

The maiden’s horse galloped through tall green grass withal speed and finesse en route to the Prince’s castle. Aloof bareback, her dress flowed carelessly in the wind as her horse pressed the green blades withal his clod hooves. Withal the sun’s rays at her back, the maiden trod heavy on her way thither. Since that merry day when she watched him from her room window frolic withal seers of the village where she doth reside, the maiden was awestruck withal his dapperness. She had all intendments...

3 years ago
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Maiden Magdalena Fore er His Lady

The maiden's horse galloped through tall green grass withal speed and finesse en route to the Prince's castle. Aloof bareback, her dress flowed carelessly in the wind as her horse pressed the green blades withal his clod hooves. Withal the sun's rays at her back, the maiden trod heavy on her way thither. Since that merry day when she watched him from her room window frolic withal seers of the village where she doth reside, the maiden was awestruck withal his dapperness. She had all intendments...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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The Revenge of Magda

                                The Revenge of Magda                                by: Dr. Phil (2010)   The vampire Magda looked disdainfully down at Ronald as he knelt naked on the floor of the crypt. His teeth were chattering and his hips involuntarily humped back and forth, as if contact with the thin air alone could mercifully give his pathetically engorged little cock the friction it needed for the release it craved. The release that he was about to sell his soul for.   Poor chubby...

2 years ago
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Magda s Journey part

Magda watched as the couple screwed up against the wall. No more subtlety than a couple of dogs on heat. Jeans pulled down and her top pulled up to show tiny breasts and a hairy muff. The bloke old with greying, greasy hair. Magda hoped that she had got the money before hand as she doubted this girl was a professional just desperate.Magda moved on to the place she was in the habit of sleeping in. An alley with a kitchen wall one side which meant that it stayed warm until early in the morning....

4 years ago
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Magda s Journey Part II

Magda woke from a deep sleep and was still drowsy as it slowly came back to her that she was in bed with her new lover, except he wasn’t beside her.“Good morning sleepy head, have some coffee.”The coffee was fresh ground and quite strong and very tasty. Magda drunk it with pleasure but was somewhat distracted by Alasdair gently stroking her body. At first whilst sensual it wasn’t sexual however having given her a chance to drink the fragrant beverage Alasdair then moved his caresses to her...

2 years ago
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Oil of Roses Behind the Wall of ThornsChapter 13 The Grimes Wedding To Lori And Magda

Harry It had been difficult, but he’d avoided drinking too much the night before. That said, there was some question as to the specific amount which would qualify as ‘too much’. It was a slippery variable. So, Harry was hung-over, just nowhere near as hungover as he’d been other mornings. He lay in bed, surrounded by bodies, and dreaded moving. Bladder aside, he wasn’t sure there were any valid reasons for him to move any time soon. If they wanted him at the wedding, they could damn well...

4 years ago
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Magda 8217 s cleaning girl takes charge

It had been 2 months since Magda Carter had hired the new cleaning company, but she hadn’t yet felt comfortable around the 24 year old girl they had been sending. Magda considered herself a refined upper- middle class woman. She was in good shape for a 37 year old 5’4″ woman. She’d been told that she resembled Scarlett Johanssen. The cleaning girl seemed to be the exact opposite. Magda thought that Rozkoo was pretty in a rough, biker sort of way. She had a tattoo on...

3 years ago
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Magdalene House

CHAPTER I: SAINT & SINNER At the age of twelve Bess Scanlon was branded a whore and sent to the Sister’s of Mercy. Cast out in shame, the bloodless brides of Jesus branded her a temptress, never bound for heaven. Women who never glimpsed their wombs, who wilt the grass they walk upon and leech the light from the room, never took her into their hearts of stone. So in this heartless place of charity, the brides of Jesus beat her, to redeem her sin. Even at her tender age, Bess was just a whore. ...

2 years ago
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SweetheartVideo Magdalene St Michaels Ivy Wolfe Together

Ivy Wolfe wakes up beside an empty bed. Carter Cruise left the center and Ivy is about to do the same. This place is not healthy and she needs to leave, but Magdalene St. Michaels doesn’t want her to leave. She asks her to pass by her office one last time before she makes her decision. Ivy agrees, but only for a few minutes. When she sits in Magdalene’s office, she finds a venerable and different person. Magdalene opens up to Ivy, and tries to explain that by treating those girls...

2 years ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Magdalyn 22 year old

22 year old Artist type Magdalyn dropped by the couch this week. She’s a little bit different than our typical applicant. She’s got the dreds, she’s got the tats and the piercings, so I think it’s safe to say she’s kind of a hippy. Now, typically I’m not a fan of hippies, but this one just happens to be fresh, sweet, funny, gorgeous and has this great attitude that brightens up the room. There’s really nothing like a girl who comes in, rolls with the punches, is laughing and being goofy...

2 years ago
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SweetheartVideo Magdalene St Michaels Nina Hartley Chapter 4 A New Beginning

Mother Joan (Magdalene St-Michaels) agrees to go visit her long-time friend Mother Superior (Nina Hartley). For the first time in many years Mother Joan decides to confront her old friend. Over time, their opposing ways of teaching The Lord’s word had turned them from friends into adversaries. When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and rescues them from their troubles. In this darkest of moments, afraid she will lose her old friend for good, Mother Joan confesses her love for her...

2 years ago
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Rebel 1777Chapter 14 Magda

During that week I learned how to use my fine, new rifle with its heavy, octagonal barrel. I soon found that with patience, correct elevation and the proper rest, I could hit almost anything I could clearly see, so I decided that instead of having Felicity dragoon another foolish male to her doorstep the next Thursday, I would bag my own. I hated soldiering, but I enjoyed hunting. When I told my pillow mate of my plan, after we were able to get our breath and speak rationally to each other,...

3 years ago
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Am Pranger

Dumpfe Schritte hallten durch das steinerne Gemäuer und verloren sich dann in dem von sakraler Dunkelheit geformten, weitläufigen Raum der Kirche. Dunkle Wolken hatten den Himmel verhangen und so erreichte kein Sonnenstrahl durch die kleinen Fenster des Gotteshauses. Nur wenige Kerzen schenkten drinnen ihr diffuses Licht, in dem sich eine junge Frau zum Beichtstuhl bewegte. Es war Sonntagnachmittag und selbst eine Magd hatte an diesem Tag des Herrn ein karges Stück Freizeit. Das Mädchen trug...

2 years ago
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Hirst Hall German

Hirst Hall (German)Anmerkung des Autors: Dies ist die deutsche Fassung des englischen Originals von Hirst Hall. Hirst Hall hat mich von Anfang an so in seinen Bann gezogen, dass ich Surtea einfach um die Erlaubnis bitten musste, dieses meiner Meinung nach meisterlichen Werkes, in die deutsche Sprache ?bersetzen zu d?rfen. Leider sind meine Englischkenntnisse sehr bescheiden, so dass dies keine 100% ?bersetzung wird. Aber ich denke, zu 90% werde ich es hinbekommen, zumal Surtea die ?bersetzung v...

2 years ago
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Christmas Truce

Christmas TruceBy oggbashan©Copyright Oggbashan November 2013; Minor edit April 2017 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. *************************************************I was sitting at my small easel, painting yet another watercolour of the Essex countryside. I produce...

4 years ago
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Der Ehevertrag

Es war in einer Zeit als Ehen noch arrangiert wurden. Als die auserwählte Braut denjenigen zu heiraten hatte, der um sie warb. Als die Frau noch kein Recht auf ein „Nein“ hatte. In dieser Zeit wuchs ein kleiner Wildfang zu einer jungen Dame heran. Bei ihrem Vater auf dem Land hatte die Schöne alle Freiheiten genießen können. Doch nun mussten sie in die Stadt ziehen. Als Handwerker konnte der Vater in der Stadt mehr verdienen. Vom ersparten Geld kaufte der Vater eine Ziege und ließ ein schönes...

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Abenteuer zweier Bauernm dchen in Danzig

Abenteuer zweier Bauernmädchen in Danzig Vorspann Diese Geschichte darf Jugendlichen unter 18 Jahren nicht zugänglich gemacht werden. Es handelt sich um reine Phantasie. „Die nachfolgende Geschichte ist für Jugendliche unter 18 Jahren nicht geeignet. Sie spiegelt nicht meine Neigungen wieder. Ich sammele Informationen aus Erzählungen, Presse und TV, sowie Chat- und Teleerlebnissen. Manche Stories enthalten als Grundlage tatsächliche Ereignisse, die ich durch eine von mir dazu erfundene Handlung...

4 years ago
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Das Hausm auml dchen

Ich räumte gerade sein großes Arbeitszimmer auf, als er von hinten an mich heran trat. Es war soweit. Ich wusste, was er von mir wollte. Und ich wusste, dass ich ihm zu Diensten sein musste. Der Herr befiehlt, die Angestellte gehorcht. So einfach war das Leben eines Hausmädchens im Jahr 1875. Angefangen hat alles, als ich die Stelle vor zwei Jahren bei seinem Vater angetreten habe. Von ihm wurden die Angestellten immer gut aber sehr distanziert behandelt. Vor kurzem ist der alte Herr aber zu...

3 years ago
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Wie es begann

Erste Erfahrung:Da ich meine Ausbildung in einer anderen Stadt mache, wohne ich bei einem bekannten Paar meiner Eltern. Ersatz-Mutti und -Papa für mich. Sie führen ein freizügiges Leben. Oftmals wenn sie im Schlafzimmer Sex haben steht die Tür etwas auf. Sehe die Dame des Hauses auf ihrem Mann reiten, oder sie liegt auf dem Rücken und bekommt es besorgt, auch in den Arsch. Stehe immer öfters vor der Schlafzimmertür und schaue zu. Knete irgendwann nicht nur meinen Schwanz, sondern habe ihn aus...

3 years ago
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Die Eselswirtin

© Petiteepona 13.2.1997 Die Eselswirtin Ich der Eselsknecht Nar, des Kaufmann Haglisch aus Ur, war auf einer Reise mit meinem Herrn zum Goldland Poot. Wegen unseres Ziels, edle Metalle zu kaufen und Gesch?fte zumachen, war mein Herr reichlich mit M?nzen versehen und wir allesamt gut bewaffnet. Nach sechs Wochen Reise und verschiedenen Stationen kamen wir zu einer Sch?nke.Schon vor unserer Ankunft h?rten wir weithin das kr?ftige I-A Geschrei der Esel. Offenbar eine Eselszucht. Zahlr...

2 years ago
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Die traurige Vampirin

Die traurige Vampirin Die traurige Vampirin von Patrizia Panther [email protected]  Claire bahnte sich ihren Weg durch die Party, schl?ngelte sich teilnahmslos durch die Gesellschaft und taxierte ohne spezielle Hoffnung die Menschen um sich herum. Sie wusste nicht, wieso sie hier war, es erschien ihr ein guter Weg zu sein, ein wenig der Zeit totzuschlagen, von der sie unendlich hatte. Sie musste ein wenig dr?cken und schupsen, denn wegen ihres unscheinbaren Auftretens wurde sie oft ?...

4 years ago
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Space Odysseum 2201 First Contact

The following tale is a depiction of pure speculations and the result of wild imagination. It guides the reader through the maze of problems an Anal Etiquette space crew have to overcome in order to survive and save the Planet from a menace unseen before! They may not make it without your active advice and support! This is a story is not for the faint hearted. The warning are in the tags - if you see anything you don't like do not read it... The year is 2201 A.C. The...

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In den Faengen der Mudschaheddin

I n  d e n  F ? n g e n  d e r  M u d s c h a h e d d i nKey-words: Male-Dom, military battle, war crimes, kidnapping, slavery, non-cons. breeding, scatology, serious, body-modific.,rtorture, abuse. GERMAN language.Roman von masostud ? 2010 by Masostud Provided by bdsmlibrary.comSummary: Begeistert zieht Panzerkommandant Sergei in den sowjetischen ?Befreiungskrieg? gegen die afghan. Mudschaheddin. Er wird aber gefangengenommen und verschleppt. Zum Tier degradiert erlebt er die hasserf?llte Rache ...

3 years ago
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An Unseen World Story

An Unseen World Story The following events take place before the events of The Unseen World and as such Part one of this story can be read as a complete stand- alone story without first reading The Unseen world. Part two of this story is a direct sequel to The Unseen World... I hope that you enjoy it. Part One. The Return Of The Daisy Glade Witches The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed but changes from one form to...

1 year ago
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A Wedding Story Chapter 11

Chapter 11 It's raining men Tall, blonde, dark and lean Rough and tough and strong and mean Hallelujah it's raining men, amen (Weather Girls, 1982) Mrs. Mangione was stunned at this point. Shocking enough that her youngest son paul, has not only been completely feminized to the point she can be stimulate as any cinder woman can be; Now she has learned paula went to a well-known beach dressed in a tiny yellow bikini. Participated in some sort of a Co-Ed volleyball match as a woman...

4 years ago
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A SLAVE rsquo S TALE 4

I sat at the dining table quietly reviewing the day’s events. From upstairs there was still the occasional squeal or the sound of a slap and a curt “Shut up, bitch, and stop wriggling.” I picked up the papers in front of me. It was my standard slave contract passing total control to me. There were a few blank spaces left to be filled and room at the bottom for both my and her signature. It was required by our laws that she sign it as a demonstration of her place in society. If she refused to do...

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INTRODUCTION:Now essentially naked, I stood before the bamboo gate to the nun’s compound. I wasn’t sure how long I have been here, but I was sure it was at least several hours. It wasn’t that I was being ignored. To the contrary. Upon my arrival, I rang the large bell attached to the side of the gate’s archway support. An older nun exited the building inside and spoke to me through the gate. This nun was nearly naked except for her veil, sandals on her feet, a very thin, nearly sheer, white...

2 years ago
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Impersojnating an Impersonator

Impersonating an Impersonator "Rob, you need to do something. These paparazzi give me no peace. I don't want to talk about Alex." Melody Rodriguez, the glamorous up and coming star in Hollywood was in her plush suite at the Ritz Carlton hotel. She had been discovered about two years earlier. She modelled her looks on Marilyn Monroe with full blonde hair and full pouty red lips. Her 36-24-34 figure was a copy of Monroe. She was a few inches taller than Monroe's 5'5". She had...

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Felicity Ch 33

Chapter 33 Magda and Rita Her name was Magda and she knew her life was empty. She was more than halfway to forty and knew she would never be beautiful, she would never be rich, and she would never be loved. Her one and only love had divorced her many years ago and he was now ending his third marriage. She was a teacher at the high school and although her students loved her she was not one of those students returned to see. It had been years since she had sex with a man and years since she...

4 years ago
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El Ojo De MalicioChapter 5

I lived in the space between galaxies of high school social groups. Bailey and Brianna were friendly; realistically though, chitchat wasn't on our menu. To be honest, I don't think either girl gave any serious thought to expanding the public persona of our 'thing'. Within the walls of the school, I just didn't move in their galaxy. Magdalena's frame of reference differed greatly from the other girls, even Janet. Our relationship was different in that it could be called a relationship....

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My GF s Halloween Costume

MY GF'S HALLOWEEN COSTUME by Throne I made two stupid mistakes. There I was, happily enrolled in college and with a stunning girlfriend. Magda was a svelte beauty with long black hair. She was easygoing about almost everything, except her insistence that magic was real. We dated for a month before she confided that belief to me. I immediately began to chide her about it and, to be honest, as the weeks passed my taunts went from mild to outright disrespectful. Halloween was getting...

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Paloma from Light and Dark

“People can commit many sins. But the most grievous sins of all are the sins of not knowing your true self, and even worse, of fearing it.” Dr Sandor Kardos Part One: Dr Kardos The unexpected arrival, nine months previously, of an itinerant Hungarian psychologist had produced an unfamiliar mélange of suspicion and curiosity among the inhabitants of Puente de Almas, a relatively small, off-the-beaten-track town nestling discreetly in the picturesque folds and foothills of the Spanish Pyrenees...

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The White Apron Did It

The White Apron Did It By Monica Graz PART 1 Dennis Arnellos finished getting dressed and gave an indifferent look at his immense but untidy bedroom. His Polish maid Magda would take care of that later, he thought. He moved to his study and turned his computer on and then went to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. He knew that Magda would be out at this hour doing her morning shopping. He started going back to his study but stopped as his eye caught the freshly ironed white...

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The King in Yellow Chapter Nine

Magda followed Dmitri out of the old convent, head held high. Her superbly nude body cast a long shadow in the late afternoon sun. The path led them to a huge flat-topped slab of granite, a tomb or an altar of some long-forgotten religion. In front of it waited Grigori, Andrei, Leon and Pierre wearing black trousers and - with the exception of Andrei who liked to be bare-chested - white shirts. Each had several knives and whips at his belt and each had a nude woman kneeling at his feet, knees...

3 years ago
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Der dreissigjaehrige Krieg

Wir schreiben das Jahr des Herren 1625. Es ist ein diesiger Morgen im September. Die Bewohner des kleinen Bauernhofes liegen noch schlafend auf ihren Strohsaecken. 30 Paar Augen starren gierig durch die Daemmerung. Sie sind 3 Tage am Stück maschiert und haben keine Beute machen koennen. Ihre Vorraete sind fast vollständig verbraucht. Aus dem Stall hoeren sie das Muhen einer Kuh, Schweine sind ebnfalls zu hoeren. Hungrig werden sie hier nicht weg gehen. Noch ahnen von all dem der 40 jährige...

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Clubbing Part 1

Clubbing Part 1 By Monika Michelle Palmer My wife and I go to a local dance club. Both of us dressed to the nines. She is wearing a little black dress, barely black hose and open toed heels; I'm in a virginal white blouse, black mini skirt, gloss black tights and open toed heels. To everyone, we look like a couple of girlfriends out for a night of fun on the town. We get to the club, pay the cover, all the while the bouncer is checking us out. I reach over and squeeze my...

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The King in Yellow Chapter Ten

The men carried or dragged their victims through the main hall and back to the kitchen, smearing great trails of blood behind them. Magda stood obediently at Dmitri’s side, her luscious body gory and befouled, gazing at him with naked adoration. He clapped his hands twice and Alexandra stepped into the hall and came towards them. Nude save for thigh-length leather boots and a silver necklace; she carried a black suede bag over her shoulder. “Call us when she is ready” Dmitri told her and...

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Corrie babes get their brains fucked out by women

Ex Coronation Street star and her best friend who is back in Corrie enjoy their sexual freedom in the 21st century.Early 2009 was a strangely frustrating time for Nikki Sanderson as she was feeling really pissed off with her life even though she was quite busy and making good money. Her numerous boyfriends had so far never seemed to quite gel with her and she had struggled to really enjoy her time with them as much as she had hoped it might being a true romantic. She couldn't put her finger on...

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The making of Nikki Sanderson

Early 2009 was a strangely frustrating time for Nikki Sanderson as she was feeling really pissed off with her life even though she was quite busy and making good money. Her numerous boyfriends had so far never seemed to quite gel with her and she had struggled to really enjoy her time with them as much as she had hoped it might being a true romantic. She couldn’t put her finger on the problem which made her so irritated but something was missing. At the time she couldn’t even share these issues...

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The White Apron Did It 2

THE WHITE APRON DID IT - 2 By Monica Graz PART 5 During the next few hours, Lita realized the hard way what serious housework means. She also realized how easy her job was in the Arnellos family house where she had to practically take care of an empty place. They started their cleaning from the bedrooms in the first floor. She instantly understood that cleaning the four occupied and heavily used bedrooms was a different story altogether. After they finished the master bedroom and...

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Room for Rent Part 2 of 14

No matter how often I lingered in the bathroom after that morning, hoping Kris would burst in for another quick blowjob, it never happened again. Even worse, it didn't seem any more meaningful to her than a basic business transaction - no different that chipping in a couple of bucks towards gas in return for giving her a ride somewhere. It wasn't even worth talking about. After a week I began to wonder if it had really happened at all, or if I'd just imagined the whole thing. And so, life in...

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Clubbing Part Trois

Continuation of my Clubbing Fantasy Time stands still. In the distance I hear the soft music of the radio, the occasional car as it passes not far from the window. The perfume of sex hangs palatably in the air as all four of us savor the moment. I lick my lips as I look up at Jason. His eyes closed, breathing returning to normal. I then glance down to see a twinkle in Magda's eyes as she drains my cock of it's pent up juice. I feel Frank's cock soften as he gently pulls out...

4 years ago
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AmnesiaChapter 6

The wheels of justice ground slowly. Tony and Nina were meeting every Friday evening and parting each Sunday afternoon. This would be their life for the time being. Martin could offer no optimism that charges would be laid soon against the three vice presidents of Carbutt, Mellows and Davidson. He wasn't even sure Stanton Mellows would be charged. All of them were out on bail, so the potential danger was still there. Knowing the F.B.I., their phones would be tapped, but they would probably...

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The King in Yellow Chapter Eight

“Good morning, Doctor. Where is Dana today?” asked Dmitri, as Katya entered the room and took her seat in front of him. “That is not your concern.” she replied, “You are to answer my questions this morning.” He did not let his face betray his satisfaction and was also quietly pleased at her choice of outfit; her dress was much more feminine – and much more revealing - than the usual charcoal-grey skirt and jacket. “Today, I would like to learn what happened to “Magda”. I think you know who I...

2 years ago
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El Ojo De MalicioChapter 4

The First Rule of The Cheerleaders' Secret Fuck-Buddies Club: You do not talk about The Cheerleaders' Secret Fuck-Buddies Club. The Second Rule of The Cheerleaders' Secret Fuck-Buddies Club: You do not curse star athletes. Sitting down, I avoided the eyes staring at me. I'm not friendly in the male department, but I could have used another guy in the room. Magdalena lived in an apartment with her mother and grandmother. From the living room size, the place couldn't be very big....

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Mate Ch 03

Peter I was walking to my appointment with Ola, giggling at the thought of how surprised he would be. This week I had much more interesting things to talk about than how dull and meaningless my life was. And this once I did not know what he would say and what he would think. I was humming the goofy sitar-theme of ‘Winds of Change’ (Animals), since this time I was not coming for my weekly fix of comforting sameness. The sitar, the didgeridoo drone of my shades, birds bright in the sky like...

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A SLAVE rsquo S TALE 2

This is the second of the two stolen chapters of a seven part series. I am reprinting it and I then intend to post the final five parts showing all seven chapters with their true authorship.A SLAVE’S TALE 2.“I abhor unjustified cruelty but a crime cannot go unpunished as I am sure you will agree. When you were thrashed did your last Mistress use your bottom?”“No Miss. I rebelled before she got that far Miss.”“Good, then we will make use of that. You understand what this punishment is for and...

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A Slave s Tale 2

"I abhor unjustified cruelty but a crime cannot go unpunished as I am sure you will agree. When you were thrashed did your last Mistress use your bottom?""No Miss. I rebelled before she got that far Miss.""Good, then we will make use of that. You understand what this punishment is for and why it is necessary?""Yes Miss.""I think 24 strokes will suffice this time."I picked up my riding crop from the table and slowly stood up."Stand up slut."She did so with amazing speed."Turn around and then...

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Ann and the HandymanChapter 27

Magda lay on the bed pretending to be in a hypnotic trance. She looked as if she were asleep and in a state of serenity. I was conscious of the camera lens watching my every move and the need to play a part and to keep it sexy. I crossed my legs and showed a lot of thigh, then I said, "Magda, you seem to have a stain on your blouse let me wipe it off for you." I pressed my hand on to her full breasts and rubbed her tits through the white cotton. I felt her nipples respond and harden at my...

2 years ago
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Cobra 7

Two months later, Saturday, 07h. As always, Marcus woke up before everyone. His three wives were on his chest, with Mandy and Sandra at his sides and Laura between his breasts. They slept every night in that position, with their bodies entangled after making love. As he did all days, Marcus started to untangle his body from theirs and left for the bathroom. When he was finishing styling his hair, Laura surprised him, hugging him tightly. - I don't have how to thank you for what...

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High School Sweetheart part 4 of 4

High School Sweetheart Chapter 4 By Lauren Bliss Sunday morning, I awoke to a breakfast of sugar smacks, and coffee. Mrs. Connolly seemed to always have her hands full, so it was no surprise that she fixed the family's morning meal by taking the path of least resistance. Still, I thought it nice that their whole clan, all eight of them, had breakfast together. Archie had stumbled in pretty late, well after we went to sleep, and it showed. He shoved his cereal into his mouth in...

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All Things Come To He Who WaitsChapter 15

BRUSSELS, MID SEPTEMBER LUKE'S VOICE It was a curious day. I'd been expecting to spend the time being foolish, walking through the excitement of the capital of Europe, sharing silly jokes and anticipating dinner, and then dealing with a more basic appetite. Instead I felt almost surplus to requirements. Uli was younger than Magda but she seemed older and more experienced: she took the smaller girl under her wing and spent a lot of the afternoon talking quietly to her and listening to her...

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Holz vor der H ttn

Poll mit Kommentarfunktion, um sich über die Frauen und 'Frauen' der Story auszutauschen: Poll zum Voting, welche Storyline fortgesetzt werden soll: In dieser Geschichte geht es um des Bayern liebstes Mode-Accessoire bzw. um die Trägerinnen! Das Dirndl ist ein bayerisches und österreichisches Trachtenkleid, das gegen Mitte/Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts erfunden wurde und heute vielfach als alpenländische Tracht angesehen wird. Dirndl...

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Kaiser Friedrich II und Isabella

Die Hochzeit von Kaiser Friedrich II. und Isabella von BrienneDiese Geschichte ist nicht frei erfunden, sondern erzählt eine historisch gelegte Begebenheit! Die erwähnten Personen haben tatsächlich gelebt (siehe die Anmerkungen am Ende).Die Hochzeit und die Ereignisse in der Hochzeitsnacht haben wirklich stattgefunden. I. Die Verlobung Palermo, 1223Friedrich II. mit seinem Falken. Aus seinem Buch De arte venandi cum avibus („Über die Kunst mit Vögeln zu jagen“), Süditalien zwischen 1258 und...

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Vom Regen in die Traufe German

Vom Regen in die TraufeDie Leiden eines Kriegsgefangenen Roman von ?Masostud?? 2011 by Masostud Erstes KapitelDie Ostfront des ?1000-j?hrigen Reiches? war im Winter 1943 auf 1944 de-facto am Zusammenbrechen. Immer mehr Bataillone l?sten sich entweder durch Fahnenflucht oder durch die K?lte und den Verpflegungsmangel oder schlicht und einfach durch Einwirkungen der russischen Armee auf. Ich ahnte den Zusammenbruch des 3. Reiches und wollte nicht zu den Verlierern geh?ren, daf?r war mir mein erst 20 j...

4 years ago
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Was darf es denn sein junge Frau

Was darf es denn sein junge Frau? 0Elli war auf einem Wanderurlaub mit ihrer Freundin, die draussen wartete, und beide hatte Appetit auf etwas Leckeres. aeh, eigentlich wollte ich nur ein paar Frikadellen haben. Aber sie haben so leckere Sachen hier. Elli deutete auf zwei Schweinehaelften die an einem Haken an der Wand hingen. Alles von Tieren aus der Umgebung hier? Der Metzger laechelte. Natuerlich. Alles was hier verkauft wird stammt aus der Gegend und wird selbstverstaendlich auch hier...

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Die Zauberin Spiegelbild german

******************************************************** Die Zauberin ? Spiegelbild(das Gegenst?ck zu ?Die Zauberin? (Sollte ich jetzt wohl zu ?Die Zauberin ? Hasso? umtaufen)********************************************************I BegegnungEs war nicht mein Tag...Heute hatte ich das Haus verkauft. Dort in Raukfurth war ich die letzten Jahre zu Hause gewesen. Und jetzt hatte ich es verkauft - weit unter Wert. Wie unversch?mt der H?ndler gewesen war; allein daf?r h?tte ich ihn schon verfluchen solle...

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K nigin Kristinas peinliche Befragung German

K?nigin Kristinas peinliche BefragungEnde Mai 1280, in einem fiktiven europ?ischen K?nigreich.In der Folterkammer der Burg bereitete der Henker grade seine Instrumente vor. Er kontrollierte die Stricke an der Streckbank und drehte mehrmals das Rad. Das ausgetrocknete Holz knarzte schrecklich. Sein Gehilfe ?berpr?fte Zangen und den Schraubenstuhl.Die Fackeln in den eisernen Beh?ltern warfen ihr flackerndes rotes Licht auf die dunklen Mauern des Kellers und die schrecklichen Instrumente. Dann kam der ...

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Die Erlebnisse der Gutsherrin

Meine schönsten Erlebnisse (Gutsherrin - Erlebnis 1) wieder einmal war es heute nachmittag soweit, daß ich, eine frau vonmitte 30, einer bestrafung beiwohnen durfte. Unsere 42 jährige dicke köchinhatte schon zum zweiten mal den sonntagsbraten anbraten lassen, so daß dieserweggeworfen werden musste. Damals in der schwierigen zeit im 19. Jahrhundertein hartes vergehen der untertanen. Ausserdem war marta unsere köchinin letzter zeit sehr störrisch und frech und hat sogar mal etwas gestohlen.Mein...

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Pelle the CollierChapter 3 How the Maid Ingeburg Is Given Lessons by Hunold

Ingeburg woke up and flinched in pain. Her backside hurt fiercely where Hunold had kicked her. She had never seen him in such insane rage, and for once he had enforced a punishment on Ingeburg. Her mother had defended her of course, but even she shrank away when Hunold told her in a cold voice to keep her mouth shut or take to the road with her spoiled daughter. Ingeburg still could not understand the reasons for her stepfather's seemingly blinding rage. Her stomach growled for she had been...

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Cast party

Cast Party My name is Dan, and I have always considered myself an adventurous and open minded person, but my experience was taken to a whole new level in my junior year of college when I got involved in an amateur theatre group. We all got along astoundingly well and I found myself becoming friends with several of my cast-mates. We often went out for drinks and to parties together and after a very successful production of Romeo and Juliet, we decided to have a cast party at an international...

2 years ago
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Girls Next Door 8211 Part VI

It’s me Rupert Ravi from Madras once more. I simply have to put this down in writing as this was the most outstanding experience in my life. When I feel like foreign pussy, I usually take off to Mahbalipuram which is close to my city of Madras. As everyone knows that this is a place where you find no shortage of foreigners, and I look for foreign women tourists who are in heat and are looking for sex. Normally I prefer Japanese or Chinese tourists or even women from Nepal or North East India as...

3 years ago
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Clubbing Part Deux

Clubbing 2 Magda and I leave the girl's room and head back out to our new guy friends who are waiting at the bar. It's getting late and the crowd is beginning to thin. I tell Frank that we would love to accompany them back to their place. Since we only had the two beers, and that was a while ago, I felt fine to drive. Frank takes me by the arm, while Jason takes Magda and they lead us out of the club. We hop in our car, and follow them to their place. Even though it's dark,...

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All Things Come Vol 2 Ch 08

The new format has settled down. Luke is still a first person voice, but I now present him from the point of view of others as well. The section headings tell the reader who the narrator is. Thus, ‘MAGDA, LUKE’, with Magda as the first name, is written from Magda’s point of view, (in the third person), with Luke as another third person character whose actions are seen and felt through Magda’s eyes. ‘LUKE, ULI’ on the other hand, with Luke’s name first, shows that Luke is the narrative voice and...

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Little IndiansChapter 12 Jane

As Dee suckled at her mother's breast, there was no barrier between herself and the visions entering her head. She was not wearing the choker charm, and her mother was pure demon. It had been years since Dee's mind had been free of the choker charm's strange influence. Dee began to see into the past, into Jane's past. Dee felt herself becoming Jane, as if she could see, hear, feel, and even think, everything that had been Jane, but still looking on, a spectator. Jane had been in Gynt...

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The White Apron Did It 3

THE WHITE APRON DID IT! By Monica Graz PART 9 Lita looked again at her brand-new passport and the photo attached to it. She was more concerned than usually. Was she going a bit too far this time? Her crossdressing and submissive tendencies were all declared loudly at her passport photo. All she could see was a young plain looking woman dressed in a light blue dress with a white collar, the unmistakable symbol of a maid's uniform. She looked at the passport name again,...

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All Things Come Vol 2 Ch 02b

BRUSSELS, MID SEPTEMBER It was a curious day. I’d been expecting to spend the time being foolish, walking through the excitement of the capital of Europe, sharing silly jokes and anticipating dinner, and then dealing with a more basic appetite. Instead I felt almost surplus to requirements. Uli was younger than Magda but she seemed older and more experienced: she took the smaller girl under her wing and spent a lot of the afternoon talking quietly to her and listening to her replies. I know...

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Watching Julie the Missing YearsChapter 3 The Fruits of Partnership

"Are you sure about this, Nancy?" She giggled. Leaned close and kissed me. "Are you kidding? It's Magda's idea." She kissed me again. "Besides, Magda didn't have to work very hard to convince me, you know?" I didn't, exactly, but I was getting a pretty good picture and I liked what I was seeing. A lot. I hugged Nancy. "You don't have to work very hard to convince me, either. How're we going to do this?" "Carl doesn't know about us, about you and Magda and the deal....

1 year ago
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My Danish Daughter Part 4

When we awoke the next day, we all knew that we had to finish what we had started the night before. Magda joined me in the shower first, for our early morning routine of soaping, washing, rubbing, and licking each other. I tasted her whole body again, making her cum several times, and then she returned the favor, driving me nuts with her oral technique, before I entered her cunt again for a doggie-style fuck right there in the shower. I pounded her over and over again, sending her into an...

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Legaturi periculoase II

Trecuse deja mai mult de un an de la acele intamplari si ma convinsesem ca Ildiko avusese dreptate. Devenisem si eu sclavul sexual al directoarei. Cel putin o data pe saptamana ma lua cu masina, sub diferite pretexte, direct de la birou, fie dimineata, la pranz sau dupa program si ma ducea intr-un apartament din centrul capitalei ca s-o fut. Devenisem dependent de sexul cu ea, ca de un drog de care esti constient ca nu-ti face bine dar de care nu te poti debarasa. Femeia asta era incredibila,...

2 years ago
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All Things Come To He Who WaitsChapter 17

Brussels Late November Luke's Voice The Heads of State had left town, our classes had returned to a civilized timetable, and Christmas was on the way. I was slumped in an armchair reading an e-mail from Inge. Dearest Luke, I know I haven't written for ages, but life has been so hectic that I haven't known which way to turn. I spoke to Uli about her visit and all the things you did, (and I mean all — she was gloating a little bit), and I was pleased for her and madly jealous as well!...

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My Danish Family

Note : This story is completely fictional! Later that evening, the 5 of us sat down to finally discuss the future of our sex lives, which we clearly wanted to be primarily with each other. I suggested, "Well, since Bjorg likes all 4 of us, we should definitely share him, with the understanding that he belongs to all 3 adults, and has to share us as well. Magda could belong to her parents, namely Inga and me, but her mother and I would do each other, on a more equal basis, while Magda would have...

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Coed SlutsChapter 7

The girls helped me clean up the front room and make up the bed. I complained to myself about how much I hated taking summer school, but I never did miss one particular class. I hopped on my motorcycle and just made it on time. The class was Psychology 69- -Sexual Psychology. At least, that was the joke around campus, except it wasn't any joke in Magdalena's class. She was a great teacher, and Sexual Psychology was certainly her best subject. That wasn't hurt by the fact that she was...

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El SobadorChapter 2

"I need to study with Janet," I announced. Family dinners sucked. Usually, my stepparents did everything they could to avoid having a sit-down meal that included me. My stepmother liked the big meal cooking thing, so once a month we suffered through the silence of pretending to be a family. I never knew my biological father. My mother emigrated to the U.S. days after I was born and married my stepfather eight years later. She died within months of my sister's birth. Six months later, my...

5 years ago
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Avenging Angel chapter 8

The rest of that day and the succeeding weeks have remained with me as fragments, forming no recognisable sequence, islands of recollection like fleeting memories of early childhood. Some were dreams, some happened in waking life, but it was hard to distinguish which was which. Someone gave me the clothes I’d left in the Recovery Compound and I changed into them, kicking my brothel lingerie into a corner. I tried to make Katrina change as well but she’d fallen asleep and couldn’t be roused....

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Compatible Bedfellows

A guy and a girl share a studio apartment. I’d been apartment hunting in a half-hearted way for a couple of weeks without any luck. So now I had to go at it more seriously. I took the afternoon off and looked at five places. The last one was only a studio, but it was in a pretty good location, just three blocks from work. A girl had come to see it too, and the manager showed it to both of us at the same time. What can you say about a studio apartment? It had a bathroom, a kitchenette, a...

3 years ago
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Parting Gift

The temperature had dropped considerably since Magdalene Brooks had started out on her walk along Prospect Park West and she found herself pulling her light coat just a bit tighter against her body. She hadn’t planned to go all the way down to Grand Army Plaza, but once she did, the autumn sun was already setting before she could make it half way back home. Still, even with the sudden chill, it was a pleasant walk as she alternated her gaze between the old brownstones across the street on her...

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All Things Come To He Who WaitsChapter 23

BRUSSELS, VIENNA: APRIL/MAY LUKE'S VOICE 'Well, if she has to, she has to, I suppose. I'd better load her down with some self-study material, and she can e-mail me her written work for correction. The exam's only two months away though, and I'm not really happy about losing nearly half the class time that's left.' Anita and Elena looked at each other and I thought I saw Elena stifling a smile. Anita reached over and patted my hand. 'She doesn't want to go, because Jurgen won't be...

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My Danish DaughterChapter 3

“So, was that good for you?” I teased Inga over the speaker phone, as I lay on top of our lovely daughter. “Yes, very much so, and it will be even better when you’re fucking both of us regularly. I’m going to love sharing you ... and my other two men, with my sweet Magda. Imagine, darling, the five of us together, living in the same place, doing whatever we please. I especially love the idea of you men making both of us airtight, though threesomes of all kinds will be great ... and I adore...

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The Friends of Paul and Sally Part Two

One thing we agreed on during our periods of rest and discussion was that sex among the eight of us had improved, and was continuing to improve, over time. The more we lost our inhibitions, the more ready we became to articulate personal needs or wishes. Once expressed, the more easily were they fulfilled.It was during this get-together, for example, that Selma confessed for the first time that she and Mike enjoyed anal sex. At first it seemed that she might be offering herself to be sodomised...

2 years ago
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The Friends of Paul and Sally Part Two

One thing we agreed on during our periods of rest and discussion was that sex among the eight of us had improved, and was continuing to improve, over time. The more we lost our inhibitions, the more ready we became to articulate personal needs or wishes. Once expressed, the more easily were they fulfilled.It was during this get-together, for example, that Selma confessed for the first time that she and Mike enjoyed anal sex. At first it seemed that she might be offering herself to be sodomised...

3 years ago
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My Danish DaughterChapter 5

Monday, May 14, 2018 Copenhagen Airport, Kastrup, Denmark “There they are! Robert, Magda!” Inga rushed at me with real enthusiasm, no doubt drawing a bit more attention to herself than even she tended to have. “Come here, you!” I held Inga very tight before she slipped me a very hot French kiss in public. “Welcome to Denmark, lover. Your new, adopted country! You will not regret moving here, trust me! It’s a bit ... more expensive, yes, but we’ve discussed that, I believe. It will be...

2 years ago
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Broken UpChapter 7

"But why is it," Danielle said, "that having sex with someone seems to be the thing that breaks me up with them?" "Maybe you have a cursed vagina," Amy said. "That would be terrifying," said Martin, and Danielle scooped up a piece of popcorn and threw it at Amy. Summer had come and gone, though this one had been longer than usual; while high school started in August, most colleges held off until September. It was, Danielle's mom had told her, the longest summer vacation she would...

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All Things Come To He Who WaitsChapter 22

BRUSSELS, MUNICH, SPAIN: APRIL MAGDA, LUKE OBSERVED 'Don't you dare stop, you bastard, or I'll get off and bite it!' Magda pushed herself hard down onto Luke's cock and hooked her hands under his shoulders. Her head was resting on his chest and she heard his heart pounding as he arched his back and drove upwards into her. Her pussy was stretched impossibly wide to accept all of him, and a muffled gasp was forced out of her. His chest shook as he laughed softly at her response and fresh...

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Breaking Point Chapters 36 40

36. A Woman Scorned? One man scorned and covered with scars still strove with his last ounce of courage to reach the unreachable stars; and the world will be better for this. Miguel de Cervantes ***** Using the birthday party as a deadline, Reeves contacted Rodriguez to try and push the negotiations along. He also had LaRue's new information as a carrot to dangle in front of the security Colonel. A meeting was agreed, but for the day after the party, which worried him...

5 years ago
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The Apple Tree Ch 02

Rebecca knew exactly how fantastic the turkey leg was going to taste. Bela the groundskeeper brought the unusually plump bird in early in the week, and Magda the housekeeper had labored days preparing, seasoning and roasting it to perfection. Rebecca had fasted three days in preparation for the test, and her stomach growled, anxious for her mouth to devour the meat. She was tied to a chair, blindfolded. It was the third time she’d taken this test: eating the turkey leg by levitating it to her...

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Space Odysseum 2201 Inside the invader s Den III

A few well calculated blasts halved the large analingus biting Cpt. Stella's prolapse and making the amazon roar in range and pain. Her destroyed guts stopped shooting out eggs while the remaining four large worms roamed around their mistress in a rush to recover. While Eleen was trying to kill the last super aliens without harming the Brazilian, an 10 inch wide analingus shoot out from ambush under the ground slime and attacked the instructor's rear. It charged into the wide...

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The Vamp ire

THE VAMP-IRE Definitions: VAMPIRE: An un-dead being who returns from the grave to feed on blood from the living. VAMP: A seductive woman who uses her sensuality to exploit men. IRE: Extreme anger or wrath. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Until recently I rented a small Victorian, terraced house in Cemetery Road, a quite secluded street in an unfashionable part of North London. It is strange the way some streets and backwaters seem to miss out...

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We ll Work It Out

 When Elena was seven years old her mom and dad said they had a big surprise for her: She was going to have a little sister. They didn’t sense it, but Elena wasn’t thrilled with this news. She didn’t want a little sister. She knew a little sister wasn’t the same as a new baby doll. She knew it meant she would no longer be the princess, her mama’s twinkling star, her daddy’s little lollypop.And so after interminable months of being constantly reminded of what was to come, she was told that...

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A SLAVE rsquo S TALE 3

I spent the rest of the day busying myself with various mundane tasks. I realised that some extra security might not go amiss so I phone a Ms Nora on the recommendation of a good friend. She was a woman with technical expertise and over the phone we discussed installing CCTV cameras and security alarms. I decided that a mixture of discrete and obvious cameras would be a good idea. Obvious ones above the front and back doors as well as intruder lights and more discrete ones in the kitchen,...

4 years ago
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Ann and the HandymanChapter 26

So now I was embarking on a new chapter in the "Sexual Odyssey of Ann Maloney." A porn star, at my age, fat and over forty; who would have believed it? Magda asked me to get on the bed while she set up the camera on the tripod, and connected it up to the television. Suddenly, the room was on the TV and then I appeared on the screen. I looked terrible. A bloated old woman, I told Magda I couldn't go through with it. She reassured me that it was just the way people appeared on TV, and that I...

2 years ago
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Avenging Angel chapter 7

Helen and Katrina and I next saw Olga Fyodorovna while we were gossiping over drinks after our regular gym session. Most days, the three of us exercised or swam for an hour after breakfast, calling ourselves The Dawn Chorus in memory of the successive mornings on which we’d appeared as star turns. Helen, formerly my friend Specimen Four, was adjusting to womanhood, but despite her best efforts she’d put on weight and her clothes didn’t look comfortable. Katrina, a blonde German girl who spoke...

1 year ago
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The Sisterhood

Chapter I (Martha) My intercom buzzed, it was my boss, the owner of the company, Lawrence Greenwood. I’m his executive secretary. “Martha, I hate to ask but could you stay a little late this evening, there are a few things I need to go over with you.” “Certainly, Mr. Greenwood, what time would you like to meet?” I inquired. “Let’s make it six, here in my office.” “Of course Mr. Greenwood,” I said. I’d been expecting this call for a week, I imagined it would be an evaluation of my performance,...


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