Felicity Ch. 33 free porn video

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Chapter 33 Magda and Rita

Her name was Magda and she knew her life was empty. She was more than halfway to forty and knew she would never be beautiful, she would never be rich, and she would never be loved. Her one and only love had divorced her many years ago and he was now ending his third marriage.

She was a teacher at the high school and although her students loved her she was not one of those students returned to see.

It had been years since she had sex with a man and years since she had a woman. She was in need of a life-changing event.

That life-changing event happened in the last place she expected, in the parking area of the dog park.

After another session in which her dog was the only one having fun she saw a young man parked next to her car. He was just sitting in the drivers seat staring straight ahead. As she walked between cars to put her dog in the back of her SUV she saw he was exposing himself. His cock was out and pointing at the roof of the car, perfectly straight. She stopped and stared. She did not want to stare but she did long enough to feel her pussy get wet.

Eventually she forced her way into her car and left. The young man’s car was behind her but before she panicked she saw him turn left after she turned right.

She and her Pomeranian went to the park everyday during the summer. Her dog loved the place. Her hours there were consistent and anyone would know when to find her there. She wondered if she had been targeted or was just at the wrong place at the right time. Before she was close to her townhome she had already decided not to turn him in.

As soon as she got home she immediately got naked and found her seldom-used dildo then pretty much assaulted herself with it. Her big orgasm did not satisfy her so she gave herself another.

She was about to give herself a third orgasm when her dog jumped into bed with her.

‘Oh, sorry sweetie, I will take care of you.’

She got out of bed and decided to stay naked as she fed her dog. She though that her neighbor had caught a glimpse of her nude body but did not worry about it, her neighbor was a blonde version of herself.

She went to the shower and considered masturbating but her libido was mostly satisfied. She spent her evening as usual, in a t-shirt reading a book.

The next day she went to the park hoping to see him again but was mildly disappointed when he was not. ‘Probably in jail,’ she thought with a giggle.

Still, after feeding her dog she again masturbated with the dildo. That evening she placed it in her night table drawer alongside her favorite vibrator instead of in the box in the closet.

He was there the next day. She was embarrassed to be happy to see him again but admitted to herself she was. She looked around and saw no one so she stopped by his car and stared at his cock. It was uncut and a bit above average in size. It was beautiful she thought as her finger touched a nipple. The electric shock of want stunned her and she hurried into her car and left.

Again he left behind her and turned left. After a small dinner she tried to watch TV but that beautiful cock never left her mind so she assaulted herself with the dildo three times that evening and never got back out of bed. In the morning she masturbated with the vibrator before getting up.

When she returned to the park she had a feeling he would not be there. He was not. But he was there Friday.

She wondered if he was there Tuesdays and Thursdays but at a different time. She wondered if he showed his cock to different women. She wondered if she was jealous.

That Friday she put her dog in the car before staring at his cock. She caressed her breasts as she looked and only left him when people were walking by.

Magda made love to herself with the dildo that night, nearly all night.

Saturdays and Sundays were crowded in the park and even if he were there he would not be able to park next to her car. She looked forward to Monday.

That Monday as soon as she turned to look at the cock his car window opened. He did not say anything but did caress the head of his cock with a fingertip then put his hand down.

She realized she had been invited to touch it. Even as she told herself she would not her hand was already reaching inside. Her index finger circled his cockhead then slid down its length. He emitted a soft moan.

Magda sensed there were people coming so she gripped his cock and gave it a squeeze then walked around her car and left. He was not behind her and she smiled. ‘Probably jerking off,’ she thought and smiled

She again used the dildo to satisfy herself.

Her dog sensed that her owner was not interested in the trip the next day so they left early.

On Wednesday her hand was on his cock as soon as the window opened. She began to slowly masturbate him. He stopped her twice and she waited for him to regain control.

She soon watched as his ejaculate hit the windshield of his car and cover the steering wheel and her hand with cum. He was completely spent.

‘Thank you’ she heard him say as she turned to go.

‘Anytime,’ she said as she got in her car.

She waited until she was well on her way home before she licked her hand.

Magda thought back at her first taste of cock. It was when she first suspected she was losing her husband. In desperation one night when he could not get an erection for her she had sucked him off. She hated it but he did become more affectionate.

It became the pattern for her, suck him softly, fuck him to her orgasm, and suck him off. She was surprised it kept him home for nearly a year. She was even more surprised that she ended up loving when a cock erupted in her mouth.

She stopped licking her hand, she wanted the cum as she masturbated. She had good self-control when she got home. She fed her dog and undressed at leisure. She got her dildo and slowly buried it in her pussy before licking her hand.

Magda’s orgasm was immediate and all encompassing. It took over her mind and body. It continued on and on, she could not stop it and she wondered if she would die. At that precise moment her orgasm released her.

She lay on her bed gasping for air. She was covered in sweat and tremors still coursed through her body. She noticed her ass was wet but did not have the energy to move at first.

She also noticed that her dildo was still buried in her and her pussy was still hugging it. She slowly pulled it out and as she did she had another orgasm, a more normal one. As she placed her dildo on the nightstand she noticed her hand was clean.

With a great effort she got up, stripped the bed and towel dried the mattress. She sprayed it with disinfectant and put the linens in the washer.

She stayed in the shower until the water began to cool. As she dried herself she looked in the mirror and saw her wet hair down to her shoulders, no make up, no glasses, and no shame. She saw a freshly fucked woman even though it was a rubber cock. She saw a wanton woman.

She walked into the kitchen naked and fixed herself a salad. She did not notice that her neighbor Rita was watching her through her own kitchen window. Suddenly Magda’s body was suffering through a new set of tremors.

Rita rushed to her door and asked to come in. Magda opened the door for her even though she was still nude. Rita hesitated for half a second then came in. They stood by the door staring at each other. Rita’s eyes were on Magda’s tits. Magda’s eyes were on Rita’s eyes.

‘I thought you might be in some trouble.’

‘No, I just finished with my biggest orgasm ever. I am still having aftershocks. Ever have one of those?’


Rita intended to say more but Magda had taken her hand and placed it on her bare tit. All Rita could do was stare at her hand on her neighbor’s breast. She saw her hand caress it. She saw her thum
b slide over the nipple.

Magda took Rita’s free hand and held it against her pussy. Rita’s eyes went wide but kept her hand on Magda’s pussy. Magda kissed her and Rita burst out of her catatonic state. She kissed Magda hard as a finger slid into her pussy and she pinched the nipple.

Magda embraced her and walked her over to the sofa and lay on her back. Rita took off her t-shirt and shorts and draped her body over Magda. They would later describe their ensuing kiss as epic.

They masturbated each other through it and as soon as Rita had an orgasm Magda put her on her back and quickly began to devour Rita’s pussy.

Rita had orgasm after orgasm until she pushed Magda away as she wailed. When Rita returned from her orgasmic trip she found Magda draped over her, tit-to-tit, pussy to pussy, and lips to lips. Rita wrapped her arms and legs around Magda and hugged her as hard as she could.

‘Oh god I needed that. Thanks,’ she said to Magda.


‘That might be thirty minutes from now,’ she said with a giggle. It was in fact two hours before they assaulted each other again.

Magda got up and filled two tea glasses with wine and handed one to Rita. They sat on the sofa and talked until they became the first best friend either had ever had.

As it turned out Rita really was the blonde version of the redheaded Magda, Both were plain looking women in their mid thirty’s, teachers although at a different schools. Divorced for ten years and pretty much down on themselves. They were neighbors and cordial to each other but both had been too wrapped up in their miseries to become friends until Rita saw Magda naked in the kitchen.

They made plans to go to a beauty parlor and make themselves over then go shopping for new clothes. Each confessed to not remembering the last time they had bought any clothing. Rita suggested to Magda to get contact lenses but Magda said she did but could never put them on her eyeball.

‘Then get more flattering frames. Those make you look like an old school ma’am.’

‘I am an old school marm.’

‘We both are but we do not have to look like one.’

‘OK, I agree. Lets do a complete do over. When we go back in August lets have people stand by our classroom door and stare.’


Their kiss to seal their deal slowly got out of hand and they were soon on the carpet on their sides with the others head between their thighs. Thirty minutes and several orgasms later they were flat on their backs sucking air.

‘I’m going home,’ Rita said as she stood. She straddled Magda’s head and lowered her pussy to her lips. Magda kissed it and Rita walked out of the door naked.

It was not that risky a move because they occupied the last two townhouses in the complex and their doors were on the same porch. Still, it was a move neither would have dared make the previous evening.

Magda would duplicate the feat twenty minutes later when she found her bed was still too wet to sleep in. She carried her toothbrush with her and knocked on Rita’s door and spent the night in her bed. Her dog never missed her.

The next day Rita and Magda became new people. Both had their hair cut short and feathered. Magda was told to stop covering her freckles and start using green eye shadow, Rita was told to use a lighter shade of make up and lipstick and use light blue eye shadow.

Both had lessons on applying make up and when they left the salon they looked much better than they did before they went in.

At the lingerie store both were fitted for new bras. The saleswoman took some liberties with their breasts and they encouraged her. All three had their nipples sucked.

After their bra fittings their saleslady had suggested a different store for panties. It was sixty miles away but well worth the trip she said. Both heard her drift.

The optometrist was next and as it turned out both needed new prescriptions. It had been eight years since their last exam. Magda ended up with sleek new line-less bifocal lenses. It had been the suggestion of a young girl that had been Rita’s student. When Magda put them on she looked at Rita who said, ‘Damn you are gorgeous.’

Magda blushed and quickly kissed Rita’s lips. They got a knowing and approving smile from the technician. Magda’s new prescription was so different that at first she was a bit woozy when she walked.

Rita’s new contacts would come to her in the mail. Her new contact lenses would have a light blue tint that would enhance her blue eyes.

Magda decided that it would be prudent and wise for her to check into the condition of her mattress before they went shopping for dresses,

‘So, we are not going to Cube-Mart for dresses?’

They both cracked up and drove home. The bed was dry and did not seem to have an odor. Clowning around Rita got on the bed on her hands and knees and put her nose to the spot. Magda reached into her nightstand and brought out her dildo.

Rita froze in position, seemingly terrified and expectant. Magda lubricated it and moved Rita’s panties aside. She slowly inched it into Rita’s pussy, she moaned as half of it was in her.

Magda began to fuck her with it and slid it deeper into Rita’s pussy slowly. By the time Magda was shoving it all the way in Rita was on an orgasmic roller coaster. She screamed and collapsed on the bed. Magda saw fluids begin to seep on the mattress and ran for a towel.

Ten minutes later the women were nude on the sofa drinking wine.

Rita said, ‘Well, it looks like we have a fucking bed and a sleeping bed.’

‘Yeah. I don’t mind walking over naked but winter will show up eventually. We need a two bedroom house.’

‘Hey, I don’t like you well enough to go that route.’ Rita said then gave Magda a kiss that said she certainly did.

They cuddled on the sofa each with a big smile on her face.

Rita said, ‘Didn’t one of the Cloverleaf’s have a two bedroom they could not sell?’

‘Yeah, it was in Cloverleaf One. Some gay guys bought it but they split up. I think one of them still lives there but I am not sure. Who would know?’

Rita could not answer because she was now sucking Magda’s tits. They did not go anywhere for the rest of the day.

Magda went to the dog park that Friday and masturbated the kid to a cum again. Very little of his cum got on her so she licked it up the way home. Rita was waiting on her and took her breath away with her kiss.

They did go shopping for clothes in The City that Saturday. They each got dresses with colors and some low cut blouses. Both were consumed at the lingerie store when the went to buy panties. Two of the sales women were eating their pussies before they had a chance to try on any panties then three customers joined them in what became a full blown orgy of pussy. It was two hours before Rita and Magda left after buying panties neither had tried on.

Rita said, ‘The panties I bought are too big.’

Magda was about to chide her for that but saw the smile on Rita’s face.

‘You devious broad, you did that so you could take them back. I am going with you although I know the next one’s will be too small.’

Both giggled and sighed for sixty miles.

Rita accompanied Magda to the dog park that Sunday. Magda told her about her young exhibitionist that had apparently targeted her.

‘Is he dangerous?’ Rita asked.

‘No, he is a young nerdy kid, maybe twenty. It would not surprise me to learn he was still a virgin.’

‘Be careful.’

During their Sunday long lovemaking Rita brought up the subject of moving to a two bedroom. They made a tentative agreement to consider it.

Early Monday morning as they cuddled after sex Magda asked Rita, ‘Who would handle the two bedroom in Cloverleaf one?’

‘The MacDuff realtor. She has sold most of the houses in all the Cloverleaf’s.’

‘Lets call her,’ Magda said.

‘Are you sure?’
< br> ‘No. I have never been this bold in my life. But I am tired of being a blob. If the romance does not work out we will always be best friends. And there are two bedrooms.’

‘Call her.’

Rita was too nervous to try to make sense of one side of a conversation so she went to the kitchen and refilled their coffee cups.

When she returned Magda said, ‘Put them in the refrigerator and get dressed. We are meeting her there in twenty minutes.’

On the way there they both thought they were moving on this way too fast. They were hoping for obstacles but both knew they would overcome any of them.

They learned the builders repossessed the house. It looked neglected and there were some hideous colors on interior walls but the house was a lot bigger than both of their townhouses combined. Each bedroom had its own bathroom. And they had a back porch complete with a swing.

‘How do we finance it?’ Rita asked.

‘You allow me to sell your townhouses and I will give you the keys to this house. The townhouses will likely sell for a bit more than what this house would sell for. You would be making money on the deal. Talk it over.’

She went to her car as Magda and Rita stared at each other. They slipped their arms around each other and kissed. Then suddenly they knew.

As the realtor, Amanda, came back in they both said, ‘Deal.’

Amanda handed them papers to sign then handed them the house keys.

Amanda said, ‘For what it’s worth, you two will love each other into old age. When you play with others you will do so together. You have made two great decisions today. Be happy.’

Amanda kissed each and began to leave but stopped and added, ‘One more thing, you have great neighbors all around you. Don’t be shy, make friends. Bye.’

Amanda giggled as she heard them screaming at the top of their voice. They had just realized their old life was over. Today their new life began.

Magda and Rita shouted until they were out of air then began several bouts of the giggles. It was a while before the ladies noticed that Amanda left a folder for them. There were pages guiding them through closing. There were papers stating they had leased the place until closing. There was a paper with their address, for the phone number of the Power Company and security company. They saw that their Community Association fees were half of what each paid for theirs.

They found two papers that they were going to need to study later because the first entry was to take pictures of the place before they began to work on it, while they worked on it, and after they finished it. The next entry was buying a new bed.

They walked through the house again then said, ‘White paint first.’

They locked the door and went to Rita’s house and got naked. They went to the refrigerator to get their coffee and warmed them up in the microwave.

Magda went to the dog park with her dog at noon and masturbated the boy again then briefly slurped his cock into her mouth. His groan made her smile.

Magda and Rita spent the rest of the day writing down everything they needed to do. It was after midnight before they stopped. The notes they made for themselves covered six pages. They made a list of the furniture in each house that would go to the new house and what went to the Women’s Shelter. They were donating their combination washer and dryer to the woman’s shelter, their house came with big state of the art washer and dryer. They again walked naked next door and went to sleep.

The got up early the next morning and went to the hardware store. They got instructions on painting walls and bought what they needed.

‘Big bedroom first, as soon as we get that ready we can begin to sleep here and the dog will not need the dog park.’ Magda said.

‘Agreed,’ Rita said.

They painted the bedroom, the hallway, and the living room white. They went home, ate lunch then returned to the house and gave each wall a second coat. They were exhausted and went home to plan, eat, and sleep.

That Wednesday Magda said the bedroom needed another coat but Rita said the bedroom was ready for colors and that they just needed to get quality paint. They also needed to choose the colors. She volunteered to get color strips and lunch.

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On a night patrol spider man was searching for any crime as usual, suddenly spider man heard a security alarm from the eletric station of New York Checking the station spider man didn't find anything, but suddenly get punched by venom (Eddie brock) "You're always so easy to trick Parker" "And you're always so easy to beat up venom" After spider man said that venom roared and then ran towards spider man, but what venom didn't know was that behind spider man was the main energy cable, on a single...

1 year ago
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Jaimes Night Out

Jaime felt her heart rateescalate as she felt two hard fingers push roughly into her dry pussy. "OW! Who the fuck are you? Stop touching me! Please! I'll give you whatever you want!" "You already are. I've waited for this day for a long, long time." He was slowly pushing his fingers in and out of her pussy- stretching her out. "Please," she was crying in earnest now. "I'm a good girl. You're hurting me- I'm still a virgin." "I'm sorry; how remiss of me. We'll have to...

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Jamaica Blacken PT7

Sunday – Ist Day as BBC slut wifeWe managed to get up and shower for a late breakfast, and my wife surprised me by not wearing her ever-present bra and panties to the dining room - only a T-shirt and shorts. The waiter, Andre, did his usual flirting,"Missy, ja look especially good this mahning! (his eyes on her chest) Didja have a fine night?"She blushed, and I thought her nipples pushed harder against their slight covering."Yeah, I did!" she answered."A fine Jamaican night, Missy?" he asked...

2 years ago
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SurprisesChapter 14 A Dinner Date

That was basically it for me for the night as well. I had some more wine and snacks, but when Mom and Daddy were ready to go, I was already dressed. I told my parents I was going out with Jerry the next day, at brunch. It was kind of obvious they weren’t really thrilled with the idea. I mean, I was eighteen and he was like sixty-five. Still, it wasn’t like they didn’t know what was going to happen. Both Daddy and Mom had watched Jerry buttfuck me at the party the previous night! Besides,...

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Village TaleChapter 2

Albert Ferrers was up early - again! Three nights ago he had been kept up with the most persistent diarrhoea that he could remember in a long while. It had been a terrible night, during which he had been forced out of bed time after time to go to the toilet. Finally, just as the unwelcome fluidity had finally shown signs of easing he had pulled the curtains apart and looked outside at the icy wilderness that this usually idyllic village had become since that heavy snowfall of the day...

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530 reverse cuckold or what

530 reverse cuckold or what?It was just 18 months into the marriage, the initial screw everywhere fun was beginning to wane, and there was no sign of the pregnancy Norma so was supposed to so desperately `crave’. Though that was a con, her being on the pill! Not that they had not tried hard of course but she knew in her heart why she had married him was not to breed with him as he was too dim to father any c***d of hers! The `him’ in this case being Richard Mountjoy, son of the local squire,...

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IIT Preparation 8211 Kota Mein Prachi Ki Chudai

Hi, this is Daksh Kashyap, graduated at IIT Mumbai. Maine apne college life ki chudai aapke sath share kiya. Ab main uske pehle jab Kota mein JEE-Advance ki taiyari kar raha tha, uske bare mein bataunga. Main padhne mein kafi jyada intelligent tha. Humesha apne school mein top aata tha. Toh jaise hi 12th ka board khatam hua, mere parents ne meri Kota jane ki taiyari suru kar di. Waha mera admission Allen mein hua kyuki woh board ke marks pe scholarship de rahe the. Aur main middle class family...

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The Hendricks Inheritance Part IV

The Hendricks Inheritance Part IV Heath and Cynthia returned from their honeymoon to find that an entire wing of the house had been decimated by the fire. The assessors from the insurance company had been and gone and determined that they were not fully covered for their losses. As it was a Grade II listed building, any restoration on the house was going to be expensive as it was required that the building was restored to the original standards. "What are we going to do?" Cynthia...

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A Year Ago Ch XIX

A Year Ago Ch. XIX By MadQuill © The arc of this story will continue, but the timing may not suit some readers. After the two-year Sara's world is a bit clearer. Her relationship with Angelica and Jenn, has de-evolved. Cynthia had been pursuing Sara; she was patient, and she felt comfortable with the idea that Sara's libidinous behavior, with other women, might bring Sara back to her. After running from Angelica, Thomas and Jenn, Sara would need some time to consider her...

3 years ago
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Red Part II The Truck Stop

Thirty minutes after videoing the tall blonde bringing herself to orgasm while beside him in traffic, in the middle of I-95, Cliff still had a hard-on. Man, what a show she put on for him, and all unbeknownst to her. AND, he got it ALL on video. He couldn’t wait to get to the truck stop, crawl into his sleeper and watch it. He’d made good time since the accident cleared up and was just a few miles from his resting spot for the evening. Sara cursed under her breath as she noticed her gas hand...

2 years ago
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All The Kings Horses AdaptingChapter 6

Bud, who had driven to the session, headed right for their favorite bar without even asking the others. Hardly a word was said until they sat in a booth with their drinks before them. Will was reluctant to take the lead in this situation. He felt that the other two, especially Trent, were more affected emotionally. Finally, Bud said "Well, what do we do? Do we swallow our pride, squelch our anger, and try to get our lives back?" "We have to, Bud," Trent said, surprising both of the...

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My wife and her new doctor

My wife is a little shy and I only hear hers moaning during sex. She loves to watch porn movies while we are having sex. She wants to stay in spoon position with many caresses on her body while we are watching those movies. When there are DP scenes or two girls with big cocked man, she moans more intensively without verbal comments. She confess me she loves big cocks, but she has never told me anything about her other fantasies. I think she really has some curiosity about bisexual girls and DP....

1 year ago
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Half Saree Revealed Fully

Hi, my name is Nani I am 22 now with good physic and 5.7 feet tall well built body and my tool is 7 inches basically I am from Tirupati and now I am living in Bangalore .Today I am going to explain the real incident happened to me when I was in my B.Tech .I am a regular visitor of this sex stories site and this is where I can share my experience bindas. I don’t want to waste your time more so coming to the story my angel is a sex goddess.19 years old and of 34-28-36 a attractive figure looking...

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Anu8217s uncle and Poojari8217s wife

Hi everybody, this is Tania writing for Anu, Anu has a lot of experience which she wants to share with you all but lacks the oratory skill, so she has asked me to do it for her, and I really love doing it for her. We too share an intimate lesbian relationship. From now on I will take Anu’s place. In the morning Uncle and I decided to go out and see the places around. Uncle took me to the outskirts of the village where on a hillock was a temple covered with rocks from all sides. When we went...

2 years ago
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Avas Awakening

Ava stood in the shower, warm water running down her massive breasts, washing away the sticky cum. She still couldn't fathom the events that led to this moment in time. After a thorough cleaning, she dried off, wrapped herself in a soft, cotton towel and made her way into the bedroom. Sitting on the edge of the bed, Ava stared at the picture on the night table. A smiling couple on their honeymoon, a picturesque resort in the background. They were very much in love, ready to begin a long and...

Wife Lovers
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Nana Snehithunitho Amma Rasalilaalu

Nana thana pani karanamga memu city lo nivasisthuntamu.Naku sankranthi selavulu prakatinchaga pandagaku nenu,amma thatha valla intiki vellamu . Thatha intlo okade untadu,valla home kuda oriki chivarulo chala doramga untundi.Maa amma nana kanti 10 years chinadi.Chinathanam lo ne pelli ,nenu putadam karangam thanu anukuna sukalanu pondaleka poyindi.Orulo nana prana snehithudu ramesh uncle untadu thanu eppudu thatha dagaraku vasthuntadu. Thanaku oke konduku ,kodi samvacharala kinde ayana barya...

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ExGirlfriend Fucked In All Holes 8211 Part 2

Ok so I will continue from where I left off… I asked her “where you learned all this?” She said “I practiced last few years”. After me she had 5 boyfriends and settled for 6th guy. When we used to have sex in old days she was very shy in bed. Oral sex was no-no she didn’t even let me eat her pussy properly but i made sure i always eat her pussy. Today was different. She knew how much i loved her shaved pussy. When i went to bathroom to clean up she had stripped naked and was sitting on a couch...

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White Slave boy in Africa part 1

White Slave boy in Africa part 1Captain Smyth knew exactly what type of boy he needed and he wasn't leavingSouthampton without him. It was 1790 and as a slave trader for 30 years heknew that the hardest part of slaving was dealing with the African nobilityand merchants on the West coast of Africa. He also had an unparalleledrelationship with the most notorious but wealthiest of them all, KingLuanga, the head of the Watusi. Smythe had spent years developing thisrelationship and he knew that...

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Jackie Listens to Her brother

After getting wet in the rain, her brother shares a storyThe chance to finally seeing my big brother Tommy again was making me nervous. Or maybe, I don't know, really excited. What I missed most about Tommy was just talking with him, well, listening really. Anytime we talked -- his voice just seemed to calm me down and make me feel SO good. During our last phone call I said, "I really miss you.""Oh Jackie, Please, don't sound so sad, I miss you too."Talking on the phone is wonderful, but it's...

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Toms AdventuresChapter 66

Fighting Hawk wasn't surprised when six warriors came to visit with him at the counsel fire. He listened to them talk for a long time before he asked, "Did one of the other warriors ask you to keep an eye on me?" He saw a few embarrassed looks, but none of them would deny it. Fighting Hawk slowly shook his head. "Well, if you are all just going to be sitting around, I can think of better things for you to be doing, and you can still keep an eye on me." He knew each of these warriors...

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The Dance

I'd lain back on the sun lounger after taking a quick swig of the big iced cocktail the waiter had just delivered. And I had just turned my attention back to all that nubile - near naked - young flesh, clad as it mostly was in almost non-existent bikinis, when I spotted her emerging from the water like Aphrodite had from the sea in Greek legend. Or should I say, that I noticed the little black bikini, it's hard to say exactly what took my eye first. From the moment I clapped eyes on that...

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Fucking A Lovely Neighborhood Bhabhi

By : lust4sex1979 Guys this is Addy again to share one more encounter with you it was when I was studying in class 12th in the year 1996 we used to live in govt quarters in multistorey building we were living on 1st floor and on ground floor were a newly married couple whom we called bhaiya and bhabhi. Bhaiya was a civil engineer and used to travel 2 – 3 weeks in a month. I shared a very good relationship with both of them but specially with bhabhi as I used to share a lot of time when she is...

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More than Cowboys at Cheyenne Frontier Days

It was my first time going to Cheyenne Frontier Days. I wanted to write this as soon as I got home because it was and still so vivid in my mind. We were walking along some vendor booths and enjoying all of the nice people and the weather when all of a sudden an older man riding a road bike pulls up close to the walkway and stopped and got off his bike and started walking through the crowd.Now it might not seem like any big deal so far but I was standing wait for my wife to buy something at the...

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With my little eye

As Stuart McFarland stood at the window of his teenage son’s bedroom, he scanned the buildings opposite, wondering what his son had been up to. He ran the binoculars over the lighted windows and spotted a rather attractive redhead pulling a green Hibs football shirt over her head. She had the most perfect arse on her. He watched her pick up a pair of black knickers from the floor and quickly slip them on before heading out of the bedroom. She looked familiar but he couldn’t quite place her.‘So...

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Contractual ObligationsChapter 15 Shopping

“So, what did you think of the contract?” Allison and Cerys were sitting in the coffee shop where Cerys had first raised the idea of Allison drafting a contract for her and Gordon. Cerys pulled the document from her bag. “It’s exactly what I wanted. I’m so grateful. It’s really good.” “What does Gordon think of it?” Cerys laughed. “He felt a little uncertain, I think, when I first showed it to him. I guess the only thing worse than not having your fantasies fulfilled is having them...

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Interracial threesome in London

I decided to take a trip to London with my gf, Mina. We both love big black cock and it's a secret as we both have partners and they don't know that we both love to undress in front of each other and to kiss when we are out drinking. Sometimes we stay at a hotel when we should be out clubbing and watch porn on a laptop and drink and kiss and play with a dildo on each other. While in London in our hotel we log onto xhamster and one of your BBC friends on xhamster sends me a horny message. We...

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Just Across the Hall

Every relationship ends. Before they do, they hit a sweet spot, those few weeks when things are as close to perfect as they’re going to get.We were in that zone, had just entered it, actually. A few weeks back the whole thing started with some flirty jokes in class. Then we ran into one another at the soda machine during a break. I said a few things, made her laugh. That’s never a bad start, and if you’re a little older than the average college kid—and I was, thanks to some army time—it’s not a...

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Shubha my preety maid

Hi, I am Kiran, 27, male from Pune. I like to read stories posted on ISS, which encouraged me to post this real story that happened with me 2 years ago. This happened when I went to my village for the Diwali vacation for 15 days. My family is combine family and my paternal aunt use to stay with her family at our house. We had a maid called subhashini. We call her generally Subha. She was 26 good looking and really had sexy body. Her figure was 36 24 38. She was really amazing. Her butts were...

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Amity 5 CataclysmChapter 12 Training

-- Phil - 2056 -- A lot has happened in the world in the three years since Ant, and I had started school at the Academy. UNSEC, the United Nations Space Exploration Collaboration, had been established for five years and they were starting to get some teeth. They were asking Governments for more people to be included in their programmes. Ant and I knew we had an excellent chance of being able to transfer to them once we had completed our training. It was a good opportunity if we wanted to...

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LA FunChapter 40

The world was foggy this morning. At least my head was foggy. The previous day had been so full of everything that I didn't think I could handle another day like that. Knowing that I needed to wake up, I moved from the bed, slipping from under the clutching Willy and over the top of Katie, who reached up and pulled my head down for a kiss. I put my workout clothes on and went to the basement to use the gym. I had finished stretching, just started the treadmill, and turned the TV on when...

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Howd that happen 2

I woke up startled. I couldn’t figure out why I was naked as a baby. Then I looked around. When what to my wondering eyes should appear. Was this Christmas? What the hell did I do to deserve two gorgeous, naked, sleeping, girls lying aside of me. Then my memory cells started firing. WOW, did that really happen? And if it did, could I repeat it? Taking stock of myself I realized that, yes, maybe I could, but not right now. I was goin’ to have to recuperate a while first. I cleared my throat...

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Who I Am Ch 01

***This is my first attempt at writing a story and sharing it with anyone since I was twelve years old. This is shorter than I intend future chapters to be but why invest so much time when folks may not like what I put out there. I hope this is well received. I look forward to your comments and feedback. Always, Ms. Angel Sand All content contained herein is subject to copyright, all rights reserved. Copyright 2016 ******* ‘If I spend my life regretting all of the decisions I have made,...

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Handle my package

So I'm going to check the mail one day and the postal worker is still there and I am surprised to see that it is a woman. I told her that it was rare to have a postwoman delivering the mail. She laughed about it and said I don't see why not we are the best at handling packages. At that very moment I had to decide which way to go, should I let her see how freaky I am or laugh it off and thank her for delivering my mail. Of course I had to try the former. I smiled and asked her if she always...

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Kellys night on the Town

Kelly had just turned 25 years old, yesterday and she was still as sexy as ever. Kelly was a very rich woman. She made most of her money doing pornography and through the brothel she owned. Kelly had very nice breasts, thanks to silicone implants which brought her breasts to a nice D cup. Her hair was bleach blonde and curly. She was a white girl with incredible deep blue eyes. Despite her profession, Kelly was still a perky, easy going gal. She really knew how to relax people... in more ways...

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