Le Belle Donne Ch 02b
- 2 years ago
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It was a curious day. I’d been expecting to spend the time being foolish, walking through the excitement of the capital of Europe, sharing silly jokes and anticipating dinner, and then dealing with a more basic appetite. Instead I felt almost surplus to requirements. Uli was younger than Magda but she seemed older and more experienced: she took the smaller girl under her wing and spent a lot of the afternoon talking quietly to her and listening to her replies. I know girl talk when I see it and I stayed slightly apart from them and tried to focus on the mood they were generating. It seemed to be turning into a sisterly relationship. At the very least they were bonding, and it was Uli who was making the running. I wondered what she was up to.
By late afternoon I was tiring. I was about to suggest going back to the pension and resting up before the evening’s planned castration when Uli forestalled me.
‘Magda’s going to go home and change and then come back,’ she told me, ‘and she’s going to dress up to the nines and so am I. I need to go shopping.’ I sighed. This was turning into a Hollywood production.
‘OK. You’re in charge. Dressed up would be better, I guess.’ She gave me a kiss on the cheek and turned to Magda.
‘I told you he’s a baa lamb once you get past the intensity. Give him a kiss and go and get ready.’ Magda did as she was told, kissing me with surprising force. I was surprised all over again by the frank sexuality hiding under the nervous shell. She wound her arms round my neck and slid her tongue deep into my mouth, holding me for a long time, then released me, pecked Uli on the cheek and hurried off, waving for a cab. I turned to Uli.
‘Alright, my sweet: you’re going to tell me everything or I’m going to spank you extremely briskly and then refuse to fuck you.’ She made a whimpering noise but her eyes were sparkling.
‘Anything but that, master. I’ll refuse to say anything and you can spank me and then I’ll spill the beans and then you can give me a forgiveness fuck. But we’ll have to hurry. I really do need to buy something flash. I saw some nice shops back there.’
I stood around while she dived in and out of fitting rooms and in a very short time assembled a complete outfit. When I saw the price tags I felt faint and it must have showed.
‘Don’t be so silly,’ she said reprovingly. ‘My father’s ambition is to be the richest man in Austria and he’s well on the way.’
‘And your ambition is to slow his progress.’ I muttered. She beamed cheerfully and dragged me back onto the street.
Back at the pension she made me watch while she tried everything on again.
‘What do you think?’ she asked finally. ‘I’ll need to do my face and hair, obviously, but do you think the clothes are OK?’ I’m not stupid, and I know what to say when a woman asks that question.
‘They’re wonderful, of course, and even more wonderful with you inside them. Now, tell me what you and Magda were whispering about all day.’ She was wearing nothing but a tiny pair of scarlet panties, bikini cut, and she posed defiantly and pouted at me.
‘I’m not saying anything. It was a private conversation and I won’t say a word, whatever you do.’ She looked and sounded like the sulky brat of twelve months ago and I felt a tingle of anticipation run through me.
‘I warned you.’ I said quietly. ‘Bad girls get what they deserve.’ She shivered slightly and I saw goose flesh rising on her arms and breasts. We’d only played this game once, but she’d discovered that a part of her welcomed it and we’d talked for a long time finding out why. When she was younger she’d been a genuinely bad girl and no-one had cared enough to help her. Spanking was symbolic, but it helped her come to terms with some part of her. I rose from my chair and approached her slowly.
‘Last warning, miss. Are you going to tell me or not?’ She crossed her arms under her breasts and stuck her tongue out. Her nipples were hard, straining from the firm flesh of her breasts and she shivered again as I reached out and pinched one gently. I took both wrists and pulled her over to the bed, then sat down.
‘You know the position.’ She whimpered, half in apprehension, half in expectation, and bent herself over my knees. I ran my hand down her back and felt her tremble. ‘Six to begin with,’ I murmured, ‘and we’ll see how you feel after that.’ I raised my hand and without warning brought it down sharply on her taut buttocks. The slap sounded very loud in the quiet room and she jerked but said nothing. A partial outline of my hand appeared on her skin. I smacked her again twice, harder, once on each quivering flank and she moaned softly and ground herself into my lap. My cock was beginning to thicken and I raised my hand again.
After the six strokes I raised her and put my face close to hers. Her cheeks were scarlet and her eyes were beginning to fill with tears.
‘Now then, tell me what you and Magda were talking about.’ She clamped her mouth shut and glared at me defiantly. ‘Very well. Resume the position.’ She lay back down across my knees and I flicked her inflamed ass with one finger.
‘The panties will have to come down.’ A shudder ran through her as I pulled the scrap of scarlet silk down her legs, exposing her ass completely, and my nostrils flared as I caught the smell of desire that was rising from her. Her tan buttocks were streaked with red welts where my hand had caught her and I traced a finger gently over the hot weals.
‘Such a bad girl.’ I let my finger dip into the crease of her ass and then drift down to the clenched lips of her pussy. My cock was straining up against her belly and I knew she could feel it. She lifted her hips, pushing against my hand, and I let my finger slip between her engorged labia.
‘Wet as well as bad,’ I said softly. That’s not just naughty, that’s wicked.’ Without warning I spanked her twice, hard, and she jumped. ‘Stay still, young lady,’ I said. ‘I’m going to hold you down while I finish the job.’ I put my left hand on the back of her neck and rubbed her ass. She was breathing fast and I could feel her heart pounding against my thigh. I smacked her again and she squirmed desperately, but I forced her head down softly and continued with the game, trying to keep her balanced between erotic stimulation and actual discomfort. Every third or fourth stroke I paused and trailed my hand delicately over her thighs, forcing them gently apart and feeling the growing wetness. She began to writhe on my lap, her weight pressing into my cock and arousing me even more. I continued to spank her, but more lightly as I sensed her excitement overcoming the sting of the blows. Her soft buttocks were fiery red and her juices were beginning to leak from between her legs and stain my chinos.
Her movements changed and she thrust herself down onto my cock, panting and gasping. I kept my hand on her neck and quickened the pace, swatting her buttocks alternately and dragging my hand across her smarting flesh. A convulsive spasm ran through her and her legs tensed and pointed as a small orgasm blazed across her nerve endings. She cried out quietly and wriggled violently under my hands.
‘Game over, Luke. Fuck me now, never mind anything else, just stuff it in me.’ She crawled off me and knelt on the edge of the bed, her rump raised, legs wide apart. As I stood and dropped my chinos I could see her cuntlips, dripping and shiny, straining wide, waiting for me to split them. My cock was painfully hard and I let my boxers fall and shuffled forward, nearly stumbling over my pants. She twisted to look at me.
‘In, straight in,’ she panted, and I set my cockhead at her slippery entrance and drove swiftly into her. She wailed and forced herself backwards as if she were trying to engulf my entire body then jerked forward again with a cry as her inflamed buttocks pressed against my groin. She was trembling with tension and I held her hips and stroked rap
idly in and out of her, trying not to touch her ass. Her wails became a continuous keening sound and I took pity on her. Reaching round her with one hand I fumbled for the hard bud of her clitoris, catching it between two fingers, and twisted it gently. It was like turning a switch. Her cunt clamped onto my prick like a vice and she pushed her ass higher into the air, almost dragging my cock out by the roots. One hand rose to her crotch, pushing mine aside, and she began to finger her clit frantically.
‘More, Luke, hard ones, please.’ Her voice was strangled and desperate and I gave her two stinging slaps, forehand and backhand, one to each perfect ass cheek, and then drove into her again. Her cuntwalls rippled and quaked as her climax crashed over her and I held myself still, the tip of my glans brushing her cervix while she lost herself in sensation.
After what seemed for ever she relaxed and crawled forward, letting me slide out of her.
‘Jesus, Luke, Why is it always so good?’
‘Because I know you, sweetheart.’ She turned round, her face still streaked with tears, and looked at my engorged prick, smeared with her juices and dribbling pre-cum.
‘Don’t hold back: just fill my mouth and then we’ll have to get ready. Magda will be here in an hour.’ Her head snaked forward, her mouth open and inviting and I leaned forward to let her accept me. Her lips slid over my cockhead and she took me half-way into her mouth, lapping hard at the underside with the tip of her tongue. Our game had turned me so far on that I felt my balls churning and tightening almost immediately, and when her hand slipped between my legs and stroked the sensitive strip between my scrotum and my ass I tumbled over the cliff. My breath rasped in my throat and my senses reeled as my cock lurched and swelled, forcing hot fluid through the shaft, and Uli pulled her head back slightly to take my offering. I felt as if all my consciousness was fountaining through my cock into her. The third and fourth bursts made her cheeks swell like a hamster’s, but she swallowed hastily and milked the last drops of seed from me lovingly. When my breathing had slowed and my cock had softened she gave it a last tender lick and let me slip out of her mouth.
‘Not a drop spilt,’ she said proudly. ‘I’ll tell Trudi and she won’t believe me and you’ll have to confirm it for her. We had a little bet about it.’ She lunged forward and wrapped her arms round my neck. ‘You’re so good for me, Luke Lancer. You make me feel like a champagne cocktail.’ She kissed me hard, letting me taste myself on her, and we were on the verge of losing more time when she pulled back, panting.
‘A quick shower, and then you can put some cream on my poor ass. Are you OK with my looking like a high class slut? The dress I bought is sort of revealing but I don’t want to wear panties. Even with the cream I’ll be a bit sensitive.’
‘Don’t start asking my permission for anything, or I’ll spank you for real and it’ll be no fun for you at all.’ She nodded as if I’d confirmed something and got up and headed for the shower.
As we strolled through the main square of Brussels, the mediaeval guild buildings dwarfing us, I felt like the king of the world. I had a beautiful woman on each arm and was reveling in the open displays of affection they were showing, Uli’s dress was a cascade of emerald silk that clung to her body, revealing every contour. With each stride the material molded itself against her. Her nipples pushed against the fabric and it was obvious that it was the only garment she was wearing. The material fell apart occasionally, revealing one long leg almost as far as the hip. Magda’s clothes had surprised me. Her pale skin set off a soft maroon summer mini dress that accentuated her elfin form, and she had put her raven hair up in a chignon, exposing her delicate neck. I knew that every male eye in the square was following our progress and feeling jealous of me, and I wouldn’t have swapped places with Bill Gates.
Uli had told me about their conversation while I rubbed cream into her hot buttocks.
‘She reminds me a bit of Olga,’ she’d said thoughtfully. ‘She’s shy on top but quite confident as long as she doesn’t feel threatened and she’s more bi than she knows. Something happened to make her like that, but I promised her I wouldn’t talk about it with you. I think she wants to tell you herself.’
‘I guessed something like that. What else?’ Uli had giggled.
‘She plucked up all her courage and asked about us and I had to tell her all over again about you, and how much you helped me last year, and how now we’re much more than just fuck buddies: love buddies was what I told her.’ I leaned over and kissed the back of her neck.
‘What a beautiful thing to say. Thank you, sweetheart.’ She’d wriggled and then continued.
‘Don’t get me all hot again. Anyway, I finally got tired of waiting for her to get to the point, so I told her that if you and she ended up in bed that was her business and yours, but it wouldn’t affect our relationship, and I told her a little bit about Trudi and Olga and Inge to try and explain. And then she went all quiet and I could see her thinking. After that we just talked about other things.’ I’d rubbed the last drops of cream gently into her skin and then straightened up.
‘You’re a special person, Ulrike Fischer, and if you want that in writing I’ll be happy to oblige.’ She rolled over and pulled me into a hug.
‘You’re special too. Now let me get dressed.’
Predictably, she hadn’t been ready when Magda arrived and had shooed me out, claiming the delay was my fault. I told them to find me in the bar across the street and left, glad to have a little reflection time. Now, as we made our way to the restaurant where the diplomatic crowd hung out I felt a tingle of excitement run down my spine. I hoped the plan worked. I’m not an intolerant guy but I hate to see trust and innocence abused. Plus if it all went well the girls would be on a high and I could maybe suggest some celebratory frolics. Temptation is a terrible thing.
As we entered the restaurant Magda stiffened.
‘That’s him over there,’ she whispered, ‘at the table for four in the middle.’ Uli looked over and then away.
‘I know the type,’ she murmured. ‘Let me do this, Luke. Ask if we can have one of the booths.’ Twenty euros said we could have a booth and we settled ourselves in the prearranged pattern, Magda next to me and Uli opposite us looking wonderfully sulky. She radiated bored, bad girl vibes that rippled round the room. I paid no attention, concentrating on Magda and nuzzling her neck. To my surprise I caught a whiff of musk and my cock twitched as I realized that the charade was beginning to turn her on.
‘Catch his eye so he’s got an excuse to butt in,’ I whispered to her. She was shaking slightly but she raised her head and pretended to notice him for the first time. Then she nodded coolly and looked smugly triumphant. Uli spotted the expression.
‘Beautiful,’ she said softly. ‘That caught him right in the ego. He’ll be over in a minute.’ Sure enough, our starters had hardly been cleared when there was a polite cough.
‘Magda?’ There was just the right note of superior surprise. I disliked the guy already. Magda turned her head and ‘noticed’ him.
‘Oh, hello. Luke, Uli, this is Bruno, I told you about him: he and I sometimes have to go to meetings together’. I smiled lazily at Bruno.
‘And from what Magda says you’re a splendid fellow.’ He smiled a trifle uncertainly and Uli jumped into the gap.
‘I think he’s lovely. Sit down, Bruno, and rescue me. I’ve come to visit and so far I’ve done nothing except watch Luke and Magda suck each other’s tongues.’ She patted the seat and Bruno sank down beside her. She turned to face him and gave him both barrels. I smiled inwardly as the suave young diplomat about town became a boy with his nose pressed to the toy store window. Uli
has that effect on people. I turned to nuzzle Magda again and could sense Bruno watching us from the corner of his eye as I trailed my hand over her breast, squeezing the surprisingly hard nipple so that she gasped audibly. Uli flicked a glance at us.
‘Never mind them, Bruno, tell me about yourself.’ That opened the dam. We learned about how smart he was, and how popular, and how rich and important his family was, and how he was the cream of the crop. It astonished me that anything could happen in Europe without his approval, but I bit my tongue and let Uli play it her way. She was leaning towards him, the neckline of her dress gaping dangerously wide. When she put her hand on his thigh I thought he was going to pass out.
‘You’re very attractive,’ she said huskily. ‘How come you’re here by yourself?’ I could see him jerk back to reality as he remembered his friends. He gestured to their table.
‘I’m here with some people,’ he said. ‘We’re going on somewhere else later. Would you like to join us?’ Magda looked at me but her eyes said ‘no’ so I shook my head.
You and I are partying in private,’ I said, loud enough for him to hear, ‘and I’m going to screw the socks off you… again.’ Magda shuddered happily, and blatantly slid her hand under the table into my lap. I could feel her trembling slightly. Nerves or excitement?
‘I’d love that,’ she murmured, projecting her voice like a professional. Her hand squeezed my cock lightly and she licked her lips. ‘It’s nice to see you’re up for it.’ Either the girl was a born actress, or she was speaking from the heart. Bruno was staring at her as if she came from Mars. Uli leaned over and whispered in his ear.
‘Why don’t we go back with them? Much better than dancing. What do you think?’ Bruno looked as if his birthday had unexpectedly arrived.
‘Why not? Let me just tell my friends.’ He strutted back to their table, visibly preening himself, sat down and began talking to his cronies excitedly. After a couple of minutes he came back looking smug. His friends’ eyes followed him jealously.
‘All sorted,’ he said. ‘Shall we make a move?’ This wasn’t in the script that we’d talked about, but Uli and Magda both looked calm. Uli smiled seductively.
‘Just one little thing,’ she purred. ‘Come and sit down again.’ Bruno did as he was told and Uli leant towards him. Her hand slipped under the table and he jumped suddenly. I realized that she’d undone his trousers and was inspecting the contents. Her face changed.
‘My God,’ she said softly. She lifted her head and looked at Magda. ‘Come here and check this out.’ Magda raised an eyebrow and slipped round the booth, sitting next to Bruno so he was sandwiched between the two of them. ‘Feel it’, said Uli seriously. Magda reached under the table and I saw their arms moving busily. Bruno’s friends were staring openly. Magda peeped under the cloth and gasped.
‘What do you think?’ she asked. Uli looked at her solemnly, then started giggling.
‘It’s amazing, I’ve never seen anything like it: it’s exactly like a penis but smaller. Magda, do you want to tell him or shall I?’ Magda shrugged.
‘I’ve got Luke and he makes two of that thing.’ She brought her hand up from Bruno’s lap, stood up gracefully and came back to sit beside me. Uli turned to Bruno, who was sitting scarlet faced and wondering what was happening.
‘Bruno’, she said, ‘I’m not surprised you’ve been chasing Magda. You probably thought she was petite enough to find your little matchstick adequate. But she can take Luke completely, and that means that you’d be out of your depth, literally. Why don’t you piss off, needle dick, and go butt fuck a hamster? If I ask Magda nicely Luke will take care of me as well.’ She looked at Magda questioningly. ‘Will that be alright? You know he’s got enough energy.’ Magda smiled slyly.
‘As long as I get first go.’ Uli stuck her tongue out and then turned back to Bruno. ‘That’s that then.’ She gave him a shove and he half fell out of the booth, fumbling at his fly, then recovered and scurried away. Uli sat back and grinned at me.
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********************************************************************************disclaimer: another one of my favouritesI DID NOT WRITE THIS STORY....ALL CREDIT GOES TO CHASSEUR11 of www.literotica.com/stories visit his page for more creative and bust a nut hot stories.CIAO********************************************************************************Catching the Wife Vol. 04bychasseur11©I rolled out of bed late in the morning. Having nothing to do I was in no hurry to start a lazy day....
*******************************************************************************DISCLAIMER: Another one of my favourites.I DID NOT WRITE THIS STORY...ALL CREDIT GOES TO CHASSEUR11 or www.liteerotica.com/storiesciao********************************************************************************Catching the Wife Vol. 03bychasseur11©As the evening rolled around I got ready for my date with Marisa. Dressing nicely I was going to leave early to make sure I was there on time. Checking myself one last...
********************************************************************************DISCLAIMER: This is one of my favsALL CREDIT GOES TO CHASSEUR11 of www.literotica.com/stories..see thier page for more creative and worth-the-read storiesciao********************************************************************************Catching the Wife Vol. 02bychasseur11©I woke up late the next morning from what little sleep I did get. It was a rough night being very restless. Had a hard time trying to get what...
*******************************************************************************DISCLAIMER: this is another one of my favs...I DID NOT WRITE THIS STORY...ALL CREDITS GO TO CHASSEUR11 of the www.liteerotica.com/stories community. Visit his page for more creative, and worth-the-read stories.ciao*******************************************************************************Catching the Wife Vol. 01bychasseur11©It was just another slow Friday evening. Sitting alone on my couch with a drink flipping...
Weaponizing Estrogen Vol. 1: Alexandra © 2017 by Tori St. John Chapter 1: A Happy Accident It's not that I hate men. It really isn't. The way that I see it, in my attempt to make the world a better place, I made a strange discovery: It turns out that many men are far better off emasculated. Men don't realize this simple truth, of course. Which is where I come in. Utilizing just a few simple techniques, my track record for achieving my intended outcome is remarkably high. ...
Weaponizing Estrogen Vol. 2: Leona © 2017 by Tori St. John Preface Most people have a story or two about dating a crazy person at some point in their life. You know the type of story that I'm talking about, these usually include the clich?, "she was so great in bed, but too crazy to be around." My 'crazy person' story is a bit different than most because I was a male at the beginning of it, and not-male-anymore at some point along the way. My domestic partner, Athena, asked m...
Actions Have Consequences Vol 1 and 2 Marci stood in the middle of the floor nervously waiting for the music to start and picturing herself doing her routine. "And bend knees, and turn, and shake hips on the way up." There was good reason for that feeling; she had only had five days to practice the dance routine and learn to apply her makeup in a more seductive manner. She only had five days to practice the dance routine for, up until two weeks previously, Marci was Doug. She...
Actions Have Consequences Vol 5: Becoming the person the other see you as It has been a busy week since Helen came crashing back to reality. Her and Doug started to pick up the pieces of their relationship, and also themselves. Helen is getting used to her loving husband not seeing the best in her all the time. Doug is opening up to her and not being on the defensive while she is around. They have both started to see therapist. It has been a hard week as they fought each day. Some of...
Actions Have Consequences Vol 6: We are at an Understanding Author's note: I would like to thank everyone who has helped me become a better writer. All the comments and suggestions really mean a lot to me. I know I still have a far way to go, but I will keep on working on bettering my writing. I could not do that without the support of others. "You are such a bitch, Doug, and I love that about you!" Helen exclaimed. Helen could not believe how devious her husband can be. He was a...
VOLUME-1. CHAPTER 1, PART- 1 Earliest recollections • An erotic maid • Ladies abed • My cock • A frisky maid• Cousin Fred • Thoughts on pudenda • A female pedlar • Baudy pictures My earliest recollections of things, sexual are of what I think must have occurred sometime. I tell of them just as I recollect them, without an attempt to fill in what seems probable. She was I suppose my maid. I recollect that she sometimes held my prick when I piddled, was it needful to do so? I don't know....
Chapter I PART 2 I could not, as the reader will hear, thoroughly uncover my prick tip without pain till I attained majority , nor well then when quite stiff unless it went up a cunt. My nursemaid, I expect thought this curious, and tried to remedy the error in my make, and hurt me. My mother, by her extremely delicate feeling, shut herself off from much knowledge of the world, which was the reason why she had such implicit belief in my virtue until I had seen twenty-two years, and kept,...
VOLUME-1. CHAPTER 1, PART- 3 Earliest recollections • An erotic nursemaid • Ladies abed • My cock • A frisky governess • Cousin Fred • Thoughts on pudenda • A female pedlar • Baudy pictures But all this only came vividly to my mind when, a few years after, I began to talk about women with my cousin, and we told each other all we had seen, and heard, about females. Until I was about ***** years old I never went to school, there was a governess in the house who instructed me and the other...
VOLUME-1. CHAPTER 1, PART- 4 One day, there were people in one of the sitting rooms; where my mother and father were I don’t know; they were not in the room, and were most likely out. There were one or two of my cousins, some youths, my big sister and one brother, besides others, our governess, and her sister, who was stopping with us and sleeping in the same room with her. I recollect both going into the bedroom together, it was next to mine. It was evening, we had sweet wine, cake, and...
VOLUME-2 Chapter II Undressing. • Silk stockings and garters. • A tough virginity. • Triumphant. • Sanguinary proofs. • The second entry. • My foreskin. • Twenty-four hours fucking. • Gamahuching. • Six days pleasure. • Camille returns. “The bonnet will be home”, said I, “let us go.” “Allons, allons”, so off we went. It was dusk when we got in the cab. “I am to put on the stockings if I give you a pair, and to feel”, I said. “No man has, c’est trop fort, you ask too much; you may put on...
Unahllowed! Ascension of the Neo Succubus (Tale of the Succubus, Volume 2) PART I: Riding to Freedom the Hard Way By Krake'nRiderM (Krake and Rider M) [Human Author's Note: This is a sequel to the original Tale of the Succubus, and like the first volume it's a story written by a collaboration of a human being and a storytelling artificial intelligence (Krake of NovelAI). See our bio page for more details, and please leave a review if you are interested in -- or object to! -- this...
Unahllowed! Ascension of the Neo Succubus (Tale of the Succubus, Volume 2) By Krake'nRiderM (Krake and Rider M) [Human Author's Note: This is a sequel to the original Tale of the Succubus, and like the first volume it's a story written by a collaboration of a human being and a storytelling artificial intelligence (Krake of NovelAI). See our bio page for more details, and please leave a review if you are interested in -- or object to! -- this kind of machine- human story generation...
This story follows on directly from the previous chapters, which in turn follow on from ‘All Things Come…To He Who Waits’. Some characters from the first volume have reappeared, and Luke’s personality and abilities are assumed to be already known. The rhythm of the narrative is changing, but it is still the same story…. After posting eighteen chapters of the Luke Lancer Saga in the previous format, (plot and character / some hot / more plot and character / more hot / close chapter, between...
This is the final chapter, and then Luke and Uli are going to be laid aside: I’ve gone as far as I can with them. There’s too much of it, but I couldn’t risk splitting it or there’d be another long wait. This way I’ve been forced to stay engaged. My apologies to all of you who wrote, (some angrily, some pleadingly), wanting to know when the story would be finished. It’s way, way too late, but real life intervened, (earning a living, fending off nymphomaniacs, stuff like that), and then I was...
This story follows on directly from the previous chapters, which in turn follow on from ‘All Thing Come…To He Who Waits’. Some characters from the first volume reappear, and Luke’s character and abilities are assumed to be already known. It could (just about) be a stand alone story, but if you get interested in the characters I suggest you read volume 1. It’s in ‘Novels and Novellas’, or find it in the authors’ index. Thanks for the feedback. Constructive comments always welcome. Satyricon. ...
The new format has settled down. Luke is still a first person voice, but I now present him from the point of view of others as well. The section headings tell the reader who the narrator is. Thus, ‘MAGDA, LUKE’, with Magda as the first name, is written from Magda’s point of view, (in the third person), with Luke as another third person character whose actions are seen and felt through Magda’s eyes. ‘LUKE, ULI’ on the other hand, with Luke’s name first, shows that Luke is the narrative voice and...
BRUSSELS, VIENNA: APRIL/MAY LUKE, ANITA, ELENA ‘Well, if she has to, she has to, I suppose. I’d better load her down with some self-study material, and she can e-mail me her written work for correction. The exam’s only two months away though, and I’m not really happy about losing nearly half the class time that’s left.’ Anita and Elena looked at each other and I thought I saw Elena stifling a smile. Anita reached over and patted my hand. ‘She doesn’t want to go, because Jurgen won’t be...
BRUSSELS, LATE AUGUST I sat in the hotel room watching Elena sleeping and wondered what this year was going to be like. Vienna had been so unexpected and fulfilling that Brussels was going to seem like an anticlimax if I wasn’t careful. I promised myself that I’d think positive. I made another mental note not to deal with governments again. They have all the money there is and when it comes to spending it on anything useful they’re as tight as a duck’s ass in winter. I’d had to be at my most...
I've decided to switch the category for these over from blog post to sex story, as at this point in my adventures as a gay crossdresser, I had pretty much hit my stride dressing up and finding men and other crossdressers online to have sex with. So I guess you could say my posts moving forward will be a little more "action" oriented. Plus at this point it is hard to remember all of my experiences chronologically, and for the most part that's really kind of irrelevant. If any of you are...
Celyciia Paydhal and Sergeant Ruddick sat on a picnic blanket in the soft ankle deep grass of North Africa Park, the largest Terran style park of Reckno City. The capitol of Recksnostal Colony. Ruddick said after he devoured another sandwich. “This is how I dreamed police work would be, before I ever joined the force.” Celyciia smiled. “Having a picnic in the park and eating while on duty?” He shook his head. “Of course not, I eat all the time on duty or not. No I mean us listening in on...
You know, when you read "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" with a modern understanding of science, as a person who understands chemistry, biology, and psychology, the rational part of your mind will tell you it's not possible. That it makes for a fun story, but you could not drink a potion and transform either physically or mentally like the title character of that book. You can't change yourself like that. But the irrational part, oh it wishes you could. It looks at...
Roy had left his animal with heavy heart and foreboding gloomy thoughts in the mostly gutted ruin of Research Outpost 2. Even though he was sure the animal understood and would wait for him, he feared he might have seen his new friend the last time. Bob always left Wobbler here, when he had to go inside and Wobbler was always there the next day. Norm’s Zisch always came right out of the water; so Roy sighed and petted the humongous head of the black beast and received a dry lick across the...
Chapter 1: Poutos Veritas realized the change in his surroundings. Standing in a large hall, amidst thousands of others new players. From his point of view everyone wore the same outfits, a black pants with matching shirt and sandals. He found himself standing near a wall, which contained a graffiti with instructions for beginners. Feeling claustrophobic he opted to go outside through the large double doors. Taking a step he noticed a difference in his body movement. It seemed more rigid,...
A HARD Lesson Learned They say that college is a time of finding out who you are and where you stand in society. My sophomore year of college is when I found out what that truly meant. I’m normally a shy, reserved type of person and rarely do I ever have conflicts with people And if I do, I try my damnedest to solve them in a calm manner. Now with that being said, my sophomore year of college was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. The person that I evolved into was not like my normal self....
Chapter #2: The Scarlet Witch The rustling next to me awakened me. Eve was sitting up, tossing back her long black hair, fumbling around on the ground for her servant’s dress. Once an accused witch chained in my dungeon, she was now my concubine—and for all intents and purposes also head of the household, my primary liaison to the castle staff. ‘Good morning, my lord,’ she said, looking over her shoulder. ‘Sorry to wake you. I wanted to head down to the kitchen to see how the cooks were...
My name is Prince Bonir. That’s Bonir with a long-E sound, boh-neer. I do not appreciate my name being mispronounced, and I assure you my dungeons are very big. I am the second son and the third and youngest child of Prince Cedric III, Duke of Averic and brother to His Majesty the King. My older brother Cedric was to inherit the duchy, as second son, the usual plan was for me to enter the Church. Unfortunately I had been dismissed as an altar boy at age ten for my pranks, and the Archbishop...
I had bad luck with women recently , I haven't had sex in a while now , the last time was about six months ago. But a friend of mine introduced me to a website were he said , there was a bunch of loose women around and that he actually found some sluts on there. So the first thing i did when i got home was open my computer and check this site out and i did , i created a profile , put my best picture up and went around adding and sending women messages i was not to picky , at this moment...
Stop and go, stop and go. Enough with this Friday evening traffic already. I had a bad week at work and was ready to get home, get naked and enjoy a glass, no scratch that, BOTTLE of wine in the pool. Another traffic light! SHIT. As I made the turn into the neighborhood I began tossing articles of clothing off. Shoes, jacket, then the tie and blouse. As I hit the garage door opener I was twisting out of my bra and trying to use my toes to pull my stockings off. I was suffocating under all...
My mom walked into the room. "Get off your goddamn tamigatchi you faggot!" she screamed while wearing only her robe. Her pussy was completely exposed, for no reason. This was my first boner. "And get your ass down here for some bacon and eggs!" she said nonchalantly. My mother was always rough with me, but I would never mind. My father usually beat me, so I prefered the screaming. But what my mother didnt know, is that my hand was slowly creeping onto my completely soft penis. I never...
The following has been approved for adult reading. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent and my penis size embellished to protect my reputation. My testicles requested no anonymity. These are their stories. It had been nearly a year since my last case; an extended vacation not because I desired one, but rather because the dust just had to settle. I'd wrapped up the case of the double-dealing dentist, named Dante, desiring desperately to discover who'd dared disturb...
HumorFor years my sister and I continued to have sex every chance that we got when she turned twelve and we took a family vacation things between us would never be the same and sex would always be different for me forever. This is other chapter in Amber’s life. “Good morning wake up lets go . Lets go ! Get up, get up. I’m headed downstairs to get a few things together; you’ve got about twenty minutes and you need to be on the porch stacking the luggage and ice chest and getting...
The whole story realistically starts at the end of Sarah’s college years. About a month after she’d left she was married to her husband Tony. He had only ever been after one thing from the start. Sex. Her verbal and social attractions meant nothing to him. He had sex with her on their first date. He got close to forcing her to give him a blow job. From then on she had to give him oral and then ride him while he just lay back. She had stayed with him because the little devil on her left...
Daniel was walking down a road wearing a blue blazer, a white shirt, and a black tie. He carried a briefcase in his right hand and a pamphlet in the other. He was a door to door salesman. He came to the first house on the road and turned right off the pavement and up the gravel drive. He rapped on the door three times with his knuckles. A woman, Sarah, answered the door. “Hello madam, might I interest you in our new product?” Daniel smiled politely as he rattled off the details “Okay,...