My Secret Life Vol-01 Chapter 14 -Camille free porn video

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Chapter XIV

Piddlings. • Posturings. • Breast and arm-pit • A turn over. • Used up. • Wanting a virgin. • Camille departs. • The Major’s opinion. • Camille returns. • Louise.

I have told the most novel fucking bouts I had with, or through Camille, excepting the final one; but should say that whatever women she got me I turned to her with pleasure again. Sometimes when I had one or two to amuse me, I used to give her the preference for the fuck, and she always had one of the gruellings, for she was very handsome, understood everything, was sensuousness itself, but not vulgar. When I had a fit of extra lewdness she got me other women. Of course she got profit out of all, a thing I knew nothing about then. Often I had no want but for her, and she used to strip herself, or dress just as I wished, put her body into some attitude, then lay and read the paper whilst I used to sit and read as well, looking up from time to time at her. Then I would put her in a new attitude, and go on so for a time; then would make her piss, catch it in the pot, piss at the same time in it, stick a dildo up her cunt, and have every variety of amusement I could think of. She was always willing, never in a hurry, never refused. A charming harlot.

Making her piss was a favorite amusement with me, I would keep her a whole day without doing it, so that

I might have a good long stream out of her when looking on. I ,was most curious about the way a cunt opened and shut in squatting. It was the subject of my earnest investigation. I used to put two chairs so that they would not slip, nearly close together, and lay down with my head between them. Then Camille naked all but boots and stockings would stand up on the chairs, one foot on each; the legs naturally a little open as the chairs were a little apart, just disclosed the cunt. Then she would sit down slowly, so that I could gradually see the gap widen, the red nymphoe show, the clitoris jut out, and at length the whole cunt-gape ready for the piss. Then she would rise slowly and repeat it till I was tired; then still laying down I used to hold a large basin on my breast and belly, and squatting above my head she would piss into the basin. I would feel the cunt, and if very wet, dry it. In all this she was obedience itself; she never moved from one posture till I told her to get to another, would answer any question with frankness.

I have never lost this pleasure in seeing a woman piss, but at that time was too impatient to vary the amusements which a man and a woman can have with their piddle. It was reserved to me with other women, notably a French woman named Gabriell, and Sarah F — r, to have the fullest variety and enjoyment in that particular.

I had fucked Camille in every way excepting her arse-hole, I had spent between her bum-cheeks, but without the slightest intention of invading the bum-hole between them, — indeed then had a great dislike to looking at a woman’s arse-hole. At last fucked her arm-pits; she had a splendid arm, and an unusually large quantity of black hair beneath it which I much admired. One day she was poorly, I began fucking between her breasts, she suggested another woman, I would not have one; from her breasts I got to shoving between her arm and her breasts; then she wetted her arm-pit with Castile soap, which is of a soft slimy nature, and I fucked and spent between it. After a time we improved on this; she would lie in a convenient posture, I would lay a sheet of clean white paper on the bed, and just as I was coming, protrude the tip of my prick so as to free the pit, and shoot my spunk on to the sheet of white paper; or would catch the spunk in my own hand, and before my frensy of pleasure was over rub it on her cunt, then fling myself on the bed and go to sleep.

I used to have her at the side of the bed with her bum towards me; then she would gradually twist herself round, and cocking one leg over my head, get herself with her back on the bed without uneunting my prick. This had to be done very gradually, for a jerk, and my prick used to slip out. I used to bet with her about this, and she generally managed to twist round and win. “Now push, — keep it well in, — hold on, I am going to lift my leg”, she would cry at the difficult point, which was when she had got her bum sideways to me, and was about to lift her leg; then putting my hands well on her hips, I used to draw my belly to her, and prick into her, as tightly as I could, whilst she gradually raised a leg, and pressing her bum up to meet my pressure, gradually got on to her back, with her limbs in a natural easy posture on either side of my hips. By that time I had got steam well up, and a shove or two usually let me off.

At last having done as great a variety of ballocking, and learn more baudiness than most men of my age, I was knocked up, fucked out. My mother with whom I still nominally lived, was in despair. My guardian alarmed at the rate I was spending my money remonstrated, so I left Camille and her bevy of women, and went to the sea-side. There I renovated, and then spent my time on the sands, trying to see the women in the water. As I grew better my randiness returned, I got hold of gay women, but my old timidity clung to me, I used to pay them to piss, and had a grope up them; but do not recollect having anything more. I came back to London, and for two or three days afterwards Camille’s cunt had no rest. Then I temporarily got into another servant, and ceased to see Camille much. She tried all sorts of inducements to continue it on the old footing.

Then although she knew every incident of my life, she took to asking if I had ever had a virgin, saying, “Are you sure, did you see her cunt before you had her? Would you not like one again, if I can get you one, a young virgin French girl, one sure to be a virgin? —and so on until she made me doubt if I had ever had one. At last I thought that I should like to have another. Well, she could get me a young French girl, but would have to go to France, it would cost a large sum of money. This talk went on for some time, and little by little I agreed to give her fifty pounds to pay her journey, and also to keep her lodgings on. She postponed the journey for a long time, but at length she went. She made me promise to do something for the girl besides paying her, — which meant something or nothing, — but I promised to pay the journey of the virgin back to France, should she want to go; and also whenever I had the girl, to pay Camille a “Victoria”, “because”, said she, “you will have my rooms and prevent my bringing friends home.”

So I came down with fifty pounds. Off she went in quiet dress, and looked a quiet lady or middle-class woman. She advised me to keep myself steady, and the very moment before she left, whilst the cab was at the door, I turned her with bonnet and travelling dress on, bum outwards, and fucked her; she hurrying me all the time for fear she should loose the coach, she had not time to piss, or wipe or wash. “It will give me good fortune perhaps”, said she laughing, “or make you wish me back, it is lucky for me.”

There was but a slow rail to Dover then, nothing but tidal boats, and to Paris, the way I thought she was going, no rail at all, and it was a long journey. Whether she went to Paris or not I don’t know, but from later experience think not, that she was a Southern woman, and went straight home. She was to be back in a month. It came, but not she; another week, another, and I began to think I had been sold; another, and I gave her up altogether, and experienced a little relief, for the habit of seeing her had so got hold of me, that I could not shake it off, and yet I was tired of her, but I wanted the virgin.

There was a middle-aged man with whom I chummed much at my Club, a major retired, and a most debauched individual. He borrowed money of me, and did not repay it. His freedom of talk about women made him much liked by the younger men; the older said it was discreditable to help younger men to ruin. Ordinarly very careful how I spoke about women (for my loves having lain much in my mother’s house, caw tion had become habitual to me). I one night talked about virgins and of getting them. He said such things were done; that Harridans got a young lass, if well paid for it, but that they generally sold the girls half a dozen times over, “and”, said he, “they train the young bitches so, there is no finding them out; you may pay for one who was first fucked by a butcher boy, and then her virginity sold to a dandy; you may pay for it my boy, and not find out you have been done.” I pondered much over this, and the next night returned to the subject. His opinion was that an old stager like him was not to be done; but that any randy young beggar would go up the girl, and flatter himself he had had a virgin, if the girl was cunning. “When you see the tight covered hole with your eye, find it tight to your little finger, and then tight to your cock, my boy; when you have satisfied your eye, your finger, and your cucumber, and seen blood on it, you may be sure you have had one, — and not otherwise.”

Thought I, “I am going to be humbugged.” Another week, no letter, I went to her lodings, and found she had taken away everything she had with her. That night I told a little of my hopes to the Major, not telling him who the kind lady was, or where she was gone; but it made him laugh. “You are done brown my boy, done brown; that woman will never turn up again.” He joked me so, that I avoided him, and kept the subject to myself afterwards.

Again to the lodgings; the landlady could not keep them vacant any longer; I paid the rent, but she got no perquisites, I increased the allowance. Then again I went; the landlady said she did not expect to see her again. I had now set my heart on having this virgin; ten weeks nearly had gone; I said if Camille was not back next week she might let the rooms. It passed; a bill was put up in the window, and the next morning calling as a forlorn hope, there was a letter for me, — she would be back in a week. I was in a state of excitement that week, and kept myself chaste, with the idea of the virgin cunt, and Camille’s well paced rogering in anticipation.

The day came. I was so impatient, that I was there quite early; she arrived some hours earlier than she had said, and seemed surprised at finding me; my impression is that she did not want me to be there when she came back. She came in a hackney-coach; a stoutish full-sized young woman with a funny bonnet and long cloak on, got out of the coach with her, and in a free — and-easy way helped the things upstairs. She called her Louise. The wench put down a big box, and on my turning round after giving Camille a kiss, I saw she had seated herself on it, and hands on her knees was looking at me. “Uncord the box”, said Camille. Said the girl, “I am tired.” She uncorded it, again sitting down, and looking at me said, “Is that your young man? — he’s a good-looking fellow.” Camille told her to hold her tongue, to go on unpacking, and that I understood French, eying her at the same time in a savage way, and looking at me at times very uneasily. She was a rough sort of girl, she said, a relative of a friend of hers, had come as her servant, and in a short time would understand her place; smiling at me in a knowing way as she said that. Camille always addressed her servant in French, me in English; but I understood French tolerably well.

Louise did as she was told, but bounced about in an independant way, threw off her cloak and bonnet, and putting her hands on her hips stared at me again. I stared at her, thinking of the virginity I was destined to break up. Certainly she was appetizing; her cloak off showed a thick woolen dress of dark brown striped with blue, a fine big figure, a couple of big breasts; her arms naked nearly to her shoulders, as French peasants usually wore them, were large, fleshy, and brown; the petticoats were half-way up to her knees, and showed the thickest woolen black stockings on a stout pair of legs, and feet in thick shoes with brass buckles; she had immense gilt earrings, and was in fact in the dress of a Bordeaux peasant woman.

I did nothing but stare at her, Camille nothing but scold her, talking to me at intervals. The girl got the boxes ready for opening, then walked about, taking up poker and tongs, chimney ornaments and everything in the room with curiosity. Camille and I had so much to say, that we took little notice of her; then she threw up the window and looked out. As she bent forward her short petticoats showed her legs up to her knee-backs; Camille was about to stop her looking out, when I winked, and stooping saw a thick roll of stockings just beneath the knees, and the flesh just above. Camille understood. “Madame, madame”, said the girl, “come, here, here is fun.” I heard Punch squeaking in the streets; she was delighted; her mistress went to the window giving me a knowing look, and looking out of the window with the girl, put her hands over the girl’s petticoats and lifted them slightly. Louise took no heed of this being so engrossed with Punch; I dropped on my knees and saw half-way up the girl’s thighs. I had been chute for a few weeks, or nearly so, the sight of Camille had fired me, the thighs finished me; I shoved my hands up Camille’s petticoats on to her arse, got her into her bed-room, and with her clothes in a lump on her belly, drove up my prick, spending directly I got up her cunt.

With half my spendings outside, half inside I lay with throbbing prick, which only came out when it had spent again. Camille vowed she had not had a man for weeks, and took it out of me, perhaps fearing if I went away with stiffening left, some other cunt would take it out. The ballocking over I went home.

I was early there the next day; Louise had been installed in the little room leading out of the sitting room. Camille told me a great deal about the distance she had gone, and the trouble and expense she had been put to in getting the girl’s relatives to let her come; she hoped I would pay the additional expenses; and that I did at a cost of about twenty pounds. What with that and paying for her journey, and for lodgings while absent, Louise had cost me nearly ninety pounds already. Then I undertook to pay for the additional room, in which a bed having been put, an extra was charged; cooking now being done downstairs. Then Louise must have a new gown.; then Camille thought I ought to give her something for herself, because whilst away for me she had made no money. That I refused and blazed up about it; for all that agreed to pay for a new silk dress for her, and a lot of little odds and ends on the second day of Camille’s return, for all of which outlays I had only had a peep up the girl’s petticoats.

Then I had a talk about her. The girl was the daughter of a small grape-grower, a friend of Canine’s; they thought Camille was in London as a dressmaker, making a lot of money, because she sent money home to her father. Camille offered to take her, saying she would be sure to get on, if not in one way, then in another; that good-looking girls always did well in London. The girl was mad to come, and persuaded her parents to let her do so; believing that Camille got her living honestly; she was to be her servant until she could be put in the way of doing well.

“What are you going to tell her now? what are you going to do with her? what will she say when she finds out?” I asked.

Camille did not know. The girl would find out, and then she must excuse herself as well as she could, would say it was better, and jollier, and more money making than to make dresses. Besides, the girl could not help herself, and would have to make the best of it.

When was I to have her? I asked. As soon as I could get her; there she was, and I might try when and how I liked; help me more she could not, she could not insist on Louise letting me; but no doubt she would in time, no one else should have her.

I was not so sure of that. Camille was gay, and although I had for more than a year excluded most men from the house, yet she did have other men there, and I knew they would see the girl, might like her, might pay Camille; all the remarks of the retired major came strongly before me, and I thought I was going to be sold, and said so.

She replied that I was not; she would leave me with the girl when I liked; if the girl spoke to her she would advise her to let me, but would have nothing to do with influencing her beyond that; and when the event came off, she meant to be out, so that Louise’s friends could not say anything. If she went gay it was no fault of hers, young women would have it done to them, it was natural. That was the game she meant to play.

I saw that I had paid her only for bringing a girl, and must take my chance of getting into her; all she would do was to keep the coast clear. I don’t know what I really did expect Camille to do, but think I imagined that she would have got the girl in bed with her some night, let me get into bed with them, and helped to make her fuck, if she would not. This was dissipated, I was to have the chance I should have had with a servant in my mother’s house, or less, for this girl I should not see so often, and could not be sure she would be so well looked after.

So Camille went out, leaving me alone with the servant whenever I wished. I expect she went with other men at houses of friends, and so got her time paid for twice over, and made a good thing of it; perhaps she thought, the longer this lasted the better it would be for her. I think now that that was her game.


To be Continued in Vol 2

Highlights of Vol 2

Total Chapters 23

CHAPTER I.—Louise sapped.—Suspicions.—Lectures on virginity with live

illustrations.—Drugged for inspection.—Camille's hesitation.—Absents

herself.—The house in G.. d. n s.... e.—Baudy prints.—A feel, a

sniff, and a kiss.—Out shopping.—Garters.—Dinner, and after.

CHAPTER II.—Undressing.—Silk stockings and garters.—The

attack.—Foiled on the outside.—A battery.—A breech.—A tough

virginity.—Triumphant.—Sanguinary proofs.—The second entry.—My

foreskin.—Twenty-four hours fucking.—Gamahuching.—Six days

pleasure.—Camille returns.

CHAPTER III.—Camille at home.—Her little game.—My greenness.—The

house in O.. d. n street.—The glove-shop.—Louise fatigues me.—Fred

on the scent.—A cigar-shop.—Three into one.—A clap.—Serious

reflexions.—The sisters disappear.

CHAPTER IV.—Enforced chastity.—A stricture.—Health restored.—Mrs.

Pender.—A peep from a hay-stack.—In a cowhouse.—-Stable and

barn.—Mother's satisfaction.

CHAPTER V.—Aunt at the dairy.—Morning amusements with Pender.—Female

haymakers.—Mrs. Whiteteeth.—An exhibition of cock.—Against a field

gate.—A night on the grass.—A sight from the barn-loft.—Robert the


CHAPTER VI.—Joey and nursemaid.—The privy in the

laurel-walk.—Scared.—Whiteteeth in the ditch.—The nursemaid's

bed-room.—Robert amusing her.—A lost virginity.—Aunt and

Joey.—Nearly caught.—Amatory instructions to nursemaid.

CHAPTER VII.—Molly and Giles.—A country ale-house.—Pender's

history.—How her virginity was taken.—White-teeth's ailment.—Molly in

the loft.—Interrupted.—Molly tailed.

CHAPTER VIII.—Field-women.—Fred at home.—Smith, the field-foreman.—A

rape of a juvenile.—Fucking consequences.—Nelly consents.—Fred looks


CHAPTER IX.—Laura and Fred.—Vauxhall amusements.—A juvenile

harlot.—A linen stopper.—The hairless and the hairy.—Ten and

forty.—A snub.—At my aunt's.—Nursemaid and page missing.—Pender with

child.—Molly and Giles caught.—Mr. Pendler's letch.

CHAPTER X.—Nelly and Sophy.—The beer-house again.—Sophy's belly.—On

the road.—Against a tree.—At the baudy house with Sophy.—Her

narrative. Tom and the three sisters.—Fred on the scent.—Pendler's


CHAPTER XI.—Out shooting.—A female carter.—A feel in the

train.—Molly in London.—Giles in town.—Fred on the scene.—Molly at

the Hall.—Copulation in uniform.—A sham illness.—An afternoon with

Molly.—She turns harlot.—Gets clapped.—Her baby.

CHAPTER XII.—Nelly and Sophy.—Nelly at the Argyle.—In town

with Fred.—On the sofa with Mabel.—The effect of black

stockings.—Interference.—In bed.—Mabel's bad habits.—A ladies'

school.—The bath-room.—My cousins naked.—Marie the curate's

wife.—Cunt inspections.—Servants washing.—Flat-fucking.

CHAPTER XIII.—Fred on flat-fucking.—In town with Laura.—Back at

the school.—Pictures for young ladies.—Fred's ankle.—Mrs. Maria's

weakness.—To London alone.—Laura and Mabel.—Three in a bed.—A risky

poke.—Groping for the pot.—Nearly caught.—Fred joins us.

CHAPTER XIV.—My cousin at home.—Pender's belly.—A lawyer's

letter.—Action for crim-con threatened.—Suspicions.—A

compensation.—The Penders leave.—Wholesale whorings.—A frolic at Lord

A...'s.—After dinner.—Newspaper readings.—A strange rape.—Bets

on pricks.—Pricks felt.—Fred on his head.—Beds on the

floor.—Free-fucking.—End of the orgie.

CHAPTER XV.—Morning headaches.—An indignant housekeeper.—A

saucy valet.—Consequences.—Fred leaves England.—Lady A... 's

invitation.—Laura a widow.—Farewell Laura.—Adieu Mabel.—My

guardian's remonstrances.—Parental advice.—Ruined.—Reflexions.—My


CHAPTER XVI.—Married, and miserable.—Virtuous

intentions.—Consequences.—Mary Davis—A virtuous child.—Low-class

fucksters.—A concupiscent landlady.—Reflexions on my career.—the

sizes of pricks.—My misconception.

CHAPTER XVII.—Irish Kate.—Drink, heat, fleas, and French letters.—The

bricklayer afterwards.—I give luck.—The lost breast-pin.—The

cholera's victim.

CHAPTER XVIII.—Costermonger's children.—A small girl, mother, and

mangle.—A French letter fetched.—Young Callow's exploits.—The

customers' linen.—A hard-fleshed bum.—Invitation to anus.—A strange

letch.—One big with child.—Fucked for a sovereign, and pleasure.—A

Creole.—My misery.—Reflexions.

CHAPTER XIX.—My home life.—Heartbroken.—In the parlour.—Maid Mary's

sympathy.—Don't cry Master.—On the sofa.—Both in lust.—Impotent.

CHAPTER XX.—The next day.—On the door-mat.—On the sofa.—On her

belly.—Eight hours fucking.—At a brothel.—An afternoon's amusement.

CHAPTER XXI.—Preliminary.—Mary's

seduction.—Flight.—Desertion.—Going to the post-office.—A halfpenny

signal.—Against an arm chair.—The privy watched.—Nearly caught.—Mary

suspected.—Dismissed.—In lodgings.—Service again.—My cousin

sir.—Letters lost.—Mary disappears.—Seven years afterwards.—Sequel.



1. During my visit to London for studies where we had an Old Ancestral Home, I stumbled on a family treasure. Apart from other things I also found a hump of books, diaries, and notes in the treasure which contained classic, Age-old, Erotic books, Novels, and Magazines probably collected by my Ancestors. They are all timeless and precious. They are a must-read for all erotica lovers.

2. Out of the aforesaid collection, presenting an amazing account which was first published in 1888, My Secret Life, by "Walter", is the memoir of a gentleman.

3. The book My Secret Life has been authored by "Walter". The identity of "Walter" is unknown. so the Original Authors are long dead or unknown.

4. My Secret Life, by "Walter", is the memoir of a gentleman describing the author's sexual development and experiences in Victorian England. It was first published in a private edition of eleven volumes, at the expense of the author, including an imperfect index, which appeared over seven years beginning around 1888.

5. The work in having 11 Volumes containing a total of 184 chapters apart from the Introduction & Preface.

6 All characters be read as of more than age of 18 years.

7. My sincere apologies to the author of the Novel and readers for editing, or modifying the underage content, if any, to make it suitable for publishing in Modern times.


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My Secret Life Vol01 Chapter 0I Part 02

Chapter I PART 2 I could not, as the reader will hear, thoroughly uncover my prick tip without pain till I attained majority , nor well then when quite stiff unless it went up a cunt. My nursemaid, I expect thought this curious, and tried to remedy the error in my make, and hurt me. My mother, by her extremely delicate feeling, shut herself off from much knowledge of the world, which was the reason why she had such implicit belief in my virtue until I had seen twenty-two years, and kept,...

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My Secret Life Vol02 Chapter 02 Louise Virginity

VOLUME-2 Chapter II Undressing. • Silk stockings and garters. • A tough virginity. • Triumphant. • Sanguinary proofs. • The second entry. • My foreskin. • Twenty-four hours fucking. • Gamahuching. • Six days pleasure. • Camille returns. “The bonnet will be home”, said I, “let us go.” “Allons, allons”, so off we went. It was dusk when we got in the cab. “I am to put on the stockings if I give you a pair, and to feel”, I said. “No man has, c’est trop fort, you ask too much; you may put on...

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SHORT PIECES Lesbian Tales vol9 catfights

SHORT PIECES (Lesbian Tales)- vol. 9 - catfightsNote: the last pieces (vol.8) contained stories with watersports as the connecting theme. These pieces will contain stories which involve at different degrees …catfighting which is common amongst lesbians. Many men also like to watch. If that is not your thing, I suggest you skip this volume and stay tune for vol. 10 which should be regular lesbian...

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My Secret Life Vol02 Chapter 13 to 21

VOLUME-2 CHAPTER XIII. Fred on flat-fucking.—In town with Laura.—Back at the school.—Pictures for young ladies.—Fred's ankle.—Mrs. Maria's weakness.—To London alone.—Laura and Mabel.—Three in a bed.—A risky poke.—Groping for the pot.—Nearly caught.—Fred joins us. When I awakened on Sunday, I thought I had been dreaming, the images of a dozen and more modest naked women passed through my brain. I could think of nothing else, waited at the gate to see the young...

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Prince Bonir Vol 05

Vol. 5: A Duchess for the Duke My foul mood continued on the voyage home from Jarno (Prince Bonir Vol. 4: The Defense of the Realm). I had delivered on my promise to my cousin King Edelbert (the third) to defend the realm from the Vikings, but at what cost? In the spring, the King of Norway would come to Averic with his three daughters, from which I would choose one to marry to cement the alliance that would cease the Viking invasions of our homeland. At the same time the woman with whom I...

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Geri and Jodys Sexual Adventure and Beyond Vol II

Vol. II By Geri_w Hello. We are back for another sexual adventure. If you missed our South American adventure Vol. I ; let me catch you up. My name is Geri; I am a 40-year-old woman with blonde hair, long legs, a tight ass and a pussy that is insatiable. My traveling friend is Jody. She is a beautiful 30 year old nymphomaniac. She is at 5’4” shorter than my 5’9” but has beautiful long legs , huge perky tits , an ass that is high and tight and a pussy that can take anything … We were...

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Geri and Jodys Sexual Adventure and Beyond Vol II

Introduction: Geri and Jody continue their sexual adventures Geri & Jodys Sexual Adventure and Beyond Vol. II By Geri_w Hello. We are back for another sexual adventure. If you missed our South American adventure Vol. I , let me catch you up. My name is Geri, I am a 40-year-old woman with blonde hair, long legs, a tight ass and a pussy that is insatiable. My traveling friend is Jody. She is a beautiful 30 year old nymphomaniac. She is at 54 shorter than my 59 but has beautiful long legs , huge...

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Actions Have Consequences Vol 7

Actions Have Consequences Vol 7: You are a Bitch Doug said, "You don't have to go Helen. You know that, please stay we can work out our marriage." The sad mover so wanted what her faithful husband said to be true. It was not and no matter many stars they wished upon, how many eyebrows they plunk, how coins they dropped in a well, or how many dandelions they blew, the truth would remain. Helen had to leave her husband. The heartbroken woman said, "My love, you know that we have to...

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My Secret Life Vol01 Chapter 13 Camille first French woman

VOLUME-1 Chapter XIII Camille my first French woman. • Lascivious delights. • Harlots by the dozen. • Baudy books. • Tribades. • A grey-haired cunt. I came into my property, and to the great horror of my mother and family, soon gave up my post at the and my intended career and determined to live and enjoy myself. I had been all but posted to a regiment, that commission I resigned, though all my youth desiring it. I lost much money by doing so. What I did between the time that I had the two...

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My Secret Life Vol01 Chapter 05 First Fuck

MY SECRET LIFE BY WALTER VOLUME-1. Chapter V After fathers death, our circumstances were further reduced, At the time I am going to speak of, we had come to a small house nearer London; one sister went to boarding-school, an aunt (I had many) took another, I went to a neighboring great school or college, as it was termed, my little brother Tom was at home; but reference henceforth to members of my family will be but slight, for they had but little to do with the incidents of this private...

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My Secret Life Vol01 Chapter 06 Mary the cook

VOLUME-1. Chapter VI As the certainty that all was finished between us came to me, I got better, my grief moderated, my prick expected occupation, I was horrified at having frigged myself, and ceased doing it. Then naturally I looked at the servants. The new housemaid was ugly as sin, so I turned to Mary the cook. I was then about seventeen years old. She was now I think twenty-six or eight years old, big, stout, but as it seemed to me then, symetrical; she had exquisite teeth, blue eyes,...

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My Secret Life Vol01 Chapter 07 Sarah and Martha

VOLUME-1 Chapter VII One aunt as said lived in H***shire, a widow; her son, my cousin Fred, was preparing for the Army. I wanted a change and went by advice to stay there. Fred was a year eider than me, wild and baudy to the day of his death, he talked from boyhood incessantly about women. I had not seen him for some time, and he told me of his amours, asking me about mine. I let him know all, without disclosing names; he told me in nearly the words that it was “a lie,” for he had heard my...

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My Secret Life Vol02 Chapter 11 Molly in London

VOLUME-2 Chapter XI Out shooting. • A female carter. • A feel in the train. • Molly in London. • Giles in town.-Fred on the scene. • Molly at the Hall. • Copulation in uniform. • A sham illness. • An afternoon with Molly. • She turns harlot. • Gets clapped.-Her baby. I was in wonderful condition. Early to bed, out-of-door exercise, good plain living, everything to make me so. I felt as if I could fuck all day. If one day I had neither of the women, the next day my prick stood from morning...

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My Secret Life Vol01 Chapter 10 CharIotte reappears

VOLUME-1 Chapter X Just at this time the following incident occurred. Going one Saturday night up Granby street, Waterloo road, then full of women who used to sit at the windows half naked; two or three together at times in the same room on the ground-floor, with the bed visible from the street, and which street I often walked in for the pleasure of looking at the women. A woman standing at a door seized my hand, asking me in, and at the same time pulling me quite violently into the little...

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My Secret Life Vol02 Chapter 04 Enforced chastity

VOLUME-2 Chapter IV My clap brought on a stricture, obliging me to have a bougie passed every other day to stretch the pipe often, and causing me to piss clots of gruelly blood, about an hour afterwards. I dared not fuck, but once frigged, and it brought on the inflammatory stage again. At length I got better, but with a gleet which wetted the tail of my shirt through daily; doctors advised me to get a change of air, I went to my aunt’s place in where I took cold baths, and did...

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My Secret Life Vol02 Chapter 05 Amusements with Pender

VOLUME-2 Chapter V I could scarcely sleep that night. Pender seemed to me the most delicious woman I had ever poked. What if excitement had brought back the clap! what if I had clapped her! I had never after the clap had a woman until the doctor said I might. When I awakened, to my joy my prick was as dry as a bone; a woman was what I had wanted to complete my cure. The next minute my prick was stiff as I thought of Pender’s charms. It was a lovely morning, every available hand in house and...

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My Secret Life Vol01 Chapter 08Fanny Hill Masturbation

VOLUME-1. Chapter VIII I went back to London, and resumed my preparations. Penniless, I tried to get money from my mother, but could not. I tried to feel our ugly housemaid, who threatened to tell. Just then a friend lent me Fanny Hill, how well I recollect that day, it was a sunshiny afternoon, I devoured the book and its luscious pictures, and although I never contemplated masturbation, lost all command of myself, frigged, and spent over a picture as it lay before me. I did not know how...

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My Secret Life Vol01 Chapter 12 Sarah and Susan sisters

VOLUME-1 Chapter XII I had now passed my twentieth year. The new servants were sisters (how many times have sisters fallen to me!); the eldest who was cook was named Sarah; the youngest, Susan. Sarah was about twenty-six, Susan nineteen or twenty. I carefully arranged the key in the key-hole of their door the first night, but saw nothing for two or three nights. Then oh! fortune again. They rose later than my mother liked; she came up to their room one morning and found them locked in, so...

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My Secret Life Vol02 Chapter 06 Aunt and Joey

VOLUME-2 Chapter VI Joey and nursemaid. • The privy in the laui-el-walk. • Scared. • Whiteteeth in the ditch. • The nurse-maid's bed-room. • Robert amusing her. • A lost virginity. • Aunt and Joey. • Nearly caught. • Amatory instructions to nursemaid. Lusting worse after the kiss, I went to the house. My cousins were out, my aunt taking her afternoon's nap. I rang my bed-room bell for something, simply to get a woman near me, in the shape of a housemaid who was as ugly as sin. I pulled...

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My Secret Life Vol02 Chapter 07 Molly and Giles

VOLUME-2 Chapter VII I fucked Whiteteeth in the meadow one night again. We ***********ed a field further off, which led to another bit of luck. She had left me, and I was stepping quietly, so that if met, no one might suppose we had been together; when I heard on the other side of a hedge, movements, and the voices of a male and female. They sat down within a few feet of where I was. I only heard imperfectly, and tell as well as I could gather what was said. “I can’t stay”, said she,...

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My Secret Life Vol02 Chapter 10 Nelly and Sophy

VOLUME-2 Chapter X Nelly and Sophy. • The beer-house again. • Sophy’s belly. • On the road. • Against a tree. • At the baudy house with Sophy. • Her narrative. • Tom and the three sisters. • Fred on the scent.-Pender’s troubles. I had some food at an hotel, then returning on foot saw at the end of the lane two peasant girls in their Sunday finery. I looked at first without recognizing them, but as I got close saw one was Nelly, the girl I had raped. She stopped, I smiled. “You here, why?”...

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My Secret Life Vol01 Chapter 11 Charwoman and daughter

VOLUME-1 Chapter XI We could not get servants for some time. A middle-aged charwoman came to assist, and one of her daughters came from time to time, stopping generally the night. Their cottage was not far off, I had seen the girl from an infant, she was then about eighteen years old. I had often smiled when I met her, of course I smiled now. She was quite a slim little girl, there was nothing of her, but I was at an age when anything having a cunt attracted me. Profiting by experience, I...

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My Secret Life Vol02 Chapter 03 Camille Lousie

VOLUME-2 Chapter III A day or two recruited me, I wrote to Camille who met me in the street, she had sent the girl to the theatre with a friend, so I went indoors with her. “Have you done it to her?” was the first question, as if she did not know, I told her all. She questioned me with strong interest. I gave her the fifty pounds. Then she asked me if Louise had told me where she came from, and other questions, which I saw were put to see, if Louise had told about their relationship. As we...

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My Secret Life Vol01 Chapter 09 Mrs Smith

One day the man dined on the step, his wife standing by his side; down I went to peep up her clothes and heard him rowing. “Why the hell had she not got him beef instead of mutton; God damn her, why were there no potatoes!” That was his style. Angry words passed, the voices grew louder, I heard a loud smack and a strong oath, he had hit his wife and gone back into the work-shop. There was a great gabbling of female voices over the grating round Mrs. Smith. “I would not stand it,” said one....

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Prelude Part 4 Volund

Prelude Part 4: Volund 4999, OTT The crumbling walls of Olafson Burg were no longer on his mind. Volund was now the steward of Ragnarsson Rock. Erik Gustav had kept his word and had given him the stewardship and rule of all that was Ragnarsson on this world. There were tanneries in the extensive basements, several Nubhir farms on the permanent ice of the southern polar region, and large Fangsnapper herds. Best of all, there were five modern and well-kept fishing boats and three hunting...

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Prince Bonir Vol 03

Vol. 3: The Roman Orgy Three months into my term as Duke of Averic, things were finally starting to recover from the tumult of the plague. With almost one-third of the population perished, I reorganized the serfs so that the nearest, most productive fields were adequately tended. Some of the crop in fields nearest the border ended up rotting on the vine for lack of manpower at harvest time. With fewer goods and services produced, there was less income to Castle Averic. It would cost money to...

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Prince Bonir Vol 04

Vol. 4: Defense of the Realm It was a sad day when the messenger arrived to announce that my uncle, the king, had passed away. It was also exciting, I had come to know my cousin very well when I first began my knight’s training, and now he would become King Edelbert III. I packed up with my entourage—my sister Elizabeth, my consorts Eve and Arianna, plus six guards and their captain Jauffrey—for at least two weeks stay at the royal palace. Nobles from across the land were arriving to pay...

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Geri and Jody Sexual Adventures Vol 1

Sexual Adventures Vol. I By Geri My girlfriend Jody and I decided to go on holiday to a remote coastal town in South America… Sun.. the beach.. our skimpy bikinis… 5 to 1 men to women.. We would be in heaven. At this juncture, let me briefly introduce ourselves to you. I am Geri. All five feet nine inches of me on a trim 26-26-36 body. Blonde hair, great long legs and a beautiful ass. Jody, my traveling companion, is a younger 30 years old. She is a smaller at five feet three...

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Ambers learning more sex Vol 2

Introduction: More incest and a lttle of fun. Hello again and welcome. If you dont know the story read Ambers learning sex Vol. 1. For years my sister and I continued to have sex every chance that we got when she turned twelve and we took a family vacation things between us would never be the same and sex would always be different for me forever. This is other chapter in Ambers life. Good morning wake up lets go . Lets go ! Get up, get up. Im headed downstairs to get a few things together,...

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SHORT PIECES (GAY TALES) – VOL. 9THE LEASH« I saw your message on Rooster’s board. Are you still interested ?”, asked Paul on the phone.“Sure. Send me a picture by e-mail of your boy and I’ll send you one of mine”, answered Adrian. “I take it you frequent Rooster’s”, continued Paul“ we may have seen each other. We’ll see each other when we get to the forest, unless one of the boys is not excited”, answered Adrian“Fair enough. Looking forward to it”, said Paul“Me too”, answered...

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SHORT PIECES (GAY TALES) VOL. 8LUST The landlady phoned saying there was a delivery for me downstairs and the man needed a signature. She didn’t speak French so the communication with the delivery man was minimal. I went downstairs and saw the landlady heading to her little cubicle looking puzzled or maybe curious. The man was delivering two paintings I had bought at auction in a city nearby. I didn’t expect them so soon. They were in two rectangular boxes, but they were heavy and bulky so that...

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SHORT PIECES Gay Tales vol7 Voyeurs

SHORT PIECES (Gay Tales) Vol. 7 (Voyeurs-- special volume)THE OLD FRIENDSThe setting had been the same for decades, the living room, the TV set, the couch, the carpets, but the technology had improved and there were new pieces of equipment which had become very useful.Rod had been a pilot for a large airline all his adult life and had retired at 50. Jimmy was 10 years older and was working part time until retirement. Both men had known each other since they had met in a special video store...

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My First Girlfriend vol6

Vol. 6Chapter 13: The guy she tells you not to worry aboutI spent the whole week replaying my bizarre weekend over in my mind... Getting dressed up like a whore by my loving girlfriend.... Having to stay in character while her older, taller, more manly friend came to hang out at the house... How easily and helplessly I shifted into the role of a girl... Rebecca telling me not to worry about him, how she "liked" that I was submissive and effeminate... Even though she also said that all girls...

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SHORT PIECES (GAY TALES) VOL. 6BARNSTORMINGIn the Prairies, where I was brought up, and especially on farms which were distant from any villages, going out at night had a very different meaning. In my area, many of the boys in their late teens and early twenties would regularly gather in an abandoned barn which was across the road from Mr. White’s farm. With time, the grass had stopped growing in a large area in front of the barn because the trucks had parked there for decades. The door was...

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The Sissy Journal Vol 001

The Sissy JournalVol. 001by Lady Jayne HillsDetroit Sissy Society CEO and True Boss BitchDay : 03/13/2019Time : 1:30 PMHow : Gr****rWhere : His Place - HouseName : ? 001 ?He hit me up on gr****r. We chatted and swapped pics. Sent girly pics first, then boy pics. He wanted to meet up right away. I went over to his house in boy clothes. He lives only a few blocks away. I walk in...As tall as me. Olive / white skin. Chubby Hairy Daddy Bear. Glasses. Cute.We sit in the front room and I...

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SHORT PIECES Lesbian Tales Vol 5

SHORT PIECES (LESBIAN TALES) Vol. 5THE PIMP“She’s a friend of mine”, said Robert showing a photo on his IPhone.“She’s attractive”, answered Penny blushing, “What’s her name ?”“It’s Barbara but everyone calls her Barb”, answered Robert, in his high-pitched voice rising even more in his excitement.Robert was finishing high school and liked boys but he liked Penny and Barb who were older women and nice to him, contrary to some of the girls at school. Penny was a dental nurse at the local clinic...

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Tiresias Vol 1

Most Characters belong to Marvel. I introduced Lumen, Breaker, Archie, and a few others. I hope they don't mind me messing in their alternate backyard, but hopefully someday I can get them to publish this idea! Again, thanks to Eddie G! This story is dedicated to Tumbleweed. This story takes place pre-Heroes Reborn. If I should ever get the chance to do this in Marvel continuity, I would update it. Tiresias By Indiana Jones ([email protected]) Vol I An old man...

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Catching the Wife Vol 4

********************************************************************************disclaimer: another one of my favouritesI DID NOT WRITE THIS STORY....ALL CREDIT GOES TO CHASSEUR11 of visit his page for more creative and bust a nut hot stories.CIAO********************************************************************************Catching the Wife Vol. 04bychasseur11©I rolled out of bed late in the morning. Having nothing to do I was in no hurry to start a lazy day....

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Catching the Wife Vol 3

*******************************************************************************DISCLAIMER: Another one of my favourites.I DID NOT WRITE THIS STORY...ALL CREDIT GOES TO CHASSEUR11 or********************************************************************************Catching the Wife Vol. 03bychasseur11©As the evening rolled around I got ready for my date with Marisa. Dressing nicely I was going to leave early to make sure I was there on time. Checking myself one last...

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Catching the Wife Vol 2

********************************************************************************DISCLAIMER: This is one of my favsALL CREDIT GOES TO CHASSEUR11 of thier page for more creative and worth-the-read storiesciao********************************************************************************Catching the Wife Vol. 02bychasseur11©I woke up late the next morning from what little sleep I did get. It was a rough night being very restless. Had a hard time trying to get what...

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Catching the Wife Vol 1

*******************************************************************************DISCLAIMER: this is another one of my favs...I DID NOT WRITE THIS STORY...ALL CREDITS GO TO CHASSEUR11 of the community. Visit his page for more creative, and worth-the-read stories.ciao*******************************************************************************Catching the Wife Vol. 01bychasseur11©It was just another slow Friday evening. Sitting alone on my couch with a drink flipping...

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Weaponizing Estrogen Vol 1 Alexandra

Weaponizing Estrogen Vol. 1: Alexandra © 2017 by Tori St. John Chapter 1: A Happy Accident It's not that I hate men. It really isn't. The way that I see it, in my attempt to make the world a better place, I made a strange discovery: It turns out that many men are far better off emasculated. Men don't realize this simple truth, of course. Which is where I come in. Utilizing just a few simple techniques, my track record for achieving my intended outcome is remarkably high. ...

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Weaponizing Estrogen Vol1 2 Leona

Weaponizing Estrogen Vol. 2: Leona © 2017 by Tori St. John Preface Most people have a story or two about dating a crazy person at some point in their life. You know the type of story that I'm talking about, these usually include the clich?, "she was so great in bed, but too crazy to be around." My 'crazy person' story is a bit different than most because I was a male at the beginning of it, and not-male-anymore at some point along the way. My domestic partner, Athena, asked m...

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Actions Have Consequences Vol 1 and 2

Actions Have Consequences Vol 1 and 2 Marci stood in the middle of the floor nervously waiting for the music to start and picturing herself doing her routine. "And bend knees, and turn, and shake hips on the way up." There was good reason for that feeling; she had only had five days to practice the dance routine and learn to apply her makeup in a more seductive manner. She only had five days to practice the dance routine for, up until two weeks previously, Marci was Doug. She...

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Actions Have Consequences Vol 5 Becoming the person the other see you as

Actions Have Consequences Vol 5: Becoming the person the other see you as It has been a busy week since Helen came crashing back to reality. Her and Doug started to pick up the pieces of their relationship, and also themselves. Helen is getting used to her loving husband not seeing the best in her all the time. Doug is opening up to her and not being on the defensive while she is around. They have both started to see therapist. It has been a hard week as they fought each day. Some of...

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