Camille free porn video

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He got up from the desk and went to answer the knock at the door, surprised they hadn’t used the bell. Standing before him was a lovely young girl, dressed in something resembling a bell boy’s outfit including the stylized hat and white gloves. She offered him an envelope with great flourish. With an upturned, open palm she indicated that he should open it, and she stood silent and still. The whole routine made him grin.

Before he turned his attention to the envelope he looked the girl up and down. The bell boy costume was very true to form except for one obvious unusual feature, the lack of buttons down the front of the shirt. The shirt was open at the neck, plunged down to a single studded closure at the navel and with the tails tucked into a pair of tailored low-rise trousers. A pair of suspenders bracketed her smallish, but ample breasts, pressing them together into a cleavage that amplified the open front of the shirt.

He stood and stared at the girl’s chest, her navel and the snug fit of her trousers, largely ignoring the envelope until a second gesture reminded him to open it.

He broke the wax seal on the back of the envelope and pulled out its contents, a card which read:

Personal Invitation
You are invited to spend the evening as the guest of Patrick.
A limousine will arrive to pick you up at 7:00 PM
Transportation will be provided to and from the evening
Dress is formal casual and all your needs will be attended to for the evening
R.S.V.P. to the delivery boy
Laughing out loud, he said to him, Patrick, you sneaky bastard. This explained Patrick’s dinner invitation for this very evening issued a couple weeks ago, an obvious ploy to lock in his calendar.

He looked back up at the girl, still standing stark still in front of him, again noticing her breasts, but this time also the stylized page boy haircut, very bright red lipstick and dramatic eyebrow makeup. She was an attractive girl, probably in her late 20s and she obviously seemed to be enjoying playing this role, if it was a role she was playing.

After giving the girl another once over, he returned his attention to her face and invited her in, but she waved off the invitation with a dismissive gesture. She tilted her head with a quizzical look, begging his response.

“Please tell Patrick I am happy and excited to accept his invitation and will be glad to attend the event.”

At that the girl tipped her hat, smiled, and turned and headed toward the stairs, leaving him to stand and watch her trim little body flow off down the hall. It was his first opportunity to notice just how nicely the trousers had been tailored all around. She turned right and disappeared down the stairwell, leaving behind the faint scent of jasmine and a not so faint, lovely memory.

He walked to the end of the hallway and stepped through the French doors into the bright morning sun and onto the little balcony. Looking down he saw a shiny black limousine with a driver holding the back door open. Just then the girl came out of the building and stepped into the back seat. The driver closed the door and walked around to his side of the car. Looking in through the sunroof he could see the girl removing her hat and shaking out her hair as they drove off.

Walking back into the apartment he read over the invitation again, turned it over, looked into the envelope and realized it didn’t offer any explanation of the nature of the evening ahead. “All your needs will be attended to”, was very broad and seemingly all inclusive. And the dress code; dress formal casual, what was formal casual, black silk pajamas? He sat down in his easy chair and pondered his knowledge of Patrick and tried to imagine exactly what he had in mind for the evening ahead. He leaned his head back and soon dozed off.

After awakening from his late morning nap, he went about his routines, doing some business online and reading/responding to various emails.

At 5 o’clock he got up from his desk and went about showering and shaving and dressing for the evening. He decided on a pair of relaxed slacks, a button up collarless shirt and a pair of sandals. It was going to be a warm evening and he wanted as much comfort as his wardrobe could afford him.

Just as the sun was setting the doorbell rang. He looked at his watch, 7 o’clock on the button. Opening the door he found a nice looking gentleman in a black suit, white shirt with an open collar and a black beret, the chauffeur.

“Sir , your ride is here, are you ready?”

“Yes, I am, just let me get my things and I will be right down.”

“Very good Sir , I’ll wait for you downstairs.”

He turned back into the apartment to make sure everything was turned off, put his keys and coins and billfold into his pockets and grabbed his shoulder bag. One last look around and he walked out the door and headed down the stairwell. At the front door the limo driver stood holding the back passenger door for him. He climbed in, the door was closed and he settled back, enjoying the nice cool air blowing through the vents.

The driver got into the car and leaning around over the seat back, through the partition to say, “I have one stop to make along the way and then I will get you to Patrick’s club straight away.”

“Very good, thank you.”

As the heavily smoked partition was closed he found himself in a nearly dark backseat, which was very comfortable and offered legs-straight-out leg room, a luxury he really appreciated. Looking around he saw a sound system control panel and what looked like a small liquor cabinet beside a mini refrigerator. These were flanked by cushions for fold down rear facing jump seats which would consume a good bit of the spacious leg room, but in their folded upright position were completely out of the way.

He was so engrossed in surveying the surrounds he had not paid any attention to where the driver was taking him and was startled when the car pulled over out of traffic and settled into a parking space on the wrong side of the street in front of a dress shop. Looking up through the sunroof he could see that the building was three stories tall; there was the street level business and two floors of what appeared to be residences above it. The driver got out and went through a doorway at the side of the storefront, probably a stairway up to the second and third floors.

He continued to explore the fitments in the back of the limo, changing the sound system from the FM radio to the CD function and the system clicked into some very nice soft jazz. He decided he would let the CD continue to play. It was not an artist that he knew, but he very much liked the music.

Suddenly the opposite back door of the limo was opening and someone was climbing into the back of the limo with him as the driver closed the door. It was the bellboy girl who had delivered the invitation to him earlier in the day, still dressed in the same silly costume. He turned sideways in his seat and just looked at her as she sat looking at him.

“Hello, I guess I’m giving you a ride to work at Patrick’s?” He wondered if she would speak this time or continue to be mute as she had been at their morning meeting.

“Hello. Well, not exactly. I’m going with you to Patrick’s, yes, but not to work. I’m your blind date for the evening.”

He sat there astonished. What had Patrick arranged for him? Who was this girl? What was going on? He suddenly realized that he was staring at her with his mouth half open in amazement. He mentally shook himself. He tapped on the partition and told the driver to remain here for the time being while he straightened this out.

“I’m sorry young lady, but I’m really not interested in some hired escort for the evening. I don’t know what Patrick has promised you or what arrangements he might have made, but I don’t think this is something that is going to work out.”

She smiled and said, “There have been no arrangements made by Patrick, or anyone, for you in regard to me. I am here of my own free will and interest, and am not an escort of any kind or someone who can be arranged for in such a manner.”

“Really? Then can you tell me what this is all about?” he asked.

“My name is Camille and I am one of the owners of this dress shop.” she said, gesturing out the window to the storefront.

“I’ve worked with Patrick on the arrangements for this evening, but as an accomplice, and have outfitted two girls for him with dresses and fittings for this evening. However, they have nothing to do with you, or me. That was business I had with Patrick. Being here with you and going to Patrick’s with you is something I arranged for on my own. You might say I invited myself to his party. In fact, I invited you to his party as well.”

“Then what is this evening all about, what is it that you and Patrick have cooked up? And how do I figure into this scheme?”

“Patrick made arrangements for a couple of his very special customers, a surprise party in the private part of his club; you know where I am talking about. When he was telling me about the evening and asking for my help, I asked why you were not included. He said he didn’t think you would enjoy such an arranged evening and so had not included you.”

“He was right; this kind of a party is not my cup of tea. You should have listened to his counsel.”

“Sir , please hear me out. This is not about you being part of some special party at Patrick’s, but rather about me having found an opportunity to spend some time with you and get to know you. We met briefly at my 30th birthday party at Patrick’s a couple years ago; I found you very intriguing and appealing. Tonight’s party has simply afforded me the chance to invite you to be my guest for an evening. I want you to be my date; I want to be your date, for the evening.”

He stared at her and thought about this. What an interesting and elaborate ruse she had concocted. He looked at her, she was a cute girl, he had noticed that even in the morning and decided he might enjoy this evening after all. And he had complete faith in Patrick and so would trust his involvement.

“Well, if we are going to go through with this evening’s plans, whatever they might entail, we need to change your clothes. I don’t want to spend the evening with a girl whose outfit looks like a cross between an organ grinder and his chimp. I loved your costume this morning, but it is not appropriate for an evening out.”

He tapped on the partition again and told the driver they were going back up to the apartment for a few minutes and would be back down shortly.

He reached across Camille’s lap and pushed the door open and followed her out. She unlocked the door to the stairway and he followed her up the stairs to the third floor. He had to admit that he really did love the way her trousers were tailored and would not have minded several more flights of stairs for the opportunity to enjoy the view of her cheeks swaying back and forth, so snugly contained.

He continued to follow her up the stairs, down the hall and waited patiently while she opened her apartment door and let him in. He looked around a saw a very nicely appointed living room, sparingly furnished in a semi-modern style, but showing semblances of her profession, she clearly brought her fashion and dress shop work home with her.

“Where is your closet?”

She suddenly seemed quite shy, a contrast to the girl who had just told him how she had arranged this evening as a bold and forward way of getting to know him. Suddenly she was shy about him looking into her closet. Finally, she pointed to a hallway off of the living room and he could see a set of double doors on the left side of the hall.

He stepped into the hall and in front of the doors, “Right here?”

She nodded her head and he pulled the doors open and found a surprisingly large walk in closet, completely out of proportion to the size of the apartment. He walked in and could instantly see how the closet was arranged. Pants and slacks hanging over here, then jackets, then skirts, blouses next and finally dresses. He started browsing through the dresses as Camille stood beside him, looking very anxious. As he thumbed through, he would occasionally push a space open to view a particular dress and then move on. Toward the end of the section of dresses he came upon a dark blue halter dress secured to its hanger by braided ties. He spread open some space and gave it a more thorough examination. It was a very simple dress, almost skimpy in design with a hi-low hem style, considerably shorter in the front than in the back. It had a deep plunging back and nice peek-a-boo slit between the breasts. He glanced over at Camille and the plunging neckline of her shirt and could imagine how nicely the dress would cling to the shape of her breasts and show their roundness through the open slit.

He pulled the dress down off the pole and held it up to Camille. She instinctively grabbed the material and spread it across her body to show how it would look on her. He nodded his approval and draped the dress across the back of the chair in the corner. He turned back to the closet and looked through the rest of the dresses, but couldn’t find anything else that would supplant his first choice.

He turned and looked back at Camille and saw a strange look on her face, “What?”

“No man has ever come into my home, taken over my closet and selected something for me to wear quite like this. Certainly men have suggested what they would like to see me in, but never has anyone taken over a clothing selection so thoroughly. I am not sure what to think about it, I find it very appealing, it is a very sexy thing to do to a girl. Do you know that?”

He broke out in a broad smile and said, “Yes, I do. Perhaps it is part of what makes me, how did you say it, “intriguing and appealing”? If you had not liked it, it probably would have signaled a very short evening.”

He stepped over in front of her and pulled the suspenders and shirt down off her shoulders. Without waiting for a reaction he stepped past her, gave her a firm but playful backhanded swat on the bottom and walked into the living room, “Hurry up now and get changed.”

He went and sat down on the couch and waited for her, casually looking around at the room’s furnishing. It was a very comfortable room. He sat back and relaxed.

When she came out, she stopped in the middle of the room, turned around slowly and said, “What do you think? Is it what you expected?”

He was very impressed, the dress clung to her features exactly as he was designed, it cupped her pert breasts, flowed down off her hips, and the dipped back came right down to the dimples in the small of her back, just above her buttocks. He raised his eyebrows and said enthusiastically, “It’s lovely and looks exactly how I had hoped it would on you, wonderful. And I really like the shoes.”

She had added a pair of fairly high heels that really accented her legs, but he noticed something wrong and told her to come closer. She came up and stood right in front of him, “Yes?”

He reached out and put his hand on the outside of her calf and paused to judge her reaction. Finding none, he slowly slid his hand up her calf, past her knee and on up the outside of her thigh until he felt the top of the thigh-hi stockings she was wearing. He hooked his thumb into the elastic around their top, looked up into her eyes and made a clucking sound, “These will have to go.”

She registered no surprise, just acceptance. He moved his hand further up her thigh until his hand was on her bare hip. He shook his head back and forth, “No, this isn’t right. Sit down here and remove those stocking.”

He got up and gave her a hand sitting down onto the couch then walked off into the hallway out of sight. When he returned Camille was sitting with her legs half tucked under the couch, stockings folded neatly, sitting on the coffee table. He walked up to her and said, “Here, put these on.”

It was a small pair of black mesh bikini panties.

Once they were back out in the limo and heading towards Patricks place Camille fell silent again and he took to alternately looking out the window and looking her over head to toe, becoming more and more intrigued with her audacity at setting up such an arrangement. It was not often that he was pursued by women, preferring to be the aggressor himself, and usually beating them to the punch.

When the limo pulled up to the VIP entrance at the side of Patrick’s club Camille started to get ready to get out of the car, but he gestured toward her to stay and said, “I need to speak to Patrick for a minute and then I’ll be back for you.”

Camille nodded and settled back down in her seat as he got out and walked through the entrance into the club.

Patrick stepped forward and greeted his friend with a hug, “So good to see you my friend. I’m very pleased you accepted my invitation and decided to join us for the evening. I promise, you will have a wonderful evening.”

Looking around past his friend’s shoulder Patrick seemed confused, he said, “You are always so punctual, you are actually a little early, this evening’s events won’t be starting for a while now. But where is Camille?”

“She’s out in the car waiting for me. I’m looking forward to the show tonight, but I have a couple things to do first. I assume you won’t mind me using the limo and driver for a while longer?”

“Not at all, just don’t be too long, I wouldn’t want you to miss anything. How long will it be before you are back?”

“Probably not much more than an hour, maybe a bit longer.”

“Hopefully not, we should just be getting underway in an hour of so. What do you need to do first?”

He smiled at Patrick, shook his hand and clapped his shoulder with his free hand, “See you in a while Patrick,” and turned and walked back out.

After exiting the club he walked around to the driver and tapped on the window. The driver lowered the window, “Patrick has extended me the use of you and your car for a couple of errands I need to run before the party tonight. I hope you will be able to accommodate me?”

“Most certainly Sir . I was hired for the evening and would just be waiting around for several hours to drive you home at the end of the night. I’ll be happy to have something to do.”

“Very good, thank you.” At that he gave him instructions on where to drive to and went around and got back into his seat.

He slid his hand across the back of the seat as he got into the car, letting it come to rest on Camille’s shoulder and then neck, and said, “Patrick says hello and he hopes you’re having a nice evening; that everything is going as you’d planned.”

Rather than pulling away from his hand she leaned in his direction and said, “So far so good wouldn’t you say?”

He just smiled in response and lifted the big armrest divider up and back into the cushion so there was nothing between them. At that, Camille moved over across the seat a bit more so that his hand was now on her opposite shoulder and she leaned in against him slightly. He responded by tightening his grip around her and they both settled back and fell silent and both seemed absorbed in listening to the music.

After they had been driving for a few minutes she asked, “Where are we going? I thought we were going to go to Patrick’s party?”

“We’ll be going back to the party after a while, but nothing will be starting for an hour or two, and rather than hang around all those people I thought we might enjoy the quiet night or maybe going for swim.”

Camille gave him look of surprise, “A swim? Where on earth would we go swimming?”

He looked down at her with a wry smile and said, “I’m a member of a private club that has a very nice facility that happens to include a full sized swimming pool.”

She looked up at him and smiled, and moved closer, raising her head and offered him a kiss, which he willingly accepted and prolonged. He pulled her in closer, wrapped his arm around her tighter and turned in his seat to more fully engage with her. When they broke the kiss they were both looking into each other eyes, smiling, even grinning. He moved his hand up to the back of her head and slipped his fingers into her hair, taking a tight grip of a handful of her hair and pulled her head back. He leaned in and kissed her again, more aggressively than before and worked his mouth over hers, parting her lips with the tip of his tongue.

She let out a little moan at the tug on her hair and fell back, not offering any resistance to his pull, her lips parted slightly. He could feel her jaw relaxing as her mouth opened more. He rotated his body toward her and deepened the kiss which she returned with equal ferocity, her mouth now fully open and accepting his tongue as it probed and explored the insides of her mouth, her own tongue, her teeth and even the roof of her mouth.

Still gripping the back of her head by her hair he reached over and tucked his hand under her arm and pulled her over toward him. She rotated with the pull, but rather than ending up laying against him she moved so she was astride his left thigh, hands against his torso. He had to lean down even further to continue the kiss since she was nearly out of reach. As he tried to pull her up closer she put her hands on his chest and pushed off, breaking the kiss.

He let go of the kiss and his grip on her hair and took hold of her upper arms with each hand as she slid back even further, rocking herself in a grinding movement against the muscles of his upper thigh. His grip on her arms helped balance her on his leg. He smiled at her as he saw her eyes begin to glaze over, recognizing the pleasure she was bringing to herself. He could feel the damp heat in his leg as she rode up and back, making low gasping noises and he flexed the muscles on his leg to provide an even firmer surface for her.

As he held her arms, looking into her eyes, she looking back at him, he could feel her arms becoming tense. Her leg muscles grew tense as her whole body stiffened and she threw her head back and grunted out, panting and shaking all over. He held tight to her arms to help steady her until her spasms passed and she collapsed down against him, breathing heavily, gasping in short breaths.

Slowly but surely she relaxed and began taking longer, slower breaths, still with her face buried in his chest. Camille looked up at him and shook her head as if to clear her mind. She gave him a sly smile then collapsed back down against his chest again.

As she laid there relaxing the limo came to a stop and the engine was shut off. He heard the driver's door open, felt the car jostle, and then the door closed, then silence. He knew they had arrived at the club and the driver was excusing himself as they had discussed.

He took Camille’s head in his hands and said, “We are at the club swimming pool parking area and the driver has left us for a while. He will be enjoying himself in the lounge until I call him back. Would you like to go for a swim?”

She shook her head, “No, not just yet.”

She laid there against his chest, still astride his thigh resting against his knee, he felt her hand on the inside of his leg. She was slowly running her hand up and down the inside of his thigh, stopping every once in a while to lightly pinch or squeeze a handful of flesh. He could feel her breathing starting to change again and the heavier her breath the more time she spent with her hand rubbing and pressing his erection.

Suddenly she moved, sliding down off of his thigh and landing on the floor of the back seat, between his feet and pulled herself up into a cross legged sitting position, and scooted herself up close to the seat between his thighs. She shifted around and pulled up on her dress so it rose and then bellowed down around and over her crossed ankles and legs. Once settled she put a hand on each of his thighs and rubbed them up and down, pushing further up each time until her hand were up around the waistband of his slacks. She curled her fingers inside the waistband and slid them to the center. There she fumbled with buttons and zipper until she had them undone and was able to peel them open.

He felt her hands working to undo the waistband and then the feel of the material being peeled down. Next he felt her hands rubbing him through his shorts, knowing she could feel his involuntary throbbing. He looked down at her and saw the concentration and determination in her face. He reached out and was barely able to tangle his fingers in the hair at the top of her head, but could tell she enjoyed the tease by the way her head swayed and the soft tune she seemed to hum.

Just then she reached up and roughly pulled down his shorts, so hard that he had to lift his hips off the seat to allow them to slide down off of his bottom. Once freed she took him in her hands and stroked slowly, stretching the skin, causing him to grow even harder as she worked him up and down. He let go of her hair and settled back, enjoying her handiwork. As she continued to work him with her hands his breathing got shorter and his hips moved up and back in rhythm with her stroking.

His arousal built more and more until he was starting to throb, he involuntarily moaned his pleasure. He was sure she should be able to feel it in her hand but was not slowing down or changing her pace in any way. He was feeling his release building deep in his balls and wasn’t sure how much more attention he was going to be able to tolerate without exploding. She looked at him and gave him a big smile then lowered her head again.

Suddenly she increased her pace and he knew he was moments away, sweating all over. All of his muscles tightened and his legs tried to push out straight. She leaned up onto her knees and forward toward him and pulled him down toward her and just as he could hold it no longer and burst out with his orgasm she placed her mouth over the head of his cock. She swallowed several times until he stopped throbbing and began to relax, even though he did not soften yet.

She took him out of her mouth, but continued to hold and caress him. After a couple minutes he began to relax and soften. He reached down and lifted her head until their eyes met, and they both smiled. He settled back and continued to hold her head, tangling his fingers in her tousled hair.

Camille moved up to the seat and sat close, cuddling up while he grappled with getting his slacks rearranged and buttoned and zipped up. After he had himself back together he pulled his phone and called the driver back.

* *
When the limo dropped them off at the club they were greeted just inside the door by Patrick himself, “Well, where have you two been for the past couple hours?”

“It is such a lovely night, we went to go for a swim. I hope we got back in time and didn’t miss much?”

“No, in fact things are just getting started. Go ahead on in and make yourselves comfortable. Someone will be around to get your drink and food orders shortly.”

“Thank you very much Patrick, we are looking forward to the very nice evening.”

As they walked by Patrick noticed that neither of them had wet hair. But before he could ask again they had moved into the crowd, into the noise, into the night.

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Sexy Aunty

Dear readers, I am here to write my experience that happened 2 month back. Let me start my story. My name is murali, I am 46, 5.8″ tall and fair complexion. I joined a college as professor at Chennai. My native place is at Bangalore & I stayed in the college hostel. During my week ends I will be in my native place. My grandmother’s house is near by where my 3 uncles and aunties were staying as a joint family. My elder aunty’s name is sumathi (32) the second lalitha (28) and sharmi (24) third....

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First Black

The last ‘official' shoot I did was for a motorcycle magazine, a couple of weeks later that photographer phoned me and said he had a private commission so no need to tell my agent. A client was interested in me doing some work, "he wants nude shots, I know you say no nudes but he'll pay double for a test shoot, if that's okay and he'll pay double again for a full set." I told him I'd have to talk to my boyfriend about it and that I'd get back to him. I wouldn't feel...

1 year ago
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Whos That Whore

I didn’t recognize the girl moaning like that. How could she sink so low? She didn’t even respond to her own name. A man could say, “slut,” and she’d go to him. Another could say, “Whore,” and she’d crawl to him. What could make a girl do that? She was turned on, sure. But where did that inclination come from? Maybe it was the house she’d visit. Whenever she was there, a beast would come out of her. She’d stay nude except for a red silk ribbon in her hair. Sometimes with the shoes she came in...

Straight Sex
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Giordanos MaskChapter 2

"Can we trust her? Are you sure?" Lauren asked. We were in Fiorella's van, her driving, me in the passenger seat, and Lauren just behind me. I glanced at Fiorella. Her shoulders were tense. She stared straight ahead. "Well," I replied, "I think her sister really is missing. So yeah, I believe we can." We turned off the main boulevard into a maze of twisty streets. We drove in front of an old residence with pale brick walls and square windows climbing up five stories. Fiorella jerked...

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Jacqui and Heidi aka Jekyll and Hyde Chapter 6

A tale of two females as told to Curt Bruch and Julie Van*******Chapter Six - Party Time*******​Following Martin's launch of his 'discovery' and the exhibitions of photographs he had compiled Jacqui attained an almost celebrity status within the 'Erotic Society of America'. For sure, it may have been a private and discrete group that was mainly unknown to the outside world but, no matter, for these associates and lovers of erotic art Jacqui, known affectionately as 'Martin's Nude', would become...

3 years ago
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Old Friends New Lovers 101

NAMES Have been changed for those that wished to remain kinky behind closed doors or in this case while out on a trip to the Islands...Cathy is secretly pissed at Michael and gets revenge fucked by two island boys.We heard Tiger’s boat before we saw it. We had neglected to bring anything to wear when we headed to the bow so we all headed to the cockpit and below to put something on.The girls grabbed their cover-ups while Mike and I pulled on our trunks.We were covered up by the time Tiger...

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Young Mother from garage sale fucked rough

I waited until Friday and then called Katrina's cell number.I told her who it was and asked if she was still game for a good time. She was nervous, somewhat hesitant, but she said, "OK, I will do the same as last time for $500" I told her "No, you will do the same as last time and I will fuck you for $500 dollars"She asked where and I told her to slip away from her friends (see earlier story) and to meet me at a nice hotel where I would have a room reserved. She was to go to the desk, ask...

2 years ago
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Senior Year Part IChapter 26 Flying High

Sunday November 6 After brunch with my family, I drove to the airport to take my first flying lesson. On Friday I’d passed my written exam. All I had to do now was to pass the practical portion of the training to get my license. I was excited to get started. When I entered the flight school, it was empty, it being a Sunday afternoon. I found Roy Tyro, the owner, in his office drinking coffee and doing something on his computer. “You ready to get started?” “Yes, sir.” He grabbed a...

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Lady in Red Ch 07

It was after eleven when the Andersons pulled into their driveway. Laura had been dropped off at her car in the hospital parking lot, and Steve had agreed to spend another night in Gwen’s bed, without the pleasure of Gwen’s presence. Steve had just nicely crawled into bed when he felt someone sit on the mattress near his head. ‘Gwen? Is something wrong? Your dad wouldn’t like you being in here. What is it?’ asked Steve with concern. ‘You’re my boyfriend and I don’t know anything about you. I...

4 years ago
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Bosom Buddies

Bosom Buddies "Terry, how are you man?" the voice at the other end asked. "Nick?" the low voice on the other end asked. "Yo, man, where did you disappear to? You left the base so quickly nobody knew where you were. All the officers kept mum. Are you ok? I just got back and had to visit your mum to get your location. She didn't want to tell me where you were but I broke her down with charm. She said you had changed. Are you ok?" "I am fine, Nick. Mum is concerned and there have...

1 year ago
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BangBus Kiana Kumani Penis Icing On Her Pussy

Kiana Kumani makes her debut when she gets in the shady white van that pulls up on her. She seems curious and even kind of likes Tony Rubino. She gets to fucking and sucking after some cordial titty flashing and cash grabbing. She has a nice plump ass and a juicy cum dripping pussy. Tony lays down pipe hard and fast. He puts pressure on the pussy and gets her to moan lustfully as the van rocks them back and forth on a rainy day. Before he busts he’s able to slip his dick out the pink and...

3 years ago
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Milking my wife Angeliques huge tits like sh

Milking my Wife Angelique’s big tit’s... I put her big tit’s on a real dairy cow milking machine and milked her dumb ass bone dry....... My dumb ass wife Angelique always tried to please me from the very first day we met no matter what it was in everyway she could, to show me how much she “so called” really loved and wanted to stay with me. Hell she’d do anything I tell her stupid ass to do, no matter how damn wild it was. I told her the first day we got together how much I liked wild and...

4 years ago
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Mera Student Aur Uski Maa

Hello, indian sex stories dot net Friends.. I am Raja and I am from Odisha. Let me give a small introduction of myself. I am a 32 year male with a hight of 5 feet 7 inches. Recently I got married and very happy with my wife and sex life. I am new to this site and I found lots of good stories here. I also like sex as you like. This incident happened with me when I was in my college. It was my first sex experience. The year 2001, I was in the second year of Inter. I was a good student. At that...

1 year ago
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Laura Beth and Brad

Recently when I was crossed at my lover Brad, I told him in my next life I was going to be a lesbian, he laughed saying could he watch which gave me a wonderful idea. Lucky I had a great friendship with a girl who was BI. Beth was tall and slender with wispy blonde hair that just touched her pale shoulders. I asked her to help me out of course this was also a fantasy of her to have me Laura as her lover. I told her my plan, to have Brad watch us this turned her on and she whispered to me she...

1 year ago
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Swingers Club Dark Room Ch 01

Carla's and Matthews first visit to a dark room. It was 03:00 AM in the swingers club. Carla and Matthew have been here before and liked every aspect of it. They like the jacuzzi the best because naked people are just sitting here and enjoying the warm water and sometimes play with each other. The best part is that you cannot see what is happening under the water, but you can guess by looking at the faces. A man sits on the edge of the pool while his wife gives him a blowjob. On the other side,...

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BrownBunnies Dani Dolce Payback For The Peeper

Being a towel boy at a gym can’t be the best job. The salary probably sucks, but the benefits are great. Dannii Dolce just finished a hard workout, so she got naked to soap up her fine black body in the shower. The towel boy was just delivering towels to the locker room when he spotted the beautiful soapy naked Dannii in the shower. What would you do? Of course he watched her shower, and used his ninja skills to avoid being seen, and also watched her dry off and start to get dressed. Well, just...

4 years ago
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My first gang bang at age 23

When I was 23, I was horny constantly. What I really wanted was to be fucked by dozens of men every day, in my mouth and pussy and ass...over and over again. I couldn't really do that, so I masturbated constantly. It wasn't unusual for me to make myself cum fifteen times a day and I was constantly fucking my pussy and my ass with toys and then licking them clean before putting them away. Even to this day, I almost always wear a butt plug during the day because I love the feeling of cock...

3 years ago
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On Golden LakeChapter 4

Today was Thursday, which meant Blake must be back at home. A shiver ran through her body as she thought about him. She closed her eyes, and imagined him gripping her in his muscular arms, kissing her... FUCKING her! Meg's heart fluttered in her chest. Perhaps she would give him a call tomorrow. Meg decided to go in and tell Justin he was no longer grounded, to apologize. She picked up her empty glass and walked into the house. But the television had been turned off - Justin had already...

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ExxxtraSmall Kali Roses A Tiny Instance Of Infidelity

She may come in a small package, but Kali Roses can still break hearts. Today, however, she is the one who is getting her heart shattered. Her boyfriend found out she has been cheating on him, and he has had enough. She begs with him to stay, even grabbing onto his legs as he tries to leave, but he will not hear it. Finally, she makes him an offer he cannot refuse. She will do absolutely anything to win him back. Now, she is speaking his language! He unsheathes his monster prick, and the little...

2 years ago
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escorting is the Answer Chap 1

Vincent Dae gets back into escorting but his first client changes the game on him. . . things get real for Dae. ‘Why would you even say something like that?’ I said into the cell phone as I unlocked the door to my apartment. I was speaking to my boyfriend who had been having some trust issues since he found out I had been a male escort during my senior year in college. ‘I’m sooo sorry baby’ he replied ‘I didn’t know what I was saying I was drunk!’. ‘. . . . bullshit, you weren’t that drunk,...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 25

THE STUDENT WHO OBTAINED 0% ON AN EXAM (No laughing allowed),, I wanted to give him 100%! but I was told that it wouldn’t be politically correct. Each answer is absolutely grammatically correct, and funny too. Q1 ... In which battle did Napoleon die? His last battle Q2 ... Where was the Declaration of Independence signed? At the bottom of the page Q3 ... River Ravi flows in which state? Liquid Q4 ... What is the main reason for divorce? Marriage Q5 ... What is the main reason for failure?...

3 years ago
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Hardcore Sex With Hot Bhabhi

Hi every one this is Rajiv from Banglore, This is my first story so please forgive me if there are any mistakes. And send your feedbacks at This incident happened 2 weeks back, I work as project manager at one of MNC and live in apartment in Bangalore. Above my flat one family is living, Azim work at UAE so Joya and her 2 kids live in here. Joya was close to me I used to help her in house hold work and all. She is a hot chick 26 years of age with fabulous body figure she looks like an angel,...

1 year ago
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Its Practically What Uncles Are ForChapter 1

Hannah had been his special pet all her life. They didn't see each other all that often - living on different continents, but it was like he was always there for important things and he always wrote her and encouraged her, never missing a birthday and always sending her spot-on presents. She was a modest child but whenever she protested that Uncle George spoiled her too much, he would laugh and say "It's practically what uncles are for" and that became a catch cry. 'Uncle' was actually...

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a new life part 4

Introduction: The story of Mark continues. The 14-year old girl from next door enslaves him fully The next morning at precisely 08:00 I softly open the door and see the Mistress lying naked on the bed where I and my wife used to sleep. I see the nipples of her firm breasts go up and down by her breathing and lick my lips. Her long hair is partially covering her face, she is not really beautiful, but in the mean time I know differently. Her now closed dark brown eyes can look inside my soul and...

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Private Blue Angel Yoha Glvez Lesbians in the Garden

In Private Gold, Cum in My Limousine, Yoha Gálvez had not seen her boyfriend for months, and with a girl as sexy as Blue Angel around, it’s no wonder that she gave into temptation. Sexy, blonde and beautiful, no man or woman could resist the charm of this stunning Private babe and Yoha was no exception as she got lured into the garden for some Latina lesbian fun. Pussy eating, masturbating, and a strap-on dildo fuck, enjoy these amazing girls moan and cum as they explore the heights of pleasure...

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FamilyStrokes Trinity St Clair Step Aunt Seduction8230

Nate and his stepfather have not been getting along at all. It got to the point where his stepdad was calling his mom begging for an amicable solution. She reminded him that his sister Trinity St. Clair was a therapist and maybe she could help them. Stepdad thought this was a great idea and booked her for a session. She showed up and was blown away by how handsome the stepson was. She was giving him non stop looks of seduction. They started getting into the therapy and stepdad was getting...

4 years ago
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Conjugal Visit

"Aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..." The shrill scream rang in my ears and echoed down the hard corridor, embedding into every crevice and corner of the place. I tried to close my ears to it, but the knowledge and the memory fought its way back into my consciousness. I pounded my fists into the hard cot below me in frustration and anger as the screams rebounded down the long hallway, but there was no way to silence them. And they were all my fault. It had all started a few months...

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The Assault on Fortress Linda

I published the story of Linda getting fucked by a BBC for the first time, but never went into the details of how it happened. This is how it went.I had two work buddies. Dave and Shakey. Dave was a medium built white guy, and less than a week after I started living with Linda He went to the house and met her. She gave him some pussy, and, the same day, he met her Aunt, who was 3 years older than Linda Hong was a ripe OLD 21 years of age. She and Dave hit it off right away, and soon after he...

2 years ago
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Fantasies Come True

I was 16 when it happened. My best friend, Jamie and I, were in our computer arts class. I had liked Jamie for a long time, but she did not want a relationship. This was fine with me, I did not want to jeopardize our friendship. However everyday it was getting harder and harder to ignore how badly I wanted her. She had a perfect figure, beautiful full lips, deep brown eyes, huge D cups, a nice round ass, and she know just how to torture me with it. At first I didn't think much of what she was...

Straight Sex
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The Hypnotic Adventures of CinderellaChapter 5 Cinderella at the Ball

They were both right. Cindy had feared that the encounter would change them ... and it did. However, she was forced to admit that she and Betty were, if anything, even closer friends than before. Betty had sworn that this would be their only sexual encounter ... and she was as good as her word. She continued to help Cindy with the housework three or four days each week so that they could spend more leisure time together ... they even had another Sunday outing. She continued to be a bit of a...

4 years ago
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Tommy Part 4

"Tommy" By Gentile Part 4---------I got her call a half hour after setting up shop at the kitchen table in front of the telephone. "Cully, I'm okay, honey. It's okay. I'm fine." She sounded genuine."Where are you?""At his place. We walked in 5 minutes ago. I..."I cut her off. "Where is he?""He went back out to get some take-out for us. He thought it might be better if he wasn't here when we talked. He didn't want us to feel badly, Cully. He's very considerate, honey.""He left you alone in his...

2 years ago
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The Wards of Harwell TuskerChapter 15 To Greenwich

Sir Bristow had proposed that I bring the Tusker sisters to meet with him at Greenwich. He was using, he said, the splendid Painted Hall of the Royal Greenwich Hospital for Seamen as the venue to interview those Institute members adjudged as potential beneficiaries of the Institute's bursary. There has been a deep relationship between the Institute and the Navy; so many of the innovations of the former have been of benefit to the latter. Such was the warmth of the relationship between the...

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Teenage lured into sex racket

Recently I happened to meet a girl, who told me her shocking story. She was lucky enough to escape from becoming a prostitute. Pooja could complete her studies and is working in an office with a decent salary. And it is there we met and became friends. We were staying in the same room and to tell the truth, had some intimate moments, though we are not lesbians. It was during such moments, she told me her early age sex experience.It all started at the school when she was in 8th, barely 13. She...

2 years ago
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Both Dad And Daughter

I was bored one Saturday evening, so I thought I'd go onto the swinger website that I had used a while ago. I had quit going there, because most of the guys are creeps. Of course, it's a place to connect for sex, but jeez, sending me a dick pic after I say, "Hi," is a bit much.I hoped that there would be one new guy who was okay. I filtered for age range, non-smoker and joined within two months and clicked search. Up came about twenty guys.Most profiles were the boring, "Aren't I great?"...

3 years ago
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A fantasy come true for my sexy slut

We were both watching videos on x hamster. I was fucking her from behind as she was watching a sexy blonde being fucked by various men. There was a double penetration scene with a close up of this slut taking 1 cock in the pussy and another in the ass. She said that it looked very hot! She told me that she plays with her pussy and fantasizes about being gang banged like a dirty slut by 3 cocks at once. Being fucked in all 3 holes at the same time. It gets her wet imagining all the attention on...

1 year ago
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Lessons in dominance part one

"This is your fifth or sixth date with Peter, isn't it dear," Mirnada Dayne asked her daughter, Naomi!?! "The seventh," Namoi replied proudly, "and I think he really likes me mom!!!" "I'm sure he does, dear," she replied gently, "does he know about us yet, I mean have you given him even the tiniest of hints!?!" "Uh, not yet," Naomi replied thoughtfully, "I don't want to scare him off, what do you think I should do, mom!?!" "Have you had sex with him yet," her mother casually asked!?! "Of course...

1 year ago
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WarlockChapter 19

Sophia was a whirlwind of fury as she rushed through the Warlock's forward cabin, scooping up what few tools had been left out and throwing them into the nearest compartment. Then she slammed herself down into the pilot's chair, her hands shaking with rage as she started the Warlock's initialization sequence. The navigational coordinate system hesitated, and she drew in a hissing breath to steady her temper before shutting the system down and turning on the refrigeration unit in one of the...

4 years ago
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Starlight 300Chapter 16

The trip back from Starbase 17 to 22 with ambassador Moffit on board was a bit fraught. For a start, the crew took an instant dislike to him and he had to sleep on his own, making my bed a little overcrowded. Second, my poor starlight was not designed to carry five people, so I had to borrow a C02 scrubber to help out the life support system. It was a relief all round when we at last docked and we said good-bye to our passenger. "So, what are we going to do now?" asked Lila. "Well, I...

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Pleasing My Husband

I can tell that he’s stressed because he keeps touching his hair and adjusting his tie. My poor baby, I think to myself. It’s killing me that he’s so stressed out over work.The mere thought of him getting fired is driving him into deep anxiety. I watch him every morning get ready for work, to make that long drive to a shitty job where he is underappreciated and it takes everything in me to not drive over there and curse out his asshole boss. Granted, my husband is avidly searching for another...

2 years ago
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Humiliation of Chrissy

This story needs a little introduction first. I am Chris, or shall I say Chrissy? I have a friend in Belgian. Her name is Sarah, she is a 30 years old woman. I have never met her before but we for about 6 years we are sharing our fetish (bondage, hosiery, cross-dressing in my case) by writing mails to each other. One of my hobbies is to make fakes with me as feminised cross-dresser and her, Sarah as pretty damsel in distress or as dominant woman having fun by humiliating sissified...

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Peilisalin kronikat 2731

Peilisalin kronikat Peili nro 27, Alustus. Kaunis blondini makasi raukeana kainalossani. Pohdin pystyisink? pit?m??n lastinhimoisen, kestokiimaisen bimbon tyydytettyn? kovin paljon pidemp??n. Nuorekas vartaloni oli saanut uuden energiasys?yksen muutoksessa, mutta fysiikallani oli silti rajoituksia. Edes feromonit eiv?t pystyisi m??r??ns? enemp?? nopeuttamaan tahi lyhent?m??n palautusaikaani. Tunsin my?s tarvitsevani taukoa herkkien paikkojen hinkkauksesta ja lastis?ili?t vaativat uudelleen t?ytt??. Kellokin tikitt...

3 years ago
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I Think Shes Sick

Anna was walking in the park. It was the first day of summer break and her mother would be working until 7 or 8 o’clock in the evening. It was 10:30 now so she had plenty of time before she had to be home. The last thing she remembered was walking around the forested area and a hand covering her mouth. Now she was naked and tired face up on a hard surface. She heard voices she didn’t know coming near her. Despite the fact that she was blind folded, she could tell that at least four men maybe...

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My Wild Irish Rose

My name is Roman Anthony McMasters. Yeah, Mom went a little over the top when she named me, but my brothers and sister all got it too. My oldest brother is Achilles, my younger brother is Octavius and my sister was actually given the name Cleopatra, but she goes by Cleo, wouldn't you? Born with a name like that either makes you stronger, or gets you beat up as a kid. I grew out of the resentment, and I decided to focus on my studies. I'd often say, "You can call me Tony" right after...

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What a Gay Pair

What a Gay PairBy: Londebaaz Chohan Now Benjamin had come to terms with him being gay, a student of freshman year in college but to be openly gay in college was scaring him. Maybe he will be harassed, beaten up or man handled by the bully boys or maybe some reason was created to rusticate him from college. He just could not accept any of this and was struggling where to find sex, if not in college from the fellow college boys. On this hot summer day, he happened to be in the town Mall, visiting...

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Gray Jedi Ch 4

“There it is,” Malik said, pointing at the star map.  “I’ll program our route to the Dagobah system.” “Excellent,” Serra replied.  “Oh, incoming transmission from Alderaan, encoded.” “I’d bet that it’s Bail Organa.  Put it on screen.”  As his face appeared on the monitor, Malik said, “Senator, I apologize for our abrupt departure.” “Think nothing of it, Malik.  I had anticipated something like this might happen.  I’m just glad you two made it out without issue.” “Thank you for...

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