Wed To A Pig free porn video

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As usual, just like forest fires, it all started with a small ember, the idea that animals should have better rights, should be respected as much as humans. Protecting animals from slaughter required increasingly stronger legal protection, and it only took half a century for this idea to be extended to its ineluctable conclusion: the Declaration of Animal Rights of the 6th September 2069. Note that this not only applied to domestic animal like cats and dogs, but now also extended to cattle and any sort of mammal quadruped that used to become slices of meat only fifty years ago.

Drunk with their victory, the Animal party, responsible for the aforementioned bill, continued surfing on this wave, and under the arguments of diversity and equality, pushed and voted the remaining bills to fully give autonomy and equal rights to Animals. Animals now had names, IDs, jobs and even pension funds.

In reality, the situation of Animals did not actually change. Chickens, Pigs and Cows remained in factories living their livestock lives. Any earnings provided via their "work" was equally spent by the owner of the factories as "rent", allowing them to survive through the new laws.

What really changed though was their legal situation, and what had finally become lawfully possible.


In the Conservatives party's headquarters.

"Good Lord, these idiots went with it. I cannot believe they managed to convince the rest of the parties to let that bloody bill pass...

Catering to the masses to avoid yet again another loss, it makes sense strategically, but was it worth sacrificing their moral values? I'm afraid the standards of our political system have never dropped that low!" expressed John with a saddened voice.

"Immoral indeed! Does our party even have any chance left?" asked Peter mostly for himself, not expecting an answer.

The meeting went silent while its participants collected their thoughts.

A few minutes passed when suddenly...

"EUREKA!" exclaimed John.

"Bloody heck John, this is not like you to suddenly shout out" complained Peter.

"Be silent and listen, my friend, as I may have found the solution to save us all, albeit being a tricky one!" proclaimed John.

"Oh? Well, then, please do tell!" inquired Peter.

John took a few seconds to organize his messy thoughts. This was indeed a terrible, but efficient idea. No small amount of sugar-coating would help selling it, but John was no neophyte, and selling horrible ideas was actually his hallmark. He assembled his three decades of expertise in bullshitting and laid the groundwork of the strategy that would save his career, his party, as well as society as a whole.

He opened his right hand, straightening it as to illustrate a line.

"Here's our political landscape, from left to right. The extreme left, responsible for this mess, is on my fingers. Our party, the Conservatives, is my wrist. Currently, the population is leaning too much on the left, which allowed for this situation to happen. Do you follow?" started John.

"No problem for now" answer Peter.

"Good. Now, the main issue is that, under the current circumstances, going from the extreme left..."

John used his left hand's index to indicate his fingers.

" the right..."

He moved his index up to his wrist, crossing the entire length of his hand.

"...seems to be currently impossible. This political distance is too large to be crossed in our lifetime; half a century minimum would be required to alter the balance in a non-negligible way" explained John.

"I agree yes..."

"BUT, going from the left to right is not the only way for change! Just like Einstein showed that space and time are intertwined together, and that time loops are possible, the same applies to politics!" proclaimed John. "Look at this...»

John slowly closed his right hand and connected his thumb with his fingers to form a circle instead of line.

"...the extreme left and the right are actually connected in the reverse direction! Do you see what I mean, Peter?" asked John.

"I see your point, but I do not yet envision the solution you mentioned, dear colleague", answered Peter.

"The solution to our situation...” started John, building up the suspense.

He pointed with his index and started doing small circles in the reverse order, going from his fingers to his wrist via the thumb underneath instead of through the hand above.

" to do something even more extreme than these left-wing extremists! These idiots haven't realised it yet, but the paperwork they've authorized allow for potentially scandalous situations to occur. If done well, the extreme left can become extreme right, giving us a chance to compete. Indeed, there is the hope to somehow wake up the masses via disgust, using the most horrible, obscene, and cursed use of their new laws we can imagine of", revealed John with a smug face.


Amelia had a very hard time breathing; she was trying to inhale slowly but her sheer panic was not allowing her to be in a calm state of mind. Through the limousine's window, she could start seeing the cathedral coming into view. There were large masses of people gathered around TV screens displayed outside the building, to accommodate the unlucky ones who couldn't assist the event with their own eyes.

"I guess they will miss on the smell..., *uurgh*" she said while restraining her urge to vomit, thinking of what was bound to happen.

Amelia had spent days dwelling on her decision and the incoming event. She could hardly close an eye last night, and it didn't help that both her nether parts had been stuffed with unknown fluids and then plugged with depth and girth, supposedly to put her in "condition". Whether it was true or not, her constant state of arousal was clearly visible on her blushed face, making her pretty visage even more irresistible. She knew the party also planned on getting some side cash by selling souvenirs based of her during the event, but was it worth making her that uncomfortable?

"Miss, we're arriving soon. Time to put the finishing touches" the driver said, winking at her through the mirror. He didn't miss a chance to admire her stunning figure, though he knew he would see her in even more diverse and humiliating positions soon enough.

"Curse him!" she thought internally. She dreaded that moment, but seeing that her destination was in view, she started grabbing the remaining accessory that was so oh gently prepared by the party staff.

The "Breeding Sow Set" was a three parts set, two of which were already plugged inside her. The staff surprisingly did not provide her with ears or a fake snout as they believed seeing her full face would make her more attractive and sell better. Instead they went the creative road and produced a specially made oral plug that looked like a ball gag on the outside, but had the shape of a thin but 30cm long pig penis on the inside.

She hated the bloody hell out of it, having trained with it quite a good amount. This apparatus put her in a constant state of gag reflex. Was it a way to tell her to get used to this sort of thing from now on? She reluctantly inserted the plug in her mouth and throat, her eyes already tearing up. The device did not allow her to talk; it was a brilliant idea from the staff to prevent her from having her say at the last minute, would she have any lingering regrets. The only sounds she could produce were moans and screams.

Fighting her gag reflex took most of her focus during these long minutes, while the limousine finally arrived in front of the building. Security guards took care of making way for the Sow Princess' carriage. With a mix of dread and resolve, she opened the door and took a first step onto the red carpet leading to the entry of the immense cathedral.

She immediately stopped her steps. Where she had expected an oppressive atmosphere and shouts from the crowd, Amelia was instead welcomed with a silent treatment. The curious gathered left and right of the red carpet path seemed to be looking at her with brimming curiosity, as if approving what she came here for.

"Blimey, look at her pink dress, she is gorgeous!"

"Gosh, getting a wedding in the biggest cathedral of the country, I'm so jealous of her..."

"Her mouth accessory is so trendy!" whispered the crowd.

"Good Lord, these idiots are really missing the point, aren't they?" Amelia sighed internally. She was once again reminded of her duty, of what she was here for. She was committed to her end goal, to save society, even if it was at the cost of her life. If the event was not extreme enough, there was a risk that it would develop into a fashion, spreading through the entire country, declining the morals further more.

"Just wait to see what we have in store for your naive eyes..." she thought, still apprehensive but strengthening her resolve. She had only a rough idea of what was going happen, and the staff deemed it necessary not to spoil her. She was a better victim than actress.

Amelia resumed her walk; the plugs in her three holes made each step an ordeal of lust. Having endured too much in such small time, she couldn't resist the incoming surge and had her first orgasm of the event. Standing in the middle of the red carpet, her outpouring made marks on the ground, staining the red with dark patches. She bent a little, legs trembling, somehow enjoying the situation as she emitted a faint moan, then light coughs when the thing in her throat reminded her of where she was.

"God, did she just climax in front of everyone? She's so cool!"

"What a statement! Proud women should have no fears of expressing themselves indeed!" exclaimed surrounding people.

Amelia rolled her eyes and controlled her senses as she started climbing the stairs leading to the cathedral's entry. She felt like Sisyphus who had to roll a boulder up a mountain; "But Sisyphus didn't have all his holes plugged, didn't he?" she cursed for herself.

The cathedral looked majestic from where she stood. She continued on with sorrow; she wondered what the builders of the Middle-Ages would have thought about the divine fruit of their labour hosting the worst and most obscene event ever recorded in modern history.


The Saint Cathedral was gargantuan and majestic. Gold, silver and glass panels depicted symbols, pictures and stories that told of the accumulated wisdom of Humankind throughout thousands of years of civilisation. Dozens of masters and genius artists had poured their talent and lifeforce towards this building, in the hope of elevating humankind's spirit. It was, by definition, a sacred place.

And it was in this sacred place that she would be stripped of her humanity, and cursedly wed to a pig.

"Why is she kneeling down? Is she praying?" whispered someone sitting in the pews.

The god she was praying was not the one of this place but Hedone, the God of pleasure as a mind-bending, leg-splitting orgasm transcended her entire being. The contrast of the cursed ceremony with the sanctity of this place was too much for her to bear, and she stained the floor once more while emitting lustful moans. The event was fully transmitted via streaming and most TV channels. More than two billion people were left pondering the meaning behind the woman kneeling down.

Gathering her spirit, she stood up and continued on. Amelia was still reeling from the earlier surge, and the devices penetrating her did not help her focus. Hence she did not have the leisure to look at what was ahead, nor at the audience on the sides. She progressed one foot after the other while looking at her feet, her muffled breathing the only sound that echoed in the cathedral. The staff had decided that not including any music would heighten the impact of the event (as well as reducing costs).

Painful minutes elapsed, when she finally managed to reach the altar. She took a minute to collect her thoughts before turning around to face the sitting crowd. She didn't have the time to comprehend the volume of glances aimed at her before she heard someone whispering in her ear:

"May you pardon me for what is to come..." she heard, a voice tinted with guilt and sadness.

No time to ponder was given to her before she felt a tremendous slap on her bottom, propelling her once again to Hedone's palace. Her scream of pleasure reverberated loudly in the cathedral, making her kneel once again.

"I hope you like that, you swine!" swore the priest.

The public was stunned, for the first time since the beginning of the event. "Though this is only the beginning..." thought the priest with an internal smile, satisfied with his introduction. While he did not like his role in this story in the least, he was glad to finally get the reaction he expected from the morally-misaligned audience. He waited until full silence reigned, and started his ***********.

"We gather here for quite a unique event. Before we start, in order to limit the damages done to this sacred place, please mind the plastic bags under your seat, would the need to regurgitate ever arise. God knows it will become handy." said the priest in a mystic manner.

People in the public tilted their heads, not understanding what the priest meant. Though they would soon enough.

"Let the Groom enter!" proclaimed the priest.

With strategically reversed customs, the staff has planned for the Groom to enter the cathedral after the bride, and so for maximal impact. And what an impact it was! Exclamations from outside the cathedral could already be heard. Smell and sounds of retching could be perceived from the outside audience apparently encountering the Groom from too close. The suspense was building up. Soon enough they could start hearing heavy steps shaking the ground, and the long shadow of the beast entered the cathedral, after which its horrendous appearance was revealed.

If humankind was the best outcome of random mutations filtered through sheer evolution, then Paul Piggers the Pig was assuredly the worst of what could be done through sheer breeding. The filthy creature, a mix of boar and pig descent, was too large to be a simple pig, reaching 170cm in height. It had layers and layers of darkened skin and fat, a protruding huge snout in the middle of its face, and a thick tongue flapping outside its mouth. The creature emitted uncomfortable low-pitched grunts, roaming around the red carpet as if searching for mushrooms in a forest. Its appearance was ugly yes, but it was no its worst aspect by far. No, the worst was its raw stench.

The members of the audience closest to the pig urgently took hold of the plastic bag suggested earlier by the priest, in which they promptly discharged their breakfast. For what was probably the first time in their bubble wrapped life, they were reminded of the raw reality of what a farm animal really was, and really smelled like. But far from a standard flagrance, the result observed here was one of patience and utter determination. The beast was never cleaned even once in its lifetime; its skin, initially light brown, had adopted layers of crusts of filth over the years that gave it a nearly reptilian texture. This stench was Hell.

The Groom was not lead by anyone; instead, he used its sense of smell to locate the Bride's stains on the red carpet in a hunting manner, ever so slowly reaching the altar where the source originated from. His promised sweetheart was laying on the floor, having lost any strength in her legs upon seeing her future husband. The beast didn't seem to care about the whole situation and simply tracked the smell he was obsessed with; having found the source, he magnanimously extended his lengthy tongue and started licking his bride's nether regions.

Amelia could not withstand his raw affection and leaked all over the floor, out of both fear and lust. The overall humiliation in front such a large public along with the smell and contact overload triggered yet another mind-bending orgasm that left her trembling and paralyzed on the floor. It took her long minutes to get her bearings, which she immediately regretted. She was currently on her back, soaked with urine, an alien tongue exploring the inside of her dress. Her three holes were fully plugged, the stench coming to her was hellish, and she was now close enough to the beast to be able to see more than just his face.

"Oh God, his..." she thought, tears of despair running down her cheeks.

"Now, now, God is watching, there is no need to be that expedient. I would like for the two participants to remain patient. Do not worry, you will have all the time in the world to be together afterwards", expressed the priest. "Paul, here!" he gently advised the pig. "Stand up, swine!" he exclaimed for the girl.

Amelia gathered sufficient strength in her arms and slowly stood back up. She glanced a look at the audience to see their reaction. Most had an incredulous gaze, as if they did not manage to parse the situation and label it as right or wrong. They really had no moral compass; this was now the perfect situation to give them a new sense of direction, through shock factor. Humiliated, all holes plugged, her pink dress soaked in urine, Amelia clenched her hands and faced her Groom of a pig with a resolute determination in her eyes.

The Groom and the Bride were now facing each other, on both sides of the priest. The ceremony could finally begin.


"We are gathered here together to celebrate the union of two beings. On one side we have Paul Piggers, a gentleman from the north. On the other, Amelia Lionheart, the soon-to-been sow", stated the priest, extended his arms and both sides in a grandiose fashion.

"But, under God's rules, both sides must be equal for a union to exist. This inequality in status has to be resolved at all costs, and therefore, in accordance with the teachings of the Church and in full compliance with the laws of this country, we have prepared a series of three sacred edicts that ought to be respected in order for this union to stand." explained the priest. "These edicts will not be implemented via any barbaric means such as permanent physical alteration. Instead, the individual will be bound by honour and law to respect them. Henceforth, the price for breaking the covenant, if ever seen doing so, will be Death", stated the priest coldly.

The priest let an uncomfortable silence build up for his words to be fully understood. He swept his cold glance across the audience, even the cameras, as if waiting for everyone to approve of what he had said. "See for your own eyes what the extent of your idiocies has led us to..." he cursed internally. The public still did not seem to comprehend the magnitude of his sayings.

Amelia did understand them thought, tears running down her cheeks. She was grateful that her mouth and throat were stuffed otherwise she would have been heard crying out her whole being.

"First edict: Similar to her Animal compatriots, Amelia Lionheart will only be allowed to wear the clothes of Mother Nature!" exclaimed the priest.

Assistants appeared from the backdoor and brought what looked like a large iron-cast container, which already contained glowing flames. One of the assistants approached the Bride with a pair of scissors, and started peeling of her dress layer by layer. Amelia stood still and did her best to retain her sanity as she was soon standing with only her pink underwear on, the rest of her clothes thrown in the fire.

Amelia took the initiative and removed the last scraps herself, trying vainly to hide her nether parts with one hand each. Her impressive breasts were too large to be hidden with her delicate hand, rendering her even cuter than she already was; her delicious curves were now being admired by more than two billion people. As determined as she was, she did not consider herself an exhibitionist, and could not help blushing in full effect. A moment of inattention reminded her of the device in her throat making her momentarily gag; the coughs made her body giggle, her bosom swaying left and right with lustful physics.

The public, as deranged as they were by the Groom's ugly appearance and its stench, could not help but be charmed by the beautiful naked Bride. Amelia breathed heavily through her mouth gag at the sight of all the males in the audience with clearly visible pent-up erections showing through.

"Note that this edict also includes accessories. Turn around and bend down, swine", ordered the priest.

Amelia had mixed feelings about that. On one side she was glad to finally get rid of the plugs that plagued her insides; on the other hand, revealing what she had been wearing all this time made her terribly embarrassed. She turned down, put her hands on the altar and showed her behind to the world.

The audience muffled their surprise when they saw the end of the dildos in her behind, one of them even ending in a cute pig tail. The priest then took hold of the tail and forcefully extracted it from the girl's anus. A very, very long chain of anal beads popped off one by one, each one accompanied with a sizable quantity of enema. Each leaving bead could be seen triggering a wave of pleasure as Amelia's legs shook off like never before. She used her hands to try to muffle her screams, but ultimately failed when the last anal bead, the largest one of the chain, took some work from the priest before finally being released, alongside all the remaining fluids that used to fill her intestines.

Her bellow of pleasure reverberated for many seconds across the whole cathedral, the silence exacerbating the obscenity of the scene. Many members of the audience had already stained themselves just by passively assisting at the scene. Amelia fell down to her knees, and took long minutes before standing up again, presenting what remained of her backside, her gaping anus still not closed off. The priest was very patient, and knew how to temporize. He took a look at the audience, before resuming his task.

The plug in her lady part had a small finger-sized handle that he gripped, and then slowly pulled out. The bride started emitting a growl as the device gradually left her insides. The plug somehow took minutes to extract, the priest careful not to hurt her; its surface had strange fibres that gripped the sides of her vagina, effectively trapping the plug inside her with no need for a belt. 10cm, 20cm, 30cm... Amelia felt like giving birth when the device was fully extracted, exhaling loudly. It did not take too much time for the audience to catch on what the plug's shape was about.

"Wait, that shape... isn't this a replica of that beast's entire tongue?!"

"She trained for that? What a slut!" whispered the audience.

Exhausted, Amelia turned back to face the audience once again, standing up with her legs shaking weakly, admiring the outcome of her show. A part of her mind relished at the sight of stains on the pants of embarrassed members of the public, while another part of her loathed at what she had done. "Who would now marry me after this? Ah wait..." she started thinking when she got interrupted by the priest taking hold of her head.

The priest unlocked the mouth plug and very, very slowly pulled it out to clearly show the audience what she had in her throat since the beginning of the event. They could clearly see the underside of the mouth gag the size of a long pig penis, fully coated with her throat phlegm. She coughed and coughed again, her throat now not used to emptiness after being inhabited so long with an alien shape. Amelia wanted to curse and say her first human words in a while when the priest coldly glanced at her, with a taint of pity that only her could see at this distance.

"Second edict: Amelia Lionheard shall now only emit the noises of nature. Any form of human communication shall be prohibited. Furthermore, her soon-to-be husband being a pig, her vocabulary shall to be restrained to moans, screams and squeals. A reminder that any breach of these edicts will be punished by immediate Death implementable by anyone present", proclaimed the priest.

He had a very hard time dissociating himself with the words he pronounced, realizing how grave and inhuman the sentence was. Robbing one's logos was probably the most cursed act possible for a human being, and he, as a priest, had implemented this decision, in this Saint Cathedral. He knew he would not be able to sleep for many months, thinking about the girl who would now be forbidden to talk, her most natural right removed.

The sentence was too much to bear. It was only because she was Amelia Lionheart, with a stronger psyche and fortitude than the average people, that did she manage to remain conscious. She put her head in her hands, trying to parse the consequences of the edict, and then slowly moved her hands around her throat. She wanted to talk, she wanted to express herself, she wanted to curse, but her unconscious didn't allow it, as her unconscious knew of the primal danger if she did breach the edict, and so her unconscious protected her.

From the outside, the audience could see the bride acting as if she was choking herself, the mouth plug from before being a child's toy compared to the second edict. Many realised the full consequence of the sentence and suppressed their inner shock with hands on their mouth, feeling the despair via sheer empathy. They imagined themselves not being able to talk to their loved ones anymore, and were afraid of the despair the bride would actually feel.

The priest, who knew the *********** by heart, was aware that this was only the beginning, and continued on, sweat forming on his forehead at the words that would soon follow.

"Third edict: Amelia Lionheart shall only sustain herself with natural sustenance. Any form of human food shall be prohibited. Furthermore, being a soon-to-be sow, and her soon-to-be husband being a pig, her meals shall be restricted to her fiancé's secretions and excretions", stated the priest as a matter of fact.

The difference in processing power between the different members of the audience could easily be heard by how long it took them to comprehend the priest's words up to them puking forcefully in their carefully prepared plastic bag. It was way too absurd and abstract for Amelia to fully realize it yet, but her unconscious made the calculations in her place and forced her eyes to look at her future partner's sexual apparatus, which would serve the main bulk of her meals for the foreseeable future. It is a testament of her hardened mental fortitude that she managed to stand the simulation of a meal for three seconds before accompanying the public in the retching symphony.

"Look at what you've done, swine. You've wasted your last human meal, what a pity. Though it looks like some members of the audience have yet to grasp the wisdom of the edict, which is unacceptable. As a bride, it is your responsibility to take care of your guests. Henceforth, it is your duty to provide a concrete example of how you will now satiate your hunger as a law-abiding sow." said the priest. "You have ten minutes. You do not want to see what will happen if you fail. Also, be very careful not to waste any food, we're in a church after all, and God does not allow any waste." he added with a wink.

Amelia did not have time to admire the stunned audience as she had a large dish on her plate to take care of. She approached the pig cautiously, the animal also taking note of her appearance. It might have been related to the fluids that were injected alongside her plugs early on, but the animal's apparatus quickly hardened, giving her an unfortunate chance to appreciate its sight. Her meal-delivery device was around 35cm in length and 7cm in diameter, pulsating vividly with hearty veins that made it seem like it had a life on its own. The rod's skin was of a stained beige, though the existing foreskin prevented her from seeing the gland. His dangling testicles were also quite massive and seemed darkened by accumulated layers of sexual sweat and filth.

After many careful steps, Amelia was now in contact with the pig, who got used to her presence and seemed eager for whatever action she would engage in. She reluctantly kneeled and moved below his belly, near his reproductive organs. The stench was intense, but her slow steps were barely enough for her nose to get used to it. His underside also emitted quite a lot of heat, which helped warm her in her naked state. She was ashamed that she felt more comfortable near that beast's cock than alone in front of the altar. She was silently contemplating the strange organ in front of her.

"Eight minutes remaining. You might have thought that ten minutes was a lot, but did you know that Paul Piggers has a reputation for his secretions lasting up to five minutes?"

Amelia's eyes widened and her pupils constricted when she took the priest's words into account. There was no time remaining for idle wondering, she had to finish the deed and quick. The constraint of not wasting food gave her little choice in the method of execution.

She reluctantly grabbed her husband's organ, and peeled his foreskin off and approached her face near it. Years of accumulated dried semen had resulted in the miracle of a new form of life under the creature's foreskin. The scientific community would tear themselves apart if they knew that this unknown new form of life ended up being tasted by the tongue of a human sow. Amelia's taste buds went on strike and obliged her to retch on the side, make her loose precious seconds.

To get back on track, she immediately went back and put the entire gland in her delicate mouth, tears welling up at the act that she was unwillingly forced to commit. From behind, the audience could admire this prideful and beautiful woman burying her face in that filthy beast's groin and rocking back and forth. Obscene slurping sounds echoed in the Saint Cathedral, punctuated by moans of despair from the bride.

"6 minutes remaining. Your technique is lacking, young sow, you're not deep enough. Let me instil you some divine teachings" claimed the priest.

He approached the bride from behind, put his foot on her behind, and pushed her forward deeper onto the shaft. The pulsating organ was too deep in her throat to allow Amelia to produce any meaningful sound, so she instead reluctantly accepted the wisdom and widened her range of oral penetration. The training she got with the mouth plug was fully put into practice, even if it did not fully prepare her for what was to come.

Amelia felt the pulsations of the sexual organ increase in frequency. She reluctantly found a position that would allow her to breathe, and strengthened her resolve for the incoming surge. The audience could hear the beast's breathing intensifying, until it started to squeal loudly. Sounds of a strong sloshing current could be heard throughout this oppressive silence of the cathedral, the girl painful moans reaching everyone's ears. They could see her legs extending and contracting, her nether region staining the floor in a fountain like manner, accompanying her mind-breaking orgasm as she remained orally impaled by the beast's rod.

One minute passed, and they could still hear gulping sounds from the girl's apparently thirsty mouth, as she did not let a single drop fall. TV cameras approached and zoomed in enough to be able to transmit the face of the bride who appeared eyes-closed, focused on slowly drinking her meal through her throat, like a new-born would be mouth-fed.

Four minutes passed, during which the sow continued to appreciate the continuous secretion of seed, deep inside her throat. She orgasmed two more times, but managed to maintain control and not let anything drop, despite her stomach blowing up and increasingly full. The bride didn't seem to care anymore and was actively fingering her nether regions despite being completely visible by the audience, who felt nauseated and sickened by now.

The priest was glad that the event finally managed to trigger some disgust from the idiotic public, but he was afraid for the girl, despite everything he said. He knew she would not come back unscathed from all this, but to what extend was difficult to judge.

It all went well until the final minute when the bride suddenly started retching violently. The priest was aware that pigs finished their ejaculations with a gel like substance, but he was compelled not to tell the girl to preserve the surprise for the audience. It would be the icing on the cake.

Amelia, or what remained of her, after what amounted to an eternity when deeply stuffed, immediately felt the change occurring in her throat. The feed she was eating eagerly until now was liquid and easy to digest, but her husband's feeder tube now delivered glue-like gel that stuck and accumulated on her throat. She could still breathe somehow but couldn't handle more of the substance in her throat and had to relocate the delivery location to her mouth, where she would be able to handle this new type of feed more reliably.

She promptly extracted herself from most of the shaft, and then stopped when the feeder's hole was between her lips. From an outsider perspective, it looked like she was deliberately long-kissing her husband's gland, but more attentive viewers could see her jaws actively chewing on the pig's semen gel. Just before the 10 minutes mark, the secretion finally ended, and the bride was able to release her mouth from the shaft.

She couldn't communicate with words, so she tried to explain what happened at the end by opening her mouth and displaying its gel content to the public, threads of white semen connecting her teeth, showing them how hard it is to chew, and how terrible its taste was by swallowing it down while cringing. Anyone with a sane mind obviously did not take it that way, instead they saw a sow-slut satisfied with her meal and showing off the secretion of her husband with pride.

Having eaten nearly two litters of feed, the bride could not restraint a lengthy burp, resonating between the cathedral's walls. Not wasting food was a testament of good etiquette for a sow. The smell and remains of pig semen coming from her mouth as well as the obscene and satisfied face of the former proud girl managed to finish off the remaining members of the public who hadn't thrown up yet. The sow, naked, felt cold and went back under her husband's belly where she stood comfortably, caressing his testicles with love and attention. The feeding experience had forever changed her psyche, and she was now excited at the idea of being able to redo it every day.

"By virtue of the authority vested in me, I declare you pig and sow, for the rest of your life" finally proclaimed the priest, now fully fed up and disgusted by the whole endeavour.


Months later, the Declaration of Animal rights was revoked following a national referendum. The political balance had entirely changed thanks to the efforts of a strong-willed individual, who sacrificed herself for the better good.

While the policies surrounding animal rights were abandoned, the edicts dictated during the cursed event could not be taken back, and hence the former lady had to abide by them even after the laws used to construct the edicts were abandoned. Similarly, these edicts also unfortunately applied to any form of communication related to her, so representations of her had to abide to these rules.

In commemoration of her bravery, and to not forget about the consequences that wrong policies can have, a gigantic statue was erected in her honour in front of the Saint Cathedral, despite the obscenity it depicted. Indeed, it showed an ugly boar squealing, and a young woman under him, her face buried in its crotch, her nether regions dripping with pleasure, gulping down its feed happily.


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Piggy Pig

Dust covered everything, fine gritty sandy dust,  The dark brooding mountains surrounded us but the yellowish dust covered everything, yellowish dust stirred up  by everything that moved except the Camels as they glided along loaded down with drugs and explosives and turbanned killers with Kalashnikovs, and sugar and fertiliser for their improvised explosive devices IEDs. It was an IED that killed my friend "Toby" Judge and led to the Regiment dragging me away from the lush green fields of...

2 years ago
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Piggy Pig

I am absolutely sure the British Army would never behave like this. Any similarity between any characters and anyone living or dead is probably unavoidable though unintentional. PIGGY PIG[ The scene, somewhere in Afganistan. Dust covered everything, fine gritty sandy dust, The dark brooding mountains surrounded us but the yellowish dust covered everything, yellowish dust stirred up by everything that moved except the Camels as they glided along loaded...

3 years ago
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Prize Pig

Introduction: Jessica a young girl at the county fair is forced to take her fathers, pigs place when it is killed in a fire, will she win?. Prize Pig Story: #12 Copyright 2005 Written: January 05 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: PiasaBird2004 Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** In a strange world before cannibalism, where actual pigs a cows were used for meat instead of human females we...

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Prize Pig

Story: #12 Copyright ©2005 Written: January 05 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: PiasaBird2004 Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** In a strange world before cannibalism, where actual pig's a cow's were used for meat instead of human female's we find ourselves at the 10th annual county fair where a some what strange pageant is about to take place. Jessica a short busty,...

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Gracie 02 Squeal Like a Pig

Gracie and I hit Clancy's on Friday night, the night after we had met, full of excitement and optimism. We were up for anything. One guy or two guys, whatever we could get. Two sluts on the prowl, looking for cock. Gracie was so uninhibited and it was catching. She made me feel uninhibited and comfortable with my slutty nature. We planned our night at Clancy's, to pick up a guy, take him home and fuck him, the way we would have planned a shopping trip. Gracie was so different to my girlfriends,...

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Gracie 04 Fucking the Fat Little Pig

Gracie and I had a Big Day Out on Monday, the Queen's Birthday Holiday. There were events on all over town and we went to a free concert in the Park and I discovered that Gracie shares my love of classical music, especially the baroque. They played Vivaldi, Brandenberg Concertos and Mozart and we lay on the grass in the sun enjoying the music for hours. We had lunch on the Boardwalk and strolled along the riverbank than sat and watched the boats on the river. We stayed till dark and watched the...

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Little Miss Pig

Rob Lavender, who was a college buddy of mine, invited me to spend a weekend at his folks farm one summer; “Jeb ‘ol buddy, come stay the weekend and experience some life on the farm. We’ll even be roasting a suckling pig by the poolside! How does that grab ya!” I eagerly looked forward to it as I’d never spent much time out off town. As it turned out, his folks’ place wasn’t really a working farm. But there was a barn still standing which housed some breeding boars and pigs! The family...

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Happy Mothers Day 3 Party Pig

Please Rate. Please Comment. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx XXXX READER SURVEY BELOW XXX Prior: Happy Mother’S Day Prior: Happy Mother’S Day-1 “Clean off that mess from you boys cock. Lick off the shit and the cum.” “No No I can’t. Don’t make me do that, no more, please.” Maribel only raised her hand and Mom quickly grabbed my dick and started to suck it clean. “Lick those balls too.” We all watched laughing as the pig was licking my balls clean. The...

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Pink Salon Fuck Pig

Linda’s jaw felt sore, and she was relieved when the taxi-driver filled her mouth with his seed. She swallowed out of resignation, and not because she enjoyed it. The flash from the cab-drivers cell phone camera blinded her as he took a picture of her with his dick in her mouth. Her c-cups had popped out of teddy and the posts that went through her nipples scraped and caught against the fabric of the car seat as her Japanese boyfriend plowed her aching vagina from behind. He was standing...

4 years ago
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Guinea Pig

I'm beginning to get a bad feeling about this.  I'm a student here at uni, and I make some extra cash as a guinea pig for some of the medical pracs.  You choose the prac, and some are really good, like being paid to sleep.  This prac caught my eye cause it sounded almost too good.  The notice on the volunteers board read:Fit guys wanted to test human growth stimulator drug for the Phys Ed research unit.  Testing involves 1 hour daily sessions over 2 weeks, all accomodation and meals provided. ...

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Cherish Fuckpig

PrologueOink lifted up her chubby leg and concentrated for a few minutes. The urine came out first in a spurt from her fat, bald cunt, and then quickly turned into a steady stream as it splashed against the bark of the tree. The yellow water trickled down to the ground and some of it pooled around her knee. Oink didn't mind it all. She was used to doing her business outside. It had been many months since she had sat on a toilet to drop a deuce or take a piss. When she was finished her master...

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Hello i Am A pig

My name is Cynthia and most of you know only one side of me, the friend, mother and grandmother. Many years ago a different side of me was created, a side that I have kept hidden from most of the people around me. Sometimes I think that it all started from the time that I was m*****ed by my uncle years ago. Seems like I have been a very sexual being since then , but my sexuality and depravity grew and deepened over the years.I was a very sexually active teenager, sneaking out of my house and...

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Abduction of the Pig

Awakening to the darkness, the ebony haired female glanced around feeling the coldness of the wall behind her, narrowing her jade green eyes to glance around the room. She could only make out various shapes, with no lights she could tell what those shapes were, she was most likely in some type of basement and Serena knew many people tended to store things in basement. Quickly, she tried to recollect the last thing she remember, the last thing she could remember had taken place on Friday at ...

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Stuffed Pig

Her dress terminated not far below her waist and from there her attractions became more bold. Black garters trailed down her thick thighs. They contrasted nicely with the healthy peach tone of her light skin. The leather strips clipped to stockings just above her knees, framing the rest of her legs in irresistible see-through black silk. Between her legs hung a long, thick cock, framed base to tip in shiny, black vinyl. The stretchy sleeve felt wonderful around her hypersensitive length. She...

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Poked by a Pig

Brought from across the pond to God’s own country and edited. Found way back 10 years, on a website and introduced into BF. It needed work on it, but includes a lot of piggy technicalities. When I was eighteen I was, like many inner city, single-parent kids, a college drop out, and in some trouble with the law. I owe a debt of gratitude for turning my life around to my parole officer at the time, Tony. Tony told me of a couple in his home town in north Yorkshire that were having a really tough...

2 years ago
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Wolf and Pig

Andrew stretched out lazily on a grassy hill staring up at the beautiful blue sky. His eyes were focused entirely on a single wispy white cloud that seemed abnormally determined to get some place. Andrew wasn’t sure why but he’d imagined it as a wolf and that bush up on the mountain was a fat little pig. As far away as it was that pig had to be a couple of trees instead of a bush. That didn’t make it look any less like a fat pig waiting for the ravenous wolf to come and devour it. He’d been...

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The Princess and Her pig

It's been nearly six months since Michael had become a slave. During that time, his life had literally flipped upside down. His wife had left him, his family has disowned him and even his friends have abandoned him. He was forced to quit his high-paying job and now can barely make ends meet. He lives in a one bedroom, 800 square foot apartment and doesn't even own a car. Instead he rides a bike everywhere, a little pink bike that he pulled out of some random person's trash. His life has...

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His Proud Pig

......i feel that long desired warmth...that sweet yet salty and soooo yummy.....He has decided to reward His whore with a treat....i want so bad to suck every last drop and quickly swallow as if to secure my prize....but i know better....i keep every drop in my mouth, i look up, longing for Him to allow me to finish the treat in my mouth. "Hmm open up slut"...i open and show my prize. "Okay...go ahead greedy bitch.....i quickly swallow and lick my lips, wishing there was more. "Don't you worry...

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My pig

My pig My pig I acquired pig some time ago. From the start she was very eager to follow my rules. (Look at ?My owned slave? for details). Of all my slaves she gets the most intense treatment and shows even more gratitude for it. This is how it started?..  Hi Sir, Thank you for getting back to me.  I took off all my clothes as soon as I read your letter.  I'll pick up a dog collar from the store tonight.  Of course, I'm sure you can guess where my hands are spending most of their time...

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Stuffed Pig

Valerie leaned against the wide stone pillar as a warm evening breeze blew across her scantily clad form. Her shoulder length lavender hair was tossed by the wind as cars whizzed down the street. The dye job was complemented by her short, one-piece dress and form fitting choker necklace. Their purple sheen gleamed brightly in the night time city lights, calling attention to her ample curves. Her dress terminated not far below her waist and from there her attractions became more bold....

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Club Gomorrah The Sissy Saga Chapter 7 What Is A Fuck Pig

“We found it making its way home, trying to contact its old acquaintances, it was… difficult to capture.” Belle tried to speak, the large cock shaped gag bulging in her throat as tears flowed down her cheeks. As she did Mistress Smith Pushed the gad deeper into Bells throat, and she began to struggle against her. “Riley, come here.” The master called, his hand offering the space next to him. I slowly made my way to his side, blushing at the attention. I knelt down beside him and slowly his...

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PIG The first time I felt it happen, to control the reaction to save myself from embarrassment was all too hard. But damn didn’t that cum feel good! The way it splattered and splashed so hot over my face, neck and chest. Only a man could ever provide me with such a hot, carnal and slightly fetishistical type of pleasure. In fact, it took two humpy guys to shoot those massive loads over me like that. But a lot has changed since I was eighteen, except one thing. There’s still days when I’m...

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PIG The first time I felt it happen, to control the reaction to save myself from embarrassment was all too hard. But damn didn’t that cum feel good! The way it splattered and splashed so hot over my face, neck and chest. Only a man could ever provide me with such a hot, carnal and slightly fetishistical type of pleasure. In fact, it took two humpy guys to shoot those massive loads over me like that. But a lot has changed since I was eighteen, except one thing. There’s still days when I’m...

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PIG The first time I felt it happen, to control the reaction to save myself from embarrassment was all too hard. But damn didn’t that cum feel good! The way it splattered and splashed so hot over my face, neck and chest. Only a man could ever provide me with such a hot, carnal and slightly fetishistical type of pleasure. In fact, it took two humpy guys to shoot those massive loads over me like that. But a lot has changed since I was eighteen, except one thing. There’s still days when I’m...

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You8217re such a Pig

Hello babes and boys. This is Abhishek Singh 20 male from Delhi again. I’m back for all of you who have supported me for writing the stories and praising it to the core. The stories which I post here are not real. They are made by me for your enjoyment. “You are such a pig,” Kyla exclaimed as she shook her head at me. My sister’s cute little brunette friend was miffed at me for trying to hook the front of her halter-top in order to check out her lovely, perky breasts. “Aww, come on, don’t be...

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First Pig

Susan Cameron had grown up on the farm an only child. Her parents Tom and Ellen had always doted on her, giving her everything they could, but she being the only one she was always expected to help out with farm chores. She did so selflessly, always doing her part and taking on more and more as she grew older. Life on the farm kept her so busy that she didn’t spend much time with school friends or doing extra-curricular activities. By the time she was sixteen, she had still never had a...

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Hermaphrodite Hotel 5 Office Pig

Office Pig (Fifth sequel to Hermaphrodite Hotel) TG adult fiction by talltglover. If you are offended by men or women having sex with transgenders or hermaphrodites, or live in an area where such activity is illegal, or are too young to be reading adult erotica, please do not continue. This story is unlike most of my other fiction, which concerns men turning into women (conceptually) or hermaphrodites and having sex with other men. This story was written as a special request, and is...

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Prison Guinea Pig

Prison  Guinea Pig-part 1Having been arrested for drug possession in a small European country while traveling,  I was sentenced to five years hard time. I had been carrying a stash of cocaine,  and the amount, I found, was over a certain limit making it a much more serious crime.My life collapsed around me as I was hauled off to serve my term in one of the toughest prisons in the country. I was simply numb after being processed and shoved in a cold cell, and the looks of depravity from my...

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Dakota Fanning really should have let us kill that pig

Dakota Fanning really should have let us kill that pig.         You know, one thing I enjoy every year after the county fair is getting to kill and eat the pig that wins.  This year, though, something weird happened and we were all deprived of that pleasure.  That little bitch claimed it was all because of a spider, but I didn’t care.  She was about to find out that some of the rest of us in this county had another hobby, which she would never forget.  Fern would soon get what was coming to...

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A New Guinea Pig

A New Guinea Pig A New Guinea Pig Chapter 1 - Trapped Jill Summers still felt a little dizzy after having been on the regular girls' night out with her co-workers. Though it had been a rather long and funny evening, she did only drink her usual two Marghueritas, and she had shrugged off the hangover feeling as symptoms of "getting older". Not that she had any reason to use the word "old". With her 30 years she was in good shape, alternating between jogging and biking as a workout...

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18 Year Old Gloyhole Pig

18 Year Old Gloryhole PigPart 1 of 3I just turned 18 and I was hot to get to the ABS a few towns over. I'd heard all kinds of raunchy stories about it -including that there were holes where you could stick your cock through for blow jobs! My buddies thought this was great, and so I talked it up with them, but secretly I wanted to know - who is GIVING the blow jobs? How do I get THAT position? No one knew it but me, but I was a fag - all the way. Ever since I first noticed guys during PE and...

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Little Pig

My family has always lived in Florida, and I love it here. So, long after my mom and dad passed away, and college called for me to go elsewhere, I've returned to the same lazy sleepy little town I grew up in. Of course it's a little different now. Instead of living in a cramped little house in the city, I live in an airy and open mansion just yards from the ocean. My change in status is due to a successful career choice, paired with shrewd investments and a great idea. Straight out of college...

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The Famous Four and the Pigs

CHAPTER ONE    With Bill gone, we could devote our entire time to the piggery. On Friday, both Justin and Jason arrived in the latter's sports car to help as promised. We set to with a will, Robbie and Jason with electric brick-cutting tools to cut channels at the right height in the walls of the sties for the wires that controlled the collars, Justin and I outside in the yard cutting the big tarpaulin into six foot by six squares. Having shyly confessed that he'd come to enjoy going without...

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Doggy Mommy for the School BullyDoggy Mommy Fucks Pigs

Garry was sitting at a beachside café drinking a local tea when he saw a familiar face approach him. "Hey William, what's up? Have a seat," Garry said as he offered the seat next to his. William Sakamura came and sat down next to Garry. William was a Japanese Hawaiian; 45, fit, 5'9, single, resembled the fictional character Eddie Sakamura from the film Rising Sun and was also a farmer, a pig farmer. "So how are things?" Garry asked. "Not so good. With all this credit crunch the farm...

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Neutered White Fuckpig

NEUTERED WHITE FUCKPIG by Kimmie Holland and Meeah Mackenzie**ONE**?Pig! Come!?Daddy Sir calls and I struggle to my feet from my corner in the kitchen. I waddle into the living room where he sits sprawled in his brand-new leather easy chair watching the NBA Finals on his new HD home theater system, all bought with my latest paycheck. It’s half-time and he’s pressed the mute button on a series of commercials. There’s enough time for a quickie.?Two,? he barks.This is the command for me to turn...

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Damned Pigs

“Skinny dipping? Are you out of your mind? We're in public in case you haven’t noticed. What if someone comes along?”“It’s nearly dark, so what if they do?” My identical twin Mary Helen sat on a convenient root to slip off her Superga chambray sneakers. “All they’ll see is a couple of girls in the water. They won’t know that we’re de-liciously nekkid.”“Ha. And what if they decide to go swimming too?”“We’ll just keep our boobs under the water and outwait them,” Mary Helen said unflappably....

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SP Your Papas a Pig

A sequel to the story ‘To Serve and Protect: Back to School’ by Linda_s© Based on the series of stories by patricia51 and Linda_s © Although this story is non-erotic, it is definitely not kid stuff. Or maybe it is, if you have teenagers at home and worry about what happens at school. In either case, I hope it’s a cautionary tale and a study of characters I admire very much – not to mention their authors, who are among the best women I know. You’ll notice there are many characters I invented...

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Max is such a dirty pig

Max is such a dirty pig ... - and I love it ;-) Keep in mind I'm non-native in English, so apologize for faults and mistakes in grammar. But Max asked me to share it with a bigger community, so I do the best I can. Max knows all my secrets - or better I should say: most of them. And, yes, he'll be surely reading before - or after ;-) I publish, so he may even get to know more of my secrets, though this is not in focus this time. Anyway, one day he embarassed me by sending a text message,...

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Jizz Pig

I am a Jizz-Pig, simple as that! I love gratuitous sex, lots of anonymous sex. I frequent any and every location where hookups can take place and am gluttonous when I find myself in these situations. The more jizz I swallow the better.I have a friend that always mocks me by saying: “Two legs and a penis, and you’re happy.” He is absolutely right. Big, small, good-looking, ugly, tall, short, clean, dirty, I don’t give a fuck! All I want is cock and cum. I have no interest in a relationship and...

Gay Male
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First Time Adult Theatre Cum Pig

As I put my clothes back on, the Hispanic man, who just dumped a huge load in my ass, watched me. He would randomly call me a slut or a whore and ask me if i was ready for more cock than I could handle. I smiled at him seductively, I couldnt wait to see how great this would be.We arrived at the adult theatre about 30 minutes later. It was in a real shady part of town, and I was a bit nervous. We went inside and it was setup almost exactly like an old movie theatre. We walked in and there was...

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The Guinea Pig

Warning The following story deals with the subject of transgendered people. It includes graphic sexual descriptions and is intended for amusement only. No endorsement or denigration of any of the activities or actions contained herein is expressed or implied. If you are bothered by graphic sexual description and/or issues related to transgederism DO NOT READ THIS STORY. The Guinea Pig A short story by Bootlover Why the advertisement caught his eye was not apparent. He...

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Mah Sisters a Pig

Author’s note: Some of the dialogue must be read phonetically since I have tried to give the story the flavor of where it occurs. Say it out loud if necessary. Just think of the Beverly Hillbillies, if you are old enough to know who they were, and you will catch on. If you can’t appreciate this then exit right now, please. Mah sister don’t screw me reguler any more like a good sister ought to. Ever since she started seein that edjakated city boy she’s doin things differnt. Fer an instance,...

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James Bondage QuickiesStuffed Pig

Valerie leaned against the wide stone pillar as a warm evening breeze blew across her scantily clad form. Her shoulder length lavender hair was tossed by the wind as cars whizzed down the street. The dye job was complemented by her short, one-piece dress and form fitting choker necklace. Their purple sheen gleamed brightly in the night time city lights, calling attention to her ample curves. Her dress terminated not far below her waist and from there her attractions became more bold. Black...

1 year ago
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Memories of a Cock and Cum Pig

I have been a submissive cock and cum pig for as long as i can remember. Some of my hottest memories are of sucking cock and getting face fucked at glory holes in a college town in Wisconsin. ( i have written out this story on a few different sites if this looks familiar) i would kneel for hours and suck cock after cock and i always loved the thicker cocks and the more aggressive men who liked to pussy fuck my mouth. One guy i sucked off in a glory hole lasted at least 45 minutes. He was a very...

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Club Gomorrah Part 8 What is a Fuckpig

*Everything here is fiction.*Title: Club Gomorrah.Chapter Seven: What is a Fuckpig?Before we start let me just apologise for the long absence, I moved house, and started a stressful new job so I haven't had much time to myself to write.It’s a bit of a struggle to get back into writing Club Gomorrah when you’ve 70% forgotten everything you wanted to make happen so sorry again if this one is a bit slow but I needed to get back into the swing of things.“Belle, Belle, Belle… After everything I gave...

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Mud Pigs

CHAPTER ONEI'm lying naked in the back of a van, and I'm terrified, because I've got to be a mud pig today!I've done this before - I'm pretty used to it now - but it doesn't get any easier.It seems like we've been driving for hours, and I'm quite desperate for a pee, but I've no idea how long this journey is going to go on for.There was a long straight bit - probably we were on a motorway, taking us out of the city - then a long stop, presumably while HE had his breakfast in some cafe and read...

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Weddings and Reunions Part 6

Chapter 31 As John and the Finn teens went north the rest of the Petersons minus Daisy and Claire were getting ready for their own special side trip. Emma was a bundle of nerves for the previous two days and was closely watched by Karen to ensure that she ate properly and didn't get too anxious and end up causing her blood pressure to spike. It was also why she was so sisterly towards Jaimie, she could empathize with having bad parents even if her own had not been criminal towards her...

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Weddings and Reunions Part 4

Chapter 19 Pete and Bryan had spent all day out of contact with the ladies as per their request so were unaware of what was happening to them or what their plans were. Sean, Patrick, and David were appointed to watch over them as they met up with the platoon at the paintball facility. The group looked over the three and made crude comments about civilians to which Pete and Bryan held their tongues, the three were not playing with their platoon and the guys now had a target on their...

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I'm not sure about love, it may only have been lust, but whichever it was it happened at first sight. She was simply the most gorgeous thing I'd ever encountered, big and beautiful, still lovely in her advancing years, almost glowing with vitality and health, although there may have been a few cosmetic tucks here and there, who wouldn't expect that for an eighty year old? I had to have her, I was infused with determination, I would possess her. There was, however, just one small problem; my...

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Wedded to Slavery

Wedded to Slavery Part 1IIt was her wedding day. How different it would be from when as a young girl she had first begun to imagine what that special occasion would be like. While the day would bear little resemblance to those early imaginings, back then when she and her girlfriends would share such thoughts on the school grounds, she’d had no idea of the desires she would come to feel as a teenager and young adult. That she would do as she would today, freely and willingly before the eyes of...

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Weddings and Reunions Part 1

Prologue January 1999 Kurtis Benson was in tears. His big secret was out. His worst fears were realized as his parents had managed to uncover his darkest secret: he was transgender. He had just fled from his home after telling his parents that he could no longer live as a male and was a woman inside even if he was born as a male. As expected of them, his highly masculine father tried to beat some sense into him before literally tossing him out of the house to face the...

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Diary of a fuckpig

It seems like i’ve only been asleep for five minutes when the alarm goes off.  i feel so tired but i have another long day ahead of me serving my Pimp as His transvestite whore and sex slave.  i run my fingers round my leather collar before throwing off the thin blanket which serves as my bed linen and start to get ready for another cycle of violent physical and sexual abuse.   Looking down at my bed it’s a wonder i manage to sleep at all – it’s just a thin foam mattress stained with blood,...

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Disclaimer: this story is entirely fictional, and describes events that would never be condoned in real life. If you have trouble distinguishing between reality and fantasy, please seek help. If you find this material shocking or disgusting, I sincerely apologize for the unpleasant experience, and wish you well in the future. This writing was never intended to horrify, only to provide enjoyment for those of us who are into this sort of thing.First InterludeIt was a beautiful Saturday afternoon,...

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Weddings and Reunions Part 7 finale

Chapter 37 Alistair was found the next morning by his valet who alerted the Young manor's butler to start the preparations for the change of ownership per Alistair's wishes. He then called Bradford to inform him of Alistair's death followed by Alistair's solicitor to ensure that he had alerted of the impending death of his client. All expected the call, with Bradford knowing already. Bradford had been the one who was called the night before by Alistair so he was not caught by surprise...

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Hi,my name is Shirley and my user on xHamster is need to keep this concise as I do not want to lose your interest.I am typing this on Tuesday evening after a wonderful afternoon with Diane. She is one of my lesbian clients,is 52,has a gorgeous figure,is tiny at just 5' and has been married 25 years,but her tycoon husband does not deserve her. You may have read about our recent sexploit in my posting “ [Story] FRI JULY 8 - LIPSTICK LESBIANS! “July 8, 2011,...

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Darlings,i just wanted to send you a brief update.I apologise if I go to much in detail and I know that is not very ladylike,but I know you would be interested.If you have seen one of my earlier blogs you will see I am very particular about things,for example my nylons,panties,thongs etc when they are laundered are sprayed thoroughly with my favourite perfume and sealed in plastic food bags so they are readily fragranced to wear.My office at work is permeated with these aromas and Paul...

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