Pink Salon Fuck Pig free porn video

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Linda’s jaw felt sore, and she was relieved when the taxi-driver filled her mouth with his seed. She swallowed out of resignation, and not because she enjoyed it. The flash from the cab-drivers cell phone camera blinded her as he took a picture of her with his dick in her mouth. Her c-cups had popped out of teddy and the posts that went through her nipples scraped and caught against the fabric of the car seat as her Japanese boyfriend plowed her aching vagina from behind. He was standing outside the vehicle, and Linda could feel the cool morning breeze on her fat ass and chunky thighs as he pushed in and and out of her.

A grunt signified that he had finished. Linda was surprised he had anything left in him after the gang-rape she had endured at the hands of her former boyfriend and his yakuza friends. She stood up and pulled the cheap, purple, rayon teddy down, and hugged her arms around her torso in a vain attempt to keep warm. It was very cold this morning. The teddy was the only item of clothing she had been allowed to put on after the night long gang-bang. Being so exposed in such a public place, even though the shotengai was empty, was humiliating. It rode up and exposed her fat, sore can, or her generous, ample cleavage popped out of the top of the garment. She rubbed the bandage that had been taped over her very sore right buttock.?

It covered a tattoo that she had received during the last night's festivities. At some point during her lengthy gangbang, the men were all fucked out and couldn't get it up anymore. A tattoo artist was called over, and by this time all the fight had been fucked and beaten out of Linda. When he had finished etching the design they had requested into her flesh, they had made her suck him off as payment. When she had finished blowing the tattoo artist, they resumed plowing her fore and aft for the rest of the evening.

Linda assumed that they were Yakuza, although she couldn't?be sure. Her mouth and vage had been assaulted continuously over the course of the evening, and when dawn finally broke, her boyfriend had pushed her into the bathroom and made her clean-up. She caught a brief glimpse of the tattoo in the mirror when she got out of the shower. It was written in kanji, but she didn't recognize the characters. She had only recently arrived in Japan as an English instructor, and hadn't made much progress learning Japanese. Her boyfriend was speaking to her, but after the trauma she had endured, she found it hard to focus.

After finishing his instructions regarding her station in life, he gave her a final parting gift: a small tin containing salve that could be rubbed on her tattoo. He grabbed her firmly by the arm and half-dragged, half-walked her down the stairs of a three story building. Next to the steps was a sign of a kneeling, smiling, Asian woman in lingerie. It listed hourly rates for services that Linda couldn't decipher, but she could definitely guess at was being offered for sale. Her Japanese boyfriend knocked loudly on the door.

The door was opened by a thin Japanese woman in her mid to late thirties. The woman and her boyfriend conversed briefly together in Japanese, and then he abruptly walked off. Not unlike Linda, the only garment she was wearing was a teddy, although hers appeared to fit better and was made from silk. Her straight, blue-black hair hung down to her shoulders, and while she was only graced with a pair of smallish b-cups, she had disproportionately big, thick nipples which poked through the fabric of her lingerie. She winced in sympathy when she noticed Linda's blackened eye. The woman said something in Japanese, but when she saw the look of incomprehension on Linda's face, she motioned her inside.

It was dark in the brothel. A tiny spear closet in the corner near the entrance jutted out into the main room, and was filled with basins, towels, and other miscellaneous items. There were four restaurant style booths without any tables on both sides of the room. At the back of this sex cafe, a wiry, middle aged Japanese man with a salt and pepper brush cut stood in front of two women crouched down on their hands and knees. The man was wearing a brand new black t-shirt, track suit, vintage sneakers, and a very chunky, expensive watch. As her eyes adjusted to the dim light, Linda was horrified by the realization that one of the women was bound and gagged.

Thick ropes crisscrossed her body, and were wound so tightly around her massive udders they were turning purple. The ropes met at her crotch, bisected her labia, and bound her arms behind her back. A ring gag held her mouth open, and drool spooled off her chin and pooled on her breasts. The crowning humiliation for the dumpy Japanese woman was the hooks held in place by a leather harness wrapped around her head. The hooks pulled up her nostrils and gave the poor woman a distinctly swine like appearance. Kanji, written in lipstick, covered her pale white skin from her feet to her forehead, and the lipstick had been smeared and caked on around her mouth, giving the trussed up bitch a decidedly foolish appearance.

After the shock of realizing what had been done to the older Japanese woman wore off, the menial task being performed by the other girl seemed prosaic by comparison. She was cleaning the man's sneakers with the aid of a tin of white polish, a small bucket of soapy water, and a toothbrush. The man looked up and smiled when he saw Linda at the front of the room.? He said something in Japanese, and the girl stood up. It came as a pleasant surprise to Linda that the girl was also a foreigner in her late-twenties like herself.

Her long, curly hair had been tied into two pony-tails that hung down to her thick, red, gumdrop nipples. Like Linda, she was a thick girl, and had a sexy pooch pleasantly set off by a glittering rhinestone belly piercing. She had a star tattooed above each hip. She had a ruddy complexion, and a perky pair of b-cups, which gave her body a pleasing pear shape. The only article of clothing she wore was a red sequined thong that pinched her wide hips. An ornate sterling silver slave bracelet was wound around her wrist, and a huge glittering diamond engagement ring was prominently displayed on her left hand. The Japanese man and the foreign girl conversed briefly, while the other woman, remained on her knees, the saliva dripping off her chin like sand in an hourglass.

The foreign girl finished speaking with the Japanese man, and as soon as she spoke, Linda was relieved. She was obviously a foreigner from the USA like herself.

"I'm Shelley, and that's Takashi, our pimp."

"I'm Linda," she glance nervously at the kneeling woman, and said, "What's going to happen to her?"

As if he understood what Linda had just asked, Takashi began speaking in a rapid clip. The woman started crying and begging in Japanese. Takashi pushed her forward and then crouched down so that one of his knees pinned his victim down on her stomach. Shelley blushed as she translated what Takashi said.

"You will be her replacement. Like you, she is a fuck-pig. She has not performed well, and now this fuck-pig will be my dog's bitch for the next month while her hair grows back."

Removing an electric shear from his track-suit pocket, Takashi gripped the back of the woman's mullet firmly as he shaved her head. The woman sobbed and moaned as he did this, but did not struggle. Once her head was as bald as a cue ball, he rolled her over onto her back, and pushed her legs apart while he removed the long straight pubic hair that decorated her crotch.

After he had finished shaving her, he removed the ring gag from her mouth and barked at her in Japanese. Still sobbing, her mascara running down her face, the woman began cleaning up the hair on the floor with her nose, tongue, and mouth. When it had been pushed into a pile, the thin Japanese lady appeared with a brush and dustbin, swept up the hair, and promptly disappeared. Linda was horrified by what she had just witnessed.

Takashi spoke to Shelley in a series of rapid barks and snarls. Shelley smiled shyly at Linda and said, "Don't worry. Everything is going to be okay."

Shelley pushed her panties down her thick thighs and stepped out of them as they fluttered to the floor. She had prominent labia minora, which hung below her labia majora. Her sex had been waxed bald, with a tiny landing strip left on top, and a thick gold ring dangled from her clitoral hood.

"That's my wedding ring," said Shelley.

Takashi growled some more, and Shelley turned around. Linda gasped when she saw the tattoo on Shelley's big bum. It appeared to be the same kanji that had been tattooed on Linda's prominent dumper. However, above the tattoo had been written, in red ink, "Property of" and below, also in red ink, were kanji that Linda assumed was Takashi's full name in Japanese. On her plump left buttock, Shelley had been branded with another Kanji character. On her left shoulder-blade, Shelley had a tattoo of a fairy.

Takashi spoke some more, and Linda could hear the humiliation in Shelley's voice as she translated what he said.

"I have given this fuck-pig the honor of being my wife. If you are obedient, you too might be worthy of this honor and one day might be used as the vessel for my seed."

After she had finished translating, Shelley turned around to face Linda, and knelt before Takashi. Takashi looked at Linda intently and spoke briskly, and then barked at the thin girl standing near the front of the room. Shelley translated as the girl rummaged around in the spear closet and then scurried over.

"Or you can see what awaits you if you displease me."

The girl put a collar around the neck of the sobbing fuck-pig and attached a leash to it. Once this task was accomplished, she led her into the spear closet. Shelley glanced over at the pair as they made their way across the room.

"The fuck-pig has a name. Shiori. The girl holding the leash is Midori."

The girl returned and knelt beside Shelley in front of Takashi. Linda gulped, and shifted around on her feet, trying to act nonchalant under Takashi's steady gaze. It was disconcerting the way he looked at her, appraising her as if she were nothing more than a barnyard animal. As if sensing her concerns Shelley spoke up.

"Don't worry. If you do as he says, you'll be okay. It's not so bad - I'm more like a pampered pet than an abused slave. You'll learn to love him."

Takashi spoke some more, and Shelley said, "Remove your teddy. He wants to get a closer look at you."

Linda's cheeks turned a bright crimson as she lifted the garment over her head and dropped it on the floor. Standing in front of an audience made her feel self-conscious, and she tried to cover her breasts and hairy crotch with her hand and arms. Takashi impatiently pried her arms away and pushed them to her sides, and she stood there in her birthday suit as he looked her over.

Takashi ran his fingers through her pixie cut, then looked closer at Linda's nose. She yelped when he yanked on the curved barbell that pierced her septum, which was a bad idea, as it made her tongue stud that much obvious. He pushed his fingers into her mouth and pulled and prodded on that piercing as well. When he was finished he wiped her saliva off his hands with her hair. He laughed and spoke to Shelley briefly.

Shelley blushed and said, "He says you knew you were a fuck-pig before the tattoo. He wants to make you look more punk. You'll be bleaching your hair."

Takashi's traced a line down Linda’s chest, he cupped her breasts, and then pulled on the posts in her nipples stretching them out. It made made her flinch. His hands moved down her plump belly, and lingered as he stroked and fingered the hair that lay like a thick carpet over her pudenda. Takashi spoke some more, and Shelley translated.

"When you get your hair bleached he wants you to get fully waxed. All the hair will be coming off down there."

Linda's body tensed up as his fingers stroked her outer labia, and than parted the lips of her inner labia while he fingered her fuckhole. Linda's labia minora weren't as prominent as Shelley's inner lips. Linda was ashamed by her body’s response to his advances. Takashi smiled as he felt her wetness, and pulled his fingers out of her moist cunt. He held them up to her face, and pushed his musky fingertips into her mouth. Linda cleaned her girl goo off his fingers, and looked down at the floor when she had finished this task. She was to ashamed to look him in the eye after her abject submission. Takashi spoke briefly to Shelley.

"He wants to turn around and bend over. Spread your bum-cheeks with both hands."

Linda grimaced, but did as she was told. Takashi chuckled as he looked at her wide hips and slapped her big rump playfully. He admired the abstract design that Linda had chosen for her tramp stamp, and lifted up the bandage to inspect her new tattoo. He squatted down so he could get a better look at her pink and her stink. Pushing his index finger into her sex, he got it wet, and then jabbed it into her tight, puckered poop-hole. Linda gasped at this painful, humiliating violation of her special bathroom place. Nobody had ever touched her that way before. Takashi said something to the girls, and they giggled.

"What did he say?"

"Still a virgin!"

?"Tell him it's an exit, not an entry."

Now it was Shelley's turn to laugh as the Takashi and Midori looked to her for an explanation. When Shelley translated Linda's statement, the two burst out laughing, and Takashi said something that provoked another round of mirth from all three. Midori got up and walked to the skeleton closet. Linda looked puzzled.

"What did he say?"

"He begs to differ."

Midori returned with a bottle of lubricant, and knelt down next to Shelley. Takashi spoke to Shelley, and then dropped his pants and started rubbing lube on his dick. While his member wasn't long, it was about as thick as a beer can.

"He wants you to grab your ankles."

Takashi spoke briefly to Midori, who crawled over to Linda and started tonguing, licking, and spitting on her brown stinkbud. Linda tensed up, expecting an imminent assault on her dirt-pipe, but it didn't arrive. Midori continued the anal foreplay, while Takashi spoke with Shelley, and then stroked his thick, veiny cock while she spoke.

"Before the fun begins, he wants to explain your new job. This is a pink salon. You will give or perform blowjobs, handjobs, and sumata as required. Sumata is rubbing your vajayjay against the customer's pecker. You will occasionally be called upon to perform in movies, or do special services, like you are about to do now, for his friends."

Shelley finished speaking, Takashi moved forward and Midori moved out of the way. Linda could feel the tip of his prick rubbing against her asshole. She yelped as he tentatively stabbed at her chocolate starfish, than shrieked in pain as he forced it past her sphincter muscle. This was the first time Linda had ever had anal sex, and making it even worse was the knowledge that this violation was happening in front of an audience. An audience that was giving her advice.

"Just try to relax. Push out like you are taking a poop."

Linda just wailed as tears rolled down her eyes. If she had thought the violation of her vagina had been painful, she now stood corrected. It felt like a beer can was being shoved up her bottom. She wailed again, but Takashi was relentless in his assault on her anus. Gasping for breath, Linda ground her teeth and then yelled as Takashi began moving his cock in and out of her ravaged rectum.

"Try grunting. It helped get my mind off the pain the first time I was sodomized."

Following the more experienced skank's advice, Linda grunted in time to Takashi's thrusts, as her boobs swayed back and forth. It helped with the pain somewhat, but it took away what little dignity Linda had left in this situation. Takashi had transformed her into a fuck-pig. She tried to relax and focus on other sensations, like the slapping of his big balls against her chunky thighs. Takashi said something, and Midori moved behind him and started licking his asshole.

"I love it when he bends me over. It's so submissive. It makes me feel like a woman to be taken that way."

One of his hands moved off her hips. Two fingers slid into the side of her mouth and pulled the skin back. She was astonished. The sick fuck had just fish-hooked her. As if this experience couldn't get any more degrading, he had to find a way to take it to another level. His other hand slipped away from her hip, and he fish-hooked her on the other side her face. Spreading his fingers apart, Linda's mouth was forced into a gruesome grimace, her teeth bared as Takashi buggered her bumhole. After awhile, he put his hands back on her hips and pulled her closer to him as he rammed his cock up her pooper. Midori pushed her face deep into his ass crack and tongued his asshole in a bid to bring Linda's misery to an end. Shelley giggled as she watched the anal rape.

"Girl, you aren't going to be able to shit right for a week."

The thrusts picked up pace. Linda was glad that Takashi was almost done abusing her hiney. A load grunt from Takashi and the sensation of his seed filling her bowels signaled that he had finished doing his business inside of her. It felt so good when he pulled his cock out of her dumper. She stood there stupidly for a moment, gripping her ankles, until a loud fart, followed by a small turd, tumbled out of her gaping shithole. Sexual humiliation was unexplored territory for Linda, but her limits kept on being pushed further and further back. Her face burning with shame, she stood up and turned around to face Takashi.

Takashi pushed her down to her knees. The smell was awful, and Midori scurried to the bathroom to get some towels to clean Linda's accident up. Linda was confused. She thought she was finished. Shelley smiled ruefully at her and explained Linda's new task.

"Now clean him. We all do it."


A sharp back-hand across the face caught Linda off guard. It stung, and fresh tears rolled down her cheeks. Shelley looked fearful now.

"Clean him. You saw what happened to Shiori."

Holding her breath, Linda gingerly took the soiled penis between her two fingers, and tentatively wrapped her lips around the head. For some reason the shaft looked even worse than the head. It was coated in greasy brown lube and smeared with fecal stains. Linda nibbled and licked the head of his cock. Becoming more bold she sucked and cleaned the head for a few seconds before she started gagging and retching. Shelley smiled ruefully at her.

"Not bad. You'll get used to it."

A sharp rap on the head from Takashi reminded Linda that things could get ugly quickly. She picked up the base of his cock again, and started sucking and tonguing it vigorously, pausing every once and awhile to make sure it was clean. She found that if she held her breath it didn't taste as bad. A grunt from Takashi signaled that he was happy with her efforts. After pulling up his pants he took out a thick money clip full of 10,000 yen notes, and stuffed a wad of bills into Shelley's hands.

"C'mon. I got some mouthwash you can use and some pills to take. Then we can go shopping."


Shopping with Shelley before their shift started at the pink-salon was a brief oasis of happiness in Linda's otherwise horrible day. While Takashi was adamant that all his trainees bare their charms for the entire duration of their month long apprenticeship, he knew that letting the new girl wear stockings and some accessories only further emphasized her nakedness and shame. While she wasn't allowed to wear any clothes inside the pink salon or when she was at home with Takashi and Shelley, she was allowed to wear a coat and shoes outside. Linda was given a duffel coat that came down to just above her knees for their shopping trip. The girls wore it outside when they were trying to attract customers on a cold winter evening.

A vintage army surplus wool overcoat that fell just below her knees, a chullo style wool hat, canvas sneakers, and a weeks worth of thigh-high striped socks, silk stockings, garter belts and stripper pumps were picked out from the various boutiques that lined the shotengai. The girls made their final stop at the salon before she made her debut when the pink salon opened for business that day. Linda felt like such a dirty little skank wearing nothing except her stockings, wool-hat, and canvas sneakers underneath her overcoat. It was still quite a rush to see Shelley peel off the all the yen notes from the small roll Takashi had given her. Maybe being a whore wasn't such a bad career move after all.

The owner of the salon, a Brazilian lady named Maria, had followed a similar career path as Shelley and now Linda. Maria had the same kanji tattoo as Shelley and Linda on her right buttock, as well as the same red lettering and brand on the left butt-cheek that Shelley had. Pushing her bleached blond hair over her bronze front shoulder, she removed her shirt and lowered her pants and g-string down to her thighs to show off the dragon whose head started just below her shoulder and tail ended just a quarter of an inch above her anus.

Although sucking cock was no longer how Maria paid her rent, she was ready to drop to her knees the minute her master snapped his fingers. After Linda's hair had been bleached and the hair had been waxed from her pussy, Maria vajazzled Linda's vajayjay. Linda primped and preened in front of the salon mirror, wiggling her little hiney as she looked back at her reflection with a saucy smile. Takashi had made a good call - the blond pixie cut made her look as young as a college freshman. She felt like a porn star, and ready for whatever the pink salon threw at her.


Linda stood at the back of the pink salon, wearing nothing except her stockings and the chullo style wool hat. Her crotch glittered in the dim light of the pink salon. Both Shelley and Midori were contentedly suckling on cocks like little baby calves on an udder. It looked simple enough. The girls would greet the customers at the door, and make some small talk as they lead the customer back to the booth. After assisting the customer with the removal of his pants, underwear, and shoes, they would do a quick pecker check, and clean his willy with a baby wipe.

They would then remove the sole garment that Takashi allowed them to wear on the job, and would squat down on the customer's lap. Watching the girls perform sumata made Linda's gash wet. Foreplay consisted of rubbing their wet pussies against the john's cock. Later, they would start blowing him, unless instructed otherwise. The johns would finger their pee pee holes and grope their boobies while the girls sucked them off. Once the john had finished blowing his wad in their mouths, the girls spat or hacked up the john's seed as discreetly as possible into a basin they kept nearby for hand towels, lotion, and baby-wipes.

The door bell rang and Takashi pushed her forward. This was it. Her face was slightly flushed when she opened the door to greet the customer. The older salary-man's jaw hit the floor when he saw her. He didn't look her directly in the eyes. He just stared at her big tits, and then suddenly honked them. She blushed harder, and motioned for him to come inside. He kept pinching and slapping Linda's fat dumper as she led him back to the booth. It was humiliating to be treated like a sex object, but at the same time it was kind of a turn-on for Linda.

He gave her the money for half an hour, and Linda knelt down and pulled off his pants. She inspected his penis carefully, than cleaned it with a baby wipe. He sat down on the wooden bench and Linda removed her thigh high socks. She was about to take her wool hat off, but he stopped her from doing so. Linda sat down beside him. The bench felt cool against her hot little pussy. She could feel herself getting wet in anticipation of what they were going to do.

The customer was intrigued by the posts that pierced her tits, and he poked, prodded, pulled, and pinched her nipples for a few minutes. He bowed his head so he could suckle her breasts, and it made Linda's pussy burn with desire when he pulled and pushed the posts with his tongue and his teeth. His hands moved down her groin, and he ran his fingers over her bald gash, and then gently slipped a finger inside her. Linda cooed with pleasure. He pulled his finger out of her twat, and stuck it in her mouth. She enthusiastically cleaned the pussy juice off of his fingers. She straddled him, and squatted over his penis, rubbing her wet cunt up and down his prick. It felt so good as it rubbed against her clit, and the john drove her wild by sucking on her nipples while she did this. After a few minutes, he pushed her head down and she lost her balance, landing on her big bum. She took the hint and got back on the bench. Lying down on her side, her fat, white ass hanging over the edge of the bench, she put her head in his lap and began to suck him off.

She gently pushed back his foreskin, and took his dick into her mouth. The task was surprisingly easy. The john wasn't very well-endowed, so Linda was able to swallow him whole. He moaned with pleasure as her head bobbed up and down on his dick, her tongue moving up and down his shaft. The stud on her tongue must have provided a novel sensation, as he came quickly, and flooded her mouth with semen. With what little remained of her dignity, Linda dribbled his seed as discreetly as she could into the basin.


It had been a long day. Shelley had quickly changed into a denim mini-skirt, a ribbed turtleneck sweater, and a leather car coat. She had sold her thong to a john about a couple of hours ago, and had been walking around in a plain black g-string when not blowing clients since then. She ran outside leaving Midori and Linda to clean up the pink salon now that it was closed. Shelley returned just as they were finished cleaning, with a digital camera, a tri-pod, and a huge Tosa dog on a leash.

Takashi had set up a brazier and stuck an iron in the charcoals. Midori rummaged around in the spear closet, and returned with a bridal veil and a pair of white silk stockings. Midori pulled off Linda's wool hat, placed the bridal veil on Linda's head, and helped her remove her thigh high socks and put on the white silk stockings. Linda laughed nervously as she eyed the brazier and the dog. Shelley had gotten undressed and explained what was going to happen next.

"Don't worry. We've all had to fuck the dog, and since we're foreign, you'll have to take the brand."

Linda was at a loss for words, and just moaned when Shelley broke the news to her. Takashi was busy setting up the tri-pod and camera to record Linda's final humiliation of the day . Shelley pushed Linda down on to her hands and knees while Takashi adjusted the camera angle. The tube of lubricant made a loud farting sound as Shelley squeezed out a generous helping onto her fingers and massaged it into Linda's pussy. First one finger, than two, than three, and finally four, slipped inside her and turned her tight vagina into a wet, gaping maw. Despite herself, she was now wet with desire and her cunny burned with anticipation.

Midori worked at getting the dog ready. She put socks over its paws, then jerked and sucked it's penis into a state of erection. Midori continued to lick and stroke the dog’s shaft and balls as she led the dog over to Linda. He sniffed her rump before licking her labia and anus. He lapped away at her pussy, his tongue slipping in and out of her folds, occasionally rubbing up against her clit. Against her will, Linda groaned with the pleasure as the canine licked her snatch. The Tosa wasn't one for foreplay however, and leaped on Linda's back. Midori guided the dogs cock into Linda's cunt, and the dog began to rut her. Linda groaned as she felt the dogs knot fill her up. She was beyond embarrassment and humiliation now. After the gang-rape that had occurred less than twenty-four hours ago, all she felt was intense pleasure and pain.

The dog emptied his balls inside her quickly, but she remained tied to his knot for a good fifteen minutes. She had kept her head bowed in shame during this ordeal, and when she looked up she was rewarded with the sight of Takashi's "O" face as he shot his baby batter down Shelley's throat. She looked so content sucking on his penis. Her mouth formed a perfect "O" around his cock. While Linda crouched on the floor, ass to ass with the panting dog, Midori went to the spear closet and led Shiori out on her leash. The ropes had been removed from her body, but the hooks still held her nose back in a snout like shape. Shelley went to the spear closet, and brought a dog dish full of rice. When the dog pulled out of Linda, Shelley spoke up.

"Squat over the bowl of rice and squeeze the jizz onto it."

Like the well-trained little bitch she had become, Linda did as she was told. Midori slapped Shiori on the ass, and the bald girl crawled over to the bowl and began wolfing down the sticky treat. Takashi filmed it all with his digital camera. Midori and Shelley retrieved some rope from the magic spear closet, and with help from Takashi, hog-tied Linda. Shelley sat down on Linda's back, in an effort to keep her from wriggling. The brand was the most painful thing Linda had experienced yet. It was quick and mercifully brief, but the smell of burnt flesh, urine, and feces lingered in the air. When the hot brand had touched her flesh, Linda had voided her bowels and bladder in shock and fear. Shelley got off of her, and Takashi cut her loose. Linda lay in her own filth for a few minutes too stunned and in too much pain to do anything else.

Shelley knelt down beside her and lifted her head up. She kissed Linda full on the lips, and slipped her some tongue. The girls enjoyed this intimacy for a few minutes, and then Shelley reluctantly pulled away and stared dreamily into Linda's eyes.

"We'll be together forever."

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The Cursed Salon or Be Careful What You Say Out Loud. A Halloween Tale by Maria Ski. "Bimbo...!" the term echoed across the street. This caused Natalia to pause and look towards the pair of boys wondering which one held yelled the phrase. At 5' 8" Natalia was anything but a bimbo. She owned and managed 'Bella Bella' a high class beauty salon. The blonde woman looked as one of the boys made a sudden dash to get away, whilst the other ran and tripped. She walked towards the fallen...

4 years ago
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Elizabeths Salon for Men

Elizabeth's Salon for Men New York City, Spring, 1958 "This is just delightful, Nadine. So how has the day of grooming for my sweetie been finalized?" "Oh, Mrs Webster, I'm sure both you and your husband will be delighted. We're starting him off in the mechanical exercise room." "Are you putting him on the roller machine or the belt massager?" "Both. Since he requires some work, we're giving him 15 minutes on the rollers, 15 minutes with the belt massager, emphasis on the...

2 years ago
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The Salon Assistant Part 7

When I got inside the house I immediately rushed upstairs so that I could lock myself in my room and divest myself of the blouse, culottes and camisole set that had been my travel clothes for the journey home. I made it upstairs into my room and waited a few minutes for the inevitable knock at the door from my mum. The knock never came however and, after cautiously popping my head out of the door and shouting for her, it became clear that my mum wasn't home. 'Where was she?' I thought...

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The Sisters Salon

The Sister's Salon by Beth Setup Carol called her best friend and college roommate, Samantha, " I think John is cheating on me. Can you come over, I need to talk with someone." Carol had been the stronger woman in school, but Samantha really liked Carol and wanted to help her. "I'll be there in 15 minutes," Samantha answered. "What can I do Samantha," Carol weeped. " John has a good job with a future, and we have this nice house, and a great life. But lately he's been...

1 year ago
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Airport To Salon To Perfect Sex

Rhea was on a three months event project in Bangalore. It was winter’s time and she was working for Sunburn in Bangalore. I was working in an Advertising Agency as a Creative Director. Finally, the event was a big hit and she arrived in Mumbai after three months. Me: Rhea baby, what time is your flight landing in Mumbai. (WhatsApp) Rhea: Honey, I am landing at 7 in the morning. Rhea wanted to have a vacation in Goa, but I was busy with my office. Rhea was upset. It had been long we haven’t...

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Gracie 04 Fucking the Fat Little Pig

Gracie and I had a Big Day Out on Monday, the Queen's Birthday Holiday. There were events on all over town and we went to a free concert in the Park and I discovered that Gracie shares my love of classical music, especially the baroque. They played Vivaldi, Brandenberg Concertos and Mozart and we lay on the grass in the sun enjoying the music for hours. We had lunch on the Boardwalk and strolled along the riverbank than sat and watched the boats on the river. We stayed till dark and watched the...

3 years ago
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Sissy Beauty Salon Part 4

"I am ready to do whatever Annie desires during these two weeks of vacation for her and two weeks of whatever is in store for me." (Jim - Sissy Beauty Salon, Part 3) That is what I said and that is what I mean. ___________________________ I had just asked Annie what she was going to have done at the Salon and what I should have done to me. I was really interested in her answer. I am not sure whether my need for an answer was because of dread, anticipation, anxiety, wishfulness, or...

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Elizabeths Salon For MenThe First Visit to the Upstairs Salon

Elizabeth's Salon for Men~A First Visit to the Upstairs Salon by Ginny Wolf New York City mid-October, 1958 Ed Preston, a wealthy stock broker, was having a hard day. For the last three months his wife had been sending him to Elizabeth's Salon for Men. Today he was enduring his first trip to the establishment's very special Upstairs Salon. Along with his three close friends- Charlie Finegan, Ben Humes and Nate Evans- he was scheduled for a complete day of beauty, arranged with...

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Cherish Fuckpig

PrologueOink lifted up her chubby leg and concentrated for a few minutes. The urine came out first in a spurt from her fat, bald cunt, and then quickly turned into a steady stream as it splashed against the bark of the tree. The yellow water trickled down to the ground and some of it pooled around her knee. Oink didn't mind it all. She was used to doing her business outside. It had been many months since she had sat on a toilet to drop a deuce or take a piss. When she was finished her master...

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Nail Salon Experience 1

Nail Salon Experience By Denise Disclaimer: This story is written as an autobiographical experience. All names have been changed unless they have asked to be identified. No reproduction is allowed without written permission from the author. Please enjoy it in good health and happiness. *I wish to thank those that commented on my first story. I do hope that you find this more in line with your positive suggestions. For several months I have lived in a new community, far away...

1 year ago
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Making of a Raunch Pig

The Making of a Raunch Pigby:  [email protected] would love to hear from anyone that read the story....Chapter 1pig is not sure where to begin, so it will go back far enough to at least letthe reader get a feel for its life. It was about 20 years ago when pig fullyrealized that it was placed on this earth to be a slave for SUPERIOR MALES.At the age of 16 pig knew  that it was meant to serve and needed to be used inorder to feel complete.  pig came to this realization because every time it...

4 years ago
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Pentonbridge Pig

Chapter 1 - Arrival"Bitches Out!"The bellow of the guard was followed by the almost musical tinkling of chains. Chains attached to cuffs at each girls' ankles; connecting upwards to a belly chain and onwards, on the shortest of links, to wrist cuffs, forcing the girls to hold their hands tight to their waists, elbows snug in at their sides. These travel-chains by no means made it easy for the girls to negotiate the step down out of the bus, down to the dusty tarmac outside Pentonbridge...

2 years ago
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Hair Salon Ready

Hair Salon, Ready ? by: Susi Tony was an older dom guy I had met through the net. He came on pretty strong and invited me to have a drink with him. Well, you know, one thing led to another, and suffice it to say I am now involved in one of the most intense physical relationships you can imagine. Tony is a very assertive masculine 48 year old master who likes very femme submissive guys, which suits me. As a 39 year old femme guy I had had a few casual relationships but nothing...

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Sissy Beauty Salon Part 2

Dear Ladies, and that is what you are, isn't it? Please allow me to step out of the story for a few minutes. We will return to Jim and Annie very shortly. But first let's explore what a Beauty Salon really is. (Please don't drool on the computer screen) A Beauty Salon is a place, a business, maybe even a state of mind, which exists for the sole purpose of enhancing the femininity of the women it services. As their femininity is strengthened, they become prettier, more alluring,...

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The Salon Assistant Part 2

After I finished tidying up the salon Becky ushered me out with an air kiss and a pat on my rear. "Hurry up sweetie or you'll be late for your bus. I'll call you at some point during the week to get all your details and agree your pay and stuff." I left and started to make my way, slowly, towards the bus stop. My head was in a fog of confusion with what had just happened to me. Yesterday I was an awkward, unemployed, teenage boy with an unruly explosion of curls on his head and today I...

3 years ago
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Masters introduction of the new pig

My Master put me through many months of training me to be HIS pig the way he DESIRES his pig to be for him and even though I l My Master put me through many months of training to become HIS pig the way he DESIRES his pig to be for him and even though I learn quickly he has very high standards of the type of pig slave I was to become in order to serve him as he wishes to be served as well as become the pig he could be proud to show off to his BDSM friends.  It was only a few months ago...

4 years ago
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Creating The New You Salon Part One

Creating The New You Salon Part One By Shayla Elizabeth Five weeks ago I was driving home from work and decided I needed to get a haircut. I figured up in my head that it had been about six weeks since my last one, so I was due. The last women that had been cutting my hair for the past seven years had decided that she was going to stay home with her two young children so she would no longer be able to do my haircuts. Soon I found myself pulling into a strip mall near to my house,...

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Sissy Beauty Salon Part 5

Jill's Beauty Salon Behavior Modification and Strength of Discipline (male clients only) Selection Chart Real Woman 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Abject Sissy ________________________________ Our appointments were for early in the morning so that we would have the whole day at the salon. The drive was in the middle of morning rush hour. The majority of the cars around us were driven by men on their way to their chaotic jobs or young women putting the last touches to...

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The Pig

The PigThis story is fiction and is meant for the entertainment of adults. But be warned, there are such pigs out there and such masters too.The Pig at HomeThe Pig kneels in the middle of the room in the required position, bare assed naked of course, which is how he always is except for the rare times I take him out. He kneels with legs tucked under him, legs spread wide so dick and balls are on full view, back straight, tits arched out as far as possible, head bowed, his nice crop of dirty...

2 years ago
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New U SalonBack In Business

(A special thanks to the community of superstories without your help it wouldn't nearly as good as it is now) January 1 2010 Reputation: Loathed Respectability: Not Even Close Income: $400000 Debt: $400000000 “New U Salon closing down from bankruptcy” Says the Headline. “The Allegations surrounding the business and its alleged mind control devices has finally caused the business to shut down. While they have never being proven the rumors surrounding the business has led to its final backers...

Mind Control
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Samantha Returns part 1

Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Samantha Returns (part 1) All of her programming told her to stay, but all of her natural instinct told her to flee. For 2 years, the programming had won out. Besides... where would she go? But this time, it had gone too far. Fearing for her life, she fled. She ran to the only place that she could think of. Cassie arrived at the salon just before 8:00 AM as usual. She approached the door and turned the key to unlock it. "Cassie..." she...

4 years ago
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Sissy Beauty Salon Part 6

I turned from the giggling stares of those women and at Annie's instruction proceeded her by about five feet down the sidewalk, past shops staring to become busy first thing in the morning. I passed several mean and women on the walk to the salon. Some noticed the lipsticked man walking towards them and some did not. I really was more concerned about what was about to happen to me at the salon. We finally arrived at the salon and Annie held the doormen for me. The smell hit be at once....

3 years ago
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Ashs New Look Remix Salon Roquet

Ash sighed as he cupped his hands behind his head. It had finally come; the day of the Pokemon League tournament finals. He had beaten all the rival trainers, he had claimed all the badges, and in a few short hours he'd be standing before his final opponent, the winner claiming the title of Pokemon Master. He'd already gone over every battle strategy and possibility in his head, chose his perfect team of six, and was ready to face whatever that jerk in the other stand threw at him! Of...

1 year ago
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Master Rewards his Cunt Pig

Master Rewards his Cunt PigI had been Master’s property for over two years before he rewarded me with my number one sexual fantasy for being such a good slave.  Over the past two years I had been my Master’s slave in training.  Within the first two months I was ordered to move in with him so my training could progress to being full time and my only priority in life.  I was thrilled beyond belief when Master told me this was going to happen and as of this point I had formally become His...

4 years ago
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Salon Visit

SALON VISIT by Brenda I arrived at my hotel and got checked in around 1 in the afternoon. Another trip to NY, this time for a softball tourney. 4 days with no work worries. Just relax and play a few games. The hotel staff might look at me a bit funny but I was here for a gay softball tournament so I could get away with dressing as I pleased, even if that meant being mostly in drag. I really didn't care what most people thought. I don't play until tomorrow afternoon so there is...

3 years ago
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Beauty Salon Receptionist II

Beauty Salon Receptionist Person II In my first installment, I detailed how I came to work as a beauty salon receptionist assistant. Now, I want to detail how I became increasingly feminine. It wasn't something I necessarily wanted. But there was no escaping becoming 'one of the girls.' After working for a year at the salon, it was time for my annual review. Tammi, my boss, was to conduct the review with Rebecca, the salon manager. As you know, Rebecca had once worked as my...

2 years ago
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Becoming Dawn Chapter 2 Salon Day

The Hair Mania by Lara salon screamed trendy, even to me, and I had no idea what trendy was. The only car in the parking lot was a cherry red 500SL. This struck me as odd for a number of reasons; I was not a car guy and could barely tell one car apart from another. To know not only who manufactured the car, but what kind and year it was and the specifications of the car on sight, such as the type of motor, was weird. It was almost as if someone had downloaded the information into my...

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Piggy Pig

Dust covered everything, fine gritty sandy dust,  The dark brooding mountains surrounded us but the yellowish dust covered everything, yellowish dust stirred up  by everything that moved except the Camels as they glided along loaded down with drugs and explosives and turbanned killers with Kalashnikovs, and sugar and fertiliser for their improvised explosive devices IEDs. It was an IED that killed my friend "Toby" Judge and led to the Regiment dragging me away from the lush green fields of...

1 year ago
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Piggy Pig

I am absolutely sure the British Army would never behave like this. Any similarity between any characters and anyone living or dead is probably unavoidable though unintentional. PIGGY PIG[ The scene, somewhere in Afganistan. Dust covered everything, fine gritty sandy dust, The dark brooding mountains surrounded us but the yellowish dust covered everything, yellowish dust stirred up by everything that moved except the Camels as they glided along loaded...

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Bond Street Beauth Salon

Bond Street By: Denise On Friday I was in the West End on business and as I had arrived an hour early I decided a Coffee and sandwich would fill the time quite well. I found a nice pavement cafe, ordered my food and drinks and seated myself outside in the sunshine [quite rare in London] and began to enjoy my meal. I then realized I was sitting opposite a smart and very expensive Beauty Salon and it was in full swing with many clients coming and going. This was the kind of Beauty Salon...

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Prize Pig

Introduction: Jessica a young girl at the county fair is forced to take her fathers, pigs place when it is killed in a fire, will she win?. Prize Pig Story: #12 Copyright 2005 Written: January 05 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: PiasaBird2004 Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** In a strange world before cannibalism, where actual pigs a cows were used for meat instead of human females we...

2 years ago
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Salon Visit

“Jasmine.” “Jaz,” the voice resonated in my head pulling me from my pleasant slumber. “What?” I muttered. “You said you wanted to get to the salon early,” my mother stated. I gently rolled onto my side to look at the alarm clock. "Oh my God it's 10:40, how did I sleep so late!" I yelled as I launched myself from the bed and ran into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, ran a washcloth over my body, pulled my hair back, sprayed some light perfume over myself, throw the short sundress that was...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Casey Part 1 of 2

Total Transformation Salon & Spa - Casey (Part 1 of 2) Casey grew up with a privileged life as an only-child. His father had cashed out of the dot-com boom at just the right time. But that all changed one day when his parents were killed in a plane crash. 22 year old Casey was suddenly alone. Money was not a problem - he had plenty. But the years had taught Casey that most friends along the way were drawn to him because of the cash, not because of Casey. That bred an...

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New U Salon

New U SalonThe Erotic Mind-Control Story ArchiveTitles · Authors · Categories · Readers' Picks · FAQ · What's New · Message Board · Make a DonationAuthor: Zon19Story: New U SalonNew U SalonBy Zon19(mc, md, gr)The following is a storyline that was started on the BE Archive's Adventure, "Unending BE." Feel free to visit the archive or its extendable addventure at This particular story was written by myself and L.E. through the extendable addventure. I have compiled and...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Cathleen and John Part 1

Total Transformation Salon & Spa: Cathleen & John (Part 1) "You look great and I love your hair," Cathleen said as she ran into her neighbor Brenda in the store. "Oh, thanks! I feel great. I started going to that new salon downtown. They're amazing! And I'm trying to get Bill to go with me," Brenda replied. Cathleen smiled and laughed, "ya, I bet I'd be able to get John to go, too. Right!" "It's such a beautiful place. The owner, Bri, is a sweetheart and...

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Ashs New Look Salon Rockt

Ash yawned heavily as he wandered the town. He and his friends, Dawn and Brock had stopped off to pick up some supplies, but there was no gym here nor any decent Pokemon trainers. He was bored out of his skull. As Ash sauntered along the pavement, a bright pink neon light caught his attention. Glancing up, he saw the flashing words: Salon Rock?t. Salon Rock?t... that sounded familiar to him somehow. Deciding to check it out and see if there's anything suspicious, Ash opened the door and...

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Halloween and the Salon Stylist

Halloween 2014 "Halloween and the Salon Stylist" "Oh just sit down Tommy and hush. You said we could dress you up as a woman and you agreed to work this way all day today. It's Halloween silly," Shelly said holding the cape and waiting for him to sit in the styling chair. The other girls in the shop stood and watched as they giggled in anticipation of Tommy's transformation. It was early in the morning and all the stylist and the nail tech were all here to...

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Salon Spanking

Salon Spanking        ‘It’s a bit weird don’t you think’ hissed Marina conspiratorially. Louise bit back the temptation to reply that this was a bit rich coming from Marina. To be fair, the gothic work-experience girl who had arrived a couple of months earlier, and immediately been nick-named Lisbeth after Stieg Larsson’s heroine, had become, well, a little less weird since the stylists at ‘Cutz’ had been let loose on her.And it was strange, really. Middle aged men didn’t often venture into the...

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Prize Pig

Story: #12 Copyright ©2005 Written: January 05 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: PiasaBird2004 Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** In a strange world before cannibalism, where actual pig's a cow's were used for meat instead of human female's we find ourselves at the 10th annual county fair where a some what strange pageant is about to take place. Jessica a short busty,...

3 years ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa The Beginning

Total Transformation Salon & Spa - The Beginning (part 1) Christine had made all of her money "the hard way" - growing up with nothing, she married the right guy and when he passed away, she inherited a fortune. She also inherited an attitude where she thought she was the financial genius that her late husband had been. She was always drawn to materialistic things - in life as well as in investments. So when the business plan for Total Transformation Salon and Spa came across...

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The salon sluts part 3

Suzi felt uncomfortable as she walked into The Adult Toy Store. She had to park two blocks away and with her short skirt and heavy makeup she had been approached four times by men who thought she was out turning tricks. Once inside, things hadn’t gotten much better. She imagined everyone in the sleazy place was a pervert and her mere presence had solicited everyone’s undivided attention. She was amazed at the selection of filthy items. Most of the things, she had never seen or heard of...

3 years ago
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Miss Priss Salon

Miss Priss Salon By Cheryl Alison It was Friday morning, and I had planned to get a haircut at my usual barber a few miles away from the downtown business district. However, my secretary dialed my cell phone and informed me that a new meeting popped up on my schedule at 10:00. I couldn't make it to my barber to get a haircut and back for the meeting, so I thought of my wife's friend, Marie. She runs a beauty salon a few doors down the street from my accounting firm. I quickly...

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Salon Questionnaire

Welcome to Julie's Salon where we have been catering to the needs of Mistress's and their sissies since opening our doors. Thank you for showing interest in our services, we are a full service salon catering to the special needs of dominant women and their sissies. The object of this questionnaire is to better serve your desires and the desires of your submissive. Please answer as many questions as possible for it will help us better shape your desires. Mistress Name: Sissy's...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Brenda and Bill Part 1

Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Brenda and Bill (Part 1) Brenda took the mail from the box and started to sort through it. Along with the normal bills and other junk mail was a discount flyer to a local salon - Total Transformation Salon and Spa. Just that morning she had looked in the mirror and though that she needed to find a new place. So "junk mail" turned to good timing. She called and made an appointment for Thursday morning. Brenda arrived a few minutes early and...

1 year ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Jennifer and Mark Part 6

Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Jennifer and Mark (Part 6) Mark was awestruck at the image before him. Heather was one of the most sexy and stunning women he had ever seen in his life - with her clothes on. Now, stripped to her panties and bra he was beyond words. He just stared trying to process what he had just heard... and what he was seeing. "If you could look like THIS... would you do it?" Heather said. "You look... perfect!" Mark said. Heather giggled. ...

2 years ago
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Studio Salon Jezebel Introduction

This is my first contribution to and is part fantasy, part reality as to the story content. It's actually much more autographical than I'd like to admit but it's actually very authentic and real as to my experience to date. If the feedback is positive, I'll continue to write additional chapters. Studio Salon Jezebel - Introduction I'm feeling in a bit of a fog while starting this but a better description is probably that I'm in a sort of virtual reality where...

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The Salon Assistant Part 6

I woke the next morning with the feeling of a hand rubbing my bottom through the silk nightdress. As I opened my eyes I found myself staring into Becky's beautiful deep, dark eyes and she gave me a long and lingering kiss. "Morning sweetie," she greeted me with. "Time for a wee bit more practice, I think." Struggling to get some focus, and deal with the slight hangover I had, I stared at her looking for a bit more guidance on what it was she wanted me to practice. Becky stroked...

1 year ago
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Swallow Salon

SwallowSalon! What’s the worst thing about being stuck inside thanks to coronavirus? It’s a fucking shame we can’t hit the bar or bang strangers off an app, and I’ve heard a lot of broads complaining about not being able to visit the hair salon. That’s why I think everybody is going to be pretty happy to find out SwallowSalon is still open.You’ll still have to mangle your own hair with a pair of scissors and a mirror, but can help take care of that clogged-up feeling you may be...

Premium Blowjob Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Gracie 02 Squeal Like a Pig

Gracie and I hit Clancy's on Friday night, the night after we had met, full of excitement and optimism. We were up for anything. One guy or two guys, whatever we could get. Two sluts on the prowl, looking for cock. Gracie was so uninhibited and it was catching. She made me feel uninhibited and comfortable with my slutty nature. We planned our night at Clancy's, to pick up a guy, take him home and fuck him, the way we would have planned a shopping trip. Gracie was so different to my girlfriends,...

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Wed to a Pig

As usual, just like forest fires, it all started with a small ember, the idea that animals should have better rights, should be respected as much as humans. Protecting animals from slaughter required increasingly stronger legal protection, and it only took half a century for this idea to be extended to its ineluctable conclusion: the Declaration of Animal Rights of the 6th September 2069. Note that this not only applied to domestic animal like cats and dogs, but now also extended to cattle and...

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Josies Visit to the Salon

Josie's Visit to the Salon ? by: Josie Girlyc This was bringing tears to my eyes, as I saw what Holly had done to me. Holly was smiling from ear to ear. But before I finish telling you what I looked like let me start from the beginning of this humiliating day. I knew that I had my normal Tuesday salon visit; every Tuesday and Friday I have a standing appointment with my wife's girlfriend Holly. Holly owns a salon called the 'Big Teeze'. Part of my wife's revenge is that I have...

2 years ago
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Heidis Salon

I had just graduated from college and gotten a job working in a bank. I had my own place, and my life was coming together. I was having pretty good luck finding all of the good places in town; the best deli, the best dry cleaner, the good supermarket. But I hadn't had much luck finding a good place to get my hair cut. I tried several before I saw a salon that looked nice. I walked into the salon and the receptionist said that Heidi had an opening as soon as she finished with the...

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