Creating The New You Salon, Part One free porn video

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Creating The New You Salon Part One By Shayla Elizabeth Five weeks ago I was driving home from work and decided I needed to get a haircut. I figured up in my head that it had been about six weeks since my last one, so I was due. The last women that had been cutting my hair for the past seven years had decided that she was going to stay home with her two young children so she would no longer be able to do my haircuts. Soon I found myself pulling into a strip mall near to my house, which had a new salon that had just opened. The Salon was called "Creating the New You Salon". I decided to give it a try, thinking it would be easy to get my haircut at a place so close to my house, I should have thought that decision through more. As I walked through the door the familiar smell of a salon greeted me, although at the time I had no idea what the smells were, I soon would be finding out first hand. The smells didn't bother me. I had been getting my haircuts done at salons for years. It was obvious that the salon was new, it had what appeared to be the latest high tech shampoo sinks and hair dryers. I walked up to the front counter and waited a few seconds before a very attractive brunette women came out of a back room. She was wearing a multicolored pleated skirt with a form-fitting sweater, her makeup was perfect as was her hair. As she walked up she had a very inviting smile. She introduced herself as Sasha and asked me how she could help me. I said, "Hello, my name is Troy," and I proceeded to tell her my story about needing a new person to cut my hair. She told me she was sure she could help me out but first I needed to fill out form so she could create a file on me, so she claimed. The form was quite detailed asking questions such as age, weight, height, body measurements, natural hair color natural eye color, marital status etc. I filled out the form and handed it back to her, she looked it over approvingly and said that I would do nicely. I was a little puzzled by that comment but thought whatever. After completing her review of the form she led me back into her private hair studio. She told me, as we walked, that the other two women that worked there had taken the day off so she was the only person there and if I wouldn't mind could she locked the front door before "getting down to business," as she put it. I said that that was fine, I immediately felt at ease with her. As we entered her private studio she had me sit in her styling chai. As I did she said she would be right back after she locked the front door. Several moments later she came back and asked what I had in mind. I said that all I really needed was a trim. This is when things took a turn. Sasha ran her fingers through my hair, which was a sandy blond color and fairly short and said, "Do you trust me?" I said, feeling a little bold, "Sure, what did you have in mind?" "How much time do you have for me to work on you tonight?" she said with a little flirt in her voice. "I have all night, I have no plans, I am in your hands," I replied, trying to flirt back. "Great, I have something planned for you that is very different then what you might expect," she said with a smile. "First, I think you would be much more at ease if you had something to drink, wine perhaps?" I said, "Sure," never being the kind of person to pass up on a merlot. Sasha had me wait in the chair while she filled a glass with wine in another room. She had my take a few large swallows of the wine before wrapping a flowerer cape around me and easing me into the shampoo bowl. She had just started the water when I felt a little funny. My body felt very heavy but my mind was perfectly clear. I tried to move my arm but it would not budge. She asked me if I was feeling Ok and I told her that my body was suddenly frozen. She giggled a bit and said, "Yeah, the wine works wonders, without it you would never allow me create the new you, so lets get started." I should have been terrified but the wine must have dulled my panic reflex as well. As she washed my hair she began laying out what her plans for me were. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. First she informed me that the length of my hair was simply unacceptable and that after a thorough washing and a deep conditioning she would begin the necessary hair extensions, which she laughingly referred to as Step One. She informed me that she wanted to do something much more extreme with my look than what she normally did for her "clients". She said that she had just received the latest in high tech extensions and that I would just love having hair down to the small of my back. "You are just going to love how it feels against your bare skin when you are wearing an off the shoulder gown." All I could do was listen in shock, I had no desire to feel my hair against my bare skin while wearing an off the shoulder gown, I was a man not a women. I managed to say this to Sasha but she just flashed that smile and said she figured that was what I thought and that would change, me being a man she clarified. Sasha then proceeded to inform me of Step Two. Step Two, she said, would consist of my hair and the extensions being colored. Again she wanted to go down the extreme route with me, I was to have the darkest brown hair with lots of blond and auburn highlights mixed in. This, she told me, would take several hours in itself but the end results, she assured me, would be worth it. For her maybe I thought. My god what is this women thinking. Before she started explaining Step Three she had completed my shampoo and was applying a thick, creamy substance, which had a very flowery scent, to my hair. The substance, I could only assume, was the deep conditioner she spoke of earlier. She then proceeded to put what I thought was a plastic bag over my head. "We need to put you under the dryer for five minutes, the conditioner we are using is heat activated, we need your hair to be in the best possible shape for tonight's activities," she said with a grin. She then rolled over a hairdryer and placed it over my head, turned a few dials and warm air started to flow over my head. Then she said she had things to prepare and that she would be back in five minutes. This was very unnerving to me, I had never been under a hairdryer much less with a plastic bag on my head. As the five minutes passed I got more and more freaked out, was this some sort of hidden camera show being filmed and I was the victim, or was this women serious about changing my hair so drastically? After the five minutes were up she came in pushing a cart full of what looked like hair. My god, she is serious, I thought. The strands seemed to range in length from eight inches to more then thirty inches. They were a little lighter in color than my hair color but she explained to me that when applying hair color to the entire head, including extensions, it is better to start with lighter colored extensions. "Oh that's great to know," I mumbled sarcastically, because in my current state that's about all I could do. She lifted the dryer off my head, removed the plastic bag, tilted me back into the shampoo sink and began rinsing out the conditioner. "Your hair feels wonderful, you should feel it, oh that's right you can't move, sorry," she said with a laugh. Once Sasha had completed my rinse she again put me under the dryer, this time for longer as my hair had to be dry for her to attach the extensions, she explained. She again left the room to as she put it, "continue her prep for my lovely new look." It must have been about fifteen minutes this time when she finally arrived, this time pushing a cart filled with a total of seven boxes of hair color, four of which were different colors and three of which were the same color, aluminum foil pieces. Five small brushes and various other items that I did not recognize. She again turned off the dryer and moved it across the room. "Ok, are you ready for Step One?" she said cheerfully? I mumbled, "NO," and she retorted, "I didn't think you would be, but I am, so here we go." With those words she began what turned out to be a four-hour process. Sasha told me, as she began, that normally she uses one strand of extension per four natural hairs, but for the look she wanted for me she would be using two strands per four hairs. This meant that the process would take doubly long, but she assured me she was up to the task. She started at the back of my head at the hairline and worked her way forward, occasionally reminding me about how wonderful this new hair was going to feel around my shoulders and down my back. First she would separate out a line of hair and hold the other hair out of the way with numerous clips. She would then take individual hairs and attach the extension, how exactly, I am not sure but she was sure to inform me that the only way to remove them after they were attached was by cutting them out. Sooner then I cared to I could begin to see Sasha's handy work. Hair, my hair now, falling down over the back of the salon chair and coming to within twelve inches of the floor. My heart was racing and I could feel my panic level increasing with each strand she let fall, but there was nothing I could do to stop it. Roughly one hour into the process I just tried to ignore what was happening to me, I tried to tell myself that when this was done I would have it all cut off and I would sue this women for all she was worth. Two hours into this hell with half my head now sporting hair down to my rear I heard the front door to the salon open and I heard a women say, "Hello Sasha, I am here to do his nails." 'No way,' I thought. 'Can this get any worse?' Sasha told me to hold on a bit as she left to greet this new addition to, what was obvious to me now, my feminization process. A few seconds later a very pretty blond women followed Sasha into the room. Sasha introduced her as, "Tiffany, your manicurist." 'This is just great.' I thought, but I didn't have the energy to verbalize my thoughts. "Tiffany," Sasha started, "I think sculptured nails would be the best thing to apply on Troy here. I was thinking of having you do them in pinks and whites, you know the ultimate feminine French manicure." "I believe the length should be about 1/2" beyond the finger tip. What do you think?" Sasha asked. "Sounds perfect to me," Tiffany responded. "I will get my things and get started on Troy's nails immediately." With that Tiffany left the room to as she said, "get her things." This left me back in the clutches of Sasha, who quickly feel back into her routine of attaching the extensions. Ten minutes went by before Tiffany reappeared with her supplies to, "Do my nails," as she put it. As Sasha attached the numerous and every growing hair extensions, Tiffany set to work applying the requested sculptured nails with pinks and whites as Sasha had asked. First Tiffany prepared my existing nail and then using a special form she began to create the artificial nail using a powder liquid mixture. Soon my hands were sporting ten perfectly shaped 1/2" long tapered daggers. Shortly after that my ten new daggers were sporting a fresh, ultra feminine French manicure as requested by my chief feminizer, Sasha. All I could manage was to shake my head slowly as my nails and hair grew. Also during this time, Sasha left and returned with a syringe, she informed me that it was filled with a much larger dose of the same nerve agent that was in the wine because as she put it, "I wouldn't want my new model to get antsy and try to up and leave before he or should I say she is ready, now would I." Both women giggled over this last statement. Sasha also informed me that not only did the syringe contain the nerve blocker, it also contained a large dose of female hormones, which in time would grow some interesting glands located conveniently on my chest. With that having been said and with terror in my eyes Sasha proceeded to inject me with the feminizing concoction. Once the injection was administered, and over the overpowering smells of the application and painting of my new sculptured nails, Sasha picked up her explanation of Step Three. She told me it was important that I know exactly what is in store for me because it helps instill in me my enormous level of helplessness. Sasha informed me that after she was finished with the extensions and the coloring was complete the most major change to my gorgeous new mane would take place. Curls, long spiral curls. Even in my drugged state I let out a gasp, I could not imagine myself with spiral curls down to my rear. She went on to tell me how she planned to wrap my extended, colored and highlighted tresses in the most difficult and time consuming way to produce the most fabulous, tight, spiral curls. "The look I was after dictated this method," she said. She assured me that I would need some aspirin after if she had not given me the injection of the nerve agent first. She informed me that the shear pull of all that hair on all those tiny rods would certainly cause a headache. She guessed that she would be using at least one hundred and fifty if not two hundred rods to produce the uniform spiral curl she wanted my soon to be ultra long tresses to have. She went on to tell me that this would be a first for her, that she had never spiral permed this length of hair before, but again she was confident that she could pull it off or curl it up as she put it with a laugh. She said that she would be doing a piggyback wrap and that normally she would use two rods per section of hair but because my tresses will be SO long it will probably take three to four rods per section. Tiffany stopped applying the white tip nail polish to my new nails and gasped at this last revelation, saying that she felt for me because when she was younger she had hair to her shoulder blades and that she got a spiral perm once and that it hurt so badly she swore she would never put herself through that pain again and that was just the standard two rod piggy back perm not to mention three or four. Sasha just smiled and said I think he/she will be fine, not to worry your soon to be pretty little head. My heart continued to sink further with each new feminizing degree that was passed down to me by my Feminization Queen. I had no idea what I was going to do, I felt utterly defeated, which I now know was exactly what Sasha wanted. I played right into her hands. Having completed my nails Tiffany asked if she could do anything else. Sasha quickly put her to work completing my pedicure complete with the same pink and whites as my nails now had. Tiffany and Sasha completed the assigned task just about at the same time. Hair now hung down over my eyes by about six inches and my shoulders and back were completely covered in straight dark blond hair. I could feel hair below my arms, which were resting on the arms of the salon chair. I believe that all my hair had been extended by a minimum of thirty inches except for my new bangs. Sasha next informed me that it was time for Step Two, the coloring process. Had I really been in this chair with these two crazy women for over four hours? This had to be a bad dream. Sasha asked Tiffany if she would stay and help with the highlights, which would get started after the overall color was done processing, which would be in about fifty minutes. Tiffany said she would not miss this for the world and they both let out a laugh. Sasha then proceeded to apply three boxes of "Darkest Chestnut Brown #45" to my ultra long tresses. Sasha told me that I was about to become a brunette, and asked me how it feels. All I could do was shrug my shoulders. The weight on my head was tremendous with all that hair with all that colorant on it twisted up on top of my head. The application process of the base color alone took Sasha twenty minutes. With the colorant on and the timer ticking away Sasha had Tiffany pierce both my ears three times. I was in shock. Sasha hadn't said a word when suddenly Tiffany just appeared and said, "Ready for some earrings?" Sasha said, "Absolutely, how about three in each?" With these words Tiffany loaded the piercing gun six different times and gave me six different holes in my ears, complete with starter studs as they called them. Tiffany told me I would have to wait a while before I could wear big hoops or dangly earrings. 'Great,' I thought, 'just what I want to look forward to.' As the timer ticked away and as every minute passed sealed my fate to be a brunette more Sasha waxed both my eyebrows into an ultra feminine arch. The process, I am sure, would have been extremely painful had it not been for the nerve agent coursing through my body. All I could do was stare blankly into the mirror as slowly but surely my once masculine image was being transformed into that of a women. The arched eyebrows certainly didn't help this effect. While Sasha was performing the eyebrow shaping she told me that they would also be coloring my brows and eyelashes and not only that but my eyelashes would be getting a perm of there own very soon. I hardly heard any of this, as I was lost in thought over my predicament. The timer went off and I found myself back in the shampoo sink, only this time it took Sasha a long time to completely rinse out the excess colorant due to my extreme hair length. After the lengthy rinse and towel blot I was back under the dryer again. Sasha had told me while rinsing out the colorant that my new brunette locks would need to be dried before she could apply the four different shades of highlights she planned on using. I just could not believe how dark my hair now was, it with it wet it almost looked black. With my shaped brows and long dark hair I was already losing the old image of Troy. Thirty minutes later Sasha and Tiffany came back, lifted the dryer and proclaimed me ready for highlights. Sasha mixed up the four colors she was going to paint onto my brunette locks. Auburn, dark auburn, blond and dark blond were the shades she had decided to use. But she told Tiffany that she had better make up more foils because she planned on covering most of my new brunette color with one of these. She then set to work starting in the back as she had done with the extensions. Sasha would separate out strands of hair and place the foil under them and then dip one of the paintbrushes into a color of her choice and paint the strand and the foil. She would then move to the next alternating colors as she went. Within forty minutes I looked as though I could have pulled in message sent from the outer reaches of space. I had what appeared to be hundreds of these foils in my hair each with an alternating hair color. They fell all the way down the back of the salon chair and Sasha had to be very careful while walking around as to not disturb the ones previously completed. At 11:45 PM Sasha announced that the highlight application process was complete and proceed to place me under the dryer yet again, for twenty minutes or until the color processed to her liking I was told. Twenty minutes later I was again reclined back into the shampoo sink and all the foils were removed. My new highlighted tresses were again washed and deep condition in preparation for Step Three, the dreaded spiral perm from hell. I actually giggled to myself as I thought that, I was becoming delusional. As they lifted my long tresses out of the sink and turned the chair so I could face the mirror I almost passed out. My once sandy blond hair, which recently was changed to brunette, had now become a rainbow of shades of brunette, auburn and blond. It would scream ultra highlighted feminine hair to anyone seeing me, let alone the length would attract much to much attention and this was all before the mega curls that had been promised to me. What was I going to do, my god what! "I think she/he loves it, don't you Tiffany?" said Sasha as I just stared into the mirror at the women I was becoming. "Time for the most awaited process of all, the perm," Sasha said as the two of them broke down in laughter. A few minutes later Sasha came into the room pushing a cart overflowing with what I could only guess were perm rods. Pink, yellow and blue ones in different lengths but all very small in diameter. Sasha informed me that she would be using a combination of these rods and that the pink ones would be used the most. Thank God for that at least they appeared to be the largest of the three. She quickly set to work having Tiffany hand her what she called end papers. She started at the crown of my head and would only wind a third or as she work down the back of my head a forth and sometimes a fifth of the strand onto the rod. She would then place another rod above the previously placed one and wind it down to it. She would continue this until all the strand was wrapped, be it on three four or even five rods. At one point I heard Tiffany say, "My god," under her breath, "I don't know how he is keeping his head up," she continued. At this rate I began to feel the weight pretty quickly. I had not yet even become accustomed to the weight of my new tresses when wet, let alone with all these rods attached to them. Soon the whole backside of my head was wrapped and Sasha began calling for the yellow rods and then the blue rods as she worked her way to the front of my head. About two thirds of the way through the wrapping process my head could barely hold up the weight, it was a good thing that the rods Sasha was using now had become smaller and lighter. After two and a half hours of wrapping Sasha snapped the last perm rod into place over my forehead. She then proceeded to apply some very thick cream around my hairline and she also applied a strip of cotton around my entire head before applying four boxes of perm solution. My eyes began to water. I now knew what the smell I used to smell was when I came in for a haircut, but now it was being applied to me. "My goodness, we used over two hundred rods on your head girl," said Sasha with a giggle as she placed a plastic bag over my rods and placed me under the dryer for an hour minimum. Before placing me under the dryer Sasha proceeded to let me in on how a perm works, like I needed or wanted to now that. She said that the perm solution she applied softens the hair and the hair conforms to the rods it is wrapped on. Once the hair has softened enough she would rinse out the perm solution and apply the neutralizer, which will harden the hair in the shape of the rods thus creating fabulously long tight spiral curls. She said that I would probably lose about six inches in length due to the intense amount of curl. "Oh darn" I mumbled sarcastically. Time proceeded very slowly as I dreaded what these new curls would look like. The timer finally went off and Sasha inspected several rods by undoing them, pulling out the hair, and inspecting the curl. Not yet satisfied she said 20 more minutes and then your new curls should be perfect. Twenty minutes passed and Sasha came over, lifted the hood on the dryer and with help from Tiffany lowered me into the shampoo sink again. 15 minutes of rinsing later my rods were towel blotted and the neutralizer was applied. It had a sweet smell and was a welcomed change from the perm solution smell. Sasha informed me that I would need to get used to having hair smelling of perm solution because with all you have it going to retain the perm smell for a long time. 20 minutes and yet another rinse later Sasha began to remove the rods. I could not see because my head was still in the shampoo sink but soon she was done. After one more rinse she lifted my head, which now felt light, up and slowly turned the chair so I could inspect the damage. I was speechless, even without the nerve agent I would have been. What I saw in the mirror was a brunette, highlighted Lady Gadiva like person. The curls spiraled from my scalp down my head down my back and ended just a bit above my rear. What happened to the six inches in length I was supposed to lose? It was three to four inches at best. What was I thinking about, loss in hair length, my god I now had brunette highlighted spiral permed hair down to almost my butt and I was getting upset about only losing three inches in length. All I could do once again was stare at my image as Sasha applied styling gel and used a diffuser on a hair dryer to dry my now ultra feminine locks. By now the nerve agent was beginning to wear off and Sasha knew this so with Tiffany's help they attached leg and arm restraints to me so I could not move my arms or legs, just my head. As I turned my head my new tresses would move across my back a brush my neck and face. All I could hear was Sasha telling me how wonderful that feeling would be and now I was loving it first hand. What the hell was I going to do and what more did Sasha and Tiffany have in store for me?

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Sissy Beauty Salon Part 5

Jill's Beauty Salon Behavior Modification and Strength of Discipline (male clients only) Selection Chart Real Woman 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Abject Sissy ________________________________ Our appointments were for early in the morning so that we would have the whole day at the salon. The drive was in the middle of morning rush hour. The majority of the cars around us were driven by men on their way to their chaotic jobs or young women putting the last touches to...

4 years ago
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Sissy Beauty Salon Part 6

I turned from the giggling stares of those women and at Annie's instruction proceeded her by about five feet down the sidewalk, past shops staring to become busy first thing in the morning. I passed several mean and women on the walk to the salon. Some noticed the lipsticked man walking towards them and some did not. I really was more concerned about what was about to happen to me at the salon. We finally arrived at the salon and Annie held the doormen for me. The smell hit be at once....

3 years ago
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The Salon Assistant Part 5

I stood in front of the king-sized bed and replayed what Becky had just said to me in my head. "Did I hear that right?" I thought to myself. 'Did Becky, gorgeous, stunning, sexy, boss-lady Becky just indicate that there was a chance that I would be sleeping in the same bed as her tonight?' Then I remembered that on the train journey here she had said that she would have more fun with me than anybody else that works in the salon. My teenage brain was putting two and two together here...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Cathleen and John Part 2

Cathleen was curled up in the leather chair near the fire when John arrived home from work that night. She had a glass of red wine in her hand and another for John sitting on the side table. John could see that she was wearing her sexy pink satin robe. Unbeknownst to him, under the robe, she was wearing nothing but Kelly's red thong and her new blonde muff. And he could see that she had really made herself up. Like any guy, John loved a woman's eyes made up... and Cathleen had...

3 years ago
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The perfect Beauty Salon

The Perfect Beauty Salon By Darlene LeQueene Rating: 100 My Mistress was looking very hot today as usual with her light streaked platinum blond hair coiffed into a beautifully cut "bob" with bangs. Her makeup while extensive was very tastefully done with quiet a lot applied, but skillfully and artistic applied. She looked stunning gorgeous. She has a fabulous figure and her choice of outfit was a perfect fitted a Chanel type white suit for "ladies who lunch." She stood on 5" inch...

1 year ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Brenda and Bill Part 1

Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Brenda and Bill (Part 1) Brenda took the mail from the box and started to sort through it. Along with the normal bills and other junk mail was a discount flyer to a local salon - Total Transformation Salon and Spa. Just that morning she had looked in the mirror and though that she needed to find a new place. So "junk mail" turned to good timing. She called and made an appointment for Thursday morning. Brenda arrived a few minutes early and...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Jennifer and Mark Part 6

Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Jennifer and Mark (Part 6) Mark was awestruck at the image before him. Heather was one of the most sexy and stunning women he had ever seen in his life - with her clothes on. Now, stripped to her panties and bra he was beyond words. He just stared trying to process what he had just heard... and what he was seeing. "If you could look like THIS... would you do it?" Heather said. "You look... perfect!" Mark said. Heather giggled. ...

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The salon sluts part 2

John arrived at the Salon at his usual time. The parking lot was unusually empty and then it dawned on him. Barbi had followed his instructions and let all of Aunt Betty’s girls go. As he walked in, he noticed Barbi working on a customer while Sheila and Mitsi were just sitting in their chairs waiting for walk-ins. Sheila avoided eye contact, but she looked stunning even without make-up. She had obviously tried to play down her image. Her hair was combed down and flat to her head, but her...

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A Salon Fantasy Come True

A Salon Fantasy Come True By betsygirl I walked into the unisex salon to get my haircut. When I got inside, I was surprised that there were only the three stylists present. It must have been a slow time as there were no clients in the salon. One of the stylists, an attractive blond whose nametag identified her as Heather asked if she could help me. I looked her over and noticed that she had a black salon smock covering her outfit, which must have included a skirt or dress as I...

1 year ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Jennifer and Mark Part 4

Total Transformation Salon & Spa: Jennifer and Mark (Part 4) The next morning, Mark awoke in the same position he had fallen asleep - nuzzling with his beautiful naked wife. Without waking her, he began to run the back of his fingers down her left leg. He skin was so soft... so smooth... so warm to his touch. Jennifer pleasurably sighed in her sleep. Mark sat up slightly on his side, so he could enjoy more of the view of his wife. Her long auburn hair flowed across her...

3 years ago
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Sissy Beauty Salon Part 3

Annie and I are to leave for the beach Friday morning. We have a beautiful cabana type cottage at the end of a row of such cottages, directly on the beach. A virtually private span of pristine sand runs from the open veranda and our bedroom, right down to the crystal clear waters of the warm ocean. It is as private a setting as can be imagined. We have made love on almost every square inch of our property. We love it. And for the next two weeks, I have the feeling that Annie has...

2 years ago
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Judys First Beauty Salon Experience

Judy's First Beauty Salon Visit by Janis Elizabeth One of the joys being a teen-ager in the sixties and seventies is, that with the British music invasion of the Beatles, Dave Clark Five, etc., people had come to accept longer hair styles on men and boys. It was in that environment, that I was able to let my hair grow longer without getting a lot of grief from my parents. It was also one of those overt things that I could to be to be more like a woman. Yes, in secret, I was one of...

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Judys Beauty Salon Experience Continues

Judy's Beauty Salon Experiences Continue by Janis Elizabeth Prologue I managed to keep my new hairdo looking nice through Friday. I wore the sleep bonnet that I had gotten from Tina to help keep it that way. Additionally, I had purchased a pink plastic bouffant shower cap that I used each morning while I showered. As soon as I returned to my apartment, I had used the nail polish Tina had given me to paint my toenails pink. Reluctantly, though, I did remove the nail polish...

2 years ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Jennifer and Mark Part 1

Total Transformation Salon & Spa: Jennifer and Mark (Part 1) Jennifer arrived right on time for her appointment at Total Transformation Salon and Spa. It was her third monthly visit. She had heard that the salon was popular and her prior stylist at another salon had just moved out of town. So 3 months ago, when the flyer and special offer arrived in the mail, she had decided to give it a try. From the moment she walked through the door for the first time, she was impressed. ...

2 years ago
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The Cursed Salon

The Cursed Salon or Be Careful What You Say Out Loud. A Halloween Tale by Maria Ski. "Bimbo...!" the term echoed across the street. This caused Natalia to pause and look towards the pair of boys wondering which one held yelled the phrase. At 5' 8" Natalia was anything but a bimbo. She owned and managed 'Bella Bella' a high class beauty salon. The blonde woman looked as one of the boys made a sudden dash to get away, whilst the other ran and tripped. She walked towards the fallen...

4 years ago
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Beauty Salon Receptionist Person

Beauty Salon Receptionist Person Just two years ago, I seemingly had it all. I was Daniel Watson, mid- level executive with a leading apparel manufacturer. At age 39, I had a great bachelor pad, a BMW in the garage, and played golf at an exclusive country club on the weekends. At work, I had a beautiful corner office, with the hottest secretary on the planet. I hired Rebecca because she looked like Eve Mendes?but she was actually very competent as a secretary. She dressed in skin...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS10E17 Ashley Mathews 29 from Newcastle Northern Ireland

This week’s show begins with that same old rusty bedstead, and that same old dirty mattress. Pausing to take in the magnificent filthiness of it, then pulling back to reveal the bare concrete floor around it, and to take in the harsh lighting. And then we hear our guest of the week approaching, quick little footsteps ... Light clicks on the studio floor. We pan round to see what we’ve got this week and see a slight, pale, small-boobed lady walking in quick, short strides ... She’s not is a...

1 year ago
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Saturday at Elizabeths Salon For Men

This story is based on the works of author Ginny Wolf. Her writing is gorgeous and has been an inspiration for me. I haven't been able to contact her and do not have her approval for this attempt but hope she finds it acceptable. It is important that you read her works about Elizabeth's Salon before reading my continuation. There are three stories here on Fictionmania that describe Elizabeth's salon: Every Man Ought To Be Beautiful, Elizabeth's Salon For Men and Elizabeth's Salon...

2 years ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Samantha Returns part 2

Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Samantha Returns (part 2) 10 DAYS LATER Doug began to wake up. He felt his eyes opening but he couldn't see anything. He felt his arms and legs were restrained. His whole body felt restrained. He tried to remember where he was. He remembered going to the salon... meeting with the new owner, Brenda... being drugged! "Shit!" he thought. He took a deep breath to try to collect himself. "Oh, you're awake," he heard a familiar voice...

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The Sisters Salon

The Sister's Salon by Beth Setup Carol called her best friend and college roommate, Samantha, " I think John is cheating on me. Can you come over, I need to talk with someone." Carol had been the stronger woman in school, but Samantha really liked Carol and wanted to help her. "I'll be there in 15 minutes," Samantha answered. "What can I do Samantha," Carol weeped. " John has a good job with a future, and we have this nice house, and a great life. But lately he's been...

4 years ago
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Elizabeths Salon for Men

Elizabeth's Salon for Men New York City, Spring, 1958 "This is just delightful, Nadine. So how has the day of grooming for my sweetie been finalized?" "Oh, Mrs Webster, I'm sure both you and your husband will be delighted. We're starting him off in the mechanical exercise room." "Are you putting him on the roller machine or the belt massager?" "Both. Since he requires some work, we're giving him 15 minutes on the rollers, 15 minutes with the belt massager, emphasis on the...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Brenda and Bill Part 3

Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Brenda and Bill (Part 3) On Friday morning, Brenda and Bill arrived at Total Transformation Salon and Spa at their appointed time. Kelly and Julie were in the lobby waiting. And within minutes, the couple was changed and seated in treatment rooms 4A and 4B. ... "So, how was your week?" Julie asked. "Amazing," Bill replied. "So I guess you enjoyed my little suggestions when I hypnotized you?" "Well, it seemed to be more Brenda than me,...

1 year ago
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The Salon Assistant Part 8

I was roused from my slumber by a buzzing noise in my ear that, in my state of semi-consciousness, I assumed was a fly or a bee and tried to swat away. When this didn't work and the buzzing sound persisted I opened my eyes fully to find a grinning Becky standing over me and gently caressing my cheek with her small, silver vibrator. "Say hello to my little friend," Becky said, in her very best Al Pacino impersonation. "What? Don't you like the vibrations against your cheek, sweetie?...

1 year ago
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Airport To Salon To Perfect Sex

Rhea was on a three months event project in Bangalore. It was winter’s time and she was working for Sunburn in Bangalore. I was working in an Advertising Agency as a Creative Director. Finally, the event was a big hit and she arrived in Mumbai after three months. Me: Rhea baby, what time is your flight landing in Mumbai. (WhatsApp) Rhea: Honey, I am landing at 7 in the morning. Rhea wanted to have a vacation in Goa, but I was busy with my office. Rhea was upset. It had been long we haven’t...

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Elizabeths Salon For MenThe First Visit to the Upstairs Salon

Elizabeth's Salon for Men~A First Visit to the Upstairs Salon by Ginny Wolf New York City mid-October, 1958 Ed Preston, a wealthy stock broker, was having a hard day. For the last three months his wife had been sending him to Elizabeth's Salon for Men. Today he was enduring his first trip to the establishment's very special Upstairs Salon. Along with his three close friends- Charlie Finegan, Ben Humes and Nate Evans- he was scheduled for a complete day of beauty, arranged with...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa The Beginning part 2

Total Transformation Salon and Spa - The Beginning (part 2) Bri lead Christine down the stairs and into the main reception area for the Total Transformation Salon and Spa. At the front desk was a gorgeous young woman named Cassie according to her name plate. Another blonde but not at all the 'hooker look' of Kimmy. Long blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, subtle make-up to accentuate her natural beauty, modest breast size and impeccably dressed in a lovely knit form-hugging top, red...

2 years ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa The Beginning Part 4 of 4

Total Transformation Salon and Spa - The Beginning (part 4 of 4) Kristie was wheeled back into treatment room 5 through the back door. Julie and Bri were waiting. The intern slid Kristie back into the treatment chair, naked. Nobody would recognize Kristie. In the last 7 days, her entire body had been transformed. What had started as just a sweet duplicate of Julie's hair had turned into a completely transformed sex pot. Kristie had huge tits - at least double D's. Julie...

4 years ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Brenda and Bill Part 8

Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Brenda and Bill (Part 8) Brenda took Bill to the mall. First stop: shoes. They found the same pair that Brenda had in Bill's size. Now they really were dressed alike! But while they were there, they picked up a couple more matching pairs. Next was the obligatory Friday trip to Victoria's Secret. The panties that Bill picked out kept getting skimpier and skimpier! When they returned home, Brenda went into dominatrix mode. She brought Bill to...

1 year ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Jennifer and Mark Part 3

Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Jennifer and Mark (Part 3) The following afternoon, Jennifer drove Mark to Total Transformation Salon and Spa for his appointment. "Have fun!" Jennifer said as she put the car in park. "You're not coming in?" "No... I had my appointment yesterday. This one is all about you," she replied. She kissed him and said, "good luck!" "Good luck?" he thought as he walked toward the door of the spa. He opened the door to an elegant entry - and an...

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Nail Salon Experience 1

Nail Salon Experience By Denise Disclaimer: This story is written as an autobiographical experience. All names have been changed unless they have asked to be identified. No reproduction is allowed without written permission from the author. Please enjoy it in good health and happiness. *I wish to thank those that commented on my first story. I do hope that you find this more in line with your positive suggestions. For several months I have lived in a new community, far away...

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Hair Salon Ready

Hair Salon, Ready ? by: Susi Tony was an older dom guy I had met through the net. He came on pretty strong and invited me to have a drink with him. Well, you know, one thing led to another, and suffice it to say I am now involved in one of the most intense physical relationships you can imagine. Tony is a very assertive masculine 48 year old master who likes very femme submissive guys, which suits me. As a 39 year old femme guy I had had a few casual relationships but nothing...

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Pink Salon Fuck Pig

Linda’s jaw felt sore, and she was relieved when the taxi-driver filled her mouth with his seed. She swallowed out of resignation, and not because she enjoyed it. The flash from the cab-drivers cell phone camera blinded her as he took a picture of her with his dick in her mouth. Her c-cups had popped out of teddy and the posts that went through her nipples scraped and caught against the fabric of the car seat as her Japanese boyfriend plowed her aching vagina from behind. He was standing...

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The Salon sluts part 1

It was almost noon as John returned to his office downtown. As he reflected on the events of the morning, his thoughts turned to Suzanne. He imagined her at his beck and call. He would enjoy this new challenge, as unlike his usual playthings, this one was married. Somehow, manipulating another man’s wife made it seem all the more stimulating.As he walked past Jennifer, he couldn’t help but stop and tease her about her appearance. John enjoyed watching her squirm, especially knowing that she...

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The Salon Assistant Part 1

I'd been sitting in the waiting area of the hairdresser's for almost three hours but despite that my leg still hadn't stopped twitching nervously. I'd spent most of that time staring at the floor or my grubby Converse, although every now and again I couldn't help raising my gaze when a new customer came in just in time to catch their quizzical expressions or bemused stares. Can't say that I really blamed them for that though as I wasn't the type of sight that they'd normally see in an...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Casey Part 2 of 2

Total Transformation Salon & Spa - Casey (Part 2 of 2) Jessie wheeled a laptop computer on a table over to the chair. "Here we go... setting one," Jessie said as she typed a command into the computer. The machines started to hum. And the video screens in the helmet came to life. Casey was presented with a video image of a beautiful young blonde - naked. She looked gorgeous. The girl started to move like an exotic dancer and began to slide her hand down her chest to each of...

4 years ago
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Salon Visit

SALON VISIT by Brenda I arrived at my hotel and got checked in around 1 in the afternoon. Another trip to NY, this time for a softball tourney. 4 days with no work worries. Just relax and play a few games. The hotel staff might look at me a bit funny but I was here for a gay softball tournament so I could get away with dressing as I pleased, even if that meant being mostly in drag. I really didn't care what most people thought. I don't play until tomorrow afternoon so there is...

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Beauty Salon Receptionist II

Beauty Salon Receptionist Person II In my first installment, I detailed how I came to work as a beauty salon receptionist assistant. Now, I want to detail how I became increasingly feminine. It wasn't something I necessarily wanted. But there was no escaping becoming 'one of the girls.' After working for a year at the salon, it was time for my annual review. Tammi, my boss, was to conduct the review with Rebecca, the salon manager. As you know, Rebecca had once worked as my...

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Becoming Dawn Chapter 2 Salon Day

The Hair Mania by Lara salon screamed trendy, even to me, and I had no idea what trendy was. The only car in the parking lot was a cherry red 500SL. This struck me as odd for a number of reasons; I was not a car guy and could barely tell one car apart from another. To know not only who manufactured the car, but what kind and year it was and the specifications of the car on sight, such as the type of motor, was weird. It was almost as if someone had downloaded the information into my...

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Halloween and the Salon Stylist

Halloween 2014 "Halloween and the Salon Stylist" "Oh just sit down Tommy and hush. You said we could dress you up as a woman and you agreed to work this way all day today. It's Halloween silly," Shelly said holding the cape and waiting for him to sit in the styling chair. The other girls in the shop stood and watched as they giggled in anticipation of Tommy's transformation. It was early in the morning and all the stylist and the nail tech were all here to...

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Bond Street Beauth Salon

Bond Street By: Denise On Friday I was in the West End on business and as I had arrived an hour early I decided a Coffee and sandwich would fill the time quite well. I found a nice pavement cafe, ordered my food and drinks and seated myself outside in the sunshine [quite rare in London] and began to enjoy my meal. I then realized I was sitting opposite a smart and very expensive Beauty Salon and it was in full swing with many clients coming and going. This was the kind of Beauty Salon...

4 years ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa The Beginning Part 3 of 4

Total Transformation Salon and Spa - The Beginning (Part 3 of 4) Christine lay in the chair, feet locked in stirrups, legs spread and elevated. Naked except for her bra. "I feel kind of warm," Julie said, "I'm going to take off my bra. Is that OK, Christine?" "From her bliss," Christine whispered, "yes, Julie, please take off your bra." Julie came around in front of Christine reached behind, undid her bra and let it slide down her arms to the floor. Julie's perfect...

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