Ash's New Look Remix: Salon Roquet free porn video

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Ash sighed as he cupped his hands behind his head. It had finally come; the day of the Pokemon League tournament finals. He had beaten all the rival trainers, he had claimed all the badges, and in a few short hours he'd be standing before his final opponent, the winner claiming the title of Pokemon Master. He'd already gone over every battle strategy and possibility in his head, chose his perfect team of six, and was ready to face whatever that jerk in the other stand threw at him! Of course, he had been so excited that he had already made sure that everything had been done in advance. WELL in advance. So far in advance, in fact, that he now had far too much time to kill. So he had decided to take a walk in town. The streets were pretty much empty; made sense, it was so early most people probably weren't up yet. Heck, he'd even let Pikachu sleep in with Brock and Misty for the big day. His eyes skimmed through the signs of the various buildngs he spotted. The usual Pokemon Centre, Pokemart, the Daycare, Salon Roquet, the Bicycle Shop... He stopped and backed up a bit. Salon Roquet? Why did that name seem so familiar? His curiosity piqued, Ash took a quick glance around to ensure no one was looking, as he pushed open the doors to the feminine beauty shop and entered. * * * * * "Urgh, I can't believe we're doing this..." Jessie groaned as she buried her head in her arms at the main counter, her usual Team Rocket uniform replaced by a black top and long red skirt, a pair of spectacles framing her face. "Who's bright idea was it to re-do the Salon idea anyway?" "Your's." Meowth replied dryly, looking up at her with his chin in his paw, the other idly doodling on the carpeted floor. "It can't be helped, Jessie." James chimed in from his seat nearby, his arms folded. Like Jessie he too was garbed in glasses, a black top and red bottoms, though pants in his case rather than a skirt. "We need the money. The boss is tired of our bumbling and won't pay our salary until we send him a half decent Pokemon." "I KNOW!" Jessie yelled, slamming her hands on the counter and jumping to her feet, causing her male companions to jump back slightly. "I KNOW that! But this is where the League finals take place, so there aren't ANY worthwhile Pokemon to catch!" she gestured to the mass of R-stamped Pokeballs hidden under the counter. "And I know the Salon's our only option, but take a look around, James! It's the Pokemon League finals, so wouldn't ya know it; THERE'S NOBODY HERE!" "Excuse me." The sound of a fourth voice caught the terrible trio's attention, causing them all to wheel around in the direction it came from... and immediately leap back in terror when they spotted a familiar young boy. "It's the twerp!" James squeaked, cowering behind Jessie as Ash tipped his head to the side slightly. "What do we do, what do we do!?" "I-I don't know!" the aforementioned redhead hissed. "Meowth, think of something!" "How da heck am I supposed to come up wit' anythin'!? YOU're da brains of dis operation!" "Hey..." Ash frowned, folding his arms. "Don't I know you three from somewhere?" The three criminals immediately stopped trembling as they looked at the young trainer, keeping their voices low as they spoke amongst themselves. "He... doesn't recognise us?" "I knew he was dense, but dis takes da cake..." "Hm... I have an idea..." Ash raised his eyebrow as the three strangers whispered between one another. Just as he was about to throw up his arms and leave, they suddenly straightened up, friendly smiles on their faces. "Welcome, welcome sir! To Salon Roquet, the number one beauty salon in all of Kanto!" the woman with long red hair stated with a wide smile as they approached him. "Indeed!" the blue-haired man added. "And, as today is the finals of the Pokemon League, we're doing a special deal; all customers receive a full extensive makeover absolutely free!" Ash felt his face pull itself into a cringe. A makeover? No way were these creeps putting any of their girly frou-frou junk on him! "Uh... th-thanks, but... no thanks..." he stammered out as he backed up towards the door. He turned and made for the exit, but the two beauticians were faster and he found himself being pulled back. "Oh, darling, we INSIST!" the redhead grinned, her smile changing from friendly to fiendish in an instant as Ash was shoved into one of salon chairs. Before he could even protest, he felt tight metal cuffs snap around his wrists and ankles, binding him to the chair. "Huh?" he gasped, looking down at his restraints. "What're you doing? What the heck kind of salon is this!?" he demanded. The two adults both grinned widely as they threw off their clothes, revealing familiar R-adorned uniforms underneath, the male producing a red rose out of nowhere. "Prepare for trouble!" "And make it double!" "To protect the world from devastation." "To unite all peoples within our nation." "To denounce the evils of truth and love." "To extend our reach to the stars above." "Jessie!" "James!" "Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!" "Surrender now or prepare to fight!" "Meowth, we're closed for da night!" Meowth chimed in as he flipped the salon's sign from "OPEN" to "CLOSED". "No way! Team Rocket!" Ash yelled, pulling against his bonds. "That's right, twerp!" Jessie laughed haughtily. "We've definitely got you this time!" "Got me?" Ash smirked. "Too bad for you, Jessie! I don't have Pikachu on me!" "Ooh, we know..." James chuckled, sniffing his rose and tossing it over his shoulder. "But that doesn't matter to us today." A veil of confusion fell over Ash's face, as Jessie leaned close to his face. "You see, little twerp. We've had it with you. Every time, you show up and ruin our plans, and then send us blasting off. Well... now fate has handed us this perfect oppurtunity for revenge, and by Arceus are we going to take it!" James chuckled. "Meowth! Use Fury Swipes! Let's get those rags off of our 'customer'!" "You got it!" Meowth chuckled, drawing his claws and slashing at Ash rapidly. In an instant, all of the trainer's clothes were shredded, from his shirt to his hat to his underwear. "What the heck!?" Ash cried, his face reddening as he tried to press his legs together to preserve his modesty. Unfortunately the metal straps over his ankles ensured that wasn't going to happen. "James!" Jessie called out, glancing at her partner. "Pick out some clothes that will suit our new customer while I get him ready for his makeover." "Ooh... you got it, Jessie." James giggled, hurrying into the backroom with Meowth. "M-Makeover...!?" Ash gulped, looking up at the woman bearing down on him. "That's right, twerp. Makeover. You've humiliated us time after time after time... well, this time the shoe is on the other foot! And unfortunately for you, it's high heeled!" Ash gasped. She wasn't serious, was she? Surely she couldn't make him look like a girl! As he thought the idea over in his head, memories of the Celadon Gym fiasco came rushing back, and he insinctively shuddered. Oh yes... she could. "Now, for starters..." Jessie ran a finger down Ash's bare leg, electing another shudder from him. "Ooh, aren't you lucky? Guess I shouldn't be surprised that someone so young doesn't have so much body hair. Guess you don't need a waxing..." A sigh of relief escaped Ash's lips, but when he looked up he saw Jessie picking up a jar of wax, the image of a Litwick visible on the side. "...but let's be on the safe side!" she grinned, smearing the thick sticky goo over his shin. A thin strip of paper was placed over the area, and Jessie leaned in close, grinning as if bearing her fangs. "Brace yourself, twerp..." she hissed evilly, before yanking the paper off. A scream escaped from Ash's throat, much to Jessie's delight. "Ooh, this is going to be fun!" she giggled, smearing some more wax on his leg. "Time to pay the price of beauty, twerpETTE!" * * * * * Ash whimpered as Jessie tossed the used wax strips into the trash. His entire body felt like it was on fire; that redheaded witch hadn't settled for his legs, and quickly moved onto his chest, underarms, even his bikini area. He didn't understand how girls could withstand waxing; it was like torture! Ash was so caught up in his thoughts that he only vaguely noticed the feeling of something cold being rubbed into his skin. He glanced over and saw Jessie, her gloves gone as she rubbed a sweet-smelling lotion into his freshly-waxed skin. As she did, he felt the pain almost seem to vanish. "Just a special brand of lotion we created, twerpette." Jessie answered as if in repsonse to his confused expression. "We used some Grimer leavings as a base and Bellossom petals to cover the smell. It was pretty good; it keeps skin soft and smooth for several weeks. We tried to sell it, but unfortunately it has a side effect of making the skin a bit TOO sensitive..." She smirked as she finished on his leg, and lightly prodded the area she'd just rubbed. Ash couldn't keep himself from wincing in pain, despite the lack of power behind Jessie's "attack." "See?" she giggled cruelly as she quickly got to work on the rest of the boy's body. Within minutes his entire body from the neck down was smooth as a Wobbuffet's and as sensitive as a Skitty. "There... you're coming along nicely, twerpette." Jessie chuckled. Before Ash had time to answer back with a snarky comment, Jessie's boot pressed down on a pedal, causing the whole chair to lean back. Ash couldn't help but gasp from the sudden movement, as he found himself face to upside-down face with Jessie. "Now, let's do something about those little Wurmpless on your face." She grinned, holding up a pair of shiny tweezers. Ash clenched his eyes shut as she leaned down, taking a hold of one of his eyebrow hairs and yanked it out by the root. Another scream of pain came from Ash, and another frown came from Jessie. "Oh, shut UP, twerpette!" she commanded, suddenly digging her nails into the boy's delicate skin and dragging her nails down his chest. It didn't leave any last marks, but to Ash she might as well have slashed him open, getting an even louder scream. "Now shut up and hold still!" she ordered. Not wanting to explore how sensitive his new skin was, Ash did as he was told, clamping his mouth shut as Jessie continued to pluck his eyebrows. It was sore, no denying that, but it was nothing compared to what Jessie's nails felt like. After what felt like an eternity, Jessie stood back up and put the tweezers onto a nearby desk. "There we go! No girl worth her salt would ever be seen with eyebrows as bushy as that!" "I'm not a girl!" Ash yelled indignantly, but was silenced as Jessie tossed a thick green paste onto his face. "Same basic idea as the lotion, twerpette." Jessie exposited, spreading the paste until it covered everything on his face save his eyes. He felt his hair being pulled back and something clipping it, keeping it from falling onto his new facial. As if to add insult to injury, a pair of thick cucumber slices were placed over his eyes. "Now sit still..." she ordered as she pulled a chair over and sat beside him, a large gun-like object in her hands. She slipped the brat's earlobe into a small slot and pulled the trigger, a sharp needle stabbing through his flesh and piercing it with a large silver hoop. Having learned his lesson from earlier, the only sign of pain Ash showed was his face twitching into a wince briefly. Jessie nodded, satisfied before moving around and repeating it with his other ear. Nodding at her work and thankful for the twerp's lack of resistance, Jessie picked up a box and returned to her seat. Opening it up, she quickly got to work on the boy's bound hands, applying long false nails to the ends of his fingers and filing them into a feminine point. She was beginning to remember why she suggested the Salon idea in the first place, as she felt all of her stress seem to wash away. Of course, the fact that she was also getting revenge on the brat who kept tormenting her MIGHT have had something to do with it. Ash could only sigh as he stared at the backs of the cucumber slices hovering over his eyes. He had absolutely no idea how he was going to get out of this one. He guessed he'd just have to wait it out and when they finally let him go, he would head to the nearest police station and inform Officer Jenny. But for now he just had to deal with his "makeover" as he felt Jessie finish whatever she was doing with his hands and moved onto his feet. "Are you about done, Jessie?" James asked as he approached, his chosen outfit for their victim in his arms. Jessie smiled and stepped back, admiring Ash's pedicured toenails. "Just about. I just have ONE more thing to do, and then 'she's' all your's." Jessie chuckled. "Good! Because I picked out the PERFECT outfit! It's an indigo ensemble, which I felt would bring out the twerp's eyes while going with his dark hair, plus we ARE at the Indigo Plateau, so I-" "Don't care." Jessie interjected, her frown returning. "Just let's wait until his facial is done. I want him to see this next part first-hand..." "Ooh..." James grinned. "Would it be... THAT, by any chance?" "Oh, you know it, James..." Jessie returned the giggled. A loud DING signaled the end of Ash's facial, and the young boy felt Jessie finally pull the sticky gunk from his face, the cucumber falling to the ground. "There... now your face is as silky sensitive as the rest of you." Jessie grinned, softly running a nail down the twerp's cheek like a knife. Ash couldn't help but whimper; it didn't hurt, but it demonstrated how much it COULD hurt. "Now, twerpette..." Jessie smirked and picked up a pot filled with a pink goo. Ash panicked, expecting more lotion or waxing, but to his surprise Jessie dipped a paintbrush into it, and began to smear it over his chest. "Close your eyes..." she commanded. Shaking, Ash had no choice but to obey. He heard Jessie stand up, and then something soft suddenly pressed against his sticky chest. A few seconds passed and she let go, whatever it was tugging on his skin but staying put. "Now open." Ash opened his eyes, and nearly screamed once again when he saw what was attached to his chest. Boobs. A pair of boobs, at the very least a high B- cup if not full on C-cup, were hanging from his boyish (lack of) pecs. He grabbed one to try and pull it off, but it stayed put. He didn't understand; he knew fine well they were fake, and yet they seemed to blend in perfectly with his skin. He couldn't tell where he ended and they began. "Ditto-based breast forms, twerpette." Jessie's voice called his attention. "Like the lotion and face cream, we gathered some sheddings from Ditto and created prosthetics with them. They automatically copy the wearer's skin and are a hundred time softer and more realistic than most breast forms, making it virtually impossible to tell they're fake. They were pulled from the market when it was found out that wearing them for extended periods of time caused them to bond with your skin, becoming permanent..." She grinned cruelly and flicked one of Ash's new breasts, making them bounce. "So of course, that glue will make absolutely certain you'll be carrying them for a long time!" Ash stared at his new cleavage, his jaw hanging open, unable to think of anything to say. He couldn't believe it. He had boobs. Breasts. Knockers. Hooters. Whatever you wanted to call them. And... and unless he had misheard, Jessie was planning to make them PERMANENT? This couldn't be happening. It was all a bad dream. It had to be. "Hey. Hey!" Jessie snapped her fingers in front of his eyes, catching his attention again. "Anyway, I'd say that my work is done. Now, I leave you to my partner..." she chuckled and gestured over to James, a foot striking the pedal and forcing Ash to sit up with a neafound jiggle. "He'll handle the next part of your makeover." With that, Jessie sauntered off, taking a seat on a nearby couch as James approached. "My, my... Jessie really had her way with you, didn't she, twerp?" He asked with a smug grin. "Freshly waxed, lotioned and bustified, all before I even got to have my fun." "P-please, no more..." Ash whimpered, tapping his long nails against the chair's arms nervously. He had to get out of here. "Oh? But you only just got here!" James chuckled, draping the clothing in his arms around a nearby chair. "And trust me... you are going to look DIVINE when I'm done with you." Ash could only hang his head in defeat as James laughed, picking up the first item of his new outfit: a pair of pale pink panties, though with the way James held them Ash couldn't see anything other than the colour. The older male approached Ash with the panties in hand, and began to undo his restraints. Just before the final turn that would unlock his wrist, he turned his gaze up to meet Ash's eyes. "If you even THINK about running, fighting or kicking me, twerp, you're in for a world of hurt." He warned cryptically. Ash gulped; he didn't even know James could look intimidating, but there was something about his glare that made him realise he should probably listen. The restraints came off, and Ash just sat still as James slid the pink satin garment up his waxed legs, pressing against his privates and cupping his butt. "There... hmmm... Jessie, do you think the twerpette needs a bra?" James turned to his partner, who glanced up from the magazine she was reading. "A bra? Hm... well, her tits are pretty big. A bra would definitely help keep them from bouncing when she walks..." A grin rivalling a Banette's spread over her face. "So no! Let her go without one!" Ash whimpered as James laughed. "Gotcha, Jessie!" he grinned, picking up a bottle of indigo nail polish and beginning to apply coats of colour to the rapidly-less-of-a-boy's nails. Once all twenty of his digits ended in the pretty colour, James returned to the pile of clothing and picked up the next insult to Ash's masculinity; a skirt. Once again, James slid the skirt up Ash's legs and situated it around his waist; it was a pleated number with each side of the folds having a lighter or darker shade of indigo, giving it a striped appearance. Despite his young age, the skirt barely reached mid-thigh, ensuring that his waxed, lotioned, smooth legs would be on display for all to see. "Oh, Arceus..." Ash groaned, but James wasn't done yet. He picked up the matching top, a boob tube that would leave Ash's midriff exposed, and was held up by a pair of thin spaghetti straps at the shoulders. James immediately shoved the top over Ash's head, working his arms through the straps and making sure it cupped his breasts properly. Ash's face went as red as a tomato as he looked down; with the boobs, clothes and his manhood hidden, he was looking more and more like a girl by the second. "My, my, you're coming along nicely, twerpette." James chuckled as he slid a pair of indigo wristbands onto Ash's arms, taking care not to mess up his nails. Ash just gritted his teeth and said nothing as James moved on, hanging a indigo choker with a small tear-shaped pearl around the trainer's neck. "There we go. Just about done with your outfit. Although... something's missing..." James tapped his finger against his lips in thought. A feeling of dread came over Ash as a smirk came over James's face."That's it... if you're going to show your tummy... you should have something to show." Ash began to sweat as he tried to work out what the hell that was supposed to mean, as James picked up a needle. "Jessie, did you use the Grimer lotion or the Gulpin lotion?" he asked idly. "Grimer." Came the reply, and James chuckled. "Thought as much. Cover your ears then; because twerpette, this is going to HURT." He grinned as he leaned down to Ash's abdomen, needle in hand and a pearl piercing in the other. "Oh... oh please noooOOOAAAARGH!" Ash shrieked as James pierced his belly button, the lotion amplifying the pain as James worked the piercing into the hole he made. "Don't be such a girl, twerpette!" James scolded, then laughed. "Oh, well, I guess you don't have a choice, do you?" Ash struggled not to cry, from both the pain and the humiliation as he glanced down at the two pearls that now adorned his navel. What had he done to deserve all this? He didn't have time to think of that as James undid the clip in his hair, letting the shaggy black mop fall back into its natural position. "Oh my word!" James said with a tut. "Look at this... we'll have to do something about this ASAP!" With that he stepped on the pedal and Ash was forced backward once again, the chair turning until his head was resting on the rim of a nearby sink. As he was regaining his bearings, James's hands began to rub and grip his scalp, the running water moistening his hair until it was soaked through. "Hm... you know, twerpette, your hair is awful short..." James's face spread into a grin as he leaned over his captive. He picked up a green bottle and began to pour the contents into the sink, causing Ash's scalp to tingle. The young boy tried to get a good look at the bottle, but all he saw was the image of a cartoon Tangela on the side. "That should do..." James smiled and kicked the pedal again, thrusting Ash upwards and causing his hair to fly forward and slap his chest with a wet smack. Immediately Ash discovered the purpose of the green bottle as his vision was clouded by the soaking black forest that was now his hair; from a couple of inches on his scalp, his dark locks now fell past his shoulders. His vision was restored as James quickly brushed it all up into a large updo; a clip in place to keep it there, before he lowered the drier onto the poor boy's head. "There we go. Once it's dry, then we'll see if we can't get around to styling it." James chuckled, wheeling a small trolley over. "In the meantime, time for the funnest part..." Ash opened his mouth to scream, as James descended on him with a variety of brushes and cosmetics. Foundation, blusher, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, lipliner, lipstick... even makeup that Ash had never seen before was applied to his face. After what felt like hours, James backed off, smirking. "Oh, yes... now that's much better. So much more pleasing on the eyes, twerpette." He chuckled. Ash couldn't help but shudder fearfully; he was almost afraid to know how he must've looked now. Another DING came, and James returned to his side, lifting the dryer from the newly made-up boy's head. The clip was removed, causing the still-warm curls to cascade down Ash's face before James swiftly combed them back. The feminized trainer winced as he felt the brush roughly yank on his scalp, the hair tugging at the roots. Ignoring his pain, James quickly pulled roughly half of the long black locks up into a ponytail with a lilac hair tie, a matching hair clip holding the rest from falling onto Ash's face and instead forcing it to fall along his shoulders, framing his neck and chest nicely. A quick flick of the comb to brush aside Ash's fringe and his hair was complete. "My word, twerpette, I'd say you're our best work yet." James chuckled, dropping a pair of clunky platform pumps in front of Ash's chair and tossing a purse onto his lap. "Now get your shoes on and come with me, so you can finally see the new you." Whimpering, Ash did as he was told and slid his feet into the indigo coloured high heels, lifting his foot a full two inches off the ground and his heel six. He slowly stood up, wobbling from the shift in his balance thanks to his new footwear lifting him up while the intruders on his chest pulled him down. Gripping the thin strap of his new purse in one hand, he slowly stepped after James, cringing as a loud clop from his feet, a noticable bounce on his chest and a tickle on the back of his neck accompanied each step. "Ta da!" Jessie cried, whipping the cover off the full length mirror, and Ash let out a scream as he saw himself. His once short and spiky hair was now long and silky soft, tied up into a high ponytail on his head. His boyish face was coated in way-too-much makeup, giving him a trashy look despite his youth, which his short skirt and midriff-baring spaghetti top did not help, though the top did help show off his newfound cleavage. His manicured nails looked like they couldn't even hold a pen, much less pop open a Pokeball. There was no denying it; gone was Ash Ketchum, future Pokemon Master, and staring back at hm was Ash Ketchum, crossdresser. "What... wh-what have you DONE to me!?" he screamed, looking himself up and down in horror. "She likes it!" Meowth laughed mockingly, as Ash's face burned red. He instantly tried to yank his clothes off, only for James and Jessie to grip his arms tightly. "Ah ah ah... no stripping just yet. You can save that for your future boyfriend." James chuckled. "Boyfriend!?" Ash spat. "Yes, but for now..." Jessie's face grew into a devilish smile. "We here the Pokemon League finals are happening soon. Soooo... Meowth?" Ash's face went pale as he saw the Cat Pokemon approaching with a Pokeball, the front marked with the traditional R emblem of the trio's organisation. A quick tap on the button and a toss to the floor, and a yellow and white Pokemon appeared in a flash of light. "Hypno..." the humanoid Pokemon chorused, sitting up. "What... what are you going to do?" Ash asked, his voice quivering. "Oh, you'll see..." Jessie smirked. "Hypno! Use Hypnosis!" "Hypno!" the new Pokemon yelled, its eyes glowing. The last thing Ash saw before he blacked out. * * * * * "Come on, Ash, where ARE you?" Misty grumbled, checking her watch for the fifteenth time. The young trainer wasn't in the hotel when his companions had woken up, so they had assumed he'd left early. But when they got to the Stadium, there was no sign of him. They had looked all over for him, but the match was about to start and he was nowhere to be found. "Ah, come on, Misty." Brock said with a smile, passing Togepi and Pikachu some food. "It's not like Ash is going to MISS his big break." "Yeah, I know..." the redhead sighed. "But still... he didn't even take Pikachu." "Pii pika pi." Pikachu agreed. "I know what you mean, Misty..." Professor Oak grumbled, his arms folded in irritation. "Ash isn't the kind of boy to vanish like that without saying anything. It's most peculiar..." "He'll be here." Delia said with a determined nod. "I know my Ashy, and he wouldn't miss this for the world!" "I guess you're right..." Misty sighed, cuddling her Togepi close. "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!" a voice boomed from the speakers. "IT'S TIME FOR THE MOMENT YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR; THE POKEMON LEAGUE FINALS ARE ABOUT TO BEGIN!" The crowd went wild, as Misty let out a worried sigh. "Come on, Ash..." "IN THE RED CORNER, OUR REIGNING CHAMPION, THE BLAZING REIGN OF GLORY: BRRRRRRRIAN!" The red curtain covering one side of the ornate arena lifted, to reveal Champion Brian. He was a strong, manly looking man, with a thick beard and a well-chiselled jaw. His tattered martial arts gi looked black and burnt in certain areas, but that just meant it showed off his sculpted muscles. He chuckled, raising a Pokeball into the air to the cheers of the crowd. "AND IN THE BLUE CORNER..." "Come on..." "...THE CHALLENGER WHO HAS DEFEATED ALL EIGHT GYM LEADERS AND FOUGHT HIS WAY TO THIS MOMENT..." "Please, Ash..." "...THE SELF-PROCLAIMED POKEMON MASTER: AAAAAAASH KEEEEEEEETCHUUUUUUUUM!!" The blue curtain instantly raised, and Misty's eyes lit up when she saw a figure standing there. But her face instantly went blue with shock when she actually SAW the figure standing there. Ash calmly touched up his lipstick, checking his reflection in his compact to make sure he looked perfect, before clapping it shut and tucking his makeup away in his purse. He spun perfectly on his heels and strutted forward, hips pumping from side to side with each step. He looked up, seeing a close up of his face on the screen, and blew the audience a kiss with a playful wink. Instantly, whispers began to run through the crowd, the audience members quite clearly stunned at the young trainer's appearance and demeanor. Misty, Brock, Oak and Delia had their own reactions. Misty's face had still remained an unusual shade of blue as she tried her best to work out just what the heck Ash was doing. Brock's eyes had actually opened in shock, staring at Ash. He didn't know what disturbed him more; that Ash had turned up looking like that, or that he didn't look half bad. Oak's face had gone pale, and he had slumped into his chair, clutching his heart and gasping for breath. Delia just stared with wide eyes, her mouth flapping open and shut as she tried to find the words to speak, having gone completely into shock. Microphones extended out from the arena stands, Brian stepping forward to speak first. "Is this supposed to be some kind of joke, Ketchum!?" he demanded. "You DO realise who I am, right? Are you even taking this seriously?" Ash flipped his ponytail and leaned closer to the microphone. "Oh, I know who you are, Brian... you big hunk." Ash winked again, sending a shudder down Brian's spine. "After I win, how about we go out on a date... just the two of us?" he grinned, placing one hand behind his head and another on his cocked out hip. Delia promptly fainted. Brian felt his body beginning to burn with rage. This little brat was mocking him...! He growled and snatched a Pokeball from his belt and without waiting for the announcer, tossed into a ring. There was the familiar crack and flash, and his prized Emboar stood in the arena, pounding its chest. Ash pouted and fumbled with his purse for a minute before he pulled out a pink Pokeball, decorated with hearts. Doing an elegant pirouette, he tossed the ball into the ring. It popped out, and released a... Teddiursa. "Teddi!" the tiny bear cub cheered. Staring at the spectacle, laughs and jeers slowly began to emanate from the crowd. The Emboar stepped forward, its eyelids dropped halfway as if to say "Are you freakin' kidding me?" "Ursa, urs!" its opponent squealed, waving its arms in greeting. Emboar answered by punching it clean out of the arena, KOing it instantly. Ash let out a girly shriek at what had happened to "his" Pokemon. "Teddiursa!" he squealed, before looking at Brian. "You... you MEANIE! I'll show you! Get 'em, Bellosom!" Another pink Pokeball was tossed into the arena, and in a flash the hula dancer Pokemon was revealed. "Bello-" it began, before being instantly engulfed in the Emboar's Flare Blitz and keeling over. Brian folded his arms, glaring at the crossdressing trainer, who looked almost as if he was trembling. Ash's manicured nails quickly scrabbled through his handbag, looking at his options. "O-okay, let's do this!" he cried, tossing the Pokeball into the ring, to reveal... ...a Pichu. With a big pink bow around its neck. "Pichu!" it squeaked as it appeared. FWOOSH! "Pichu!" it squeaked as it fainted. The rest of the match continued in the same vein. None of Ash's Pokemon could even get off an attack against the Champion's Emboar, while the Emboar took every single one out with a single attack. Kirlia? Rock Smash. Liligant? Flamethrower. Sylveon? Scared away by a Roar. Before the feminized trainer knew it, he had been completely sweeped. Not one of his Pokemon remained standing, and he hadn't even put a dent in Emboar. His high heeled legs began to shake before he dropped to his knees. "I... I-I lost..." he spoke. His eyes slowly began to tear up, before he started to cry. And I mean CRY. Not like he let out a tear or two; he had his hands up to his face, eyes screwed shut, WAILING. The crowd was unimpressed as Ash's blubbering appearance appeared on the screen, and a chorus of boos and taunts began to echo through the stadium. Brian scowled as he recalled his Emboar and glanced back at the sobbing trainer. "Yeesh... what a pansy. Shouldn't even be here..." he grumbed before he walked away. "I... I hate all of you!" Ash shrieked, jumping to his feet and running out, still in tears as his shoes clomped on the floor, his skirt swishing behind him. "Ash...!" Misty gasped and jumped to her feet, working her way through the crowd. "Brock, you stay here and look after Delia and the Professor!" "Got it!" Brock nodded, still trying to wake up Delia and keep Oak from blacking out. * * * * * Ash leaned against the wall, his face still wet with tears he had unwilling cried. He couldn't believe what had just happened. He had lost... and made a complete fool of himself in the process. In front of thousands of people. "Well well..." James chuckled approaching the failed Pokemon Master. "That was quite a show." "You... you JERKS!" Ash screamed, throwing his purse down in anger, causing it to burst open and release its girlish contents. "This was my big chance! My ONE chance!" "I know! And now everyone will know the great Ash Ketchum is an adorable little tranny!" he laughed. Ash's face burned with rage, before he felt James' arm grip his shoulder. "Now come along, twerpette. We've got more planned for you..." "Like heck I will!" Ash growled and pulled back. James frowned, when he spotted a familiar redhead out of the corner of his eye. A smirk grew across his face, and without warning, he grabbed Ash's chin and pressed his lips against the youngster's painted ones. "MMPH!" Ash cried out, the last remnants of his Hypnosis-trance causing him to instantly wrap his arms around James' neck, lifting one high heeled leg. "A... ASH!?" Misty gasped as she approached, seeing the two of them. "You... i-it's TRUE!? And with... JAMES!?" Ash's eyes went wide and he pushed the Rocket grunt away. "M-Misty! I... i-it's not what it-" "Save it!" Misty snapped, turning away from him. "I should've known you were into this after Celadon. Have fun being a girl, you big fairy!" She stormed off without another word. "Misty... Misty, wait!" he yelled after her, but his calls fell on deaf ears as James chuckled. "Well..." the older boy smirked. "I guess that's that." "You..." Ash turned to glare at him. "You won't get away with this!" "Oh? Because it looks like we already have." James laughed, grabbing Ash's arm and dragging him back to the Salon. ~~ ASH'S NEW LOOK: SALON ROQUET Rmx - END ~~

Same as Ash's New Look Remix: Salon Roquet Videos

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Before I start I want to thank everyone who has gone before and inspired me to set my fingers to my keyboard. I doubt that I can match your efforts with identical quality, but I shall attempt it. There are far too many to list by name, so I'll leave everybody out and slight everyone equally. This is only part one, since I am posting this as I write it. This part is only the set up for the James/Maggie transformation, so I beg your indulgence for being long winded and a bit slow to get...

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Remix Chapter 1 Backbeat

Remix, Chapter 1: Backbeat By Brevdravis The first thing that James noticed was the stiffness in the right side of his face. As he opened his eyes, the pull of the skin along his cheek caused slight pain when the scabs upon it tugged. Judging from the amount of hardness along his face, he realized he must have torn the flesh from at least half of it. He began to open his mouth, feeling the small scrapes of metal on the inside of his lips. Braces, twisted and protruding, which...

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Remix Chapter 2 Bass Line

Remix, Chapter 2: Bass Line By Brevdravis Hubbard hadn't been gone more than five minutes, when James saw familiar shape of his mother in the hospital room's doorway. She stared at him with a sad look in her hazel eyes, before moving into the room without a greeting. Anne walked to the side of James' bed, and reached down to take his hand. She held it in both of hers, her eyes closing slightly. She took a deep breath, before she spoke, with the air of one who is about to announce a...

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Remix Chapter 3 Melody

Remix, Chapter 3: Melody By Brevdravis Getting his braces removed didn't hurt as much as he remembered. Of course, the last time that he had this procedure, his mouth had been a ravaged chunk of beef, with metal sticking into it at odd angles. The metal was still there, but the lack of injuries greatly lessened the inevitable discomfort. James ran his tongue over the teeth that sat solidly in their sockets. Apart from one tooth that jutted slightly on the lower left side of his...

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Remix Chapter 4 Harmony

Remix, Chapter 4 : Harmony. By Brevdravis Wardrobe was beginning to become a problem for James. Dejectedly, he tried pair after pair of his pants, noting how each of them reached the same point on his legs before they became uncomfortably tight. They were not too long, since he had not lost a centimeter of his height, but the crushing sensation about his hips made the garments virtually unwearable. Admitting defeat, he retrieved the pair of sweatpants that he had worn...

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Remix Chapter 5 Variations

Remix, Chapter 5: Variations By Brevdravis James did not recall having any dreams. His hands came up to rub at his face as he recalled how he had collapsed into bed only a few moments after arriving home yesterday. The light streaming in the window brought home how long he had slept. It must have been only four or five in the afternoon when he went to bed the previous day. The reflected light on the roofs of the houses showed it was indeed morning. Sunday. James groaned at...

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Remix Chapter 6 Breakdown

Remix, Chapter 6: Breakdown By Brevdravis James wondered if she could get away with sweatpants today. Although her mother's slacks were slightly more comfortable than the male clothes she owned, they ended at the bottom of her calves. Shorts were out, since the last thing she needed today was Randall humming a ZZ Top song whenever she walked by. James finally gave in to her initial idea, and pulled on the light grey sweatpants. Her mother would probably give her garbage about...

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Remix Chapter 7 Riff

Remix, Chapter 7 : Riff By Brevdravis The public bathroom was a small room covered from top to bottom with small tan tiles. James quickly entered one of the small stalls, and slid her shirt over her head. Again struggling with the clasp to the bra, she suddenly remembered a trick that one of her old girlfriends had used. She wrapped the bra about her bare stomach, and deftly fastened the hooks. Smirking, she rotated the item around herself and then pulled it up over her...

4 years ago
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Remix Chapter 8 Chord

Remix, Chapter 8 : Chord By Brevdravis Dinner at the Brandistock household was usually a semi-casual affair. Depending on the temperature, the family would either gather at the dining table, or near the fireplace. Heating in the old house was not exactly the most modern. The night was warm, however, and James joined the rest of her family downstairs at the table. The main course of the meal was a salad consisting of cold pasta and chicken. It was definitely a light meal,...

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Remix Chapter 9 Solo

Remix, Chapter 9 : Solo By Brevdravis After leaving the doctor's office, Anne and James quickly took a side trip to the local pharmacy, where an obviously amused clerk had filled the prescription for the pill. James was instantly reminded of an old George Carlin joke about having to get a note to get laid. They left as quickly as they arrived, and soon were once again traveling in the battered station wagon. "You've really been doing very well over the past few days,...

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Remix Chapter 10 Trance

Remix, Chapter 10: Trance By Brevdravis It wasn't the blood that freaked out James. Intellectually she expected the shock, and was prepared for it. It wasn't the cramps either, although they were a bitch and a half, creasing her lower stomach like a vise. No, the part about having her period that really pissed James off, was having to borrow a maxi-pad from her mother. Anne's smile at the request had been strange, half a smile and half a look of concern. Whatever thoughts were...

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Remix Chapter 11 Coda

Remix, Chapter 11: Coda By Brevdravis James inhaled deeply as she broke the surface of the water. The hotel pool that she was in was large enough to make underwater swimming fun. It had been one of her favourite things to do as a young man, and as a woman it had lost none of its charm. She made a mental note to take scuba diving lessons this time through. It had been something that she had always planned on, but had never found the time before. She rolled backwards, floating on...

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Remix Chapter 12 Forte

Remix, Chapter 12: Forte By brevdravis Of all of the reasons not to get into a sorority, James had to admit that death was a pretty good one. James sat in a dorm room. It was her new room now, still lacking all the little touches that made it home, but hers. It had been a pain and a half dragging all of her stuff from the truck which the sorority had graciously offered to let James use, up a flight of stairs to an elevator, then down the hall to her new room. The dorm itself...

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Remix Chapter 14 Fortissimo

Remix, Chapter 14: Fortissimo By Brevdravis The party was still in full swing as Maggie, Mallory and Beth trudged back towards the front door of the frat house. The music from the backyard was still loud in the air, but the party had returned to its previous state of drunken revelry. "Did you see Sherrie?" Maggie asked Mallory as they waited in line, patiently, near the drinks stand. A keg had been set up, with several people competing to be named "Tap Master." A young male...

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Remix Chapter 15 Untitled

Remix, Chapter 15: Untitled By Brevdravis "I'm not happy about the nickname," Anne commented as she and Maggie waited for the bags to arrive at the baggage claim. "It wasn't exactly my idea, Mom," Maggie apologized, regretting sending the student newspaper review of her concert home. It had been a whim, just to show her mom what she had been up to. "And the hair... You couldn't use a temporary?" Anne sighed loudly. "I didn't think of it," Maggie spotted her bag, and hefted it...

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Remix Chapter 16 Cover

Remix, Chapter 16: Cover by Brevdravis "Can we start over, Witch?" Sherrie asked, her face showing an earnest expression. "Start over, like how?" Maggie shrugged her shoulders, looking around the small coffee shop where Sherrie had asked to meet her. They were the "NEW" places to be, but if anything, Maggie felt out of place with the crowd. "Look, I don't know if you heard, but I got thrown out of the fucking band too," Sherrie explained. "Catalina decided that they really...

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Remix Chapter 17 Final Mix

Remix, Chapter 17: Final Mix. by Brevdravis "...Don't treat me like your little one," "Don't treat me like..." Maggie let the last word drop, not finishing the line of the song. It was a deliberate choice on her part, and always seemed to draw the audience into the final guitar solo of "Guitar Witch." It was a slightly angsty piece, and Maggie felt it might be a little too adolescent, but it fit right in with the crowds that she played to. It was a good song to finish the set...

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Rakhi Sawant remix

Rakhi sawant remix: “Ek pardesi meri BRA legaya, jate jate, mitha mitha, DOODH pi gaya. jane anjane mujhe pata na chala, dhire dhire khud ki MALAI de gaya.: friends comment me on my email at

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Ashs New Look Salon Rockt

Ash yawned heavily as he wandered the town. He and his friends, Dawn and Brock had stopped off to pick up some supplies, but there was no gym here nor any decent Pokemon trainers. He was bored out of his skull. As Ash sauntered along the pavement, a bright pink neon light caught his attention. Glancing up, he saw the flashing words: Salon Rock?t. Salon Rock?t... that sounded familiar to him somehow. Deciding to check it out and see if there's anything suspicious, Ash opened the door and...

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Creating The New You Salon Part One

Creating The New You Salon Part One By Shayla Elizabeth Five weeks ago I was driving home from work and decided I needed to get a haircut. I figured up in my head that it had been about six weeks since my last one, so I was due. The last women that had been cutting my hair for the past seven years had decided that she was going to stay home with her two young children so she would no longer be able to do my haircuts. Soon I found myself pulling into a strip mall near to my house,...

2 years ago
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New U SalonBack In Business

(A special thanks to the community of superstories without your help it wouldn't nearly as good as it is now) January 1 2010 Reputation: Loathed Respectability: Not Even Close Income: $400000 Debt: $400000000 “New U Salon closing down from bankruptcy” Says the Headline. “The Allegations surrounding the business and its alleged mind control devices has finally caused the business to shut down. While they have never being proven the rumors surrounding the business has led to its final backers...

Mind Control
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New U Salon

New U SalonThe Erotic Mind-Control Story ArchiveTitles · Authors · Categories · Readers' Picks · FAQ · What's New · Message Board · Make a DonationAuthor: Zon19Story: New U SalonNew U SalonBy Zon19(mc, md, gr)The following is a storyline that was started on the BE Archive's Adventure, "Unending BE." Feel free to visit the archive or its extendable addventure at This particular story was written by myself and L.E. through the extendable addventure. I have compiled and...

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The perfect Beauty Salon

The Perfect Beauty Salon By Darlene LeQueene Rating: 100 My Mistress was looking very hot today as usual with her light streaked platinum blond hair coiffed into a beautifully cut "bob" with bangs. Her makeup while extensive was very tastefully done with quiet a lot applied, but skillfully and artistic applied. She looked stunning gorgeous. She has a fabulous figure and her choice of outfit was a perfect fitted a Chanel type white suit for "ladies who lunch." She stood on 5" inch...

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A Salon Fantasy Come True

A Salon Fantasy Come True By betsygirl I walked into the unisex salon to get my haircut. When I got inside, I was surprised that there were only the three stylists present. It must have been a slow time as there were no clients in the salon. One of the stylists, an attractive blond whose nametag identified her as Heather asked if she could help me. I looked her over and noticed that she had a black salon smock covering her outfit, which must have included a skirt or dress as I...

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Judys First Beauty Salon Experience

Judy's First Beauty Salon Visit by Janis Elizabeth One of the joys being a teen-ager in the sixties and seventies is, that with the British music invasion of the Beatles, Dave Clark Five, etc., people had come to accept longer hair styles on men and boys. It was in that environment, that I was able to let my hair grow longer without getting a lot of grief from my parents. It was also one of those overt things that I could to be to be more like a woman. Yes, in secret, I was one of...

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Judys Beauty Salon Experience Continues

Judy's Beauty Salon Experiences Continue by Janis Elizabeth Prologue I managed to keep my new hairdo looking nice through Friday. I wore the sleep bonnet that I had gotten from Tina to help keep it that way. Additionally, I had purchased a pink plastic bouffant shower cap that I used each morning while I showered. As soon as I returned to my apartment, I had used the nail polish Tina had given me to paint my toenails pink. Reluctantly, though, I did remove the nail polish...

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New U Salon Next Victim Part 1

I wrote this story nearly three years ago for a friend, but I never published. I thought now would be a great time to do so, so here you are || The TG elements happen in the developing next part of the story. I would appreciate any kind of critique on this as well. Be warned, this story contains content of a silly nature as well as sexual and only goes downhill from there. If this is not your kind of thing, don't read past this point. For any questions or comments,...

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The Salon Assistant Part 4

Well, try as I might, it appeared that I was powerless to stop the weekend from coming round again. I clearly wasn't going to acquire the ability to interrupt the space-time-continuum by sitting in my bedroom watching Dr Who and Back to the Future. Once more it was Saturday morning and, once more, I was expected at the salon to fulfil my loosely defined duties as the salon assistant. It seemed that I was being employed not just to do general errand running and some menial salon based...

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Beauty Salon Receptionist Person

Beauty Salon Receptionist Person Just two years ago, I seemingly had it all. I was Daniel Watson, mid- level executive with a leading apparel manufacturer. At age 39, I had a great bachelor pad, a BMW in the garage, and played golf at an exclusive country club on the weekends. At work, I had a beautiful corner office, with the hottest secretary on the planet. I hired Rebecca because she looked like Eve Mendes?but she was actually very competent as a secretary. She dressed in skin...

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The Salon Assistant Part 3

The journey home after my first day at the salon was an uncomfortable experience (physically and emotionally). Thankfully it was dark by the time that Becky had discharged me, in more ways than one, so it was much easier to hide from the unwanted gazes of strangers. Still, I don't know what took the most effort to conceal, my coral pink nails or the damp patch in my jeans. I heaved a huge sigh of relief when I finally made it home that evening. The next morning I made my way through...

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Saturday at Elizabeths Salon For Men

This story is based on the works of author Ginny Wolf. Her writing is gorgeous and has been an inspiration for me. I haven't been able to contact her and do not have her approval for this attempt but hope she finds it acceptable. It is important that you read her works about Elizabeth's Salon before reading my continuation. There are three stories here on Fictionmania that describe Elizabeth's salon: Every Man Ought To Be Beautiful, Elizabeth's Salon For Men and Elizabeth's Salon...

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The Cursed Salon

The Cursed Salon or Be Careful What You Say Out Loud. A Halloween Tale by Maria Ski. "Bimbo...!" the term echoed across the street. This caused Natalia to pause and look towards the pair of boys wondering which one held yelled the phrase. At 5' 8" Natalia was anything but a bimbo. She owned and managed 'Bella Bella' a high class beauty salon. The blonde woman looked as one of the boys made a sudden dash to get away, whilst the other ran and tripped. She walked towards the fallen...

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Elizabeths Salon for Men

Elizabeth's Salon for Men New York City, Spring, 1958 "This is just delightful, Nadine. So how has the day of grooming for my sweetie been finalized?" "Oh, Mrs Webster, I'm sure both you and your husband will be delighted. We're starting him off in the mechanical exercise room." "Are you putting him on the roller machine or the belt massager?" "Both. Since he requires some work, we're giving him 15 minutes on the rollers, 15 minutes with the belt massager, emphasis on the...

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The Salon Assistant Part 7

When I got inside the house I immediately rushed upstairs so that I could lock myself in my room and divest myself of the blouse, culottes and camisole set that had been my travel clothes for the journey home. I made it upstairs into my room and waited a few minutes for the inevitable knock at the door from my mum. The knock never came however and, after cautiously popping my head out of the door and shouting for her, it became clear that my mum wasn't home. 'Where was she?' I thought...

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The Sisters Salon

The Sister's Salon by Beth Setup Carol called her best friend and college roommate, Samantha, " I think John is cheating on me. Can you come over, I need to talk with someone." Carol had been the stronger woman in school, but Samantha really liked Carol and wanted to help her. "I'll be there in 15 minutes," Samantha answered. "What can I do Samantha," Carol weeped. " John has a good job with a future, and we have this nice house, and a great life. But lately he's been...

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Airport To Salon To Perfect Sex

Rhea was on a three months event project in Bangalore. It was winter’s time and she was working for Sunburn in Bangalore. I was working in an Advertising Agency as a Creative Director. Finally, the event was a big hit and she arrived in Mumbai after three months. Me: Rhea baby, what time is your flight landing in Mumbai. (WhatsApp) Rhea: Honey, I am landing at 7 in the morning. Rhea wanted to have a vacation in Goa, but I was busy with my office. Rhea was upset. It had been long we haven’t...

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The MassageAtlanta Cheshire Bridge Remix

So now here I am at home that evening after a great happy ending massage on Cheshire Bridge road. Friends are over as usual downstairs playing music with some fish on the outdoor grill. I’m up in my bedroom reminiscing what just happened a few hours ago on the other side of town. A happy smile comes over my face as I grab my Gin and Juice off of my table and run down the stairs to join in the excitement. As I see my girlfriend car pull up and park on the curb line I feel a twitch down below....

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Zack Girl Remix Part I

There are individuals who's very existence lies in the cross-sections between the realities of the multi-verse. Individuals who's existence allows them to transverse the different properties of realities. In some cases, this causes them to change physical form, such is our case here. Meet Zack Greenberg, normal 13-year-old student at the Hyde Academy in Canada. Normal, except for the fact that, well... Weird things happen to Zack, without warning it seems like. Termed by his friends...

5 years ago
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Zack Girl Remix Part 2

We return once more, astute reader, to convey the story of poor Zack....or is it Zena...Greenburg. Whether or not it truly is that deplorable body odor removal device that has transformed him into her, or if its something much more scientific in explination. Zack has found a way to know for sure once and for all. ---- Zack had had enough. Pacing back and forth in the science lab after school, waiting for Spence to have some kind of explinatrion for his current condition was getting on...

4 years ago
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RemixChapter 1

At the age of sixteen, James Fletcher rode a dirt bike into the hills of Hollister, California. At some point during that ride he lost control of his vehicle. Several hikers later found the bloodied teen lying facedown in the soil, and immediately summoned an ambulance. He had no recollection of what had occurred, and was later diagnosed as suffering from a nasty concussion which led to temporary loss of long term memory. For two days James lay in a hospital bed. His face had been severely...

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RemixChapter 2

The family meeting was called to order later by the Tribunal. Family meetings were supposed to be a calm, nonchalant affair, but what almost always occurred was James sitting in a chair on one side of the room, and his mother, his step-father, and his sister on the couch on the other. Over time, James had begun to think of this arrangement as The Tribunal. Seeing as how the other members of his family always seemed to agree on every subject, he had learned that the fastest way to get through...

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RemixChapter 3

James did not recall having any dreams. His hands came up to rub at his face as he recalled how he had collapsed into bed only a few moments after arriving home yesterday. The light streaming in the window brought home how long he had slept. It must have been only four or five in the afternoon when he went to bed the previous day. The reflected light on the roofs of the houses showed it was indeed morning. Sunday. James groaned at the thought. The last thing that he wanted to do was to...

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RemixChapter 4

Dinner at the Brandistock household was usually a semi-casual affair. Depending on the temperature, the family would either gather at the dining table, or near the fireplace. Heating in the old house was not exactly the most modern. The night was warm, however, and James joined the rest of her family downstairs at the table. The main course of the meal was a salad consisting of cold pasta and chicken. It was definitely a light meal, even with the slices of sourdough bread and the light green...

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RemixChapter 5

It wasn't the blood that freaked out James. Intellectually she expected the shock, and was prepared for it. It wasn't the cramps either, although they were a bitch and a half, creasing her lower stomach like a vise. No, the part about having her period that really pissed James off, was having to borrow a maxi-pad from her mother. Anne's smile at the request had been strange, half a smile and half a look of concern. Whatever thoughts were going through her head, she immediately dragged...

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RemixChapter 6

"Can you sing?" The question caught James a bit off guard. She was not prepared for it, and so blurted out the first thought that came to mind, an old joke that she always used when people asked her that in auditions. "Only if you don't mind somebody who sounds like Frank Sinatra." It came out rehearsed, casual. Of course it was totally inappropriate, a fact that was not unnoticed by the questioner: a longhaired drummer who went by the name of Colin. "Seriously, can you sing?" He...

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RemixChapter 7

Finals came quickly, with Maggie throwing herself into her schoolwork. Apart from her daily relaxation with her guitar, she did very little partying. It wasn't that she was afraid, rather that she was cautious. She avoided fraternity parties, tending to drift towards unofficial school functions. She began to think of herself as a social selective, rather than a social outcast. She had gained a nickname however. It was a common greeting as she walked down the halls, or met an acquaintance...

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Sissy Beauty Salon Part 4

"I am ready to do whatever Annie desires during these two weeks of vacation for her and two weeks of whatever is in store for me." (Jim - Sissy Beauty Salon, Part 3) That is what I said and that is what I mean. ___________________________ I had just asked Annie what she was going to have done at the Salon and what I should have done to me. I was really interested in her answer. I am not sure whether my need for an answer was because of dread, anticipation, anxiety, wishfulness, or...

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Elizabeths Salon For MenThe First Visit to the Upstairs Salon

Elizabeth's Salon for Men~A First Visit to the Upstairs Salon by Ginny Wolf New York City mid-October, 1958 Ed Preston, a wealthy stock broker, was having a hard day. For the last three months his wife had been sending him to Elizabeth's Salon for Men. Today he was enduring his first trip to the establishment's very special Upstairs Salon. Along with his three close friends- Charlie Finegan, Ben Humes and Nate Evans- he was scheduled for a complete day of beauty, arranged with...

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Nail Salon Experience 1

Nail Salon Experience By Denise Disclaimer: This story is written as an autobiographical experience. All names have been changed unless they have asked to be identified. No reproduction is allowed without written permission from the author. Please enjoy it in good health and happiness. *I wish to thank those that commented on my first story. I do hope that you find this more in line with your positive suggestions. For several months I have lived in a new community, far away...

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Hair Salon Ready

Hair Salon, Ready ? by: Susi Tony was an older dom guy I had met through the net. He came on pretty strong and invited me to have a drink with him. Well, you know, one thing led to another, and suffice it to say I am now involved in one of the most intense physical relationships you can imagine. Tony is a very assertive masculine 48 year old master who likes very femme submissive guys, which suits me. As a 39 year old femme guy I had had a few casual relationships but nothing...

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Sissy Beauty Salon Part 2

Dear Ladies, and that is what you are, isn't it? Please allow me to step out of the story for a few minutes. We will return to Jim and Annie very shortly. But first let's explore what a Beauty Salon really is. (Please don't drool on the computer screen) A Beauty Salon is a place, a business, maybe even a state of mind, which exists for the sole purpose of enhancing the femininity of the women it services. As their femininity is strengthened, they become prettier, more alluring,...

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The Salon Assistant Part 2

After I finished tidying up the salon Becky ushered me out with an air kiss and a pat on my rear. "Hurry up sweetie or you'll be late for your bus. I'll call you at some point during the week to get all your details and agree your pay and stuff." I left and started to make my way, slowly, towards the bus stop. My head was in a fog of confusion with what had just happened to me. Yesterday I was an awkward, unemployed, teenage boy with an unruly explosion of curls on his head and today I...

2 years ago
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Pink Salon Fuck Pig

Linda’s jaw felt sore, and she was relieved when the taxi-driver filled her mouth with his seed. She swallowed out of resignation, and not because she enjoyed it. The flash from the cab-drivers cell phone camera blinded her as he took a picture of her with his dick in her mouth. Her c-cups had popped out of teddy and the posts that went through her nipples scraped and caught against the fabric of the car seat as her Japanese boyfriend plowed her aching vagina from behind. He was standing...

4 years ago
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Sissy Beauty Salon Part 5

Jill's Beauty Salon Behavior Modification and Strength of Discipline (male clients only) Selection Chart Real Woman 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Abject Sissy ________________________________ Our appointments were for early in the morning so that we would have the whole day at the salon. The drive was in the middle of morning rush hour. The majority of the cars around us were driven by men on their way to their chaotic jobs or young women putting the last touches to...

4 years ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Samantha Returns part 1

Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Samantha Returns (part 1) All of her programming told her to stay, but all of her natural instinct told her to flee. For 2 years, the programming had won out. Besides... where would she go? But this time, it had gone too far. Fearing for her life, she fled. She ran to the only place that she could think of. Cassie arrived at the salon just before 8:00 AM as usual. She approached the door and turned the key to unlock it. "Cassie..." she...

4 years ago
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Sissy Beauty Salon Part 6

I turned from the giggling stares of those women and at Annie's instruction proceeded her by about five feet down the sidewalk, past shops staring to become busy first thing in the morning. I passed several mean and women on the walk to the salon. Some noticed the lipsticked man walking towards them and some did not. I really was more concerned about what was about to happen to me at the salon. We finally arrived at the salon and Annie held the doormen for me. The smell hit be at once....

4 years ago
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Salon Visit

SALON VISIT by Brenda I arrived at my hotel and got checked in around 1 in the afternoon. Another trip to NY, this time for a softball tourney. 4 days with no work worries. Just relax and play a few games. The hotel staff might look at me a bit funny but I was here for a gay softball tournament so I could get away with dressing as I pleased, even if that meant being mostly in drag. I really didn't care what most people thought. I don't play until tomorrow afternoon so there is...

4 years ago
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Beauty Salon Receptionist II

Beauty Salon Receptionist Person II In my first installment, I detailed how I came to work as a beauty salon receptionist assistant. Now, I want to detail how I became increasingly feminine. It wasn't something I necessarily wanted. But there was no escaping becoming 'one of the girls.' After working for a year at the salon, it was time for my annual review. Tammi, my boss, was to conduct the review with Rebecca, the salon manager. As you know, Rebecca had once worked as my...

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